#Welcome to 609
respectthepetty · 2 years
We did not get an episode of 609 Bedtime Story but a special clip with the crew that solidified the reason I'm showing up next week to tune in.
Dew is a perfectionist who runs his family business seen with black, blue, and cool tones for a dystopian world.
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Mum is a playboy who owns a bar displayed with colors - red, green, and yellow and warm tones for a happy world.
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When they meet in 609, their worlds and their worlds' colors merge
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They are still wearing their colors, but as it progresses, not only do their worlds merge, but they themselves
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And that world will start to creep into their real lives.
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"The audience decides the ending they want" - Golf
"You can choose the ending" - Fluke
Oh, no. No, no, no, no.
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Personal Heater - T.Nott
Summary - Theo acts as his sleepy girlfriend's personal heater on the night before Christmas, much to the dislike of their friends and roommates.
Word Count - 609
Warnings - foul language, drinking, female reader, use of Y/N, brief mention of troubling family, (Let me know if I missed any!)
Author's Note - Welcome to day three! I'm hoping to stay caught up with my writing, the end of my semester is approaching so everything is kinda piling up on me. I'm trying my best!
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
my masterlist
25 days of fics masterlist
not my gif
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not my gif
Spending Christmas at Hogwarts wasn’t all that bad. It was quite nice to wake up and not have the responsibility of acting civil with family that were never around or family that liked to cause problems. Theodore and most of his friends decided that they’d stay during Christmas break, the night before Christmas, the boys were all awake in the common room. Some of them were playing wizards chess and the others were just fooling around with the other boys. 
As it neared midnight, Y/N and Pansy had made their way to the common room with the rest of their friends. Pansy sitting between Blaise and Draco and Y/N making herself comfortable next to Theo. Once he got a good look at her, he knew right away that she had just woken up, her eyes were red and sleepy, her body was warm against his and her eyes were watering with how much she had been yawning.
“Lay down bellissima, you look tired,” Theo whispered in her ear, she looked up at him with a loving gaze. She took his offer willingly, kissing his cheek in return as she laid her head down on his shoulder and her legs over his lap.
“Thank you, Theo,” She whispered back, a drowsy tone laced in her voice. 
Within minutes, she had fallen back asleep, this time sleeping soundly in her boyfriend’s arms where she wished she was when she had fallen asleep earlier in the night. Crabbe decided that now was a great time to become obnoxiously loud for no reason at all. “Shut up you buffoon! If you wake her up I will not hesitate to kill you,” Theo threatened the boy, who immediately shut his mouth in fear.
“How dare anyone wake his bellissima! Oh it's blasphemous!” Pansy teased earning a deadly glare from the boy.
“Shut up Pans,” Y/N mumbled sleepily, snuggling herself closer to her boyfriend’s warmth. 
“Let’s go to bed before you fall asleep again,” Theo suggested before urging her up from the couch and leading her to his dorm. 
“Why are the dungeons so cold?” She whined, her feet freezing on the concrete of the dungeons despite the thick socks on her feet. 
“We are surrounded by concrete, amore mio. Of course it’s going to be cold.”
She rolled her eyes in a playful manner as she climbed into his bed. She was shivering at this point, her teeth chattering against each other. He climbed into bed with her, holding her body close to his. She slid her hands under his shirt to try and warm them, Theo wiggling away from them. “Salazar bellissima, your hands are so cold!” He shrieked in surprise. 
“And you’re so warm, Teddy! I can’t help myself, you’re like my own heater,” She told him. The two of them shared a laugh before letting out yawns. Neither of them remember falling asleep, only remembering sleepy laughter and getting woken up by a drunk Blaise and Draco as the sun began to rise. “What time is it, you heathens?” She asked her boyfriend’s drunk roommates.
“Like 6,” Blaise slurred out before collapsing on his bed. She looked to her boyfriend who had messy hair and droopy eyes. 
“Happy Christmas, Teddy,” She whispered to him.
“Happy Christmas, amore mio,” He whispered back before planting a kiss to her lips. He let out a hum as he pulled away, “Your lips are cold.”
“Maybe you could warm them for me?” She winked at him causing a chuckle from him and a collective groan from his roommates. In turn, Theo closed the curtains and took his girlfriend up on her suggestion.
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xxchumanixx · 6 months
hiii could you please do a john nolan fluff where he comes home from work and sees reader taking a bath so he joins her
May I join you?
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John Nolan x reader
Warnings/Tags: pure fluff, slight suggestiveness
Word count: 609
Authors note: Hello love, thanks for the request! I hope its okay the way I wrote it... Also, I'm never sure if its snort or huff, because snort somehow sounds like grunzen in German, which basically means to grunt (like a pig). Yeah, I have problems... Enjoy!
"I'm home!"
You had just sunken into the bathtub, bubbles and fragrances surrounding you like a warm blanket, when you heard John.
"Y/N?" he called out for you, his keys clinking as he sat them down on the dresser beside the door.
"I'm here!" you called back, leaning back in the tub, sighing in satisfaction. Your body ached from work, the warm water and smell of candles being a welcome distraction.
You heard his steps as he got closer, following your voice.
"Uuh..." he made excitedly, as he saw you sitting in the bathtub, covered in bubbles. "May I join you?"
You chuckled, smiling up at him as he crouched down to give you a kiss. "Hi." you greeted him, still smiling as his lips left yours. "Only if you get us some champagne first."
He cocked a brow, tilting his head at your request. "Are we celebrating something?" he wanted to know, snorting as he sent you a smile.
Shaking your head you bit your lip. "No, but I'm still in the mood for some champagne." He chuckled, before he left the bathroom, getting a bottle of champagne.
When he returned, your eyes were closed, relishing in the way how your sore muscles slowly relaxed. He filled two glasses with the champagne, before he stripped down, causing your eyes to open again.
You watched him, before he handed you the champagne flutes to get inside the tub.
You made room for him, letting him sit down behind you so you could cuddle. Once he was seated, you handed him one of the champagne flutes, clinking yours against his.
He sighed, after sipping some of the sweet beverage, leaning his back against the small pillow at the end of the tub. "So good..." he mumbled, as the hot water relaxed his sore body.
You chuckled, leaning your back against his chest, sipping the champagne. His free arm wrapped around you, tugging you closer as his lips kissed your shoulder.
"I missed you." he said, his lips kissing up to your cheek. "Shift was so stressful, Tim was even grumpier than usual, and Celina almost got arrested for killing someone."
Your eyes widened, as he sighed. His rookie was only at the LAPD for barely a month and she already seemed to give him a hard time.
"Well, forget about work for a minute and just enjoy a hot bath with me." you told him, sighing as his breath ghosted over your skin, being an almost harsh contrast to the warm water.
"Hot you say?" he asked, smiling against your skin. Rolling your eyes, you chuckled, the water rippling at the movement. "Define hot." you gave back, grinning.
He contemplated, setting his champagne flute aside to wrap his other arm around you as well.
"Hot, meaning that we'll stay a little longer in the tub or we don't dress after getting out." he explained, one of his hands brushing over your nipple and you bit your lip, shivers running down your spine.
"Is that the only reason you joined me?"
He laughed, kissing your cheek. "No, I just thought a hot bath would be the right thing to relax my muscles." he returned. "I didn't think being a TO would be this stressful."
Shaking your head in amusement, your hand brushed his. You knew he loved his position as TO, having used his golden ticket to make his dream come true.
"Well, then you'll be glad to know that I know just how to relax those muscles even further." you mused, smiling at him over your shoulder. He smiled back, an excited glint in his eyes.
"After we finished bathing."
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poughkeepsies · 1 year
Buddie Secret Relationship Conspiracy Manifesto
Hello. Welcome to possibly the most delusional buddie theory yet. This is a collaboration with @swiftiebuckleys, and as such I would like to cite our sources accordingly: dude, trust us.
Okay so I know a lot of people have talked about the theory of buddie possibly being in a secret relationship that is even a secret from the audience during season 6. For me, this started during 6A. It started because I was thinking about how 601 started with such a poignant and domestic Buckley-Diaz family scene that, as a part of a premier that was meant to establish where the characters are after four months of hiatus, told us Buck, Eddie and Christopher are living in each other's pockets as their own little family at the start of the season (I even wrote about this in this meta I posted while 6a was airing lmao).
But then for the rest of 6A there really wasn't any significant on-screen buddie or Buckley-Diaz moments, even though there was plenty that was implied at, including: Buck and Eddie planning to go to Marisol's house to help with repairs without the rest of the firefam, Buck and Chris hanging out so Chris potentially telling Buck the secret about skipping school even though he didn't tell Eddie, Buck and Eddie sitting in the back of the waiting room together separate from the rest of the firefam while they waited for news about Karen, and Eddie giving Hoover to Buck and convincing him to keep him even though his building doesn't allow dogs. What do all but one of these moments have in common? They're moments where Buck and Eddie were either alone or away from anyone who would know them from the rest of the gang and wouldn't feel the need to hide their relationship. When at work, Buck and Eddie had a reasonably normal amount of on-screen interactions, but it was only their moments happening outside of work that was pushed to the off-screen. (Bonus: one on-screen 6A moment that lives in my head rent-free and screams of secret relationship is that shot of them stepping into frame together and holding eye contact while the song lyrics in the bg go "I want your sex and your affection when I'm holding you close" in 609.)
However, while this^ is all well and good, it's 6B that really gives the secret relationship theory its wings.
Episode 10 gave us the lightning strike with a sequence that was shot almost entirely from the perspective of Eddie. While in the initial aftermath of the strike we see the shock on Hen, Chimney, and Bobby's faces, the scene is in slow-motion and muted until Eddie realizes what's going on and we watch every minute facial expression on his face as the horror dawns and he snaps into action. Eddie's reaction is what sparks everyone else's movement and then we see him completely forgo his own injuries and his own safety to save Buck. In the secret relationship trope, the near-death experience is a lot of the time what forces the couple to blow their cover and reveal their relationship. That didn't happen here as buddie were already close enough to warrant the strength of Eddie's reaction and Buck was unresponsive and there wasn't any time to lose. HOWEVER, episode 11 and the absence of a scene with Eddie alone at Buck's bedside can be explained by the fact that he couldn't be shone there or his bedside confessions would have given them away to the audience. As it is, other than Margaret and Maddie, Buck's mother and sister, he's the only one dressed in all black, his composure crumbling and unable to make eye contact with Buck's body in the hospital bed, the perfect picture of a grieving widow.
Episode 12 has the infamous couch scene which is meant to signal to the audience that Eddie is the couch Buck has been searching for, even if Buck himself doesn't know it. However, in the context of the secret relationship theory, what if the total lack of reaction from Eddie about Buck falling asleep on his couch is because they already know this?
Episode 13 has the infamous poker scene and this is where the theory actually diverges for a lot of people. Going with the original theory that buddie have been together since before 6A, this would explain Buck's lack of reaction to Eddie telling him to get dressed up and taking him out on what is essentially a date - he wasn't surprised or suspicious because it wasn't unusual. If you go back and watch the scene, you'll notice that it opens right when Buck and Eddie are approaching the door and about to be in the presence of other firefighters, but initially they're walking away from a dark alley while fixing their clothes - why would they need to fix their clothes unless they got messed up in the first place? Why wouldn't they show us the before or after of the poker scene, why only the parts where they're in the presence of other people from the department? Plus, Eddie really was looking TOO blatantly hungry in that entire scene, and he wasn't really hiding it from Buck - maybe because he's allowed, and expected, to look. This isn't even to mention the scenes of Buck, Eddie, and Christopher being a family, but I will go back to those later.
Where this episode splits this theory is the alternate potential for them to have gotten together after the poker game (my initial post after the episode first came out.) This would have been the perfect opportunity because there's really no way that if they weren't already together, the thought that this might be a date hadn't crossed Buck's mind (and, again, Eddie really did look too fucking horny in that scene it wasn't something you could ignore.) The next outside of work scene we see the Buckley-Diaz' in is the baking scene with Buck and Christopher. Eddie's location is completely unknown - he could be on shift, he could be running errands, he could be with Pepa - but the fact that Buck and Chris are together and baking for his class and planning dinner really drives home the fact that they are a family once again. However, the easy confidence of Buck parenting Christopher and the way he glowed with happiness in that moment would make even more sense if he had had his place in the Diaz family as Eddie's partner and Christopher's other parent confirmed to him.
One way to possibly combine the two theories is if we assume that Buck and Eddie were actually fwb throughout 6A (an idea given to me by @captainragtag) but actually got together after the poker scene. ANOTHER way is if we assume they've only been fwb, even after the poker scene. Them being fwb would potentially explain some holes in the theory, moments where they should have had a bigger reaction to something or known something beforehand if they were in a relationship (kind of the sperm donor arc and Eddie's reaction, but that could also be explained by Eddie's lack of reaction being because he already knew and was just pretending to be finding out for the first time with everyone else.)
Going into episode 14, all of these theories could explain the *gestures vaguely* everything about Eddie's storyline in the episode. If they're hiding a relationship, the absence of any mentions of Buck when talking about Eddie (and Christopher) being alone would make sense, especially after how pointedly the previous episode showed that Eddie is always spending his free time with Buck, with or without Christopher. It would also explain Buck's extremely unsubtle date-ruining advice - either they're together and Buck just doesn't want Eddie to go on the date because he doesn't want to share even to keep up pretenses, or they're fwb and Buck is jealous and afraid to lose Eddie and their relationship if Eddie starts actually dating. Also, considering how many pure fanfic tropes the writers have used before, it's safe to assume they have at least a baseline knowledge of how buddie are written by fans and what's the first trope every fanfic reader in this fandom learns about? Christopher's first and foremost wingman duty is to pack his stuff and go to a sleepover so his dads can do unholy things to each other. Christopher being at a sleepover when Pepa told Eddie to come over and him insisting that he was alone at home when just last episode we saw buddie spending all their time off shift together is just a little too sus if you ask me. Another secret relationship moment in the episode is Eddie going for the wrong gear shift in his own car. He initially reached for the gear shift on the center console when that's not where it is in his truck. But do you know where the gear shift is in a jeep? I'll give you one guess. Do we know anyone who owns a jeep? I'll give you another guess. This would make total sense since we know Eddie is a passenger princess and Buck would be driving them everywhere if they were in a relationship. Even when Buck isn't the one driving, Eddie would be much more likely to borrow his car more often if they were in a relationship and basically living together.
If this all doesn't convince you, I would like to leave you with the reminder of a moment that I'm sure has haunted all of us since 614 came out:
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Actors are always aware when they're on camera and even if they aren't, the dozens of production people, including the director, would be. Do with that what you will.
(If anyone has anything they'd like to add to this feel free to message me or send me an ask and I'll make edits! And, I mean, this is all just for fun not to be taken seriously, but if there is a point that you think really brings the theory down also feel free to send me an ask about that lets see if I can provide a suitable explanation.)
edit: another thing to keep in mind as pointed out by the brilliant @swiftiebuckleys is the precedent set by 606 "Tomorrow" for flashbacks showing the start of a relationship.
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betterthanburrow · 1 year
Bengals’ Media Day Photographer - Instagram AU
(Bengals Quarterback! Joe Burrow x Photographer! OC)
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liked by 50,009 users
yourinstagram: miss photographer is my name.
view all 420 comments
yourbrother: what’s your photography job for the day?
↳ yourinstagram: the bengals’ media photos 😊
↳ yourbrother: AND I WASN’T INVITED TO COME WITH YOU?! … please can you tell Joe Burrow i said hi.
↳ yourinstagram: okay sure… and i’ll tell him your his biggest fan too.
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liked by Bengals and 250,055 more users
photographyinstagram: a day in the jungle 🐅🍃
view all 15,013 comments
username2: whoa… the jungle design setup is nice!
username3: WHO DEY!
username4: welcome to the jungle!
liked by 69,075 users
Bengals_Updates: Joe Burrow for the 2023 Media Day Photoshoot (IG Story from @.yourinstagram)
view all 420 comments
username2: hot boy with a headband alert 🤤
username3: this man is SO FINE!
username4: I’M ON MY KNEES FOR HIM!
username5: joe burrow should be banned from our society… look at all of these honey comments 😳
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liked by yourinstagram and 420,013 more users
joeyb_9: Year 4 🏈 📷: @.yourinstagram
view all 99,005 comments
Bengals: 🔥🔥🔥
username1: delete this!!!! my WIFE follows you on IG!
username2: mahomes wanna-be!!!!!!!!!
↳ username3: football fans trying to gatekeep football players wearing headbands is a new low 😵‍💫
yourinstagram: the Cincinnati Bengals’ QB giving photography credits?! i feel very honored!
↳ joeyb_9: as long as the outtake photos never see the light of day… you will get the photography credit!
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liked by yourinstagram and 170,135 more users
NFL: Headband Joe 🫡
📷: @.photographyinstagram
view all 10,155 comments
username1: 🤤🤤🤤
username2: i’ve never been so attracted to a white man until now 😵‍💫
username3: look at the next NFL MVP!
yourinstagram: the outtakes from the photoshoot will be posted online one day… trust me on that!
↳ joeyb_9: umm… NOT on my watch!
username5: answer the dms @.joeyb_9
username6: the NFL is a Joe Burrow DICK-RIDER!
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liked by joeyb_9 and 55,013 more users
yourinstagram: the perfect first date outfit 🕷️
view all 609 comments
yourbrother: i find out you’re going on first date from an Instagram Post?
username1: so you’re the photographer who did the Mediw Day photoshoot 👀
↳ username2: imagine if she’s going on a date with one of the football players that she photographed!
yourbestfriend: a first date… with WHO?
↳ yourinstagram: 🐅
username3: modeling should’ve been your career instead of being a professional photographer… you’re too pretty to always be behind the camera.
joeyb_9: i wonder who you’re getting dressed up for?
↳ yourinstagram: i wonder who too 😊
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for some reason, it feels like it’s been a long time since i’ve published an Instagram AU… but it’s only been over a week.
if you have an Instagram AU request, please send the request to my Inbox and i’ll try to get the requested Instagram AU published as soon as i can
thank you all for the love and support! 🤍
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gifsbyastro · 2 months
𝒕𝒚𝒍𝒆𝒓 𝒉𝒐𝒆𝒄𝒉𝒍𝒊𝒏 𝒈𝒊𝒇 𝒑𝒂𝒄𝒌 !
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by clicking on the source link below, you will find #609 hq gifs ( 268 x 150 ) of tyler hoechlin in superman & lois: season 3: 3x01 - 3x05. all of the provided content was created from scratch to finish by 𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒈𝒊𝒇𝒔 and are for roleplaying purposes only; however, you’re more than welcome to use them as sidebar and reaction gifs as well. please do not include them in gif hunts, redistribute (publicly or privately), repost in gifsets, edit in any way (publicly) or claim them as your own.
purchase on payhip: $10.50
paypal (in case payhip's suspended)
join the server!
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Favorite BL Antagonists
I was tagged by @my-rose-tinted-glasses (thank you!) and quickly realized that as far as currently airing BLs go, we all have the same faves! So to switch it up, I'm opting to have you guys pick from my favorite (least favorite? most hated? most annoying? most beloathed?) antagonists. They aren't necessarily villains (though some may be), and the show may or may not have redeemed them. But they definitely stirred up shit. These are the characters that at some point, I wanted to punch in the face or toss off a cliff.
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Plern Pleng - Together With Me
Just saying her name makes me want to slap someone. I wanted to slap her every time she was on my screen. She invokes a really visceral need see her slapped. She's the OG of BL Witches-With-A-B, and to this day I still find myself comparing newer characters (like Eun Ji in The Eighth Sense) to her and find they don't usually measure up to her level of audacity.
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Todd - Not Me
Whatever twisted situationship he had going on with Black, he rocked having a gun pointed to his face. And the confidence that Black couldn't kill him any more than he could kill Black looked sexy as hell on him. But he unapologetically put Black in a coma, deceived White and used him as an unwitting spy, and worked against our ragtag team of anti-establishment protesters.
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Tawan - Kinnporsche
He came back into Kinn's life with his sad puppy dog eyes acting like a victim, and it's true he was a unknowing pawn in Vegas' 4D chess match with Kinn and ultimately got outplayed. But he put a gun to Porsche's head and for that I will not forgive him.
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Kit - Never Let Me Go
Yeah, yeah, I'm using a gif from The Sign. That's because I spent a half hour searching for gifs of him as the hot uncle in a suit from Never Let Me Go and while I did find some they weren't of him alone. When I looked for gifs of the actor, Nat Sakdatorn, they were mostly of him in The Sign, in 609 Bedtime Story, and kissing Singto in FriendZone. So I figured I'd grace your dashes with him shirtless because... well, you're welcome. Anywho, in Never Let Me Go, Kit was greedy and fucked up and a shit father. But he was smoking hot while doing it!
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Uea's Mom - Bed Friend
How evil do you have to be before absolutely no one on this hellsite is willing to gif you? As bad as this lady, apparently! I searched high and low using the actor's name, every combination of description of the scenes and episodes she was in, even used Google. And let me tell you, people only giffed Uea's reactions to her (I don't blame y'all. He's legit that pretty) or her in passing. So... Thida. Is a shit mom. And a criminal. And a child abuser. And a homophobe. And she's one of the only Bad Parents in Thai BL who got what was coming to them.
Anyone else want to play? Tag! You're it. No pressure tags to @lurkingshan @respectthepetty @slayerkitty @bengiyo @wanderlust-in-my-soul
And also: @wen-kexing-apologist @twig-tea @waitmyturtles @spicyvampire @stefanyd
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ryebecca · 2 years
love her like i do (ft. jake ‘ hangman’ seresin x f!reader)
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Summary: You overhear Jake talking to your newborn daughter. Fluff ensues. Word count: 609 Warnings: none, unless you despise fluff and dad!Jake - then I’d advise you to turn around. A/N: This is for @jostystyles​ “2.6k top tracks writing challenge”! The prompt was "I hope you look just like your mama, and love her like I do" from “Lady” by Brett Young. Congrats on the followers, Emmie! Figured I could flex my writing chops (or lack thereof) since I don’t really do that quite often. And thank you to my betas @writercole​ and @rhettabbotts​ - you’re the best. Enjoy!
Your eyes opened slowly, blinking away the sleep of the night. Or was it daytime? You looked around the room and it looked like there was light, but that didn’t mean anything. Damn, you must have really been out of it.
Where am I?, you thought with a start, panicking slightly until your eyes adjusted to the surroundings. You were in a hospital room. Slowly, you let out a breath. Right.
You had a baby.
No, of course, you didn’t actually forget you had a baby. But whatever meds they had you on, plus the sheer exhaustion of pushing another human being out of you gave you such vivid dreams that you couldn’t distinguish from real life. 
But what was very much real life was making cooing noises from the window. You couldn’t tell if it was the baby or the adult making them, though. Knowing Jake, bets were almost definitely on him.
You shifted in the hospital bed, wincing as you felt your entire body ache. Jake’s back was towards you while he faced the window, your daughter’s pink cap peeking through the crook of your husband’s elbow.
You were about to get Jake’s attention to readjust your pillows when you heard his whispers mingle with the adorable sounds coming from your little one. Jake rocked back and forth, soothing the bundle in his arms.
“Hey there, munchkin. I’m your daddy.” You heard a tiny grunt come from your daughter and you smiled. Jake chuckled lightly. “I know, I can’t believe it either, sweetness. But guess what? You’re one lucky kiddo. Your mama and I may still be figuring this whole parenting thing out, but it’s only been a day. I hope you’ll give us a bit of a break.”
Jake paused and kissed your newborn on the head, breathing in her baby-soft scent. “And sweetheart, I hope you look just like your mama, and love her like I do. And love her like I love you. She’s mighty pretty. And smart. She’s so smart. Maybe you’ll be a software engineer like her someday. Or an aviator like your daddy? I promise I’ll teach you how to fly someday.” Jake removed the cap and smoothed his hand over your daughter’s soft, downy hair. 
You snorted softly. “I think she should probably learn to sit up and crawl and walk and all of that before we put her in a cockpit with you, flyboy.”
Jake turned around, sporting his trademark mega-watt smile as he held your daughter. You had to admit, being a dad really suited him. “Oh, look who’s up. It’s your pretty mama I was telling you about, sweetness.” He walked towards your bed, gingerly sitting himself down on the edge of the mattress so he could scoot himself back to lie next to you.
You turned into Jake’s free arm, which he curled around you as you snuggled into his side. The two of you gazed down at your daughter, utterly astonished that you actually created her. When you looked up, you saw your husband’s beautiful green eyes staring lovingly into yours.
You turned and nudged Jake lightly with your elbow “What?”
“I just love you, that’s all. I love you, our baby girl, and the family we’ve created. I’m just…so lucky to have you both in my life.” He leaned forward, brushing a light kiss on your lips.
“Right back atcha, Bagman.” You murmured as you returned the kiss, breaking apart to gaze down at your daughter anew. 
You felt Jake kiss your temple and you snuggled into him even more. With a voice full of love he said, “Welcome to the world, Nora Elizabeth Seresin. We’re so happy you’re finally here.”
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respectthepetty · 1 year
Since I decided the best way to make it through Our Skyy 2 with minimal damage is to drink my way through it, welcome to the third round of
CockTails in the Skyy!
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This week's drink is Jack Nasty to honor one of the iconic lines from Brokeback Mountain since the boys were serving us cinematic odes in the trailer:
Jack Daniel's Honey Whiskey for the pair's sweet yet intense dynamic
unfiltered apple cider for the A+ prefect jerk, Akk
lemon juice for the wrench in the system and Sour Patch kid, Ayan
honey and cinnamon on the rim for Kan and Thua
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This drink is mostly whiskey because I know there is singing in BOTH episodes. I love spoilers, so I already know the BBM scenes are a dream, but it's too late to turn back now! I've committed to this drink (whiskey) and this journey!
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Bottoms up!
I don’t remember anything that is happening. THEY WE'RE EXPELLED FOR A SEMESTER?! (and still graduated on time . . . I smell a coverup!)
We got shots of the eclipse during the show, and now we'll get plenty of scenes with the sun because they are living in the light!
If only this could've been how Brokeback really went.
The way First, I mean Akk, just looked . . . ahhhhh
How long have they been there that there are multiple days of chores? I like camping but three days max!
A voice-over to make me feel worse that Aye is going to ignore Akk. cool cool cool
I don’t understand this space vs. place conversation, so the whiskey is working.
Aye throwing out a full moon and a holiday instead of Akk's birthday hurts me. As a Leo, this behavior is unacceptable.
Akk constantly saying "Aye" instead of Ayan, when we worked HARD for that during the series is feeding my soul.
Product placement! So glad we got someone to pay for our fanfiction this time around.
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I do not like to frolic. I do not like to witness others frolicking. Too much energy when we should be laying down.
What is this conversation about the motorbike about?
Oh! It’s about vers.
Thua's filtering Kan's bad personality? If we had to make a comparison of who is feistier, it'd be Thua! Wat is putting the blame on the wrong kid. Thua would be the bad influence!
Who’s Mork?! Now is not the time for MORE characters.
As a college professor, this Wat x Sani agenda is a HARD NO! No further comments. No additional notes. Just no. NO!
I should've done a shot instead each time a film scene pops up. I'd be four deep right now and a lot less sober.
MORK IS KENJI! Twice in one week, sir! First in Step by Step and now this! Give my man the love plot I was robbed of in 609 Bedtime Story!
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Good friends for helping Wat who was the BEST BOY during the show always helping them. Also, AJ looks like he could cry on command, so I need this to be utilized more.
I can't invest in this fight when they are wearing shades of each other's color. The love is there. It's written all over them.
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Kan threatening Aye about touching Thua because he still isn't over the car moment. Stay petty, babes!
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Aye could hear the phone over this loud ass water?!
More product placement! We got McDonald's money, y'all!
Oh, shit! It's the guitar! MUTE
Kan being the lovey dovey type feels so good because he was so afraid to touch Thua before and was very aggressive. Now, it's all soft touches with Thua. Love that for them both.
Call me Sebastian because I'm not even hearing this fight since all I want Aye to do is "sha-la-la-la-la-la KISS THE BOY"
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Another Jack Nasty for episode 2! I need to STFU this round, but I'll blame my many thoughts on the whiskey.
"As a friend." AS A FRIEND?! See, Akk stays asking for it. These two like pushing each other's buttons.
I am Namo. Inviting myself places. Watching my friend's deal with relationship bs. Smiling when they get caught sneaking around.
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Wat making them hug is the friend version of making siblings put on the same shirt.
Stupid Dream Productions <- That's quality
Popsicles. Bike rides. Color exchanges. A bridge! Stupid Dream Productions made this possible.
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Kan and Thua sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G. (I see that neck grab, sir)
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Thua is SERVING in this outfit! With the smiley face and dice necklace too. No wonder why Kan is so protective. Thua's got looks while Kan gives hardware hubby vibes. I love it!
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Akk and Aye wearing white is a callback to the OST, no?
I will never be over the fact that all of these boys bullied Nan, Nong, and Nian, and every time "the bad stuff" from the past is mentioned, I get in my feels.
Oh, no! This short film is taking me back! Deep in my feels with that burning dummy.
Golf! Hey, homie!
"they secretly transferred me money in the end." Why did this not land for me? I should be happy his family is supporting him, but . . . *gonna moonwalk away from this*
This guy talking to Wat is the assistant director of The Eclipse, Pro Siwasit, but Wat said Nut. I feel confident even in my whiskey haze.
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I am Namo. Putting my foot in my mouth when my friends are in distress. So glad he is less sus this time around.
SINGING!!!!! NO!!!! Why is this necessary?! Sweet baby Jesus with the historical accurate skin tone. I CANNOT!
I can't even enjoy what I like to call the sign-of-the-cross kiss because I'm still upset about the singing.
Another cake for the collection. Missed opportunity for a moon and sun themed cake, but at least there are stars and red, blue, and yellow candles.
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Dacryphilia - getting pleasure or aroused by others' troubles or tears -> Aye, we need to discuss this kink.
Akk: I love hugging you; Aye: I love pissing you off.
A shower scene! Drying each other's hair! Saying they love each other!!!!
Only Friends when?
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I'm somehow parched after that final scene even though I drank the entire time, so it's time for the rating. I won't deduct points for Akk and Aye's clear relationship dynamic (and kink), but I will deduct half a point for singing and a full point for that teacher/student plot this show is still pushing. Actually, that gets a point and A HALF deduction!
8/10 CockTails for making me, a person who believes in pushing boundaries, realize I have clear boundaries that cannot be crossed.
I didn't love Vice Versa, but I am ecstatic to see its installment next week. It's giving me Baby Shark. It's giving me colors. It's giving me Sea's side profile. It's giving me the possibility that Tess had a kid!
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Daddy Sharks, doo-doo, doo-doo. Daddy Sharks, doo-doo, doo-doo
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blackbird-brewster · 4 months
Just Like That
JJ/Tara || Rated: Explicit || WC: 609 Fills: Strap-Ons (for @cmkinkbingo2024), Oral (for @storiesofsvu bday bingo) Additional Tags: Blow jobs, established relationship
Tara enjoys giving JJ a blowjob.
[Read on AO3] || [Kink Bingo Masterlist]
Tara stopped in her tracks as she opened the bedroom door. There laying on the bed, completely nude except for a harness and strap, was JJ.
"Welcome home," JJ grinned.
Tara began undressing as she crossed the room to her girlfriend. "What have I done to deserve this?"
"You know you don't have to do anything to deserve my love," JJ reminded. She sat on the edge, watching Tara with hungry eyes. "I just missed you."
Now only in her underwear, Tara kissed her partner before lowering herself to her knees between JJ's legs. Her tongue flicked over the tip of her girlfriend's dick and JJ moaned in approval. "I missed you too."
She sucked the head of the strap, her eyes glancing upwards through her long lashes. JJ braced one arm behind herself, the other in Tara's hair to guide her further. "You know, this wasn't exactly what I, oh god, what I planned."
Tara pulled back. "I mean, if you want me to stop, I will."
"Don't you dare," JJ replied. She used her grip in Tara's hair to guide her mouth back to the strap and that's the only encouragement she needed.
Tara licked the underside of the shaft, trailing her tongue slowly over the length, then she wrapped her lips around the head again, humming under her breath in enjoyment. When she finally opened wide to suck her girlfriend off, JJ groaned above her, her hips rolling forward to push into Tara's mouth.
Tara made a show of it, bobbing her head up and down the length before picking up her pace while she moaned in delight. Her hand slid under the harness to rub JJ's clit at the same time.
JJ's head lulled back, her eyes closed as her breath hitched. "Fuck baby, that's so good."
Below her, Tara continued, she relaxed her jaw and took as much as she could, swallowing around the strap the best she could, all while working JJ's clit with her fingers. JJ's legs trembled, her grip tightened in Tara's hair using it to pull her off so she could catch her breath.
"Fuck my face, baby."
"You sure?"
Tara spit on the head and swirled her tongue over it, while staring up to her girlfriend. "Oh, I'm certain."
JJ clutched Tara's chin and pulled her face upwards into a passionate kiss. As they parted lips, JJ put her foot on Tara's shoulder and pushed her back down to her knees. This time, both her hands tangled in Tara's hair as she opened her mouth in anticipation.
JJ used her hands to bring Tara towards her in the same moment she thrust into her mouth. Tara moaned softly around her dick with each thrust. Her fingers slid into JJ's cunt, curling and pumping inside her in sync with JJ's movements.
The leg over Tara's shoulder flexed, JJ's heel digging into her shoulder to pull her even closer as she began to peak. Tara knew JJ was close, so she slipped a third finger into her while simultaneously gagging around her dick.
JJ's back arched, fingers tangled in Tara's hair, legs spasming around her head as she moaned loudly. "Oh, fuck baby. Yessssss."
Tara moved off her dick gasping for breath. She looked a mess, eyes watering, drool all down her chin as she slowly fingered JJ through her orgasm.
JJ finally collapsed back onto the bed as her muscles relaxed. Tara joined her, laying on her side with a huge grin as she stared at her partner. JJ wiped Tara's chin with her thumb, then kissed her deeply.
"I love you," JJ muttered in a daze.
"Love you too."
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mybrainisded · 1 month
Banana 96, apple 95, tbsp of peanut butter 94, vegan pasanda by atria 350, 1 more banana 96, tsp of cacao 4 cals idk if i trust that but found it online, 3 tbsp of dry oatmeal 114(mashed the banana+ added the cacao and oatmeal it was surprisingly good)
Total: 846 cals bc I don’t wanna make my metabolism 10000000% slower so trying to eat more on some days and less on others idk if that works BUT I SHALL FIND OUT
Walked 14 609 steps/10,7 km
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liked by sxysyx, thelisadrummond and 18,436 others
lovelotus I don't cook, I don't clean, but let me tell you how I got this ring 🤪💍 love u until forever sativasam 💗
-View all 609 comments-
sxysyx I just love you two so much. 😭🥹
enikodrummond eeeek!!! it's the love for me!!!
blakepanther the bump is very telling... congrats though..
↳ heartsgalore HATER MUCH?!?!
gavinrichards Good look, bro. 👏🏾 Congrats you two.
peterpantydroppa damn wifey thas fckd up coulda least txt me or sumn i let the bby thing slide but this is crazy fr i nvr thought yu do ma like tht but im hurt ngl ima keep ma head up fr call me
reallilshuno718 I’m a yung kid frm da city out here GRINDIN!!! I got new music and I perform at weddings. Holla at ya BOY lilshuno[at]com 🔥🔥🔥🔥 🤑💰💸💹  
reesecarterjr SAMMMZZZ!!!! Welcome to the club man!! We've gotta catch up ASAP. The fam says congratulations!
nezthefoodie Oh my gosh is this real?! I'm going to faint. AAAHHH CONGRATS! This came at the right time. soccermuch do you see this?!
↳ soccermuch OH MY.. AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH She said she had a surprise in store for us but I could never imagine a baby and a wedding ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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chibrary · 2 years
title: "F1WEEKLY PODCAST # 609" source: grandprixweekly.com format: interview (audio) season: 2012, karting
Full transcript:
F1 Weekly (00:00): Okay folks, we are in Vegas with Charles Leclerc from Monaco. Charles, welcome to F1 Weekly. How are you today, sir?
Charles (00:07): Very good, but very good because it's Las Vegas for sure. But then, uh, we had a bit of difficulties today, uh, at the second heat, at the third heat, at the fourth, at the second one, and, uh, 28 or 27 at the last one because a driver pushed me out. Uh, yesterday was a really good day because we did the poll and then won the heat. And, uh, we still go on tomorrow with a positive, uh, positive attempt because we were very fast. And our pace, pace in race is very good. So I think we can do well.
F1 Weekly (00:46): Is this your first trip to America?
Charles (00:48): Yeah, my first trip, yeah.
F1 Weekly (00:50): What is your impression so far?
Charles (00:53): Uh, I really do like the, the ambiance, the everything, I really do. Like, it's very, very different to Europe, but I really, I really like it.
F1 Weekly (01:05): Have you had your first hotdog?
Charles (01:08): Uh, yeah. Yeah, I had it <laugh>.
F1 Weekly (01:10): <laugh>. And how good was it?
Charles (01:11): Very good, very good. <laugh>
F1 Weekly (01:13): Good. Okay. I have a question for you. You are a very, uh, you're a young guy, but you're very smart. I understand you were five years old and you told your dad I am sick, a trick that I've also used, tell us about that story, please.
Charles (01:26): Uh, yeah, yeah. I was five years old and we go one day to, uh, to the track of, uh, Jules Bianchi in Brignoles. And, uh, I tried it and I, I loved it, so I told my father to buy a kart and then, uh, all the story went on that, we buy a kart, then do regional races, and, uh, it went pretty good. So then we decided to do the thing a bit more serious. Then we go in international. It was a bit harder at the start, but at the end it's, it's good.
F1 Weekly (02:01): Now, when you got your first, uh, the first two days in the car, were you really quick or was it just more for the fun of it?
Charles (02:10): Uh, the first two days in the car?
F1 Weekly (02:11): Yeah. Yeah. When you first started doing karting on your own, was it more for fun or were you really quick right from the start? 
Charles (02:18): Uh, I think I was quite fast, but it was, it was still for, for fun. It was, it was just because I liked it, so, but then it becomes a bit more serious and I still loved it the same way I did when at five years old. So that's the positive point. And then for sure it's a bit more serious <coughs>.
F1 Weekly (02:45): Take your time--
Charles (02:46): <laugh>. For sure, It's a bit more serious now.
F1 Weekly (02:48): Okay. Now, uh, you've been racing or at least practicing with one of our friends, Jules Bianchi. Uh, we've known him for a few years. Tell us about your association with him and how much did you learn from him?
Charles (03:02): Uh, yeah, I drive with him, but not in the same category. We just have rental karts on his track and just drive with him. And yeah, that was more for fun than to, than to learn something, but it was really cool. And yeah, he learned me lots of things too, which we, he tell me and which helps me a lot. And I say thank you to him to say, to do that.
F1 Weekly (03:27): Now, in 2005 you were in minikart, 18 races, all from pole and 16 wins. What happened in the two races you did not win?
Charles (03:37): Oh, I can't really remember everything, but I know that the French, uh, cup, I was, uh, second in the last lap and in the last corner, a driver cut the truck and push me out. Then the, the other race, I think I had the technical problem or probably something like that, but yeah, it was really good. Yeah, but of course it was only in 2005 and in Minikart it's, it's not the same level, but, but now that I'm in international races, no.
F1 Weekly (04:07): Okay. Were you surprised that you were able to win almost all the races?
Charles (04:12): Yeah. Yeah. Surprised, but I didn't really realize because it was really for fun at the start. I was, I was very young and I was seven years old probably. So, it was really for fun at the start then, then it becomes serious and, and I still love this. I still love it.
F1 Weekly (04:30): 2010, you became the youngest winner in Monaco Kart Cup, which is a very prestigious, uh, event. Tell us about this, uh, race and who were some of your biggest competitors?
Charles (04:40): That was an amazing race, really an amazing race because it felt really good there. The middle in the heats, we were, we had a bit of problems and difficulties, but at, at the end, in pre-final, we, we started 30, I think at the end of the, at the start of the final. I finished at the start at the, at the end of the pre-final, I finished seventh, which was quite good because in the street, it's difficult to overtake. And then from seventh, uh, I did first, but yeah, it was, it was an amazing day to and to win, especially on, on my own current country, even more special and, and amazing.
F1 Weekly (05:20): Last year you were KF3 world champion. How does it compare, uh, with the victory in Monaco Kart Cup?
Charles (05:27): Oh, of course, to be world champion is, is much better. The feeling is crazy, and I loved it. I hope to be a second time and all the time World champion, but yeah, it was amazing. It was amazing.
F1 Weekly (05:40): Okay. Like your friend Jules Bianchi, uh, you are also part of the All Road Management. Uh, tell us please how you hooked up with Nicolas Todt <Sorry?> You are with All Road Management, right? So how did you meet and hook up with Nicolas Todt?
Charles (05:55): Uh, we take contact with our management after the, after the, after the Monaco Cup that I won. Uh, we went in Geneva and uh, we meet with Nicolas Todt. Everything went very well. And, uh, now, now they are just, they are helping me a lot, a lot. And I say big thanks to them, very big thanks because, uh, if today I'm here in Las Vegas and if I won the World Cup last year too, it's because of them and no one else, of course, with, of my family too.
F1 Weekly (06:27): Now, Nicolas Todt has also started this ART Grand Prix team. Um, how challenging was it to work with a brand new manufacturer?
Charles (06:35): Uh, yeah, yeah, he did a, a new brand of chassis and I think it's, it's really amazing what he did because the first year of, of this chassis we are here and very competitive. We did first at the European Championship, second at the European Championship, won the <inaudible> fifth and sixth at the World Cup. I think it's, and second at the World Championship too. I think it's really amazing that what they did. And uh, yeah, it was a challenge to be at the start of the year to develop everything and everything, but it went very well and it was quite easy because everyone like, uh, give lots of work to the team and everything went well. So that's perfect. But yeah, we still have a bit to improve, but it's only the first year, so I'm su-- I'm sure next year there will be very good, very good.
F1 Weekly (07:27): For the young karting drivers you have raced all over Europe, America, wherever. Apart from you, who do you think are also some very good kart drivers?
Charles (07:36): Sorry?
F1 Weekly (07:37): Who are some of the best kart drivers who have, whom you have raced against your com-- com-- competition? Who are good drivers?
Charles (07:44): Oh, you know, in Europe, uh, I think all the drivers are very good. Probably not <inaudible> are, are not very good, but then there's a li-- a little more, which does the difference. And then there's, I, I can't say one to be competitive because if I say one I will say 100, you know? So yeah, lots of drivers are, are very competitive. Okay.
F1 Weekly (08:08): Cool. Talking of next year, I get the impression you look ready for Formula Renault, what's happening next year?
Charles (08:15): Now Formula Renault is a bit early because, uh, probably I look older, but I'm only 15, which is a bit early for me to go in Formula. So we will say we didn't decide yet, but normally it's not Formula Renault or it's pretty sure that we don't do Formula. We will still do karting, but we are not sure about the category yet. Probably KF1 or probably KF2, I don't know yet.
F1 Weekly (08:40): France has produced some, uh, very famous drivers. Have you ever met Alain Prost or, uh, Mr. Jean Alesi?
Charles (08:47): Uh, no, I didn't meet them. No, I didn't. But I'm from Monaco, which is not really like France. Yeah, it's really close, but yeah.
F1 Weekly (08:54): Okay, cool. Okay, uh, finally, um, Formula One season is coming to an end. We have a race in the United States this weekend. Uh, who would you like to see win Nando or, uh, Sebastian?
Charles (09:07): Uh, I don't really know, but the one which I will like to be in Formula One, the soonest as possible is Jules Bianchi, which is very talented, and I hope next year he will get the chance to go in it because he definitely deserve it to go in it.
F1 Weekly (09:21): Okay, great. I appreciate your time. Now finally, I want you to give a message to listeners. Some say something to our listeners. Tell them about your website, uh, a message in English and your language, français, please.
Charles (09:34): Oh, so I would like, first of all to say a big thanks to All Road Management, again, to all my sponsors, Richard Mille, and to Formula Medicine, who helps me, uh, which does mental training and physical training, which helps me very like a lot, a lot. And, uh, then yeah, I think my website. <Yeah, please.> The website is www  point charles leclerc point com and, uh--
F1 Weekly (10:04): And how about the same message in français?
Charles (10:08): Uh--
F1 Weekly (10:09): Whatever you want to say. Say,
Charles (10:10): Okay. [Speaks in french....].
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donotaskwhyiamhere · 1 year
Hello poeples welcome to my little corner ♡
This is my do's and don't's for requests.
Personally I find it difficult to write for fictional characters because I'm afraid to get the personality wrong and personalities are a big thing for me. So I would prefer to write for OC's.
What Fandom's am I willing to write for?
• My hero academia (maybe)
• One piece (up to episode 609)
• Death note (up to episode 27)
What type of OC will I write for?
• Yandere (Platonic/romantic)
• Monster (Platonic/romantic)
• Hybrid (Platonic/romantic)
• Siblings (Platonic only)
• Father/mother relationship (Platonic)
• Suger daddy/mommy
What I won't tolerate in my corner
• Racists
• Homophobic
• Pedophile
• Animal cruelty
• Basically any discrimination is not allowed here.
What gender am I willing to write for?
• Male (Gay/Straight)
• Female (Lesbian/Straight)
• Non-binary (Any?)
• Gender-fluid (Gay/Lesbian/straight)
• Trans ftm/mtf (Gay/Lesbian/Straight)
What type of fic's will I write?
• Imagines
• One-shots (short/long ones)
• Original characters that you want but don't have the time to make
• My own Original characters
What I can't write at the moment (sexually)
• Sumt (I mite give it a try. As long as you don't expect something good. There will be certain characters I won't write for)
What I will try to write (sexually)
• Lemons (Any gender)
• pregnancy (only for fem, mtf, gender-fluid)
• Kinky interests (only for imagines, any gender)
I think that's everything I wanted to mention for now. Anyway, if your shy don't worry, you can ask anonymous in my little corner and if you think you wanna ask again use a emoji's so I can recognize you 🌟🕶💮🌸👑🌺💥💢🖤💕💟🐊🦎🐯🦄♡ but only if you want to.⭐🫂⭐
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ying-doodles · 6 months
// cpsm novel spoilers (chp 609)
The Demon King did not rest at all. He wandered through the ruins of the world, collecting dreams to feed and clothe Rakiel. The dreams were diverse. He had many flavors and colors. Of course, most of them were just trivial dreams that had no effect. I couldn't eat it all. So he repeated experiments on his own body.
He lost the thousands of diseases he harbored, one by one.
Under the care of the Demon King, he gradually regained his health.
Every time that happened, the Demon King's body became blurred from the extremities.
There is only one disease left for this man. The time has come to take it away. Now the end was in sight. I could feel it. Judging by the fact that his entire body had become semi-transparent, that moment was probably getting closer.
Do I want to avoid it?
Maybe he was just waiting for this moment.
The Demon King smiled faintly and bowed. I lightly touched Rakiel's forehead. Rakiel's heart finally begins to run. That was just enough. I was satisfied. A gentle breeze blows before you know it. I breathed my Iast breath in it. I became transparent, dispersed, and closed my eyes.
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... what a reversal of doctor and patient..
and he finally found peace after his thousands of years of torment in life by sacrificing himself to cure rakiel?? what a redemption arc-
Now, it's time to go back.
It's time to live your life.
I quietly spread my hands. I finally found out. I felt a sensation that I had never had before. Identity as a mythical being. Or a new sense called power. Realizing everything, I raised my head. I opened the door.
oh shxt he's become the new demon king-
I turned my back on the ruins that had been ruined for thousands of years and opened the doorknob. Light leaked in. Familiar air and scent. The scenery tickled my eyes. As if it had been waiting for me. It was like that yesterday, it is like that today, and it will be like that tomorrow too.
Like the person who waited the whole time.
So, like a more welcoming face.
"uh... ...?"
The villa was rebuilt 9 years ago.
Damien was there.
The guy who was probably standing in the same spot as always turned around. He seemed surprised at first. Then he seemed like he couldn't believe it. Immediately, the corners of his eyes trembled with emotion. Nevertheless, as always, with a faint smile on his face.
He greeted me.
"There you are, my lord."
... he. he's been waiting for 9 YEARS??? goddamn, the dedication,, (not surprised)
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scraregenrecs · 2 years
Rare & Gen Rec Round-Up - November & December 2022
Happy 2023! We hope it's off to a great start! To wrap up 2022, here are our recs from November and December, and we'd also like to give a warm rare/gen welcome to @hullomoon, our latest mod! Enjoy the recs!
The Best Things in Life Are Free by @icantbestill29, Alexis/Twyla, rated T, 1759 words 
SUMMARY: It's the thought that counts, right?
Rec [written by doingthemost]: This is a super cute, fluffy Christmas moment between these two. Twyla's conflict over what to get Alexis for the holiday is so relatable and realistic, and the payoff of the actual gift—and Alexis' reaction!—is so worth it.
bigger than the whole sky by @blackandwhiteandrose, David-centric, rated M, 1201 words
SUMMARY: On the rooftop of his gallery in New York City, David and a friend get introspective (and high) about life and love.
Rec [written by petalwrites]: This pre-canon slice of introspection is such a beautiful and emotional look into David’s headspace before Schitt’s Creek. It really makes you appreciate his growth throughout the show. (It does feature a canon character from another universe, but no knowledge of that show is needed.)
cosy by @alysiswriting, Stevie/Twyla, rated M, 100 words 
SUMMARY: Stevie deserves all the good things. And great sex.
Rec [written by samwhambam]: This is 100 words of perfect story building. It’s sultry, a little bit sweet and very cosy. Perfect for a little bedtime read.
A Jewelled Tapestry by jamilas_pen, David-centric, rated G, 100 words 
SUMMARY: David observes an autumnal spectacle.
Rec [hullomoon]: I love introspection and this drabble is so poetic. If you want to be reminded of a crisp autumn day and the path life has given you, I high recommend. 
Performance by @wearpersistencewell, Alexis & David, rated T, 182 words 
SUMMARY: David is concerned, but unsurprised, when Alexis puts on a familiar show.
Rec [hullomoon]: I love reading fics that dissect Alexis & Ted’s breakup. With David focusing on how he and Alexis both handled them in the past, it’s nice to see what’s changed.
Raindrops on Roses by meeshxsmith, Stevie/Twyla, rated G, 1033 words
SUMMARY: Stevie and Twyla try out for the Sound of Music.
Rec [written by samwhambam]: If there’s one thing I LOVE, it’s car conversations. And this fic has a flirty, hopeful car conversation! Twyla offering to take care of Stevie? Yes, please! Very nice.
Sherlock Sands and the Mystery of the Pie Thief by @sarahlevys, Gen (with background Alexis/Twyla), rated G, 609 words
SUMMARY: When Twyla Sands' pumpkin pie disappears from the table, she goes on a quest to discover the thief.
Rec [written by petalwrites]: This is the insight into Twyla’s family that we all needed. Full disclosure, this slice of absolute silliness was written as a glorious gift for me, personally, but I highly recommend it to anyone who needs something to make them smile. It also now has an accompanying podfic!
stars by the pocketful by @anniemurphys, Alexis/Twyla, rated T, 1657 words 
SUMMARY: Twyla is Canada’s Sweetheart, a highly successful singer recording her latest album. Alexis is pop’s bad girl, invited to co-write and record a song for Twyla’s album.
Sparks fly.
Rec [written by doingthemost]: I didn't know I needed Twyla as Taylor Swift until suddenly, we had it. Seriously, if you're at all a Taylor Swift fan or a Twylexis fan—bonus if you're both, of course!—this is the fic for you. It's a pitch perfect AU (pun intended!) and so much fun.
Happy reading, friends!
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