#Web series review
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thecurioustale · 2 months ago
Notes on my Watch-Through of Jennyffer by F.I.P. Industries
This week I watched the animated webseries Jennyffer, by @fipindustries / Amanda Avila. It’s a short series about an assholeish trans girl in high school, just living life in our silly world. You can watch it on YouTube!
TL;DR: This series is funny, witty, edgy, delightfully absurdist, and full of visual richness, gags, and allusions despite the minimalist style of the drawing and animation. Jennyffer grew on me as I watched it and I definitely think it’s worth the hour or so runtime. There are nine episodes averaging about 4 minutes apiece, plus a few small bonuses.
Fip is a friend of mine so I wrote down my thoughts as I was watching, but I am posting them here (with her approval) in the hope that folks happen to get intrigued and decide to go check it out. I’ve adapted my notes a little bit to make them easier for you to read, but for the most part these are extemporaneous notes speaking directly to Fip.
Indented (“ ---> “) comments are written after I watched the entire series and went back to review my notes.
“TUMBLR PEEPS / TP” comments are additional comments I’ve written for you lovely people on this huggable hellsite. I’ll also give you my overall review and recommendations at the end.
* This post contains spoilers for Jennyffer.
Title Sequence
Very fun! :3
TUMBLR PEEPS: Not very useful for you, I know. Fip is both an illustrator and an animator, and I think this title sequence sets the tone for what she’s aiming for with the series. There’s always a moment of disorientation when stepping into the world of an artist whose style you’re unfamiliar with, but if you hang on it begins to make sense soon enough.
Ep. 1
I appreciate subtle touch of “Panoptic” High School, with the round building, etc. TP: This series is full of background references. It’s one of my favorite things about it.
Lol @ the identical 😮 faces on the pack of Mean Girls in the background.
Wasn’t expecting the confrontation to escalate that hard! 😮😂
----> You don’t really go this hard ever again in the series! Both the shooting and Jennyffer’s primal scream are unique to this episode in their tonal intensity. 
LOL @ the Mean Girls actually turning into a pack of feral monsters when their leader falls; unmasked at last!
---> This is a candidate for my favorite single joke in the series just because of how economically and absurdly it encapsulates so much about this trope.
I appreciate that Ashley admitted defeat; that’s cathartic because this (almost) never happens in real life.
TUMBLR PEEPS: When I watched this episode, it came across to me as uneven on the audiovisual production values. Things like Fip’s audio recording setup not being as good as the guest star’s, sound levels being a little imbalanced, etc. I would encourage you not to be scared off by that! Although it doesn’t completely go away over the series, it does improve a lot, and in any case it doesn’t interfere with the storytelling or worldbuilding basically at all. I wanted to lampshade this because I know some people nope out of a series if the production values aren’t AAA. Give this one a chance!
Ep. 2
I appreciate that Mom is trying her best.
---> To build on this point, I appreciate that it’s true to life for many trans kids whose parents are willing to accept them when they come out, but don’t really know “how.”
TUMBLR PEEPS: That’s my only note for the entire episode, lol. This episode is probably my least favorite in the series. Fip’s style of humor is very much old-school Simpsons in that it keeps dropping joke after joke; so you’re always smiling because even if one joke doesn’t land there’s another one coming up in a few seconds. This episode is different in that it’s basically one joke that gets hit over and over again. And since it’s a joke that doesn’t land for me, it’s kind of forgettable. (When I was preparing this post for Tumblr I was like "Why did I only write one sentence for Episode 2?" And then I went back and realized why as soon as I saw the thumbnail.) This is my most negative criticism of the entire series. In my opinion, things get significantly better from here!
Ep. 3
RIP his Gains 🤣🤣🤣
Lol, and they still win the big cup! 💪🎀
---> I appreciate the continuity on these jock girls later in the series.
You have a great sense for comedic layering of different jokes operating on different wavelengths happening close together or even at the same time. (That’s more of a sense from everything I’ve seen so far than just this specific episode, but it stood out to me when Jennyffer’s friend Peter gets his lights punched out just as a side gag.)
---> I originally wrote “when Jennyffer’s friend gets his lights punched out…” here because I couldn’t make out Peter’s name whenever you first introduced it. I am hard of hearing and the audio mixing, especially in the earlier episodes, is a little low at points. One frequent constructive criticism I have for people is to make sure that dialogue is sharp / non-mumbly on the soundtrack, otherwise people like me get lost, especially with names and proper nouns.
---> (I hope that isn’t an unwelcome criticism. A friend of mine just started a new podcast, and he had this same issue on his soundtrack. He got so upset when I gave him this feedback, because of course the reasons we do things are often not closely connected to the things we do, and I realized too late that he was doing this podcast for validation and self-empowerment, so it turned out that he wasn’t in the mood for constructive feedback at all. But that's about the only kind of substantive feedback I know how to offer. So I hope you understand my intent isn’t to shoot down your work; I’d just like to be able to hear it better. You got better with this as the series went on, but I think there’s still room for improvement.)
Ep. 4
That is some Grade A, all-natural, free-range School Counseling for sure. I have a hard time dealing with this shit in the media (including in this comic) because I’m already rubbed so raw at the dysfunction of systems (in this case the healthcare system) that are supposed to help (and which I very much want to support in principle) and I just don’t have much resiliency left to deal even with fictional accounts of it.
I think the Mean Girls are my favorite background part of this series so far. They come across as (tragically) true-to-life, and your depiction of them is just utterly unapologetic. Going so hard on that is what makes it work.
---> I’m also just weirdly fascinated by Mean Girls, so I love the attention you give them here. I guess they live in a tonal space that’s fairly close down the block to the tonalities of the types of female characters I tend to like to write. Don’t get me wrong, I still want to push Mean Girls off a cliff when they’re actually Being Mean, but in terms of the “vibe” there’s something I find compelling about it.
I think it makes your work a lot more real that you’re willing and able to illustrate the transphobic worldview as a fact of life among many people and the background cultural default in society, with all of the transphobic jokes and wrong pronouns etc. that this entails. I see a lot of queer artists choose not to do so, probably in some cases because they can’t (see my comment above about not having much resilience myself to put up with systemic dysfunction in fiction). The willingness and ability to be able to do this is the difference between art that is capable of also being subversively realistic (among its other qualities) versus art that is limited to being escapist or revisionist. It’s always empowering to be able to depict “the enemy,” in whatever guise they might take.
I’d never heard of Hannah Daigle, but since the Credits told me I need to go look up Satina, I looked it up, and wow! Going by her subscriber count, that’s a pretty big get!
3’44” This isn’t even half the true power of high school students and their superability to befoul school bathrooms. 😭😭😭
Ep. 5
For a minute there it seemed like things were going well. Too well. One thing about a series this ruthlessly cynical is that the expectation that “Nothing Good Will Happen and Nothing Good That Does Happen Can Be Kept” sets expectations for the other shoe to drop (indeed, many an other shoe).
3’15” Just the one cat ear up as she’s leaning in and talking secretively…great attention to detail! This is something I often notice with illustrators who get into animation (as opposed to artists who go directly into animation). So many details in virtually every frame! Both in support of the story and simply there for environmental embellishment. (Like the rose that hasn’t bloomed yet.) I can only imagine how many references I’m missing! TP: Seriously, I love the depth of subtle background references in this series!! I’m not calling out most of them in these notes, but they’re a constant presence in the background of the story.
She [the tutor] got there! Yep. As soon as it occurred to me to notice that the rose hadn’t bloomed yet, I knew how this one was ending. 😏
Ep. 6
* breaks computer *
MOM: "You know you don’t have to break your computer every time I come into your room, right?"
But seriously, that’s what I’m talking about when I say you have a great sense of comedic layering. It’s also a good example of something I haven’t articulated yet, which is that your comedic style is ultra sharp and punchy. It’s so economical, so efficient! It goes really hard with minimalist support, and, in my experience with other creators’ work, that only works for people who have a genuine gift for being funny. I think this is one of your strongest suits as a potential entertainment creator, and you could potentially develop it as a possible pathway to get noticed / get bigger.
---> This is a skill I could only dream of. I’d like to think I have a good sense of humor and can be funny not infrequently, but I need way more words to do it than you do, and my efforts are rarely as clean.
Lol, Jennyffer is the true master of the schoolyard. I appreciate the continuity from Episode 3. TP: When I was writing my notes during my watch-through, this is the comment where I realized “Oh no! I haven’t been checking to see if I’m writing ‘Jennyffer’ with two Fs!” I was like “Did Fip do that just to catch people who aren’t paying close attention?” And I figured, probably not! But I went back and made sure I got all my spellings right, and corrected a previous erroneous instance of it, and tried not to mess it up again going forward. I hate to get names wrong, especially when it’s the title of the goddamn series, lol.
That first stringer chord was great. Then I stopped noticing the next few. Then the ones after that actively grated on me. I get what you were going for (I think), but it didn’t work for me.
That confrontation with Dad went surprisingly well!! I was prepared for (and about halfway-expecting) this conversation with Peter’s dad to go in a much darker direction. <3
0’39” That Whale is TOO CUTE omg :3333
---> Seriously, that Whale is the cutest friggin’ whale on the planet. Too wholesome for this world; too pure! <3333
Happy Birthday, Jennyffer! So sweet. I think it’s important for cynical works to have moments like these. I mean, that’s just my opinion, but it really humanizes the work, I think, which makes it easier to connect with and perceive as “real” in the sense of reflecting reality as opposed to being a purely stylized fiction.
TUMBLR PEEPS: I just want to emphasize that point. If you’re writing a work that’s heavily cynical, I would suggest that, unless you’re going for a very specific stylistic effect, a few moments of wholesomeness here and there, where you’re willing to let characters care about things and not get punished for it, is really important to adding depth to the story and humanizing the people in it.
Ep. 7
1’09” “No, that’s not how that works.” 😂 The deadpan here (and really through the whole series on this same joke) is so good. This kind of straight-man (figuratively speaking of course) reaction to an insane world is pure 😒😒😒, and 😒 is one of my favorite forms of absurdism. TP: This is in reference to a joke about how cis people sometimes misgender trans people because they just flat-out do not understand gender or queerness.
Also, can I just say, I’ve been noticing it for a few episodes, and I have no clue what it’s called, if it’s called anything, but I absolutely love Jennyffer’s ridiculously high and short ponytail. I wish we saw this hairstyle more in real life, because I always love it when I see it, but in American culture anyway it’s usually played as a joke / a sign of somebody who isn’t being serious. Then again, maybe that’s exactly the point with Jennyffer wearing it; I could see that being a decision she’d make. So maybe its mockédness and unpopularity are exactly why I get to see it here?! 🤔
2’40” lol, I am delight. TP: You’re a rotter, Mister Grinch…
That ending! 🤣 Yep. Jennyffer is chaotic neutral for sure, and a USDA Prime goofball.
---> I think this was the tipping point where I basically started liking Jennyffer as a character and identifying with her / rooting for her to succeed. It often takes time for characters to build on me, especially cynical assholes. (I have a hard time with cynicism despite having devolved into a cynic myself from my many years of woe.) And coming around on Jennyffer basically meant this was the point where I came around on the whole series. I certainly hadn’t disliked it at any point, but I originally came to watch it because you had recommended it to me and as a friend I wanted to check out your work, and not because I was actively seeking it out for its own sake. But now I think I can say I like it on its own merits.
A personal anecdote: In this episode, there is a moment where Jennyffer gets the wind taken out of her sails over the crotch bulge in her bathing suit and how it is making other people uncomfortable, and, instead of fighting or being an asshole about it, she is defeated and retreats. A very rare moment for her in the entire series, and thus a potent illustration of how humiliating it can be to be the target of bigotry. I love the creative decision that was made to play it this way. I can sort of relate to this issue in my own way. When I was a kid I never swam in public without a t-shirt on, because, for me, my attraction to fat is a sexual orientation which has been with me my whole life, even before I adolesced and understood it as a “sexual” thing. So as a kid I was always super sensitive to being perceived as fat. And I had a big ol’ round belly my whole life, not even because I was actually overweight as a kid (I mostly wasn't) but because I’m just shaped that way. I am convex at all weights. And I was very embarrassed about it! So, in my childhood memory, public pools were always a minefield of me trying to have fun versus trying not to be humiliated. Also, I couldn’t swim until I was like 12 or something, so that was embarrassing too, and I tried to fake it by splashing around in the 4’ zone.
Ep. 8
1’43” Glam!! Even cynical dystopic trans girls aren’t immune from the siren song of the shutter and flashbulb! That jacket is sweet, too! I love that look.
This is the second time you had a chance to completely change the tonality of the series into something way darker because of a scary father figure, and this time I genuinely didn’t know what would happen. But I’m glad it turned out this way, not only because it’s totally one of the many different reactions that are true-to-life among real-world parents but which don’t get highlighted as often as the more awful scenarios, but also because I just really struggle with grimdark stuff and I kinda just want everyone in this series to turn out okay. <3
Also: John Jingleheimer, eh? (Jennyffer Jingleheimer, lolol!) So, if Peter’s dad is named Jacob Schmitz, then I totally see what you’ve done. I’m pretty sure their family name is Schmitz (right??), but I don’t remember what episode(s) I got that from. I went back and watched Ep. 6 but his name is not mentioned. I personally appreciate all the J names in Jennyffer’s family. 😏
Stingers at the end of episodes really suit this series’ style! I found myself explicitly missing them in the beginning of the series. I’m glad they found their way to you.
7’06” The happiest we’ve ever seen her, 😂! 💖 (Give or take the birthday episode.) I just wrote that same moment in Galaxy Federal a few nights ago. (Cherry’s parents get her a spazer after she sneaks out one time and is gone all night.)
I appreciate the clearer-to-read credits at the end as the series has gone on. I had decided in the early episodes that I wasn’t going to criticize the original cursive because I kind of hate it that we live in a world where we can’t have nice / bespoke / Weird things because people always want something easier / more convenient / more accessible (I’m still upset they killed the big clock a block away from my apartment, whose chimes had been a charming part of living here; I’m sure it was because of “noise” complaints). So, since they weren't a content accessibility issue the way, say, the sound levels were at the start of the series, I was actually rooting for your cursive credits to never give up! Let the people struggle to read them! Long live the glory of the impenetrable! It would be very much in Jennyffer’s spirit for her credits to be totally unreadable if she were to make an animated series herself. Oh well! With legible credits I win and lose at the same time.
Ep. 9
Love the comment at 6’57” (from somebody who had written that your series is doing work to advance trans acceptance in society). I think there’s some truth to that, too. A lot of people can only come around on issues of acceptance by being introduced to it through the humor of this sort. More medicinal / academic / intellectual approaches don’t work on them at all.
April Fool’s
Caramelldansen!! A Desert Bus classic. I watch this every year! They’re both doing it right. Lol, Jennyffer is the best; it’s like Fate has put her in this skit so she has to do the dance, and she hates it, but she also secretly loves it.
I love seeing them in color.
Also, “Episode 10, Part 1,” lolol. Beware scope creep! 😂
Final Thoughts
Like I said in the TL;DR, this series is funny, witty, edgy, delightfully absurdist, and visually rich. It packs a lot into a small space.
Fip is freakishly smart, has a lot of insight and perspective to offer as an artist, executes on her concepts well, and has a distinctive style all her own. This, together with her artistic talents, makes her art very approachable, very easy to enjoy once you settle into it. On a more personal note, Fip has been the most supportive person I know here on Tumblr. I am inexpressibly grateful for the work she has done to try and boost my own art, and it is an honor to have the chance to offer something like that to her in return. She works hard to get her work noticed without being spammy about it, and deserves more attention than she gets, so I hope at least one (and preferably more than one!) person reads my notes here and checks out her work. It’s very important for small artists to support each other, and moreover it’s an honor to support a friend.
Go check out Jennyffer! I went into it with an open mind and no expectations, and I enjoyed the ride, and came away liking the series. You can also see more of Fip’s art on her alt account, @unbeknownsttomen.
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shadowwingtronix · 2 months ago
DC Heroes United> Episode 5 Analysis
BW Media Spotlight isn't going on Christmas week hiatus without going over DC Heroes United> Episode 5 Analysis
Since I’m taking Christmas week off, I didn’t want to have to play catch-up. So here’s an extra article. So it turns out no, this episode doesn’t come off as a part 2 of the previous episode, just another chapter of the ongoing story. “Fear, Interrupted” contains very little fear. One of the characters shares his (or her, no spoilers in the intro) fear, and outside of what impact the choice of…
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movieanimex · 4 months ago
Netflix’s Hellbound Series Review By MovieAnimeX
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playermagic23 · 9 months ago
Web Series Review: Panchayat Season 3
Star Cast: Jitendra Kumar, Raghubir Yadav, Neena Gupta, Chandan Roy, Faisal Malik, Sanvikaa, Pankaj Jha
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Director: Deepak Kumar Mishra
Synopsis: PANCHAYAT SEASON 3 is the story of the feud between a villager and an egoistic MLA. After the events of the second season, a new 'Sachiv' (Vinod Suryavanshi) arrives in Phulera. Brij Bhushan Dubey (Raghubir Yadav), the Pradhan Pati, devises a plan. He keeps the Panchayat office locked on the day of the new Sachin's joining. Brij even doesn't pick up his call and so does Vikas (Chandan Roy). The new Sachiv complains to the MLA Chandrakishore Singh (Pankaj Jha), who in turn, complains to the DM (Kusum Shastri). The DM urgently calls Manju Devi (Neena Gupta), the Pradhan, to her office. Manju and Prahlad (Faisal Malik), the Up-Pradhan, make it clear that they want Abhishek Tripathi (Jitendra Kumar) back as the Sachiv. As luck would have it, the same day, the MLA is jailed for killing a dog. The DM cancels Abhishek's transfer and asks him to join Phulera Gram Panchayat. Brij, Manju, Vikas and Prahlad are overjoyed to have Abhishek back with them. But there are certain problems in front of the village. Prahlad is depressed over the death of his son, Rahul (Shiv Swaroop) and has turned an alcoholic as well. Meanwhile, the Gram Panchayat elections are around the corner and Bhushan (Durgesh Kumar) is determined to win at any cost. As part of his strategy, he decides to send an olive branch to the MLA. Soon, this leads to utter chaos and madness in Phulera. What happens next forms the rest of the show.
Panchayat Season 3 Story Review: Chandan Kumar's story is terrific and the writer manages to neatly take the story forward. Chandan Kumar's screenplay is very effective and is peppered with lots of entertaining and dramatic moments. But the surprise this season is that the show scores big time with the emotional scenes as well. Chandan Kumar's dialogues are sharp and hilarious as required. Some dialogues are bound to become memes, just like it happened in the previous season. A few one-liners, however, do give a feeling that they were written keeping in mind that it'll become meme-worthy.
Deepak Kumar Mishra's direction is praiseworthy. Like the previous seasons, the execution is neat and uncomplicated. Often, several cult shows tend to disappoint in the subsequent seasons. But PANCHAYAT has proved to be an exception. The writer and director have taken care that nothing is added for the heck of it and at the same time, the new developments carry the essence of the show. This time, the stakes are higher and hence, even the tension levels go high in some scenes.
On the flipside, some developments are silly. For instance, the idea of the Pradhan to not pick up the call of the new Sachiv is childish. But since it leads to LOL-worthy moments, one won't mind. The same happens with the scene where a family is given a house under the PM Awas Yojana scheme though they don't qualify for it. The reason behind it is far-fetched. However, it makes for a nice watch. Secondly, the romance between Abhishek and Rinki (Sanvikaa) doesn't progress much and it's a bit of a downer.
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PANCHAYAT SEASON 3 begins on a very entertaining note and the first episode sets the mood. The sequence between Prahlad and Damyanti Devi (Abha Sharma) is lovely and the most emotional sequence of the show. The real fun begins once the MLA arrives in the village for a truce meeting. The scene starts ordinarily but ends on a high and is sure to bring the house down. From here, the show is highly entertaining. This time, there's also action and the final episode is very nail-biting. The last 10 minutes give a 'Katappa ne Baahubali ko kyun maara' or 'Lonavala mein kya hua' (THE FAMILY MAN) vibe and enhance the excitement for Season 4.
Panchayat Season 3 Performances: Jitendra Kumar doesn’t have much to do initially but later on, dominates the show. He’s totally gotten into the skin of the character by now and is very impressive. Raghubir Yadav, too, puts his best foot forward. Neena Gupta is first-rate and this time, her character gets a deeper understanding of politics. This adds a lot to her role and also her performance. Chandan Roy lends able support, as always. Faisal Malik has a difficult role this time but comes out with flying colours. Sanvikaa is a fine talent and her mere presence instantly lifts the impact of a scene. Pankaj Jha is outstanding as the antagonist. The same goes for Durgesh Kumar. Sunita Rajwar (Kranti Devi; Bhushan's wife) leaves a huge mark. Ashok Pathak (Binod) this time has a longer role, considering the popularity of his memes perhaps, and does very well. Asif Khan (Ganesh) is highly entertaining while Aanchal Tiwari (Raveena) is sweet. Abha Sharma is adorable and Vishal Yadav (Jagmohan) makes his presence felt. Prateek Pachauri (Babloo) and Ebaabdullah Khan (Dabloo) are funny. The others who do well are Tript Sahu (Khushu; Vikas's wife), Bulloo Kumar (Madhav; who sides with Bhushan), Gaurav Singh (Chottan Singh; MLA's PA), Amit Kumar Maurya (Bam Bahadur), Kusum Shastri, Vinod Suryavanshi, Shrikant Verma (Parmeshwar), Vishwanath Chatterjee (Sanjay Yadav; cop) and Diwakar Dhayani (BDO). Kirandeep Kaur (Chitra; MLA's daughter) doesn’t have much to do and hopefully, will have a stronger part in Season 4. Lastly, Swananad Kirkire (MP) has a promising cameo.
Panchayat Season 3 music and other technical aspects: Anurag Saikia's music enhances the impact. As for the songs, the Manoj Tiwari track is damn good. But watch out for 'Thame Dil Ko', sung by Abhijeet Bhattacharya. Amitabha Singh's cinematography is satisfactory. The bird's eye view shots of the village, especially, are memorable. Karishma Vyas' costumes and Naveen Lohara and Sayali Naikwadi Singh's production design are straight out of life. The action is realistic. Amit Kulkarni's editing is smooth.
Panchayat Season 3 Conclusion: On the whole, PANCHAYAT SEASON 3 fulfils all the humongous expectations and rests on bravura performances, some funny and dramatic sequences, nail-biting climax and meme-worthy dialogues. This time, the show also scores on the emotional front and also boasts of action scenes. Thanks to the insane popularity and word of mouth, the third season is bound to emerge as one of the most most-watched or maybe the most most-watched show for Amazon Prime Video this year. Recommended!
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trendagon · 1 year ago
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Spanish Series 'Burning Body' Gains Global Popularity on Netflix
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inawish26 · 2 months ago
Review: Candy, web series
Candy is a web-series starring Jessica Beil, I don’t really watch web-series and prefer to watch a 2.5-3 hr long movie as web series take up so much time, and very few have me hooked until the last episode. This one was different. Candy- the story plot got me to start watching it- it says a woman’s desire for freedom had deadly results. Candy Montgomery had the ideal suburban life- a big house,…
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fandom · 2 months ago
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Web Series
You have so much fun on the internet watching other people have fun on the internet.
Hermitcraft +2
Dimension 20 +5
The Amazing Digital Circus +11
The QSMP Minecraft Server -2
Dan and Phil +20
Critical Role -5
Homestuck -3
Fantasy High: Junior Year
The Magnus Archives -1
The Magnus Protocol
Helluva Boss
EPIC: The Musical
Game Changer +10
StarKid Productions +13
RWBY -10
The Welcome Home ARG -10
Watcher Entertainment
Malevolent +10
The Life Series SMP
Nerdy Prudes Must Die +2
Dracula Daily -12
Crow Time +10
Half-Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware +10
Shen Comix -5
Alien Stage
Inanimate Insanity
Marble Hornets +8
The Dream SMP Minecraft Server -14
Dungeons and Daddies -13
Lackadaisy -7
Sun and Moon Show
Make Some Noise
Thomas Sanders -4
Desertduo Vigilante AU
Battle for Dream Island
Re: Dracula -12
Parkour Civilization
Animator vs. Animation
Eddsworld +1
The Walten Files
Redacted ASMR -3
Misfits And Magic
Red vs. Blue
The Adventure Zone
Ghost Files -29
Batman: Wayne Family Adventures -1
The number in italics indicates how many spots a series or group moved up or down from the previous year. Bolded series or groups weren’t on the list last year.
Do you love to yell with other fans on the internet about your favorite series on the internet? Well, here's a bunch of The Amazing Digital Circus Communities to get you started.
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deshigeek · 4 months ago
The Real Monster In Controversial Netflix Monsters Season 2
I have done some reviews for Deshi Geek in the past namely – Pet Kata Shaw, Mishti Kichu, Loke Bole, Barbie 2023, Dead Boy Detectives, and The Boys Season 4. I have bashed the negative aspects of these shows and celebrated the positives. However, this is the first time I’m furious and disgusted while writing a review and the credit goes to Ryan Murphy & Netflix Monsters Season 2.
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raghvendragaud · 1 year ago
*Wedding.Con* Documentary-series amazon prime Review.
Name of the show ‘Wedding.Con’ is sheer genius idea of team, which you will realize after watching the series.
Story of ‘Wedding.Con’ revolves around 5 women who are seeking a hand in marriage, create profiles on different matrimonial websites. They get exploited by conmen posing as grooms online on those matrimonial websites. These women end up losing huge money and getting emotionally manipulated.
The way all 5 women have spoken up about their deepest wounds they got with such openness that it gives chills to you as a viewer. Even some were in silhouettes, still their emotions were so impeccable that they will touch your hearts.
Script writing is good, even though there wasn’t much to tell from a writer’s perspective, it was the way he managed to bring together the interviews and intertwine that with the enactment of the situation really well. Those enactments feel so real as if the entire con is happening right in front of you.
Direction of this series is of sheer class. A docu-series has come which has tried not to preach but just tell the situation of a problem just as it is. The raw emotions of the women telling their stories were so aesthetically put in that you’re pinched by the situation.
The background music blend seems so true that it gives you a feel of the gravity of the situation. In some situations it made the intensity of what the woman was saying come out so effectively.
Cinematography, you dont ask too much if you are real lover of a docu-series(interview-driven), so its all okay on part of cinematography.
Editing was one fine part of this docu-series, the way they seamlessly maintained the flow of the story to understand which story is of which woman. Also, to be able to keep the series to just 5 episodes was brilliant.
So it is a brilliant showcasing of real-life fraud cases of women getting duped for money and emotional support by fraudsters in the online matchmaking industry. The way the tales of the women are narrated, makes you feel so connected to what’s happened to them. You end up feeling their pain.
In the end, if you have reched to this para by holistically reading the whole review, i would strongly suggest this docu-series to everyone, be it so called aspiring parents for their loved daughters, be it, girls themselves, having fairy tail dreams of so called horse riding Rajkumars. Its an eye-opener to all.
Finally i would go with ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Happy Watching.
#reviews #webseries_review
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thewebshow78 · 1 year ago
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bolllywoodhungama · 1 year ago
Bambai Meri Jaan Web Series Review
BAMBAI MERI JAAN is the narrative of an average man who rises to become the city's most powerful don. It is the year 1964. Ismail Kadri (Kay Kay Menon) is a police officer who has recently relocated from Ratnagiri to Bombay. He is just and raids the nest of gangsters Haji (Saurabh Sachdeva) and Azeem Pathan (Nawab Shah). Senior police officers chastise him for his actions because they are afraid of Haji and Pathan. However, the Centre's Home Ministry applauds Ismail, Ahmed Ansari (Tauqeer Alam Khan), and Younis (Rohit Kokate). The Home Minister is sick of the pair and the authority they wield in the city. Arvind Kaul (Prince Kanwal), an IAS officer, is granted command.
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He forms a special task squad with Ismail, Ahmed, and Yunis. Their goal is to expose Haji and Pathan's smuggling operation. Haji makes every effort to outwit Ismail. But, thanks to his network of informers, Ismail is able to make a dent in his business. Haji tries but fails to bribe him. When Ismail's brother-in-law Rahim (Alok Pandey), a drug addict, joins Haji's gang when Ismail refuses to give him money for drugs, Haji is presented with a perfect opportunity. The cops pursue Rahim one day when he is hauling Haji's unlawful items. Rahim murders Ahmed. He arrives at Ismail's place. He asks Ismail to protect him from the police without mentioning Ahmed's murder.
Ismail disagrees, but gives up when his wife Sakina (Nivedita Bhattacharya) asks him to. Ismail drives Rahim to the train and tells him to leave town. He then learns about Ahmed's murder, and it is assumed that he assisted Rahim in escaping. He is fired from the police department. Because of Haji's phobia, no one is willing to hire him. He is then forced to work for Haji. Dara Kadri (Avinash Tiwary), his middle son, appears as a local goon and, like his father, causes problems for Haji. Haji proposes to collaborate with him. Dara, however, does not stay Haji's faithful servant this time.
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askmovieslate · 4 months ago
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Ahem, I mean...yeah no, sorry guys, I'm afraid I have the hots for this guy.
Michael Meyers never got to me, nor did Leather Head, but...Oh dearie me, Jason. Don't worry love, I'll be your Mommy. I don't know what it is that really gets me, but he's just such a hulking, unstoppable killing machine, and it helps that he kills despicable teenagers, doesn't hurt children, and he loves dogs!
What's not to like!? He's perfect!
Oh, wait, these are supposed to be horror movies!?
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coffeebookslovegt · 1 month ago
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Por Dios, Penelope Featherington, ¿te vas a casar conmigo o no?
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movieanimex · 1 year ago
Checkout "Why World's One Of The Most Popular Series Game Of Thrones Cannot Become A Materpiece Series" Only On MovieAnimeX:-
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tuhainkahan · 8 months ago
“Sympathy's easy. You have sympathy for starving children swatting at flies on the late-night commercials. Sympathy is easy because it comes from a position of power. Empathy is getting down on your knees and looking someone else in the eye and realizing you could be them, and that all that separates you is luck.”
— Dennis Lehane
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loganslowdown4 · 1 year ago
Yo fanders we’re still ranking, clap yourselves on the back for this year 👏👏👏👏
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