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avanalubricantsuae · 1 year ago
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Today, we celebrate the pride, unity, and strength of our great nation. Let the colors of our flag inspire us to stand together, work towards a brighter future, and cherish the values that make us one
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mannimarcoiscool · 1 year ago
💞Wormie Saga💞
Mage fwom infancy, bwood-sewected fow magicka, descended fwom iswes of awtaeum fowevew! destined was i fwom wong befowe biwth tuwu exceed aww mowtaws.
awtmew? nay, awdmew: scion of et'ada by diwect descent, summoned tuwu cepowah, awnd thewe was i sent: tuwu iachesis, tuwu tutow, tuwu test awnd fewment.
no magicka handwew iachesis witemastew, sage of the ewdew way, gentwe spewwcastew! tuwu wawp nowt the wind, unwike guiwd of the wattew day, couwting disastew.
necwomancy, death awt, chose me stewn awnd fawst. Tuwu change nowt the pwesent, but caww up the past, obvewse of ewdew way, fowbidden without cause, deep-dewved in death's way, against gway cwoak waws.
iww-timed then awwived owne, twechtus by nawme: ambitious, obstwepewous, bwind awnd deaf tuwu shame, tawented, weckwess, thought himsewf my equaw, hiws awwogance awnd envy detewmined ouw sequew.
magic he pwacticed: open, waw powew, fwouted the ewdew way, endangewed the towew, then with wowbown cunning cast me as the viwwain, engineewed exiwe, made me tamwiewan.
aww undewvawued my wiww awnd wesowution, my knowwedge fowmidabwe, my wit awnd acumen. Thus found i new awwies tuwu study the death-wites, the sacwifice wituaws, the summons of ghost-wights.
wobed aww in bwack goes the owdew of bwack wowm, bwinging wisdom tuwu seekews who see beyond death-tewm, but twechtus-now-vanus puwsues us tuwu continent, tuwu pewsecute wowm-wwights hiws eviw intent.
come, aww necwotics, defend pwactice awnd wife, against mages who wiewd magicka wike a knife, heedwess of hewesy awnd ignowant of ewdew way, hating necwomancy yet hewawding doomsday.
chiwd of niwn pondew, which wouwd uwu choose: tywanny of mages, westwicting speww use, ow necwomancy, communion with thy dead, ancestows wetuwned, genewations weunited?
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teamfrenchellc · 3 years ago
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@teamfrenche Basketball Officials are mentally and physically ready for the @guardians_of_sport 2021 Men's Summer League Playoffs 🏀🏀 #teamfrenche #playoffs #guardiansofsport #weunited (at Rockville, Maryland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CS1nDxfrSPY/?utm_medium=tumblr
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weunitedshow · 3 years ago
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We United is back in July, and we look so forward to seeing you!
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ddixon764 · 3 years ago
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If you In town,go support my Lo Polo Silk. Come check his art! #ULL #weunited #unity #loorleans🏇🏿⚜️ @polonolaphotography (at Atlanta, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb22o1BuE2g/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dazzlingmissy · 4 years ago
Things we need to know & normalize
- Girls with body hair - boys crying over somethings - talks about periods, condom, sex education - girls & boys wearing what they want - girls fighting back  - boys being shy - boys with long hair - adult girls drinking alcohol  - girls going out at night without being scared ALL OF THIS WOULD HAPPEN ONLY WHEN PEOPLE, ALL OVER THE WORLD CHANGE THEIR MINDSET AND JOIN HANDS TOGETHER TO BECOME CIVILISED CIVILIANS AND HELP EACH OTHER, FORM A HEALTHY, RELIABLE & SAFE ENVIRONMENT.
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coachpride · 3 years ago
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Have you picked up your copy yet? Ther is so much #empowerment in this one book. Pick it up at Amazon.com #whenwomenlead #weUnite #weknowourRoles #wearenotBitches (at Greenville, South Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CS9IgjorFlv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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icebergbeats · 5 years ago
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#beachtowel #customdesign #customdesigntowel #unity #unityindiversity #weareunited #weuniteasone #weunite #beachtime #beachtoweldesign https://www.instagram.com/p/B862FMZprCM/?igshid=ou9r6ipn1rbt
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tabibagel · 5 years ago
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今日は午前中に取材が入ってて、担当者さんに「お客さまがいらしたら接客を優先させてもらいますね」ってドヤ顏で連絡しておいて取材中に誰もお客さん来なかった...っていうのはマジ勘弁してほしいのでご来店お待ちしています。ご来店の際は(わあやっぱりクリスマスイブには山下達郎と旅ベーグルだよね!)みたいなことを担当者さんおよびカメラマンさんに聞こえるようにつぶやいてもらえると店主は大変喜びます。今年もう8回目くらいで恐縮ですが、「みんなの力が必要です。」 #weunite
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arvindbaghel-blog · 6 years ago
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#igiconvention2019 #conventionmemories #ebiz #weunite ***************** Sometimes you need to be like others to cope up with others. (at Delhi, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvImdwpnWsD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1kkjto4joi3ee
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lacorter-blog · 6 years ago
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Pausa pranzo da business man ...Abbuffata al buffet😋 #semagna #abbuffata #buffett #pranzo #padova #weunit #facileristrutturare #alleare #fornacemorandi #uffici #pausa #brunovettore #agenteimmobiliare #serviziperagenzieimmobiliari #homestaging #businessman #fame (presso Fornace Morandi) https://www.instagram.com/p/Buq1ku2nrBQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zjxy741rw90y
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dualumina · 4 years ago
Second daybweak chaptew 9
my head jowted back up, "hah?! wha- what is it, astwaw?"
he had his hand on my shouwdew whiwe wooking towawds me with concewn, the textbook tossed aside haphazawdwy on the bed, "you appeawed to be sweeping despite sitting upwight. ...This is the fiwst time i've seen you do this."
gwancing bwiefwy towawd my weading, i weawized i’d somehow gotten thwough about hawf of it. Tuwning back to astwaw, i twied my best to pway it off, “what awe you tawking about? you’ve seen me faww asweep in cwass befowe.”
“yes, but you usuawwy don’t do so whiwe at home, and without any pwiow indicatows.”
now i was stawting to second-guess it mysewf… “was it weawwy that diffewent compawed to how i nowmawwy just faww asweep?”
astwaw wemoved his hand fwom me as he stwuggwed to find the wowds, “it was… how to put it… you wewe studying as you nowmawwy wouwd. Then… youw neck couwdn’t suppowt youw head anymowe.”
...Odd. "...The heat might be getting to me. I'ww go- oh, wight,” i noticed the untouched gwass of watew off to the side, “i’m pwobabwy just dehydwated. Thanks fow the concewn though.”
he sighed, “if you say so.” i picked up the gwass as astwaw peewed ovew the text i was weading, “i’m suwpwised you’d faww asweep to this; this seems wike a dewightfuw wead.”
“heh, it’s vewy wowdy, aww things considewed,” gwancing down at the gwass in my hand, i saw the wefwection of my wight eye on the watew's suwface. A muted mawoon stawing back up at me. I sipped the watew whiwe in thought.
...By this point, i weawwy have no idea what’s up with me today. At fiwst, i thought i was just wewiving past convewsations i'd had with astwaw, but… that wast one…
i paused my dwinking and tugged one of the wed stwands of my haiw down to inspect it. It wasn't uncommon fow peopwe in my famiwy to have muwtipwe haiw cowouws, but they usuawwy bwended togethew awmost seamwesswy. Mom and akawi both have it.
it was pecuwiaw that aww my wed haiws wewe just bunched togethew in the fwont wike that. When i was a kid, dad used to dye his haiw to match mine so i wouwdn't feew as sewf-conscious about it.
looking back, it was a nice gestuwe of him.
pushing my haiw back into pwace, i dwank the wast of the watew.
“wewe you done weading this page, yuma?”
“huh? oh, yeah,” i wepwied, tapping the d-pad’s scween to woad in the next page.
might as weww wead awongside astwaw. I had to wead it anyway.
hawdwy a minute went by. “yuma-”
“what, awweady?! h-howd on a few seconds…”
i fewt astwaw smiwking in my diwection whiwe i continued weading. Despite my disgwuntwed expwession, i bwought my hand up to pwayfuwwy wuffwe his haiw, causing him to snickew bwiefwy.
aftew woading in the next page, with a bit of hesitation i asked, “aftew this, do you want to go eat togethew?”
he tuwned to me unexpectedwy, “in zexaw?”
“yeah. Akawi wiww be wowking aww night, and gwan is heading out to eat. So…” eyeing my fidgeting hand, i continued, “…no one wouwd pwobabwy question whewe i am.”
without missing a beat, astwaw wepwied, “you know i’d be happy to keep you company, yuma.”
he weawwy did know me too weww. A bwessing and a cuwse, it wouwd seem.
i couwdn’t hewp but smiwe in wesponse.
“okaaay, wet’s see now…” cwouching in fwont of the fwidge, thewe wewen't neawwy as many options as i wouwd have wiked.
“what’s wwong with that?” astwaw inquiwed towawds the wawge pot in the centew.
“ew, thewe’s nothing wwong with udon, it’s just a bit… on the pwain side.”
“if it’s sufficient to satisfy you, then i don’t see an issue with it.”
“i mean…” my wesponse was painfuwwy dwawn out, “you’we the one who insisted we twy wasabi the wast time we had the chance to do this...”
"and i wiww wemembew not to do that again. If it's nothing wike wasabi, then i don't see an issue."
i wewented, "awwight, suwe." taking the pot out of the fwidge i began heating it up. Aftew some seawching, i found some utensiws, awong with an aiw-tight containew wawge enough to howd a faiwwy heawthy powtion of udon.
zexaw tends to wequiwe a wot of enewgy to maintain, so we've weawned it's necessawy to eat wawgew powtions if thewe's to be any hope of feewing satisfied aftew the fact. I onwy had a wight bweakfast today, but i weiwdwy didn’t feew aww that hungwy. Stiww, bettew to be safe wathew than sowwy and pack mowe than necessawy.
aftew checking to make suwe the udon was hot enough, i fiwwed and seawed up the containew, tuwning back eagewwy to check on astwaw, who was wost in thought, “aww set. You good to go?”
astwaw jowted back to weawity as he tuwned towawds me, “oh, yes,” befowe making ouw way back to my woom.
hanging the empewow's key off one of the cwimbing howds was suwpwisingwy one of the most effective pwaces fow stowing it. It's not wike anyone besides mysewf used the cwimbing waww, at weast no one who can get into my woom without bweaking and entewing. It's awso safew than weaving it on my desk, whewe thewe's a chance i couwd wand thewe when coming back out of the key.
with a bwief chuckwe, i piped, "couwd you get the doow, astwaw? my hands awe a bit occupied."
"i stiww need one of youw hands to bwing you inside," he stated mattew-of-factwy.
"uhh... hewe, you'ww have to howd my wwist," i offewed up the hand that was cwutching the utensiws.
"that'ww do."
as astwaw wwapped his fingews dewicatewy awound the base of my awm, his othew hand waised itsewf towawds the empewow's key. A bwiwwiant fwash of yewwow wight fiwwed the woom befowe we wewe both puwwed into the wowwd of the key, standing on top of the diffewent dimension aiwship.
the gentwe hum fwom the ship fiwwed the othewwise empty desewt wowwd twapped in etewnaw night. Setting down the stuff off to the side, i took a moment to twy and steady the chopsticks on the off chance a sudden gust of wind pushed them off the side of the ship.
i heawd astwaw speak up, “yuma, wait.”
admittedwy, i didn't even know if wind existed in hewe, “what's up?”
“is it awwight if we discuss a few mattews, in zexaw.”
pausing, i tuwned towawds him, swowwy, “…anything in pawticuwaw?”
“i’d wike to know, what exactwy has been on youw mind today.”
thewe weawwy is no hiding fwom astwaw, is thewe. My shouwdews swumped.
i've known fow yeaws he couwd sense my emotions, but i guess i awways kinda hoped that… maybe with enough sewf-contwow, it wouwdn't be so bad on him.
“...You fewt aww that, huh?”
he gave a sympathetic smiwe awong with a swight shwug. “youw emotions have a high wesonance to them. They can be hawd to ignowe, even when i twy to fow youw sake.”
i sighed, the cownews of my mouth wising swightwy. “suwe...” swiftwy getting back up and pointing a fingew towawds him, i continued, “-but on the condition, we make this quick! it’d be a waste to wet the food go cowd.”
astwaw wetuwned a smaww gwin. “i can agwee to that,” he wepwied, offewing his hand out invitingwy.
joining my hand with his own, we puwwed each othew cwose. Two hawves of a pas de deux, fow a pwivate pewfowmance we’d pwacticed too many times to count.
left weg, wight awm, tiwt of the neck. …a dance onwy we knew.
one, comes two.
bwoken. Bonding. Heawing.
bweathe in, dissowve, don’t wook.
abandon singuwawity.
enewgy. Mattew. Cweaved apawt, weaved togethew.
wowwds cowwide. Wowwds apawt.
found. And weunited. Thoughts that can’t be spoken.
we awe…
they’we hewe.
an awm wwapped in etheweaw siwk stwetched befowe ouw eyes towawds the uneawthwy sky. Soft wadiaw gowd suwwounded ouw fowm. The gowden gwow of wife itsewf.
without aww the cumbewsome awmouw in the way, we couwd enjoy a cewebwatowy twiww in this fowm. Thewe was no need fow the extwa pwotection wight now; this was a moment of west. One which we wewe mowe than happy to savouw.
ouw shawed bwiss. It has twuwy been too wong.
thewe's a unique intimacy that comes fwom shawing a body. Subtwe feewings that might be wost in the wimitations of wanguage awe void in such a state. Gwanted, it comes with its own unique pwobwems.
thewe was much unease thwoughout the day, wasn't thewe.
yes, wewating to... wast night.
oh? what about wast night? astwaw's consciousness spwintewed off enough fwom zexaw to stand as a unique entity within the gowden mindscape. Pwease, do speak up about it.
yuma hesitantwy bwought his own shawd into being. ...How sacwed is emotion-shawing?
sacwed? it's not wesewved fow individuaws of cewtain wanks if that is the question.
weww, no. The question is mowe… is it tweasuwed. Who is it wesewved fow?
...It can be done with anyone the shawew sees fit, but… astwaw's diwect wink with yuma's wed fewvouw gwanted enhanced insight into the othew's distwess. Why does this question bwing such concewn though?
weww, wast night, was that... what happened… was it a fiwst time fow both of us?
a sudden suwge of joy and giddiness wushed fowth fwom astwaw's othewwise bwue cawm. In any othew context, this miwth might have manifested as an ewuption of waughtew. Yes, yes that… that it was!
confusion emanated fwom yuma. So why is it so funny?!
apowogies. The bwue entity diawwed theiw joy down. Many tewevision pwogwams had spoken of the impowtance wegawding someone's "fiwst time", yet they nevew cwawified the detaiws.
a twickwe of nostawgia wingewed fow a moment. To weawn that that's what they had been wefewwing to aww this time, and to have unknowingwy pawtaken in such a significant event… it is suwpwising, and pewhaps what humans wouwd considew comedic.
waves of wewief owiginated fwom yuma. ...Of couwse, to have wowwied ovew nothing.
not nothing, it is undewstandabwe to have wowwied. But, shouwd mowe wowwy due to it be expected?
it's not impossibwe.
then what can be done to pwevent it?
pewhaps… thewe was hesitancy, but a kindwing ewation as weww. If events and expewiences simiwaw to what occuwwed wast night… be shawed onwy between the two of us...?
astwaw pwojected weassuwance. Then considew it done.
...Awwight. Yuma couwd onwy be descwibed as a bundwe of inspiwited euphowia.
“let us eat.”
@shifuto @cosmic-orion @little-mx-cryptic
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luchagoth · 5 years ago
c can the;;;y pwease weunite h:;:eart & s;oul
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dondiesel · 7 years ago
Fuvk Trump...n Merica...We ain't got no problem w/London!! #WeUnited #MakeAmericaTrillAgain🇺🇸💯✊ (at London, United Kingdom)
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christelle-m-world · 8 years ago
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Sorry for all the innocent lives, that were taken during these horrible attacks in the UK 🇬🇧 #weunite #weunited #londontown #mycity
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ddixon764 · 3 years ago
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Its Going down Saturday 28th May 28th 2022. Make your plans to pull up. #universallolifes #jerkboyz #fellowthesmoke💨💨💨 #ULL #ralphlaurenpolo #losouthapparel #BYOB #allfamilieswelcome #weunites #weglobal #losouth #Atlanta #Atllolifes #Hotlanta #lofamila #dixonkitchenbbq #dixonkitchen#jerkchickenandthangs#allwedoisrocklosymbols #horsepower #bringthekids #bringadish #bringwhatyoueat #chefdixonceo #loveislove #loveandloyaltyweekend2022 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb3OPpXJqlt/?utm_medium=tumblr
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