chocolatesquirrel · 3 months
Borsen & Durkfor vs Kew-Kew & Rolf based on a Discord conversation
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Kew-Kew and Rolf are from A Little Bit Kew-Kew by TheGreyCoincidence
Borsen and Durkfor are from Remnant Crew by me
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bluepunkmon · 1 year
Interspecies Hanky-Panky in my Redwall? It's more likely than you think
Redwall book 1 has a lot of elements that don't occur anywhere else in the series - horses, towns, beavers, and the like - but I thought this example was especially interesting.
Early on, at Abbot Mortimer's Golden Jubilee feast, Colin Vole makes fun of Mathias and Cornflower taking care of Tim and Tess Churchmouse together - "Would you look at Matthias an' Cornflower there, a-nursin' those two babbies like they was an old wedded couple. Well, crumble my bank!"
(I can only assume 'crumble my bank' is an inexcusably rude bank vole phrase)
Brother Alf reprimands him - "Don't you know that someday Matthias will be a Redwall mouse?"
Brother Alf is implying Colin's teasing is inappropriate because Redwall mice are expected to be celibate. It's been a while since I've read these, so I'm not sure if Redwall adults have to be chaste in the rest of the series. I don't remember it, so this mention surprised me.
As did this, as Brother Alf continues to berate Colin - "'... I could say a thing or two to your mum and dad. Only last evening I saw you playing 'catch the bulrush' with that young harvest mouse. What was her name now?'
Colin Vole blushed until his nose went dry. He flounced off, swishing his tail, muttering about going outside to take the air."
I'm not sure what 'catch the bulrush' is a euphemism for, but it sounds elicit based on the context. This is interesting, because as far as I remember - aside from a few barely-elaborate-on crushes, there aren't any woodlander relationships that are interspecies.
The only substantial interspecies romance examples I can think of are hybrid children amongst vermin. Most common are wearets, weasel ferret hybrids. Only two wearets appear in the book series, and both are described as physically deformed monsters. (There is a wearet in the Redwall game, but I'm not familiar with the game and so leave it out of the discussion here). Wearets are massive, earless, and constantly slobber. The Rogue Crew also featured a Wearat, a rumored weasel-rat hybrid. The wearat in question is described as monstrously ugly.
I have no conclusion or accusation towards the books here, only the observation that the series took a conscious turn away from any interspecies relationships within the good woodlanders, making something that only occurred among the almost always-evil vermin. Make of that what you will.
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mitsuart383 · 4 years
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Happy 15th Anniversary in Japan!!! Tohoshinki forever!!! We are T!!!!
I'm so proud of you guys, Yunho and Changmin. Pleas continue to be role models for us. Thank you for always inspiring us. Stay safe and see you both on the next stage!
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roseandmax · 7 years
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Tongues 😍💖💕 #TVXQ! is only #YUNHO and #CHANGMIN 👍 cr: rightful owner #UKNOW #MAX #동방신기 #유노윤호 #최강창민 #정욘호 #심창민 #東方神起 #ユンホ #チャンミン #BeginAgain #FineCollection #TwoOfUs #RiseAsOne #perfectduo #return_of_the_kings #return_of_the_legends #WeAreT #HoMin_is_love
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I am three weeks late on this post about my #Tohoshinki #beginagaintour with my friend (of 10 years) @iamkeevs . It was her first time attending a #TVXQ concert and it was my second time~ 😊💕I'm glad that we got to enjoy it-despite the fact that we both cried during a couple of the songs. 😭lol I miss them already and I can't wait to see them next month! Thank you #東方神起 #bigeast #11years #Ifeelold #itsbeen84years #Yunho #Changmin #Changministheoriginalbae #ユンホ #チャンミン #WeAreT #cassiopeia #redocean #TVXQstaygrinding #tokyodome #東京ドーム (at Soka, Saitama)
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terayinggan · 5 years
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Should I ? #每天半夜不睡觉 #隔天早上都很后悔 #有种可以生病的感觉很开心 #好吧尽量2点前睡 #zygphotography #sonya6000 #因为在社群看到很多照片让我冲动也想发图 #Tokyo #tokyoskytree #浅草寺 #iwantgojapanagainnextyear #wearet #architecturephotography (at Sensō-ji) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2mY2E3ghRZ/?igshid=1tzzcdtszldwl
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kat-diva · 7 years
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Scrapbook momento tickets to be handed out at YouR PresenT After Party! 🎉 #WeAreT #tvxq #YouRPresent (at South Valley, Encino, California)
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jtheblue · 8 years
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Stay & Still. Em không nhớ lần gần nhất em nghe nhạc của các anh là khi nào. Em không phải là người nghe nhiều, nhưng tuyệt đối là nghe tạp. Nghe nhạc từ sớm nhưng nghe chính là nghe, không để ý người hát. Hôm trước đi hát, thấy Westlife thế là chọn mấy bài. Cũng gần 20 năm rồi, có những ca khúc đã theo em từ ngày bé đến giờ như thế đấy. Tám năm từ ngày Bolero ra mắt, em cũng đã từng ấy năm nghe nhạc của các anh mà trưởng thành. Cho đến giờ đối với em, Bolero vẫn là PV/MV đẹp nhất, ý nghĩa nhất, là bài hát tiếng Nhật hay nhất. Không phải "đã 8 năm rồi", là "mới 8 năm thôi mà". (Âm nhạc của) Tốhhinki đã ở bên em vào giai đoạn khó khăn nhất của tuổi trưởng thành, từng khóc, từng cười, từng vui sướng, từng phẫn nộ. Thanh xuân vốn là khoảng thời gian đẹp đẽ để nhớ về, nhờ có Tohoshinki mà càng thêm lộng lẫy, dẫu có hoang đường. Toho, vẫn mãi là Toho của em. Em đã từng nghĩ, cũng sợ hãi rằng em vốn đã lạnh nhạt, sau này đến cả với Toho cũng chẳng động nổi tâm tình thì biết làm thế nào. Nhưng mà, "mới có 8 năm thôi mà", cuộc đời em vẫn đang viết tiếp, giống như nhạc Toho đang được bật mở ở đâu đó trên Trái đất này. Tám năm qua, em vẫn ở đây, vẫn sẽ tiếp tục ở đây, nghĩ về những năm tháng ấy, viết tiếp sau này của mình. Sẽ thôi đau lòng. À mà em từ lâu đã không còn đau lòng, chỉ là ít nghe đi thôi :") #yoosaying #yoobias #nightstory #yoosfavorite #bestsongever #japanese #Tohoshinki #weareT #东方神起 #東方神起 #bolero #yutakunremindsmeLOL
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agardenandlibrary · 3 years
Since I just finished Mattimeo, have more highlights from the Ask Brian contest run by Redwall.org back in the day:
Q: The Redwallers live in an abbey, that means they must have a religion, what religion are the Redwallers? A: There is no religion in my stories and no hidden meanings. What you see is what you get. The Abbey is just a place of peace and comradeship, where creatures choose to live together.
Q: Why did you choose an Abbey instead of, say, a castle? Are there more of them in England? A: I chose an abbey because it is a place of peace and tranquility, where ordinarily the cares of a busy and frantic world do not intrude.
Q: I was wondering, All the hares say Wot!Wot!  What does Wot! mean? A: They say wot wot because I like it, it sounds like British upper classtwaddle, and that is basically the hare character. It is properly spelt "what what".
Q: Several times in "Martin the Warior" Martin refers to "the warrior's code". Is this simply what is just and right, or is there a specific "Warrior's Code"? A: The warriors code is the code of honesty, friendship and as you say doing what is just and right. 
Q: Why do you make mice, squirrels, otters and badgers "good" and foxes, rats, ferrets and such "bad"? How do you decide  which are good and which are bad? A: The bad creatures are those which are traditionally bad in European folk lore and have come to be regarded as sly or mean or evil.The good creatures are mostly small and defenceless, with the exception of the badgers.
Q: I have a few questions about the species in the books. The first one is "The Deepcoiler". The second is "The painted ones". The third is "The Wearet". I tried to figure them out but I couldn't. Are they just something you made up? A: You must allow me some mysteries; they are what they are!
Q: How many drafts of each book do you make? A: I do not write drafts.  I start to write and the story comes, I check each page as I have written and make on the spot corrections, then I go on until I am satisfied that the story is concluded.
Q: I'd like to know if any your books have any influence from Tolkien's works? A: Not at all. I have never read Tolkien's work.
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rainbow-hammock · 2 years
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I just finished Mattimeo in the Redwall series re-read I’m participating in on Discord, and I’m as fascinated with the Wearet as ever. It took a few tries, but I finally got a design I’m mostly happy with. I wanted to attempt a full-body shot, and to see it in action, so this eventually turned into the battle between Matthias and the Wearet.
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uknow · 2 years
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changmin88: 楽しかった5月❗️ ありがとうございました😊 @choiminho_1209 💚もありがとう❗️ #WEARET ❤️
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Just a few videos from my time on #MarellaExplorer showing of some signing. First one with the anamzing @shane_peckover who I cannot wait to see again and the other two tying to get more people to sing karaoke! Thank you @theentertainmentdepartment for giving me the opportunity to work on this fantastic ship! #WeAreTed #ShipLife #HomeAndBored https://www.instagram.com/p/B3r7lcPAfb9/?igshid=haqgxznhfl01
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tribbetherium · 4 years
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The theriodontophidians, or beast-serpents, are a related group to the quetzals the clade Theriognathoformes. Representing a more basal warm-blooded form, the theriodontophidians possess unbranched, hair-like filaments covering their whole bodies and thick, stiff bristles covering their entire underbelly to provide greater traction and aid in locomotion. Almost entirely carnivorous, the theriodontophidians have fully differentiated teeth resembling those of our timeline's mammals, with analogues of incisors, canines and molars.
Theriodontophidians, despite their snake-like anatomy, have a jaw fused in one piece and thus cannot swallow large prey whole. However, their teeth are designed for shearing and chewing, wrapping their prey in their coils while using their teeth to pull off chunks of flesh. Many species use constriction to finish off their prey, though certain species are venomous, striking quickly and retreating, waiting for the victim to succumb to the venom before they begin feeding.
Despite their outwardly mammalian appearance, the theriodontophidians are egg-layers, producing small clutches of eggs that the parents coil around to incubate with their body heat. Unlike the precocial offspring of quetzals, young theriodontophidians are born blind, hairless and helpless, and are dependent on their parents' care and regurgitated food for a relatively longer period of time.
Notable species include:
▪The common wearet is a small and very primitive species, measuring only 4-6 inches in length. A ravenous hunter in the undergrowth, the wearet's diet consists predominantly of the large insects common in this timeline. Some of the larger mouse-sized burrowing bugs are the wearets' favorite prey, their long, slender bodies perfectly suited for following their quarry down their burrows. Wearets are very common creatures that are found in a diverse array of habitats, where they in turn form a significant portion of the diet of larger predators, including other theriodontophidians. Prolific breeders, wearets can produce multiple clutches a year, relatively few of which ever make it to adulthood.
▪ The crowned panterviper is three to four-foot-long predator native to temperate forests and woodlands. While it commonly hunts for prey on the ground, the panterviper is also skilled at climbing trees, using the stiff bristles on its underside to gain purchase on rough bark and expand its hunting grounds well into the canopy. This arboreal behavior allows it to access tree-dwelling prey, such as small twintrunks and roosting windribbons, and may occasionally tackle young trunksnakes if the opportunity presents itself. Pantervipers are recognizable for their prominent tuft of bristly hair atop their heads, a feature more prominent among males and likely playing a part in mate selection.
▪The arctic nidhogg, measuring up to 10-15 feet in length, is the top predator of the frigid northern tundra, where its dense white fur insulates it from the cold and camouflages it in the snow. Its underbelly bristles are particularly thick and barbed to grip onto slippery ice, and while the nidhogg is mostly a terrestrial predator that goes after quetzals and yaksnake calves, it also frequently ventures onto ice floes to hunt amphibious seal-like bahamuts, as well as dive into the water to prey upon fish. Nidhoggs typically mate for life, and mated pairs are known to hunt cooperatively and take turns in raising their offspring, with typically only a single egg laid every breeding season.
▪ The dusky scattler is a small desert-dwelling species that averages about a foot in length. A venomous species, the scattler produces anticoagulant proteins in its saliva that is delivered in a bite by a pair of grooved incisor-equivalents at the very front of its mouth. While used to quickly kill small prey such as snogs and small quetzals, the venom of the scattler also helps defend it from predators: its bright coloration serves as a warning to any attackers, and keratinized rings around its tail rattle as a threat display, which, coupled with its shrill pig-like squeals, advertises itself as a deadly meal to any bigger creature that dares to consider it prey.
▪The sabertooth tatzelwurm is another venomous species, but at six to seven feet in length is a much larger one that dwells in the open plains. Its main prey being the armored grazing ophiotauri of the region, it relies on a quick striking bite, with the aid of a jaw that can gape as wide as 120 degrees, to fell its victims. Sinking its dagger-like fangs into small gaps in the ophiotaurus's armor, the tatzelwurm delivers a potent dose of venom and quickly retreats to avoid risking further injury. The tatzelwurm then patiently waits for up to a half-hour for the hemotoxic effects of the venom to kill the victim via internal bleeding, before rushing in to feed as quickly as it can before other carnivores move in to steal from its catch.
▪The greater gonglong is the largest species of theriodontophidian, with a head as big as a lion's and a body reaching lengths of up to 40 feet. A resident of dense forest and tropical jungle, the gonglong is an ambush predator, preying upon trunksnakes, ophiotauri, and other large herbivores found in its domain. With large, broad teeth and a short, muscular jaw, the gonglong has the most powerful bite force of any terrestrial pseudosnake-- so much, in fact, that it has done away with constriction and venom entirely, and instead delivers a crushing bite to the back of its prey's neck that kills the victim instantly. Gonglongs are solitary creatures that require enormous territories to sustain them, and when two opposing rivals meet, they first attempt to intimidate their opponent off their turf with loud bellowing howls. If this fails to be sufficient, the two engage in combat, coiling around one another and attempting to wrestle their rival into the ground.
▪ The black manda is a very aberrant member of the theriodontophidian family in that it is almost entirely herbivorous, despite its kin being mostly predatory and itself being more anatomically suited to eating meat than feeding on plants. Reaching lengths of about 20-25 feet when fully grown, the black manda feeds on a diet comprised almost exclusively of leaves, stems, flowers and fruit, though young individuals tend to consume a fair amount of animal prey. Having only recently transitioned to a herbivorous diet a relative few million years ago, black mandas are rather inefficient at digesting vegetable matter and thus have eat enormous quantities of plants each day and spend most of their time resting, to both conserve their energy and digest their difficult-to-process meals.
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frog-whisperer · 4 years
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Ten years later thinking about whatever the fuck the ‘Wearet’ is meant to be still sends me into fits of rage
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roseandmax · 7 years
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Welcome to November!!! 💖🍀 Hopefully, you guys find your enjoyable and memorable times in here! Love you all 😙😙😙 #TVXQ! is only #YUNHO and #CHANGMIN 👍 #동방신기 #유노윤호 #최강창민 #東方神起 #ユンホ #チャンミン #BeginAgain #FineCollection #TwoOfUs #RiseAsOne #perfectduo #return_of_the_kings #return_of_the_legends #WeAreT
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I am three weeks late on this post about my #Tohoshinki #beginagaintour with my friend (of 10 years) @iamkeevs . It was her first time attending a #TVXQ concert and it was my second time~ 😊💕I'm glad that we got to enjoy it-despite the fact that we both cried during a couple of the songs. 😭lol I miss them already and I can't wait to see them next month! Thank you #東方神起 #bigeast #11years #Ifeelold #itsbeen84years #Yunho #Changmin #Changministheoriginalbae #ユンホ #チャンミン #WeAreT #cassiopeia #redocean #TVXQstaygrinding
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