#We paused and watched it back a few times. I wasn't intending to make a crossover this obscure but honestly...
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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MDZS x Brazil (1985)
(Yes. Real movie dialogue)
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How the tables have turned - Lucifer x fem!reader x Adam
Hello! I had a few ideas involving Lucifer and this one is one of them. But also, prepare for a bit of Lucifer spam this week because this man is angst fuel (and you know how much I love writing angst). I promise I will return with some Alastor posts too after these few ones with Lucifer (and I also have a request I am currently working on). Hope you will like it <3 Words: ~2700 TW: angst
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"Do you still love her?" you asked, your voice nothing more than a whisper, as you lay on your knees. Things with Lucifer haven't been so smooth lately, and your realisation that he still had feelings for his Lilith is slowly killing you from inside, despite your best efforts to hide it.
He stood in front of you, pinching the bridge of his nose while a deep sigh escaped him. He paused for a moment, debating on the right words to say. His shoulders slumped as he spoke, his voice filled with a mixture of defensiveness and guilt. "Of course. She was my wife, wasn't she?" He looked away, his eyes flickering as he avoided eye contact with you. There was a part of him that still longed for Lilith, a lingering ember of their past still burning within his chest.
You stared at the ring on your finger, the gold now feeling like a shackle rather than a symbol of eternal love. Doubts gnawed at you—was this really a promise of forever, or just a placeholder until Lilith decided to return? The thought twisted your heart, making you question everything you thought you knew about your marriage.
"But... You're married to me..."
He turned back to you, a pang of guilt stabbing at his heart as he saw the tears welling up in your eyes. He cursed himself silently for causing you pain, even If his feelings for Lilith were complicated.
"I know," he said softly, his voice filled with a mix of defensiveness and resignation. "But it's not that easy. We have a long history..."
"She left you... You and Charlie were out here struggling and she didn't give a fuck..." you spat at him.
His eyes narrowed slightly as you called him out. The mention of Charlie hit a sore spot, and he bristled at the mention of his daughter's struggles.
"You don't understand!" he snapped back, his voice rising in frustration. "She may have left, but the memories and emotions don't just disappear! You think I don't know about Charlie? I care about her more than anything else in this world."
"Then why the fuck are you doing this to me? Why couldn't you just deal with it and leave me out of this?" He let out a frustrated sigh, his grip on himself slipping a bit. He ran a hand through his hair, his expression shifting from defensiveness to resignation.
"It's not that simple," he repeated, his voice softer this time. "I never intended for this to happen... I thought I could move on, that my feelings for Lilith wouldn't still linger. But I was wrong. I never meant to hurt you, believe me." You got up, slowly making your way to the door. Without thinking, he reached out and grabbed your arm, stopping you in your tracks.
"No, wait," he pleaded, his voice filled with desperation. "Please, don't go. We need to talk about this."
"I just want to go for a walk..." He watched as you pulled your arm away, frustration building up inside of him. He knew he couldn't force you to stay, but the thought of you walking out on him was almost too much to bear.
"Fine," he retorted, his voice coming out harsher than he intended. "Go ahead, take your walk. But this isn't over. We still need to figure this out."
You walked past him, slowly disappearing into the crowd of Pentagram City. Your mind was racing, as you erratically passed from one street to the other.
Eventually, you found yourself on a worn bench, its cold metal biting through your clothes as you tried to steady your breathing. The chaotic noise of Pentagram City buzzed around you, a harsh reminder that you were just one more lost soul in this damned place. You felt like a cruel joke, a stand-in until the real queen returned to claim her throne. Closing your eyes, you exhaled shakily, fighting the tears that threatened to spill.
"Rough day?" you jumped when you heard the sudden voice next to you. You looked up, being met with the mask of an exorcist, your eyes widening in fear.
Adam burst out in laughter seeing you so terrified. "Whoa there, honey. Take a few deep breaths. It's just little old me."
You knew everything that happened between Lucifer and Adam in the past, but somehow, despite you being married to his biggest enemy, Adam never seemed to have a personal problem with you. Yes, he treated you like shit just like he did with everyone else, but that was all.
"What... How did you find me?" you asked confused and he pointed at Heaven Embassy which was just a few meters away. You haven't even realised you were so close to it. You scoffed, your gaze returning to the ground as you tried to even your breath.
"Well, sweetheart, you're not exactly being stealthy, walking around in a huff like that. I just happened to spot you from up there and got curious. So, what got you all worked up? Bad day at work? Or is it something more, like maybe a little lover's quarrel?"
"It's none of your business, Adam..." you harshly said, a tear rolling down your cheek.
"Hey, now, I may be a lot of things: awesome, great, a sex master..." he replied, his tone a mix of banter and genuine compassion, "but I'm not heartless. You're clearly upset about something, and whether you want to admit it or not, I can tell it's not just some little disagreement. C'mon, spill the beans."
"Lucifer... he still loves Lilith... and I don't know how to deal with it..." you admitted, your eyes never leaving the shiny ring on your finger.
Adam's expression darkened at your words, his cocky attitude faltering for a moment. He clenched his jaw, a mix of anger and bitterness flooding his mind as old memories came back to him. He leaned back, a coldness in his eyes as he spoke.
"Ah, of course. It's always about those two, isn't it? Some things never change..." He paused briefly, his mind clearly elsewhere before shifting his gaze back to you. "I happen to know how it feels when your spouse clearly has feelings for... someone else..."
"Yeah… I'm sorry for what happened to you…" you said softly as you heard the pain in his voice.
Adam's expression softened slightly at your empathetic words. He let out a heavy sigh, staring into the distance for a moment before responding. "Don't worry about it, sweetheart. I've had my own fair share of heartbreaks, trust me. But it's not your fault." He shifted his position on the bench, focusing his gaze on you once more. "You love Lucifer, don't you?"
You were taken aback by his question, but, to your surprise, the answer didn't come as fast as it used to. "I... I do..." you hesitated.
He leaned closer, his expression curious and intrigued. "But... you sound unsure. Love's not supposed to have doubts, darling. Especially when you're literally wearing his ring on your finger." he pointed at it, his finger briefly touching yours.
"What's the point?" You sighed. "It doesn't matter what I do... I took care of him... I was there for Charlie when she actually needed her mother that was nowhere to be seen... And still, I am not enough for him."
Adam raised an eyebrow, hearing the frustration and disappointment in your voice. He leaned back, contemplating your words for a moment, before speaking again. "Let me tell you, darling, that's a sentiment I'm all too familiar with. But let me ask you this..." He paused, his eyes locking on yours. "Do you really want to be with someone who doesn't see your worth? Who doesn't appreciate everything you've done for them?"
You looked at him confused, taken aback by his words. "I..." you started, trying to find your words. "And what should I do? I have nowhere to go apart from Charlie's hotel and I really don't want to involve her in this..."
Adam studied your face intently, sensing the conflict and uncertainty in your emotions. He leaned in a little closer, his voice dropping to a softer tone. "You see, the problem seems to lie in the fact that you're feeling trapped. You feel like you have nowhere else to go like you're forced to stay with someone who takes you for granted." He paused, mulling over his own thoughts before continuing. "But let me ask you this... How would you feel if you weren't tied down to Lucifer? If you were... free?"
You thought for a moment, letting his words sink in. "I guess I would... leave." you finally admitted, sure of your words.
Adam nodded, a smug grin forming on his face. "There ya go. Good girl. Now, you understand what needs to be done, don't you?" He leaned back, stretching his arms behind his head, crossing one leg over the other. "Now, here's the fun part. Say you leave Lucifer, where are you gonna go? Heaven? Pfft, like they'd let you in."
You scoffed. "You don't make any sense..."
Adam chuckled, clearly amused by your confusion. "Oh, but I do. You don't really have a lot of options, now do you? Sure, your lovely Charlie's hotel is there, but you don't want to burden her with all this, right? And Heaven? They won't even open the gates for you. So, you see, you're in a bit of a bind." He leaned in closer, a sly smirk on his face. "But hey, guess who's got the solution for ya?"
"What... What are you suggesting?" you asked, your eyebrows narrowing in confusion.
Adam leaned back again, enjoying your reaction to his words. "Oh, it's simple, sweetheart. If you leave Lucifer, you're gonna need a new place to call home, right? A place where you're wanted and appreciated." He paused, studying your reactions before dropping the bomb. "What if you come with me?"
"What?!" You snapped. "I've heard how you treated Eve and Lilith! Like they were nothing to you! You think I want this?"
Adam's smirk faltered a bit at your outburst, his ego slightly bruised. He raised an eyebrow, a mix of defensiveness and irritation on his face. "And who told you all this stuff, hmm?" he retorted, leaning forward, his tone a bit defensive. "Sure, I might've had my moments, but I don't know where you're getting this 'treating them like nothing' nonsense. They were my wives, after all."
"Well, Lucifer said-" you began, only to be cut off by him.
"Oh, big surprise, Lucifer said that, huh? I suppose he's a reliable source of information, isn't he? The Fallen Angel himself, just feeding you all the truth out of the kindness of his heart." The sarcasm in his voice was thick as he rolled his eyes. "Tell me, darling, do you really think he's got your best interests at heart? Do you really think he won't throw you out the door as soon as Lilith steps back into the picture?"
"I..." Adam saw the uncertainty in your face, a flicker of doubt in your eyes. He leaned closer, sensing that he struck a nerve. "That's right, sweetheart. You're not sure, are ya? You've been second-guessing yourself, questioning where you stand with Lucifer. But deep down, you know the truth. You know that you're not his number one priority, that he's still hung up on Lilith." He paused, letting his words sink in before continuing. "And that's why you're sitting here, feeling lost and alone, right?"
You turned your back on him. You knew he was right... But running away with him? It felt a bit too much. "I could never leave Charlie… She needs me…" you whispered, the weight of your responsibilities pulling you back from the edge. Adam huffed, the flicker of annoyance crossing his face briefly before he masked it. He reached out, his grip firm but not forceful, turning you to face him again, the intensity in his eyes impossible to ignore.
"You're telling me you're willing to put up with Lucifer's bullshit just because of Charlie? You really think she'd want you to suffer like that?" He paused, his grip on your arm tightened slightly. "Come with me, sweetheart. I'll treat you better than Lucifer ever did."
You fidgeted with your ring, considering his words carefully. "Are you really going to bring me, a sinner, to Heaven, just for this?" you whispered, a bit unsure of his words.
A sly grin formed on Adam's face as you asked your question. "Oh, darling, I've got a little trick up my sleeve for that. You see, I have a direct line to the big boss himself, so to speak." He leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "I can pull a few strings, arrange things so that... well, let's just say that you could have a special little place in Heaven, all to yourself." He smirked. "Besides... you do miss your family, don't you?"
Your eyes opened wide, as your heart skipped a bit. "My family...? Are they there? You know them?" you desperately asked.
Adam chuckled, clearly enjoying the effect his words were having on you. "Oh, I know them alright. And they're all up there in Heaven, enjoying the celestial life." He leaned back, a satisfied smile on his face. "See, baby, I told you I could make that happen for you. A place in Heaven, all your loved ones around you... and a husband who'll actually treat you right. Sounds pretty good, doesn't it?"
You sighed, thinking about it. But he was right. There was no point in staying just so you could be a replacement. You looked up at him, determination hinted in your eyes. "I need proof... Show me that they're actually there and I'll come with you."
Adam's smirk widened a spark of excitement in his eyes. He knew he had you now. "Smart girl," he said with a nod. "You want proof, I can give you proof." He leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a whisper once more. "But before we do this, I need one thing from you..."
"What is it?" you asked, suddenly feeling so vulnerable in front of him. He looked down at your finger, tracing the line of the golden ring.
"I need you to give me something... something that shows you're serious about leaving Lucifer behind." He paused, his eyes meeting yours, a hint of playful challenge in his expression. "Take the ring off."
You hesitated, the cool metal of the ring digging into your skin as a tear slipped down your cheek. This small circle of gold had once been a symbol of hope, but now it felt like a lie. With trembling fingers, you slid it off, feeling a pang of loss as you handed it to Adam, knowing this was the first real step towards a future you couldn't yet see.
"That's a good girl," he praised, eyeing the ring in his palm, "now we're getting somewhere." He stood up, offering his hand to you. "Let's go, sweetheart. Time to show you what you really deserve."
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Lucifer paced back and forth in the living room, Charlie watching him silently, worry filling her more and more with every moment.
"Dad, I need you to tell me why she left... Did you have a fight again?" she asked. He stopped pacing for a moment, sighing deeply as he looked at his daughter. There was no point in hiding the truth from her anymore.
"Yes," he admitted, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "We had another fight. And it was mostly about... your mother."
When Charlie was about to speak, a knock on the door interrupted them. Lucifer ran towards it, hoping it might be you, but just as he opened the door he froze. He slowly picked something off the floor, silence filling the room.
"Dad, are you ok?" Charlie asked. "Who is it?" Lucifer slowly closed the door, a golden paper in his hands, your ring tied to it. The sight made his heart ache, the weight of your absence suddenly hitting him like a ton of bricks.
"Dad?" Charlie asked again, as he placed the paper on a table, walking away in silence. She quickly grabbed the paper, in order to read what was written, but her heart skipped a beat at the sight.
"How the tables have turned, fucker. "
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Tags: @ratsematary @littlebluefishtail
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chosos-mascara · 1 month
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all my love, suguru
chapter 5
summary: after an unexpected night spent with your close friend, you find yourself pregnant, and unable to tell him so. will you be able to come to terms with this news, or will it destroy the delicate relationship you’d had left?
chapter warnings: mentions of declining mental health (suguru), general angst, secret pregnancy/child
30 months before
"I have something I wanted to talk to you about." You're watching him at his desk as you walk into his classroom, closing the door meekly behind you. The sickness coupled with this anxiety is overwhelming; exhausting. You're roughly ten weeks along, your first scan recently booked for two weeks time, all while Suguru is none the wiser to your current condition.
He's grading papers from a recent mock exam, and it's apparent he's much more interested in the stacks before him than you as his eyes barely rise, the red marker still between his fingers. You sigh. "Suguru, did you hear me?" He looks up from the reports, bags dark beneath his eyes. You pause in your actions as you mull over his expression. "Are you okay?" There's that concern you had for him that night, back again. You wonder if he realises that, too. Or perhaps you were only procrastinating by creating some sort of conversation, though it's better to open with something like this, isn't it?
"Sorry, what's up?" Suguru acts casual, but he can't deny that your visit is just adding to the mounds of stress he feels in this moment. He doesn't have the energy to pour into conversation, he can barely read these student's scrawny handwriting. "I was wondering if we could talk?" You begin to walk closer with some hesitance, stopping at his desk. He looks up at you, and finally puts that pen down.
"What about?" He's nervous. "Well, I just..." You trail off, your chest heavy. Your hands are shaking, even with one placed over the other. They're clammy, and god, you feel so sick. "That night, when we..." Again, you're not able to finish your sentence, instead averting your gaze to the wall and swallowing. "Listen," Suguru stands, and when you look back to him, you frown. "I don't think we should pursue anything." 
You stand in silence for a few moments; he's completely missed the mark. Raising your hands, you shake your head, trying to gesture to him that this wasn't what you'd intended, but it's lost on him when he continues.
"It was a misjudgement, I didn't consider how this could impact our lives, and for that I apologise." You stare wide eyed. You couldn't tell him how yes, this really has impacted your life, because you realise now how wrong this would go. This truly was a secret you'd have to bring to the grave, because you're sure he'd never speak to you again either way.
"You're right, I'm sorry." It's weak, and all you manage to push out.
Suguru feels reams of guilt when he watches your head bow, hearing quiet, defeated words from your lips. He's lying to himself if he truly believes this is for the best, because no one makes him feel quite how you do.
He replays that memory most nights, wondering if he should have given you a chance - he didn't even let you get a word out before he was pushing you away. He spent years wishing he'd done something different, wondering if anything would change if only he'd had opportunity to speak to you again.
He thinks of that memory when he's walking to Yaga's office, opening the door to be met with you.
Suguru thinks he's finally lost it, because why, after two and a half years would you be here, sitting at Yaga's desk like you'd never really left? His hands are brought upward to rub into his eyes, and he blinks once, twice, squeezing them closed before finally focusing back upon your seated frame. You're definitely there, you're definitely real. 
Suguru hadn't even noticed the child sat to your left until moments later, a small doll between her hands, her hair worn in a short ponytail. He doesn't linger over her presence for long though, because he's drawn back to you.
The door had clicked open moments ago and you had prepared yourself for Suguru's berating, though seconds tick by, and no words come. You're still sat in silence beside your daughter and opposite your old boss after a minute's pass, still an empty seat at your right. You know he's shocked by his hesitance to enter, but the suspense is only twisting the knife embedded into you upon his entry. In this limbo, you're left to ruminate on every doubt that had grown over the past few years, on every bad decision you've made leading up to now. 
Finally, after a minute or so of deliberating, Suguru decides to discern the reason for this meeting, and uses his curiosity as encouragement to come and sit in that empty chair.
You've no alleviation from his stare even when he's seated. He's taking you in, the new you, the mature you, still contemplating his sanity as he wonders if you're just a fragment of his madness. There's still an internal struggle while he wonders why you're here, and what this could possibly have to do with him. Suguru does manage to voice a few words through his turmoil, ever downplaying his mental state with his relaxed tone. 
"I thought you left jujutsu society?" 
His voice still feels like honey in your ears, his presence beside you causing your skin to prickle with cold, goosebumps breaking the surface. Eyes that had been glued to Yaga's desk finally lift, and you turn your head to face him after all of this time. Brown eyes greet you, purple bags weighing the skin down. The glint of hope that Suguru could forgive you begins to ebb, your lips tightening. 
"I did." Your answer rings true, at least. Your eyes falter when you can't take his gaze any longer, instead averting to sit at his lips, then shoulders. He looks the same as always, but his aura feels different. There's sombreness to him now, and you blame yourself for leaving. 
"Should we begin?" Yaga clears his throat uncomfortably, and you're reminded of his presence. You nod with deep reluctance, removing your sight from the man that still holds a place in your heart. "Geto," Yaga begins, and you focus on your breaths. This is it, it's really happening. "You're being assigned a special case; a new student." He gestures toward your Keiko, and Suguru leans forward so he can look past you, his emotionless expression interrupted by disgust. 
"She's a toddler?" His disapproval is thick. "Yaga, are you insane?" Suguru remembers the last person assigned to his care, and her untimely death. This was no world for a child, it was barely a world for him, either. Everyone seems to get on with their lives after witnessing tragedies, and he still doesn't understand how. He has never been left unscathed by the things he's seen, but he's sure to handle those massacres better than a child who would stand at his knee's height. 
Yaga peers to you behind his glasses, and you can feel the luxury of your silence ending. 
"She's at risk if she doesn't learn to harness her cursed energy." You speak, praying for his compliance. "I don't want her to get hurt, Suguru." 
Suguru stares at your expression, looking up, and down as he processes your words among the many racing thoughts he houses. Who was this child to you, why would you care? But after all these years he's brewed upon his actions, paired with the fact he can stare into you and see nothing but kindness and care, his objection merges into something else. 
He doesn't speak, but he doesn't have to, because you've already seen it on his face. He'll help. 
"Thank you." Your words of gratitude are genuine, and they're spoken to him with care. It feels a bit like you're the only two people in the room, studying the other with a sense of longing. He swallows back the old feelings that are trying to push through, and turns to face Yaga once more.
Throughout this meeting Suguru glances to that girl, a question pushing the back of his mind. Who was she to you?
Keiko's in bed when he knocks. At first, you're spooked by the sound and your cursed energy is focused into your fist, though looking through the peephole eases your fears. Your flame dissipates, and you open, not sure what to expect from your night-time visitor.
"What're you doing here?" There's a small dip in your voice. "It's late." You try and mask your unease, though he's able to read you like a book.
"That evening, before you left - what were you going to tell me?" 
When you look closer you realise Suguru's hair is loose, strays floating out from his bun, a redness at his ears from where he'd been toying with the lobes. It doesn't take you long to realise what he's referencing, and you open the door wider. You have to accept your fate, that it's now, or never. "Come, take a seat." 
Those are words Suguru didn't want to hear. Since your meeting, he's been asking himself the same question, who is this child? And why should Suguru of all people be summoned to teach her, when he's sure Satoru would've not only volunteered himself, but been better at the job in every way? 
Then he thought about her hair colour, and how he didn't get to catch her face. The timelines, the fact she's staying with you - the pregnancy test. He kicks himself for not questioning you at the time, and for dwelling over these surely disconnected details, until he thought to that afternoon, when he shut you down with haste. He thought about your body language, and how stupid he was to assume that's what you were going to suggest, how self centred he'd been the entire time. 
He sits down quickly with his heart feeling about to leap out of his mouth, a warmth coddling his ears. 
"A few weeks after we slept together, I realised I was late." You start from the beginning as you stand opposite him. You can't look at his face, arms crossed, you stare at his feet. "I wanted to tell you that evening, but you made it clear you didn't want anything else, and I got cold feet." 
His anxiety fades, morphing into a feeling he can't quite place his finger on. It might be that in this moment, Suguru can truly say he's experiencing heartbreak, and the repercussions of his own actions. If he'd have just checked up on you, things would've gone so differently.  "I have a child?" He speaks slowly, unsure of himself. It doesn't feel like it's sinking in, those words don't feel as if they are describing his own life.
"She's yours." Your confirmation sends prickles over his skin. Your things are still mostly in boxes, though there's a photo you've already set out beside the TV, one that you pick up and hand to him. It's you and Keiko, taken on her 2nd birthday. You'd had to celebrate alone, but you decorate anyway, a big '2' balloon within the background. She's smiling, her baby teeth showing while cuddled into your side. It'd taken a while to get a good photo with her, standing your phone on the couch and using the timer function, though after a few you had come out with this one. It was perfect. 
Suguru holds the frame between his fingers, looking at the little girl beside you. She looked a lot like him, the same eyes, the same shade of hair, but she housed your smile. Tears clouded his vision as he wonders how he's missed out on two years with someone he should've been there for, he's missed so much already. 
"Why did you come here?" Suguru asks, a warmth rolling over his cheek.  "She inherited your technique." You swallow. "A few weeks ago, we came into contact with a curse, but before I was able to exercise it, she ingested it, just like you. A few days after that, she was witnessed by a grade three, and we were called upon by the higher-ups." 
"I never wanted this for her, Suguru. I just wanted to watch her grow through normal means - I know it was a lot to wish for, but she's my baby. I can't bare to picture her dead in some ditch after they rinse her of everything she has." 
"I'll refuse to teach her." He's desperate through his tears, mind racing. "Then they'll just find someone else. There's really no point, unless you're really adverse."
"Why couldn't you have just told me?" He talks as if his words are sapping his lifeforce, and you only watch as he slumps forward, heartbroken and confused. That guilty feeling has hit a new high. "Same reason you shut me out after that night - I was scared, and decided it was better to leave than to face what we did." It's wrong to defend your actions, they should be unforgivable. But, Suguru doesn't seem to put much energy into his disgust with you, because he's just too upset. "I've missed out on two years of my child's life, that's not the same." His hands shake, whether it's rage or distress, he can't tell.
"I'm so sorry." You bow your head, ashamed. "I was so scared, please forgive me." Suguru looks up at you, a heavy breath on his lips. It's not as if you hadn't tried to tell him; he'd practically shunned you. It wasn't fair to give you all the blame, even if it would save his sanity. "Do you wanna meet her?"
"Keiko, baby." She's clutching a small bear against her chest when she walks through the door, rubbing her eyes. The small girl's brown hair is a little messy, and she's still in a pair of cutesy pink pyjamas. "I want you to meet someone." You voice to her slowly while holding her little hand, your heart racing. There's no textbook answer when it comes to difficult parenting decisions, and uncomfortable situations. How do you tell a two year old they have a father in which they've never met?
Suguru's reluctant to look at the doorway when he hears you two coming through. This is the biggest moment of his life, meeting his child, his heartrate reflects this in it's unforgiving pace, his breaths leaving him before he's ready to breathe back in. He'll have to count down, he thinks, to force himself to look at his kin - there's no way he can surely meet her eye otherwise. Five seconds and he'll look, four now. Three, and he's sweating, shaking at two, swallowing harshly before he counts one, eyes forced from their spot over the floorboards to flicker up at the little girl standing at her mother's side.
God, it feels like nothing on this planet has ever mattered to Suguru, because in those brown eyes, there's so much innocence. He can feel his heart melt as he recognises so much of himself in her, his DNA, used to build such a perfect daughter with the cutest version of his character. Her huge, wide eyes, cute roundish nose - but her lips are all you. 
This child is a part of him he didn't know existed, a jigsaw piece melded to fit right within his chest. There's some kind of primal urge to protect her at all costs, to hold her closely, which is why Suguru finds himself at his knees with open arms in search of her comfort, to have his forbearing body embraced by his entire world. A child he'd never known is suddenly the key to his happiness, because she is everything he isn't.
"Hi." He wants to say more, yet a million words couldn't describe how he feels. Suguru can't decide on what to say, so instead settles with that small greeting. She smiles at him nonetheless, and you watch as his eyes soften, a smile over his lips.  "Hello." Her voice is small, much like her stature, and she's still sleepy. Suguru puts a hand over her shoulder, and you find yourself overcome with a grin you can't hide. Despite your anxieties, you know Suguru will love her as much as you do.
"Remember I told you about your daddy? This is him." You're gentle, and you're not sure she'll understand entirely, only seeing that family dynamic on films and tv shows. You'd told her a few times she has a daddy, though she's never seemed all too interested beyond that confirmation. Though she stares at him wide eyed, a smile growing over her cheeks. 
"Daddy!" She repeats, and Suguru has to stop himself from breaking apart at that name. When he'd felt hopeless, weak and depressive, so many times he wondered if his existence would ever improve. Whether he'll be anything more than a sorcerer for jujutsu society to rinse, toss into battle and bury when things grew too difficult. He's grown to be Satoru's friend and not much more.
But with this child before him, he sees some form of light. There's a reason for him to keep going, because he doesn't want his girl to feel anything he's endured. He looks to you for the first time since laying his eyes on her, to your watery eyes, and his heart feels disgustingly full. This is what he's been missing out on. 
a/n: sooo this is it. i hope it met your expectations, honestly i really wanted to put more into this ending and i feel i could've done better, but life has been such a whirlwind as of late. i think this is the last post i'll make before finding myself on a hiatus, so think of this fic as a semi-good-bye. thank you so much for all of the love i have received, it truly means the world!
 @hojoslutoru  @itztamar @magey0412 @strflp  @kaeyakaikai @animeisforkings @emikisses @boredwithwrath @karazorel7 @tomiokasecretlover @mrsoharaa @magey0412 @thisbicc @aemiliabruno @zenys @sukunaspillow @caixgee @ssetsuka @pinkpunkdynamite @harlamarie @cephei-ea @dazailover1900
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nevernonline · 1 year
✧.* just for one night; yjh
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for jeonghan's birthday he teased the gift he wanted wrapped in a pretty bow this time was you. little did he know that his joke would turn into his favorite present.
𐦍 paring: jeonghan x reader.
𐦍 genre: romance, bad humor, fluff, "friendly" date.
𐦍 warnings: drinking,  s3xy times, swearing,  smut, minors dni, reader has female genitalia.
𐦍 word count: 2.0k
𐦍 content: non-idol characters, food/drink, cursing, slightly- suggestive, pet names, afab! reader.
𐦍 note: I meant to post this on 1004 but.. maybe forgot to queue it LMAO. this wasn't intended to go this way and I don't rlly write smut often (or read it often tbh) so pls all my baddies who read and write smut give me feedback. (pls) lolol. anyway!! enjoy kk. ily.
It was that time again, time to find a gift for a friend who had nearly everything. Scouring around shops and market places, trying to find something special that had any meaning to the two of you. Sure, you could buy a lux gift or a fancy dinner, but that was basic and well beyond the things Jeonghan had given you. 
You scroll back through texts and posts over the last few birthdays you had spend celebrating him, stumbling across a photo that gave you a good idea. You were sitting on his lap as he blew out his birthday candle. After that wish was put into the universe you recall his lips coming so close to your ear his lips were almost making contact with your pierced lobes. 
“All I want next year is you wrapped in a pretty bow.” 
Maybe he wouldn’t remember that wish, but you did. It was silly and stupid, but your friend did always know what he wanted and wasn’t shy to ask for it. 
You sprinted to the stationary store in order to find a big pink bow in under thirty minutes, so you could make it back to your apartment where Jeonghan was meeting you before his big night out with all of his friends. The options were endless, a sea of glitter, metallic, curling, satin, but you decided to be simple, just a large bound pink ribbon. 
After an overwhelming time spent pondering over pink fabric, you made it home with ten minutes to spare. Lacing yourself up from your sneakers, to your hair, your bag, even a dainty piece wrapped around your neck as a finishing touch just as the doorbell rang, you told him to open up where he found you laced in pink, wearing a black dress, holding a cupcake flame ablaze. 
“Happy Birthday, Hannie.” 
A smile creeped in as he came close to blow his candle out looking at the pink adorned ribbon tied all over you, he remembered. 
“My present I presume?” 
His fingers pointed towards you, again smiling from ear to ear like he couldn’t believe you remembered his wish. 
“Think I’d forget?” 
“You tend to forget your own name while drinking, so yes. I love it.” 
Jeonghan’s hands reached to run his hands over the ribbon in your hair, pausing before he touched the one on your neck. 
“So this means you’re mine for the night?” 
“Your wish is my command, birthday boy. Should we go?” 
“You know when I wished for you to be my present, I meant much more than you wearing bows right?” 
You huffed, watching his eyes still on your neck. 
“I did. I really will oblige any wish, as long as it’s legal and safe.” 
“No promises, babe. Let’s go.” 
Walking hand in hand into Jeonghan’s not so surprise party was not out of the norm for you, you’ve always been the type of friend that clung to close, even for your own comfort. Something seemed to linger in the air around you as a pair. 
“Mind getting me a cocktail? I’m going to go say hi to the guys and thank them.” 
“Again, here to please. Vodka Cran or G&T?” 
“Gin, please.” 
With a small salute as a send off you walked into a line behind three other partygoers in line. 
“Y/n? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in pink before?” 
The voice was Joshua’s coming from behind you. He wrapped his right arm around your shoulders in a half hug greeting you hello. 
“Really? Well, it's for Jeonghan’s gift. Last year he wished that I gift him myself, so here I am adorned in pink ribbon.” 
“You really took him up on that? You are one good friend.” 
“I know that you're thinking it's probably a mistake, you’re right.” 
“Na, he’d never hurt you or let anyone else. He likes you far too much.” 
Your eyes rolled now facing the bartender and placing the matching drink order before turning back to Joshua. 
“Come find me later okay? I need a Shua Hong dance for my payment for being Jeonghan’s bitch for the night.” 
“It's the least I can do.” 
Hours passed by just as quickly as alcohol entered your system, you haven’t left the side of your male counterpart for hours, he wouldn’t let you slide away other than grabbing more drinks or running to the ladies room.
Your buzz is far more prominent now. Jeonghan’s hands slid to the lower half of your body, resting between your bare skin and the hem of your dress and your heart followed along to the beat of the edm music playing over the club loudspeakers. 
“Dance with me, pretty?” 
His eyes burning a hole into your head, you obliged, grabbing him by the hand and pulling him into the center of the purple lights and faux fog. 
Jeonghan’s hands found a comfortable spot resting on your hips as you twisted around placing your back onto his chest, grinding slowly to the song. 
This proximity between you has never existed, while you’re touchy or clingy the feeling from the warmth of his pants's friction on your upper thighs made you feel differently about your so called friend. 
Thoughts swirled in your brain as you turned back to be face to face with his plump lips and siren like eyes. A hand, that same hand that was resting comfortably on your lower half snaked its way up to your neck, the ribbon placed there was now further from your skin as his fingers laced their way under it. 
“You want to know what else I wished for?” 
You opened your mouth to speak, no words formed other than some incoherent ones that sounded like soft moaning. 
“I wished that you’d be my present forever, not just for the night. I can’t let anybody else get this gift.” 
Your hands reached from the nape of his neck to the side of his face, trying to give him a clue that you wanted him as badly as he wanted you. 
“Come home with me?” 
He placed a small peck onto your cheek, nearing the site of your lips that so badly wanted to feel the crash of his on them. 
The whole ride back in your taxi, your hands rubbed up his thigh. He knew you looked nervous, but also that you would tell him if anything made you uncomfortable. 
Truth be told he was nervous too. This was a line he never thought would be crossed. Jeonghan knew for years that he wanted you and only you for that matter, but he waited for the perfect moment to be put in your hands. 
Saying a quick thank you to your driver, you basically sprinted into his place, not even having a second to throw your jacket and bag down at his front door before you had your back against his white walls in the dark. 
The sense of urgency to kiss you was obvious. A near feral feeling. He tasted like cherries and gin as he kissed you quickly, helping you out of your outerwear and pulling you into his apartment that was only lit by the beautiful view of the city below. 
“Help me?” 
Your voice came out as a whimper, turning your back to him as an indication you needed help out of your dress. 
His cold hands wrapped around the zipper of your dress running a finger down your spine as it unzipped. 
His confidence suddenly washing away as he looked at your semi naked body only wearing a matching pink slip dress to the color of your bows and a pair of matching panties below. 
“Dressed up for me too?” 
“Nope. Just like to match.” 
The ‘P’ of your nope popped onto his face and a devious smile appeared. 
“Don’t be bad, gifts shouldn’t talk back to their owner.” 
His hands found his way to the place they didn’t seem to leave all night, your hips as he placed you down onto his fresh sheets. 
“Sorry, Hannie.” 
“It’s okay, just be a good girl."  
You nodded as he began kissing you starting at your lips and followed a trail all the way down to your sternum. 
“You know the best part about gifts is opening them.” 
Jeonghan’s fingers now wrapped around the waistband of your underwear as he slowly pulled them down below your knees, around your ankles and onto the floor. 
A pause from kissing came as his pointer and middle finger entered into your mouth and prompted you to spit on them so he could rub circles onto your clit before entering another space he had never been to before. His first finger came in slowly penetrating you softly, when he saw you getting needy his second entered and the beats became more rapid as he used his tumb to rub circles around your much more sensitive sweet spot. 
Your moaning became louder, reminding him of your voice yelling over the sound of the music in the club as you reached your first orgasm of the night. 
Sitting up now watching as Jeonghan places the same two fingers that were inside of you into his mouth, savoring every last drop of the finish you had because of him, you crawled onto you knees now prompting him for some pleasure. 
Undoing the button and zipper of his pants, letting him and his cock catch their breath before going down on him. You placed soft kisses along the pale skin of his stomach, making sure to nip his skin in between as you make your way down his torso. Just as you reach the waistband of his boxers, a hand comes to cup the hard thing lying beneath. 
“Wanted me that bad huh?” 
Jeonghan, now dethroned from his previous position of power, just groaned as a beg to have your mouth wrapped around his pulsing cock. 
“I’ve wanted you forever.” 
Hearing his breathless moans you released your hands from his cock and finished unwrapping yourself for him, leaving that small pink ribbon tied around your neck, before going back down to kiss your lips at the tip of his dick. 
As your hands and mouth worked their way around in unison all over his engorged flesh, it takes only a few minutes for him to fill the dirty mouth that was teasing him just before. 
“Didn’t take you for such a lightweight, Yoon.” 
“Shut the fuck up and please get on top of me.” 
Your legs came to straddle around his still sensitive cock as you teased your entrance. 
“Someone’s so needy.”
“Someone is supposed to be doing far less talking and far more fucking.” 
His arms pulled you down fearlessly so your lips could fall back into place and also so he could shut you up while you finally let him inside of you. 
“Fuck, I didn’t expect you to be so tight.” 
Jeonghan knew he wouldn’t last long being inside of you, not because you were tight, but because of the way he felt about you and how much he dreamed about watching your breasts bouncing as they hovered over his face while he fucked you. 
“I- Uh, Fuck.” 
“You what, pretty? Can’t handle me? Can't it last long? Want me to fill you up as you ride me?” 
“Yes, yes, all of it. Please, Hannie.’"
As his hips pounded their way onto yours, both of you running out of stamina maybe due to the alcohol or maybe the adrenaline reached your climax near the same time. 
“Can you come inside me, please?” 
You were practically begging him to mark you and since you looked so pretty he couldn’t say no to you. 
With the two of you now finished, his cock still inside of you. Jeonghan placed soft kisses on your lips. 
“I don’t want this to stop.” 
His hands came to untie the pink fabric now slightly wet from your shared bodily fluids. 
“Me either. I love you, you know?” 
You lifted your body off of him, now under his covers with your hands placed on his chest. 
“I love you too, Happy Birthday.” 
“Be my present forever, okay?” 
“Okay, handsome.” 
And with another year gone, Jeonghan finally got the birthday present he truly wanted. You.
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killedpink · 2 years
thinking about minho is never healthy
🏷 contains: dom minho x sub reader, makeup application, fingering, heavy hand kink (have you seen that man's hands?), dacryphilia, oral sex, so so so domestic, hair pulling, slight marking, small minuscule spit kink, snow day, deepthroating/throatfucking, possessive minho if u look closely, cum consumption, slight praise
the grip the snow had on the land was tightening, the earth slowly being obscured by a freezing, white blanket of snow. it made everyone stop. work, school, all of it was paused as the roads grew too dangerous to travel on. this included you and minho, safely tucked away at home with every heater on max, candles lit, windows blacked out. at first, it felt like a well-deserved break from your busy lives, giving you both all the time you needed to sleep in, or binge watch whatever tv show you just couldn't find the time to finish, or even try out that new dish you both have been putting off. but, after a few hours in, you had exhausted every one of your plans, burnt through every show and every recipe in your cookbook. you felt defeated, truly. your back to the couch, facing the ceiling with your eyes closed, it all felt so bleak. and to make things worse, minho was out of sight, pattering around upstairs for some unknown minho reason.
"get up, lazy." minho nudged your arm that was dangling off the side of the couch with his socked foot, causing you to jerk it into your lap and spring up. you intended to tease him for bothering you, but once you saw him, your words fell into nothingness. "is that my makeup..?" your brows scrunched in confusion, a delighted twinkle in your eyes. minho rolled his eyes, "wow, your eyesight is working! move up." doing as he said, you turned your body to face the tv and sit like a normal person, giving minho the room he needed to sit down and more. "are you finally letting me put makeup on you?" his face turned blank at this. "no." he turned away from you, plucking a black nail polish from the bag he brought with him. "i'm letting you paint my nails." minho bargained, thrusting the bottle into your lap.
it wasn't exactly what you hoped for, but at least it was something. you shrugged, "is this the colour you want?" you shook the bottle to mix the solution into itself. minho's eyes followed the bottle, "yeah, it's the nicest one you have." you gasped, "how rude!" you cradled your heart in faux offence. "neon green wasn't to your liking?" you teased. minho resisted his smile, yet he simply couldn't fight it off, his pink lips curving into a grin and his front teeth showing slightly, not unlike a rabbit's teeth. "that was such a bad joke. we need to socialise you fast." it was your turn to roll your eyes, before twisting the cap, snatching minho's hand and bringing the brush to his fingernail. "don't get it on my hands." he warned. you scoffed, "do i look like an amateur to you? no? then keep your mouth shut." minho's jaw dropped. "as soon as i'm free im gonna throw you out in the cold." he threatened. you giggled quietly, "remind me who's in control of your nails again?"
the banter went back and forth for a while, all in good faith. "is it dry now?" minho asked, taking good care not to smudge his nails and therefore tarnish your hard work. "i think so. it looks fine." you said into your mug of hot chocolate, taking a slow sip. "ah, me too!" minho perked up. "i really think you can do this yourself. you're just lazy." you muttered as you held minho's mug to his lips, taking good care not to pour too much into his mouth. "but you still do it for me," minho swooned, once you brought the mug back onto the coffee table. "so, how does it look?" he held both his hands up to face you, showing off his nails. "you actually look really good," you took one of his hands to inspect it, his veins not going unappreciated by your attentive eyes. your gawking didn't go unnoticed by minho, either. "wanna see what else i brought?"
minho took out your favourite lipstick and mascara from behind him, holding one in each hand. "do you trust me?" he spoke seriously, his face saying otherwise however. your eyes widened, "you're so nice to me today!" your hands held his wrists, planting a grateful kiss on his cheek. his ears swelled red in response, his smile so wide it reached his sweet chestnut eyes, which were always beautifully inquisitive. "well, i do love you." minho's voice was small, whispering it into your hair, believing the quieter the more intimate it was. it was snowing harder, now, the force of the frozen rain slamming on your windows ungracefully.
snuggling into his warm, mellow middle made you grow tired, even if you weren't actually sleepy. tearing yourself away from his black hoodie that radiated a comfortably high heat, you tilted your head up slightly to face him. "make me pretty, minho," you spoke dramatically, looking up at minho through your lashes. "you're already pretty." he kissed your forehead, unscrewing the applicator from the mascara. "look up for me, baby," doing as you were told, minho got to work on your bottom lashes, becoming more pronounced as he swiped the brush onto your eyelashes, taking good care not to accidentally hit your eye. "how's it looking?" you asked, barely being able to see what was going on as your vision was focused on the ceiling, showing off only your sclera to minho. "sh, you'll distract me and i'll blind you. the ambulance would take forever to get here in all this snow, too." how imaginative.
"i'm done. take a look, you don't look so ugly now." to be fair, he didn't do a bad job. he didn't let your lashes stick together, separating them individually to give off a dollish effect, your eyes now looking bigger and your dark, long top lashes kissing your brow bone as they curled up, giving you an innocent, doe-eyed look. setting the mirror onto the table, you turned to face minho, "you actually did a good job, minho," he beamed at this, "i've watched you too many times." he muttered, plucking your lipstick from the table. "is that next?" you asked, interested in his plan. he uncapped it, and kept eye contact with you while he applied it to his own lips. confused, you watched him carefully, without exchanging words.
he took your face in both of his freshly panted hands, and pressed his lips against yours. he was firm, but so passionate that it trickled into you, kissing him back excitedly. although they were the same lips, minho never kissed you the same way twice with them, each kiss unique and each kiss as addictive as the former. he broke the kiss, eyes inspecting your lips meticulously. you realised what minho was trying to do — stain your lips with the lipstick he was wearing. he pecked your lips a few times, essentially slamming his lips onto yours. once they were saturated to his liking, minho rubbed off what little product was left on him using a makeup wipe, rubbing it back and forth on his lips to clean them. "that was strangely possessive," you noted, amused. cupping your chin, minho looked you in the eyes as he shook his head, "it looks better that way. trust me."
"hm, whatever you say." you muttered before leaning into minho, meeting his lips with your own, your hands cupping his cheeks. the pink, soft swell of his lips are, of course, pressed hot to your own. the space between you was nonexistent, your legs straddling minho's lap as he leaned against the edge of the couch, his hands on your waist creeping up under your shirt. your underwear grew uncomfortable around your body, rolling your hips onto the curve of his muscular thigh, moaning into the kiss as you caught your clit on his clothed thigh. minho parted his lips, his tongue peeking out of his mouth to prod at your tongue, sucking the muscle into his hot mouth, letting it go and flattening his tongue, affectionately licking yours.
using your shirt, he scrunched the material in his hands and tugged it away from him, urging you to pull back. "strip for me." he ordered, brushing a stray strand of hair from your face. you knew better than to argue with minho, and besides that; you wanted him, too. your shirt was gone in a matter of seconds, your sweatpants a little more time-consuming, but it didn't take much effort to get rid of them, too. all the while, minho watched you, not even needing his concentration to rip off his hoodie, ruffling his dark brown hair in the process, falling to both sides of his face as if he had curtain bangs, just barely touching the lobes of his pierced ears.
using the back of his hand, he stroked your soft, fleshy thigh, leaving soft kisses along your jaw; his hand pulling down your underwear — sinking his teeth into your neck. not enough to break your skin, but harsh enough that it'll have a bruise blooming before he gets to fuck you properly. he kisses your throat like he's trying to pierce it, making you dizzy from the brief lack of oxygen. your back is embraced by the couch seats, minho leaning above you, in between your bare legs. his veiny hands stroked your sides, following the curve of your waist, cupping your breasts and leaving a long lick straight down the middle, following the natural valley between them. his knee pressed against the pocket of fat above your cunt, stopping you from squirming. minho's hair brushed against your collarbones, tickling your skin as he feverishly nipped your skin, venturing down by your pubic bone.
"i see the way you look at my hands, baby." minho spoke slowly, his voice hypnotically low. one of his hands brushed against your sex, his fingers tracing your slit at a feather-light pressure, just barely touching you. he chuckled when your hips involuntarily bucked, chasing his touch. "please, minho. please, just touch me," you whispered, face buried into the crook of your arm, unable to look at him when you were so flustered. "oh, don't worry. i will.." he kissed the side of your thigh, "eventually." he added, feeling his smirk against your inner thigh was dizzyingly torturous. both of his arms were now between your head, elbows digging into the surface below, his knee once again pressed firmly against your cunt. minho moved your arm from your face, his grip firm. "open your mouth, darling." his index finger tapped your lips, which parted without argument, your eyes watching him curiously. his index and middle fingers slotted into your mouth, stroking your soft tongue. you could just about feel the veins lying under his skin, curling and uncurling his fingers, your tongue brushing against his smooth, black nails. your spit pooled in your mouth, having to swallow excessively to ensure it didn't spill out the sides of your mouth. minho's fingers burned inside of your hot mouth, his cooler fingers quickly warming up as you suckled obediently onto his fingers.
minho pulled them out, a string of your spit connecting to your mouth, before snapping from the stretch and falling onto your bottom lip. your breath hitched once you saw minho put his fingers in his own mouth, his pink lips wrapping around the base of his fingers, cheeks hollowing as he sucked them clean of your spit, letting them fall out of his mouth. "minho, can i suck you off? please? wanna make you feel good," your voice was tremulously light. minho grinned proudly at you, "my pretty girl. how kind of you." he kissed your lips, "tell you what. i'll fuck your throat for five minutes, hm?" you nodded desperately, eager to please him. minho lifted himself off of you, no longer caging you in, allowing you to move onto the floor where you sat with your thighs pressed together a little too tightly — the outside of your calves holding your weight as they relaxed on the floor.
he was still in his boxers, the last piece of clothing to be removed from his body. you leaned your cheek against his knee, admiring him dutifully. he looked so good in black it was a shame to remove them, the elastic clinging to his hips, showing off his v-line, and the unmissably huge tent due to the bulge of his cock, which always made you drool. you helped minho shrug them off, throwing them behind the couch to join wherever the rest of your clothes went. you exposed the flat of your tongue to latch onto the underside of his heavy cock. ever so eager to taste more of him, your tongue licked from the middle of his cock to the tip, pulling him almost entirely out of your warm mouth, flicking the tip of your tongue onto the slit of his head, spreading your spit onto his cock, and in exchange tasting the precum that you quickly collected into your mouth, moaning at the taste. your lips were a puffy, glossy ring around his cock, sliding him further into your wet mouth, his head rolling on your tongue as you bobbed on his cock vigorously.
minho's hands threaded into your hair, using the handfuls of your soft hair as a handle, tugging at the roots so harshly it stung, his fists balled up tightly as he guided your head along the length of his cock, giving a quiet moan in encouragement. your eyes wandered to his muscular body, each muscle growing more defined as he tensed and trembled from your actions. he was hard in your mouth, pushing more of his cock into your mouth, until your nose bumped against his pelvis, his cock buried to the hilt inside of you, his head pressed so snugly inside the channel of your throat, brushing against your larynx, bruising the back of your throat and leaving a noticeable bulge in your neck where his cock was settled under, stuffing your mouth with the better half of nearly an entire foot of his cock. you didn't realise your eyes were swelling with tears until they quickly started trickling down your face, taking some of your mascara with it, smearing your under-eyes with a sheen of ebony black, your face resembling spilled ink, unintentionally sobbing on minho's filling cock.
you were grateful when minho tore your mouth away from his pubic bone, leaving an arch of lipstick from where your top lip had unintentionally kissed his pubic bone from being so full of his cock. the head of minho's cock pressed into the flesh of your cheek, swelling from the outside consequently, a rounded lump prodding from your cheek. minho's eyelids fluttered closed, dark umber eyes shielded by his eyelids as his lashes kissed the swells of his cheeks. you felt his cock twitching in your mouth, which you gratefully rewarded with a swallow, your throat tensing around him as you did so. minho's abs twitched with a sharp gasp, his thighs simultaneously trembling around your head. you looked up at him through stuck-together, wet lashes, staring at him intently. his hands lifted your mouth from his cock, "that's enough," his voice was throaty, heavy and husky as he spoke, evidently shaken up by your efforts.
"ah, i got some lipstick on you," you noted, seeing your lips stamped his pelvis, his inner thighs and the base of his cock in your lipstick. "leave it there," minho beamed, his bronze skin slightly shining in the light from an excited sheen of sweat. a few strands of hair stuck to his forehead and the sides of his face, saturating them in colour as a consequence. "you're always so pretty when i fuck you." minho was affectionate now, stroking your ruffled up hair lovingly, tucking the strands away from your face. he didn't even touch your tear-streaked cheeks, or your smeared lipstick, or your half-opaque mascara stained face, opting to admire it proudly instead of meddle with what was already perfection in his eyes.
you climbed back onto the couch, settling into your previous position of having minho between your legs, your sex now exponentially more wet than last time. you closed your eyes, allowing yourself to fully relax when you felt minho kiss your sex, littering you with his affection, his black-painted thumb pressing against your clit, rolling around the pearl in tight, lazy circles. you sighed contentedly, your hips slightly rocking in place against him. minho's fingers dipped down into your slit, gathering up your slick and slid into you with ease, after leaving a quick kiss just above your entrance that made you quiver in delight, anticipating his next move. your eyes raked over his forearm, veins travelling up his arm and bicep, catching the light and shadows simultaneously. your hand wrapped around his wrist, tracing over his smooth skin and feeling his veins underneath the pad of your thumb.
minho leaned into you, kissing your neck and the dip of your collarbones encouragingly. "you're doing so well for me, darling," he whispered into your skin, his hot breath on your skin resembling what you imagined paradise to feel like. your free hand travelled to his hair, twirling a lock in-between your fingers and letting it go, entangling your fingers in his hair like he did to yours earlier; although you were much, much kinder to him. then minho fully invested himself, pushing the blunt parts of his fingers into the good part inside of you, curling and stroking your walls attentively, his thumb quickly stroking your puffy clit, his fingers curving and circling. your eyes widened in realisation, your chest rising and falling quicker as you took a breath in, sharply.
he was spelling his name inside of you.
your walls tensed and quivered around his long, skilled fingers, your eyes screwing shut as his fingers brushed against your cervix. "you like that? does it feel good, baby?" minho muttered, cooing over your whines — you nodded, otherwise speechless. he dipped his head down to your cunt, his pink lips latching and suckling on your clit, the front of his tongue licking up and down your slit rhythmically, cleaning you of your slick, your legs trembling and your hips buckling under him, your back arching. gasping for breath, your hands tugged at minho's hair to entice him off of your sex, his fingers painted in a thick white coating of your cum, drooling out of your hole no matter how much minho tried fucking it back into you, instead using the flat of his tongue to lick you clean. his fingers followed soon after that, his pink, plump lips wrapping around his fingers and skilfully suckling them clean, minho's mouth now full of your orgasm. he manoeuvred himself to be inches away from your flushed face, his thumb tapping against your lipstick-stained lips again. your brows momentarily knitted in confusion, before opening your mouth wide for him. he cupped your chin with one hand, fingers splayed over your neck. minho let a rope of your cum mixed with his spit fall from his lips, falling onto your waiting tongue. he swallowed what was left in his mouth, his head lolling onto the base of his neck, throat on display as he gracefully swallowed your cum, his adam's apple bobbing as his throat opened and closed. "swallow it for me," he used the back of his hand to stroke your cheek delicately, as if you'd break if he added too much pressure onto your skin. you tipped your chin up into the air, letting minho watch as your throat tensed and released as you did as you were told and swallowed what he gave you.
a smile bloomed on minho's pink, swollen lips, the shadow on his sharp cupid's bow becoming more defined as he grinned. "you're so good for me, my love." he muttered proudly, brushing the hair from your face to tenderly press a kiss to your forehead, hands falling to his sides. you leaned into his touch, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck. "rest up, we'll go for round two soon enough."
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seunmong-in · 5 months
💋🌧️Kiss Me in the Rain🌧️💋
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Pairing: Non! Idol Seungmin x reader Genre: Love at first sight (They did meet before but never gotten close), humor, cursing per usual, fluff, references to video games and anxiety Summary: Unable to go home due to the heavy rain outside, Seungmin is faced with being stuck at Changbin’s house until the rain clears out. But what happens when Changbin’s roommate, who Seungmin has only met once, is also home and steals Seungmin’s heart at first glance? Words: 2.9k A/N: So this may be a bit longer than I intended… but my insomnia got the best of me and my brain kept rambling with thoughts so here we are, my longest POV. I know I said this under my Felix POV but I have to say it again because I can not EXPRESS how much I am grateful and overwhelmed with joy about how many people liked my POV’s!! It truly means the world to me and it makes me strive to write more for everyone to enjoy! If you haven’t read Felix’s or Han’s story and want to, click on their name, it should send you to their stories. Later in the week I will be making a poll on which member I should write next about so stay on the lookout for that in the next couple days!! Anywho, getting on to our scheduled program now, I hope you guys enjoy Seungmin’s story!! 
P.s. Who else is going to Lolla this year and is secretly wishing Straykids play Topline or Hall of fame so they can scream their lungs out? I know I am!! 
♡❀˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹❀♡♡❀˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹❀♡♡❀˖⁺. ༶ ⋆
Oh, fuck me. 
Those were words Seungmin thought when he opened the door to reveal the pouring rain outside. He regretted not listening to Jisung when he said it would rain heavily later in the afternoon as he left for Changbin's. Mentally cursing himself out, knowing he couldn't drive home as planned, Seungmin sighed as he closed the door and walked back to the living room, throwing himself on the couch. Seungmin would've gone upstairs to Bin's room to bother him, but his hyung had left a few minutes before the rain started to pick up Jeongin. Pulling out his phone, Seungmin texts Changbin, letting him know that he is staying until the rain dies down and for him to stay safe. He puts his phone away, leans over, and grabs the TV remote. There wasn't much on the TV, so Seungmin watched anime to pass the time.
"Binnie, where the fuck did you put my gaming headset- Oh shit, Hi, um… Seungmin, right?"
Completely engrossed in the anime, Seungmin suddenly jumps when the soft-spoken voice speaks, pulling him out of his trance. He turns to see Y/n, Changbin's roommate, standing at the bottom of the stairs. Seungmin's heart skipped a beat as he took in her appearance. Y/n was wearing an oversized hoodie that belonged to Changbin and biker shorts. The hoodie engulfed her petite frame, making her look delicate. Her hair was still wet from a recent shower, and the sweet fragrance of vanilla filled the air as she approached him. Seungmin couldn't help but admire her beauty, noticing her glasses slightly fogged up from the shower's steam. He found himself getting lost in her sparkling eyes and felt his heart racing. Although he had met her at Changbin's housewarming party a few months back, Y/n looked different, and Seungmin couldn't resist but admire her beauty. 
"Yeah, And you're Y/n, right." 
Y/n positions herself comfortably on the couch beside Seungmin, crossing her legs as she nods in agreement with him. Seungmin pauses the series he is watching and turns to face her fuller, a hint of shyness creeping onto his face. 
"By chance, where is my wonderful hyung? The bastard misplaced my gaming headset, and I need it to play Overwatch with a couple of my friends."
Ignoring the first part of her question, Seungmin's excitement beams through when Y/n mentions she plays his favorite game. He usually plays with Changbin and Jeongin, but it has been a while since they've played. He primarily plays alone or with Felix and Chan, though they are more severe players. 
"Wait, you play Overwatch too?"
Seungmin's voice was filled with so much excitement that Y/n couldn't help but giggle. She got up from the cozy couch and approached the stairs. She looked back at Seungmin, still sitting on the sofa, staring back at her.
"If you want, I can show you my gaming pc setup. It's not much, but it's something," she offers as she continues to walk up the stairs.
With a slight hesitation, Seungmin followed Y/n up the stairs to her room, still feeling shy around her. But as he stepped inside, his eyes widened with amazement. The room was spacious and decorated with album covers and paintings, gifts that his other hyung, Hyunjin, had given her. The LED lights wrapped around the ceiling, casting a warm, inviting orange glow that made the room feel cozy and welcoming.
Looking around more into Y/n's room, his eyes were immediately drawn to her gaming setup. It looked like a gamer's paradise with a customized PC, fantastic LED lighting system, custom gaming keyboard, and sleek wireless mouse in pink and black. Y/n's setup was impressive, nonetheless. While one of her monitors had Overwatch already launched, the other screen had a Word document open, with the title reading "Kiss me in the Rain. "But before Seungmin could see more, Y/n quickly minimized the tab, leaving him curious and intrigued. He couldn't help but wonder what that document was about.
"You write as well?"
Y/n's heart skipped a beat as she looked down, realizing she had been caught red-handed. Hot flashes crept up her cheeks as she realized that no one, not even Changbin, had ever laid eyes on her writing. It wasn't that she was embarrassed about her work, but the fact that she had always thought of writing as her own private sanctuary, where she could feel vulnerable and have no judgment. Writing was also her second safe place, her go-to whenever she had a panic attack, with Changbin being her first. When distressed, Changbin would soothe her with warm hugs and cuddles until she felt better.
Y/n settles into her gaming chair, her fingers tapping nervously on the armrest. "To be honest," she says, "writing is my go-to when I'm anxious or want to feel vulnerable for a while. There's something about putting pen to paper that just helps me calm down." Seungmin couldn't help but be intrigued by her words. Though the pair rarely spoke when he did come over to visit, it felt nice to be able to interact with her on this level. Not wanting to bombard her with more questions, he simply asked more about the story she was writing. 
"What's this story about?"
"It's about two friends trying to complete their bucket lists before the summer ends, and they have to go off to college. They devised a plan to complete each of their bucket list dreams one by one until the very last day of summer. On the last day, the FMC added one more thing to the bucket list she wanted completed before leaving: for the MMC, her newly developed crush, to kiss her in the rain while it was pouring out."
"Kinda sounds like how it is right now," both laugh as Seungmin looks out the window. The rain is still pouring hard outside, and there is no sign of stopping soon. Y/n's phone vibrates as she turns her chair to grab it off her desk. It was a message from Changbin.  
"Well, Binnie isn't coming back tonight. He says the roads are bad, so he's staying at Jeongin's. Which sucks cause I still don't have my damn headset," Y/n pouts as she puts her phone back on the desk. Without saying a word, Seungmin gets up from the beanbag chair and exits the room, only to appear minutes later, handing Y/n the headset he took from Bin's room.
"I keep a spare one in Hyung's room whenever I stay over; here use it.”
"Oh, Minnie, you didn't have to."
Minnie... Feeling his face turn red with the new nickname Y/n gave him, he continued to hold out the headset in front of her. 
"Seriously, take it. Besides, I wanna see you play. I have to see what my competition looks like."
Without backing down from Seungmin's challenge, Y/n confidently takes the headset, puts it on her head, and connects the aux to her PC. As the match starts, Seungmin is taken aback by her intense focus. He is fascinated by her gameplay, which is different from his own. Despite her unique approach to defense and combat, she continues to win match after match.
Seungmin sat back on the beanbag chair as Y/n continued her winning streak. However, he wasn't watching her play; his eyes fixed on her. He couldn't help but notice the small details of her behavior - the way she would scrunch her nose to keep her glasses from sliding down her face, the little victory dances she did when she won matches, and the lightning-quick movements of her hand when her hair fell over her eyes. He was amazed by her skill and grace, and he felt a sense of awe and admiration wash over him.
But as he watched her, Seungmin realized his feelings for Y/n were changing. A strange sensation began to stir in his stomach like a flock of butterflies had taken flight inside him. Feeling flustered and confused, Seungmin tapped Y/n on the arm and excused himself. He ran out of her room and hurried downstairs to make an urgent phone call to the only person he could think of who might help him figure out what to do next.
"Hey Min, what's up," Binnie answers, yawning mid-sentence.
"What do you do when you like someone?"
"Changbin, I know you heard me. Answer my question," Seungmin demands. 
"It's Y/n, isn't it? See, I knew it from the first day you met her. Your eyeballs practically almost fell from your face," Changbin teased. There was nothing but silence and embarrassment as the banter continued. 
"Jesus, Bin can you shut the fuck up for a minute and help me, please," Seungmin practically begs his hyung. It was rare for Seungmin to say please, nonetheless, curse at anyone. This was serious for him. 
"Okay, okay, sorry, I'll stop," Changbin laughs. "What exactly do you like about her?"
Seungmin paused, taking a moment as he tried to collect his thoughts. Y/n is kind-hearted and gentle, with a soft-spoken voice that makes him feel safe. Her writing was outstanding, and he hung on every word she said. However, it wasn't just her mind that he was drawn to. There was something undeniably alluring about her physical presence as well. The way her hair fell in soft waves around her face and her eyes lit up when she laughed - every little detail about her seemed to captivate him.
Seungmin's heart was heavy with emotion, and he knew he couldn't keep it to himself any longer. "Hyung," he began, his voice barely above a whisper, his eyes darting around to ensure Y/n was out of earshot. "I can't help but feel drawn to her. She's like a dream come true, the perfect match for me. Changbin, I didn't expect to fall for her so quickly, and I don't know how to handle these feelings. What should I do?"
"Tell her how you feel. Knowing Y/n, she would be flattered hearing this. Oh, just to give you a confidence boost—you didn't hear it from me—but when everyone left after the housewarming, she thought you were the cutest out of all the boys." 
When Seungmin heard that, a bright smile that stretched from ear to ear was plastered on his face. It indeed gave him a boost to follow his heart. Before ending the call with Changbin, he asked for one more thing from Seungmin. 
"Just don't hurt her, Min. You both mean a lot to me and if things don't go well with you guys, I refuse to take sides. Plus, I don't want to fight you for hurting my best friend; you are too soft and cute to hit." 
"I won't, I promise."
Trying to contain his happiness, Seungmin quickly runs up the stairs. Ideas on how he could tell Y/n how he felt started going off like fireworks until he thought of the perfect one. He softly opens Y/n's door just as she stops playing OW. Instead, she had the same document open and was typing away. Feeling like she was being watched, she turned her chair around only to meet Seungmin's soft gaze. She softly smiles and asks, "Everything okay, you were gone for a while. I didn't make you nervous with my gaming skills, did I?"
Chuckling at her joke, Seungmin shakes his head as he approaches her.
"I was just telling Binnie I was staying the night since it's still raining out," Seungmin lied. Though the rain was starting to die out a bit, the roads weren't safe to drive in. Suddenly, Seungmin reaches out for Y/n's hand, pulling her out of her chair and her room. Confused with what was happening, Y/n couldn't help but question what was going through his mind as they both walked down the stairs, heading towards the house's back door. 
"Minnie, what are you doing?" Y/n asked as he let go of her hand and opened the door to reveal the rain outside. Though it wasn't as hard as at the beginning of the afternoon, it was still pouring down at a decent rate. 
"When you mentioned your story earlier and how the friends had things on their bucket list they wanted to complete, I realized that I had some of my own I have never completed. And well, playing in the rain is one of them. So I was wondering if you wanted to help me with that," Seungmin's cheeks turn bright red as he extends his hand towards her. Without a second thought, Y/n grabs his hand as the pair goes outside into the rain. 
As the chilly raindrops cascaded from the overcast sky, Y/n and Seungmin stood opposite each other in the backyard. They gazed at each other with wide grins and intertwined their hands, feeling the warmth from their palms. They began to spin slowly in a circle, their movements cautious at first, and then they picked up speed, their feet sliding on the slick grass. As Y/n lost her footing, Seungmin swiftly grasped her by the waist and pulled her toward him to prevent her from falling. Although the darkness enveloped them, Y/n's cheeks flushed a bright red at the proximity of their bodies.
"Is this okay?" Seungmin asked, trying to read her face to see if she was uncomfortable. The last thing he wanted was to make her uneasy, ruining his chances of possibly being with her. Y/n smiled as she nodded. She wrapped her arms around his neck, softly swaying. The two continued to sway slowly, staring into each other's eyes without saying a word. The moment couldn't be perfect for Seungmin as Y/n, their eyes now connected. 
"As much as I want to continue dancing in the rain, I want to tell you something. That phone call with Binnie-hyung wasn't about me staying the night, though I know he would be okay with either way. It was about you," Seungmin starts to explain. Y/n's face turns into shock, and she tries to figure out if she did anything wrong. Seungmin must've picked up on what she was thinking and started to chuckle. 
"I want you to know that you haven't done anything wrong. In fact, you have done something that I didn't think was possible. It's difficult to express myself, but I want to take a chance. Y/n, I have strong feelings for you. I understand this may seem sudden, especially since this is our first time hanging out alone. However, there is something about you that draws me towards you. There is so much more to learn about you and I want to know everything about you- your likes, dislikes, fears, and dreams. I want to be there for you in every possible way imaginable. You don't have to say anything now; I don't expect you to feel the same way as I do. I simply wanted to tell you how I feel before I get inside of my own head." 
Y/n took a moment to process everything that had been said and looked down for a moment. She started catching feelings for Seungmin too, whose shy and calming manner perfectly fit her sometimes crazy personality. Looking back into his eyes, she noticed that his now wet hair covered most of his vision, so she softly pushed it away, revealing her cheeky smile. She was going to ask him something that the FMC wanted done in her story.
"I also have a bucket list I didn't get to complete. Do you mind helping me," Y/n asked.
"Sure, what is it?"
"Kiss me in the rain."
Seungmin's heart races as he looks at the girl he confessed to. Without wasting another precious moment, he gently takes her hand, his fingers intertwining with hers. He can feel the warmth of her skin against his as he pulls her closer, his other hand cupping the back of her head as he leans in for a kiss.
The rain slowly begins to let up, creating a serene backdrop for their first kiss. Seungmin's lips are soft and tender against hers. As the last few drops of rain trickle down, Seungmin finally pulls away.
He doesn't want to let go of her just yet, so he takes her hand in his, holding it tightly as they both catch their breath. Their eyes meet, as he is the first one to speak. 
"So, I assume you feel the same way then.”
"Yeah, I do. And by the way, you don't have to ask; I'm yours now, Minnie."
As soon as she responded, he couldn't help but smile, feeling a rush of warmth in his chest. He pulled her in without hesitation for another passionate kiss, their lips meeting perfectly harmoniously.
After their little moment, the couple realized they were soaked from the rain, so they decided to change into dry, clean clothes for the rest of the night. They spent most of their time playing Overwatch together, with short intermissions in between as Seungmin helped Y/n with her story. 
When morning arrived, and the roads were clear, Changbin came home and peeked into Y/n's room. He saw Seungmin sleeping beside Y/n, with his arms wrapped around her. Her head was resting comfortably on his chest. Changbin smiled and took out his phone to send a picture to the boys' group chat. He knew Seungmin might be annoyed with him later, but for now, he was happy to see his friend with his dream girl.
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thefallennightmare · 11 months
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Pairings: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Warnings/Tropes: forced proximity, slight enemies to lovers, slow burn, smut, angst, fluff, mentions of death, and swearing.
Summary: Reader is the merch girl for Bad Omens. It wasn't what she wanted to do with her life but when her mother got sick with Alzheimer's, reader took a job where she could to help with the costs. She thought it would be a one-time gig but the longer she was on the road with them, the harder she fell for Noah Sebastian; even if he wanted nothing to do with her. She needed a miracle to save her mom and her future.
Author Note: Y'all are in for a huge mind fuck in this one.
Tags: @ada-clarence @nonamessblog @thescarlettvvitch @malice-ov-mercy @crimson-calligraphyx @theoneandonlykymberlee @yumikitten @blackveilomens @cherrymedicine13 @thebadchic @notmaddihealy @jay02bo @beaker1636 @jakekiszkasguitarpick @punk-pr1ncessxoxo @er3nslovergirl @iamdesolate @lma1986 @jessitpwk @themodern-daywednesday @writethrough @bngurngheart @dreams-that-are-anwsered @loeytuan98 @omens-in-reverse @loverofagoodbeard @jay02bo @niicoleleigh
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This can't be. This is so fucked up. Did he know? Why wouldn't he say something?
My good knee bounced in agitation as I sat in the living area of the tour bus, waiting for the guys to finish up the show. With how much pain I was in any time I walked, Noah told me to rest tonight and not worry about working. I, of course, tried to fight it but when the rest of the guys sided with Noah, I retreated to the bus with a pout. I had the option to hang out on the stage to watch the show but with what I found out from my little internet search, the idea of solace was something I desperately needed. After Noah helped me get comfortable on the bus, he left me with a kiss and a promise he'll be back as soon as the show ended.
I wanted to tell him not to rush because I needed more time to think of how I was going to tell him about my mom especially after what I found out. It wasn't like I could ask my mom about it and asking my dad was obviously a dead end, pun intended.
Well, the man who I thought was my dad.
It wasn't much of an extensive search as I looked up Lincoln, whose last name ended up being Boyle since a Lincoln Keoghan didn't exist. Lincoln Boyle lived in the same state my mom did about twenty-five years ago, right before I was conceived. The internet searched gave me previous address' of his and one of them was right next door to the house I lived in the first few years of my life.
So we were neighbors. Maybe that's why my mom kept remembering him. But there wasn't a photo of him anywhere online which made me pause my research for a little while. Then the thought of who my mom thought Folio was came to mind. She thought he was Jonathan, her husband. According to her, he wasn't welcomed home anymore, and I wasn't his daughter."
I rubbed my tired eyes with a long sigh. "None of this makes sense."
Then a thought hit me like a freight train. I had brought some things from home before coming to the venue tonight, old pictures and photo books. I salvaged the ones my mom didn't destroy and fearing she would while I was gone; I brought them with me. I quickly texted Folio since he wasn't on the bus yet. I knew the show ended because there was a growing group of fans hanging around the metal barricade.
Hey, are my bags from home still in the green room?
A few minutes passed before he responded.
No, someone brought them onto the bus awhile ago. I think they're on the undercarriage.-Folio.
"Shit," I muttered.
I had help to come up the stairs of the bus and even that was difficult. How would I do it by myself?
Don't even think about grabbing them. What do you need?-Folio.
Rolling my eyes, I told him what I needed.
I'll be there in a few. Noah was on his way to you but got held up by some fans outside.-Folio.
I set my phone aside and looked out the window behind me to see Noah talking with the fans and posing for a few pictures. Even if he was smiling and nodding along, I knew he was rushing to get to the bus. He was dressed out of his stage gear to a black t-shirt and a pair of black joggers. Almost as if he felt me watching, Noah turned to the bus and gave me a small wave when he saw me. In return, I smiled before hearing Folio ascended up the stairs of the bus with three different photo albums.
"I wasn't sure which one you needed so I brought all of them," he said while handing them to me.
"Thanks," I automatically knew which one so I set the other two aside.
Folio raised a brow as he sat next to me. "What are you looking for?"
"My mom kept rambling about this guy Lincoln and- I started to explain.
"Johnathan," he cut me off. "She thought I was?"
I briefly looked at him while nodding. "My dad."
Folio let out a low whistle. "You heard what she said, right?"
I had been flipping through the pages when I stopped at his words and let out a breath. "About me not being my dads? Yeah. Trust me, my mind is completely fucked up right now especially after what I found out."
Noticing the look on his face, I filled him in on what I found during my internet research all while continuing to flip through the photo album. While I never looked through this one before, I knew it had pictures of me within my first year of life and as I was reaching the end, I almost gave up hope when my heart sank to the pits of my stomach as I froze. My eyes immediately landed on a picture of my parents and me with a man I'd never seen before. We were all sitting on the couch in our living room. I was on my moms lap, who was sitting in between my dad and the other man. The look on my dad's face showed one emotion; rage.
"Who's that?" Folio asked.
Shrugging, I pulled out the photo and turned it over, hoping they wrote something on the back. Over the years when I looked at the picture, I noticed my mom always described what was going on in the picture. I never thought much of it until recently when I realized she did it because she knew eventually, her brain would forget.
September '98. Me, Johnathan, Y/N, and Lincoln Boyle. I told Johnathan about the affair and about Y/N.
I gasped, finally having a face to the name.
"That's Lincoln," I muttered.
Folio hesitated, unsure how to tread with his question. "Do you think he's your real dad?"
Ignoring him, I placed the picture back into the book before flipping through a few more pages, the pictures only showing either me alone or with Jonathan. Until at the very last page, there was only one picture. My mom, Jonathan, and me standing in front of the house I currently live in; the one where I grew up.
October 23 '99. Y/N's birthday. Jonathan, Y/N, and I in front of our new house. I just came back to them after leaving them for Lincoln. Johnathan said he would only allow me back into Y/N's life if I leave Lincoln behind. Even though Y/N isn't his, Jonathan did a great job raising her the last year. I hope she can forgive me when she's older and knows the truth. James would love to meet her.
Forcing the picture back into the book, I slammed it shut before letting it fall to the floor. Anger radiated throughout every cell of my body as darkness took over my vision.
My own fucking mother left me behind to go be with a man she had an affair with. The same man that was my real dad?
"Y/N?" Folio's voice was soft, not knowing if I would explode any second.
I did, and it was intense.
"What kind of mother leaves their own child behind for some guy?!" I bellowed while raising to my feet. "She missed my first birthday! And who knows what else? Why did she come back? Who the fuck is James?!"
Tears burned in my eyes and I furiously wiped them away. Everything about the last twenty-four hours had been incredibly draining and mentally, I was exhausted.
Folio sat on the couch in front of me. "Didn't she say she only had a son, named James?"
I blinked slowly as his words sunk in and the ones I read on the second picture flashed in my mind like a bright neon sign.
James would love to meet her.
"You think James, if he exists, that he's my brother?" My words came out slowly, almost as if I was trying to process it.
Folio ran a hand through his hair. "According to the pictures, your mom disappeared for a year. Plenty of time to have another kid."
I looked back through the photo album to that picture and now getting a good look at it, I could faintly make out my mom's round stomach. I wasn't an expert, but I'd have to guess she had to be at least five months along in this photo.
So did she make Jonathan believe it was his until he found out the truth? Both kids in their marriage was out of wedlock.
I chuckled darkly when my heart shattered, pieces falling into my stomach. The pain was too much. Finding out the truth about my past had broken all of my trust with my mom.
"She left me behind to go have another family with Lincoln," I said sadly with my eyes cast down at the picture before slowly looking up at Folio. "Why didn't she take me with her?"
That's what hurt the most. My mom left me behind with the man who still raised me as his own after knowing the truth. But Lincoln was my actual dad; did he not want me? She left me behind for a year to start a family with someone else but why did she come crawling back?
Folio went to reach for me when he noticed I was seconds away from a breakdown but I smacked his hand away, the sound echoing throughout the bus.
I scoffed. "The worst part about this entire thing? I can't even fucking ask her about any of it because she doesn't remember a single fucking thing!"
Grabbing the rest of the photo albums, I walked over to the trash can that was hidden under the kitchen sink and tossed them inside. I was so angry that the pain in my knee was forgotten as I gritted my teeth together and stomped over to my phone. Folio must have known what I was about to do because he snatched it right before.
"Folio, give me my phone."
He shook his head. "You said it yourself, Y/N. Your mom can't remember anything. It'd be a waste to get answers from her."
A muscle in my jaw tense as I clenched it, not wanting to turn my anger onto Folio when he didn't deserve it. Suddenly, my phone rang in his hand and when he showed me the screen, Lana was calling me. It was late, almost eleven, but not uncommon for her to call me around this time. However, I was in no mood to talk. To anyone.
I ignored the call and gripped the phone tight in my hand, not missing the look on Folio's face.
"It could be about your mom," he said.
"Fuck her!" I spat; venom laced with every word. "I'm done giving a shit about her or her disease. She lied about my entire life. How do I know she's not lying about her Alzheimer's?"
Alright, I knew she was actually sick, medical proof. But that did nothing to calm the rage within my mind.
"I know you're angry-."
"Angry?!" I snapped. "I'm fucking furious, Folio! She lied to me my entire life. She had every opportunity to tell me the truth before she got sick but she probably thought she was off the hook now. You have no idea the mental load taking care of her this last year was like. When I wasn't working, I was home with her watching her like a hawk so she didn't hurt herself or wander into someone's yard. The night before I left for this tour, I found her standing outside almost naked. I had no idea how long she was out there for and I felt so guilty for letting that happen."
"I did all of that for her no questions asked and rarely complained because she was my mother. And what do I get in thanks? I find out that my dad isn't actually my dad, she left me for a fucking year to start a family with my real dad only for her to ditch him and their son together, who could very well be my brother, before crawling back to us? There's all these questions that I'll never know the answers to because my mom can't remember, Jonathan is dead, there hasn't been a trace of Lincoln anywhere and I don't know if I have the energy to look up James."
Tears were streaming down my face now and I choked out a sob. "I'm so fucking exhausted, Folio. Every time something good happens in my life, I get tossed a shit hand and I have to deal with the outcome alone."
Folio shook his head while standing to his feet. "You're not alone. You've got all of us, especially Noah."
"Noah's too good for me. He doesn't need this train wreck for a girlfriend," I cried.
"Why don't you let me decide that angel?"
Whirling around at the deep voice, I saw Noah standing at the top of the stairs that led up to the bus. His arms were crossed over his broad chest and his lips were pulled tight in a slight frown. He was clearly upset with what he heard but I wasn't sure how much he heard.
"H-ho-w long have you been standing there?" I stammered.
"Since you ignored that phone call," he nodded towards the phone clutched in my hand.
Shit. Mother fucker.
He heard everything.
My lips mimicked a fish out of water as I tried to gather words to say but nothing came out. Thankfully, Folio could feel the sudden tension and spoke for me.
"So you heard everything?"
"Yeah," he nodded. "How long have you known?"
There was a slight edge to Noah's voice, and I adverted my gaze from him, feeling guilty that my decision about whom to confide in was causing a rift between Noah and Folio. This was the last thing I wanted since they were friends long before I came into the picture.
I wasn't worth losing a good friend over.
"He's only known since last night," I spoke up finally finding my voice.
Noah's eyes snapped over to me. "Right, because you called him."
Now I was on the receiving end of his attitude and frankly, I wasn't too keen about it.
I narrowed my eyes at him. "Because you didn't answer. I thought we moved past this."
"It seems like every time I find you lately, you're with him," Noah dropped his hands to his sides.
Folio went to say something, but I held up a hand to stop him. The anger that I felt about my mom was now intensifying thanks to Noah's accusatory words.
"Kind of hard not to be around Folio when I work for you guys. There's a simple fix for that; fire me," I said.
Noah's jaw ticked. "No."
I shrugged, the tears now drying to my cheeks. "It's for the best, Noah. I don't want to be the reason you two fight. Folio and I are just friends."
"Man, I'd never do that to you," Folio spoke next. "I know how crazy you are about her. You have been since that first time Davis introduced her to us."
"I'm sorry. I don't mean to be a jealous asshole but I want to be the one you come to with these things, angel," Noah reached for me.
I, however, took a step away from him with a new set of tears brimming in my eyes.
"I think it'll be best for everyone if maybe we ended things before we get too involved."
Noah's face fell. "Angel."
Another step away from him. "You heard what I'm going through. The last thing I need right now is a relationship."
"So, you're going to end this because things got too hard for you to deal with?" he snapped.
"I don't expect you to understand, Noah," my voice wavered. "I wanted this to work, believe me. But I'm not in the right headspace right now. Maybe in the future-."
"Don't fucking bother," Noah spat as he pushed passed me to the bunk area of the bus.
Sniffling, I wiped away the tears and gave a weak smile to Folio.
"For the record, I think this is a stupid idea," he pointed to where Noah was. "He'd be willing to do whatever it took to make you happy, Y/N."
"I tried to tell him that maybe down the road but he blew me off. Fuck him." I said with a bit more confidence than I was feeling.
With a defeated sigh, Folio motioned to the door of the bus.
"Come on. I'll help you grab your things. The crew bus hasn't left yet."
"Thanks Folio," I muttered.
I didn't bother to look over my shoulder but maybe if I did, I would have seen Noah go to throw something in the garbage only to end up pulling out my photo books.
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inactivewattpadauthor · 3 months
Fujin x Adopted Reader: Movie
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(Don't ask why I had this image saved)
Oh wow, a third fic of reader being Windwolf's child? (1. Special Guest 2. Flashback)
Context: Nightwolf had to leave the house and thinks it's a good time to socialize you with the other father. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ "...and she's still not quite... used to people. Try not to overwhelm her." You pretend to not hear Grey Cloud say that as you were seated on the couch watching yourself in the black screen of the television.
"Don't worry, Nightwolf, she will be safe with me." Fujin softly reassures him. Afterwards, you hear the door close and the anxiety creeps in. As an awkward person, you hate awkward moments. You just hoped Nightwolf would be back soon.
The friendly god sighs and walks in the living room where you were and delivers a smile to you. "Hello, Y/n."
Fujin already knew you'd be shy, though this isn't the first time meeting. No worries. He'd try to make you feel safe and comfortable around him as time goes on, but as of right now, he knows a way to began the bond. Young ones like you like TV, right?
"Soooo, I may have a proposal on what we can do while Nightwolf is away."
You look at him to see what it is he has in mind. You now realize he has something behind his back. With his excited expression, he presents to you a movie case. Though rarely anyone uses discs, you knew he's trying his best. You read the title on the case. Ninja Mime.
"Have you heard of Johnny Cage? Your father and I've worked beside him previously." Fujin asks. He seems very enthusiastic. Maybe he's a huge fan? A lot of people are, but it's surprising even a god would fangirl over him.
"Yeah." You shrug. "I don't think Nightwolf likes him too much."
"Well, he's not here at the moment. Why not watch this film? It's very entertaining!" The wind lord urges on. Screw it, if that's what he wants to watch with you, how could you say no to a face like that?
"Okay." You agree and watch him look at the TV set up with confusion.
"... So how do I set the film up?"
Right, he wouldn't know how to work a disc console, let alone turning a TV on.
"Oh, my bad." You sprung up and helped him set the movie up. As the film starts, you rush to the kitchen. Fujin is confused at first but he shrugs it off, beginning to watch the TV. A few moments later, you return with a bowl of popcorn.
"For you." You set it in front of him. You then took your seat next to him.
"Oh, thanks Y/n." He looks at the huge snack bowl. "We're sharing, right?"
You nodded quietly before facing the TV.
During the movie, you were very quiet and rarely reached for the popcorn, meanwhile Fujin, he cracked up at certain parts of the movie, other parts sighing with whatever intended emotion any audience were to feel. You felt awkward you weren't that expressive like he is.
But it wasn't unnoticed how dead quiet you were throughout the whole hour. As the credits rolled, you paused the movie, and that's when Fujin spoke up.
"Was the movie good? You're so quiet." He looks at you with care.
"Yeah. I was just focused on it."
"Very well... Are you okay?"
You held his gaze there for a moment. "Yeah... I'm just introverted. Why?"
The handsome white haired man looks to the side. "I recall attempting to ask Nightwolf about your story. I only remember him telling me a second time he took you out the Black Dragon... He wouldn't tell me anything else."
Your brows furrowed and you looked to the side. "Yeah... I don't wanna talk about it."
Fujin softly rubs a hand across your back. You could use the comfort. "Very well. But you know you can talk to me too right? If Nightwolf isn't available, or you need someone else. He wants you to have someone else other than him, you know."
You only just nod at his reassurance. It's helpful for you however.
"Do you have any questions or concerns?"
Thinking briefly, you in fact did have a question. You turn to him with suspicion.
"Are you going to be my mom?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'll let you guys choose Fujin's reaction to that question ;)
Anyways question for everyone: How y'all liking the series?👀I may do shorts
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giggly-squiggily · 8 months
The Great Escape (Bungo Stray Dogs)
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Hehe, thought there wasn't gonna be a fic today, did ya? >:D This is a sequel to "A New Kind Of Mystery"; I won't lie- originally I wasn't planning on writing one (do I ever plan sequels? Not really jlkrejarjeajraejkrjka) but after being encouraged by the ever wonderful @intheticklecloset here we are! :D I hope y'all like it!
Taglist Peeps:
@myreygn @thatbigbisexual29 @dirtpie39 @duckymcdoorknob @cupcake-spice13 @t-wordiiish @rachi-roo @chibisstuff @imjusthere07 @sevenincubistolemyheart
Summary: Poe's getting ready for his and Ranpo's vacation and makes the bold decision to leave his notebook behind. Surely he'll be fine without it, right?....Right?
“Oh…which should I bring?”
Poe was once again at a crossroad, brows furrowing as he looked between too well loved hardcovers. Ranpo and his holiday was just around the corner, and while the important things for their trip were already packed- if not a bit messy on his boyfriend’s end- he now had to decide on reading material.
“Gggggr?” Karl was curled up on the nearest suitcase, watching Poe stress with lazy eyes.
“I know I won’t be reading the entire time, Karl- I just want a few things for when things settle down.” He flipped the books over, scanning their synopsis. Oh, they both sounded good! And then there were those new books he recently purchased…
“Poe!” Fingers jabbed his sides, making him squeal with a spasm. “Surprise! I’m here!”
“R-Ranpo!” The author turned to his boyfriend, or at least tried to. Those dastardly fingers were still prodding and poking at his sides, making him curl up and giggle. “Rannananapo, pleahahhahase! Iihihih’m trihihihihying to pahahhahack!”
“Still? I thought you had everything?” The detective looked over his boyfriend’s shoulder as he kept on tickling, humming at the books. “Didn’t you read both of these like- several hundred kajillion times?”
“Huhuhuhush! Thehehehy’re clahahhahahssics!”
“Just like you! Hehehe!”
Poe felt his cheeks burn- a combination of the tickles and Ranpo’s teasing compliment. “Ahehahahahha Rahahahn!”
“Hehe, okay okay.” The detective released him. Soon after he grabbed both books, tossing them in Poe’s remaining suitcase. “When you can’t decide, bring both! That’s how I go about my snacks.”
“Hehe..heheh..I suhuhpose thahaht’s fahahair…” Pushing his bangs back, Poe reached to zip up his bag, pausing when Ranpo quirked a brow. “Whahat is it?”
“You’re not bringing it?” The detective asked. Poe knew instantly what he was talking about.
His go-to notebook; what he used to scribble down outlines and ideas for his next big mystery. It was rare for Poe to let it out of his sight- even rarer for him not to bring it. 
Poe raised his chin, squaring his shoulders. “I’m not bringing it. I promised you a holiday, and I intend to keep it.” Nodding, he finished zipping his bag, finalizing his decision. “No working for me. Nope, none at all.”
“Are you sure?” Ranpo raised a skeptical brow. Poe hoped the smile on his lips wasn’t too frozen.
Ranpo watched him closely before shrugging, reaching out and poking Poe some more. “Okay! In that case, let’s get this vacay started!”
“Look at that! Oh, and that! And that!” Ranpo was lying half-on top of him, nose and hands pressed into the foggy glass of their train compartment as they watched the scenery go by. Their destination was a cozy little cottage not far from the main attractions in Yokohama. The owner of said cottage was none other than Fukuzawa himself- only mildly panicked upon hearing Ranpo’s plan to “Find a cheap motel and pray.” It was a joke of course, but he insisted upon them taking it.
If anything, it guaranteed their safety. Though Poe wouldn’t be against the idea of a haunted hotel room…
“Poe, look! Look! Are you looking?” Ranpo’s gentle but insistent prodding brought him back to current time, turning his gaze out towards the pamphlet in his boyfriend’s hands. “They’ve got a zoo around where we’re heading! And lots of gardens and-” Ranpo went silent, eyes glued to the paper.
“What?” Poe couldn’t take the anticipation any longer!
“They have a cup noodle museum!” Ranpo all but breathed, eyes lighting up like a child on christmas. “Poe, we have to go! We have to! Cup noodles are the ultimate snack! The staple of childhood- are you laughing at me?”
Poe was in fact giggling in his hands, barely hiding a smile. “I'm sohohorry! I’m sohohrry- just; you’re so cute!” The author giggled against his shoulder, shaking with barely repressed mirth. “I nehehever knew how excited you were abohohut noodles!”
“As the god of snacks, I am mildly offended.” Ranpo replied, his deadpan expression breaking into a smile when Poe snorted. “As punishment, you get tickles!”
“Ah! Ahhehahahhahaha! Whahahit, wahhahahit- Rahhahahan! Whehehe’re in puhuhuhblic!” Poe squeaked, sinking as much as he could in his chair as he tried muffling the sound. Ranpo had decided to take full residence in his lap however- making it near impossible.
“Don’t worry- no one’s looking!” Ranpo teased in his ear, keeping his tickles just light enough to keep Poe snickering. “Even if they were, you’re cute! They’d love you.”
“Shuhuuhuhush! Aheahhahaha, Raahhahahan!” He squeaked, clinging to the detective’s jacket with barely any strength. He didn’t feel eyes on him, so Ranpo was speaking the truth.
Even if they were being watched, part of him simply didn’t care. Let them witness their love on this train going nowhere.
Huh- that’d be a good idea for a horror story. Two lovers on an endless train in limbo. He should write this down-
…Ah, right.
At some point Ranpo must have stopped, for when he came back to the Detective was once again reading his pamphlet, leaning into his shoulder and getting comfortable. Poe smiled, pressing a hand against his boyfriends.
He pretended the small ache in his chest was something else.
“CANON BALL!” Sheets and pillows flew everywhere as Ranpo landed in the bed, sprawling out like an octopus as he wiggled about. “This is the BEST! I’m so glad we came- that cup noodle exhibit was amazing!”
“It was rather..unique. Who knew there was so much to learn about snacks?” Poe smiled as he sat down, resting his aching feet. Their vacation seemed to fly by- the day they got there to now has been nothing but exploration and adventure. “I also enjoyed those racoon dogs- they reminded me of Karl.”
Said racoon made an assortment of clicking noises as it curled up against Poe’s pillow, snoozing once more. Ranpo grinned as he stroked his fur, cooing gently.
It was all so fun, and Poe was having a great time. However…somewhere deep down, he felt like such a failure.
Wherever he went, wherever he turned- he couldn’t turn off his brain from work. The sights and sounds of Yokohama’s beautiful gardens and zoos made him imagine the perfect settings for his books. The secrets within the city gave him inspiration for mysteries, and Ranpo…
Oh being with Ranpo made him think of a genre he never thought he’d write. Romance.
A hide and seek tale, maybe? A man is trying to find his lover but they’re so far away. He searches high and low, following the sound of their voice as it calls out to him playfully. He crosses the oddest of people and the most breathtaking sights to find them-
Everytime it happened he reached for his notebook, only to not find it there. It caused a small panic until he realized he left it home.
Then that panic turned to shame at how disappointed he felt not having it.
It was like a betrayal, only he was holding the knife aimed at Ranpo’s back.
“Poe?” Ranpo was standing before him now, brows furrowed. “Are you alright?”
The author blinked, suddenly unsure. “I…erm..”
“Poe?” Ranpo’s eyes widened suddenly, his hands reaching out to the other’s shoulders. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
Again, he wasn’t sure. It wasn’t until he blinked that he realized he was crying. “Ranpo…I’m failing you.”
“What? Come here, come here.” The detective pulled his boyfriend to his feet, leading him to the bed. Once there, he pulled him down, down, down some more until they were laying against the warm sheets, Ranpo’s arms around his torso as he pressed gentle kisses against his shoulder. “What do you mean?”
“I made you a promise, and yet- here I am breaking it. I promised you I wouldn’t work but yet- here I am longing to write. I shouldn’t be thinking about all that- I should be spending time with you.” Poe blinked a few times, willing the tears to dry. He shouldn’t be crying- he didn’t deserve to. “I’m sorry, Ranpo.”
The detective was quiet against him, the arms around Poe strong as ever. Then he was sitting up, just enough to look down at Poe’s face. His expression…
“You know what I love the most about you?” He asked, eyes soft and lips curved in the gentlest of smiles. “It’s that you care so much about others. You want to give them your best self, even if it comes at sacrificing yourself.” He reached up, gently brushing Poe’s long bangs from his forehead so he could look him in the eye. “I know you, Poe. I know you’ll never quite turn off your brain even when on vacation. I know you’ll always be thinking about books and stories and writing- and you know what? That’s okay. It’s a core part of you, and another part about you I love with my entire heart.”
Poe wanted to argue, but Ranpo pressed the softest of kisses against his cheek, silencing him.
“I love how your mind is constantly running on creativity. I love how you find inspiration in things I wouldn’t even think about. I love how you’re so devoted to the craft it becomes real.” Each statement came with another kiss, stamping them into Poe’s heart permanently. “I love the fact you willingly came with me on vacation. I love you walked through an entire noodle exhibit you likely didn’t care for just to make me happy. I just- I love you. Even if you’re thinking about books and whatnot- you’re here with me. You’re with me right now. That’s all I want.”
Poe couldn’t find words. His throat was constricted with a lump the size of a baseball as he looked into his boyfriend’s eyes. Even if he could speak, how was he supposed to voice how much he loved him? Words aren’t enough.
Instead, he breathed out a small “May I kiss you?”
Ranpo grinned, nodding. Poe pulled him down into himself as he kissed him, putting everything he felt into it. Warmth spread across his body, curling his toes and setting into the deepest crevices of his heart for all eternity.
Beneath his hands, he could feel Ranpo’s heart racing just as fast, syncing up with his own and playing the same melody.
When they pulled away, they were both slightly flushed and breathless, Ranpo’s eyes bright against dark hair. Poe reached up, gently brushing it out of his face with a small smile.
“Hey..I love you.” Poe whispered, making Ranpo light up.
“I love you too.” He fell back into Poe’s chest, snuggling his face into his chest with a content sigh. “We should go on holiday more often.”
“Definitely.” Poe surprised himself by saying it. He surprised himself even further with how real the words felt.
“Oh?” Ranpo sat up with a grin, fingers scritting against Poe’s belly. “Did I hear you right? You’re really enjoying yourself, aren’t you?”
“Aheheahahha! Oohohohof cohohohoure I ahahhaham! Ahehahaha- nohoohow you gehehehhet toohohoho!” With a boost of strength he didn’t realize he had, he managed to push Ranpo on his side, going for all the spots that he knew would have the detective squealing for mercy. “Tahhaek that!”
“AH! Aheahhahahhha, Pohohohohoohe! Ahehahhahhahaha!” Ranpo flopped like a fish against the sheets, sending them flailing off the bed. At some point Karl jumped for safety, landing on the nearby bed table as his humans wrestled about the bed, laughing all the way.
“Surprise!” Ranpo pulled out a small notebook from his snack bag, holding it out to Poe with warm yet nervous eyes. “I know it’s not your preferred notebook, but I saw it while snack shopping and thought of you.”
Poe stared, seemingly frozen at the gesture. For a moment, Ranpo was sure he messed up.
Then the author took it in his hands, tears misting his eyes as he held it close. “Thank you…it’s perfect.”
The detective grinned, jumping forward and kissing Poe’s with reckless abandon. “Do you love it? I know you love it, you love it don’t you?”
“Ahehaha! I do! I do!” Poe giggled, pulling the smaller man into his chest. “I do. Thank you Ranpo. In fact- I already know what I’m putting in it.”
“Oh?” The detective raised a brow but didn’t push, settling on snuggling against Poe’s chest instead. It wasn’t long before he was sleeping away.
Poe’s new notebook was not used for notetaking. Nor was it used for outlines.
Within the pages were an assortment of things- photos taken on a polaroid of them smiling, Ranpo giddily next to a giant cup of noodle, Karl staring at the Racoon dog- all various parts of their holiday.
Between photos were little blurbs- Poe’s sprawly handwriting detailing each event and his favorite moments from each activity. Some were softer- a secret photo taken of Ranpo snoring against his chest kept in the “Treasures” section. Wrappers of snacks his boyfriend insisted on him trying and he ended up liking were stashed inside as well- taped in with care and cute racoon washi they found. Pressed flowers from the garden trip were carefully added, a picture of Poe with a crown of them on his head nearby.
They only took so many pages- the rest of the notebook was far from full. Poe smiled as he pressed it closed, tucking it away in his desk.
He couldn’t wait for their next adventure.
Thanks for reading!
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sparrowrye · 6 months
Demi Demon || Alastor x Reader, A2 part 16
Synopsis: It’s been over a year since we were brought under Alastor’s watchful eye. We’ve unlocked our Demonic powers, discovered our own talents, and began building the Safe Haven with Charlie and co. Alastor seems increasingly interested in the power we hold as one and intends to use it properly.
Previous part
Part 16: may I have this dance?
A hurricane ransacked the nation.
The cities and towns that didn't have many Demons, or those who weren't well versed in their magic, suffered greatly. Overlords with heavy control on their territory did well to keep the raging storm from destroying them. The Hazbin Haven was among those who came through the storm unscathed.
Alastor kept the Haven wrapped in a safe little bubble that allowed only the rain to get through. However, he couldn't keep it up all the time and so, when he needed some time to recover, he had me do it. I found it surprisingly easy to control the weather so the magic hand off was fluent and easy.
Demons hated the rain, though, so construction on the site was momentarily paused. Yet I noticed the children, Demon or Human, loved to play in the rain. The littles were determined to make themselves as dirty and mud-coated as they possibly could, while the older ones were more prone to just laying in the rain staring up at the cloudy sky. Reagan was among them, making sure none of the littles wandered too far out of the slightly invisible shield. Whenever I wasn't keeping up the shield, I was down with Reagan in the rain.
"So how's Lucas?" I teased, nudging her with my shoulder. We sat under an overhang of one of the buildings, both holding out a hand to the rain. The others played in front of us.
"Fine," she said lightheartedly, trying to pass it off. Lucas had joined the Haven a few weeks ago. He had a complicated past. He lost his father four years ago, before the Demons revealed themselves, and has been trying to survive with his sickly mother. It wasn't until about a year ago that she remarried. The man had hidden the fact that he was a Demon and when Humans started hunting him, he took Lucas and his mother into Hell to escape. Lucas had seen the posters for the Haven and, after much arguing with his step-father, came to join us soon after. He had deeply rooted untrustworthiness for Demons since. It was no wonder he and Reagan, who had no magic whatsoever, hit it off.
"Any new updates?" I pressed with a smile.
"I do."
Reagan turned her head to look at me. "On what?"
"On him." I tilted my head up so my smile turned into a smirk. "Want to know?"
Her eyebrows furrowed and I realized just then how much she was starting to take after me. "Sure."
"You know how you two run into each other a lot on the main street? That's not an accident. When he sees you, he runs to one of the other buildings and pretends to be walking from the direction."
"You don't know that." She crossed her arms.
"You've seen me. I'm always on the porch when I'm not doing something." She turned to watch the youngsters playing in the mud. "Oh come on," I shook her shoulder gently, "admit that you like it."
"He's just being nice."
"That's the point, sweetheart." I leaned my head on her shoulder and wrapped an arm around her back. "So do the boy a favor and let him. Maybe he'll even ask for a kiss--"
She shoved me away and covered her ears. Her face was bright red. I continued to press the tease, quickly earning a tackle from her. We rolled out into the rain and started to wrestle, the others stopping to watch us. Our feet slipped in the mud and her small stature allowed me to pick her up and toss her to the side. She tried going for my feet to make me fall but I just went with the momentum and rolled over, taking her with me.
Eventually we were out of breath and stopped the play fight when we had put distance between us again. We were both coated in dirt and soaked to the bone. I noticed Lucas, his blond hair a stark contrast to his dark environment, and casted a sly smile at Reagan. She followed my gaze, defenses dropping as he walked over to talk to her. I gently nudged her back with my fingers and walked up to the house to change.
Alastor stood on the porch, watching and waiting. I came up on the steps and used magic to take the mud off my feet so I wouldn't track it through the house.
"I do not understand your desire to do that," he said.
"It's just fun." I faked a genuine, confused look. "Do you know what that is?"
He dulled his claws and gently shoved my head away so I stumbled back. "We have very different ideas of fun."
"You're right," I walked into the house, a smile on my face, and made my way up the stairs, "Mine are better."
"I left an outfit for you on your bed," he changed the subject, making me stop at the top of the stairs. "We have an Overlord meeting tonight." He then fizzled into the shadows before I could say anything.
As I expected, it was a dress. It was a deep red and silky smooth, and I was actually excited to try it on. I showered quickly and used magic to dry out my hair.
The front of the skirt came just past the middle of my shins while the back stretched just a few inches further above my ankles. It hugged the middle of my figure perfectly. The top half was form fitting but loose, not hugging anything too much to distract wandering eyes, and the sleeves flared at the end. The edges of the shirt, from the skirt to the sleeves to the area around my chest, were all lined in white.
I looked at myself in my Demon form. I looked astounding. I looked elegant. For once, I actually really liked the way I looked with my Demon attributes. I looked scary but beautiful. Gone was my scarred, child-like face and in that place was a young woman with experience.
A knock came at my door a second before Alastor stepped in. His eyes immediately looked me up and down, smile turning to yellow teeth. "You look gorgeous."
Heat rose in my cheeks and I looked down at the fabric to avoid his eyes. "Thank you," I said quietly.
He walked behind my back and looked at me in the mirror. He twirled his claw and I watched my hair smooth out and fall loosely over my shoulders. That topped off my look entirely and my mouth dropped open a little. Before I could say or do anything else, he pulled something from his pocket and draped it over my neck. It was a silver necklace of one of his symbols: a circle inside another with two arrows crossing each other.
A strange feeling creeped in my chest at the sight of Alastor standing behind me, colors complimenting each other perfectly.
We then walked to the symbol on the cliff, Alastor using magic to keep the rain from touching us. I asked about keeping the Haven safe while we were gone and he said Husker would take care of it if the storm grew worse.
I let him put an arm around my shoulder and wrapped my own around his back. Warmth merged with the energy, elevating my confidence despite the looming palace in front of me. Lucifer had been the one to call the surface Overlords under Alastor's request. At first, the King of Hell wasn't interested in obliging, but after Alastor had explained the instance with Blackwater, he found it necessary.
We were one of the first to arrive. I recognized none of them until Vox and his trio walked in not long after. The TV screen caught sight of me and instantly made his way over. I clenched my jaw and forced everything in me not to bristle.
"Well if it isn't a pleasure to be seeing you again, sweetheart." He gave a short, half bow. "I must say, what a show you gave me with that Striker fellow."
"It's a good thing you broadcasted it," Alastor said in my place, "Perhaps your audience will know not to test her again." A smile pulled at the corner of my mouth.
"Oh for sure, she's definitely trending," Velvette popped out from my behind me and stood too close for comfort, "as a cheater."
"We are Demons, darling," Alastor didn't skip a beat, "we don't play by the rules." He placed a hand on my shoulder and soothed the anger and embarrassment running through me.
"I must say you look stunning tonight," Vox drew my attention back to him. He reached for my hand but Alastor was fast, grabbing the man's wrist and pulling it far away from mine.
"Do not touch her," he hissed.
Vox took a step closer to him, mouth in a wide, sharp smile. "What are you gonna do, Alastor? You can't do anything while we're in Lucifer's palace."
"You are free game once this meeting is done." Alastor looked undeterred, smile nearly matching Vox's.
My nose curled at a familiar scent. I turned my head to see a trail of pink smoke coming from Valentino, the ring owner who had drugged me the first time. I casted wind to dissipate the smoke and hardened my stare at the Overlord. "You could be so much more than his accessory."
"So true." Velvette snapped a selfie with Alastor, Vox, and me in the background.
"I'm the guardian of a safe haven," I answered, trying hard not to let my voice shake, "saving Demons and children from persecution. What are you doing?"
"Having secure territory keeps plenty of Demons and their families safe from Humans," Valentino replied. He leaned his waist to the side and put one of his many hands on it.
"On their own free will?" I taunted, eying his pink smoke.
"That depends on what you consider free will."
Before anyone could say anything else, the doors to the usual meeting room opened. Alastor dropped Vox's wrist and wiped his claw on his coat. Vox's smile turned into a snarl as we walked into the room. Just like before, the surface Overlords brought a second-hand that stood behind them against the many pillars.
"Alastor called this meeting." Lucifer joined us a moment later, sitting himself at the head of the table. It was strange, but oddly satisfying, to see him in a commanding aura. From my sessions with the King of Hell, I discovered he was a lot more anxious, depressed, and self conscious than he let on to others. "So, what do you want?"
"How many of you know the name Blackwater?" Alastor immediately got to the point. Only three of the twelve present Overlords raised their hand. Vox was one of them. "Do you know what he does?"
"He's an inventor," Vox answered.
"Of what?" Alastor pressed.
"He's an inventor. Anything is on the table, but he likes bringing back technology from before the Great Collapse."
Alastor turned to look at the rest of the table. "Blackwater has recently created a device that uses Demon's blood to allow Humans with Slight magic to have more than they're born with." Murmurs spread through the Overlords. "And in case you haven't noticed, two surface Overlords are missing tonight." Heads turned to examine who was present and who wasn't.
"So Humans can use more elemental magic. Why is that concerning for us?" Valentino asked, taking another puff of his smoke.
"If he's managed to craft a device that can gift a Human elemental magic, imagine what he can do with a powerful Overlord's magic."
The room fell silent. I glanced at Lucifer who seemed deeply concerned about this. His apple cane sat in his lap and if I listened close, I could just barely hear the sound of his glove gripping it painfully tight.
"Blackwater has been operating in the grey area of public and private for some time. He has several factories around the nation and has been presenting them to a private class of individuals. It wasn't until recently that he has started to go fully public and advertise his inventions. I want to know why he wasn't someone's concern before this point." He sent pointed looks at those who had answered earlier that they knew of his name.
"He wasn't and still isn't a threat," Vox said first.
"If he has factories all around the nation, it would make sense that he would go unnoticed," the woman with the huge white horns spoke next. "If all his assets were in one's territory, then of course it would cause concern. Sounds as if he knows we don't communicate with each other."
"His factories need to be destroyed. If his operation grows, we will find ourselves against an army of Humans with our magic." Alastor had a commanding tone and it was obvious the other Overlords weren't taking it lightly. Yet, he had a point. Humans with Slight magic still outnumbered Demons ten to one and if they were given a way to harness more powerful magic, it would lead to a devastating war.
"If we want to stay united against the Humans and keep Hell from becoming even more overrun," Lucifer finally gave his insight, "then we will need to communicate with each other more often. I will make these meetings more frequent. For now, each of you should search your territory for any of Blackwater's assets."
The meeting ended soon after, each Overlord leaving the palace before teleporting back to the surface. Lucifer pulled me aside to ask about Charlie. He didn't want her to going out with me to break up the ring fights anymore. If Blackwater was serious, having the blood of the Princess of Hell would be the worst thing possible. He knew if he told Charlie not to do it, then she wouldn't listen on the account of "not needing to be protected anymore". I reassured him that I would make sure she didn't go with me.
It was still raining by the time Alastor and I teleported back to the house. The storm blocked out the moon, casting the whole haven in darkness. I could feel that Husker wasn't in the house and couldn't help but smile. Recently, he had been spending some of his nights with a certain Demon in the huts.
I walked through the living room to the stairs but stopped when the radio turned on. Green magic whisked out of sight from the dials as a slow, unfamiliar song began to play (I love you for sentimental reasons - Nat King Cole).
"Will you indulge me, darling?" Alastor bowed low in front of me and held out a hand. "It has been some time since I last danced with anyone. And you do look astounding in that dress."
Nerves prickled in the back of my neck. "I uh...I don't really know how to dance." I backed away with my hands raised.
"It is more of a sway, then a dance. It's rather easy to teach." He didn't move from where he bowed, hand still outstretched. "I suspect there won't be another time I can ask for a dance from you."
"Why do you want to?"
"You have intrigued me, dear. And I do so miss dancing."
For awhile I still didn't answer. The song played softly in the background and Alastor's appearance seemed less sharp and intimidating than usual. He straightened up but still held his hand out, eyes refusing to leave mine.
"It is easy to learn," he pressed gently, "I will not make fun."
Against my better judgement, I stepped forward and placed my claw in his, letting him pull me from the entryway to the center of the living room. He restarted the song and the fire grew, illuminating the room with its orange glow. The muscles in my body tensed as he raised our clasped hands and slid an arm around my back. I wasn't sure where to put my free hand and settled on the outside of his arm, anxiously pinching the fabric between my fingers.
He moved slow, taking one step towards me then followed with his other foot. He shifted his weight side to side then stepped away to repeat. I had my head down as I tried to move in time and prevent myself from stepping on his feet. The sweet piano played in the background as I gradually moved in time with him and the music.
"Head up, darling." His radio filter was gone and his smooth voice filled my ears. It made me tilt my head back to meet his red eyes that were somehow softer. He wore a gentle, simple smile. No teeth. I felt his warm magic seep into my back and force my muscles to relax. My shoulders lowered, as did the fear, and moving in step with him became second nature.
His smile grew and he tilted his head to the side. The gesture made my face grow warm and I looked at the fire instead. His arm around my back pulled me closer so I was flush against his chest. I instinctively pushed with my free hand but he held me firmly, patiently waiting for me to look up at him. And it worked.
"You're a natural," he praised.
The song ended too soon. Before he could play another song, I let go of his hand and put both hands on his chest, trying to put space between us again. In retaliation, he interlocked his fingers behind my back and kept me securely against him.
He was the master of silence. I kept my gaze averted while his bore into the side of my face. I made sure to keep my claws off his jacket in case they caught a thread, but my foot claws openly dug into the carpet. My tail was wrapped around my own leg.
Another slow song came on, this one slightly more upbeat and full of violins in the beginning (welcome to my world - Jim reeves).
"My mother taught my sister and I how to dance when we were little," he admitted.
"Your sister?" I suddenly stopped trying to push away from him. We were now simply swaying side by side, no footwork needed.
"That's the woman you saw in my memories." His smile was still gentle but there was an edge to it. Was it perhaps pain from the thought of his deceased sibling? "She is my twin sister."
There was prolonged silence as I looked between his eyes and observed the strange expression on his face. Alastor, the Radio Demon, once had a twin sister. "Wow," was all I managed.
"Surprised again?" He tilted his head in the other direction.
"Well...yeah. I'm not sure why, though."
He let out a small chuckle. "She loved to dance. Once my mother taught us how to slow dance she could never stop. She explored different styles and settled on the more upbeat and sporadic ones. Couldn't say I minded it much myself, either."
My eyes were wide and glued to him now. That was the most he had ever shared about his past in the near four years I had known him.
"She caught everyone's attention," he went on, "and I was always there to keep the bad ones away. We couldn't ever be separated." His smile faltered and I guessed he was now thinking of her death that did in fact separate them.
"I'm surprised you had the time to watch her. I'm sure you were also popular on the dance floor." The compliment had slipped out and inwardly cringed when his smile turned into a smirk.
"Perhaps I am sensing jealousy?" he teased, lowering his face closer to mine. His presence was sitting comfortably around my shields.
"You-you just...you know...you clearly know how to dance so I'm sure you were...well liked when you were..." my voice trailed off. I didn't want to say younger because that almost sounded insulting.
"Indeed you're right, I was quite different in the first fifty years of my life." He straightened up again and pushed his presence gently against my mind. "I had many good dance partners and acquaintances, but my sister always came first."
His tentacles crawled out from behind and gently wrapped around my wrists. He pulled my hands up so they would stretch over his shoulders and lock behind his head. The proximity made my hair stand on edge, a nervous bolt sprinting through my body.
"While you may not have danced before, music seems to have an effect on you as well." His clasped hands tightened ever so slightly behind my back. My tip of my tail tapped the floor nervously.
"W-well I...my mother...she uh...she...she had a radio in the cage. I remember falling asleep to all kinds of music." I hoped he couldn't heart how loud my heart was beating.
"It's no wonder you wait outside my room to listen, then."
I immediately pulled my hands back at the revelation of being caught. He wrapped his arms further around so he was gripping his elbows and holding me in place, trying to contain his laughter.
"Do not be embarrassed," he tried to reassure, "I'm quite flattered, actually." I tried pushed on his arms, face bright red and gaze averted to the floor. "I'm quite pleased you do not hate me so anymore." He dared to unwrap one arm and gently, but firmly, pulled my unwilling chin up to look him in the eyes. "Do you still despise me?"
My claws pressed into his arms, dangerously close to puncturing his skin and putting holes in his jacket. "I...well...I don't think so. Now that you're treating me properly."
Another chuckle. "I do suppose I wasn't as nice as I should've been when we first met."
The violins slowed to a stop and the room fell silent, save for a an occasional pop from the fire. My pounding heart blocked out all other noises. I suddenly became aware of his thick, earthy scent tinged with sweat. I tried to focus on that particular one as his breath, which smelled much like his last meal, fanned my cheeks.
His eyes moved so quickly and slightly that I almost didn't catch it. And even though I did, I still wasn't prepared for when he closed the distance, gently pressing his lips on mine in a careful kiss. My eyes widened and my ears and hair stood up. I wanted to run but wanted to stay. I wanted to scream but wanted to continue. My claws tapped his sleeves vividly, my body as stiff as wood.
He fixed that a second later, sending his magic up my back and spreading to the rest of my muscles. It forced everything to relax and he opened his mind to me. My eyes closed as he drew me further in.
I didn't realize how deep I had fallen until I was watching a memory from his eyes. He was speaking to Rosie in her store again.
"Oh Alastor, can't you see? You're falling in love with the dear thing." Her voice echoed like she was in a bigger room.
"I am not," he hissed. "Our connection has strengthened, that is all."
"Well, falling in love is a process after all, dearie."
"I am fond of her but I do not love her." Ouch. "Our bond will provide us with more energy and she may finally be able to handle her own magic."
I pulled out of his mind too quickly. It felt like a rug burn on my mind as I shoved him away and tripped backwards on my tail. He nearly lost his own balance and pressed a claw to his head.
"What the fuck is wrong with you!" I practically screamed.
"Perhaps I miscalculated—"
"Miscalculated? Miscalculated!? This isn't something to miscalculate. I'm not your accessory! I'm not something to be manipulated, I'm not a tool to be fined and sharpened so you could use me!"
I threw my hands up and spun in a circle, tail whipping about furiously.
"Ugh I can't believe I let you trick me into thinking you actually cared."
Alastor tried to say something but it never left his mouth. For once he was at a loss for words. His yellow smile was plastered on his face but his eyebrows were showing a strangled emotion I had never seen before. His ears were as pinned back as my own.
When he failed to say anything, I whisked up the stairs and slammed the door. I threw the dress on the window seat along with the necklace, pulled on an old outfit I hadn't worn in a while, and slipped out the window.
Althea would let me sleep in one of the empty beds for the night.
Author's Note:
Eat up my little devils >:)
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ykiwrite · 2 years
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the tempest
desc: library date and the struggles of keeping you a secret
warnings: fluff, bit angst, suggestive
words: ~1k
"Hear my soul speak; The very instant that I saw you, did my heart fly to your service,"
Jenna recited as she walked on the same left-to-right line envisioned in her head for half an hour now.
Hands floating around her like she's on the real stage, acting in front of thousands of eyes. Truly, it was only yours.
The ordeal was to visit a library, borrow a book her director reportedly told her and head home. Well, that was a lie.
You found yourself stranded in a small, local library for longer than intended. Only two of you and the librarian lady, unaware of the third wheeling role she holds. Every now and then the bell rang signaling another visitor. Considering how long you've been here, it started to be a less frequent occurrence.
Sitting in the very corner far from entrance, made you lose track of time. The sun is probably setting by now and air was getting colder.
"The more you do this the more i think he did not ask you to read Shakespeare and practice the lines. You made it up."
"Wherefore would i ever?" she asked giving you shocked glare, hand covering her mouth.
"You can drop Shakespeare act, love." You told her through a laugh that passed onto her.
Closing the book, she sat down opposite of you. Her legs routinely tangling up with yours for the sake of the much needed contact. Placing hands on the table that's occupied with couple of books, your bags and headphones, Jenna said;
"It's a pretty good date idea, you gotta give me credit for it."
"Aha, so it was a date?" You sat straight up, confidently claiming the victory of your suspicions.
"Why else would i quote Shakespeare other than to set the mood?"
Sliding back down the wall behind you, with raised brow you repeated herself "To set the mood?"
Feeling as if you pressed the wrong button by looking at her shoulders drop. The liveliness she had a minute ago was getting replaced by a thing less merrier.
"We both know for the past, what? Few weeks we barely left the apartment together. Let alone do anything else except binge watch and take up entire couch."
The tone that she set sounded shattering enough. Her expression only added more damage. Entirely distracted by the rings on her fingers, which she kept twirling around. The feeling of guilt settling in was harsh so you spoke,
"You know i don't mind. I never did. You have a movie to work on, it's not like you can ditch it." Letting your hand grab hers in hopes of stopping the nervous fidgeting.
Fixated on both of your hands now collided, Jenna was not yet ready to look up.
"I know that but it still feels like it's not good enough. I wish there wasn't camera in my face the second i step outside."
A short pause she offered made you alert of how quiet the library is. It's what Jenna wanted all along. A place that provided the same thing your home did. No prying eyes, no shouting, less fans and more of you which lacked.
With everything that came attached to her line of work, places and times like this were becoming something to get used to it. Whether you like it or not. And if she's in question, there's not a thing you couldn't bare.
"I wish it could simply be you and me sometimes. Just like before all of this."
The way she looked, on the thread to break and like an open book only you can read, you did not let time slip away.
With a quick motion of your feet making way over, her arms opened ahead of time welcoming you. Apology that got lost in your sweater didn't go unheard. "Don't be sorry" you reassured quietly.
Tracing patterns in short hair of hers, you laid a kiss on top of it. After making sure you're not going anywhere, you felt the grip around you loosen.
"God, you're the best." Wiping the tears remained accompanied by a few sniffs. "Seriously, i know i might talk a bit to much about Gwendoline but-"
"Jenna," pulling her arms away that hid her face, "you don't have to make excuses." Both faces looking at eachother, eyes pursuing every outline visible under this budget library light hanging from above.
Making a swipe with your thumb just below her eye, you whispered "I love you. Don't think i don't just because we're busy. At the end of the day, you're coming home to me, right?"
As if there was no energy left to form an answer, Jenna shyly nodded "Yeah. I am."
Flooded by the tension created, wondering if it goes both ways left Jenna with only one way of discovering.
"I love you too."
With a pull of your collar, she moved you forward to close the already small distance between. Lips landing on hers and she swore no movie scene compares to this.
No thoughts except the need to prove you how incredibly cherished, loved and addicting you are. Pulling away for a split second, not nearly enough to catch a breath she kissed you once again. Evidently with more passion and lust.
Recognizing the latter, you leaned in deeper. Allowing yourself to become completely absorbed in her act. An act which had two possible outcomes.
Bodies swaying back and forward, Jenna was the first to break the kiss, only to capture the side of your neck. Lost in pleasure, your head thrown back made the book from the shelf behind fall. The noise meant nothing to Jenna but you hopelessly attempted to form a sentence.
"Jenna, maybe here is not the best idea-" as you interrupted yourself with a moan caused by her doings.
Her fingers messing around with the waistband of your pants made you completely spiral. If you let her go now any further, you might not get another chance to stop her at all.
"Jenna, we're in library. Someone might come and see us."
Her only response was a hum, meaning she didn't even acknowledge what you just said.
With the sound of the first button being loose, you used force to move her head so she looks at you. Not before connecting your lips once more, this time more gently. Knowing it will barely bring her back to earth. It was worth a shot, though.
Sigh. "Fine, but i'm calling an Uber so we get home faster." She stated breathless, in annoyed spirit.
You smiled, observing her rapid packing up of the contents on the table. So eager to leave, you thought.
"Whatever you say."
notes: here i go again, i cant with her, she ruined my life completely (sarcastically or not)
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amee-racle-ofmyown · 2 months
Hey, Amee!! I hope you’re doing well <3
If by any chance you’re up to it, could you please write a fic about Heist Mark being super jealous of Yancy because he and Y/N clearly seem to be into each other?? I LOVE your art and writings and I couldn’t get this idea out of my head <3 (Obviously no pressure, though!)
I'm so happy to hear you enjoy my work, thank you🥺💖 and thank you for your request! it got me out of a terrible writer's block. on that note, sorry this took quite some time, I've been in a bit of a funk of on and off general creative block, and unable to finish any writing at all for even longer. this was a pretty fun challenge! I myself view Yancy platonically so I wasn't quite sure where to go with this initially, and I had to fight every urge to just make this heist mark x y/n dfsjsjsv. that said, it did end up being more heist mark-centric than maybe you intended? in which case, I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself😔 yancy is there but very briefly haha
Don't you tell me that you never even thought, 'maybe we could run'
2,603 words | Read on AO3
‘We're all gonna be rehearsing tomorrow so youse best get some sleep.’
You nod as you close the gate to yours and Mark's shared cell, stifling a yawn.
‘Goodnight, Yancy.’
You hold each other's gaze for a moment, before he turns and heads off, a tattooed hand over the back of his neck and a sweet smile still on his face. You watch as he disappears into the outer hallway and a guard appears to lock up your cell for the evening.
Your long-time accomplice and friend stands at the edge of your vision, arms folded.
‘Having fun with your new boyfriend, buddy?’ he asks, sounding unimpressed and slightly strained.
‘Oh, shush, Mark,’ you chide, but your stomach flips at the notion.
‘Yeah… Well, while you were busy playing Broadway,’ he glances to either side of the cell outside and continues in a lowered voice, ‘I've been hard at work hatching our escape. And I'm telling you, it's foolproof.’
‘Uh huh. As foolproof as your other three failed plans? I really don't wanna get thrown in solitary again.’
‘Please, that was one time! — and I don't see you bothering to come up with any ideas. Even though you pretty much got us into this mess.’
That accusation ticks you off, but you're quick to retaliate.
‘Are you seriously still hung up on that? How is this my fault? You couldn't fly a helicopter, why would you assume I can? You shouldn't have even presented it as an option!’
Your exclamation earns you a couple looks from other inmates slowly filing into their cells for the night.
‘Nevermind that now,’ Mark says, infuriatingly placatingly, ‘do you wanna hear the plan or not?’
The thread of uncertainty that you've been avoiding coils tight in your chest and you pause, wondering how to bring up what's been nagging at you for days.
‘Um, so, I've been thinking. What if… what if we don't try to escape?’
‘Ha ha. Funny joke, pal.’
‘I'm serious, Mark. We could just… stay here and wait out our sentence, if we play it safe we might even get our time reduced on good behaviour. We could be gone in like a decade. Or a few years! Maybe. Probably. Maybe.’ Wishful thinking, perhaps.
He scoffs, as if the idea isn't even worth considering.
‘There is no way you're genuinely telling me to just wait it out. Maybe you haven't noticed since you've been in la-la land lately, but we're not on vacation, we're in prison,’ Mark spouts, voice growing thick with agitation. ‘What was supposed to be the heist of a lifetime, would've set us up for decades to come, is still on the line! And we're on a bit of a time crunch here — I don't trust that warden guy one bit with the Box, or in general,’ he sneers. ‘I mean what kind of name is Murder-Slaughter? Ugh, do we even know for sure if he still has it?’
‘Yancy mentioned seeing it in his office the last time he was there, which was earlier today, so yeah, probably.’
‘Ugh, there you go again about Yancy. It's always Yancy this, Yancy that, blah blah blah, Yancy!’
‘Wh– I was just answering your question!’
‘Y'know what? I'm sick and tired of being the only one taking this seriously while you act like it's all a big party.’
He places a hand on his hip, the other poking a finger towards you as he speaks. It would be comical, if he wasn't acting like a jerk.
‘What's up with you?’
‘What's up with me? What's up with you? You seriously wanna stay in this— this shithole, ‘cause of what? Some pretty face you've known for all of like, less than two weeks??’
‘Oh my God, Mark, it's not that terrible, and Yancy is actually my friend, he's been nothing but welcoming and kind since we got here, and—’
‘Oh, did you forget that he tried to beat you up when you first met? Real interesting, how you let that little detail slip.’
‘We just got off on the wrong foot, he's really—’
It's then that you see it — something in the slight hunch in his gait, the furrow of his brow, his pursed lips and tense jaw — and you wonder why you hadn't noticed before. It's not just anger and frustration, it's something bitter and personal.
‘Mark… are you jealous?’
Bingo. His eyes only widen a sliver, for a fraction of a second, but you're so used to reading him that even the most imperceptible of reactions on his usually very expressive face have become familiar to you.
‘Psh. I'm not jealous.’
‘You so are jealous! Oh my god, you're super duper jealous,’ you say with a grin, revelling in this new information.
‘Shut up, why would I be jealous?’ he protests, trying to sound nonchalant. But it's too late. You've already seen through it.
‘Is that what this is about?’ you say with a laugh. ‘You just want my attention back or something?’
He stares blankly for a moment.
‘Are you serious right now? You actually think the only reason I'm mad is because some random dude just waltzes in and starts acting all buddy buddy with you and you fall head-over-heels,’ he jeers with his hands either side of his face, fluttering his eyelashes mockingly. ‘Hook, line and sinker.’
‘I mean, never mind your partner, right? You know, your best friend who you've known and worked with for years? Who cares what he thinks?!’
‘Mark, I—’
‘In fact, he can get punched through a wall for all you care! You won't even bat an eye, as long as there's a random spontaneous musical number immediately afterwards, it's all in good fun!’
‘Ok, that's not fair,’ you push back. ‘Of course I was worried! But I was also surrounded by violent criminals at the time, we've been over this!’
‘Oh, so they're “violent criminals” now? But they're simply “hurt, misunderstood souls” when it suits you?!’ he shoots back, making air quotes to emphasise his point.
‘They're people, Mark! They're allowed to be… multi-faceted!’
‘Lights out, everybody,’ comes a guard's voice, ringing through the hallway as it suddenly becomes dark, save for the glow of dim lamplight emanating from one or two of the other cells.
‘Whatever, let's just get some sleep,’ Mark grumbles under his breath.
‘You always do this!’ you whisper harshly, but inadvertently let the volume slip back into your voice as you feel your blood boil. ‘You try to cut things off and act like the “bigger person” just to get out of an argument that, newsflash, YOU'RE LOSING.’
‘Oh, whatever, what-f*cking-ever!’
‘You're being so damn overdramatic, Mark! It's not like I'm trying to break up our team.’
‘Yeah, well– well maybe we should!’
You don't know why it jolts you like a gunshot when he says it, but it does. His words, the force and resentment behind them, pierce you to your core. It stops any quick-fire response you had at the ready in its tracks.
Regret immediately flashes across his face, but he quickly attempts to cover it with a steely, hardened gaze. ‘Clearly, we want different things. So maybe it's for the best.’
‘Hey!’ one of the guards calls out from across the hall. ‘Lights out means quiet, you two. Don't make us separate you into different cells.’
With a frustrated huff, you reluctantly traipse off to bed, yours being the lower half of the bunk while Mark settles above you.
It really is a rather decent bed. The mattress is nothing special, but comfortable, and the soft blanket is accompanied by an oddly luxurious, fluffy pillow. Definitely above what you'd expect is probably average prison standards. Frankly, you don't know what Mark's problem is with this place. It's honestly not half bad. As far as you expect jails go, it surely could be a lot worse.
You lay back and let your breathing even out, trying your best to allow some of the bubbling anger to die down. Eventually, you hear the guards leave.
Time passes, it could be minutes or hours; it's not like the passage of time has felt right at all to you since that last heist.
It's silent, save for the sound of your breaths and Mark's above you. You're still upset with him, but the sound of him breathing nearby has always been oddly comforting. The two of you have had plenty of close calls as a pair — even times when you had to patch each other up after jobs that went particularly badly. If you got injured on a heist, you couldn't simply call an ambulance or show up at a hospital in an emergency and risk having your whole operation blown. That was simply the nature of your line of work.
At the worst of times, as long as you could hear those steady, even breaths, you could tell yourself he would pull through, and things would be fine.
You idly watch the mattress above you, letting the rhythm of your friend's breathing become a gentle white noise, and think.
You think about that heist and the Box. Ancient, coveted, mysterious. Sitting atop its perch in the museum vault, in all its glory and allure, practically asking to be stolen. The gleam of the gem encrusted in its surface. You wonder if the prize held within would be worth all of this, if you managed to get it back.
You think about Yancy, a little rough and a little troubled and not seeing much point in trying to kick old habits; but fun and soft and sensitive and full of remorse. You think about the feeling of your hand in his when you practise a routine with him, how his whole face lights up when he's excited or falls when he's sad or pensive. You think about how he has made this penitentiary into a home, and these inmates into a family.
You think about Mark. Silly, stupid, steadfast Mark, snarky and thoughtful and loyal. Who isn't actually as dumb as he lets on. Who is resourceful and quick-thinking when a plan needs to be formed. Who makes bad puns and trusts you whole-heartedly, and who always lets you decide which course of action to take, no matter how much he disagrees, simply due to his unwavering faith in you. Mark, your co-worker, your friend, your partner in crime. Who is maybe a little enamoured with you, despite you trying to ignore it. Who you half-heartedly agreed to go on a date with, not having it in you to turn him down, nor prepared for the guilt that would be eating away at you now.
You think about one of the first things he told you when you landed yourselves at Happy Trails: About how he doesn't belong here, but maybe you do. What if he were to leave and you were to stay? The thought breaks your heart a little.
Then, a whisper from above into the quiet, gently interrupting your thoughts.
‘Hey, you still awake?’
You hear his voice, soft-spoken, but clear enough that you can hear the sincerity laced into it.
‘I… I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get so worked up.’
‘Yeah, I'm sorry too,’ you reply, matching his volume.
‘And I didn't mean it,’ he says, and you think you hear the slightest tremble in the statement, almost as if he's fighting tears, and for a second you wish you could see his face, ‘what I said before, about uh, splitting up. I know I joke about that kind of thing all the time, and not coming back for you… But you know I don't really mean it, right?’
You've certainly had your doubts in the past, but those moments seem so far away now; footnotes in a slowly unfolding tale, stepping stones on the journey the pair of you have taken together as you worked your way from theft to theft to get to this point. As much as you'd butt heads over the years, you could always count on each other and you always stuck together.
‘Yeah, I know…’
‘...And, alright, your lack of interest in breaking out aside, maybe I am kinda jealous.’
‘Ha! I knew it.’
‘Yeah, yeah.’ He sighs. ‘It's just… it took us a while to be like we are now and yet, you're suddenly so close to him when it hasn't even been that long, it just doesn't feel fair. I dunno, it's stupid.’
‘Nah, I get it. I'm sorry if I made you feel left behind.
‘And I'm sorry if I ever made you feel pressured into something you're actually just not all that into.’
You feel a bit of tension leave your chest as a small smile appears on your face. ‘I appreciate that.’
In some ways you're grateful for the small bed separating you and preventing you from being face to face. You think it makes this easier for both of you.
‘I don't want to lose you, y'know? I mean, we're supposed to be partners. Ride or die, remember?’
‘Oh, Mark… You know I still trust you with my life…’ You pause, considering your words. ‘For the first time in ages, things feel a little more complicated than just being about us.’
A beat, then you hear him inhale, and he says your name, foregoing any of his usual nicknames.
‘...Are you… happy here? Does he make you happy?’
‘There's things I miss about freedom, sure, but it's not so bad here. And let's face it, our crimes were probably gonna catch up to us eventually, one way or another, right? And Yancy…’ You let out the smallest huff of laughter, smiling to yourself once again. ‘You're right, it hasn't been very long… There's just something about him, I guess. I know he might be a little much at times but I enjoy being around him, and he honestly seems like he wants to make up for things he's done in the past by being here. Maybe nothing will come of this but even so, in a weird way, he kind of makes me want to do better?’
Mark breathes a good-natured huff of laughter as well, and the two of you take a moment to muse on the irony of that sentiment.
‘I just– I can't handle being stuck here,’ he finally says. ‘But you're right, nothing I've tried so far has worked, anyway.’
‘Y'know… Yancy knows all the ins and outs of this place. He could probably help us if we wanted it.’
‘Do you want it?’
Do you want to leave or stay? The real question beneath it all.
You're quiet again, and it feels as if every possibility is laid out before you, only obscured.
‘I don't know,’ you say eventually. ‘I need more time to think. I just don't want you to think I'm making a choice between you or him, there's so many other things I need to consider. That we need to consider.’
‘That's fair… Just don't take too long, ok? Not like we can pause or rewind time, haha.’
‘Right… In the meantime, could you at least try to get along with Yancy and the others? You might like them if you give them a chance.’
‘... Fine, I'll try,’ he acquiesces.
You raise a hand to your mouth to cover a yawn. A far more comfortable silence falls over the room, and you start to feel sleep overtake you.
‘... Hey, Mark?’
‘We're still partners.’
If nothing else, you hope this will reassure him.
‘...Ok. Sweet dreams, partner.’
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lostquinn · 2 years
Purely circumstantial
Connor (dbh) x gn!reader
Fluff, fake dating
Summery - you and Connor have a fake relationship that you intend to end before you fall for a man that doesn't love you, however first you have to go through valentines day with him.
Let's ignore that it isn't valentines day, okay? Thank you thank you. Ugh I need more Connor gifs 😭
Word count - 1270
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Red hearts littered the Detroit City Police Department. Someone had decorated the office for valentines day. It was sweet that people decorated for each holiday without even asking for a thanks, it always made you smile.
You were sat at your desk, typing away about a case you were working on when a small bundle of red roses was dropped onto your lap. You looked up to see Connors bright eyes and smiled up at him.
"Morning Connor, happy valentines day,"
"Good morning," he paused for a moment. "Will you be my valentine?"
You grinned and nodded. From where you were, you could see Hank out of the corner of your eye and you could see Gavin in the reflection of Connors eyes.
The relationship wasn't real, the two of you had started fake dating a few months ago to get Hank and Gavin off your backs. Gavin would still sometimes bother you but Connor would act jealous and protective and make him back off.
Despite the relationship being completely fake, it was sweet to see Connor act as though he was madly in love with you.
"I can't wait to take you on a date later," the android grinned, his led a soft blue.
"Well, we have to wait until after work, Romeo," you smirked.
He leant down and placed a gentle kiss on your lips. Butterflies exploded in your stomach and a subtle blush spread across your face. You had to remind yourself it was all fake as he walked across the bullpen.
You cursed to yourself and picked the roses from your lap and put them on the desk. You remembered last time he got you roses when you cut yourself on the thorns and noticed he had removed them from this bouquet.
He was so perfect, he cared deeply about you but none of it was real. It was all just a ruse, neither of you really had feelings for each other. You decided you should break it off before things got too serious, you didn't want to actually fall for him if he didn't feel the same way. It was purely circumstantial.
He watched you from his desk, he had his head resting on his hand as he daydreamed about your date together. All he wanted was the day to end.
Hank shook his head at Connor, somewhat sick of Connors lost puppy behaviour lately.
"Why not go talk to them? Rather than ogling them from your desk," Hank grumbled.
"Because we are both working lieutenant, it would be highly inappropriate for me to halt our work,"
"Cause you're getting so much work done," Hank rolled his eyes.
Recently, Connor had been feeling differently about you. He noticed these feelings on Christmas but decided to push them aside, the relationship wasn't real.
He thought back to the kiss the two of you had shared moments ago and brought his hand up, his fingers traced his lips as he thought about yours, and the blush that was cast over your face.
"So you only got them flowers?" Hank raised an eyebrow at Connor.
"They like flowers, was I supposed to get something else?"
"It's a little bit different, you get them flowers every week. It's not going to be special."
Those final words echoed in Connors head and he paused for a moment, thinking of what to do. He decided he would treat you properly and stood up, swiftly leaving the police department.
You watched him leave then glanced over to Hank, concerned. The older gentleman merely shrugged.
Connor did not return for three hours. You had been worried about him, he left without Hank and without saying anything.
All worries were released when you saw him fighting to get back in the police department. He was battling an oversized teddy bear that wouldn't fit through the entrance easily.
Eventually, he made it through and basically ran to you, offering you a nice box of chocolates and the Teddy bear that was nearly as big as him.
You giggled and took the chocolates, putting them on your desk before he sat the bear on your lap. You could hear his laugh as he lifted the bear back off of you and put it in an empty chair.
"Where did you go?" You asked.
"I had some things to buy," he smiled.
"That took you three hours?"
"I couldnt think of the words to put in the card," he pouted and pulled a card from his pocket.
Connor didn't hand you the card, or even reach it out to you in the slightest. Instead, he extended his other hand for you to hold and pulled you up out of your seat. He led you through the police department to a room that hadn't been used for a while, it was full of desks for some reason.
He sat you down on a desk and turned the lights on, making you blink as your eyes had gotten use to the dark briefly.
The android stood in front of you, fiddling with his coin in one hand and holding the card shyly with the other hand.
His face flushed a deep blue as he held the card out to you. He had never acted like this around you before, you had never seen him blush before now.
You tore the red envelope open and pulled the card out. It was cute, a white background covered in red and pink hearts and had some cheesy line about valentines day on the front.
You glanced up at him before opening it and saw his beautiful eyes staring at you intensely, as if he was waiting for your next move.
As you opened the card, you saw his neat handwriting. His handwriting was perfect and covered the inside of the card. You began to read the card before he interrupted you with a groan and pulled it from your hands.
"It's stupid, dont worry about it," he urged.
"I want to read it," you reached for the card.
"No." He moved away.
You pounced on him to try and get the card and he fought you, pushing you back as he held the card out of reach.
Connor paused as you kissed him on the lips and you managed to get the card from him. He panicked, thinking to what he had written in the card and grabbed you by your wrists.
He gently pinned you to the wall with your hands above your head and pulled the card from your hands.
Your heart was beating so hard you swore he could hear it, but he was too worried about his thirium pump beating just as hard as he looked at you. The both of you began to blush deeply as you stared at each other unable to move.
"You dont need to read the card," he whispered.
"But what does it say?" You whispered back.
"Just that- I... I want this to be real"
You stared at him him shock, he had broken eye contact with his statement and seemed so nervous now, nothing like how he had been before.
"Do you... love me?" You continued to whisper.
He opened his mouth to talk but no words escaped, he could only nod.
"I love you Connor,"
"I love you too," he let go of your arms and wrapped his arms around you.
He held you in a tight hug, his face buried in the crook of your neck as you wrapped your arms around him.
He began to mutter into your shoulder "will you be my valentine? For real this time?"
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cottoncandy-cult · 1 year
Private Lunch
Free De La Hoya x Reader
For all intents and purposes, Free is gonna be aged up since there is reference to a relationship (I originally wrote this intending it as teenage puppy love so he'll be anywhere from 16+)
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(Y/n) sighed as she wandered about the hotel room she shared with her boyfriend, his team was out doing something, and he had left to go get some food so they could relax together before he had to head to the stadium for another competition. She loved watching him compete, but she loved cuddling on the couch with him more. Soon she found herself turning on the TV and channel surfing until she found a channel that was playing music. She left it on to fill the otherwise silent room, the (H/c) head was moments away from going into the bathroom to get ready for bed since she'd be watching him from the hotel anyways when the blonde made his appearance. He carried a couple bags in hand, having gone to a nearby restaurant and getting stuck in line for a bit since so many out of towners were coming in to watch the battles. "Ready to eat?" He looked at her blankly with a quirked brow and a slight head tilt, the male could be quite similar to a cat from time to time. The exact reason they hadn't gotten a pet, she wasn't sure her heart could handle 2 living beings being so damn adorable.
Any boredom born frustration fled from the girl as she gave him a warm smile, earning a softer smile back from the usual seemingly quiet male. But she knew better, he was expressive in his own ways, and he never failed to notice anytime she was in need of some kind of emotional tending. "Of course, I was worried you got lost in this big old city." She approached him and they made their way to the large bed in the room, sitting together as she watched the male sort through and set everything out in front of the two. It was some new kind of cuisine and the two had decided to give it a try, so Free had gotten a couple different things for them. "Yeah, the place was busy, a lot of people are coming to see the battles I guess." He shrugged his shoulders and opened a container before passing the girl at his side some utensils, allowing for them to dig in. They ate in silence for a few moments, occasional humming when they found something they enjoyed with a few soft words of "try this" or "that's not bad." These moments that he spends with her had been some of his favorites, sometimes these battles can be boring or feel like an annoying storm. So, the serenity that came from being able to be with his woman was a relief, any boredom or annoyance dissolved when he found himself in her presence.
"We should go out tomorrow before the next round of battles start, I saw a hobby store when we were coming to the hotel, and I want to see if they have any special pastel colors." (Y/n) had looked at Free with that same warm smile that graced her features when he brought the food home, Free had paused in his bite, seeming to think for a moment before he swallowed his food and nodded. "Sure, I think its next to a little cafe too. So, we can get breakfast and go check it out." This made the girl giggle, he always seemed to know where every restaurant was. Though it didn't really surprise her, sometimes he got so caught up in training and practice that he ended up eating out most the day or even week if it was a big event coming up. "That sounds good, we could sit outside and enjoy our breakfast and see when the shop opens up. That way you don't have to deal with too much unwanted attention." She reached up and pinched his cheek, making a soft pink flutter to the top of his skin, she was the only one who could fluster him. Her affection always had his head and chest feeling fluttery and odd, it was a feeling he had quickly grown to love. He appreciated her attempts and desires to give him breaks and escapes from people, he loved battling and depending on where it was things weren't always overwhelming. But usually once the competitions got started it could get chaotic, and though not stressful in the normal sense it could get annoying. At the end of a long day, he wants to go back to his love and bask in her affection and presence, and though he appreciated his fans that was hard to do when 60 people want to stampede him at the end of the battles to try and interact.
By the time the two had finished eating there was still 2 more hours until the competitor introductions, when Free noticed that a slight grin crossed his face. With a carefree heart he wrapped his arms around the (H/c) head's waist and pulled her close to him, with all empty containers thrown away he was able to flop them on their sides as he spooned her without a care. "Free?..." Her giggly confused voice made his smile widen a bit more as he buried his face in the back of her shoulder, simply pressing closer. "Let's take a nap...we have time." He could feel her shuffle to check and after a few moments he heard a beep from her phone and she had nodded, of course he knew she was setting an alarm. Afterall this wasn't really new, after food cuddle naps were his favorite kinds of naps after all.
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f1-disaster-bi · 19 days
quiet acts of love that make me cry 🫂
"i brought you flowers." "for what?" "there has to be a reason?"
I think charles would bring flowers home to lando just because he thought of him when he saw the flowers (sunflowers maybe? 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
Charles had intended to stop at a florists on the way back from his run, but then he had spotted a bouqet in the window that had made him pause. It was a simple but colourful one with bright yellow sunflowers as the main focal point. They were surrounded by roses that were a delicate pinky-orange that looked like a sunset. There were other flowers too. Charles recognised some baby's breath mixed in among song anthirrimun. It looked like a beautiful sunset, happy and serene, and it reminded him so much of Lando that he had to buy a bunch. He wasn't even sure if Lando liked flowers. They had never exchanged them as a gift before, but Charles had just been drawn to them. They reminded him of the nights watching the sunset from the balcony, of Lando's warm smile that tugged at his lips when he had just woken up and spotted Charles still in bed with him. The sunflowers reminded him of how Lando always seemed to draw attention to himself without even trying. He was just someone you had to stop and look at, someone you had to sit and admire and watch as they reached for the sky because there was no limit for them. Charles was carefuly with it as he made his way home. His fingers gentally brushing leaves and petals, smiling to himself until he found himself at their apartment door. He let himself in easily. The sound of Lando's morning playlist greeting him along with soft singing. He could hear the faint whirring of the coffee machine as he toed off his shoes and craddled the flowers to his chest. "Just in time, Charlie!", Lando called out, not even turning away from where he was prepping their coffe and something to eat, "I just finished it" Charles grinned as he walked up behind him, leaning over his shoulder to kiss Lando's cheek. The other turned his head a little, catching Charles's lips in a sweet kiss before Charles step back again. "I bought you flowers" Charles admitted softly, holding out the bouqet as Lando turned to face him. Lando's face softened at the sight of the bouqet in his arms. He reached out carefully, accepting it without fuss but there was a look of awe in his eyes. His fingers touched the petals softly, and there it was; that soft warm smile pulling at his lips that only Charles got to see. "You bought me these? For what?", Lando laughed softly, reaching out to cup Charles's face and pull him into a gentle kiss, "They're beautiful, thank you" "Does their have to be a reason? Can't I just want to spoil you with flowers?", Charles hummed teasingly, leaning back against the kitchen island as Lando set the bouqet down carefully before he started to dig around in the cupboards, "Are you alright?" "I know we have a vase somewhere. They need proper care", Lando replied, emerging after a few minutes with a vase Charles's mother might have gifted them when they bought their apartment, "Will you set the island while I take care of these?" Charles's answer came in the form of a kiss pressed against Lando's cheek before he was moving. As he glanced back at Lando, who was stlill smiling at the flowers, Charles knew he was right as warmth filled his chest. Lando was as beautiful and raidant as a sunflower and as enamouring as a gorgeous sunset. He was lucky to be able to call him his.
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9leaguesofmirrors · 10 months
Revenge Fuel (a Ross Gaines x Joseph Lisgoe fanfic)
Ages ago, I wrote a fic called Paranoia Fuel. Well, I've finally decided to write a sequel to it. While this can be read as a standalone, I've linked Paranoia Fuel here so you guys can read them back-to-back
I really hope you guys enjoy this one!
CONTENT WARNING: Contains depictions of violence and threats
Hammonds was a man that nobody in Royston Vasey ever saw, but if they did they'd be unable to scrub the image from their minds. Unruly hair, stubble and a generally scruffy demeanour: the mere sight of him told you everything you needed to know - 'this is an unpredictable man'
As usual during the night, he was sat on one of his leather seats watching TV, fully intending on having a quiet night in
Had he been a little more alert, he'd have noticed the figure moving swiftly towards his house
The figure making his way to the window and looking inside, waiting for a sign that someone was home
The figure with a gun in his pocket and was not, in the slightest, happy to see him
In fact, he only noticed someone was there when he heard the door being slamming. Once he went and opened it, he raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw who it was. The rest of his face was still
"We need to talk."
Hammonds stepped aside and watched Lisgoe as he walked through like he owned the house, making his way to the living room. He was followed by Hammonds like prey being hunted
Not that he behaved like there was danger
"Didn't expect you to live this nice."
"What is it, Lisgoe? I was busy."
"Doing what?"
Hammonds glared pointedly for a few seconds, then sat down
"Don't waste my time. Make it quick."
"Stand up."
"Lisgoe," Hammonds leaned forward, squinting his eyes and baring his teeth "when have I ever taken orders from someone like you?"
"Fucking stand up."
"Don't swear at your boss, Lisgoe."
"You're not my boss." Lisgoe sneered "We're outside of office hours, you're just some guy."
There was a moment of pause, both of them stared at each other with unreadable expressions
"I'm not dealing with you anymore, Hammonds."
"You what?" He wasn't scared or angry, his voice was closer to mockery
"You heard me. I'm not sitting pretty while you talk to me however you want."
"Don't worry Lisgoe, you couldn't be pretty if you tried. You have a face like a smashed-in beehive."
"This is exactly what I mean." Lisgoe's voice melded into a snarl "It's boring, Hammonds. The constant bullshit has gotten old and I'm not putting up with it anymore."
"Oh, I am sorry!" Hammonds ramped up the mockery to a degree that really pissed Lisgoe off "I'd hate to hurt your precious feelings."
Hammonds finally stood up and walked towards Lisgoe, towering over him like an overarching thunderstorm. The tone of his voice became more like harsh daggers
"You think I'd answer to a single demand someone like you would make?"
Lisgoe didn't respond, he just stared back in cold defiance
"I could bash your head into the pavement until it was an unrecognisable pulp of blood and broken bones." His voice was calm, but the look on his face made it very clear Hammonds was enjoying the image "They wouldn't be able to tell you apart from dog meat."
There was no doubt in Lisgoe's mind that this wasn't an empty threat, but he wasn't going to let that show on his face. His boss was the only person he knew that would actually follow through with his promises - he'd proven that several times. It made his hairs stand up on end, but he held his ground
Until Hammonds took it too far
"And what about that Ross? What do you think will happen to him?"
For the first time since he entered the living room, Lisgoe stared down at the floor. The very way his partner's name was spat out of Hammond's mouth made his stomach coil
"Could visit him personally, show him exactly what I could do to him. Exactly how I could make him hurt. Damage him beyond repair."
Upon hearing that, Lisgoe's head shot up to face Hammonds. There was a burning eclipse in his eyes that shut out any sort of critical thought, leaving only a buzzing and frothing pit of primal aggression
"Maybe," Hammonds continued "I'll make you watch as I teach Ross a lesson in-"
"Don't say his name unless you plan on putting some fucking respect on it."
Hammonds was taken aback by Lisgoe's sudden lack of containment, he knew the man was volatile but he'd never lost it like this around him. What gave him the right?
"Why should I? Just because you're having sex with him, doesn't mean I have to care."
"You don't have to give a shite, but you need to respect him."
"I don't 'need' to do anything. Why should I show an ounce of respect to some lowlife greasehead that you decide to bum every so often-"
Something snapped
The room burst into shades of red and orange
Lisgoe had ripped his belt from its loops and shoved Hammonds backwards until he collided with the floor, holding it up and thwacking it down hard on him. The force and lack of control caused it to hit the light on the way down, shattering it and making it rain down like hellfire
"You fucking try it!" Lisgoe screamed, as if he were talking to anyone other than his boss "Just fucking try and lay a finger on him." He got right in Hammonds' face, teeth bared and eyes blazing "I will rip you a new asshole and fuck you with it!"
Hammonds wasn't going to let himself be bested by this scrawny upstart, and he stumbled his way to stand - not seeming to care about the broken glass under his feet. Without a second of hesitation, he grabbed Lisgoe by the chin
"You've got steel balls, haven't you?"
Maybe it was pride and arrogance, or maybe it was delirium, but Lisgoe couldn't help but laugh
"Guess that's why Ross likes me so much."
That was rewarded with a harsh shove to the floor, which effectively snapped Lisgoe out of it. He scrambled for the gun in his jacket pocket and held it at Hammonds' head, who's face slowly merged into one of silent, underlying rage
"Is that my gun, Lisgoe?"
"Wanna look down the barrel and find out?"
Hammonds launched for it, but Lisgoe held on tight. They scuffled for it on the floor, barely registering the click of the holster. Too busy trying to dodge and navigate the violent frenzy of limbs to realise the gun was active
Until someone grabbed it and shot twice
The air grew thick as the two were still. For all that build-up, the ending felt so sudden it was almost an anti-climax. Not that it mattered now. Not with a smoking gun and a dead body
Lisgoe felt himself slump backwards, his breath escaping him in ragged pumps. His fist loosened around the gun and his eyes closed. A look of pure relief ghosted his face
How's that for a smashed-in beehive?
Chuckling to himself, he stood up to look at the lifeless body of his boss that had falling on glass-riddled flooring. Two clean hits right in the jugular. Not bad
He let himself out of the backdoor and headed for the garage, as casually as brushing his teeth, to search for some form of toolbox. It didn't take long for him to find what he was after, and then he called his partner as he rummaged
"Ross? ... Yes, I know I'm late. ... I'm OK. I won't be home for a while," at least, he pulled out a small pair of pliers "it's impossible to find anything in these shops! ... I'll let you know when I'm back. ... Right, bye."
Once Ross hung up, Lisgoe called up a friend
"Mark, do you and Steve still have that business? ... Good, I want something made."
Lisgoe let himself in, holding a bag of shopping in his hand
He was met in the living room by Ross, who didn't look impressed
"Is there a soap shortage? Have people around here finally understood concept of hygiene?"
"Knowing the thick twats here, they're probably drinking it." Lisgoe put the bag down on the sofa and took something out, handing it to Ross "I saw this. Thought it was cool."
Ross took the bracelet in his hands, very surprised by the gift. Being a debt collector, Lisgoe was stingy with money, this felt slightly frivilous on his end. That wasn't to say he didn't appreciate it though
He ran his fingers along the plaited leather, dark brown and high quality. What also struck his eye were the little charms embedded into it
They looked exactly like human teeth
"It came with something else," Lisgoe took a chain from the bag and handed it over "shopkeeper was a pushy git. Would let me go until I got it."
They moved to their bedroom and stood in front of their mirror. As Ross put the bracelet on, Lisgoe went behind him and looped the chain round his neck
Ross reached up to touch the two bullets hanging from it
He wasn't stupid
"Joseph, where did you get these?"
"A couple of mates of mine make jewellery."
"I meant the charms. The teeth and the bullets, where did you get them."
Lisgoe looked at Ross' reflection and said nothing
"Did they deserve it?"
"It was Hammonds."
A few seconds of silence passed. Then Ross turned to face his partner with a dark smile
"I'll save them for a special occasion then."
A/N: As much as I love exploring different aspects of Gainsgoe, we can't forget that they're actual sickos - especially Lisgoe
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