#We also sing happy birthday at the top of our lungs as off key and out of sync as possible
creepyscritches · 2 years
I love planning gifts and parties so much like YES i have your perfect gift I've been analyzing you for 364 days in preparation we group funded and hunted for your ps5 and it's tucked into bed like a baby for you to unswaddle and I know ABSOLUTELY that you'll hate love the party yes you came home to your rabid friends in cowboy hats but after we scare the hell out of you we'll play smash or something while you go do your after work routine unmolested but we WILL be weaving the birthday tiara into your hair when you come back look we're already getting the pinata set up
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griffxnnage · 3 years
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pairing: james potter x fem!reader
word count: 0.8k
warnings: one sexual comment, food mentions, being dog piled
dis is for you @darthwheezely!! also, thank you @eloquenceflores for the idea!!
the weak morning sun peaked through the windows, shining on james’ face, accentuating his boyish beauty. he groaned and squinted his eyes, apparently not liking the light streaming through the curtains. “y/n…” he whined, his morning voice making your face go red.
“yea, jamie? what’s up?” you scooched closer to him, entwining his legs with yours to steal some of his warmth; he’s a living furnace, that’s for sure. “‘s too bright,” he covered his face with his hands, turning away from the accursed window.
“aww, poor baby,” you mimicked his pout, latching onto him like a little monkey.
“hey, whatcha doin there, koala bear?” he turned his head, smiling at your clinginess. “‘m cold,” you mumbled into his back, breathing in his distinct smell.
“well then, why didn’t you say so?” he giggled, turning back to face you. “lemme just,” he rolled on top of you, and let his body go limp. “james!!! you’re so heavy,” you laughed, all of the air being pushed out of your lungs by the quidditch player playing dead on top of you.
“well too bad, i’m staying put.” he chuckled, the sound reverberating through your body. “also, y/n,” he spoke into the pillows, his face hidden from view. “you do know what day it is, right?” he asked the pillows.
it was at that moment that the door to his dorm burst open, and two tall individuals entered.
“happy birthday, y/n!!” sirius and remus yelled, running into the room like a bunch of lunatics. “oi, cover up, we don’t want any image of you two shagging burned onto our eyelids,” sirius dropped what he was carrying and covered his eyes, forcing remus to turn around. “yea, guys, you don’t want to stain our poor, innocent souls, do you?” remus added. he shuddered when he fully turned around. making james laugh.
“come on, mates, there’s nothing to see. we’re both covered. your innocence shall be tarnish-free,” he finally pushed himself off of you, resulting in an “oof” from you. lying on his side, he motioned to his friends.
“so, weren’t you two maniacs saying something to our lovely y/n here?” he smirked at you, throwing a wink in there as well.
“right, happy birthday!!!” they both turned back around and sirius picked up the object that he’d previously dropped. by the time it was in your view, he’d already set it up on your bedside table. it was a portable record player, and sirius was about to drop the needle on a very worn looking record.
the all familiar glissando brought a smile to your face as nostalgic chords rang through your ears.
sirius, james and remus all jumped up on the bed, and started dancing like a bunch of idiots as the singing started.
“you can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life,” they sang, albeit a little bit off key, but it made your heart soar seeing the boys sing like that; without a care in the world.
“oooh, see that girl,” they all pointed at you, still lying down, covering your face with your hands.
“watch that scene, digging the dancing queen,” they quieted down to put you on your feet.
“come on, boys, i’m not ready to be standing yet,” you complained, ragdolling with sirius’ hands under your armpits. remus gabbed your ankles, and the two lanky gryffindors shared a mischievous glance. “oh no, i know that look. don’t you dare-” you started, but they began swinging you before you could say anything more.
“you are the dancing queeeeeen, young and sweeeeeet, only seventeeeeeen,” they sang while your stomach was doing somersaults. you couldn’t stop laughing, and once the song ended, they finally set you down, your stomach sore from all the laughter.
“happy 17th, y/n!!!” they all exclaimed simultaneously. you pulled them all in for a hug, thanking them. one of them lost their balance, and they all piled on top of you. “oh godric, not again,” you groaned, now under the weight of three teenagers.
“bloody hell, get off of meee,” you whined, trying your best to push them off. “nope,” came sirius’ voice from somewhere in the pile of marauders.
“we gotta go down to breakfast; mcgonagall will be in a tizzy if we don’t get there on time.” you protest, still slightly struggling for breath.
“well, can’t say no to breakfast, can we, gentleman?” remus sat up, and slid over to the door, his sock-clad feet giving him some serious speed. “we’ll meet you down there!!” sirius called from the hallway.
“how did he get out of here so fast?” you asked, truly bewildered at the true velocity the two boys could reach in mere seconds.
“who cares, love? let’s go down,” james sighed, stretching before standing up from the bed.
once you’d gotten dressed in one of his quidditch jumpers, he pressed a kiss to the side of your head, and wrapped an arm around you.
“you ready, birthday girl?” he smiled down at you.
“as i’ll ever be, jamesie. as i’ll ever be.”
general/hp taglist: @luvshack @henqtic @slytherclawbitch @amphxtrite @chaoswalkinq @nerdyblogger06 @wand3ringr0s3 @horrorxweasley @batcat46 @mollysolo @ohnoitsmekc @ildm4ev
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forabeatofadrum · 2 years
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This is a different kind of cold.
I’m standing on top of the Mt. Everest and I am shaking so hard. The cold is unbearable and the lack of oxygen even makes me feel dizzy, and I am immortal. After I let my body adjust to the temperature, I take in the view.
I am on top of the world, literally. I climbed this mountain without any magic or vampire skill.
I can cross off another thing on Simon’s bucket list. I’ve already done so many things in the past twenty years, including questionable things like chugging a gallon of melted butter, and I can now cross ‘climbing the Mt. Everest’ off the list.
My hands reach for my magickal bag that is basically attached to my body at this point. Well, it sort of is. It’s spelled so that only I can take it off. I can’t lose it. And it’s also spelled so that I am the only one who can unzip it.
I keep my most treasured belongings in this bag, like my wand (when I am not actively using it), my keys, my wallet, a small tablet for notes, and of course a photo of Simon. I take out the photo. I found it on the website of Watford’s archive. He must’ve been seventeen in this photo. I printed it out on actual photo paper, since I am old school. (Besides, I have no hologram photos of Simon. He died way before that.) (Okay, I can hologramise this photo, but again, I am old school.)
“Look, love, I did it,” I say to the photo.
I smile at the photo and I imagine him smiling back at me. He’d be so proud of me. I have to imagine him saying it, since I won’t be able to hear it from him. He’s not coming back. He’s never coming back.
And that’s okay.
He’s with me nevertheless.
Lamb pops the champagne. It’s my 200th birthday after all. Every centenary celebration is a big deal in Las Vegas.
I’ve reached my two-hundreds and I am throwing a big party. I didn’t throw a party for my hundredth birthday, or any birthday, but that’s before Simon put ‘throw the best fucking party ever’ on the bucket list. My two-hundredth felt fitting.
You’d think that after all these years I’d be close to finishing this bucket list, but no, it’s endless. Simon really made sure of that.
This party is dedicated to him, mostly through terrible old music from the early 2000s. I might have some memory loss, but the moment some of my emo shit music starts playing, I am singing along from the top of my lungs.
Some other vampires that were also alive in the 2000s chime in. Annika even puts on All I Want For Christmas Is You. We go nuts.
It’s a lot of fun.
I love my vampire family here. It’s been a long time coming, but I am finally belonging somewhere. I have Lamb, and Annika, and Braden, and Tiffany, and Matt, and Al, and… and… and… the list goes on.
Simon would be happy to hear that.
“I’m married,” I say, holding up my left hand.
I’m not. Not really. But I also am. Sort of.
Look, it’s confusing.
But the other guy doesn’t need to know that. He just needs to understand that even though I appreciate the flirtation, I am not interested.
Simon put ‘get married’ on the bucket list, as in, he wanted us to get married. It wasn’t the most romantic proposal, but it was perfect, because it was his proposal. The complication stems from the fact that Simon is still very dead. That, and the fact that it’s very weird to ask for a marriage certificate on your own.
As usual, magic came to the rescue.
As a result, I am sort of married to Simon. Simon doesn’t exist anywhere on paperwork except for the marriage certificate, so I am married, but to someone who doesn’t exist, which means I am not married.
I accept it. What matters to me is that I see us as married.
Despite the circumstances, I am very happy with it, even though our marriage process was lonesome. I was the one who picked out the rings for both of us. His ring is in my spelled bag. I wear mine with pride.
“Till death do us part” my ass. I am his. He is mine, even now. Forever.
The image of Simon is smiling at me. I smile back as I put down the final stroke of paint to finish his smile.
I sigh happily. I have finished another painting.
It’s one of the many portraits of Simon. I think I have practised enough. I think I have done it. It’s time for me to cross ‘learn how to paint with oil paint’ off my list. Simon was inspired by the portraiture at my old house in Hampshire for this item on the bucket list. It’s one of the many, many skill-based items. Well, oil painting felt like one of the easiest. (Another one is ‘learn how to do trick flights in a fighter jet plane’, which is basically two skills in one: fly a fighter jet plane, and know how to do arial tricks!)
I did have to cheat, since it’s hard to get oil these days, so oil paint is too exquisite to waste. It doesn’t matter. Simon couldn’t have known that the paints we use nowadays are made of materials that didn’t even exist back when he was alive. And besides, the result is the same. It’s another stunning portrait of Simon, if I may say so. (And I may say so. I can be proud of my own work.)
The best thing about this new paint is that it dries almost immediately, unlike oil paint, so my fingers aren’t smudged in paint when I press a kiss to my fingers and then press my fingertips on the canvas.
This really is some of my best work. It will look nice is my small studio that I bought. It’s filled with portraits of people that I’ve lost, like my family, Niall, Dev, Penelope, Shepard and heck, I even drew Agatha Wellbelove, even though I never spoke to her again. It’s a miracle I remember what she looked like. (Or at least, I think this is what she looked like.)
But most of them are of Simon. I am surrounded by Simons.
When I started this part of the bucket list, I expected to be sad to see all the people I’ve lost, but no, the opposite has happened. I hang Simon’s new portrait next to the others and I am happy. It’s as if I am surrounded by loved ones.
Being rich sure has its perks. I’ve always known this.
I board the space shuttle. Space tourism has been going on for a couple of centuries, but Simon’s bucket list specifically requested the visit to another planet. It took quite some time to find another planet with life.
I knew we couldn’t be the only ones in the universe and I was right.
Now I am going to meet this new form of life for Simon. It cost a fortune, but I have already spent a shit ton of money on this bucket list.
Merlin, he’d be so stoked.
“What is this drink?” I ask a waiter. I hate the way these speakers make my voice crack, but that’s what happens when you are relying on these devices to talk to others in different languages. Remember when English existed, and everyone on Earth spoke that at one point? I miss that language.
But now we’re beyond English and, most importantly, beyond Earth.
“It’s a regional speciality,” the speaker around the waiter’s neck (is it a neck?) says.
“It’s really nice,” I say and the waiter smiles.
“It is made of the ingredients native of this planet,” the waiter explains, “It makes the drink taste however you want it to taste.”
That’s why this drink tastes like Watford’s roast beef and mashed potatoes. I’d forgotten what it tasted like, but of course my fondness of Simon’s appetite helps me remember it.
Makes sense, I guess. I can see why this drink is so nice. Ever since the first commercial intergalactic travel became a thing a few hundred years ago, this planet is loved as a tourist spot. But that’s not why I am here.
Simon, my ridiculously lovely Simon, put some fantastical things on his bucket list. I am certain he put some of them as a joke, or he expected intergalactic travel to become a thing in the far future. Who knows. Simon couldn’t have predicted the current present almost 13000 years ago. (Merlin, I am old!). Sometimes I laugh at the ideas people had back then. I don’t remember all of it, but there is this planet that is basically one big library and sometimes I visit it to read about what happened when I was still ‘young’.
We can travel through the universe with ease by ‘taking the bus’, which is a wormhole shuttle, but we still have to learn languages manually. No one’s planted a superchip with knowledge in my head. Instead we rely on speakers, which is so last millennium in my mind, but it works.
So yeah, the ‘future’ is unpredictable. I’m certain Simon was joking with this one, because one item on the list is ‘move to another planet’. Meeting other forms of life wasn’t enough for him. I could stay on Earth, but why? I’ve seen all parts of that planet by now, since it became safe for me to be a vampire everywhere. This intergalactic travel stuff led to different species interacting, so humans had to quickly get used to other species.
I have been holding off this specific item for a while. It’s time now.
The waiter leaves and I sit back and relax. Yes, I can see myself living here.
I feel… empty.
I can’t believe it.
I look at the sheet of paper. I’ve made sure the paper has survived all these years by coating it in spells. Magic’s become scarce in the past few decades, but I still hold on to it so that I preserve this bucket list. Now I look at it with wide eyes.
I think I’ve finished the bucket list.
Scratch that. I’ve definitely finished the bucket list. I just crossed off the last item, which was quite boring compared to other items. (It was ‘ride an elephant’.) (Actual elephants are extinct, but this planet has an animal that is very similar so it counts in my eyes.) (Damn, I should’ve ridden an elephant in the previous millennium, back when they still existed.)
It only took me almost twenty-thousand years.
What now?
This bucket list has directed my life for so long. It’s what tied me to Simon. For quite some time, I was dreading this day. I was afraid it’d feel like losing him again. I was afraid I’d lose my purpose in life.
But right now I am sitting on the cloud outside my living pod and I look up at the sky. I feel empty, sure, and kind of sad, but I am not devastated. Yes, I’ve lived the vast majority of my life according to this bucket list, but during that time, I’ve finally lived a life.
I’ve done so much.
I’ve done so damn much in so many years that I’ve even forgotten half of it. (I have mementos of everything, of course, but my actual memories are long gone and I am fine with that.) (I’ve known that that’s part of immortality for centuries.). I’ve lived a life. Not only that, but I loved living a life.
After all, that was probably Simon’s plan all along.
God, I love him so much for it.
He basically tricked me into enjoying life by this whole “do it for me” thing. And I did it for him. I promised him I’d finish his bucket list and I did, but I’d be lying if I tell you that I feel like my life is over.
On the contrary, my life is far from over. The entire universe is still out there. There is so much to see, so much to do. I have lifelong friends and there are so many more people out there to meet. Finishing up the bucket list showed me what life has to offer and now I no longer need that list to see it.
I am sad about finishing it, but I am excited to find something else to do.
I blow a kiss to the sky.
“Thank you, love.”
And even though I know it’s not possible, I imagine Simon smiling down on me.
End notes: I hope you enjoyed Baz doing some batshit stuff. And this is only a fraction of all the things he’s done, so feel free to let your imagination run wild. The “chug a gallon of melted butter” came from @cutestkilla​ and I knew I had to include it.
One more chapter, folks.
Hmmmm, what could it be? 🤔
Okay, maybe I should explain it a little bit. This story has two epilogues/endings, and this is ending no. 1, otherwise known as the original ending. This was my plan after @facewithoutheart​ kindly gave me the idea of the bucket list. Even when the list is finished, Baz is happy because he feels accomplished and he lives happily ever after. Maybe it wasn’t the happily ever after he imagined, but he’s good. 
And then my treacherous mind came up with another ending. If you’ve been following this blog, you might’ve noticed that I spent quite some time debating whether I wanted this ending or the one that I’ll post next week. In the end, I decided on both, but a part of me will still hold on to this ending since it’s very dear to me. With other words, if you are also content with this ending, you can consider this fic as finished from here on.
But in case you are curious to what the second ending entails, then see you in a week!
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kookoosbunnynose · 5 years
Happy Birthday
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Genre: Tooth rotting fluff, like go to the dentist after bitch.
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: Cursing
Summary: You surprise Jungkook for his birthday, and you watch his birthday vlive. 
A/N: It’s baby’s birthday! I hope you like it, I wanted to have this out yesterday but it be like that sometimes.
“Thank you,” you say as you take a copy of your boyfriend’s room key.
“No problem, I’m happy to help young love!” Sejin says. “Just make sure he doesn’t stay up too late. We don’t have another show until the day after tomorrow, but they need to rest up.” he adds, raising his pointer finger and waving at you.
“Okay, dad.” You respond playfully straightening your back and saluting him.
“Jungkook’s car wasn’t far behind mine. You better get up there before he does.” He says motioning towards the elevator. 
“You’re right!” You nod your head in lieu of a bow and turn on your heels starting to jog down the corridor. “Thank you again, Sejin!” 
“511, 512, 513..” You mumble to yourself, scanning all the doors lining the walls around you. “Ah, 514!” You softly exclaim to yourself before slipping the key card into the door, waiting for the green light.
When you open the door, your eyes are met with the small living quarters your boyfriend has been using for no longer than 24 hours. His suitcase sat at the foot of his bed and a handful of ramen cups sitting on the counter waiting for his return. 
You close the door behind you and set your small overnight bag on the large chair in the corner of the room. Shortly after removing your coat you feel you phone buzz in your pocket. 
Namjoon: “Y/n! Our car just pulled up, I hope you’re ready!”
You: “Yes! I just got in, I’m waiting in his room! Thank you so much for helping me!”
You sit on the end of his bed, nervously rubbing his palms together. Why am I nervous? It’ll be fine! He’ll be surprised, he’ll love it. God, I’ve missed him. 
Your racing mind is cut short when your phone, next to you lights up again.
My Love: “Hey darling, I got back to the hotel safely. I’ll call you when I get to my room :)”
You smile down at your phone like you do every night when you receive one of the many variations of this text. He knows you worry about him when he’s on tour. The boys have amazing staff to take care of them. You trust Sejin and the guards, but his reassurance puts you at ease nonetheless. 
You: “Thank you, love. I can’t wait <3” 
No less than a minute passes before you hear a plethora of heavy footsteps and in the hall you take one more deep breath of brace yourself and steady your pounding heart.
 You run your fingers through your hair and do one more quick outfit check to make sure you look presentable. Despite the fact that he’s seen you in old sweats and covered in cheeto dust, you still want to look your best after you’ve been apart for a while. 
“Goodnight, hyungs!” You hear him muffled by the door, that unbenounced to him, separates the two of you. Fuck. His voice is so much prettier in person. You wipe your sweaty hands on your pants one more time before rising to your feet. 
You hear his key card slip into the lock followed by a small ding. You watch the door intently as the handle turns. How long is a second again? Because this one feels eternal.
“Hi baby! Happy Birthday!” You exclaim as the door opens to reveal his face.
For a split second he looks like he might jump out of his skin, but when his eyes meet your face his eyes sparkle and lips part to reveal the beautiful smile you love so much.
“Y/n! What the hell!” he immediately drops the backpack slung over his shoulder and runs over to you to slip his arms under yours to embrace you in a lung crushing hug. He picks up up with ease and your wrap your legs around his waist while he spins you round. You giggle into his shoulder taking in his scent and savoring the way his arms squeeze you so tightly. 
“Are you surprised?” 
“Yes! The guys would share looks whenever my birthday was brought up but I thought I was just getting special gift this year. I didn’t think it would be this special.” He says giving your abdomen another squeeze emphasising this words. 
You smile into his neck and you feel him lift his head, but you’re not ready to let go yet. He giggles at your koala like grip, moving his hands to hold your hips.
“Kiss me dammit.” he chuckles.
You quickly raise your head from his shoulder to meet his gaze. He studies your face for a second before his eyes fall on your lips. You place your hands on his cheeks and close the small gap between you. His lips are soft, warm and fit perfectly in your own. 
“Thank you. For. Coming. To see. Me.” He says between soft pecks to your lips and cheeks. 
“Of course, I don’t want to ever miss your day if we can help it. Also I may have missed you just a little and this was a perfect excuse to surprise you.” you smile and hop down from his waist. “How was the show?”
“It was good! The crowd was energetic and sang along well. They had lots of happy birthday posters. And the guys got the crowd to sing happy birthday to me… And I did not cry.” 
“I’ve seen the videos already.” 
“Well, fuck.” He deflates slightly.
“I think it’s sweet when you happy cry.” you smile taking his hand in yours and playing with his fingers. He takes your hand in his larger one and presses a kiss to your knuckles. “Are you hungry? Do you wanna order some dinner?”
“Yeah! I was gonna order dinner and then… oh shit.” His face falls near the end of his sentence.
“What? Is everything okay?” You ask worried about his bright smile turning into a small frown.
“Last week on Hobi hyung’s live I told Army I would do a birthday live tonight. I was going to go on when I got up here but I completely forgot when I saw you.” You smile when he tightens his grip on your hand. “I can cancel it, I can just tweet that the wifi isn’t good and I do it after you leave?”
“No no! Don’t do that for me!” You put your hands up. “It’s okay, you only do lives for an hour tops and we’ll have tonight and your whole free day tomorrow to spend time together. I don’t want Armies to be disappointed.”
“Are you sure?” He looks into your eyes. 
“Of course! We can have dinner after, yeah?” you reassure him.
“Okay, thank you baby. I won’t be on for more than an hour.” 
“I’ll go bug Taehyung while you’re live. He always stays up late.” You rub his arm and get on your tiptoes to kiss him. 
You peck his lips and turn towards the door but before you can take a step he grabs your arm and pulls you back towards him. He gently cups your face and presses his lips to yours softly but with enough passion to make your knees weak. He pulls away from your mouth just enough so your lips are brushing against each other. 
“I love you.” he breaths against you.
“I love you too.” You say, smile shining brightly. “I’ll be back as soon as you end the live.” You say running your fingers through his hair before you exit the hotel room. 
You exit the room and step into the empty hallway feeling his touch still lingering on your skin. You take a deep breath and walk toward Tae’s room a few doors down, knocking on the door when you get there. Almost immediately you hear his heavy footsteps headed towards the door. 
“Y/n-ssi!” He says a little too loud flashing his signature boxy smile. “Was he surprised?” 
“Yeah! He was really happy.” You say triumphantly. “Thank you so much to all of you guys for helping me with that.” 
“Of course, anything for family.” He says pulling you in for a hug.
“Listen, what you just said was really sweet and I’m pissed about it.” You say playfully smacking him in the arm. 
“What brings you here, y/n?” Tae inquires, realizing that it’s probably weird that you’re visiting his room when he expected you’d spend every second you could with Jungkook while you’re with each other. 
“I was wondering if I could bug you for like an hour? Kookie promised your fans a birthday live and I can’t be a part of that… for obvious reasons.” You chuckle. “I know you’re something of a night owl, and I was hoping you wouldn’t mind if I could hide out in your room until he’s done with his stream? Pretty please?” You pout and make your eyes as big as you can. 
“Hell yeah, dude. No problem. Mi casa es su casa.” He said motioning to his room behind him. 
You enter the room following closely behind, he has his usual chaotic mix of a playlist playing off his speaker. He sits on the floor at the foot of his bed controller in hand to resume his game where he left off. You follow suit and sit next to him, watching him as his eyes bore into the tv screen. 
You’re sitting with Tae for no more than two minutes before you feel you phone buzz in your pocket. Shifting your weight to one side to retrieve your device, you click the screen on to find a vlive notification. And if you didn’t know all that you did, the bunny emoji in the title would’ve been enough to tell you everything you needed to know. 
You curl your knees to your chest and open the notification. Holding your phone close to your face and waiting intently for the video to load. When it does you’re met with those familiar eyes and scrunched up nose. You smile wide looking at his face and the constant flow of purple hearts, ‘I love you’s,  and ‘happy birthday’s. Seeing him receive love from all these people fills your heart. I’m so fucking proud of him. 
He goes on about how the show went, occasionally saying thank you for the constant birthday wishes, and answering random fan questions. 
“Yes, I love strawberries.” He says matter of factly. 
“No, I don’t know what my parents got me for my birthday yet. They’re waiting until I get home to give it to me.”
“Yes, I’m resting well. I hope you all rest well also.”
“Good luck to anyone doing exams”
“You know he loves you a lot, right?” Tae says snapping you out of your focus on your boyfriend making his way through as many of the endless questions as he can. 
“What?” you turn to him.
“He loves you a lot, and it’s clear you love him too. I see the way you two look at each other.” He says seriously. “Thank you for making my little brother so happy.” He says putting his hand on yours.
You feel face getting warm at his words and your vision starts getting blurry, you turn your head away from Tae’s sight.
“No! Y/n don’t cry!” He panics squeezing your hand tighter
“It’s okay Tae, they’re happy tears.” You laugh wiping your eyes, in an attempt to save your eye makeup. “I’m just glad I can make him as happy as he makes me.”
“Trust me, you do. We can’t get the little shit to shut up about you.” His eyes widen slightly as he recalls the many times Jungkook has showed him a picture you’ve sent him, or when he tells various stories about evenings you’ve shared.
About 20 minutes into Jungkook’s live stream Tae receives a knock on the door from the rest of the boys, telling him it’s time for them to invade Jungkook’s peaceful stream. The rest of the members giving you small nods as they shuffle out. 
As much as you’d love to join them and reveal your relationship to the world, you can’t just yet. But that’s okay, as long as you have each other, that’s already more than you ever dreamed of having.
You turn your attention back to his stream, getting ready for the inevitable chaos. 
They enter his room loudly singing happy birthday and shows off his wide bunny smile. The one that shows every tooth in his mouth. The one that makes your heart flutter and your face heat up. The one that you can’t wait to see back in your home in just five long weeks. 
You watch each member as they do their own things around the room to annoy Jungkook and entertain fans. Jin is making some sort of pun that isn’t audible but you can tell by the way he’s poking Jungkook in the ribs with his elbow. Namjoon is standing behind your boyfriend with his hands on either one of his shoulders. Hobi is trying his damnedest to get Jungkook to stand up so he can give him birthday spanks. Taehyung and Jimin are jumping on his bed that seconds ago was neat and tidy. And Yoongi is just standing to the side watching his brothers with a small smile on his face. 
You love your boyfriend and this little family that you’ve become a part of, and you wouldn’t trade them for the world. You already have the world in your hands. Sure it can be difficult, he’s a busy man. But despite all that you wake up everyday not believing you’re lucky enough to call him yours. Not because he’s Jungkook of Bangtan Sonyeondan but because he Jeon Jungkook. The most wonderful man you’ve ever met.
They spend a few more minutes causing a ruckus before saying goodbye to the fans and your love. Moving towards the door and quieting down as they enter the silent hallway. 
“Everyone, I will take three more questions before I wash up and head to bed.” Jungkook says to his phone. 
Your face lights up at his words, his streams normally feel so fast but knowing that he’s just down the hall from you makes it feel twice as long. 
“Oh, he’s almost done!” Tae exclaims
“Fuck yeah!” You say and high five him making him giggle at your excitement.
Jungkook finishes up answering the last question and starts his small series of goodbyes and goodnights. And you hop to your feet pacing by the door, waiting for the steam to end.
As soon as it ends fully just to be safe, and when that ‘this broadcast has ended’ screen pops up you give Tae one last thank you before you swing the door open. You jog down the hall and stop at your boyfriend’s door. You stick your key card into the lock but in your excitement you’re met with a red light. You try two more times still being met with a red light.
“Fuck!” you whisper yell at the door and you can hear Jungkook on the other side laughing at your struggle before opening it for you.
“Are you having a problem?” He chuckles at you
“Not anymore” You say and wrap your arms around his abdomen and resting your head on his chest. “Can we have dinner now?” Your words muffled by the fabric of his shirt.
“I just finished ordering it.” He says putting his arms around you.
“Hell yeah.”
He pulls away from you to plant a kiss on your forehead. “Thank you for the best birthday present ever.”
364 notes · View notes
r-escribe · 6 years
Even after 100 years we'll be by your side, Kanan
Word count: 1876
Pairing: Kanan x Dia x Mari
Rating: General audience until part two where we could argue if it escalates to teen and up.
Summary: A year has passed since the 3rd years graduated and went their separate ways. Kanan has doubts about their friendship.
A/N: First of all happy birthday Kanan! Secondly, I'm sorry this is so poorly phrased it's been a while since I last wrote anything or read anything. Also, this was extremely rushed so hopefully it makes some sense... so yeah enjoy. This was posted on AO3 6 days ago so exactly in time for Kanan’s birthday only I forgot to post it here ahaha :)
“Kanan, could you please take my shift tomorrow? I have finals on Monday so I really wanted to do some studying…” said the amethyst colored eyed girl co-worker with an apologizing voice.
“Sure, I got’cha!”
Sure Kanan’s birthday was tomorrow but ever since she graduated from high school and left to get her diving license in Australia, she didn’t get to talk with the rest of Aqours as much as she would have like. Additionally, no one knew it was her birthday so she hadn't any plans.
With that in mind, both girls finished cleaning the shop and waved their goodbyes.
The diver’s apartment wasn’t particularly big, well it was small, but big enough to fit one person. Especially when that person only went there to change clothes and get some sleep. It had a single bedroom with a connected bathroom, the only separation between the kitchen and the living room/dining room was an island.
Kanan put her keys on said island and took a shower. She put on a black tank top and a pair of shorts. She took an apple from her kitchen and laid down on her bed, and took her phone. It wasn’t unusual for her to look at the photo album she named “Aqours”, she had some photos of their lives, practices, sleepovers, that time they went to Tokyo, Hakodate, even some with Saint Snow. Kanan smiled slightly. She missed her friends, last time they were all together was when the then 3rd years graduated. The navy blue haired girl closed her eyes. When Mari, Dia, and herself first left Uchiura they would all 9 of them try to video call as much as possible, but of course life moves on and soon what had been 2 or 3 calls per week soon became 1 once a week and now with the second years graduating soon a call once every 2-3 weeks. They still sent a bunch of messages but being 2 hours ahead of Tokyo’s time either there was no one to talk with, or she had to start work soon. As for the 3rd years group chat, with all of them in different time zones, it was hard to keep a full conversation. Even though they met only about a month ago in Tokyo to celebrate Dia’s birthday Kanan felt as if it had been years since they talked, years since she hugged them. A single tear came out of amethyst eyes and the diver quickly cleaned it. Don’t. In only a few hours is your birthday and the girls probably want to video call you. You can’t let them see you like this, specially Dia or Mari. Don’t cry; for them. As soon as those thoughts were out of her mind she stared at the ceiling.  Maybe they’ll come visit, Mari and I went to Tokyo for Dia’s birthday maybe they’ll come too. Just maybe… And soon she was asleep.
“....Shall we dance?, Yume no you ni odorimashou, Hitoyo no wasurerarenai shinderera, Kutsu wo nuide okeba nakusanai yo karuku hayaku, Dare o yobou ka? Moriagaru ne!...” G Senjou no Cinderella came through her phone’s speakers, time to wake up and get ready for work. Kanan rubbed her eyes and sat at the edge of the mattress. “...Shall we dance?, Kurukuru to mawarimashou…” the music kept going, not because Kanan didn’t know how to turn her alarm off but because she liked it. It was only Mari, Dia, and herself singing the song, the first song they sang only the three of them after forming Aqours. Once the song reached its end Kanan took her phone and saw quite a few messages on her phone screen, some were from the Aqours’ group chat.
Little Mikan: HAPPY B-DAY KANAN-CHAN! I’ve reserved some mikans only for you!
Yohane (Yoshiko made her change her name before she left): Little demon, you’ve attained full maturity now, use this power wisely.
You: Happy B-day Kanan-chan! Next time you visit we’ll go diving!
Ruby: Happy birthday Kanan-chan! Let’s keep having fun together like we did when you took care of me!
Hanamaru: Happy B-dAy KAnan-chaN! i LeARned how To usE my Ph0ne to send YoU this MeSSage!
Riko: Kanan-chan Happy birthday! When you come to visit we should get ice cream again
Dia: Kanan-san happy birthday.
Mari: Come on Dia!
Mari: I told you you can say Kanan-CHAN! And don’t just . your message
Mari: Here use this xD
Dia: Never.
Mari: You can do it better, do it for Kanan.
Dia: … Fine…
Dia: Happy birthday Kanan-chan!
Dia: There are you pleased now?
Mari: Very much indeed
Mari: But now it’s my turn!
Riko: Wait, how come no one said anything while you two were arguing?
Mari: Well my dear Rikochi it’s simple
Mari: Dia threatened everyone to only say their birthday message
Mari: Since it’s like 2 am for Kanan and she didn’t want us to wake her up
Dia: Yes I did, and I would appreciate if you also kept that and stop messaging her.
Mari: Boring…
Mari: But fine, we’ll call her later
Mari: Anyways let’s do it one last time
All users typed: Kanan-chan! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
A sob escaped Kanan’s lips as she tipped a big “Thanks everyone, I can’t wait to go back!”, she wanted to thank each one of them individually but she wanted to call Dia and Mari. And so she did. Even though it was weekend Dia would wake up at 6:30  as usual and Mari would go to sleep around 11, so they should both be awake at that time. Mari was the first one to answer.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY KANAN!” the blonde girl shouted at the top of her lungs. Kanan didn’t even have time to answer as Dia joined the call, “Kanan-san happy birthday” although Dia tried to say it as calm as possible she was smiling and the last syllables had a cheerful tone.
“Thanks!” And Kanan smiled wide open.
“So what can we do for our birthday girl on this marvelous day?”
Kanan’s face started to heat up, how could she ask them if they were planning to visit her today? Maybe they were too busy and couldn’t, she didn’t want to make her two best friends feel guilty. No no no. They were coming and if not they’d eventually see each other, there’s nothing to worry about right?
“W-well, I...umm…”
“Come on Kanan you can tell us anything.” Encouraged her tallest friend.
“Kanan-s...Kanan is something wrong?” Asked the brunette.
“No it’s nothing, ahaha...I just wanted to talk with you but I need to get going or I’ll be late for work and you wouldn’t want me to be late right Dia? Ahaha so umm yeah talk with you later alright? Okay bye!”
“Wait Kana-”
Too late Kanan had already pressed the end call button. What are you doing? You’re acting as if you were 15 again, haven’t you learned anything? She asked herself. I guess I haven’t. Not wanting to think about it anymore Kanan finished getting ready and went to work.
Kanan had never been an observer, or attentive, especially for small details. That’s why she never realized that both Dia and Mari were wearing earphones, or that Mari wasn’t wearing a pajama and Dia wasn’t wearing her kimono. Or the fact that both seemed to be inside and not outside.
Sunday February 10th, a rather slow day at the shop. Well since it was Sunday the shift wasn’t that long so around 3:30 the navy blue haired girl start doing the pre-close up. She started taking the oxygen tanks inside, moved to make the inventory and by 3:55 she was almost done. She went back to the counter and start writing everything on the computer. The entrance bell rang.
“Welcome, we’ll be closing in 5 minutes if you want to take a diving les-”
“Well I don’t know, what you say Dia should we take a lesson?”
“Hmm with how thigh our schedule is I don’t think we’ll have time, but maybe we can work something out.”
Mari. Dia. Mari and Dia. Both of them. In front of her. Okay that was it Kanan had gone completely insane.
“Well don’t stand there give us a hug”, Mari demanded as both herself and Dia opened her arms waiting to be completed. Kanan didn’t think about it she ran straight to her friends and gave them the hug she had so long waited for. Tears making their way through her face.
“B-b-but how?”
“It’s your birthday you dummy.”
“We wouldn’t have missed it for anything.” Said Dia. “Mari traveled from Italy to Tokyo 3 days ago, we took a plane last night-”
“But you sent the messages at 12 am, h-how come?”
“Aqours of course!” Replied Mari. Kanan, who had calmed a bit took a step back to look at these beautiful girls who for a reason she still didn’t fully understand were her friends. Dia and Mari took each other’s hands and then Kanan’s.
“Well”, continued Mari, “we asked them to help us cover up our plan so everything was staged.”
“To say it in a way.” Added Dia.
“So Kanan,” they said in unison. “Happy birthday!”
Kanan was still processing everything that was going on but she could do that tomorrow, right now she only cared of being with Dia and Mari, she hugged them again and kept crying.
“Now now, we don’t want to make the birthday girl happy, shall we Mari-san?”
“Of course!”
And Kanan got a kiss on each cheek from her two friends. Before she could react both brunette and blonde haired girls were dragging her out of the store.
A/N: this is not that relevant to the story and the rating could go (depends on how you look at it) up to teens.
They arrived at Kanan’s apartment and as soon as Kanan unlocked the door Mari was entering and laying on the couch.
“Please have some manners,” said Dia with a small sigh and Kanan couldn’t help but laugh at both of them. 100 years could go by and the three of them would still act the same way they did when they were kids.
Kanan took their suitcases to her room and left them there. She couldn’t make it outside the bedroom since Mari had jumped over her and pushed them both to the bed.
“Wha-Mari? G-get off.”
“No” Although both of them tried to sound serious they couldn’t keep the facade and gave up to laughter.
“D-Dia,” started Kanan in between laughers “come quick! Mari won’t get off me!”
The girl with emerald eyes entered the room but instead of helping Kanan she threw herself onto the bed and was on top of Mari and Kanan.
“O-okay I-I give up!” finally stated Kanan and Dia got off of her. Mari on the other hand just stared at Kanan’s face. She took her chin and lightly kissed her. “Happy birthday Kanan.” Whispered Mari and got off of her. Dia not wanting to be left behind approached Kanan from the side and press slightly her lips to Kanan’s. “Yeah happy birthday Kanan.”
Mari and Dia looked at each other and then at the girl under them. They still had some days before going back to Italy and Japan and they didn’t want to waste any of them.
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hellomissmabel · 7 years
“Hello future husband”
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Pairing: Bucky x plus size!reader
Warnings: Mentions of sexy times (really briefly) and major fluff! Also, Steve x Sharon Carter, if that’s a warning for you.
Word count: 2.670
Summary: Sharon is getting married to Steve, Y/N’s ex boss and also ex crush, and has asked her childhood best friend Y/N to be one of her bridesmaids. This could lead to some pretty awkward situations, but Y/N is determined to get it over with. Who knows? Maybe she’ll meet someone new? 
A/N: This is the first one-shot with a plus size reader. There will be more plus size!reader one-shots and if you want on their tag list, please let me know by sending me an ask or leaving a comment on the announcement post for said one-shot.
This one is dedicated to @im-buckybarnes
All plus size fics can be found here
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“I don’t think it’s a good idea, Y/N,” your best friend Wanda had uttered as you tried on your bridesmaid dress. She’s fidgety and nervous as she brings the subject up again. “You know, given your history with Steve…”
You roll your eyes at her as you turn around, facing the mirror and admiring the smooth, white tulle. You had to give it to Sharon, she had impeccable taste. At first you were anxious that her bridesmaid dresses of choice would be too tight, given you aren’t a size two like her and the others girls. But Sharon loves your curves and as she made the final call on the dresses, she opted for an off-white top with half long sleeves and a tulle skirt to match.
“Wanda,” you whine softly at her comments, running your hands down the skirt in awe. It truly did your full-figured form justice. “Sharon and I go way back. She knows I used to work for Steve before I started on my own.”
“But does she know you used to date?,” Wanda asks casually as she twirls around in her chair, sucking on a cherry lollipop and kinking a knowing eyebrow.
“We didn’t date, Wanda,” you sigh dramatically, telling the lady of the store that you like the dress and disappear into the changing room. “I’m sure she heard the rumours!,” you shout from behind the curtain. “We kissed and fooled around. I mean, we had a good thing going on but we were never really an item. Yet I’m sure a lot of people spread nasty rumours about it behind our back.”
“You know,” Wanda says in a sing-songy voice once you emerge from the changing rooms and hand over the dress to the store assistant. “You never told me why you broke it off.”
You shoot her a confused look, thanking the lady. “I did tell you, Wanda. You were the first that heard about it.”
“You said that if you stayed on as Steve’s associate at his firm, that would’ve meant the end of your career,” she continues as she both exit the store. “You said you still wanted to grow, professionally and personally, and that the only way to make that come true was to start on your own. But you never, never explicitly said that’s why you broke it off with poor Stevie.”
“Okay,” you eventually relent after successfully hailing a cab and telling him the address to your shared apartment. “Maybe I didn’t tell you the whole story.”
Wanda mutters a victorious “I thought so” under her breath, squeezing your knee encouragingly. “So is it because of another man?,” she inquires curiously. “Is it that Sam guy you met when we went clubbing for my birthday? Or is it that Tony guy we ran into at Macy’s?”
“God no! I’m not a cheater, Wanda,” you immediately react, playfully slapping her and away. “Another woman is more like it!”
“ANOTHER WOMAN!,” Wanda exclaims so loudly the cab driver stares angrily at her from the rear-view mirror.
“One of the biggest clients Steve ever acquired, Natasha Romanoff, switched sides and left Steve’s firm to become my client. That woman has had more husbands than manicures.”
Wanda giggles at the top of her voice and the driver asks her to take it down a notch. “Anyway, It was her own decision. I had nothing to do with it, but Steve couldn’t get over it. He was so bitter over the entire thing that I had to walk on eggshells every time our paths crossed. That’s what happens when you swim in the same waters, I guess…”
“I’m so sorry, Y/N,” Wanda offers sincerely, paying the cab driver and leaving a generous tip once you’ve arrived at your place.
“It’s okay, love,” you tell her honestly, walking up the stairs to the brownstone as she fishes out the key to the front door.
“Still, it must be so weird for you to see your childhood best friend marry your ex and former boss.”
“It’s definitely weird,” you admit softly, dropping your bag off before taking a seat at the kitchen table. Wanda takes a seat next to you, smiling sadly. “But he isn’t really my ex and I’m happy for them. I truly am. And let’s not forget it was me who introduced Sharon to Steve at that legal convention.”
Getting up from your seat, you know her worried eyes are following you, burning into your back as you go to boil some hot water for tea. “If Steve and I ever officially got together, the competition would’ve teared our relationship apart eventually.”
Wanda nods her head gently. “You’re sure you don’t need me to come too? As your plus one?”
“It’s been 2 years since I left. So yeah, I’ll be fine.”
The ceremony was brief but heartfelt. Sharon was wearing a sober white halter dress with a short veil, adorned with delicate white flowers. Steve was just as you remember him, dressed to the nines, as you knew he would be, in a dark blue tuxedo. They had also chosen to write their own vows. Even though your eyes often wandered back to Steve, you kept them firmly trained on Sharon for most of the time.
The wedding reception was another thing entirely. Sharon said she wanted to have an intimate wedding yet the number of guests attending the ceremony was anything but humble. You were drowning in a pool of bodies and an ocean of fabric, trying to find your assigned seat. After some searching and bumping into many unfamiliar faces, you could finally track down the wedding planner, Peggy, conveniently also Sharon’s niece.
“Let me see…,” she hums impatiently as she scans the list of tables and seats until she finds your name. “You’re sitting at the table next to the ice sculpture.”
“But all the other bridesmaids are sitting over at the chocolate fountain,” you tell Peggy, slightly confused.
Your request annoys her a little yet she goes over the names a second time, confirming her initial statement with a quick nod. “All the other bridesmaids brought their boyfriends or husbands with them. You’re the only one without a plus one. So you’re seated next to the best man, Bucky Barnes. He also didn’t bring a date.”
The name rings a bell and you half recall crossing your gaze with Steve’s best man, but you can’t quite put a face to the name just yet. “O-okay,” you stutter insecurely, earning a tired smile from Peggy who quickly sends you on your way.
The ice sculpture isn’t hard to find, located the closest to the main table where the family of the bride and groom are seated. They’re about to serve the first course, so you’ll have to hurry up. Some guests glare daggers at you as you try to wiggle past them, even though you politely ask them to move their seats up a little bit so you can swiftly move through. You’re used to it by now, the judgement some skinny people have towards men and women who don’t conform to “normal” beauty standards. You used to struggle with this for a very long time before you realised you’re better than that. Now it doesn’t affect you as much anymore, confident in your own skin and successful job.
When your table finally reaches your line of sight, the relief is unmatched, especially when you see that most of the other guests are still happily chatting away with other attendees from adjourning tables, champagne glass in hand. They haven’t even noticed there’s still one person missing, everyone except for the handsome brunet next to your empty seat.
When your eyes lock, the wind is instantly knocked from your lungs. He was looking a little sad at first, engaged in a dull conversation with the overzealous maid of honour about Sharon’s choice of flower arrangements. Yet his blues vanish into thin air the very moment your flustered cheeks reach his gaze. Licking his lips, a cocky grin tugs the corners of his lips upwards, your knees weakening at the sight of such a devilishly handsome face. His sharp cheekbones alone are enough to get you gasping for air.
Even before you have reached your final destination, he gets up from his seat and pulls back your chair, that smug expression ever-present. You thank him kindly for the gesture, remaining in a standstill for a few more seconds, astonished by his this cherub of a man. “Hello future husband,” you think to yourself as you take in his sparkling blue eyes, touches of grey glistening like the bubbles of champagne all the guests are so royally consuming.
It isn’t until he replies that you realise you didn’t just think that, but also said those exact words aloud. “Well, hello there future wife,” he chuckles confidently before sitting back down next to you. “The name’s Bucky Barnes. And what should I call this beautiful dame?”
You look away first, then bury your face in your hands. “Oh God, I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be, doll,” he assures you softly, pushing your glass of champagne towards you. “Take a sip, love. It helps, trust me.”
You peer at him through your fingers, his tender smile coaxing you from behind their shelter. The glass is way too small for your liking as you drink the liquid all at once, taming your embarrassment. “My name is Y/N,” you smile sheepishly at his open mouth.
“Well, Y/N,” he muses in an amused tone, “Bride or groom?”
“Both,” you admit shyly, “Sharon and I grew up together and I used to work with Steve.”
“You’re a the Y/N Y/L/N,” he exclaims all of a sudden and you groan at his enthusiasm. “The divorce mediator that used to shag dear ol’ Steve.” He leans back in his chair, pupils blown in amazement. “It’s a shame Steve never got to introduce us. I spent a long time abroad.” Carding his fingers through his hair, he exhales gently as he looks deep into your eyes. “I’m a divorce lawyer, too.”
“I’m a mediator, there’s a big difference there. You have a degree in law, I have a degree in psychology and law.”
Swirling the crystal glass between your fingertips, you avert your eyes from his curious gaze. Maybe you were wrong about him, maybe he believes the rumours just like everyone else.
“And apparently I’m also the only single friend. I wonder why that is,” you laugh softly, the sound bittersweet.
“Hey now,” he instantly shifts forward in his seat, taking one of your hands in his while the other caresses your cheek, brushing away a stray wisp of hair curled for the occasion. “You are stunning, doll, and I’m so freaking lucky you’re single and that I ended up seated next to you.”
“Peggy might’ve mentioned something similar, too,” you whisper to yourself so Bucky doesn’t hear, a little smile gracing your lips. Squeezing your hand one last time, he lets go so the waiter can present you the first course. You smile gratefully at Bucky, your spirits lifted high by his considerate reaction. You can see it in his eyes that he means every single word.
Dinner is spent in joyous chatter, Bucky visibly rejuvenated by your presence and how much you have in common. You barely speak to anyone else during the entire service, the best man absorbing all of your attention so effortlessly that you hang on every word that falls from his lips. When the time has arrived for the first dance, his loving fingertips find their way to your knee under the table cloth. It isn’t until “Yours” by Ella Henderson starts to play and Sharon and Steve weave their hands together in perfect unison, that you understand Bucky’s sign of affection.
“You don’t have to look, doll,” Bucky whispers gingerly into your ear.
Silently appreciating the elegance of the scene taking place in front of you, you rest your hand on Bucky’s. “It’s okay, Bucky. I love this song.”
He graces you with an understanding smile, placing his other hand over yours so both his hands now share their warmth with you. It helps you through the first dance and as soon as Sharon and Steve clear the dancefloor for the other guests, he pulls you with him straightaway. Bucky twirls you around, shows off his dance moves and more importantly, makes you laugh and feel loved.
He pulls you close when the DJ switches things up and plays a slow song again, his lips caress the shell of your ear as he speaks. “You are the most enchanting creature I’ve ever had the pleasure of getting to know.”
“Thank you, Bucky,” you whisper in return as he presses his cheek to yours, chuckling happily and smiling like a complete dork.
A spirited cough resounds from behind you and reluctantly you detangle yourself from Bucky, who takes a step back once he sees who it is. “I was hoping to have a quick chat with you. It won’t take long.”
Steve straightens his back, knowing his interruption is unwelcome. But Bucky doesn’t seem to mind, so you nod and let him take over. As the music plays out, you sway and shuffle to the final notes. “I see you and Bucky are having a lot of fun,” he notes with a soft chuckle. “I’m glad you could make it, Y/N.”
“I’m glad, too,” you say as you lay your head to rest on his shoulder. “You and Sharon make a great couple. I still wonder why you didn’t tie the knot as soon as I introduced you two.”
Hearty laughter rumbles through his chest and he presses one last, chaste kiss to your temple. “Y/N… About Bucky, he’s a great guy. He won’t hurt you like I did. I’m so sorry, love. You deserved better.”
“Steve…” You try to tell him he shouldn’t say things like that but he has already joined Sharon’s side again, his absence soon replaced by Bucky who picks up where you left off, swirling you into his arms.
“That’s not my favourite look on you, doll,” Bucky hums in a flirty voice, noticing you’re a little thrown off guard by Steve’s sudden revelation. “Why don’t you smile for me, hm?”
With a girly giggle, you push away all thoughts of Steve and replace them with happy thoughts about Bucky. “Better?,” you smirk at him as you peck his cheek and he turns all red.
“Sweetheart,” he coos seductively, flashing you a toothy grin. “I don’t mean to be too forward, but can I take you home tonight? I’m not asking you to sleep with me or anything,” he adds quickly, sensing your reluctance, “I just want to make sure you get home safely and maybe, just maybe, you’ll give me your number as a thank you?”
Now it’s your to hum in amusement. “Maybe I’ll give you more than just my number as a thank you,” you tease him playfully.
“A date?,” he pipes up hopefully, boyish laughter escaping his lips.
“Yes. But only if you take me home safely,” you promise with a wink.
Bucky tightens his grip around your waist, pulling you flush to his chest. “Well, well, future wife, I think we have a deal here.”
“Well, well,” you nudge his nose with yours, his lips hovering over yours, “future husband. I think we do.”
“Perfect,” he mumbles to yours lips, “You’re fucking perfect,” kissing you slowly on the lips. “Did I already mention that I love curvy girls?”
“You might’ve, I don’t remember clearly,” you play coy, “But it doesn’t hurt to say it again.”
Bucky repeatedly pecks your lips, both of you smiling brightly into the soft kisses, before offering you his hand, which you gladly take. You quickly escape the wedding crowd, kicking your heels off as soon as you get into his car, ready for a hot ‘n heavy make-out session at the backseat of his car.
Tagging: @avengerofyourheart @a-little-hell-to-raise @marvelingatthewonder @mrshopkirk @hardcorehippos @knittingknerdy @winterboobaer @italwaysendsinafightt @viollettes @hymnofthevalkyrie @feelmyroarrrr @justareader @austinamelio @volklana @4theluvofall @themcuhasruinedme @theoneandonlysaucymo @caplanbuckybarnes @nenyakj @amrita31199 @emilyevanston @minervaem @howlingbarnes @buchananbarnestrash @youandb @you-and-bucky @fvckingsteverogers @thatawkwardtinyperson @that-sokovian-bastard @abovethesmokestacks @marvelrevival @marvel-fanfiction @justanotherbuckydevotee @barnes-heaven @heartmade-writingbucky @buckyywiththegoodhair @captnbarnesrogers @mellifluous-melodramas @its-not-a-phase-hux @melconnor2007 @ivvitm1109 @toofuckinfabulous @ailynalonso15 @jurassicbarnes @hollycornish @delicatecapnerd @camigt1999 @learisa @curlyexpat @palaiasaurus64 @fanndas-snow-goddess @crisssivonne @yourenotrogers @tomhollandzs @supernaturaldean67 @beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep @aletheladyinred @winterssmiles @xbergiex @reniescarlett @promarvelfangirl
Hello future husband tag list:
@psingh97 @pineapplebooboo @albinoatthedisco @magnolia-wanders @whatisaheroanyway @dinorapreira @alexandragoestothemovies @lostinspace33 @bluebrrn @imsupernaturalbaby @anitavalija @sebstanchrisevanchickforever19 @friendlyneighborhoodnazgul @kiwi71281 @feistytravel @modvinnie @rcarbo1 @cami23593 @captainamylouise @kudosia @rhyatt-deauxtreve @kirakombat @lumelgy @pleasantdreamqueen @suz-123 @pegasusdragontiger @saysay125 @yknott81 @jesspfly @marvel-at-bucky @blue1928
@garnetandlace @ilovebeingjoyful @50shadesofyes @rebelslicious @iamwarrenspeace @wildestdreamsrps @mizzzpink @fuckingchaotic @rrwilson66 @alexaduke @debzybrazy @glitterintheairblog @princess76179 @ilovebeingjoyful @thequeenofthehobbits @rda1989 @svenyves @thefandomimagines @perrychastain @cokamarie24 @kyleannsmut @giorgiagrl1990 @breezy1415 @buckyappreciationsociety @the-witching-hours12-3 @crazyjam-pot
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ask-svt-hearteu · 7 years
soulmate! Jeonghan (pt.2)
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 1948
Recap:  in which whatever your soulmate gets called often is tattooed all over your body, visa versa
part 1
finding Jeonghan has got to be the nicest thing the universe has ever done for you
finally you can live it up a bit
well that's one way to put it I guess
your relationship is very chill
and comfortable
it's always a surprise to the others how well the two of you just click
like all of them had maybe a bit of initial awkwardness with their soulmates
but you two would be caught napping on the couch in the studio together
absolute chaos by the way because of this
and the both of you say at the same time
"Shhh trying to nap here."
and Svt standing there looking at you two like
"What the heck did they both just say the same thing at the exact same time despite being asleep?"
"Also the couch isn't meant to be used this way."
"I know we’ve said get a room, but this isn't what we meant!"
both your faces showing small sleepy cute smiles
until the others give up and leave you two there still napping
often, the both of you would just sit in the practice room during his breaks
you would talk about how your day was at work
back rubs and tickle fights
or just sharing a bag of chips and a water bottle purchased from the corner convenience store
pinkies interlocked with each other's
his head on your shoulder or vice versa
or his head in your lap or vice versa
playing with each other's hair
shooing away any of the members that asked for some food
"Get your own soulmate to buy you food, this one's mine." He'd laugh at Seungkwan who had asked for a chip
or playing pranks on the other members
like when Seungcheol picked the wrong day to take a short nap during break time
which he found out
after he got a face full of whip cream thanks to you and Jeonghan
his own hand covered in whip cream, a feather in Jeonghan's hand, and an empty can of whip cream in the trash
"Y/n!!! I thought you'd be better than to follow Jeonghan's pranks." Seungcheol says wiping his face with a napkin
all you reply with is an innocent smile
"I have no idea what you're talking about..."
"Not at all, she and I think alike too much." Jeonghan laughed before you and him ran outside to avoid getting caught by an annoyed leader-nim
"I'll buy you ramen to celebrate a prank well done." Jeonghan laughs putting his arm around you and walking to the nearest convenience store
pranks are so common, the members give you funny looks when you're over with Jeonghan
"I promise she won't bite unless I tell her to." Jeonghan chuckles at them
of course pranks between you two are common also
you're always hiding behind doors to the practice room or studio
jumping out of your hiding spot onto a surprised Jeonghan
and making him carry you to the next room even though it's like ten feet away
or slipping salt into his cola
you don't always get the last laugh though
you may be a trickster, but then again so is your soulmate
“Y/n come quickly to the practice room, Jeonghan is missing we can’t find him anywhere!”
your blood runs cold as you read the text from Joshua
you rush to grab your keys
you run up the stairs and open the side door leading into the practice room with the keys Jeonghan gave you
the practice room is pitch black as you yell for Jeonghan’s name
“Yah! Yoon Jeonghan!”
the lights suddenly flash on, blinding you temporarily before
Jeonghan carries in a cake with candles lit on top, Svt standing a bit behind him
but your knees give out and you slide onto the ground
“YAH JEONGHAN I THOUGHT SOMETHING REALLY BAD HAPPENED” trying to get your heart to beat again and your lungs to take in oxygen
“Really I don’t recall giving you that impression.” He smiles slyly
“I got a text from Joshua!”
“Wait Jeonghan, I thought you were using my phone because yours is out of battery, y/n I had no idea he was using my phone for evil.” Joshua stated solemnly staring at you, clearly A+ acting skills
“Yah! I was right next to you when I sent the text!”
“That’s a lie,” Joshua says hiding a smile and winking at you, “I would never conspire against y/n because I’d lose.”
Svt is just staring back and forth between you and Jeonghan, like oooooh what's going to happen?!?
you get up once your legs work again
“Happy birthday, and blow out the candles and make a wish.” Jeonghan tells you still laughing at his brilliant surprise
you huff and blow out the candles
“What’d you wish for?” He asks
“Funny thing, I think my wish is going to come true… ”
you scoop up some frosting from the cake and hear all of Svt gasp and give whoops as you smear it, giggling, on Jeonghan’s cheek
“I wished for the sweet satisfaction of revenge.”
the other members of Svt are laughing their heads off as Jeonghan gets over his initial shock
“You know what they say, if you say your wish aloud, it won’t come true.” He laughs and takes some frosting before smearing it on your nose
"Stop wasting cake, what did the cake ever do to you?!?!"
Seungkwan screams
you and Jeonghan simply laugh in his face
until Jeonghan smirks mischievously
"That's what back ups are for!"
hidden behind their bags are even more cakes
your faces twists into a look of horror and you spin around ready to bolt out the door
already knowing what's going to happen
until you feel arms wrapping around your waist tightly, pulling you closer
and another person swinging a cake into your face
the cake and frosting covering your face before falling onto the ground
and you can hear someone running away and the sound of someone saying, "Oh my god."
sarcastically laughing, you wipe cake out of your eyes
and scan the members who have all backed away into the corner, stifling their laughter
twisting your head around,
you come face to face with Jeonghan who still has his arms around your waist
barely keeping it together seeing your face covered in cake
and seemingly going in for a kiss, you feel his arms slowly start to loosen
but you're faster and ram your cheek on his, getting frosting on his cheek again
from his surprise you wiggle out of his grasp and pick up the first cake that was on the floor
taking two giant handfuls you turn to Jeonghan -like booooiiiii you picked the wrong day to mess with me and the cake
"Y/n, babe-" he tries, backing up eyes wide
he nervously laughs, stopping as his back comes in contact with a wall
and you take a hand smearing it right across his face
"Jeonghan, baby" you say fake pouting and giggling
as he's wiping the cake out of his eyes, you turn back to the members,
who look ready to bolt out the door
those that aren't rolling around on the ground dying from laughter that is
except you're standing right in front of the only exit
"Dino-yah who did it" you ask slowly walking towards them
"Uhhh" he drags on, eyes wandering
to one section of the group
in fact as you stared at the maknae line one by one, you noticed their eyes wandering too
in the direction of Woozi, Seungcheol, and Wonwoo
and you're like Woozi? no. Wonwoo? nah. Seungcheol who's desperately trying to hide behind Mingyu? yep
"Seungcheol-ssi" you say sing songy, the other members already backing away - "Come here~"
he can't back up anymore and as he flinches getting ready,
you swipe the cake across his face, in slow motion, just to have even more of an effect
he sighs, eyes still closed and flinched, but laughing in defeat "Jeonghan told me too"
then an arm gets swung around your shoulder
"Hey they were all in on it," Jeonghan says laughing looking down at you
he brings up a towel to wipe your face while smiling down at you
as the others start helping themselves to the remaining cake and wishing you happy birthday
"I know i know" you laugh
"It was fun," you say, leaning up and pressing a kiss to his cheek
and giggling when you have to lick your lips
he chuckles and leans down, attempting to to kiss you
until your faces get pushed apart
by the one and only Joshua Hong
trying his best to look serious and not smile
"EWWWW" you hear one of the maknae line guys squeal
Joshua stares at the both of you scoldingly ever the mom of the group -
"no PDA in front of the kids"
before you even have time to react, however, Jeonghan quickly presses his lips to yours
you can feel the smirk he has on his face
when you two step back
"Man I was trying to enjoy the cake without having to see that." some of the dongsaengs say in disgust, pointing their forks at the two of you
with Jeonghan's gaze still on you, you turn back to Joshua, who's just shaking his head and pretending he doesn't have a smile on his face, and shrug
"Oops, indeed."
which is how you and Jeonghan got put in charge of cleaning up the practice room's floor
cake and frosting just everywhere
bringing in the mop
you both clean for a total of five minutes
before you both plop onto the ground groaning
"It's too much work!" You say laughing
"Yea why would they do that to you on your birthday?"
"Yah then you clean it all, Jeonghan."
"No way you're just as responsible."
"We should have bribed Mingyu to do it."
the two of you laugh collapsing onto each other already exhausted from the day
the mop laying dejected next to the cake mess still left
"Happy birthday, y/n." Jeonghan finally breaks the comfortable silence with
"I'm sorry to play a joke on you but I got you didn't I? You were surprised?"
"Of course, I was freaking out haha."
you admit looking up at the ceiling while laying your head down in Jeonghan's lap
his face appears over yours blocking you from seeing the ceiling
with both your faces inches apart
"As mean as it was, can't say I didn't like the thought you were worried about me." He says giving you a brilliant smile
"Don't do it again." you say
"Mmkay, I won't make you worry like that ever again." He says looking down at you
"Better promise." you say pushing his face away from yours to sit up while giggling
he grabs your arm to keep you next to him
"I promise," he smiles warmly again, "since I like you a whole lot and it's your birthday."
you crinkle your nose at him
"Oh really?"
and then his lips are on yours again
no cake or frosting could have made the moment sweeter
you blush and pull away before he wraps you in his arms
"Let's just stay like this for a bit, I'm tired."
and you both fall asleep on the floor of the practice room, him holding you in his arms
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The Seventeen Soulmate AU Series:
|| Seungcheol / Pt. 2 || Jeonghan / Pt. 2 || Joshua / Pt.2 || Jun / Pt.2 || Hoshi / Pt.2 || Wonwoo || Woozi / Pt.2 || Seokmin / Pt.2 || Mingyu / Pt.2 || Minghao || Seungkwan || Vernon / Pt.2 || Dino ||
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eyes0ny0u · 8 years
170321 SWV Vancouver Fan Acc
- When we were waiting for the concert to start, everyone sang along to the song that was being played while waving their lightsticks. I noticed the security staff smiling fondly at the crowd. I don’t know why but it made me happy.
- The day before the concert I was concerned that the attendees were going to be too polite during the concert because very few people went to meet SHINee at the airport. @onthighsbelongtotaemin​  reassured me that it would be fine. And she was right! The moment the boys stepped on the stage, the screams became deafening as the people surged to their feets! Lightsticks waved frantically and I swear the air became electric.
- They look so good! They don’t look different from what you see on pictures and tv. Same chiseled perfection, charismatic gazes, and immense talent.
- Although I think they lip synched through the fast paced songs specially in the first segment - the boys seemed tired except for Choi (I swear his energy didn’t ebb the entire 3 hours they were on stage!) But it didn’t matter really. Not when the performances they delivered were so captivating. The crowd cheered and sang along to every song, lightsticks bobbing with the beat.
- We had one technical issue during the Ring Ding Dong performance. The music dropped just before the second chorus of the song. The fans kept singing and SHINee joined us, Key pointing his mic towards us. The lady who received the free ticket later told me she thought that it was a planned break so that the fans could sing for the artists. That was how well SHINee handled the situation.
- Jonghyun announced they were moving on to Lucifer. You could hear the annoyance in his voice. Come to think of it, the technical issue probably annoyed all of members, because they started dancing and singing with even more intensity - as if trying to make up it to us. 
- The stage for Sherlock, Ring Ding Dong, and Lucifer was FIRE!!! The molten backdrop reinforced that impression. People were bouncing on their toes singing at the top of their lungs. It was such a hyped atmosphere.
- The boys were the most energetic during Ready or Not. They had the crowd jumping up and down along with them. Jinki played up getting dizzy after spinning around. Although at one point, I was worried he was spinning too close to the edge of the stage. This was also the number that his Sunshine Smile™ broke through. It’s something else I tell you.
- Jinki’s voice singing or talking is like chocolate for the ears - smooth and rich.  - Jinki and pants are illegal. The blue checkered one had me squealing like an idiot and all the man did was step on stage! The pants he wore during Sherlock with the 3 bands highlighted glorious Onthighs. - Jinki took off his jacket before doing the propeller move in Everybody. How is this man so sexy?!
- Jinked seemed really tired during the beginning of the show, but as the night progressed it seemed like he was regaining his energy. He did mention that the cheers helped. He also mentioned that he walked around Vancouver yesterday. As usual he doesn’t say much during ments. JongMinKey talked lots tonight. Key and Minho in English, Jonghyun in Korean. Taemin had to be prodded to speak, which is typical so that was no surprise. 
- Jinki said he will remember our passionate cheers and shining eyes. D’awww!
- Jonghyun like OnTaeKey seemed tired but puppy was still delivering those high notes like nobody’s business. Him and Minho kept on mentioning how passionate the crowd was. I really think they were very happy about the warm welcome - considering there was hardly anyone who greeted them at the airport and the venue wasn’t sold out - pretty close, but not quite.  He also said they found the venue pretty and refreshing.
- Key was giving it all he got. He was the member that liked to get close to the crowd. I think he was fascinated with how close to the stage the seats were. I swear his skin is made of marble. Flawless perfection. The non-shawol attendee thought he was the leader because he spoke the most. - There was a cute OnKey moment during Why So Serious - no I don’t have a fancam, I was busy screaming my head off. Key said they should come here [Vancouver] more. YES!!!
- Minho probably drank redbull and coffee after waking up from a 12 hour sleep because he looked so hyper on stage! Those legs are real and that shirt he wore during Selene was see through. I noticed his nipples as soon as he walked on stage - I wasn’t the only one. Minho also mentioned they would come back.
- Taemin is an amazing dancer we all know that. But I didn’t realize just how great, until I saw him executing the moves lacking is usual fire (he looked like he could use a 2 day sleep) but still managing to look extra as hell. He probably lip synched through his solo stage, but who cares. Lee Taemin is dancing in front of us without a shirt - ‘nuff said. - Taemin said he’d like to come back again after learning more English.
- The Jongyu duet!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so scared to take a video but I just had to. No words. So watch this and I apologise for the awful camera work. I didn’t know what I was doing. OTL
- The crowd lost it when the boys came out for the 1of1 number. I think people started crying during An Encore. 
- When the boys left and the lights came on, people sat back and watched the bts of one of the VCRs. More tears were spilled. As the venue emptied, I saw girls wiping tears from their faces. The MVP to my right had tears in her eyes as well. The lady behind us said it was her boyfriend’s birthday today - but she chose to be at the concert. lol. JShawols started handing out free merch. We thanked them for their generosity and hard work.
- Some people waited around for SHINee to leave The Orpheum. People milled around a black van similar to those vans SHINee use back in Korea. Shawols started spilling on to the street and started impeding traffic. People had to remind them to watch out for cars. I didn’t stick around as it was getting late and I have work today!
SWV was So Amazing™!
I’ll probably think this was all a dream. uwu
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stripper-boots · 8 years
Look she’s sending me all of them so I’m going to answer 3-100 here and not destroy everyone’s dash.Anyways here we goooooooooo3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?Whatever I can find usually. I remember I used a pocket knife at school once and my teacher pretended not to notice. Shout out to them. 
4: how do you take your coffee/tea?My coffee with creamers and a lot of sugar, and I don’t really drink tea.
5: are you self-conscious of your smile?I used to be but then I stopped caring.
6: do you keep plants? 
No, I actually hate flower smell for some reason?
7: do you name your plants?Nope.
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?I play a lot of instruments but I wouldn’t say I express myself. I used to write poems but the my Great Depression hit. I guess writing?
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?
I put on a concert in this bitch.
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?Stomach.
11: what's an inner joke you have with your friends?@dragonbornoflegend covered a lot of them already, but I’d like to add Bbless 
12: what's your favorite planet?Mars or Jupiter.
13: what's something that made you smile today?All the compliments @dragonbornoflegend gave me and @fuckthepersonthattookmyusername calling me a “Fucking n00b”
14: if you were to live with your best friend(s) in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?Lot’s of weird decorations, like the one from Icarly but more dicks. It’s clean. I don’t have any animals because I get sad when they die but I’m attached to everyone’s pets. Exposed brick, wooden furniture, a sunroom with a skylight. We have a recording studio for  Let’s Plays where we have game consoles and PC’s. Weapons hanging on the wall, embroidery and canvas prints with swear words on them. A liquor cabinet that, at this rate, I am probably locked out of. @dragonbornoflegend and @fuckthepersonthattookmyusername have two separate keys that need to be used to be unlocked. The sunroom looks out to the lights of the bustling center of downtown, and for once the air is filled with life and happiness, not depression and the constant desire to die. We eat garlic sticks from our cutting board that says “Eat the spaghetti to forghetti your regrehtti” and toast over a white wine to the sounds of honking below and Parks and Rec in our living room for the 7th time.
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!In space the skin on your feet peels off!
16: what's your favorite pasta dish?Macaroni and Cheese.
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?I really want to die my hair rainbow and shave the sides off my head again and wear it in a french braid so that way it’s all braided together.
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.
I am a stupid machine. Throwing up (A lot, like a lot a lot), Weak ankles, weird shit I eat, the countless number of city infrastructure me and @fuckthepersonthattookmyusername have stolen.
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?I don’t now but boy, did I. It was emo central. I had a lot of songs about my struggles and heart aches and a lot of drawings of people killing themselves.
20: what's your favorite eye color? The eyes are my favorite physical trait of any person. I gravitate to Green, but honestly everyone has pretty eyes.But I have the prettiest. (It’s the one physical trait I like about myself pls just let me have this.)
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that's been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces.I used to tear my bags apart but ever since I was a senior in high school I told my dad I wanted a vintage military messenger bag, and he got me a brand new one from Rapid Dominance that was army approved or something. it has like 7 pockets, fits my laptop perfectly, is made out of a canvas outside but a soft inside (Like a normal bag), and basically I can carry all my stuff I need to take notes in lecture, and was perfect for when I was in high school. I also have a vintage army style going, a lot of olive green, So it looks nice too. It says United States army 1775 with the army star on it. I want to get some patches to decorate it with, because it’s my only bag that has lasted this long. It has seen 4 of my dads girlfriends and a lot of changes in my life. It’s just a good bag.
22: are you a morning person?Well I work third shift so yes and no? 
23: what's your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?I mean tbh it’s a lot of youtube and masturbating.(sorry family and friends)
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?I might tell them some day but I don’t tell anyone how bad living with my mom was.
25: what's the weirdest place you've ever broken into?One time when I was growing up a family moved of a house on my block out and kept a lot of little things behind. Not that it was weird, but weird, but my brother, some friends, and I peaked into the window and my brother saw a giant purple crayon bank, and upon seeing it, he claimed it as his.So we break in (Keep in mind I am like, 7) and I stole a ceramic chicken. We get to the room with the crayon and he grabs the crayon and runs the front door of this house (where it’s snowing and people can see our foot prints) and yells on at the top of his lungs “I GOT THE CRAYON” While holding it above his 6′1″ head, making the rest of us run past him and back to my garage where we were “safe”That was pretty weird I guess.
26: what are the shoes you've had for forever and wear with every single outfit?My work boots; I need to retire them soon.
27: what's your favorite bubblegum flavor? That strawberry shortcake desert one.
28: sunrise or sunset? I can see the sunset from my window so I guess that.
29: what's something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?Support me when I get triggered and not leave because I have what I am pretty sure are ptsd episodes. (I don’t want to self diagnose)
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?Truley scared?⁉️ 😂😂😂The fear😈 never💪stops🚫! We out here 💯 Fearin😣 erryday‼️ Thanks🙏 to my🤰 mom’s👊 physical👊 abuse👊‼️No but fr I had a pretty bad time living with my mom and I cope with it through humor. But there were times where I feared for my life, and seeing as the human body is hard wired to survival at all cost, I would say yes.
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.I just wear black socks, idk I’m too lazy to deal.
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.I again work third shift, so I am out past 3 AM a lot. @dragonbornoflegend told a good story. @fuckthepersonthattookmyusername and I took a trip to Alabama, and we stayed out till four in the morning in this small park in this small town with an old friend, and a friend we made that night. We layed in the middle of what is usually a busy street, quieted by the night and star gazed, started a fire in a grill then struggled to put it out, almost set the park on fire but swinging around a burning stick, and he tore down a light post with his bare hands and I stole a piece from the top of the post, all the while shooting the shit and being sober (New friend actually said that it was the first time he was sober in years and was one of the best times he had in a long time, which made me feel a type of way.)
33: what's your fave pastry?Anything that @dragonbornoflegend makes and blesses me with being allowed to eat it.
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?When I was in sixth grade my school had a girls only lock in. It was like a girl positivity boot camp. Some of it was helpful and good for young girls to hear, but they also did that thing where they said “Your sexuality is like a piece of tape” so you know. But they had a bunch of stuffed animals they gave away to all the girls there. And I was the first person to pick and there was a stuffed husky there, and when I picked it the entire place sighed. His name was Brownie (Like the Cleveland browns football mascot who is a dog) at first, then I changed it to phoenix. He has bright blue eyes, black fur on top, white fur on bottom. He had lost some of his stuffing when I got him so I re stuffed him and sewed him back up. I still have him.
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?Lol I am too sloppy for that mess but I’m proud of you if you do this.
36: which band's sound would fit your mood right now?
Kidz bop
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean?
Cleaner than messier, but I wouldn’t call it clean.
38: tell us about your pet peeves!Being called a dog, being called stupid, etc.
39: what color do you wear the most?Olive green, blue, red, and black.
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what's it's story? does it have any meaning to you?@dragonbornoflegend bought @fuckthepersonthattookmyusername and I a friendship necklace a few christmases ago. It means a lot to me.
41: what's the last book you remember really, really loving?Catch 22
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!Really I get coffee anywhere. I like the aesthetic of them but I don’t really go because I’m broke.
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?That Alabama trip.
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?After we celebrated @fuckthepersonthattookmyusername‘s birthday with an extensive scavenger hunt, and being out till like 4 am the night before to get up at 9, we crashed at @dragonbornoflegend‘s house after eating some bomb ass cake. We talked for a bit, but eventually just fell asleep on The twin bed/chair together for like 4 hours. That was nice.
45: do you trust your instincts a lot?Yes and no. It depends on how much self doubt I have at the time.
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of.I would think of one because I am the PUNisher of my friend group but  @dragonbornoflegend really nailed it earlier with “I have one that’s pretty saint-like lately. Bc they’re holey.”, because my back has open wounds in them. I have literal holes in my body.
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?Pineapples so they can never ruin a pizza again.
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?My mom and Y E P. Also I am afraid of AI and the deep sea which was not when I was a kid.
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?I used to but not much now. I bought one from a band called Ice Nine KIlls.
50: what's an odd thing you collect?That cermaic rooster actually started a ceramic nick-nack collection.
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them?@dragonbornoflegend‘s mom- Fuck you.
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far?Yes.
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them?I’ve seen Heathers the musical and that was Lit.
54: who's the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?My dad.
55: what's the most dramatic thing you've ever done to prove a point?I am Petty™ so pretty much everything I do lol.
56: what are some things you find endearing in people?Good humor, intelligence, and kindness.
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?I love Bohemian Rhapsody but that song is 6 minutes and a vine long and I Will Not.
58: who's the wine mom and who's the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? I’d say @dragonbornoflegend because they love cats and share cooking videos on facebook and have secret family discourse, where I am the vodka Aunt because I am a walking meme.
59: what's your favorite myth?My Happiness (Also I love mythology)
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? Edgar Allen Poe because my emo heart bleeds for it.
61: what's the stupidest gift you've ever given? the stupidest one you've ever received?I like to think I am good at gift giving, but I once got a small kids shirt when I was 16 (I have always been overweight) that had a Heart on it and smelled like Ice Tea.
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind?If I did it would be grape juice, I love grape juice. Not enough to but it though.
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?Nope. My room is a trashcan of media.
64: what color is the sky where you are right now?White, with some blue poking through.
65: is there anyone you haven't seen in a long time who you'd love to hang out with? 
My work friends. My back holes have me out of work.
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like?Lot’s of dark flowers with red and purple. 
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?I like it.
68: what's winter like where you live?Usually mild but global warming dun goofed.
69: what are your favorite board games?Anything made by WOC
70: have you ever used a ouija board?Nope and you can’t keep them the fuck away from me. foh.
71: what's your favorite kind of tea?
Honestea. It’s easier to swallow than realitea. 
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you'll forget it?Nope.
73: what are some of your worst habits?Being alive.
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.My two closest friends are both guys so. Sir Farts a Lot, and Sir Silicone Valley.
75: tell us about your pets!She died almost a month ago
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren't?For once no.
77: pink or yellow lemonade?Neither please.
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?If I could develop one superpower, it would be the ability to snap my neck on command so that way when I next saw a minion I could kill myself instantly as to never see one again.
79: what's one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?Cared about me after I treated them with abuse and harm.
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?Yellow and white. My landlord picked them because they pop???
81: describe one of your friend's eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.The color of the blackest coffee when neutral, but like when coffee is poured, golden when light passes through it.
82: are/were you good in school?I got good grades and didn’t get into trouble, but that was just because I didn’t get caught.
83: what's some of your favorite album art?I like the Grateful Dead album, if nothing for all the shitty shirts walmart sells of it.
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?YES. I want to get a french bread in American Traditional that says “I don’t deny myself bread” A grey jedi symbol where the positive space is galaxy colors and stars, a simple map of I-71, and eventually a sleeve.
85: do you read comics? what are your faves?I read the punisher when I grew up.
86: do you like concept albums? which ones?It’s been a long time since I’ve listened to concept albums but I like them. THere’s this one where all the songs flow into the other and it’s basically like this dudes journey through the desert, I don’t remember the name tho.
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?Life is too short man do what you want. But watch Avatar: The Last Airbender.
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? I don’t know what it’s called but graffiti is neat.
89: are you close to your parents?I haven’t talked to my mom in 3 years and tbh Idk if she’s alive at this point. I used to be close to my dad but it’s kinda wishy washy.
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities.Cleveland gets a bad rap, but it is filled with culture. Polish bakers, german restaurants, rock n roll hall of fame. It’s not that bad.
91: where do you plan on traveling this year? I’m going to cape cod for a wedding.
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?CHEESE TO PLEASE.
93: what's the hairstyle you wear the most?Sidecut.
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?My little cousin. 
95: what are your plans for this weekend?I don’t have any, I’m pretty spontaneous. 
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?Never.
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?ENTP (Usally), Leo, gryffindor when I take the full test, but my pottermore account says hufflepuff
98: when's the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?I don’t remember but yeah.
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.Living louder.- The Cab.
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?
If I gotta hit one I’m going with the future one because my past is sad and my now is only kinda better so hopefully I’ll be out of college with a job that isn’t lifting 70 pounds repeatedly in the dead of night.
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