#Wawa Ontario school newspaper
ontarionewsnorth · 6 years
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WAWA, ON – November 27th, École Saint-Joseph’s girls’ team and boys’ team each claimed first place at Wawa’s annual volleyball tournament. When they returned to school, they were greeted by cheers and applause from all the students at the school. These athletes successfully demonstrated what it takes to win first place: team work, dedication, encouragement from peers and, most importantly, having fun!
École Saint-Joseph would like to thank the coaches, Ms. Kelsey Dechamplain and Mr. Brandon Vachon-Case, as well as the secondary school students who helped the coaches, Sarah Chevrier, Eben Leadbetter, Ella Leadbetter, Morgandy Leadbetter, Cole Smedts and Démily Thibodeau-Bello.
Champions de volleyball
Le 27 novembre, « Les Loups » de l’École Saint-Joseph (Wawa) ont participé au tournoi local annuel de volleyball. L’équipe de filles et l’équipe de garçons ont remporté une première place. Au retour à l’école, les jeunes athlètes furent accueillis par des applaudissements de la part de tous les élèves de l’école.
Les athlètes ont bien démontré ce qu’il faut faire pour gagner la première place; jouer en équipe, s’encourager, donner de leur temps pour pratiquer et, surtout, s’amuser !
L’École Saint-Joseph remercie les entraîneurs, Mme Kelsey Dechamplain et M. Brandon Vachon-Case ainsi que les élèves du secondaire qui ont appuyé les entraîneurs, Sarah Chevrier, Eben Leadbetter, Ella Leadbetter, Morgandy Leadbetter, Cole Smedts et Démily Thibodeau-Bello.
#WawaON 's #Volleyball Champions - Champions de volleyball #NorthernOntario @CSCNouvelOn @AFOCSC @EcolesCathoON @ova_updates @ONeducation WAWA, ON - November 27th, École Saint-Joseph’s girls’ team and boys’ team each claimed first place at Wawa's annual volleyball tournament.
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ontarionewsnorth · 6 years
Rocking Their Mocs at Wawa's École Saint-Joseph
Rocking Their Mocs at #WawaON 's École Saint-Joseph @CSCNouvelOn @ROCKYOURMOCS #NorthernOntario @EcolesCathoON @AFOCSC @ONeducation @ElfOntario @Wawa_Ontario @AEFSC @Francoontarienn
Submitted photo. Submitted photo.
WAWA, ON – Several students at École Secondaire Saint-Joseph didn’t just wear their moccasins on November 15 for “Rock Your Mocs” day, they learned how to make them! Students also started reading the book “Indian Horse” by Richard Wagamese in an effort to better understand the realities of residential schools and their impact on indigenous people.
“Rock Your…
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ontarionewsnorth · 6 years
Parade D'Épouvantails - Scarecrow Parade
@CSCNouvelOn Parade D'Épouvantails - Scarecrow Parade #WawaOntario #NorthernOntario #NordOntario @ElfOntario @AFOCSC @Francoontarienn
(English version below)
WAWA, ON– Le 22 septembre dernier, l’École élémentaire Saint-Joseph a participé à la parade des épouvantails organisée par Mme Carole Beaulieu-Pitre de la ferme Flying Geese. Pendant plusieurs cours d’art, les élèves de la 5e et 6e année, dirigés par leur enseignante Mme Josée D. Gauthier, ont fabriqué des épouvantails à partir de matériaux recyclés. La…
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ontarionewsnorth · 6 years
Acquérir de l'expérience pratique / Wawa Students Get Hands-On Experience
Acquérir de l'expérience pratique / #WawaON Students Get HandsOn Experience @CSCNouvelOn @collegeboreal @AFOCSC @ONeducation @Wawa_Ontario @ElfOntario
Cliquez pour agrandir. Click to enlarge. Les élèves du cours de technologie des transports et de technologie de la fabrication de l’École secondaire Saint-Joseph (Wawa), accompagnés de leur enseignant M. James Stewart, ont participé au Challenge Optimal des Métiers, Innovations et Technologies (COMIT) organisé par le Collège Boréal. Pendant la journée du 6 mars, les élèves ont eu l’occasion de…
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ontarionewsnorth · 6 years
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Elementary School #Hockey Tourney|Tournoi de hockey élémentaire à #WawaON @CSCNouvelOn @AFOCSC @hometownhockey_ @HockeyOntario @NOHAHockey @HNOHockey @ONeducation @ElfOntario @HockeyMagazine @Wawa_Ontario WAWA, ON - March 27th, 2018 the first 3 on 3 Elementary School Hockey Tournament,was held in Wawa.
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ontarionewsnorth · 7 years
Randonnée en raquettes (English version included)
Randonnée en raquettes (English version incl.) @CSCNouvelOn @SnowshoeMag @Wawa_Ontario @M_Mantha @CarolHughesMP @ONeducation @AFOCSC @Francoontarienn @ExploreON
Photo CSCNO English version below Randonnée en raquettes WAWA, ON – Les élèves de l’école Saint-Joseph ont profité d’une belle randonnée en raquette dans le cadre des cours de sports en plein air et d’éducation physique. Accompagnés des enseignants M. Michel Lemoyne, M. Brandon Vachon-Case et Mme Katrina McCracken, les élèves ont eu l’occasion de découvrir ce sport d’hiver tout en profitant du…
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ontarionewsnorth · 7 years
2nd NSSSAA Championship Banner for Wawa Curling Team
2nd #NSSSAA ChampionshipBanner for @CSCNouvelOn Wawa #Curling Team @nwosssa @Wawa_Ontario @M_Mantha @CarolHughesMP @SGDSBoard @HSCDSB @sncdsb @norwossa @ONeducation
École Secondaire Saint-Joseph (Wawa) boys’ curling team. École Secondaire Saint-Joseph (Wawa) boys’ curling team and Coach Melissa Terris. Photo/details provided by Conseil Scolaire Catholique Nouvel-Ontario  WAWA, ON – February 26 and 27 the boys curling team from École secondaire Saint-Joseph  (Simon Bouffard, Hunter Schumacher, Spencer Terris and Travis Terris) travelled to Hornepayne to…
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ontarionewsnorth · 7 years
Visiting the Public Library - Une visite à la bibliothèque municipale
Visiting the #PublicLibrary - UneVisite à la #bibliothèque municipale @Wawa_Ontario @onlibraryassoc @OLSNORTH @AFOCSC #CSCNO @CatholicEdu @MonAssemblee @Francoontarienn
A visit to the public library On September 22, kindergarten students from École Saint-Joseph (Wawa), along with their teacher, Ms. Monique Gendron, made their way to the public library where librarian, Ms. Suzie Jarrell, read them a story. The students then had the opportunity to tour the library. They each received a nice surprise at the end of their tour: a book, stickers, crayons and tattoos.…
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ontarionewsnorth · 7 years
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Students put into practice what they learned in class!
Students from École secondaire Saint-Joseph (Wawa) currently enrolled in the French course as part of the Native Studies curriculum, along with their teacher Ms. Carole Bouffard, took a nice walk on September 22nd. They collected, cleaned and started the preservation process on plants they had studied in class.
Les élèves mettent en pratique ce qu’ils apprennent en classe !
Les élèves de l’école secondaire Saint-Joseph (Wawa), du cours de français du curriculum Études autochtones, accompagnés de leur enseignante, Mme Carole Bouffard, ont fait une belle petite marche le matin du 22 septembre. Ils ont récolté, nettoyé et commencé un processus de conservation pour les plantes étudiées en classe.
Students Practice Handson Learning (Version françaiseInclue) #CSCNO @ONeducation @Francoontarienn @michaelmantha @CarolHughesMP @MonAssemblee @OCT_OEEO Students put into practice what they learned in class! Students from École secondaire Saint-Joseph (Wawa) currently enrolled in the French course as part of the Native Studies curriculum, along with their teacher Ms.
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ontarionewsnorth · 7 years
School Bus Safety Programs for 1st-Time Riders Across Northshore
#SchoolBus Safety4 1st-Time Riders Across Northshore @etbtc @sncdsb @SGDSBoard @tamblyn_david @pklce @MtpsPS @HASlearns @Schreiber_P_S @G_CHS @CSPGNO
Kindergarten students will once again be practising bus safety skills however it is important to USE CAUTION when driving as another school year begins. Photos OntarioNewsNorth.com Bus Routing Information for students from ALL SCHOOL BOARDS in listed communities 2017-18 First Rider program The East of Thunder Bay Transportation Consortium will once again be holding its 2017 first rider program…
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ontarionewsnorth · 7 years
Wawa Students Travel to the Sault for Hands-on Initiation To Careers in the Trades
@Wawa_Ontario Students Travel @CitySSM 4HandsOn Initiation2Careers in the Trades @HomeDepotCanada @AFOCSC @skillsontario @CollegeofTrades @ONeducation @ElfOntario @Francoontarienn @MonAssemblee @Franco_N_O
Version française ci-dessou A learning activity at Home Depot to initiate École Saint-Joseph female students to careers in the tradesMarch 22 and 23, grade 9 female students from Wawa’s École secondaire Saint-Joseph travelled to Sault Ste. Marie with their teacher Mrs. Lynne Burnham to take part in Home Depot Workshops. The activity was offered to introduce the students to various building trades…
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