#Was live with memories my favourite Leo/need event story wise? No
hecate-spawn · 1 year
I need to write an essay on made-to-order ← will take fucking forever and is still writing the essay on lower
Anyway, what technically qualifies as an essay
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frankensteindotpdf · 7 years
*deep coughing* all. of. them.
Do you prefer writing with black or blue pen? Black
Would you prefer to live in the country or the city? City. I like having so many resources available. I do love the country though. 
If you could learn a new skill, what would it be? ASL (if that counts)
Do you drink your tea or coffee with sugar? As of right now, I don’t drink tea, but yes, lots of cream and sugar in my coffee.
What was your favourite book as a child? Ha that depends on the age. At 2 I had The Cat In The Hat memorized (not exaggerating, there’s videos). As I got older I liked series, first The Magic Treehouse, then A Series Of Unfortunate Events, Harry Potter (obviously) and The Secret Series.
Do you prefer baths or showers? Showers. Baths are gross.
If you could be a mythical creature, which would you choose?  No idea. Maybe a lethifold, because I find them absolutely terrifying. Or a thestral.
Do you prefer reading paper or electronic books? Paper. You just can’t beat the smell of books.
What is your favourite item of clothing? I don’t have a favourite, I love my Hufflepuff jacket, my Cadet jacket, and my trench-coat style jacket though. (Plus my billions of t-shirts) (And my reversable galaxy dress)
Do you like your name? Would you ever change it? My first name I like. My last name, definitely not. If I’m not married by 30 (hahahaha like that’s ever gonna happen) I’m changing it.
Who is a mentor to you? It sounds so nerdy but honestly Dan, Phil, and Thomas Sanders. They’re just so inspiring.
Would you ever want to be famous? If so, what for? Maybe? I like being alone though, so I might find it irritating. Probably for art.
Are you a restless sleeper? Not really? Apparently I snore though.
Do you consider yourself a romantic? Mentally yeah. Couldn’t flirt to save my life though. If I were in a relationship I’d probably be stupid and sappy lol
Which element best represents you? (I know this means air, fire, water, or earth but fite me) Bismuth. Not only is it all rainbowy and weirdly shaped, the chemical symbol is Bi. Quite fitting, if you ask me.
Who do you want to be closer to? Everyone? Anyone? Honestly I never get that close to people, I just never trust people. I would like a best friend or something though. I wish I could be just…closer. (specifically though definitely the girl I have a crush on)
Do you miss someone at the moment? A few years ago, I had a really good friend who just changed out of the blue one day. I miss them. I wish they were the funny, interesting person they once were and not the verbally abusive jerk they are now.
Tell us about an early childhood memory. Once I was at an amusement park with my kindergarten class and the little group I was with decided to go on the teacup ride. (The boy I had a crush on was in my group, and his mom was the supervision) In the middle of the ride he slipped of the seat and into the middle of the teacup. He was super scared and sat in his mom’s lap after that. It wasn’t anything major but I specifically remember that for some reason.
What is the strangest thing you have eaten? I want to say crickets that were sour cream and onion flavoured, live ants, or Chili with PB sandwiches (it’s delicious I swear). The first was out of curiousity, the second was because a crush (sheesh I’m ridiculous) suggested it, and the third is a family tradition.
What can you see outside your bedroom window? My backyard. A tree. Some grass. My neighbours (well their houses and yards lol)
What are you most thankful for? My friends. I talk about wanting friends a lot, but I tend to ignore the fact that I have friends. They may not be “the perfect best friends” I imagine, you know, the Disney Channel “practically live at each others houses, weekly sleepovers, share clothes and go shopping all the time” friends, but they’re still wonderful and I love them all.
Do you like spicy food? Not really. Mildly, but nothing very spicy. I’ll eat it if I’m dared though, always up for a challenge. And trying new foods.
Have you ever met someone famous? Nope. Tragically.
Do you keep a diary or journal? I have tried about a billion times, but it never works out.
Do you prefer to use pen or pencil? Depends on the type, what I’m using it for, and the feel I want. for sketching, a pencil. For math and other things I’m not confident with, a pencil. For other things, a pen with good inkflow. For writing (stories), it literally depend on the day. I’ll use whatever feels most comfortable in my hand at that moment.
What is your star sign? Leo.
Do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy? Crunchy.
What would you want your legacy to be? I just want to help people.
Do you like reading? What was the last thing you read? YES. The last thing I read was The Umbrella Academy (Book 1) by Gerard Way, and the next thing I read will be The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys, also by Gerard Way. Those are both graphic novels. Novel-wise, the last thing I read was probably A Court Of Mist And Fury.
How do you show someone you love them? Usually presents; drawings, little gifts, different things like that.
Do you like ice in your drinks? If I plan on drinking it rather quickly, yes. Otherwise no, it just ends up watering it down.
What are you afraid of? Everything. On a more superficial level, spiders, needles, elevators, walking by myself at night, heights…On a deeper level, being alone, being forgotten, wasting my life, the future.
What is your favourite scent? Oh there’s so many! Books (literally all books, new, old, ugh they smell so good), sweet scented candles (especially cupcake and marshmallow scented ones), baking food, basically sugary sweet smells.
Do you address older people by their first or last name? I hate using people’s name (I’m always scared I’ll say it wrong). If they’re a teacher, I usually just call them Sir or Miss.
If money was not a factor, how would you live your life? Reading, drawing, travelling, helping others.
Do you prefer swimming in pools or in the ocean? I hate both (low self esteem is great) but pools? The beach has too much sand
What would you do if you found $50 on the ground? Probably leave it? I would want someone to leave it alone if I had dropped it, and I’d feel way too guilty to take it.
Have you ever seen a shooting star? Did you make a wish? Not that I can remember. (I totally would make a wish though)
What is one thing you would want to teach your children? To love. Love everyone. Be kind. Think about everyone’s perspective, the reason behind someon’s actions.
If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? Ha another nerdy one. The VFD tattoo on the inside of my left ankle.
What can you hear right now? “EVERYONE ATTACK!” “RETREAT!” “ATTACK!” “RETREAT!” (I’m listening to the Hamilton soundtrack while I write this)
Where do you feel the safest? Probably libraries. They’re just so calming.
What is one thing you want to overcome/conquer? My fears and doubts.
If you could travel back to any era, which would you choose? I read once that time travel is only a good idea for white men, and honestly it’s very true (In the areas I know about, anyway. I have minimal knowledge of other areas of the world, especially Asia and Africa. I really need to research those). However, I would love to see Victorian England, and see the suffragette movement develop.
What is your most used emoji? 😊
What is your favourite season? Why? Of what show? jk jk Winter or fall. I love the cold, jackets and sweaters and sweater paws and warm drinks and snow and seeing your breath and Christmas and Halloween and manohman do I love fall and winter
How would you spend your ideal day? with a datemate probably read, fully focused and not distracted; draw, paint, or something artistic; listen to music of course; go to a musical with friends or a datemate
Describe yourself using one word. Scared.
What do you regret the most? Certain ways I acted and things I said when I was younger. Nothing too harsh, just little things I didn’t understand were wrong. I didn’t think about how offensive my words were. (I don’t think I actually offended anyone, just realising now some of the really sexist crap I said without realising or understanding that it was sexist is painful.)
Invent your own word. What does it mean? Plunck. It’s the feeling of your stomach dropping when you realise no one cares about what you’re saying, that you’ve been talking too much, or that your phone went off because of social media, not a text. 
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