#Warlock Edwin Payne
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sonofhelios2005 · 2 months ago
Dead Boy Detectives and Mortal Instruments AU. This AU would see the boys existing within the same universe as the Mortal Instruments, The Dark Artifices, and other series.
Edwin would be a Warlock and experience a childhood of no parental love as his mother is aware of what he is. His demonic father isn't a named demon but an Eidolon demon. Due to his lonely upbringing, Edwin found solace in his magic and dedicated himself to mastering it. Unwilling to participate in WW1, Edwin leaves school before he is sent off to fight and sets off to explore the world. During his travels, Edwin encounters several other Warlocks who invite him into their group. The leader of this group Simon is obsessed with Edwin, and when his advances are refused, Simon uses Edwin in a ritual, which sees Edwin banished to hell.
As he is not human, Edwin isn't tortured in hell, but he is forced to make a deal with Asmodeus to get back to Earth. Back on Earth, Edwin becomes a recluse and spends years in London privately researching magic and making trips to the spiral labyrinth, becoming well known as a researcher. Edwin is not the most powerful Warlock in the world. However, he is far more knowledgeable than others who are centuries older than him. His Warlock Mark is something he has never shown anyone (Not sure what his mark would be). Edwin remains a recluse until he meets Charles Rowland in 1989.
Charles Rowland was born in the 1950s to a mortal mother, and his father, who was disgraced, deruned Shdaowhunter. Bitter about how his life turned out and that his son inherited some of his Nephilim abilities. Paul Rowland treated his child and wife horribly. Despite his abusive childhood, Charles grew up to be a kind and brave person who was completely aware of the supernatural thanks to having the sight and some enhanced physical abilities. It was entirely possible Charles could have become a full Shdaowhunter at some point however while he was away at school he had an encounter with a vampire who intrigued by his unusual smelling blood attacked and later turned him. Charles was forced to spend several years with his Sire before he could make his escape.
Charles returned home in the hope of reconnecting with his mother. However, she had left his father in those few years. His father was aware that his son was now a Downworlder, who tried to kill Charles, who was still a young vampire and was driven by instinct fought back and accidentally killed him. Before he fled his childhood home, Charles retrieved the seraph blade, and Stele that his father, had kept after being banished. Charles was shocked to find that despite being a vampire, he was somehow able to use the Stele and blade like a Shdaowhunter could. Although he fully accepted he was a vampire, Charles still had a strong desire to protect people, so he decided to use the items his father had left behind. Charles becomes the one other Downworlders will seek out to remove any demons troubling them so they don't have to bother with actual Nephilim. Charles has a particular hatred of the Clave who see him as an aberration like they do any Shdaowhunters who are part Downworlder.
Charles and Edwin met in 1989 when they were forced to work together after a stupid Warlock attempted to summon a greater demon in London, Edwin was able to bind the demon whilst Charles stabbed it through the heart and banished its essence back to hell. This was the start of their friendship and the beginning of the Payme and Rowland international Downworlder investigation agency, solving Downworlder problems since 1989.
For the other characters.
Crystal - Shdaowhunter
Niko - Faerie
Monty - Warlock (abused by Esther who is still a which)
Cat King ( Actual cat who like Church was used in a necromancy ritual so is now immortal)
Night Nurse - Reasonable Clave Official
David the Demon - A Demon
This is yet another of my mad rambling that I couldn't stop thinking about. The boys are Downworlders because normal Shdaowhunters are boring. Charles was born earlier because I wanted him to have something of a past before Edwin. Charles killing his father was an accident, and he feels guilty about not being guilty he's dead. Nephilim/Downworlder hybrids exist, so I thought, why not have Charles be a vampire who can use runes. He still has the weaknesses of a vampire, though not as bad as a regular vampire. He isn't Daylighter. Edwin's deal with Asmodeus is an issue to be dealt with in the future.
This won't actually be a story as I have no ability to write a coherent narrative.
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yinora-evergreen · 10 months ago
It’s sort of a comedy ship idea. Dead Boy Detectives Cat King x reader, Edwin’s alive relative who is a warlock. In the UK they were nicknamed curse breaker and helped the boys on their cases. Unfortunately no matter how hard they try they can’t get the bracelet off Edwin. The Cat King finds their attempts hilarious……the warlock confronts him and tells him to knock off the mockery!
Warlock: “If you don’t release Edwin I swear I will-!”
Cat King: “Sorry little magician but I’m not a common being, spells don’t work on me. Nice try though and you look so adorable when you’re angry.”😼
pairing: the Cat King x Payne! alive! warlock! gn! reader, Edwin Payne x alive! relative! gn! reader, Charles Rowland x platonic! reader
a/n: i wasn't sure how to add romantic attraction to this so i tried to keep it so it's implied, i hope it's as you hoped!
ps: i tried to write warlock! reader as accurate as possible, but it's probably not perfect, so excuse any inacuracies and feel free to point them out!
Edwin's first though when he got back to Crystak's 'apartment' with that damned bracelet was that you could get it off, right?
so, Charles mirror-travelled to where you said you'd be if you were available, a specific backroom in an abandoned warehouse that you called home.
you kept a mirror there just for them, as it happened more often than they'd like to admit that they needed you to break a curse or needed your magic expertise.
so when Charles practically barged in to drag you to Port Townsend, you weren't exactly surprised.
untill you saw why they needed you.
you happened to already be familiar with the Cat King, as you had a time or two when you had to visit the town for a client needing a spell done, or removed.
you walked into the room with Charles, seeing Crystal practically covering her ears as Edwin banged the bracelet against the different furniture and pipes in the room.
"hey Edwin, what's the problem?" you inquired and he seemed to be relieved.
"take this off, as quick as you can." you raised an eyebrow at him, one he knew all too well.
"...please..." "ofcourse, i can try, do you mind giving me some info on how you even got it in the first place?" you say as you take his wrist and look at the golden bracelet, a vague sense of recognition washing over you and you touch it.
"well, i used a simple, utterly harmless binding spell on a cat, and-"
"you used a spell on a CAT?!" you practically yell, already feeling the vague headache you'd get from the Cat King.
"well, yes, and i do realize it wasn't the best idea, now that i have this inconvenient bracelet" he says in an annoyed tone.
"and let me guess, you got to meet the nuisance that is the Cat King?"
"you know of him?" Edwin asks in a slightly surprised tone.
"ofcourse i know him, he's a pain in my ass" you mutter.
you turn to Crystal, a forced smile on your face which seems more like you're on your last strand of sanity.
"it would be best if you'd take a step back, if this spell backfires it might disintegrate your skin" you say it so casually you can see her confusion with a hint of fear on her face.
"and yours won't? you seem pretty alive to me" she comments, though she does take a step or two back.
"i'm a warlock, i have the influence of a demon in my magic and that very same demon allows me to be able to suffer through higher temperatures without being in any physical pain, so don't you worry about me" you say as you wrap your hand around the bracelet, murmering some words in latin as your hand starts to glow a red-ish orange, though even after over 30 seconds it does absolutely nothing to the bracelet, much to your annoyance.
"well, that seems to have worked splendidly" Edwin comments, instantly receiving a glare from you.
"just, do whatever he told you to do to get it off, i'll go pay mr whiskers a visit" you grumble.
you walk out, speed-walking to the place where you've found the cat king before, much to your luck you actually find him too.
before he can say anything, you start talking.
"if you don't release Edwin i swear i will-"
"sorry, little magician, but i'm not a common being, spells don't work on me. Nice try though, you look so adorable when you're angry"
the tone that he uses makes you want to punch that little smug grin right off his stupid face.
"you're such a nuisance, i hope you lose another one of your nine lives like last time" you grit out through clenched teeth.
"you wanna kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid~" the Cat King nearly purrs, which only irks you even more.
"fuck you, and your cats, and those stupid eyes of you and your stupid hair" you practically yell, which makes him put on a fake, pained expression.
"oh no! not my cats, dearest warlock" he laughs, his mocking tone making your blood boil and your cheeks turn red, though as much as you deny it he does have his appeal.
"just, don't inconvenience me even more, asshole" you mumble as you turn to leave, and as you walk away you hear him yell after you.
"come see me whenever you like, i promise i'll make it worth it!"
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shadows-and-starlight · 8 months ago
Crystal & Edwin perfect casting
Charles is more paladin. Not just devotion to Edwin, but "righting supernatural wrongs". That's his core. Maybe a couple levels in Rogue with those solid lockpick skills.
Niko would be a good fit for either Druid or Ranger. Let the girl hang out in the woods again (without getting possessed this time)! And get her some animal friends, or more Fey creatures to keep in a jar 😅
Esther is a canon warlock.
I’m a D&D nerd, who is currently obsessed with Dead Boy Detectives, so of course the “What class would everyone be?” thought has been tickling me. I’ve seen a few other people post their thoughts on it, and I’ve been reading the amazing “Messrs Payne and Rowland’s Adventuring Agency” by @terresdebrume whenever it updates. Seriously, it’s really good, highly recommend. So I figured I’d throw my hat in the ring and see what anyone else’s thoughts are while I’m at it. Just doing the core four in this post.
So let’s get the easy one out of the way first, Crystal. She’s 100% a sorcerer, her power comes from her bloodline, she was born with it. Because she’s psychic based I’d say she’s specifically an Aberrant Mind sorcerer, without all the deep space tentacle monster baggage. Though she does have disembodied floating eyeballs in her psyche so MAYBE!
Next up is the second easiest, Edwin. He’s a wizard, everyone knows he’s a wizard. What KIND of wizard though? I’m going with Order of Scribes. He loves that little notebook so much, it gained sentience. How awesome would it be, if in this D&D version of the show, Edwin’s notebook didn’t follow him to hell because it was his sentient spell book, and it stayed behind with a purpose? It stayed behind because it KNEW Charles would never leave Edwin there and he would attempt a rescue. It KNEW Charles would go, and it KNEW it had to stay behind to help him. It showed him the things he needed to see, the information and maps that would reunite him with their wizard. I just love that.
Next up is Charles. He was a little tougher. I’ve seen quite a few posts saying that he’s a barbarian, and at this, I must object. At least with the criteria I’m using I suppose. Charles’ power doesn’t come from his rage. The one time we see him using his rage to fight, Edwin’s horrified and worried reaction pretty much confirms this was wildly out of character for him.
Just as an aside, I’m a firm believer of when Edwin said, “That was extreme”, he wasn’t talking about knocking the night nurse off the cliff. He was talking about Charles’ reaction in general, it was an extreme REACTION. He’d never seen Charles act with that much anger, hate, and violence before. He’s not an attacker, he’s a defender. It scared him, but he was scared FOR Charles, not OF him. Our wizard just isn’t great at people’ing. That’s a discussion for a different post though! Back to the topic at hand!
So, if I don’t think he’s a barb, what is he? Well, I’ve got two possible options. One thing that’s said quite a bit in the show, is how charismatic Charles is. And let’s face it, he is. So, using that logic, I’d say he could possibly be a Paladin. Specifically, an Oath of Devotion Paladin. I mean, come on, his power would so come from his extreme devotion to his favorite wizard. That would be a fun one, but there’s my second option which I find slightly more plausible.
It’s shown multiple times in the show, that while Charles claims to be just the brawn, he’s actually very clever and capable of thinking outside the box. Not to mention, he’s all about magic items. Bag of holding, enchanted cricket bat, enchanted jar/paper weight, enchanted lullaby ball, the disguises, the list goes on. So he’s smart and specializes in magic items, that screams Artificer. I’d say he’s a Battle Smith Artificer, some of their specialty spells are based around defending/supporting their allies, and you can’t tell me he wouldn’t find having a little robot pet, sorry STEEL DEFENDER, completely aces. He’d also name it like “Steve” or something and treat it like it was his and Edwin’s child, fight me on that lol. (Jk, don’t fight me I don’t like conflict!)
So that leaves Niko, who is kind of the wild card. I saw at least one post saying she’d be a bard, but I don’t think that’s accurate. Bards are all about attention (well mostly, I guess whispers would be an exception but she wouldn’t be a whispers anyway) and the whole sprite possession thing seemed to kinda make her uncomfortable with it. Idk, it just doesn’t really fit right to me. On the same thread though, so far in the show, Niko’s only real power is to see the dead. That might be expanded if we get a second season (🤞🏻), but for right now, that’s all she’s got other than being a good friend and excellent reading comprehension skills (which I might revisit this using that last one later). That said, since she got that ability (technically) because of the sprites (more because they almost killed her, but also they’re with her in the igloo so this still might work!) I’d say Niko is a Warlock. Just by the by, I hate that the class is called “Warlock”. That’s a word that came from an old English word meaning “oath breaker or he who breaks their oath”. Warlocks are all about MAKING not BREAKING pacts. Just a weird choice but MOVING ON! Since the sprites seem kind of Fey, I’d say she’d be a Pact of the Archfey. Nothing to do with the pact’s skill set, since we’d have nothing to compare it to, just because they seem fey to me.
So that’s what I’ve got so far. I might think of other characters’ later, like what would Jenny be etc. What do you guys think? I like to hear other people’s opinions on this! It’s fun to bat around!
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sthilarions · 2 months ago
It’s been a long, miserable case, and tensions are running high already when the warlock, Dennis, captures Charles and Edwin.
He locks them in a cell - more of a cage, to be honest - and casts a spell on Rowland. Just a little thing really. Because he’s been watching them, for the same weeks that they’ve been watching him, and he knows their weaknesses.
Rowland has fury in every bone of him. And Payne, the warlock has noted, is obnoxious as hell. A little shit to the core.
It shouldn’t take much. They were already snapping at each other when they were sneaking up his driveway.
The spell, Dennis explains to his captives, is sort of like vodka, and sort of like the opposite of a love spell. His own invention, he tells them proudly, which lowers inhibitions and fills the victim with unsuppressable rage at the closest target.
He casts the spell and hands Rowland back his bat through the bars.
It shouldn’t take much. He expects the skinny gray bitch to be paste in three minutes flat.
He’s not.
The spell seems to be working - Rowland is biting out curses, clutching his bat with white-knuckled fingers, downright seething, and the other one is pressed back against the bars, as far away as he can get, but absolutely no punches are being thrown, no weapons being swung.
Dennis intensifies the spell.
Rowland’s breathing becomes desperately harsh. Dennis can hear his teeth grinding from across the room, and Rowland finally raises his fist and swings a punch - towards his own leg.
Another harsh thud and Payne dives across the cage to grab Rowland’s fist. Rowland goes immediately limp in Payne’s hands, and Dennis almost screams in frustration.
So he’s not looking when Payne grabs the bat, and swings it at the bars, and apparently it’s more enchanted than anticipated because it smashes right through and, long story short, Dennis shortly finds himself on the floor with a magic-binding curse on.
“I don’t understand,” he whines. He can admit it to himself, that was a whine. “Why didn’t it work?”
Rowland shrugs. “Oh, it did,” he says. “Made me proper furious. I just really, genuinely don’t wanna hit Edwin, mate. No amount of lowering inhibitions is gonna matter when there’s nothing there being inhibited in the first place.”
“But - but you’ve been with him for decades, and he’s - ” Dennis quickly rethinks his plan of calling Payne a bitch as he eyes the twirling bat, back in Rowland’s hands. “He’s like that! You have to have wanted to, at least once, the spell should have grabbed onto anything.”
Rowland just grins down at him. “Nah. Never wanted to, ever, even once. Now, you, on the other hand - ”
The bat swings and Dennis doesn’t remember anything else for quite a while.
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chibi-tsukiko · 17 days ago
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ちゅ~ 😘💕
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Happy Valentine’s Day for your favorite couple and mine ❤️
Characters owned by @cassandraclare
Tag list: @littleturtle95 @bookworm-jedi @magnus-the-maqnificent @beclynn-herondale @khaleesiofalicante @my-archerboy @youngreckless @thomaslightwood @runecarstairs @high-warlock-of-brooklyn @panicatwallmaria @banesbitch @alexandergideonslightwood @ofsandstonebodies @la-lune-chaotique @starlight-in-my-eyes @tamaraheartz @anarchistbitch @iightwoodbane @icycoolslushie @zemiraa @raziyekroos @radisv @axoloteca @queenlilith43 @astriefer @edwin-paynes-bowtie @rinadragomir @carelessflower @sheisntyou
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genevievefangirl · 4 months ago
Gen's Top 100 DBDA Fics - PART 8
For all caveats/rules/backstory, please read the Master Post
tell the saint of lost souls where to find me By: haledamage @haledamage Rating: T Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Mutual Pining, Protective Charles Rowland Summary: When Edwin has a nightmare, he doesn't wake up screaming. Charles didn't understand it, not completely, not until Port Townsend. He didn't know what chased Edwin through his dreams. Some days, he wishes he still didn't know. Not as often as he wishes Edwin didn't. Or: one time Edwin has a nightmare, and one time he doesn't. My Notes: Sometimes it is nice when fics bend canon and this is a great example because the boys having nightmares is a great concept. Featuring CUDDLES!
The Ballad of Saving Graces By: Bythoseburningembers Rating: T Tags: Protective Charles Rowland, Hurt Edwin Payne, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst Summary: Charles feels guilty that Edwin was dragged to Hell. Edwin is afraid Charles might leave him for a better existence elsewhere. Crystal wants it on record that she finds them both idiots. All of this is fixable. Then they get kidnapped by pirates, and for Charles, it might be too late to make things better. Again. My Notes: The boys are kidnapped by pirate ghosts. Do you need to know anything else? Okay fine Charles is also super protective and it's great.
The Case of the Acridid Sprites By: thefinalriotxx Rating: T Tags: Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Protective Charles Rowland, Major Character Injury Summary: If Charles could breathe, the air would have rushed from his lungs on impact. If Charles had a heart, it would have broken free from his chest, cracking ribs and hollowing out the space where the core of him was kept. But Charles hadn’t breathed air in over thirty years, and his heart had long decayed, along with the rest of him. So why did it feel like his body was being torn apart? My Notes: What can I say? I like fics where Edwin is hurt and Charles has to save him, sue me! This is another great entry in that genre featuring worried Charles hitting the books.
The Case of the Couples Retreat By: juliasfanart @juliasfanart Rating: T Tags: Slow Burn, First Kiss, Couples Therapy Summary: It should have been just another case for the Dead Boy Detective Agency - a pair of missing ghosts to find - if not for the fact that they had to investigate a luxury resort dedicated to couples counselling... for ghosts. And what better way for Edwin and Charles to infiltrate it than to pretend to be just another couple needing to revive their relationship? A brilliant idea according to Charles, but for Edwin it might have been more than he can chew... My Notes: This is my biggest fluff recommendation! Technically it is a case fic, but the case is pretty loose and the fic is more about them sorting out their issues in therapy (but in a fun way I swear!)
The Case of the Looping Kiss By: elisasmileygirl @hey-its-elisa Rating: T Tags: Getting Together, Case Fic, First Kiss, Fluff, Romantic Fluff Summary: When Charles decides to confess his feelings to Edwin, it makes Edwin the happiest he’s ever felt which is a good thing…right? Crystal and Niko now have to figure out why the boys are stuck in a time loop of their first kiss and how to get them out of it. My Notes: Such a creative use of a time loop! Their first kiss here is so adorable.
The case of the warlock By: TheRamblingsOfaMadWoman Rating: G Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Protective Charles Rowland, Protective Edwin Payne Summary: The gang come across a warlock. Charles is quite taken with him. Edwin is distrustful. Whose instinct is right? **Charles hurts Edwin My Notes: Charles being forced to hurt Edwin via possession and then later banging on a magic wall demanding Edwin let him out so Charles can save him??? Do I need to say more???
The Case of What Comes After - Series By: HowYouDoing (FancyMeetingYouHere) Rating: T Tags: Post-S1, Traumas, Hurt/Comfort Summary: Working It Out - “And you think you’re your dad,” Crystal fills his sudden silence, tear-tracks on her angry face, “and that Edwin would be your mom, and that you’re somehow destined to have the exact same relationship as them if you ever admitted to yourself that you’re in love with Edwin.” Or, Crystal pops the question about whether Charles is in love with Edwin or not, and Charles proceeds to go down a full rabbit-hole of feelings and trauma. Thankfully, Edwin shows up to help. Us - Edwin once suggested that he does not deserve Charles, then shut the topic down by saying it was a conversation for another time. Charles, very unanimously, decides this is that time. My Notes: Charles dealing with how he doesn't want his and Edwin's relationship to be like his parents' hits my deep in my heart. And in the sequal Edwin gets to deal with some of his truama too.
The Ghostly Potion Debacle of '24 By: NuriaSchnee @nuria-schnee Rating: M Tags: Romance, Fluff, Angst with a Happy Ending, Protective Charles Rowland Summary: Charles gets hit by a potion that makes your biggest worries disappear. The good news? The witch that made the potion is a little incompetent, and the potion is faulty. The bad news? Charles had been obsessing about how to confess to Edwin for months, and the potion has made Edwin completely invisible to Charles. My Notes: Charles really goes through it in this one. He is forced to face his inner worries and deal with them directly. The whole thing is very stressful! (in a good way!)
The Hour of Separation By: Safaia @safaiagem Rating: M Tags: Case Fic, Revenge, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Protective Charles Rowland, Protective Edwin Payne Summary: The problem with solving big, flashy cases and going international is that you become well-known. Word came down about everything the Dead Boy Detectives managed to do in Port Townsend, and they have never been busier. The problem with becoming more well-known is that you don't always draw the kind of attention you want. You might jump onto the radar of someone with a grudge just looking for an excuse. Technically, it is part of a series, but it can be easily read as a stand-alone. My Notes: The tension in this one is strong, as well as the protectiveness of the boys. Also, slight spoiler so if you don't want that stop reading, I appreciate that the boys get together in the middle rather than the end! It is nice to see them face the final threat as a couple rather than having them get together at the end.
The lamps are going out By: CasiHuman @technically-human Rating: T Tags: AU - Canon Divergence, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary: Evil spirits, vengeful spirits. At the time, he didn't yet have the words to explain what had happened to him –even though, without a frame of reference, he could still tell something was wrong– They formed when a ghost felt an awful injustice had befallen them, and few ghosts could claim to have been as wronged by everything as Edwin Payne. He just hoped the boy from the attic wouldn't put two and two together. My Notes: Any fic that expands on ghost lore is great and this one is no exception! I like the idea of Edwin being a vengeful spirit and having there be something wrong with him. It adds something to the boys dynamic that is really interesting.
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chibi-tsukiko · 7 days ago
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🔥🏹 2021 vs 2025 🏹🔥
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Decided to do a little redraw this weekend ☺️
Love how this turned out and it makes me want to do more redraws in the future ✨
Tag list: @littleturtle95 @bookworm-jedi @magnus-the-maqnificent @beclynn-herondale @khaleesiofalicante @my-archerboy @youngreckless @thomaslightwood @runecarstairs @high-warlock-of-brooklyn @panicatwallmaria @banesbitch @alexandergideonslightwood @ofsandstonebodies @la-lune-chaotique @starlight-in-my-eyes @tamaraheartz @anarchistbitch @iightwoodbane @icycoolslushie @zemiraa @raziyekroos @radisv @axoloteca @queenlilith43 @astriefer @edwin-paynes-bowtie @rinadragomir @carelessflower @sheisntyou
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