#Wangxian soulmates
cloudpalettes · 2 years
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art conservator meets the hottie from the damaged painting 🎨
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wangxian-the-zhijis · 7 months
So I rewatched the confrontation scene between Wei Ying, Jiang Cheng, and Lan Zhan in the Jiang Ancestral Hall.
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In the novel, Jiang Cheng mocked the fact that what Wei Ying and Lan Zhan have for each other is romantic and not just that of friends. And people kept saying that this scene in the novel has more impact etc etc… because Jiang Cheng really insulted them that they’re in love. I’m not going to invalidate that… but I’m just going to explain why this scene in the drama has a great impact too.
In the drama, Jiang Cheng insulted their great friendship. I haven’t seen people point this out… but what Jiang Cheng really said didn’t mean the usual “friendship.” He could have said “友誼” or “交情” which means the type of friendship we’re all aware of.
But Jiang Cheng didn’t say any of those! He said “知己 (zhiji)” or “confidant” or “soulmate”— the very word that both Wei Ying and Lan Zhan say lovingly to each other (in the drama).
Jiang Cheng said: “为什么要道歉?为侮辱了你们这段伟大的知己之情吗?”
为什么 - why ; 要 - will (I) ; 道歉 - apologize ; 为 - for ; 侮辱 - insulting ; 了 - indicates past tense ; 你们 - your (plural) ; 这段 - this ; 伟大 - great ; 的 - of ; 知己 - confidant/intimate friend/soulmate ; 之情 - feeling/emotion; 吗 - indicating a question.
If we translate Jiang Cheng’s words directly, it would say, “Why will I apologize? For having insulted this great soulmate thing of yours?”
Note that 知己 isn’t commonly used in spoken language. It’s mostly seen in written texts only. But Wei Ying and Lan Zhan made 知己 their endearment for each other. Jiang Cheng used that very special and emotional word and tarnished it with his acrid mouth. He wasn’t just insulting their love but he insulted what they are to each other— the very nature of their relationship. (He wasn’t insinuating that they might be in love. He was outright attacking them for what they are.) He even emphasized the insult by adding 偉大 or ‘great’ sarcastically.
That’s why Wei Ying immediately lashed out. Because how dare Jiang Cheng ruin that special word he has with Lan Zhan?!
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brgmttea · 11 months
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silly modern au doodles
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wangxianficrecs · 3 months
Shine Brightly, That I May Glow by TheLegendOfChel
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Shine Brightly, That I May Glow
by TheLegendOfChel (@the-legend-of-chel)
M, WIP, 62k, Wangxian
Summary:Every thousand years, two soulmates are born; one blessed by the power of the sun and the other by the moon. The Lan Sect rejoices when their second young master bears the mark of the moon. However, his other half is nowhere to be found. With every year that passes, the cultivation world becomes more desperate to find the missing sun spirit, and the Wen Clan in particular seems increasingly intent on claiming the sun spirit as their own. ----- When Lan Wangji is fifteen he meets Wei Wuxian, a guest disciple who is loud, annoying...and bright in every possible way. Kay's comments: This story is on hiatus, but it's definitely still definitely a story you should check out! It has the sun & moon combination of Wangxian that I am very fond of, Lan Wangji blessed by the moon and Wei Wuxian blessed by the sun, soulmates who are meant to be. Only no one knows that Wei Wuxian is blessed by the sun, because the Wens are yearning to claim the sun spirit for themselves and yet, Wangxian are still drawn to each other. I love their relationship in this, being drawn together despite Wei Wuxian's hidden identity as the sun spirit. It's just *chef's kiss* Excerpt: That being said, they were few and far between. Lan Wangji usually acted like Wei Wuxian didn’t exist, sometimes going so far as to put a silencing spell on him. Rude. Wei Wuxian would then retaliate by making silly faces at Lan Wangji, but the moon spirit didn’t even seem to notice. There were a few times Wei Wuxian considered just telling Lan Wangji that he was the sun spirit. He promised the Jiangs that he wouldn’t reveal his true identity to anyone, but surely Lan Wangji didn’t count? However, in the end Wei Wuxian decided against it. Maybe he would have felt differently if Lan Wangji had been more open to his friendship from the start, but Wei Wuxian knew that if he told Lan Wangji they were soulmates now and Lan Wangji changed his tune, a part of Wei Wuxian would always wonder if it was only out of a sense of responsibility.
pov alternating, canon divergence, everyone lives/nobody dies, soulmates, soulmate-identifying marks, secret identity, identity reveal, mutual pining, secret relationship, dreamsharing, light angst, jiang cheng/nie huaisang, sangcheng, kidnapping
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(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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The Untamed | Episode 46 [Revelation Of The Golden Core]
⤳WangXian’s Favorite Scenes [9/∞]⬿
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isogashiro · 2 years
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[ep 5 / ep 33]
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gureshinlover · 3 months
But goshhh.. It's super cute when they make up in ep 22 i feel like crying rn
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Day 3 of @niecest-weekend-2023
Nie Huaisang jerked up in his bed, gasping for air. His heart raced as his eyes were darting from one corner to another, finding unseen enemies in the shadows. The loud yelling outside of his apartment scared him; was the mob coming for him? Would they finish what they started so long ago?
He jumped from his bed, tripping when the sheets his feet were tangled in stopped him. A small cry was all he allowed himself, small and almost silent but it rang loud in the night. Struggling to free himself, he could almost feel the restraining hands of Su She around him. Fighting for his life, he crawled under his desk, finding shelter from the demons of his past.
A church bell rang, indicating the start of the day, and with it, the wrathful wraiths faded into nothing. The shadows of Jin Guangyao melted into the darkness, the angry screams of this qi deviating brother died and Nie Huaisang was suddenly alone in his room.
Alone, like he'd always been.
Always alone without his brother, his other half.
No matter how much he cried, how much he looked for his brother, and asked for him desperately, no one answered. No one would answer.
Pulling up his knees, covering under his desk, he allowed himself to break down.
“Da-ge,” he sobbed, wishing for those strong hands to pat his head, for his big brother to promise him he would always be with him. To lie to him.
But Nie Mingjue never came. So many reincarnations, so many lifetimes without his One and Only, and Nie Huaisang still yearned. Still hoped. But maybe he should just accept it…
He was all alone in this world.
His parents in this reincarnation cycle were nice. A bit absent now that he was a university student, but they were always there for him. Still, they could never make up for what he lost in his first life - or at least in the first life he can remember -, and he felt a bit guilty for it. His nightmares and screams for a big brother he never had were a constant companion of his since his childhood, worrying his parents. Before he learnt how to hide his condition, he was taken to many doctors and psychiatrists to find out why a five-year-old little kid had PTSD but the only answer they could come up with was that he needs medicine.
After that, he was quick to learn how to hide his night terrors and memories from other people. After all, he still remembered how it felt to be locked in the psychiatry ward for being “insane” just because he knew he was reincarnated. Nobody believed in reincarnation for hundreds of years.
Suddenly, his cellphone rang on his nightstand. He didn't want to get up, he didn't want to crawl out of his safe space under the table, but it was Xian’s ringtone.
He would always pick up his phone for the only person, the only friend he found in this life, Wei Wuxian.
The phone rang and rang until he picked it up. Wei Wuxian was the only constant connection he had to his first life; sometimes he found nobody, but most of the time he found Wei Wuxian at least. Sometimes his friend didn't remember, sometimes he did, but he always, always ended up finding his One. He always found Lan Wangji.
Nie Huaisang wasn't sure if he remembered in this lifetime or not, his friend was always hard to understand, but he didn't find his soulmate yet.
“A-Saaaang,” whined Wei Wuxian when Nie Huaisang finally picked up his phone.
“Xian…” he sighed.
“Don't be like that! I know you love me, and you love hearing my gorgeous voice as the first thing in the morning!” Wei Wuxian has always been and always will be a gremlin. His best friend, one he appreciated, but a gremlin nonetheless.
“What do you want?”
He could basically hear the pout in his friend's voice. “Spoilsport. Okay, but you know I work at the museum, right?” He waited until Nie Huaisang give an affirmative hum. “I might have met with the love of my life today, aaaaand I need you to take over me so I can go on a date with him. Pleeeeeeaseeeee?”
He expected this - well, not the situation but Wei Wuxian finding Lan Wangji -, but it still hurt. Countless lifetimes, and he was still so fucking jealous of them, for always meeting, for always falling in love at the first sight.
“When do I have to be there?” He sighed. It wasn't like he could say no to his friend. Not now, not ever.
“I knew you were the best!!! Thank youuuuu! You have to be there in- uh- ten minutes! Byeee~”
And with that, the line was dead, leaving Nie Huaisang frustrated, but not shocked. Of course Wei Wuxian would leave it until the last fucking minute to notify him. Of course he would.
A little more than ten minutes after the phone call, he arrived at the museum. A bit breathless, a lot red and sweaty from running, looking like a mess with his braids undone and jacket hanging on him carelessly, but he was there. Like in every lifetime, he wasn't an athletic type of person in this one either.
Thankfully not many people were in the museum that morning as it was a weekday, but he had to be ready for the guided tours and the odd tourists, art students and other visitors. He already knew his tasks, being at the receiving end of Wei Wuxian’s begging puppy eyes before, so it wasn't difficult to open the tiny art museum.
What was difficult, however, to face the topic of the new temporary exhibition. Wei Wuxian should have told him. He fucking should have told him.
It was fucking “The Cultivation World: Beyond the Myths”.
The fucker-
He stopped in front of the painting that haunted his dreams. The color work faded, the time left its signs on the painting. He didn't have to read the sign to know how long it took for the artist to paint it, to know its size or its title.
He felt a presence behind him. He should have been more concerned about the visitor, but he felt right. As if the person had every right to be there, to share the moment with Nie Huaisang.
He didn't dare to look back at the person. He didn't want to be disappointed. He started at the painting, transfixed by it, focusing on the past instead of the present.
The painting wasn't one of his best works. It was, however, the most emotional one. The pain, the love, the terror and the grief… the painting was a gateway to his heart. It was not something he ever wanted to see again.
It was something he needed to see. To tell his story; to share his pain.
He felt he was being watched. It wasn't uncomfortable. It wasn't creepy.
It was familiar; safe. The visitor came closer, his steps slow but loud as they echoed in the room. His heart quickened.
It was time.
For what, he didn't know. But he felt like all of his lifetimes, all those years of grief and hopelessness were about to end.
Taking a deep breath, he turned around, his eyes immediately finding the person.
It felt like he was punched in his chest.
“Didi…” A whispered sound, not louder than a sigh. Was it the person or was he hallucinating?
He must have been hallucinating.
The person was staring back at him, his deep eyes full of longing. His hair was black, long and braided, his mustache made his handsome face stricter, more stern.
Nie Huaisang felt his mouth dry.
“Da-ge,” he breathed. Legs buckling beneath him, the only reason he didn't fall was because of those strong and safe arms he dreamt about for so long.
“I've got you, didi. I got you.”
Nie Huaisang wept.
He was finally whole.
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maria-taiwin · 11 months
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One of the most underrated gay moment is when Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji have their soulmate telepathic connession in episode 43, under the snow ❤❤❤ Wei Wuxian was thinking and Lan Wangji finished his sentence in his head! I guess zhiji can do that too! ❤ they love each other so much 🤧
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years
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Soulmate AU
a spellbound heart (our souls are love) by Anzie (anzie) (T, 14k, wangxian, JC/LXC, LXC & LWJ, soulmates au, canon compliant, reincarnation, hurt/comfort, angst w/ happy ending, eventual modern setting, bittersweet, fluff & angst, devotion)
nothing you confess by PorcupineGirl (T, 31k, wangxian, soulmates au, soulmate-identifying marks, golden core reveal, depressed WWX, WWX has PTSD, LWJ & JC in friendly terms, hurt/comfort, recovery)
The Cruelty of Fate by Procrastination_Sensation (T, 16k, wangxian, major character death, canonical character death, soulmates au, angst w/ happy ending)
What if you're making me all I was meant to be by WishingStar (T, 12k, wangxian, LSZ & LJY, soulmates au, time travel, angst w/ happy ending)
No Matter What I Do I Feel The Pain (With or Without Goose) by Trickster_Angel (T, 3k, wangxian, soulmates au, crack, the soulmate goose of enforcement, humor, first kiss)
An accidental kiss by deliciousblizzardshark (M, 4k, wangxian, soulmates au, soulmate-identifying marks, fluff & humor, marriage, non-explicit sex, no angst)
❤️A Mother’s Curse (A Mother’s Blessing) by  Eudoxia (E, 34k, wangxian, ABO, omega WWX, alpha LWJ, no sunshot au, huli jing wangxian, intersex male omegas, case fic, arranged marriage, misunderstandings, smut, Mojo’s post)
the heartlines on our hands by occultings (microcomets) (E, 47k, WangXian, Soulmates, Angst with a Happy Ending, Mutual Pining, First Time, Canon Divergence, Canonical Character Death)
First and Last by kat8cha (T, 3k, XiYao, WangXian, Angst, Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, nhs and lwj are minor parts, CH 1 and 3 are JGY and LXC, Ch 2 is LWJ and WWX, Tragic Romance, Hurt No Comfort)
leading tone by silencemostofall (G, 32k, WangXian, Modern AU, Soulmates, with a lil twist, Eventual Happy Ending, Music, Orchestra, [Podfic] Leading Tone by silencemostofall by Beria1021)
pastel by antebunny (G, 6k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, Soulmates, Heavy Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Found Family, Self-Esteem Issues, Misunderstandings, Angst with a Happy Ending, Unrequited Love, but not actually, no courtesy names)
Fate and Choice by Winglesss (T, 6k, WangXian, Modern AU, Soulmates, Modern with Magic, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Magical Tattoos, Moving Tattoo(s), Tattoo Artist WWX, Angst with a Happy Ending, First Meetings, First Kiss, Strangers to Lovers, Light Angst)
I’m So Glad It’s You by spring_snowflake (G, 6k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Pre-Canon, Soulmates, Red String of Fate, WWX gets adopted into the Lan Sect)
My Soulmate's Account Balance is Very Concerning by glowingreverie (G, 4k, WangXian, Modern AU, Soulmates, Comedy, Fluff and Crack, characters outside of wangxian only appear briefly)
The fear of not knowing you by Linisen (T, 9k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Soulmates, Glömska, Memory Loss, Grief/Mourning, Reunions, Fluff, Speedrun falling in love, or mayhaps realising you're in love, Happy Ending)
it goes like this by moonsteps (T, 15k, WangXian, College/University, Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Timers, Humor, Fluff, Oblivious WWX, in which wwx is jealous... of himself, some drunken lwj shenanigans, two idiots in love, side sangcheng)
Petrichor by unnecessary (T, 17k, WangXian, Modern AU, Witches, Soulmates, Magic, Getting Together, Angst with a Happy Ending,Kid Fic, Magic sentient forest, Cottages in the mountains, Canon Temporary Character Death, Sort of a modern AU of the canon universe with witches -waves hands-, Sometimes family is two witches and their familiars and their adopted son)
(open your hands) by curiositea (M, 14k, WangXian, Multiverse, Modern: No Powers, Modern with Magic, Strangers to Lovers, Yearning: They Invented It, WWX Grows Up With The Wens, LWJ Has Friends, Soulmates, ”Soulmates” in the sense of “Zhiji” & not “Soulmate au”, Sexual Content, Happy Ending)
you and me, bound for eternity (the first) by Supernova_Sage (M, 8k, WangXian, Post-Canon, To An Extent, Canon Divergence, Modern Era, Reincarnation, Soulmates, Meet-Cute, meeting your soulmate for the first time multiple times, Passage of time, First Meetings, Getting Together, Falling In Love, Romance, Fluff, Implied Sexual Content, Eternal Bonds, Mention of blood, References to Canon)
I could be the one to set you free by fyredancer (T, 27k, WangXian, Modern AU, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Mutual Pining, not quite love at first sight)
Bleachwhite Linen by MonocerosRex (T, 44k, WangXian, Modern AU, Soulmate AU, Fluff, Angst, Near Death Experience, Not LQR friendly, set in Australia)
Deconstruct by flowercity (FaoriE) (T, 11k, WangXian, Soulmates, Canon Divergence, Fluff, Light Angst, Mutual Pining, they're so in love)
Come Hell or High Water by countingcr0ws (T, 29k, WangXian, Modern AU, Reincarnation, Soulmates, Fate & Destiny, Red String of Fate, Matchmaking, Blind Date, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Kid Fic, Adoption, Diyu | Hell (Chinese Mythology), Chinese Mythology & Folklore, Past Lives, Cloud Recesses, Canon Divergence, Footnotes)
In the Arms of an Angel by Wrenwolf (M, 106k, WIP, WangXian, Time Travel, Reincarnation, Stripper/Exotic Dancer, Modern AU, Exotic Dancer WWX & NHS, Nonbinary NHS, Time Traveller LWJ, Angst, Humour, Soulmates through many lives, Only Lan Zhan remembers, Past Life Regression, Explicit Sex Eventually)
to arrive late is better than not to arrive at all by Moominmammashandbag (M, 34k, WangXian, Angst with a Happy Ending, Happy Ending, Soulmates, Chronic Illness, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Hanahaki Disease, but as a curse, Feelings Realization, obsession with interior design, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Family Angst, sibling angst, Wedding, Motion Sickness, sect politics, Marriage Proposal)
A Perfectly Mismatched Set by mondengel (T, 2k, WangXian, Angst, Soulmates)
Zero by theladyofravenclaw (G, 19k, WangXian, Modern AU, Soulmates AU, Musicians, Friends to Lovers, Reincarnation)
Honesty is the Best Policy (But it Scares the Living Hell Out of Me) by Elpie (Horribibble) (T, 2k, WangXian, Soulmates, Truth, Fluff and Humor, Comfort No Hurt, Twin Jades of Lán Feels, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Feels)
In this and other lives, I would choose you by ThatOneGirlBehindYou (T, 78k, WangXian, 3Zun, Minor ChengSang, Minor ZhuiLing, Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Oblivious WWX, Canon Divergence, Family Feels, Fix-It of Sorts, Canonical Character Death)
Of Fates, Time, Chemistry, and Location 天时地利人和 by Anonymous (M, 9k, WangXian, Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Soul Bond, Canon Compliant, Canonical Character Death, Romance, Growing Up)
The Marks on my Skin by Missty0foxx (E, 18k, WangXian, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Teenage LWJ/Teenage WWX, Matchmaker LXC, Red String of Fate, First Kiss, Pining WangXian, Fluff and Smut, Abusive YZY, Weddings, Marriage, Wedding Night, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Rutting, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Mating Bites, Blow Jobs, Self-Lubrication, Marathon Sex, Knotting, LWJ Has a Big Dick, LWJ Has a Biting Kink, WangXian Have a Breeding Kink)
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fengshenjunlang · 10 months
I don't remember when I stopped reading WangXian AU or canon divergence fanfic that rewrote the event of mdzs. Basically, the post-13 years still happen.
I wondered what good it is to read AU or divergence, if in the end Wei Wuxian still had to die horribly, and Lan Wangji still had to suffer?
I love WangXian, and I want them to be happy. I stopped reading such fanfics because I feel sad. I feel like, since they'd suffered a lot in canon, I want to read a scenario where they don't need to bear all those shit. Even if it is just fanfiction...
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wangxian234writes · 6 months
So I don't know how to un-anonymous this, but it's my contribution to the KPTS Secret Santa! It was for the lovely @zelenchai whose art I'm now obsessed with. It's made the series of my Soulmates AU with VegasPete's first fight. I hurt my own feelings writing this, but it has a happy ending a promise!
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wangxianficrecs · 5 months
Bright the Day We Met by ereshai
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Bright the Day We Met
by ereshai (@ereshai)
G, 1k, Wangxian
Summary: Xichen wasn’t even sure Wangji was open to finding his soulmate. The mechanism of soulmate matching was inexact and open to misinterpretation. It was very frustrating. Wangji had always preferred certainty. Kay's comments: A cute little outsider POV story where we follow Lan Xichen watching over his brother as he first meets his soulmate. I really enjoyed how soul marks work in this story, very creative! And I'm always weak for some good outsider POV. Excerpt: A group of visiting students from Yunmeng Jiang wandered by on their way to the first class of the day. Despite their hushed voices, they were a noisy bunch, especially in contrast to the silent groups of Lan students who sedately made their way to the classrooms. “Lan-er-gongzi,” one of the boys in the Jiang group shouted. Xichen recognized Wei Wuxian, Sect Leader Jiang’s ward. Wangji turned his head away. “Hey, it’s me,” Wei Wuxian continued. “I’m not late! Aren’t you proud of me?” Xichen felt as if he had missed something. Wei Wuxian had arrived yesterday with the rest of the Jiang contingent. As lively as he was, he had certainly made an impression during the welcome reception, but Wangji had not been present for it. However, there had been a misunderstanding at the gate when they arrived, and Wangji had returned at that time…
pov outsider, pov lan xichen, canon divergence, soulmate-identifying marks, soulmates, supportive lan xichen, good sibling lan xichen, lan xichen/nie mingjue, nielan, fluff, first meetings, getting together
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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ladysunamireads · 2 months
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robealafrancaise · 3 months
Liz what are you currently working on. I hunger for knowledge 👀
Okay! So besides the fic I was originally writing for Close Quarters that didn't get finished yet (and which I can't discuss here bc Gift), I have a one shot WIP that actually might get posted today! Or in the next couple of days if I keep fiddling with it!
It's a soulmate AU for the Chinese drama adaptation of Hikaru no Go. My family is rewatching the show rn so I wanted to take the opportunity to get this fic done 😂
It's a plotbunny that I got signing up for last year's rare pair ex, using the soulmate au where soulmates can't lie to each other that I saw on a prompt list on tumblr. The twist here is that they originally meet when they're like 9, and that didn't work for the story I wanted to tell.
So! The bond doesn't actually form until you hit puberty. That way when they meet 6 years later and Shi Guang *fucking immediately* tries to lie his ass off to Yu Liang, they put the dots together very quickly and clear up some things that would kick off a drastic canon divergence!
Thank you for the ask!!
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gayandfullofdismay · 1 year
MDZS soulmate AU where a cultivator’s spiritual weapon’s name is written on their soulmate’s skin.
Most people only have one primary spiritual weapon in their lives so most people are able to tell as soon as they meet them. This also affects the culture around spiritual weapons where they’re considered even more important and personal than canon (which is saying a lot), and people find Suibian even more ridiculous/disrespectful because of that.
This AU can go two ways though.
Option 1: LWJ never finds out that WWXs spiritual weapon is named Suibian. WWX doesn’t give the name out too much or LWJ just didn’t ask. Either way, in this AU the spiritual weapon that you have the name of is the other’s first spiritual weapon or current spiritual weapon. LWJ forms his golden core, looks for his soulmate mark and sees “whatever”. Everyone he knows has a beautiful name done in pretty, trained calligraphy (yeah let’s make this a handwriting soulmate AU too) while his is just “whatever” in chicken scratch like even the universe couldn’t care less about him.
He learns about Suibian in the Xuanwu of Slaughter cave at the Wen camp when WWX mentions that he “wishes he had Suibian with him” and by the time they’re both fully conscious again and in the same room, it’s in war meetings happening post-burial mounds and post-WC murder. Every time he gets him alone his first priority is his health and cultivation and there are less and less chances as the war goes on, and then, well, then WWX is dead and nothing matters for 13 years.
Meanwhile, Option 2: Soulmate spiritual weapon names can vary a lot, sometimes it’s the weapon they first use, sometimes it’s the weapon they last use, their most powerful one, their most true one, the one they’ll use the longest, etc. It can vary/no one knows the exact rule bc most ppl only keep one or two spiritual weapons throughout their entire lives and never lose/break them. WWX spends 3 months pestering his soulmate before he finds out that LWJ doesn’t have a “Suibian” on him (he doesn’t hear what name he does have but he knows it’s not his swords name) and was not in fact just shy, so his “Bichen” belongs to someone else and LWJ really just thought he was being annoying (he didn’t, he also had a huge gay crush for the first time in his life, he was just much worse about handling it as is canon lmao).
Either way, WWX is stuck with a crush on a guy who isn’t his soulmate and maybe his first baby broken heart too before it’s Wen indoctrination time and he has much bigger things to worry about, because the Jiang Sect is gone, JFM is dead, his brothers core is gone, and oh well now his core is gone while he’s stuck in the BM. Lovely.
Three months later he comes back with Chenqing on his hip and LWJ on his tail who’s suddenly desperate to speak to him and staring at him when he thinks WWX isn’t looking.
Good angst either way, maybe I’ll find a fic of it one day, if y’all do PLS drop the link lol
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