#Waltham Moving Services
Residential Relocation: Choose the Top Residential Movers in Boston
Moving to a new home can be both exciting and stressful. The thought of starting fresh in a new place brings a sense of adventure, but the logistics of the move can be overwhelming. That's where reputable full-service Residential Movers Boston comes in.
One such reliable and efficient moving company is located in Waltham, offering top-notch moving services that will make your relocation a breeze.
When it comes to residential movers, Boston has no shortage of options. However, it's crucial to choose a reputable company that offers comprehensive services to ensure a smooth transition. The reputable full-service Waltham moving company excels in providing reliable moving services tailored to your needs.
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One of the standout features of this moving company is their attention to detail. Their team of experienced professionals takes care of every aspect of your move, from packing and loading to transportation and unloading. They handle your belongings with utmost care, ensuring that everything arrives at your new home intact.
Efficiency is another hallmark of this Waltham moving company. Their well-trained staff works swiftly and diligently, ensuring that your move is completed on time. With their efficient services, you can focus on settling into your new home without the stress of a prolonged moving process.
In addition to their exceptional services, this residential moving company in Boston offers competitive pricing. They provide transparent and upfront estimates, so you can plan your budget accordingly.
Their commitment to customer satisfaction is evident through their affordable rates and dedication to delivering a seamless moving experience. When it comes to residential relocation, the choice is clear. Trust the top residential movers in Boston - Efficient Moving Services. With their top-notch services, you can embark on your new journey with peace of mind.
Say goodbye to the stress and let the professionals handle your move, making it a memorable and hassle-free experience.
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bookamrksss · 2 years
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There is no better choice than us if you are finding the most Efficient Moving Services Waltham! While providing moving services, we ensure your moving journeys continue on the right path. Please browse our website for further details.
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readyforevolution · 1 year
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Angela Davis was born on January 26, 1944, in Birmingham, Alabama. Her family lived in the "Dynamite Hill" neighborhood, which was marked in the 1950s by the bombings of houses in an attempt to intimidate and drive out middle-class black people who had moved there. Davis occasionally spent time on her uncle's farm and with friends in New York City. Her siblings include two brothers, Ben and Reginald, and a sister, Fania. Ben played defensive back for the Cleveland Browns and Detroit Lions in the late 1960s and early 1970s. She was christened at her father's Episcopal church.
Davis attended Carrie A. Tuggle School, a segregated black elementary school, and later, Parker Annex, a middle-school branch of Parker High School in Birmingham. During this time, Davis's mother, Sallye Bell Davis, was a national officer and leading organizer of the Southern Negro Youth Congress, an organization influenced by the Communist Party aimed at building alliances among African Americans in the South. Davis grew up surrounded by communist organizers and thinkers, who significantly influenced her intellectual development. Among them was the Southern Negro Youth Congress official Louis E. Burnham, whose daughter Margaret Burnham was Davis's friend from childhood, as well as her co-counsel during Davis's 1971 trial for murder and kidnapping.
Davis was involved in her church youth group as a child, and attended Sunday school regularly. She attributes much of her political involvement to her involvement with the Girl Scouts of the United States of America. She also participated in the Girl Scouts 1959 national roundup in Colorado. As a Girl Scout, she marched and picketed to protest racial segregation in Birmingham.
By her junior year of high school, Davis had been accepted by an American Friends Service Committee (Quaker) program that placed black students from the South in integrated schools in the North. She chose Elisabeth Irwin High School in Greenwich Village. There she was recruited by a communist youth group, Advance.
Davis was awarded a scholarship to Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts, where she was one of three black students in her class. She encountered the Frankfurt School philosopher Herbert Marcuse at a rally during the Cuban Missile Crisis and became his student. In a 2007 television interview, Davis said, "Herbert Marcuse taught me that it was possible to be an academic, an activist, a scholar, and a revolutionary." She worked part-time to earn enough money to travel to France and Switzerland and attended the eighth World Festival of Youth and Students in Helsinki. She returned home in 1963 to a Federal Bureau of Investigation interview about her attendance at the communist-sponsored festival.
During her second year at Brandeis, Davis decided to major in French and continued her intensive study of philosopher and writer Jean-Paul Sartre. She was accepted by the Hamilton College Junior Year in France Program. Classes were initially at Biarritz and later at the Sorbonne. In Paris, she and other students lived with a French family. She was in Biarritz when she learned of the 1963 Birmingham church bombing, committed by members of the Ku Klux Klan, in which four black girls were killed. She grieved deeply as she was personally acquainted with the victims.
While completing her degree in French, Davis realized that her primary area of interest was philosophy. She was particularly interested in Marcuse's ideas. On returning to Brandeis, she sat in on his course. She wrote in her autobiography that Marcuse was approachable and helpful. She began making plans to attend the University of Frankfurt for graduate work in philosophy. In 1965, she graduated magna cum laude, a member of Phi Beta Kappa.
In Germany, with a monthly stipend of $100, she lived first with a German family and later with a group of students in a loft in an old factory. After visiting East Berlin during the annual May Day celebration, she felt that the East German government was dealing better with the residual effects of fascism than were the West Germans. Many of her roommates were active in the radical Socialist German Student Union (SDS), and Davis participated in some SDS actions. Events in the United States, including the formation of the Black Panther Party and the transformation of Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) to an all-black organization, drew her interest upon her return.
Marcuse had moved to a position at the University of California, San Diego, and Davis followed him there after her two years in Frankfurt. Davis traveled to London to attend a conference on "The Dialectics of Liberation". The black contingent at the conference included the Trinidadian-American Stokely Carmichael (Kwame Ture) and the British Michael X. Although moved by Carmichael's rhetoric, Davis was reportedly disappointed by her colleagues' black nationalist sentiments and their rejection of communism as a "white man's thing".
She joined the Che-Lumumba Club, an all-black branch of the Communist Party USA named for revolutionaries Che Guevara and Patrice Lumumba, of Cuba and Congo, respectively.
Davis earned a master's degree from the University of California, San Diego, in 1968. She earned a doctorate in philosophy at the Humboldt University in East Berlin.
Beginning in 1969, Davis was an acting assistant professor in the philosophy department at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Although both Princeton and Swarthmore had tried to recruit her, she opted for UCLA because of its urban location. At that time she was known as a radical feminist and activist, a member of the Communist Party USA, and an affiliate of the Los Angeles chapter of the Black Panther Party.
In 1969, the University of California initiated a policy against hiring Communists. At their September 19, 1969, meeting, the Board of Regents fired Davis from her $10,000-a-year post because of her membership in the Communist Party, urged on by California Governor and future president Ronald Reagan. Judge Jerry Pacht ruled the Regents could not fire Davis solely because of her affiliation with the Communist Party, and she resumed her post. The Regents fired Davis again on June 20, 1970, for the "inflammatory language" she had used in four different speeches. The report stated, "We deem particularly offensive such utterances as her statement that the regents 'killed, brutalized (and) murdered' the People's Park demonstrators, and her repeated characterizations of the police as 'pigs'". The American Association of University Professors censured the board for this action.
Davis was a supporter of the Soledad Brothers, three inmates who were accused and charged with the killing of a prison guard at Soledad Prison.
On August 7, 1970, heavily armed 17-year-old African-American high-school student Jonathan Jackson, whose brother was George Jackson, one of the three Soledad Brothers, gained control of a courtroom in Marin County, California. He armed the black defendants and took Judge Harold Haley, the prosecutor, and three female jurors as hostages. As Jackson transported the hostages and two black defendants away from the courtroom, one of the defendants, James McClain, shot at the police. The police returned fire. The judge and the three black men were killed in the melee; one of the jurors and the prosecutor were injured. Although the judge was shot in the head with a blast from a shotgun, he also suffered a chest wound from a bullet that may have been fired from outside the van. Evidence during the trial showed that either could have been fatal. Davis had purchased several of the firearms Jackson used in the attack, including the shotgun used to shoot Haley, which she bought at a San Francisco pawn shop two days before the incident. She was also found to have been corresponding with one of the inmates involved.
As California considers "all persons concerned in the commission of a crime, ... whether they directly commit the act constituting the offense, or aid and abet in its commission, ... are principals in any crime so committed", Davis was charged with "aggravated kidnapping and first degree murder in the death of Judge Harold Haley", and Marin County Superior Court Judge Peter Allen Smith issued a warrant for her arrest. Hours after the judge issued the warrant on August 14, 1970, a massive attempt to find and arrest Davis began. On August 18, four days after the warrant was issued, the FBI director J. Edgar Hoover listed Davis on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted Fugitive List; she was the third woman and the 309th person to be listed.
Soon after, Davis became a fugitive and fled California. According to her autobiography, during this time she hid in friends' homes and moved at night. On October 13, 1970, FBI agents found her at a Howard Johnson Motor Lodge in New York City. President Richard M. Nixon congratulated the FBI on its "capture of the dangerous terrorist Angela Davis."
On January 5, 1971, Davis appeared at Marin County Superior Court and declared her innocence before the court and nation: "I now declare publicly before the court, before the people of this country that I am innocent of all charges which have been leveled against me by the state of California." John Abt, general counsel of the Communist Party USA, was one of the first attorneys to represent Davis for her alleged involvement in the shootings.
While being held in the Women's Detention Center, Davis was initially segregated from other prisoners, in solitary confinement. With the help of her legal team, she obtained a federal court order to get out of the segregated area.
Across the nation, thousands of people began organizing a movement to gain her release. In New York City, black writers formed a committee called the Black People in Defense of Angela Davis. By February 1971, more than 200 local committees in the United States, and 67 in foreign countries, worked to free Davis from jail. John Lennon and Yoko Ono contributed to this campaign with the song "Angela". In 1972, after a 16-month incarceration, the state allowed her release on bail from county jail.[32] On February 23, 1972, Rodger McAfee, a dairy farmer from Fresno, California, paid her $100,000 bail with the help of Steve Sparacino, a wealthy business owner. The United Presbyterian Church paid some of her legal defense expenses.
A defense motion for a change of venue was granted, and the trial was moved to Santa Clara County. On June 4, 1972, after 13 hours of deliberations, the all-white jury returned a verdict of not guilty. The fact that she owned the guns used in the crime was judged insufficient to establish her role in the plot. She was represented by Leo Branton Jr., who hired psychologists to help the defense determine who in the jury pool might favor their arguments, a technique that has since become more common. He also hired experts to discredit the reliability of eyewitness accounts.
After her acquittal, Davis went on an international speaking tour in 1972 and the tour included Cuba, where she had previously been received by Fidel Castro in 1969 as a member of a Communist Party delegation. Robert F. Williams, Huey Newton, Stokely Carmichael had also visited Cuba, and Assata Shakur later moved there after escaping from a US prison. Her reception by Afro-Cubans at a mass rally was so enthusiastic that she was reportedly barely able to speak.[47] Davis perceived Cuba as a racism-free country, which led her to believe that "only under socialism could the fight against racism be successfully executed." When she returned to the United States, her socialist leanings increasingly influenced her understanding of race struggles. In 1974, she attended the Second Congress of the Federation of Cuban Women.
In the mid-1970s, Jim Jones, who developed the cult Peoples Temple, initiated friendships with progressive leaders in the San Francisco area including Dennis Banks of the American Indian Movement and Davis. On September 10, 1977, 14 months before the Temple's mass murder-suicide, Davis spoke via amateur radio telephone "patch" to members of his Peoples Temple living in Jonestown in Guyana. In her statement during the "Six Day Siege", she expressed support for the People's Temple anti-racism efforts and told members there was a conspiracy against them. She said, "When you are attacked, it is because of your progressive stand, and we feel that it is directly an attack against us as well."
Davis was a lecturer at the Claremont Black Studies Center at the Claremont Colleges in 1975. Attendance at the course she taught was limited to 26 students out of the more than 5,000 on campus, and she was forced to teach in secret because alumni benefactors didn't want her to indoctrinate the general student population with communist thought. College trustees made arrangements to minimize her appearance on campus, limiting her seminars to Friday evenings and Saturdays, "when campus activity is low". Her classes moved from one classroom to another and the students were sworn to secrecy. Much of this secrecy continued throughout Davis's brief time teaching at the colleges. In 2020 it was announced that Davis would be the Ena H. Thompson Distinguished Lecturer for Pomona College's history department, welcoming her back after 45 years.
Davis taught a women's studies course at the San Francisco Art Institute in 1978, and was a professor of ethnic studies at the San Francisco State University from at least 1980 to 1984. She was a professor in the History of Consciousness and the Feminist Studies departments at the University of California, Santa Cruz and Rutgers University from 1991 to 2008. Since then, she has been a distinguished professor emerita.
Davis was a distinguished visiting professor at Syracuse University in spring 1992 and October 2010, and was the Randolph Visiting Distinguished Professor of philosophy at Vassar College in 1995.
In 2014, Davis returned to UCLA as a regents' lecturer. She delivered a public lecture on May 8 in Royce Hall, where she had given her first lecture 45 years earlier.
In 2016, Davis was awarded an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters in Healing and Social Justice from the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco during its 48th annual commencement ceremony.
Davis accepted the Communist Party USA's nomination for vice president, as Gus Hall's running mate, in 1980 and in 1984. They received less than 0.02% of the vote in 1980. She left the party in 1991, founding the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism. Her group broke from the Communist Party USA because of the latter's support of the 1991 Soviet coup d'état attempt after the fall of the Soviet Union and tearing down of the Berlin Wall. Davis said that she and others who had "circulated a petition about the need for democratization of the structures of governance of the party" were not allowed to run for national office and thus "in a sense ... invited to leave". In 2014, she said she continues to have a relationship with the CPUSA but has not rejoined. In the 2020 presidential election, Davis supported the Democratic nominee, Joe Biden.
Angela Davis, Sweetheart of the Far Left, Finds Her Mr. Right". People. July 21, 1980. Archived from the original on March 11, 2015. Retrieved October 20, 2011.
The Real Stain on Angela Davis' Legacy Is Her Support for Tyranny". The Bulwark. January 23, 2019.
Angela Davis (January 26, 1944)". African American Heritage. National Archives and Records Administration. Retrieved January 24, 2020.
Davis, Angela Yvonne (March 1989). "Rocks". Angela Davis: An Autobiography. New York City: International Publishers.
Kum-Kum Bhavnani, Bhavnani; Davis, Angela (Spring 1989). "Complexity, Activism, Optimism: An Interview with Angela Y. Davis". Feminist Review (31): 66–81.
Davis, Angela Yvonne (March 1989). "Flames". Angela Davis: An Autobiography. New York City: International Publishers
Mechthild Nagel (May 2, 2005). "Women Outlaws: Politics of Gender and Resistance in the US Criminal Justice System". SUNY Cortland. Retrieved October 21, 2010.
Encyclopedia of Alabama. Auburn University. January 8, 2008. Archived from the original on March 13, 2014. Retrieved April 11, 2012
Marquez, Letisia (May 5, 2014). "Angela Davis returns to UCLA classroom 45 years after controversy". UCLA Newsroom. University of California at Los Angeles. Retrieved August 26, 2019.
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pargolettasworld · 2 years
“(Traditional)” says the title of this video.  A Song That Goes Like This, say I!  If you’ve been to a Jewish summer camp, or in a Reform synagogue, or even in certain Conservative and Reconstructionist synagogues*, you know this piece.  After the introduction, you’re singing and clapping along.  You may have learned it at summer camp.  You may have learned it in the synagogue from a rabbi or a cantor wielding a guitar.  You may have learned it in your synagogue or your JCC’s children’s programming.  You’d call this “the traditional song for Lo Yisa Goy.”
Thank Shalom Altman, “Mr. Jewish Music in Philadelphia,” according to his 1986 obituary, for this piece.  Altman was born in New York and went to Juilliard.  While there, he developed a massive case of stage fright and decided to go into conducting because the conductor faces away from the audience.  Among many, many other Jewish-music-related activities in the Philadelphia area, Altman founded, organized, and taught in the music program at Gratz College.  Gratz is, I would say, the most prominent of a handful of surviving Jewish colleges; that is, institutes of higher learning that are intended to teach primarily Jewish topics.  The Spertus Institute in Chicago is one of them; Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts is not.
Altman also founded a number of Jewish choirs and choral festivals.  But my favorite thing about him is another little bit from his obituary (which you should absolutely read):
“Although Altman was not a synagogue-goer, his son said he saw his father more than once pounce on the organ mid-service to tell the congregation about the origins of the hymn or chant of the moment. "All of a sudden this service would be alive," Jeremy Altman said. "He could have people mesmerized by learning about what they were doing. He was totally dedicated to moving that culture along and documenting it."
As someone who often wants to do exactly that in a service of a Shabbat morning, thank you, Mr. Altman, sir, for your extraordinary service.  And for this merry little earworm as well!
*Possibly Orthodox as well, though I don’t know as much about that end of the ritual spectrum.  Do I know anyone who grew up Orthodox who learned this song in an Orthodox setting?
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treeremovalpensacola · 3 months
Bartlett Tree Experts acquires Advanced Lawn Care
If you live in Pensacola, it's just a matter of time that you have to do the inevitable and remove a tree. Tree Removal Pensacola is a tree removal company that specializes in stump grinding, tree removal, and arborist services. They have been in business for over 10 years and have the experience and expertise to get the job done right. Fully licensed and insured, so you can rest assured that your property is in good hands. Pensacola tree service is a company that specializes in removing trees. They have been doing this for over 10 years and they are really good at it. They also do stump grinding, which means they get rid of the stump left behind after the tree is removed. They are fully licensed and insured, so you can be sure that your property is in good hands. Bartlett Tree Experts, No. 5 on the 2023 LM150 list, acquired Advanced Lawn Care. The move expands the company’s turf care services in the Greater Boston, Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard areas. Advanced Lawn Care owner Matthew DeAvila has joined Bartlett’s Osterville office on Cape Cod as a turf care representative. Andrew Alcorn, general manager of Advanced Lawn Care, has joined Bartlett’s Greater Boston office in Waltham. Jack Ingram, vice president of Bartlett’s Central New England operations, said the acquisition builds on Bartlett’s existing services to comprehensively manage residential and commercial landscapes with a focus on addressing specific client needs. “Advanced Lawn Care established a premier reputation for delivering exceptional lawn care services to their clients throughout Greater Boston,“ said Ingram. ”With this acquisition, we are in an ideal position to expand our comprehensive management programs tailored to the needs of our clients. We are fortunate to have Andrew Alcorn’s expertise with turf care management and we welcome him to our team in Waltham.” With the addition of the turf management expertise of Advanced Lawn Care, there are now turf care representatives in two of Bartlett’s six operations around Greater Boston and Worcester. David Chalker, vice president of Bartlett’s Southeastern New England operations, including Cape Cod and the Islands, said, “We are excited to bring Matt DeAvila on board. This acquisition allows Bartlett to fully complement our services managing the health and beauty of landscapes on the Cape and Islands.” The post Bartlett Tree Experts acquires Advanced Lawn Care first appeared on Landscape Management.
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steeleandco1 · 3 months
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Fantastic removal company in Hampshire, Steele and Co moving company, Hants UK & surrounding areas. Free house removals quote, packing & storage services. For more details visit at https://www.steeleandco.co.uk/business-moves/
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jcmarchi · 4 months
Annie Liau: Infinite caring for the MIT community
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/annie-liau-infinite-caring-for-the-mit-community/
Annie Liau: Infinite caring for the MIT community
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Growing up in Thailand, Annie Srethabhakti Liau could not have imagined spending the bulk of her career working at the storied Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Now, as she heads into retirement, she and those around her are reflecting on her journey to Cambridge, Massachusetts, and on four decades as an integral member of the MIT community.
One of the longest-serving physicians at MIT Health, Liau is an obstetrician and gynecologist who managed the delivery of some 1,500 babies and oversaw an estimated 100,000 visits with patients during her tenure at the Institute. For her extraordinary work ethic and unsurpassed care for patients and colleagues alike, Liau has become a beloved figure at both MIT and at the affiliated hospitals she’s worked at for the past 39 years.
From Bangkok to Cambridge
Liau was born in Bangkok to Chinese parents, the eldest of six children. Her father was a physician who traveled the world for his training and practice, so Liau was exposed early on to the idea of caring for others as a vocation. Her parents strongly valued education for all their children and made that a priority, starting with young Annie. In school, her teachers encouraged her inclinations toward math and science, and her stellar grades earned her a place at Mahidol University, where she decided to follow in her father’s footsteps and pursue a career in medicine.
In the 1970s, when her mother opted to move the family to the U.S. to be closer to relatives already here, Liau, then a young adult, followed suit. She initially stayed in Thailand to complete her medical training at Mahidol, but after passing a number of exams, Liau began her career in New England, at medical centers in Waltham and Brighton, Massachusetts, and Danbury, Connecticut. By this time, she had decided to specialize in obstetrics and gynecology. “I feel that it’s a miracle to be part of the beginning” of life, she says. “Continuing the journey with the patient to all the stages in life, it seemed to be very fulfilling.”
Before long, she saw a position listed in the New England Journal of Medicine for a full-time physician at what was then MIT Medical — now MIT Health. It was the mid 1980s, and MIT Health had recently moved into its current location in Building E23 from its previous headquarters in Building 11. Liau was excited about the opportunity to serve a changing Institute population — one in which women were an increasing percentage of the student and faculty bodies.
“I just love the feeling of caring and healing,” Liau says. “I always felt from the beginning that MIT Medical is MIT Health: It always embraces the wellness, immunizations, community support. It wasn’t just taking care of the sick. … We need to take care of the MIT population so that they are well and they can focus on their work, so they can actually achieve their goals.”
Infinite care
From the start, Liau’s services were in high demand. An MIT Tech Talk article from the early 1990s described a period in which “the queue to see her was extremely long.” At the time, MIT Health doctors oversaw the births of some 200 babies per year — a number that Liau says has since dropped by about two-thirds, largely mirroring a national trend in birth rate.
During her time at MIT, Liau held appointments at several Boston-area hospitals, where she helped Institute affiliates give birth at all hours of the day and night. In addition, she served as a part-time instructor with Harvard Medical School (HMS). She was also a preceptor for gynecology residents at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and for medical students from HMS, the Harvard-MIT Program in Health Sciences and Technology, and Boston University. And she has served on numerous committees and professional societies, including as the past president of the Obstetrical Society of Boston.
Back on campus, Liau not only supported those expanding their families but also any community members in need of basic gynecological care.
“With our recent rebrand to MIT Health, we’ve been talking about ‘Infinite Caring’ as the underpinning of how we care for the people of MIT. To me, Dr. Liau is the epitome of Infinite Caring — and has been for 39 years,” says Cecilia Stuopis, MIT’s chief health officer and a fellow obstetrician/gynecologist. “She has cared for generations of women at MIT by being curious about their lives, their well-being, and their overall state of health. She is always learning and always teaching her patients and colleagues about what she has learned. Most importantly, she does all of these things with incomparable levels of kindness; kindness defines Dr. Liau in all aspects — professionally and personally.”
“Dr. Liau has been the foundation of our department,” says Chana Wasserman, chief of obstetrics and gynecology at MIT Health who has worked with Liau for over 26 years. “She is very personable and truly interested in people’s wellness. She always wants to learn from everyone and everything. She reads and retains everything she hears or learns. When professors, graduate students, or postdocs request her help with their research studies, she goes above and beyond to really try to help them. She has tremendous empathy for patients and colleagues alike.”
At a recent farewell event during which Liau had a chance to say goodbye to longtime patients, one attendee noted that while it’s unusual to look forward to gynecological appointments, she found that to be the case every time she went to see Liau.
“With Annie, it seems the construct of time is nonexistent and all that matters is that patient and their well-being,” says Nicole Napier, population health manager at MIT Health who worked closely with Liau for 18 years in her former role as the OB/GYN nurse practice manager. “She understands the true ‘health’ of a person is shaped by their personal relationships, diet, sleep, overall outlook on life, and many other factors. Her goal is to assess and advise on as many of these factors as possible to make you the best human being you can be. … Her ability to care knows no limits.”
Part of the family
In recognition of her remarkable service, Liau has over the years earned four MIT Health awards, including two Infinite Mile Awards, for clinical excellence and for lifetime contribution; the Commitment to Care Team Award; and the Patient Choice Award. She also regularly earned MIT Health’s highest Press Ganey scores, which measure patient satisfaction.
Colleagues and patients have expressed myriad ways in which Liau will be missed — from sharing findings from seminars she’d attend to constantly serving as a valued partner in health as well as a cherished friend.
Several colleagues mentioned Liau’s gifts of fruit — oranges and persimmons, especially — that would frequently appear on their desks. “I had always thought that Dr. Liau only gave me fruit since she knew I would never bring lunch to work,” says Wasserman. “At her retirement party at Mount Auburn [Hospital], though, one of the speakers asked the audience to raise their hand if they had ever received a piece of fruit from Dr. Liau. Almost the entire crowd raised their hands! This is just a small way that she made sure not only that I had something to eat, but that everyone she knew was kept healthy and well.”
“Every day she walks into the building, whether she’s scheduled to work or not, she cares about her patients and colleagues,” adds Eleashea Passley, a patient service representative at MIT Health who worked with Liau for 19 years. Liau was, according to Passley, “a social butterfly” who, in addition to fruit offerings, often delighted her team with lunch orders of comfort food to help keep spirits high.
In retirement, Liau is looking forward to quality time with family. She plans to help care for her mother, who is now 90 and looking to move back to Massachusetts following four years on the West Coast. She also aims to visit with her siblings, nieces, nephews, and their children around the country. And she hopes to get a bit more sleep and exercise, and to attend more lectures, services, and other events.
“I will miss the connection between me and my patients, and also the staff at MIT and at the hospital. I have been at MIT more than half of my life, so it’s really special. I feel like I grew up here,” says Liau. “I feel very moved and very thankful for the love and appreciation from my patients, and I’m grateful for their trust and for the support throughout the years. I feel like they’re part of my family. … I just help to navigate the care, like someone in the family, but I’m really grateful and thankful that they looked out for me, too.”
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definitelytzar · 5 months
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radiantcleaning · 9 months
Bring Your Home to Life with Marlborough MA's House Cleaning Service
In the bustling town of Marlborough, Massachusetts, life moves at a brisk pace. Whether you're a busy professional, a parent juggling multiple responsibilities or simply someone who values a clean and welcoming home, finding the time and energy to keep your living space pristine can be a challenge. That's where Marlborough MA's house cleaning service comes to the rescue, helping you transform your house into a vibrant and inviting sanctuary. In this blog, we'll explore how these dedicated professionals can bring your home to life, giving you the freedom to enjoy a sparkling, stress-free environment.
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One of the key advantages of hiring a house cleaning service in Marlborough is the ability to customize your cleaning plan. These professionals work closely with you to understand your specific requirements and preferences. Whether you need a one-time deep cleaning, regular maintenance, or specialized cleaning for a special occasion, they can create a plan that suits your needs and budget. This tailored approach ensures that your home receives the care and attention it deserves.
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House cleaning service Waltham ma is more than just a convenience; it's an investment in your quality of life. By entrusting your home to skilled professionals who are dedicated to providing top-notch cleaning services, you can enjoy a cleaner, healthier, and more aesthetically pleasing living environment. With customized cleaning plans, you have the flexibility to choose the services that best suit your needs and schedule. Say goodbye to the stress of household chores and bring your home to life with the help of Marlborough's trusted house cleaning service. Experience the freedom to enjoy your home without the hassle of cleaning – it's time to live life to the fullest in Marlborough, Massachusetts.
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How Full Service Packing and Moving Can Save You Time and Money?
Moving to a new home can be a time-consuming and stressful process. Full service packing and moving professionals can save you time and money in the long run. Here's how:
Saves time - Packing can be a time-consuming task. Full service packing and moving companies can handle all aspects of your move, including packing, loading, unloading, and unpacking. This frees up your time to focus on other important aspects of your move, like transferring utilities or setting up your new home.
Reduces stress - Moving can be a stressful experience. Full service packing and moving companies can help reduce stress by handling all aspects of your move. You don't have to worry about packing or transporting your belongings, which can give you peace of mind during the moving process.
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Offers protection -Full service packing and moving companies use high-quality packing materials and techniques to protect your belongings during the move. This can help prevent damage or loss, which can save you money in the long run.
Provides efficiency -Full service packing and moving companies have the necessary equipment and experience to efficiently handle your move. This can save you time and money in the long run by reducing the risk of delays or damages.
Customized services -Full service packing and moving companies offer customized services to fit your specific needs. You can choose the services that work best for you, which can save you money by avoiding unnecessary services.
At Efficient Moving Services, we provide full service packing and moving services that can save you time and money. Our experienced team will handle all aspects of your move, from packing to unpacking, with care and efficiency. Contact us today to get a free quote and start planning your stress-free move.
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manleycollins · 2 years
Journal Entry #71 - University of Pennsylvania Relays 2022 with PVTC - My Trifecta, Triangulation, and Amazing Race Triple Elimination - Chicago, New York City, and Washington, District of Columbia - Go Back? Double Negative "Non, je ne suis pas !"
JOURNAL ENTRY #71 Name: Manley M Collins Social Security Number: 5 7 9 – * * – 6 5 4 1 Date of Birth: 06/21 Place of Birth: Washington, District of Columbia Country of Birth: United States of America Date: April 4, 2022
TOPIC: University of Pennsylvania Relays 2022 with PVTC - My Trifecta, Triangulation, and Amazing Race Triple Elimination - Chicago, New York City, and Washington, District of Columbia - Go Back? Double Negative "Non, je ne suis pas !"
This is the beginning of heavier activity work in spring, summer, and fall. The winter I normally hibernate and physically work on myself at the gym. The gym practically sees me everyday as a part of my routine. I rarely miss a day unless it is heavy day of appointments and personal errands.
Getting adjusted to a new United State is always work.
I gave CubeSmart my release notice and asked for other locations with smaller units. I moved into my new unit on the other side of town with less Mass-Cass type of scenery.
I expanded my Massachusetts Planet Fitness workouts and trips to Cambridge, Malden, Quincy, Chelsea, East Boston, Boston, Mattapan, Revere/Wonderland, Jamaica Plain, Burlington, Reading, Hingham, Braintree, Weymouth, Medford, Waltham, and Watertown. I did attend my New York locations - Harlem, Columbus Circle, Chelsea, Times Square. I did South Carolina locations - Summerville, North Charleston, and Charleston. I did Georgia locations - Atlanta, Chamblee-Tucker, Doraville, Brookhaven. See my photo albums for more photos.
Part of my schizophrenia wanted to search the human resources and federal laws regarding record keeping because my resume was long from actual positions, but who had a record of what puzzled me because Social Security and Internal Revenue Service had records. The maximum number of years for recordkeeping is six (6) years. I did send an email or request to find out, which employers had a record of me. Another reason: It is because I was shown plenty of mental health conditions that I physically did not know and never could claim the benefit, but physically I was fine and for real suffering 100% materialistic loss from 1994-2019. The selection of 'No disability' on my pre-hire and full background was correct, but life made me act like I was having issues without having control or knowing what I was going through at the workplace.
I researched getting Oracle and RedHat certifications because Microsoft became the prominent technology for my rise and downfall. I do not want to repeat that again. I went through my resume for all the skills I had to see what I missed or did not see.
I was planning USATF Meets. Potomac Valley Track Club, University of Pennsylvania, and USATF made it possible for me to run in the Penn Relays in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It was fun and enjoyable to see my teammates and friends in the city. See my photo albums for more photos. I did obtain a Free Library of Philadelphia Library Card, which the temporary card only lasts a year. I rented an AirBnb. It was super nice and very impressive for the price, but could not control the room temperature due to the cool weather. I hung out with a friend I met during the Democratic National Convention in 2016, and we went to Ravens Lounge, Graffiti Lounge, and Marsala Kitchen. I also attempted to do UberEats and DoorDash to see if the adaptable market was still associated with the Boston region. I registered my SEPTA key card.
Massachusetts State Police tried to additionally direct me to the Victim Advocate Program in Massachusetts District Court, East Boston, Massachusetts. I found out some new information between Harassment Probation Order for co-workers and unrelated people, but has to have three different incidents. I found out restraining protective order for relatives and people related to me. The Boston Police and Massachusetts State Police are supposed to submit charges if anything is found during the investigation. I already got confirmation that the investigation was closed, but I tried to submit new information. Massachusetts is deliberately using time to prevent any benefit or consequences for what grown adults do.
Illinois and Chicago played the same role on stating they are not responsible for what their residents or visitors do in their geographic location, in buildings, in offices, or public transportation.
Social Security Administration approved me for disability, but I got the initial payments. I had to configure how to do the money. They also did court ordered deductions, but they found two, when for the last ten (10) years I only saw one. Connecticut had the original deduction open done with my presence. Washington, DC did another deduction in 2020 after I left the city and had no presence. I never knew that could be done. Social Security Administration kept doing this until I spoke up about where the extra money was going. I inquired about the SSA Ticket to Work program, but learn I only have nine (9) months to make the most money I can make while receiving the government funding.
Therapy and Psychiatrist with Arbour Counseling Services topics were (Previous Journal topics - I just was repeating them to new people verbally)
'Don't Matter' internal family message after April 3, 2016
Apple Health predicts falling (walking steadiness notification) and Doctors asking did I fall - what reality is that?
Phone as a subscription
Did not profit from any inheritance, death, lawsuit, lottery, real estate, anything I had materialistically - no chance to sell or pawn, no government check, no career, no campaign contributions to support any effort, none of my ideas or company to make a true profit, no retirement, etc.
Spinning brain centerpieces said/felt "donk" like nothing was left.
Now that the accounts or areas of life that have a former address if I was supposed to get anything is lost in the mail or went to trash.
Judge decided to respond or remand before the summons of individual defendants in the Federal Express civil suit.
Warmth again
Revealing I was the extrovert telling, showing, doing everything to everybody. Information started manually in 1990s, came online in 1999, now 2016 put everything in one place where everyone can see it, now 2022 sent small emails out to what I do and now folks paid attention…people are funny.
Sent letters to Congress and State Congress
Introspection - schizophrenia happened when I talk about a future that never happened or planned plus the physical elements of anxiety plus being involved with family or ethnic group.
'Not about you' big voice - not giving a flying f*ck who it is about
Storage unit
1970, 1980, 1990, up to 2007 never had a therapist or psychiatrist because we or I talked to people.
Gender X generation
American Scientific Bell Curve
MCAD responses and making my response iron clad.
Transitioning from Arbour Counseling Session (Zoom Calls) to Boston Medical Center In-Person (through the Bridge Clinic - Psychiatry Department) (Previous Journal topics - I just was repeating them to new people verbally)
Civil Rights
What I want out of therapy? Gain knowledge on the present classification of situations Let go and head to Europe or what do they call it over there BEST team said I do CCCP at DMH Solomon Inpatient, but I thought of going in November, but New York happened and I do not ever want to go. I need a support group outpatient. What other element of the insurance I did not take advantage of? Meet the requirements of SSDI, RSDI, or SSI. Find resolve and closure, and let go. Address past realities to present day situations.
How I want therapy to proceed? Once every two weeks In-person is fine.
Girls Momma's boy
Other Topics from Spring and Summer 2022:
United Healthcare was doing something I never seen by healthcare companies, which was still keep a plan open after no additional premiums were paid.
I was able to get my Dell XPS hard drive, but life is trying to prevent me from recovering the files. The computer repair guy suggested how to connect the drive. He saw the files on the drive. I was impressed.
Pine Street Inn Longwood Security and Staff continues to physical assault after Warning Talks.
I planned my first Manicure and pedicure celebration at Dashing Diva Chelsea (Manhattan NYC). This goes along with New York post regarding Citibank - Harassment, etc. Please visit Journal Entry 61 - Words are Just Words. I am not repeating the information, but my photo albums show more information on how I celebrated half of my birthday week in New York City. I participated in USATF New York Outdoor Championships representing Potomac Valley at Icahn Stadium. The New York situation took away most of my smallest of employments and others I did not expect. However, a few survived which made me rethink life or the government and courts do whatever it takes to ensure I meet the requirement of 'disability' and spend the government money instead of working for it.
I found running technology to get strides distance.
Boston Copley Library someone provided the link of getting mp3s.
I sent in a renewal United States Census Bureau application and re-assessment to the New York regional office, who manages Boston metro area as well.
I researched the various types of European Visas.
My new bank let me design my own debit card. It was very impressive.
I visited some new gyms to prepare to shift my gym membership.
I worked for Grubhub for a quite a bit, but unfortunately I did not have a bicycle this time. Grubhub was about showing me some the same experiences that I left them for in Washington, DC. I had to make sure they heard how I cared about $25 order in Washington, DC that almost got me killed by a vehicle while riding a bicycle.
I updated my eBay account.
I attended University of Phoenix Inclusion Leadership Webinar.
I renewed my SAM profile with the United States Government/United States Department of Defense.
Pine Street Inn housing provided me with plenty of new housing applications to get on the waiting list for a new apartment.
I tried using SurfEasy VPN, which was provided as part of the service with my Lenovo laptop.
I registered for the RedHat Summit Webinar 2022.
I submitted an Apartments . com application for a Boston apartment. Apartments . com did show me that their application had two sides of it, such as Apartment Renters and Property Manager.
Boston Medical Center made available that PT1 medical rides were available. I did take advantage and use the rides to my appointments to Boston Medical Center.
I planned to attend the USATF Outdoor Championships in Lexington, Kentucky. I booked the trip with American Airlines and Delta Airlines, and the Marriott, but all had to canceled for the New York court date.
I participated in the All of Us Research program so started receiving information and newsletters about it.
I registered for the BayState Games.
After the tremendous of outpouring of information and therapy, life has provided me the confirmation that I have no reason to go back.
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happyathome3 · 2 years
Home Care Assistance Near Me
Whether your loved one is suffering from a disease or is just older and wants to stay home, there are several options for home care assistance near you. There are even government programs that can help cover some of the cost. Some of these programs are free, while others require a small payment.
Some programs are also available for friends and family to care for their loved ones. These include the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program, which is a government program designed to allow you to hire a personal caregiver to help your loved one.
Other programs like Medicare and Medicaid can help pay for in-home care. Some programs even allow you to apply for tax breaks if you pay for your loved one's care. If you are concerned about your loved one, talk to them and get their input on what type of care they need. If you aren't sure, start with a checklist.
A checklist is a good way to determine which home care services are right for your loved one. You can also ask friends and family for recommendations. You can also search for agencies or caregivers online. You can even use apps to find care.
Finding the right Waltham home care service can be the difference between staying in your home and moving into a nursing home. If you have a loved one with a disease or need assistance getting around, you may want to consider 24-hour care. Some home care agencies offer free services. You should also check with your local Area Agency on Aging.
It's important to do a thorough background check on your potential caregiver. Consider asking for references and to see if they are insured. It would be best if you also asked about their reliability and punctuality. You should also find out about their compensation and how they handle stress. It would be best to learn about the agency's termination process.
You should also learn about local religious groups or facilities that offer social activities for older adults. These groups may also be able to offer you a referral for a home care provider.
The Happy at Home provides a Benefits CheckUp tool to help determine which programs will benefit your loved one. The Department of Veterans Affairs has several programs, including Veteran Directed Care, which assists former service members who need home care.
Try a trial run of home care services to see if they fit. You may want to avoid committing to long-term care, so this is a great way to test the waters.
Consider hiring a home care aide directly. This is usually the cheapest option, but it comes with some responsibilities. You will need to get a job contract and make sure it lays out important details, such as the types of services your loved one will need, how much pay will be, and what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior. Do a background check and check references to find a caregiver.
Contact us: 
Happy at Home
Address: 13 Ripley Street, Waltham, Massachusetts 02453
Phone: (781) 205-2105
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lboogie1906 · 2 years
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Alexander Lucius Twilight (September 23, 1795 – June 19, 1857) was an educator, minister, and politician. He is the first African-American man known to have earned a BA from an American college or university, graduating from Middlebury College in 1823. He was ordained as a Congregational minister and worked in education and ministry all his career. In 1829 he became principal of the Orleans County Grammar School. There he designed and built Athenian Hall, the first granite public building in the state of Vermont. In 1836 he was the first African American elected as a state legislator, serving in the Vermont House of Representatives; he was the only African American ever elected to a state legislature before the Civil War. His house and Athenian Hall are included in the Brownington Village Historic District, listed on the National Register of Historic Places. He was born in Bradford, Vermont. Starting around 1802, he worked for a neighboring farmer in Corinth. For the next 12 years, he read, studied, and learned mathematics while working in various farm labor positions. He enrolled in Randolph's Orange County Grammar School in 1815. By 1821, he completed all of the institution's secondary school courses as well as the first two years of a college-level curriculum. His first job was teaching in Peru, New York. He studied for the ministry with the Congregational Church and served several Congregational churches. He occasionally led worship services and delivered sermons. The Champlain Presbytery of Plattsburgh licensed him to preach. He moved to Vergennes, Vermont to teach during the week and hold weekend church services in Waltham and Ferrisburg. He worked unsuccessfully to persuade the Vermont General Assembly not to divide school funding between Brownington and nearby Craftsbury, which had decided to open its school. He left his job as headmaster in 1847. He taught school in Shipton and Hatley, Quebec. The school in Brownington experienced declining enrollment. Persuaded to return to Brownington, he resumed his duties as principal and pastor. He resigned as pastor in 1853 and as principal in 1855. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci2Mn3SrVM1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bookamrksss · 2 years
Providing professional moving services at the best prices, Movers in New York from EFFICIENT MOVING SERVICES are sure to leave an everlasting impact on the minds of their customers. Backed by a well-established and well-spread network, they have made themselves competent enough to pick your consignment from your doorstep.
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Free estimates at www.efficientmovingservices.com or by calling 781-859-8592
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steeleandco1 · 5 months
Removal Company Bishops Waltham
Fantastic removal company in Hampshire, Steele and Co moving company, Hants UK & surrounding areas. Free house removals quote, packing & storage services. For more details visit at https://www.steeleandco.co.uk/storage/
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