#Wally Warbles
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babvc-au · 19 days ago
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Alrighty Folks! The Time Has Finally Come!
Hopefully this is everything and i didn't miss any panels or doodles for this post, but here is almost everything about BABVC's comic sketches, wips, doodles, refs, and even scripts i never finished, plus more! Doodles and other art stuff will be added to the end of this post. (Due to how many wips i have and such, there will be multiple reblogs happening as i go through this so bare with me.)
So, did you want to know how BaBvc would have went? Here's your answer. (This will contain a mix of the script, old comic wips and context)
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Now, well jump to where we left off in the comic with a smol refresher.
Scene 6 Nightmare:
It's dark and bendy is in a black like void. He hears voices.
"Why? You had a chance!" OB growls.
"Who's there!?" Bendy shouts.
"Why did you resist?" OB
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Bendy's eyes are suddenly covered by cold clawed hands. And he tries to pry them off.
"Why!?" OB
"What are you talking about?! Who are you!" Bendy growls trying to fight them off.
"Don't keep me waiting much longer" we see the claws retract and three tails around Bendy.
"I'm sick of waiting"
The last shot is of Bendy's demon cross eye.
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“But, how…?”
He hears a yawn from Boris as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, “good morning, Bendy”
Boris blinks at Bendy’s hand and the bag, "You better not eat that so early in the morning, Bendy.” Boris scolded, ears pinned back.
“What? No, i wouldn't do that. But...” Bendy says, looking at the can thoughtfully. "Did you get some more after last night…?" He asked the tall wolf. Boris raised a brow at him, confused. 
"What do you mean?" He asked. "That's the same bag from last night when we went to the market right?" He asked. 
"Well yeah but, I lost it, remember?" Bendy said and looked up at his younger brother. Boris stares at him in confusion. "...You did?" He asked. 
Camera focuses on the can in his hand.
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Scene 8:
Bendy and Boris enter Berry cafe and take a seat at a booth.
"So you honestly don't remember?" Bendy starts looking across the table to his younger brother.
"I really don't. I only remember us getting the stuff, and then after that, it's all blurry. Like I blacked out or something, and then it was morning." Boris replied. "Are you sure you didn't just imagine you lost it? Maybe it was a dream that you had last night." He points out.
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"..." Bendy thinks, "Maybe you're right. I've been having weird dreams, and I guess it's possible." He says tiredly. "Though it really felt like I wasn't dreaming." He mumbled to himself.
Then Melody comes around shortly after and asks them what they would like to order. "Hello, welcome to Berry's Cafe. What would you - oh! It's you two, the usual then?" She smiles and lifts her paper and pen.
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Bendy lifts his head and gives a small smile. "Ah, yeah, for me, at least. Boris?" He looks over expectantly for his order.
"Oh! um, what's the special today?"
"New York cheesecake drizzled in strawberries and syrup, it's so good!" she smiles and hugs her notepad dreamily.
Boris perks at that smiling "Guess I know what I'm getting now, (haha) and can I get a hot coco with that, thanks Melody."
"No problem! I'll put your order in right away." She nods and walks away allowing Bendy to see the other residents in the cafe. And surprisingly enough he sees someone familiar. His eyes widened a little, shocked.
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(Isn't that-?)
Bendy looks at his right wrist and rubs it lightly.
(So it hadn't been a dream? I should probably thank him.)
Bendy stood, making Boris look at him. "Bendy?"
"I'll be back."
Bendy walks away and heads for the familiar person.
"Uh, Hey." he says. Catching Cupheads attention who opens his eyes. He looks a little confused and shocked to see Bendy for a moment.
"I wanted to say thanks for the other night you really helped me back there." Bendy says looking to the side awkwardly.
Cuphead says nothing for a minute. His shock turns to annoyance.
"Yeah, whatever, watch yourself, you're lucky I found you when I did." Cuphead says with a steady look. "Didn't your mom teach you not to walk around at night by yourself?"
"It's dangerous." He glares, narrowing his eyes.
Bendy furrows his brows at the semi aggressive tone. "Hey, I came to thank you, not get a lecture! And I wasn't by myself."
"Anyway like I said, thank you, seriously." Bendy frowned.
Cuphead stands up and looks down at Bendy, who looks up at him in return nervously as they stare at each other.
"Here you go sir, your order." Tostie says, giving Cuphead two drinks.
"Thanks," he says.
She walks away.
"There you are, Cuppy!" A new voice sounds in the cafe besides Bendy.
Mugs comes over and stands by his brother's side. Who gives him an exhausted look.
"Here." Cuphead hands him the second drink.
"Oh! Were you in the middle of something?" Mugs looks between Bendy and Cuphead.
Cuphead gives Bendy another glare.
"No. Let's go." He walks off, but Mugs falters and gives Bendy a nervous smile and a wave before he follows.
"Geez, what a jerk." (At least the other guy was nice) Bendy sweats but shrugs it off heading back to Boris.
"Was that someone you knew?"
"Uh, not exactly," Bendy says as he slides back into the booth.
It's silent for a moment before Boris speaks up.
"Bendy, listen, I know you're just as confused as I am, but you haven't told me a single thing about what happened last night, I was really worried about you."
"I know, I promise to tell you when I've made sense of it, ok? Just… give me some time."
Boris sighs, "...Ok"
Bendy looks away and out the window covered in fog with a thoughtful look. It starts to snow a little.
Scene 9
Cuphead glares ahead. (The hell? Did I not wipe his memory correctly? And what's with that weird smell?) He rubs his nose.
Mugman watches him, concerned. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” Cuphead mutters. “I just need to go to the casino… again.”
Mugman frowns. “Huh? Why?”
“I’ll tell you later—unless you wanna come with me.”
Mugman hesitates, then nods. “Mmm… I’ll go with you.” Cuphead glances at him, his expression unreadable. Without another word, he keeps walking.
(Que this scene where they report to The Devil about Bendy being immune to memory wiping)
"Sir, I've come to report something." [Kneeling]
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"What is it?"
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"There's someone i met that's immune to memory wiping."
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"Is that so..."
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(Thus, The Devil orders Cuphead to keep an eye on Bendy and to report back if anything happens.)
Scene 12
Cuphead (bat form) climbs through the crack of the window in the kitchen. He hops to the ground and transforms back into his toon form. He dusts himself off and then looks up. Unexpectedly Bendy was in the doorway and saw everything.
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(Que a funny nervous Bendy stares and throws a mug at Cuphead.)
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Bendy runs to his couch and starts his spiel.
"What are you doing in my house!? Are you going to kill me!? You're a vampire! Aren't you supposed to stay out of houses unless you're invited!? Or something!?
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"Wait a minute, vampires have other weaknesses! I think I have a few things!"
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Bendy runs out of the room, and Cuphead is left in confusion.
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"Okay...this is weird." -sigh-
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Bendy comes in and out with various "vampire deterrents"
"A cross!?"
"A stake!?" (It's a twig)
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"Sunlight!?" (Its a flashlight.)
"Did you forget you saw me at the café?"
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jazzy-flowerr · 8 months ago
So I forced my sister, mom, and dad to name a bunch of Cuphead characters
And uhhhhh these were the results :))
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(I'll do this with the characters from the DLC later)
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komalatea · 1 year ago
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something something cuphead doodle dump
princess muffin by @pizzamuffindonutpeach33 <3
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jarroyave4637 · 1 year ago
HAPPY 6 Years to Cuphead!
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Enjoy an image that I remade in he and my cuphead ship chart for this legendary game
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blazeberrychaos · 4 months ago
Cuphead Fear Headcanon
Cuphead:The Dark
Mugman:being alone
King Dice: being forgotten
The devil:not much scares him BUT he is deeply disturbed by beetles
Psycarrot (i am going by their fanon names):Horses or Rabbits
Ollie: damn near everything scares him
Ribby:he is a sore loser so losing is his biggest fear
Croaks:death,he's scared of death
Goopy:Loud noises (like sudden loud noises,it's also why he doesn't go anywhere near Beppi)
Hilda: falling,she doesn't mind heights but she's scared of falling from those heights
Cagney:Weed Killer
Baroness Von Bon Bon:Roaches
Sir Waffington III: the dark
Muffsky Chernikov: being eaten alive by something
Sargent Gumbo Gumbull:heights,he hates them
Lord Gob Packer:hammers
Kernel Von Pop:Outer Space or the Ocean
Beppi: Thunder Storms
Grim Matchstick:Shouting and anger
Willy(Wally's Son):Germs
Rumor:the night
Officer B Honor (the cop bee in rumors boss fight):birds
Captain Brineybeard:Fire
Cala Maria:Strangers
Sally Stageplay:Judgement
Werner Werman:being stared at
Blind Spector:The Sun
T Bone:children
Blaise(one of the lollipops ghouls or whatever the name of them is):Water
Bolt(the other one ⬆️):Silence he has a fear of silence
Head of the Train:Crashing
Dlc characters:
Glumstone the Giant:People
Walter (the spider mob boss):holes
Charlotte(the light bug):small spaces
Anthony (the anteater):illness/disease
Esther Winchester:The snow
Mortimer:he won't ever admit it but he is scared of horses so naturally he hates the knight
Captain Samantha (the howling aces captain??? Pilot??? Idfk the female):accidents
Boris (the bulldog):ants
(Now onto the yankee yippees)
Kings leap:
The King:Birds
The queen: Rats
Pawns:all of them are afraid of hospitals
Seymour(the knight):spiders
The Bishop (or as i call him,Janus):bugs of any kind
The Rook:Snakes, this mf hates snakes
And there we go uwu
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littlefaeriebottles · 2 years ago
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A few rough sketches of my original characters that will appear in my Debtors of Inkwell comic! OCs won't have too much of a role in my AU but I thought it'd be fun to share them anyway. Also, these designs might change very slightly when they appear in the comic.
Baron Biscotti and Baroness Beignet VonBonBon, the kind and regal rulers of the fief of Sugarland, and parents of Baroness Brioche BonBon.
Winona Warbles, wife to Wally Warbles and mother to Willy Warbles, who gets bored of domestic bliss and leaves the nest.
Barnaby Bailley, the eccentric ringmaster of the Traveling Inkwell Circus and Beppi's mentor and father figure.
Olga Berg is Hilda Berg's grandmother, renowned mage who was one of the founders of Hexenwerks Magierakademie (Academy of Magic).
The Primordial Ooze is a manifestation of hate that haunts Goopy Le Grande and fills him with self-doubt.
Gourdy 'O Hallow is a down on his luck bum who helps The Root Pack get back on their feet.
Nikos the Goatherd knew The Legendary Chalice and the Calix Amini hundreds of years ago.
Scylla and Charybdis, the two aunts of Cala Maria, who teach her about the world dividing men and monsters.
Nefurrtiti is an ancient deity that Djimmi The Great befriends on his travels.
The Patient is an ill-fated figure that is a passenger on The Phantom Express.
Privates Fidget and Hodgepodge are two of Werner's fellow soldiers drafted into the Inkwell fighting forces.
Sir Chaucer Canterbury is a knight who has found his own calling and befriends Grim Matchstick.
Gustavo the Gardenia, Pascal the Pansy, and Bailey the Bluebell are flowers that live in the garden with Cagney.
Vespa Flaxenjacket is a wasp from the other side of the island who has her eyes on Rumor's hive and empire.
Shep Hyde, who's determined to make his client, Sally, a star and might be a wolf in sheep's clothing.
"JugORum" Bellows, father of Ribby and Croaks, who has ties to the Moonshine Mob.
There's a few others I haven't illustrated yet, and then there will be several NPCs from the game that will be important (I'll be drawing some of them too!), as well as the Debtors/bosses themselves being the main characters! I'm really excited to start working on this AU again! Hope you like em!
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k4pp4-8 · 2 years ago
can you draw grim matchstick x Wally warbles with their sons please
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Omg I forgot grim had an adorable tiny baby😭😭
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hey-imma-fangirl · 1 year ago
Cuphead: Isle Two Bosses
In the Welcome Back to the Casino AU
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✨Isle One Bosses✨
✨Isle Three Bosses✨
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dr-kahl-fan · 6 months ago
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zibiscusloon · 1 year ago
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Mistakes I’ve made in the past couple days
1. Doing a replay to get better scores on all the bosses
2. Wally damn Warbles
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whereismyhat5678 · 1 year ago
can you draw grim matchstick x Wally warbles with their kids please?
(I couldn’t think of any panels so I just did the picture with just a few more extra things- If you don’t mind 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️)
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For context they are sitting on a cloud -w-
(Also I have to say this, Grim was a PAIN to draw- I don’t draw him much in fact I barely ever did but I used to not like it cause his design- although very charming- IS SO DIFFICULT TO DRAW-)
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jazzy-flowerr · 6 months ago
Uh [Part 5]
[I know I just made part 4 not even 2 days ago but I do what I want here on this blog so shhhhhhhhh]
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komalatea · 1 year ago
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a doodle of the isle 2 bosses that got way out of hand. I love these guys
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oh and a happy (late) merry christmas, everyone!! ^-^
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mallovamp · 1 year ago
can you draw dr kahl and his robot Wally warbles and his kid Sally’s husband grim matchstick baby please also love your art
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sorry i was kinda tired so i only did one of em 😭😭
i might do some of the others eventually but for now heres these two lol
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henryscircus · 2 years ago
Can you draw grim matchstick x wally warbles with their kids djimmi the great x Beppi the clown werner werman x dr kahl the anteater x the snail chess knight x chess bishop from cuphead?
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Hi yeah... sorry for such a late response, I was out of the house all day plus I had to let my pen charge BUT I got it done
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blueopalsystem · 9 months ago
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Wally and Willy for @crazycuttle
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