#Wallace Wells x male reader
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l1tw1ck · 1 year ago
I wanna be Wallace’s sugar daddy 😋
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bottom!ftm Wallace x top!amab reader
god me too
cw: sugar daddy/baby, daddy kink, creampie
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After a year of dating, Wallace finally agreed to move in with you and he absolutely did not regret his decision. Aside from the fact that your house is both Huge and gorgeously decorated, he's been nothing short of pampered since moving in. It's a ginormous step up from the shitty apartment he shared with Scott. His closet is bigger than the living room and it's filled with designer clothing. He gets to live in luxury thanks to you and the only thing he has to do in return is have sex with you and that's not a difficult task at all for Wallace.
You gently drop all the shopping bags to the ground and turn to Wallace. He already knows what you're looking for and hurries over to you. He kneels down in front of you and quickly frees your length from your pants. "Thanks, Daddy." He kisses your tip before dragging his tongue seductively along your shaft, smiling as he does so. He likes teasing you and seeing your reactions.
"Don't tease me, not today, baby." You grip his hair. "I don't have the patience." Wallace looked too sexy today, his tight jeans were driving you crazy. You can't wait to take them off.
He licks his lips. "Then why don't we skip to the good part."
Wallace loses all his confidence and focuses entirely on his pleasure as you ram into him from behind, groping and slapping his ass. He knew he did the right thing by wearing those jeans. His pussy's just as tight. It's hard to fuck him with the way he keeps trying to suck you in. You reach over to his t-dick and he almost collapses from the pleasure. All he can do is moan and drool. "fu- fuck- fuckfuck-" He rolls his eyes back as he squirts on the bed, adding to the copious amounts of slick. You know he doesn't want you to stop so you don't, you fuck him even harder instead. He likes to be fucked until he passes out and you're always happy to oblige.
He always looks so pretty when he's sound asleep with cum dripping out of his cunt.
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reallyromealone · 10 months ago
Title: miscommunication
Fandom: Scott Pilgrim vs the world
Characters: Julie, Wallace, Scott, ramona
Fic type: story hurt to comfort
Pairings: Wallace x reader
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, angst, miscommunication
(name) sat quietly in the train, staring at the passing city lights as the C.N tower could be seen in the distance, glowing red tonight...
But that didn't matter.
None of it mattered.
He felt his eyes water as the GO train robot spoke "Next stop, Union station" he was just so tired as he got off and walked through the platform to Old Union.
His eyes were watery as he walked through the old station hall to Bayview and took a deep breath of the fall air that overtook Toronto, freezing the tears of heartbreak that threatened to fall down his cheeks.
He was just so tired of Wallace Wells.
The two just had another fight, (name) wanted to take their relationship forward but Wallace said he liked living on his own... The two arguing and now here he was...
Walking to his lonesome apartment.
His apartment was six city blocks from the station, but he didn't care as he walked down the streets with clouded thoughts rushing through his head, was he not good enough? He didn't mean to push he just wanted to know... Hell, he hadn't even been to his own boyfriend's apartment.
When he got home, he slid against his apartment door and sobbed, the sound of the city muddling his sobs.
Why wasn't he good enough?
(Name) Was sluggish as he made coffee after coffee, Julie watched in the corner but didn't comment as she was already well aware of what happened from the texts from Wallace, the black-haired man worried sick after (name) ran off during a fight, the spectacled woman ripping into him for his cowardice and to just be honest with (name).
"Julie... I'm going on break..." (Name) Whispered as he went to the back area, between storage and boxes was the break area and he sat down on one of the small plastic folding chairs and just stared off... "Oi! This Friday, I have a party and I better see your ass there!" Julie smacked the back of (name) 's head and the other huffed but knew she worried, the two close friends and he knew she had his back.
(Name) Stood in the corner of the party with a sigh, normally he would be with Wallace and their friends but there was no sign of his boyfriend anywhere, and (name) just took a sip and stared "You good?" A voice spoke out and (name) glanced up to see a pink-haired girl "Oh, you're Julia's friend right? Romina?" (Name) Said softly to the other "Yeah, what's your deal?"
"... It's kind of heavy" (name) mumbled and Ramona dragged him to a couch "I got time to kill," she said simply and (name) chuckled and explained how he wanted to move in with his boyfriend and how hurt that he was being shut out without even a bit of conversation "it's like he doesn't even want to be in a relationship with me..." (Name) Whispered and Ramona sighed "Call him on his shit," she said simply and (name) furrowed his eyebrows "Go to his place tomorrow and call him on it"
"Yeah... I think I'll try that" (name) said calmly as he looked at the other "Thanks"
"No problem " She smiled softly and watched as (name) walked off.
(Name) Didn't wait till tomorrow, having taken three shots of vodka and stood in front of his boyfriend's apartment and knocked on the door, swaying slightly as the door opened to reveal "Who are you?" (Name) Grumbled as he looked behind to see the single bed "I'm Scott, I love it here?" Scott said confused and (name) squinted "And you live with Wallace... And share a bed?" He felt his heart break a bit more as the other nodded "Uh, yeah... Do you see another bed?"
"He's cheating on me?" (Name) Whispered and Scott looked confused as (name) turned around pulled out his phone and drunkenly dumped Wallace.
'wr don hv fun witgkfk spot' was what Wallace got as he arrived at the party in a hot outfit and an apology ready for (name) who was supposed to be there as his world shattered around him.
When he got back to his apartment, Scott looked confused "Someone came here, he was looking for you, real angry" Scott said as Wallace looked over "said something about cheating"
Oh no.
Wallace needed to find (name).
(Name) Sobbed as he sat on a bench in a high park, drunk and sad as he thought about the events that took place.
Was this why he was so avoidant of living with him?
His phone kept going off but (name) ignored it as he looked around, he remembered coming here with Wallace after their first date and... More tears fell out of his eyes as he sobbed uncontrollably.
It was sheer luck that Wallace found (name) in the massive city, seeing him curled up and crying "(name), shit..." Wallace was always so cool and passive but now he was panicking as (name) drunkenly pulled away from him "Go be with Spot!" He drunkenly yelled and on another day Wallace would have found (name)s incorrect name of his parasite of a roommate funny but he just wanted his boyfriend to not be crying and angry "Baby I'm not fucking or doing anything with Scott, I would never do that to you" he said to (name) who drunkenly shook his head "you sleep with him! He was wearing your shirt!"
"Because he just showed up at my place and won't leave!"
"You don't wanna live with me because you have that twink..." (Name) Wobbled "Why don't you want me? I-I want you all the time and I don't get it!" Wallace always avoided answering this when they argued and now it was the make or break of this relationship "I'm terrified" Wallace admitted "If we lived together you would realize I'm not so cool and stuff as you think and you will hate me"
"You're fucking stupid... You know how many times I cried because you made me feel like this!" (Name) Let Wallace hold him close as he cried again over his stupid boyfriend "You're not cheating?" (Name) Wobbly asked and Wallace kissed his head "I would rather die than date Scott Pilgrim, he's that fucker dating the 17-year-old" Wallace explained and (name) sobered a bit as he cuddled Wallace's side '"will you at least think about moving together? I promise I won't get bored of you or anything... I just wanna wake up to you"
Wallace smiled and kissed his boyfriend, the taste of beer and vodka on his lips "I will now let's go home, you are fucking shit fa-- and you threw up in the bushes, I'm calling a cab"
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suzukis-posts · 1 year ago
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Wallace Wells x Male!Reader
Wallace era un tipo tranquilo que aconsejaba a Scott en su 'relación' con Knives Chau, ahora ex-novia de Scott.
En este momento Wallace estaba junto a un desconcertado Scott, quien acababa de recibir una llamada de Envy, su ex.
Pocos minutos después de que la llamada finalizara el teléfono resonó por la habitación, Wallace tomó el teléfono atendiendo la llamada.
── ¿Hola? Oh, ¡hola Knives! ── Wallace sonríe un poco levantándose del puf ── ¿Qué que, estás aquí?
Scott sobresaltado se para del sofá exaltado por saber que Knives estaba afuera. Wallace se acerca a la puerta para abrirla para encontrarse con Knives. ── ¿Está Scott?
Wallace cierra un poco la puerta para que luego Scott se lance a la ventana ── ¿Sabes qué? Acaba de irse...
Knives abre los ojos algo sorprendida ── ¿En serio?
── Sí... ── Wallace acaricia su propia cabeza pidiendo disculpas, Scott desde la ventana rota toma su abrigo ── Lo siento.
── Acaba de irse por la ventana. ── Caminas y apareces detrás de Knives, ella se da vuelta al verte eres el hermano mayor de Knives ── ¿Qué haces aquí?
Wallace nota tu presencia al lado de Knives ── ¿Qué haces tú aquí? Sabes como se pondrá mamá si sabe que estás aquí.
Knives mira tímidamente a un curioso Wallace, luego te mira a tí, querías una explicación ── Heh... supongo que quieres saber quien es él... Él es _______, mi herman-
── ¿Eres hermano de Knives? ── Wallace sonríe de forma atrevida mirándote de arriba a bajo asientes suspirando. Ahora Knives estaba algo sorprendida. ── ¡No se parecen en nada!
── ¿Lo conoces? ── Knives pregunta inocentemente sonriendo un poco, tal vez se trataba de un amigo tuyo.
── Claro que sí, es mi pareja, ¿no me has presentado como tu pareja aún? Ouch, eso duele. ── Wallace se apoya en tus hombros cómodamente besando tu cuello en broma, te sonrojas avergonzado. Knives abre los ojos sorprendida. ── Nos conocimos hace un par de años, en una fiesta.
Eres gay, tienes 24 años y estas en una relación con un alcohólico homosexual amante de las fiestas. Que divertido.
── ¿Esa es la razón por la cuál te escapas por las noches los fines de semana y tienes tu constante dolor de espalda? ── Estabas realmente avergonzado, querías estar tres metros bajo tierra, tu rostro estaba todo rojo y Wallace comenzó a reír debido a tu reacción.
── Ugh.. por favor vámonos Knives, esto es vergonzoso... ── Wallace sonríe de una forma burlona.
── Oh, quédate. Tengo que ir con Tamara de compras, ¡quiero cambiar mi cabello! ── No sabías que decir al respecto, Knives últimamente estaba obsesionada con el estilo de Ramona Flowers, quería tener un parecido a ella para captar la atención de Scott.
No tenías razón decirle que no así que te despediste de ella.
Finalmente viste como tu hermana se marchaba, segundos después sentiste un tirón en tu cintura, sabías que era Wallace empujando de tu cintura para atraerte a él ── ¿Así que dolor de espalda, huh? Me sorprende que Knives no pregunte a que se debe esos dolores.
Odiabas y amabas esta parte burlona de él, su mirada era una de burla y lujuria ── Cierra la boca Wallace.
── Deberías venir más seguido, no solo los fines de semana. ── Wallace te abraza acomodando su cabeza suavemente en tu hombro.
── ¿Quieres que tenga dolor de espalda los días de semana? No podría trabajar, idiota. ── Wallace ríe en tu cuello, ocasionando un ligero escalofrío en tu columna.
── Sería divertido probarlo~ ── Abres los ojos otra vez ruborizado, sabías lo que insinúa por lo tanto suspiras dejándote llevar.
── Lo que sea...
── ¿Es un sí? ── Wallace toma tu rostro besandote dulcemente. Antes de que pudieran incluso comenzar. Scott abre la puerta de forma violenta como si estuviera tratando de ocultarse.
Observa la escena frente a sus ojos ── Oh... ustedes...
── Largo de aquí. ── Wallace señala la puerta por la cual Scott acababa de entrar.
── Per-
── Largo. Quiero tener sexo en paz, Scott. ── Scott asiente avergonzado sin antes disculparse, antes de que se vaya Wallace habla ── Me vas a tener que pagar esa ventana.
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miniminiujb · 1 year ago
Sem Tempo
Wallace x leitor masculino (male reader)
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Um dia, enquanto Wallace estava trabalhando, ele conheceu você, um empresário bem-sucedido. Vocês dois se apaixonaram rapidamente e logo começaram a namorar. Você era um homem inteligente e confiante, e Wallace ficava encantado com a sua personalidade carismática.
Com o passar do tempo, você começou a falar sobre planos futuros para a relação deles. Você convidou Wallace para ir morar com você em um apartamento chique no centro da cidade e insinuou que poderiam considerar um pedido de casamento no futuro. Wallace ficou emocionado com a ideia de construir uma vida ao seu lado e aceitou o convite sem hesitar.
No entanto, à medida que os meses passavam, Wallace começou a perceber que você era muito focado em sua carreira e passava a maior parte do tempo trabalhando. Wallace sentia falta da diversão e do carinho que costumavam compartilhar e percebeu que você não estava realmente pronto para um compromisso sério.
Um dia, durante um jantar romântico, você finalmente mencionou a possibilidade de casamento. Wallace não pôde evitar sentir uma pontada de tristeza, pois sabia que você não estava realmente pronto para assumir um compromisso tão sério. Foi nesse momento que Wallace tomou a decisão de terminar o relacionamento.
"Eu realmente te amo, B/n, mas acho que ainda não estamos prontos para dar esse passo juntos", disse Wallace, com a voz embargada pela emoção.
Você ficou surpreso com a decisão de Wallace, mas você respeitou a escolha do namorado. Vocês dois terminaram o relacionamento de forma amigável, mas Wallace sabia que era a decisão certa. Ele deixou o apartamento e voltou a morar com Scott.
Você não pode fazer nada além amar Wallace, mas não podia obrigá-lo a amar você, vou sercá-lo com seu amor enquanto reza pela a felicidade dele. Você só se arrependeu de não ter dado a atenção a ele enquanto tinha o amor dele.
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gonzo-rella · 11 months ago
Headcanons: Being Wallace Wells' Trans Boyfriend
EDIT: Although this fic was written with a more binary trans reader in mind, I'm hoping this fic will also be suitable for AFAB nonbinary people who are masc or male adjacent, which is where I might be at. I'm currently working dating hcs for Wallace with a nonbinary reader (which will be suitable for both AFAB and AMAB readers).
Relationship(s): Wallace Wells x transmasc!reader (romantic)
Warnings/info: Trans typical stuff, like dysphoria, transphobia etc. etc., sexual remarks, he/him pronouns for reader, headcanons were written in one sitting, when I was feeling not great. (Let me know if I need to add any)
(A/N: I've been reading a lot of Succession fics over the last few days. Last night I read a Roman Roy fic and for some reason it gave me this overpowering wave of dysphoria that I still have yet to fully recover from. Annoyingly, I have yet to actually watch Succession so this could have been avoided; I just think Kieran Culkin's hot and very gender so I couldn't resist pretending that someone with his face was my boyfriend. Reading about Roman made me think 'oh shit. Maybe I'm a flawed and pathetic little guy on the inside. But I just look like a woman who likes to kiss women and everyone treats me like a girl and uses my girl name and girl pronouns and that feels super gross and makes me want to live in a hole. Now I'm going to feel bad about that for the next few days.' So, yeah, I'm having another transmasc crisis that I'm using fanfiction to get me through. I figured Kieran Culkin started this, so I might as well write something featuring a character of his that I can actually write for. This is a self-indulgent and self-explorative treat for myself, but I hope that transmasc readers can enjoy this, too. If you'd like more Wallace stuff, trans stuff or Wallace AND trans stuff, feel free to send in a request. I really want to provide more fics for transmasc readers because you guys are super underrepresented (and, y'know, Papa Gonzo-rella wants to explore his gender a little more). Also, I swear that I will get around to watching Succession, and I more than likely will end up writing for it when I do.)
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Respectfully, Wallace does not give a shit that you’re trans.
Of course, he doesn’t flat-out ignore it, because it’s part of who you are, but it isn’t an obstacle in your relationship by any means, and it doesn’t bother him in the slightest.
If you’re feeling dysphoric and/or otherwise insecure about yourself, he’ll pinch your cheeks and tell you how handsome and sexy you are.
If you’re feeling especially bad, like ‘not getting out of bed and hiding from the world’ bad, he’ll keep you company and say what he can to reassure you.
Being mushy and sincere truly isn’t his thing, so whatever he says will sound either slightly insensitive (but still pretty sensitive as far as Wallace goes), facetious or like he wants you to get over how you’re feeling so he can fuck you.
But, he genuinely doesn’t want you to feel bad and you can tell he cares, because otherwise he wouldn’t be there for you when you're feeling your worst.
Wallace is very affirming, but in his own Wallace way.
He lovingly refers to you as his lameass boyfriend.
If Scott ever compliments you about anything, Wallace will call him gay.
He will shout ‘gay’, like the Senor Chang meme.
"Hey, man, I like your shirt-"
"Ha, Scott's gay!"
"I-I'm not gay! I just like his shirt."
"What's wrong with being gay, Scott?"
"Nothing! There's nothing wrong with being gay!"
"You really need to work on your internalised homophobia, Scott. To think, my gay lover and I share a bed with a bigot."
If you’re doing anything that he knows will make you dysphoric or exacerbate your dysphoria (for example, scrolling through social media and looking at cis dudes that give you gender envy) he’ll shut it down.
Using the aforementioned example, he’ll snatch your phone off you and close the app, saying: “Nope. Make better decisions.”
And, while you’d initially be annoyed at him for grabbing your phone, you will appreciate it in the long run.
If you have testosterone shots but you’re not a fan of doing them yourself, he’ll begrudgingly help you with them.
He will make a very Wallace comment, though
“Stabbing? I didn’t know you were that kinky.”
If anyone’s a dick to you about being trans, Wallace is always ready to go with a snide remark about the other person, because of all the things you could possibly mock his lameass boyfriend for, being trans is at the bottom of that list.
(He should know, as the person who makes fun of you the most.)
Also, he cares about you very, very much and he doesn't want people being transphobic to his boyfriend.
If you’re cool with it, he will make trans jokes, but nothing ‘attack helicopter’ or ‘attack helicopter’ adjacent, because he’s too clever for that and he can come up with better material that isn’t just derivative, transphobic garbage.
If you get your period and it makes you at all dysphoric, be prepared for this exchange:
“Don’t worry. Scott pissed blood last month and cried about it and he’s still a man.”
“Did-did he go to the doctor?”
“I don’t know. He seems fine now, though.”
If you still have boobs and don’t mind them being touched or otherwise acknowledged, he will use them like a pillow.
If you decide to get top surgery, he will make the following request:
“Well, if you’re not using them, can I have them? I need a pillow that Scott won’t steal. And, he wouldn’t steal your tits, because he knows I’d call him gay for it.”
“Why are you like this, Wallace?”
Being trans doesn’t make your relationship much different from any of Wallace’s other relationships.
You’re just, for better or worse, another one of Wallace’s boyfriends.
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memory-and-sky · 1 year ago
PLS DONT FEEL PRESSURED TO RUSH!!! /lh /srs i get the troubles of writing well lolol whatever you write is worth the wait.
also i'm honoured to be ur first emoji anon! :DD
- 🪼
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oilyboilysbrother · 1 year ago
I can definitely see Wallace and male reader doing a soul link nuzlock. Like Wallace was never rlly a big fan of Pokémon but when he got together with reader he started to get sucked into it. Reader was always a fan of nuzlocks but never had anyone around to do one with, until Wallace ofc. So they set everything up and get settled in for the long game play. They would kinda end up with one person getting great randomized Pokémon while the other didn’t. Pairs like mew and hoppip, cyogre and stantler, mankey and gangar. Omg and the names. The names would be so funny. They would name some after people they know like Scott or Todd and then get way to attached. Like a little chancey named Ramoana dies and they get all sad. They end up telling Scott about the dead chancey named after his gf and get so confused. Anyway that’s it
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gatorbites-imagines · 1 year ago
PLEASEE todd ingram x male reader just fluff & comfort helping him get over wallace that leads to hardcore makeout sesh ???
Todd Ingram x male reader
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Tried to stick close to the request, but this also took a life of its own hehe. Hope you enjoy.
You were the guitarist of The Clash At Demonhead. Youd been friends with Todd for years and held a candle for him just as long, but you had accepted you’d never get him to be yours, with him being with Envy, and Ramona for that time.
You had never dreamed of him being into guys, so you tried to live your life with that Todd shaped hole in your heart. You became kinda the Cool gay guitarist in the band, which was probably why you clashed with Wallace Wells so much the first time you met him.
Kinda like putting two male hamsters together who are used to being the only one of their kind. You guys weren’t the same obviously, but there was something about it.
Maybe it was the fact that you showed zero attraction to Wallace, or that you weren’t someone who liked to gossip like he seemed to do. But when he started “running lines” with Todd, you became suspicious.
It wasn’t hard to figure out what they had been doing, only a man who got laid, and laid good, strutted around like Wallace Wells. You could even see how Todd was spiraling dealing with his sexuality.
But you were also friends with Envy, so you didn’t wanna spill the beans and instead acted like you had no idea what was going on. You never claimed to be a good person. So as the others were bust acting, you just sit in the back writing songs or tuning your guitar.
You tried not to let it break your heart when Todd pretty much confessed to Wallace in front of everyone. It made part of you feel worse somehow, like you weren’t enough. What did Wells have that you didn’t?
Was it his looks? His personality? His… everything? Maybe you were just the problem, and Todd had always liked guys somewhere inside him, but you just weren’t what he wanted.
There was no time for self-pity though, as everything fell apart, Envy left to become a solo act, and Todd was spiraling worse than you’d ever seen him. So, as his friend, it was your duty to pull up the bootstraps and drag him out of that funk.
He spends a lot of time crying about Wallace, and you guessed you could get it, the first time a boyfriend broke up with you, you had been pretty broken about it too. But you didn’t think Wells was all worth it, but maybe that was because you were still annoyed that he was apparently Todds gay awakening and not you.
It takes some time and a lot of bad romcom movies to get Todd in a better headspace, where he starts eating right again and taking care of himself. But as time passes, he seems to be doing better, thankfully. And even better, he stops talking about Wallace.
After the band falls apart, you guys become roommates, as you still make money off your music you did together. You start making solo music, but at some point, when Todd starts feeling better, he joins you.
Its making music that seems to get him out of that funk more than anything, and maybe its also spending time with you.
After everything, Todd starts to see sparks whenever he looks at you, or feel his entire body buzz when you touch him, or when you guys are sitting on your guys small couch and your legs are touching.
Todd doesn’t even realize he stops thinking about Wallace Wells after a while as you distract him by keeping him busy, be it through working out, music, watching movies, or anything else you can think of.
There is a time you guys even pass Wells and his group of friends, and Todd doesn’t even feel the misery he had felt last time. Even when his eyes meet Wallace’s he feels nothing, because you are grinning beside him, digging through a box of CDs looking like you had found gold.
Todd starts noticing things about you. Like how you are smiling so much more now that the band is over, or the way you are always playing with the strap of your guitar, or how you are always dotting down song ideas on any scrap of paper or tissue you can find.
He knows he’s hooked when one day when you guys are at the second cup, you start looking around for something to write on and Todd offers you his arm, because why not. And you just grin and start writing down lyrics on his arm, and Todd feels his entire face go red and his heart starts racing.
You still believe he likes Wallace, because the human mind just works like that. So, when you one day find him sitting on the couch with his face in his hands, you assume its because of his unreturned crush.
You go about it like you always do, finding vegan snacks and putting on a movie, and plotting down on the couch, pulling Todd on top of you so you can “bro cuddle”
Todd of course goes bright red as you hold him, completely speechless and with no idea what to do with himself. But he knows how it went last time he tried to confess, so he starts spiraling again in fear of rejection.
Its not hard to sense he’s spiraling again, so you grab him to look him in the eyes to ask what is wrong. And Todd, deciding to bite the bullet, kisses you. You freeze up, eyes wide as his hands grip the sides of your jaw, kissing you like his life depends on it.
Grabbing his face, you push him back to really look at him, look at his almost glowing red face, and swear you even catch sparks of his vegan superpowers run across his face and arms.
“I’m… I’m not a rebound of something Todd” you force out, not wanting to let the hope bloom in your chest, the rejection you’d felt in the past still stinging. Hes quick to try and stutter out that, that’s not what he wants or means, but he’s horrible at it. Its only thanks to your many years as his friend that you know what he means. You swear your heart starts doing backflips.
Before either of you can think about it too much, you pull him back into the kiss, hands gripping the back of his neck as Todds fingers wound through your hair, hanging on like you’ll disappear if he lets go.
Hes unsurprisingly pliable, letting his lips split open when you tongue at them, letting you control the kiss as you please, tiny huffs and whimpers leaving him as you stroke the top of his mouth with your tongue.
Hes sensitive, and though he has a lot of experience with kissing from his exes, Todd still seems timid with you, like he doesn’t know what you personally enjoy and he wants to please you.
You have no idea how long you guys kiss, for you there’s years of pent up feelings, and for Todd there’s very strong feelings he still cant seem to fully comprehend the vastness of. Theres so many sparks as your lips are locked, spit running down chins and soft noises leaving you both as tongues rub together and across teeth as you try to explore the others mouth as much as possible.
When the kiss finally disconnects and you pull back, it’s impossible not to cackle at him. Todds pupils are blown huge, his face even redder than before, and you fear he’s gonna get a nosebleed from all the blood rushing to his head.
Todds hair is sticking up in every which direction, almost looking like the spikey style it takes on when he’s using his vegan powers. His lips move like he wants to say something, but no words form, only making you laugh more.
Instead you just pull him closer, letting him hide his red face in your neck as you rub his back, giving him all the time he needs to collect himself, but now he’s yours, and you are never gonna let him go as long as he wants you around.
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lys1th3a · 10 months ago
✨Wallace Wells x Female!Reader HCs✨
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He leaves you for a man.
(Yes, this was inspired by the Marcille x Male!Reader post)
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kniveschaudefender · 1 year ago
Heeyyy:3 can you do Wallace wells with a nerdy male reader? Specifically a video game nerd? The reader can ramble on about video games and Wallace just sits there thinking “i love this loser so much.” thank u ^^!!!
Wallace Wells x GamerNerd! Reader
(male reader !!! )
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i LOVE this request. i love wallace sm and ive been waiting for someone to request something for him !!!! ^_^ especially as a video game nerd this works amazing for me (also sorry for not posting school has been eating me)
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I honestly feel like he was never a huge game guy, he was always more into movies and shows
But after he met you, he was willing to give them more of a chance
He knows a tiny bit, just because of Scott and the whole Sonic and Pac-Man thing he has going on
He tries to make converstation about it because he knows its your thing
But in the end he just prefers to hear you talk about them, giving little “yeah” and “mhm”s every once in a while so you know he’s listening
He loves seeing how happy you get about talking about them
If theres a game / game series you really like, he’ll do some research on it (he’ll do research anyway doesnt matter how much you like it)
Going back to the movies preference thing rq !!
If theres movie(s) for the game that you’re talking about, just know you’re gonna watch it at some point
Even if the movies aren’t actually that good, he likes the idea of interpreting something you like in to something he likes
Also extra points if they’re mutliplayer
Gives him a chance for the experience
But his favorite thing from all of this is probably hearing you ramble about the games, not only does he learn about the games but he gets to hear you talk about stuff you like !
So win win 1!1!!
Also remember that whole ‘sugar daddy’ thing he had with Scott ??
Yeah you’re getting the same thing (Probably better too)
He’ll buy you merch, get you different editions of the game, whatever it has to do with them he’s in on
But, in the end he just loves you to death, hearing you talk about the things you like makes him the happiest
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reallyromealone · 10 months ago
Wallace wells masterlist
Miscommunication 💖☁️🌟🔪
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ghostlesswhispers · 1 year ago
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°˖➴ 𝚂𝙸𝙲𝙺 𝙳𝙰𝚈𝚂 ⋆· ༘ *
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‧₊˚ ꩜彡┆𝚂𝚄𝙼𝙼𝙰𝚁𝚈 .ᐟ
Reader plus Scott are sick from food poisoning, leaving Wallace to take care of them as he fortunately didn't get sick. Basically him being perfectly fine, besides the fact he has two people to take care of now. But it's not like he minds it, as long as they avoid puking in bed and on him that is.
✎ᝰ.┆𝙶𝙴𝙽𝚁𝙴 .ᐟ
Third-Person point of view, Oneshot, light fluff. Also, Scott Pilgrim Vs The World version.
‧₊˚ ꩜彡┆𝙿𝙰𝙸𝚁𝙸𝙽𝙶𝚂 .ᐟ
Wallace Wells X Male Reader, and then we have Scott. Always the third wheel.
Cupid's Chokehold / Breakfast in America by Gym Class Heroes.
⋆。𖦹°⭒˚。⋆ 𝙰𝚄𝚃𝙷𝙾𝚁'𝚂 𝙽𝙾𝚃𝙴
Thank you so much for 100+ notes, I'm so proud of this oneshot for Wallace Wells and can't wait to write more for him. During the time of this I was suffering from food poisoning, so this was practically self-indulgent for me. Also, here's the Second-person version if you'd prefer that. I'm so happy people seem to enjoy it, thank you for reading and for new people I hope you enjoy! <33
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The male emitted a soft groan, his body slumped over the toilet as he braced himself for the possibility of vomiting. He felt dreadful—his stomach aching intensely, accompanied by a slight wave of nausea. Standing a few feet away in the bathroom doorway was Wallace, clad only in his boxers and the button-up shirt he had worn the previous night at the bar. The circumstances that led the other male to this state were an entirely different story.
The night before, when they both returned home, they found Scott busy cooking dinner. It wasn't unusual for Wallace to bring home hookups or boyfriends, so Scott didn't mind. Besides, they hadn't been heavily intoxicated upon arrival, having consumed only a moderate amount of alcohol prior to leaving. Wallace seemed somewhat disoriented, his mind still slightly foggy, but he managed to comprehend the conversation between the two men. As for M/n, he was relatively sober.
The male engaging in conversation with Scott, while Wallace interjected occasionally with a few remarks whenever he felt inclined to do so. After ruffling Scott's hair and grabbing a drink from the refrigerator, Wallace made an effort to pay attention, even though he wasn't particularly interested in their awkward exchange. He felt relieved that the two seemed capable of sustaining a conversation for such a prolonged period. Soon, Scott offered a plate of food, and everything appeared fine, except for the overcooked pork chops.
Given his own inability to cook pork chops flawlessly, M/n understood the situation and didn't want to be impolite, so he accepted the meal. Eventually, Wallace finished his drink and began preparing for bed, removing his shoes and coat before plopping down on the mattress with a sigh. Meanwhile, Scott and M/n were still trying to finish their meals. M/n engaged in small talk with Scott, who responded with brief sentences while standing nearby.
Sooner or later, both men finished eating and prepared to retire for the night. M/n didn't seem to mind if it would be a snug fit with all three of them sharing the bed. He slowly discarded any unnecessary clothing items before lying down next to Wallace, who had already fallen asleep, likely due to exhaustion. It didn't take long for Scott to follow suit, curling up on the other side of Wallace and drifting off to sleep a few minutes later. And now, in the present moment, M/n found himself sitting in front of the toilet, holding his head and emitting another groan.
"I swear, when your roommate wakes up, I'm going to give him a piece of my mind," he exclaimed aloud, irritated by the situation but primarily focused on his own discomfort. In response, Wallace chuckled softly as he peered down at M/n. "He didn't do it intentionally. He had a rough day and probably forgot you can't put the meat back in the freezer after it's thawed out," he explained in a gentle tone, offering a water bottle to M/n, who promptly accepted it. M/n then opened the water bottle, scoffed, took a few sips, and next quietly thanked Wallace.
"Rough day, huh? Well, unless he plans on making me breakfast and kissing away my pain, I'm not interested in his excuses," M/n teased, his tone light. However, as he clutched his stomach and sighed, his brows furrowed. Just as he was about to speak again, Wallace interrupted, quietly approaching from behind and bending over to bring his face close to M/n's, whispering, "Well, I'd be more than happy to make it up to you in other ways." M/n glanced back, encountering Wallace's familiar mischievous smirk.
He promptly pushed Wallace's face away, shaking his head. Although the offer sounded enticing, M/n couldn't help but emphasize his current state. "Unless you want me to vomit all over you, I suggest you move away," he retorted with a groan, followed by the sound of retching as he leaned against the wall for support. Wallace then cringed in disgust, sighing as he patted M/n's back.
"Yeah, let's avoid that scenario as much as possible. Speaking of which, I should wake up Scott, just in case. It's better to be safe if he's also feeling sick and I don't want him making a mess everywhere if he begins throwing up as well," Wallace explained, stepping away and stretching as he prepared to leave. He turned back before departing, parting his lips to speak. "I'll put the kettle on the stove. Would you prefer tea or coffee?" he inquired. M/n took a moment before responding, "Tea. My stomach probably can't handle coffee right now." Wallace hummed in acknowledgment before leaving, most likely heading to the kitchen.
After some time, M/n emerged from the bathroom. The sound of the whistling kettle in the kitchen immediately caught his attention, and he noticed Wallace fully dressed, sorting through mail. Meanwhile, Scott remained fast asleep in bed, his head covered by a pillow. The male decided to tackle the situation first, so he put on his jeans and buttoned them up before approaching the mattress and bending down. "Rise and shine, Scotty! I know you might prefer to sleep in, but your stomach will soon demand otherwise," he announced aloud as he gently shook Scott, eliciting a groan in response.
Scott rolled over, his eyes immediately focusing on the other male. He then shook his head, sighing as he didn't want to get out of bed. "Can you put a shirt on?" was the first thing to come out of his mouth as he sat up. The male, just nodded and stood up. "Sorry, I forgot how provocative my chest could be. I'll put a shirt on now," M/n teased before retrieving his shirt and pulling it over his head. He then made his way into the kitchen, and Wallace, who was also present, let out a huff in response to M/n's comment.
"Very provocative. Next time, don't put on a shirt. That way, I'll have a nice view to watch as I eat my breakfast," Wallace joked mischievously, earning an eye roll from both Scott and M/n. Scott took his time getting up but eventually headed to the bathroom to take care of his business, while M/n started preparing tea in the kitchen. He poured hot water into a mug and let the tea steep, hoping it would taste good despite not recognizing the brand. Meanwhile, he began gathering the necessary ingredients for breakfast from the fridge.
"Right, Scott! Once you're done puking your guts out, we need to make sure you didn't put any other meats back in the fridge after they thawed out. Can't risk food poisoning again, and I, for one, will not eat any meat for a while because of this, well besides bacon at least," M/n stated audibly enough for Scott to hear him, referring to their present incident of food poisoning. He looked down at the pack of bacon on the counter and then moved to retrieve the silverware and plates. Wallace chimed in as he observed M/n's preparations. "I thought I was the one making breakfast?" he asked, his gaze following M/n's movements.
"Yeah, and I thought I'd be woken up with morning kisses instead of my stomach trying to kill me in my sleep. But if you want, you can make breakfast. I'm just getting everything ready. Now be a dear and relax. Enjoy your coffee," M/n replied, standing next to Wallace at the counter and setting down a bowl before checking his tea to see if it was ready. Wallace just hummed in response, watching M/n with amusement. He brought the mug to his lips, took a sip, and then placed it back down.
Wallace was then about to say something when he got interrupted by M/n quickly walking past him towards the bathroom. Scott, who had just emerged from the bathroom fully dressed, raised an eyebrow at Wallace as he made his way to the counter and picked up the mug of tea that M/n had left behind. Unfortunately, he burned his tongue as he attempted to take a sip and let out a hiss of pain. "Morning, sunshine. How are you feeling?" Wallace asked with a smirk, turning to Scott and observing him slowly blowing at the tea to cool it down. Scott then muttered in response, "Like I'm dying." He seemed to be handling the pain, but the discomfort was evident on his face. Wallace nodded and took the mug from Scott's hands, pushing the kettle towards him. "I'll start breakfast soon, hopefully," he replied before heading towards the bathroom with his coffee and M/n's tea.
Once Wallace finally entered the bathroom, he set the mugs down on the floor and began rubbing M/n's back in circular motions, trying to make him feel at least a little better given the situation. "Do you think you'll be able to survive the rest of the day?" Wallace asked, to which M/n shook his head and inhaled sharply. "I want to curl up under a pile of blankets and not wake up until this all goes away. There's no way in hell I can deal with this for the rest of the day."
"I might have to take a sick day off. I can't work with this until it passes," M/n continued, gripping the side of the toilet. Wallace nodded, pressing his chin against M/n's shoulder as he continued rubbing his back. "I don't mind running to get some medicine. You can lay down in bed and try to get some rest while waiting. How does that sound?" Wallace suggested, sitting there with M/n. M/n let out an audible sigh and then replied, "Please, that would probably be better than anything at the moment."
Wallace promptly enveloped his arm around the man's waist, responding with a simple hum as he leaned against him. Eventually, they both exited the bathroom, with M/n finding solace in bed, attempting to manage the pain while Wallace took charge of preparing breakfast. Sensing his own discomfort, Scott chose to remain at home for the day, settling into the armchair and engaging in a conversation with Stacy, who had called to check on him. It appeared that Wallace had already updated her on the situation, resulting in a lecture about being more cautious.
In due time, Wallace completed breakfast, serving himself and Scott plates of food, while M/n declined due to his unsettled stomach. Sensing the male's need for nourishment later, he saved a plate in the refrigerator. Once breakfast was finished, Wallace donned his coat and ventured out to procure medicine. Fortunately, his absence was brief, and upon returning home, he discovered Scott comfortably seated in bed, engrossed in a comic book, while M/n peacefully slumbered. This brought Wallace a measure of relief, knowing they were getting the rest they required.
He ensured that provisions were readily available for when M/n awoke. Simultaneously, he handed Scott a mug of tea along with a couple of vitamin pills. He then tossed the bottle of Pepto-Bismol he had obtained to Scott, who managed to catch it with some effort. Once settled back into his armchair, Wallace resumed his seat and perused the newspaper, reading through its contents. He resolved to remain in the company of the two individuals, ensuring their well-being.
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r4gg3dy4ndy · 1 year ago
people keep talking about that old creepy mansion in the forest. your curiosity gets the best of you, and you decide to go check it out. (proper capitalization and grammar in the fic.) (1,818 words.)
vampire!wallace wells x gender neutral reader
trigger warning for mind control.
People will not shut up about that dumb old mansion in the forest. They keep talking about vampires and werewolves and monsters that live in it. You were supposed to go with your friends, but they bailed on you last minute. Pussies. You trek into the forest, moonlight bathing the trees in pale white light. The crunch of leaves and twigs beneath your feet is loud compared to the silence. Finally, you come across the mansion. For being in the forest for so long, it isn't too dilapitated. You push the doors open, creaking under the pressure. You sigh, looking around. It's... honestly, it's pretty damn creepy. The lights are still on, but dim, and the moment you walk in you're planted into a large foyer, with two staircases leading up to a hallway, and a balcony with even more doors. This house looks like it has like, 20,000 rooms. You shiver, shutting the door behind you. You walk further into the foyer, dusty vases on podiums next to the staircases. You walk over to the left, finding a large dining room. The lights have a strange artificial flicker effect, making them look like fire. At least, you think. The table is set, but most of it is also covered in a thick layer of dust. All of it but one place, at the head of the table. You wonder if someone still lives here. There shouldn't be, hypothetically, since you checked all of the paperwork. You could have sworn you heard a creak, but you push forth into the room connecting to the right of the dining room. There's a strange feeling in the air. You walk into a hallway, but all the doors are locked. You turn around and go back into the dining room, sitting at one of the chairs. You still can't shake the feeling of getting watched. You put your head in your hands, trying to steel yourself. Of course your friends bailed on you... You walk back into the foyer, about to go walk to the rooms on the right, when someone grabs you from behind. They hold your head still, one arm wrapped around your chest, holding your arms to you and pinning you to them.
"Hello..." Their voice sounds male, not super deep, but definitely raspy. You let out a peep, scared. "What brings you to my mansion, hm? Not many come here anymore, unless they're looking for ghosts... Is that what you are here for? Just another paranormal investigator?" You shake your head no, but then think about it. "Well, not entirely... People kept talking about this place, and I... I guess I was just curious. Not a paranormal investigator, but technically investigating. You... live here?" They chuckle. "Yes... What are people saying, hm? The rumours..." You do deep breathing to try and keep yourself from crying. Whoever this is is terrifying. "They keep saying that werewolves live here, in the forest. That vampires live in the home, ghosts that haunt the forest, the mansion, zombies, and such." You sound scared, but not too wavery. The person(?) chuckles again. "Ah, do they truly? How facinating..." They lean their head in more, laying against the crook of your neck. "You must have questions, my little investigator." "Yes. I... I do. Who... are you?" "Ah... My name is Wallace. Wallace Wells." He chuckles again, turning your head to look at him. He has short black hair, flashing a grin at you when you notice... No fucking shot. Theres no way those are real. No way. No way. Your eyes widen in shock, mouth slightly parted. He laughs again. "Ah... I almost hoped that you hadn't noticed, as sweet as your fear is." He grins at you wider, fangs looking razor sharp as they extend a bit more. "Don't make this any harder than it has to be. Stay still." His teeth press against your neck, biting your tongue as you try to steel yourself. His fangs sink deep into your neck. It didn't hurt, as you had expected. It pinched only for a moment, before fading into euphoria. You moan, eyes rolled back as you lean into him as he begins to drink. He lets out a gentle whine, looking almost as pleased as you. He pulls away after a moment, making sure not to take too much, so that you still live. His breathing is heavy as he licks up the excess from your wounds. His voice is sultry, seductive.
"Good boy... Tastes so good..." He seems almost drunk now, licking his lips and turns you towards him. He's just a tad taller than you, not enough to make a huge difference. He giggles, cupping your face. You gently reach up to run your hands through his hair. It's shockingly soft. He leans in, and you follow suit as you two begin to kiss. He's pretty damn good at it, making you whine gently as you taste just a bit of your own blood. He slips his tongue into your mouth and you accidentally cut your tongue on his fangs. He moans into your mouth at the addictive taste. After a moment, you pull away for air. "F- Fuck... That was pretty damn good." You catch your breath, looking into his eyes. "Thank you, hon... Such a good little boy." He grabs your chin again, giving you another small kiss. He looks enamoured, if not a little anxious. "Would you... like to join me for dinner?" "Sure." You take his hand, letting him lead you over to the dining room. He pulls out a chair for you, bowing politely. You laugh gently, sitting down. "I'll be back in a moment. Would you like a martini?" You shrug. "Ah, why not." A few moments pass and he comes back with food and drinks. He places one plate in front of you, along with one of the martinis. You eat and chat for a while, and you're both quite a few drinks in. Your tolerance is really low, so you're pretty damn drunk. "Hehe- thank you... sorry for intruding earlier... Do- hehe, do you wanna know something?" Your words are slurred, face a little flushed and blushy. He looks deep into your eyes as you speak, showing his interest. He's also pretty drunk, just not as drunk as you.
"Mh... What is it, sweet prey?" You giggle a bit more. "One of the main reasons I came was b- hehe, was because I wanted to see if the rumours were true, but I was also hoping that the vampires were real. I- hehe, I've always found the idea really hot... especially the uh... the thingie. I cant remember..." Your thoughts seem to slow. You blame it on the alchohol. He continues to hold eye contact. You laugh again. "Sorry I... I forgot." "Oh, it's alright, darling. Happens to the best of us." He takes another sip of his martini. After he finished his drink, he walks over to you, grabbing your chin and forcing you to look at him. He grins, showing off his fangs yet again. You keep staring into his eyes, quickly finding that you can't look away. "What's... happening...?" He just laughs. "It'll make sense. Just keep staring, pretty boy." You do. Your thoughts slip further away, as thinking itself begins feeling harder and harder. "Good boy... Let your thoughts fade... Fall into my trance, darling..." His voice is low, eyes so deep and beautiful. You whine, embarrassingly. You find yourself craving his control. It feels... nice. Not having to think for a while. Your mind is quiet, for the first time in recent memory. "You look so thoughtless, it's truly adorable. Helpless, weakened, fucking adorable." You blush, looking up at him due to the angle. You've dropped so deep into his trance that you can't quite recall what you were doing beforehand, not that you care. Being here is worth it enough. Despite his hold, your jaw begins to hang open gently, small noises coming from you.
"You dropped so quickly. You wanted this, didn't you? To become my pet? My sweet, brainwashed, thrall." He laughs again, more of a hearty chuckle. You nod. Even if you hadn't truly wanted it before, you believe that you did. He nods, pleased. "Now, I'm going to give you commands. You will obey, and want nothing less." You nod excitedly. "Kneel." His voice is stern, commanding, and it goes straight to your dick. You kneel almost immediately, looking up at him and waiting for more commands. "Stay still. Do not move." You find yourself entirely still, almost frozen. He grips your hair, nails sharp against your scalp as he makes you face forward, pressing your face into his bulge. He grins, looking down at you. You're a bit confused, but not uncomfortable. "Hmph... so pathetic, kneeling before me and just letting me do this. Fuck." He groans, grinding onto your face. He begins to unbuckle his pants, pulling down his boxers just enough to let his cock out. "Open." Your mouth near automatically hangs open, cock now painfully hard in your pants. His cock is pretty damn big, girthy and what looks like about nine inches. Your tongue lolls out, spit dripping onto the floor. He taps your tongue with the tip of his cock, and although you wouldn't normally think this, it tastes good. He begins to slide it into your mouth, the texture is... strange, but not necessarily bad. He presses into your throat, his precum tastes salty. You fucking moan as he begins to pound into your throat. "Fuck, that's tight... Mh, so warm and wet." He fucks your throat like an animal as you try not to gag. You embarrassingly drool around him, moaning. You can feel his cock twitch in your mouth, his moans becoming more frequent and loud. He uses your head like a fleshlight, moaning loudly. He's suprisingly very vocal.
"Mhn... Fuck, you wanna swallow my cum? Fuck, you know you do. Heh. Mh, fuck, that mouth is amazing." He floods your mouth with his cum and you swallow eagerly. He pulls you off him, a string of saliva and cum connecting you to his dick. You pant to catch your breath. "Th- Thank you, sir..." Wallace laughs as he wipes off his dick, putting it back into his pants. "Of course. I'll let you free of my trance now, and if you'd like, since its late and so cold, you may stay the night. It's up to you, my pretty boy." He snaps and you blink back to where you were. Your thoughts flood back into your previously quiet head. The strange taste of cum is still in your mouth. "Bleh..." You stick your tongue out, standing back up. Your knees hurt. Wallace laughs a tad, giving you a kiss. "So... you wanting to stay the night, guy?"
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miniminiujb · 1 year ago
Sempre tem espaço
Wallace x leitor masculino (male reader)
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Wallace era um cara que adorava curtir a vida ao lado do seu, você era o namorado gostoso dele. Vocês eram um casal e tanto, ao contrário do Wallace, você era rico e elegante. E naquele dia de Natal, você apareceu na porta da casa de Wallace com a notícia de que passaria a data com ele.
O problema é que Wallace também dividia o apartamento com seu amigo Scott Pilgrim. E quando você chegou, Scott estava lá, fazendo suas brincadeiras de sempre. O clima ficou um pouco estranho quando você entrou e deitou na cama ao lado de Wallace. Scott, deitado atrás de você, brincou dizendo "Ei, aqui também é a minha cama, sabia?"
Wallace, que queria manter a paz no ambiente, respondeu: "Oh, Scott, você sabe que a cama é grande o suficiente para todos nós, não se preocupe". Você riu da situação, apenas abraçou Wallace e disse:
"Ei, pelo menos teremos uma cama cheirosa pra dormir, não é mesmo?".
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rosemarycovet · 2 years ago
characters I write for
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Edward Cullen
Alice Cullen
emmet Cullen
Jasper Hale
Rosalie Hale
Bella Swan
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(Mostly billy and Stu)
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Randy Meeks
Sidney Prescott
Tatum Riley
Dewey Riley
Mickey Altieri
Roman Bridger
Jill Robert
Ethan landry
Tara carpenter
Sam Carpenter
Chad meeks
Amber Freeman
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gilmore girls
(chilton) Rory Gilmore
Dean Forester
Jess Mariano
Tristin Dugray
Dave Rygalski
Lane Kim
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Finn Wolfhard characters
Mike wheeler
Boris pavlikovsky
Miles Fairchild
Richie Toizer
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Harry potter/wizarding world
Theodore Nott
Mattheo Riddle
Tom Riddle
Draco Malfoy
Cedric Diggory
Harry potter
Ron Weasley
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American Horror Story
Tate Langdon
Violet Harmon
kit walker
Zoe Benson
Kyle Spencer
Madison Montgomery
Jimmy darling
James march
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rue bennett
Jules vaughn
maddy perez
cassie howard
lexi howard
kat hernandez
Nate Jacobs
chris mckay
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Scott pilgrim VS. The world
Scott pilgrim
Ramona Flower
wallace wells (x male reader)
Envy Adams
Knives Chau
Kim Pine
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Rodrick Heffely-Diary of a wimpy kid
Patrick bateman-American Pyscho
Jesse Pinkman-Breaking bad
Peeta Mellark-hunger games
Finnick Odair-hunger games
Nanno-Girl from no where
Danny Jenner-Jeepers Creepers
Kat Stratford-10tihay
Patrick Verona-10tihay
Cameron James-10tihay
Dave Lizewski-Kick ass
Charlie-the perks of being a wallflower
jennifer check- jennifer’s body
Tim LaFlour-senseless
Robin Buckley-stranger things
glen glantz-nightmare on elm street
Request are open
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memory-and-sky · 2 years ago
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hi! my names are matt/mail (pronounced like mile, call me either or), my pronouns are they/xe, and i’m a minor (under 19).
i want to get this blog into a more writing focused direction! of course, i am an artist, too, so i may occasionally post my art here. (but i mainly post art on my instagram)
i’ll be more than happy to write about hobie brown, as i’m seriously hyperfixating on him.
all my rules, fandoms, my masterlist + things like that are under the cut :3
- character x reader (only transmasc!, ftm!, gn!, and masc!, bc god knows there’s not enough)
- platonic relationship shenanigans (eg. miles and hobie, gwen and hobie)
- romantic relationships (eg. hobie and noir which i personally like,,)
- small oneshots (<1k words)
- longer fanfic pieces (think 1k words, possibly a little more)
- detailed headcanons
- sfw, angst, fluff
- ANYTHING nsfw. i’m a minor, so i’m not going to be writing that.
- anything abusive or just weird.
- in-depth details of triggering topics like $elf harm, eat!ng d!sorders, stuff like that. i just don’t feel comfortable writing something completely centred around those things.
- character x oc
- x fem readers.
- hobie brown !! (mostly him tbh)
- pavitr prabhakar
- 1610!miles morales
- wallace wells
- spider-man: across the spiderverse
- spider-man: into the spiderverse
- death note
- visual kei
- scott pilgrim (comics, movie, show)
requests are currently closed.
philosophical shit. (hobie x gn!reader)
dysphoria fucking sucks. (hobie x ftm!reader)
“dating” hobie headcanons. (hobie x male!reader)
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