#WWA tour 2014
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sunshineandlyrics · 1 year ago
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WWA tour 2014 / - FITFWT Birmingham 2023
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liloslittlethings · 3 months ago
liam finds louis so funny he can't contain himself from physically squishing him (at nialls expense, sorry niall)
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mtvjedi · 5 months ago
sorry it’s just that one direction bonded me and my best friend for life. we were in middle school. i had just moved to a new state and a new school and i was tentative friends with this girl. and we had a sleepover and my mom had FINALLY let me start buying bop or tiger beat magazine or whatever and there was this little one page article at the end of an issue about one direction and how much niall loved justin bieber. and we read this little article and started listening to them. BUYING their music on itunes. like we were saving up our allowances to buy songs on itunes or to buy their albums at target. and they just……… made us best friends. and now thirteen years later she’s still the first person i text when i get good news or bad news. she’s even the one who texted me that liam had died. when i say i have no idea who i’d be without 1d i’m being so serious. this is so cheesy but it’s literally them who got a crazy shy new girl out of her shell to make one of the best friends of her entire life.
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wiiildflowerrr · 2 years ago
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Supporting 1D at Croke Park, Dublin on the Where We Are tour.
23 May 2014
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srldesigns6277 · 1 year ago
This interview will forever be a favorite
"We're very excited"
Also the interview was for Australia for OTRA promo.
They’re actually sitting next to each other in an interview!?!
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lets-laughagain · 8 months ago
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pop-punklouis · 8 months ago
i don’t think you guys understand. back in 2014-2015, we watched entire WWA and OTRA tour dates through six second vines. every single night.
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takemehomefromnarnia · 11 months ago
10 years of Rainbow Direction!
Exactly 10 years ago a girl named Danny printed out this rainbow poster and took it to the first concert of One Direction's Where We Are tour:
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Anniversaries are always a bit arbitrary, and Rainbow Direction's was always a hard one to pin down.
This blog is just a day or two short of celebrating 11 years and without it Rainbow Direction would have never existed, because the people who were at the start of it would never have met, but its purpose and setup were entirely different and RD was still far from being developed.
The suggestions that eventually took form in "Project Rainbow Direction" were first submitted to the blog in late 2013. The first brainstorm between Kat, Li and Ellis about it, and further strategy talks with Ed and Molly took place in the early months of 2014. The project was announced in February. Haven and Red submitted their winning poster designs in March. Amy developed a logo and opened a merch store for us in early April.
While we've often referred to that midnight brainstorm on a cold January day as the origin of rainbow direction, that was only its conception. We don't even have a record of which date it was. We could also have chosen any of the more pin-downable dates: announcing the project, announcing the poster contest winners, opening the store. But really, all that Rainbow Direction was at those moments, was an idea, a plan, the hope that we had that it was within our, the fandom's power, to change something for the better for the LGBTQIA+ fans in it.
For months all of us, and especially Li, had worked tirelessly to encourage people to sign up and commit to bringing a rainbow poster to a show.
And then the big moment was there. First day of tour. The moment of truth. Would the people we'd encouraged actually have the courage to take a rainbow to a show, and stick it up in the air? Would it matter to people? Would it actually change something?
10 years on, we know that it did. So much more than we could ever have imagined.
But that was was anything but self-evident at the time. We had no idea. We nervously monitored the wwa tag and the blogs of those who had signed up, and then, after a few days, finally this report appeared. Danny from Bogota shared the first Rainbow Direction fan report.
I think if you'd ask any of us who were here at the time, they'd remember fondly how knowing that someone had actually done it, something happened in the real world, and if one person had done it, more would, how that sparked a fire in our hearts. A ball of warm feelings, not quite the same feeling as before. Before, there had been buzz and excitement and drive, but this, this felt different. Hope. A sense of the personal strength, and collective power, that could come from this if we could make it grow. It took a lot of hard work from a lot of people who committed themselves tirelessly to the campaign, but grow it did.
Thanks to Danny. Thanks to all of you who at some point or other, crafted something rainbow at home, took a rainbow to a show, put a rainbow on your blog, showed that you believed in your own power to change something, and showed the LGBTQI+ people in the fandom that they mattered, and that you cared.
It has been quite the roller coaster ride. As the coordinating group, we've had many ups and downs, and by now, for most of us, our attention has been drawn away from the fandom by our real lives and new pursuits. But regularly, when one of us checks in and sees the rainbows at one of the boys' shows, we share, revel, and sit amazed at how this thing, that once took so much effort on our part to get one, two, three people per show signed up, has grown into a regular staple, with people spontaneously taking it upon themselves to organize for entire venues to light up in a coordinated rainbow pattern, to design new posters and rainbow outfits, or to hand out hundreds of mini rainbow flags in the audience. This community has taken it up as its collective responsibility - let's get those rainbows out. How beautiful is that?! You are all so so amazing.
Thank you, you beautiful people, for becoming a part of this, for making it your own, for making it better, for carrying it forward, into the future.
So long!
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twopoppies · 6 months ago
Hii Gina! I remember a receipt I saw once years ago but can't find it :( Idk if you know of this, it was during the wwa tour, 2014 I think. Someone said they got the info that h and l had a fight and were mad with each other which, wouldn't talk to each other but both were making sure the other one's fine? i think it said harry was asking someone making sure louis wasn't cold or something?? i really don't remember but it was something along these lines but i wish i could see it again, it was so cute even tho it's kind of a sad one. But them caring for each other is just soooooooo.. Also there's videos of the show they had that night, wish i could remember the city, maybe Italy or Spain(not sure at all), and you can see they were kind of not mad at each other per se, more like sad. I'll try to find this again, but if anyone remember pls share xxxxx
Hmmm… the making sure the other is ok sounds familiar, but I’m not fully remembering it.
Anyone know this receipt?
More here
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dianalaurenstyles · 2 months ago
Reflection on the Last 14 Years
I saw Zayn in NYC on Saturday.
Yesterday, 3 days later, I found myself tearing up in the Dutch Bros drive thru.
Ain't it special? Ain't it precious? The time that we have?
Suddenly, the last 14 years are flowing through my mind. The One Direction concert in 2014, the hours I had spent behind a laptop screen rewatching Vevo videos to break 24 hour records, the Pinterest boards I had curated, and everything in between. In that moment, the lyrics Zayn sang through my car's radio spoke to all the time I had spent with these five boys.
And then, I realized why the post-concert depression was hitting me so much harder than usual: my concert experiences with the boys will always be incomplete.
The checklist will stay at 4 of 5.
I'm so grateful that I was able to attend Where We Are Tour in 2014 and I don't want that to be understated. But seeing the way Harry, Niall, Louis, and now Zayn have all blossomed into their own while performing solo is tearing into me as I think about what solo Liam shows we'll never get the chance to see. I'll never have a chance to wait in line for him, pray I'll get barricade for him, scream along the words with him. There will always be a hole that can never be filled. So for now I'll keep reminiscing on how far I've come. How much I have blossomed over the last 14 years, how much joy and hope and love the 5 boys on the stairs have given me, and dreaming of the next time I'll get to see one of them. Their concerts are now and forever will be my safe space. Photos are from the following shows: 1) WWA Tour - Nashville, August 2014 2) Harry Styles Live on Tour - Nashville, September 2017 3) Niall Horan The Flicker Sessions - Nashville, November 2017 4) Harry Styles Live on Tour - Nashville, June 2018 5) Harry Styles Love on Tour - Nashville, September & October 2021 6) Louis Tomlinson LT World Tour - Nashville, February 2022 7) Louis Tomlinson Faith in the Future Tour - Nashville, July 2023 8) Niall Horan The Show Live on Tour - Atlanta & Nashville, June 2024 9) Zayn Malik Stairway to the Sky Tour - New York City, January 2025
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throughmycigarette · 2 months ago
Did you ever go to see one direction live in concert? If so how was it?
i did lol :) it was the wwa tour in the summer of 2014, i was a youngin’ so it was very exciting! i was wayyyy in the back tho because those tickets were devastatingly expensive lol… i also have no videos of the experience anymore because i brought my ipod to record everything and then lost it a couple years later lmao. it was a great time though, they really were great performers and knew how to interact with the crowd well. and louis looked SO GOOD at my show 😅
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liloslittlethings · 3 months ago
louis tries to get liam to breakdance but he beatboxes instead
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notlivys · 5 months ago
1d ask game: 6 & 7
6- ever seen 1d live?
YASSSS i did it twice 🥹 2014 wwa tour buenos aires & 2015 otra tour sidney 🥲
7- ever seen one of them live solo? how was it?
saw harry twice (both live on tour & love on tour)
same with louis, both tours.
still haven't met niall and zayn as solos 🥲 couldn't meet liam after 1d :(
both 1d concerts and soloists' shows have been the most amazing experiences of my life. those boys shaped me as a person and meeting them were moments i'll eternally cherish and remember, couldn't be happier and more proud of the people i chose to be my lifelong idols 🥲
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wiiildflowerrr · 2 years ago
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@Calum5SOS: I'm actually 1/4 irelandish
25 May 2014
Night 2 at Croke Park for WWA Dublin
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policemanofprincesspark · 1 year ago
do you have any tips for trying to convince non-larries of the truth?
Not really tbh. It's very difficult to convince anyone to stop believing in something that they hold to be true, whether it's a belief or lack thereof. This goes for you, me, and everyone. Most people in debates don't listen to the other party and instead try to think up a counterpoint to whatever their argument is. Each person is already fully convinced of what they believe to be true or not true.
The thing that a lot of antis fall victim to is something called slothful induction:
"Slothful induction, also called appeal to coincidence, is a fallacy in which an inductive argument is denied its proper conclusion, despite strong evidence for inference."
This means that they write anything and everything off as mere coincidence, and they don't consider the probability of certain coincidences being more or less likely to happen. Basically, whether "larry is real" isn't a question so much of "is it a fact" but moreso a question of "Is it more or less likely?" and also "How much more or less likely is it?".
Take for example the blue bandana project theory.
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The first project was for wearing certain-colored clothing. Obviously this would not be easy for the members of 1D to participate in as they'd have to wear the same colored clothing at every concert, but then the project was changed to bandanas.
It's unclear exactly how popular this project was, but I know it was popular enough for 1D to take notice of fans doing it.
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(Harry is wearing red, green, and blue in the first image; it is unclear why, but my hypothesis was that he was just given them and wanted to support the project or let people know that he knew of it)
Anyway, he was first spotted wearing a dark blue bandana in August 2014, and he wore it at the concert that night too, a little after the project was started [it was started for the WWA tour as far as I know, and the WWA tour went from April to October 2014 (and the project continued on into the OTRA tour in 2015)]:
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He purchased the bandana while in Nashville at Imogene + Willie's, a couple days before the concert in Houston. Imogene + Willie's is like a gift shop, and they sell a variety of things. They sell 11 different bandanas, and the one Harry decided to purchase was the dark blue one, which matches the color of Louis's microphone and the color for the Bandana project that's meant to state that you're a 'Louis girl'.
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Here is the link to the bandanas listed on the website.
He still wears that same bandana to this day:
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And sometimes this one from another brand:
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He doesn't wear bandanas super often, but when he does, it is, like, 90% of the time these dark blue ones. He's worn this red one too for instance:
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So, if you want to actually figure out the mathematical probability of this being a coincidence, you would, first of all, have to do a lot more digging and researching than I did just now lol.
Secondly, you'd have to ask some questions. Here are some off the top of my head:
• What exact date did the Bandana Project start?
• How popular was the Bandana Project? To figure this out, you'll have to ask a set of questions: 1. Did #BandanaProject ever trend and, if so, when? 2. How many tweets were there from the time it started to the time, say, 1D's hiatus started? 3. Were there ever many signs related to the Bandana Project at concerts which the members of 1D could have seen, and, if so, how many instances of this can you find on video or in pictures? 4. In footage from the WWA tour and the OTRA tour, how many people on average can you see wearing the specific-colored bandanas?
• How many times did it seem like the members of 1D knew of the project -- as in, exactly how many times did they insinuate it by either wearing a colored bandana or by acknowledging it in some way, shape, or form?
• How many times has Harry worn a bandana of any color since the Bandana Project started up until now?
• How many times has Harry worn a dark blue bandana since the start of the Bandana Project in comparison to how many times he's worn any other color since the start of the Bandana Project? Calculate the exact ratio.
To answer all of those questions would actually take a fuck-ton of research that I'm not prepared to do as of now. But, if you were able to get conclusive answers to these questions with a huge amount of evidence and if you didn't go into it with bias but a desire to figure out whether this theory holds up or not regardless of your identity as an anti, larrie, or neutral, then you could go on to calculate the probability of it all being a coincidence or not. You would have to figure out exact numbers from the answers to the questions above.
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There are more questions we need to consider, and probably some I haven't even thought of. One such would be: Harry has worn bandanas before the Bandana Project started, but how many of them were blue or dark blue as opposed to any other color, and how many of the bandanas that he has worn after the Bandana Project were dark blue as opposed to any other color? Calculate the exact difference/ratio of the before and the after.
You have to think like an anti too if you want to figure this out, because you need to go in with the mindset of actually trying to debunk the theory rather than prove it, because, if you're trying to prove it, it's a lot easier for a ton of bias to slip in, like ignoring contradicting evidence.
If you're ever going to try to do something like this, just know you will have to spend weeks to even months compiling research. It may not seem like it would take that much time, but... if you really wanted to know the exact probability of it being a coincidence vs. not being a coincidence, you would have to sift through so many tweets, videos, posts, articles, reverse-image-searching for exact dates, or whatever else you can think of to find as much information as you can just in order to get exact or as nearly-exact-as-you-can numbers. Only then could you actually prove anything, like, actually scientifically. Even then, an opposing party in a debate will not take one instance of something being more likely to not be a coincidence rather than to be one as enough sufficient evidence to conclude a wider statement such as "Harry and Louis are in a secret relationship." If we wanted to once and for all prove this, I'm pretty sure it would take actual years to do so, as there is 13 years worth of stuff to go through. You would have to sift through masterposts and gather only what you think could be hard/concrete evidence, and then for each of those pieces of evidence you would have to do exactly what I just went over that you'd have to do with the Bandana Project. You would have to take a logic class and understand mathematical probability, and you would have to do checks to see how valid your math/logic is, and you would have to potentially consult someone to check for bias or to see if you might have forgotten to ask yourself a question that could potentially support the other case.
Basically you would have to employ the scientific method. This, again, could take years.
That's all I'm saying because it truly is extremely difficult to prove anything in a debate unless you have, like, actual statistics to go based on, which... we don't have since no one has put in the extensive effort it would take to do so just yet.
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pop-punklouis · 6 months ago
if maya was telling the truth (who knows) why do you think per your tags zayn wouldve done it during 2014-2015? granted i wasn’t here for that era so is it just because that’s when zayn left?
not specifically.
i think it’s hard to explain how the autumn of 2014 and beginning of 2015 felt as a fan if you weren’t there for it. there was obviously a lot of tension on many fronts at the time. even coming off the tail end of the weedgate video in the summer…. think the ben winston interviews, the louis twitter account bashing the rainbow direction project with bullshit 2.0, liam’s weird tweets/favorites about the rainbow project, i hate to say it bc i try to not speculate too much over appearances but the obvious weight loss of both louis and zayn in 2014, the zerrie engagement the media wanted to make part of their press cycles regardless of it making zayn uncomfortable anytime he had to open up about his personal life, 1989 releasing and all the press associated with harry— including all the pap walks he was doing with different girls and going to different parties, the rumors of tension while recording four and zayn’s songs not being chosen, the boys hanging out with separate producers and drastically different industry personalities who i’m sure were whispering in all their ears, FOUR and WWA being the peak of their success and fame as a band and what comes attached to that, the pressure to ride that wave and continue pushing certain images and too many public appearances on radio and print and award shows and tv etc., louis and zayn consistently in the nightlife scene, the not-so-subtle marketing of harry as the face of the band was in full-form here, naughty boy made his first appearance during this era, harry with his black & white instagram feed and the color theory that felt very. real at the time, zayn missing televised performances last minute, louis getting his dagger tattoo, the drugs and alcohol abuse im sure was starting to really occur at this time, the first leg of OTRA where it was obvious none of the boys had real tour rehearsals of the four tracklist because they fumbled the words back and forth during the australian dates (i always remember how shockingly poor those performances of stockholm syndrome were), the beginning of party boy!louis’s public persona was rearing its head as spring of 2015 rolled in, liam’s tweets being the cause of controversy back and forth, the lack of personal interaction on stage with everyone, zayn missing tour dates before the bombshell of his departure was dropped……
there was a lot of tension there that i know i only realized when i looked back at that time period altogether. as it was happening, all of these things were either missed or didn’t seem too significant because the music was great, we were getting more content then ever, the band was finally starting to get the praise and recognition they deserved in the industry, the boys were more active on social media, and the fans, for the most part, were having fun. but, it’s obvious (at least to me) that the cracks in the machine that was One Direction started as the latter half of 2014 came. And no matter how much duct tape and glue they or their team or the label execs tried to put on it, it eventually fell. i do believe that time period was the foundation for all that came after though, so that’s why it isn’t surprising me to me if that’s when zayn and liam had that altercation because i can imagine tensions were high with everyone behind the scenes off/on as they continued at a speed that just. wasn’t sustainable.
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