qilinkisser · 5 months
I’d feel bad if I didn’t do anything in return because you, as gentle and kind as you are, deserve something sweet in return so; I’m sure Josie would adore you so utterly and completely; she knows how strong you are, she knows how much you have to go through, how frequently you have to go through this anguish and pain, and it hurts her. She knows you deserve softness and although she cannot take away your pains, she can lend you a listening ear, she can give you her warmth and her affection, and she can do her best to ensure that you know how much you mean to her no matter what. And the fact that you care for her the same way? The fact that you think about her so often? I’m sure she could not think of a single better thing to have happened to her; the gift of your companionship seems to simply triumph everything else.
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