#WTHB Poseidon
anotheroceanid · 1 month
From next chapter things start getting more serious in WTHB.
Poseidon doesn’t forgive. Nor does he forget.
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marlenejosten · 1 month
imagining wthb!poseidon of @anotheroceanid fic with "and now i know how joan of arc felt" but with demeter
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anotheroceanid · 14 days
Wthb chapter four spoiler
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anotheroceanid · 2 months
WTHB Apollo: I need Sally Jackson to love me so she’ll approve of my relationship with her daughter, since Poseidon is a lost cause
WTHB Leto: Just keep it simple, dearest, and she’ll adore you!
WTHB Artemis: Yeah, just don’t do something stupid…
WTHB Apollo: Okay, I’ll try *gets Sally’s daughter pregnant with triplets*
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anotheroceanid · 11 days
Can I ask you some questions about WTHB? You don't have to answer if you don't want of course (: Did Apollo or Poseidon build temples for Percy when she was missing? With statues of her? 😌 Will Nico act like a big brother to the triplets?
And not about WTHB, do you have any headcanons to the PJO universe you'd like to share? I saw your posts about Rhea/Percy & Kronos/Jason, but do you have other hc? (:
Well see how the world reacted to Percy's disappearance, and I fear I can't say much about how Apollo specifically reacted without spoiling three chapters at least lol
About Nico: he'll eventually make peace with it, but at first I think he’d be annoyed by the triplets. But eventually, yes, 100% big brother!
Hmmm, has… that's complicated, because I usually integrate my hca into my writing so y'all kinda reading a lot of hcs of mine everytime y'all read WTHB (or other fics I might post in the future). I usually just realize that I have hcs after I add them to my writing somehow lol
I like imagining Sally as a legacy, which I think its a relatively common hc but I’m really invested in it.
I hc Silena as camp mom before Percy
For some reason, I always picture Connor, Travis and Drew as a group of friends. Like, no reason whatsoever, I just usually picture them together when I daydream scenes of them.
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marlenejosten · 2 months
Hear me out from one WTHB fan to another: Percy “but daddy I love him” Jackson
YOU ARE SO RIGHT!!!!!!!!! IF I COULD I WOULD DO A FULL EDIT WITH THIS SONG😩😩😩 "im having his baby" but this time it's true🤫 and it's actually BETTER bc she's poseidon's daughter so it can also be a little mermaid reference!!
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