imposterogers · 4 years
i’m not even in the stevebucky fandom and i don’t have any strong feelings about them whatsoever and i still fully believe that steve/bucky could have been the best love story in the entire mcu. like honestly just the content that we have for them already is more romantic than pretty much all the canon mcu couples. it makes complete logical sense for them to be together??? and people say this about mlm/wlw ships all the time but it really is so true for them that like... if one of them was a woman they would undoubtedly be together in canon... sorry i know you know all of this but scrolling through your blog is really getting me annoyed that stevebucky didn’t happen....... like....................
the thing that gets me about stevebucky is that their relationship was literally framed in a romantic context. like, I legitimately think it’s impossible for the writers to not notice what they were doing. i’m not trying to minimize the importance of platonic male love in the media we consume, but it doesn’t change the fact that the characters were placed into traditionally romantic tropes, and made borderline flirtatious comments to each other. 
I mean, let’s start from the beginning 
-steve (the damsel) is being beaten up in a back alley behind a movie theater, where bucky (the dashing knight)  knew exactly where he was because they were supposed to meet to watch a film together 
-they then go on a “double” date, where bucky pays more attention to steve’s reactions than the girl’s. when steve slips away and tries to enlist, he follows, and says “They’ll catch you. Or worse, they’ll actually take you.” he wants his “sweetheart” safe on the homefront while he’s away at war
-when steve hears about the 107th being captured, their roles immediately switch. steve becomes the “knight” bucky becomes the “damsel”. steve risks his role as captain america and his life just at a chance bucky might be alive. when steve is trapped in the burning hydra base, bucky yells “no! not without you!”. it is made explicitly clear that they both would rather die than leave the other behind
-at a bar, over drinks, bucky says to steve “you’re keeping the outfit, right?” which is a direct implication that he thinks steve looks good in it 
-when peggy enters the bar, bucky is visibly jealous. while, because its two men, the audience is left to assume steve has the affection of the hot chick, if we look beyond that, bucky could also be seen as being jealous/hurt that other people are beginning to see steve as a romantic interest and Incredible Human Being, when for years, bucky had steve all to himself 
-when bucky falls from the train, steve goes back to that same bar where he asked bucky to join him (stay in war for him, not go back home without him). peggy says to allow steve to allow bucky the dignity of his choice (to stand by steve, to die by steve) and that’s when steve decides to avenge his death. he says, “I’m goin’ after Schmidt. I’m not gonna stop till all of Hydra is dead or captured.” he very literally becomes the first avenger (hence the title of the movie) for bucky. 
let’s fast forward a bit 
-ITS BEEN A LONG LONG TIME (still not over that)
-when the winter soldier’s mask fell off, steve stopped in his tracks and allowed himself to be captured by hydra because of the shock (even when I had nothing, I had bucky), and bucky broke through 70 years of brainwashing from the sound of steve’s voice (the man on the bridge, I knew him). true love conquers all babyyyy
-til the end of the line = til death do us part
-sam tells steve that the winter soldier might not be the type that you save, but the type that you stop, but it is very clear that steve is not capable of making the choice to stop him 
-on the helicarrier, steve lets himself be beaten bloody by bucky. bucky chooses a “stranger” over everything he’s been programmed to know, then proceeds to keep a journal with a big picture of steve in it 
-civil war happens (I hate civil war so i’m not getting into it) but essentially its reiterated that over everyone and everything, steve and bucky choose each other 
-in infinity war, when everyone was dusting away, bucky calls out steve’s name so that steve would turn and look at him, allowing him one more glimpse at his “love” before he died 
i’m just not sure how anyone could provide this kind of content (including the fact that they lived together, went to art classes together, etc) and be surprised people shipped it. the issue with stevebucky, is it goes beyond a simple “shippers being shippers” sort of situation. they’re written with so much undying love, so much devotion and jealousy and intrinsic detail, its actually a shame they weren’t a canon couple, because even without it being canon, they’re the best written and strongest written romantic couple marvel has (to date) put onto the big screen 
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notagoodplace4gods · 7 years
ok but stozier where (this is overuse prob so sorry) rich starts really believing stan doesnt like him in their late teens bc of anxiety and stuff and starts to distance and heyoo flippin the script w/ stan coming in through the window like “wtf man??? ur literally my best friend ily” and then like back to stans and its just pure fluff bc heyo these boys mad in love and richies just like “holy shit ily wowowowoow” yike sorry ~✨
I’m so sorry for taking so long!! This is not exactly what you asked for, but I still hope you’ll like it! Here we go!
It’s on AO3
when stan starts avoiding richie after they went to prom together as bros, richie knows he’s fucked up
he doesn`t know how he fucked up, tho, because he was drunk as hell and he barely remembers what happened
when stan starts avoiding richie after they go to prom together as bros, richie knows he’s fucked up
he doesn’t know how he fucked up, tho, because he was drunk as hell and he barely remembers what happened
the losers can’t tell him what he did because “stan didn’t let you do anything embarrassing, he took you home the moment he realized you were drunk”
richie makes eddie pinky swear that he didn’t see him make a fool of himself at prom
Relieved by his answer, richie starts thinking that maybe stan’s just messing with him Maybe it’s just a joke and he decides to play along
“well let’s see how long he can pretend not to love me lol he won’t last a week”
stan lasts more than a week not talking to richie, barely acknowledging him in the group hangs
richie is low key worried and grows louder so he can draw stan’s attention by any means necessary, which means cruder jokes, over the top impressions, dirty flirting, but stan keeps ignoring him
richie goes from frustrated to angry really fast
and he complains about Stan to everyone, literally everyone but Stan The Man himself
“we don’t know anything richie, why don’t you talk to him?”
richie tries cornering stan after school one day, but stan keeps dodging his questions and answering with “I’m fine”s, which only pisses richie even more because he knows stan isn’t fine
“come on stanley I know you’re angry at me! what did i do?”
“why do you think the world revolves around you, richie? you didn’t do anything and we’re fine.”
“we’re not fine! God, stan, just tell me what I did so I can fix it! Was it because I drank too much and you had to take me home? Was it because I made you leave the prom earlier?”
“what? no richie, that was fine and… Wait, don’t you remember what happened later?” stan takes a deep breath and tries to mask the hurt on his voice. “You don’t.”
“I was drunk… I…”
“Sure, it’s okay, we’re okay, nothing happened, I just have to go.”
richie tries to stop him by grabbing his arm, but stan flinches away so fast richie’s freezes on the spot. Now he’s high key worried
now he knows he’s fucked up.
richie kinda starts avoiding stan back after this, afraid he’ll make  things worse between them
he never asks the losers to intervene, but everytime he meets them, he asks if stan said anything about him
the losers have no idea what’s happening, and they hate it, so they make a plan to get both richie and stan drunk and talking
it’s very difficult getting them together, and moving past the awkwardness, but they do get them drunk, they all get drunk, one night at bill’s. and they’re playing truth or dare
when the bottle stops on stan, richie perks up at the possibility of stan picking truth so he can ask what did he do to make his best friend so mad at him
stan picks dare
for a moment richie’s devastated, but then ben whispers something in his ear and he takes his suggestion.
“I dare you to tell me why you’re mad at me.”
“that’s cheating.”
“It’s the game, you have to tell me.”
“I’m not mad at you.”
“you are! just fucking tell me what i did!
“what didn’t you do, richie?” stan rolls his eyes. “you��re always so…” The alcohol is taking the words from him, so he just gestures at richie’s entire body, to make him understand. “You! It drives me crazy!”
richie’s taken aback. He knows he’s loud and annoying, but he never thought he bothered stan so much “I’m… I’m sorry,”
when they stop talking, the entire room does too. The only sound is when mike gets up, pulling bill along with him and gesturing the others to follow him. “Maybe we should leave you two alone.”
“no!” both stan and richie argue at the same time.
richie takes a deep breath. “come on, stan the man, I just wanna put this behind us and go back to being friends.”
“Friends.” Stan scoffs, and there’s so much venom in his voice, richie unconsciously recoils. “we’re best fucking friends”
richie doesn’t know what to answer, oh even what to feel, so he choses anger. “Fine! Have it your way then” and marches out of the party.
when richie’s anger drains away, he’s just really sad and hurt
the losers go to him the next day, begging him to talk to stan, saying that stan was miserable after he left the party, so “he doesn’t hate you.”
but richie just shrugs them off. stan does hate him. it was clear as day
but what could he have done that would upset stan so much? What was so terrible that ruined their friendship?
he tries his best to remember what happened after stan took him from the prom. He thinks about numerous possibilities, but nothing seems plausible
richie knows very well that he’s a cuddly, needy drunk. But Stan knows him, he’s used to the flirty jokes, the innocent (but not really) touches, and hugs
He remembers he always used to  call stan “love” and “honey” after a few shots, he remembers sitting on stan’s lap and throwing his arms around stan’s neck in other occasions, he remembers stan just shaking his head, lifting him up and making him drink some water before bed. Stan always acted annoyed but he never minded any of that
Not until prom night
Maybe richie crossed a line. Maybe he didn’t stop at the playful flirting and dirty innuendos. Maybe he drank so much, he turned his brain off, and let his heart unfiltered. Maybe he confessed. Maybe he told stan he’d been in love with him for years. Maybe he kissed stan
Oh fuck. oh no no no no nonononono
no wonder stan hates him now. no wonder he’s angry and disgusted and never wants to see richie again
richie wants to crawl up inside a hole and just die
richie knows stan has stopped hanging out with the others, so he does too
he secretly hopes that his absence will compel stan to return to the group
if anyone gets to keep the losers, if anyone deserves to keep the losers, it’s stan
plus, if stan finds his presence so unbearable, and hates him now, it’s just a matter of time before everyone else does too. If he can’t stop it from happening, then he better prepare himself for it
so he goes from school to home, and from home to school as quickly as he can, he avoids the quarry and the arcade so he won’t meet any of them
He misses them all, though. So much
But mostly he misses Stan
His best friend
the first friend he ever made
the boy with the sarcastic smiles and amazing sense of humour
the boy who always stood by him no matter what
the boy who’d always leave an open window for him to climb into at night
the boy who’d complain about how his bed was too small for them, but would never push richie away, or make him sleep on the couch
the shy quiet beautiful perfect boy richie admired and respected so much
the boy who’d smile at him, and make the stupid bucky beaver and his stupid trash mouth feel worthy and loved and worthy of being loved.
the boy he loved so much
the boy who didn’t love him back, not anymore
not ever
richie wonders if maybe stan misses him too, but the thought is so fucking unreal, he has to laugh.
all the handholding, the laughs, hugs, kisses on the cheek, richie ruined them
richie ruined their friendship
so why would it matter to stan
why would richie matter
spoiler alert: he doesn’t
richie’s loud and annoying and ugly as hell
stan deserves someone better
literally anyone would be better
probably a girl because stan can’t be as sick as he is
the losers keep trying to talk to him, but he always manages to dodge their questions
Everyone is worried because richie looks awful ™ so they decide to do a intervention for them
but richie doesn’t show up to school the next day
Or the next
they’re going crazy with worry, because richie won’t answer his door either
stan is very worried too.
he feels terrible for how he treated richie the past few weeks. He was just sad, angry and bitter, but richie didn’t deserve the way he treated him
he tries calling richie on the phone, but every call goes to voicemail
stan knows it’s his fault.  He was the one who started ignoring richie first, but he’s so worried
He’s on edge all the time, can’t sleep properly, can’t eat properly, god, he’s a mess
He almost trips over himself when his own phone rings. Please be richie, he prays
It’s not richie
bev is the one who gets richie to leave the house. she takes him for a smoke by the barrens
she told him it would just be the two of them
she lied
three cigarettes in, Stan arrives, and Bev excuses herself, mentally asking richie if he’ll forgive her someday
Stan quietly sits down next to richie, who refuses to look at him
They stay like this for a good half an hour. Stan looking at richie, richie looking anywhere but at stan
stan is about to cry, but he swallows the tears. This isn’t about him! This is about his best friend, who’s looking small and broken, and he has to fix it. He has to fix them
“I’m sorry.” He opens his mouth, but the words aren’t his. They are richie’s.
Richie’s apologizing to him
“fuck, stan, I think I finally know what I did to make you hate me, and, god, I’m so sorry.”
stan is speechless, terrified at the thought that maybe richie does remember that night
“I was never going to tell you, I was going to ignore it until it went away, but it’s been years, and it still hadn’t gone away, and I… I’m a horrible person… not worthy of being your friend
stan is offended. “Richie…”
“no… let me finish. I know what I did is unforgivable, and heinous and sick. And I’m so very sorry, but I can’t fix this. So it’s okay if you hate me and never want to see me again.I understand”
“richie!” Stan grabs his shoulders and shakes him a little.”What is it you think you did at prom?”
“you don’t have to do this.” richie shakes his head. “I know I… I kissed you. Didn’t I?.”
Now Stan starts crying. “No. no you didn’t.”
richie’s eyes go so wide it would be comical in any other situation
“Fuck. then you’re just mad at me for a stupid joke, or whatever and I went and spilled my feelings for you, instead of just apologizing. Now you hate me for real, and…”
“I don’t hate you, I never did and I never will.” Stan cuts him off.
richie nods dumbly, not letting himself feel relief because the fact stan doesn’t hate him does not necessarily means that stan likes him back.
“Do you wanna know what you did that made me so mad?” Stan waits for richie’s nod before continuing. If richie said what stan thinks he said, telling him about this should be easy. “You fell asleep.” It’s not
richie does his best not to break it because he knows stan’s not finished
“I took you home, and tried to get you to bed. You didn’t want to. You wanted to dance.” Stan smiles at the memory. “I asked what could i possibly do to convince you to go to sleep and you asked me to cuddle you.”
richie cringes. well that was embarrassing
but it’s not the end of the story
“so I did. we laid down at your bed, and we were so close, I…” Now it’s stan’s turn to take a deep breath. “I kissed you, Richie. I kissed you, you kissed me back, but then you fell asleep mid kiss and I…”
richie’s heart stops, and he finally looks directly into stan’s eyes
“I was so ashamed, I couldn’t face you after this.” now it’s stan who diverts his eyes. “And then you told me you didn’t remember and I was so hurt, so angry. I mean, I knew you were drunk, I took a chance, but I still… God, richie, you were my first kiss.”
“stan.” richie kneels, and moves next to his friend, his best friend, the boy who, for whatever reason, loves him back, and takes his face on his hands. “stan, I’m sorry I’m so stupid.”
“It’s okay, richie.” Stan tries. “You were drunk, and I shouldn’t have taken advantage of that, then felt sorry for myself and acted like a jerk, but…” Stan’s hands are shaking. “I like you more than I thought I could ever like someone, and it scared me so much, I withdrew from everyone. I avoided you like crazy because I couldn’t let you know, I couldn’t let you reject me.”
“stan.” richie calls for him again, and their eyes meet. “stan, I’m stupid, but you’re also very stupid, oh my god, we’re so stupid.” he groans. “I like you. You like me back. We like each other.” He says it, slowly, as if trying to understand.
“We do.” Stan breathes, amazed.
They only stare at each other for a moment, holding hands like their lives depend on it.
“I’m sorry.” Stan says.
“I’m sorry too.” Richie says it back.
A pause. Then. “Do I get to redo that first kiss?”
Stan pushes him over, and richie laughs
“we never really danced at prom, did we? I bet you refused to dance with me after prom too.”
“I…” Stan narrows his eyes. “Do you really wanna dance, now?”
“Sure.” richie knows stan didn’t mean it as an invitation, but he takes it anyway. He bows. Stan rolls his eyes, but doesn’t stop richie from inching closer, and closer. “Let’s redo the entire night.”
They dance for a while, no music, no rhythm. They dance until richie steps on stan’s toes, and stan pushes him away so hard richie falls on the grass
They laugh, and laugh, and laugh
(god, they both missed this so much)
“Okay, so I’m never doing that again.” stan says, but he’s smiling. “We’re done, richie.���
“not yet.” richie says, getting back up, and he looks serious
he takes a step closer
stan takes another step to meet him in the middle and his hand goes into richie’s hair
richie’s hands are trembling, but he takes them to stan’s neck
they kiss
they look at each other
they kiss again and again and again
“Don’t you dare fall asleep on me again, asshole.” Stan says, lips brushing against richie’s
“Oh, don’t worry, Stan the Man, I’m up.” He motions down to his pants. “I’ll be up all night…”
“fucking my mom, i know.” stan answers, the same time richie finishes with “fucking you.” and they look at each other, for a second.
“Fuck you, richie.” Stan is trying to look mad, but he can’t stop laughing
“Well… if you want to, sure. I can be into it.” richie doesn’t miss his mark, but before he says anything else, stan’s kissing him again
richie kisses him back
and they kiss, and kiss, and kiss for a long time.
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cinnaminsvga · 7 years
Can I dare ask you to recommend some jk s-smut?
YOU JUST ASKED THE MOST DANGEROUS QUESTION OF ALL TIME HOE!!! YOU’RE ABOUT TO SEE WHAT FUCKED UP SHIT I READ IN THE DOWNTIME HAJSHDJHAD (note: a lot of the stuff I’m gonna link is mxm because HO BOY DO I READ A LOT OF THOSE hope you don’t mind!!) bold are all time faves!!
↳ reader insert
wonder by @nchu - This is a Thing and I am forever grateful to OP for writing this wowowowoow
protégé by @baeseoul - A classic JK smut fic, of course I had to put this in here hsjdhjxzn
not so honest by @wonhopes - READ THIS FOR A GOOD TIME WOW (I think this was one of my first JK smut fics?? Always a classic in my heart)
50% Polyester by @perpetually-jungshook - UMM THIS IS A SEQUEL TO HER FIRST FIC WHICH IS SO DAMN CUTE THEN WE GOT SHY!KOOK SMUT,,,, omg you guys you don’t know how much I love shy!kook?? i’m so whipped oh my,,,
Teething pt 1 by @sue-bts - I’m like 101% sure every hybrid fic reader has read this hybrid fic at least once in their life and honestly I am always a Hoe for bunny!kook like,,, geez plz end me
Under the Bridge by @rbuns - UMM MORE HYBRID JUNGKOOK BECAUSE I AM WEAK ok bye
stuffed pumpkin by @floralseokjin - Why did I enjoy this fic more than I should!! Wow me: a hoe for car sex! ! !
baby boy by @itskimtaehyung - Me: a hoe with a mommy kink LMAO
color in your cheeks (the feeling flows both ways) by siderum - [YOONKOOK] This is a sequel to one of my all-time favorite yoonkook fics, the nights really were made for saying things you can’t say tomorrow day!! It’s not super duper explicit smut, but it’s really sweet and gives a little closure to the first part 🤧 Also??? Yoongi is one Thirsty Bitch (relatable tbh)
pretty damn good by skswriting - [YOONKOOK] THIGH FUCKING NEED I SAY FUCKING MORE???? FUCK
You Shine So Bright Series by TheHalesNyx - [YOONKOOK] Ok so this is a pretty long series and the smut isn’t the main point of the story but??? JESUS FUCKING CHRIST THIS FIC!!! One of the best Yoonkook fics out there ho boy 
Pretty Boy by Spoonfulofsuga - [YOONKOOK] UHHHH CROSSDRESSING JUNGKOOK I AM SORRY WHY AM I LIKE THIS (y’all know how much I love baby boys hhhhh well here yOU GO)
once upon a time, i was all alone by peachtae - [YOONKOOK] Yoonkook phone sex because I am a Wretched Human Being
But I Want It Anyway by marchdahlia - [YOONKOOK] Jungkook: says daddy; Me and Yoongi: NUTS INTO THE FOURTH DIMENSION
bergen, 4:30 a.m. by bellamees - [YOONKOOK] I took one look at the tags and saw “Finger Sucking” and then now Here I Am, barbeque sauce on my titties,,,
0111100101101111011101010111001001110011 by bellamees - [YOONKOOK] Y’all ever seen an android and be like “Damn I’d like to fuck that” well then you and Jungkook are the Same
Run This Town Series by dreamingdaegu - [YOONKOOK] TBH YOU CAN IGNORE EVERY SINGLE OTHER REC IN THIS LIST AND JUST READ THIS ENTIRE SERIES!!! YOU WILL DIE but in a good way!! Also??? We all need stripper!jk at All Times so,,, here u go
Storytime by Trilluvium - [TAEKOOK] Jungkook jacks it to IU but Taehyung jacks it to Jungkook so 1+1=they jack off together in the same room it’s wildt
Somewhere Close to Reality by Trilluvium - [OT7xJK; TAEKOOK] VERY VERY DUBIOUS IF I DO SAY SO MYSELF BUT HERE I AM,,, READING THIS FILTH (umm so basically jungkook stops time and kinda,,, um,,, with his hyungs,,, UHHH)
Mommy’s Boy by staycute1234 - [JIKOOK] UMMMM jungkook has a mommy kink for jimin,,, i don’t know what else to say i’m sorry
I Got It From My Daddy by Honey0613 - [YOONKOOK] Sometimes I go to church I Swear (THIS IS SO HOT LOL)
A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out by wicked_lovely - [YOONKOOK] BRATTY JUNGKOOK GETS [redacted] BY YOONGI :—-)
Fireflies and Waterfalls by SaltyAuntSuga - [YOONKOOK] Soulmate!AUs with smut,,, ah yes what a damn gem
Pawn it off by rix - [TAEKOOK] If you’re a taekook shipper,,, get your panties ready tbh LMAO
I have a ton of other fic recs but I’m too lazy so this is all you’re getting at the moment sorry 🤙👏 have fun reading all this filth!! happy holidays wahoo
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