herobrine-avm · 1 year
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callmegkiddo · 3 years
Some LongZhu Romantic HC’s
Here are some HC’s for everyone’s favorite wish dragon!
I hope you like them!
- He loves to curl around you as a form of a hug
- He loves giving you kisses, he neglected those he cared about before he will not do it again
- He ‘s really soft with you. Yes he’s still a snarky piece of cabbage but he’s more persuaded around you
- He loves it if you cook him some shrimp noodles or anything relating to shrimp
- He hates spicy food, please keep the peppers away from him
- He doesn’t really way much to you, so he can sprawl around you or on to you whenever he wants without a problem
 He doesn’t say it often but he truly does love you, he’s difficult with words, and from what he learned from Din is that actions speak better than words
- You were his last master to serve after coming back, so to his delight and and ever growing confusion he didn’t grant you a wish. Mostly because you didn’t really need them, he stayed by you learning more about the modern world and growing closer to you
- He loves it when you pet his snout/face, he practically purrs
- This man is literally a cat, he will bother you till you give him his needed attention. And he would be an asshole when you try the same-
- He loves your thighs, whether you’re THICC or a STICC he loves them either way
- Keep him out of the kitchen or pantry, he will steal your chips- and most likely burn the house down
- He doesn’t like to play video games, they frustrate him. Though he does love to see you play (if you do)
- He really likes pop music, he’d ask for your phone just to listen to it
Hope you all liked it!
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