vveakfish · 2 years
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all suited up and ready to goooooo
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star-gazing-knight · 2 years
Character Spreadsheet for WIK(YWM)
Hey Guys!!!  Below the Cut is a snapshot of part of the excel file that @vveakfish​ and I use for the Wish I Knew (You Wanted Me) Universe.  It’s subject to change, but I thought I’d share for those interested. :D  
Not all the Characters on it are used but as we watch and think of different things in the universe, we write it down. 
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vveakfish · 2 years
Your Teeth in My Neck
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alt title: POV you catch Dick and Roy being Nasty at the club
This was commission for @star-gazing-knight of a scene from Dancing (With Another Man), a fic we're writing — and I'm so happy with how this turned out
Its a messy little abo roy/dick/wally love corner where Dick is very much caught in the middle.
this photo has been mentioned a few times in the fic already so i thought id include them
first wally
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then roy
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We've been having so much fun writing this, and im glad i finally got this art for it done!! go check out the fic if you have a chance, we update every wednesday <3
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vveakfish · 2 years
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boy best friends (wip)
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vveakfish · 2 years
another timkon wip
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because i dont know how to finish a drawing <3
[ next version ]
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vveakfish · 2 years
lil snippet of the timkon wip im working on
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read on ao3
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vveakfish · 2 years
its Hold On (To Me) release day!!!!!!!
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so heres some headshots of the kiddos to celebrate :}
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vveakfish · 1 year
boyfriends <3 twitter thread and image ID below the cut [:
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read d(wam) on ao3
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[start ID/
Image depicts Dick Grayson and Wally West lounging together on a couch, bathed in sunlight streaming in through an open window. Dick is leaning back against Wally's legs with a big smile on his face as he looks at the camera. Wally has one arm Draped over Dick, eyes closed and smiling widely.
Tweet from "Dick NOT Richard" @/flygraysonfly: "He thinks i'm joking about stealing all his shirts" [image described above is attatched]
Tweet from "Nepotism Baby" @/TDWphoto: "Oh good. you're not dead"
Tweet from "Michael Clark" @/Magick_Mike: image attachement depicts a cropped screenshot of a tik tok. It shows a mans face, with the text "I dont care if something good happened to you it should have happened to me instead" over the whole image
Tweet from "Terri Fox" @/fromthefoxhole: "Mr. Grayson my heart was not Ready for this kind of cute today. You both look so happy !!!!"
Tweet from "Shirly Huyhn" @/surelyShirley: "The more i see of these two the more convinced i am that Wally was the right choice. congrata to the happy couple !!!"
Tweet from "Alec Crowly" @/BottleStreetFTW: "It looks like you Have stolen all his shirts already (not that i'm complaining!!! what a view 🤤)
Tweet from "Nick Simon" @/NicknackGames: "What is it with 'megas and stealing clothes? you have your own you don't need mine 😤
Tweet from "Opal Lee" @/opaleescent: "now THATS an Alpha 🤩"
/end ID]
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vveakfish · 2 years
when Star and i started working on Dancing (With Another Man) there were two things we wanted to dig into
bird flash but messy
the world building of A/B/O
if you wanna see the mess go read the fic for yourself ;]
but right now i wanna talk about a little world building rabbit hole i fell down the other night @ 2am while fighting sleep.
ramblings about the genetic inheritance of dynamics below the cut
i really went into the weeds with this one y'all. I've always been interested in genetics and if i hadn't been dead set on going to art school i might have been a bio major instead. so this was definitely more than a little self indulgent on my part.
the main question i had was how are dynamics passed from parents to offspring. i broke that very vague question down into two more specific ones:
could a child only have one of the dynamics of their parents, or were the genetics more complicated than that
if a child COULD have a dynamic that their parents didn't have, how would that work.
so at first i was kind of just writing down my thoughts based on what i remembered of genetics (i haven't taken a bio class since sophomore year of college so i was a little rusty)
what i came up with made sense to me but i didn't have the energy that night to actually research different modes of inheritance, or to figure out if what i had come up with was scientifically sound in any way.
The next day i decided to hunker down and read a whole bunch of articles trying to refresh my memory on the basics of genetics, and also looking into modes of inheritance other than complete dominance.
I knew from the beginning i didn't want any one designation to be the 'dominant' trait, or for another to be 'recessive.' i just wasn't sure exactly what mode of inheritance would make the most sense.
after a few days of hashing out the science of it (and info-dumping to Star about my findings in our discord) i figured out a system that i liked, plus it made at least some sort of scientific sense.
this is, afterall, for an omegaverse fic so i wasn't going to break my back trying to make this work. BUT its going to come into play later in the story. So i wanted it to have SOME sort of logic behind it.
So there is one gene that determines a persons Dynamic. This gene has a total of 5 alleles and a persons dynamic is a result of which two out of those 5 markers they were born with. These alleles interact with each other using the incomplete dominance mode of inheritance.
the alleles are as follows
[A]: strong presentation of Alpha traits
[a]: weak presentation of Alpha traits
[O]: strong presentation of Omega traits
[o]: weak presentation of Omega traits
[x]: no presentation of dynamic traits [recessive]
[x] is the lack of a dynamic marker, so it mirrors what ever other dynamic marker it is paired with
now these alleles can be combined in a total of 13 distinct genotypes, 12 of which result in one of the three designations, and one where an individual has no designation at all.
Alpha/Omega Genotypes:
[AA] / [Ax] | [OO] / [Ox]
an individual with these genotypes displays a strong presentation of Dynamic traits. While this could affect their physical build, what its really referring to is how the body produces hormones and pheromones. People with these genotypes produce hormones and pheromones in excess. This could cause things such as a strong scent, intense cycles, and aggressive tendencies in Alphas. In Omegas this could mean being more prone to submission or falling into the Omega headspace more readily.
[Aa] / [Oo]
an individual with these genotypes would be considered 'balanced' . They produce dynamic hormones in 'normal' levels and outside of their cycles these hormones would not impact their daily lives.
[aa] / [ax] | [oo] / [ox]
these genotypes indicate a weak presentation of dynamic traits. these individuals would produce hormones and pheromones at a deficit, and therefore would probably have a weaker scent, and milder cycles. They might also need to use CIDs to jump start their cycles if their body won't do it for them
Betas are the result of a person possessing the genetic markers for both Alpha and Omega. therefore there is no way for a Beta to possess the [x] marker
Beta Genotypes:
A Beta with this genotype would be balanced, in that they produce equal amounts of both Alpha and Omega hormones. Not enough for them to experience either cycle, but someone with this genotype could probably make the noises of either dynamic pretty convincingly.
[Ao] / [Oa]
a Beta with these genotypes would produce more of hormones of one dynamic than the other. This could cause increased aggression (Ao) or a tendency toward submission (Oa) and psuedo-cycles. This is often treated using suppressants or inducers to bring the hormone level back to equilibrium.
a Beta with this genotype barely produces dynamic hormones at all. Their scent would most likely be weak, and they probably would have a hard time convincingly making the noises of either of the other two designations. But since they don't cycle there is no reason to 'treat' this condition.
and finally we arrive at [xx]
the most common examples of someone being [xx] would be Atlanteans and Amazonians. Both of those groups broke off from humanity before the rest of the population developed the genetic markers that give a person their designation.
But humans can also have the [xx] genotype, it is just extremely rare (about 8% of the worlds population has this combination, though most of that 8% is made up of Amazonians and Atlanteans).
So with the info dump out of the way, here are some examples (using characters from d(wam)) of how dynamics are inherited.
Dicks parents were both Omegas, which did mean dick was guaranteed to be an omega, but he does have an entirely different genotype than either of his parents Mary Grayson was, [OX] while John was [Oo]. meaning dick could have been [OO], [Oo], [Ox], or [ox]. He is [OO] and im sure if you have been reading the story this will come as no surprise to you.
wally is an interesting case. Rudy West is [xx], and Mary West is [AO]. Their family functions more as a typical family unit than a pack seeing as Rudy doesnt have a dynamic a all. However, often people who are born [xx] are just lumped in as a Beta since physically there is not much of a difference between someone with no designation and a Beta. Because of this Wally could Only be an Alpha [Ax] or an omega [Ox]. As im sure you've guessed Wally has the [Ax] allele combination.
Both Martha and Thomas wayne were Betas, [AO], and [ao] respectively. This means Bruce had a chance to be an Alpha [Aa], Omega [Oo], or Beta [Ao] [Oa]. Bruce ended up with the [Ao] combo. For any of our readers who have been wondering "whats Bruce's deal?" this might give you just a bit of context.
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vveakfish · 2 years
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been thinking abt them…<3
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vveakfish · 9 months
Another WIK(WYM) poll woooo!
Star and I were talking about doing something fun for you guys for the winter holidays in the form of uploading one of the sidefics we've had sitting in our drafts.
we couldn’t decide which one though, so we thought we’d leave that up to y’all. Soooo:
Both of these are things that we will be posting eventually regardless, but we thought we’d give y’all some say in which one we focus on first (:
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vveakfish · 1 year
Wish I Knew (You Wanted Me) Linear reading order (chronological) | [table of contents]
On ao3 the series is already ordered chronolocially, for the most part. But this one is a little more thorough.
I'm going to be throwing not only fic titles at you, but chapter numbers too. This reading order will take you through this narrative from beginning to end, as smoothly as possible.
or thats the goal, anyway.
I'll be updating this as we upload more chapters, meaning this post is a WIP. There are arc descriptions and more detailed chapter orders under the cut, but here's the Bare Bones if you don’t want spoilers:
Why Don't You (Say So) Trade My Tomorrows (For Our Yesterday)
Part One:
Dancing (With Another Man) [ch 1-7] Hold On (To Me) [ch 1-4] D(WAM) [ch 8-10] It Started (With A Whisper) D(WAM) [ch 11-12] HO(TM) [ch 5] D(WAM) [ch 13-22] D(WAM) [ch 23-25] | HO(TM) [ch 6+7] D(WAM) [ch 26-31] D(WAM) [ch 32-38] | HO(TM) [ch 8-12] HO(TM) [ch 13-18] D(WAM) [ch 39-41] D(WAM) [ch 42-44] | HO(TM) [ch 19-22] D(WAM) [ch 45-48] HO(TM) [ch 23-25]
Part Two:
Run Away (Take My Hand) [ch 1-11] RA(TMH) [ch 12] | HO(TM) [ch 26-30] HO(TM) [ch 31...] RA(TMH) [ch 13...]
welcome beneath the cut! get comfy, and let me be weird for a bit. This is going to be made up of blurbs about what these different mini ‘arcs’ of the story focus on — as well as trying to lay out chapter by chapter reading orders to the best of my abilities.
And hey! if you (dear reader) have any reading order thoughts of your own, shoot me a comment or a DM
now, lets get into it:
PROLOGUE: Why Don't You (Say So) Trade My Tomorrows (For Our Yesterday)
These two act as a sort of backstory. It gives you a base understanding of what Dick's relationships with Wally and Roy were like, which leads us into
PART ONE: Dancing (With Another Man) [ch 1-7]
this arc sets up the larger conflict of the story, focusing on Dick, Wally, and Roy's reactions to it.
Hold On (To Me) [ch 1-4]
sets up timkon side plot, and shows how the core four are dealing with the main conflict
D(WAM) [ch 8-10] It Started (With A Whisper) D(WAM) [ch 11+12] HO(TM) [ch 5] D(WAM) [ch 13-22]
this seventeen chapter block kicks off the courtship arc which makes up the bulk of the part one plot — tensions are running high, and Dick has big decisions to make.
D(WAM) [ch 23-25] | HO(TM) [ch 6+7]
these two sections show the same events. And there's two potential ways to read them depending on the kind of reading experience you're looking for. Dick's storyline: -> 23, 6, 24, 25, 7 Tim's storyline: -> 6, 24, 25, 7 (+ 23 (optional)) Technically, Dick's story line would be the truly chronological one. You have all the information as soon as it's available to you. Tim's story line, however, makes this chain of events more of a mystery. You still find everything out, there's just more suspense beforehand. chapter 23 (Roy pov) & 7 (Tim pov) cover a lot of the same ground, which is why it would be optional to read 23 after having already read 7. But personally I think there is still something to gained from experiencing the appeal first hand along with Tim's second hand pov. Whether you read both is entirely up to you. Is this convoluted and possibly unnecessary? Yeah, probably, but hey! Have you ever been reading a comic and then had to chase down a tie in issue from another run just to understand what the fuck was happening? Think of it like that. This is superhero comic fanfic, after all.
D(WAM) [ch 26-31]
we'll call this the aftermath. You could read this as is, and it will make sense — in rereading this story in its entirety for this post, however, I've realized there is another potential reading order. 27 (Steph pov) leads directly in from HO(TM) ch 7 so, you could read this arc like this: HO(TM) 7 -> D(WAM) 27, 26, 28-31. Doing this is not necessary to enjoy or understand the story. Technically, it is the more chronological way to read these chapters, but don't worry to hard about this one.
D(WAM) [ch 32-38] | HO(TM) [ch 8-12]
These also happen at the same time, but are completely different scenes. Reading the section from one fic, then reading the section from the next would work perfectly fine. But, lining things up with the stories timeline the 'correct' chronological order is this: -> 32, 8-10, 33-38, 11+12
HO(TM) [ch 13-18]
i call this arc 'the boys are pouting.' basically the whole time Tim and Kon are dealing with their shit(tm), Wally and Dick are being very gay off panel. Dont worry though! we'll get back to them shortly. You could read this arc exactly as it's posted (it alternates between Tim's pov & Kon's) but they are full side plots on their own, so you could read them like this: Tim -> 13, 15, 18 Kon -> 14, 16, 17 This is me being nit-picky at this point, but I'm just writing this all down for the sake of having it all written down.
D(WAM) [ch 39-41]
See! What'd i tell ya
D(WAM) [ch 42-44] | HO(TM) [ch 19-22]
timkon real, not clickbait (42 | 19), (43 | 20), (44 | 21), 22
D(WAM) [ch 45-48] HO(TM) [ch 23-25]
and that is the conclusion to Part One
PART TWO: Run Away (Take My Hand) [ch 1-4]
I think of this arc 'The Tower.' Like the tarot card. Disaster is looming just out of sight, and despite everyone's best efforts there doesn't seem to be a way to avoid it.
RA(TMH) [ch 5-11]
shit hits the fan
HO(TM) [ch 26-30]
the question is now, how do the Core Four feel about the events of the last week, and what do they do about it?
RA(TMH) [ch 12]
Welcome to the Wilderness. Dick and Wally get out of the city — They need a little time, a bit of space, and above all, they need to talk to each other.
HO(TM) [ch 31-35]
Welcome to Cadmus In their search for distraction the core four (and Roy) find themselves deep underground — in Cadmus' secret underbelly.
HO(TM) [ch 36...]
Post Cadmus. The immediate danger has passed, but the mystery is far from solved. The JL is involved, but can the Titans and the League work together to figure out what happened below ground?
RA(TMH) [ch 13-18]
"we need to talk" Dick and Wally might be away from the stress of Titans Tower, and Roy, but they still have their issues to work through.
RA(TMH) [ch 19-21]
Things are heating up (smut section <3)
RA(TMH) [ch 22...]
"we need to talk" Part two, electric boogaloo.
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vveakfish · 7 months
Star and i started playing with the idea of the gallery opening for (WIK)YWM back in october and we got lost in the weeds thinking abt what the waynes would wear to an event like this.
It was so much fun to mess around with more fashion oriented illustration since thats not normally my wheelhouse but i had so much fun
Now, i will be the first to admit that Tim’s outfit is fucking goofy, but that was entirely the point.
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The thought was that Yes, he is technically the host, and this is Technically a high society event, but Tim’s a lil shit stirrer and i think he’d get a kick out of seeing all these stuffy 1%ers huffing and puffing abt his outfit choices
plus i felt like it matched the theme of the gallery. Paying homage not just to Mapplethorpes Photography, but his impact as well
jacket | pants | top | belt | boots
Dicks was SOOOOO fun to design
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he’s like a barbie doll to me idk what else to say
we took inspiration from a bunch of actual Oscar De La Renta pieces when trying to figure dicks garment out (star’s the one who suggested i look at their catalogue when we were brainstorming, everyone say thank you star!) but i knew what i wanted to put him in as soon as we chose mapplethorpe as the focus of the gallery
(i didnt end up drawing wally’s </3 i really wanted to, but i no longer have the free time to. maybe one day. we’ll see)
inspo | inspo | inspo
Bruce’s was a Fucking Challenge let me tell you
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and im going to be honest, i dont know a damn thing about menswear other than the fact that 9/10 its boring as hell. I just wanted it to be fun and funky.
And yeah, okay maybe this isnt the kind of thing that bruce would typically wear, but i feel like him putting this much effort into dressing on theme for tims event is just a nice little “im proud of you” moment, even if he cant use his words to say it.
i did not look at other suits for inspo other than to figure out how the fuck to draw a tux jacket. so no inspo pics for this one, srry.
alright, thats all for now. Its late and i just wanna post this chapter
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vveakfish · 1 year
Nonlinear (published order) [table of contents]
This one is pretty straight forward. It does not tell the story 'in order' necessarily, but it does tell the story in the order we wrote it.
I don't think reading this story from its 'beginning' in this way is required for the story to be enjoyed, there's not one 'correct' way to read it, but if you wanted to read it this way, its an option.
Dancing With (Another Man) Hold On (To Me) Run Away (Take My Hand)
These three sort of work as the primary trilogy. they make up the meat of the story thus far, and could honestly be read excluding the extraneous fics without much trouble.
but the side fics contain all sorts of goodies too
Why Don't You (Say So) It Started (With a Whisper) Trade My Tomorrows (For Your Yesterdays)
These serve to flesh out the main story more, and give context to the relationships that we see in motion during it. WDY(SS) & TMT(FOY) can both be read on their own without any knowledge of the larger story, but IS(WAW) deals with events directly related to D(WAM).
Just some things to keep in mind when approaching the auxiliary fics.
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vveakfish · 2 years
in honor of yesterday being d(wam) update day — heres a few headshots i’ve been sketchin up!
starting off with the main boys.
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random thoughts i had while drawing them below the cut
wallys hair is always messed up by the wind OR he has cowl head so…he has stoped trying to control it, but tbh that gives it a very cute almost intentionally disheveled look
this is dicks “natural, bare faced, low effort, no makeup makeup look”… but between his hair and his face he’s probably using anywhere between 40 & 60 products
Roy is a vape lord... im sorry you can fight me on this. He would smoke cigarettes but he doesn’t like the grime of it. Plus he likes that with vaping he can get more nicotine with less puffs. He does occasionally smoke ciagars with Ollie tho.
also i think he has his tongue pierced bc its hot
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vveakfish · 1 year
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been thinking abt nightwing suit designs
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