wavesoutbeingtossed · 9 months
you guys I think I may be a bit of 1989 fan 👀
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tsmidnights · 11 months
Why'd you have to lead me on? Why you'd have to twist the knife? Walk away and leave me bleeding, bleeding? Why'd you whisper in the dark just to leave me in the night? Now your silence has me screamin' SCREAMINNNN'
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holllandtrash · 11 months
say don't go | charles leclerc
pairing: charles leclerc x reader
based off of taylor swift's 'stay don't go' why'd you have to lead me on? why'd you have to twist the knife? walk away and leave me bleedin'
word count: 5.2k tags/warnings: slight angst, mentions of being disloyal, this is kinda sad, mention of smut i guess but blink and you miss it
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You weren’t one to let your past haunt you. It was the past for a reason, it belonged behind you, all you could do was grow into a better version of yourself.
But what the hell were you supposed to do when Charles showed up at your door after six months of silence? 
It was a week into December and you were reluctantly putting up Christmas decorations because you were tired of the comments your friends made, telling you to get into the holiday spirit. Now you had the silver tinsel gripped in your hand as Charles stood on your front step, light flurries landing on his coat only to melt immediately after. 
It was the middle of the day and you lived in a crowded area, but passersby on the sidewalk and those driving past had no idea there was a Ferrari driver only metres away from them.
But no one would guess that Charles Leclerc would be travelling to Bristol during his holidays.
“What? Were you in the neighbourhood?” You asked, flicking the tinsel off of your hand and shaking off any remnants. You watched it fall to the floor before looking up, “Felt like stopping by?” 
“Can I come in?” Charles asked, glancing behind you. Was he looking to see if you had company? If you had moved on? Regardless of what, or who, he was looking for, his shoulders relaxed when he could tell you were alone. All that was behind you was cardboard boxes labelled Christmas. 
“Give me three good reasons why I shouldn't shut the door in your face,” your demand was laced with your usual sweet tone, the same one that always intimated Charles because he never knew what to make of it. Never once did you raise your voice, you never yelled, never showed signs of anger. Even when you were annoyed, you always sounded calm. 
He sucked in a breath, “Well, it’s cold out.” He chuckled, but when you didn’t see any humour in his words he just nodded and moved on. “I was, in fact, in the neighbourhood- well I was in London, just figured I’d make a quick trip out west.”
Those weren’t good enough reasons and he knew it. You moved to grab the door and Charles reacted by holding his hand out to stop it from shutting, eyes trained on yours. 
His cheeks were red, not accustomed to the British winters. He wasn’t wearing mitts and you could see how his hands had responded to the dry air by cracking at the knuckles. His lips trembled, not because he was nervous but because this was probably the coldest his body temperature had dropped to in a long time. 
Which had you questioning how long he had been standing outside your door before finally knocking.
“There’s some things I’ve been meaning to say for a while now,” Charles spoke softly and you could see his breath with each word. “And you don’t need to say anything, but I’d love it if you’d listen.”
Maybe you felt bad that he was cold. Maybe you were curious as to what he had to say to you after so long. Maybe part of you still missed him and if these were the last few minutes you’d get with him, you weren’t going to let them pass.
Whatever the reason, you held the door open and he stepped inside. You watched as he ran his fingers through his hair and slid his coat off, hanging it on the empty hook on the wall. Your eyes darted down to the shoes he wore and Charles recognized that look, knowing better than to walk any further with his shoes on. He smiled, sort of, remembering the first time you asked him to take his shoes off when he entered your apartment. 
If this was six months ago, you would have had slippers waiting for him to put on, but instead Charles was left to just his socks. You, though, seemed quite cozy. The matching sweats and jumper was only a shade darker than the slippers you wore and Charles almost asked where you purchased the set from, but he held his tongue because now wasn’t the time for casual conversation.
“Tea?” You offered, glancing at the kettle sitting on the stove. It had started whistling only minutes before he showed up but you hadn’t had a second to pour yourself a cup, too caught up in trying to untangle tinsel.
“Don’t want to put you out,” he shook his head, but when you manoeuvred past him to step into the kitchen, he didn’t stop you from grabbing two cups from the cupboard. He watched, standing at a cautious distance, as you made the two drinks the same way you always did. 
Charles was brought back to the time he walked into his own flat in Monaco and you were kneeling on the counter, trying to find a suitable cup because all of his mugs were too big and bulky for tea. He held his hand to your back, worried you’d tip backwards, which you didn’t, but you were happy he was there to help you off the counter and greet you with a kiss. 
“I’ll invest in new cups,” he said. He never did.
He didn’t like the silence that lingered between you now, probably the first time it ever bothered him, so he cleared his throat, “I like your new place.”
You nodded, “Thank you.”
He glanced around at the decor and spoke up again, “So you’ve been well?”
“You don’t need to pretend to care about how I've been.”
“I do care.”
The slow yet icy stare you gave him as you peered over your shoulder had Charles wondering if showing up here was a good idea. Instead of opening his mouth again, Charles looked at the decorations littered on the floor. 
He was drawn towards the open box of ornaments that was placed on the couch. He noticed the tree in the corner, but all you had put up so far was a string of lights. Curious, he looked closer into the box and smiled to himself when he saw a vintage Formula 1 Ferrari, no bigger than the palm of his hand. He also spotted a racing helmet, but couldn’t recognize the driver it belonged to.
It wouldn’t have shocked him if the rest of this box was F1 inspired Christmas ornaments. Either ones you had purchased yourself or ones that were given to you as gifts. 
Charles was always amazed at your knowledge of Formula 1. With your father being a retired driver himself, he shouldn’t have been surprised when you swept him under the rug during a trivia night. He admired your passion for the sport and maybe that’s why when he met you in the Ferrari garage, he wasn’t as quick to judge you like he was to everyone else who had purchased VIP passes for the weekend. 
You were there for the sport, for the racing, you didn’t care who was driving the car, it wasn’t like you had favorite drivers.
You were raised to appreciate the history of the sport, the roots, the beginnings. Because of that, you were drawn to the older teams, the classics. Williams, McLaren and against your fathers wishes, Ferrari. So of course you wanted to experience the Ferrari hospitality during a race weekend at least once. To see the cars up close, to be in the garage, to see the race from an entirely new perspective.
It was Australia, the third race of the 2023 season. It was a race that Charles tried hard to forget due to his DNF at the first turn, but there were highlights he cherished before the incident. 
He remembered standing in the garage before the first practice session and turning his head to flash a smile towards the VIP members standing at the back. He paid no attention to any of them in particular, but you stood out. The way you were so focused on the screen, taking in the Tech Talk segment that was playing on F1TV. You hadn’t even noticed Charles looking.
He saw you again the second day, closer to the front of the group before the start of FP3. You were wearing a white set, arms crossed over your chest with the headphones resting around your neck. You weren’t watching anything this time, instead you were in the middle of a conversation with a few of the mechanics. 
At first, Charles thought they were flirting with you. But when you pointed at the rear wing, lines drawn across your forehead and eyebrows pinched together in studious fashion, Charles got the hint that this wasn’t just a casual conversation. 
And then you held out your hand to introduce yourself, your once serious expression turning soft. You smiled at the mechanics as you shook both of their hands, seeming truly grateful to have met them. 
Naturally, Charles was curious as to what sort of conversation just took place. He waited a few minutes before asking Mark, the one of two mechanics who seemed to be doing most of the talking. 
“What was that about?” Charles asked.
Mark looked over his shoulder at you, but you were too engrossed in the screen again to notice the few sets on you.
“You don’t know who she is?” Mark asked. 
“Should I?” Charles glanced your way. This time, you caught it. 
You were also the first to look away.
“Damon Hill’s daughter,” Mark chuckled, probably in disbelief himself over who he just met. “She’s also got her masters in engineering. You know what she pointed out- the activation time for DRS is delayed compared to everyone else on the grid. I don’t know how she noticed it, but we’ll take a look at the data and if she’s onto something we’ll fix it before qualifying.”
Damon Hill’s daughter. The 1996 world champion. He had made a name for himself, known for being one of Schumacher's rivals during his prime. Charles knew he had kids, but didn’t know who they were. 
He wanted to introduce himself, but he waited till after qualifying. 
Was he a little taken aback when you seemed to be paying more attention to Carlos’ side of the garage at the end of the day? Maybe, but you had been watching him all weekend so far so he didn’t like the sudden change. 
His P7 starting position was nothing to be overly proud of, but the congratulations was the first thing out of your mouth when he approached you.
“Thank you,” he nodded, suddenly feeling a bit more pride now than five minutes ago. He glanced at the car and then back at you, at the VIP lanyard resting over your chest, at your eyes that momentarily had him forgetting why he walked over to you in the first place. 
You held your hand in the same polite manner you had with the mechanics and you introduced yourself as Charles shook it slowly. 
“Damon Hill’s daughter,” he stated. “I haven’t seen you around here before.”
You cocked your head slightly, “Is that a line?”
A blush crept up to his cheeks when he realised how flirtatious he sounded without trying to, “No- I mean,” he licked his lips. “I guess it could be but I wasn’t trying for that.”
“I only just graduated,” you answered his question, which wasn’t really a question. “Figured I’d watch a few races, check out a few teams before I decide if I want to dip my toe in the motorsports field.”
“Driver?” He asked, eyebrows raised even though Mark had told him what you studied. But you laughed and Charles was glad he brought up the idea of you getting behind the wheel. He could get used to your laugh. 
“Engineer,” you corrected. “To be honest, I think IndyCar might be more my thing. Plus I know Arrow McLaren is looking to expand, hire a few more performance engineers. Mind if I use you as a reference? I saw those mechanics working on your DRS set up, don’t let them take the credit for catching the activation error.”
It was his turn to laugh. He liked your humour, something else he could get used to.
“Mark mentioned you pointed it out,” Charles nodded, unable to keep from smiling. He liked the way you spoke. Not only did he find your accent endearing, but he liked how sure you were of yourself. You knew your talents, you knew what you were capable of. He admired it. 
“Good luck tomorrow,” you said, taking it upon yourself to end the conversation. You adjusted the purse over your shoulder and gave him a soft smile. “It was nice meeting you, Charles.”
And then you walked off, happily letting someone else from the team accompany you, probably an engineer. Probably someone who could match your expertise in a conversation.
Charles didn’t know when he’d see you again, but he took it upon himself to make sure it was sooner than later.
Following Australia, the drivers had a bit of a break. Almost an entire month.
It was only a few days into the break when he asked his manager to get Damon Hill’s contact information. 
Confused was an understatement when your dad called you and said ‘Tell me why I just got an unsolicited text from Charles Leclerc asking if he could have your phone number’. 
By the end of the week, Charles had flown you from Paris, where you resided at the time, to Nice. He was there at the airport to pick you up and drive you to Monaco. 
You spent that entirety of the break together. 
Charles was smitten. As were you. 
But you were cautious. 
You knew first hand that racing was at the top of his priority list. You weren’t about to get your hopes up and think that these few weeks meant anything. He just had time on his hands and you showed interest. 
However, it was hard not to fall for Charles. He treated you well when you were together. He was easy to talk to. He made you feel safe, admired, wanted. He asked all the questions he could think of to get to know you. He made you breakfast in the morning, or at least he tried to. The mornings when you woke up to the smell of burnt eggs were just as entertaining. Plus you figured you could get used to the way he wrapped his arm around your waist as you took over. The kisses he peppered on your shoulder that tempted you towards pulling him back to the bedroom.
By the time the season picked up again for round 4 in Baku, you were so used to being around him that you had to tell yourself not to be hurt that he didn't suggest you go with him.
You and Charles did a lot of things during those few weeks, but never once did you label what you were. That conversation never came up. Neither did the exclusivity talk.
He still called. He texted you daily. He treated you like you were special, but racing came before a relationship. Even your dad reminded you of that. He told you not to dwell on it, that Charles would come to his senses when he felt secure with the team, with the season. He didn’t need the support of a girlfriend, he needed the support of his team.
And then Charles informed you he was flying you out to Miami. He wanted you to watch the race again. He wanted you there. 
You didn’t accompany him to the track, but he greeted you with wide arms and the brightest grin when you showed up at the Ferrari garage. His hand stayed on your lower back for a bit as he showed you around, giving you a proper tour but when you came across Mark it was almost as if Charles passed you off. 
He said ‘Here, chat with Mark for a bit, I’m sure you’ve got some opinions about the car’ and then he walked away.
You tried not to think too much about it, maybe he had obligations, media, signings, something. He wouldn’t fly you out to Miami and abandon you the first chance he got. He was a driver, he had priorities. You weren’t one of them, not yet.
It was a difficult situation to be in. When Charles gave you his attention, he gave you every ounce of it. But when he was gone, he was gone. Distant, on his phone, sometimes he quite literally disappeared like at the end of the day on Saturday and you were left in the Ferrari garage wondering where the hell he got off to. 
But then he knocked on your hotel room door at a little after 10 and who were you to turn him away? 
Charles pulled you towards the bed, dragging you with him as he laid on the mattress. He asked about your day between the kisses he left down your neck. You answered as best as you could, but when his hands found the button of your trousers, it became a little more difficult to collect your thoughts. 
When he gave you his attention, he gave you every ounce of it. 
You had forgotten all about his disappearances earlier. They didn’t matter, he was here now. His lips trailing every inch of your skin as your back curved off the bed. You tried to remind him that he had a race tomorrow, that you both could just go to sleep if he wanted but Charles only smirked and raised his face back to yours.
He hovered his lips above yours, teasing you with a ghost of a kiss, “Ma chérie, I’m not going to sleep until I hear you scream my name.”
He kissed the corner of your lips and then trailed down towards your ear, adding a quiet, “At least twice,” to the end of the original statement. 
And Charles was true to his word. He had you seeing stars with just his tongue alone in a matter of minutes. 
Charles worshipped you, he took care of you. In a short period of time, he came to know your body and how to get the reactions he desired. He loved seeing you come undone, loving being the one to bring you to the edge and watch you spill over. 
Maybe it was a pride he was chasing, but you wouldn’t think of that possibility until it was too late.
When he climbed under the covers next to you at the end of the night, you could still make out the shape of his body, his gentle features, even in the dark. Your hand found his chest, sliding upwards until it wrapped around his shoulders, pulling yourself closer to him.
He traced his fingers over your cheek, pushing a strand of hair out of your face as he whispered, “Comment ai-je eu cette chance?” How did I get so lucky? 
That did it for you.
You weren’t just smitten anymore. You were in love. 
Another impromptu break after Miami meant you had a few more weeks with Charles before he had to give his attention back to racing. You didn’t spend it all in Monaco this time. After about a week, Charles suggested the two of you go back to your home. Back to Paris.
Paris with him was heavenly. 
The rest of the world didn’t matter when it was just the two of you together. Your days were spent taking in the city, your evenings were spent in a variety of restaurants, lounges, anywhere he could spoil you, it seemed. 
It was nearing your last few days before he had to leave when he suggested you take a midnight stroll. The weather was perfect, the streets wouldn’t be too busy. You had no reason to say no. 
And there was something about walking the streets of Paris with Charles at night, holding his hand while he spun you under his arm beneath the glow of a street lamp. The Eiffel Tower was sparkling in the distance. Charles’ eyes lit up brighter than it. 
There was something about him. About this moment. About the last few months. All of it led up to standing here with him now.
And you knew better, but that didn’t stop you.
“I love you.”
And just like that, you faded into madness. Slowly, silently, but it was inevitable. 
Charles didn’t say anything. His lips parted like he wanted to, like he thought about it, only to ultimately lick his lips and inhale a sharp breath. 
By saying I love you, you plunged a knife into your own chest, opening yourself up to vulnerability, but his silence only twisted it in deeper. 
You backed up, hand dropping from his. Was that his doing or yours? He whispered your name, but only out of pity. He didn’t love you. He didn’t love you. 
Suddenly Paris didn’t seem so heavenly.
Charles left that night. Maybe he thought you were asleep, but you heard the door swing on its hinges. You heard the wheels of his suitcase being dragged out into the hallway. You turned over in bed, despite knowing you’d find his side empty, but you didn’t think it would turn cold so fast. 
A few days later, Charles was spotted walking into the paddock of the Monaco Grand Prix, but he wasn’t alone.
Next to him, the stunning Alexandra Saint Mleux. Even her name was beautiful.
You had heard whispers that Charles and her had a history, but you didn’t think anything of it. Why would you worry yourself with speculation when he was putting you on a pedestal when you were together? 
He had a way of making you feel wanted, but you weren’t the only one who felt that way.
Did she know you two were together? That he was with you in Paris? Was he seeing both of you or did he run back to her the second you told him something he wasn’t ready to hear?
You tried to move on, really. There was no relationship for you to cling to, Charles never said you were exclusive. He just knew the right words to say to make you feel like you were. 
You flew to Indianapolis for the Indy500. A rash decision, but the further away from Monaco the better. Your connections at Arrow McLaren gave you the chance to get a closer look at the inner workings of the team, had you momentarily forgetting about Charles. You wanted to be an engineer, not the girlfriend of a driver. You told yourself to get it together.
But then you returned home and seeing the slippers you had bought for Charles had you wondering why you couldn’t be both. You would have been both if he just said something, if he just told you he loved you. 
You should have distanced yourself from Formula 1, at least for a little while. You should have turned down the invitation from a partnering brand of Ferrari, enticing you to come to Spain for the race. You should have flown back to the states, reconnect with Arrow McLaren.
Instead you found yourself in Barcelona. The entire time you were there you knew it was a mistake and if you couldn’t figure that out on your own, seeing Alexandra chat with some Ferrari team members below while you sat up above in the hospitality was a painful reminder. 
Part of you considered talking to her. You wanted to know if she was in the same boat you were- and if she was clueless, maybe give her a heads up that Charles was going to say sweet nothings to her at night only to leave her in the dark. 
But Alexandra wasn’t the one you needed to talk to.
Between practice and qualifying on Saturday, you made your way to the paddock knowing that’s where Charles would be. You walked past Alexandra chatting to someone a few motorhomes down, so you felt better knowing she wasn’t currently with him.
Luck would have it, you ran into Mark outside of Ferrari. He invited you in of course, always happy to chat about the sport with someone who appreciated it on the same level and you assured him you would, you just had to talk to Charles first.
You knocked on the door of his driver's room, not even sure what you were going to say. You were hurt, you were saddened, you were angry but you hadn't had time to think about what you would say to him when you were finally face to face again.
The door swung open and there he was. Shocked to see you, first of all, but not upset. You stood in the hallway and watched as Charles took a breath of relief, a sliver of a smile creeping up on his lips as he held the door open for you to walk in.
Your heart jolted at the idea that maybe, he still wanted you. The look he gave you was almost enough for you to forget he hadn’t said a word to you since you told him you loved him. 
You stepped in and leaned against the door after it shut, keeping a safe distance as he stood back against the massage table. 
Your lips parted, but before you could get a word out, his phone started to ring. You both glanced at the contact, at who was trying to get a hold of him.
You swallowed, waiting until he let it go to voicemail before your timid voice filled the room. “You love her?”
Maybe Charles didn’t know how to love anyone. You’d believe it, with the way he tensed the second the word passed through your lips. He didn’t say yes, but he didn’t say no, either.
“I can’t commit, Y/N.” He tried to say, like that made up for everything. Like that’s the answer you were looking for. 
“No, you can, Charles, but not to me.” You stated, keeping your voice calm. You weren’t one to yell. Causing a scene wasn’t your thing. You were always so soft spoken. Soft spoken, but straight to the facts. “Were you seeing both of us at the same time?”
“She knows, if that's what you're wondering." Charles quickly slid that piece of information in there. “She found out- about us. Threatened to leave me if-”
“If you didn’t choose?” You raised your eyebrows. Once again, his silence spoke volume. “So did you make up your mind before or after Paris?”
Charles averted his gaze for a second, “I realised in Paris I couldn’t love you the way you loved me.”
“You probably realised that a lot earlier,” you pointed out.
Charles must have known you adored him. There was no way he didn’t see the way you looked at him, the way you worshipped him. He knew and still strung you along, making you think he could love you back if you were just patient.
“You didn’t need to lead me on as long as you did, Charles.”
“I didn’t want to lose you.”
I didn’t want to lose you, he says. Bringing light to the fact that he had you. You were his, in a sense. Despite never saying the words out loud. 
But he was never yours.
“So I was there, for what?” You asked. “As a backup? In case things with Alexandra didn’t work out?”
Charles was intimated by how calm you were. He would have preferred if you yelled at him, if you fought with him. It would make it easier on both ends to put whatever this relationship was to rest. Instead, you were serene. You came here to talk, to get answers, you didn’t come here to form a divide. 
Because if you were being honest with yourself, you weren’t ready to let go. How could you let go when you hadn’t spoken? He hadn’t given you closure, he didn’t say I don’t love you he just…didn’t say anything. 
You weren’t going to beg for him to come back, but in the far corners of your mind you were hoping that your appearance here would make him question his decision. You were banking on the idea that when he saw you, he’d remember what he saw in the first place when you met in Australia. 
If he changed his mind right now, you’d put all of this behind you. You’d stay at his side, you’d be there for him, you’d be his for real this time.
If he, once again, said nothing, you’d go. You’d go and you’d stay gone.
“I loved you,” you whispered. The past tense striking Charles more than he thought it would, but he didn’t show it. Loved. You loved him, and you still could. 
Thirty seconds passed. Then a minute. Almost two and the only thing that lingered between you was silence. Heavy, loud, painful silence. 
You grabbed the handle of the door and decided enough time had gone on. You deserved better than this, than a man who couldn’t make a decision, than someone who played with your feelings because they couldn’t figure out their own. 
The second you pulled the door back, your name fell from Charles’ lips. You were one step into the hall, halfway to gone, and he stopped you. 
All he had to do was say don’t go. All he had to do was tell you he wanted you. 
With your back still to the Ferrari driver, you waited for those next words but they never came. You knew they wouldn’t. 
That was the last time you spoke to Charles. You knew how to stay true to your word too. 
So why was he suddenly here, six months later, sitting on your couch and looking at you like he was waiting for you to say something first when you made it clear a long time ago if you were gone, you were gone.
Charles only took a sip of his tea before putting it on the coffee table. He then moved the box of Christmas ornaments, not liking the divide it put between you as if he wasn't the one to create the wedge in the first place. 
You were stupid, to speak first, but you were tired of the silence. He came here for a reason and if he wasn’t going to tell you why in the next two minutes, you were going to send him back out into the snow.
“How’s Alexandra?” You asked, not that you were interested in knowing if he was happy or thriving in his relationship. You were, however, impressed to see that he could in fact commit, but you were right about that. He just didn’t want to commit to you. 
“Do you care?” He asked in return. 
You shook your head slightly, “I do not.”
Charles smiled at your honesty. Your gentle tone didn’t match the brutal truth.
“So let’s not talk about her,” Charles said and you nodded in agreement. He shifted in his spot, glancing at the decorations, the tea, really anything but you. 
And you weren’t about to wait again, not if this was going to lead to the one thing your silence always led to. 
You sucked in a breath, “Charles if you don’t tell me why you’re here…”
He nodded, knowing that this was all on him. He was lucky enough to even be allowed into your home, and he knew you were slowly regretting that decision the longer he just didn’t get to the point. 
Charles lifted his head, eyes finally meeting yours. He even flinched, like he was trying to reach for your hand only to decide against it at the last second, relying on just his words for a change.
“I shouldn’t have let you go.”
Part 2 - now that we don’t talk
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yousaynothinback · 10 months
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 @networkthirteen​ book club | 1989 (Taylor’s Version) event ↳ favorite vault track
Why'd you have to lead me on? (Oh) Why'd you have to twist the knife? Walk away and leave me bleedin', bleedin'? Why'd you whisper in the dark Just to leave me in the night? Now your silence has me screamin', screamin'
363 notes · View notes
morganski-19 · 11 months
Robin passes Steve's room blaring the 1989 rerelease while she hears Steve violently sobbing. She goes straight to the living room and sees Eddie sitting unbothered while watching TV.
"Did you break up with Steve so he can listen to a new Taylor Swift album the right way again?"
Eddie's eyes go wide. "No, he said I didn't need to do that for this one. Why, is it bad."
"Come here," Robin makes a motioning wave of her hand while they go and stand outside of the door.
I said "I love you" You say nothin' back Why'd you have to lead me on? Why'd you have to twist the knife Walk away and leave me bleedin'
"Oh, that's rough," Robin whispers under her breath.
"Should I check on him?"
"I think the song is on repeat, so maybe."
Eddie knocks quietly on the door before opening it slightly. "Hey, baby. You need anything?"
Steve is cry singing the words into his pillow as a response. Eddie turns around and shrugs at Robin, unsure of what to do. Robin shrugs back. Eddie walks up to the bed and rests a hand on Steve's shoulder, letting him know he's there while pausing the song.
"How long have you been listening to this song, baby?"
"Like five times," Steve mumbles into the pillow.
"Do you want me to stay or do you need a little more time by yourself?"
Steve rolls over, showing the wet stains on his pillow. "One more time, then you should come in."
"Ok, I'll be right outside if you need me before then."
Eddie shuts the door quietly before sliding down the wall next to Robin. They sit there silently as the song starts playing again. "So he's feeling some things," Eddie starts as Steve starts to sing to it again.
"Thank god they're on good terms right now or she would be getting some really intense messages right now."
"Honestly she still might be."
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joanquill · 9 months
Amusement Park Date
You and William have been friends for years, knowing him before he took on the name William James Moriarty. But despite knowing each other for so long, there are just some things you can't confess to each other... and everyone is sick of it.
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William James Moriarty
Tag/s: Modern!AU, Long (2.5k+ words)
Song: "Say Don't Go" by Taylor Swift
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"Why'd you have to lead me on? Why'd you have to twist the knife? Walk away and leave me bleedin', bleedin'?!" you and Bonde sang at the top of your lungs, passing the time as you waited for the stoplight to turn green.
"Why'd you whisper in the dark just to leave me in the night? Now your silence has me screamin', screamin'!" you continued singing as you grabbed some fries from the paper bag beside you, humming along to the music as you ate.
"Ah...!" Bonde called out, leaning to you as he kept his hands on the wheel and his eyes on the road, letting you put some fries into his mouth.
"Ugh, will you two keep it down...?" Sebastian muttered as he removed the wet towel on his forehead, his face practically turning into a blueberry.
"You were the one who thought a drinking competition with Albert before the road trip was a good idea," you retorted, making Bonde chuckle as he grabbed his drink.
Sebastian groaned as he went back to sleep, making Paterson sigh beside him and continue reading police reports.
"Did we truly have to go through the drive-through, though? We might get caught up in traffic,"
"We wouldn't have to if Louis didn't pack the snacks so far in the back,"
"If I didn't, it would be all gone when we reach the hotel,"
As the men continued to bicker, you felt someone tap your shoulder.
"Yeah, Fred?" you responded, looking at him through the rearview mirror.
"Can I have some, too?" he politely asked, making you smile.
"Of course!"
During the car ride, you and Bonde continued your karaoke session as your eyes wandered from the windows to the rearview mirror, seeing William at the back reading a book.
Suddenly, William looked up, making your eyes meet as he smiled at you.
You quickly looked away and focused on the window, admiring the view and trying to cool your head.
You saw Bonde glance at you as a smile crept to his face.
You felt your face heat up as you punched his arm, making him laugh.
"And... we're here!" Bonde excitedly stated as he parked the car, making the both of you quickly remove your seatbelts and jump out of the van.
"YEAH, MOUSELAND!" you cheered and were suddenly grabbed by Sebastian.
"Oi, we still have to check in the hotel!" Sebastian reminded you as he grabbed Bonde before you two could run away.
You clicked your tongue as you thought of a way to get out.
"What if James and I get the tickets while you're unloading? That way, we wouldn't waste too much time waiting in line?"
"Paterson and Moneypenny are in charge of the tickets," Louis answered as he gave you your bags, seeing them already leaving the parking lot.
"Aww, man..." you muttered in disappointment.
Before you could put on your backpack straps, William took the bags from you, smiling at you when he saw your confused expression.
"Shall we check in?" he reminded, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"R-Right... Thank you," you smiled, following beside him.
'That surprised me...'  you thought, ignoring the delusional thoughts in your head.
As you and William walked to the hotel, everyone else watched you both from the corner of their eyes.
"It seems Little Will is making his move," Jack smirked, making Sebastian scoff.
"Then shouldn't it just be him and (Y/N) on this road trip? Since that was the plan all along?"
"Don't act like you're not having fun playing matchmaker for Will and (N/N)," Bonde teased as he took the last bag, closing the trunk.
"Besides, weren't you the one who suggested joining them, colonel?" Albert mused as everyone walked towards the hotel.
"That's because the last time we left those two on a date, that great detective crashed it," 
"We're finally here!" you shouted in glee as Bonde cheered beside you when you reached inside the amusement park while the others calmly walked towards you both.
"Oh, look!" you grabbed Bonde by the arm and pointed at a roller coaster. 
It had a couple of loop-de-loops and was clearly one of the biggest rides in the theme park.
"Looks like there's not a lot of people yet, too," Bonde grinned, agreeing to your unspoken suggestion.
"That's because the park just opened," Sebastian yawned as he walked towards you both.
"Are you sure you want to ride that first? Weren't you just eating on the way here?" he reminded, making you pout.
"I guess that's true..." you muttered, not wanting to spill your guts from the first ride.
How about we walk around first and see the gift shop? Bonde suggested, making you smile.
"Yeah! We can get matching headbands, too!"
"(N/N)! Will!" Bonde called out, making you turn around and see his phone facing you.
"Say cheese!" he smiled as you followed, pulling out a peace sign and leaning to William until you heard the camera click.
"Aww, you two look like a cute couple!" Bonde grinned as he showed the photo.
You and William were standing side by side with matching headbands and poses.
You blushed at his comment as you tried to take his phone away from him, but he quickly dodged your hand.
"Wait, my smile looked awkward!" you defended, but Bonde just shook his head and stuck out his tongue at you.
"I think you look lovely," William reassured, making your face flush as you turned away from him.
"Oi, lovebirds!" Sebastian called out, "People are starting to show up! Do you still want to go on that roller coaster?"
"Oh, yeah!" you replied as you hurried to him, "Let's go," you muttered as you started walking out of the shop, but Sebastian pulled you back.
"Let's pay your headband first before we get accused of shoplifting,"
"Are you sure you want to go in the front?" Moneypenny asked in worry, looking at how high the roller coaster would get.
"Mhm! I'll be fine!" you reassured, making her take a deep breath as she took the seat a few rows behind you.
All the others started taking the seats behind you, leaving William to sit beside you.
"Excuse me," he politely said as he sat down next to you, the safety restraints going down on your shoulders simultaneously.
"Have fun!" Jack smiled as he waved at your group from the outside, guarding your things as he watched the ride begin.
"Are you feeling alright?" William asked, sensing your nervousness.
"Yeah! I'm okay," you reassured as the ride started moving forward.
"Just dandy..." you muttered, feeling your hands sweat as you tried to focus on anything except William.
"What about you? You and your brothers never went to Mouseland, right?" you questioned, making him nervously smile.
"Yes... It's our first time visiting an amusement park," he confessed, surprising you.
"Really? Ah... Then we probably should have started something more easygoing..." you added, your cart slowly approaching the pinnacle of the rails.
"And why is that?" William questioned as the ride stopped at the very top.
"Because this ride also goes backward," you answered as you all shot backward, hearing screams from your friends.
"Shut it!" Sebastian grumbled as he hit the top of your head, making you squat down as you held the ride photo in your hands while Jack was laughing boisterously beside you.
"S-Sorry..." you giggled, covering your mouth as you held your stomach.
"I-It's just that... It looks like a Renaissance painting-...!" you snorted as you turned away, not wanting to anger Sebastian more as he sat back down on the bench, Fred lying on his lap looking half-dead.
Moneypenny and Paterson were on the other bench, faces a little pale as Bonde looked after them.
Louis held onto Albert's shoulder as they and William stood beside Jack as Herder admired the roller coaster's structure.
"Hoo..." you breathed, calming down as you looked at the photo again.
You were enjoying the ride with your hands up while William did the same, but his expression was calm and barely changed.
Albert was lightly laughing while Louis had his eyes completely closed.
Bonde was laughing behind him, and Moneypenny clung to him as much as she could.
Sebastian was freaking out while Fred had his head down.
And at the back, Herder enjoyed the ride more than you while Paterson clung to the safety restraints.
"I will treasure this for my entire life," you smiled as you hugged the photo, irking Sebastian as Jack started laughing again.
After the roller coaster ride, the group decided to stroll around to calm down, letting you meet some characters, take photos, ride the mellower rides, and stop by some restaurants to eat.
"Whatcha looking at?" Bonde asked as he looked at William's phone, seeing several photos of you posing in front of an attraction, with food, or with a character.
William quickly hid his phone as Bonde gave him a knowing look.
"You know we're here too, you know?"
"(Y/N) has been the one taking our photos. It would be quite unfortunate to see them not in them," William reasoned as he looked away.
"Right... Whatever you say," Bonde shrugged as he finished his churro, seeing you walk up to their table with the food.
"Shall we go to the Ferris wheel next?" you suggested, pointing at the ride as everyone looked at each other.
"I kind of wanted to eat more of those churros,"
"I wanted to see the castle ride,"
"I was hoping we could go to that restaurant we passed by,"
They all started suggesting, catching you by surprise while William glared at them, seeing through their plan.
"Then how about we separate into smaller groups and then meet up before the parade starts?" you suggested as the others agreed.
"All right, how should we-"
"-Then, it's me, Moneypenny, and Paterson who's going to the castle ride," Bonde suggested as he pointed at the names, "Sebastian, Fred, and Herder are going to get more churros, and Albert, Louis, and Master Jack are going to the restaurant," Bonde ended, making you blink in confusion.
"But I thought you and Fred want-"
"-Yeah, but I kind of wanted to see that castle ride we saw on the way," Bonde reasoned as he elbowed Fred.
"A-And I wanted to try the churros again..." he added, looking away from you as he fidgeted with his fingers.
"Okay then," you shrugged, making the group internally sigh in relief, "How about we meet at the carousel before 9:30?"
"Sounds like a plan!"
"Very well,"
"See ya, (N/N)!" they all went their ways as Herder happily waved goodbye at you and William.
"Have fun on your da-" Herder shouted as Sebastian quickly pulled him down, and Fred covered his mouth as you were left alone.
"I guess it's just us two," William sighed, making you tense up.
"O-Oh, right...!" you nervously laughed, realizing what Bonde set you up to.
"Shall we?" William asked as he motioned to the Ferris wheel ride, making you smile.
"Woah... You can practically see the whole park from here!" you smiled as you watched the scenery, seeing the sunset in the distance.
"Ah! You can even see Seb and the others," you chuckled as you waved at them, making William smile.
"Oh! Hold on..." you rummaged through your bag and took out your phone, taking a picture of the scenery.
"Will, should we take a photo together?" you asked in excitement, catching him by surprise.
"I-I mean!" you quickly added, realizing what you just did, "You don't have to if you don't-"
"-Sure," he agrees, taking the seat next to you and taking out his phone.
"Sorry, may I move closer?" he asked, seeing how far you two were in the camera.
"Y-Yes..." you replied, keeping your hands close to you as you looked at the camera.
"You can relax," William lightly laughed, making you blush and scoff.
"Well, excuse me..." you retorted, leaning closer to him and fixing your hair.
"Ready?" he asked as his screen showed you both with the sunset in the background.
"Ready!" you replied as William took the photos and leaned toward you.
You felt your heart beating out of your chest as you tried to calm down, hoping William wouldn't notice.
"There," William finished as you both looked through the photos.
"Oh, can you send those photos to me?" you smiled as you took out your phone.
"I wanna make Sherlock jealous-" you stopped as you opened your camera roll filled with pictures focused on William.
"Pfft," William hid his mouth as he turned away, making you flush.
"D-Don't get the wrong idea!" you denied, punching his arm and shoulder.
"I have photos of everyone since you guys barely take any!" you reasoned, making William laugh as he caught your hands.
"Is that really the reason?" he cheekily asked, making your cheeks hotter.
"Y-Yeah... It is," you denied, sitting down as William kept his hold of your hand.
"Then how come I make up the majority of it?" he questioned, feeling steam come out of your ears.
"Because you're my best friend?" you answered, unsure if it was enough to convince him.
"Hmm... Is that all I am?" he asked, pulling you closer to him as you kept looking away.
"Yeah... You are-" you tried pulling your hand away from him, but you were met by his gaze and brazen smile inches away from you.
"Then why won't you look me in the eye when you answer?" he asked, his voice soft at how close you two were.
You tightened your jaw as you looked away, unsure how to answer.
"...You're smart. Don't you have the answer already?"
"I might have, but I want to hear you say it," he urged, his other hand holding your chin as he made you turn to him.
"Won't you tell me?" he added, making you glare as you looked away.
"...You are an absolute prick, sometimes. You know?"
You hid your face in your jacket as William continuously smiled beside you, holding your hand as you walked towards the carousel.
"...Not a word to the others," you muttered, making him chuckle.
"I believe your cute blushing face tells it all," he retorted, making you glare at him as you reached the carousel.
"It seems we're the first ones here," William muttered as he glanced around.
"Shall we ride the carousel as we wait?" he suggested, making you come out of hiding.
"...Can we?" you asked, making him smile.
"It will be quite a while before the others come back. We might as well enjoy the rest of our date," William winked as he led you to the entrance, making you blush and hide behind him.
"Since did you become this cheeky?" you grumbled, making him chuckle as you walked up the carousel.
"Since you finally agreed to become mine," he answered, lifting your hand and kissing your knuckles.
You quickly pulled your hand away and rushed to one of the horses, a laughing William following closely behind you.
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lucifersresources · 11 months
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taylor swift // 1989 vault tracks rp lyrics meme.
edit/change pronouns etc as you see fit!
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what if all i need is you?
got love-struck.
got lovesick all over my bed.
love to think you'll never forget.
love thorns all over this rose.
i'll pay the price, you won't.
they might as well be looking at us.
if they call me a slut, you know, it might be worth it for once.
if i'm gonna be drunk i might as well be drunk in love.
everyone wants him.
in a world of boys, he's a gentleman.
you're not saying you're in love with me.
it might blow up in your pretty face.
say don't go.
we're a shot in the darkest dark.
the waiting is a sadness.
fading into madness.
it won't stop.
i'm standing on a tightrope, alone.
i'm holding out hope.
i'm holding out hope for you to say 'don't go'.
i would stay forever.
i would stay forever if you say 'don't go'.
why'd you have to lead me on?
why'd you have to twist the knife?
why'd you have to twist the knife, walk away and leave me bleeding?
why'd you whisper in the dark just to leave me in the night?
your silence has me screaming.
you kiss me and it stops time.
i'm yours, but you're not mine.
you're not there.
i was trying to see the cards that you won't show.
i'm about to fold.
why'd you have to make me want you?
why'd you have to give me nothing back?
why'd you have to make me love you?
i said 'i love you', you say nothing back.
i want you more.
now that we don't talk.
i guess i'll never, ever know now that we don't talk.
it looks like you're trying lives on.
i miss the old ways.
you didn't have to change.
i guess i don't have a say.
the more i gave, you'd want me less.
i can't pretend it's platonic.
it's just ended.
guess maybe i am better off.
the only way back to my dignity was to turn into a shrouded mystery.
guess this is how it has to be.
suburban legends.
all was quickly forgiven.
you were so magnetic.
i didn't come here to make friends.
we were born to be suburban legends.
when you hold me, it holds me together.
you kiss me in a way that's gonna screw me up forever.
you'd be more than a chapter in my old diaries.
i can still see you now.
i know that you still remember.
we were born to be national treasures.
i broke my own heart.
i broke my own heart coz you were too polite to do it.
my whole life's ruined.
is it over now?
you still wouldn't go.
you dream of my mouth.
was it over?
is it over now?
your new girl is my clone.
did you think i didn't see you?
at least i had the decency to keep my nights out of sight.
i think about jumping off of very tall somethings.
if she's got blue eyes i will surmise that you'll probably date her.
you search in every model's bed for something greater.
101 notes · View notes
lovepollution · 11 months
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I've known it from the very start We're a shot in the darkest dark Oh no, oh no, I'm unarmed The waiting is a sadness Fading into madness Oh no, oh no, it won't stop I'm standin' on a tightrope alone I hold my breath a little bit longer Halfway out the door, but it won't close I'm holdin' out hope for you to Say, "Don't go" I would stay forever if you say, "Don't go" Why'd you have to lead me on? Why'd you have to twist the knife? Walk away and leave me bleedin', bleedin'? Why'd you whisper in the dark? Just to leave me in the night? Now your silence has me screamin', screamin' Now I'm pacin' on shaky ground Strike a match, then you blow it out Oh no, oh no, it's not fair 'Cause you kiss me and it stops time And I'm yours, but you're not mine Oh no, oh no, you're not there
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killerfrost92 · 11 months
Can I ask you a question?
Are we out of the woods yet? / Are we in the clear yet?
Remember when you hit the brakes too soon?
Why'd you have to go and lock me out when I let you in?
Didn't they tell us, 'don't rush into things'? / Didn't you flash your green eyes at me
Haven't you heard what becomes of curious minds?
What if all I need is you?
Now That We Don't Talk
Did you get anxious, though, on the way home?
What do you tell your friends we shared dinners, long weekends with?
Say Don't Go
Why'd you have to lead me on? / Why’d you have to twist the knife? / Walk away and leave me bleedin’?
Why’d you whisper in the dark, just to leave me in the night?
Why'd you have to make me want you? Why'd you have to give me nothin' back?
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fabledresources · 11 months
𝟏𝟗𝟖𝟗 ; a collection of prompts from taylor swift's 1989 tv! some prompts might have been slightly adjusted to work better as dialogue, but most remain unchanged!!
" being this young is art. "
" what if all i need is you? "
" got love-struck, went straight to my head. "
" got lovesick all over my bed. "
" love to think you'll never forget. "
" lovelorn and nobody knows. "
" i'll pay the price, you won't. "
" if i'm all dressed up, they might as well be looking at us. "
" if they call me a slut, you know it might be worth it for once. "
" if i'm gonna be drunk, might as well be drunk in love. "
" send the code, he's waiting there. "
" the sticks and stone they throw froze mid-air. "
" everyone wants him, that was my crime. "
" the wrong place at the right time. "
" i break down, then he's pulling me in. "
" in a world of boys, he's a gentleman. "
" you're not saying you're in love with me. "
" you're not saying you're in love with me, but you're going to. "
" it's a big mistake. "
" it might blow up in your pretty face. "
" i've known it from the very start. "
" we're a shot in the darkest dark. "
" the waiting is a sadness. "
" i would stay forever if you say don't go. "
" why'd you have to lead me on? "
" why'd you have to twist the knife?
" walk away and leave me bleeding. "
" why'd you whisper in the dark just to leave me in the night? "
" your silence has me screaming. "
" you kiss me, and it stops time. "
" i'm yours, but you're not mine. "
" i'm trying to see the cards you won't show. "
" why'd you have to make me want you? "
" why'd you have to give me nothing back? "
" why'd you have to make me love you? "
" i said i love you, you say nothing back. "
" you went to a party, i heard from everybody. "
" you part the crowd like the red sea. "
" don't even get me started. "
" did you get anxious, though? "
" i guess i'll never, ever know. "
" you grew your hair long. "
" you got new icons. "
" from the outside, it looks like you're trying lives on. "
" i miss the old ways. "
" you didn't have to change. "
" i guess that i don't have a say now that we don't talk. "
" i call my mom, she said that it was for the best. "
" remind myself the more i gave, you'd want me less. "
" i cannot be your friend, so now i pay the price of what i lost. "
" what do you tell your friends we shared dinners, long weekends with? "
" truth is, i can't pretend it's platonic. "
" i don't have to pretend i like acid rock or that i'd like to be on a mega yacht. "
" guess maybe i am better off now that we don't talk. "
" the only way back to my dignity was to turn into a shrouded mystery. "
" guess this is how it has to be now that we don't talk. "
" you had people who called you on unmarked numbers in my peripheral vision. "
" i let it slide like a hose on a slippery plastic summer. "
" all was quickly forgiven. "
" you were so magnetic, it was almost obnoxious. "
" flush with the currency of cool. "
" i was always turning' out my empty pockets. "
" i didn't come here to make friends. "
" we were born to be suburban legends. "
" when you hold me, it holds me together. "
" you kiss me in a way that's gonna screw me up forever. "
" i had the fantasy that maybe our mismatched star signs would surprise the whole school. "
" you'd be more than a chapter in my old diaries with the pages ripped out. "
" i know that you still remember. "
" we were born to be national treasures. "
" you told me we'd get back together. "
" i broke my own heart 'cause you were too polite to do it. "
" you don't knock anymore and my whole life's ruined. "
" i slept all alone. "
" you still wouldn’t go. "
" i see your profile and your smile on unsuspecting waiters. "
" you dream of my mouth before it called you a lying traitor. "
" you search in every maiden's bed for something greater. "
" was it over when she laid down on your couch? "
" was it over when he unbuttoned my blouse? "
" was it over then? and is it over now? "
" your new girl is my clone. "
" and did you think i didn't see you? "
" at least i had the decency to keep my nights out of sight. "
" only rumors about my hips and thighs and my whispered sighs. "
" i think about jumping off of very tall somethings just to see you come running. "
" say the one thing i've been wanting. "
" if she’s got blue eyes i will surmise that you’ll probably date her. "
" you search in every model’s bed for something greater. "
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allyricas · 5 months
say don't go + steddie
angst with a happy ending
Why'd you have to lead me on? Why'd you have to twist the knife? Walk away and leave me bleedin'? Why'd you whisper in the dark? Just to leave me in the night? Now your silence has me screamin' I would stay forever if you say, "don't go," Why'd you have to Make me want you? Why'd you have to Give me nothin' back? Why'd you have to Make me love you? I said, "I love you" You say nothin' back
they start hooking up after the events of spring break without really discussing what it means. steve has convinced himself it's just physical, an experiment or some sort of outlet for everything they've been through. hell, steve isn't sure if he's actually into guys or if eddie's just an exception and he's not ready to think about it too deeply.
he knows it's different for eddie, but still chooses to ignore the way eddie gazes at him a little awestruck. ignores the way it feels when eddie kisses him back as if there is nothing else he'd rather do in the entire world than be there with steve.
and see, eddie is all the way in, fireworks and sparks flying, head over heels and has no clue steve thinks they're just two guys fooling around. he is aware that steve wants something casual and that his heart is going to get broken. but with every kiss, eddie is just falling harder and harder.
he can't help but love steve. it feels inevitable with every caress, feels like an impossible task to not want more with every kiss.
eddie realizes it's a shot in the dark, hopes that steve is falling too. that he's just scared of being in a relationship with a man. that maybe, for once, he will get his happily ever after.
maybe one day eddie will tell steve the truth of his feelings, that he's in love, that he wants to be with him outside of late night stolen moments...but the fear of losing him is too strong. being with him in any capacity is better than nothing right?
because that is the worst part of all of this. the way steve holds him as if he cares. the way he kisses eddie like a man starved, whispers his sweet nothings in the dark like his affection goes beyond something casual. only for it to mean nothing. because once the moment ends, he leaves. never stays entwined together through the night. eddie never gets to wake up in steve's arms. no soft touches, curled together, bathed in the golden light of the morning.
it all falls apart when eddie accidentally whispers the three words he didn't mean to say out loud. i love you. it's uttered religiously in a moment of ecstacy. the words slip out from somewhere deep inside the recesses of eddie's soul, spilling out as if he cannot keep this love a secret for a second longer.
it falls apart because steve says nothing. stares and stares. flinches when eddie tries to grasp his hand. simply shakes his head no, twists the knife a little deeper when he pulls on his shirt like he doesn't want eddie to even look at him. it's not fair the way steve's kiss once stopped time and now he won't even say a word. he begs him to say something.
steve... please, say don't go... ask me to stay... why'd you have to make me love you?
i think you need to go, eddie.
steve watches eddie's face fall, stone-faced as he stumbles out of bed and his life. never says a word even when a few weeks later eddie packs his stuff and leaves hawkins without a backward glance. and over the years, when eddie visits for graduations and weddings and the occasional holiday, steve still never says anything. never admits that he was wrong, that he loved eddie and was afraid. never says a word even when eddie falls in love with someone else. he nearly marries the sweet, pretty girl he meets in the city, only for the wedding to never happen without an explanation as to why.
steve never moves on. the only person who ever knows the truth is robin. she begs him so many times to tell eddie the truth. steve refuses, because he knows he was cruel. that he broke eddie's heart and he doesn't think he deserves a second chance. so he loves eddie from afar and doesn't realize that his love is never unreciprocated. neither realize the other is pining away, wishing for the chance to start over and be together.
as the years go by, they hesitantly become friends once more. there is still a tension that simmers between them. a certain electricity that's never faded. eddie visits for longer and longer at a time, because he's missed his family, both his uncle and the all these people he chose. he misses his home in a way he thought he never would.
things come together when steve finally says the words eddie's waited years to hear.
don't go. ed, please stay. i am so sorry i never told you, i'm sorry i hurt you. i love you so much, always have, always will.
i've always loved you steve. i'll stay.
for good?
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perspectivestarters · 11 months
Perspective's Sentence Starters; 1989 (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift (Part III)
Being this young is art.
What if all I need is you?
Got love-struck, went straight to my head.
Got lovesick all over my bed.
Love to think you’ll never forget.
Lovelorn and nobody knows
I'll pay the price, you won't.
If I’m all dressed up, they might as well be lookin' at us.
If they call me a slut, you know it might be worth it for once.
If I'm gonna be drunk, I might as well be drunk in love.
Everyone wants him, that was my crime.
The wrong place at the right time.
In a world of boys, he's a gentleman.
We’ll pay the price, I guess.
This is luxury.
You're not sayin' you're in love with me.
It might blow up in your pretty face.
I've known it from the very start, we’re a shot in the darkest dark.
It won't stop.
Halfway out the door, but it won't close
I'm holdin' out hope for you.
Say, "Don't go".
I would stay forever if you say, "Don't go".
Why'd you have to lead me on?
Why’d you have to twist the knife?
Walk away and leave me bleedin’?
Why’d you whisper in the dark just to leave me in the night?
Now your silence has me screamin'.
You kiss me and it stops time.
I'm yours, but you're not mine.
Why'd you have to make me want you?
Why'd you have to give me nothin' back?
Why'd you have to make me love you?
I said, "I love you".
I heard from everybody.
You part the crowd like the Red Sea.
Did you get anxious though, on the way home?
I guess I'll never, ever know.
You grew your hair long.
You got new icons.
From the outside it looks like you're tryin' lives on.
I miss the old ways.
You didn't have to change.
I guess I don't have a say.
She said that it was for the best.
The more I gave, you'd want me less.
I cannot be your friend.
I pay the price of what I lost.
What do you tell your friends we shared dinners, long weekends with?
I can't pretend it's platonic.
She said to get it off my chest.
Remind myself the way you faded 'til I left.
I don't have to pretend I like acid rock.
Guess maybe I am better off now that we don't talk.
Guess this is how it has to be now that we don't talk.
You had people who called you on unmarked numbers in my peripheral vision.
All was quickly forgiven.
You were so magnetic, it was almost obnoxious.
I didn't come here to make friends.
We were born to be suburban legends.
When you hold me, it holds me together.
You kiss me in a way that's gonna screw me up forever.
I had the fantasy that maybe our mismatched star signs would surprise the whole school.
You'd be more than a chapter in my old diaries with the pages ripped out.
I know that you still remember.
We were born to be national treasures.
You told me we'd get back together.
I broke my own heart 'cause you were too polite to do it.
You don't knock anymore and my whole life's ruined.
You still wouldn't go.
Let's fast forward to three hundred takeout coffees later.
I see your profile and your smile on unsuspecting waiters.
You dream of my mouth before it called you a lying traitor.
You search in every maiden's bed for somethin' greater.
Was it over when she laid down on your couch?
Was it over when he unbuttoned my blouse?
Was it over then?
Is it over now?
Your new girl is my clone.
Did you think I didn't see you?
At least I had the decency to keep my nights out of sight.
Only rumors 'bout my hips and thighs and my whispered sighs.
Oh, Lord, I think about jumpin' off of very tall somethings just to see you come runnin'.
Say the one thing I've been wanting.
Let's fast forward to three hundred awkward blind dates later.
If she's got blue eyes, I will surmise that you'll probably date her.
You search in every model's bed for somethin' greater.
You never saw it comin'.
Now you've come undone.
Wish I could make it better.
Someday, you won't remember this pain you thought would last forever and ever.
I will say, "I knew it all along".
This life is sweeter than fiction.
All you got are your shattered hopes.
They never saw it comin'.
Now you're on to somethin'.
Proved me right when you proved them wrong.
It's like we don't remember the rain we thought would last forever and ever.
All at once, the rest is history.
Look at you now.
You've made us proud.
You know that I'll be there time and again.
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livsoulsecrets · 9 months
1989 (Taylor’s version) songs as BL/GL Characters - Part 2
I know places - Palm and Nueng (Never let me go)
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‘Cause they got the cages, they got the boxes and guns
They are the hunters, we are the foxes and we run
Baby, I know places we won't be found and
They'll be chasing their tails trying to track us down
‘Cause I, I know places we can hide
[…] Just grab my hand and don't ever drop it, my love
Clean - Akk (The Eclipse)
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Hung my head as I lost the war
And the sky turned black like a perfect storm
Rain came pouring down
When I was drowning, that's when I could finally breathe
And by morning
Gone was any trace of you, I think I am finally clean
[…] The water filled my lungs, I screamed so loud
But no one heard a thing
Wonderland - Top and Mew (Only Friends)
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Didn't it all seem new and exciting?
I felt your arms twisting around me
I should've slept with one eye open at night
We found wonderland, you and I got lost in it
And we pretended it could last forever
[…] And life was never worse but never better
[…] So we went on our way, too in love to think straight
All alone, or so it seemed, but there were strangers watching
And whispers turned to talking
And talking turned to screams
[…] Didn't you calm my fears with with a Cheshire cat smile?
[…] It's all fun and games 'til somebody loses their mind
You’re in love - Nomoto and Kasuga (She loves to cook, and she loves to eat)
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'Cause you can hear in the silence
You can feel it on the way home
You can see it with the lights out
You are in love, true love
Morning, [her] place
Burnt toast, Sunday
You keep [her] shirt, [she] keeps [her] word
And for once, you let go of your fears and your ghosts
One step, not much, but it said enough
New Romantics - Not Me Gang (Not Me)
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We're so young, but we're on the road to ruin
We play dumb but we know exactly what we're doin'
[…] 'Cause baby, I could build a castle out of all the bricks they threw at me
And every day is like a battle, but every night with us is like a dream
[…] Baby, we're the new romantics
Come on, come along with me
Heartbreak is the national anthem, we sing it proudly
[…] The best people in life are free
[…] We need love, but all we want is danger
Slut! - Mhok and Day (Last Twilight)
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Got lovestruck, went straight to my head
Got lovesick, all over my bed, love to think you'll never forget
[… ] Adorned with smoke on my clothes, lovelorn and nobody knows, love thorns all over this rose
[…] The sticks and stones they throw froze mid-air
Everyone wants him, that was my crime, the wrong place at the right time
And I break down, then he's pullin' me in
In a world of boys, he's a gentleman
We'll pay the price, I guess
[...] Half asleep, taking your time in the tangerine, neon light, this luxury
You're not saying you're in love with me, but you're going to
Half awake, taking your chance, it's a big mistake
I said it might blow up in your pretty face
I'm not saying do it anyway, but you're going to
Say don’t go - Kim and Chay (Kinnporsche)
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Why'd you have to make me want you?
Why'd you have to give me nothin' back?
Why'd you have to make me love you?
I said, "I love you", you say nothin' back
Why'd you have to lead me on?
Why'd you have to twist the knife?
Walk away and leave me bleedin', bleedin'?
Why'd you whisper in the dark just to leave me in the night?
Now your silence has me screamin', screamin'
[…] I would stay forever if you say, "Don't go”
Now that we don’t talk - Todd and Black (Not Me)
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Did you get anxious though on the way home?
I guess I'll never, ever know now that we don't talk
You grew your hair long, you got new icons
And from the outside, it looks like you're tryin' lives on
I miss the old ways, you didn't have to change
But I guess I don't have a say
Now that we don't talk
[…] I cannot be your friend, so I pay the price of what I lost and what it cost
[…] Truth is, I can't pretend it's platonic, it's just ended
Suburban Legends - Boston and Nick (Only Friends)
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You had people who called you on unmarked numbers in my peripheral vision
I let it slide like a hose on a slippery plastic summer, all was quickly forgiven
You were so magnetic, it was almost obnoxious, flush with the currency of cool
I was always turnin' out my empty pockets
And when it came to you, I didn't come here to make friends
We were born to be suburban legends
When you hold me, it holds me together
And you kiss me in a way that's gonna screw me up forever
Is it over now? - Sand and Ray (Only Friends)
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You dream of my mouth before it called you a lying traitor
You search in every maiden's bed for something greater
Baby, was it over when [he] laid down on your couch?
Was it over when he unbuttoned my blouse?
"Come here, " I whispered in your ear in your dream as you passed out, baby
Was it over then? And is it over now?
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im-on-your-side-always · 11 months
'Cause you kiss me and it stops timе
And I'm yours, but you're not mine
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Oh, no, oh, no
You're not there
Why'd you have to (Why'd you have to)
Make me want you? (Make me want you?)
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Why'd you have to (Why'd you have to)
Give me nothin' back?
Why'd you have to (Why'd you have to)
Make me love you? (Make me love you?)
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I said, "I love you," you say nothin' back
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Why'd you have to lead me on? (Ooh)
Why'd you have to twist the knife?
Walk away and leave me bleedin', bleedin'?
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Why'd you whisper in the dark?
Just to leave me in the night?
Now your silence has me screamin', screamin' (Woah)
I would stay forever if you (Say) say, "(Don't) Don't (Go) go," woah
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Why'd you have to lead me on? Why’d you have to twist the knife? Walk away and leave me bleedin’, bleedin'?
Eli to Twist, Dana and Tad
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mandohusbandooo · 11 months
Not to be dramatic, but Taylor's "Say Don't Go" is word by word how I felt about Dinbo after the finale.
I mean:
"Why'd you have to lead me on?
Why'd you have to twist the knife?
Walk away and leave me bleedin', bleedin'?
Why'd you whisper in the dark
Just to leave me in the night?
Now your silence has me screamin', screamin"
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