beanxiv · 1 year
okk, since i got the slander over with (cough, gray and runa) i decided to do the height comparison thing 😞
reminder that i was already bullied for my height so ur not allowed to say anything about it /j
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characters first to last: zenitsu agatsuma (demon slayer), katsuki bakugou (my hero academia), kalim al-assim (twisted wonderland), aaron warner (shatter me), percy jackson (pjo/hoo), suna rintarou (haikyuu), nagi seishirou (blue lock), eren yeager, (attack on titan), murasakibara atsushi (kuroko's basketball)
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trashogram · 6 months
He Chose You (Pt. 10)
Lucifer/Reader: Lucifer chooses you to be the mother of his child. Rated E for Explicit.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 13.5 | Part 14 | End
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Everything was white. Pristine white. 
You couldn’t be blind, but no one would blame you for entertaining the idea as nothing but white stretched beyond your gaze.
Unending white. 
Uncanny. White. 
“Hello?” You asked the white abyss. Your call echoed out and back in, the way you imagined sound would echo in a canyon. 
You screamed, jumping up at the new voice coming from somewhere high above you. You tried to pinpoint where it came from, staring up at what you hoped was the sky before things slowly materialized. 
Pastel pinks, oranges and soft blues bled into the white, adding definition to what had once been literally nothing. The whiteness remained in the shape of buoyant, fluffy clouds pillowing all around you. 
“Over here!” The voice chimed. “Oh no, here! You’re getting warmer! Almost there!”
After circling around like a dog after your own tail, you finally found the source. Behind you rose a ginormous golden gate, gleaming beneath an electric-looking, all-seeing eye.
 And at its entrance towered a gold and platinum podium. 
A very… well, there was no other way to say it — a very white man with swooping blond hair eyed you from the top of the podium, grinning from ear to ear. 
“Hiya! Welcome!” The man said. “You’re right on time!” 
“Uh, okay…?” You replied. 
Without a hitch, the blond lifted up a large tome and began flicking through the pages. In the meantime, you stood there awkwardly, a question on the very tip of your tongue. 
“Wh-um, where am I, exactly?” You finally asked. 
“Why, you’re in Heaven of course!” He stated jovially before turning the book around and tapping on a name. “This is you, correct?”
Your name stared back at you in a glowing golden font, all pretty and shiny — 
And underlined? 
“Yeah.” You blinked. “Wait, did you just say Heaven?”
“Mm-hm, yep! And if I could just get you to stand right here at the center of the platform, that’d be great.” 
An elevated slab of pure gold rose from the clouds beneath your feet a little ways ahead of you. Timidly, you made your way over and onto the platform as instructed. You were pleasantly surprised at the instant warmth that met the bottoms of your bare feet. 
“Pe-rr-fect!” With a flap of suddenly conjured wings, the gatekeeper floated down to hover right beside you. “Now, we just wait for Emily. She should be here in 3, 2, 1… .5 — ”
A loud clang startled you out of your skin for the second time, and you whipped around to face the woman that had spontaneously appeared in front of you.
She panted. “Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry! I didn't mean to be late!” 
The golden gates pulled back to reveal the white-haired newcomer in all her splendor. This other angel was bedecked in a floor-length white gown to match her downy-white hair and periwinkle-grey skin dotted with white freckles. A halo hung over her head, casting an eternal light over her large, bluish eyes that sparkled with mirth. 
Like the gatekeeping angel, her wings flapped behind her, but you noted how they seemed to flutter nervously. Or perhaps excitedly? 
“Welcome to Heaven!” She opened her arms toward you. “We’re so glad you’re here! I’m Emily, but you can call me Emmy, or E, or Millie. Whatever you want!” 
You waved dazedly. “Hi.” 
Emily stopped short of touching you, despite looking like she was about to wrap her arms around you in a hug. Instead, the angel bit her lower lip as she stared at you. 
“I really am sorry I was late. I got caught up talking with Sera, making sure everything was all ready for your arrival.” She gushed. “Thank you for greeting her, Peter!” 
Peter brightened. “Of course.” 
Emily turned back to you, buzzing with anticipation like a bumblebee. “Anyway, I’m sure you have tons of questions! No worries at all! I’m here to give you a tour and show you around your new home!”
You cautiously took the hand offered to you, and let yourself be led through the golden gate. 
Heaven was very beautiful, and very clean. The polished golden floors and beautifully-crafted architecture, complete with smiling people of all races, sexes and species didn’t unwrench you from a nagging sense of confusion however. 
“Um. Emily?” You asked your companion — well, one of your companions. Peter had elected to join the two of you on your tour, commenting that he’d gotten someone to cover his eternal shift at the gate for the next few hours. 
“Yes! Yes?” She smiled at you encouragingly. No doubt, your silence, while it had not stopped her constant chatter, had been a downer in as far as engagement. 
“I’m… dead. Right?” You asked. “I mean that’s how one gets to Heaven, so obviously I am… right?”
The mood turned down at that, with Emily turning morose. “Yes, I’m afraid so.” 
“Okay, good. I mean — I’m dead, but I’m having a hard time remembering h-how it… happened.” You admitted, embarrassed. And a little afraid, if you were honest with yourself. “Is that… normal?”
Emily and Peter stopped on either side of you, twin looks of confusion on their poreless faces. 
Peter was quicker to recover. “Oh that can happen sometimes! Dying can be a very traumatic thing for the soul.” 
Emily seemed hesitant for the first time since you’d met her, but with a look from Peter, she seemed to gain resolve. “Yes, yeah. Lots of people forget… but you’ll remember in time, I’m sure!”
“But wait!” Emily gasped. “We could ask Sera about it!” 
She clapped her hands together joyfully, while Peter’s expression teetered on uncertainty. 
“Uh, Em? I don’t think —” 
“We were headed her way anyway.” Emily nodded as if affirming her own plan. “I’m sure she’ll be happy to help us figure this out!”
The angel yanked you forward in her quest to get to Sera (whoever that was) and had you stumbling on pure fluff to catch up with her. 
Many angels raced to get out of the way as Peter called out in alarm, but apart from shouldering a particularly tall angel clad in a chasuble, you were unable to stop or slow down. 
“Hello child.”
The Seraphim (“Sera.” Emily had urged) was so large that you had to crane your neck up to see her face. 
She was beautiful in the most ethereal way. To look upon her was to look at a celestial body and feel your own insignificance dragging you down and swallowing you whole. 
Your surroundings — a gold and white antechamber with delicately carved archways and a grand war table in its center — did not help. 
Emily laid a hand on your shoulder with concern before you realized that you’d been paralyzed by the scene before you and had yet to say a word.
You stuttered a hello, and Sera’s stoney face softened into an understanding smile. “Be not afraid, my friend. I mean no harm.” 
You returned the smile, albeit shakily. 
Emily squeezed your shoulder. “Sera? We have a question.”
The Seraphim gestured with open palms. 
“Well, we were going around Heaven, and just kind of talking before um… well…”
“Emily, dear. Please speak up.” Sera’s command was gentle but firm.
Emily bounced in her spot, unable to keep herself from floating up from the ground. 
“Shesaysshedoesn’trememberhowshegothere!” She blurted out.
You and Sera both stared at Emily for a long moment, trying to process what exactly she had said. Sera had opened her mouth once more before the grand entrance into the committee room was slammed open and all heads turned to the unwelcome sound. 
The angel with the chasuble came barrelling in, and the omnipresent sunlight that touched everything around you glinted off the sharp black horns winding down from his skull. Or was it a skull? The face of this particular angel looked odd to you, with its smooth, glassy surface and flickering pixelated expression that replaced natural features like lips, cheeks and a nose. 
Their appearance looked at odds with everything else you’d seen in Heaven, regardless of the holy garbs they wore. Everything, while somewhat fantastical on the basis of it actually existing, resembled the organic and natural, and this figure stuck out like a sore thumb in comparison. 
“What the actual fuck? She’s actually here?!” The abrasive, aggressive voice that came out his digitized face shook you from your musings. 
You shrunk back toward Emily and Sera, instinctively trying to get away from the rapidly approaching figure that also towered over you. He glared in your direction, as if you were an insect he wanted to squash, and only when you lost the nerve to meet his gaze did you realize there was another angel behind him. This one wore a similar face, though they were smaller, slimmer and straight-backed. They wore darker vestments and jet-black horns as well, with wings nearly as jagged and hardlined. 
“Adam,” Sera greeted hesitantly. “I don’t believe you were summoned.” 
“Why is she here?” ‘Adam’ demanded, as if the Seraphim had never spoken. His companion stood firmly just a pace behind him, arms behind their back. 
Their combined presence was so off-putting, and your brow furrowed with mounting confusion. Sera’s shoulders slowly rose and fell as she sighed, disapproval in the hard line of her mouth. 
“That was part of the agreement.” 
“Uh, yeah — with the Devil!” His demeanor completely threw you off, so much so that you didn’t catch the full extent of what he’d said. “Who the fuck keeps their end of the deal with that asshole?”
You couldn’t hold back a scoff of disbelief, even as your confusion deepened. ‘The devil?’ 
A hand wrapped around your forearm, making you turn to look at Emily, who’d once more moved beside you. Her ire was clear, though much less contained than Sera’s. “Who are you to question Divine Judgement?” 
Adam laughed condescendingly. “Do you know who you’re talking to? I’m the fucking CEO of Divine Judgement, kid!” 
“We are literally judges, juries and executioners in Hell.” The other angel chimed in, flat and resolute. The smirk that curved her stitched lips gave away some covert sense of satisfaction in that statement. 
“Executioners?” Emily’s voice rose a few octaves. “What’re you talking about?” 
She was legitimately bewildered. 
“Enough.” Sera stepped in. “Adam, this has never been, nor was it ever, a debate. If you have a grievance, you can take it up with the counsel at a later date.” 
“My ‘grievance’ isn’t gonna fucking wait for this bitch to fuck shit up!” Adam pointed at you with a poisonous claw. 
“Excuse me?” You demanded in sheer disbelief. “Who do you think you are?!” 
The grin Adam shot you was more a bearing of one’s teeth, which further threw you for a loop as, again, his face was completely digital. “I’m fuckin’ Adam. The First Man. The Original Dick. I’ve been here since the fucking beginning. I earned this shit.” 
“Who do you think you are?” He asked, advancing on you. “You think you can whore yourself out to the worst being in all of Creation and still take up space in Heaven? Are you fucking kidding me?” 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Your gaze narrowed, a stark contrast to the whirlpool of thoughts swirling in your mind at his accusation. 
“HA! Seriously?” His face was mere inches from yours. “What? D’you open your legs for fuckin’ everyone? Have a hard time keeping track of all the brats you pop outta that used vag? Guess so, if even dying for one doesn’t ring your fuckin’ bell.” 
Adam’s sharp grin dropped, expression dawning from stunned to petulant as Sera’s thunderous exclamation reverberated through the vast space between your unusual group. You swore the clouds trembled beneath your feet, but it was hard to care too much with the insinuations that had been thrown at you rattling within your being. 
Dying for… 
“Charlotte.” Your eyes widened to the size of saucers. Air escaped your lungs - which shouldn’t have been possible, but you were already dealing with one crisis upon the epiphany of what you’d been missing this whole time. 
A blitz of images and sordid emotions saw you struggling, legs falling out from under you as the weight of how exactly you’d died forced you down. Emily’s distressed cry sounded from above you, melding with Lucifer’s frantic pleas for you not to go as life drained from your body. 
The Seraphim’s shadow engulfed your broken form while you panicked on Heaven’s floor. 
Lucifer sat hunched in his chair, your cold, lifeless hand hanging in his. 
Charlotte had stopped crying and presumably gone to sleep. He hadn’t put up any fight when Cass took her to a crib set up beside your… your bed.
That was who knows how long ago. And apart from Cass coming over the check on his daughter, the elderly worshippers had left him to grieve in peace. 
The King had tried to convince himself to get up. He needed to take Charlotte and leave. Go home. The sight of you in death was unbearable — but he could not move. 
He couldn’t leave you, even if you were no longer there in spirit. The You he loved the most, your soul, was gone and had been gone for some time now. 
You had gone to the one place he could not follow. 
Lucifer’s hanged head slowly rose. His thoughts were starting to become more coherent — what if you hadn’t gone where you were meant to? 
Heaven was a paradise bound by rules, but it was also a cold bureaucracy where things could fall through the cracks. 
And any dealings with him — Heaven’s sworn nemesis — were likely to be one of those things. 
Slow-building anger replaced the gold in his veins as Lucifer considered that his own Deal was not met. If it wasn’t, that meant you were down Below, alone and afraid and suffering. 
The Devil’s claws cricked, fist clenching as he glared at the wall opposite him. 
He would not let you Suffer. Not you. Never you.
And you weren’t here anymore. He needed to know where you’d gone. Now. 
Rising from his seat, Lucifer laid your hand at your side and ignored the tears that stung his eyes at the sight of your ashen face. 
He touched your brow, lingering only to memorize the way your lashes rested against your sinking cheeks before turning to Charlotte’s cradle. 
She was sleeping peacefully, unaware of his anguish, of the great loss that not only he had endured but she as well. It made Lucifer’s heart ache. 
He closed his eyes, inhaling deeply. 
Then, with a sudden snap of his fingers, Lucifer conjured the presents he’d made especially for her. 
The twin goats appeared, suspended in the air behind him. Lucifer didn’t bother to turn until their bodies were triple their original size, fur changing from felt to coarse fiber, eyes glowing as they were transformed from button to bonafide, and their bat-like wings began to beat at the air, blowing back the gossamer of Charlotte’s bassinet. 
Lucifer looked between the two magicked goats after kissing his daughter’s fragile head. 
“Stay here and protect the baby.” He ordered. “Charlotte is your top priority, do you understand?” 
The two creatures nodded simultaneously, determination set in their naturally adorable maws. 
“If anything happens, just bleat, and I’ll be back in the wink of an eye.” Lucifer’s wings extended and propelled him upward with a great stroke. 
The King of Hell disappeared through an enormous portal, sparking and swirling reddish-gold before vanishing behind him. 
*** Tag List: @crescent-z, @for-hearthand-home, @undertale-is-sansational, @loslox, @navierkalani, @yaimlight, @ivoryviness, @crystalplays28, @flowerempress, @wally-darling-hyperfixation, @altruisticradiodemon, @moonlight-readings, @halparkebitch, @charliecharlie65, @sockgoblin, @cocomollo, @caniseethefourthsword, @squeegeeclean, @crow-twink, @an-emovision, @marydragneell, @lafy-taffy, @fandom-imagines1, @loquacious-libra, @glowymxxn, @avadakadabra93, @froggybich, @hamthepan, @ukor02, @adaizel, @boogiemansbitch, @vinillies, @lbcreations-blog, @thesoundresoundsecho, @serenity-loves-red, @alientee, @aquaamythest96, @0strawberrysorbet0, @fluffy-koalala, @washeduphazbin, @rebecca-hvnstn, @velvette3, @kermitdafroggy, @wpdarlingpan, @apatcheworkofproblems,
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rinkkuma · 8 months
ft. yuta okkotsu, suguru geto, & yuuji itadori
tags. reader implied to have long enough hair to tie up in one of suguru's, gn!reader, a bit of cussing, all fluff ! / author's note. gave my bbg (satoru) his own separate post here! i am planning to do a part two! stay tuned (≧∀≦)
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definitely the type to be a tiny bit shy at the beginning of your relationship. nervous to ask if he could hold your hand or whatnot, but the moment you say yes his worries melt away. but once he gets comfortable.. oh boy. he is holding your hand 24/7. his hand is super soft though and he gives you the occasional playful squeeze as he smiles at you.
all the other second years teased the fuck out of yuta before you two started dating. his heart nearly stops beating every time he talked to you, there were butterflies in his stomach, his words were getting jumbled, everything that could go wrong did. he tried his very best not to be nervous and obvious about his crush on you, but it eventually slipped while the two of you were having casual conversation with the other second years. (they all face planted and laughed uncontrollably but hey, at least he finally confessed)
he is so gentle with you. whenever he hugs or cuddles with you, his hold is never too strong or too loose. he will never raise your voice at you for whatever reason. he always follows the sidewalk rule. walks slightly faster when he needs to open a door so he can open it for you. pulling out a chair for you. whatever it may be, he treats you like royalty.
yuta is super attentive! the second he sees you slightly shiver, he is taking off his jacket and handing it to you without a second thought. when he notices the look of wanting to go home while you're out and about, he is dragging you to the car. even the slightest change in facial expression, yuta will notice.
will do any chores for you. especially if you hate doing them. he's bored out of his mind while you're doing an assignment, and he doesn't want to bother you? he is cleaning your room, doing your laundry, and sweeping the floors. yuta doesn't mind doing them either! i mean it was gonna be done sooner or later, so why not just do it now?
like the gentleman he is, insists on carrying your bag. anywhere, anytime. after you buy something, he snatches the bag on the counter before you have the chance. the bags are never heavy to him. unless he's carrying a whole haul of bags he'll admit it's a tiny bit heavy, but he would rather die than have you carry your bags.
catches himself staring at you a lot. you could be having a conversation at a table facing each other, and he'll rest his chin on his hand and look at you with the most lovestruck expression ever. when you fall asleep before him, he looks at you with a soft smile all the while he cups your face.
before you two start dating, he smiles so hard while he texts you. (his smile is even bigger now that you're dating, but we'll save that for another time) he almost starts giggling and kicking his feet type excited. suguru also adds ‘my’ to the beginning of your name for your contact name when you officially start dating.
always has hair ties on his wrist for you. (and partially for him) notices that your hair keeps getting in your face while you study? he is already tying it for you. speaking of doing your hair, he can do any hairstyle. literally you could show him a hairstyle you wanna try, and he does it perfectly the first time.
discreetly sprints runs to the passenger side of the car to open the door for you. absolutely insists on opening the door for you. especially if it's raining, he does not want you to get the slightest bit wet, so he opens the door while holding an umbrella over you. one time while it was raining though, he almost slipped and you burst out laughing.
if he ever overhears you talking about a certain movie or show with him or someone else, he will one hundred percent watch it for you so he can talk to you about it. even if it's not his cup of tea, it gives him an excuse to see you ramble about something you enjoy and allows him to listen intently.
he loves hearing you laugh and seeing you smile, so he makes a lot of jokes around you. sometimes they aren't really funny, but you always crack a small laugh every time and it makes his heart race every time.
will hold the umbrella for the two of you when it rains. the first time it started raining while you guys were out, he was jumping for joy. (in his head) he has been waiting for this moment since like, forever and he almost always carries an umbrella around during the winter season just in case of this. the second it started to rain, he pulled it out of his pocket (that you did not know existed) and opened it up over the two of you. if the umbrella is too small for the two of you, he makes sure it's at least covering you. he does not care if he gets wet.
very slightly panicked if you ever get hurt. it could be as small as a paper cut, a scrape on your knee from falling, and oh boy. he is losing his mind. it's not like he didn't know how to tend wounds, but he would be so worried that your tiny little paper cut would be life-threatening. after about 2 hours of calming him down, he is no longer worried about the injury.
bakes you a cake for your birthday! (with the help of megumi, nobara, and all of the second years of course) it was a disastrous experience to say the least, but the cake didn't turn out too bad. sneakily figures out your favorite cake flavor a few weeks prior. (he asked megumi to randomly start a conversation with you about dessert and lured you into finding your favorite flavor) he shows up to your door first thing in the morning before he starts to sing (in the doorway) and gives you a bazillion hugs throughout the whole day.
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homunculus-argument · 3 months
A story of how this one guy's dog almost got killed by a whistling weiner:
The difference between a great story and mediocre one is all about presentation. Today I was reminded of the time when I was around 7-8 years old, and me and a handful of my cousins were at our grandparents' house when one of grandpa's hunting buddies came to visit. Drinking his coffee with a flock of curious small kids cautiously staring at him, this guy decided to amuse himself by telling us a story of the time his dog almost got killed by a sausage. A whistling sausage.
Knowing the local peoples' sense of humour, I figured that this guy is just doing a bit, even when he swore that this story is completely true. And as we giggled and kept insisting that he's talking fairytales, he reassured us again, it was true, grandpa was there. And we looked at our grandfater who was smiling, clearly seeing where this is going, and nodded very slowly. And our grandfather wasn't the type of a guy to tell stories, he rarely said three words in a row and certainly didn't waste them on nonsense. And he, an honest man, had just verified that he was there to witness this.
They had been on a hunting trip, I think it was 5 men altogether, with their dogs. It was that time of the year when people argue whether it's very late autumn or very early winter. Stinging cold, nonetheless. Taking a break before heading home, the hunters made a fire at a spot next to a lake, observing that the lake already had a thin crust of ice over it. If it wasn't already winter, it sure would be soon.
Now this is where the sausage comes in. Innocuously in the same package as its peers, indistinguishable from the others. Warming up by the fire, with their dogs gathered around them - sitting, sleeping, or begging, each according to their own nature - the men cooked their sausages, drinking coffee and talking jovially amongst themselves about whatever hunters do on pauses like that. The man telling the story had his best dog with him, he mentioned her by name, and at the time, she was still quite young but definitely promising, and was sleeping curled up beside his feet.
And then, the sausage he was cooking whistled. The way that they sometimes do as you heat them up on a fire, but somehow the whistling of this one was abnormally loud and high-pitched, and comically long, going
This scared the shit out of this guy's dog. Born and bred to chase moose and corner bears, and accustomed to the sounds of gunfire, this dog was startled fuckless by the sound of this whistling weiner. Snapping from dead sleep to her feet, she bolted. To the lake. And right through the ice.
At this point I would like to stress that while everyone who loves their dogs would go to great lengths to save them, these hunting dogs are a treasure to their hunters. I don't know what a good dog would even cost if you could convince a hunter to sell one, but my grandfather's best dog had a grander funeral than my father did. They are a big deal. So it was rescue mission time.
The guy telling the story went into much greater detail about what a huge ordeal getting that bitch out of the ice was than I will here, but it was certainly a hassle. By the time the dog was out of the water, two men were soaked to their waists with icy water and the dog was wet all the way through. Two of their cars were started and kept idling with full heat blasting to warm and dry the two men and one dog while the other three men tried their best to thaw and dry the men's pants, laughing about how the guys would even start explaining their wives why they had to drive home literally ass naked.
And to express her gratitude for being saved from a certain and icy death, the hunting dog in question pissed on a car seat.
And that was the story of how this guy's dog was almost killed by a whistling weiner.
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schoenpepper · 2 months
Isekai'd Chronicles 7
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Intro: Diasomnia in an isekai AU.
Warnings: bad writing, awful grammar, proofread by quillbot, ankle injury in Silver's part, Malleus being a cutie, also Silver's a fae
A/N: Diasomnia isn't my favorite dorm in the whole entire world, that's for sure. I tried though, but the ooc might be worse than usual. Enjoy.
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You've made up with your friends, hurray! In exchange for some space, you fill out your calendar to hang out with them because they don't seem to want to do it as a group. Tonight, you've decided to take a stroll into the woods near the human dormitory to clear your mind. Things have just been far too hectic lately, and you don't really understand why the capture targets seem a bit overly fond of you, if not possessive. There seem to be fireflies in the distance, and you chase after it subconsciously, your feet leading you deeper into the forest. The lights coalesce into an intimidating figure with horns and one of the most beautiful faces you've ever seen. Malleus Draconia, right, the fae prince likes to walk around randomly in the middle of the night.
For all you've done to try and avoid the male leads, you sure haven't done a very good job.
He greets you and calls you 'Child of Man'. When you take a step back, you see a flash of hurt on his face, and it makes you take a few more steps forward to give him a rather shaky greeting back. You've promised yourself not to get closer to the love interests more than you already have, but he's rather pitiful like this, isn't he? You lend him an ear and talk quietly in the woods with him, and you think maybe it's time to give up your 'avoid the male leads to avoid the bad endings' thing, since it very clearly does not work. Malleus is rather eloquent, so conversation comes easily even though he starts talking about gargoyles. You don't mind gargoyles, and you've gotten really good at dealing with infodumps because of Jade, so you let him rant his endless amount of gargoyle knowledge while occasionally chipping in your own thoughts. And before you know it, it's somehow become a nightly thing, and he's teleporting you both to all sorts of random places so he can talk about ancient architecture. You find his infodumping to be rather relaxing, actually, as are your nightly walks, so you're not too against it. You even manage to rant to him about your own hyperfixations.
He's a very good listener and a very good friend, and at this point, you don't care about that stupid otome game anymore. No, seriously, it's almost been a full year and those main characters that are supposed to be flirting left and right aren't anywhere in sight.
One more male lead that's not going to kill you, yay! Though at this point, there's only one love interest left. Maybe, if you're real lucky, you won't meet him.
"Child of Man?"
You're a little nervous when you hand over the ticket for the culture festival. Sure he probably has a seat in the VIP section but, you hoped the ones you have are good enough for him. "Uh, Tsunotarou, you can use this to get a seat in that play I'm on. I know they're not the best seats in the house, but they're the show's family tickets, and I'd really rather not have my family see me like that." He looks expressionlessly at the ticket in his hands.
"I don't think any of my friends are too interested in the tickets, and you said you're upset you're never invited so—" You cut off your rambling with a defeated sigh. Maybe you're not as close to him as you'd thought.
"Thank you, Child of Man." At least, until he gives you the sweetest smile you've ever seen as he clutches the ticket close to his heart. "For inviting me."
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Of course you're not lucky. If you were lucky, you wouldn't have gotten reincarnated into this game. You walk into the garden to try to find that pesky ingredient you were missing for Crewel's class, and you stumble right onto the last target. Literally.
You trip over Silver Vanrouge and fall very ungracefully to the ground, wincing in pain before the pretty man holds out a hand to you. You take his offer and stand up, and congratulate yourself for successfully managing to sprain an ankle. He's apologizing and offering to carry you to the infirmary which you initially decline. If any of your very clingy friends see you in the arms of Malleus' knight, they'll have very different reactions, but you just know none of them will be good! Still, you don't have much of a choice when you try to walk to prove to him that you can, and fall right back to the ground.
He's kind enough to lend you his shoulder once you explain about your friends, and you hop over to the infirmary while cracking stupid jokes that makes a pretty smile crop up on his pretty face. Why is this school just so chock full of pretty boys? He spends the better part of a week helping you because he insists that the injury is his fault. Though you try to tell him that he was just sleeping and had nothing to do with your own stupidity, he claps back with a 'I shouldn't have been sleeping in the gardens anyway', and you just can't argue with that. He's really good with a knife as he cuts you up some fruit that he bought for you, and you do your homework with him as company. Your first year friends gave you very unamused looks when you tried to ask them to help keep your senpais out of your room for fear of what they'd do when they found out you were injured, but they do it begrudgingly once you promise to make some treats for them once your ankle got all better. Even as your injury's all healed up, Silver doesn't seem too keen on leaving you be, and eventually, he's another friend to you.
Aren't you happy? Now all the capture targets are very unlikely to kill you.
The air is quiet, which isn't too unusual when you're with Silver. What is unusual, is the low, slightly sad mood he seems to be in. He looks at you when he asks a question. "Do you think that...humans and fae can be together?"
You shrug. This world's a romance video game after all, who are you to judge people's racial preferences?
"I think it doesn't matter who you want to be with. Especially when your lifespans are uneven. You already have such a short amount of time to be together, so you might as well make the most of it." You comment offhandedly. He doesn't respond, and when you look in his direction, he has an expression of shock and realization on his face.
"Right. What matters should be that they make the most of it..." He repeats in a soft whisper. "Love is a little less complicated than I thought it would be." 
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redskull199987 · 9 months
Happy Tears
11th Doctor x fem!reader Word Count:1.7k Warnings:none at all, all fluffy. This is set in the first episode of season 7, so also no spoilers Summary:You knew that the Doctor was alive. Not only because you refused to believe that he was dead, but also because River told you that he wasn’t. The only question was, If he would return… Masterlist
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The Doctor didn’t plan on returning. He really didn’t. He thought it would be safer for them. For Amy and Rory. And for you. He believed that it was his duty to protect his friends. And he did that in keeping his distance.
But were you really just a friend? Was that really all you were to him? He remembered the day he met you, as if it were yesterday. When he still had another face. Just a young girl with a pure heart and no idea whatsoever to do with her life. And the Doctor just came along and swooped you away. Quite literally, as he had to save you from an exploding building. It always made him smile, when he remembered with how much confidence you jumped off that roof and into his Tardis. 
And he was there to catch you. He would always be there to catch you. He knew that and so did you. 
In fact, the Doctor was embarrassingly aware of how often he looked after you, visiting you without telling you, just admiring you from afar and making sure, that you were safe. He sometimes even saw you with the Ponds. On coffee dates with Amy or cruising around with Rory in his new Car. 
Or simply just for Christmas Dinner. 
And that was exactly what brought him back. Christmas Dinner. He wasn’t sure if this really was the right choice, but he knew he had to try. To at least keep in contact with you. Who knows, maybe even take you on an adventure or two. 
His two hearts were beating rapidly, as he made his way out of the Tardis. The dark Blue front door of the Ponds immediately catching his attention. And he was about to go knock, when he decided to look back at the Tardis one last time, pondering if he should leave again. But what he saw instead, caused his breathing to stagger for a second.
There you were. Just walking down the street, probably on your way to the Ponds. Just like the Doctor. He slowly walked back onto the street again and took in your appearance. A big fluffy coat covered most of your body. He could barely see your black boots underneath it. He couldn’t prevent the chuckle that left his lips, as he realized that you were wearing a long multi-colored scarf that was tightly wrapped around you. Your gaze was directed to the floor, while you slowly walked towards him. A pair of big headphones sat atop of your head, which was probably the reason why you didn’t see him yet. 
The Doctor just stood there for a few seconds, enjoying this moment. The knowledge, that you would see him in a few moments and sprint towards him, probably with tears in your eyes, as he could finally hug you again. Feel your body against his, hear your sweet voice again. Oh and your eyes, your big curious eyes would finally look at him, with the most adoration, he had ever felt in his life. 
It seemed that the doctor got too caught up in his thoughts of you. Only when you called out to him, he snapped back into reality.
“Doctor?”, You asked nervously, your voice breaking slightly.
But the Doctor didn’t say a word, he only smiled at you and opened his arms. And as he predicted, You immediately ran towards him and when your body collided with his, it almost took him off his feet. But after a few seconds, he managed to find his footing again. The smile on his lips only got bigger, as he heard your relived chuckle, while you held onto him tightly. 
After a few moments of intensely hugging each other, the two of you finally parted again. The Doctor looked down at you, his smile bigger than ever and his eyes practically glowing. His hands were still laying on top of your shoulders. He finally had you back. After all this time of traveling alone, he finally had you back.
“Hello? Earth to Timelord?!”, you suddenly said, waving a hand in front of his face, startling him slightly. You could only chuckle at his reaction:”You haven’t changed a bit, Doctor.”
“Is that good or bad?”, he asked curiously. You could hear a bit of nervousness lingering in his voice, while his gaze slowly drifted from your eyes to your lips.
“Oh Doctor.”, You chided, your hand rising to grasp his cheek,”No matter how much you change, you’ll always be my Doctor.”
All of a sudden, the Doctor seemed to find his confidence again and a smirk appeared on his face:”Your Doctor?”
“Ehm, I-I mean…”, you stuttered helplessly, looking down while you felt heat creeping up your neck and all the way to your cheeks,”You know what I mean, Doctor.”
“Do I now?”, he teased further. But your breath stocked, as he suddenly grabbed your wrist, pulling your hand back to rest on his cheek. You looked back up at him, confusion written all over your face.
“I do.”, he finally said, after a few seconds of Silence. A content smile graced his features, while he slowly leaned closer to you:”The Question is, do you?”
His words were hushed and gentle, only for you to hear. His gaze was focused on your lips only and it seemed like he waited for permission.
“I do.”
That was all he needed. He pressed his lips against yours tenderly. Almost afraid that you would push him away again. But you didn’t. On the contrary, your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer, while you deepened the kiss.
The Doctor, a bit surprised by your reaction, wildy waved his hands around for a second, before he finally decided to rest them on your waist. His touch was soft, treating you like you were porcelain. It was similar to his kiss.
When the two of you had to part, the need for oxygen finally becoming too overwhelming, both of you were panting rapidly, but still holding onto each other for dear life.
“It was about time, wasn’t it?”, You asked after you had caught your breath again. The Doctor could only nod, before he leaned in again, kissing you softly on your forehead.
“I’ll always…always be here for you.”, the Doctor mumbled,”I’ll alway protect you.”
You watched how a tear ran down his cheek. You gently raised your hand again and wiped it away.
“Look at you.”, you smiled,”Happy tears, that’s a first, isn’t it?”
“There’s a first time for everything, I suppose.”, he agreed, while pulling you closer again. for one last time, he pressed his lips to yours. It only lasted a few seconds, but it made you long for more. 
Only now, as you were about to knock at the Pond’s door, probably bringing them the biggest surprise in their life yet, you spotted something behind the Doctor.
“You know what?”, you said, patting his chest lovingly, “You go say hi to the Ponds, I’ll say hy to the Tardis.”
The Doctor could only smile at you:”She missed you almost as much as I did.”
“Of course she did.”, You grinned before sprinting towards the Time Machine.
You took in her form. She looked exactly the same, but it still made your heart flutter. You hastily pulled out your Tardis key, that you always carried with you, just in case, and quickly opened the door. You took a deep breath in, before stepping inside. Almost immediately, you heard the familiar humming coming from the console. 
“Oh I missed you too, old girl.”, You smiled, quickly ascending the stairs to look around.
”He’s taken good care of you, hasn’t he?”, you breathed out, while taking in the familiar surroundings. It felt so good to be back.
“And you took good care of him, hm?”, You whispered, your hand now resting on the console. You heard the distant humming again and you took it as a yes. Before you could say anything more, the monitor suddenly came swinging towards you. You quickly ducked away, afraid you might hit your head.
“You want to show me someth-”, Your voice died down, as you saw it. The small picture of you, taped to the edge of the monitor. It was the day, the Doctor took you onto your first adventure together. You looked so young, you almost couldn’t belive your eyes. 
“Thank you, old girl.”, You smiled contently, before quickly making your way outside again.
You couldn’t stop the laugh that left your lips, as you saw the Doctor and Amy in her doorway, just staring at each other, both too stubborn to hug first. You swiftly jogged over to them.
”Just hug already!”, you shouted, while simultaneously pushing the Doctor against Amy, forcing both of them to hug. Laughing erupted in the hallway, while the two fo them finally hugged.
“Rory?!”, You questioned into the kitchen,”Look who finally showed up!”
Only seconds later, Rory’s head popped out of the Kitchen. A smile soon appeared on his lips, as he saw who your entourage was.
“Was about time.”, he chuckled, patting the Doctors shoulder,”Come on, we were about to eat.”
“If it doesn’t cause too much trouble.”, The Doctor said nervously, while searching for your eyes for help.
“Oh don’t worry.”, You chided.
“Yeah, she’s right.”, Amy agreed,”We always set up a place for you. Come on.”
With that, the Ponds walked back into the kitchen, while you and the Doctor remained in the hallway for a few more moments.
“Oh Doctor. We already had that today, didn’t we?”, You chuckled softly as you raised your hand again to wipe away his tears,”You know, I could get used to you happy crying.”
His entire face changed in seconds,”Don’t you dare.”, without another word, he pecked your cheek before following the Ponds into the Kitchen. You could hear the sound of their laughter chiming into the hallway.
A content smile sat on your Face. You were finally home, together with the people you loved most.
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thehusbandoden · 10 months
Can I request pregnant reader hcs for deku, bakugo, denki,kirishima,and Sero?
A/n: of course!! I hope these weren't repetitive or too short 😅
Pregnant Reader Headcannons Part 1 (Izuku, Bakugo, Denki, Kiri, and Sero)
General info:
Genre: fluff/slice of life \\ total wc: 1,544 \\ posted: 12/05/2023 \\ requested
Part 2 (Aizawa, Shoto, Shinso, and Tamaki)
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Midoriya Izuku (202 words):
The sweetest husband.
He would literally do anything for you.
He rubs your feet, shoulders, back, and belly bump every day before work.
He'll make you breakfast and cuddle you as he spoils you with affection.
He's almost always blushing ever so slightly.
He just can't believe that he was able to get you.. you're just so.. perfect..
He's not really protective, but he will stand up if someone takes it too far.
He gets paternity leave around five months into your pregnancy.
He's literally with you every step of the way, doing his very best to support you however he possibly can.
You are absolutely spoiled.. and you totally love it.
He holds your belly bump for about half an hour every morning and night.. just trying to make your day a little bit better.
He'll give your feet a quick peck before putting your socks on.
Then comes the shoes..
And the ties..
And then he helps you up.
He's seriously so freaking selfless.
Oh, and he will not tolerate Bakugo's agressiveness towards you.
They almost got into a fight once...
Anyway I think he deserves to be at the very least in the top five.
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Bakugo Katsuki (508 words):
You thought he was protective before?
Well you're in for it.
This man refuses to let you go anywhere without him.
When he's home, he won't even let you go to the bathroom without him..
He's still acts tsundere, but less extreme. If you tease him he'll deny it, unless you're having a bad day.. than he'll let you tease him all you want and he'll admit to his simp behavior.
When the two of you are outside he has an arm around your shoulders, his hand resting on your baby bump.
If anyone looks at you for too long he'll growl.. litteraly..
And if they still don't take the hint? He'll growl louder. Especially if it's a man.
He isn't afraid to get physical. Even if it ruins his reputation, if he sees someone flirting with you, or someone just gives him creepy vibes he'll pull you behind him, his chest puffing out as he glares, snarling.
His arm is around your waist, pulling you against him.
If the person still won't back down he'll get into their face, and he isn't afraid to hit them.. or straight up fight them if they hit back.
He is seriously a simp for you.
He'll rub your feet, back, shoulders, and belly bump.
He'll put on your socks shoes, and tie them. He'll get you snacks at 2 am and he'll cook for you whenever you'd like.
As soon as you started having difficulty with mudane tasks he took paternity leave.
He didn't ask his higher ups, he told them.
He was glued to your side almost 24/7.
Your wish was his demand, and your comfort was his ultimate desire.
He cooked every meal for you, making sure that you got all the nutrients you and baby/babies needed.
His hand was resting on your bump all the time.
He loved every inch of you even more than before, almost reminding you how goregous you are.
He's a whole lot stricter with your health. He makes sure that you eat enough, drink enough, and get enough sleep.
His exercise routine turned into a short walk with you in the mornings or evenings, holding you against him as he glared at whoever dared look at your beauty.
He's with you every step of the way, and doesn't say or do anything when you scream at him.
He handles your mood swings like a pro.
Nothing cuddles, a movie, and your comfort food can't fix.
Angry or frustrated?
He'll be your punching bag.. as long as you cuddle him afterwards.. he gets insecure too, so don't wait too long.
He'll spend hours telling you every little thing he loves about you and why.
Energetic, excited, or happy?
He'll match your energy completely, making sure you feel seen and appreciated.
To be honest, he's one of the best husbands out there when you melt his cold heart.. as long as you give him cuddles.
(Don't ask what happens if he doesn't get his cuddles... and kisses. Do not forget his kisses.
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Kaminari Denki (266 words):
This man..
He is so head over heels for you.
He spoiled you before.. but now you were surrounded in his love.
He calls you nicknames like:
Beautiful, gorgeous, my queen, my darling love, mother of my child, my everything, and my sexy Goddess.
Your self esteem literally skyrocketed.
He's complimenting you twice in every sentence, buying you endless gifts with notes attached to each one.
I'm not sure about anyone else.. but I believe that when Denki falls.. he falls hard.
Like he's not some flirt anymore.
He flirts with you, and you only.. 25/8.
Makes sure everyone knows that you're his.. that being said he's not overly protective unless he gets jealous/insecure or you're uncomfortable.
He literally rubs your feet like twice an hour.
Always touching you in some way or another.
This man is sooo freaking clingy.
He's been hours late to work just for cuddles.. he won't let you go.
And he doesn't listen to reason either.
You've literally almost peed the bed numerous times.. but he's quickly learned that cuddling you to that point makes him lose his cuddling privileges.. so he stops.
He literally whines if you leave him for more than a minute.
He'll call your name with a heartbroken tone, begging you to come back to him.
He'll go on and on with his sob story, asking you why you don't love him anymore and why you fell in love with someone else.. yes he is very dramatic.
All in all he's a great husband.. especially when you're pregnant.
(He wants like 20 more lol)
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Kirishima Eijiro (451 words):
Kirishima is in the top three best husbands if not the first.
Especially when it comes to pregnancy.
He doesn't care what you say, this man is working, cleaning, cooking, and pampering you.
He's on paternity leave as soon as possible, asking nicely the first few times before getting agitated.
Like Bakugo, he's very protective.
He holds your hand or waist outside, and if it came down to it he would fight to protect you.
He's not really jealous per say, but he is insecure and kind of possessive.
If he sees a man staring at you he'll frown, but won't do anything but hold you a little tighter against his chest.
After a few minutes he'll start to get insecure, a lot of 'what ifs' going through his head.
He starts to think that the man might be more attractive, or stronger. Maybe he would be able to protect you better, or make you happier.
His thoughts continue to spiral until you notice, and pull him into a long, reassuring kiss.
It instantly makes him feel better, and he's really smiley as you pull away.
Whisper 'I love you, and only you' in his ear for extra points.
He is the definition of simp.
He'll do anything and everything you ask, even if it was just after a twelve hour shift, he won't complain and work to make you comfortable and happy.
When he finally gets paternity leave he isn't leaving your side for a second.
He's a lot less demanding than Bakugo.. more like a lost puppy.
If he could, he would definitely cuddle you all day every day.
He'll follow you throughout the house, sticking close behind you. He'd sit right in front of you as you use the bathroom if you'd let him.
He views you as his queen, and himself as your servant, even though you've told him many many times that he was your king.
He denied it until you had a meltdown over it one night when your hormones were through the roof.
He apologized profusely, holding you to his chest as he whispered reassurance .
He stopped calling himself your servant, but he still kept his simp behaviour.. that wasn't negotiable.
His favourite thing to do is cuddle after giving you a long and relaxing foot massage.
He'll spoil you rotten tbh... letting you buy as many baby clothes as you desire.
Don't get me wrong, he loved and spoiled you before your pregnancy, but now you could practically get away with anything.
He viewed you as his beautiful queen before.. but now you were his gorgeous Goddess.
And he would do anything to make sure that you were safe, comfortable, happy, and loved.
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Sero Hanta (162 words):
I've never written for Sero before.. I hope it's at least okay lol <3
Sero is a huge romantic, and so of course he's going to give you the princess treatment.
Foot rubs, cuddles, and cravings galore.
He's a lot more laid back than some other characters, but he wouldn't tolerate someone making you uncomfortable.
If a guy came up and started flirting with you, he'd smirk and watch you reject them with a mischievous smile.
But.. if you looked uncomfortable he would immediately jump in, pulling you into a kiss as he grinned sinisterly at the man.
As soon as the guy was uncomfortable he pulled away, leaving a few pecks across your cheeks, nose, and lips.
He whispered an 'I love you' in your ear before wrapping his arm around your waist, pulling you against him as he walked away.
He's not really a 'simp', but he definitely is a good husband who takes care of you as much as he physically can.
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Izuku's masterlist | Bakugo's masterlist | Denki's masterlist | Kiri's masterlist
Reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated <33
Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way -minus reblogging.
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littlestardude · 1 year
⏤͟͟͞͞☆Dating Kenny HCS|| Reader x Kenny McCormick
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✰ - SFW & NSFW - ✰
Plot: Just sum HCS!
Note: I love Kenny McCormick so fucking much he's so pookie smookie, also first post yippee!
TW: Drugs, death bcs of drugs (its Kenny he comes back-), incest ment (concerning rats), smut HCS at the end
Gender: AFAB Gen neutral
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✰ - SFW - ✰
FLIRTS NONSTOP. all day every day, he just doesn't fucking stop. But the moment you flirt back.
Bro is dead, 6 feet under, giggling and kicking his feet
Has trouble falling asleep and sometimes you'll wake up and he'll be just staring at you
"Kenny what the fuck are you doing... "
"You're so pretty... Can I not stare at my partner in the middle of the night!? :(("
Demands you cuddle him to sleep
Did I mention touchy?
Super fucking touchy
Literally has to be touching you all the time as if you we're his phone in his pocket or he'll freak out
Actually learned the value of life once you stepped in. He's died only once.
Why you ask? In his words
"I can NOT just say no to free drugs"
Drugs in question were something called... Crazy 8...basically 8 fucking drugs mixed together.
Yea he wasn't gonna survive.
Now you have to keep an eye on him, and tell him to just stick with weed
Oh yeah weed
Bro is toasted most of the time.
AND reeks of weed 24/7
Anytime you smell weed the first thought that pops into your head is, "where's Kenny? "
Basically weed is a comforting smell to you now 💀
Asked you to get high with him
You were reluctant at first but then you tried it... Let's just say it's a common occurrence now
You think he's flirty when he's sober? When he's high omfg.
Compliments like crazy, and can actually take compliments back when he's high
You adore high Kenny because he literally turns into the silliest mf alive
Super duper touchy when you're both high, like on top of each other the whole time
Piercings out the wazoo
Tattoos to come...
You let him shower at your place so he actually became CLEAN once you started dating.
Like his hair is actually touchable now, and not greasy
He's still a rat boy tho, and does dirty rat boy things
Actually HAS rats
You came over one time and he introduced you to his ratty children
"This is Frankie, and Frankie Jr, and Frankie Jr Jr, and that's Maggy, and Rosie and- FRANKLIN JR GET OFF YOUR SISTER RIGHT NOW! >:("
"Um, Ken... I don't know how to tell you this but rats dont care about incest..."
Almost cried, "it's like medieval Spain all over again... "
You pat his back, "it never gets easier... " you sighed dramatically
Loves animals, you guys wanna get a dog and cat together!
He loves you and adores you so much
He thinks you're the best person to ever come out of this cruel world, and he tells you that all the time
You also love him. So much. You think he's the prettiest, sweetest boy
You tell him that most of the time when you think he's asleep, he usually isn't because he loves hearing it
Back to the weed thing, LOVES when u guys order McDonald's when ur both high and have the munchies
Bro can throw down 2 big macs, 1 double quarter pounder, 20 piece chicken nuggets, and 2 orders of large fries and still be like
"I need something sweet... " 💀
Anytime you're out with your friends, Kenny's usually wearing his parka and you're the only one who can understand Kennish
Also holding hands the whole time
It took you awhile to get used to the fact you had a super clingy partner but you got used to it
You guys were able to get a place together eventually after high school
It's super shitty but it's home <3
You'll eventually upgrade after grueling work and endless shifts
But you definitely make time for each other
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✰ - NSFW - ✰
(The fun begins *rubs hands evily together*)
SWITCH KENNY SUPREMACY!!! Literally does not mind either, as long as he's with you and he's naked? And you're naked? Bros chilling
Fucking loves oral, receiving and giving
First time he ate you out, you were on cloud mf 9, seeing stars n shit
He LOVES your thighs, like before he eats you out he just likes kissing and squeezing your thighs
HOWEVER. The first time you sucked him off. Omg, HIS thighs were MESMERIZING.
Something about boys thighs... Just seeing them pushed together, your fucking weakness.
His thighs are pale and ever so slightly plushy... Help me
He grabs you and stimulates you in the best fucking spots
You guys will just be chilling watching a movie, and he'll just go like
"Babeeeee... " that's literally all he needs to say bcs you know what he wants.
After some time of just being on his dick it kinda hits you, "I'm on his cock, I could literally do what ever I want... " you think, evily
You'll shift your body around to where you're looking at him and he already knows what's coming, his hands are IMMEDIATELY on your hips
And you start slowly bouncing up and down
Doesn't take him long to start making noises
He's very vocal during sex, he sees no point in staying silent
Plus the first time he moaned super loud during sex you literally came on the spot.
Now he can't help but moan and whimper when you're on top of him because he knows you love it
Usually urges you two to take a shower after sex
Sometimes ends up into shower sex if the both of you still have the energy
You bought a shower stool so you both could fuck in the shower because one time he almost slipped and will NEVER live it down
"You stepped on the soap babe... You almost went flying"
Yea a shower stool and those mats for the shower floor
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lolita-lollipop · 2 years
i’ve never requested anything before so idk how this works but, if you’re still taking request for avatar characters, i’m thinking of a neteyam x reader, like the reader is a really talented warrior and they’re the apprentice of Jake and Both the Reader and Neteyam are constantly in competition to see who’s the strongest and at some point one of them just has an outburst due to all the pressure they have on them. (btw i literally found your account today and i just have to say i love your writing) :))
Golden child
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Growing up in the omaticaya clan, the people recognized the spark you had, a passionate flame that burned in your heart. Strong, leading. Everybody knew that you would be someone great, and that’s exactly what you were. You always aimed for the top, always made 1st place, always tried your hardest at everything you did.
And alongside you, the oldest son of Jake sully, neteyam.
The two of you were fairly close in age, you being only a few months younger, and when your parents died, and were given back to eywa, jake felt the responsibility of taking you in, they were in his war party, and you reminded him so much of himself. And Neytiri always wanted a daughter, so you became a sully.
And so it begun. With the two of you, everything had to be a competition. You got your ikran? Neteyam gets his a day later. You catch a fish while hunting? Neteyam catches 7. You can eat 2 fish? Neteyam can at 3. Every waking hour the two of you lived was spent staring at eachother, waiting to beat the other. THe only thing you had above him, was that you were in the war party, and he always on lookout.
“Did you get hurt while on your mission? I guess the sky people are getting too strong for you.” he spoke, noticing the cut on your cheek, the both of you knew he was joking. He pressed a piece of cloth against your cheek, sending a smirk. You just narrowed your eyes, chuckling.
“Being that i was able to come within 10 feet of one, im not worried. How was your little tree a mile away from our spot? Was it nice and warm?” you taunted right back at him, laughing at how his smirk fell. This was such a common interactionbetween the two of you, in which neither of you took it seriously.
Even so, you and neteyam were kind of forced to grow a bond, being that 90% of your time was spent trying to outdo the other. The two of you didnt really know why it was the way it was between you two, maybe the validation you got from jake in being the oldest sibling, or the golden child, who could protect the family. Both of you kindled the same flame, and it made both of you stronger.
So naturally, when the two of you both moved to the metkayina tribes together, along with the rest o the sully family, and learned that you would have to learn the ways of water… It became a rivalry. Who could pick it up faster. Who’s ilu was bigger, who could stay underwater for longer, who could stay out of trouble longer.
ANd to your great surprise, neteyam found himself winning at everything. He was just so fast in adjusting to the world around, he could ride on an ilu within the first days of trying, automatically he was able to understand the breathing techniques of the metkayina clan, he made it look. So . easy.
But you? You couldnt, you didnt even know why it was so hard, tuk even got it within a month. You could barely swim, holding your breath was harder than fighting a sky person in one of those suits, and you just couldnt bond with the nature around, even if it was beautiful. You tried your hardest, practicing for hours longer than you had to, almost feinting from exhaustion every night. But still, things didnt get better like they usually did.
And it tore you apart, youd never not been good at something, even if it was hard at first, you ALWAYS got better at it. That was why this was just so strange for you, so overwhelming to the point that it made you want to rip your hair out. You just couldnt comprehend how he was just so good at everything, that was your job, it's not fun to compete when you arent good at it.
So as a few months past, your agitation grew, and your patience shrunk. Things werent getting better, even Lo-ak was picking things up faster than you, and he never did that. And trust me, everybody noticed, you became snappy, talking back to your dad, refusing to hang out with tuk most of the time, and you even yelled at anuong twice for teasing you. Eventually, jake stopped complimenting you like he did in the forests, and that hurt more than anything else could. Even if it was unintentional.
Eventually, when it all became too much for you to handle anymore, you asked for help. And who else to ask but the one guy you knew had to help you. Neteyam, he had to miss your daily little competitions, so he needed you to get better at… everything.
“Neteyam?” you approached him when the two of you were alone, he was cleaning the saddles of his ilu, which generally was an easy task, actually it was quite calming, so you assumed he would be easier to talk to now.
“I- im having trouble-i need you to- could you- um-” you spluttered, you were not known to be shy. Ever. This place is changing too much about you, and you hate it. The only person youd ever really felt comfortable asking for help from was jake, and even then that was only in dire situations. You just didnt know how to do it without feeling weak, feeling inferior.
“Oh? Is somebody trying to ask me for help?” A smirk splayed on his face as he side eyed you, placing the ilu saddle down, he crossed his arms, and stared at you in the same way neytiri would when she would watch you do something stupid. It was condescending. You wanted to punch him in the face.
“Y-yes, I am” his stare sent you into an internal rabbit hole, it was unrelenting, and you could tell exactly what he was thinking. That you were becoming weak. That he finally beat you at something.
“Say it.”
“Really?” You crossed your arms and stared at the boy. He had to be out of his mind to think you would go that low for him to- oh. You were going that low.
“Say. It.”
“Neteyam, please help me”
“Oh wow. What happened to the girl who restled a thanator? Is everybodys favorite Sully losing her spark?” he joked, setting a hand on your shoulder and tilting his head with a smirk. He wasnt serious, the two of you always teased eachother, which was most of the time mean comments, but it never was serious. But at this point, the nights you spent trying to swim instead of sleeping caught up, and your comprehension had ceased to work. Imagine neteyams surprise when his lighthearted joke made your lip start to wobble, and your eyes start to gloss over.
“Yeah- i think i am.” and with those words, your shoulders started shaking, and in a few seconds you dropped to your knees, and were crying like tuk does when she gets hurt. Large sobs racked your chest, and you brought your hands up to your eyes, shielding yourself from the embarrassment that you knew would come with crying in front of the boy that you constantly competed against.
You’d never felt so fucking incompetent before, like you couldn’t contribute anything to the table anymore. It made you want to kill everybody within a ten mile radius.
Immediately when neteyam realized that you were serious, and that this wasnt something you and loak were pranking him with, he also fell onto his knees, and wrapped an arm around your shoulder, pulling you close to him. His hand found it's way to your face, and he pushed the curtain of hair away from your eyes, pulling your hands away your hands.
“No- no don't cry y/n. I Didnt mean it, youre perfect- It was a joke i promise” He spluttered out in any attempts to console you, his eyes met your own, and he just stared. The both of you had experience in consoling younger crying siblings, but it never was you. He didnt think hed ever seen you cry before. It’s like all of his instincts froze up, and he had absolutely no idea what to do.
“Thats the thing Nete. I think youre right- I cant do anything anymore- breathing is hard for me- And dad doesnt look at me like he used to anymore- I just- i don't know what im doing wrong” you squinted your eyes and sniffled, you were just so tired, and overwhelmed. And so fucking done. You wanted to go home, back to what was normal, back where you could function like a person.
“Ma we y/n. Ma we. Y/n, you are the youngest to ever be in the omaticaya war party. Your name is known across pandora, you’ve surpassed the limits of eywa. You are nothing but elite-” he shifted in front of you and placed of his hands on the sides of your face. It forced you to look him in the eyes, and listen to what he was saying.
“Shes gone though- I cant hunt like they do. I am not a warrior of the sea. I can do nothing now. And youre just- you can do everything I can’t” the more you talked, the harder you made it for yourself to stop crying. All of the emotion, all of the anger, the grief, the aggravation, just crumbled. Along with that stupid golden child complex of yours.
“Y/n. Shut up. You are so amazing to me it hurts. The only reason you feel like this is because for the first time, you can’t do something. But that’s okay. I’m here. I see you.” He pressed his forehead to your own, wiping the tears that left your eyes with his thumb. You closed your eyes, and let him embrace you. This was strange, weakened wasn’t something either of you were very keen on showing, especially with him, especially not when it made you feel like this. Like neteyam was more than a rival.
“You promise?”
“Of course. ”
The two of you sat there for a moment, foreheads pressed closely, his hand on your shoulder and your face, comforting you with touch, rubbing circles into your back and wiping tears away. You could feel his breath, his heartbeat. And that alone was able to calm you down. Just him.
Just neteyam.
“I’m sorry- I know this is stupid I just didn’t know who else to ask and I thought you-“ it only took you a few seconds to realize the intimacy of the situation, him holding you, pressed up against your face, if anybody were to see you your parents would throw a fit. Your cheeks flushed a deeper shade of purple-y blue, and you stood up, breaking the locked eyes you had with the boy. He just chuckled.
“Does this mean I win?“ he let out the same giggle tuk might have when you went to throw the ilu saddle at him. Which eventually turned into him tackling you into the water. The two of you laughed, pretending to forget whatever just happened, whatever step the two of you just took in your relationship, trying to avoid whatever feelings both of you were most certainly having all of a sudden.
“Oh shut up”
Anuong And loak watch your two figures from a farther away peer, they had been training when they caught eyes of the two golden silly’s getting a little too close for comfort. Immediately lo-ak was cackling at how stressed neteyam looked being so close to you.
“Let’s make a bet, loser has to do the others chores for a month” anuong spoke, staring at the two of you with intent. Lo-ak raised an eyebrow and smiled, it was so funny, he’d always been able to see it. The two of you were head over heels, you just couldn’t see it.
“I’d give it a week before they’re on top of eachother like mates” he answered, leaning over the edge of the peer and watching the two of press together. He couldn’t blame his brother for being so in love with you , you were amazing. Doesn’t mean he wouldn’t use your relationship to his advantage.
“You’re on, fish lips.”
Lol I had fun writing this; not really angst but a lil bit sad here and there
Anyway, thanks for requesting, and thanks for reading, I lived writing this even though I’m pretty sure it’s not very good. Bye! Have a great day!
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starri-nightss · 1 month
Hiiii!! Can you do a blurb/oneshot of Little!Matt trying to get CG!Reader to help ask Little!Chris to play with him <3
Play with me? 🧸
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(Little!Matt Little!Chris, CG!Reader)
Summary: Matt wants to play with his brother but is also a shy little one 🥹🫶 (Chris is 5-7, Matt's 2-4)
Side note: My first request eee! Ask and you shall receive <3 (or at least I will try)
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Matt and Chris are like night and day: completely different but live in perfect harmony.
But when they're in littlespace, you have to be the the person to keep that harmony.
Matt's more of a shy little, who trails behind you with a bottle in his mouth like a puppy and Chris is the little that runs around the house making race car noises until he runs into a wall or gets distracted by something outside.
You're in the playroom with the two of them, Matt in one corner and Chris in the other. They're not being separated or anything, they just have the respective play areas.
You notice Matt keeps inching closer to you while he quietly makes up stories with his plushies until he's quite literally sitting on your feet. You also noticed over the past 20 minutes how he's been eyeing Chris's play area with a look of longing in his eyes.
"You okay, baby?" You ask Matt, ruffling his hair lightly. He looks up at you and nods, the tip of his stuffed bunny's ear in his mouth.
Chris is in his own little world, playing with his Hot Wheels tracks and Cars themed trucks and cars. Sometimes he would randomly yell, "BEEP BEEP," making you chuckle as you watched your two little ones play.
Matt also looked interested, tugging on you and gesturing with a small finger to come close.
"Wanna p'ay with Chris."
"You wanna play with Chris, sweet boy? That's alright, go play!"
Hesitation washed over Matt's face as he glanced back and forth from Chris to you, Chris to you. He pointed to Chris and shyly asked, "You ask?"
Your heart swelled at his tiny voice. You loved your boys, both shy and playful, but Matt seemed to be getting more closed off, even around his own brothers. So you decided to gently guide him into a little more independence by doing something you hated to do: tell him no.
"I think you should ask if he wants to play, my love."
Matt looked almost fearful. "Buh- but what if no?"
"Then that's okay! Sometimes people need alone time. But that's why we ask: to see if they need alone time or want to play together," You explained gently.
You watched Matt's chest puff with the cutest amount of courage before scooting over to Chris's little Nascar event.
"Chris? You- you wanna p'ay with me?"
Chris looked up, a lost look on his face.
"Or- or need alone time?"
Chris's face broke out in a grin.
"Okay! We can p'ay cars!" He quickly handed Matt a blue car before aggressively crawling to the center of the room and telling Matt to follow.
The only thing cuter than Chris teaching Matt how to play race cars was the bright smile on Matt's face the entire time.
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Hope I did your request justice anon! 🖤 Be sure to send in some more y'all!
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woso-fan13 · 1 year
It’s Fantastic
Most of the team is hanging out in the common room, everyone doing their own thing. The silence of the room is interrupted when you look up from your phone, calling everyone’s attention. 
“Hey guys? Do we have any plans tomorrow night?” 
The question is clearly directed towards one of the older players, as you and the younger players have made it clear that you would not be memorizing schedules. 
Alex scrolls through something in her phone for a few seconds before looking up and responding. 
“Practice until 6, dinner at 7. After that, we have the rest of the night off. Why?”
“That’s literally perfect! There’s a movie theater not too far from here, can we please, please, please all go see the new Barbie movie?!?” you’re not ashamed to admit that you may be begging slightly. 
The others chuckle at your enthusiasm, but all exchange glances. There really wasn’t a good reason that they couldn’t see the move. And judging by the looks on everyone’s face, you weren’t the only one who wanted to go see it.
“Tell you what, Y/N,” Pinoe levels you with a look, “if you can convince Vlatko to let us all go, we’re in.”
“Easy,” you say with full (false) confidence. “He can’t say no to me. Plus, I already rented out a theater.”
It turns out, Vlatko has no problem saying no to you. But, again, you’re not above begging. You beg and plead, until he finally gives in. Honestly, it’s probably so he doesn’t have to listen to you anymore. 
Your team was in, Coach had approved it, now you just needed to make it exciting.
“It’s Lucy and Kiera, and Georgia and Le-“ you sing, skipping into the England common room. “Hmmm, I guess that song doesn’t really work anymore. And I didn’t even get to the bridge about Beth and Vivi.”
The England team is somewhat startled by the American who came singing an obnoxious theme song. You had made the song up almost four years ago, after you had signed for Arsenal. At freshly 14, in a new country and away from your family, some of the Arsenal girls had taken you in. 
When they realized that going to camp meant leaving you behind, Leah worked some magic and managed to sort it out so that you could go and practice with the team. You clicked with the team instantly, becoming the annoying little sister that they couldn’t help but love. 
“Anyway, mates,” you start. Leaning over to Georgia, you whisper to ask, “did I use that right?”
At her nod, you continue, “as I was saying, anyway, mates, I’ve come to extend an invitation for a once in a lifetime opportunity. It’s been called bigger than the World Cup. Who wants to go see the Barbie movie tomorrow night?”
You’re bouncing on your feet slightly as you speak, clearly excited. 
Lucy lets out a small chuckle, “good luck convincing Sarina to let us skip recovery to watch a movie.”
You squint slightly at Lucy, somewhat questioning, “you seem to forget who convinced Sarina to let us have a Colin cake for dinner more than once. It’s on.”
“Meet in the US lobby at 7:45, and don’t forget to wear pink,” you shout over your shoulder as you rush out the door. 
Sarina agreed with very little convincing. You assured her that all of the girls were okay with starting recovery earlier so that they could go to the movie, and she couldn’t deny that team bonding is always a good idea. 
She only had one stipulation, which you easily agreed to. After helping her pick out the appropriate pink outfit for her to wear the next night, you move on to your next project. 
You knock cheerily on the door a few times before swinging it open. Your face lights up as you see the two people you were looking for, and you rush towards them. 
Rue and Katie pulled you in, hugging you tight. You hadn’t seen them in a long time, and you had missed the women who had watched out for you for so many years. Rue pressed kisses all over your face as Katie ruffled your hair. You pull away from them, giggling. 
“Guys, I love you and I missed you like crazy, but that’s not why I’m here,” now, you turn to address the majority of the Ireland team that’s in the room. “I’m here to invite you all to come to a very exclusive cinema screening tomorrow evening. Meet at 7:45 in the US lobby and wear something pink. Don’t be late!”
You shout a quick bye to the two women before leaving the room, now onto your hopefully last task. 
“Oh, Sammy,” you say happily, trotting into the room where you found most of the Australian team. 
You knew Sam from playing against her in London, but you had become even closer when she started dating Kristie. If she could be your possible future sister-in-law who’s not actually related to you in any way, you had to be best friends. If you asked Sam, though, she may say that she mainly tolerates you. 
“Hi Ali, hi Sammy, hi rest of the team,” you rush out, “tomorrow night, 7:45, US lobby, wear pink, please come.”
You nod once, turning and waking out the door. The team sits in confusion for a second, scanning the others’ faces to see if anyone knows what you said. 
When dinner started at 7, you ate about two bites before trying to get out of your chair and clear your plate. You get about a dozen glares and a hand catches your wrist before you leave the table. 
“I’m full, promise, I just gotta go. It’s almost time,” you protest. 
The glares don’t lessen, though, so you slump back in your seat. You pout as you push the food around your plate, the others trying not to laugh as you through what is basically a temper tantrum. 
Your full first name gets you looking sheepishly up at Alex. 
“You don’t have to finish your whole dinner, but you do need to finish your vegetables. Then you can go get ready.”
You still squirm slightly, too excited to sit completely still. But you don’t make any move to bring your fork up to your mouth. 
“You know,” Kelley starts in a way that makes it clear that you don’t actually know, “I bet Pressy and Tobs would love a call to hear about how the ‘golden child’ isn’t listening. I don’t think they’ll be asleep yet, how about we give them a call now?”
You stay silent, finally managing to still your body. 
“It’s funny, I bet Tobin still has all the numbers of the Arsenal players. And I would also bet that she would not hesitate to call them and tell them the plans are off because someone couldn’t behave.”
She pulls her phone out, then hesitates, “that takes care of England and Ireland, but I’m not sure about Australia. I could have Kristie call Sam, or I could have Chris call Ali. Y/N, do you have any preference?” Kelley fixes you with a look. 
Finally, you break, showing a bite of your dinner in your mouth. After chewing and swallowing, you look up. 
“I’m sorry, please don’t cancel. I wasn’t trying to be bad, I’m just excited.”
The rest of dinner passes quickly, and soon it’s 7:30. You’re basically vibrating in the lobby, waiting for everyone to arrive. Soon enough, everyone’s arrived and the lobby is a sea of hot pink. With a giant smile on your face, you start leading everyone out of the hotel and over a couple of blocks to the movie theater. 
“Was this planned?” Sam leans over to ask Kristie, “how did she have that outfit?” 
You were wearing a fully pink outfit that would have made Barbie herself jealous. Meanwhile, the England girls were doling out their pink warm up gear after you insisted that you wouldn’t let anyone not wearing pink into the movie. 
Kristie laughs, “no, that’s just how she dresses. Pink nails, pink dresses, sparkles, the whole deal. It’s easier not to question it.”
You were at the front of the group, talking to players you used to play with, players you currently play with, players you could only dream of playing with. There weren’t different countries, there weren’t rivals, there weren’t competitors. There were simply people following a girl dressed in far too much pink. 
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ghostofhyuck · 4 months
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Dark Fantasy Series 7
Alien! Park Jisung x Scientist! Reader
Summary: As you attempt to find another trace of life through ex.trl.0205 or Jisung, you become closer to it, eventually creating a bond between the two of you that your colleagues don’t understand.
Word count: 3.6k
TW: Contains violence, death, and arson. Read at your own risk. 
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Your steps created noise against the marble floor, echoing through the hollow hallway of the laboratory. 
“Good morning Jeno,” you greeted your fellow researcher who only nodded. You noticed that he’s not smiling as usual. 
“Is there something wrong?” you asked. 
“It’s being stubborn as usual,” he explained, slacking his jaw in the process. “Almost threw a kick at me if I wasn’t able to avoid it.”
“Jisung did?” you asked. 
He only laughs bitterly, “I still wonder why you call him that when he’s not even a human.”
“Why? It’s much better than his subject name, ex.trl.0205 is hard to pronounce,” you explained. 
“Just say you’re attached to it,” Jeno comments. 
You only laugh at his remark. You two separated ways as you made your way through your office. Today’s another day for your research. You placed down your bag and took a sip from your coffee tumbler. You deeply pondered about Jeno’s comment about Jisung earlier, you could only shake your head in disappointment as you grab your lab coat and exit your office. 
“Good morning Jaemin,” you greeted another fellow researcher who lazily waved at you, eyeing the huge glass window in front of him. 
“Is he okay? I heard he almost kicked Jeno earlier,” you asked. 
“It’s okay, got scared with the injection,” Jaemin answered, emphasizing the “it” which you just ignored. 
“Again?” you asked, forehead creasing. 
“Hey, it’s not our fault we need its blood samples…if we can call the liquid fluids blood,” Jaemin shrugs. 
You only stared at the glass window. On the other side sits Jisung who’s distracting himself with the rubic cubes Jaemin gave him. You watch as he curiously tries to complete a side but due to frustration, he destroys it with his bare hands. You heard Jaemin whistle at the sight. He leans on his chair, feet placed on top of the table. 
“Do you really think we’ll succeed in this research?” he asked. “I mean, it’s been months and the progress isn’t moving.”
“We literally have an alien creature in front of us,” you pointed out. “Let’s just be happy about it, and we’re just getting started too.” 
“Yeah right, and you’re attached to it already,” Jaemin teased. 
You didn’t say a word. You watch as Jaemin stands up from his seat and taps your shoulder gently. “It’s all yours, I’m going out to have a nap.” 
You only nod. As soon as you hear the door closed, you gaze at Jisung again. He couldn’t see who’s behind the glass window unless they approached him personally inside his room. You took a deep breath before approaching the door and slowly twisting the knob. 
“Yn! You’re here!” Jisung shouted with glee as soon as he saw you. You haven’t even closed the door but Jisung’s already hovering over you. You still couldn’t believe that he’s a large creature. 
“Jisung — I can’t breathe!” you shouted, trying to tap his back. For a second he lets go and his smile is still there. 
“You’re here! I miss you! They were being mean to me again,” he complained, a pout forming on his lips which made you chuckle. 
“Ji, I told you that you shouldn’t use violence on the other researchers,” you lectured but his pout only became bigger. 
“He’s hurting me again,” Jisung said, pulling the sleeve of his shirt. You can see that there are a lot of patches around it. “He told me it’s just one time but he went for another and —-”
“There, there. It’s okay Jisung, I’ll talk to him later okay?” you said with a soft tone. Jisung only nods, slowly retrieving back his sleeve. 
You gave him a smile before brushing his hair lightly, “should we go back to what you have learned?” 
“Oh I made progress!” Jisung excitingly said. Pulling you towards the table area. You watch as he scrambles around the papers that’s scattered on the desk. His eyes squinting at which is which. 
“Here! Here it is!” he said, giving you a crumpled paper. You glanced at it and tried to decipher his writings. 
“Ji,” you only breathe. “This is progress! Great job!”
You pulled him for a hug, ignoring the way he wraps you around his arms and traps you there. 
Jisung or ex.trl.0205 is a research of yours. It was a rare case for an alien to crash into the earth. On the same night where the meteor shower graced the Earth, so did Jisung who happened to have an accidental landing on a rice field in a small town. 
You’re an astronomy scientist. It’s been a long dream of yours to discover what more the universe can offer aside from what has been discovered, and you got what you wanted when Jisung entered Earth. Now, all you have to do is to be patient with your research. 
Jisung was inhuman. He was incredibly large, has sky blue eyes with a pupil that resembles a reptile. His hair is disheveled pitch black, and he doesn’t have any fingernails, his fingers are longer and pointed. His skin texture was a bit slimy but tolerable. If you took away all of these, he could pass as a human being. Aside from that, he’s twice stronger than a normal human being. 
When you first meet him, you wonder if his fellows are out there somewhere, in an undiscovered planet probably. You wanted to know more about him and if there’s a liveable planet out there. So when you proposed your research to the laboratory research head, he gave you an immediate approval. 
Having Jisung as a subject was hard. He was aggressive at first, you remember earning a bruise when he snatches your wrist, his fingers sinking into it. If it wasn’t for Jeno who immediately responded, you would’ve been injured. 
But you were persistent. You wanted to get Jisung's trust in order for him to follow you. So you tried to approach him with care and like a mother. Your colleagues think that your method is absurd, thinking that you’ll be attached to him but you wanted to prove them wrong. You only see Jisung as nothing but a mere subject.
At first, Jisung couldn’t communicate properly. But with your patience, you tried your best to teach him your language. He becomes more calm whenever you visit him. You gave him a smile, even though he didn't respond. For months, you’re like a fool who keeps on talking to him even though you’re not sure if he understands you. So when he first started speaking, you were surprised by how deep his voice was, but what surprised him more was that the first word he spoke was your name. 
It took you a few months to gain his trust. Jisung is naive, but like an animal, he can sense who has good intentions on him. That’s why he’s more aggressive to your fellow researchers who want nothing but research about him. But with you, your only intention was to know if there’s more of his being from afar. That’s why you couldn’t do any harm from him, only questions that you patiently wait for an answer. 
Today, you made progress. Jisung wrote down formulas that may be a way for you to navigate his home. It was hard to decipher because of his handwriting but at least it’s progress. Your eyes scan at the scattered papers on his table, Jisung stood beside you, eyes locked on you who’s oblivious to it. 
“You did great Jisung,” you complimented once again. “Thank you so much, this is great. I —” 
“Yn, can you stay here for a while?” he asked with a soft tone. “It’s been so long since I saw you, and I miss you.” 
You didn’t notice how your heart skipped a beat. You only gave him a smile as you pat his shoulders lightly. 
“Okay, since there’s progress I can stay for a while, what do you want to do?” you asked. 
“Help me with this?” he asked, showing you the destroyed rubik’s cube earlier. 
You only laughed as you held the cube, “I’m sure this one’s destroyed, how about we just read a book?”
Jisung happily obliges with your request. He went to the stack of encyclopedias on the corner. There, he grabs the first volume. You sat on the floor as you waited for Jisung to sit beside you. 
You watched as he scrolled through the book, opening a page that he seems to be familiar with. 
“Alien,” he muttered. “That’s me right?” 
You only nod, watching for his reaction. He seems to be confused with it. 
“Well, if I was on your planet, I’m the alien,” you said with a joking tone. 
“Oh, that makes sense,” Jisung said. He glances at the window, and the room falters into silence. 
“Do you miss them Jisung?” you asked.
He then looks at you and smiles, showing off his sharp canines. “I do, but you’re here. That’s why I don’t feel lonely at all.”
You only smiled back, and then proceeded to continue reading the book. Minutes turned into hours, until you two slowly fell asleep beside each other. 
“You should stop falling asleep inside its room,” Jeno lectured. He found you asleep once again in Jisung’s room and slowly woke you up without disturbing Jisung who’s hold on you was tight. 
“And you should stop stabbing him aimlessly,” you lectured back. Entering the laboratory’s cafeteria, Jaemin waves at both of you who’s having his lunch. 
“It’s not my fault it's moving a lot,” Jeno defended, sitting beside Jaemin. “It’s not like it gets hurt. That creature’s skin is thicker than us.”
“It’s being dramatic so that you can baby it yn,” Jaemin teased. 
Your forehead creased, “stop that, and so what if Jisung’s skin is thick? He still gets hurt by it. Just be careful next time Jeno.”
You heard your research partner let out a sigh, “Fine fine, this is going to be the last too. No more samples from it.”
You only breathe, “thank you.”
“But yn, I hope this is also going to be the last time we caught you sleeping in its room,” Jeno added. “We still don’t know if it's dangerous or not.”
“Jisung’s not dangerous,” you defended. 
“Of course it’s not dangerous when it comes to you, it likes you,” Jaemin pointed out. “But it’s still an alien, we never know what will happen if it snapped.” 
“Then let’s just hope that it won’t,” you mumbled.
Weeks passed and with Jisung’s formula, you were able to construct an equation for how you can navigate his home planet. Every night, you would go to the laboratory, observe Jisung from outside and within his room. Every night, you also notice how he’s slowly becoming more humane than the first time you encountered him. 
He becomes calm whenever Jeno and Jaemin visit his place, as long as you’re with them, Jisung doesn’t attack your research partners. They also learned to be more approachable to Jisung, but still, you observed that Jisung still has his walls high when it comes to them. 
Slowly, your research is nearing its completion. All you need to do is to make an attempt to communicate with them. Jisung can be a main method in this part but you have to be confident in this part. 
“Yn!” Jaemin shouted as he barged into your office. 
“What? What’s wrong!?” you asked, he was catching his breath as he slowly approached you. 
“They’re…they’re removing you from this research,” Jaemin broke out. 
Your eyes went wide, “what!? Jaemin, what do you mean?”
“Jeno got a phone call from the head lab, they want you there, they think that it’s better for Jeno to lead the research —”
“Bullshit, don’t tell me Jeno agreed to this.”
“No! Of course he didn’t, he tried to justify that this is your research but Doctor Lee just thinks that…” Jaemin pursed his lips, looking away for a second before glancing at you with a worried expression. “You’re too attached to the subject.” 
“That’s it!? That’s all?” you asked, appalled. 
“They think that your affection may ruin the research, biased if you think about it,” Jaemin explained. 
“I know that it was my method but if I start the research by being hostile against Jisung, we wouldn’t make progress,” you explained. “I know that I am attached to Jisung but it didn’t affect my work and research, tell that to them.” 
“I am sorry yn,” was the only thing that Jaemin could say. “We tried really hard, but their decision is final”
The door of your office opened, revealing a disheveled Jeno who’s catching his breath. As he stood up, he made contact with Jaemin. 
“I guess you told her,” he then lets out a sigh. “I’m sorry yn, I really tried to tell them that I cannot handle your research but they were persistent.” 
You only fall into silence. Silently nodding because you know that it wasn’t their fault. Frustration heaps on you because this wasn’t supposed to happen. You’re one step closer to finishing your project and then the next thing you know, they’re pulling you out of it. 
“Until when can I stay here?” I asked. 
“Within this week,” Jeno answered. 
Your forehead creased, “within this week!? Are they so eager to  throw me out of my own research!?”
“I know but listen,” Jeno approaches you. “You can still try to find time to finish your research, okay? Don’t worry about us here, do your research on your own. Jaemin and I, we won’t be touching it.” 
“What about Jisung?” you asked. 
Jaemin only smiles, “We’ll take good care of Jisung, if that’s what you want.” 
“Thank you,” you breathe. Grabbing both of them for a hug. The two only hugged you back, trying to comfort you as much as they could. 
You spent the remaining days inside the lab improvising the formulas and equations. You also gave Jeno and Jaemin a brief summary about it even though you three agreed that it’s still your research. 
On those remaining days, you could only visit Jisung from behind the glass window. You only observed him there, who’s busy entertaining himself. There were times where you watched him stare at the window, probably missing his family. You also noticed that he ripped off the “alien” page of the encyclopedia. It was there on the floor lying. You wonder what it meant for Jisung. 
You know that Jisung won’t be able to take your departure easily, so do you. You admit that you did grow attached to Jisung but at the very least, you’ve grown only nothing but sympathy for the clueless creature who’s an alien in this world. You atleast, want to give him some companionship. 
“Hey,” you were startled to see Jaemin beside you. He crosses his arms as he glances at Jisung. “It’s your last day. Are you not going to say goodbye to him?”
You only let out a sigh, “I don’t know what to say. Maybe I should just not say goodbye —”
“And leave him waiting for you? It’s better for him to have proper closure yn,” Jaemin explained. “Come on now, it can be just a short goodbye.” 
Jaemin’s right. You almost spent a year with Jisung too. He’s attached to you too, it’s best for him to hear your goodbyes. That’s why you walked your way towards the door, slowly opening it. 
“Yn! You’re here!” and just like the other visits you have with Jisung, he hovers you over with a hug.
“I miss you! I’ve been waiting for you!” he excitedly said. “I learned how to do the cube! Here let me show you!”
But instead of answering him, you grab his wrist, making him stop. Jisung’s smile disappeared when he saw that you’re frowning. 
“Did something happen?” he asked. 
“Jisung, listen, I —” you inhaled deeply. “I am leaving.”
“What!? What do you mean by leaving?” he asked, his tone dripping with confusion. 
“The lab, they assigned me to another field,” you explained calmly. “But don’t worry, Jaemin and Jeno will take care of you —”
“No! You can’t leave me!” Jisung shouted, you were surprised with how his voice raised. 
“Jisung, I have no choice, they —” you let out a scream when Jisung grabs your wrist, just like what he did when you first encountered him. You tried to tug it away but he didn’t even move a muscle. You glanced at him, his expression darkens as he stares at you. 
“No! I won’t let you leave me!” he shouted.
“Jisung, let me go! Please you’re hurting me,” you plead, dropping on your knees as you try to remove his hands from your wrist. 
“I won’t let them take you away from me!” Jisung shouted, his grip becoming tighter that you could only scream in pain. 
The door swung open, revealing Jeno and Jaemin, and some guards of the laboratory. 
“Hold it!” Jeno ordered. The guard immediately responded, hovering over Jisung who pushed them away with ease. He didn’t let go of you, dragging you on the floor as he attacked those who approached you.
But a guard was able to push Jisung to the ground, holding him firmly along with his colleagues. Jeno immediately approached Jisung who was struggling to get out of the hold. You watch as Jeno grabs a tranquilizer. He stabs it on Jisung’s neck who groans because of the pain. 
Without any hesitation, Jaemin approaches you. You watch him pull out a scalper and stab it in Jisung’s wrist. The creature screams in pain, letting go of your hand. 
You weren’t able to process everything. Jaemin drags you out of the room, leaving Jisung there to struggle to get out of the hold. You didn’t notice the way your tears flowed down from your eyes. Shock and adrenaline seeped through every veins of your body as you and Jaemin reached your office. 
That was the last time you saw Jisung. Due to your injury, you were advised to take a month's rest first before going back to the main lab. You couldn’t do anything but sit and devour yourself in the silence of your apartment room. Everytime you look at your wrist, it reminds you of Jisung. How despite everything, he’s still a monstrous creature that’s dangerous. 
All of those months of peace and affection crumbled down into minutes of nothing but pure horror and fear. You don’t know what to do. You were left agitated inside your apartment room. You wanted to know what happened to Jisung after that. You were scared of what's going to happen to him. 
You tried to reach Jeno and Jaemin but you discovered that they were forbidden to give you updates about the research. You called bullshit, even dropping a phone call to Doctor Lee, your supervisor and the head of the main lab. You tried to convince him to return you to your research, but he has decided that your research will be in the better hands of your colleagues. You were frustrated, trying to pour your rage on finalizing your research but somehow, you couldn’t concentrate in your isolation. 
Until a few days later, it was as if your wishes came true, a phone call from Jaemin disturbed your sleep. It was almost midnight, but it didn’t matter to you. All you needed was an update. 
“Jaemin, what happened —”
“Yn, Jisung escaped!” Jaemin shouted. From the background, you can hear car screechings and the continuous blaring of horns and Jaemin cursing. 
“What!? How!?” you asked. 
“He went mad — fuck, get the fuck out of my way!” Jaemin shouted. 
“Where are you Jaem!?”
“I need to go there, you should too! This is code red yn!” 
The phone call ends, and you immediately jump out of your bed. You didn’t care if you’re wearing nothing but your sleepwear, you grabbed a dirty hoodie from your laundry basket and the keys of your car. Hurriedly, you drove your way to the laboratory. 
As you find your way there, you couldn’t help but feel your heart beating faster. You noticed that there’s a bright light glowing on the laboratory. Your hold on the wheels became tighter as you pressed on the gas pedal harder. Scurrying yourself towards the laboratory. 
Your eyes became wide the moment you parked the car. Hastily going out of the car but you were frozen to what you have witnessed. 
The whole laboratory is drowning in flames. It was nothing but pure fire as it continued to burn. Your shaking hands found its way to your opened mouth. Letting out a disgruntled scream as you dropped on your knees. 
It can’t be. You watched as your dreams crashed and burned into ashes as the fire stenched right through your nose. Its heat is becoming more intense as if it's not going to stop any minute. 
You watched as from the fire, a figure slowly walked out of it. You knew from that silhouette who it was. But you couldn’t do anything but watch him approach you until he’s standing in front of you. 
“You returned,” Jisung said, a smile forming on his lips. 
“Jisung…what is this?” you asked, almost stumbling on your own words. 
“They took you away from me,” he stated. “So I’m taking away everything from them.” 
Your eyes went wide because of his answer. “No, no! Jisung! This is wrong, you shouldn’t —”
“I did this for you yn,” Jisung rebutted with a soft tone. He kneels in front of you. You saw nothing but a creature whose longing for you. His eyes stared at you, sending goosebumps through your spine. You watched as Jisung became more inhumane in your eyes. 
His fingers trailed on your cheeks, making you flinch. As you look away, he grabs your chin, making you squirm in pain as his finger’s pointed ends pressed deeply on your cheeks. 
“Nothing can separate us now,” Jisung declared. “We will be together, forever.”
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shiraishi--kanade · 4 months
Point A: Taiga never actually wanted to stop VBS from pursuing Rad Weekend.
Point B: Taiga massively lost the idgaf war with himself with that one.
I promised I would not be LUtF posting but it seems I'll end up LUtF posting anyway. Oh well, here's a short-ish one
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Taiga is one fascinating fucker of a character, but I feel what most people get wrong about him is that he never actually went into LUtF with genuine malice.
Most importantly, Taiga is a character who vastly prefers to speak with his actions rather than words; this is somewhat canon and is referenced in On Your Feet!:
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With that in mind, you have to consider the things Taiga did for VBS (+ team) prior to LUtF. And it's actually... More than anyone else aside from maybe Ken.
1. Probably the most important one, letting them see COL venue (Legend Still Vivid)
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This is both a precious memory for Akito and An and an important experience for Touya and Kohane, who have not been there before. He does this entirely on a whim by Kohane's request, but it's important to see that he is genuinely touched by Kohane's resolve, as well.
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(It's heaving implied that literally the only people who would be able to give VBS that opportunity would be Taiga and Ken, but Ken was at that point still massively hitting the brakes on how much he wanted to involve himself into the mess that would later become LUtF - although we can see him starting to crack, as well)
2. Giving actual, genuinely good advice to Kohane that pointed VBS in the direction of "you need to connect with people of the town to be able to surpass RW" (Kick it up a notch)
Taiga and Kohane's mentorship relationship were genuine to some degree; even before that, in Awakening Beat, Taiga also gives Kohane the advice she needed.
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Bonus point: he also gave this same advice to Arata, a kid he barely knows (Power of Unity)
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This is genuine and valid advice; you can see how it ties into Nagi's story and how RW came to be. Why would Taiga be giving out free tips if he was opposed to anyone trying to surpass RW? Let's mark that down for later.
3. Helping out Akito as well (Fina a Way Out). Whether is intentional or not is up for debate, but it's important that it took Taiga to talk to Akito for him to finally find inner peace.
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While he's at it, Taiga gives almost the same, if not more, amount of support to VBS. So why?
Because of VBS' third event, RISE. it's a pivotal moment for their story, and it changed a lot of things... But most notably, it showed Taiga that they are serious.
Keep in mind that Taiga never entertained Nagi's idea to pass their dream on to the next generation in the first place. It was something Nagi wanted, and what Ken wanted to see through, but not Taiga (Light up the Fire, Episode 7)
Taiga: (...Nagi. This isn't for you.)
Shortly after:
Taiga: after everything, no matter what you say to me, my resolve won't change.
Taiga: no matter what, I will make our music the best in the world.
Taiga: this if for nobody's sake - I'm doing this for myself.
Through the event, Taiga is strongly against the idea of giving up on their dream - on his dream. While he doesn't appear to harbor any grudge towards Ken in particular, he is very unhappy - and is downright cynical - about the idea of someone following in their footsteps.
So for the most of his presence in the story, what he does is just entertain the idea of VBS actually getting on that level. He's tentatively curious, but he's not exactly emotionally invested in it. He's taking a "wait and see" approach towards VBS as a team, nudging them on, but without any particular serious intend behind his actions - he doesn't believe they're strong or willful enough.
And hoo boy he waited and saw.
After the absolute hell VBS brought up at Crawl Green and most of the audience seeing Nagi in Kohane (basically confirming his suspicions), Taiga realised that oh shit, those kids are actually doing it... Which meant it was about for him to show them what they're actually getting into.
(please refer to the first picture again. I'm working with limitations here)
This isn't an attempt to kick them down as much to give them a reality check. Remember, for the entirety of their 3-4 rotations, VBS have been pacing in circles trying to figure out why they host an even after an event and basically achieve nothing. Moving forward, yes, but they still don't understand why the RW was the way it was, and Taiga wands to give them the answer, because they would never progress themselves without it.
Which is: a) Nagi's story 2) the skill difference between VBS and Radder. Caucasian Destination aside. Please suspend your disbelief for a moment. This is a shounen anime about rap. Still with me? Okay, moving on.
But why a battle?
Well, aside from him being a calloused old bastard who also likes to scratch his ego, because he knows that the harder VBS lose, the higher they rise.
Don't get me wrong, he's downright cruel to Kotarou and antagonistic towards the rest of them and talks a lot of shit, but all of it is to make VBS hit the ground harder and test their resolve.
Because losing and then getting back on top is how VBS thrive - their frustration from losing is what drives them to work harder. This is part of Vivid Street's battle culture, as well; they kind of weed out the "weak", depending on how the loser react, and good sportsmanship is encouraged - so trying to "get back at ya" after losing is entirely normal and a part of the culture Taiga and VBS both were practically raised in.
He's seen the way Akito behaved after battling Shephard, and he knows An well enough to know she's an extremely sore loser and will always push herself to work even harder. It's not hard for him to deduce the rest of the team will react similarly. He simply sees them losing, and losing in that way, as a necessity for them to realise their limits and find strength to move forward. And they do.
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( ^ On your feet. Make no mistake, this is An's "I'm being a little shit right now" face. The "I'm about to rub your fur entirely the wrong way and enjoy it" expression if you will).
The entire 3rd episode was an - callous and assholey, yes - attempt by Taiga to rile VBS up enough so that they want to challenge him again, now with the whe context behind the story and what will it take of them. It was never, at least, not intentionally, attempt to stop them - Taiga is putting his whole trust in VBS as the only ones he respects enough to actually show the them the wall they're claiming to challenge, and he fully believes that when he does, they'll just come back stronger for it.
Which is why, as they call him out and threaten to go beyond his dream, to be even better than he is, he is smiling.
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base0h · 2 years
Yknow i kinda feel like I live in ur ask box but I just cannot get enough of how you write 💟💟 I suppose I’m feeling mischievous because, how do you think the monster trio would react to you asking them to open a pickle jar because ‘you can’t open it’ but in reality you glued it shut as a prank 💀
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a/n - anime you can live here rent free if you want 💜 oml everytime you request im excited!! your requests are so funny 😭
Warnings ⚠️ - crack, g/n reader
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- idk if there’s a jar he can’t open but- you were determined to make this one absolutely impossible to open
- super glue always seemed to work, so you glued the cap onto the jar and ran over to find Luffy lying on the couch, napping away as usual
- you tapped his nose and he sat upright pretty quickly, rubbing his eyes
- “Hey Lu, can you open this for me? I cant open it.”
- He grinned, flexing his arms with a laugh, “Shishishi~ gimme it!”
- he took it and expected for the cap to fly off, but instead, it stayed put while his hand spun around the cap
- …
- the silence was so loud 💀
- man tried opening it with his feet 💀 Idek if you wanna eat the pickles anymore bro
- he could easily break the jar, but he didn’t want to waste the pickles 😭
- while he was fuming about it in the corner, sobbing about how he’d become so weak because he can’t open the jar, you switched it out, grabbing one you had already opened before
- “Oh i got it, nevermind!”
- he literally shot up, staring at the open jar in your hands
- man was sobbing 😭
- “I’VE GOTTEN SO WEAK Y/N- I don’t even deserve to be your boyfriend anymore-“
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- you felt so bad- so you ended up giving him the entire pickle jar to himself which made him forget about this incident
- you promised yourself never to do that again because he cried for a solid 45 minutes about how he wouldn’t be able to protect you anymore and how useless he is 🫠
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- you could ask him anything and he’d do it without thinking twice
- a full 7 course meal? Please, that’s easy
- a whole bouquet of hand arranged flowers? Of course!
- opening a pickle jar would be nothing, or at least he thought so
- you decided it’d be funny to see his reaction if he couldn’t open the jar because you had glued it shut beforehand
- after you borrowed some glue from Usopp, you went to ask Sanji to open it
- “Hey Sanji, can you open this for me? I was gonna make egg salad!”
- he took it with a smile. The thought of eating the food you made fueled his motivation and strength to open this jar
- he was actually pretty confused why it wouldn’t open when he tried to screw it off
- he tried several more times before he hurriedly rushed off to the kitchen, ransacking the drawers for a jar opener, pliers, anything
- he did literally everything- banging the jar against the counter, using the pliers, twisting it with the jar opener, and at one point, he held the jar opener so tight that he broke it in half😭
- he even tried stabbing a hole in the top!
- nothing succeeded
- he was at this for about 15 minutes 💀
- when he came out with such a depressed look on his face, you couldn’t help but regret playing this little prank on him
- “Sorry- I couldn’t open it..”
- he was about to cry I swear 😭
- you gave in, how could you let him feel so sad?! It was just a joke after all-
- “It was a joke Sanji don’t worry- I glued it shut beforehand.. Sorry for joking about it-“
- 1, he was kind of sad that you’d play a prank like that on him. And 2, you really weren’t gonna make the egg salad?.. 🥺
- “Can you still make the egg salad though?”
- his eyes were sparkling- omfg how could you say no?!
- you made the egg salad for him with the other jar of pickles, and made sure to give him lots of hugs and kisses afterwards 💜
- you always made everything better. even if you’re the one who made things worse in the first place
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- is there anything this man can’t do? he can’t take a shower or find the bathroom.
- anyways- there’s almost nothing that this man cannot do
- you’re a shit stirrer (affectionate) so you decided to superglue a jar shut, expecting him to struggle with opening it
- “Zoro can you open this? I cant open it.”
- he took it with a yawn and tried opening it the first try, and it wouldn’t budge
- man almost opened his other eye from shock, why tf wouldn’t it open??
- he kept trying it before he used his sword to slice he cap off quickly
- you were about to start wheezing, zoro couldn’t open a jar of pickles
- “Shut it y/n I know you’re laughing” that sent you to heaven and back omg you were on the floor, struggling to breathe
- “SHUT UP!”
- his pride was gravely wounded after this- roronoa zoro, defeated by jar of pickles
- he was sulking for a while, ignoring you like a big baby
- “Zoro it was a joke- it was superglued shut.”
- he pinned you against the wall, leaning close to your ear, “I’m gonna show you what happens when you play jokes on me like that.”
- his tone was almost a growl, and he started dragging you back towards the room
- this is when you realized, why weren’t you in the hallways by now?
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a/n - pls zoro is so dumb sometimes
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Just once [Gator Tillman x fem!reader]
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18+ minors DNI!!!
Word count: 1.1k
16 “Just once.”
15 “Wanna bet?”
95 “You can take more than that.”
55 “Only I get to ruin you like this, you hear me?”
7 “Louder. Let me hear you.”
Warnings: smut (18+), car sex, no use of protection, creampie
A quick stop at the nearest gas station before heading back to the station in the middle of the night after a long day - what unexpected little thing could happen?
You and Gator have been talking shit about anyone and anything the whole day, separated for the first time all day as he goes inside to grab a snack, leaving you to fill the tank.
This is literally the definition of the middle of nowhere, you keep thinking with a straight gaze into the darkness of the night, no light in sight for miles.
“If you keep staring like that, we’re not gonna be home until tomorrow.”
His voice comes from inside the car, telling you how he’s only waiting for you to finish up. You just let your eyes roll to the back of your head, since it’s always been like that between the two of you - constantly getting on each other’s nerves for any fucking reason. One last deep breath finishing up, before you join him back in the car. Driving down the empty and dark roads, the silence in the car was loud enough - you could probably hear a pin drop.
“How many more months of this bullshit until you finally break and we’re fucking?”
Your head shoots from the black of the street over to him in shock. Not one word falls over your lips.
Why does this uniform suddenly feel tighter than usual?
“Just once. Don’t act like you’ve never thought about it.”
With his hand casually on the steering and eyes focused on the road, you can’t believe what he just said.
“That’s not gonna happen”, you bring out in an amused tone.
Feet hit the brakes, causing your body to get abruptly stopped by the seat belt, your hands bracing themselves on the glovebox in front of you. Gator turns to you with a wicked smile that’s almost impossible to make out in the darkness of the car.
“Wanna bet?”
He really just stopped in the middle of the road for another one of his tantrums?
Your fingers reach for the door handle with another roll of your eyes, but he locks the car before you can step outside into the cool night air.
“Can you at least properly park if you really wanna discuss this?”
He seems more than satisfied with your snarky comment and starts driving again before bringing the car to another stop on some random dirt road. With an elbow propped on the window you take another look at him and you’re met with that same self satisfied smirk of his. It’s when your eyes start to wander for just a second, you know you fucked up.
The air in here is getting fucking unbreathable.
You open the door before he can lock the car again, stepping outside just to get some air and of course… he follows you.
“Still wanna bet?”
Walking around to get the air you need, you open his backseat door and bend down to reach for your pack of cigarettes that fell under the seat in the morning when you were the one driving. You don’t pay attention to his heavy boots also rounding the car, too busy searching for the pack that seems like it’s been swallowed by the earth at this point. The moment you feel a presence behind you, is when your body suddenly jerks forward, laying flat on the backseat. There’s no need to actually look behind you to know who it was, but you still did. Gator is leaning with his arm on the roof of the car, his front digging in your ass proudly. He pulls you back by one of your belt loops, turning you around to push your body into the cold metal of the car. His body gives the right amount of warmth in the coldness of the night and that’s when you allow your eyes to wander this time.
“Once”, is the promise you give with a smile as you pull him onto the backseat with you.
It would be a straight up lie if you never thought about what lies beneath those camo pants, you’ve seen the way the fabric moves, bulges in certain situations. To be fair, there’s too much clothing on, the shoes tied too tight for anyone to get out of them in a fast way. Your mouth lands on his in a matter of seconds in a heated kiss as both of you fiddle with your own belt and button of your pants. He breaks the kiss and pushes your body over the center console before you get the chance to slide down your pants. Gator does it for you, bringing the pants down your legs in one swift motion together with your underwear. Bracing yourself as best as you can on the leather of the front seats both of you moan in unison the second he swipes his tip through your embarrassingly wet folds. You wonder why he’s being so slow, is it straight teasing or…
The wind gets knocked out of your lungs the moment he slides inside, your walls already gripping him for dear life. Surely no one you’ve been with was this big. He’s taking it slow, inch by inch but at a certain point, you have to grip onto the center console for support, letting your head fall as you breathe through the stretch.
“You can take more than that.”
That voice brings you back to reality and before he can move, you slowly push back onto him which makes him moan from the depths of his soul. Inch by inch you can't believe it when you actually feel his skin against your ass. Even after a few times - that won’t ever happen -  he’s probably still a stretch. It’s like your mind goes blank when he starts moving, setting a slow but steady rhythm as his hands hold your hips. Mixed moans fill the car, the windows fogging up within minutes and it would be no surprise if you could see a bulge in your stomach with how deep and huge he is.
Another moan rips deep from within you when he leans forward, hitting an impossibly deeper spot inside, just to tell you: “Only I get to ruin you like this, you hear me?”
And even if you don’t want to admit it, the words just spur on the feeling that started building the second he started moving. His pace quickens as he chases his own release, while you clench around him with already trembling legs, hands clawing the leather as the moans keep spilling from your lips.
“Louder. Let me hear you.”
You try to grab anything to ground you, you try pushing him off, even though it’s not something you really want - at least not anymore. The moans turn into whines as you come around him.
“Just let me know when you want this, again.”
He sounds so fucking proud of himself, it’s unbelievable.
~ M
I simply can't stop thinking about this man
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rattkachuk · 3 months
ooh tell me more about bodyswap 1929? Also my wips are literally called blah 7 and big bang submission and fill 2, then when they're posted I change the title to posted 5 and put them in a seperate folder lmao
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body swap fic was a winner (i really wanna finish this one this summer so i'm glad the doc title got some interest dfkgjhj)
When Matthew wakes, his head hurts and his room is stuffy. And quiet. It’s odd, because he always without fail opens his window before going to bed, and when he wakes up there’s always some noisy shore birds and the sound of gentle waves in the canal behind his house. It’s all noticeably absent this morning. His eyes are still fuzzy with sleep, but as he comes to in the dimly lit bedroom everything else is feeling wrong, too. His blankets are different and his pillow feels like those stupid memory foam ones that Leon was always fond of. The ceiling is not the right colour and- What the fuck? his mind screams at him. Why the hell is he in his ex-boyfriend's bedroom in Edmonton, when he’s pretty sure he fell asleep in his own bed in Florida. There’s alarms blaring in his head, but he reaches for his phone on the bedside table, trying to calm the storm that’s building in his chest. It’s not his phone that he grabs, though, and unless he’s tripping fucking balls, the reflection in the screen is not his face. He scrambles out of bed, half tripping on the sheets tangled up with one of his feet. The bathroom lights are harsh, blinding even, and they don’t fucking lie. Matthew’s chest heaves and the reflection staring back at him is most certainly not his face. Not Matthew Tkachuk. “Holy shit,” he breathes, and his voice familiar, but not at all. He knew Leon’s voice as well as the back of his hand, but it was entirely different when said voice was coming from inside him. It’s a dream, it has to be a dream, he thinks as he runs his hands over his—Leon’s?—face. Maybe he did go out and he couldn’t remember, was slipped something, or took something and didn’t remember. That didn’t sound like something he’d do but…maybe. It was the only thing that made sense. Matthew stares at the mirror for so long, so intently, he almost misses the phone buzzing, still tightly gripped in his hand. The words flashing on his screen says ‘do not text’, but the contact photo is one of Matthew from a couple years ago, passed out with Bowie curled in the crook of his arm.
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