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gothicflowers · 1 day ago
Pt.3 Continuing this Gaz blurb
Pt.1 Pt.2
MDNI 18+ only
“So like a date?” you replied to Kyle’s text asking if you wanted to go to this fancy steakhouse downtown.
Kyle smirks down at his phone “Ya, like a date. I’ll pick you up tonight at seven if you say yes”
“Of course” you quickly respond.
“What’s got you all happy” Price asks from his desk.
“Ah it’s nothing” Kyle nonchalantly responds.
Price chuckles “It’s a girl isn’t it”.
Kyle nods “Maybe sir”.
“Oh to be young again” price sighs.
You were buzzing with excitement. You had picked out a prefect outfit the accentuated your favorite parts of your body. This steakhouse was definitely fancy. Kyle who is sitting across from you is dressed in slacks and a fitted button up. He looks great, now if only he’d roll those sleeves up so you can see his forearms. He orders a bottle of your favorite wine and before you know it dinner is over and you’re both walking towards your home with arms linked together.
Your back was arched and your fingers weaving in Kyle’s hair as he placed little kitten licks on your clit. A breathless moan escape your lips as his tongue moves down and dips into your tight hole, fucking delicious. Your soft silhouette illuminated by the vintage glass lamp in the living room. The bottle of white wine on the coffee table was empty alongside the two crystal glasses.
“Daydreaming during training, come on now Gaz” soap smirks down at Gaz who’s laying on his back trying to recapture air into his lungs.
“Fuck off soap” gaz wheezed out. Two days ago Kyle failed in his attempt to gain you back, only to discover his own captain was warming your bed. The man that he had deeply trusted. Someone that Gaz to have considered a father like figure, fucking his precious girl. Gaz stands up after regaining his composure, noticing his captain in the corner his eye.
“Fancy a round Captain” Gaz crosses his arms, puffing his chest.
Price looks up from his clipboard “only if you insist Sargent”. Price knows that Kyle is pissed, and as much as Price wants to establish dominance he knows that maybe this isn’t the best idea, to egg him on while on duty. Fuck it he thinks to himself.
They meet in the middle of the sparring mat, Gaz being frustrated makes the first move to which price catches his Sargents hand. Price then twists Gazs arm but he lets go, just so Gaz knows he’s toying with him.
Price rolls his shoulders forward and get back into stance with a smirk “Poor girl was all by herself dolled up just reading a book at the speakeasy. Little angel got real red when I asked if I could buy her a drink.”
Gaz growls “You fuckin knew she was mine”
“Yours? Bold of you to say when my cum was spilling out of her this morning. Boy, you fucked and fled a month before I met her. You were long gone, not as much as a photo left of you in her phone. After all from what you said before, she was never yours.” Kyle throws a swift punch to which Price promptly dodges “I gotta thank you though, you fucked up so perfectly she needed a older man to come in a be her price charming” price smirks as he watches Kyle grit his teeth as he lunged forward towards his captain.
The move catches price off guard causing him to stumble back a few feet. “Atta boy there you go” price mocks him. “I could see why you’d be angry at me of all people for going after her, but Understand this boy shes mine now. Every tight little inch of her is” that’s when Gaz lunges at him, sending them both hurdling towards the ground.
“Oh so you’re enjoying the woman I fucked first” price launches Gaz off him.
Price scoffs “Oh don’t worry, not like you’re big enough to have stretched her out. Sweet thing is like a vice grip”
Gaz sits on the bench of the locker room sore beyond belief. Price had pinned him down into a submission, and it hurt his pride more than it did his shoulder.
Soap walks out of the shower area wrapped in a towel “so… what exactly was that about with price. Because that was a little more than sparring”
Gaz sighs “I went to go talk to her”
Sop cocks a eyebrow “ok, what exactly does it got to do with cap”
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shanastoryteller · 2 days ago
SHANA HAVE YOU SEEN ARCANE? IF NOT GO DO THAT AND JOIN ME IN MY INSANITY WITH JAYVIK. Otherwise its dealers choice and some happy valentines chocolates for you 💕💋
Castiel has gone rogue, has torn down the wall keeping the cage at bay, and Dean is going to have to face him alone if Sam can’t figure out how to get out of his own head.
Absorbing the memories of what he’d done when he’d been soulless had hurt. To know that any version of him was capable of that kind of callousness, of the kind of ruthless efficiency he’d always turned up his nose at, was a blow.
But absorbing the memories of the cage may very well kill him. Everyone seems to expect it to, if it doesn’t drive him outright insane. It’s likely the most he can hope for is that it leaves him cationic, that he stays in this safe little place in his mind that Lucifer can’t touch and leave the rest of the world to rot. He already destroyed himself to save it once, why should he have to go through that again?
For the same reason he did it the first time.
The world still has Dean in it. He can’t leave his brother to suffer if there’s anything he can do about it.
When he finds across the version of himself that knows the cage, he has to clamp down on the urge to tremble. He’s standing there, half hidden in shadow, leaning against the wall like he can’t hold up his own weight.
He’s covered head to toe in blood.
“Hey,” he says then swallows. Soulless had been aggressive, had been angry, hadn’t hesitated to engage with him. Cage seems like he can barely keep breathing.
It’ll make him easy to kill, easy to reintegrate, but he doesn’t know what that will leave him as when he’s done.
Just killing the guy after everything he’s been though doesn’t seem right. He licks his lips. “Look, I don’t know how aware you are of everything that’s going on, but I – we – I mean.” He swallows. “Dean’s in trouble and I can’t help him without remembering. Everything. And I know I’m not strong enough to deal with everything you’ve delt with-”
“Why do you say that?”
Sam startled. Cage’s voice is raspy, but not weak. There’s no fear, no tears, just simple curiosity. “I – what?”
“Why do you say that?” Cage repeats.
“I,” he thinks back on Soulless’s memories, of how he’d been on board with getting his soul back up until he’d found out what it would do to him, of how they’d described the tattered remains of who he used to be. “They said it would destroy me. You don’t – you don’t look to be in great shape.”
Cage shrugs. “People have always underestimated us, Sam. You know that. They didn’t think we’d be able to take control of Lucifer and we did that.”
“What?” he laughs incredulously. “It was just a hunky dory time in there with Lucifer? You look like shit.”
“And you think Lucifer did this to us?” Cage smiles, Sam can see the white of his teeth against his blood covered face. It should be disturbing, a sign of a cracked mind, a cracked soul, but it just looks like a normal smile. “You know us. You know us better than I do at this point. When have we ever stopped fighting?”
“We fought the devil,” he says flatly. “In the cage.”
“Do you know what powers angel’s grace? Demon’s abilities?” he asks.
Sam shakes his head.
“Human souls,” he says. “It’s the greatest source of power on any of the three planes. And if you know Enochian, you can harness that same power. It took a while, but eventually we learned.” He tilts his head to the side. “I won’t lie, Sam. Lucifer put us through things that no person should experience, a type of hell that broke us more than once. But we were in that cage a long, long time. Souls heal. Grace disconnected from heaven just runs out. I’m thankful to be out, but given a few more centuries, well. Lucifer wouldn’t just be in the cage. He’d be gone.”
Sam doesn’t understand, doesn’t believe it. “So you used your own soul to fight the devil? With the angel’s language? That’s–”
“What did we have to lose?” Cage interrupts. “Michael and Lucifer distracted each other occasionally, and Michael keeps Adam unaware. All we had was fighting and surviving. If we could kill Lucifer for good, what did it matter what state it left our soul in?”
“Then why hide?” he challenges. “Death and Castiel put you away. Why hide even now? If it’s not that bad, why let yourself be walled away?”
“It is that bad,” Cage says softly. “You’re just that strong.”
Sam swallows.
He used to believe that about himself.
“I’ve spent centuries in the cage,” he says. “Some days I barely remember life on Earth. I’ve changed. I had no reason not to.” He looks away for the first time. “I did it for Dean. I never forgot that. And Dean got me out, he saved me, but,” he meets Sam’s eyes. “I remember what it was like to have Dean look at me like he didn’t recognize me. I didn’t want to go through that again. You, he knew. You, he recognized. I thought it was better. You didn’t need the person you became in the cage once we were out of it and I wanted,” he cuts himself off again.
It's okay.
Sam knows.
“You wanted to be someone Dean would be willing to sell his soul for,” Sam says.
He’d never wanted what Dean did, but he’s always felt crushed under the weight of being worthy of it, of the loss and fear when he felt he wasn’t. It’s such a fucked up metric to measure love against, if someone would be willing to go to hell for you, but Dean’s the one who set it. He’s just following suit.
He’d do anything for Dean.
“Dean needs our help,” Sam says. “Castiel-”
“I know,” Cage says. “Even a juiced up Cas isn’t Lucifer. We’ll be able to take care of him. You need to know what I know and there’s no way to teach you Enochian without everything you had to go through to learn it. I’m sorry.”
“We’ve got a year of fresh memories,” he says. “A year of our life on earth front and center. It’ll help. They won’t feel so far away from us after.”
Dean will still love them after.
“You hope,” Cage scoffs.
Sam smiles and lifts a shoulder in a half shrug. “Yeah. It’s all we’ve ever had, right?”
Cage smiles again, pushing off the wall to stumble forward. Sam catches him when his knees buckle, looking into his own face, his own eyes. They are different. But not unfamiliar.
Souls heal. Whatever Lucifer did to him, whatever he did to himself in there, it’s not irreversible. There’s a difference between scarred and bleeding.
“You’re going to be okay,” Cage says, offering him a knife that Sam hadn’t even noticed him carrying. “You can do this.”
Sam swallows, giving a nod before taking the hilt and plunging it into Cage’s chest. He holds him through it, hearing the wet gasp against his hear. “Yes,” he says softly. “We can.”
When he opens his eyes in the panic room, all versions of him settled into one, into just Sam, he doesn’t waste time mourning the people he used to be.
Dean needs him.
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little-red-fool · 1 year ago
“hmm people seem to be shipping these Sam and Higgs people I don’t know a lot about them but I wonder why they pair them let’s see what that’s abou-”
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dearieshima · 4 months ago
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷feat. xavier is determined to get your virginity before leaving philos.
His hands gripped your thighs hard enough to bruise, holding you open for his relentless assault. "Look at how deep I am," he panted, watching as he pistoned in and out of your tightness. "Look how well we fit together."
c.w spoilers to xavier's myth, dubcon, groping, scummy!xavier, coercion/manipulation, cherry popping, handjob, fingering, licking fingers after jizzing on them, jealousy, 4k+ words, halfway proofread
On the night of Xavier’s Gladius ceremony, he returned to the palace with a newly discovered understanding. Amidst the celebration, he pulled his father, the king, aside for a private conversation. He presented an irregular protocore to his father, its life force still pulsating in his hand.
“Shouldn't the protocore warrant a formal inspection?” Xavier asked, voice laced with suspicion.
“The lightblade deemed you worthy,” his father replied dismissively, his fingers absently tracing the protocore.
Xavier pressed, “Is there no need for formalities? Or are you unwilling? A heart was once in this protocore–am I mistaken?”
A flicker of tension tightened the king's jaw as he pocketed the protocore. “...I knew you'd catch on.”
The king immediately caught Xavier off, witnessing the disgust in his son’s eyes. “However, it is a necessary duty of the crown prince. It is also the king's responsibility.”
Xavier's mouth widened, and for a minute he stood there in silence. He then turned sharply, storming out without looking back, ignoring his father’s calls. His decision was already made.
He strode into the crowded hall, hoping to shake off his father’s gaze when he spotted you. His eyes darkened.
You were laughing at a joke some man had made, holding a flute of champagne. The dress you wore barely skimmed your knees, and Xavier noticed the man's eyes were fixed and imaginative, longing to see it up to your stomach.
You were a lamb among a den of wolves. If he left too soon, the pack would descend upon your fresh meat. He couldn't leave Philos without sinking his teeth into you first, marking you as his territory to warn others until his return.
He maneuvered toward you, brushing off congratulatory pats and embraces along the way. At one point, Jeremiah slung an arm around his shoulders, only to be harshly shrugged off, as Xavier’s focus remained locked on you. Jeremiah noticed his gaze and, not wanting to interfere, took a long sip of champagne and slipped away.
When Xavier finally reached you, he wrapped a hand firmly around your arm, his eyes flashing a silent warning to the other man.
“Come with me.”
"Hm? Why?”
Xavier's jaw clenched, his frustration mounting. Did you not notice how the other man had been ogling you?
“I have something I need to show you. It's urgent.”
Without waiting for a response, he guided you out of the ballroom, his hand gripping your arm firmly. He guided you out of the ballroom and steered you through the corridor of the palace, his steps determined and purposeful. His hand remained on your arm, his grip firm and possessive. When you reached his room, he ushered you inside.
You perched on his bed, still holding your champagne, swinging your legs. “So?” you asked, a playful smile on your lips as you twirled the drink in your hands. “What’s so urgent?”
Xavier shut the door with a soft click, then slowly turned to face you, a strange expression on his face. He reached over, took the flute from your hand, and placed it on his dresser. “Don’t drink that.”
You frowned, almost pouting. “Hey!”
He ignored your protest, “he could’ve slipped something into it.”
He strode to the window, pausing. “Besides, I want you clear-headed for what I’m about to show you, that's so urgent.” He pulled open the curtains, revealing a brilliant, star-studded sky. The sight drew you to your feet, and you stepped over, awestruck.
Xavier stood close behind you to make space. His chest brushed against your back as he rested his chin on your head, his warm breath fanning over your hair.
“There’s one more thing I want to show you,” he whispered, voice low in your ear. He pointed upward, guiding your gaze. “See? Just above the dipper—that’s the star of our planet.”
A smile tugged at your lips as you spotted the tiny glimmer in the sky, remembering your talks about eloping there. You’d joked about it, but seeing it now made your heart ache with a longing. “It’s beautiful…”
Xavier chuckled, the low sound making your skin tingle. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer until your body was pressed flush against his.
Your breath caught, your heart thudding wildly. “X-Xavier…”
He held you tighter, his hand splaying across your waist. "You should be more careful," he murmured. "Don't you realize how many men in there were looking at you the same way I was?”
“The way you…?”
“—Like a piece of meat.” He was unaware he was contradicting himself. “You're too naive and innocent, and they were preying on it. If I hadn't taken you away..."
He leaned down, his lips just inches away from yours. He hesitated, as though he might ask permission, a question lingering in his darkening gaze. It died as he closed the distance, his lips capturing yours in a gentle yet assertive kiss. He drew you closer, his tongue exploring with confident ease.
He was desperate; you could feel it in the way his body pressed against yours, in the way he kissed you as if he was starved for you.
You melted into the kiss, your hands lifting to cradle his face.
Encouraged by your response, he gently lowered you back onto the bed, his forehead resting against yours as he followed you down. His body pressed against yours, and you could feel the deep, unspoken yearning in his touch.
“Xavier—” Your protest was cut off as he deepened the kiss, his lips capturing your voice, drowning any resistance as he poured himself into the moment.
You was a bit tipsy, the alcohol lowering your inhibitions, making you pliant beneath his touch. Xavier's lips trailed from your mouth to your neck, leaving a blazing path of desire on your flushed skin. He pushed you down, straddling your hips as he drank in the sight of you splayed out before him.
Your clothes were rumpled, your hair tousled, your cheeks stained with a becoming flush. Xavier swallowed hard, his pulse racing as he finally had you right where he wanted you. This was what he'd been fantasizing about, dreaming of, for so long. And now, with you soft and willing beneath him, he couldn't hold back any longer.
His hands roamed your curves, slipping beneath your clothing to caress the silky skin beneath. He needed to feel you, all of you, with no barriers between you both. His fingers found the zipper of your dress and tugged it down but you pushed his chest, knocking him out of his delusion.
He blinked, as if surprised you would do that.
"What's the matter?" He murmured, his voice gruff. His fingers toyed with the hem of your dress, pushing it up, revealing more of your skin.
"X-Xavier..." You repeated, flushed. You scooted further into the bed, away from him until your back pressed against the headboard.
He followed, his hand slowly trailing back up your thigh, sending shivers through your body. "It's okay," he whispered, his voice coaxing. "No one has to know. It can be our little secret." His fingers reached the hem of your dress, slowly inching it up.
“N-No…” you stammered, reaching down to hold your skirt in place. “I… I don’t…”
Xavier’s face fell, his fingers curling into the fabric, his expression a mix of confusion and hurt. “You don’t want this?” he asked, voice low. “I though…–You were kissing me.”
“You kissed me back, you let me…” he continued, his voice trailing off as he looked away, shoulders slumping. “Why did you let me, just to pull away?”
You bit your lip, feeling a pang of guilt. “I… I didn’t mean to lead you on. I thought… it was just a kiss. Then it got too fast…”
"Too fast? Why was it too fast?" He glanced up, his brows knitted in frustration. "We've known each other for a while. We're alone. Why are you acting so shy all of a sudden?”
"I, I don't know..." I whimpered. "I don't... I don't know... Xavier, I…”
"You don't know, you don't know," he repeated. "You've been teasing me all this time, sending me mixed signals. And now, when I'm finally giving you what you want, you're pushing me away?”
You opened your mouth but closed it again, struggling to find the right words. “Xavier, it’s not… I just… You’re a prince…”
His lips pressed together, eyes dimming, reminded of the title he hated. "I'm a prince, so what?" His voice was soft, almost resigned. "Do you think that means I can't have you? That I don't have any feelings? That I can't desire you like any man would?”
“It’s not that… you're just…” you stammered, cheeks heating. “You’re meant for someone else, Xavier…”
"Someone else? Who are you to decide that? I don't want someone else, I want you. I've always wanted you." His expression softened, though his frustration was clear. He traced circles with his thumb on your foot. "Don't you want me?”
You bit your lip, finally looking up at him. “I… I like you, Xavier. More than… than I probably should.”
“Then why push me away?” he asked, voice thick with disappointment. “If you like me… then let me have you.”
“I… I don’t know, Xavier…”
He sighed. "You don't know again. Why don't you know?”
"Because I'm scared, Xav…”
"You're scared?" he echoed, his eyes softening. "Scared of what? Me?” Perhaps you've heard the rumors of him frightening away any students who showed interest in you; his father who showed an interest in your heart.
"N-No, that's not true," you pouted, fumbling nervously with your fingers. "I... I've never done it... This before... I…”
"So... you're scared because it's your first time?"
You nodded, feeling your cheeks heat. “Yes…”
He remained silent for a moment, his fingers lightly caressing your hand. "I didn't know," he whispered, though it was a lie. In truth, he was well aware. It was he who had kept you pure, watching and waiting for the perfect opportunity to claim your innocence for himself. He would never allow another man to take what rightfully belonged to him.
“But Xavier… I’m not sure I’m ready…”
His body tensed again at your refusal. He wanted you, and he was determined to ease your hesitation.
"Why not?" he asked, his voice warm and reassuring. "You like me, I like you. You don’t want anyone else, and neither do I. Wouldn't it feel right to do it with someone who’s been by your side your whole life, someone you love and could trust, instead of a stranger?"
He held your gaze, "those other men... they wouldn't take care of you like I would. They wouldn't be gentle–they wouldn't take their time with you. They'd just use you, Y/N.”
In your silence, Xavier took it as a small victory. Seeing you listening to him, processing his words, gave him hope that he was getting through to you, that you were listening to his reasoning. He pushed forward, continuing in a low, husky tone.
"They wouldn't treasure you like I would. They wouldn't make love to you the way I would. They wouldn't want to... to protect you, and cherish you, like I do.”
He could see the hesitation in your eyes, feel nervousness in your body as his fingers continued their path up your thigh, caressing your skin softly. He leaned in closer, his face mere inches from yours, his voice a low plea.
"Please... let me show you what it could be like... with me.”
Xavier's lips slowly melded into yours, breaking the final barrier of your resolve. His tongue brushed softly against your lips, testing, seeking entry as he drew you deeper into the kiss, making it clear he wanted all of you. When your mouth opened, he slipped in without hesitation, claiming the moment entirely. He explored each part of your mouth, tasting and savoring, leaving no doubt of his intent. His body pressed against yours, his weight grounding you, pinning you with a warmth that left you breathless.
His hands roamed your body, caressing your skin. He gripped your hips, pulling you closer to him, as if trying to merge your bodies into one.
He could feel your body trembling beneath his touch, the way your hands clung to his shoulders, trying to anchor yourself. He reveled in your response, the way you whimpered and mewled in his mouth, the way your body reacted to his every touch.
The heat of his mouth seared your skin as he trailed kisses down your neck, each one more intense than the last. Your head lolled back, giving him better access as he nipped and sucked, marking you as his. The sting of his teeth on your sensitive flesh sent jolts of pleasure straight to your core.
His hands roamed your body with a desperate urgency, as if he couldn't get enough of you. They slid under your shirt, caressing the smooth skin of your stomach before cupping your breasts. You gasped as he rolled your nipples between his fingers.
"G-Gentle…" you whimpered, your voice barely above a whisper.
"Sorry," he murmured, his voice rough. "I'll make it up to you."
His hands roamed your curves, one cupping your breast through the silky material. With a swift tug, he pulled the dress and your bra down, freeing your breasts from their confines. They spilled out, immediately pebbling without the warmth of your bra.
His eyes darkened with lust as he drank in the sight of you. He wrapped his arms around your lower back, pulling you flush against him as he dipped his head to capture a nipple between his lips. He suckled greedily, his tongue swirling around the sensitive bud.
His other hand came up to massage your neglected breast, kneading the soft flesh. He switched between your peaks, lavishing each one with attention until you were writhing against him, desperate for more.
Xavier released your breast with a wet pop, a string of saliva connecting his lips to your nipple. He trailed kisses up your chest, between your breasts, along your collarbone, before capturing your lips in a searing kiss. His tongue delved into your mouth, stroking against yours as he deepened the kiss.
One hand tangled in your hair, angling your head to give him better access. The other slid down your side, over the curve of your hip, before dipping between your thighs. He cupped your mound, his fingers rubbing slow circles over your clothed sex, inciting a hiss from you.
"You're so wet already," he smiled, his voice a low murmur.
He hooked his fingers into the sides of your panties, slowly dragging them down your legs. You lifted your hips to assist him, the cool air infiltrating from the open window hitting your heated skin. “X-Xavier…”
He smiled as he saw how wet you were. He spread your legs apart and ran his hand along your inner thigh, spreading them wider. "So pretty," he whispered, his eyes locked on your glistening pussy. He reached out and rubbed his thumb over your clit, making you jump.
“Relax," he whispered, his voice gentle. His touch became firmer, his thumb slowly rubbing circles over your hot, swollen nub. He watched your face intently, memorizing every gasp, every flush of your cheeks, every dilation of your pupils. "Have you touched yourself before?"
You nodded.
"Show me," he demanded, his voice low. He wanted to see what you liked, what you didn't. He wanted to know everything. He brought his other hand up to play with your breasts, pinching and rolling your peaks as he continued to toy with your core.
You peered up at him incredulously. "Xavier…–!"
"Please," he whispered. "I want to know. I want to know what you like, what feels good. Show me, please." His touch was hentley, coaxing.
Slowly, tentatively, your hand drifted downward, brushing over the soft curls at the apex of your thighs. Xavier's breath hitched as you parted your folds, revealing the glistening pink flesh beneath. "That's it," he encouraged, his gaze locked on your movements.
Your thighs clamped shut around your plunging fingers, but Xavier forcefully pried them apart. "Keep them spread," he instructed.
You let out a desperate whine, groping your breast as you frantically pumped your fingers in and out of your dripping slit.
"Shh," he soothed, his eyes never leaving your hand. "Add another finger. Stretch yourself for me."
"I-I can't..." you protested weakly.
He nodded his head as he slowly pushed one of his alongside yours, stretching you deliciously wide. "Yes you can," he breathed. His digit trailed down to join yours, stroking that spongy sweet spot deep inside. Your pussy clenched and fluttered around the stretch.
"Right there?" he asked, his voice low. He crooked his fingers inside of you, pressing against that spot over and over again. He watched your face contort in pleasure, your mouth falling open as you gasped. "Come for me.”
Your back arched off the bed as ecstasy crashed over you in waves, your inner walls clenching around his fingers as you reached your peak.
His dark eyes were transfixed, watching with rapt attention as his hand worked you through your release, prolonging your pleasure until you collapsed back against the sheets, spent and trembling. Slowly, he withdrew your slick finger from your dripping core and brought them to his lips. His tongue darted out, curling around your fingers as it lapped your essence, his eyes fluttering shut in bliss.
He leaned down and kissed you hard, his tongue sliding into your mouth so you could taste yourself on him. His hands flung to his pants and began to unfasten his belt with eagerness.
As his pants fell away, your eyes widened at the sight of his impressive manhood standing at full attention. The swollen head glistened with pearlescent drops of precum, the color a striking contrast to the milky smoothness of his skin. Prominent veins ran along the underside, pulsing with his heartbeat. He was magnificent, a work of art sculpted by stars itself.
"Sit up.”
You complied, your movements languid as you propped yourself up on your knees. Your breasts swayed enticingly with the motion, nipples pebbled and begging for attention. His eyes roamed over your body hungrily, drinking in every curve and valley.
He took your hand and guided it to his throbbing member, wrapping your fingers around his impressive girth. "Touch me," he breathed, "like this.” He showed you, moving your hand up and down his length.
As your fingers closed around him, he let out a low groan, his hips thrusting forward slightly. "Just like that," he encouraged.
You swallowed hard, a mix of nerves and excitement coursing through you. "Is this okay?" You asked softly, his length growing even harder in your grip.
"Squeeze a little tighter," he instructed, his voice strained with pleasure.
Focusing intently, you squeezed just as he asked, marveling at the way his shaft pulsed in your palm. Your eyes were glued to where your hand met his flesh, watching in fascination as you pumped him, his swollen head disappearing and reappearing with each stroke.
He hissed through his teeth, his head falling back. "Just like that," he praised. His hips jerked forward, his body tensing. "Harder," he groaned. He brought your other hand up to play with his balls, showing you how to gently roll and squeeze them.
He gripped your wrist, his breathing growing ragged. "Keep...keep doing that," he hissed. He thrust into your hands, his movements growing jerky. "I'm… I'm going to..." He broke off, his whole body convulsing as he came in your hands.
He threw his head back, tendons straining in his neck as he gulped. Releasing your hand, he gripped his own thighs, fingers digging into the firm flesh.
You gazed at your palm, glistening with his copious release. Mimicking his earlier actions, you brought your hand to your lips, tongue swirling around your fingers to lap up every drop of his thick, salty essence.
His eyes were riveted on your display. With a sigh, he asked you to lay back once more. Seizing your hips, he yanked you towards him, his face flushed and debauched, mouth agape. He reached out and gently spread your thighs, stepping between them, the swollen head of his cock nudged against your slick entrance.
“Condoms…!” You cried out, “Xavier, what about–”
"Shh, don't worry about that now," he said. "I'll pull out, I promise.”
His hungry gaze raked over your quivering form, committing every dip and swell to memory. "Don't look so nervous," he crooned. “I'm right here.”
"Be gentle..." You breathed. “Please.”
He smiled, though it didn't reach his eyes. You were adorable. "I'll be gentle.”
His fingers delved between your thighs, parting your slick folds to reveal your glistening entrance. He groaned at the sight. "So pretty.”
He then rubbed his thick head against your wetness, coating himself with your fluids. He pressed against your hole, his hips slowly pushing forward. He watched your face, his own contorted in concentration. "Breathe in," he instructed softly.
And before you actually could, he thrusted in.
Tears streamed down your face as he gradually pushed deeper into your tight heat. He paused, allowing you a moment to acclimate to his impressive girth stretching you open. His fingers tenderly caressed your cheek, wiping away the salty drops. "You're doing so well," he praised softly. "Just a little more." With one powerful thrust, he hilted himself fully inside you, breaking through your barrier.
A sharp cry escaped your lips at the sudden sting of pain mixed with overwhelming fullness. Your nails dug into the sheets as you gripped them for dear life. "Wait... ngh... I can't..." you whimpered, trembling beneath him.
Xavier captured your mouth in a searing kiss, swallowing your cries. "Shh, you're okay. I'm all the way inside now," he murmured against your lips. He held still, letting you adjust to the intense new sensations as your body stretched to accommodate him. "Open your eyes. Focus on me and you'll forget the pain."
He began to set at a slow, rhythmic pace, his hips gently rocking against yours. He grunted each time he bottomed out inside you. "Look at me," he commanded gruffly. "Open your eyes and look at me." He reached out and gently tilted your chin, forcing you to look up at him.
Your body clenched around him, the initial sting of pain gradually melting away into waves of pleasure. A breathy moan escaped your lips as you felt yourself surrender to the newer sensations.
Xavier's face tightened, and his head fell forward between his shoulders. "God, when you do that…" he hissed through gritted teeth. He continued to pump his hips, his rhythm growing faster. "Wrap your legs around my waist," he instructed hoarsely. "I'm gonna go a little faster."
You complied and wrapped your legs tightly around his waist, pulling him closer. When he mentioned he was going to pick up the pace, you weren't prepared for the relentless pounding that followed.
Bracing himself on his hands, he began to ruthlessly slam into you over and over again. Leaning down, he claimed your mouth in a rough, dominating kiss, muffling your desperate moans. His hips moved like a machine, driving into you with animalistic cruelty.
"G-Gentle...! Mgh–! P-Please!" you whimpered against his lips.
But Xavier was lost in his own pleasure, ignoring your pleas as he continued his merciless assault on your body. "You can handle it," he huffed. Gripping your hips, he adjusted your position, allowing him to plunge even deeper inside you. "You're too tight… I'll be gentle after I'm finished breaking you in."
"X-Xavier…! Xav–Ngh!"
He reached between your legs and grabbed your wrists, pulling them above your head as he continued to ravage you. His face was a mask of intense concentration as he continued to thrust into you, his hips moving like a piston. "You're so loud," he hissed, his voice thick with passion.
"Xavier! Xavier!"
His thrusts slowed to a torturous crawl, allowing you a moment to catch your breath before he hoisted your legs up onto his broad shoulders and folded you nearly in half. The new angle allowed him to plunge even deeper, the thick head of his cock kissing your cervix with each powerful stroke. Your back arched off the bed as your arms wrapped around his neck, nails digging into his sweat-slicked skin. A strangled moan tore from your throat.
His hands gripped your thighs hard enough to bruise, holding you open for his relentless assault. "Look at how deep I am," he panted, watching as he pistoned in and out of your tightness. "Look how well we fit together."
"It's too much… please... please..." You babbled, your voice hitching with every thrust to your cervix. "Xavier... it hurts…!"
"It's supposed to," he grunted. "It feels good, though, right? Just bear it a little more. I'm almost done." He let your legs drop, pushing your knees to your chest as he pounded into you.
Your nails raked down his back, leaving long, ten crimson trails in their wake. Xavier grunted in pain, his face contorting as he thrust into you harder. "Mark me all you want," he huffed. "I'll mark you right back." He buried his face in your neck and bit down hard, sucking on your skin as he continued to thrust into you.
"Ahh! Yes! Fuck!" you cried out, your words dissolving into incoherent babble. "You prom–eh…! you promised…!”
Xavier's eyes were closed, his face buried in your neck as he fucked you without a care in the world. The sound of his hips slapping against yours echoed in the room, mixing with your screams and pleas. "God… fuck, fuck," he chanted to himself, his voice muffled against your skin.
"You're so meannnn," you whimpered, drawing out the word as a sob caught in your throat.
Xavier's eyes flashed, dark and feral, as he lifted his head. "I'm mean?" he growled, voice dripping with mock hurt. His fingers dug into your hips as he pulled you flush against him. "You're the one getting off on this, aren't you? I can feel how wet you are." To punctuate his point, he reached between your legs and rubbed your clit roughly, making you gasp and arch into his touch.
He gripped your chin firmly, forcing your gaze to meet his intense stare. "Look at me," he commanded, voice low and dominant. "I want to see those eyes glazed when I make you come undone. When I claim every inch of you as mine.”
Xavier groaned, his thrusts becoming even more brutal. "You're gonna make such a pretty mess."
The words were like a match to gasoline, igniting the inferno raging inside you. With a keening cry, you shattered, your walls clamping down and bursting as ecstasy consumed you.
Xavier's eyes widened as he felt your walls clench around him, your orgasm triggering his own. "Ah! Yes…–yes!" he cried, his hips stuttering. With a final, brutal thrust, he buried himself deep inside you and came, his hot seed spurting against your cervix.
Xavier let out a low groan, his body trembling as he filled you. His grip on your thighs loosened, his hand caressing the marked skin gently. As he came down from his high, Xavier's pace slowed, his hips rolling forward in shallow thrusts as he milked the last of his release into you.
Your eyes fluttered shut, the world fading away until only the pulsing pleasure remained. With a final shuddering gasp, you surrendered to the overwhelming sensations, your consciousness slipping away.
His arms wrapped around you, holding you close as you went limp beneath him. He peppered your face with gentle kisses, his touch at odds with the rough way he'd just taken you. "Shh, sleep now," he murmured softly, "You did so well.”
As much as he didn’t want to leave, he gently began to slip out of bed, his body trembling, spent. He pulled the blankets up around you, making sure you were wrapped warmly before crossing the room to close the window. Quietly, he turned to his closet, carefully reaching for his lightseeker uniform and slipping it on, moving with a gentle but determined grace.
He searched for his sword, finally spotting the star-tasseled handle hidden under the bed. Just as he reached for it, he felt a soft weight on his head, your hand, draped sleepily over him.
He froze, worried he might've woken you–worried he would have to explain he wasn't abandoning, but saving you–, but then you let out a soft, contented snore, and he couldn’t help but smile. Slowly, he lifted your hand, pressing a tender kiss to the back before leaning down to brush his lips across your forehead, damp with extertion.
“I’ll be back soon,” he whispered, voice barely more than a breath. “I love you.”
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cutielando · 3 months ago
paws and chaos | lando norris
synopsis: in which you and Lando decide to adopt a golden retriever
a/n: i don’t know about you guys, but Lando always gives off golden retriever energy, so it’s only logical that he adopts a goldie
pairing: lando norris x girlfriend!reader
my masterlist
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It had all started with an innocent comment on your part.
"I saw the cutest video of a puppy on TikTok this morning" you had said one morning, scrolling through your phone while Lando sipped on a cup of tea next to you.
"Oh yeah?" he said, looking up from his phone to look at you.
"Yeah. I'd love to have one someday" you said, absentmindedly.
Lando tilted his head, his lips curling into a mischievous smile.
"Someday? Why not today?" he asked, making you blink up at him.
"Let's get a dog today" he said, his voice filled with excitement.
"Lando, we can't just-" you started, ready to list all of the reasons as to why this was not a good idea.
But Lando was having none of it. He had already stood up from the dining table, his tea long forgotten as he grabbed his laptop from the counter.
And that's how you found yourselves, twenty minutes later, scrolling through the website of the nearby animal shelter in Monaco. Each puppy he pointed out seemed cuter and sweeter than the last, and despite every protest you tried to make about the two of you being unprepared to care for a puppy, you couldn't deny the effect that each of the tiny faces staring back at you had.
After meticulous analysis of every puppy picture on the website, Lando had stopped on the one.
A scruffy little thing with floppy ears, soulful eyes and a patch of fur that stuck up awkwardly on the top of his head. Both of your hearts melted once you had stared at the picture, a silent agreement that this was the one for you.
The shelter had named him Benny, but Lando immediately decided to rename him Turbo.
"Look at him! He's perfect, don't you think?" he exclaimed excitedly, practically bouncing in his seat.
You sighed, a smile tugging at your lips as you looked at your overjoyed boyfriend.
"Do you really think we can do this?" you asked, wanting to make sure he knew what he was getting himself into.
He nodded, his eyes staring back at you.
"Fine, let's go meet him"
Not even an hour later, you were at the animal shelter, waiting for the staff to bring out Benny Turbo.
The moment he toddled into the room, he made a straight beeline for Lando, his tiny tail wagging so hard it looked like it might propel him off the floor and into the air.
"Mate, you're going to break the sound barrier with that thing" Lando laughed, scooping the puppy into his arms.
Turbo immediately licked Lando's cheek, earning a delighted squeal from your boyfriend.
After a couple of moments, the goldie turned his attention to you. And then it was game over. He wiggled out of Lando's arms and climbed into your lap, pawing at your hands and nibbling on your fingers with his tiny teeth.
"Okay, he's absolutely adorable" you admitted, your heart completely stolen as you enjoyed the attention from the small puppy.
Lando grinned triumphantly.
"I told you" he said, making you roll your eyes.
By the time you got home, Turbo had already earned himself the spot as the king of the house.
He darted from one room into another, sniffing everything he encountered in his sight. When he found Lando's shoe near the couch, he proudly dragged it to his newly installed bed and plopped down on it, staring at the two of you with the shoe still in his mouth.
"Turbo, that's not a chew toy" Lando groaned, chasing after him.
You watched from the doorway, laughing as Lando tried to wrestle the shoe from the determined and stubborn puppy.
It ended with both of them sprawled on the floor, Turbo wagging his tail like he'd won a championship, the shoe still with him.
"What did we get ourselves into?" you thought to yourself.
The next few weeks were a whirlwind of adorable chaos.
Turbo was a ball of endless energy, absolutely no corner from your home being safe from his antics and zoomies.
He chewed on the table legs, got tangled into the window curtains and almost broke them. He even managed to steal an entire loaf of bread off the counter while you weren't looking at him.
"Where's the bread I just bought?" you asked one evening, looking around the kitchen with a confused face.
Lando looked around with you until he stopped in his tracks, his eyes wide.
"Uh... Turbo?" he slowly said, his eyes focused on the living room.
You followed his gaze to the room, seeing Turbo sat proudly next to the loaf you had been looking for, crumbs scattered all around him on the carpet like confetti.
"I can't even be mad at him" you sighed picking him up.
He smiled as he started licking your face, his tail thumping against your arm excitedly as he got your attention and affection.
Lando laughed, quickly taking out his phone to snap a picture of you and Turbo.
"You're going to break the internet with that face, Turbo" Lando said, looking at his phone for a moment.
You laughed, leaning down to press a sweet kiss on the top of his fluffy head.
A couple of hours later, it was late into the evening when you and Lando decided to head to your shared bedroom.
Despite the mischief and endless zoomies, Turbo was the sweetest little cuddle bug when nighttime came. Every night, just like that night, he would climb into bed with you and lay down between you and Lando, waiting for belly scratches.
"This is my favorite part of the day" you said, scratching Turbo's ears as he sighed contentedly.
"Yeah, mine too" Lando said, staring at you two.
What more could he want in life?
As the weeks passed and Turbo grew, so did the bond between the three of you.
You celebrated every little milestone that he would have: his first trip to the local park where he chased the butterflies and made friends with every dog he came across, every road trip that you guys would take where Turbo would insist on sitting on your lap, every Grand Prix that he would attend as Lando's number 1 fan.
You celebrated and captured every moment.
But you also loved the bond between him and Lando.
One night, after coming home late from a girls' night out, you found Lando lying on the floor with Turbo sprawled across his chest. Lando was whispering softly to him, his voice filled with affection for his little best buddy
"You know, you're the best decision I've ever made. But don't tell your mother I said that, she'll get jealous" he said, running is fingers through Turbo's soft fur.
"I heard that" you called from the doorway, grinning widely as Lando looked up sheepishly.
Lando reached out to you, prompting you to sit down next to him, smiling once Turbo got up from Lando's chest and settled on your lap.
"Traitor" Lando said, pouting as he lost in your detriment.
You shrugged, sticking your tongue out at him as you cuddled Turbo close to your chest.
"You're both the best decisions I've ever made" Lando whispered under his breath, making sure that neither of you heard him.
He was just grateful for you both.
Months later, as you sat on the couch with Lando's arm around your shoulders and Turbo snoring softly in your lap, you realized just how much joy the tiny, scruffy puppy had brought into your lives.
"I have to give you credit. Turbo was the best impulse decision you've ever talked me into making" you murmured, your hand continuing to caress his soft fur.
You felt Lando smile against the top of your head before planting a kiss.
"I told you"
And as Turbo let out a little snort in his sleep, you couldn't imagine your home without him or without Lando by your side.
They were everything you could ever need.
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much appreciated!!
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bunnis-monsters · 5 months ago
Shark Week
Male!Shark Hybrid x Fem!Reader
Bunni’s Monstertober Event
Oct 14th
Oct 13
Oct 15
summary: you decide to visit your boyfriend even while you’re still cramping and on your period… not knowing that he’d turn into a feral beast at the sight and scent of your blood.
warnings: reader is on their period, pussy eating, blood, belly bulge, breeding, two cocks, double penetration
Requests are closed, but my commissions are open!
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When you showed up to the beach in a pair of lounge shorts and a tanktop instead of your usual bathing suit, he knew something was up.
He swam up, settling on a rock a few yards from the shoreline, observing you as you scanned the water to find him.
Before you could spot him, he ducked below the waves, only his dorsal fin poking out of the water.
It was the late afternoon, and next to no one was at the beach. If you squinted, you thought you saw a figure a ways down, but you couldn’t be sure.
So that means you and him would most likely be… alone.
You yelped when he popped up a few yards away from you, quickly swimming up and waiting for you to wade in.
He tilted his head when you stayed on the shore, his dark eyes blinking before he smiled. Those sharp teeth used to terrify you, but now you ended up smiling back.
“Coming in?”
This made you sigh. Truly, you really wanted to go swim with him and spend time together… but you knew how sharks worked.
“Not today… can we just talk from here?”
He paused, his smile fading. “… why? You don’t want to touch me today?”
“No, no sweetheart it isn’t that-“
Your lover sulked, his tail swishing in the water as if he were a disappointed puppy. “No hugs?”
Your lip wobbled before your legs moved on their own. You found yourself waist deep in the water in seconds, your lover letting out a surprised grunt before curling his arms around your waist and pulling you against his chest.
It didn’t take long for him to sense the blood in the water. His eyes went black, his grip tightening on your waist as he buried his face into your neck.
“Blood… were you hurt? Who did this?”
He growled lowly, his vision getting a bit blurry. “You have to get out of the water, I can’t control m-“
“I w-wasn’t hurt…”
Although his mind felt fuzzy, he tried his best to listen to you, noticing you had turned shy and quiet.
“I’m… on my period. I’m uh… bleeding down there…”
He perked up, his black eyes moving down your body to your shorts.
His body went stuff, and he began to rut agaisnt your pathetically, struggling to control himself. All he wanted now was to taste your blood, to feed on you and properly stuff you full of cum.
“N-not here!” you yelped, glancing around the beach.
After whisking you away to a safe spot, he lifted his lower body out of the water, revealing his two cocks has poked out of his slit in excitement. But he didn’t fuck you yet, no, his eyes were on your fat, bloody cunt.
He glanced back up at you. The sight of his sharp teeth so close to your pussy was a bit alarming, and you were unsure what would happen when he went into a feeding frenzy while eating you out… but god, you knew a few orgasms would help with your cramps.
He lapped at your folds, his eyes nearly rolling into the back of his head at the taste of your blood. After that it was history.
His face was buried in your cunt, lewd moans es aping his lips as he slurped and licked up all of the blood he could, and in the process was making you cum like crazy.
When he pulled back to look up at you, most would consider a shark hybrid covered in blood terrifying, but you thought he looked adorable. All blissed out from devouring your blood, a hand pumping at one of his cocks as the other rutted against your leg…
He really wanted to be inside of you.
The hybrid was nearly 4 feet taller than you, easily towering over your chubby frame. It felt nice, feeling his neck nuzzle into you and purrs rumble from his chest as his cocks prodded at your cunt.
You had taken both before, and with all the orgasms, you were able to take both cocks easily. The stretch was always uncomfortable at first, but he did his best to ease you into it.
The sight of your blood staining his lower belly and two cocks had them twitching. After fucking into you like the wild animal he was, he came buckets, making your belly bulge from how full it was of his cum.
Sex with him was always exhausting, but especially now that you were on your period. As you drifted off to sleep, he made sure you were safe and warm before leaving to catch you some fish.
You were his mate after all, and you’d be carrying his shark pups soon… you would need lots of strength to bear his litter~
NSFW TAGLIST: @sunset-214 @strawberrypoundtown @avalordream @icommitwarcrimes @bazpire @im-eating-rn @anglingforlevels @kinshenewa @pasteldaze @unforgettablewhvre @yoongiigolden @peachesdabunny @murder-hobo @leiselotte @misswonderfrojustice @dij-ology @i8kaeya @lollboogurl @h3110-dar1in9 @keikokashi @aliceattheart @mssmil3y @spicyspicyliving @namjoons-t1ddies @izarosf1833 @healanette @lem-hhn @spufflepuff @honey-crypt @karljra @zyettemoon1800 @exodiam @vexillum-moeru @imperfectlyperfectprincess1 @binnieonabike @enchantedsylveon @mysticranger575 @readeryn68 @danielle143 @kittenlover614 @filthybunny420 @annavittoria-mm @makimamybelovedwife @blubearxy @omglovelylaila @toocollectionchaos-universe-blog @fruk-you-usuk-fans @wil10wthetree @hammerhead96-blog @slightlyusedfloormat
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jakeswifeyyy · 2 months ago
sunghoon fucking you after going to the gym
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Warnings:Unprotected sex,degrading,tit slapping,nipple play,use of pet names(baby,doll,darling) ,inplied big dick sunghoon,daddy kink andd I think that's all :)
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Okay hear me out anon.
Like roommates with benefits sunghoon whom comes from the gym after a heavy workout for 3 hours straight ,clad in an oversized sleevless black shirt showing his big ass muscles(lowkey drooling at the image 🤤).
The whole roommates with benefits agenda started because of the oh so obvious built up sexual tension between you two,lingering touches,undressing each other with your eyes but that was a story for another day as he walked in from the gym,headphones on,gym bag on his shoulder with his joggers which were more of an excuse which blessed your eyes,him,the Greek God himself, sweating trickling down his face,smirked seeing you eyeing him so shamelessly.
"You're not so subtle y/n."
Hearing him speak before shutting the door behind him taking off his shoes before dropping his bag near the kitchen before walking towards you who was peering at him over your shoulder,before leaning down so close to you while staring straight ahead before snatching your cup of water from you gulping it down.
"Who said I was trying to be subtle Park."
You taunted him before scoffing turning back to face the long forgotten show playing on the TV.
"You just have a hot body I sometimes forget my manners."
He raised his eyebrow cocking his head to the side before smirking while eyeing your side profile as you watched the TV or more appropriately tried to watch the TV.You were getting more bold with your words and he wasn't complaining ,he liked having competition either way.
"If you find it so hot why don't you do something about it." You nearly jumped hearing him suddenly speak right next to your ear,breath tickling your earlobe before he slightly nibbled on it.
"Ew go take a shower atleast." He chuckled at your words before pulling you up to seat you on the armrest of the couch before trapping you in his arms which were on your sides on the couch.
"Why should I when you like seeing me like this hm?Tell me doll,tell me you don't like the image of me on top of you pounding into this pretty cunt darling."
He moved his face closer as you moved yours backwards,yeah you were normally dominant with all guys you slept with but something about sunghoon ever since you moved in,his aura was just different ,very different for the usual submissive virgin boys you went for,he wasn't your type at all but even so the tension kept growing between you two day by day,you always teased him when he wanted to have his way with you,even though he eventually did but teasing him was fun while it lasted.
He smirked when you moved away,"Why so quiet now doll."
You chuckled wrapping your arms around his neck,pulling him closer as he slightly stumbled causing you to fall back wards onto the couch as he fell on top of you holding himself up with one arm,he tsked poking his inner cheek with his tongue before scoffing.
"Thought I already taught you a lesson on who's incharge here guess you still don't wanna learn huh."
He didn't give you a chance to respond before crashing his lips on yours as you puked him closer with your arms around his neck,equally roughly kissing him back as your teeth clashed ,biting on his lower lip as he let out a groan before shoving his tongue into your mouth as he licked into your warn cavern ,obscenely moaning into his kiss,he was rough ,again contrasting your expectations, you were usually the one initiating the roughness,but is seems you meeting him wasn't part of the expectations either,everything about him was just...different.
After a couple minutes making out he pulled away,"Since you wanna be in control so much,ride me slut." You wouldn't deny that something about him degrading you had you on chokehold as you nodded before he pulled back completely and sat up,his sweaty self cooled off due to the high blast of the AC in the living room.
Quickly climbing onto his lap as his arms stretched on the couch behind you,you took of your cropped shirt which you hadn't worn anything under and he smirked biting his lower lip before grabbing one tit,squeezing it as your nipples hardened more due to the cold air in the room before you whimpered as he slapped your sensitive nipple.
"That's my good girl,always knowing what daddy wants isn't it?"
Letting out a choked moan you reply with a yes as you tugged on his shirt telling him to take it off ,as he did you run your hands down his abs down to his exposed valine before tracing them back up ,brushing over his nipples as his breath hitched before he held you by your wrist.
"Cut to the chase baby no foreplay for you today I'm too impatient."
Nodding you stand on your knees taking your booty shorts off leaving you bare as you lowered his joggers together with his boxers to his knees before wrapping your arm around his cock which stood between the both of ,angry fat red tip leaking with precum,as you pu.ped him a few times before lining it up with your entrance,slowly sliding down as you moaned vocally,his palm cupping your ass cheeks spreading them apart as he squeezed at the flesh,after completely taking him in you shuddered ,stabilising yourself on his shoulders,adjusting to his size which was always big to you.
"What're you waiting for slut,ride it or I'll punish you." Nodding quirky knowing he wouldn't let you come if you didn't before you started bouncing up and down on his length murmuring fucks as he pulled you closer,hand going to your tits pushing then together as he licked at your now held together nipples as you moaned rocking yourself faster in between bouncing ,alternating as he liked it that way,his hand snaking down to rub your clit in fast circles as he held your tits with one hand,licking all over messily ,drool pouring everywhere,the slurping sounds enough to make you feel your climax approaching.
"Hoon p-please ...w-wanna cum ngh."
He kissed your neck all over essentially sucking on some spots to hear your beautiful noises,"Cum for me baby,coat my cock baby." He soothed into your hear as your moans increasingly got louder before feeling your high crash down on you,thighs on fire from all the bouncing,as he lifted you off of him your cunt clenching around his length along the way was enough to make him cum right there,throwing his head back as he pumped his fist around his cock slowly riding out his high before he smirked at you,laughing at your fucked out state before picking you up bridal style heading to the bathroom.
"Guess we both need a shower now baby,"
You scoffed at him,"I know you want round2,"
He laughed again,"I'll do all the work this time, promise baby"
"Park Sunghoom I will kill you,"
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A/n:Tysm for 86 followers guys in less than a month ly all ❤️,and also sorry to the anon for delaying this a bit I have a lot of projects this time 😓
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mrsimpurity · 6 months ago
belonging to old man logan… 
cw: smut (p in v), oral sex (m receiving), cum play, daddy kink, age gap
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not as in being a sex slave. you’re free to do whatever you want, of course… you just don’t want to. so all you do is hang around the cozy villa all day (often topless), the one that he bought just for the two of you, away from the city stress, and wait for him to come back from work.
“did you miss me, doll?” logan asks right after he shuts the front door, taking his suit jacket off. you’re throwing yourself at him already, popping the buttons on his dress shirt open. button by button, you start placing chaste kisses on his abs, making your way down to his pants as you sink down on your knees.
“eager today, are we?” logan looks down at you, smiling at the sight of his favorite little thing down on her knees, unzipping his pants with her teeth. 
“mhm.” you mumble, now too busy with taking his cock out of his boxer briefs.
logan was sure that there was no better way to be greeted after a long and tiresome day. his cock was already at half-mast. just looking at you, so obedient and impatient, made him want to take you right then and there. but he’d let you have your fun, for now.
you spit on logan’s cock, taking your hand and smearing your saliva up and down his length. you start by tracing the vein on his cock with your tongue, looking up at him through your eyelashes. then you place kitten licks on the tip of his cock, where you know he’s most sensitive. logan grabs a handful of your hair and forces your mouth away.
“don’t. tease.” he hisses through his teeth. you apologetically place one last kiss on his girth and get to work, taking his entire length into your mouth. his hold on your hair remains, guiding you and increasing the speed as the warmthness of your mouth edges him towards his orgasm. 
after a while, he stops you in your tracks with a tug of your makeshift ponytail. you whine, wondering why he’s suddenly pulling you away. 
“it’s okay, doll. i know you wanna please daddy.” he speaks with a softer tone, pitying your pathetic expression. your eyes are glossy now and you’re pouting up at him. logan can’t help but get even harder. he picks you up by the waist and throws you over his shoulder, kicking the bedroom door open and setting you down on the bed moments later. you immediately know what you’re supposed to do - so you take your t-shirt off in one swift motion, and wiggle your way out of your shorts and panties.
“cmon, ass up, baby. ‘m getting impatient.” logan says, now completely discarding his dress shirt on the floor and doing the same with his pants and boxer briefs. you follow his command, getting on all fours on the bed. logan grabs the globes of your ass, kneading the fat lovingly. his fingers go to tease at your folds, rubbing up and down to find you soaking wet already. 
“my girl’s always ready for me.” logan points out with a rub to your clit. your ears perk up at the praise and a small smile appears on your face as you wiggle your ass in the air, urging him to hurry up. he chuckles as he grabs his girth, giving it a few strokes before he eases his tip inside you, slowly sinking himself in your pussy. you’re always such a tight fit, like he’s fucking you for the first time, logan thinks to himself. with him getting older, it’s harder to keep up with your needs and impossibly high sex drive, but he tries to make it up to you on most nights, when he’s not too tired.
his thrusts start out slow, as they always do. he goes easy on you when he first enters you because he’s sure the sheer size of his cock is a tad bit painful for you. logan grabs a hold of your hips, picking up the pace as the sounds of his cock thrusting in you fill the room. his balls slap against your ass, your tits jiggling as logan pulls out and slams his cock in your pussy again and again. you moan and pant, back arching as your elbows soon give out from the vigor with which his hips roll against you. you fall face down on the pillows and your hand scrambles as you reach behind your back with a desperate whine. logan gets the hint and intertwines his fingers with yours as your velvety walls clench around him. 
“i’m close.” you moan out, squeezing him harder, chasing that blissful moment of ecstasy. his thrusts don’t falter as his cock hits your g-spot repeatedly, making you whine out in pleasure. 
“i know, doll. i can feel you.”
with a final thrust, you feel yourself cumming around logan’s cock, your pussy pulsating. the feeling of you clenching around him makes his thrusts get sloppier as his own orgasm approaches. 
“you’re so good to me, baby.” logan says, grunting as he empties himself inside you, his warm cum filling your hole. the two of you stay like that for a moment, savoring the irreplaceable feeling of postcoital warmth. he pulls out after a while, his seed dripping out of your cunt. the sight is awfully erotic and you turn around at the feeling, only to see logan put his fingers inside you again. his digits, now covered in not only his cum, but yours, reach for your face. you don’t have to hear him say it to know what he wants. you open your mouth, allowing him to put his fingers inside. your tongue swirls around logan’s fingers, and you suck teasingly as he finally takes them out of your mouth with a “pop”, instead grabbing your face adoringly, rubbing soft circles on your cheekbone as a smile lights up your face.
“we taste really good.” you speak, now turning around to fully face him, knees still on the bed, as his frame towers above you. 
logan grabs your nape and lowers his head down to meet your lips in a sloppy kiss, tongue entering your mouth and completely captivating you. it’s messy, it’s addicting, it’s everything, the feeling and taste of his cum and saliva filling your mouth.
“you’re right, doll.” logan murmurs against your lips, breaking the kiss as a string of drool connects the two of you. 
and in that moment, as he stares into your eyes, slowly caressing the back of your head, logan and you share a thought - “i don’t mind spending the rest of my days like this.”
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pynkfairyheart · 10 months ago
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pairings: Connie x black reader
warnings: smut 18+, mentions of drugs
Birthday girl
“Wassup mami.” Connie greeted, eyes trailing over your body, your curves on full display in your outfit. “You look good.” He licked his lips, eyes looking you up and down once more before enveloping you in a hug.
“Thank you, Connie.” You cheesed. His usual scent of weed, lavender, and sage fueling your senses.
“I didn't know you were gonna be here.” He leaned in close to speak over the loud music playing throughout the house.
“What do you mean? This is my celebration.” You giggled.
“Whatchu mean ‘your celebration’? Did I miss something?” He furrowed his eyebrows.
“It is my birthday Con.”
“Oh shit. Happy Birthday, mami” He hugged you again. “Why you ain't tell me? I woulda got you something.” He scolded.
“I figured you knew already because of Sasha. Plus you don’t need to get me anything. Especially since you never let me pay for my shit.” You rolled your eyes, though you were extremely grateful.
“Whatever. Ima get you something regardless.'' He kissed his teeth. “Is this your house?” He motioned to the large modern house, its lights dim and filled with your closest friends, loud music, liquor, and weed.
“It's my family's vacay home. Wanna tour?”
“Yeah, for sho.” Next thing he knew your hands were entwined as you showed him around the house. As the tour continued upstairs, Connie could feel the blood rushing to his dick. The sight of your ass peeking from your skirt as you walked up the stairs had him ready to get on his knees, and truth be told he didn't know whether it was to bury his face in between your thighs or ask to marry you.
“And then this is my room.” Your words brought him out of his trance.
“It's very you.” He walked around the room analyzing everything, from the pictures on your wall to the strawberry vanilla candle that was recently burned.
“In a good way?”
“Of course mami, everything about you is good.” He stood behind you as you took pictures in front of your large full-length mirror, arms wrapping around your shoulders as he posed with you.
“These are cute, Con” You gushed, as you swiped through the pictures.
“We look good together.” He mumbled.
“We do.” Your eyes locked. The energy shift was so quick you felt like the wind had been knocked out of you. “Connie?…”
Connie had wanted you craved you since that night you asked him if he sold pre-rolls. He didn't, but you were just too pretty to say no to. Since then, he longed for something more than what you already had.
He had planned on asking you to be his numerous times. From the first time you sat in his passenger seat where you gushed about how much you loved his car to just two weeks ago on your usual late-night drives when neither of you could tell if the sexual tension was due to the sativa or the breaking point of all the intense eye contact and not so subtle touches you shared the past month. Neither of you acted on it but it no longer mattered anymore, he had the opportunity right now and he was going to take it.
“Lemme make you feel good.” He broke the silence. Large hands grabbing your hips to pull you closer.
“What?” You instinctively leaned into him, thoughts going fuzzy.
“I know you heard me.” He muttered into your neck, light pink lips littering kisses onto your neck.
“C-Con, what are you doing?” You bit back a moan as he sucked harshly on the spot that had your knees weak and panties soaked.
“Be truthful, ma. You thought about this before or nah?” He pulled away from his assault on your neck, admiring the faint mark forming on your brown skin before looking into your eyes.
“What about-”
“Just a yes or no mami.”
“Do you want to do this?” His hands traveled to grip the soft flesh of your ass through your skirt
“Then let me take care of you. You're the birthday girl after all.” He whispered before his lips were on yours.
The kiss started slow and passionate, before his hands gripped the back of your thighs, lifting you off the ground like it was nothing. The kiss became needy and sloppy. Saliva mixing as his hands roamed the area of your ass before gently placing you on the edge of your bed.
“Connie” You panted.
“You're so beautiful” He groaned, kissing down your body, his tongue running over your exposed cleavage before he unbuttoned your top.
Immediately his mouth was back on the soft flesh sucking gently on your nipple while he pinched and rolled the other.
“Fuck, Con” You whined, looking down into his hazel eyes that were staring you down. Releasing your nipple with a pop he gave attention to the other, his tongue rapidly flicking over the nub.
When he was finally satisfied with your whimpers and whines he let up his assault on your breast, peppering a trail of kisses down your pudgy belly before completely undressing you.
“You're so damn pretty. You know that?” He kneeled in front of you before separating your thighs. “Fuck”
Connie swore he could feel himself get lightheaded by how fast the blood rushed to his dick. The sight of your pretty pussy having him on the verge of cumming in his pants. Your pretty brown lips glistened with your arousal, the prettiest pink he'd ever seen peeking out between your folds the wider he opened your legs.
“Con.” You whined, cool air breezing against your clit.
“I got you, ma.” He gently kissed your clit. It wasn't long before he needed more, fingers digging into your thighs as his tongue traced the outline of your clit before dipping inside your folds, lips wrapping around your clit as he sucked on the bud.
“C-Connie shit.” Your hands traveled to his head, long acrylic nails running over his buzzcut to hold his head in place.
Letting one leg fall he replaced his lips with his thumb, rubbing tight circles on your clit, as his tongue teased your hole before diving deeper. Your walls immediately clenching onto his tongue.
“Fuck pa, oh my god.” You whined, hips bucking as you tried to push his head away though it was no use. He was pussy drunk, his tongue relentless as it slurped up your arousal before diving back into your spasming hole. “Fuck, Connie m’cumming.” Moans spilled from your lips at your release.
Despite your shaky legs and attempts to push his head away, Connie continued to lap at your pussy, slurping every last drop of cum before lifting his head.
“You taste like fucking heaven.” He groaned, kissing your inner thighs before standing. Not bothering to wipe his chin of your cum before taking his shirt off. His flexing muscles and ink-littered torso had you feening for more. “Fuck, turn around, ma.” He pressed a sloppy kiss to your lips before flipping you around.
Your back arched, head resting on your arms. Connie couldn't resist the way your ass looked, kneading the soft flesh before landing a slap to your right cheek, eliciting a moan from your lips.
“What's your safe word mama?”
“Red.” You looked back, the sight of him spreading his pre-cum that leaked from his angry pink tip making your mouth water. He was big, at least 8 inches, thick, and fuck, it looked so heavy.
“Shit, m’gonna fill you up mami.” He slid his tip in between your folds, gathering your slick before lining up with your entrance.
“S-shit.” Connie let out a shaky breath as he sunk into your tight walls. “Fuck, relax, ma.” He could barely get his tip in without you squeezing him tight. “Breathe mami. I got you.” He gripped your hips sliding deeper into your soaked pussy, tip kissing your cervix once he fully rested inside you.
“Con.” You moaned, nails gripping the sheets tightly.
“I know mama.” He rubbed slow circles into your hips as he started to feed you slow deep strokes “Doing so good for me, look.” He tilted your head to the mirror. Your ass ricocheting off his hips with each thrust he delivered, his pace increasing.
“Fuck, Connie, please.” You moaned over the loud sounds of your pussy sucking him in and the claps of your ass.
Your words encouraged him to go faster. His hand wrapped around your throat, the pressure he applied mirroring the way your walls tightened around him.
“Ugh- fuck keep doing that nd imma put a baby in you.” He groaned. He was so deep, stretching you to full capacity. The repeated kissing of your cervix, having you see stars.
“Con I'm so- mhmmp I'm so close.” Connie could feel his balls tighten at your words. You were so addicting.
“Yeah? Gon head nd nut, mami. Let it go.” His eyes focused on where your bodies connected, a white sticky ring forming around the base of his dick.
“Shiiit” You moaned into the mattress, your walls spasming around his dick as you came, your cum dripping onto the mattress.
“Fuck” He groaned, his release following right after yours. Thick ropes of cum being shot deep inside you. He continued to give you slow strokes to ride out your orgasms before pulling out. After taking the time to clean you up he got you settled in bed, the party long forgotten as he rubbed soothing shapes onto your hip, giving you soft sloppy kisses as you drifted off to sleep.
“Happy Birthday mami.”
had to do something for my baby connie also ik fuck was used a lot im sorry lol buuuuttt i like to think I'm getting better at this but idk y'all tell me.
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submattsmxmmy · 3 months ago
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🖤 content warning: 🖤 smut, heavy stepsibling kink, oral (f!receiving), begging, praise/degradation, unprotected sex, dacryphilia, a wink to daddy kink, roughdom!stepbro!chris, brattysub!stepsis
🖤 author's note: 🖤 hiiii it's @ariestrxsh and this is my backup account. as i bring this series to a close, i'd like to say sorry to my mom, sorry to god, and sorry to chris if you ever come across this depraved piece of writing. if you're not into the whole stepsibling kink, please don't read!!! here are parts one and two bc writing about stepbro!chris just once was simply not enough.
🖤 summary: 🖤 chris barges into the bathroom after your shower, and things get hot and steamy.
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holdyourbreath part three
"What the fuck's takin' so long?" Chris pounded on the bathroom door with a closed fist, startling you as you stood in front of the mirror in your towel. You rolled your eyes at his impatience. "I'll be out in just a minute!" You yelled, with your mouth full of toothpaste.
"What are ya doing in there? It sounds like you're suckin' dick or somethin'," Chris chuckled through the barrier. You quickly pulled open the door and glared at your stepbrother. "I'm brushing my teeth. Asshole," you said with the toothbrush between your lips.
"What did ya just call me?" Chris asked through clenched teeth, pushing past you with ease and shutting the door behind him. "Hey," you said, spitting into the drain and rinsing out your mouth before you whipped around. "I'm not done in here."
"Y'are now because I need a shower," Chris said, tilting your chin up to look at him. "I still have to do my nightly skin care routine, and I need to shave," you stomped at him, swatting his hand away. He pushed you up against the sink, looked into your eyes, and pulled his shirt off over his head, discarding it onto the tile floor beneath the two of you.
"Why are you bein' such a fuckin' brat?" Chris asked, biting his lip at you and pushing a strand of your freshly washed hair behind your ear. You hated that he was turning you on, but you couldn't hide it from him. A look of desperation seeped through your otherwise unamused expression as your eyes dropped to his pretty mouth.
"You wanna kiss me?" Chris cooed, his lips moving closer to yours, but he stopped about an inch from your face, and you felt his warm breath as he spoke. "I can't kiss ya. You're my stepsister. It wouldn't be right." His lips curled into a devilish smile.
He was like forbidden fruit, and he'd never let you forget it. It's like he was taunting you. He'd stick his cock in every hole you had, but he wouldn't kiss you, because it was too romantic of a gesture. "You're dyin' to know what my lips feel like, aren't you?" Chris whispered, studying the neediness in your pout. You were silent, but your eyes confirmed his suspicion.
"I'm gonna show ya," he sneered at you, ripping your towel off of you, grabbing you by your waist, and setting you on the edge of the granite countertop. He fell to his knees and parted your legs, gazing up at you with his hypnotic stare.
"Tell me how bad ya want it," Chris cooed, spreading you open with his thumbs. "Please, Chris. Please lick it," you whined. "You're so wet," Chris gasped, admiring how turned on you were getting just from him taunting you.
"Please. I wanna know what your mouth feels like," you softly begged him, waiting for to acknowledge your desperation. He gave you a smirked before leaning in and closing the distance between your heat and his mouth, hooking your legs over his shoulders.
He roughly gripped your thighs while he made contact with your wet folds. His tongue lightly grazed your clit, and your whole body jerked at the sensation. His pillow soft lips enveloped your sensitive button, humming against it and extracting a few faint squeals from you.
He skillfully wiggled the tip of his tongue around, speeding up the pace of his licks and exploring your pussy in a way he hadn't yet. He couldn't get enough of your flavor or the way you writhed around beneath the feeling of his velvety mouth.
His movements became more jagged and aggressive while he listened to you softly singing the song of your pleasure, your pretty moans pouring from your lips like thick honey. Your hands traveled to the back of Chris' head, gently combing through his luscious mane of hair and feeling his locks softly pass through the space between your fingers.
His blue eyes gazed up at you, his stare filled with hunger and desire. He lapped up your drenched, intricate folds, drinking from you as if your pussy were a fountain with life-giving properties. You felt that funny feeling in your lower stomach, a sign that you were on the verge of pure bliss.
You arched your back slightly, moving one hand to grip the counter while the other reached for Chris' back. Your nails dragged across his flesh, leaving five, long red marks in their wake.
You had just taken a deep breath and were about to let out an unhindered and final moan before finishing on Chris' tongue when a knock at the bathroom door startled you both. You released your hold on the granite beneath you and threw your palm over your mouth, holding your breath.
"Honey? Are you in there?" Your dad's voice came through, sounding muffled through the barrier. You peered down at Chris wide-eyed, silently begging him to help you out. Chris deviously smiled up at you, remaining silent and continuing to work his tongue in your special place.
You did your best to compose yourself, realizing you were going to have to answer. You slowly removed your trembling hand so you could speak.
"Yes, daddy?" You called out, stabilizing the shakiness in your voice as much as you could. Chris quietly chuckled against your heat, secretly loving hearing you say that word while he was doing something so naughty to you.
"Have you seen your stepbrother?" Your dad wondered. "No, sorry! Haven't!" You exclaimed, keeping your responses short to better conceal what was happening on your side of the door. Your hand flew up and cupped your mouth again to deaden the sounds of the moans that were begging to escape your lips.
"Okay, no problem. Well, I'll let you get back to it!" Your dad responded, not knowing exactly what it was, and he started walking down the hallway back to another part of the house. "Chris! You're so mean," you hissed.
"Ya love it," he moaned against your sweet spot as all ten of your nails scraped against the skin of his shoulder blades again. He started to pull away, but you dug into his flesh even more. "Please don't stop. I'm begging you, Chris," you whimpered.
"Relax. I'm gonna let ya finish this time as long as you're a good girl for me, can ya do that?" Chris asked, glancing up at you. You nodded. He removed your legs from his shoulders, and he stood up.
He tugged down the waistband of his sweatpants, revealing his cock in all its glory, and you stared down longingly at it. He placed it at your entrance, but he didn't put it in yet, and your eyes flickered up at his, silently asking for him to keep going.
"What is it, princess? Ya got somethin' to say?" Chris cooed, teasing your folds with the head while he smirked at you. "Please, Chris," you mumbled, nibbling on your bottom lip. "Please what?" He asked, taking pleasure in your desperation.
"Please put it in," you whined in a needy voice. He obliged, only inserting the tip. "Chris," you hissed, getting fed up with all his teasing. "What is it, princess?" Chris cradled your face, trying to conceal his smug smirk.
He knew exactly what he was doing, and he loved feeling you squirm around as you tried to scoot forward on the counter to take more of him. "Don't go misbehavin' now. Use your words and ask me nicely," Chris sweetly responded, his hands wandering to your hips to hold you still.
"Please, Chris. Put it in all the way," you softly begged him, placing your hands on his chest and feeling his warmth. "Like this?" He asked, suddenly jerking his hips forward and sinking into your drooling hole as you let out a gentle whimper.
You felt disgusted with yourself every time you begged for him to fuck you, but never enough to keep yourself from doing it. You needed him, and he knew it.
You stretched around him as he snugly filled you. His movements were slow, but each thrust was powerful and hard. You felt your walls clench around him, and you hooked your arms underneath his, dragging your nails down his back again as he hit your gspot over and over.
"You're such a fuckin' slut. You can't get enough of me, can ya?" Chris grunted, reading you like a book. You squeezed your legs around Chris' hips, causing his thrusts to hit even deeper, your eyes rolling into the back of your head in response.
He wrapped his arm around your waist, anchoring you in place. He picked up the pace, using faster strokes while you whimpered into his ear. "Ya take my cock like such a good girl," he praised you, his breathing becoming more labored as its warmth hit the right side of your neck.
Chris admired your figure and the curve of your back in the mirror through his hooded eyes as he indulged in the pleasure your body gave him.
"Wonder if your friends would tease ya if they knew how often you think about me like this," Chris chuckled, mounting you while your nails dug into the flesh of his shoulders.
"Wonder what my friends would think if I told them how well ya take cock. I bet they'd wanna test it out for themselves. And I bet you'd let them. It's not like you're picky. You'll even take your own stepbrother willingly, hmm?" His voice was thick with lust.
You loved the way he taunted you and degraded you, and for a moment, you thought his words might tip you over the edge. "Wonder what mom and dad would think if they knew what a little whore you are and how desperately you beg for it every time," Chris whispered, his lips tickling your earlobe as he spoke, sending shivers down your spine.
You threw your head back and let out a strangled moan, trying not to make too much noise while you clenched around him. With every stroke, you felt yourself become weaker, unable to hold on much longer. "Chris, please," you softly whined.
"Be a good girl and use your words, hmm? Please, what?" He asked in a sweet, condescending tone. "You know.." you responded quietly. "I can't read your mind, princess. I need ya to tell me. Need ya to beg for it," his lips curled into a smile, knowing you had you in the palm of his hand.
"Please let me finish, Chris," you begged him, started to spasm around his member. "Not so fast, princess. Beg harder," he growled. "Let me cum, Chris. I need it," you pleaded with him, your acrylics clawing down his back as you neared the finish line.
"Not yet. Control yourself like a good girl. Don't cum yet or else you're gonna be in big trouble," he breathlessly told you as he roughly snapped his hips forward, trying to make it hard for you as possible to obey him. "Chris," you hissed, feeling him throb inside of you.
He dismissed you, ignoring your pleas to finish and continued pounding away. You knew you needed to beg harder, but it felt so degrading every time you did, and you were always hoping he would give in before you.
He had a choke hold on you - figuratively and now literally. He reached up and wrapped his fingers around your neck and forced you to look him in the eye. "Be a good girl and beg for it before I don't let ya cum at all," he rasped a few inches from your face. You nodded.
"Please Chris. I'll do anything. Please let me finish," you wailed, desperate tears forming in your eyes. He loved watching you get so needy that you were crying for him, and he almost came at the sight of how pathetic you looked as you begged.
"That's it. Keep goin'," he encouraged you, your legs beginning to tremble around him. "Please. I can't take it. I need it, Chris. I need it so bad. I've been such a good girl for you," you softly whimpered, leaving behind physical marks of your torment in the form of red lines down more areas of his midback.
"You have been a good girl, haven't ya? Ya didn't even talk back to me this time. Ya must want it bad," he purred, his voice saturated with seduction. You hummed, nodding your head in response.
"Why don't ya finish all over my cock, princess? I know ya want to," he looked back at you with glazed over blue eyes, his jaw slacked, and pleasure written on his face. He was just as close as you were.
He reeled you in closer to him, placing his full lips on yours and moaning into your mouth as you finished onto his rod. His tongue gently grazed yours, and when he pulled away from the kiss, he had your bottom lip caught between his teeth, drawing a few drops of blood as he bit down.
You whimpered as your walls fluttered around his throbbing cock. Your orgasm erupted deep within your core, sending ripples of satisfaction through your nervous system.
His pretty sounds filled the room as he pulled out of you and started stroking it with his hand, watching his pearly white substance squirt out of the tip of his twitching cock and making a mess on your glistening pussy that was still clenching around nothing.
"Oh my god. Fuck, that was so hot," he said in a soft, sultry tone as a smile came creeping into his expression as he released his hold around your throat.
"I thought you said you weren't going to kiss me," you replied faintly, blushing and reaching up to brush your fingertips against your lips. "I couldn't help it. Your eyes were beggin' for it," he breathlessly answered you, pulling away and smirking as he cleaned off his cock with his t-shirt.
You closed your legs and hopped off the granite countertop and picked up your towel from off the floor to cover yourself. Once he started to recover from how hard he just came, he felt a stinging sensation on his back, and he turned around in front of the mirror, assessing the pain. He let out an annoyed sigh.
"Such a little slut, aren't ya? Marking me up with your nails? What am I supposed to tell people when they ask where I got these scratches, huh? Tell 'em I got 'em from my stepsister? Jeez, kid. Tell your nail tech to go shorter on the acrylics next time."
(okay okay I lied about it being the last part, here's chapter 4)
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hoshigray · 1 year ago
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𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: Toji x fem/afab! reader - explicit content; minors DNI - oral (m! receiving) - ball-massaging - face + throat-fucking - praise - pet names (baby, cutie, mama, sweet thing) - implied that reader has given oral prior - first-time Toji finding enjoyment in receiving oral - heavy depictions of a blowjob - mention of spit.
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: "Toji has never really enjoyed oral. At least, not until Y/n went down on them for the first time…"
I was playing with NSFW prompts for the first time, and this was literally the first one it gave me…genius. (¬‿¬) guess kinda a switch-up from this oldie i did~ hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year's, accept this as my welcome back present, hehe~ also tysm for 4.6k, hello????
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.6k
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“…Hey, Toji?” 
“Yeah, baby?”
“…Can I…..give you a blowjob?”
Up until this point, Toji was never one to be given oral from anyone. 
Giving oral isn’t a problem. But receiving it from someone else? That’s another thing. Call it his personal preference or years of sexual experience, but the older man never actually found pleasure in it. It could be from the many inexperienced minxs he’s had to get his dick wet, whose frequent teeth and bites sabotaged the mood for him. Or probably from the others who just really didn’t appear to know what they were doing — again, ruining the mood. Or the fact that most of the time, as mentioned, he finds himself satisfying his partner at the time more than himself. 
Not that he minds at all; no, no. He finds great satisfaction in going in between someone’s legs and getting them turned on from his work. But when it comes to the thought of having his dick sucked, it’s a hard pass. Respectfully. 
Which brings us to the present: him on the couch with an arm wrapped behind your shoulders, bringing you close to him as you watch television comfortably. The ceiling lights dimmed to a warm low glow, your head draped on his shoulder as his hand rubs comforting circles on yours, and the silence only filled with the voices coming from the TV isn’t awkward in the presence of you two. Why would it be? He’s with you, his little sweet thing. And that’s all he wants right now.
So, after all the fidgeting with your thumbs and the occasion glances at him (which he noticed, of course), it was apparent that you’d soon ask him something out of the blue. What he hadn’t expected, though, was that question. 
“Pfft, that’s random,” he scoffs at the sudden question, and more subtle chuckles resort from the bashful turn of your head. God, you were so cute. “Why ask, sweet thing?”
“I was…just wondering, you know?” Your eyes travel down to your twiddling thumbs, avoiding Toji’s deep, observant emerald gaze. “We’ve been together for this long, and not once have I ever given you a blowjob. And I know, you always say you’re fine with it, but like…I really wanna give you one.”
And that’s when you muster up some confidence to peer up at him meekly, and that’s what seals the deal for Toji. Who is he to deny such puppy dog eyes from his baby? 
“Okay then,” he chortles with a smirk, the scar on his right side rooted up. It’s just a blowjob. If not for me, then for them. “Do what you do, cutie.” Little did he know that this would blow his expectations far out.
It started out nice and slow. Toji indulged in your kisses as you snuck your hand into the hem of his drawstring pants, sucking on his tongue while fingers crept inside his boxer briefs to give his cock a rub. He groans into your mouth, liking how you’re setting the mood until you take your lips away from his and slide off the couch to be between his legs. Removing his underwear to the floor, you examine his half-soft dick before using your hands to wrap around the base, massaging around it while you take the tip in your mouth. Toji sighs in bliss at the feeling of your soft licks and rolls of your tongue, shifting around to get more comfortable on the couch.
His erection becomes less and less flaccid, hardening around your mouth. This is where you decide to take in more of his length, hallowing your cheeks as you push your puffy lips down halfway down his erection. By the time you reach this base, your throat is so full of Toji’s girth that you use his sweatpants as reins for your hands as you try to give yourself a few seconds to adjust to the limb occupying your throat. You continue to suck on his cock, bobbing up and down with your saliva coating him, your tongue moving around on the underside of his dick every time you suck up to the tippy top. 
The sucks and strokes to his length become a little faster, and it’s here that Toji can’t concentrate on the television. Subtle twitches of his leg result from the hummed moan you express while taking him to the hilt. The vibrations that resonate along the inner walls of your throat are felt. It feels so good. And the tongue of yours? Fuck. His brows trench down when your tongue licks from the bottom of his ridge to the frenulum, giving his cockhead an onslaught of rough licks and kisses that has Toji exhale through his nose. “Hmmnn, fuck…Y/n, baby, y’re so good at this…Uhghh!”
You release his tip with a soft ‘plop’ with a string of saliva connecting your lips to his spit-covered cock. “Ahahhn, really?” Oh, fucking shit, don’t look at him like that. Your hooded eyes peering up at him with a soft smile while your hands maintain a stroking rhythm that has Toji squirm around your grasp. And then you surprise him with a grasp of his ballsack, oh you’re a devilish cutie. “That makes me happy to know,” you give him a giggle when Toji involuntarily bucks to your hands; the veiny limb contrasting with your pretty fingers is such a sight to see. The pulsating commotion between your legs progresses more by the second.
More dangerous licks paired with the massage to his balls as Toji huff is bliss. “Ahhh, sh–shit…Ya like how my dick tastes, mama?”
Taking his cock back into your mouth with alluringly half-lidded eyes is the answer you give him, your lips covering your teeth as your jaw relaxes to welcome his neither limb back inside your warm oral cavity. The suction of your hallow cheeks became lethal with the increased speed, your tongue now swirling around him and creating such deviant noises that only Toji focuses on despite the television vices failing to drown them out. 
Holy shit, Toji wasn’t expecting this kind of treatment at all. This was downright out of the water from all the other oral ordeals he’s had in his life. How the fuck were you so good at this!? Cupping his balls while slurping his dick was such a dangerous combo; Toji doesn’t know how long he’ll contain the urge to stand and fuck your face here and now. Goddamn, the faster you bob your lips on him, the shiver down his spine is hard to ignore. His hips jerking to your mouth; he wants to fuck your face so bad. And just looking at your ass sway while you suck on him, he knows you’re enjoying this as well. 
It reaches a point where he can’t take it anymore — he wants to go faster and harder. So Toji grabs your head as he stands up and dials the tempo to a harsher motion, propelling your lips down to his pelvis. And you’re quick not to panic, being sure to breathe when Toji smacks his testicles to your chin and ruts into your face and throat with no mercy. Toji moans at the sensation of your gummy walls wrapping around his length, hissing at your muffled wails as he hits the back of your throat. “Fsshhh—Hnngh!! Fuckin’ shit, just like that, mama, just like that…Ohhggh!”
You can feel the veins on his girth pulsate, indicating that his release is soon coming. The thrusts to your face get erratically faster, so you’re sure to grab onto his sweatpants to make sure you don’t lose balance as he spills his load down your throat. Ending it with a few rough hits to your lips, Toji groans with gritted teeth, shaky, strong legs pumping his semen for you to drink, which you merrily take with muzzled squeals on his shaft. The both of you experience the last moment of this euphoric high until Toji’s body calms down, heavy breaths going slower with every expel. He gives you a few moments to suck him off a little more before removing himself from you, gradually pulling his length, quivering with the aftershocks at the dismissal of your warm walls around him. And he jolts when you tease him with one last lick to the sensitive tip. 
“Hahhh, damn, cutie,” Toji takes a seat back on the couch, eyeing you down with a weary smirk and furrowed brows. “Since when did ya like to get down and dirty?”
You sheepishly smile back and avert your eyes down, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. “I’m glad you liked it, Toji.” 
“Sure as hell did,” he bends down to grab your chin and bring you in for a kiss. The squeaks you let out when he bites your lips are too adorable and hot to his ears. “Want me to eat you out, sweet thing?”
“Really?” God, you were too cute — beaming at him like that with such a lovely smile. 
“Sure thing. Besides, I saw the way you were movin' that ass while suckin’ me off. So, I got you,” Toji takes off his sweatpants, moving his legs to be on the couch entirely. His dick is still standing erect, and he gives you a suggestive grin before tapping his chest, a sign for you to get ready and sit on him. “Only if ya can do that shit on me again.” The request takes you aback for a minute, but you chuckle and stand up. You remove your bottoms and underwear, and Toji notices the wet spot on the material. 
Again, Toji is never one to be given oral. But if he’s going to be treated like this, you might be able to change his mind.
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© 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐲2023 – dividers from @/animatedglittergraphics-n-more.
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oopsiedaisydeer · 22 days ago
ᴀɴ ᴏʀᴀʟ ꜰɪxᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
…𝘪𝘯 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘩 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘤𝘺 (𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘣𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘴)
angst, fluff, suggestive, physical intimacy, emotional distress, love bites, friends to lovers, hurt/comfort, crying, touch starvation, oral fixation, hint of pica, loneliness, make out (in no particular order)
word count - 4k
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It wasn't like it had always been a problem. Her putting… her mouth on things. 
It started small, sucking on the tips of her fingers. Running them, one at a time, along her lips and then opening her mouth, moving the finger in and out, puckering her lips around it.
Chris noticed it before she did.
“Why are you doing that?” he’d said once, when they were barely teenagers, watching as she traced the rim of a bottle with her thumb before brushing it against her mouth.
She had only blinked at him. “Do what?”
“That.” He nodded toward her hands. “You always have to be touching your mouth.” His voice was thoughtful, almost teasing, but his eyes were dark, watching the way her lips parted around the plastic. His gaze flicked down, tracking the way her tongue darted out. Just for a second, just to wet her lips.
She hadn’t responded. Because how does she explain to someone, someone who knows her better than she knows herself, that it wasn’t just a habit? That it was something deeper, something she couldn’t name.
Her mouth around her water bottle, all day. Lollipops. Gum. Ice cubes. Nothing quite hit the spot.
She licked her cutlery clean every night. Ran her tongue along the blade, the edge of her tooth. The rose quartz she kept by her pillow, carefully and delicately held between her lips, teeth tightly shut to avoid any accidents.
And then, one day, she started to cry. For the same unknown reason. Sleepily, sadly, alone. She would hold onto her childhood teddy for dear life, cradling it like a newborn. She wound her body around it like she was a baby herself, tucking her head to her chest. The fur tickled her nose and she breathed in the comforting smell of the bear she had had since she was small.
The texture was soft but unsatisfying, the pressure grounding but never quite enough. She sucked lightly, her breath hitching. She didn’t need it, she didn’t need any of this, but the ache in her chest was quieter when she had something warm against her lips.
Slowly but surely, she would place open-mouthed kisses all over the stuffed animal. Sucking on the fur softly, she would dredge her fingers through the back of its head. She inhaled whilst doing so, breathing in the almost-human scent that had come to rest on the bear after her years of snuggling up to it.
It became a habit, the one thing to dull the urge, to make her feel that little bit less starving.
She now made sure to save herself for when she was in the comfort of her own room.
Under the soft covers, cuddling her bear, she came to realise the problem for what it was.
It wasn’t just about having something in her mouth. It was about touch. Or rather, the absence of it.
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Nothing made that clearer than being here.
The house was packed—music thumping, laughter cutting through the air, dim lights casting long shadows against the walls. She stood at the edge of it all, sipping lemonade from a red cup, watching one of her best friends curl into her boyfriend’s side like she belonged there.
They had been attached at the hip all night. Still lingering in the honeymoon phase. His hand resting on her waist, fingers grazing her skin. Their bodies swaying together as they laughed, the kind of effortless, intimate touch that no one thought twice about. Except her.
She swallowed hard, looking away.
It wasn’t jealousy, not exactly. It was something else. Something heavier.
Because if she really thought about it, if she let herself admit it, she didn’t just want to be them. She wanted to know what it felt like. To have someone’s lips on hers. Their hands on her skin. To be wanted like that.
She shifted her weight from foot to foot, feeling untethered, like a ghost hovering in the background of her own life.
And then… Chris. Her best friend, since well, forever. Since the tooth fairy first came, since he grew out of his lisp, since... always.
Christopher Owen Sturniolo, standing next to her, idly spinning a beer bottle between his fingers as he rambled on and on. He usually didn't drink much, so she was surprised he had the drink in his hands at all. He'd been sipping at it all night, and she doubted he'd drink more than two thirds before they leave.
He looks over at her, but doesn't say anything for a while. Then, he reaches over, brushing his hand on her shoulder.
She straightens up, surprised at the sudden gesture.
“Hey, I know you might just wanna head home after this…but you've been so quiet all-night and it's been ages since we've hung out just the two of us. So, if you want to, and totally okay if you don't, do you want to come over? We could just watch a movie, eat shit, and, I mean, I'll sleep on the couch if it makes you more comfortable.”
She looks over at Chris, beaming. They haven't had a sleepover in a long time, it's true. Partly due to the fact that he hogs the blanket, partly due to the fact that sharing a bed past the age of 12 just felt a little weird.
Despite herself, she nods her head, glad for a simple night between friends. Maybe spending more time with her friends, especially the single ones, will make her feel less alone.
“That sounds great”, she says to Chris.
He grins back at her, slapping his knee. “That's what I'm talking about”, he says excitedly, “Let's head past 7/11 on the way.”
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Chris was relieved. She had been distant lately, lost in thought in a way that made something inside him ache. He wasn’t sure when he started feeling it—the sharp tug in his chest when she looked at other guys like they held answers he couldn’t give her. The way she drifted further away, like she was searching for something, someone, and it wasn’t him.
Maybe that was why he had grabbed a beer tonight. Not to get drunk, just to feel a little less like the guy who never got chosen. He sometimes hated the fact that he was content just loving her from afar.
When they finally make it to his house, they both tiptoe upstairs, trying not to wake anyone else up. Somehow, she still remembers which steps to skip on the staircase. It's a comforting feeling.
Chris shuts the door behind them very slowly, and then they both erupt into a fit of giggles at their spy-like adventure. Chris pokes her in the ribs, and she could tell he was still the tiniest bit tipsy. She was just the right amount of sleepy so that the atmosphere between them felt good. Natural. Right.
They both pick a movie to watch as per their childhood rules, with the guest's movie first. After forcing Chris through one of her favourite comedies, which he claimed he hated, Chris picked out a classic film from their childhood. 
She notices her teddy bear poking out of the bag she had packed. Debating on whether to pick it up, she eventually grabs it, tucking it under her arm. Chris notices, of course.
“Hey, I remember this little guy! You still have him?” he asks enthusiastically.
“Yup,” she mumbles, “can't sleep without him.” She doesn't know what it is about Chris that makes her comfortable enough to say something like that at all. 
Little does he know, she thinks, ashamed of her neediness.
Chris just smiled as she settled on the bed, but something about it stuck with him. It wasn’t just the bear… it was everything. The little things she did when she thought no one was looking. The way she pressed her lips together when watching couples. The quiet yearning in her eyes that he wasn’t sure she even recognised.
The movie starts and she immediately feels a sense of peace that she hasn't in a long, long time. Chris does too, and she can tell by the way his eyes light up at the classic animation.
About halfway through, it hits her. Really hits her. The nostalgia. The sadness. The loneliness. It doesn't matter that she's in a house full of people she's known her whole life, with Chris beside her. She still feels… so wretchedly alone. 
And so the ache begins.
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She tries to subtly run her thumb across her lips and teeth. But Chris cracks a joke and she can't help but giggle, ruining the sensation that already provided little comfort. 
After ten painstaking minutes go by, she settles on her last resort. She manoeuvres her body to be laying on her side, facing Chris, with her head still pointed towards the screen. She maintains distance with the boy so as to not draw attention to herself, as she hugs the bear with both arms across her chest.
She rests the lower part of her mouth on the crown of the bear's head, flicking her gaze up to Chris who is still fully immersed in the film. Seeing that, she sucks idly on the fur with her mouth, trying to remain as quiet as she can manage.
Out of the corner of his eye, Chris observes her change in position. He's glad that her body language is more open now, and she seems more comfortable. She looks small there, on his bed, practically curled up. He doesn't remember when he started caring so much more about how she felt, whether she was comfortable, what she was thinking. Caring about her, about them. He didn't mind though. He appreciated just being close to her.
He glanced down at her every so often, from his position up by the headboard. He took note of her features, the soft rise and fall of her chest, trying to tell if she was still awake. She was curled up with her teddy bear, just like when they were younger.
Just as the movie only has 20 minutes to go, an especially quiet scene makes him hear it. The ever so slight sound of someone… sucking? Chris looks down at her again. He notices the subtle movement of her head as it seemingly nestles into the teddy bear.
He doesn't know why his skin suddenly feels like it's on fire.
Confused, he nonetheless opens his mouth, “Hey,” he says softly, shaking her shoulder to see if she's still awake.
She jolts at the contact, awkwardness rippling through her body. Had he noticed? Does he think she's pathetic? She removes her mouth from the bear, carefully wiping it as she does in a lame attempt to keep up appearances. 
She cranes her neck to look at him, her lips glossy from the sucking and her eyes wide and innocent despite the late hour. It sends a shiver down his spine.
“What's up?”, she asks, trying to sound casual but it just comes across as meek.
Chris stares at her, dumbfounded, before clearing his throat. “No, nothing, just wanted to see if you were still awake.” he manages, blurting words out too slow and too fast. He wasn’t sure why he lied. Maybe because seeing her like that—so vulnerable, so desperate for something—felt like looking into a mirror.
She smiles at him, and goes to turn back to the movie, but his hand on her shoulder again stops her. She trembles slightly, fearing once again that this night has taken a turn for the worst. 
“What- um, what were you doing just now? I heard like a, a weird noise?”
Instead of responding, she casts her eyes to his hand on her shoulder and then down to the bear. She bit the tip of her tongue in a desperate attempt to calm herself. Before she realises, small hot tears spurt out of her eyes, soaking her face and the teddy bear. 
Chris reacts instantly, pulling her in and cradling her against him. She whimpers into his hoodie, the teddy bear still clutched in her arms creating a physical barrier between them.
“Shhh, it's okay, it's okay. What's wrong?” he coos, patting her on the back in a smooth, circular motion.
She hates herself for crying but she hates even more that she's allowing Chris to comfort her like this. She doesn't want to take advantage of his kindness, especially not for a reason as pathetic as hers. Slowly but surely though, she calms down.
Chris loosens his grip, but she remains close to him. It feels like a dream to hold her like this, but not for this reason. He looks down at her, patting the back of her head.
“You gonna talk to me, now?” he asks tentatively.
She shook her head, unable to answer. But slowly, she spoke—haltingly, painfully. She told him everything. The habits. The loneliness. The yearning. The unbearable, gnawing need.
Chris had nothing to say. He was in shock. Disbelief. How could it be, that the girl he had loved his entire life, had felt this neglected? Alone. Touch starved.
Was he stupid? Probably.
When her rambling finally came to an end, the shame she had previously felt had melted away. Now she just felt bare. Naked. And not in a fun way.
After some time in silence, the credits of the film began to roll, and she glanced at the screen, sorry that she had missed the ending of one of their favourite films.
Chris grasps her chin spontaneously, sending shivers and jolts of electricity through her. He turns her face back to his and adjusts his grip so that he can run his thumb over her bottom Iip.
She gasps at his movement, searching his eyes only to find them a dark and deep, ocean blue. For the first time in a long time, she feels a warmth spread across her body. From just one touch. His touch. Her best friend's.
Chris continues to trace her mouth with his thumb. She stares at him, questioningly, before shyly taking the tip of his thumb in between her teeth, careful not to hurt him as she poked him with the tip of her tongue. She inhales sharply as she does so, and he makes a low humming sound.
Chris inhaled, his fingers tightening around her waist. The moment was electric. Wordless. Perfect.
He took a shaky breath, his thumb still resting against her lips. His voice was quieter when he spoke, almost like he was afraid to say it out loud.
“I don’t think I can keep this in anymore,” he admitted, his fingers tightening slightly against her waist. “I’ve liked you for so long. I don’t even know when it started. Maybe since we were kids, maybe since forever.” He huffed a soft, nervous laugh, shaking his head. “But it’s not just some dumb crush. It’s… you. You’re the only one I ever look for in a room. The only person who makes everything else feel… smaller, like it doesn’t matter as much.”
His eyes flickered across her face, searching for something, anything, that told him he hadn’t just made a mistake.
She stared back at him, breathless. “Chris…”
He swallowed hard. “You don’t have to say anything, I just-”
“It’s always been you.”
His heart stuttered.
She was smiling now, her eyes bright in the dim light, and suddenly, nothing else mattered.
They both smile at each other, a look full of adoration and praise. When he retracts his hand, she stifles a whimper at the loss of contact. But before long, he takes her face with both hands and kisses her. She's shocked for a second, and then softly, with a quiet hunger, kisses him back. She reaches her hand out to touch him, to ground herself in this moment, but hesitates.
Chris lets go of her face as he kisses her, moving his hands to her shoulders and then running them up and down her sides. He grabs her by the waist and tugs her towards his lap, and she happily wraps herself around him as they continue.
There's something about the moment that feels so perfect, so right, that both of their brains are at a complete standstill. No worry, no anxious thought, no quiet concern reaches them. He pours all of his love, pining, desire into the kiss, and she offers her endless affection, her boundless love in return. 
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When they finally come up for air, Chris presses his forehead to hers, and they breathe in rhythm.
Her lips felt swollen, tingling in a way no sweet or pen cap had ever made them. She ran her tongue over them, chasing the ghost of his mouth on hers, and exhaled shakily. Nothing had ever felt like this, not the edge of a lollipop, not the stuffed bear she still tucked under her chin at night.
Chris smiles widely, and it's like something inside her snaps. She straddles him properly, and kisses him again. This time she's in control, as Chris just lies back and takes it, holding onto her for dear life.
The feeling of him this close to her, his familiar smell, his hands on her, drives her crazy. She pulls her mouth off of him and he huffs in annoyance, but she just grins. 
She nods towards his hoodie, and he complies, taking it off quickly. When the top passes over his head, he looks at her again to find her bare chest in front of him also. His jaw drops and he looks at her face, to which she tilts her head like a dog.
“Baby, you're the most beautiful person I've ever seen.” he admits, watching her blush spread across her cheek. 
“I could argue that title belongs to you.” she retorts, gazing longingly at him.
“Don't spread misinformation, sweetheart.” he says, running his hands along her sides, like before, as if to confirm she's here, solid, in front of him, like this. That it's not some kind of dream. Each time his palms reach her waist, she inhales sharply.
“Do you like that, sweetheart?”
“I love it, baby. I love everything about you.” 
“Yeah?”, it's his turn to cock his head.
She hesitates before responding. “Can I show you?”, she asks innocently.
His stomach twists at the sight of her, and he holds her even more tightly. “Please sweetheart”, he breathes.
And that's all she needs. All she's ever needed.
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She traces her lips along his lips again, breathing with him. Then she kisses the side of his mouth, pecking him delicately. She drags her mouth up the right side of his mouth, sucking on his cheekbone lightly.
Chris inhaled sharply, his breath hitching at the unexpected intimacy. He murmured sweet nothings in her ear, his voice hushed but full of devotion. His hands, trembling slightly, caressed her shoulders as if she might break. When her teeth grazed his ear, his body jerked instinctively, and he groaned low in his throat. She rolled the silver earring between her teeth, teasing him and making his senses go numb.
She dragged her mouth and tongue down his neck, the heat of her breath making him shiver. She moaned quietly, the sound of it drawing a fierce response from him. His hands found her waist again, pulling her closer, but she remained focused, kissing lower, deeper.
Then, she found his sweet spot—just beneath his jaw—and the effect was immediate. Chris’ hips bucked against her involuntarily, and his grip on her tightened. His reaction sent a jolt of pleasure through her, and she didn’t hesitate to suck at the spot, softly grazing her teeth against it, swirling her tongue with hunger. His hands curled into her hair, urging her on, but she wasn’t done. When she felt satisfied, she kissed the rest of his neck, her lips soft and reverent as she moved, trying to convey her affection in every touch.
“Sweetheart, you don’t have to do all this... let me, let me help you, sweetheart.” Chris’s voice was thick with longing, almost pained. His lips brushed her ear, his breath warm against her skin as he spoke.
She shook her head, the quiet, affectionate gesture enough to communicate her feelings. Without moving her mouth from his skin, she peppered soft kisses along his collarbone, sucking gently at a spot where the bone protruded, twisting her lips in a slow, tender motion.
Chris’s breath caught, and his chest heaved slightly. His hand moved from her waist back to her shoulder blades, cradling her gently, as though holding her meant grounding himself in the moment. He kissed the top of her head softly, smoothing her hair down as he whispered words she couldn’t fully hear, but she could feel the adoration in his touch. She'd never felt so much love with so little words.
Her kisses traced upwards now, all the way from the left shoulder to the right, pausing at moments to deliver small love bites to his chest, lingering on his skin as though she couldn’t get enough of him. With every kiss, her need to touch, to taste, to savor, grew stronger. Her lips pressed into his chest with a softness that held an undeniable depth of desire. It wasn’t just a kiss anymore. It was the way she needed him, the way she sought to consume him, to lose herself in the taste of him, in the feel of him. 
Each time she moved, he responded, his breath quickening, his body shifting as though he couldn’t quite stay still. His hands wandered up and down her back, fingertips tracing the soft curve of her spine. Every touch felt desperate, a silent plea for more, but he didn’t want to rush it. She was slow, and he was impatient, aching to feel every bit of her.
When she finally stilled, it was at the center of his chest, where she placed a delicate kiss, her lips lingering as she listened to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. Chris’s hand stroked her hair again, this time gently pulling her up to meet his gaze.
With a soft sigh, she pressed her lips to his mouth, kissing him gently, lingering there, not wanting to part quite yet. When she finally drew away, her lips were red and puffy from the intensity, but the love in her eyes matched his own—a quiet, profound adoration.
“I would do more, baby,” she mumbled against his lips, her voice soft with a trace of exhaustion. “But I’m really sleepy.”
Chris’s hand cradled her cheek, his thumb brushing gently over her skin. He smiled, the corners of his eyes softening. “S’more than enough, sweetheart,” he whispered.
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Eventually they find a position that left them close but comfortable still. Chest to chest, both laying on their side, her legs between his, his head tucked under her chin.
She sucks on the hair on the top of his head softly, dredging her fingers through the back of his head. She inhaled whilst doing so, breathing in her new favourite scent that just happened to be oh-so-familiar after years of sleeping beside Chris as kids, as pre-pubescent teens. Now, as, well whatever, that didn't matter to her right now.
She finally had something, someone that made her feel that less starving.
In fact, Chris made her feel kind of full. Satisfied, even.
It wasn’t just about having something in her mouth. It was about touch. Or rather, the intimacy of it. The love shared between them.
And just as they were about to drift off to sleep, Chris murmured in her ear...
“I have something else you can put that mouth on.”
She giggled, “I do too.”
She drifted off thinking about all the ways they’d fit together—both in the quiet of the night and in every moment after. They didn’t need to say another word.
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creds to rose for dividers @bernardsbendystraws !!! also creds to @ishasturnz for helping me edit this one,, v much appreciated!
a/n: can u believe this was meant to be a blurb. anyway this came to me in a dream i guess (the sucking not the plot). probably the closest to smut ill ever write tbh.
taglist: @blushsturns @sturnslutz @snoopychris @sturnshood @sturns-mermaid comment to be added/removed from my main (non-au) taglist !
cya soon!!
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allfearstofallto · 8 months ago
Yandere! Childe x Fem,Nun! Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
TW: 18+ MDNI, Noncon, lots and lots of mentioning of religion, reader is a virgin, yandere, obsession, unprotected sex, finishing inside
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Heavenly. What an on the nose way to describe you. Dressed head to toe in loose fitting, religious garb, your hair covered. All he could see was the skin of your hands and that heavenly face.
Such a sweet, welcoming smile and gentle voice was befitting of a nun. He could only imagine how many men you'd lured into your trap of giving donations with those assets of yours. Kindly praising them for whatever they could give like an owner to a dog. And he was another willing victim.
Your eyes went wide when he dropped the large bag of mora into your little basket. Your grip wavered a bit as the heavy coins weighed your little arms down, and all he did was smirk. He'd made himself known to you.
“What a generous donation!” You exclaimed. That pretty smile of yours, the way your eyes lit up. He resisted the urge to lick his lips while thinking about what he could do with that mouth, a lewd gesture to be doing right in front of a nun, “To what do we owe the pleasure?”
He felt himself cock an eyebrow at your words. Pleasure? He supposed he gave pleasure to receive it. He eyed you up and down, he could see so little of you. The skirt down to your ankles left plenty to the imagination and imagine he did, “I suppose I'm trying to be new to the faith.”
A little white lie, but your smile growing wider made it worth it. If all nuns were as pretty and tempting as you were, he'd join the commune immediately.
“Lord Barbatos accepts all,” You said, holding the basket back out to him and implying that you wanted him to take his money back, “Don't give because you're new to worship. All that is given is accepted, but we will still take you with open arms.”
“I want to give you this much,” he said, a firm hand pushing the basket back, “and I want to give you so much more.”
Going to the city of freedom, a city known for its drinking and partying, just for the cathedral was quite the story amongst his subordinates. But Childe didn't care. The things he wanted to do with you weren't holy, but that was much better than a glass of wine and a song. If they knew the treat that stayed praying in the church day and night, they too would take to the faith.
Walking into the chapel, the first thing he was greeted with was the sight of you on your knees, praying to the statue of that absentee god. Filling that pretty mouth of yours felt like a better use of this time, you were already on your down there after all. But he decided against it. Not yet at least. Not when you were smiling at him so sweetly, motioning him closer to pray next to you.
Childe mentally asked his archon for forgiveness, but still kneeled next to you. The Tsaritsa was a kind woman, he hoped that she would understand why he was praying to a false God. The way you were sitting on your knees, your round behind pressed against the heels of your feet, it made the fabric of your skirt press against your body. The curve of your ass, it was the first time he's seen it and he sucked air in through his teeth. He truly was being tempted, wasn't he?
“It's such an honor to see you, Ajax. Wasn't it?” Even the way you tilted your head in confusion was adorable. Typically he'd be upset if someone had forgotten his name, he didn't feel forgettable, but he was going to make you remember. Those plump lips of your would be calling his name over and over again, until it would be all you could say.
“Yes, it's Ajax,” he dropped the clasps of his hands and stood again, holding out an arm for you as well, “I was in the area again and decided to stop by for a prayer.”
A look of hesitance danced across that pretty face of yours as you debated whether or not to take his hand, before deciding against it. Instead, you chose to stand by yourself, a move that made him long for you even more. So he couldn't even feel the softness of your skin? Yet another ache in his groin, you were honestly trying to get him, weren't you?
“Forgive my rudeness, but we're discouraged from touching those of the opposite sex. Especially those who haven't taken vows, better to not tempt provocation,”
Vows? He'd assumed as much, but hearing you say it his pants grow even tighter. Temptation was you. You were such a pure soul, but you were sin. That body under all those clothes, he knew that it was erotic. He knew you felt lustful thoughts, that even you had ideas and thoughts that went against your virtue.
“I understand,” he spoke in a strained whisper, gripping the legs of his pants tight, “Do you think we can go somewhere private? I have a few confessions I need to make.”
You perked up once again, large eyes filled with enthusiasm, “Our father is holding a confessional if you'd like-”
“No,” he cut you off quickly, “I want to talk to you alone, do you think that's a possibility?”
There was a look of aversion in your eyes, clearly you were thinking about it. You looked like you wanted to tell him no, but your good natured heart and kind ways were fighting against what was right and what you felt like you needed to do as a nun.
“I'm-I'm not meant to take confessions, brother Ajax,” you said sweetly.
He stepped a bit closer to you, trying not to intimidate you, but also trying to press the importance. His length was hardening even more, his pants growing tighter. If you noticed, you didn't say anything, but of course, how would you?
“Please, it'll just be for a moment,”
Fearful eyes looked around the church before you motioned for him to follow you. Going against your God while in his home, you felt like you were committing a crime. But you couldn't leave a person in need behind. You're sure Barbatos would find it in his heart to forgive you.
“Please, make yourself at home here, dear brother,” you said while leading him through the door.
It was a simple room. An altar at the other end of the room, with a few candles and offerings and dim lighting. The room was scented with incense, a sweet smell that reminded him of the dandelion wine that Mondstadt was known for.
You lowered yourself onto your knees and motioned for Childe to follow you, “Please, kneel next to me, confess whatever you feel necessary,”
He sat down next to you, close enough to where his shoulder brushed against you. You flinched from this contact, but didn't say anything. A thought crossed your mind, so much space in the room and he chose to be right against you.
“Forgive me, I have sinned,” he said, but he never closed his eyes, never clasped his hands together, never lowered his head.
“Confess to me your woes,”
He sucked air in through his teeth, trying not to jump on you. Not yet. Not while you were looking at him so hopefully. So much trust. It only made him want you more.
“I've been having sinful thoughts,” he began, his eyes not leaving you, “Sinful to the point of being debilitating. They wreck my mind constantly.”
“Are these thoughts of harming others?” You asked, this didn't seem like the question of a clergy, but rather one of genuine curiosity.
He didn't look away from you, while his hand slithered down and he began palming his length through his pants, “They used to be. But now they're more deviant in nature.”
“Br-brother Ajax, such actions are- they are unbefitting for the church,” you said quickly, turning your head away to not see him as he defiled sacred ground with his actions.
“I need you, sister,” he leaned closer to you, whispering his words right into the shell of your ear. You squirmed at the feeling of his breath, such a cute reaction it was, and the yelp you let out when his hand gripped your ankle was even cuter. He tugged at your leg, pushing your back against the ground and leaning over you.
He'd seen fear like this before. Many times before. When he plunged a weapon into someone's chest, watching the life fade from their eyes, it was similar to the one you were making now. The tears, the muttered begging, even the way your lips quivered, it was all the same. So why now did it make his cock even harder in the confines of his pants?
Where would he even begin with you? Quite honestly, he didn't even know how to take your garb off. Instead, he took to ripping it, right at the neck. Pulling it apart straight down the middle until every inch of your torso became visible to him. Your breasts were covered in a basic bra. Normally he was the type to prefer more intricate lingerie to entice his urges, yet something about the simplicity of your undergarments made him hiss air in through his teeth. It was like you knew for certain that nothing was happening, yet he still was forcing you to show him.
“Stop! You can't do this!” You cried, trying to cover yourself in what scraps of your dress you could find.
He was gentle as he touched you this time, fingertips stroking your cheek, but his words following were harsh and deathly serious, “Don't fight me, I wouldn't want to hurt you,”
“Heavenly father, I ask that you forgive me…” you began to mutter to yourself in prayer. Laying there, hands clasped and teary eyes shut as you felt him trace up and down your thigh with his tongue. The feeling of his saliva, going up to your stomach, one of his hands cupping your breast before ripping the fabric of your bra away, it made you sick to your stomach. Your pebbled nipples hitting the cold air were quickly sucked into his mouth, a pleasure never experienced before washing over your body. You shuddered, much to his approval.
He wanted to go slower. He wanted to tease you for hours before taking you. He wanted to make you cum over and over, proudly showing how lewd you truly were to your false God, but even he had grown impatient. Trying to win you the right way just wasn't working and he needed to feel you, as deeply as possible, the woman he'd fantasized about night after night.
The way your eyes widened when he dropped his pants was cute. When you tried to look away from his hard cock that was dripping precum onto your cunt, still begging with those sweet lips, it was even cuter. But the way you went silent, the way the world seemed to stop from you the second you felt the head of his cock against your opening, that was the cutest. He loved the look in your eye. The look of visceral fear. It was a look of knowing. Knowing that after he was finished with you, you'd have nowhere to go, but to him.
You only began truly fighting him off when he began pushing the head of his cock into your warmth. So tight and soft, no matter how hard you hit him, you couldn't make him leave your insides. When he bottomed out inside you, feeling your walls clench around every inch of his cock, he hissed. Face to face with you now, nestled deep within you, he kissed your wet cheeks. Childe wasn't one for love making, but he couldn't help but to be tender with you. His thrusts were slow, but deep, making sure you tasted all of him.
“Hush, little angel,” he cooed softly to you, while wiping away more of your tears. Your little sobs were agonizing to his heart, yet his cock only twitched harder, “It'll be over soon.”
And you nodded. Such a sweet thing. You nodded and let yourself go to him. He didn't take this as a sign to be rougher though. No. He couldn't. Not to you. He continued his same pace, softly humming to you and shushing you when you got too loud. He wanted to pound your insides, to fuck you brutally, but that would be for later.
Little sobs left your lips as your nails dug into the carpeted floor beneath you. He was still going slow. Thrusting in and out skillfully, his hand tenderly gripping your face and making you look him in the eye, any time you tried to look away, he'd just force your head back.
“I'm cumming soon, okay?” He muttered against your lips, kissing you gently afterwards.
With your mouth engulfed in his, you couldn't beg him to please not finish inside you. Instead, your body flailed beneath him, trying to get him off as you felt the thrust of his hips speed up and become more greedy. You felt him grip you tighter, you felt his moans grow louder against your lips. And all you could do is sit in horror as you felt his hips falter, his pace slow down, and his cock twitch even more as it pumped hot cum deep inside your.
Childe pulled away from the sloppy kiss, your lips covered in saliva and he smiled. You'd never seen such evilness until you looked into his eyes, proudly looking down at your cunt where the cum was seeping out. I'm your mind, you were saying another prayer, but you weren't sure if anyone was listening.
“Guess I have to marry you now,” he chuckled with a playful pat against your thigh. But despite the smile on his face you knew he wasn't joking.
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rebelssvy · 3 months ago
i hate you, tenya. ✧.*
tenya iida x reader
✧ ⋆·˚ ༘ *ੈ✩‧₊˚
summary: suggestive, kissing, making out, dry humping. him being your rival/enymy in highschool, you start liking him. ending up in a bathroom at a party….
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you never really liked the guy. tenya iida was annoying. especially to people like you. people who just did their own thing. walking into the class on the first day of school, you found yourself aggravated by him.
as the school days went on you still didn’t like him, but you two shared a mutual respect for each other. he was hard working, in every way.
sooner rather than later, you grew an attraction to him. still not very fond of him. but you couldn’t stop looking at him. confused as to why you felt like this.
the moments you were around him, you started adoring. you liked being in his presence. but that never stopped the bickering.
your arguments would get out of hand sometimes. correcting all of his wrongs. your classmates would often joke about your relationship.
so as shocking as it was here you were. sitting on his lap at a house party.
your peers weren’t shocked at all. not with the way you two bickered during class. especially not with the way you would often fight backs facing eachother when faced with conflict.
your hatred act didn’t fool anyone.
flush against him, your ass sat in his lap. his hands found your waist. he looked especially good tonight. it made you frustrated.
sporting grey sweats and a black hoodie, he didn’t look himself.
“i hate you.” you whispered in his ear. he set his beer down on the table next to him.
you were definitely slurring your words. you were definitely nearing ‘drunk’. but you didn’t care.
“whys that?” he responded, calmly. titling his head with a smirk.
“because your so fucking annoying. but your so fuck-ing h-hot.” you slurred, stuttering over your words. your breath was hot against his ear.
with his hands around you, he brought you closer to his chest. your head now finding its place on his shoulder.
you felt comfortable. at ease even.
“y/n.” he said after a moment of silence between you two.
your senses were flooded with the scent of him, his cologne and aftershave filling your mind.
“what.” you muttered. leaning back to look him in the face.
he stabilized you, doing so unconsciously. he looked you dead in the eyes before bringing his mouth to your ear.
hushed words flying into your conscious. hot and breathy he choked out,
“i hate that i think your the prettiest girl in any room. i also hate how much i notice your ass against.. me.. like this….fuck..” he finished.
you gasped at his words becoming very aware of his hardened package underneath you. you did this to him.
when you stood up he frowned. expression very obvious.
it wasn’t until you grabbed his hand and dragged him to the nearest bathroom that he was happy again.
closing the door behind him, he turned you around to face him. pushing you up against the door, he took your mouth in a heated kiss. you gasped at his act.
you reached your arms up around him, taking head, tugging on his hair. he groaned at your actions.
he licked your bottom lip, pulling you closer to him. you opened your mouth to give him access before tangling your tongue with his.
you were slow and controlled, he was sharp and fast. his teeth nipping at your lips.
moaning into his mouth when his hand found your ass. grabbing at it.
he broke the kiss momentarily, “i’ve needed you for so long..id do anything you ask me to.” before diving into your neck. biting at your jaw. leaving open mouthed kisses on your skin.
focusing on one area when your breath hitched. he took notes of your body. and exactly where you liked to be touched.
“tenya..” you moaned, just enough for him to hear.
he broke his contact and stood tall above you. his hands never leaving your frame.
“yes?” he asked.
“ive liked you for so long. your so stupid for not realizing.” stating before you push yourself up against him. lips meeting his.
he groaned at your actions. your body’s creating friction.
you dry humped him.
mouths never leaving each others, his hips moved into your body.
you couldn’t get enough of him.
“oh my god..” he purred. his lips still on yours.
you felt his length on you. your body felt hot. kissing so much your lips plumped up, swollen. it felt so right.
“y/n! iida!! i have to pee get out!!” you jumped back hearing someone on the other side of the door. letting out a sigh when you realized you stopped kissing him.
“one sec!!” tenya responded before pulling your face to meet his. he brought you in for a soft kiss. it spoke volumes. you groaned when he parted away from you.
you took a second to fix his hair. he looked utterly beautiful looking down at you. his expression flushed, face painted rose tint.
maybe it was the alcohol in him, but he couldn’t imagine his life without you correcting his every move.
“i hate you so much.” he chuckled, staring down at you. you giggled with him.
leaning up you kissed his cheek before opening the door to find mina. “thank god!” she said before pushing you two out of the way and shutting the door.
you wanted more of him.
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:··:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:··:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
should i make a SMUTTTYYY part two??? i dont know. lollll
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mintmatcha · 3 months ago
The program continues to roll. Shouto -fucking IcyHot- is waving to the camera with a surprisingly un-awkward smile. He looks natural, calm, humble and it makes Bakugo curse out loud. He's been media trained since practically birth; it's an unfair fucking advantage-
"Congratulations, 'tsuki."
For once, Bakugo hears you coming. Your heels hit the linoleum, one foot after the other, tapping down the hall like you're begging to be noticed. Maybe you are. The neckline of your dress hangs low enough he can see the puckered skin of your scar, hidden between the valley of your breasts. He hopes you don't notice him staring, but he knows you do. At least now he knows you were telling the truth about something.
"Yeah. Congratu-fucking-lations."
You cock your head like a dog, feigning innocence. In your hands in an unopened bottle of champagne, foil wrapped, just like you in your golden dress.
"Thirteenth is an improvement." Your smile with your teeth. "Next year, we'll go for their throats and hit tenth."
He believes it. Frankly, he's a little worried that you'll actually tear out Fatgum's throat along the way. Bakugo leans back against his desk with a huff.
"Whatever. Rankings don't matter."
"Wait until you see your pay increase." You outstretch your arm with the champagne. "Hold this. Stand at your desk."
He takes the bottle and gets into position. One leg cocked over the other, head tilted, arm up for you to slip under: he watches you set up your little camera stand and waits for you to hit the timer.
But you stay behind the camera.
"Put your arm down. Looks bad."
Bakugo listens. The flash goes off twice, then you hum a noise he isn't sure is pleased or sour.
"You ain't getting in the picture?" he asks. You snap a couple more, all big bright flashes.
"I can if you want me to."
It feels like a trick. You're luring him into some sort of trap, just like you always do. If he was smart, he'd just say silent, let you get your little photographs and then dip-
"Take your heels off," he says, jerking his head over. "Makes me look short."
The unwavering smile changes a bit as you slip your foot out of your shoe. You stick your phone to the wall, just the right height to make Bakugo look taller than he is, just like he likes it. The phone flashes once as you slink over, then again as you tuck yourself under his arm. Each picture leaves you back-lit. Your features blur out of focus, with this silver halo around your silhouette.
Bakugo watches his reflection on the tiny screen as you adjust him. In the phone, you're perfectly visible, tangible as you fix the scene. Tilt his head, pull him down: your own face is hidden behind his, like you're sharing a secret. One hand finds his shirt fron and holds it gently, lovingly. It would look better if he was dressed up too, Bakugo thinks. Then you two would match, instead of you being dressed like some golden prize-
"Why are you fucking dressed up if it isn't for a picture?" The thought hits him.
You're so close he can feel your smile against his cheek as you whisper. "Do you like it?"
"Stop doing that shit." He reaches back and places the bottle in his desk. The camera's light flashes again. "Dodging my fucking questions all the damn time."
Your arm loops over his neck. It'll look long and dynamic in the photo, he knows it.
"I have plans tonight," you whisper.
"With Izuku?"
"No." Flash.
"Another guy?"
He clicks his tongue against his teeth and pulls back. It's just far enough thay he can see your face, drink in your features.
"Does he know the world thinks you're dating me?" Jealousy is irritating and irrational, especially when you're right here, close enough to claim. He could reach down and lick that scar anytime he wanted to, he knows that-
Your lips are painted dark, dramatic. They make your smile feel forced. "It's why he wants me back."
When did his hand find your waist? When did yours find his cheek, thumb pulling over his scar? The camera flashes again.
"People always want what they can't have."
That's such bullshit. He wants you more than anything and he could have you at any moment-
Flash. The camera catches he moment he breaks. His lips press against yours, not in the passionate fury he always thought would happen, but a soft, fleeting touch. Your breath contains more pressure than your skin and he almost thinks you're disappearing from under him, running away-
Your lips are parted and your tongue is against his, hot, searing, desperate-
He thinks your lips have touched every inch of his skin, down his neck, into the collar of his shirt-
His hands are bunching your dress up and he's unsurprised to find nothing underneath-
Oh, he's not in frame anymore. You're both on the ground, tangled, touching, groping. He's liking that damn scar and you're keening and twisting and cumming-
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madamechrissy · 5 months ago
Silent Serenades
♔ An arranged Marriage with Duke Gojo ♔
♔ Pairings: Satoru Gojo x you
♔ Warnings: Mentions of infidelity, mentions of disordered eating of the reader and past emotional abuse, Satoru doesn't really help how he should but his dumbass tries, heavy angst, jealousy, smacking, Duke Gojo is becoming pathetic, lots of begging, heartfelt chap, cunnilingus, fingering, toxic attraction, Gojo is toxic. OOC. ANGST. SO MUCH TENSION.
♔ Word count this chap: 9.7k
♔ Summary: you are the diamond of the season, he is the charming Duke, it’s the marriage of the decade. Prominent families joining, and it so happens that Duke Gojo is gorgeous. But, he doesn't want you, and now you're trapped in a loveless arranged marriage. Royal AU, dark bridgerton vibes, Cruel Gojo x reader. OOC Set in 1800s England. Slow burn, enemies to lovers. Gojo is awful at first, HEAVY angst Basically- Gojo is a royal dick and doesn't wanna marry you
(taglist open/Comments/ reblogs always appreciated 🥰
Part Five - Masterlist - Playlist
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Part Six- Dinner is just a Masquerade
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Satoru sits right across from you, glaring as you sit there in your chair, sipping on black coffee from a delicate china, and not touching your plate. You do eat of course, but you refuse to do so in front of him, even after he’d said it was false, you were too nervous. You’d always been a peckish little eater, and your parents praised that, so many people praised your impeccable manners at the table.
Your arms rest just so on the edge of the table, your pinky sits up so high as you take a sip, you know just how many times to chew to seem as if you’re enjoying a dish. You know all the etiquette, and you know how to keep from gaining weight, or to quickly slim if you catch the slightest ounce, you know how to keep healthy enough without looking overly indulgent.
For once, you’d just enjoyed a damn dish, you figured you did not need to impress Duke Gojo, after all he said he’d never want you. But the comment had triggered something you don’t quite like. Aside from Nanami stuffing your mouth full of delicious cookies, you’ve not eaten too much, it’s almost like a control you feel you need, but you must admit, you’re starving right now.
You have fluffy scones, tea and biscuits, and you’re just sipping this coffee, hoping it eases your throat. Duke Gojo slams his hands on the table then, picking up a scone and striding to you, yanks you by your hair. You gasp at the sensation, smacking at his big, stupid hands as he bends low over you.
“Get your damn hands off me.” You bite out, grabbing at his strong wrists and pulling at them, digging your long nails in his skin.
“You’ll fucking eat something, goddamn brat. Open your mouth.” He bends low and you grit your teeth, brows low as you scowl right back at his pretty face, as he’s trying to shove a scone in your mouth.
“Excuse me- ah!” He’s shoved it now, shoving your mouth closed by your jaw, and you’re forced to chew the sweet thing. He leans close to you, thumb brushing against your lower lip, staring at you with swirling blue eyes, so intense you shut your own, chewing it slowly.
You swallow it down, only for him to open your mouth more gently, and it does something to your tummy you hate, this feeling, it’s not butterflies like Nanami, no it’s brutal moths flying violently, and you detest it. You detest that you take another bite of scone for him, finishing it, licking your lower lip and sucking in a breath, your eyes locked on him.
“I should have never said that.” He sits on the table, most casual for him as he’s typically as formal as can be, his thighs spread far too wide and making you remember seeing him. You blush furiously, sipping your coffee then carefully.
“I have forgiven you, Duke. I am not much of an eater anyway.”
“It’s what I said, and I know it’s why you’re wasting away.” He grabs your wrist, wrapping his hand around it gently, an odd sensation and it feels so intense from what you’re used to.
“I’m still a healthy size-”
“For now. Please fucking eat. I know I’m horrible, I know you hate me, I know you owe me no kindness…” You hear his usually cruel voice break, and you struggle to keep your breaths steady, as he caresses your jaw in a way he shouldn’t. “Just don’t let me be the cause of this.”
“Why do you care? You’re so bloody confusing.” You pop another one in your mouth though, and watch his exhale in relief, running a hand through his silky white hair, closing his eyes for a moment.
“I wanted you to hate me, not hurt yourself.” You blink, looking up again.
“Well, you succeeded in me hating you.” You finish chewing and dab your mouth with the handkerchief, an action Satoru’s insane eyes follow.
“I know I did. I will not make a comment again about this however, you have my word. I am… I am sorry.” You feel the sincerity, and though you still hate him, you decide to finally let this go. If this was as good as anything would get with the infuriating, cold Duke.
“Well, thank you, Duke Gojo.” You sip more coffee, as he hops off the table, and your heart thuds in your chest, throat feeling tight again.
“I actually like women with more meat on their bones. You see my mistresses, it was just… I honestly didn’t think you’d believe me.” His voice is strained as he sits back down next to you, nibbling on his own food now slowly, and you sigh, leaning back a bit in your seat, not your typical straight stature.
“I am confident in ways but I have always watched how I look. Making sure to look perfect. It’s what I am praised for, it’s my worth, how well I am wedded. To marry a Duke made my family proud of me, and that is all my worth is, appearance, posture, how I act, how I laugh… how I eat. All of it. A woman has nothing else truly.��
Duke Gojo sips his sweet tea with milk, contemplating you carefully. What were you doing, opening up to this man? Stupid.
“I assumed you were highly confident, that you would know you’re nothing close to a ‘pig’ in how you eat.”
Your hands run along the edge of your little ceramic cup, touching the handle and studying him, tilting your head. “So why say it, then? To make me hate you?”
“May I know why?”
There it is, the confusion, the haughty look on his face you want to punch right off of him. He’s clearly done with whatever tiny vulnerability he’s shown, and likely done affording you any kindness. You sigh, rolling your eyes and shaking your head. “And I still disgust you?”
He clears his throat, pulling at his collar, stiffening in his seat. “Don’t I disgust you, Duchess?”
You bite your lower lip, nodding. “You have lay with four women since I’ve known you, covered in their rouge, their perfume, their lip stains. Indeed, I do not find that attractive. But as for your looks, of course you are handsome.” His eyes widen, full lips parting for a moment.
“I’m handsome to you?”
You roll your eyes at him. “You’re extremely handsome outwardly, on the inside is quite another story, Duke. But you already know that.”
He sips his tea once more, just a hint of color on his cheeks. “Well you have not said so.”
“You want me to? You hate me.”
He looks away. “Yes, I do.”
You sigh then. “This conversation grows tiresome-”
“You’re attractive outwardly as well, very, very attractive. You disgust me because… of other reasons than your beauty.” His soft words are barely a whisper, especially at the end.
Now your cheeks flush, but you just sigh. “Oh, so you were not serious when you said-”
“No, I should not have said that either. Now you disgust me because you spread your legs wide for that man.” His fists clench, you stand then, shaking your head.
“What care you? Your cock in another woman every night.” Gojo stands now, stepping right in front of you.
“And was his cock in you, like a whore?” You smack him then, right across his face, and he scowls now, grabbing your wrist, bending low over you. “You’re the most insolent brat I’ve met.”
“And you’re the most stupid, cruel man I’ve ever met. I will not answer your stupid question. I ask not what you do.”
“Well you’re the innocent one here, or you were.”
“What do you care? My innocence isn’t yours to take. I’d never give it to you.” You whisper, and he grabs your waist then, pulling you flush against him, eyes darting to your lips.
“You act as if you do not want me, when I touch you, your body tells another story.” His voice is dangerously soft as he runs his fingers down your skin, where it’s bare on your shoulders, you shiver, your nipples tightening involuntarily. You can’t stand your stupid body.
“And you beg to touch me, don’t you Gojo?” His eyes narrow, long white lashes over his gaze now at your soft words. “Cat got your tongue?”
“Just because you taste good doesn’t mean I… you know what? Fuck you, Duchess.”
“Fuck you, Duke. Are the formalities in order for our daily battle? Do you enjoy them so, Duke?” Your free hand slides down his abdomen, watching him suck in a breath, feeling his muscles tense. “Enjoy touching me? Enjoy tasting me? Do you hate that I let someone else?”
You watch his jaw clench, watch him gulp, as his grip on you tightens just so. “It’s disgusting that you do. You’re so desperate, so pathetic, to jump in someone’s arms so quickly. You know you are.” His voice is hoarse, however, strained, his chest heaving with labored breaths.
You laugh softly, giving him a mean smile. “So what does that make you, the man who jumps in any woman’s arms? So fucking desperate anyone will do?”
Satoru grabs your face then, squishing your cheeks as he leans even lower, and you hate your body’s reaction again, you hate everything about him. “What do you care who I lay with then, hmm? Jealous of them?”
“Ha, no… I wouldn’t touch you, lord knows where you’ve been? You wish.”
He snorts. “I do not wish.”
You raise a brow. “Mmm, indeed.”
“Eat one more, wife, since you wish to please your husband, don’t you? The perfect little fucking wife.” You scowl again, popping one more, noticing the pleased smile.
“Only because I am hungry.” You speak after you chew, and he exhales, letting your wrist go, caressing your cheek softly, you hate it, but find that your eyes are fluttering shut.
“Good. Prepare today, we have that dinner with our parents.”
“I’ll be the picture of fake wedded bliss.” You smile sweetly, and he shakes his head, why won’t he let your damn waist go!?
“You sure do know how to pretend. We don’t want them knowing the truth, that we hate each other, hmm?”
“Indeed, I can absolutely pretend. Watch.” You take his hand, batting your long lashes and smiling sweetly, leaning up and pecking a kiss on his cheek, watching the blush decorate the shameless man’s face. “Oh Mama, Papa, I’m ever so happy as Duke Gojo’s wife.”
“Bitch.” He huffs, and you pull back and curtsey.
“I know, perfect performance, hmm?”
“No, you’d be calling me Satoru by now. If I wanted to, I’d have you screaming out ‘Satoru’.” His husky whisper is against your lips as he brushes the backs of his knuckles down your collarbone. You fall into that infinite pool that are Gojo’s eyes, for just a moment, before righting yourself.
“I only scream ‘Satoru’ when he pees on the floor.” You coo, yanking back from him just a step, and earning his furious scowl.
“You’re such a bitch. Imagine if I were the type of husband to take what’s mine, to keep you locked up like some pretty bird in a cage. Ever been happy I don’t?”
“I’m very happy you don’t fuck me. It will be so fun to fuck him-”
Gojo grabs you by the throat then, squeezing just so, and you just laugh as he bends down low. “You’re such a stupid whore.”
“I’m learning from the best.” You whisper out, nails digging into his wrist, but something about how he squeezes, how his other hand slides up your rib cage, makes you…
Something’s so wrong with you!?
He releases you, leaning down again, and you hold him at a distance, his blue stormy eyes dilated now. “I should occupy your mouth with other things.”
“I wouldn’t suck you, who knows where that cock has been-”
“You know what that is!?” He demands, tips of his ears red.
You clear your throat, looking down and stepping back, as Satoru is furious. “It’s none of your-”
“You sucked a man off like some-”
“Like how I saw a girl suck you. Mmhmm.” You say then, defiant, raising your eyes back to his, looking at him under your lashes. Gojo grabs you again, and you smack him again, in this stupid fucking dance you both do.
“Did you really?”
“You mad it wasn’t you?” He opens his mouth, those pink lush lips wide, as if he’s at a loss for words. “Maybe I’ll ask your women for tips, you know, for next time.”
He laughs harshly, shaking his head and running a hand through his hair, exasperated clearly. “Ask my mistresses for tips on sucking cock?”
“Mmm, indeed. I’m not sure if I did the best as my first time. But you know, he enjoyed it clearly, he… well you know.” 
“You’re such an evil little bitch.” You just smile as he chokes you once more, you feel him holding back, you know he wants to crush your windpipe, but the soft pressure is thrilling. “So you’re just swallowing cum then?”
“Why not? Don’t they swallow, Gojo?” He says nothing, as he’s panting, as you’re whispering through the squeeze of your throat.
“You wouldn’t be able to talk if I fucked your mouth, that’s the difference, wouldn’t be able to swallow anything for days without remembering my cock fucking your little throat.” His words shoot straight to your cunt, and it’s like he knows, as he grips your skirts tightly into a fist.
“I’d never suck you.” You say then, earning a tighter squeeze before he releases you, furious now. “You won’t be any of my firsts, I don’t even count our kiss.” You cough then, rubbing your throat, and Gojo’s fury just grows, as does his despair, as his eyes look so… sad then.
You don’t care.
Gojo deserves this and worse.
You don’t care when he storms away without a fucking word, and you don’t care when he says nothing to you even in that carriage ride to your parents home, where Gojo’s Mama and step dad would be. You don’t care how his thighs are spread, one pressed against yours, how you feel the heat of him against your skin through those layers of satin.
What do you care if he’s upset?
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The carriage ride to your parents' home is tense, the silence thick with tension, as Satoru Gojo sulks like a damn child. He keeps peeking at you, before glaring and staring back out the carriage window, fuming. You sit rigidly, your heart racing from the altercation in the dining room, you can still feel his hand on your throat, and you wish you hated it more.
The soft rocking of the carriage and the rhythmic clop of the horses' hooves against the cobblestone streets are the only sounds that fill the space in the tense quarters. You hate that his scent fill the air between you, a mix of sandalwood and something sweet, fuck does this stupid man need to smell so good!?
You focus on the passing scenery outside the window, you should take this as a good thing, Satoru Gojo finally shutting the fuck up. Right? How often have you gotten him to-
“Bet you were wet.”
You look to him incredulously, mouth dropped open. “Excuse me?”
“When I choked that pretty throat of yours.” His ankle is crossed over his knee, he’s resting his chin on his hand, smirking now.
“I was certainly not, damned brute!”
“No, not a bit? You looked like you liked it. Wonder how freaky your baker really gets, could he handle you?”
“Stupid fucking man.” You shove at his arm now, maybe you should have enjoyed that silence. “You presume too much, your Grace.”
“Felt you twice, soaked.” His voice drips with sex, as drippy as he had your little pussy, but you'll not say it out loud. Fuck Duke Gojo.
“Wasn’t you who did it.”
“Lying little bitch.”
“Conceited dick!”
As the carriage draws to a halt in front of your parents' grand estate, you both are glaring at each other, and he’s too close, he’s too close. You want to punch him if not for being at your parents’, and them seeing your ‘husband’ with a giant bruise on his face. Your fingers itch badly to, but soon one of the attendants was opening the carriage door, and Satoru steps out.
He holds his hand out then, and you ignore it, choosing to step down instead, holding your skirts up, nearly tripping as your legs aren’t quite long enough with your flouncy skirts. Then Satoru’s hand catches you by your bare upper arm, and it sends a jolt through your body, a reminder of his earlier touch, and you immediately pull away, smoothing your skirts as if to wipe away the sensation.
“Wanted to land on your face, brat?” He demands through gritted teeth, earning your glare up at him.
“Face planting is preferable to your touch.” He scoffs, walking ahead of you, and you struggle to compose yourself, hating everything about this man.
You can do this. You can’t let Satoru see his stupid effects on you anymore than he already has.
Once seated at the long, elegantly set dinner table, the weight of your parents' expectations press down on you. Satoru sits next to you, and instead of being perfect and composed, he seemed on the very edge, fury just radiating. You wonder at him, why was he mad you did the same thing he did? He’s confusing, he’s stupid, he’s bloody infuriating.
You wish you were instead baking with Mr. Nanami, not forcing smiles in this masquerade of an affair next to London’s biggest asshole. Let him ruin the sham of marriage you think, perhaps it will end it all sooner… Though you know in your heart your parents will not let this go, they would simply force you to stay, as would Gojo’s mother.
Gojo’s stepfather looks bored, he and Gojo do not even acknowledge each other, which you find somewhat curious as you pick at your food, the rich aromas of roast beef and steamed vegetables doing little to quell the nervousness in your stomach. You make yourself eat some, noticing Gojo’s relief next to you.
Why does he suddenly care?
The room is lit by several candles, along with a beautiful chandelier overhead, casting flickering shadows across the polished silverware and crystal glasses. Your parents manor was one of the most grand aside from royalty, which of course you were now, but the beauty is hard to rival. If your parents liked one thing, it was opulence, it was being the top of society.
It doesn’t feel much like a home truly. You did not have a bad childhood, no indeed you are very lucky, your parents let you ride horses, play outside, cook in the kitchens. The only pressures you faced were preparing to be a good wife, to be the most perfect, and even though you’ve ‘accomplished’ it, the weight of their gazes and their expectations drowns you still.
The sound of forks and knives clinking against porcelain plates fills the air, punctuated by the occasional forced laughter, along with perfunctory conversation, until they get to what they really wanted to talk about. You take a deep breath, steeling yourself as your mother looks at you both.
“So, are we trying for an heir?” You sputter, and Gojo smirks then, looking down at you and raising a brow.
“We have been actively trying, haven’t we, my love.” You grit your teeth at his stupid words, sure he’s playing a game but you hate them.
“Indeed, we have been trying most… fervently, sweet Satoru.” He gulps audibly on the sweet wine he’s drinking, raising brows at the use of his name.
“I’m most pleased to hear this. We had our worries.” Your mother says, and Gojo’s mom smiles.
“I also had my worries. But I can see the sparks between you both.” You stifle a rude laugh, but Gojo snorts, earning a subtle stomp on his foot, and a glare from him, to which you just smile brightly, batting your lashes at him.
“Indeed, I see them as well. Young and in love.” Your dad says, winking at you both, and you literally can barely stop yourself from snorting, instead shoving food into your mouth, and you notice your parents shock, brows raised.
“Eat like that so often and you won’t keep that perfect little waist, darling.” Your mom’s words make your fork clatter then, and you clear your suddenly tight throat, feeling your eyes prick with tears.
“She barely eats, like a damned bird, she has an appetite from us riding horses earlier is all.” Satoru says then, and you look at him in shock, as he’s… is Satoru… defending you?
“Of course, she also must eat well to have a baby you know.” Satoru’s mom says softly, and your mother smiles a bit, nodding, as her crushing words hit an already fragile part of you.
“Indeed, but your husband married you a certain way, you know.” She quips then, and your chest heaves with labored breaths, as you sip on your drink, and you feel Satoru’s hand then, under the cover of the heavy damask tablecloth, on your thigh, not sexual either it’s…
“I assure you she could stand to eat more, she’s rather petite. I enjoy a woman who eats.” He says, and his touch is light, almost imperceptible, but it sends a shiver up your spine, as he speaks so bravely for you, on something he himself had said. He now looks to you, and you see it, pain in his eyes that's reflected from yours.
“You’re not the same size, are you, when you married?” Satoru’s mom quips to your mom, and she gasps, you and Satoru hold in your chuckles just barely.
“Well, I… I’m older and had a babe! We can’t all stay your size, Lady Gojo.”
“Leave her alone, she’s just hungry.” Your dad says, and you sigh a bit as your mother finally relents. You can’t eat another bite, as she picks you apart.
“You look pale. That’s not well. You should have more color.” She says now, and you can’t stand another moment, wanting to throw back your wine.
“She’s been in the bed chambers so much, Mama.” Satoru quips, and soon everyone laughs at his remark, and once again, he squeezes your thigh, giving you a small smile.
“Why are you being nice?” You whisper, leaning to his ear, as a loving couple would do, and you inhale his scent, you feel the heat of his palm over your skirts.
“Because your mom’s a bitch.” You giggle a bit, looking up and seeing a different side of him, his smirk… charming and not cruel. You try to remind yourself he’s horrible, and you will remember that later, but for a brief moment you’re content to enjoy him.
“They’ll definitely be making babies.” Satoru’s mom says, and she looks to Satoru curiously then. “Have you given up your rakish ways, Satoru?”
“What rakish ways, you wound me, Mother.” She rolls her pretty blue eyes, a shade darker than Duke Gojo’s, and you tentatively put a hand on his, making him squeeze your thigh, you watch him suck in a breath.
“He’s a reformed rake at present, aren’t you, Satoru?” The room is quiet, and he looks at you in surprise, nodding, pressing a kiss to your cheek, and his warm lips feel far, far too sweet on your skin.
“Indeed, reformed for you my love.” He murmurs, and you can’t take how charming he looks, acts, even when you know how he really is.
You hate that you wished for one moment this was real, that the man you’d had dreams of as a young girl, the Duke - he’d been so charming and funny you noticed from afar- was actually kind. That he wouldn’t be fucking another woman right next to you, right in front of you. That he would truly mean what he says, and not constantly confuse you.
Was there kindness in him, in Satoru Gojo, or just this moment, where you both have some strange agreement? Why won’t you lift your hand off of his, why are you brushing a thumb along his knuckles, and why won’t he release your leg? His hand slides higher, his thumb ghosting along the sensitive skin of your inner thigh, and you bite back a gasp.
The conversation carries on, until Lady Gojo brings up Satoru’s father, and his grip gets brutal, his breathing labored. You clutch onto his hand, looking at him with concern stark in your gaze then. That vein bulges out of his jaw, and now he’s downing a whole glass of wine, holding the empty crystal for a servant to fill, beginning to chug that one down.
“I won’t speak of him, you know that Mother.” She sighs then, shaking her head, cutting a piece of roast beef and chewing it delicately.
“I do not know what ever happened.”
“You need not know. Do not bring him up, he’s dead, he’s gone.” At Satoru’s harsh and cruel words of his own father your mind races, what could he have done to earn such ire?
“Let’s speak of other things.” You chime in then, and he exhales, turning his hand up to entwine with yours, it’s as if you both were relying on each other to get through this sham of a dinner. Something about this was nicer than you cared to admit. “What of the opera this weekend? Are any of you going?”
“Indeed, we have a box seat. Are you two going?” Your father asks, as Lady Gojo is quiet, contemplative, and your mom is still rather huffy about the weight comments.
“We’re going, of course. You know I love the opera.” You say brightly, and soon the topics shift, and they’re on to speak of the races, of gossip, of different businesses and even political matters. The heat is off you and Satoru, so you let go of a hand you’ve held far too long.
Satoru’s hand doesn’t leave your body, it wraps around your back, rubbing little circles against it that feel so good. You laced incredibly tight due to your Mama and her perpetual comments, and you’re struggling just a bit to breathe, but he’s so comforting, his presence. It shouldn’t be.
It shouldn’t be.
It can’t be.
You hate him.
How dare he comfort you, defend you, how could you do the same, how could you act this way when hours ago he’d choked you, and you’d slapped him, and you’d both been so nasty? What was this, were you thinking more into it, was he just keeping up appearances?
Satoru leans close to you then, holding a piece of dessert on a silver fork, and you have flashbacks, of him and Catherine, so vivid you feel sick, you pull back then, wondering how you’d let it get so far, this facade. Just hours ago you had slapped him and he had choked you, and even you had been cruel, something you frequently were lately.
“I need some air, I’m afraid. Excuse me for just a moment.” You say softly, and Satoru’s eyes narrow a bit, his lips pursing just so.
You rush out into the gardens now, just like you had that night, taking several shaky breaths, trying to compose yourself, remind yourself of the cruel reality that Satoru is not kind, he is not interested. The truth that you have someone who cares, and every moment you enjoy with Satoru feels like some betrayal to him, in such an odd way.
You would be at best a plaything, and at worst, something for Satoru to mock, to have something over you. It was not as if the man for whatever reason feels some attraction that anything has changed. You are a damn fool, you realize it, as you walk past the beautiful marble statues of couples in love, naked aside from rippled sheets gracing their bodies.
You touch a particular one then, seeing the beauty of it, but also the pain, a statue with two women and one man. One is pulling at the man’s shoulders, while the other is in his arms, and you see the pain in the woman’s ivory face, the set of her brows, her hollow eyes, as the other woman smiles so coyly. There is the utmost detail as the man’s hand presses into her flesh.
You are that other woman, or you become that woman when you have just one feeling, just one care, just one moment. He is not sincere, he is not kind, just because he gave you one moment of reprieve, just because he apologized for one wrong doing amongst the countless… he is not worthy of forgiveness… he is not…
“It is rather beautiful, isn’t it?” You jerk and turn when you see him behind you in the dark night, where thousands of glittery stars watch you and judge you, will they laugh at how stupid you’ve become?
“It is my favorite piece in these gardens.” You say softly, clearing your throat and tilting your head back to look up at him, at his soft lips that tempt you with every breath, at his long white lashes casting shadows down his cheeks. You look down then, nervously gripping your sapphire gown. “I’ll be back momentarily, your Grace.”
“Your mother, she upset you.” His words surprise you, and you take a nervous breath, nodding. “I did not know… I see now, how jealous she is of you.”
“Jealous of me?”
“Mmm, young and beautiful, and she wishes she still was, not that she’s not a pretty lady, but certainly not…” He trails off then, tugging at his cravat, nervous by your shocked expression. “Not you.”
Your heart falters, tears pricking your eyes, and as they fall, Satoru brushes one away with a thumb, ripping apart a fragile psyche. “Why are you being kind? What games do you mean to play?”
He sighs, looking down now as well, broad shoulders slumping a bit. “I just realize that I triggered something already there, and I feel fucking horrible.”
“Then why do it? Why do any of it? What did I do to deserve-”
“I can’t tell you.” His voice is broken, his words so confusing you can’t stand it. “But we have something in common. Or, we did.”
“What, pray tell, is that?” You ask, raising a brow.
His jaw sets. ‘Shit parents who clearly hate us. Though, my shitty parent is since deceased. And yours lives and eats across from you. Was she always like this?”
You blink rapidly, nodding and brushing tendrils that have fallen from your half up do out of your face. “She’s always needed me perfect, picked me to fucking pieces, it’s like I couldn’t live up to it.”
He laughs, dark and without humor then. “I understand that feeling, to need to be perfect. I suppose I thought you were though.”
“I just come across that way. There’s so much wrong with me…”
“Like what?”
“A lot. As you know.”
“Hmm.” He sighs then, as you both stand together in the night, and you hate how much you ache to touch his chest, to feel his arms around you. And why!? Why?
“Well thank you for the kindness tonight, even if it was an act, it was a rather beautiful one.” You turn then, head dropping and shoulders stopping just a bit, as the gentle breeze of the night blows against your skin, making you shiver. Satoru’s big hands grip your shoulders then, and you stiffen, fighting how good it feels, fighting that feeling when he’s pressed against you.
Satoru leans down, breath tickling your ear. “It was not an act to defend you. That was not an act when you helped me either, changing that subject, was it?”
You shake your head then, breathing so heavy, wishing it would calm, as he’s so fucking close, you can feel him everywhere in the night, as if it’s all him. “You helped me, so of course I helped.”
“After all I’ve done, you owe me no kindness. No forgiveness. None.” His words are terse, as his grip tightens, and you bite your lower lip so brutally you tear the skin of it, tasting just a bit of blood. You fight every urge in your body.
“You’re not owed any. That is true. And we will go back to normal, as soon as we are at Gojo Manor-”
“Home. At home.”
“Your home.” You look up and glare, as he scowls. “You’ll have a mistress waiting in your bed, and you’ll cease to need to excite yourself with this stupid game, once a woman you desire is there.”
“You think…” His hands slip down to your waist, pressing you against him, and your head falls back against his chest before you can stop it, letting out a little whine that you despise. “I don’t desire you? Are you so stupid?”
“Fuck you, Gojo. Fuck you confusing me, fuck everything about you, including making me think… making me…”
“Think what, Princess?” His husky tone and that word make you so on edge you can’t stand it, as a big hand presses on your tummy over your corset.
“Don’t call me that, I’m a Duchess, and that’s temporary.”
“You’re a whole fucking Princess, everything about you. This body, this face, that annoyingly perfect posture, the way the entire room holds its breath-”
“Don’t do this. Don’t. You’re a liar.” You turn then, only for him to bend at the waist, cupping your face, shaking his head, the moonlight like a halo behind his head, behind his body, like he’s an angel, when he’s not. “Devil. You’re a devil.”
“And you’re a fucking angel.” You shake your head again, shoving at his chest, but his lips descend, and they feel so good they pulse through you, until you find yourself tip toeing, and he moans in your mouth. “Slutty angel.”
“Whore devil.” You whisper back, only for him to grip you roughly, hands obscene, grabbing your ass over your gown, picking you up with ease and pressing you against that statue, it digs in so hard but you come alive, as he’s kissing down your throat, your chest, biting and moaning so softly.
“Why must you do this to me? Haunt me so. I should hate you.” He says then, confusing the ever living shit out of you. “I should not want you.”
“Why not? Why do you… no… just, let me go. Don’t want this, don’t want you, I don’t!” You smack at his chest, and he grabs your wrists, shoving them behind your back, bringing your hips to him, and he’s hard and thick over your layers. You cry out, head falling back, and he devours you, bit by bit.
“I hate it. I hate you.” He kisses and kisses, as every confession of hate confuses you, as does your throbbing pussy. “I can’t stop it, I can’t stop these thoughts… of tasting you, of kissing you, bit by bit, of making you cum so much you’ll forget that man, he’ll be nothing.”
“Mnh, stop it. You can’t. You won’t. I won’t.” He’s sliding his hand up your bodice, gripping your breasts, shaking his head. “I can’t fall for this, for you, just leave me be!” He frowns then, brows knitting together, as he caresses your cheek far too softly.
His eyes devour you, full of… it’s fucking desire, isn’t it? A person can’t fake that look, but you must ignore it! You must… “Please… I need-”
You both fall apart as you hear your family now, and you just barely manage to escape with your mind intact. Partially.
You can’t fall for this, what even is this!?
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It’s a silent carriage ride back, as you both stare out those dark carriage windows, pitch black nearly aside from soft lights hanging along, marking your path, and you can’t get his touch out of your mind, his kiss off your lips. You touch them then, sighing, and his eyes lock on you.
“What?” You say then, putting your fingers down, and he opens his mouth, then shuts it, opening it again. “Say it, Duke.”
“I was not pretending. I meant it.” You laugh then, shaking your head and facing him, as he faces you in the night, the carriage rocking roughly, shoving you into his damn arms, making him suck in a breath, as you push back.
“You’re such a liar, instead of just being cruel outwardly, you want to make me think you actually…”
“Actually what?”
“Want me! When you don’t!”
“I do! I do, fuck I do. Can you not fucking see!?” He demands then, and you shake your head quickly, breaths in quick pants, as his stupid fucking hands run down your shoulders. “I want you so badly I came and begged to taste you. Twice. What do you think that means?”
“That you’re stupid, confusing, a dick! Angry I don’t fall to my fucking knees for you. Conceited, narcissistic and ruthless! Cold and beautiful and hard, like some fucking diamond. You’re the diamond, you!” You shove at him, and he lets you, he lets you smack at him. “I hate you! I hate my life because of you!”
When you stop for just a moment it’s because you hear his labored breaths, and you look up to see tears in the night. You gulp, shaking your head, unbelieving them, gripping his suit so tight it hurts in your hands. He rests his forehead on yours, and you taste the sweet brandy on his breath, and fuck you hate it, when his head tilts, and when his lips brush yours like a ghost.
“You make me cry, you make me hate myself more, you make me… make me want to… you’ve pushed me so hard I-”
“I’m so fucking sorry. I am. I swear to god.”
“Then explain it!”
He chokes on his own cry, you feel your tears mingling together. “I can’t explain it to you, I can’t, but it was never your fault.”
“So I just accept that!? Fuck that. That’s bullshit.” You shove back, swiping your eyes and backing up, your back slamming against the rocking wooden carriage seat, thighs shaking. “It’s because I’m happy without you, you can’t stand it.”
“No, I can’t stand it, not when it’s me who should be making you cum.” You nearly growl in anger, glaring at him and smacking him, only for him to let you, to grip your wrist and kiss your palm. “Don’t fucking do that! I won’t stop seeing him. He is who deserves me, you do not!”
“I know I do not deserve you. I know.” He pins your wrists against the sides of you, and he’s now between your thighs, on his knees, and you’re panicking. “I know you’re too good for me. I know it, goddammit you shouldn’t even let me touch you, but you want it too, don’t you.”
“N-no! Never!” He exhales, slipping up your skirts, and you let him, fuck you spread your thighs for him. “What on Earth are you doing!?”
“I’m going to lick you. And you’re going to cum so hard you’ll forget anything, anything in that pretty head but me.” He whispers, you’re soaked clean through those pantalets he’s ripped off you then, and you gasp. 
“No, you won’t… you can’t… don’t want you…”
“No? Then explain this.” He’s slid a thick digit in your already dripping entrance, and you’re screaming out in the rocking carriage, earning his moan, his look of desire, as his eyes watch you in the night, watch your heaving breasts pressed high in your corset. “Soaking wet little cunt.”
“You can’t, you don’t want me, remember!? Fuck! I don’t want you… mmm… I don’t, no… ah! Fuck you!” He’s barely moving a finger and you nearly cum at that, as your fingers itch to shove his face where it’s so close, as he’s kissing and biting your thighs.
“Please.” He begs, looking up, eyes still glossy, and fuck he looks good, fuck you hate that you want it, that you want to so badly you can’t imagine anything else feeling that good. “Let me feel your cum on my face, dripping down my lips, let me drink all of you, Duchess. Please.”
 He’s desperate, he’s whiny, he’s between your thighs just begging, his own breaths labored, as he’s curling that finger up, and your head falls back, dripping down on him. “You can’t. It’s not… right. You’ll… fuck your whores… you’ll…”
“Just once, let me.” His desperation makes his voice break, as his breath tickles you. “Let me devour you, let me fucking feel you.” His words, his eyes, the finger sliding against your damp folds, it’s too much.
You hate yourself. 
“F-fine, once. I won’t like it, I know I won’t.” You say with a glare, earning a smirk, and a quirked white brow.
“We’ll see about that, Princess.”
He spreads your puffy, aching lips then, and moans when he watches wetness dripping out of your little hole, pooling out of your entrance, then he bends down, sliding his tongue up you, and it feels so good you can’t stop your moan, as those gorgeous eyes look up, and he’s tasting you, his tongue flicking your clit, making it twitch under it, your thighs tightening.
“Fuck you taste so good.” He whispers, lovingly almost, what a joke right, then he’s not just licking you, he’s grabbing you by the fat of your ass, pressing you against the carriage seat, and he’s devouring you.
“Ohmy- ah- what!? I- f-fuck!” You scream out, your hands clinging to his shoulders desperately as he’s sliding his tongue in and out of your soppy entrance, fucking you with it, drinking you all in. Your hips buck up, earning his groan, as he thrusts his tongue in and out, his nose bumping your clit, making you a mess, making you so wet it’s stupid.
You’re so close so quick, you can scarcely hold it in, and when he looks up at you, and takes your hand, putting it on his hair, you feel so fucking powerful then, so desired. You grip his soft hair, hips arching up for more, pulling at his strands, as he moans against you, diving back down, then you’re done for, you’re destroyed, your tummy is clenching with so much pressure you can’t hold in.
You scream out as you cum all over Duke Gojo’s pretty face, and he’s gripping your thighs bruisingly, sucking your swollen clit into his mouth now, humming, as you cum so hard it’s blinding. It washes all over your entire body now, thighs shivering violently on either side of his head as he pulls back, licking his lower lip, covered in your arousal.
“That’s it, you love it don’t you pretty girl?” His words kill your last resolve, if cumming hadn’t, and they confuse you, as your eyes are lidded, as he teases your sensitive entrance with prodding fingers, eyes locked on your face.
“P-pretty… pretty…”
“You’re so pretty like this. Fuck you are so, so pretty, falling apart for me.” He’s sliding two fingers in now, pumping in and out, and you’re on that edge again, as he huffs, leaning up, a breath away. “Lick your sweet cunt off me.”
“Fuck.” You cling to him then, against any good goddamn judgment, as he’s rocking fingers up and down in your tight entrance, and he’s kissing you desperately, so fucking hungry. Your teeth click as he steals your breath, as your tongues swirl so goddamn messy, saliva mixing with your arousal, and you’re both rough and brutal against each other.
He pulls back, biting his lip and sliding a free hand up to your breast, squishing it and making you cry out. “Cum again pretty. Like a good little slut.”
“S-slut… fuck you… fuck!” He’s dived back down now, as the carriage jostles you both, serving to only shove his face further between the apex of your thighs, and you can hear him groan as he licks you from bottom to top, fingering you and licking you, all while his snowy lashes cover his pretty eyes, his face tilted to the side to hit the underside of your clit in quick flicks.
You can't hold it together, everything falls apart again, and this time you're clinging to that white hair, rocking your hips up fucking shameless. He slurps up your wetness, so goddamn obscene in this little carriage as you scream out - “Gojo, c-cumming!”
He pulls back, face glistening, still pressing on that little spongy spot that has you panting, vision darkened as the carriage rocks you both. “Satoru, call me Satoru when you cum.”
“I can’t, I hate you… we hate each… f-fuck you…” He leans up, kissing your breasts, nipping and biting as his fingers work you, so deep it's insane how they hit, the pressure more and more intense as it builds.
“Please just one time. Say my name.” He whispers, vulnerable and begging again, as he's worshiping your cunt, your body. Your body heaves as you struggle to breathe, to think. “Please, Princess…”
“Princess, stop it, stop saying it fuck!” You’re crying salty tears as you’re about to cum again for this horrible man, who is looking at you hungrily.
“You are one, fuck you are, and I'm nothing. Please. Scream my name for me while I feel you gush this sweetness.” He begs again, eyes so dilated they're hard to look at, you're dripping down the carriage seat. You shouldn't be doing this, you shouldn't… you're awful, he's horrible… 
“I know. I know. Please.” He says again, dipping back down, looking up at you now, and it ends you, that hot, wet tip of his tongue flicking where you're sensitive and you can’t stop your back from arching, your hands from pulling him closer. “Say my name, please. Please.”
His whispers are tickling that clit, as he now sinks two fingers so deep, deeper than you’ve had something in you, pressing so deep it’s almost painful, but you want it, you want more. You want all of him, you even want that pretty cock against all your better judgment, thinking of it just makes you squish lewdly, makes him lick his lower lip hungrily.
“Once?” He nods, free hand pressing your thigh up, flounces of skirts dangling as he still his motions, as he watches you eagerly.
“Then make me cum, and I’ll say it.” He moans at that, lashes fluttering as he dives back down fully, using two fingers as he mouths your clit, and you’re dripping all the way down, so much you’re slippery, and you can’t take it, you are so on edge, as he’s building this intensity in your core, as you listen to his hoarse moans muffled by your cunt.
Satoru has you there again, this time even more intense, your building climax, as you buck up your hips, grinding on his face, before stopping yourself, only for him to pull back for just a moment. “No, Princess, keep doing it. Fuck my face. All those frustrations, please fucking do it, get them out on me.”
You sputter, but then moan and pull him against you, grinding on his beautiful face in the night, as his tongue laps and laps, and your cunt spasms around his fingers now, pulsating as it hits you, as it rocks in waves, and you scream it, fuck you scream it… “Satoru! Satoru!”
He groans, fucking you with his long fingers as you cum so hard, harder than you could imagine possible, fucking reeling and weak, head smacking the seat as you pull his face so tightly, as he’s suffocating against you, but his mouth never stops. His fingers keep pressing up, forcing you into another, blue eyes looking up as he watches you so intently, fall apart.
“Satoru!” You scream again, and finally he relents, leaving you weak and boneless, and he’s kissing you again, as you cling so hungry, as you realize that carriage stopped. “Satoru…” He cups your face, eyes swirling, as you swipe some of your wetness off him.
“I want you around my cock so goddamn bad. So bad. Fuck I’d do anything to feel her.” He whispers, and you can’t stop it, you just kiss him again, and before you know it, you’re out of the carriage in his arms, and he’s quickly walking you in as you cling to him, as your mouths don’t leave each other, not even to breathe, tongues in desperate strokes.
He presses you against the wall of the drawing room, yanking down your bodice now, and you gasp, eyes rolling back as he kisses and bites, as your cunt grinds where he’s so hard, as you want more impossibly more. And from him!? But you can’t remember a goddamn thing he did when he looks at you like that, when he cups your face, pressing you further.
“I need you, fuck I need you.” He says then, and you can’t respond, as your mind swirls. “Are you innocent still? I don’t even care, I won’t judge you, I just need to know if we take this to my bed or I fuck you here.”
As he’s whispering, you blink back tears, sucking in a breath. “We shouldn’t do this, Satoru.”
His eyes get heady, glazed over as he grinds again. “Fuck, my name on your lips?”
“Satoru I… I am still-”
“Your grace, your mistress and Lady Elaine are both here for you.” Satoru’s butler says then, clearing his throat, and it’s like someone threw a bucket of water all over you. Satoru looks in horror as he watches you break, as you shove and shove until he lets you go.
“I am stupid, you’re right.” You whisper then, running, and he’s running after you, shoving past the butler, and you run almost into them, those ladies giggling and sipping wine in your home.
But it’s not your home.
“Please, it was before this. I’ll send them home!” He pleads as he catches you on the stairway, and the ladies are scowling at you, making you so goddamn angry, you shove at him, and he yanks at you. “I want you! I want you!”
“You never did. It’s a game! That's all I am to you.” You sob uncontrollably, hunching over as he clutches you, and you wriggle in his hold. “I hate you!”
“I swear, I didn’t… I didn’t know we’d…” He cups your face then, gulping, his lips tremulous. “I had no clue I’d ever get you like this. I don’t want it to end, not this… I want tonight to be about you, about you only. Please.”
“You knew they’d be here! Is this funny to you? Toying with my goddamn emotions, making me think you could… we could… Ugh!” You shove past him again, running to your room in your pretty silver heels, clicking up the steps, lifting your skirts, and you hear those women now, making your blood boil.
“Duke Gojo-”
“Fuck off.” He shouts back, chasing you, but you’re already in your room, and you’re trying to shut it. “They’ll go home, I swear. Please, let me… let me just touch you more, taste you more. You can do nothing to me if you don’t want to. Please.” He’s pleading now, as you’re trying to shut the door on him, and you can barely look at him, it hurts so bad.
“It’s a game.”
“It’s not!”
“It all is to you. You mean to break me in other manners.”
“No I do not!”
“Then tell me, why do you hate me!? Why!?” He blinks then, opening his mouth, then exhaling, hands reaching for your face, hands that feel too perfect on your skin, hands that made you forget. “You cannot open up to me, you cannot do anything but confuse me. You go down there with them, have your fun, what do I even care, I’m nothing to you!”
“I want you goddammit, you! They’re nothing compared to you.” He speaks through gritted teeth, and you want to believe it, but you steel yourself, as much as you can, shaking your head. “I swear it. I swear it, let me show you…”
“You’ve made enough of a fool of me. Imagine me thinking you could be my first? After…” He pauses, eyes wide, and you shake with your emotion. “I’m an idiot. You were right.”
“I am the idiot. Fuck I know it. Please, give me tonight, please.” He keeps cupping your face, as you hear his women laughing.
“They laugh at me. I’m a joke.”
“I am. A laughingstock. But at least before I had my dignity, now you strip even that away! Go, I shall never be a fool again.”
He growls, grabbing at you tightly. “Goddamit, stop this, just let me try!”
“I can’t take it. I can’t.” You sob harder as you finally shut the door on his forlorn face, and he’s smacking the door with an angry fist, as you gently touch the door where his hand is, resting your head on it. “I wish it was real.” You whisper, against your will, and you feel another thud on the door.
“Please let me in, please.”
“It hurts too goddamn much. Play your games with someone else. I can’t take this. I can’t.” You feel yourself losing control, and finally you’re sliding down the door, curling into a ball and sobbing, and it takes a long, long time to calm down, to stop banging on the door.
“Please, I’m begging you, open this door. Even if we… even if I just look at you, please.” Your eyes are so full of tears they burn, at his emotional voice, but it’s got to be an act, it’s got to be!
You’re stupid.
You’re so stupid.
You hate yourself for this.
How could you!?
You almost…
“It was real.” He whispers finally, before you hear one more punch at your door, then hear his thuds as he leaves. And your mind wracks, with what will happen, what you’ve done.
What have you done?
And was he in their arms, as you held yourself and cried?
Or was he truly…
You hear nothing that night, but who knows, what if they’re in the dining hall, in the kitchens… you hear nothing as you climb into your bed, aside from a sob ripped from Satoru Gojo’s throat. You sit up in the bed, heart pounding, talking yourself out of this, out of this folly.
He’s cruel.
It’s a game.
You’ve wronged Nanami Kento now.
Someone who really cares.
For what!?
You touch the cold wall of your room, where his bed is on the other side, a bed you’ve never slept in, a bed you’d have let him fuck you in tonight. How could you, how could you, stupid, stupid, stupid. Those women were waiting, and who knows, what if he was fucking them now!? 
What do you care!?
You care.
Fuck you care.
You stomp out of the room an hour later, throat so tight, Satoru always takes your goddamn breath, he never gives you oxygen, just pain, just confusion. You tense as you walk past his room, and you expect it, his women, but Satoru is alone in the night, in his bed, bare back strong as he shivers against the cold, his window wide open.
You hate when you step in, when you shut the window with a quiet click, and you see him sleep for the first time. You hate when you pull up his thick blue blankets over his bare upper body, when he moans in his sleep, and turns his head, so the moonlight illuminates his face. You hate when you caress his cheek with a finger, and you hate when his lips part with a sigh.
You hate how you want to kiss his forehead, you hate how you can’t find the proper way to be mad at him enough. You sigh then, blowing out the candle barely flickering by his bed, brushing soft white hair back one more time, before padding out quietly, shutting the door behind you, resting your back on it.
You can’t be feeling this. He’ll only make a fool of you. So what if he maybe sent them home early? What’s it matter? You should know better. You go back to your room then, laying in your gigantic bed, all alone, empty, as tears fall on your pillow, as you wonder if you should have let him in, but how can you?
Your eyes shut, and you flit from dream to dream, in flitful images, as the heavy weight in your heart fills, as you remember all he’s done, all he’s said, and how easily you almost forgot it with his kisses. His tongue. His eyes. The way Satoru consumed your mind, until it was nothing but him.
Who is Satoru Gojo, was he this cruel man or was he perhaps something more? Why do you care so much?
You finally cry yourself to sleep, dreading what the reality of tomorrow brings, and hating especially that you had to tell someone you care about that you’re horrible. Nanami’s handsome face makes your heart sink, as you realize you’ll lose him, and you’ve lost yourself, all for that man, a man you don’t know, a man who drowns you just existing.
A man that makes it so hard to breathe.
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Until the next one dear masochistic readers <3
Part Seven
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