#WHICH IS SILLY because im not even super active on discord
muzzlemouths · 2 years
i swear so many of my mutuals are in the same discord server... but which one
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janeromeroshow · 1 year
get to know the author
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name : rev
pronouns :  they/he/she
preference of communication : discord!!! tumblr ims r the worst i'm sorry
most active muse : jane by far but i also have a LOT of muse for vanny/vanessa on my fnaf multi ( @rcluctantfollowcr, which only has one other muse besides them. and it's toy bonnie. )
experience / how many years : fully depends on what you count as experience! my first brush with roleplaying was on an old warrior cats forum when i was around 8-10, and i remember doing silly little roleplays with my friends on our messaging apps (like kik... so sorry to anyone else on there). but in terms of more serious roleplay and tumblr specific, i made my first account (which is still active if not on hiatus!) late last year :)
best experience : getting to write with the absolute platonic loml and my best friend in the whole world, flowers @mortisvitae (+ other accounts). not that they're the ONLY person i write with or that my friends i've made in the rpc matter less but i really got into this because of them and they mean the world to me <3
rp pet peeves : people who shit on younger/less "skilled" writers / blogs that don't use a shit ton of fancy fonts and images, people who harass others for responses (either ic or ooc), people who make drama out of what's supposed to be a fun hobby, and my most famous pet peeve of all: people who contribute (even unintentionally) to the insane amount of misogyny in the rpc by nitpicking, harassing or outright ignoring female muses and muns. same goes with any marginalized identity, i just think the misogyny is often ignored or brushed over which makes me want to be even louder about it.
fluff, angst, or smut : i have been known to dabble in all three <3
plots or memes : i generally tend to start things with memes due to my ridiculously annoying bouts of anxiety, but i love plotting, even if it doesn't end up being a thread :).
long or short replies : i tend to match or go over my partners' reply lengths - not out of expectation that they do the same, but i don't like leaving people with super-short responses if they've written a novel and sometimes the inspiration hits.
time to write : whenever the adhd goes "it's time to write right now or you'll suffer a cartoonish demise".
are you like your muses : yes and no - for jane, i definitely see a lot of myself in her (and project even more ONTO her), but i do enjoy writing characters who are completely different - i think you can see a bit of yourself in everyone, however small.
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tagged by : nobody i stole this >:3 tagging : @mortisvitae @thesheepcote @thehxrlequin / @entitemalefique @mxlevolence
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rhpsdys · 2 years
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✿ NAME: eros
✿ PRONOUNS: they/he but the he is silent, so really just they/them
✿ EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): about 9 years on tumblr (dear god) && another 3 on other platforms before that
✿ NAME OF MUSE(S): raine whispers ! i also have an abundance of other muses on @whsprhouse && @tongowheel​ plus some single-muse blogs with varying degrees of activity
✿ PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: discord is preferred once we’ve interacted a little, whether that’s through tumblr ims first or just writing together a bit 
✿ PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: mainly tumblr, but also discord, twitter, instagram, && my humblest beginnings... the fanfiction.net forums
✿ BEST EXPERIENCE: overall, the 7+ years i’ve spent in the star trek rpc on && off. it’s been by far the most chill rpc i’ve been in with the least amount of bullshit, && i’ve made some amazing friends who i consider irl friends even though we live in very different places; we’ve visited each other a few times over the last year && a half or so which great. but also the undertale rpc, circa early 2019 — that’s the most fun i’ve had in an rpc, && talk about making friends — i wrote one silly crack thread about skeleton sex ed with a mutual i’d never spoken to, && now almost 4 years later we live together.
✿ RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS: how about one of each? for a dealbreaker, in terms of what will make me not follow a blog: i don’t care about aesthetics or formatting or graphics or whatever, but i really do check for writing quality. i don’t need purple prose, i’m not asking for your blog to read like a new york times bestseller, but if all you’re writing is dialogue, no real description or action, if there’s inconsistent grammar && a general lack of focus on writing... i don’t care, you do you, but we won’t be a good fit. as far as pet peeves go, i love talking ooc with mutuals about our muses && stuff, and (as evidenced above) i like making friends too. but it takes me a while to get to that point, && an abundance of non-rp/muse related ooc talk right out the gate makes me balk a little, as does constant conversation && communication in general. i’m just — really busy && have a limited social battery, so it can take me a while to reply to messages && stuff if it’s not like, specific to our muses or something we’re writing. 
✿ FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: this is so interesting. like. yes to all? and no to all? i love fluff in very small doses but if it’s all a thread is, it gets boring really fast. angst is super fun to write but it needs to be balanced — again, if it’s always leaning on one muse going through it™ && the other is the constant caretaker, that gets dry too. i don’t write smut super often, && it truly depends on the muse && how sexual they are by nature. my ideal threads are either plot-driven or grounded in character development/dynamic development. muses being put in situations. muses talking about their issues without it becoming heavy hurt/comfort. that kinda thing.
✿ PLOTS OR MEMES: overall, plots are necessary for characters who have never interacted in canon, even if it’s as simple as “hey these muses have ROUGHLY this dynamic” && then a meme is great to kick off actually writing. in terms of threads themselves, if it’s a continuation or a meme or a starter call post that had some serious thought put into it/is based on a discussed dynamic, it can turn into something great without plotting. but i also love when i discuss a plot with someone && then we start a thread based on it.
✿ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: i tend to write longer things, averaging three paragraphs or so, but easily longer if it makes sense to. i try to rein myself in because long replies, obviously, take longer && more focus, so sometimes i like to keep things short just so i can write more when i’m busy. doesn’t always work though.
✿ BEST TIME TO WRITE: fuck if i know. usually at night, but only when i have time to stay up && don’t need to be anywhere in the morning. i get most of my writing juice while i’m at work, && so when i get home at 10pm, that’s when i’m ready to bang out drafts.
✿ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): in a lot of ways, yes. not so much that i actually put myself into raine, but more like i keep finding things about them relevant to my own life. we are both nonbinary && transmasc, we’re both somewhat socially awkward but also know how to really step it up && take charge, despite those nerves. i love music but i don’t consider myself a musician — however, i do work in orchestra/concert management, && i keep having moments of being like “oh raine did this for a while in the earlier years in the bard coven”, so. yeah. raine is someone i wish i was more like, tbh. they’ve got about 20 years on me though, so i have time to get there.
Tagged by: i stole it ! Tagging: if you haven’t done it yet: tag, you’re it !
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fatexbound · 2 years
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1. When are you usually online?  At the moment, it is 1:27 AM, since I’m a night owl. So, I’m most active during either the late afternoon, evening or late at night my time. I miss all the good stuff while I’m asleep. RIP. 
2. What verses are you involved in outside of this page? I have... quite a few blogs that are listed on my pinned post. A nsfw sideblog, my other multimuse which I am very slow with replies on ( @makinghiistory​ ), my super secret and crack-ish Kiryu blog from Yakuza 0 (@dragonoftokyo) and LASTLY... Akira, my beloved asshole child/husband. (@phantomuheist)
3. What is your biggest RP pet peeve? Not reading people’s rules. This especially goes for personal blogs who don’t listen. Also, softblocking people without a good reason is just silly.
4. Are you drawn to specific types of muses? You know. Girls. Boys. Powerful girls, traumatized ones. Soft ones who are actually tough on the inside. That kind of thing.
5. Are there recurring themes in your writing that people might not notice? I don’t know, I just write whatever comes to mind, although I tag dark stuff accordingly when I can.
6. What are your favorite RP trends? I mostly like seeing dash commentaries for a good laugh and I join in when I can. Crack threads or even better... Arcana Swap AUs are freaking amazing, join me in this hell.
7. What is your process for starting a new story with someone? I don’t really like tumblr IMs, so your best bet is to find me on Discord if I’m not on here, and shoot an idea at me! I’ll give you my own thoughts and then we’re golden.
8. How do you feel about duplicates? Duplicates are great, and I admire each and every one of you! Of course I welcome them, it’s why twin AUs and multiverses exist!
9. How long have you been involved in roleplaying? About 10 years now? I first started RPing on Facebook by accident, then it kinda became... an obsession for kid me because I made some amazing friends. Then I heard about Tumblr and here I am, haha. Still here.
10. Is there a muse or verse you wish you could write in, but haven’t? From this series, it would probably be Adachi or other adults, I guess? I’m not too interested now, although I wrote Goro Akechi after finishing Royal, then quit a few months later. Whoops.
Tagged by: @thuganomxcs​
Tagging: if you see this, you’re tagged.
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goldnautilus · 2 years
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NAME:   i go here by nika  PRONOUNS:   she/her but they/them also works PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION:  discord or twitter is preferable because tumblr IMs make me want to throw myself off the bridge NAME OF MUSE(S):   Lorelei & Aurelius O’Shell & Ace Trappola (from the currently active ones at least) RP EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?):   7-8 years?? something like that PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED:   some childhood game i don’t remember which, skype at some point & finally tumblr and it will stay this way BEST EXPERIENCE:   i think when people just genuinely have fun together and can connect through silly interactions. whenever i post something silly and people join in on it and we all have a good laugh i think this is one of the best feelings on this website.  RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS:   i won’t even lie, i got plenty so i’ll focus on ones that are especially annoying tbh. i really hate when people do not read my pages, especially rules & it is something i keep mentioning bc it keeps happening. the rules are there for a reason and i will always get super anal about people breaking them bc it just makes my rp experience this much more painful. not cutting posts or like vague posting is also quite annoying. there is more but i feel like i’d get shanked for my takes so that’s for me to know. FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT:   i enjoy fluff & angst equally I think tbh. I found myself writing softer things nowadays which I like a lot. I used to write a lot of angst and I still enjoy it a lot, mostly because the threads that do get angsty usually lead to some major development/revelations for my muses. I don’t do smut at all it just doesn’t interest me and sometimes makes me uncomfortable.  PLOTS OR MEMES:   i would say both except that i struggle with plotting a whole lot. I find myself having less good ideas lately so I don’t do it that often, I kinda just wing it and hope for the best. honestly tho i don’t mind it being this way, as i noticed that winging it often times creates slightly more interesting outcomes i didn’t even think of, if that makes sense?? i love memes i think they are a great way to get things going!  LONG OR SHORT REPLIES:   i do both tbh! though i do have a certain preference for longer threads because they some somewhat easier to me with the right people. additionally, longer threads allow me to get the setting, feelings, etc. just right I think.  BEST TIME TO WRITE:   honestly whenever you feel like it. i think sometimes forcing yourself to write can result in unsatisfying writing, at least in my case. for me it varies, sometimes i write around dinner time, sometimes i write really late at night. i am not a very morning person so i tend to write & do things later in the day.  ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S):   maybe to some extent I could see a similarity or two. me and Lorelei are the protective older sibling type, and would do anything for our siblings even if sometimes it means it will be exhausting. i don’t think I am too similar with Aurelius tbh he is far more optimistic, friendly, open, cheerful than me tbh. if anything we are both artistically talented to some degree & we like to tease our siblings. Me and Ace are the libra squad, but I feel like we aren’t that similar either. we are both very unhinged tho and care about our friends even if sometimes it isn't clear. 
tagged by: so you would love me even if i was a worm after all @pomfiores​ tagging: idk who did this already but consider yourself tagged by me 
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Hi! I plan to introduce myself off anon, but I thought I'd ask this question for others who also want to introduce themselves to you and are feeling shy: Do you prefer people [OOC] contact you first via an ask or through IMs?
Paige answers mun questions !!!!
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/chin hands why hello
Whichever you are most comfortable with! I will admit I am the slowest bean when it comes to answering things during the day because my job/living situation’s kinda all over the place right now but I’m usually active in the evenings to answer roleplays, ooc things like messages/IM’s and edit gifs whenever the mood strikes me. I also have a discord where I chat with people that you are most welcome to ask for privately. I’m really trying to get better at getting back to people quicker and do more plotting cause honestly I love writing Reed and for the most part I try to respond to things within a somewhat timely manner unless I either a) don’t see I’m tagged in something cause that’s been happening a LOT for some reason lately, b) I’m super busy IRL which sometimes means I’m tired at night and fall asleep mid-response, c) I just need to be in a certain headspace to write Reed and sometimes when I’m worried about other things or distracted it’s hard to feel like I’m putting out my /best/ writing and I know that’s silly but ilu guys !!! And always feel free to reach out to me cause even if I don’t reply right away 9 times out of 10 I’ve seen your thing and am going to reply to it when I have a chance to!
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noxperditus · 7 years
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So, a little while ago Zarkon’s blog hit 200 followers...unfortunately I was sick as all hell and I couldn’t do much besides sleep and be miserable. So we’re a little late on the milestone, but hey! Any excuse to share some love.
-Those who have proven their allegiance//Friends & fun people, in no particular order
@paterfamileo - Tali, holy crap. You are one of the people who has most affected my portrayal of Zarkon. From silly things like his (anti-)social drinking problem to the true depths of his possessive type of affection, your input has really helped me shape the muse. And your Alfor? He is perfection, I love him so much. Beyond Voltron, we’re into so many of the same things - from HZD to LoZ, I have so much fun talking to you about every little thing. I feel lucky that I can call you a friend.
@ograndsovereign - Devil, I’m gonna eat your delicious brain. You have NO IDEA how hyped I was when we started talking about Zarkon. I was practically vibrating in my chewed-up computer chair just... SUPER hype to talk about Zarkon with someone else who adores him. I love the differences and similarities between our Zarkons - and I still have that babby Zarkon starter in my drafts! - and our headcanons. We’ve talked about silly things and salted enough to season like a thousand pounds of steak. I love the way you write, and I love hearing your thoughts on the Galra. You’re also a very patient and understanding person, at least in my experience. I’m glad we met. Next on the docket for myself; downloading Warframe.
@bladechosen & @leaderchosen / @starchosen - Ari and Seka! Putting you two in the same paragraph since you’re like, inseparable entities in my mind. You two were some of the first to engage and plot with me on this blog, and I’m super happy you did. You’re both sweethearts, and I love the way you portray Keith and Shiro - and though it’s slowed down over the holiday season, I’m grateful you offered to help with the event I had planned. It’s still gonna happen if you’re still up to it, but there’s no rush on anyone. Ya’ll are also angst connoisseurs after my own heart. We haven’t plotted or talked that much recently, and that’s partly my fault for falling off the face of the earth. When you guys are feeling up it, I’d love to get back into things with you. Maybe a Discord group chat would be easier than separate tumblr chats?
@neurotiickind / @willowedpaladin / @terraveined / like a million other blogs - ALLY. Ally, you are a fucking gift unto this world. You’re hilarious and sweet and so easy to talk to. You were the first person to interact with me on this blog, and I’ve always been super grateful for that. I’m pretty sure I said it before in an ask, but you really helped me get comfortable in the VLD community. And holy shit, every muse you play you play them so well?? Hunk is the one I’ve interacted with most, and he’s such a cinnamon roll - but you know to let him have faults, and how to balance out his character. I love the way you write him, and I love his interactions with Zarkon - both crack and serious rp. The crack gives me life though, ngl.
@two-paladins - Ah yes, the culprit behind me developing a love for Zarkon/Trigel, both platonic and romantic. Dude, I was so hyped to see an active Trigel, and I LOVE plotting with you. And then you added Blaytz to your muse roster, because you were fucking sent from the heavens to bless us with that good OG Paladin content. Our first thread (which I have in my drafts, sorry for all the wait) was instrumental in developing the depth of Zarkon’s devotion to his Paladins. I just... I’m super glad we got to meet, man.
@voidborneleones / @devourer-heir - And here we have the other person who has most affected Zarkon’s development. Your take on the Lions is so deliciously creepy - I love how similar Black and Zarkon are in their obsession with and devotion to each other. We’ve made so many cool AUs, everything from Black returning to Zarkon’s side to the Voidtouched AU where she takes him as a child. I just love all the creepy, unsettling places we can go with them. And when we talk about them... gosh, it just sends chills up my spine.
@lionessofthestars - I was hella surprised when you followed me. Looking through your blog like, how did this quality writer find me?? You haven’t been as active recently, and I hope you’re doing okay. I loved talking and plotting with you, and I love how sassy your Blion is. It makes me smile to think of Blion climbing up onto Zarkon for mandatory cuddle times - and man, the pain she must feel seeing what he is now. There’s so much to explore with these two.
@viridisborne / @solumperditus - I mean, do I even have to say anything? You’re my best friend, and I wouldn’t be where I am today if you hadn’t reached out to check on me - at the time a total stranger - several years ago. We’ve been through a lot since, and you’ve helped me become a better person. I’ve never felt more at home and safe than I did those weeks I spent at your place.
@freedomsought - King! I see you haven’t been too active of late, so gonna assume hiatus. Hope you’re doing okay! I had a lot of fun chatting with you in IM, everything from plot to salt to stupid silly shit. I just...such a quality Shiro. I can’t wait to see our muses beat the shit out of each other some more.
@grievousdivinity - I don’t know if you want your identity revealed, so I’m just gonna tag you on this blog. We haven’t done much IC, which is totally fine - no rush. But with your writing skill, I have total faith that you could write a killer Haggar. OOC is a different story, however. I really enjoy talking to you on discord, and now that I’m done dropping off the face of the earth I look forward to talking more~
@v-oidheart / @leaderwarrior - We ship a lot of the same terrible things. Delicious sin. It’s wonderful. Ship stuff aside, I love roleplaying with you. Your responses are always so well thought out and written, with insight into how your characters are thinking. I’m hype to get the event done and kick off the connecting AU - ‘cause playing Shiro and Kolivan opposite evil Zarkon is great, but man would I love to see how they react to a Paladin Zarkon. Particularly Kolivan.
@goofbcll & @galra-druid - Putting you two together because y’all were so kind enough to include me in a verse! You both fed my need for that unholy dark content. Like seriously, give me all of the corrupted Paladin plots. I’m already rubbing my tiny evil hands together at the thought of all the chaos a corrupted Hunk can bring. Ash, your OC is super cute and super creepy, and I love how she internally freaks out around her God-Emperor. And goofbcll (can’t recall your mun name, sorry!) I love how you write Hunk’s internal struggle. He is corrupted, but pieces of him remain deep down.
@suppressicn & @indcmiitable / @warbcund & @lifebcund - You two were some of the first to actively interact with me and Zarkon, and it was hella fun. I still have one thread in my drafts (because Zarkon is an uncooperative prick.) Ya’ll are also super sweet - you’ve checked in on me a few times when I wasn’t doing so hot, and it was very much appreciated. You two were hella fun to have on stream too - I hope you join the next time I host a movie night!
@depthsbled - So we haven’t talked too much, but I just wanted you to know that our thread (which like most is...sitting in my drafts) is one of my favourites. Lance doesn’t even know it but he is hurting Zarkon so much and it’s beautiful. I love the way you write Lance - I can hear his voice in the dialogue.
-Those who have left an impact//Interaction has been minimal, but very much enjoyed!
 @iincendixm - @vrepit-sa - @beryllion - @haxuss - @cruxsought - @princesaleonaa - @silentconfliction - @galacticdemon - @pinkformourning - @rahbarii - @compassionateretainer - @intelsought - @takashi-s-g / @kings-virtue - @the-lost-lieutenant - @conqueror-heir - @iustuseo - @lnstinctive - @starredsouls - @officialmemekinglotor - @wxterbonded
-Those I have seen from afar//We haven’t interacted or spoken yet (or if so, very little) but I am interested in interaction should you ever wish it!
@ambiinchious - @blazerought - @battlethought - @invitoduce - @princepsstella - @el-tira-dor - @kogane - @astriium - @stasismort - @exiiledbrat - @impxriium - @exiledprincelotor - @inspireloyalty - @crueldiplomacy - @marksmcn - @galrheir - @luneleia
Alright, I think that’s everyone. Just to be clear, if you haven’t been listed it does not mean I do not want to interact! The people listed above are people I get along with, or people who have writing styles I find interesting and/or play characters I would love to interact with - and they play them in a way that sticks out in my mind.
Suffice it to say, if I follow you it’s because I want to try interacting.
So, thanks for 200+ everyone! See you at the next milestone~
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s3venpounds · 7 years
1 - 40
jesus buddy, if you wanted to know more about me just friend me somewhere and talk to me facebook,discord,overwatch,psn, snapchat w.e! haha i dont bite!
also this is gonna be really feckin long
1: Talk about the first time you watched your favorite movie.
How to train your dragon (1 and 2 i can’t decide) I fucking LOVE dragons. the idea to fucking ride one in the sky?!?! fucking DOPE. the idea that theyre also SCALY DOGS?!?!? MOTHER.FUCKING.DOPE. i just associate the idea of freedom with flying through the sky and that feeling was conveyed really well in that movie so i really loved it!
2: Talk about your first kiss.
honestly? kinda dumb now that i look back on it. it was a peck, i wasn’t even like mentally prepared and it happened way faster than i thought. If i knew it was going to happen i would have really like milked that fucker. i woulda went romance movie on that shit with all the extra shit like groping and weird inhaling noises and kissing so hard your teeth almost clink together. but yknow coulda woulda shoulda
3: Talk about the person you’ve had the most intense romantic feelings for.
theyre not a part of my life anymore which admittedly fucking sucks but i think its for the better at least for them. do i wish it worked out and we were together? i mean yeah duh, the reasons i fell for them don’t fucking disintegrate/ i just have more information than i had when i first met that person. will i actually actively pursuit them in the chance to be with them again? hell no. i’m tired. and i’ve seen enough “ self confidence” posts on here to think “ hey if someone really wanted me in their life they would go out of their way to do so and seeing as they haven’t even messaged me in god knows how long then its safe to say theyre off being happy
4: Talk about the thing you regret most so far.
man i haven’t seen this person is literally almost 20 years. I need to apologize. or at the very fucking least, see how theyre been doing. its driving me mad just trying to picture how theyre living and just coming up with a giant question mark.
5: Talk about the best birthday you’ve had.
lets be real bro most of my birthdays have been shit so i gave up on tryna make them memorable or fun, ‘s just another day to me. i mean the best one would have to be this one time i got a gameboy advance but thats pretty much it
6: Talk about the worst birthday you’ve had.
yknow how everyone says “ OH MY GOD WE SHOULD KEEP IN TOUCH” once you move? yeah thats bullshit. honest to god bullshit. i kept tabs on everyone when i moved to a different city and when i came down to visit for my birthday inviting all those people who supposed “wanted to keep in touch with me” literally 1 person showed up. and i think they only showed up because our parents were friends too. so yeah. fuck people sometimes.
7: Talk about your biggest insecurity.
hygiene. breath, hair, clothes, eating habits, manners, anything that might make me come off as unclean to people im trying to impress drives me off the fucking wall. specially at formal events. if im wearing snazzy clothing at like a suite 16 or a debut or a wedding bet you $100 that im adjusting little aspects of my appearance every like 15 seconds. eating mints the second one is finished, trying not to be too close to someones face when talking, even when i fucking fart i always take note of which way the wind is blowing, or im sitting down on something that can absorb the stench, how much pressure is in my gut and how much of it can i let out in small bursts to avoid sound. that or asian dick syndrome. yknow. haha asians got a small dick? that kinda shit bugs me a bit. not a ton but more than i thought it would
8: Talk about the thing you are most proud of.(i am literally only 8 questions in and my fingers are a little sore from typing)
my singing and impressions? i once scared some friends when i imitated a party blower kazoo thingy since the ones they bought from the dollarstore didnt make any sound. same as my singing, i tend to get high scores and i impressed my cousins once with a perfect score on a backstreet boys song HEH
9: Talk about little things on your body that you like the most.
my biceps? theyre not like chris hemsworth level of meaty but like when i worked at this physically demanding job my coworkers are like “ woah dude ur arms are different from mine, if you worked out theyd look so ripped” that kinda stuck with me for a while specially knowing they were a football jock and they had their own special diet and fitness instructor or something. i also like my smile/ jaw shape? my hair can look pretty good too sometimes
10: Talk about the biggest fight you’ve ever had.
my family is very passive aggressive oh and racist
11: Talk about the best dream you’ve ever had.
i once had this dream where i had reallllly passionate sex and it felt real and i could feel like every little detail down to like hairs brushing my skin on my arms and shit. i swear to this day it was a modern day succubus or something
12: Talk about the worst dream you’ve ever had.
that dream where i was a bird and flying away from”something” just all my instincts telling me to RUN. or that dream where i got shot in the hand, chest then the head and before i blacked out i said “Ch*****” who incidentally i was going to see later that day which made things very awkward at least for me
13: Talk about the first time you had sex/how you imagine your first time.
it was pretty good. looking back i was probably shit in bed hahaha first time so of course theres shit to work out. 
14: Talk about a vacation.
hit on by a cousin AND their gay friend. to which the cousin threatened me with self harm but the gay friend took the rejection very easily it was almost baffling in comparison (although the second the settled down they started to bash on me for rejecting their friend) also ate some REALLLLLY garlic covered crab the smell took 5 washes to get out… also got to ride in the back of a truck as its driving at like 120 mph and flying off all these little hills and tracking mud everywhere it was great
15: Talk about the time you were most content in life.
she was in my arms fast asleep and i took a photo. she didnt like that but let me keep the pic so that was nice.
16: Talk about the best party you’ve ever been to.
i can’t really remember any that stand out they were all equally fun. dont get me wrong some were super fun its just that it was also followed by a lot of bad choices that kinda take it down a notch. i will say this one party a friend hosted where i got to meet a BUNCH of new people. i also snorted some fundip powder as a dare. they refuse to let it go so i figure might as well own it. i also landed some sweet shots in beerpong
17: Talk about someone you want to be friends with.
ellen paige would be dope to be friends with. same with zendaya. and gal gadot just so i can like sit in her presence and be in awe for extended periods of time
18: Talk about something that happened in elementary school.
i was cheating on a test and my so called friend ratted me out never talked to him again that white privilege lookin hoe
19: Talk about something that happened in middle school.
i stopped talking to a friend that id thought i would be friends with for my whole life. i also became friends with my current best friend
20: Talk about something that happened in high school.
people are dumb. drama is dumb. people who seek out this kinda shit needa leave me the hell alone. and if youre going to challenge me to a fight, tell me about said fight so i can show up. dont march around telling people ur gonna fight me and not tell me so i dont show up and make it look like i pussied out. like for real?
21: Talk about a time you had to turn someone down.
oh yeah like the vacation one said : shit got really weird. and to have that sorta conversation on spotty wifi in an airport in south korea meaning jet lag is also disorienting af
22: Talk about your worst fear.
death. nuff said
23: Talk about a time someone turned you down.
it sucked but it happens so like.? lmao i dont really know waht to say but it sucked
24: Talk about something someone told you that meant a lot.
i have a horrible memory and on top of that my mind moves at like 32754895274 miles a second so i dont keep stuff in mind a lot in the first place. i can’t really think of anything that had so much impact that i’ve remembered it. well i mean there was this one song a friend told me about in a letter and to this day i’ve kept remembering the same verse “ maybe if we met each other under a different sky maybe things would be much better between you and i”
25: Talk about an ex-best friend.
we just….grew apart. and if we tried to be friends now im sure there would be tension and unease. hes just in a different friend circle. i dont hate him for it i just feel like hes living in a world of white and im living in a world of black like its just plain and simple
26: Talk about things you do when you’re sick.
on the computer. i can’t rest when im sick. i just keep trudging along. school, work, hangouts, i still go. i just take precautions to not spread it
27: Talk about your favorite part of someone else’s body.
neck? shoulder? hands? face? hair? idk dood i don’t really like specific places more of how WELL those parts can mesh together to make this beautiful being.
28: Talk about your fetishes.
y’all about to learn some shit because im gonna teach you a thing about me. pov’s, deepthroat/gagging, emo/goth, anal, massage, ropes and power trips, asians, tentacles if im feeling kinky, hentai /cartoon shit, glory holes, dirty talk and asmr (who woulda thought theres porn for that huh?), ahegao(being fucked silly or till your mind breaks into being nothing but a cumdump), swallowing, threesomes, double penetration, latex is pretty cool too, cosplays are nice if the characters are ones i recognize, tittyfucks, source film maker porn of like video game characters are getting pretty professional nowadays, lesbian, orgys, teenage girls and old ass guys, horse dicks and girls who try to take em, i got turned on by a girl fucking a dog once so i guess bestiality is a thing, oh i saw this scene in a movie im not sure if it was real it seems kinda hazy but it involved necrophilia but im not sure if it turned me on or it was so weird i’ve memorized it because of how weird it was. chicks with dicks fucking other chicks. and a plethora of other weird shit. i dont know what fetishes count and what doesn’t so i just listed whatever came to mind as i wrote have fun with that shit
29: Talk about what turns you on. 
short hair, asian heritage, playful and lighthearted but can be lustful as all hell, shorter than me, big boobs is a plus, mid driffs, underboob, small frame or face, scent( god if you smell good thats instant brownie points with me), likes anime, high pitch voices are cute as hell, very physically intimate, loves PDA’s, yeah i can’t really think of much
30: Talk about what turns you off.
uhh smells bad?, when their personality is bland/boring, or just shit. over timidness i get being shy but like if you can’t trust that the person youre interested in then like what am i supposed to do. i literally dated a girl who was so sheepish all i could do was ask her yes or no questions. and honestly that got old really fucking fast. i get she was trying but like i can only finesse so much of a relationship man. bad hygiene holy fuck. if you got like ear wax showin our ur ears, or like a bleeding pimple in plain view and refuse to at least dab it with a wet cloth or tissue then pls its not gonna work out. dandruff oh my gOD. dandruff would drive me nuts. like if i get close enough to see individual fucking flakes im gonna tear my whole scalp off
31: Talk about what you think death is like.
i feel like our bodies stop responding but our “souls” are still present there trapped screaming and trying to move our body but can’t. and thats why burials and shit sound so terrifying
32: Talk about a place you remember from your childhood.
dont need to. im a couple blocks away i can visit it any time. (my elementary and middle school the neighbourhood surrounding it was also where i used to live so that was dope)
33: Talk about what you do when you are sad.
i force myself to get MORE sad so i can get it all out in one go and much faster. like how the human mind can only get so angry that the brain gives up and just tries to find another way to spend its time. 
34: Talk about the worst physical pain you’ve endured.
when i was a kid me and bunch of other kids decided to clog a slide with just a shit ton of people and one of my friends who came after me kept pushing me to the point i was hanging on for dear life using only my knee down that was wedged between a fat kid and my friend who went after me. i fell off eventually knocking skulls with another kid near the end of the slide(this slide was shaped like a spring so that explains why there were kids under me) my arm bend backwards for a sec after hitting another kid’s legs, and then i fell chest and fast first on the asphalt winding myself. kids are rugged as all hell man they can really take a hit. i walked it off but god damn if i didnt get bruises and shit afterwards. or that time i got beaten so bad by father dearest because work was stressful and i ended up blacking out. wasn’t even allowed to go to the hospital. just kinda laid down in my room with bruises all over.
35: Talk about things you wish you could stop doing.
relying on people for happiness. distracting myself from sadness and responsibilities. procrastinating in general
36: Talk about your guilty pleasures.
i dont really feel guilt save for some specific circumstances. ask any of my friends. does that mean im a sociopath or whatever? 
37: Talk about someone you thought you were in love with.
they just got out of a relationship with someone and was avoiding them profusely and i just started to get to know them. we got to the point that when she was ready we could date. little did i know that later, she would end up dating a friend of mine. to which i promptly had the appropriate reaction of crying myself to sleep, sending that friend a text message with all the things he should know to keep that girl happy and ultimately smashing a lot of things (some bottles actually because we were gonna build a sculpture or something together with em. man middle school was a fucking RIDE)
38: Talk about songs that remind you of certain people.
mmmmmm i would prefer to keep those underwraps.
39: Talk about things you wish you’d known earlier.
family will be there for you in the end. (not because they want to but because the world teaches them that they have to meaning they will help just in their own way and to their own ends.) friends come and go. they always have always will. anyone who says forever is a fuckin idiot. lovers come and go thats just a natural part of growing up. and lets be real all the people that said they would self harm ultimately never did so dont stress it so much god damn(but dont let it slide either)
40: Talk about the end of something in your life.
how about the end of my interest in anime and video games. nothing seems to really interest me anymore. everything is just kinda “meh”
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