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jibril-thelibraryangel · 2 years ago
Hot take but… “Gale was a teen soldier who got brainwashed, by a manipulative dictator, into the idea that sacrificing a small number of troops was worth it to definitively stop the government that had spent years ruining the lives of him and his people” and “Gale’s gross disregard for human life directly led to the death of Prim and thousands of other civilians including children, and Katniss is justified in her anger and has no obligation to ever forgive him” are two statements that can and should coexist together.
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rattusrattus3 · 20 days ago
Heavily debating trying to go To a local goth coffee meet up coming up soon
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tea-time-terrier · 2 months ago
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Wow look some queer art <3
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ofswordsandpens · 1 year ago
I don't think them changing Annabeth's crush is a problem because familial love is an equivalent replacement. It was mainly just fuel for Percy's jealousy. It would be funny if Percy was just in his head the entire time that she has a crush on Luke and the whole time she's just "I love my brother so much!!!!"
I don't think the change is a problem, but I simply don't see the necessity for the change? They had familial love in the book as well alongside her crush, and her having a crush in the book was very sweet and humorous to me. What was problematic was Luke returning her crush in the end. I would happily enjoy them taking out his weird reciprocation that he had in his final hour.
Regardless, no its not the end of the world for her Annabeth's character if they take away her crush.. its definitely just a loss for me lol. Her freaking out every time Luke interacted with her was funny. Percy teasing her about it was funny. Percy's jealousy was funny. And since her crush was pretty prevalent in the first couple books and now that the show has decided to either write it out, or tone it down, or whatever, they are losing out on a lot of those funny moments.
One thing that does make a difference, however, is her crush on Luke in tlt is often part of the times where Percy sees her as something other than perfectly composed and calculating. And it would be one thing if the show still showed the other "silly" or "childish" (so to speak) parts of Annabeth even without her having a crush... but they haven't really, and its one of my more sincere criticisms that show Annabeth has come off as way more stoic than she is in the book by now (which is not on Leah at all). Yes Annabeth is wise and hyper competent, but she's also very emotional and gets flustered and is kid that does kid things! Like the scene with the her in the store with the candy in episode 3? I need to see way more of that sort of thing, especially if they're cutting out a lot of book instances that showcases her more childish side.
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glamiers · 1 year ago
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Some Michael Shelley doodles I did before I got my sketchbook taken away :((
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jameswilsonsupremacy · 9 months ago
sometimes I’m like
damn it makes sense that nobody who knows me actually likes me???? Because like—I am violently transgender/queer, plus I’ve been to rehab. (I live in a small Catholic village in the Midwestern USA)
but then I open tumblr and see everyone loves House for the exact same things???? so basically i think I should move to New Jersey and be a doctor
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goodobservationshirley · 2 months ago
last january was such a bad month for me both personally and professionally that now that we're almost in january again i get irrationally anxious things are gonna go south
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princesssmars · 2 years ago
i dont even watch love island but you put me on it with abby we gettin kicked off the first day like
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digiweed · 9 days ago
The technology for hybrid animals is literally here, which is just held back by society's fear of ethical ramifications and unexplored horizons of exploitation
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bellysoupset · 10 months ago
writer issue no one tells you about is when 2 stories want to take place at the same time and you have to pick between them 😭
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casualgirlfailure · 2 days ago
I evolved from a ramujaku hater to a devout shipper (I call that character development)
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skyward-floored · 11 months ago
If you're having a bad day why not post a vent WIP
Surprisingly enough I don't have any vent wips right now, which is odd because I usually have at least one but nope. nothin.
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lotusarchon · 6 months ago
this is a bit personal but it's really fucking weird how I'm just recognizing these patterns with myself where I'll feel incredibly happy, excited, full of energy, only to crash just as quickly within a few HOURS in the SAME DAY and feel fucking god awful and the cycle repeats
"surely you're overthinking it-" I wish. But while contemplating how I ended things with a certain friend who's friendship I DID enjoy after my 18th birthday, I've been keeping tabs on my behavior and it's happened WAAAAY more often looking back on it, I just finally started looking at the signs
1) 18th birthday > excited as hell, ready to write > crashed and cussed out people that didn't deserve it, ended a friendship with violent confrontations
2) sometime in june, happy as hell, ready to start afresh > crashed and blocked another friend. didn't end violently as the last one but huh
3) august, happy to make a server and everything, make new friends etc etc >> fell apart, got consumed by jealousy
4) literally the first fucking week in September was ready to start anew >> had a fight with a friend, tried to commit suicide, failed, fell into a week of depression, also nearly ended my current friendship
And now, today, I was genuinely really happy to start writing again and planning for fics. And then an hour later I'm feeling the same fucking way and just so awful and tempting to pull the same shit (I won't I'm still clearheaded but holy fuck).
And mind you these are just the times I've noticed in 2024, and rethinking it holy SHIT how did my best friend of five years tolerate those moods.
What the fuck is wrong with me. I fucking hate this. I hate this stupid insecure ugly feeling inside me. Why can't I just be happy for once and keep that happiness?? This is so unfair.
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youandthemountains · 2 years ago
layoff call in 15minnnn
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msburgundy · 2 years ago
i'm reading 5 books simultaneously, and 3 of them are quite dense in terms of content, and i'm still like man why don't i feel like i'm getting anywhere with these
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wyrm-with-a-why · 1 year ago
Trying to fucking draw by my brother is a Fortnite kid and loud as shit and now my parents came home man fuck that
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