lady-lunaaa · 2 years
These twins man. If I have to read "that's what my big bro said!" one more time... they're gonna know what my fist said.
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shylooh · 7 months
i had a dream we were together in tha city and we were like walking around and laughing like laughing so hard and i made u go buy me ciggies ay and like i screamed at u and was like naaaaaa not deeeeezzzzz go buy those cool looking ones and u did like it was so nice
oh yo and i said to u “YOU LIED ONCE TO ME AY” and u were like “WHHAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!” we were like sitting on this bench and u wore all black
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zorosdimples · 11 months
May I wish upon you something wonderful? For your presence is a wonder on this earth that I am blessed to behold. And for that I am thankful 💛
whhaaaaaaaa patchy this is so sweet—thank you 🥺💞 i love seeing you on the dash; your kindness is both palpable and infectious!!!!!
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pixiealtaira · 1 year
Did not manage to win Camp Nano.....whhaaaaaaaa
did not manage to get much done with my July Bingo cards......WHHAAAAA
If one would like to send complaints...please do so to my sister-in-law and the county fair board
On that note....
I have thought of and organized 4 to 6 games for 100 or so kids for the three+ hours of Kid’s Day At The Park.....except the drawing and artistic part.  Still have to manage that part of it all....hoping to put that into someone else's hands, honestly.
I don’t wanna draw cows or horses or whatever....just don’t wanna
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teawiththegods · 2 years
How can I worship a deity (in this case, Artemis) if I don't relate to what she resides over? I feel like she might have been reaching out to me lately and I'm not sure why, and I'm just worried I won't be able to worship her properly because I don't really connect with her the way I do Hermes and Apollo?
I would suggest researching her because often times we think we know all there is to know about a god when in fact our knowledge barely scrapes the surface on who a god is and what they rule over.
For instance, most people don’t know Artemis is a god of transitions. So whenever you’re moving from one stage or phase to another, that’s Artemis’ realm. Many people also don’t know she’s a goddess of dance. Surprisingly I always get people with that one. They’re like “WHHAAAAAAAA?!??🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯”. So yeah she’s a lot more than just a goddess of hunting, wildlife, the moon, and archery.
I had this issue with Aphrodite when I first began to feel her calling out to me. I knew her as a goddess of romantic love and beauty so I couldn’t understand why she would be reaching out to someone like me. It wasn’t until after I looked more into her I found out she was also the goddess of self love. It was then I realized she wanted to work with me to help me learn to love myself (among other things that I would discover later on)
If Artemis is calling out to you there is def a reason and it’s up to you to go search for that reason. You can ask her to help guide you to the information you need but it’s ultimately up to you to take the initiative. The gods help those who help themselves and all that jazz you know?
But I can help you get started! Here is a wonderful book all about Artemis!
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blingusbongusbingus · 2 years
Reptililand Prologue/ch1/ch2
It all started one foggy school day, Alexander, Holly, and Marce were in Geometry class, where they discussed a plan. It was Holly's 15th birthday that day, so after 3rd period the trio decided to skip class. It was a very deep and complex plan, in all their separate classes at 10:45 they would all ask to go the bathroom and wait for each other there. It was then that they simply walked out the side door without care, walking past the school officer Simon without hesitation or fear, except for Holly. Holly was horrified if her parents found out and how she would be berated for her behavior. However the officer thought due to them showing no fear that they were meant to have all left and had checked out before, and he was really enjoying his jelly donut no one gets in the way of officer Simon and his donut. Once making it off school property the trio died laughing at how awful their school security is as only 3 days ago the school boasted about how top notch their officer was. While Marce went away to get a cake for them Alexander and Holly were running around town having fun at arcades, shops, and pranking neighbors. However Holly felt an overwhelming sense of regret, like she should have never skipped class and just gone home to her parents with a boring old clown that she was way to old for but she would at least be with her family. Eventually, Marce came back with a wondrous 4 layer chocolate cake, how she obtained however she wouldn't tell. Marce also wanted to go to a pawn shop and so the trio went to it. It was a long walk and by the time they got there it was turning dark, and Holly needed to go home for her family birthday but Alexander persuaded her to the point of manipulation to stay with her friends just for a bit longer. Marce pointed towards a small bronze colored ball with a button and 3 distinct gems on it. Both Marce and Alexander wanted Holly to steal it. And so with much paranoia and fear she took the small baseball sized ball when the old asian shopkeeper had her back turned organizing some small trinkets. Holly while having second thoughts looks outside to the window and sees Alexander give her a thumbs up and Marce give her an approving nod. She snatched the ball and put it in her backpack. Holly with so much fear slowly turned around waiting to see the owner towering over her ready to teach her a lesson but as she did there was no one right behind her. The owner was still behind the counter putting prices on old card packs. With the ball in her backpack she walks out to her friends, both eager to open the ball. And so the trio walk to a small playground nearby to open the mysterious ball. Once there Holly takes the ball and presses the button. Suddenly a flash of red, green, and blue light shoot out blinding the three! Once Holly can see once more she isnt in the playground anymore. 
End of Prologue
Chapter One
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Chapter 2
The First Encounter
Awoken by the scream of a rooster, Holly crawls out from under the old lifted tree. She yawned as anyone would tired and hurt from the day before. The cool crisp air, non polluted unlike her old city life filled her lungs. In the far distance she sees smoke. Could it be her friends, other humans? She crawled down a steep sharp cliff down to the smoke signal, the smell of cooked meat drawing her closer and closer, until she’s just a few bushes away from the delectable smell. “Is it almost done Bill?” She hears from a voice unlike her friends. “Simmer down Twig, it’ll be done in a second”. Carefully she grabs a pointy stick ready for a fight, she inches closer till she steps on a small stick. A sharp short cracking noise can be heard for what seemed like miles around. “Bill! I thought i heard something!”. “Quiet boy, something might be watchin us.”. She hides behind a tree trunk right next to the two people’s fire. She catches a glimpse of the two and they’re reptiles? “Whhaaaaaaaa?” She says out loud in a perfectly hearable voice. The two reptiles who she presumes is Bill and Twig jump out at her. In perfect unison they all scream due to the horror of otherworldly creatures. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” “What are you? Who are you? Where have you come from????” The small one asks? “STEP BACK BOY! It looks feral! It might bite you!” Holly stands there in shock. Is she still dreaming? Is this whole place a fever dream? What if shes still in geometry? THIS CANNOT BE REAL! “WHAT AM I?” She mocks. “WHAT ARE YOU?” “Im twig and this is bill.” The small one replies. “Enough for our introductions now what are you?” “Im Holly Brightway, and im a human” The three look at each other Bill still ready for battle despite his older looks. She drops the pointy stick to show shes not a threat “There is that okay Bill? Can you stop looking like your gonna stab me?” she questions. “Alright but i got my eye on you monster.” 
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sweetaspiesammy · 3 years
Do yourself a favor and don't catch up on Walker just yet we have another hiatus until the finale, which airs august 12th. Save your sanity because the episode that aired last night is fuckign massive
Whhaaaaaaaa you can’t just say that now I have to watch it soon
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ryukatters · 3 years
ty baby hehe
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so surreal hearing anisa speak my screen name
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cuddlemycat · 7 years
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louis-sott · 4 years
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cutecatshere · 7 years
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Whhaaaaaaaa #cute #cat #cats #aww
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stray-tori · 7 years
Okay but
I just watched my native dub (german) of the episode with the science expo and yknow how Varian says something like they could be the "Ladies-in-waiting" i think?
Well yknow what they did in the german dub? "Miss and Mister lady-in-waiting" AND I JUST WAS LIKE WHHAAAAAAAA holy shit. I mean. That made that crush kinda awkward but i still find it cute xD
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"WHHAAAAAAAA?!?!?!" Pearl's reaction to Smoky.
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shutupzahra · 7 years
from Cats Fun http://www.funnycatsite.com/pictures/whhaaaaaaaa.htm
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lostinmusicsound · 7 years
from Cats Fun http://www.funnycatsite.com/pictures/whhaaaaaaaa.htm
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