missbalbaquoi · 2 years
sex, money, feelings, die - katsuki bakugo
part one, pro-hero!katsuki bakugo, reader works in the medical field and has glasses (haha nerd) | cw: mentions of sex and condom use | not proofread babes, literally wrote this after listening to sex money feelings die
thinking of pro-hero bakugo who for the longest time avoided relationships at all costs and left a short string of one night stands. it'd consist of the same 3-4 people he could call up-- it was okay with them as much as it was for him.
men have needs, and his was unavoidable.
so every once in a while he finds himself at a very exclusive club, red and blue lights flashing as the shitty music do little to make the environment a little more tolerable; he knows where he's going and he knows what he's about to do anyways.
he pays for the room, the tab, and the drinks. he doesn't linger afterwards and he goes home straight away.
you don't remember where you fit into his little routine, or when you stumbled into this mess at all. working in an agency that handles healthcare for pro-heroes, you've brushed shoulders with pro-hero dynamight, thinking less of his arrogant attitude and focusing on your job; that doesn't mean your gaze doesn't linger when he's not looking.
'i heard he was harder to handle in UA!' 'he's actually really dreamy...' 'we brushed hands earlier when he was getting his blood drawn-- his hands are rough!' 'how i wish he'd look at me the same way he looks at his rankings.'
you always roll your eyes at your co-workers hushed whispers in the break room, but you know deep inside you agree with them whole-heartedly.
you hate yourself for agreeing, because it's such a long shot getting a pro-hero to even look at your direction, let alone pine for you the same way you have been.
somehow, he keeps going back to the clinic later than usual and catches you alone. you try telling him it's way past operating hours, but your protest falls on deaf ears.
some nights he'd come to get his blood drawn for his weekly platelet count, he'd get a drug test (commission procedure), or even get his stash of condoms. it was a discreet clinic.
you'd catch yourself blushing as you hand him the box of condoms, feeling your face flare up as you realize they were lubed condoms.
this goes on for a while, till finally you decide you're too tired to work late nights. you can't handle your feelings, and you don't wish to confront it.
the next day at work, you find pro-hero dynamight leaning on the door of the clinic, tapping his foot in annoyance.
'they said you stopped working late.'
you bite your cheek to stop the smile that was making its way to your face. could it be that he actually also have feelings for you?
he makes his way to you and leans down to whisper something in your ear.
this is it, this is finally when he's going to confess that he's been pining over you too--
'you're the only nurse that i get my condoms from.'
you purse your lips. of fucking course.
'fine. also, i'm not a nurse. i'm a medical technologist. please learn the difference.'
after that awkward but eye-opening interaction and giving him what he came for, you mentally slapped yourself. how stupid and naive of you.
clocking out the clinic, you don't notice the black bentley parked across, and you sure as hell don't notice the blonde man exiting the car; too busy fidgeting with your phone to see if your online purchase has arrived. to be fair, you just purchased a cat plushie on sale. it was 70% off.
'good, you're still here.'
you jumped in surprise and let out a breath of relief.
'yeah? i'm about to leave. i'll just schedule your blood test tomorrow, if that's alright, sir.'
he grunts in response and steps closer to you.
'sleep with me.'
your eyes widened in disbelief, your mouth agape. what the fuck? literally, what the fuck?
'what? what- i don't- uh, i mean- how? it's not like- huh?'
god you sounded like an idiot, stammering and adjusting your glasses; it's like you're back in high school, reliving the 'nerd' trope.
'you can say no. i wanna know if i'm reading into this correctly.'
'uh, i mean- was there anything to read? was it that obvious? how did you know?'
'you're not as subtle as you think. sleep with me. no feelings involved.'
it's a scene ripped from a page in a book; standing in the sidewalk at sunset with the man you've been pining over asking you to sleep with him.
it's too good to be true. it isn't.
'while i'd really like to sleep with you, i can't right now.'
katsuki bakugo furrowed his brow and stood up straighter. clearly not the answer he was expecting.
'i'll see you for your schedule tomorrow though.'
you smiled genuinely at him before sprinting towards your bus stop. so much thoughts ran through your head; you were an idiot for turning him down and missing out on the best sex you'd probably ever have, but at the same time, you don't want your first time to be a simple fuck. after berating yourself for having stupid and cliche ideals and praising yourself for remaining wholesome, maybe saying no wasn't too bad.
katsuki stood there motionless, watching as you scurried away, lips curling into a small smile, amused by your demeanor. he wants you, and he wants your sex. he'll decide soon if he wants your feelings along with them.
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xardoth · 2 years
Unknown Source | Pelle Ohlin
Hallo! This interview doesn't have questions, it was only Pelle's answers. Once my schedule calms down I'm gonna try to get some Øystein interviews published :)!
This is not sooo many answears I give you, but what the fuck it's so many questions HUH! Ok, I'll try now.
1? It goes very slowly
2. No, I wear a warm jacket.
3. The simple reason is that I couldn't find another, what do you thoughts?
4. GLLLUAPP... NW. G!.. Oh yeah the question.. The reason to live is, of course, to die, but after that... hmmmmm.. WAIT I'M NOT FINISH YET.. there is so many ideas about this, so I don't knowe, what about that???
5.0 I like to discuss that. The most of all idiots want to die when they are sleeping and quickly - no pain. I prefer to die slowly so I can see how it feels - WHAT A PLEASURE! I'll only do this once.. and why not in TORMENT?
6..2? Ok, I had heard the name before! Don't say any thing.. Hmmmmmm.. Oh yeah I'll think Mayhem is a great band with cool dudes. I heard that Maniac leaves and maybe I will fit. I didn't knowe then that they know so lot of people. The contact of the very first degree were when I send them our (Morbid) rehearsal tape and of course a crucified rat. I think they liked that 'coz they sacrificed it in a fire place. THE SMELL WAS GREAT!
7. NO! Ok, a longer answear (as you told me). Morbid doesn't exist anymore. The real Morbid were me and the guitarist John. Every one had an own reason to leave the band so we were split up. The other guitarist and the incredible stupid drummer Drutt wanted to call their new band Morbid. This NEW band sounded like the stupid poser band Testament(?). Me, John and some others told them friendly to change the name 'coz that's not Morbid. And they did... HA! Me and another guy will start up a new band (hobby band). At first we wanted to start up old Morbid again but John wimped out as always, so this is also another band, no name yet. An old member from the darktime before the demo, called T.6. Known(?) as shitcan. who did My dark subconscious and the most part of wings of funeral, will also join. what about the mysterious John, in the middle of  Åkersberga? We will record (just we) a following demo (!!!!!) of the first and only Dec. Moon (Morbid) demo. It will be one/eng/eins/ona - 1. song. The first demo ends with a trailer Death Execution, also known as La-LaLa-LaLa. etc... We will do the rest of it. INCREDIBLE, huh? (I HATE TO EXPLAIN THIS BUT IT'S OVER NOW... I will also take a break, think (??) worth it.. HALLO... HEY, Marcin? - Ok, I'm back now
8. In the very past time of the MORBID ages I did all the lyrics. That were a problem. I wanted the other guys to write, but they dont wanted to. And when I had done a lyric, the didn't like it, 'coz I writed the things that I'm into. But I wanted they to also write! That were a prblem of course. The things who influence me are Horror stuff, sometimes occult stories, psycokillers, some cannibalism, blaspheme, the christs, black magic and scare people to death, and corpse infections, etc;. Nowadays in MAYHEM we write the lyrics together. Now we try to describe how it feels strangled to death feel the face veins blowed up with blood it wents black before your and and unpleasant pictures turning round inside of your eyes. Another song is about the pleasure you feel when you get killed."
Thank you so much to my lovely friend Ember for sending me the original interview! Muah <3!
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lacroixqueen · 3 years
arcane academia (chapter 1/?) cait/vi college AU, 18+
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Summary: vi just transferred to piltover university and is struggling to fit into her new school. while balancing academics, boxing, and the social milieu of college life, she is also vying for the attention of the student council president, caitlyn.
Word Count: 1430
Pairing: caitlyn x vi
Tags: college AU, university AU, useless lesbians, wlw, sapphic, fluff, smut, angst
Author's Note: hihi i'm alive. i'll explain everything in a future post. SO sorry for ghosting you guys, i promise it won't happen again. tl;dr my laptop was having issues but it's finally fixed. here's the arcane college AU i've been trying to write for so long. it will mainly be focused on cait/vi but i am also going to add some other ships, and flesh out a main overarching story. enjoy yall~
Vi had just transferred over to Piltover University from Zaun College last week. It felt like a necessary change, especially since she had lived in Zaun all her life and wanted to see what the topside was all about. Not that she was particularly surprised by anything she saw. Everyone still cared about the same old shit. Except this time, it was covered in a transparent veil of shiny colors and pretty lights.
She also got a scholarship to join the boxing team. Vi figured it might give her a leg up, and who knows, maybe she will meet a friend or two.
Vander always called her every few days to check in on “how the transition has been going”, but she never really had anything new to report.
“Uh, just going to class,” she would say. “People are so uptight here, I swear to God.”
“You will find your rhythm soon,” he would reassure.
It was yet another weekday afternoon when Vi found herself throwing hits at a punching bag in a futile attempt to blow off some steam. Exams had kicked her ass this week. The academic rigor here was definitely not the same as her old school, and she was clearly having some trouble adjusting to a completely new schedule and lifestyle. She would be lying if she said it didn’t stress her out.
Amongst a crowd of trust fund kids and snooty overachievers, Vi stuck out like a sore thumb. It wasn’t easy making friends with people you had absolutely nothing in common with. Besides, everyone just needed to get off their high horse and shove it up their stupid little-
“Excuse me, but the gym has already been reserved by the dance team today.”
The Piltover accent caught the boxer off guard as she spun around to glance over her shoulder. And of course, an absolutely drop-dead gorgeous, indigo-haired girl with legs for miles was standing right before her with her arms crossed over her chest. Her icy blue eyes sparkled beneath the warm afternoon light that poured through the tall glass windows.
And shit, why did that uniform have to be so goddamn tight and hug her hips perfectly.
So naturally, Vi did what she did best.
“Why the fuck would I care about that?”
“Because here, there are rules,” she replied back without a moment of hesitation. “If you wanted to reserve the space, you had to sign up beforehand.”
“That’s not really my problem,” Vi shrugged, resuming her boxing. “Besides, it’s not like I’m taking up the entire gym. You guys can do your little cartwheels over there, and I can have this corner to myself right here.”
The dancer’s lip upturned, visibly displeased by her nonchalant response. Vi stole some brief glimpses between throws, trying quite hard to hide herself admiring her perfect body yet failing miserably at the same time.
“Well, just know for next time that there’s a registration process,” she sighed, realizing there’s not much else she could do. “You can find it on the recreation website. My name is Caitlyn, by the way.”
This reply immediately caught Vi off guard. She gazed after her in awe as the girl turned around and ambled over to her dance team. Huh. So the uptight princess could show some grace after all.
Vi got back to her dorm late that night. After she finished up boxing, she decided she still had some energy left to jog a few laps around campus. Why was her heart still pounding so hard against her chest? Why was she unable to get that stupid girl’s face out of her head? And her voice. And those ridiculous pretty eyes. Fuck.
She somehow made her way back home at around midnight. Ekko, her roommate, was lounging around in the top bunk before jolting awake when she slammed the door open.
“Holy shit, you scared me,” he muttered under his breath before rolling back on his side. “Where the hell were you, anyway?”
“I went on a run,” Vi replied simply as she toweled off her hair. “To think.”
“About?” Ekko raised his eyebrow, sitting back up and swinging his legs over the bed. “That’s something new for you.”
“Oh, shut up,” Vi rolled her eyes. “It’s just… have you heard of this girl, Caitlyn?”
“Caitlyn Kiramman?” Ekko smirked. “Anyone who is anyone at PiltU knows who she is. I’m surprised you haven’t heard about her until now.”
“Yeah, well what do you know about her?” The boxer threw her towel over her shoulder and rifled through the corner mini fridge for a cold drink. Shit. The room was a mess. How many pieces of clothing did Ekko even own? And it’s so fucking hot. She flipped the switch on the fan, grimacing at how weak the current was.
“You really have to do some of this research on your own more,” he poked teasingly. “She’s the president of the student council. And what else… captain of the dance team, I think? Whatever, don’t quote me on that. Her parents are filthy rich and definitely donated at least a building or two. That, and she’s smoking hot. She might seem a bit unapproachable at first but everyone I’ve talked to has said she’s really nice once you get to know her.”
“Well, she sounds like a total bitch,” Vi wrinkled her nose after taking a sip of the soda she fished out from the fridge. Jesus. How old was that thing? She chucked it in the trash without a second thought. “She totally told me off today when I was boxing in the gym, minding my own business. I wasn’t even bothering anyone.”
“She was probably just laying down the law of the land,” Ekko shrugged. “This is her turf, after all. We don’t call her ‘ice queen’ for nothing. Maybe she was just trying to test the waters, who knows.”
“Do you think she knows who I am?” Vi mused as she stepped into the bathroom, turning on the shower knob.
“Oh yeah,” her roommate responded with a cheeky smile. “She runs a tight ship. I’m sure she keeps track of the transfer students. And besides, it’s not like you really blend into the crowd.”
“Rude as fuck,” she shot back, quickly shrugging out of her workout clothes and jumping into the shower.
“You know I’m right,” Ekko smirked.
Vi eventually got cleaned up and changed, and collapsed into her bed after what felt like an eternity. What a day.
“Sometimes I feel like maybe I made the wrong choice coming here,” she whispered to herself a few minutes after she flicked the lights off for bed.
“You’re so dramatic,” Ekko replied. “You’ll get used to the school and life on the topside before you know it. It’s just gonna take some time.”
“I don’t know..” Vi sighed, sliding her pillow over her face. “I don’t fit in with these people. They aren’t like the goons in the undercity. They care about so much.. But also so little? It’s hard to explain.”
“You just have to fake it just as much as they do,” Ekko said. “That’s what I did when I first transferred here. And look where I am now.”
Vi snorted. Thick-headed as he may be, Ekko was actually doing quite well for himself. Acing all his engineering classes, making friends with people from all different social circles… and above all that, he actually has a plan: Returning to the undercity and making things better for people with all the skills he learned. Sometimes, she wished she had it all together like he did.
“I’ll think about it,” she replied. “You might have a point. Anyways, good night you little rascal-”
Ekko was knocked out and started snoring before she could even finish her sentence.
Vi rolled her eyes, re-positioning herself and yearning as hard as she could for the warm, familiar arms of sleep to wrap around her and whisk her away into a whimsical dreamland. But she could feel both her heart and her mind still racing. Leaping, bounding. Constantly ricocheting, changing direction and movement.
She still couldn’t stop thinking about Caitlyn. Even though she couldn’t stand her, she just wanted to know more about her. It wasn’t for another hour or so of mulling over her thoughts and replaying every single moment that day until Vi finally had an epiphany.
Out of everyone she interacted with that day, Caitlyn was the only person who showed her even a hint of kindness. And perhaps that was something worth holding onto hope for.
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byuntrash101 · 3 years
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Pairing: Dom!Baekhyun x You
Genre: EstablishedRelationship!AU, slice of life, smuttt
Tags: strong dom/sub dynamics, daddy kink, rough sex, degradation, name calling (slut is used a lot), deepthroat, body writing, toys and more~~
Raiting: +18 (more like 21+ 🤪)
Word count: 3.5k
Summary: Apparantly, the new intern has a crush on you. And it's making your boyfriend Baekhyun jealous... Very jealous...
A/N: First chapter💃!! I’m excited to show you this project! Never hesitate to give me feedback my asks are always open and seeing your reactions make me SO happy💖! I hope you’ll enjoy!! -Cat😽
Tag list: @lovebuginlove @ohh-baekhyun @bobohumyonlyboo @smolbeanmika @making-me-blush @wooya1224 @yixing-jaehyun @f4ncyvelvet @lalalala-lav @deligxt @xofanfics @byunsugar @dixnysustae @to-all-the-stories-i-love @artisticcgroove @myexoobsession ​ @geniusloey
Tell me if you want to be added/removed
PARAPHILIA masterlist | General masterlist
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Paraphilia #1 : SADISM, Inflicting pain to others.
W R O N G   F E E L S  R I G H T
"Aaaah" you say as you feel the hot tea on your tongue. It's jasmine green tea, your favorite. You sit there in the dining room enjoying the warm sun of the afternoon. It's so relaxing, so nice after a stressful week of work. The new intern is very nice, but god is he a handful. He's just always full of energy but at least he is willing and wants to learn properly. But forming him is quite tiring. So enjoying this quiet time here is nice.
"Babe can you come over here?" you hear the voice of your boyfriend resonate from upstairs. You sigh and frown, annoyed. But you still decide to go see him.
He's in his office, probably playing the piano or practicing his singing skills. He was in there since early morning. You never questioned his wacky sleep schedule. Like he always says: "inspiration doesn't wait". You knew that from the beginning... He's an artist.
You push open the door and he's there on his computer frowning. What's wrong? You ask yourself as you pick up right away that something is off. You walk closer and see he's on your Facebook profile.
"Who's that?" he asks without a glance to you, pointing a finger to the picture of a recently added friend.
"It's Taeyong the new intern, I told you about him" you say in a chuckle. So that's what's wrong with him. He's jealous, you think smiling.
"How do you find him?" he still doesn't look at you.
"Huh? I mean he is pretty smart which makes things easier, but overall, he has a lot to learn it's only normal when you are fresh out of school. I mean when I started, I-" but Baekhyun interrupts you.
"I don't mean it like this! Do you think he’s... attractive?" you can't help but laugh at the ridiculous question. Finally, Baekhyun looks at you but it's only to shoot you a death glare. You stop and bite your lips trying not to laugh again.
"I mean... Of course I can't say he's ugly but I-" Before you can continue your boyfriend rips the black bob off his head and throws it on the desk. He immediately brushes back his blond hair, running his fingers through it. You flinch. Shit, he's actually upset about this.
"What about this?" he switches to another tab on the computer. This time it's your Instagram page. He clicks on the most recent post. It's a selfie you posted last week when you went out with Baekhyun, you liked your makeup that day and thought it was instagramable.
"What about it?" You genuinely ask. Your boyfriend sighs, frustrated.
"TYdragon95, is it his username?" Baekhyun asks, his tone has changed from cold to angered, you swiftly look at him, he's clenching his jaw.
"Yes I suppose so, he was born in 1995, so yeah probably..."
"Yeah of course it's him... he liked every single one of your pictures..."
Baekhyun proceeds to scroll to the other photos and it's true. His username is under every single one of them.
"Well, no, he didn't like the pictures where we are together..." he says in a cynical tone. You stand there next to him, silent, what could you possibly reply? Baekhyun chuckles coldly.
"He's probably, right now imagining you under him, his hand in his pants..." he whistles between greeted teeth. You laugh nervously.
"Hyunie, don't be stupid... he's just a guy I work with" you say fidgeting with your fingers. You know this mood. You know how angry your boyfriend can get.
"Really? Huh?" Baekhyun says, finally getting up from his chair. He stands right in front of you, only a couple centimeters (1in) separate the both of you. You are intimidated. He's so much taller than you...
"Baekhyun, please" you say in a pleading tone while taking a step back. Baekhyun steps closer.
"Baby girl do you like him?" he says in a low husky voice, sending shivers down your spine. Once again, you step back and he steps closer. You step back again, and he follows you, making you backup against the cold wall of his office, almost falling on the drums on your left.
"Baekhyun don't be ridiculous... I-"
"FUCKING ANSWER ME!!!" he yells throwing his palm on the wall next to your face. Your breath is hitching your throat.
"No Babe! Of course, not. I only love you" you say your voice trembling.
"Is this true?" his tone is somewhat softer. He leans in, inching his face close to yours.
"Yes..." you say softly, almost whispering.
"Maybe I have to remind you who you belong to"
You feel goosebumps in the nape of your neck. You know exactly what he means...
"Go in the room and wait for me there" with that he removes his hand and you quickly leave the room without daring looking at him. Without any detours you go straight to your room and sit on the king-sized bed.
You feel a familiar tingly feeling rise in your lower stomach. You don't even have time to think that your hand travels on its own to your crotch. As soon as your fingers press on your core the door slams open.
Baekhyun chuckles coldly, looking you up and down.
"You little slut you couldn't even wait for me, could you?" he walks quickly to you and yanks hard on your arm to make you stand. You wince in pain.
"What do you say?"
"I'm sorry daddy." You whimper. Suddenly he flips you over and makes you lay over his lap with your butt up. Without much consideration he roughly pulls up your t-shirt dress. His hand rests delicately over your clothed bottom as you are still wearing your baby blue laced panties. Gently, he strokes your butt cheeks with his thumb.
"Baby girl, you need a little reminder that you belong to daddy and daddy only. So, I have to punish you, you understand that, right?" he says as he slowly pulls down your lace panties. You simply nod quietly.
"So, baby girl I'm going to spank you 15 times and you will say thank you to each one of them. Understood?"
"Yes daddy" you say, already bracing for impact.
You feel his cold hand lift up from your skin. Then you hear the loud noise. Full force spanking your tiny ass. Lastly, you feel the pain, make you scream at the very first strike. It just started but already you feel the tingly feeling in your lower stomach grow.
"I didn't hear you baby"
"Thank you, daddy." You whimper.
"Good girl" Right away he spanks you again. You scream again, already your butt is burning. You can't help but to moan in between each scream. You feel each nerve of your sensitive skin.
"Thank you, daddy"
Baekhyun spanks again until he reaches 15. Your ass is raw,  the pain feels so good, you bite your bottom lip trying to refrain from begging him to fuck you right now. Because you know daddy doesn't like being told what to do, especially when he's angry.
He puts you back up and makes you sit up on the bed. He stands in front of you as he unbuckles his belt.
"Now you're gonna suck daddy off, to make up to him" right there he rips out his fat cock in front of your very eyes. You can't help but gasp and the beautiful sight. He was so hard, precum pearling at the tip. It made your mouth water in anticipation.
You look at him with hungry eyes and just nod while opening wide. Baekhyun smirks.
"Good girl" he says, pinching your nose and slowly pushing himself inside your tiny mouth. He doesn't stop at the first resistance, instead he pushes harder, making his way past the back of your throat. You feel the burn with each inch as he grunts loudly. You can't breathe anymore, not through your nose and certainly not through your mouth.
Without a warning Baekhyun starts to rapidly pump himself in and out of your mouth making your eyes water. You feel tears roll down your cheeks as you try to gasp for air. Baekhyun doesn't stop and skull fucks you even deeper, tearing your throat apart. You try to push him away, but he doesn't budge. He just moans louder using your face as his personal fuck toy.
Finally, he pulls out allowing you to breathe. You loudly gasp for air. Coughing, you look up at your boyfriend. He still looks pissed.
"Fuck babe, that little slut mouth of yours is fitted for my cock, isn't it?" he says trying to catch his breath pushing his blond hair back. You cough still trying to pull yourself together.
Without warning, Baekhyun leans in and his  hands reach for the collar of your dress with one powerful and swift move he rips it off your body leaving you in your baby blue lace bra only.
"Take that off for me" he says pointing at the bra as he passes his oversized hoodie over his head. You look in awe at the muscles of his back and abs moving to mesmerize you. He looks so good, he's lightly sweating from pleasuring himself with your mouth. He's stark naked in front of you, you gulp loudly, anticipating but also fearing what's to come.
"Lay there" he commands pointing a finger to the bed, you do as you're told and lay with your arms resting to your sides. Baekhyun then gets up and walks to the dresser. He opens the fourth drawer. You know what he stores in this drawer, you squirm in apprehension.
When he turns back to you, he's holding a red marker and two, no, three nipple clamps.
"Baby girl, you know you've been bad, right?" You look at him with scared eyes but nod. He sits next to you.
"This one is for allowing another man to think about you" he says as he clips the clamp on one of your nipples. You bite your lip at the delicious pinching sensation.
"This one is for daring to even say his name in front of me" he places the second clamp on your other nipple. You gasp. It feels so good, your watery eyes fill up with tears again.
"And this one is for reminding you who owns you" he places the last one on your untouched but very anticipating clit. This time you can't help but to scream and grip the sheets as the pain spreads through your core. Baekhyun looks down at you with a satisfied smirk.
"Hmmm baby, you look so pathetic squirming like that." He leans over you. "Does it hurt, baby?" he purrs as a cold smile spreads on his lips. You looked up at him, pouting and eyebrows knitted together and nod.
"Baby girl, it's only fair for you to be treated this way because you were very bad you understand, right?"
You nod, the tears finally streaming down your face. Baekhyun smiles in satisfaction again, he loves to see you in this state, wrapped around his fingers. He controls you, he owns you. 
Then, he takes the red sharpie out. He takes off the cap and writes on your body, first right under your collarbones, then on your lower stomach and finally on your face.
"Go ahead and get up to go see how beautiful you look."
You get up and wince in pain again as the gravity pulls on the clamps. You walk up to the full length mirror. Baekhyun wrote "cocksleeve" across your chest,  "my cunt" right over your pussy and finally "daddy's slut" on each of your cheeks.
"Aren't you pretty?" You turn back to him. 
"Yes, thank you daddy" you meekly answer.
You want to walk back to him, but he puts his hand up and stops you.
"Not so fast, baby girl. The punishment isn't over yet. You are not allowed to walk back to me... Get on all fours and crawl to me like the bitch that you are"
You feel the humiliation rush to your cheeks and spread to your body. But you obey anyway, you do as you're told. Your knees against the cold hard wood you approach your sadistic boyfriend.
"Good girl, now. Crouch and tell daddy how sorry you are" You feel the tears well up again.
"Daddy..." you start with your voice trembling, avoiding his eyes. "I'm sorry. I will never upset you again." 
Silence follows, you lift your head to look up at him and without a warning he slaps you across the face, almost making you fall. You rub your cheek.
"Gotta have to do better than that" he replies with the harshest tone. Now you are just sobbing.
"This little slut is sorry daddy. She doesn't deserve a daddy as perfect as you. I am nothing more than your personal fuck toy and a mere toy should only serve her daddy and no other men should be allowed to lay eyes on it. Daddy I'm sorry for being a dirty whore I will make it up to you I promise."
Baekhyun chuckles, visibly satisfied to see you dragging yourself down like this. You can't help but to let your eyes trail down his perfect body to his cock... He is harder than ever.
"That's right baby you are my pathetic little slut" he says gently stroking your still burning cheek.
"You know what baby? Daddy wants you to hurt as much as you hurt him by allowing this man in your life." He harshly grabs your face.
"So, you're going to stand up and you're going to show daddy how your pretty little face twists in pain" he says with a large, wicked smile.
You stand up.
"Jump, lemme see the clamps bounce."
You do as you're told and bounce yourself up and down. The weight of the clamp on your clit is unbearable and you just frown deeply in pain.
"Good girl now pull on the clamps on your nipples"
You pull on them harshly, the joyous pain makes you roll your eyes back and you can't help but to let a soft moan escape your lips. Baekhyun reaches down and starts to pump his hand around his big cock. He looks satisfied, nothing arouses him more than seeing you cry like this.
"Twist them"
You moan louder, it's difficult to contain your excitement as you feel your arousal coating your inner thighs.
"Good girl" he says with an evil smirk.
After a while, your body is red all over, complementing even better the matching sharpie.
"Now lay there you slut" Baekhyun says as he gets up the bed. You lay on your back and wait for further instructions.
Baekhyun gets on the bed over you and places himself at your entrance. Rubbing his tip against your slick folds.
"What a pitiful slut that you are getting this wet from being humiliated" he says smirking. And with that he violently pushes himself inside you in one go. You scream in absolute bliss, almost cumming to this one single thrust.
"Fuck, baby" Baekhyun moans.
He starts to move rapidly, you feel the familiar knot in your stomach form. He goes full force right away, making your fringe jump with each powerful thrust.
"Baby what are you?" he pants.
"I'm your slut daddy"
"Good girl" he says, grinding his teeth, rewarding you with more powerful thrusts and more overwhelming pleasure.
"You like daddy's thick cock don't you, slut?"
"Yes, I love your big cock daddy, it feels so good in my tiny cunt" You whine, feeling the knot getting tighter. The three nipple clamps jumping all over the place as Baekhyun fucks you deep and hard.
"No one can make you feel good like daddy,  do you understand?" he says struggling, moaning in between each word.
"Yes only daddy's big cock" you bite your lip trying not to cum as Baekhyun hasn't granted you permission yet.
"Good girl. You are daddy's little slut. Daddy's toy. Daddy's personal cocksleeve. Nothing more. Your only purpose is to pleasure daddy and make him cum with your tight cunt." Baekhyun grunts, pushing himself deep and fast inside you.
The dirty talk is too much for you, you feel so good and the humiliation of being reduced to a mere object sends you over the edge. You scream and moan as your legs shake into an uncontrollable and divine orgasm, your sensitive little pussy deseperately twitching around Baekhyun's thick cock. 
Your high hasn't even worn out yet that you feel Baekhyun's not-so-delicate hand slap your face. The burn in your cheek makes your eyes roll back as the setlling pleasure of your orgasm makes your mind go blank.
"I'm sorry daddy" you say half moaning, half sobbing, gagging on his slender digits.
"You slut, you came without daddy" he shoves his long fingers deep inside your throat. You instinctively suck on them as tears run down your cheeks again.
"You're such a bad girl" Baekhyun says, whipping his fingers out of your mouth to immediately pull harshly on your hair. You scream in both overwhelming pain and unbearable pleasure.
"Daddy I'm sorry" you say again, moaning as Baekhyun keeps on pounding into you, still pumping his fat cock in and out of you at an alarming speed. Stretching your tiny pussy beyond repair.
"Shut the fuck up slut" Baekhyun says as he repeatedly slaps you in the face, smudging the sharpie over with your tears. He picks up the pace again. Going even faster, destroying your pussy in the process. You moan in pleasure, feeling the knot tightening again.
"Daddy please slow down I'm going to cum again" you sob.
"I said shut up" he says clapping his hand over your mouth muffling your moans. Baekhyun has a really hard time containing himself. He feels like he's going to burst any second. As soon as he removes his hand you speak again.
"Daddy please I'm-" but you can't finish.
"Shut the fuck up I said you fucking  bitch" he grunts.
Baekhyun circles his hands around your narrow neck. Pressing his fingers on your throat and your artery to keep the blood from reaching your brain. Finally, you are silenced, you can't speak anymore, not even moan. You can only concentrate on the immense pleasure Baekhyun makes you feel. He grunts loudly pumping in and out of your exhausted tiny cunt. You feel like the knot will come undone at any second now.
"That's it baby! You like when daddy chokes you, right baby? " Baekhyun says clenching his jaw.
Slowly your vision clouds up and you start to feel lightheaded. Like you are high on the most enjoyable and addicting drug: rough sex with your boyfriend Byun Baekhyun.
"I'm going to mark this cunt now baby. I'm going to make it all mine. I'm going to cum inside of you".
Seconds later, you feel thick ropes of cum painting your walls and filling you up as Baekhyun releases himself inside you with powerful thrusts. His hair is stuck to his forehead, he breathes heavily as he wears a relieved expression, his eyebrows deeply furrowed and his jaw lossely hanging open.
As you are about to pass out from too little oxygen, the delicious feeling of being pumped full of hot cum sends you over the edge and you reach the most blissful orgasm ever.
"Yeah that's it baby girl, cum for me, cum for daddy" Baekhyun says with a carnivorous smile.
Your legs shake all over as you see stars from being chocked. This sensation is a whole new level. Never in your life you felt something this intense. It's heaven. You ascended to heaven.
As Baekhyun slows down he releases his brusing grip around your neck, and you can finally gasp for air. As you catch your breath your vision comes back to normal and the high fades away.
Baekhyun collapses next to you, visibly exhausted and satisfied. You scoot closer to him and rest your head on his glistening chest. He starts stroking your hair.
"Baby?" he asks, hesitant.
"You... love me more, right? More than him..." he says timidly. You can't help but smile Athos sheepish expression. You look up at him amorously surprised by the the complete change in his attitude. There's no more anger in his eyes as he cutely pouts.
"No babe, I only love you. You are my one and only" you say softly kissing him. He looks back at you smiling before closing his eyes.
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toast-is-ticklish · 3 years
An Unexpected Weakness.
Ler! Zagreus, Lee! Thanatos
My Hades hyperfixation is coming in swingin
You could say things were tense between Zagreus and Thanatos. Which was a great reason-- in addition to Thanatos's extremely busy and important schedule-- to not exactly jump at the bit to hang out with Zagreus anymore. Even if he missed him.
So when Zagreus insisted that if he win their next little competition, he got to show Thanatos how his new gun worked,  He agreed under the guise of his own arrogance. There was no way Zagreus would win, so it didnt really matter if he agreed to any silly little bets, right? He definitely didn't slack off a little on purpose as an excuse to hang out.
Even if he did, Zagreus didnt seem to notice.
It was fine.
Thanatos however, did not anticipate how awkward this would be for him.
As Zagreus guided his hands on how best to hold the instrument from behind, Thanatos was feeling a bit, high strung? He wasnt sure what the feeling was himself, but his brain was completely tuning out whatever Zag was saying and instead focusing on the fact that Zagreus's hands are near his sides and his chin is practically resting on my shoulders and-
Why was this so distracting?
"So you need to make sure you hold it there so you...Than are you listening?" Zagreus sounded a little annoyed, which was preposterous considering how hard Thanatos was trying right now.
Zagreus had no idea why Than looked so...awkward. All tensed up like that.
"Look, you don't have to be so tense, Than. It's not like I'm about to launch a tickle attack on you or something."
Why. Did Zagreus say that? 
Zag moved back in front of Than to look him fully in the face.
"I dont know what's getting to you right now, but i I need you to trust me and- Are you...blushing?"
Oh gods was he? He didnt even notice.
"And why would I do that Zagreus? I dont know if you've noticed but I'm not exactly the rosy-cheeked type."
"But you are right now?"
"I'm not ever, thanks."
"Theres no reason for you to be unless...Oh. Oh I get it." Zagreus's face quickly went from realization to his stupid little mischievous smirk. His expression screamed 'I'm about to do some trouble-making'.
Thanatos is so fucked.
"There is nothing to get Zagreus. So I would appreciate it if you kept your hands where they belong."
The stupid spark in Zagreus's stupid eyes said that Thanatos was about to go through something humiliating.
Thanatos could have just disappeared there and then. He didnt have to deal with this infuriating predicament. He could just leave.
So why didn't he really want to? Why did he want to stay?
"Well. I suppose they'll fit in quite well...here!"
He supposed it was to late to leave now.
Zagreus's hands were pinching and prodding at his sides and it for whatever reason tickled ridiculously bad.
"Mmp! No, no, no, noho! ZahagreUhus! HahAh!"
The tickling fingers, Zagreus's deviously smirking face, and the fluttering feeling in his stomach that Thanatos refused to acknowledge all compiled into his own personal tickly hell.
"Well I wouldn't have imagined that you might have this sort of weakness, Than. You should be careful that no one take advantage of it out in battle huh? Tickle, tickle..."
Than had exactly nothing to say about that.
"HAhahAh! NAhahaAh!"
He wasn't pleased by how desperate his laugh sounded. It was sort of raspy and awkward, not what he would consider particularly charming.
Somehow Thans' attempts at self defense felt even more undignifying, so he ended up settling for just trying to cover his face and muffle himself as much as possible.
As the tickling intensified Thans' knees weakened as he and Zagreus sort of slid down to the floor.
Leaning into Zagreus as he was tickled silly was a strange sensation. But not a necessarily bad one? That confusion would be saved for later.
For now, Thanatos was busy wriggling around like a fish out of water in Zagreus's arms and trying not to perish from embarrassment.
The son of Hades quickly undid Thans' belt and now Zagreus's hands were digging into his bare stomach.
Than made a sound he didnt even know he was capable of. He squealed. His neck was probably turning shades of red at this point.
"I cant lie to you Than, your reactions to this are exceedingly endearing."
"MphaHahaHa! NoHOha! ZAHAG! ZahAG!"
"Yes, mate?"
"StAhaAp! EehEHEE!"
"No, I think I'll have a little more fun first."
That's when Zagreus took it upon himself to do the worst most evil despicable thing any person could do.
He leaned in close to Thanatos, pushing away the hands covering his face. His hands slowed to light, gentle tickles and it was driving Than insane. But that's not the only evil horrible thing this man did.
"Coochie, coochie, coo, Thanatos~ Can you not handle a visit from the tickle monster? I almost feel bad."
Thanatos wants to sink into the floor and never come up again.
Looking at Zagreus's face currently felt like the worst thing he could possibly be doing, so instead, Thanatos curls in on himself while he tries to desperately control the cascades of giggles falling from his lips.
"Zahahag! Mmphahah! Plehehease stahahp! I- hahah! I cahahnt tahake ihit!"
Thanatos was getting really tired, Zagreus could tell. Eventually he backed off and gave the guy some room to breathe.
Zagreus was the one to break the silence, as expected, but what he said was very much not expected.
"Hey, Than? I'm sorry if I accidentally made you uncomfortable. I just realized I got really carried away and you probably weren't a big fan of what happened, so I probably shouldnt have invaded your boundaries like that and-"
Thanatos couldnt believe he was saying this. He sighed.
"Zagreus. It's fine. I appreciate your..." pick your words carefully, me."respect for my boundaries. But I'm okay."
"So...you're alright with it?"
"I...suppose you could say that."
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