#WHATTTTTT a good series like
mahoushojoe · 4 months
havent brought this up before but i recently finished the broken earth trilogy and those books shattered parts of me i didnt even know existed
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Since a lot of people seem to like my last Transformers EarthSpark posts, I figured I'd make more. 😀
**There might be spoilers in this post if you haven't watched this series yet** WATCH IT! IT'S SOOO GOOD!!!!!!!!
Now it's time to talk about Dot and Megatron's friendship.
Their friendship is the main reason why I gave this show a chance. When I saw the promo trailer for Transformers EarthSpark and saw the scene where Megatron makes his first appearance, I felt so bamboozled at first because he looks soooo bloody menacing and terrifying!!! He made sure to make his entrance powerful and command attention. Look at this! Look at his face!!!
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At first I thought, "Ohhh shit! It's about to get serious!" And then boom! It turns into this
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"You always knew how to make an entrance, Megs!"
When I heard that, I thought, "Hol up! Whatttttt???!" And then I knew at that exact moment that I absolutely HAD to watch this show and find out what's up with this.
I really like that Transformers EarthSpark has taken a new approach to Megatron and made him a good guy. It works so well in this adaptation!!! He still retained his badass warlord tendencies and he's still terrifying, but his friendship with Dot is so freaking wholesome!!!
SHE CALLS HIM MEGS!!!! I CAN'T!!! 😭😭😭 🥰🤩🥺
I love that the writers did their research and are aligned with the fandom and the nicknames it gave for popular characters. And I love that Dot and Megs' friendship is giving "Work friends that actually became friends in real life". You can just tell that they've been through hell and back together while fighting in the war and fighting alongside each other. They respect each other greatly and have a sort of impenetrable bond. I love how happy Megatron was when he saw Dot in the pilot episode. He could not hide the huge grin on his face and was so happy to be working with her again. And the same goes for Dot. She was happy to see her friend again. It's just so freaking adorable!
You can tell that their friendship is strong because in "Age of Evolution" when Dot and Megs get captured by Mandroid, Dot ignores Megs when he insists that she flees from the scene when they realized that they walked into a trap. She just keeps on blasting at the Arachnimechs and does not leave his side. When they're brought back to Mandroid's lair Dot tries to stop **shudders** the horrible, HORRIBLE torture being inflicted on Megatron by disconnecting a cable. She still does not leave his side and I just found that to be a really powerful moment. But when Dot is finally able to free Megs from his restraints, I just found that scene so satisfying. 😌
Overall, I absolutely LOVE the treatment of this badass duo and I hope to see more badass scenes of them fighting alongside each other.
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LOOK AT THEM!!!!! They aren't playing around!!!! 🙌🏾
I will end this post with yet another pic I made that I originally uploaded to my insta account.
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That's all for now ~
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hoseoksluna · 2 months
Your write style tho *chefs kiss*
It was really nice and every sequence you write smth in my ignites and I discover shit abt myself i never knew about😭
This was such a self discovery thing, I'm seriously emotional. Like helloo??? Hobi has a school? Daddy's a business man and a good one at that, like whatttttt. I just can't explain it😭
Oh my his swimmers did have 20/20 vision after all..;)
Anyways wishing you best in life and everything you're gonna write in the future (although I expect, hobi one-shot from you cuz I'm in love with ur writing style and ur imagination ^_^)
Until we meet again
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your words mean a lot to me and it's such an honor that you found time to read the series. thank you so so much. and my words made you discover things about yourself? let me go cry now.
the school thingy was probably the best thing i ever thought of. like when i started writing the series, i had no idea what business he had, but it clicked when i was writing the last chapter. it fits him sm, and i'm so happy that it's there. that chap really means a lot to me.
hobi is DEFINITELY a diff there fjsfsldfskldfjsl. he was 30 when he met oc. :) and all my oc's are kinda my age:D so 24!
thank you so so much for your support and love. i will write that hobi one shot for you one day.
i love you, dearly.
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away-ward · 7 months
oh my! Your blogs are lively these day, we love to see them! Happy valentines day KO, hopefully you have a good week 🥰
You reply to latest anon "Let me know what it would take to make WinterMichael work (joking)." HAHAHAHAHAHA IM SO SORRY WHATTTTTT im not gonna lie, i just bust out laughing when i read that. They never even come across my mind, now, but i'm very 🤨🫣 what have you done to me KO!! Damon Rika would end us!!
i love the damon-will-emory discussions that had been going on here too, so fun to see how people interpret characters and stories so similar yet so different than others! I can't lie, not until this week did i only notice about will being deceitful and cunning, maybe because it was never highlighted as much in other DN discussion & platforms? I only ever heard him being sunshine and suffering, but now that i took a step back and look at his personality... hmmm 🤔🫢 maybe these anon readers are onto something! Thank you all for this enlightening, maybe i should read this series more critically, how could i miss this!!
KO, question for you, list any 3 aspects of DN that you like a lot, doesn't matter if it's about the style, plot, characters, writing, feeling, etc. I don't think you've talked about this before right? Or maybe you did, but i never saw it, because i'm new ✌️😗
Hello new friend!
The frequency of asks definitely goes through phases. It’ll be silent for weeks and then a flood, but I don’t mind.
Damon Rika would end us!!
I’m still convinced that this is the reason PD made them siblings. They’re too easy to ship otherwise. But I also feel that they want to ship them, too, so they sort of shot themselves in the foot with that.
i love the damon-will-emory discussions that had been going on here too, so fun to see how people interpret characters and stories so similar yet so different than others!
It’s a lot of fun to see how other people interpret the series! It can be frustrating too, at times, but it’s mostly so much fun because it’s not really that serious. And a lot of readers have really good thoughts and insights that I would never have thought of. As long as it stays fun and respectful, I’ve loved getting asks of people just going off with their thoughts and interpretations.
Not until this week did I only notice about will being deceitful and cunning,
Seeing Will this way gives him so many layers, I highly recommend! I don’t want to toot my own horn, but if you haven’t read my 7k word Will analysis, you might find that interesting.
KO, question for you, list any 3 aspects of DN that you like a lot
Ooooo, okay! DN actually ticked a lot of boxes for me. I’ve touched on it before but no harm in going over it again.
I think the main thing I enjoy in any piece of entertainment is layers.
I really enjoyed the dual timeline aspect.
This is one of my favorite tools of storytelling. I love when the story starts in the middle and then takes us back and forth to tell the story. We get to watch everything unfold in layers instead of a straight shot. Don’t tell it to me straight, make me piece it together.
Friendship groups
I love strong friendship groups/dynamics. There’s been a rise in the core “3-4 Boys Rule the school” trope, and those don’t always hit with me, so it’s not that.
How relationships between people in the group grow and develop at different rates, and how different types of people show love in different ways, and how people band together to cover another’s area of weakness.
There’s a few quotes from Devil’s Night that I feel really hit on why this is interesting to me, but I ran across one the other day from Fire Night. Talking about Damon (who else, really?) Kai says,
“God, I hated him. I mean, I definitely jump off a bridge for him, but…”
It just drives me crazy wondering why? And I love that.
I’m debating on what a third thing was. I think the other two things hooked me enough to keep me reading, but…
The writing wasn’t terrible all the time. I loved Thunder Bay as a concept, and I think I was really hoping that the books would lean more into a crime/heist plot than they did. I remember in Conclave when Rika was like “but we’re not criminals” I was really disappointed.
They are criminals, and I wanted them to own it and do something with it. In my head, that’s were I would have taken the story. I don’t really care how they ended up in jail. They played with the law, they faced the consequences. The lesson they should have learned was be better criminals. Instead, we focused on how traumatizing that was for them, which… okay I guess.
I mean, overall the story caught me. If it wasn’t for Willemmy high school, I probably wouldn’t still be around. But I loved them so much that I sort of built up what I did enjoy and wish had taken place over the pieces that I didn’t really care for. A lot of what I talk about is just headcanon, but that’s okay. That’s what I use fandom for.
Thanks for the question, that was fun. Feel free to let me know what you enjoyed/why you're still here! It seems everyone loves to hate on the things that didn't work for them, which can be fun too. But there has to be a reason this series is occupying a space in our heads, right?
Looking forward to it
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barley-hopkins · 2 years
So about that AU I talked about earlier!
I don’t really have a name for it yet! I have a few ideas in mind though.
Things like “Final life SMP” “What remains of the evo SMP” “evo mutliverse au” “Final chance” Things among those lines yknow. 
So the kinda surface story is that the watchers throw a good portion of the evolutionists, along with some special guests, into one of the death game servers. Martyn is still trying to kill Grian for the watchers, this is his final chance. Grian found out about this deal, and he is not happy about it. (Im a sucker for villain Grian stuff so he’s like the “bad guy” in this) Grian does some morally questionable stuff, but so does everyone else whilst fighting for their lives. Theres not really a good or a bad, mostly grey areas. Revival might be a thing (bc we all saw what happened in 100hrs). 
Mumbo and Grian enemies whatttttt 
Ideas for factions so far:
1) Grian, Taurtis, Pearl(The empire trio/ the empire republic) *possible mumbo alliance for a bit* (I want to see more Pearl and Grian team ups) 
2) Martyn, Jimmy, Scott, ren (I don’t have a name yet) *Might add on* *Betrayal might happen*
3) Mumbo and scar!! (they will live in a big old tree house on a hill, mumbo thinks its a terrible idea and perhaps a waste of resources, scar does not listen) 
People like netty, salem, minimuka, systemzee will be there idk. 
tomohawk maybe. 
I’ll need to watch their evo series
Also did I mention Taurtis will be there!?
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theradioghost · 2 years
@damienthepious replied to your post:
👀 whatttttt what is this. i was already sold and then u said 'gigantic terrifying socialist lizard son' and my soul left my body
oh god. so I cannot recommend reading these books necessarily on the strength of this ship alone because 1. one of the characters involved doesn’t even appear until the third book in this nine-book series 2. said series involves a lot of travel in the early 1800s and my beloved globetrotting saboteur and international man of mystery Tenzing Tharkay dips in and out of the picture for whole books at times, BUT,
these are quotes from the Temeraire novels, which are about an alternate history version of the Napoleonic wars where everybody has (sapient) dragons and dragon-riders, except actually they’re about tall ships and the importance of supply lines in warfare, except actually they’re about the indescribably deep bond between a fundamentally good man with the major character flaw of being Too British and the twenty-ton impulsive socialist firebrand dragon for whose sake he would (and does) make the great empires tremble, except actually it’s about Captain William Laurence’s ever-increasing collection of small children he somehow acquires while literally traveling around the world at nineteeth century speeds and also the world’s most long-suffering and least lucky gay man and his even more impulsive massive spiky firebreathing narcissist, except actually it’s about how Admiral Jane Roland could do literally anything she wanted to me
like literally any media it’s not without its flaws (some of them big) but what it does right it does so right I am haunted by it eternally
also, and I can’t stress it enough, despite everything the canonical ending is that Laurence and Tharkay and Temeraire move in together in Scotland and Temeraire gets a seat in Parliament to terrorize the aristocracy with forevermore, and I cannot complain about that (except that, despite all the jokes about how Literally Everyone writes a fic about the idiots finally kissing in Scotland, there are still far, far too few fics about the idiots finally kissing in Scotland???)
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onyour-right · 5 years
Titans Review 2x02
- Rachel and Dick’s scenes always make me so happy. Rochelle and Dirk, I’m sobbing 😂😂😂 That moment when she was encouraging Dick over the whole Rose situation, they’re such a father/daughter duo and I love it.
- Jason and Gar, my baby boys, training with each other. I hope we see more of them because they’re so funny.
- I also enjoy the Dick and Jason relationship. I mean they get on fairly well but you can also see hints of that tension.
- I’m sorry, I don’t understand why we have to see Mr&Mrs Vanilla so much. Like fine, Hank and Dawn are cool, but I’m tireeeeeeed of them. They’re cutting away time from THE CORE FOUR WHO I AM FAR MORE INTERESTED IN SEEING. Just give them their own series if they wanna keep them around.
-Donna and Kory are a great duo. I want to see more of them together, their banter is so on point. Also, how dare Dick not contact either of them but have the audacity to contact Mr&Mrs Vanilla??? Like whatttttt. Kory better make that man WORK for her forgiveness!!!
- I’m also happy that they’re not forgetting the fact that Dick killed Gar. I hope they have an actual conversation about this, because obviously his actions aren’t hitting the mark. Gar is someone who cherishes both actions and words.
- Awwww, that Bruce and Dick moment. I’m still not sold on Ian as Bruce, like he already looks way too old, but eh.
- KORY HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED. I hope Donna actually cares and tries to look for her, and also brings it up when she sees the rest of the gang.
- Dick really is looking so good these days. That after possession glow really is suiting him because WOW 😍😍😍
- Also, Gar and Jason being a great detective duo. Got me hyped for the rest of the episodes. I wonder what Dick’s gonna do when he finds out who exactly Rose is.
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tokikurp · 8 years
43. What ship do you feel needs more attention? | 45. If someone was to read one of your fanfics, which fic would you recommend to them and why? | 48. Do you care if people comment/reblog your writing? Why/why not? | 49. How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction? | 50. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go! yeeee!!!
Sorry this took so long, Archie ( ̄▽ ̄;)ゞ
43. What ship do you feel needs more attention?A LOT! Because of that, I try and aim to write different ships each month, like this month I wrote an OT3 for the first time.
45. If someone was to read one of your fanfics, which fic would you recommend to them and why?Oh good question! Ummm…this is really hard! I’ll suggest three!
Tiny!Semi Series- This is my slice of life series about Semi as a child and the adopted son and Bokuto and Akaashi. I love writing this series because I get to write what they’re like as a family and getting to write a child’s firsts with his new family. And it’s super cute, but don’t take my word for it, take my reader’s words.
Even Then- I just really, really, really love this oneshot and it’s my OTP which is also a rarepair and it’s a longer one compared to my first one so…and it’s a five year skip and Semi has long hair 🎉
Unison Raid- Whatttttt?? I’m suggesting a Fairy Tail oneshot??…yes because even to this day, I love this Fraxus drabble I wrote for Fraxus week. It is by far, I believe, my second popular FT work…aside from Memorize the Darkness. 
48. Do you care if people comment/reblog your writing? Why/why not?
Commenting and reblogging my writing SERIOUSLY MAKES MY DAY!!! I like to see what people think of what they read, what their favorite part was or if it they liked it at all! That gives me so much motivation! 
49. How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction?Ummm well I’ve been reading since I found FanFiction I think back in 2007? As for writing, I’m friends with a few writers and I wanted to try it out!…so here I am 🎉
50. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction?Just one simple comment can make a writer’s day :D
Send me an ask about Fanfiction 🎉
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magicalrocketships · 8 years
weekend stuff.
I finished two of the books I’ve been reading this week, so I can start tomorrow’s commute with a fresh book.
I read another fifty pages of the book that I am determined to slog through if only because a) I bought it and b) lots of people say it gets great and I like their other books.
Did my washing and the also the washing up. 
Remembered I had part-baked bread so had warm bread for lunch. 
Made the most delicious beef green curry in the world for the second time, and it wasn’t quite as good as the first time but it was still fairly spectacular. 
Burnt three of my fingers on an aubergine (don’t ask) but it’s actually a pretty bad burn and typing is difficult and everything hurts. 
Remembered to buy loo roll at the supermarket. Also bought a bottle of Fentiman’s cherry coke as a treat. 
Went for a wander around a ruined abbey in south east London yesterday. Who knew there were ruined abbeys just hanging around waiting to be tramped around in my general vicinity?
Came out of the train station and saw a bookshop was shifting premises and all the books were a pound. Everyone I was with also wanted to go in. 
Bought a book for young ladies edited by Noel Streatfeild on becoming an adult and making good use of leisure time. So far, so a++.
Chloe found me a copy of Katherine by Anya Seton, which is one of my favourite books in the world, and is a book I’ve lent out to people and every copy I’ve owned has been lost. This is about my fifth copy, but it’s a lovely old hardback with someone’s name inscribed in it, which is just the kind of thing I like. 
Had a cider and a beer. Both were good. 
Wore my ridiculous yet amazing Louis tattoo jumper to faff about the flat in the manner of one much at ease with their surroundings
Snuggled under the fluffiest of blankets. 
Sorted the pile of stuff out I’ve been meaning to sort out for a bit. 
Watched the last three episodes of series one of this BBC series someone at work lent me, which is six hours long and is a romantic drama where THE HERO AND THE HEROINE NEVER FUCKING MEET OR COMMUNICATE IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM. They made a second series but KILLED THE HERO OFF WITHOUT HIM EVER MEETING THE HEROINE (I got this from wikipedia because I was so mad, the series was good but WHATTTTTT). 
Listened to Felicity Jones in a Mansfield Park radio play. 
Got some way towards finishing this cross stitch of a castle which closely resembles a magic eye picture and will be framed on my wall when I’m done, and which no one will ever recognise as a castle (the pattern’s fault, not mine) and which has stolen 900000000 hours of my time over the past few months. 
Pretty much slept through the night both nights (not quite but almost, which is something of a miracle). 
And I’ve probably forgotten something. It’s been a nice couple of days. 
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