scarlettjemily · 2 months
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EMILY ELIZABETH PRENTISS - i was innocent before your mouth became the main character of this god forsaken show
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biscuitboba · 1 year
Had some thoughts about impel down arc
Like, i can't help but to think about impel down arc when bon clay changed their appearance to appear as zoro, like WHAT WAS THE REASON??? They could've easily impersonated usopp or chopper (them two plus luffy being the only SHC who were immediately impressed with bon clay's ability back then), or heck maybe even sanji (cuz of the meaningful fight between the two of em), and maybe even nami (cuz.. woman<3), but nope, bon clay decided to go and roll with zoro.. and honestly i can't figure out why? Lucky random choice perhaps??
(Like yeah maybe it actually ain't that deep, but then again, i overthink pretty much everything)
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Also, please take a look at luffy's face?? he looked very surprised but also very delighted to see zoro. If you look at the manpu (the yellow (tho it's white here) spiky thing near luffy's face, just under the "ZOLO?!" text bubble) it emphasizes his surprise, because of course he didn't expect to see zoro here like, at all???
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And then please pay attention to luffy's reaction as the realization sinked in. "!!! That's not zolo." He really said it with his face looking subtly dejected...
"I was so disappointed cause you are not zolo", ohh luffy:(... honestly, he just wanted to see his first mate again (and the rest of the crew ofc!)💔
(But still, thank you bon clay for being there for luffy like, honestly i love you sm!!!🥲💖)
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batfleckgifs · 3 months
Ben Affleck performing push ups in the Armored Batsuit behind the scenes in Batman v Superman
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entomolog-t · 3 months
Bitten- Part II
Back to back posting ? Its more likely than you think! Can't keep you guys waiting too long 💕 I've been having so much fun with this AU while trying to actually get ahead with Bite Me
In this part we see that though the dynamic might have changed, these two most certainly have not.
Taglist: @smallsday @ratcatcher0325 @not-a-space-alien @bittykimmy13 @naive-bias
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First Part
Next Part: Tuesday!
Word count: 2030
CW: Nudity (non-explicit), Adult language
Aedes, thought June, was indescribably fucking hot. 
Her heart pounded in her chest as if it were dying to throw itself at him. A wash of emotions swirling in her chest as she stares up at the man in front of her. 
What the fuck is going on? This has to be a dream, right? A wildly vivid dream brought on by a guilty conscience? Her eyes wander, catching sight of his … lack of clothing. 
Perhaps this was a different kind of dream.
“June…” his whisper came as a low rumble. June’s breath caught in her throat, heat rising to her face as if she were a kettle reaching its boiling point- though, thankfully, she refrained from screaming. Since when did he know her name? 
At her non response, his brows knit together, the massive landscape of his face shifting to that of concern. A shiver ran down her spine at his gaze, so overwhelmingly locked on her. It was… stripping in a way, seeming to take so much of her in that it left her feeling bare.
It took her brain an awkward second to realize that the feeling was not exclusive to her mind. June Murphy sat there, in a bed that seemed like it could have hosted a football game, let alone her, completely and utterly bare naked. 
Aedes watches June as her hands, so unfathomably small, grip her blanket and slowly pull it to her chest.
His brain freezes at that last word.
Her… naked chest. 
Heat rising to scorch his cheeks, Aedes turns his head, a muffled noise escaping him as all at once the awe and strangeness of the situation evaporates- like a fog being lifted by the heat of the rising sun, or in his case, the heat of his rising embarrassment. Gaze averted, his mind races. 
Just what exactly was going on? He’d avoided seeing her, let alone speaking to her since… they met… a meeting he certainly wasn’t keen on revisiting… Yet now, in the unprecedented strangeness of whatever the fuck was going on, it was clear he couldn’t just go back to avoiding her.
Aedes swallows, a nervous lump forming in his throat at the thought of just how he was supposed to navigate something like this. 
Should he apologize? 
Did he even have something to apologize for? 
She was the one who defiled his pride. 
She was the one who poisoned his mind with whatever sickness she’d put him through. 
Sure he’d yelled at her, insulted her, but -  His ears perk up at the sound of her voice, far softer than he could have anticipated.
Far softer than he liked.
“Did… did you do this to me?” 
Aedes’ eyes widen, his rising frustrations deflating in an instant. She thinks I've done this? 
Stunned, Aedes slowly shakes his head. 
“No. I…” His voice trails off. Even with her mostly covered by the blanket, Aedes can barely look at her. The sight of her shaking filled him with guilt, seemingly for his very existence. Even as he averts his gaze, he doesn’t miss how her heart hammers in her chest. Aedes grits his teeth. 
He hates this. 
“Here.” His voice nearly cracks, words sticking awkwardly in his throat. Aedes stands, though his heart fills with lead upon hearing June’s gasp. 
God, he hates this so much.  
June Murphy, however bizarre and terrifying the situation, could not say she hated it.  
Perhaps, five minutes from now, when the reality of the situation sunk in… maybe then she would hate it. Maybe then she’d be completely and utterly terrified. 
But at this moment in time her mind was completely and utterly occupied with the very large, very handsome, and very naked vampire man who’d turned to rummage around her room.
Why? She had no idea, and frankly- she wasn’t sure her mind had the capacity to care. 
She would panic later. 
Aedes turned back, seemingly a little more aware of his lack of modesty as he made an awkward attempt to cover himself as he reapproached. Again, he kneels down, his piercing gazing locking June in place for the briefest moment, before he turns his head away, not wanting to look at her like this. Slowly brings his hand to her. In it, his shirt, now embarrassingly small. It was uncanny to see his clothes like this… to imagine what he had looked like in them... What he had looked like to her.  
She doesn’t take it. 
It doesn’t take Aedes long to reason why.
My hands… His throat constricted at the realization of what his hands, blackened and clawed, must look like at her size. Why would she take anything from hands like mine? 
Before he can pull his hand back, June speaks.
“Thank you.” Her voice, far too soft for his liking, is all the warning he has before he’s met with the strangest sensation. A shiver runs down his spine as he feels her touch, warm and feather light, take the shirt from his hand. 
“I’m sorry,” Aedes begins, still averting his gaze, his hand moving to hide his teeth as he spoke, “That's the only clothing I have to offer-”
His apology is interrupted by a sound Aedes had not anticipated. 
June laughed. 
“Oh no- You’ll have to forgive me, but I think I have even less I can offer in the clothing department.”
Aedes remained frozen in place- stunned. She was laughing?
How could she be laughing?
His ears twitch, faint sounds of fabric being shifted and slid against soft skin pricking at his senses. Slowly, he turns back, a look of confusion on his face. He wants to ask her why she’s not panicking- Why hasn't she hid from him? He wants to ask her a whole myriad of questions, but at the sight of her sitting there in his shirt, the only sound that manages to escape him is a sharp inhale. 
It was a peculiar sight, seeing his clothes too large for her frame. His shirt hung loosely on her, hanging off her figure in a way that somehow seemed more lewd than her bare form. Ears hot, Aedes swallowed- quickly excusing himself to route through her wardrobe. 
“You really don’t know what's happening?”
In lieu of speaking, Aedes, clad in June’s loosest pair of baby blue shorts and what was supposed to be an oversized t-shirt, shook his head. He’d heard smallfolk talk of legends, of human blood giving his kind power but those were… vague superstitions? Or at least, he’d always assumed so- just some overly mystified explanation of his nature. 
Sitting on the floor beside June’s bed, Aedes frowned. He’d been drinking blood all his life and nothing more abnormal than a full stomach and some blood drunk thoughts had ever occurred. 
Just what exactly was going on?
Here he sat a hundred times the height he’d been the night before, and there she sat- magnitudes smaller.
His frown only deepened.
Had he…? He couldn’t have…
Aedes rests his head on the bed, trying desperately to grasp at a situation that, even now, seemed far too big for him to handle. He eyed June, her once imposing frame now dwarfed by her surroundings, the pillow she leaned against threatening to swallow her whole. 
Serves her right. He thought bitterly, his eyes lingering on her hands. Though he couldn’t ignore the itch that persisted at the back of his mind, an itch that gnawed at whatever mental fortitude he’d summoned to banish it from his conscious thought.
You’re lying. 
Aedes sighed, as if he could somehow expel the invasive thought from his mind. He didn’t miss the way his breath ruffled her hair- nor did he like it. 
She has no knowledge of the way my world works… She’ll trust humans-
Worse yet- she trusted him- at least enough to stay put. Once again, Aedes’ scowl deepens. 
How would she live like this?
How would he? 
His size was what allowed him to feed unnoticed. Like taking a sip from a lake- a way for him to hunt without killing. As meager as his stature had been, he’d had his stealth, his ease of access… he'd had plenty- his feedings a relative bounty every time.
Aedes chest tightens, a groan threatening to push past his lips. He runs his hands through his hair, trying and failing to ignore the growing sense of unease. 
How would he feed like this?
Brow furrowed, his ears flicked in agitation.  This was bad. 
This was dangerous. 
He was dangerous. 
Was this his life now? Aedes bites his lip, only to quickly cover his mouth a moment later, lest she see his teeth as she was. So close to being human, to having some shred of humanity- no longer something that could be seen as a pest, yet now someone that could be seen as something far worse. He tries in vain to swallow the growing panic rising in his chest.
He wouldn’t be seen as something worse, because he would be worse. He- 
As he stared daggers into the comforter, Aedes caught movement from the corner of his eye. 
June stood. 
Aedes froze. 
She walked towards him. 
He didn’t even breathe. 
As June moved closer and closer still, Aedes remained motionless, a deer caught in the headlights of a, very small, oncoming car. As she draws mere inches from his face, Aedes moves to pull back, but instead is stopped, the soft hum of her voice anchoring him in place like a leash around his neck. 
“Stay still.”
So he did. 
Ears folded back, he stayed, unmoving, as she brought herself so close to his face his eyes wouldn’t focus. So close he breathed her in on every inhale- sweet cream and carnal spice. So close if he so chose to, he could taste such a luxury. 
“You’re not… afraid of me?” His voice is low- hesitant even. 
Her touch makes him flinch. Gentle, as if he were still mere inches tall, June brushes back the stray hairs his frustrated mussing had garnered. She hums thoughtfully, and he finds himself wishing that sound would once again rattle his bones. 
“Should I be?” Her voice didn’t carry a hint of doubt. Though concerned, her voice felt …warm. 
Aedes hesitates for a moment.
“... yes.”
He wanted to lie- like she did. To tell her she would be safe with him. That he wouldn't hurt her. Yet he couldn’t bear to entertain this sad little fantasy where he pretended not to hear the way her heart raced, or see the way her hands shook- and selfishly, he couldn’t bear waiting for her foolish bravado to run out, lest he start believing he was anything but what nature had made him to be. He knew what he was- A monster.
It was time she learned that too. 
If this illusion had to be broken, it would be on his terms. 
June swallowed, biting her lip as his head, like a monument come to life, rose from where he rested it on the bed and closed the nearly nonexistent distance between them. He tilted his head just so, the way one does when leaning in to steal a kiss. Her knees felt weak, as did her resolve. As he moves closer, his nose brushes past her side, slowly, until it was his lips brushed up her frame. The wash of his breath as his lips part sends a shiver down her spine, a shiver that only grows as very large, very inhumane, teeth were revealed.  
“Don’t be foolish.” He whispered, voice silky and stern, lips brushing intimately against her body as he spoke, “Do you not think I’m tempted?” 
There's a pause, his question hanging heavy in the air before his lips pull back into a sneer, teeth bared as he adds, “I could have you in a single bite.”
June inhales, breath shakey as her thoughts run wild. Before she can even contemplate a response, she's already speaking, the words seeming to fall from her lips as easily as breathing. 
“So bite me then.”
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mcmuppet · 10 months
i'm a snow girlie
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and this photo is DOING THINGS to me
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allgremlinart · 7 months
currently cooking in the jetko kitchen...
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mikufanclub · 2 years
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tesserakte · 2 months
Well. I've been out of the loop. Someone update me about what's going on in my hero academia
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erin o neil core (standing in the meat aisle as i type this)
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genderenvykeefe · 1 year
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Keefe's cape sleeves
The Righteous Gemstones | 03.08 I Will Take You by The Hand and Keep You
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cactusringed · 5 months
hey guys guess what
im sick as a dog
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glitchedfoxx · 1 year
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it's currently 5:30 in the morning as I'm getting ready to post this and I'm delusional from sleep deprivation but I was determined to draw this bc it's funny
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purpleghoul87 · 1 year
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Ending SL monologue Michael is not okay
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zeroperks · 5 months
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turning the boys into furries
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kaygee-doodles · 6 months
So. It turns out if you burn the candle from both ends, you eventually melt.
(Aka "Oh no, the consequences of my own actions" ((Alias: I saw this coming and did nothing to stop it)))
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cowardlycowboys · 19 days
should be a nice way to say you're talking too loud because you can't tell without being yelled at or having it feel like you're having your heart ripped from your chest
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