Anyways in other news, I wish I still had my old concha recipe. My current concha recipe slaps (I feel a bit bad for bastardizing the family recipe but it IS more to my taste now) but I still cannot get the frosting to be just the way I like it. It's frustrating.
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vee-beeee · 11 months
(Part one) Robo Road Trip
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This is PART ONE BABY (edit I FINISHED COOKING right here)
Okay the last dbh post was KINDAA giving depression so heres a FLUFFY fluffy one thats been bouncing around my brain for a couple days, part one as im going to make a continuation that shows what camping is like with the boys.
Premise: Road Trip to the West coast with Conner, Nines and Sixty
Imagine those roads with trees surrounding them, thats the vibe
Also first time writing for SIXTY whoooo hope im not trash, he acts like a smug dramatic guy so idk
Conner, Nines and Sixty x reader
I believeee this is around 3k lol i went ham
Warnings: maybe a bad word because sixty, fluff with a capitol F, part one
I also recommended listening to ANY Lord Huron song while reading this, that is basically the road trip music
(Hey sidenote, I know some of the ecosystem is TRASHED in dbh but lets pretend thats not happening LOL)
You were so happy to get out of the city.
And into the car for a 35 hour drive.
You really wanted to show your boys the mountain you would always camp at when you were on the West Coast. They all hadn't been outside of Detroit, being made to do one job IN Detroit, but now they were all deviant.
And you wanted to show them a taste of the outside world.
It took a while for you all to get packed, the droids really wanted to try experimenting with their wardrobes on this trip. They sought to explore their inner human as much as possible.
You all needed the appropriate gear, so you guys went on a little shopping spree to find a tent and basic camping stuff. Hank had actually tagged along to coach you guys on what to get, having gone camping a couple times himself. (he mostly talked with you and Conner while sending glares to Sixty and Nines)
You ended up getting a pretty fancy tent that was big enough for all of you, and some essential equipment for cooking and cleaning. You also snuck in some board and card games, even though you knew they would beat you. But you could probably win ONE time...
After buying the gear, you guys got planning. You could only stay camping for 5 days, as the station didn't necessarily enjoy losing 4 cops. Especially 3 of the 4 being advanced detective androids. But it had worked out, (the boys having saved an astronomical amount of sick days) and you planned on going sometime in the fall. You decided on a week and you remember hurriedly running to your calendar and circling the date and also drawing a bunch of small doodles around it. The boys had all watched you fondly, getting excited themselves.
It all lead up to this moment, where Conner sitting next to you in the driver seat and was setting the location in his new GPS, Nines and Sixty where packing the car, and you were making a road trip playlist. (Hey that's very important!)
"Hey Conner?" He hummed in response and didn't look at you, too busy trying to figure out a new gadget he got for his car.
"Do you like Lord Huron?" You were trying to decide what the perfect music to play was and realized that Lord Huron existed. You weren't really sure how androids experienced music so you thought of asking. He huffed out a sigh directed at the troublesome device and turned to look at your phone, where you also had your eyes glued.
"I don't really listen to music as such, but Hank has introduced me to heavy metal. Is it like that?" You giggled remembering Hanks music taste
"No its more gentle, relaxing. It reminds me of walking in the woods." Out of the corner of your eye Conner looked away, LED blinking amber and blue. He looked back at you with a soft smile and this time you met his gaze.
"That sounds delightful, my dear. Perfect for this occasion" You flushed at the nickname, and he chuckled seeing your reaction. He leaned in and kissed your cheek before exiting the car, hearing Sixty's call that they were almost done. You sat in the vehicle, skin heating, and raising a hand to graze the place he kissed you. You loved when he did that. A steady knock at the window startled you and you whipped around to see a familiar face (sixty) smirking at you, seeing that you were flushed. You stuck your tongue out at him and he reciprocated, sticking his tongue back at you.
"If you two would stop behaving like children, we would be done much sooner." A booming voice cut through your contest with sixty, and you watched him roll his eyes and face an annoyed Nines. You got out of the car to go help the RK900 with what he was carrying. He was still grumpy so you smiled softly at him and mouthed an apology. He relaxed slightly, but still shot a glare at sixty, who chuckled and went back into the apartment and get more bags. You then took the time to appreciate Conner's awesome Bat Mobile car. It had a huge trunk that managed to fit all of your stuff, tent included. It was truly a miracle machine.
You walked over to the car and gave the suitcase to Conner who situated it nicely in a perfect space. You were also lucky to have android boyfriends who were amazing at managing tight spaces and fitting things into them.
After a couple of minutes, Sixty emerged with the last of the bags. He informed you all that he locked the house up and engaged the security systems. The final step. You were really going.
You all piled into the car, both Nines and Sixty insisting you take the front seat. You accepted, but promised to swap with them when you got to the next stop. Most rest stops would be for you, needing to get food or use a restroom. The droids didn't need anything but told you they needed to get up and stretch their legs once in a while ( but you think that was just their excuse so they could follow you around and make sure you were safe at suspicious gas stations.)
After a while of driving through the city, Conner was getting on the highway when you announced that you would be playing a Lord Huron song and see how everyone liked it. You turned on "Meet Me in the Woods" and leaned back to look out the window.
"I took a little journey to the unknown,
And I've come back changed I can feel it in my bones
I messed with the forces our eyes cant see
Now the darkness got a hold on me
Oh, the darkness got a hold on me"
You had closed your eyes and started to quietly sing along, and realized you should see what the others thought about it. You turned your head slightly to Conner staring out at the road ahead, his LED blinking yellow and blue. He had a soft, lingering smile on his face and his posture was relaxed.
Sixty had his eyes closed, leaning his head all the way back on the seat and seemed to be absorbing the music.
Nines was also leaning back, arms crossed. He was staring out the window with his LED a soft, stable amber. He turned slightly to just catch the end of your gaze and his lips twitched in a cute, endearing way. It was a Nines smile. You smiled back at him and turned around to look out the front windshield. It was raining slightly, and you were just leaving the city and into the unknown. It was perfect.
After the song had finished, you tore your eyes away from the road
"Did you all like it?" you hopefully gazed at each individual and noticed they all looked at peace. Conner spoke first
"Do you have more music of that energy? I think I enjoyed it."
"I agree. More please"
You looked around to see everyone nodding their heads and you beamed. And so, your playlist made it past the android enjoyment test. You settled in as it started the next song, feeling content. You could totally do 35 hours.
(4 hours in)
Update: why would you do this to yourself. 35 hours? Were you crazy? You loved road trips as much as the next guy, but you were dying. You guys were currently stuck in traffic, and the boys had gotten involved in a pretty intense "dad stuck in traffic" fight.
"Nines, going on I90 would have taken us to the heart of Chicago, do you want more traffic?"
"No it wouldn't if we took the round about. Whose the more advanced android here Conner."
"Woah, low blow"
"Be quiet Sixty"
This started as Nines getting mad at Conner for taking them down a road that had high traffic at that hour, and Conner defending himself. Sixty had no argument, he just liked being included.
"I took 294 because I knew it would keep us out of the worst of the traffic. No matter what, traffic is inevitable."
"It could have been avoidable had you followed my instructions"
You were sitting in the passenger seat, eyes squeezed shut listening to them argue. It was infuriating.
So you did something.
"Guys I'm going to jump out of the car and sprint down the street like a crazy person if you don't stop arguing. I'm dead serious" You snapped and stared them down. Or a least you tried, because your face betrayed you and you broke out into a smile giggle.
Conner looked guilty at first, but saw your grin and started chuckling, envisioning you running down the street like a madman. Nines bristled, still annoyed. Even if your giggle made his lips quirk. You made eye contact with Sixty and he was smirking at you, taking out his coin to mess around with.
You eventually sighed, a couple minutes having passed. You turned around to address Nines.
"Traffic was inevitable" then you turned to Conner "No arguing". You took Conner's hand in yours and held it. Another smile broke out onto his face and he turned to look out on the road. You felt a hand graze your neck and you twisted around to see Nines reaching out. He moved forward to peck your temple and then quietly apologized to Conner.
Mission Successful.
But that was mission one. Mission two was figuring out how to go to use the bathroom. Because you were currently stuck in traffic. That wasn't great. After a couple minutes of fidgeting your legs, Conner took his hand away from holding yours and looked toward you. His gaze was steady, as his LED blinked and you knew in the back of your head that he was scanning you.
"Do you have to use the lavatory?" You gasped and shoved his shoulder, watching him bite back a laugh, and then started sinking in to your seat.
"Conner! That's so embarrassing."
"Did maybe someone tell you to go before we left? Oh wait, that sounds like something I would say" Sixty spoke up from the back of the car. You turned around to gape at him, and he just sat there looking smug. You could hear Conner and Nines subdued chuckling behind the music that was playing.
You ended up holding out, absolutely refusing to go in the woods by the road, insisting that someone would see you. Conner pulled over at a gas station and you all but flew out of the car and bolted through the store until skidding to a stop right outside the bathroom.
When you got out, Sixty was buying your favorite snack and you saw Conner and Nines fueling up the car out the window. They were seriously so thoughtful.
After Sixty was done paying, you came up behind him and hugged his middle. He laughed and held your hands still on his middle, and spun you. You squeaked and he laughed harder. He stopped and unwrapped you to kiss your head and hand you your prized snack. You pecked his lips and left, both of you saying good day to the amused employee working there.
(17 hours in)
It started getting really late so you guys stayed at a motel for the night. You guys all relaxed on a fluffy bed, all party's included were happy to stretch their legs. You and Nines had been switching front seat and back seat, and Sixty had repeatedly old you he was fine where he was. Nines had revealed to you later that Sixty just wanted to sit next to you.
You got up from the bed first, eager to get ready and sleep. When you came out 30 minutes later, Conner was laying still under the blankets, staring at the celling. Nines was also under, and had rolled over to face the window. And Sixty had apparently, at some point while you were in the bathroom, been knocked off the bed. He was currently face down on the floor. You giggled and nudged his side. He rolled over, clutching his heart.
"They, (fake coughing) their so mean. They shoved me off the bed" you shook your head and leaned down on your knees to kiss his cheek. He accepted and rolled back over on his face. Conner then spoke up from the bed
"I wouldn't kiss his face, this floor is filthy." You stood up and laughed, making your way to the bed and crawling over him to slip between him and Nines. Nines stiffened until he got comfortable, and Conner wrapped his arms around you to spoon you.
"Just say your jealous she kissed me Conny" came a voice from the floor. Conner scoffed and replied with another rhetorical comment hidden in a nice tone. Nines joined in just when you started slipping into sleep, and the last thing you heard before you left to dream world was Conner whispering goodnight into your ear.
In the morning you woke up covered in androids. Very snugly droids. You all then got packed up and set off. During the drive, You found out Sixty had crawled into bed after you and shoved Nines off when he was in rest mode. Nines woke up very alarmed, and decided to continue his rest in one the the chairs in the room the motel provided. You had felt so bad afterwards, but he insisted it was fine.
You guys were driving through North Dakota today, and you were currently knitting. The boys were discussing a case that was giving them a hard time. You would have joined in but you believed in not talking about work on your precious vacation time. You were sitting in the back seat now, Sixty at your side, and it was very domestic. You felt a hand wrap itself around your knee and you smiled, continuing your stitch.
(30 hours in)
You were totally knocked out. The boys wanted to continue driving to beat traffic, and were currently talking through their android Verizon service (using their minds) as to not wake you up.
But you still accidently woke up with a start when Sixty had rolled his shoulder, unintentionally dropping your head off him. You had apparently drifted off resting your face on his soft puffy jacket.
To which he did NOT mind.
You squeaked awake, being surprisingly shoved off your pillow. Sixty immediately said a quiet apology, but it was too late. 2 angry droids turned there seats around to glare down the accused RK800.
"We told you to stay still" they said that almost in synch
"I was reaching for a blanket! I didn't know a small movement would wake her!"
You sleepily giggled at their little argument and passed out against him once again.
When you woke up for real, you were informed that you guys were almost three hours away. You breathed a sigh of relief, but still begged to pull over so you could get some air. You were in a beautiful parts of the woods and you desperately needed a stretch after sleeping on Sixty. No offence, but snuggling with androids is like snuggling with a very sturdy pillow. Your happy for it, but its not very squishy.
Nines had chuckled at how desperate you looked and obliged. You popped out and basically ran halfway down the road and back. You were huffing when you came back to the car. Conner rolled his window down, eyebrow raised. You wheezed
"Sorry, needed to run" He nodded in understanding, and actually got out himself to stretch his android joints and put on his cute little beanie. Sixty got out and straightened his tie, and Nines choose to stay in the car and work on coordinates. Sixty walked around the car to join you and Conner, and looped his arms around your waist. You yelped as he picked you up slightly to sling you back in forth.
"How are you enjoying the road trip?" He punctuated each word with a swing of your body. You were laughing when you responded "Good, but I'm excited to get there" Conner had been watching you fondly when he stated
"Nines says its 3 more hours, but we might get delayed depending on traffic." you nodded and Sixty set you down. You then went up to go hug Conner, making sure he wasn't missing any affection.
After more standing and stretching, you got in the front seat with Nines next to you, setting the car to auto drive. Conner and Sixty were sitting in the back, playing one of the card games you brought and starting to get very competitive with each other. You beamed and turned back to look at Nines. His eyes weren't on the road, however. He was staring at you with an expression of absolute love. You both sat and stared at each other until he leaned over and grabbed the back of your head, threaded his fingers into your hair, and kissed your temple. You shivered as his fingers rubbed your scalp and he grinned against your temple.
(5 minutes away from campsite)
You were bouncing off the walls excited. It had been years since you visited this spot, having been to far away after moving to Detroit. The boys had been enjoying the scenery outside the city, but now the were enthralled. The woods were huge, and the air was fresh. Moss hung from the arms of the trees and you could see your mountain peeking over the top of the forest. You guys were waiting in line at the entrance of the campsite to check in, and you were gushing about how pretty your spot was. It was nestled in the corner of the campsite, leading into a trail into your own personal forest. Complete with a little stream.
The androids were amused watching you talk about the park, but they were almost as excited as you. When you were sleeping, all they talked about was this new experience, and how happy they were to share it with you. It was interesting seeing all the new environments and experiencing what its like outside of the city. Detroit was so advanced, and they had never really been deep in the woods.
After patiently waiting, you finally got all checked in and remembered to buy some firewood.
Then, you were off.
Starting your very first camping trip with your wonderful android boyfriends
Hope its okay, had to really crack at this one to fit all my ideas in. Its also hard to write the dynamic between 4 people LOL
Hope I managed to capture their personalities okay
Part 2 is all about them camping so stay tuned
It might take a bit so hang on and let me cook 🔥
Sorry for plot holes or if this has been done beforee
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dcyllom · 8 months
misc. tag game
thank you for tagging me @blood-mocha-latte :)
a band you don’t like that many others do:
definitely Ocean Alley (i don't like their music and their most recent scandal was...interesting. also a guy i used to like but who ended up being a racist LOVED them so i have viscerally negative reactions whenever their stuff plays)
a childhood memory that you remember vividly:
i have a terrible memory, but the thing i remember best is taking our dog around the garden so he could get used to it when we first moved in, and he dug up 23 bones which the previous owners dog had buried around the place.
least favorite animal and why:
hot fandom take:
none, i just see bob stuff and i generally like it. although i do dislike the (not very common) infantilization of the actors or the version of the real life men they're portraying. it's just not something i personally agree with but it's not that big a deal
do you were any jewelry, if so, what’s your favorite piece:
i love rings and necklaces, but my favourite piece is my great-great grandmother's engagement ring which i inherited through my great grandmother. its gold and engraved with cool designs and a ruby and some diamonds.
a movie others liked but you didn’t:
the greatest showman. i detest that movie so much and im possibly a little dramatic about it.
three things you love about yourself:
i like my taste in wine
i really like my hair right now (just got it cut)
i like that i have such an active and extensive imagination
a place you hope to visit in the future and why:
ireland :) my family has a lot of connections to it
an actor that gets on your nerves and why:
jared leto <3
things you’re excited for in the nearby future?:
joining the tramping club at my uni this year (in nz we use the word tramping for hiking im not that strange i promise)
least favorite ship in a fandom you’re in:
legolas/gimli, i just think their story is cooler if its them working through several millennia of racial hate and enmity to become best friends to the point where they want to spend the rest of their lives together. the romance angle just overshadows that for me with them.
what’s the most toxic fandom you’ve been in?:
okay this is quite niche but its funny to me, the girlfailure community on instagram. like those people who make semi-ironic accounts posting about unhinged esoteric books or ideas, astrology, societal/cultural expectations, and religious interpretation of thoughts. its a load of bullshit but its so fucking funny to read and its mostly sarcastic (i think) so i don't feel bad for enjoying it.
list three things you find beautiful about life:
my mother, especially learning more about her and how she interprets life. i've realised recently that we're extremely similar despite having wildly different upbringings. she's also the best person i know.
new zealand :). nz is very isolated with a diverse range of biomes, there is such a large amount of untouched land that you could drive from the southern alps through farmland and native bush to the coast in about 3 hours.
cooking while listening to music!! i love it.
any dreams for the future?
completing my law and arts degrees and going on to do a masters in the uk somewhere.
how are you really feeling today?
extremely tired lol, i've got a doctors appointment tomorrow because it's been going on for several weeks.
tagging (no pressure):
anyone who wants to do it! i forgot i had this tab open so i think everyone's done it. if not, feel free to say i tagged you or something :).
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mklt · 1 year
Random thoughts about Mikami and Light pt.2 very long...
most of these are from Twitter and my old post 2017
>>> These are just my imagination and maybe personal preference please don’t take them personally
i just want to write and keep this here bc i like to delete my stuff a lot
part. 1 here
Thread 1 : 14 February, 2023 (about interior of mikami’s apartment)
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Anime - looks like his bedroom is upstairs (and his bdsm dunge- i mean his study room maybe is on the same floor as the living room with rly long corridor 
Manga - his study room is downstairs He has a 2-level condo….
Financially stable is my dream BL scenario (....)
Thread 2 : 14 February, 2023 (another topic)
Valentine Day
Light got many chocos so he shared them with his colleagues.. (they're jealous of him lol) Mikami got some from secret admirers but he gave them to his secretary lol
Light has already gotten used to it while Mikami just thinks they're not rly important (his secretary and subordinates said he's too serious/no fun) and Mikami doesn't like when ppl snack on the job fuuu
Then Mikami sent flowers/cooks a romantic dinner for Light The idea of Light sending the flower to other people at his office is very funny jfjd
Thread 3 : 21 February, 2023
I like the idea of Light already getting used to being idolized by his peers so when ppl rly got so obsessed with him (Misa or Mkami) he got annoyed
Mikami keeps calling him "god" and keeps pampering him but sometimes it's just get annoying I think Light only likes it when Mikami can do his "kira's job" perfectly But sometimes it's getting on his nerves wwww
Random gag story [beware] Light try to bribe Ryuk with apples, so Mikami won't find him (bc he's not in the mood for Mikami's random worship talks about him) 
Ryuk : yea he's boring and he likes to ignore me, for once I'm on ur side Light (he said this bc of apples)
The next day Mikami bribes Ryuk more with a whole box of apples, Now ryuk likes Mikami more and betrayed Light loml
Thread 4 : 7 March, 2023
Mikami has strong liver
College-era Mikami bought cheap beers and noodle cups while studying hard for the exam after graduation he started to fix his lifestyle ww
Thread 5 : 7 March, 2023 (talking about Translating Japanese fic on pixiv)
Light > "I had only thought of him (Mikami) as a man who walked around dressed in cool, calm, and decent clothes. But your attitude...your outburst is like a jealous woman." (Idk if the wording is right hmm Im trying to translate this jp mikalight fic )
Remember canon, I kinda feel bad for Takada like ok she's Mikami's "friend". They have dinner together, Mikami picked her up as kira spokesperson then Mikami just ok les kill her bye (but this is why he failed lol)
It just shows how Mikami is so detached from ppl wwww Bc in my hc, i know sooner or later Mikami will get very jealous and regret introducing Takada to light (if I'm following BL route lol), And light won't like it if he bc too emotional (bc its so unexpected of Mikami)
Mikami talks to light, he seems calm but his grip on his shoulder is too tight it starts to hurt. Light told him i need this for investigation, I need to keep pretending. Don't talk about Kiyomi like that. Light tried to get his hand off violently but he accidentally punched him ww
“I hadn't punched anyone since Ryuzaki. But this is the first time that I have been one-sidedly violent. the guilt of hitting someone burns in my throat” thought Light 
Thread 6 : 2 April, 2023
I wonder what is a proper tag for 照月 since actual Teruzuki is a warship, so its all just pics of kancolle girl sometimes
"Shining moon" or "illuminated moon" is very pretty.. But in the end, Mikami failed him so Light won't shine again (huh)
Thread 7 : 23 April, 2023
something... something about succubus Light and priest Mikami wanting to go into ero territory but also a gag scenario where Mikami worshipping him or something like a false god; so it kinda leads to misunderstanding... cherry boi Mikami power
Thread 8 : 25 April, 2023
since DN took place around 2000-2010
I wonder if ppl make those cute gijinkas of Kira-tan and L-tan like in 2ch
there are some cute gijinka of SCP... (and uh corona-chan) and something ...... I think they're kinda tasteless but it's 2ch/4ch lol 
 the idea of Moe Kira-tan all over the internet telling ppl not to do crimes asjdlask
Misa will like it but she's disappointed bc Kira (light) is a prince! not a loli😂
light acts like he doesn't care and it gives him a headache (kinda hurts his pride)
L is amused by it and told Watari to buy that very rare garage kits figure at Wonfes just to piss Light off
Mikami hates them so much that he keeps threatening those otakus in 2ch post bc YOU HAVE TO RESPECT our KIRA-sama (but ended up buying those figures and making an altar)
Thread 9 : 27 April, 2023
Rereading fic from this doujin where Mikami got Saturday night palsy bc of Lighto.... at the same time I feel bad but it's kind cute((( lol
Idk how to tl but >>> The doctor examined Mikami's arm and asked him if he had a "gf". Mikami was embarrassed and admitted that he did. The doctor then said that he knew the cause of Teru's sore arm - it was due to his "gf" sleeping on it every night
Thread 10 : 20 May, 2023
Kira wins au, where Light has to meet his family (before he left ) Sayu still recovering from the kidnapping accident and Sachiko still struggling with everything but she's glad Light is still alive Idk where I can put mklt in here
Light only told Mikami about his meeting with Sachiko for the last time before they elope (www) They're not interested in talking about their family he thinks Mikami won't care about them and just move on
But Mikami will respond by randomly talking about her dead mom just trying to sympathize with Light (he's trying) but it makes everything more awkward for Light (like.. okay?) They never talk about their family again for years lol
Thread 11 : September 18th, 2018 (from a really old ask about ship?)
Anonymous: Mikalight 6+7
6) hm they don’t have rly canon moments (but i don't like their anime moments— idk the phone scene – the ending -w- 
the reason i like mikalight is bc of that scene where Mikami roasting light so yeah that  (anime) yellow warehouse scene is mehhh
7)oh fav hc… (i have weird hcs sorry-
both of them are just… weird? kind of disturbing for outsiders (like in Ryuk’s pov) but that’s how they show their love to each other, no… like… in …yandere way (lol) i don’t know how to explain it ahaha =w= 
from the outside - in public, they look normal but on the inside,,, hahah 
(i think what makes it weird bc they look so normal and professional so this is like gap moe or something like that…
like I have this stupid hc where Mikami likes to collect Light’s strand of hair from his brush and keep it on his personal desk (he likes to stare at them) maybe he’s thinking how much he appreciates Light lol I don’t really know why I have this HC it just really stuck on my head asdasf
and light likes to play with Mikami’s eyelids when he sleeps (I always think Light only likes Mikami because of his shinigami eyes xD not like him with Misa…) and Light always thinks “should I really trust him? I can find another replacement but idk why I still choose to stay with him,” light is still confident but there’s a small voice inside of his head telling him not to trust Mikami bc maybe… just maybe he will kill him when light lose haha but the light won’t allow it. he’s Mikami’s Kami after all ;w;
for normal hc mikami and light can switch in tsukkomi/boke moment lol
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good-enemy · 11 months
RULES: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
I was tagged by @ace0clubs (thank you!!)
coke or pepsi: coke
disney or dreamworks: dreamworks has objectively better movies but unfortunately i am a disney girlie
coffee or tea: coffee, tea tastes like sadness
books or movies: Both tbh but books are easier to concentrate on so we'll go with books
windows or mac: Windows
dc or marvel: same as question 2 honestly lmao dc is objectively better but i just love marvel <3
x-box or playstation: neither
dragon age or mass effect: idk what either of them are
night owl or early riser: permanently exhausted pigeon gang rise up
cards or chess: i like both but we'll go with cards, theres more variation in what u can play & i am not very good at chess
chocolate or vanilla: ice cream ? if its ice cream then vanilla everything else then chocolate
vans or converse: both are cool but i am a converse girlie
Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: whomst
fluff or angst: angst if it has a happy ending
beach or forest: Forest
dogs or cats: dogs (but i also love cats <3)
clear skies or rain: clear skies please god as a british person please god clear skies
cooking or eating out: eating out is so fun <3 and i can just about cook beans on toast so yknow
spicy food or mild food: spiceeee
halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: merry crisis
would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: A little too hot
if you could have a superpower, what would it be: teleportation, how much easier would travelling be ? no airports, no accomodation, no transport, would never have to drive or take the bus or whatever, also whenever i wanted something from the kitchen and couldnt be arsed moving i could just teleport in and out OHHH You could teleport into concerts and shit
animation or live action: either i guess but i prob watch more live action stuff
paragon or renegade: hm? renegade by paramore only song ever?
baths or showers: Shower
team cap or team ironman: they were literally both right their arguments were not mutually exclusive
fantasy or sci-fi: Fantasy
do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they: probably but i cant remember them off the top of my head lmao
youtube or netflix: YouTube
harry potter or percy jackson: ive never read/watched percy jackson but percy jackson wins by default
when do you feel accomplished: when my family are proud of me
star wars or star trek: I havent seen either but i know more about star wars also baby yoda c3po and r2d2 my beloveds
paperback books or hardcover books: paperback, hardcover is way too painful (i wanna preorder the button house archives so bad but the only physical option is hardback ? why)
to live in a world without literature or without music?: Without literature, sorry to all my favourite books but if i went even one day without music i might actually die
who was the last person to make you laugh? uhhh probably either a post on here or a post on instagram
city or countryside? city unfortunately its what im used to and the countryside just has way too many sheep staring into my soul for my comfort
favorite chips? this prob means crisps so im gonna go with mccoys ridged thai sweet chili chicken they are literally divine but bc im annoying like that i will also tell u the best chips are mccains for at home wetherspoons for eating out
pants or dresses? Pants
libraries or museums? museums (i always get overwhelmed by the options in a library and end up reading the most random shitty book ever or something ive already read lmao)
character driven stories or plot driven stories? plot
bookmarks or folding pages? folding the pages down i can never remember where i put bookmarks
Dream job?: *ideal* job is something to do with psychological research but my actual dream job is author/actor/director/singer (yes all of them at the same time lmfao. im gonna write direct and act in my own tv show and there will be a musical episode or 10)
What gives you comfort? music, my family and nice food :)
What are you currently having brain-rot levels of interest over? ghosts, good omens, starkid/hatchetfield, hozier and maisie peters (my brain is rotting quite severely atm)
(added question) What is your current favourite song?
absolutely no chance im tagging 45 people so i will just tag @wtnytv @colifower @bodybetters @cascadeoceanwave @deweyduck @antoniosvivaldi @everysummers @sylvielaufeyz @antlerqueer @taoargents @finalgirlsidney @cobbbvanth @barrowsteeth and @cmorris-art and call it a day ahaha
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catch-the-wind · 3 years
when reader is sick hc's
finally posting writing here so true
n e ways okay so i’m brainrotting about the genshin charas taking care of their s/o’s when they’re sick 🥺 and now i'm feeling sick, sigh
ohm and sulien ambros belong to @teyvattherapist! they're such good chara's, i know i'm writing them here but i deffo recommend reading up on them
okay here u go, have some hc's that are kinda sorta long and by that i mean 2.5k- i haven't proofread this bc it's 4am and im going to BED but if i write for any other chara's i'll post a second part <3 mwah
tags: gn!reader, diluc x reader, kaeya x reader, jean x reader, lisa x reader, albedo x reader, dainsleif x reader, tartaglia x reader, ohm ambros x reader, sulien ambros x reader, soft bean hours
is not working or traveling when his partner is sick
absolutely makes them soup and hot tea and drinks
he’s trying to make them food but he’s not the best cook so he’s asking adelinde for help
absolutely asks jean, barbara, and ohm for help while his partner is sleeping but he’s so awkward LMAO
was absolutely frantic the first day he found out his partner was sick tho, he made them come over to the winery so they could sleep there and he can take care of them <3
absolutely lied about what room was his so they slept in his bed
“hmm this guest room is so furnished diluc are all your rooms like this” and no, no they are not, this room is his, bestie
diluc slept on a sofa in his bedroom and did work on the table that was supposed to be for flowers. kinda stressed over abyss order locations but was more worried ab his partner being okay so he was distracted
he just put the flowers on his nightstand for his partner to see when they woke up <3
gives his partner forehead kisses because they won’t let him kiss them on the lips and he gives them the gentlest cheek kisses while they sleep
also gives his partner his clothes to wear <3
cuddles them and reads to them when they’re awake and TEMPLE KISSES OH MY GOD
kaeya comes over because he’s worried his brother and his brother’s s/o haven’t been seen in a little while
n e way, diluc gets sick after his partner gets better and they nursed each other back to health
like diluc, he took off work so he could take care of his s/o i,mediately after he found out they were sick
wouldn’t force them to stay at his place tho, he’d probably let them recover in their own place
but he might make them go to the kof hq or the cathedral just so they can be taken care of by a proper healer
he absolutely soothes their fevers and stuff w cryo and also the man can heal himself w his elem skill ofc he can fix someone if he tries hard enough <3
he gives kisses no matter how much his partner says not to but he’ll also give them butterfly kisses so it’s soft moments too~ sigh, ur too cute alberich
asks ohm and barbara and albedo and lisa for potions and such to help his partner feel better but he’s really lowkey so he doesn’t seem SUPER worried
he just hates seeing his partner not feeling so well </3
refreshes his partner’s vase of flowers at their bedside every day
brings home work so he can watch over his partner. he can’t cook super well either so he asks for help and brings stuff home from good hunter too
jean was okay to let kaeya off of work and diluc would never admit it (man practically swore everyone to secrecy smh) but he helped take up some of kaeya’s duties in his stead
and kae, the alcoholic, didn’t even drink while his partner was sick bc he was lowkey worried they would need his help w smth and he didn’t want to be drunk just in case <3
many cuddles despite protests of getting him sick <3
absolutely uses her healer skills to make her partner feel better
panicked when they were still sick and thought it was her fault </3 she asked barbara and ohm for help and they just told jean to relax a bit bc her partner was sick and it wasn’t going to be a quick fix
wanted to take off work but didn’t, so she just brought her work with her
kaeya and ohm very kindly took up her other duties where she had to leave so she could be w her partner
her partner is staying in the kof hq where they get access to ohm and barbara comes to visit <3 but also so that jean can sleep comfortably enough close by bc you cannot tell me this woman does not sometimes sleep in her office or the library and barely makes it to the kof dormitories sometimes
she’s so worried the entire time, she’s probably got a few gray hairs and a new frown line smh
she has clothes that aren’t her work clothes???? it’s so foreign seeing her in stuff like pajamas. you didn’t even know jean owned pajamas
jean sets them up in her bed at home (yeah she has a place outside of the kof hq??? it’s surprising) but it’s a big bed so they can rest and she’ll have the lamp on her side on while she sits up and does work
absolutely dotes on them. she’s good at making foods that make them feel better, she’s just a good healer that way <3
albedo, klee, venti, kaeya, lisa, and ohm all come over to check on jean and co and make sure everyone is doing okay <3 lots of food brought
if jean was asked to sing to her partner normally, she probably wouldn’t bc she’d probably get embarrassed but i think she probably sounds v good and venti would give her his lyre to try out a musical instrument too. but also she’d read to her partner and they’d probably fall asleep together uwu
works part time hours at the library so she can go visit her s/o
probably asks them to stay at the kof hq for easier access to medical assistance and plus she’s almost always there
“cutie” but worried and very 🥺 (pleading emoji)
makes soup and potions and reads to her partner until they fall asleep
also super playful omg she’s still got a smile on and is full of affection while she walks her fingers up her partner’s arm to their face so she can cup their cheek
she’ll make her partner laugh and smile and blush even when they’re sick, but she makes them laugh until they cough sometimes and immediately feels so bad
jean, barbara, kaeya, albedo and ohm all come to visit with different foods and soups and medicines and such
klee comes knocking and gives lisa some good fisherman’s toast and asks lisa’s s/o if they want to hug dodoco b/c that always makes klee feel better
purple roses galore, lisa has them in her partner’s room and they’ve got a potion to make the. uh. sniffer? to make the sniffer feel better. don’t ask me how, idk but she would find a way to make them physically feel better with flowers
reads to her partner ofc, and she tells them stories ab her own life and time at sumeru sans the crazies
worried looks when her s/o is sleeping but also the softest smiles when they wake up pls-
cutest lil frown on his face when he finds out his partner is sick
immediately they are taken home and he’s testing to confirm what’s wrong w them and what he can do to speed up their recovery
he’s more distracted than usual at work but he’s coming over to your place all the time w what paperwork he can do
also sketches his partner while they don’t know. he’s got lots of beautiful candids of his partner sleeping, looking out the window, falling asleep, reading, even drinking water. he’s made the most mundane things look captivating
kaeya and ohm come to check on albedo when he doesn’t show up for work after a few days and it’s bc he’s taking care of his s/o with food and soup and alchemical potions and shit. and when kae and ohm come in, they find his partner opening the door wrapped in a blanket while albedo is asleep cuddling the pillow they left bc he stayed up the night before making soup and reading to them
klee has camped out on his partner’s couch, she helps w the cooking too~ she absolutely lets them hug dodoco and gives them a treasure to feel better too LOL
many kisses from klee and albedo, and they also go out to get treats for albedo’s partner too
domestic albedo cooking in his partner’s kitchen and for once it isn’t some alchemical potion that he might blow up the stove with
takes off work entirely but BOY OH BOY is he stir crazy smh
brings his partner to his apartment to rest <3
he’s so worried ab his s/o that he makes all the sick ppl food the first day, orders from wanmin restaurant when his partner wants smth different, and also gets toys and such to entertain them otherwise
also reads to his partner but, again, he gets stir crazy after a while
absolutely does workouts and katas in the living room and phew shirtless tartaglia working out? gets the heart rate up for sure ahem
rushes to his partner tho omg- need soup? water? a trip to the bathroom? another blanket? he goes to them the MOMENT he hears them moving around. absolutely dotes on them <3
his family knows ab his partner and he’s probably written letters ab them being sick~ his family sent snezhnayan herbs and flowers and medicines and such
zhongli comes around because he wants sugar daddy!tartaglia with tea and medicine from bubu pharmacy. hu tao is in tow with well wishes and a “hope i don’t find you at work!” which is. a little worrying because aren’t you just a little sick-
many kisses from tartaglia because he is Needy and he’ll absolutely get sick from cuddling his partner while they sleep
also he’ll probably just like. envelop his partner while they sleep. they’re all cuddled into him and he’s actually so warm it’s nice bc they’re cold w a fever and he’s living for comforting them
he’s so worried tho, he’s got the frowny face and he’s so adorable but he just doesn’t want his partner to feel sick
the man camps in ruins, he’s going to his partner’s house smh
he doesn’t go into the church either LOL so expect him in his partner’s home making dinner and doing their grocery shopping thanks
he would get ohm and barbara to come over tho <3 “fix them please” but also “how can i fix them”
is so dead set on making sure his partner takes their medicine at the right times, he’s so soft for them and them alone
cooks soup and old recipes he barely remembers from khaenri’ah. he doesn’t really get sick, so he doesn’t remember these ones too clearly. deffo brings back old memories he’d long forgotten
reads to his partner and tells them old stories of how the world used to be, his travels, gives them the gossip on a certain khaenri’ahn but doesn’t give away the name
ohm comes over with medicine and lollipops bc dain is so unlikely to go to the cathedral to get barbara smh
but also dain, so self-sufficient, is unlikely to want to ask for help, so ohm just goes to help anyway
dain with the old khaenri’ahn lullabies and tucking his partner into his arms and singing quietly while he holds them and rocks them to sleep
dain is immortal, he’s giving his partner kisses bc “i’m immortal, ofc i won’t get sick”
he got sick
but his s/o nursed him back to health and then there were smooches the end
ohm ambros
the doctor with his ill lover oh my god
he’s frowny, he’s taking care of his partner at his home in springvale and his home clinic is open to everyone else. but everyone knows his partner is the first priority LOL
kaeya and albedo come over to see if ohm is okay or if his house needs to be checked up on. they’re wondering if he went on a last-minute expedition to sumeru and didnt tell them
diluc comes over too, he’s just checking up on his best friend but he’s also stealing a cherry lollipop smh. he heard from kae that ohm’s partner is sick tho, so he brings some soup and good food over from adelinde. he also brings some of his own specialty food tho, the once upon a time in mondstadt <3
sulien sending letters to his big brother to see if his brother’s s/o is okay
ohm is also just super protective of his partner, there are not many people who come into his life who he loves and lets in in the first place. he’s absolutely trying to heal them with his own vitality, so their recovery is much shorter than initially expected
barbara also comes over w jean to check up on ohm and co, complete w a goody basket of soup, a teddy bear, flowers, and books
ohm reading to his partner <3 he’s got such a soothing voice even if his accent is wack LMAO. he’s reading stories and even his paperwork because just his presence is comforting
he puts his hands on his partner’s forehead to soothe the fever goodbye
ohm will not sing for his s/o simply bc he doesn’t think he sounds v good. and he probably doesn’t but it would be so cute to hear him try and please ohm? 🥺
n e way i want smooches idc if i’m sick KISS ME OHM AMBROS
sulien ambros
when he finds out his partner is sick, the man blinks like twice and then suggests so calmly that they go to his apartment in liyue
man does not sleep normally, he’s just going to nurse his partner back to health and read during their recovery. fruit tart can cover his duties for him <3
sulien cooks for his partner tho, he’s making soup and stuff and getting medicine from bubu’s pharmacy. he’s also picking up books on the way home but some of them are to be read to his partner so it’s okay-
like tartaglia, sulien works out while his partner rests and goes to them if he hears them moving around. he’s reading to his partner and not so frowny, but the slightest furrow of this man’s brow is already such a big expression of his concern <3
sends letters to ohm asking for advice ab how to help his partner feel better. ohm just sends a letter back with “i’m coming” and shows up within the day LMAO
reads to his partner, and the monotony of his voice is soothing and lulls them to sleep. he just looks at them affectionately (well affectionate for him) and presses a kiss to their forehead before finishing the story on his own and in his head
tartagalicious comes over and brings food, flowers and a teddy bear with some of sandrone’s paperwork but he sends a smile to sulien’s partner with some well wishes
scara comes over too just to visit and check to see where sandrone is, but scara is a grumpy bean so he just says “feel better” all brooding and like it’s a command to one of the fatui subordinates LOL
sulien like ohm uses his cold hands to soothe his partner’s fever and also gives them forehead kisses <3
Edit: a link to part 2
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noritoshiikamo · 4 years
driver’s license 
cause you said forever, now I drive alone passed your street [au where suna is a doctor specialized in memory removal and his last patient of the day is his ex]
pairing: suna rintarou + fem!reader genre: pain, angst, doctor!suna + patient!reader tags//warning: medical procedure of mind erasing, slight suicide ideation, alcohol abuse note: the obligatory trio of mine: not well edited, lowercase intended, english isnt my first language im sorry if i murder it. the songs made me brawled i had to write something about it and i just so happened to finish haikyuu
“it’s odd,” he looked up from the computer screen, osamu approached him pointing to the screen, the last name listed in the appointment schedule under dr suna rintarou. please don’t say it please don’t say anything, he begged silently in his head. “she kinda has her name. haven’t heard her name in ages,” osamu shrugged, grabbing his next patient’s files, “want to get lunch later?” the doctor popped in another stick of gum, leaving before suna could even said a word.
funny that osamu said that. that is his girlfriend. he moved the cursor and clicked at the name. the birthplace, the date, her eye colour, the address and her number; it matches everything he ever memorized of her. except they are no longer together. it has been a month since their breakup.
 she’s an architect. not by choice but she likes art. she’s talented and had once held an art show during school’s open day where they met. she didn’t draw him until they started dating, but she had known some of his close friends who was the subject of her drawings. her parents disproved of her ambitious and to compromise, she agreed to take architectural instead. she stopped drawing completely and suna was the only person in japan that has the largest collection of her paintings stuffed in boxes and behind shelves.
 suna rintarou has been a doctor in inarizaki institute for 5 years now. inarizaki institute was different from others. it was the only medical institution that had successfully developed a procedure to remove unwanted memories. he’s one of the qualified doctors for said procedure. he had done the procedure multiple times now, even on his former high school friends and families but never his own girlfriend.
 is it him she’s removing from her memories?
 he didn’t remember how they broke up. maybe it’s because he was too busy. maybe it’s because she had fallen out of love with him. maybe they just couldn’t stand being in each other’s spaces, but it happened so quickly. she moved out from their apartment, returned when he left to clear out her stuff and he just threw himself back to work.
 he did remember how they met. she was the miya brothers’ neighbor. one night when he came to visit them during semester break years ago, they were in their parents’ car with a girl. suna felt like he had recognized but couldn’t think of where or when. “oi, suna,” the window rolled down and asamu called him over, “come in!” despite being weirded out, he entered the back door of the car. “we are teaching our friend how to drive; can you believe it? she’s in our university and can’t drive to save a life.”
 “shut the fuck up, atsumu or i’ll run you over,” she muttered angrily as she moved the driving gear.
 suna saw the stick going down to reverse instead down further and he immediately reached for her hand. the girl startled at the stranger’s sudden touch. “what the fuck are you d-doing?” she choked up.
 “you’re going to reverse into the wall,” he muttered bluntly, pouting his mouth to the gear. grabbing the stick through her hand, he pulled the gear into drive before letting her hand go. the light from the post shined in and he could see red flush on her face as she nodded, “oh okay, yeah d,” she muttered to herself. she started driving. she wasn’t exactly bad; she just needed a lot of practice.
 so he came over every day of his semester break and accompanied them as she practiced her driving.
 “i can drive you home?” she offered on the last night of his break before he returned to school.
 “you don’t have too.”
 “i insisted,” to which suna agreed and she glanced back at the miya brothers, “get the fuck out.” despite their disgruntlement and the it’s my mum’s car argument, she managed to kick them out. it was just two of them together. “so, i know we went to same high school and university. how come we have never crossed path before?” she questioned as she took her first turn. she memorized the roads to his home. suna shrugged as he fidgeted with the corner of the jacket’s zipper, “i played volleyball in high school.”
 she chuckled, “i’ve never watched any sport matches in high school, sorry. anyway, i’m a last year architectural student by the way. are you taking the same course as osamu?” she glanced at him with a smile. his heart skipped a beat. “y-yeah. i’m in my 5th year of medical.”
 “why not volleyball player?”
 “i got bored.”
 she let a soft exhale and shrugged, “fair enough. i took architectural to please my mother so i’m in no position to give any advice.” she slowed down in front of his house before pulling into a full stop. she pulled into parking and pulled the hand brake. she smiled and fist pumped herself, “did you see that? perfect stop!” suna didn’t expect what was going to happen next. he watched out of control as his arm reached out for her face and pulling her close. what he remembered being in control was asking her boldly whether he could kiss her.
her eyes sparkled and she smiled so widely, “yes.”
so, he did.
she moved into his apartment at the end of his graduation. she didn’t get any job for the first few months while he entered inarizaki institute as medical officer. she took commissions online and waited tables while going to a couple of interviews. he saw a decline in her motivation. when suna returned one night, he found her behind the sofa, drunk out of her mind. what spooked him wasn’t the bottles of whiskey on the floor but the stainless-steel paint scrapper she stabbed the canvas with. she could’ve hurt herself. but, putting her into therapy and pulling strings with some of her friends, she recovered, and he got her an interview. suna watched as she dreadfully shoved her portfolios and files into her bag. 
“you’ll be alright,” he reassured, bringing her a cup of coffee. she sighed and pushed her bangs back, “i don’t know, rin. i just don’t feel like getting another rejection after another and then i’ll just spiral into a-” he stopped her rambling with a kiss. he tasted like coffee; she tasted like their toothpaste. every time she tried to pull away, he pulled her back into the kiss and she could feel him laughing against her lips. “this is going to turn into something else,” she whispered between the kiss and he nodded. he was half aroused. she drank the coffee and kissed him one last time. he felt her fingers slipped from his grip. she stood by the door and waved back.
 “see you?” she beamed.
 suna snapped out of his own memory when an alarm blared out. he looked up past the nurses’ counter and saw a patient being pushed out of room B by a couple of nurses. he knew what goes on in that room; he helped in perfecting the procedure. osamu followed soon. he tugged the blue gloves off and shoved them into the yellow bin. “you would not believe who I met in the waiting room?” by the look of his face, osamu already got the feeling that suna already knew. osamu flipped his file and pulled out a pen. he signed the bottom of the pages and dumping it in the completed pile. “did she tell you?” suna asked.
 “about?” the other doctor asked.
 “the memories she’s erasing. did she tell you?”
 osamu shook his head and pocketed his hand in the white coat. “she asked about you. whether you’re around. i said yeah, he’s on call and she just smiled.” suna stood up and grabbed the file. he felt conflicted. osamu stopped the man before he could enter the room. “look man, I’m sorry about whatever happen between you guys and I’m in no position to judge at all.”
 suna shrugged and smiled, “it’s fine. we were just ruining each other.” the other man nodded understandingly before excusing himself. suna wanted to move but his feet felt heavy. he was glued down. room B was just a few feet away, but he couldn’t move. this is it. the end of them.
 he forced himself into the room. standing in front of the panels and monitor, separating him and her was a one-way mirror. she sat on the seat, talking to the nurses in charge. his heart hurts. she had bangs now framing her face. she’s slight thinner and no longer wore the charm bracelet he gave during their first anniversary. the nurse placed a heart-beat monitor on her thumb and attached a couple more of sensors to her brain, forehead, and neck. his monitor lightened up and spitted out the information. this is it. “doctor, she’s requesting of removal of memory from 2009 up to last month,” the nurse’s words went in his ears and out. it’s of him.
 all his own memories flashed through his mind.
 the memories of every kisses, hugs, the late nights and the earliest of days, the coffees, the spilled paints. memories of every tear he ever wiped and for ever meals she had ever cooked. memories of all the paints of him that she had gifted to him and every night she drove down his streets. for every missed calls and unread texts. the way she touched him and the way she made him felt. he felt suffocated.
 how could he ever love someone else?
 “everything is accordingly. you may press the start, doctor.”
 he looked at the flashing button and back to her. she was looking right at him. she might not see him, but she is looking straight at him and she looked so beautiful. a small smile appeared on her lips as her fingers fidgeted nervously. he felt tears prickling his eyes. his fingers brushed against the button and he slowly pressed it. 
 it took them 7 years to build this much of memories together and it took him 3 minutes to erase it clean from her mind.
 she was drowsy and she had tears running down her face. the nurses rushed in after the red light disappeared and green light beamed. the alarm rang. another memory successfully. “I’m okay, I’m okay.” he heard her from the opened door. shutting off the machine, he immediately rushed out for the door, feared that he might bumped into her and lost it. he hid his shaking hands in his pocket and gritted his teeth.
 he stopped. the world stopped spinning and he felt lightheaded. the way she called for him didn’t change, the tone and the pronunciation were the same. it was always melodious yet painful. he turned around to see her being wheelchaired out of the room by the nurse. her eyes were slightly red, and her nose were puffy. the nurse passed her a cup of water. she smiled politely, thanking her and took the cup in her hand. she took a sip, coughing at the coldness of the water down her dried throat. it’s the side effect of the procedure.
 “have we met before?” she asked, innocently.
 suna shook his head and smiled weakly, “no, we haven’t.” he turned to the nurse and nodded. before the nurse could ushered her away, she called him out again. 
 with a smile on her face, she waved goodbye, “see you, doctor?”
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whenspideywrites · 4 years
jj x latinx/hispanic reader headcanon
as promised, im posting my first jj writing to celebrate 50 awesome followers!
a/n: this is my first time writing on tumblr. i never planned to, but everytime i watch outerbanks i notice how jj has a lil obsession with yucatan and saying stuff in spanish.
im kind of curious where that comes from and the idea of him dating someone hispanic/latinx popped into my head.
anyways, i just wanted to write this for all of the hispanic/latinx peeps. hope y’all can relate, im mexican sooo some of it is based off of my life, but I also include stuff that can apply to all hispanic/latinx cultures.
i hope you like it!
- watching spanish films or novelas, especially the black and white classics
- of course you would put on subtitles for jj, but he’s picked up some words from listening to you speak spanish ( or in a certain dialect or indigenous language)
- sometimes he would just admire you being so focused on the film and watch you occasionally quote the next scene under your breath, since you remember watching those films and shows growing up
- celebrating traditional holidays together with your family
- you and him going over to your parents house to celebrate el dia de los reyes with the traditional bread
- you explained to jj that there were baby figurines hidden in the bread and whoever gets one, then they make the tamales for christmas
- a few seconds into munching on the bread and JJ realized he got it after biting on the hard, white plastic. everyone cheered and laughed at the poor boy with big eyes staring at the little baby figurine
- “ i can barely make a sandwich “
- “don’t worry i’ll teach you baby”
- the day before Christmas Eve, jj and you helped make tamales with your mom. your mom put you and jj to knead la masa. there would be a few moments where jj would intertwined his fingers with yours, which made you blush.
- but, you slapped his hand away signaling him to get back to work because your mom has a strict schedule when it comes to the food
- him being mind blown from tasting tamales and your mom giving him plate after plate
- visiting family
- your tias would be all over him and your tios and primos would tease him and call him el gringo
- but over time they all warmed up to him and he’s always welcome to family events.
- you would invite him over whenever there was a get together for soccer games and boxing matches on tv
- playing la lotería with your family
- one night he was reading the cards out loud
- but there would be little giggles from everyone when he pronounced something wrong or it would just sound funny when he said them
- “el árbol, wey” your tio yelled after jj’s numerous failed attempts to pronounce it correctly
- “el árbol wey” jj repeated
- everyone bursted out laughing
- he makes an effort to learn and speak spanish with family members
- but sometimes he would look at you if he needs help finishing a sentence
- one time you left him alone with your tias and you remember looking at him, who looked terrified at not knowing what to say or what they were saying
- “never leave me alone”
- “don’t worry, i’ll get you a spanish dictionary next time to keep you company”
- you teaching him the cuss words in spanish
- he would legit argue with anyone that gave you a bad look when you talked in spanish
- although jj is not much of a church boy, he makes an effort to clean up nice and go to service with your family and you.
- which only makes his parents love him more
- introducing him to spanish rock
- caifanes
- los enanitos verdes
- los bunkers
- juanes
- inspector
- division minúscula
(those are just some of my favs)
- him admiring you by the doorway as you dance around in the kitchen listening to bad bunny in one of his shirts
- at some big family parties of yours, there would be mariachi or some singing group. everyone joins in and goes wild with el grito
- jj spent a week trying to do el grito
- taking care of him when he’s sick
- which includes massaging his chest with vapor rub. making him your moms caldo de pollo with pieces of tortilla in it.
- “ i told you not to go to sleep with your hair wet after surfing”
- him groaning into his pillow, because you’ve been scolding him all day and would yell at him to put on socks
- saying sana sana colitia de rana when he got hurt
- nicknames you call him: bebe, amor, huerito, cariño
- he loves your breakfasts
- him waking up to the smell of whatever you’re cooking made him the happiest. you would cook him huevos rancheros, chilaquiles, sopes, huevos a la mexicana, tortas and etc. (or any of your favorites, these are just my personal faves)
- you would pack him a torta in his lunch bag you made for work
- he loves it when you both cook and you teach him all of the family recipes you loved growing up
- making him chips con salsa or guacamole, chocolate de abuelita, or giving him pan dulce as comfort food when he has a bad day
- when he stays at your house he has a hard time finding the butter you asked him for, because each one turns out to be either salsa or beans
- taking him with you on your trip to (insert your family’s country) to visit family
- surprising him with tickets to yucatan on his 18th
- before the trip, he would go on and on about you two buying a house in mexico and having a fish shack and surfing til the sun sets
- he would try to sneak in tequila into the US
- you and jj have known eachother for years, so when your quince came up, you asked him to be your main chambelan. this was before y’all started dating
- jj would play around in practice and there were times you let your nerves get the best of you and went off on him
- but when it did come down to your big day, jj made sure you felt like the most special person in the world and that there was no trouble that night
- that night, especially during the waltz, he knew he wanted to be the one to make you feel like most special person all the time.
- you would be a part of a ballet folklorico group that did occasional performances at the local theater
- jj would be so supportive and even stay at your practices to watch, since he was your ride
- at the chateau before performances or just if you need more practice, he helps out with choreography
- you would even catch him subtly do a carretilla or a zapateado during the day
- he would bring flowers or your favorite snack to your show
- he would cheer from the crowd and be the loudest
- jj loved seeing you dressed in the traditional clothing, while dancing your heart out. he loved that you’re so in touch with your culture and you let him into that part of your world
- he would massage your head, since the tight bun and that one annoying bobby pin stabbing your scalp did some damage
- teaching him how to dance cumbia, bachata, zapatear and etc.
- growing up jj loved going to your bday parties because of the piñata
- he was definitely the kind to throw himself on top of the candy and try to get one of the loose cones to use as a bag
- whenever trump got elected, jj got you a trump pinata and handed you a baseball bat
- “let him feel your wrath babe”
- you are a part of an after school club that helps indigenous communities in hispanic/latinx countries
- jj would be supportive and get you coffee for those long nights when you were planning a fundraiser or doing research
- he would even attend the meeting or go to the fundraisers you helped planned
- he would wear a threaded bracelet with his name on it, which you got from a lady who made and sold them on the street a long time ago from visiting your family’s homeland. since then he never took it off, even though it looks a little worn down
| also i want to tag some amazing people who have given me the confidence to post:
@drewsephsmiles @midnightmagicmusings @jellyfishbeansontoast @rudths
also let me know if you want to be on my tag list!
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lints41 · 4 years
post-botw headcanons
i am just rambling under the cut. there is so much.
FIRST OFF: i feel like link will be more lighthearted, now? meanwhile zelda is incredibly serious. i feel this way because link has lowkey been alive for like... months? generally? it depends? more or less? and that whole time has been just. relearning/remembering his best friend and wanting her to be safe and doing everything in hopes of getting to her and hearing her and all that, the WHOLE TIME, and NOW... she’s safe!! and alive!! and physically with him!! and they just defeated a giant disgusting screaming glob of hate and LIVED! and now it’s over! finally holy fuck!! meanwhile zelda is seeing all of the destruction of her kingdom at once again. um so i feel like at least for a while he’d be like... Let me show you around! Let me show you my friends! Check out all of these Koroks! Meet Sidon! Come see Terry Town!! It’s all beautiful!! and she’s like “omg yes yes... ok ok real quick...” and he’d be like Look guys isn’t she beautiful!! and she’s like “OKOK *GRABS HIS HANDS* ALRIGHHT” anyway yeah
i want zelda to live with link in hateno village. okay?? OKAY??? where else is she going to go. and listen she would LOVE that freedom, at least i imagine she should. she wears link’s old hylian clothes as pajamas and sleeps in his bed while he sleeps on the floor (his decision) until he convinces bolson to make him a bed. and bolson’s like YOU FOUND THE ONE??? OF COURSE I WILL SUPPORT TRUE LOVE and link’s like N- Um nono Uh- and bolson’s like I KNOW IT WHEN I SEE IT LET’S GO KARSON 
zelda cannot sleep. she always wakes up in the middle of the night and either goes downstairs and covers the dining table with books and wakes link up with her light/her talking to herself. and link’s like Hewwo? and she’s like “im sorry go back to sleep!!” Or she leaves at night because she wants to go for a walk and clear her head. and at first link was like. worried and looking for her and then just waited outside all night for her to come home. she’s like “don’t wait for me. i am a grown woman i can be out on my own, its the safest its ever been” and hes like. MMMMMMm and then respects her and stays home n just worries about her when he tries to sleep
zelda cut her OWN hair. chopped it off. link sees it the next day or something and she doesn’t bring it up she’s just like “you ready to start the day??” and he’s like ... :-) Yes.
OK. BIG ONE. LINK TRAINS HER. FOR SURE. OK?? she’s like “link my powers are growing weaker and i’ve never been able to rely on them, PLS train me.” and he’s like You sure?? and she’s ilke “Yes.” and he’s like OK!! and then they start training together every morning. she sets up the schedule like “ok we’re gonna get up at 6am and run and then do sword practice for this long and bow practice for this long and blah blah blah” and he’s like Oh god. Okay. she’s very bad at first. she’s like “it can’t be that hard, i suppose we’ll have to spend a month or so on each weapon before i can be confident....” and then the swords are heavy and the bows are tight and she’s like DAMN IT and gets very frustrated. throws the bow on the ground and goes inside and link gives her space n stays outside. but she slowly gets better and training is a Huge bonding thing for them and it’s great. and she gets more confident because having that Physical Power that she can rely on is SO much better to her than her other power. so she’s happier and stronger and healthier and more playful and relaxed and it’s great (this is an advertisement for working out)
ok that’s the main stuff. now i will go into more specific, silly stuff. 
they eat dinner together when they can. they eat at the dinner table and link LOVES seeing her on the other side and glowing while she eats and he’s like :-) <3 and also, since he uses his hands, it doesn’t matter HOW MUCH food is shoved in his mouth, he can always speak and he gets hyped up and silly with her so he’s like SIGNSIGNSIGNSIGN and she’s like HAHAHASLOW DOWN (good happy times.)
the children LOOOOVE ZELDA. she’s a PRINCESS!! she sits and tells them stories and they follow her around and the girls want to be with her all the time. she’s nervous around kids though and is unsure of the attention, especially at first, so she’s like UHH HAHA YESYES... UM GO PLAY WITH LINK... OK... but eventually she’s like... i have the power to give these kids the childhood i never had .... and then starts doing her best to give them attention and show them love LINK is GREAT with the kids. all the kids love link too for different reasons he runs around and plays tag with them and watches them cook and cheers them on and gives them piggy back rides. i have an image of him with a blue flame (if you’ve never gone through town with a blue torch in hand then please do) and theres a kid on his shoulder and one clinging to his leg and two jumping at his feet. very cute. and he loves them, he loves making them laugh and teaching them sign and hearing their stories and all that. i think it’s classic for links to be good with kids.
i want them to be able to travel from shrine to shrine while holding hands or something. and he does it with her without thinking... grabs her hand and pulls out the sheikah slate like Why Walk? and she’s like “huh? HUH???” and they show up at another shrine and she’s like WHAT??? WHAT. WHAT and then researches it forever
also i imagine him being bad at spelling (of course) and i also headcanon that he doesn’t speak So. i imagine that like... ok. for example:
zelda: “did you see anything? before you.. died?” link: I can’t remember... zelda: “oh i’m sorry i don’t know that sign...” link: ! R-E-M-B-E-R zelda: ............R-E-M-E-M-B-E-R....? link: No, like... *imitates remembering* Remember. R-E-M-B-E-R. zelda: .........”link i think you mean reMEMber?” link: ? .......................Oh god OK i think that’s all i’ve got right now. lol. if you read this then thank you
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iconsumeheadcanons · 4 years
persona characters autism headcanons!
hi im autistic and i started my day with sun so now im !!!!!!!!! some of these headcanons are from elsewhere on tumbr, but i dont know where :(((  so i am hoping someone out there knows that n that everybody knows that i love them <3
(also go check out mollypaup and i think hypeswap if you havent already! they post some good stuff autism+adhd hc too!!! i think.. oh! and thieves-in-the-palace!!!)
there was some artwork from someone on tublr..where they pointed out that he doesnt really talk outside the metaverse so--hes hyperverbal as joker and just near nonverbal as akiren
he stims ALL THE TIME. that phone thing, the pencil thing, the little tappy tap of his foot, pulling at his bangs when hes embarrassed/smug. someone get him a fidget spinner. he’ll prob learn to do tricks with it
he probably sucks at focusing in class, like i know its just the game design but hes always surprised out of his daily “star out the window at the nearby office building” when his teachers ask him questions
mona mentions when the pt is at Wilton for the first time (after they run into shido) that joker eats like shit, and that could have multiple causes at the start of the story of course, but when i first played i thought that joker was a picky eater and that the variety (and amount of food) at the buffet would be an Ordeal...
tho mona makes that comment bc joker looked pale after having a little ptsd moment from shidos voice, but i didnt know that the first time i played
maybe when joker makes a face at ryuji putting so much ginger in his gyudon? joker probably does not like pickled ginger lol
his favortive foods are all spicy, which is why the curry he makes for his friends is always ‘overly spicy’, and why kasumi makes him a curry bento and joker kept going “...?” .... “....?!”
overly reflective glasses have been a great plus for him bc now he never has to make real eye contact every again!
mona Soft. play with Ann hair. maybe Braid. nice
puns (Gorou the Goroumet)
he has so many options to be straight up rude sometimes in game. he probably no clue on his own, which is why he defaults to Not Talking. people probably mention his constant scary face, which is just him being nonexpressive, squinting at all the fucking bright lights, and Tired
executive function who? we do everything last minute folks
high pain tolerance, which is why he was the kid that was always climbing trees in elementary school to get basketballs unstuck from the branches
his sixth sense lets him see treasure and possible places to climb/crawl bc 1. Shiny? Steal it. Steal it Now. and 2. Could i fit in that? Time to Find Out
probalby a bit of a klepto too oops. he’ll return it tho!! but he has to do it dramatically or he’ll die
cant sit properly to save his life
smells and touch are Great, they can keep him grounded when his brain goes off to police or dead rivals or guilt or
if a friend hung out with him and gave him total reigns of the agenda, he would choose to nap on the floor while his friend does something off to the side quietly
hyperfocuses on handy tasks (i.e. lockpicks, coffee brewing, cleaning, his part time jobs) and some things like movies and books. everything else is a tossup
his (normal) navigation app is his most used app bc he still doesnt know where hes going, even though he only goes to the same few places in the city
hates being sweaty, literally cannot stand it. probably double exhausted during the summer
but Needs Compression so hes often Struggling
paraphrase from p5d “i have no motor skills so i cant play rhythm games :(” need i say more? (i will regardless)
echolalia all the time, from anime, memes, the PT
those headphones she wears all the time? noise cancelling ear protectors babey
only talks about her interests, “normal” talking is Not Easy, but she is still communicative w others despite her worries. shes not “hard to understand” at all but she feels the anxiety nonetheless
only talks informally, cannot talk ‘politely’ with out imitating someone around her
shes had meltdowns and anxiety attacks in game :( i relate so hard
Technology. thats it
def had an egypt phase that pops up every few months. probably came from yu-gi-oh
has Immune to Bright Lights buff.  joker is very jealous
“Time to make like a tree and leave!” and 30 other iterations
video game metaphors are the only ones that makes sense to her
probably relates hard to robot characters in anime for their general androgyny and confusion about human emotions and connections
probably gets told that shes “too smart to be on the spectrum” by teachers >:( she fails their classes on purpose
wakaba’s autistic too that just how it is
the Connection that she establishes with Joker is so Warm. my life goals include adopting an older brother like futaba has lsdkfjslkfj
also eater of 5 foods only, i mean, she brings cup ramen to the beach. i just really admire her...
hides in small spaces for comfort
doesnt she have like uhhhhh hyperthymesia or something like that?
his entire social link is learning how humans work, which i relate
talks seriously all the time
“sarcasm? who is that? are you saying I was sarcastic?...how?”
cant remember to take care of his body, and madarame did not help with that either
lot of uncomfortable staring, hes overdoing the eye contact thingy
infodumps all the time, doesnt know hes doing it
needs a lot of support even if he doesnt think he deserves it. no one ever complains about helping him out tho
visual stims my friends
he didnt know that you could look up pictures on the internet but he does know you can stream live videos of waterfalls and fluffy animales!!
I am certainly in the mood
for something salty today.
he and joker are scared of math. numbers do not interact
Yusuke, futaba, and akiren are a trio and i know this bc their first day of non-thievery interacts is Akiren clearing Futabas room w/o permission, futaba hyperfocusing on destroying medjed, and yusuke rearranging futabas figurines so they are more visually appealing
morgana is a support friend for all of them bc igor knows they need it
yes, he mostly wears gray semi formal clothes bc parents tell him to, no, he will not changes this
Schedule or Death
“sorry, could you repeat that?” “huh? oh yeah, i was saying that--” “yeah that’d be cool.”
cats, fishing, he just likes to be quiet. you can literally spend a day at the beach just to think if you want, and that is what yu want
has a lot of scripts for things (of which he shares with nanako!) but if he runs out he just stops talking..
inaba is a godsend bc its so fucking quiet and warm
he Yearns to hold his friends hands, but he shies away from a lot of touch (excepting yosuke, teddie, and nanako)
Cooking and Cleaning makes the world better. he and joker vibe together with this
unlike akiren, he strong arms any executive dysfunction into Be Productive or Else. his punishment is feeling the pure anxiety of having to make up for ‘lost time’. (another symptom of his workaholic parents)
writes everything down, notes are very neat, has pages dedicated for bad doodles when hes not feeling his usual Super Classroom Focus
Cannot handle secondhand embarrassment (most often caused by yosuke) and will quietly slip away to random cats or origami folding
hungry, crunch crunch folks. probably needs chewelry bc he used to chew on his shirt collars when he was younger.
cleans up after everyone in the food court, constantly worries about them accidently hurting themselves. likely spends half of group conversations watching peoples hands
he canonically eats expired food, nanako plz help your brother
really clumsy, but people only notice after they decide that he is a cool person
video games are too chaotic for him
exhausted every night from the pure amount of masking he does, if a friend spends the night (or is like yosuke) they will know his more comfortable weirdo self (tho everyone knows hes a weirdo eventually)
hyperempathetic, sometimes just understands animals and children better than peeople his age or older
her jokes
she and souji get in ‘trouble’ together, she and joker commit crimes together
she and chie have to coordinate outfits, its important
actually understands metaphors, but does not understand people
like me, had no clue that creepy kid was flirting with her
she is very angry when she has meltdowns that might involve slamming doors and shouting. her parents call these ‘tantrums’ and ‘unfitting for a polite daughter’ but really thats because her meltdowns tend to be caused by arguments w her family after a long day of school and TV world traipsing
the metronome meme, except hers goes between Loudest Person in the Room to Quietest Pin Drop in the Planet. she is completely unaware of this
her atmosphere brightens when chie appears. that is not only the lesbian energy within her, but also because chie is like her Favorite Person
Cannot wear Pants. No (tho she wants to try it! but she puts them on and her soul instantly squashes)
happy flappy lesbian! watch out!
the pouty face. all the time lskdfjlasdkf
hes really snappy sometimes and i love that for him. he and akechi should fight just to see what would happen (please read Bang Bang Shoot Shoot on AO3)
“do not touch me or my hat, thank you”
no one has ever seen him shutdown and no one ever will (except for his grandpa)(and kanji)(and rise)
probably likes certain food textures and will stand for nothing less, probably feels embarrassed about his preferences with friends
constantly jumps between ‘everybody hates me so i should act like them so they dont hate me’ to ‘i refuse to be anything but very comfortable as myself, and i dont care that im making you upset sir’
he and souji are the king and queen of subtle stims, but for unhappy reasons :(
does not make jokes. cannot joke around. understand? yes, do? no.
loose clothes are the only good clothes, but all tags and obtrusive seams will be obliterated by kanji tatsumi
not very empathetic so he probably comes off as an asshole to strangers (like when he throws away his classmates confession letters without reading them) but he tries so hard to sound comforting when his buds are struggling.
his understanding of others emotions/reactions come from his learning as a detective, which seems cold+clinical to others, especially compared to souji, whos completely unexpressive but very introverted people person
big personality!! very people-oriented!! koromaru and her are buddies!! when shes having a real bad time, shes very quiet and expressions turn off
interrupts herself in the middle of conversations all the time. no one knows where shes coming from. her brains is thousands of km ahead of her body
bouncey legs, swingin arms, twirlly skirt, little somersaults! when will she stop? never!
very obvious music stims with her hands and arms! people are like “oh there she goes! happy as usual!” shes listening to minatos heavy metal playlist
switches from exhausted to excited within milliseconds. no one can predict, not even her
SEES has to ask her for context all the time cuz she’ll just continue shit from 2 weeks ago without warning
professionals will assume shes very childish bc of how chipper she is, but she is beyond mature for her age and only feels comfortable enough to have serious conversations if a person has proved themself able to handle it
collects every little thing. her room is a mess and she has to get rid of most of it every time she moves :(
hates cleaning! smells bad, feels bad hhhhhgggg
dont let mitsuru-senpai see her bedroom
gets lost in the middle of conversations with others bc shes thinking about a story connected to one(1) word that was said earlier
 no sense of time and place, she just sees her friends and goes “ah, this is the right place, then” but junpei and akihiko are also lost so now theyre all screwed
no talkies, no walkies
his story in the movies is him literally learning how to function around people he cares for
doesnt get jokes, expressions, body language, empathy, subtlety, metaphors, physical contact, or eye contact. aigis is probably the only person he truly understands right away
he is still nice to people because he doesnt see a reason not to be, but also he has very limited energy so only his senpai and old people get his most polite-kindnesses
cannot describe feelings for the life of him. the team wont know hes injured or sick until hes passed out
everything is too loud, time to drown it out with my loud ass music
rocking and chewing stims, ryoji is the first person to point him out for these subtle stims (not accusingly of course, just general pure curiosity and love for the uniqueness of humanity)
likes to cover his face with whatever is available, lives like a bat in a dark dry cave
will wear anything that has pockets and his blue/gray/black palette
sleepy at all times bc he never has much energy
when he was younger he probably needed a lot of support, especially after his parents died, because he wouldnt communicate like a neurotypical and would shutdown for hours in the middle of school without warning. probably missed a lot of lessons and field trips out of pure overstimulation
eating at all times. no preference, just whatevers closest
his meltdowns probalby include humming whining noises and curling up in a ball, which makes people want to touch him, but that is the LAST thing he wants. put a blanket on him! play some music! do not talk and do not expect him to speak
aigis is the only person who can touch him normally bc her hands are cold and he likes cold
never nude, feels mmmmmmmmm without clothes and probalby wears a full robe in the hotsprings
will not do things that take more than one step w/o someone else walking him thru it, which Same
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 4 years
Hakuoki Zuisouroku vita Okita CG Character Perspective
Last Zuisouroku CG post (finally)! though this is not the last zuisouroku game content post since I did find 2 more interesting things to translate.... Unfortunately that does not include the new story in the vita version of the game which I never found translations for... or the  薄桜鬼紀行 (i call it the travel guide) content. 
The travel guide (and the cg character perspectives apparently) was also included in the ds version of the game (according to text i found), and is a collection of conversations between characters about certain locations and places.... like Harada going to Saito's room to return some notes or tools on katana maintenance and then remarking that Saito's room has nothing useless in it with Saito then wondering about Harada’s comments, Yamazaki being tricked by Souji to go into Hijikata’s room, talk about Shimabara from the baka trio, a convo with Saito, Hijikata and Souji about the Yagi residence, and a convo between the male demons about the Tosa or whatever domain was associated with Kaoru’s rasetsu, etc..... 
Unfortunately, since all I have are summaries+partial translations of those conversations in Chinese, I will not be translating them since I have no interest in translating things that I will only be able to leave incomplete (or summaries for that matter) though that might change on the extreme off chance that someone translates said stuff into CH tho I honestly doubt that will happen if it that hasn’t happened already... or if i find it whenever i start looking for more translate which won’t happen for let’s say... more than 5 years? lol. random number tho it’s true that i’ve got an extremely long list of things that i have Ch tl for so i really don’t need or want more...
anyway, all images used are were taken with my vita, and same as my other zuisouroku postings, aside from the new cg, all other cg images used were edited together. i think these are in order... but i don’t care if they aren’t lol. 
enjoy....? also why does it seem like every third/fourth post of mine never shows up under the hakuoki/hakuouki tags?
Hakuoki Zuisouroku vita Okita CG Character Perspective
Translation by KumoriYami
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(Face) To stare so blankly at my face, are you awake [says dazed/half conscious]? (Chest) My chest? What’s wrong? Do you like it? (Door) Ah~ I clearly told you to wake up, [but] you’re surprisingly looking over there?
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(Face) You’re saying that my smile is scary? That’s too much [I’d assume something among the lines of: How uncalled for/annoying given how often Souji says commented on his smiling. well i’m not checking the audio so i can’t be sure]. Without a doubt, my smile normally looks like this.    (Hand) Is there something wrong with my hand?  (Door) Anyway, as soon as you see my smile, your eyes immediately look somewhere else.
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(Face) Ahaha, I was so happy then. (Child’s Face) Hehe, this child was very happy too. (Sky) Ah...... I remember the sunset from that day being very beautiful. 
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(Face) I was just playing with him, that’s all.  (Hand) These hands are meant for wielding blades, they need to be strong. Holding a child up like this for a while is nothing. (Child’s Face) The kid was crying a lot then. 
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(Face) Again, you’re always getting into trouble.  (Katana) Since I heard you screaming, I have no reason to not protect you. (Chizuru’s Face) You were clearly told to stay in that room, [but] you [choosing] to run outside really startled me.
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(Face) I feel like I’m an ally of justice. (Chizuru’s Face) If you were wearing this and pouring sake for me, I’d be very happy.  (Chizuru’s Clothes)Your being dressed as a geisha, is very beautiful. 
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(Face) Aren't you courageous to seek out a gentleman who you know is wet?[??????????????????????????? “有种水灵灵的好男人的感觉吧.“ not sure about “ 水灵灵 “ which is the word for water followed by “spirit/soul”... so i guess wet?] (Clothes) Because I just took a bath, the outside air feels quite comfortable. (Sunlit Area) The sun was very warm that day.
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(Face) Are you more interested in my face than cooking? (Chizuru’s Face) If you’re a good child, I will cook for you. (Pot) This doesn’t taste bad, but improve the taste for next time.
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(Face) This watermelon is very sweet and delicious.  (Chizuru’s Face) At the time you were so surprised, It was very cute.  (Chizuru’s Kimono) As expected, wearing girls’ clothes suit you. 
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(Face) Your shy/bashful expression is very cute.  (Hand) At the time, weren’t your hands also very warm and red? (Chizuru’s Face) You’re really too much. I’m obviously being very serious,  [yet] you turned your face away to the side. 
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(Face) I really had no appetite that day. (Chizuru’s Face) The porridge you cooked for me was delicious. (Chizuru’s Hands) You’re always a little shy.
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(Face) When I hold [held?] you, your body becomes stiff. (Chizuru’s face) At the time you looked so pale, I was really worried. (Woods) The originally comforting sunshine is very difficult to the bodies of rasetsu. 
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(Face) Blame me for being so/too wilful....... sorry.  (Chizuru’s face) Although it might be embarrassing to say such a thing [to you], your sleeping face, is very cute. (Woods) Because I was together with you, the sunlight felt very gentle that day.
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(Face) It strange. I obviously want to live with you, but I feel so uneasy. (Chizuru) At the time, your body’s stiffness felt so exaggerated.  (Woods) You’re actually looking over there?
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(Face) Once this fire has been lit, it will be difficult to control how it is spread. (Chizuru) Thank you for listening to my grievances.  (Woods) At the time, I was being very serious. 
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(Face) It’s incredible. The moment I touch you, all of my confusion and unease completely disappears.   (Chizuru) If your unease, could disappear like mine, I would be very happy. (Woods) Although I know that you’re shy, but if I see you trying to escape from reality, I will be sad. 
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(Face) Thank you for accepting my marriage proposal.  (Hand) Stay forever at my side, because I will always stay at yours.  (Chizuru) This flower crown suits you. 
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(Face) I will always love you. (Body) I will never leave you by yourself.  (Right hand) No matter what happens, I will always protect you. 
only 4 cg character perspectives (did heisuke’s last time but it didn’t show up under either the hakuoki/hakuouki tag) - all from kyoka-roku (picked that one up for 500 yen lol but i lost my data when i screwed up my vita T_T), now remain.... no eta but i’d like to get them done before the end of the year.....
also i FINALLY found a translation for the 2011 Otomate party Hakuoki Reimeiroku drama (been looking around for that one in particular since i enjoyed it - and that was with my extremely terrible JP audio recognition... and i already hurt my hand copying out all the text from it cuz it was off a vid), along with a translation for the 2018 otomate party Collar x Malice drama... no idea when i’ll get to those tho... but i don’t even know if i’ll bother with the latter since the tl i found is +46000 words.... which is ridiculously long... and probably the longest drama i’ve ever ended up with translations for...even counting some of the 30 min ones though im not sure bout the ones pushing an hour....
seriously tho, something that long makes me wanna just toss the entire thing into google translate..... and even then, i’d need more than 9 tabs since google only takes 5k words at once.
oh well? lol.
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thestuckylibrary · 5 years
Group Ask 129
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Please send us an ask stating which group ask and which person you are replying to. Thank you so much in advance!
Anon 1 said:
Hello, I've lost a fic I was reading. In it Bucky is an alien, I think. He is a boxer/fighter, he fights against other alien/enhanced creatures (there's one that's some kind of giant lizard). Steve is still Cap, and he falls for Bucky, and starts going to the gym and becomes Bucky's training partner. What else? Nat or Fury tell Steve about Krees and Skrulls. Bucky lives in the gym, has his few belongings in metal boxes. Sorry, I can't be more specific. Thank you in advance.
samanthahirr, partyhardwoohoo and capiturecs sent in The Boy With The Thorn In His Side by BetteNoire (WeAreWolves) (complete | 21,980 | E) - AO3 restricked
Anon 2 said:
So I've been looking for a fic that I read probably close to a year ago. It was post TWS and they were living in the tower. During the war they had written letters to each other using their initials for names (Baby for B.B. Sugar for S.G.R) and Sam and Steve are really close so at some point Bucky ends up asking Steve if Sam calls him sugar too. Sorry that it's super vague
mythgrrl said:
i feel like ive sent you a billion asks over the years! good news is i found a fic i know i had sent in asks for a few times (sorry), bad news is i lost another fic. it was steve/buky pwp in wakanda after CACW. it was bottom!steve and they had no lube so they bucky used spit. although it was their first time in the 21st century it was established relationship. i swear the summary was smth like "steve & bucky have a free night in wakanda, they spend it how you think they might"c
disgruntledturtles said:
Hi there! Do you know the fic set in pre-war, where Steve and Bucky are out of money so steve makes a racy film and Bucky ends up seeing it?
slutforasoldier said:
Hey! Super sorry but I'm looking for this fic where Steve and Bucky have a disabled daughter with like metal legs? And they adopt an abused native American boy, I can't remember much else sorry x
dragonflybeach sent in Finding Nina by MPantrochilles (complete | 53,344 | T)
Anon 3 said:
 ive been looking for this fic where sam and steve are on the typical "searching for bucky" roadtrip and one night they're in this shitty motel and buck just comes in through the window. i know it's not much to go on, but ive been looking for this fic forever now. please and thank you. i wish you the best of luck.
dragonflybeach sent in If They Haven't Learned Your Name by silentwalrus (complete | 237,623 | M)
Anon 4 said: (abuse)
Hey! I’ve been looking for this fix I read a long time ago. Bucky was raising his niece by himself. Steve was dating Brock rumlow, and rumlow was super abusive. Bucky meets Steve and notices somethings wrong so he tries to help Steve get out of the relationship. There’s also a touch of clintasha
legion-of-queer said:
okay, so maybe you wonderful people can help. Im looking for a babysitter bucky fic. he baby sists steves kids (bucky is a teen) they get into a relationship and nat is buckys sister? ive been looking everywhere for it and just really want to read it again!
Anon 5 said:
alright it's day three in the search for this fic and I'm getting desperate lol. Do y'all know the one where Bucky is kinda mean and cold as a kid until he meets Steve, and they have to touch to be comfortable in their own skin? Steve's mom says it's because they have a special bond but Bucky's mom is like, nah, ur weird. Thanks!
Anon sent in how we are hungry by liketheroad (oneshot | 18,366 | M)
Anon 6 said:
Hello! First, I would like to thank you for all the hard work you do! I'm sorry to bother, but I've looked everywhere for this story, and had no luck finding it. I remember that Bucky forgot about Steve (temporarily), but Steve still kept an eye on him. Then Sam calls him one day to let him know Bucky is missing, only to find him in his apartment (obviously angry). I highly appreciate your help. Also if there is any other story like it. Idk why, but I live for angsty Steve watching over Bucky.
Anon 7 said:
Hi! I searched on your kid!fic rec but didn’t found it so in this fic Steve has a kid and he go to a nursery at the Avengers tower and Bucky take care of him. I just don’t remember if it’s a captain America/modern Bucky Barnes or not 🤷🏽‍♀️
kittenkakt and Anon sent in Love You More by Loeily, Squeaky (oneshot | 36,477 | T)
Anon 8 said:
hi! i lost a fic and need your help :( ive searched on a bunch of your tags and also on ao3. i remember the avengers thought steve was inocent and stuff like that and steve, bucky, natasha and sam (or clint im not sure) go to a mission and bucky and steve have sex and think that no one hears them but when they are on their way back home natasha or sam make a comment about what they heard. i know this is very vague, but the fic was short and i read it a long time ago. thank you so much <3
therandomravenclw and Anon sent in Watch Your Mouth by Enalena (oneshot | 5,311 | E)
indelicateink said:
You guys have opened my eyes to SO many wonderful stories I wouldn't have found otherwise--thank you. I'm hoping you can help me re-find one I loved? Searched the library tags, AO3, my bookmarks; starting to think I'm crazy. Hope this is an easy one: AU in which Bucky is the lead singer of a band (other avengers are bandmates); Steve is a former member of the band (bass guitarist?) who quit under acrimonious circumstances. The story focuses on him temporarily rejoining to help them out on tour?
Anon 9 said:
Hi, I’m looking for a post-WS fic where Bucky and Steve are in the Tower, and Bucky starts learning to cook and making all these amazing meals but he tells Steve they’re all takeout, and somehow the rest of the avengers gang ends up helping him hide his awesome new cooking skills from Steve. I checked the chef tags and can’t find it in there.
capiturecs sent in Dream of Caramel: or, A Recipe for Disaster by gwyneth rhys (gwyneth) (oneshot | 17,037 | T)
Anon 10 said:
i can’t seem to find this kidfic i read once. one scene i specifically remember stevebuckys child ate something they (i think he?) were allergic to. real hurtcomfort
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strayology · 5 years
About me tag ~
Rules : Answer the questions and tag 10 people
tagged by my fave kachuuuu thank youuuuu
(yeah i haven’t been on for a while,, i’ve been busy with school and i’ve been kinda feeling sick being on social medias but oh well what else can i do for past time?)
1. How tall are you?
I stand a wholly 162cm or 5′3″ (yeah i have always thought I was 5′4″ but I remeasured and I was 5′3″ ;-;)
2. What color are your eyes?
black like the deep dark abyss of a black hole :’)
3. What color and style is your hair?
black,, it’s straight and I style it a couple of ways depending on my mood or outfit. most of the time I wear it down or in a ponytail
4. Do you wear glasses?
yep i do,, sometimes I wear my prescriptions color contacts because my outfit looks better without glasses lol
5. Do you have braces?
nope never did, but surprisingly my teeth are really straight??
6. What’s your fashion sense?
I usually go for more of a sporty or girl crush style. I like wearing loose fitting clothes that are baggy and long (especially on the arm but my arms are so long so sometimes its hard to find stuff that are normal length for the body and long sleeves for my arms) but once in a while i wanna feel cute so i wear a dress or skirt or something, but I feel like i can’t move freely in those lol
and I do tend to dress more in a korean style (apparently that’s the reason why a lot of people have mistaken me as korean)
7. Full name?
ummmmmm... I guess this is the first time i’m admitting on here that my real name isn’t yumi...??????
but it’s,, Yumi Yee
8. When were you born?
October 24th, 2001
9. Where are you from and where do you live?
I was born in the US but I grew up in China and i currently reside in the US 
10. What school(s) do you go to?
As of right now i’m in a 4-year high school, but I also go to a career and tech school for my computer science classes
11. What kind of student are you?
ehhhhh the one that procrastinates but still tries to get work in on time. i mean i dont really like doing my school work for any classes i dont like, and I would procrastinate as long as possible and still meet the deadline. but for classes i like i will try my best to do work right away and perfect it (which usually make people call me a try hard lol)
12. Do you like school?
i mean i like it when i get to see my friends and learn about subjects that actually interest me and let me have fun in
13. Fav subject?
math, chemistry, foreign language (I took spanish), and computer science
14. Fav TV shows?
I don't watch a lot of shows but I watched The Office couple months ago and I love that
15. Fav books?
The Percy Jackson series (although I haven’t finished it oOps), the Paisley Hanover series, and i like quite a lot of poetries (I’m still reading some from these books I bought a while ago, but once I finish i will see if I wanna recommend or not)
16. Fav pastimes?
cooking/baking, reading chinese comics (I recently got into them and they are sooooo good), listening to music, watch youtube, online shopping, editing (sometimes), mess around with the html codes on my blog, and sleeping
17. Do you have any regrets?
bwahahah way too many,, but if those events never happened in my life I probably wouldn't be who I am today
18. Dream job?
being a translator or any jobs dealing with computer science (mainly web designer)
19. Would you ever like to be married?
i mean yeah, but I have never imagined my own wedding or anything but I do know I wanna get married at 28???
20. Would you like to have children?
yeah,, again i’ve never really thought about this because all ive been thinking about is what kind of job i want or how i’m gonna live with my friends or s/o after college
21. If so, how many?
maybe 1 or 2
22. Do you like shopping?
OHHHHHHH HECK YEAAAAAAAAAH,, i seriously think I have an addiction because i always wanna go shopping and I constantly want new clothes or go to the mall in general. and even if I dont get anything at the mall I like to try on different outfits and take pictures in them
23. What countries have you visited?
Well I didn’t really visit these countries but I did live in them,, China and the US
24. Scariest nightmare you’ve ever had?
literally every one of my dreams I remember is a nightmare lmao
I mean this dream isn’t really scary because it didn’t scare me that much,,
it was around when I was 8 years old. it was in my old house, and I was sleeping in my room and I woke up alone on my giant king size bed (yeah I used to sleep with my mom for a while because our room arrangements got messed up) nobody was home because I didn’t hear any sounds, but i saw on the wall that was next to me was starting to drip blood. I wanted to go out of my room to see what was going on, so I stepped out and saw the house was empty, and all i heard was loud dog barking noises. I was terribly afraid of dogs so i ran back into my room and yeah the blood was still dripping but i woke up right then
25. Any enemies?
oOps I have too many of them. I’m the kind of person who kinda knows what I want from a friendship, and also knows what I don’t want. So if I see anyone who has any of those traits I dont want I end my friendship with them right then and there. and if someone who i see is being rude, then I just remember who they are and never try to be around them ever
26. Do you have a significant other?
nope and probably never will :’)))))
27. Do you get along with your family?
for the most part yeah, I mean my parents and I argue once in a while over something stupid and I'll just avoid them for like 2 days to a week. but my siblings and I are super well now especially because they all posted something about us on national siblings day when I thought they wouldn't lmao
28. Do you believe in miracles?
I think I do,, I am a huge believer on luck and stuff. so yes I do believe in miracles and I think miracles do happen
29. How are you?
well today is easter and I was supposed to go on a date, but it got canceled last minutes and I’m kinda upset about it since I was dressed and all. but I feel bad for being about upset because the other person might be actually in medical danger so I tried not to think too much about it by doing photoshoots outside my backyard and i think I may or may not have a potential for stay selca day 👀 (I haven’t done a selca day since maybe october/november of 2017,, and it was an igot7selcaday)
tagging: @jxsng @hwangwhatjin @hwanginthere @sunflowerseungmin @honey-innie @jinniesmeow @wangjyunhao @ughh-m @fluffylix @hjsracha 
Of course youre not obligated to do this if you dont want to !!
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gg-astrology · 6 years
💘💫🌙☀️ Tag Games 🌙💫☀️💘
Thank you so much  @kai-tashi for thinkin of me and tagging me in the post ;; 💕💕 I feel like I got to know u better thru this as well!! 💕💕
5 things in my bag
Sunglasses - sometimes I have 3 pairs in my bag just so I can match it with my ootd 💕
Wallet/Purse -- it’s a gold shiny one so I use it as a mirror as well ksdjnfjk it also has all my keys attached to it! 💕
Rollerball perfumes - I have mini ones just incase im in a dash (i usually am) i can grab them real quick and roll some on my wrist, shirt, dress, face, neck etc 💕 My essential is that I’m sensitive to scents/smells and I gotta be the best smelling person in the room at all times otherwise I feel whack (I don’t like not being clean either ijnskn makes me feel some typa way) 💕
Lip tint/stick- I have like 5 of these in my bag, I can’t stand not having anything on my lips. If it’s one thing I gotta have, it’s colours on my lips (not even bright ones just colours). Also because I like mixing colours tgt... I sometimes dab them on as blush or eyeshadow if I want a little more cohesive color scheme on my face? I like rose pink matte colours, soft feels 💕💕
Eye drops -- my eyes are dry as hell so I make sure to get them well lubricated all the time 💕 My left eye get irritated really easily
5 things you’ll find in my room (apart from my bed, wardrobe, mirror)
Books - so many books, I have 2 full bookshelves (double stacked) and I still have cabinets downstairs displaying by other books as well. I really need to reorganize cause I horde them alot 💕
My old painting/art-work - I frame them and keep them displayed, or hang my canvases. Some of them are kinda big tho so I just... place them against the wall and stack them like that ksjndf 💕
Hella Skin-care - I have a little make-up/skin-care corner where I’m actually managing to organize them with tiny bins and organization drawers. I keep my hair curlers and straighteners, my contact lenses and stuff in my vanity as well 💕 
Lots of pillows/stuffed animals + 2m tall teddy bear - I don’t know why?? I just horde them on my bed? Along with a the teddy that I finally got last christmas. I named him bebito and he’s low-key a make shift bean bag for me to sit on sometimes ksdjn 💕All the dolls I bought when I’m with people or was feeling some type of ways, so there’s memories associated to them 💕 
Clothes - I am overflowing with clothes. Constantly my laundry bin is stocked full and I feel like I’m doing so much laundry even though I dress like?? once a day?? I like layering my looks tho so maybe that’s why?? 
5 of my favourite things
Kitties - I lov them :((( 💕💕 I love other people’s pets as well
Documentary videos - no lie it gets me to relax/spend time decompressing just by watching them 
My friends - I wouldn’t be who i am without them :(( 💕They are so good and caring and even tho I’m terrible at keeping in-check constantly they make sure not to pressure me bc I really am busy a lot of the time 💕 
My emotional support teddy bear -- my favourite, oldest one whom I can’t sleep without. I once travelled and forgot her at home so i called my roommate up at 6am and made him check my bed for me in case she’s there (and not like, lost at the airport0 💕 
My family - my understanding of camaraderie is being with the people in my private space/house and my neighbours too. Makes me feel like?? 💕 i’m a part of the community and keeps me happy most of the time 💕 
5 things I’m currently into
True Crime Documentaries -- listen,,, when I said i love documentaries/autobiographies and non fictions i wasn’t kidding lmao this is how i get my dose of history daily, and some of the recent ones? i want to hear about new evidence about things too  
App games - im super late to most of them but goddamn I love playing on apps when i know I have a charger nearby. 💕 
Exercising -  when I’m stressed/need to decompress this is my go-to. It’s a sure fire way to get me to relax and also feel better later. I’m an avid water-drinker anyways, so sweating it off comes with the territory (and i love showering like it’s my favourite thing to do i can’t stand not showering I’d probably take 3 showers a day if I could) 💕
Twt Aus - listen,,,, i can’t help it. I love how creative and imaginative they are?? 💕 And i love visual stuff. Like if it’s not auditory then it’s visual. When people send me their placements and aspects and I have to read them I’m always getting a bit of whiplash @_@... I jus do a lot better when I can see what’s happening y know? 💕
Reading more e-books - I used to not have time to do this,,, but I feel like I’ve been wanting to read more and more short pieces so I look for books that are like.. 100-300 pages and get through them at night instead 💕 I feel good about it too 💕 Since I can just keep them with me 💕💕 But idk I still like physical copies a lot as well..  
5 things on my To-Do list
Get my phone fixed/get a new phone --- i might have fucked up my phone to the point where I can’t use the touch screen anymore just now whoops 
Start taking more routine walks outside - I always walk when it’s necessary (to pick up some stuff) but I want to take more walks for health? I used to run alot as well but I haven’t done that in ?? a year?? so I want to get back in the groove soon (I’ll start walking tomorrow) 💕
Try to lessen my sister’s load - right now I’m cooking for everyone but I feel like if I drive to pick the kids up too, or do more little things for my sister I’ll feel better as well 💕 I want to try taking on more responsibilities, helping people with more stuff in my private sphere 💕
Ah open a new bank account -  I haven’t got time to make one with the bank I wanted yet, so I gotta remember to do that. 💕 It’s just a little to-do list I gotta remember
Pick up a new body scrub -  the one I’m using is too abrasive so I have to pick up ones that are more moisturizing/softer on my skin :(
Anyone else who’d like to do this please feel free to do so and tag me! 💕 But I’ll also tag @harunaneko44 | @bono-boox-heart | @circumsteterunt | @rkkive | @kvrdelen | @vanteslens | @myblurryreality | @lija29 | @mundodeakyra | @lightofmyseoul  as well 💕 If you don’t have time/don’t want to do it no worries don’t ever feel bad for not doing tags lmao? 💕 But yes! 💕 Here I am! 💕 
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flowerclad · 6 years
desi tag
i was tagged by @lblis​ @aurtae​ @jinseas​ @2awake​ thank u my loves okay lets go time to r a n t 
1. What’s your name and what does it mean?   my name is Aisha, which comes from Arabic. I think literally it means “she who lives” but my arabic teacher says it also means like “lively woman” so that’s what i’m going with
2. Where from the motherland is you/your family from? my parents are from maharashtra - they grew up in a town right outside Mumbai and then moved to America 10 years or so before i was born
3. Would you move back to where your family is from, why or why not? i would love to visit again, and but I don’t want to move there permanently; my family and my life is established here.  
4. What language(s) can you speak? i can speak hindi/urdu, english, french and arabic (i’m not as fluent), i can make myself understood in konkani, and i can understand marathi. for the Desi languages  (hindi/urdu, konkani, marathi) the grammar escapes me sometimes and I can’t read anything except for urdu (and that’s bc of Arabic) but yeah
5. Favorite Bollywood movie?  i haven’t watched Bollywood in awhile but movies i’ll never hesitate to rewatch are Lagaan and Piku. honorary mention for kal ho naa ho because that movie broke my heart and made me aware of my own mortality when i was 6 years old and my older sisters had the audacity to laugh at me when i couldn’t stop crying #funfamilymemories
6. Favorite desi meal? my mom’s chicken salan....or her shrimp salan... honestly any of her food. pav baji, sabudana vada.. idk how you spell it umm shrikhand?? like sweet yoghurt, my mom makes it every year for eid. 
7. Where in the motherland do you want to visit? Rajasthan... my sisters got to go to Jaipur but i’ve never been on a long enough visit to do super touristy stuff. anyways it’s just seems really beautiful 
8. Favorite desi singer? Lata Mangeshkar, Alka Yagnik, Sonu Nigam, Rahat Fateh Ali Khan, A.R. Rahman omg my childhood askfjh
9. Describe your favorite desi outfit? i'm sure these are both super out of style now but 1) shalwar kameez with super balloony colorful shalwar or 2) shalwar kameez with churi daar shalwar and super tall high heels. Also lahengas in general
10. Can you make a round roti? i mean like probably but like... i won’t. patel bros readymade parathay exist for a reason. (im sorry)
11. Favorite Bollywood actor? I like Irrfan Khan a lot, and I enjoy a lot of Aamir Khan’s older work (rang de basanti, lagaan, taare zameen par, 3 idiots) rn i can’t remember any of the new generation of Bolly actors rip
12. Favorite Bollywood actress? Deepika, Kajol, Madhuri Dixit, Sonam Kapoor, Sanya Malhotra gets an honorary mention bc i saw her in Dangal and she was so cute akldhf
13. Favorite Desi in western media? Riz Ahmed, Hasan Minhaj sometimes
14. Strange superstitions you’ve heard from relatives. don’t whistle at night (or ever), otherwise snakes will come and get you. close the curtains once the sun sets otherwise bad things will enter your home. if you’re hiccuping it means someone is remembering you/thinking of you, don’t tell anyone any good thing that’s happening to you to protect from evil eye.
15. Describe your spice tolerance. I mean if we’re talking tolerance it’s high but like genuine enjoyment????? not much. my mom doesn’t cook that spicy.
16. Best street food. pani puri, bhel puri, those snow cones that come in plastic pouches
17. The weirdest question you got from a non desi person. how can i be muslim and from India. i’m p sure i remember someone asking me why i was eating beef if i’m from India smh 
18. How do you like your chai? milk, sugar, cardamom and cinnamon! 
19. When was the last time you have visited the motherland (if you dont live there)? when i was 11, so ten years ago :(
20. Your favorite and least favorite part of your culture?
favorite:  i like the sense of family and community in desi households. i like the idea that i can go to your house once and then call your parents auntie and uncle and if our families have been to each others’ houses multiple times i can just call you my cousin. i like the vibrancy and diversity of our cultures. i love how song and dance is just kind of ingrained into the culture. (My dad who “hates films” used to not go a day without singing his old favorite songs from the 70s and 80s.)
least favorite:  (copied from the post i made awhile ago) the desi community in general needs to get past the whole “let’s not stir the pot” mentality where individuals care more about what the community folk/relatives say about them than fixing actual problems and this includes silencing people that rightfully call out their bigoted family members to “keep the peace” or show respect to your elders or whatever. like it just means we’re settling into racism, colorism, sexism, homophobia, a fundamental misunderstanding of mental illnesses, and a plethora of other issues because desi communities prize their reputation and their ties to traditionalism above all like. and ALSO for Desi Muslims specifically, we need to stop pretending it’s the sanctity of our religion we’re protecting when we’re being homophobic/transphobic/racist/sexist when it’s really that deeply protected conservatism that’s been socialized into us okay B YE 
i’ll tag @kuraepika @winwinwonwon @gothlaws @sitaaras @kwnsyg @jkslibragf also if you read this far down and you’re desi i’m tagging you too k love u
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timouke · 6 years
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I mean I tried xD and I miserably failed
Get to know me tag!
I was tagged by the wonderful and amazing @racingllama! Thanks a lot! This was a lot of fun!
RULES : Post a pic of your simself with your traits and answer the questions!
I think my traits would be: clumsy, dog lover, and geek!
I now tag @sweezlee, @coliemoon4sims4 @chimaerae @nadi-nadi @artemisa02 @newerquality @electricsoftie @caramellet @petitesimss @redyuyu @sailing-simmer @markslatina @blurri-sim-kid @ilovesaramoonkids and anyone who wants to do it!
2. WHAT IS YOUR NICKNAME? Heidi, Pimpo, Bro, Loyis:)
3. BIRTHDAY? February 21!
4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BOOK SERIES? aNY. I love books. I love romance, action, comedy. Anything.
5. DO YOU BELIEVE IN ALIENS OR GHOSTS? None, but I do believe in alien ghosts.
6. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE AUTHOR? I’m gonna get killed for this but... Veronica Roth?
10. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT FAVORITE SONG? Ehrm... that’s a hard one. Paper Crowns by Alec Benjamin
12. WHAT WAS THE LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO? Paper Crowns by Alec Benjamin xD I’m I too predictable?
15. DO YOU PLAY VIDEO GAMES? Yep! I play Zelda and hORROR RPG’s
16. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST FEAR? (incoming cliche answer) being forgotten.
17. WHAT IS YOUR BEST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? I can sense when people don’t have good intentions, that’s why I have almost no friends.
20. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SEASON? Winter because of Christmas and my Birthday!
21. ARE YOU IN A RELATIONSHIP? I am told to say no.
22. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU MISS FROM YOUR CHILDHOOD? I could be days without showering without feeling guilty!
23. WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? Loyis, but she’s in Germany right now. And I’m not, which is sad.
24. WHAT IS YOUR EYE COLOR? Brownish black? Blackish brown?
25. WHAT IS YOUR HAIR COLOR? I grabbed one hair and it was black, and I grabbed another one and it was brown, now my life is in shambles..
28. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU THINK ABOUT OFTEN? AHHHH *throws myself to the ground* (loyis)
29. ARE YOU CURRENTLY EXCITED ABOUT/FOR SOMETHING? Yep! Answering these questions!
30. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST OBSESSION? Sims, anime, my dogs. That’s my laifu.
31. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW AS A CHILD? I loved the shows everyone now considers bad, like Johnny Test or Kick Buttowski, but Dragon Ball Z was my childhood.
32. WHO OF THE OPPOSITE GENDER CAN YOU TELL ANYTHING TO, IF ANYONE? I’m not allowed to answer this question or I’ll cry
33. ARE YOU SUPERSTITIOUS? Only if my grandma is present. She makes everyone superstitious, she is a witch, in the good sense.
34. DO YOU HAVE ANY UNUSUAL PHOBIAS? I’m afraid of flushing the toilet. Don’t ask! Yes, I do flush the toilet.
36. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HOBBY? Anything in front of a computer.
37. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? The Psychoanalist by I don’t remember who, but his style is a little too slow and descriptive!
38. WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald. Now I’m in love with Newt. He’s mine now.
39. WHAT MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? None, but my brother is a musical prodigy so that’s something.
41. WHAT ARE YOUR TOP 5 FAVORITE TUMBLR BLOGS THAT YOU FOLLOW? Everyone! Every single person in the sims community is super talented!
42. WHAT SUPERPOWER DO YOU WISH YOU HAD? I request mind reading.
43. WHEN AND WHERE DO YOU FEEL MOST AT PEACE? When I sleep, when I’m not thinking.
44. WHAT MAKES YOU SMILE? My doggos, specially all of them.
45. WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? Ice skating but it hurts a ton
48. ARE YOU AFRAID OF HEIGHTS? No, I am heights.
49. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? Stupid people (me)
50. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO A CONCERT? Yep, it’s kinda like a tradition in my family to go to one every year!
53. WHAT FICTIONAL WORLD WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE IN? Whatever world Bleach is set in. I wanna marry Ichigo Kurosaki.
54. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU WORRY ABOUT? Yep, everything everything everything
55. ARE YOU SCARED OF THE DARK? Nope, I am darkness
56. DO YOU LIKE TO SING? Sure, but I can’t, I sing like a sick cat.
57. HAVE YOU EVER SKIPPED SCHOOL? What’s that “school” you speak of?
59. WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE? In Japan! Anywhere in Japan! Just in Japan!
60. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? Yep! I have three fake huskies
61. ARE YOU MORE OF AN EARLY BIRD OR A NIGHT OWL? Both. I never sleep. What’s sleep?
62. DO YOU LIKE SUNRISES OR SUNSETS BETTER? Sunsets, I prefer nighttime!
63. DO YOU KNOW HOW TO DRIVE? Nope, I honestly should learn.
64. DO YOU PREFER EARBUDS OR HEADPHONES? Earbuds, they’re cute and tiny.
65. HAVE YOU EVER HAD BRACES? Yep, I’m in fact wearing  them right now! How did you know?
66. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE GENRE OF MUSIC? Early 2000′s scene music.
67. WHO IS YOUR HERO? My dad
68. DO YOU READ COMIC BOOKS? Yep. All the time. I am a comic book
70. DO YOU PREFER TO READ ON AN ELECTRONIC DEVICE OR WITH A REAL BOOK? A real book! I like to hold them and the smell!
72. DO YOU HAVE ANY SIBLINGS? I have between 1 and 3 brothers
73. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU BOUGHT? A snack! It was yummy
74. HOW TALL ARE YOU? 1.55 inches.
75. CAN YOU COOK? Nope, who needs food anyways?
76. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU LOVE? My dogs, my life and myself!
77. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU HATE? My dogs, my life and myself!:)
78. DO YOU HAVE MORE FEMALE FRIENDS OR MORE MALE FRIENDS? I don’t know, I haven’t counted them!
80. WHERE DO YOU CURRENTLY LIVE? Juarez, Chihuahua. You’ll never find it.
81. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU TEXTED? The love of my life!
82. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? Right now. I’m crying right now.
83. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE YOUTUBER? Joanna Cedia. I stan.
88. WHAT IS A PLACE THAT YOU’VE NEVER BEEN TO, BUT YOU WANT TO VISIT? Germany, i’d like to see my grandpa’s home country!
89. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE NUMBER? 42. It’s the answer to everything.
90. CAN YOU JUGGLE? Yep. No. Im juggling right now.
91. ARE YOU RELIGIOUS? I guess not.
93. DO YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF TO BE A DAREDEVIL? No, I’m too wholesome for that.
96. CAN YOU WIGGLE YOUR EARS? No, but I know someone who can!
100. ARE YOU A GOOD LIAR? Nope. I can’t do that.
101. WHAT IS YOUR HOGWARTS HOUSE? Hufflepuff. We rock.
102. DO YOU TALK TO YOURSELF? No! Stop exposing me!
103. ARE YOU AN INTROVERT OR AN EXTROVERT? I’m definitely an introvert!
104. DO YOU KEEP A JOURNAL/DIARY? I have tried! But I’ve never been able to complete one.
106. IF YOU FOUND A WALLET FULL OF MONEY ON THE GROUND, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? I don’t know. I know I wouldn’t keep it!
108. ARE YOU TICKLISH? Yes. A lot. Don’t touch me.
111. WHAT FICTIONAL CHARACTER DO YOU WISH WAS REAL? Ichigo Kurosaki! Let me marry him!
112. DO YOU HAVE ANY TATTOOS? Nope! But I’m planning on getting some!
113. WHAT IS THE BEST DECISION THAT YOU’VE MADE IN YOUR LIFE SO FAR? I don’t know, my life isn’t over yet.
115. DO YOU WEAR GLASSES OR CONTACTS? Glasses but you’ll never catch me wearing them!
119. HAVE YOU EVER PULLED AN ALL-NIGHTER? I never sleep. I always pull all-nighters.
121. DO YOU LIKE ADVENTURES? YEP! Let’s go on one right now!
122. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON TV? I guess, even accidentally. Maybe everyone has been on TV.
123. HOW OLD ARE YOU? 18
124. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE? “What if it doesn’t work out? Ah, but what if it does?”
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