#WG gets worse and worse with every second
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victorie552onepiecespeedrun ¡ 4 years ago
Reading One Piece pt 250: Today’s Topic Is: Everything Wrong With Feudal System. And Slavery. Cause We Have Slavery Now.
Chapter 497
- Fpos/cs: “Save Rob Lucci: Kumadori performs to raise money for medical expenses” Goddammit, it’s always like this. Good people, keep it up! That’s so sweet! Keep it up! (tiny people on this island)
- rOP 250, yay!
- Franky and Usopp will work on Sunny while rest of them (minus Sanji) will go into town
- “I’m a slave to love!” Oh Sanji
- “Zoro! Where are you going all alone!?” “For a walk” *cue panic*
- I won’t type the whole exchange here, just know Zoro didn’t walk two steps away of Sunny and he’s already lost :D comedy gold
- Rest of Straw Hats went with Hachi and Camie (good thinking with transport, guys) into town
- “Some call them the world nobles, others the celestial dragons. They’re so arrogant they wear helmets to avoid breathing the air of common people.” Wow, ok
- “Remember, you mustn’t oppose them!” please oppose them
- Good thing they got Hachi with them, he’ll tell them outs and ins of that island
- Everyone stops on SA, including pirates, Navy, bounty hunters and human traffickers
- “If human traffickers catch you, they’ll sell you. And the law won’t protect you.” …
- I was pretty excited about SA last chapter but apparently it’s actually a horrible place to live
- Hachi put plasters on his face. That means nothing, nosir
- Haha, Luffy went into the bubble :D
- And now he got a bubble bike :D
- They all have bikes now :) it looks very fairy-tale-like (Camie has a really nice skirt, I want one)
- Hachi says bubbles pop when they leave SA climate (we got a demonstration with Luffy)
- BUT they work on Fishman Island!
- “I can’t wait to get to Fishman Island! I wish we were there right now!” I’m relatively sure they don’t go to Fishman Island until time-skip, which fills that comment with indescribable irony
- Lots of foods and hotels, which makes sense, that’s a main port
- Exploring islands is fun
- I don’t know how it looks in anime but here hotel rooms/buildings look like Christmas decorations :D
- they got souvenirs :D tourism at its best
- they split up, Nami and Robin went to the mall, boys+Camie will do the coating
- Robin says Camie is kinda quiet. I didn’t notice? But, traffickers. I get it. Straw Hats, keep your fish-people safe, I’m serious
- They went racing THE MOMENT responsible adults left the building :D
- Wait, what’s this?
- Oh SHIT that’s a slave
- …this is fucking horrible
- “Slavers wear collars tied to a chain. If you break a chain and run, the collar explodes!”  
- “That’s horrible!” yeah, Luffy :(
- “That’s a runaway slave! Get away! Don’t have anything to have with him!” what did these villagers see that causes that reaction
- “We… we have to help him!” “Arghh! What’s wrong with this place!” Brook and Chopper, Straw Hats represent
- Noble/Celestial Dragon alert (who calls themselves celestial dragons? They better can change into actual dragons or I swear to god will strike them off the list of respectful villains. Slavery is evil, just as villains should be, so. But this thing? No. You need to be THAT badass to call yourself a dragon. Galaxy level of badass, goddammit. Celestial requires a high badass level too, so I’m just. aaaaa)
- …nobles alert
- So. This is happening.
- Oda doesn’t fuck around, huh?
- She killed him! SHE KILLED HIM
- After 
- (Hachi stopped Luffy from intervening)
- Oh, she might have not killed him. But not because she didn’t try
- “I feel sick” you and me both, buddy
- Apparently, if you harm a noble here, they call an Admiral to fight you
- “Is it Aokiji!?” that was my first thought too, Luffy :D It would be convenient for Straw Hats :D
- On second thought, I kinda hope not. That would mean Aokiji was actively helping slavers and I like Aokiji. I mean, WG clearly agrees to, maybe even encourages the situation on SA. By that means, Aokiji, by not interfering, passively agrees to everything here. I get that. But still
- “It could be Akainu or Kizaru” yeah. It tells me nothing. Was one of them in Ohara? Who was working hard on that promotion there
- (Yup, it was Akainu, he was there to kill survivors. What a first impression that was)
- “Why are these people so special?” “They have the blood of the creators” oh bullshit
- “Eight hundred years ago, twenty kings banded together to create the World Government. Their descendants are the Celestial Dragons.” LORE AND BULLSHIT, 2in1!
- “Over time, their power has gotten out of control” YOU THINK!?  
Ugh. Give me that lore and leave.
rOP 249  rOP 251
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beckface ¡ 3 years ago
Bestie rant about the DadBrain AU for us please 🙏😤 we need more of it
ALWAYS you know i'm down
Some headcanons for the vanilla au as it is (if this conflicts with something the og creators said just pretend it’s not there):
(also reminder this is like. My specific version of the au with how I like to interpret the characters sjdhls)
Much like in the actual show the city is unaware of anything about WG’s private life, so they didn’t know she was Boxlietner’s daughter and they don’t know she’s Twobrain’s daughter. HOWEVER, some citizens HAVE been suspicious of Wg’s “True alliances” because they have caught her being friendly with Tb, and the press sees her hanging around his warehouse often
I like to imagine there’s an “episode” in this au where one of the other villains takes advantage of this paranoia, because Fair City is just far too happy to turn on wg, and it spirals into convincing everyone that WG is secretly planning some sort of alien invasion with the help of the eeeeeevil scientist Doctor Twobrains
It’s unclear in the show if the majority of the city knows that Boxlietner is Twobrains, but there were likely a lot of complications with the people who did know Steven before.
Becky tries to keep her parentage a secret after Squeaky happens to avoid being taken away by child services
A rumor spreads that Becky is an orphan among the other kids because Steven is nowhere to be seen ever since he changed into TB
This rumor causes a whole fiasco leading to the authorities indeed being called, and TB has to go through a significant amount of hijinks to prove that he’s still a capable parent. Becky has to help him.
After TB being her father is revealed he is just (in Becky’s eyes) The worst about it. Like this man is the PTA king, he fights with the Karen moms and flirts with every other single (sometimes not single) parent at the school. He flirts with her teacher too which makes Becky actively want to arrest him right then and there. He also brings Becky’s things she forgot at home in THE most flamboyant way possible. He’s not doing it on purpose, he’s just like that, but he’s never opposed to embarrassing his beloved daughter/nemesis. 
Violet is worried for Becky at first and Scoops writes a paper on it. Becky has them over for a playdate and makes tb PROMISE to making Violet feel at ease
Charlie and Meatloaf stay up late and watch Pretty Princess with her behind TB’s back
Whenever TB goes to Jail Becky can just come over and hang out. It’s like their second house at this point.
The other villains are generally very fond of Becky and will chat with her when she’s over at the prison. Whenever they curse wordgirl’s name or vow their revenge in front of her she and TB share a look like “I know something you donnnn’t”
TB teases her relentlessly about both Tobey and Scoops
If TB commits a crime during the school day (he tries not to but the mouse wants what it wants y'know) Sometimes he’ll chastise Becky for leaving school, and Becky is just like ಠ_ಠ
One time TB almost got away with a crime because he also stole her favorite ice cream and said they could have it after dinner if she let him get away. ALMOST.
I like to imagine in this AU whatever father/daughter problems they have don’t really come from Squeaky, that’s just treated like a business thing, but they come from issues that the characters already had (like, yknow, in life)
Steven and TB both have a tendency to get hyper focused on something to the point where Becky might feel a little neglected, but once he gets a sense of this he goes absolutely overboard with trying to make it up to her, and it’s just too much because she just wants to spend time with him
Becky gets really paranoid that her dad is going to hurt himself with an invention, and it only got worse when he became TB. She invades his privacy and invalidates his trust in her around his lab a lot without realizing it because of this.
Steven was really good friends with Sally and Tim, and reconnected with them after the cat got let out of the bag (so to speak) that he was Twobrains. Tj and Becky see each other a lot because of this and still have the exact same sibling dynamic, to the point where they will just refer to each other as “my annoying older sister/annoying little brother” 
The episode where he lets Squeaky take control still happens (Squeaky forces it more this time around) but in this version Becky thinks she can get through to TB that he’s going too far and might actually kill her, so she gets shot and then when TB comes back in control he holds her in his arms yelling for her to come back to him 
After Becky gets the shit kicked out of her and her heart broken in Rhyme and Reason Twobrains decides that he’s permanently grounding her from being a superhero because we as a society need to make that episode even more painful for Becky
It all works out in the end ofc and things go back to the status quo
Twobrains has been secretly trying and failing to make a device that can contact Lexicon for Becky. He’s still trying.
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one-piece-dumpster-fire ¡ 5 years ago
Oh, can I request Izo, Shanks, and Boa with their female! s/o being kidnapped by the marines? Thanks a lot
I really wanna write more stuff for Hancock hhhh there's barely any content for my snake goddess and that is a CRIME
Also I answered this as a mix of headcanon/reactions, hope that's fine🙏🏻💕
Reaction to you getting abducted by marines- headcanon
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he immediately notices your absence from the battlefield once the war is over. You two usually stick together like glue, even during fights, so not having you by his side makes him quite uneasy.
when he realizes that you got abducted by the enemy, his blood starts to boil. Izo wastes no time and already prepares to drop everything to sail after the marine vessels that made it out of the fight
he's suuuuper worried and constantly on edge. Seriously. Not a second passes by without images of you chained up or worse flashing before his eyes. His mind allows him no rest and it's basically impossible for the pirate to relax.
he barely gets any sleep since your disappearance either. Waking up without you is far more awful than Izo could have ever dreamed of, and every passing day just makes it worse.
of course Whitebeard is eager to support his son's quest for vengeance getting you back. Being Izo's girlfriend makes you the Emperor's daughter-in-law; aka a valued part of the family. And no one gets away with hurting the Emperor's family.
"They will pay! If anything happens to (Y/N), I'll bring each and every one of them down!"
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Oh he's mad. VERY mad alright.
It's rare to see the usually upbeat captain in such a serious, bloodthirsty mood. Some of his own crewmembers, mostly the ones that haven't been around for long, even hide from this terrifying aura he's emitting
literally everyone knows not to mess with Shanks' crew, and especially his beloved. Are the marines not aware that they're playing with fire here...? Well, it doesn't matter. Regardless of who gave the orders to have you kidnapped, Shanks is eager to teach them all a lesson they'll never forget
still, he blames himself for this as well. How could he be so reckless? If only he paid more attention to you... then this wouldn't have happened.
Shanks isn't gonna wait for any negotiations or demands from their side. Once he finds out where the Marines keep you, he sails out to get you.
"Sit tight and don't you worry, (Y/N)... I'll be there shortly!"
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she's a fiercely protective partner so the moment Hancock notices that you're missing, she's ready to go feral
every inhabitant of Amazon Lily is searching for the Snake Princess' girlfriend. Hancock is not leaving a single stone unturned. But as the search goes on, she's already starting to worry about all the terrible things that might have happened to you. Both of her sisters have to calm her down whenever she freaks out
...but then she gets the news that the Marines captured you. The empress immediately sees red and has to keep herself from turning the poor messager and everyone around her into stone right away
fuck the pact she had with the WG up until now. Who the hell do they think they are to touch her beloved?! If they harmed even a single hair on your head she'll kick every last one of them to death!
without wasting any time, Hancock mobilizes a fleet of warriors to sail straight for marine headquarters. Her sisters are by her side and keep telling her to stay calm and not rush into anything, but she's ready for a bloodbath.
"If it's a war they want... then a war they shall get! No one touches my dear (Y/N) and gets to live another day!!!"
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withoutshade ¡ 7 years ago
My Fire Eating Story
Main editing by Rion Fish, 2018, May 30th
Special thanks to Zofia Kaminski, Anna Tukachinskaya, Aetheria De Fleury, and Bethany Byrnes, for their contributions.
My name is April Jennifer Choi, and I used to be a Fire Eater. Over the years, I put in thousands of hours to become one of the most well-known, knowledgeable, and skilled fire-eaters in the world. Over the course of three years, I learned and categorized hundreds of fire-eating tricks and variations. I demonstrated, edited, and produced six volumes of The Fire Eating Tricktionary. I became one of the Admins of the largest fire eating Group on Facebook. I invented new fire eating torches and styles. I performed and taught Fire Eating for some of the top fire arts events in the US.
About a year and a half ago, I started to get sick. At first, I assumed this was due to a new medication, but a pattern emerged-- I was getting sick for days after fire-eating practice. On my birthday last year, April 13th, nausea, headache, vomiting, diarrhea, profuse sweating, abdominal cramps, and tachycardia set in. This was so severe that my fiancée, Bethany, tried to call an ambulance. I begged her no, before losing consciousness on the bathroom floor. This was the first time I had fuel poisoning, but not the last. Over the course of the coming year, I was already booked to teach and perform fire eating all around the US; I went ahead with my schedule. After every major workshop, I would get sick. I cut back on my practice, and I noticed things got better. Due to other health issues, I have blood work on a bi-monthly basis. After one blood test, my doctor asked if there was anything I was doing that could be throwing the test off. I mentioned fire eating, which my doctor had seen me do in the local 4th of July celebration. My doctor recommended that I stop completely, and requested a follow-up test in two weeks. Two weeks crept by, in which I was unable to demonstrate any fire eating with fuel, despite teaching five fire-eating classes at PlayThink Movement Festival during that time period. I returned home, had my blood drawn, and the results were back within normal range. I spent the autumn months teaching and performing with a limited trick set, nothing advanced,  and with few negative occurrences. During this time, I decided to discontinue being a full-time performer and resume my engineering career. When the invitations for the 2018 festival season started to come in at the end of the year, I was repeatedly requested to teach and perform fire eating. I said yes, to way too many events, including both fire-eating workshops and a few fire eating world record attempts. I regret those choices. The season kicked off, and I noticed that I was growing more sensitive. Filming for the “Best of Fire Eating” video, I limited my number of takes but felt ill for days after. I tried to rationalize and write it off; this could not be happening to me. During Flame Festival, one year exactly since my birthday celebration that I collapsed at, I noticed my symptoms were still more sensitive—to being around both UPLO and white gas. I started to ask questions and research what else could cause my decline. I changed my diet because I noticed that vegans and people with strict diets, seemed to suffer a bit more after fire eating or fire-breathing. I also found people who slept less, who weighed less, as well as others who didn’t use substances that potentially masked their symptoms, seemed to suffer more. I set out to better my lifestyle, to reduce the amount I would get sick, looking toward vitamin supplementation and cleaner fuels to improve my outlook. Things did improve, until a long workshop in Iowa attempting a fire-eating world record. I felt terrible immediately and had to take the following day on bed rest. Things went downhill from here faster and faster. I filmed my submission for a fire-breathing collaboration video. Even using the standard, UPLO, which is considerably safer than white gas, and only a few breaths, I was sick once again. I was so sick that I decided then that I would quit fire-breathing; while it is an art that I enjoy, I love Fire Eating. Since I was still to teach at Kinetic Fire, the biggest fire festival in the Midwest, I took a few weeks off and hoped for the best. At Kinetic Fire, I taught only three classes, one of which I supported with minimal demonstrations. I restricted the second class to a discussion. The third class involved vapor tricks, during which I did a few demos and some play with the other instructors. I did less than ten vapor tricks total. Within hours, things were bad. I decided not to participate in the fire circle and go to bed early. I couldn’t sleep due to painful cramping. Nausea, headache, sweating, and racing pulse joined in; I staggered to find a bathroom as fast as I could. I spent an hour that felt like forever with severe diarrhea, vomiting into a trash can, and feeling the worst I’ve ever felt in my life. The pain was intense, and nausea and irregular heart rate caused things to shimmer away in tunnel vision. When I was able to speak, I began yelling for help. An event organizer heard me and radioed for a medic. The medic arrived, and I explained the situation as best I could. He said he could request an ambulance-- and I seriously considered it-- but I knew the situation and there wasn’t much to be done. After much comforting and examining, the medic retrieved my fiancée. I faced the fact that just a handful of vapor tricks caused my situation, and I had to completely stop both fire-breathing or fire eating. I’ve always been chemically sensitive. A single coffee will keep me awake for many hours. A dose of Dramamine knocks me out. When going under general anesthesia for the first time, I was incorrectly dosed due to my low weight, and I spent the following days vomiting at home. Even with better sleep, diet, trying to find a cleaner fuel, and gaining weight, my situation was ugly. I didn’t think much of fire eating in the beginning, but I fell for it hard. It connected me with an international talent agent and opened doors to performing around the world. I had world records and TV shows lined up to see what I can do with fire. I make love to fire in such that it dances on my lips. These are no parlor tricks; this is my joy, my pride, joining me to a global community of magicians, entertainers, and artists. I am admired for this. Despite that, as the sun was coming up at Kinetic, I faced the fact that fire eating is killing me. The decision to quit fire eating is not an easy one. I am grieving. Some of my closest friends, my best companions, and my most trusted confidants developed because of this art. So many people I love and cherish were at Kinetic Fire, there to see as I was escorted to bed, to cry myself to sleep. The next afternoon, I sat with my people, who inspire me so much. I cried in their arms and they cried back. They reminded me that I have other passions that are not fire-breathing or eating. I heard them, even as a piece of me was dying. Everyone who takes up this art is warned about the legion of risks, but I did not expect it to feel like this. We ignore the danger until it is all too tangible. This week, I canceled all my upcoming record attempts, performances, and informed events that I couldn’t demo fire eating in my remaining classes. Each cancellation stung my heart. I continue to feel cold and distant; my dreams are up in smoke; this is not an easy lesson in acceptance. I’m not leaving the community behind. I must take many steps back, but I will stick around to help people learn this beautiful art as safely as possible. I will help find safer ways to do this and I will warn people about the risks. I want my story to remind everyone that there are dangers to playing with fire other than just getting burned. I hope this warns those that discover their passion for fire arts to be more careful. I pray for those blessed by the magic of fire eating, may they never be hurt by it. For more than the pain of a blistering burn, is the enduring heartbreak. Please, stay safe out there. Addendum (June 25th):
So, it has been a month and I have talked to a lot of people about this in the fire eating and fire breathing worlds. Collectively, we have discovered 3 more things that I was doing that probably lead to my suffering when fire eating and fire breathing.
The first is diet; Adam Lobo pointed out that diet is a huge part of staying healthy while fire eating. Without going into a massive list of what’s good and bad, the main suspected foods that hold on to fuel and vapor better are fats and dairy. No one knows this for sure, but a number of fire eater and fire breathers have stated that reducing fats and dairy before fire eating, as well as increasing the amount of fiber reduced the chance or severity of them getting sick; while the opposite made them feel much worse.
Secondly is Hybrids and Dangerous Techniques. Derrick Vermin noticed when he started down the road of Solo-Hybrids and Fuel Traps he too began to feel ill. My journey took me way too far down this path. My Solo-Hybrid skills had me holding both Air and VG Vapor in part of my Lungs, WG in a tongue trap, and both UPLO and WG Vapor in my mouth to pull off certain tricks. Just the WG traps alone could have probably set off my immune system to go haywire let alone the plethora of dumb ideas such as popcorn, micro-torches, and the Vermin’s own technique of ‘Hidden Dragon’ and my version called ‘Crouching Tiger’.
Lastly, Cilantro the Clown pointed out that I practiced in a ‘Binge’ format. Where I would do a lot of fire eating or breathing in a 3-4 hour practice session or 5-6 hour workshop rather than 15-30 min every day. These ‘binge’ sessions are why I ended up so violently sick afterwards and my body probably recognized that the fuel was causing this and then started to react quicker and quicker each time. Had I spread my practice out more, I might have reduced the chance of the intense immune response I developed.
Now, due to my current health, I am not about to test these hypotheses out myself, but I want this information to be available so that future fire eaters and breathers can use it to progress the arts further while reducing possible adverse side effects. I will continue to collect information and knowledge for the safety and protection of fire performers that are wanting to pursue these arts and I hope many others are willing to do the same. Together, I want us all to continue to grow this magical world while keeping our members as safe as possible.
Google Doc Link: https://tinyurl.com/myfireeatingstory
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themulti-facedtransformer ¡ 7 years ago
Wonder Woman WG
It's been a while since Circe, the ancient greek sorceress and arch-nemesis of Wonder Woman, has last caused trouble. Having been gone for such a long time now that Wonder Woman, herself, is confused about whether her adversary has retired or is just biding her time. Preparing to strike when the time is right and she least expects it! As will be revealed to you shortly, it is something of a hyrbidization between both options! *** Having heard that Circe has resurfaced, Wonder Woman immediatly leapt into action to combat her arch-nemesis once again! Crashing through the ceiling and leaping inside, much to the sorceress' shock and anger. Not giving the Amazonian a chance to even utter a word, Circe holds out her arms as energy blasts begin firing from her hands towards Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman leaping up into the air to avoid the first couple blasts. Only for her to hold her hands up in front of her like a shield as Circe adjusts her aim. Deflecting each incoming blast away from her. Several shooting into the walls, which immediatly explode. Leaving a large hole in the walls. The last few she even managed to direct back at Circe, herself! Much to the ancient sorceress' shock... However, she slowly swats the blasts away with her hands. Sending it into a wall which explodes. Though, deflecting the blast leaves her open to being pummeled by Wonder Woman. Whom immediatly begins punching the sorceress in the face. A final uppercut to the jaw sending her flying into a wall, much to Diana's (Wonder Woman) shock. Diana standing frozen as she blinks confused. Looking down at her hands in shock of the raw power she just exhibited. ''D-did I do that?'' Her confusion was abruptly interrupted when she saw Circe's hands grab onto both sides of the wall and gently pull herself out of the hole. Diana leaping up into the air, where she began hovering. Holding her arms in front of her like a shield once more. Preparing for Circe's incoming attack. However, Diana's stern expression shortly lessened at seeing the sorceress slowly stand up and walk across the floor. Her green robes torn and tattered from being slammed into the wall, and a chubby hand holding what Diana was shocked she'd never noticed until now was her belly. Loudly panting as she tried catching her breath. Now it was painfully obvious why Circe was unable to properly defend herself against her; she was fat! Diana's eyes widening. Dropping her defensive stance as her arms hung down beside her body. Her body slowly descending towards the floor where her boots tapped against the floor. ''Wow, Circe, you've really let yourself go, woman!'' she remarked. ''S-shut up!'' Circe snapped. ''I-i've just gone a little soft since the last time we fought. I'm giving you a freeshot.'' Leaning forward and touching her hands to her chubby knees. Panting even longer and louder now. Well, that's one way to describe it. And no, that wasn't a freeshot. That was just you getting sloppy. ''I-i'll (Huff) get you in a minute (Huff) after i've (Huff) caught my breath(Huff)!'' Diana merely blinking at watching her once dangerous and powerful enemy...needing a breake to recover from her own attack! Circe continually staring at the floor as her body began glistening as the light from the hole in the ceiling shines down onto her. Her inflated and swollen breasts and belly slowly heaving before quickly dropping with every breath. ''As a (Huff) matter of fat...TAKE (Huff) THIS!'' She screams at shooting her arm out and firing an electrical ball of energy at Wonder Woman! However, Diana merely tilts her head to the side. Causing the blast to explode behind her. Circe immediatly dropping to her feet and beginning to pant again. Recovering her strength once more after exhausting so much of with that blast. Diana's frown curving upwards into a smirk. Enjoying how the previously dangerous sorceress is now nothing but a pathetic bully that can barely hold a candle to her. Folding her arms across her perky chest. After some time, Circe growls angrily as she immediatly leaps right at her. Raising both her chubby arms and conjuring purple energy around them! Attempting to punch the slender woman, only for Wonder Woman to dodge each blow with ease! Enraging the sorceress even more, but before she could change tactics Diana grabbed her chubby arm when dodgeing and began swinging her around. Getting faster and faster, until she released her grip and sent Circe smashing into another wall. Her smirk, as well as her confidence, growing with every second. Enjoying this situation more and more. A growling Circe soon emerged from the hole in the wall. Her robes torn even more. Her left boob hanging out on the side, and her belt had finally popped off from not just the strain of her chubby gut but also Wonder Woman's beatdown. Her hair was a mess and her voluptuous frame was covered in multiple bruises. ''What's the matter, too much for you? How about I fetch Robin? Then you'll finally have someone on your level to fight you!'' ''Rrrrgh, stop mocking me!'' ''Then make me break a sweat. You're nothing but childs play now!'' Wonder Woman mocks her. ''RRrrrrrgggh-HYAHHHH!'' Circe suddenly screams she holds out her arms together. Firing a single, massive, fiery blast that engulfs Wonder Woman. Circe's infuriated screams echoing around the room as she continues firing many more smaller blasts after the first one. The walls exploding outwards as a result of the devastating power Circe's unleashed. Destroying half the building with her attack, and miraculously leaving the other half standing. Softly panting, Circe stares at the smoke filling the entire room. Gently recovering her strength as the smoke finally settles. Revealing Wonder Woman, as well as half the building, to have been evaporated by her attack. Despite breathing unevenly after the final attack, a smile stretches across her chubby face. ''F-(Huff)-finally! I-i've (Huff) defeated her(Huff)!'' Lowering her arms beside her plump frame. ''Actually, you did a good job of destroying one half of a building. I could've done that myself!'' Circe's brows jumping at hearing a familiar and annoying voice. Quickly turning around to see Wonder Woman leaning against the wall with her arms folded across her chest. A truly overconfident smirk on her slender and beautiful face compared to Circe's exhausted and fat face. Gritting her teeth and glaring enraged at the slender woman, Circe screams while lunging herself at Wonder Woman. Attempting to punch her again, only for Wonder Woman to easily punch her in the face. Knocking the chubby sorceress to the floor. ''We can keep going all day, Circe. The only one that's gonna suffer in the end is you,'' Diana said at approaching the fat woman. Watching her gently stand up on all fours. Her robes even more ripped and torn now than before. ''Surrender now, and I swear no more harm shall befall you!'' Her mocking tone changing into a stern one while standing over her defeated opponent. Growling strained through her teeth, Circe stares down at the floor. Glaring with blood-shot eyes at the cracked pieces of debris in front of her. Raising her flabby arm to punch it, but then getting an idea. Wait a moment! She's standing right in front of where I hit the wall. That means there must be debris in the hole, which I could use to surprise her! Her lips curving upwards into another smile. Yes! I can still beat this bitch! Gently lowering her arm, Circe hangs her head and sighs. Looking down at the floor. Looking back over her shoulder towards the trim and toned figure towering over her. ''Fuck you!'' She replies hatefully, which only ears her another overconfident smirk from Wonder Woman. ''See, now that's a good girl!'' Diana patronizes her. Her eyes following Circe's every movements as she stands back up. Her clean and un-damaged outfit deeply contrasing Circe's ripped and torn robes. Blood running down along her body from various wounds and bruises on her chubby body. ''Now, what's going to happen from here is i'm taking you back to-'' SLAM! WHACK! POW! However, she's suddenly interrupted mid-sentence when Circe subtly uses her fingers to telekinetically throw several destroyed pieces of debris at her from behind. Violently hitting her hard in the back. Forcing her to turn her back to Circe, much to Circe's delight! After smashing several of the debris and realizing it's trick, Diana is unable to turn around (or properly react) before a red beam shots through her chest. Her eyes widening and jaw hanging slack as she freezes in place. A bright red aura envelops her body before an explosion suddenly fills the room with smoke! Coughing, she runs out of the building. Turning her head in various directions as she searches for Circe. The overweight sorceress, however, has escaped. Teleporting away before Wonder Woman could even try catching her. ''Damnit, she got away!'' Diana balls her fists. Angrilly hanging her head in failure. A sudden growl sounding from within her stomach. Distracting her from the failure of apprehending Circe. ''Oh well, nothing a little bit of food won't fix!'' She cheerfully replies. Putting a hand to her stomach before flying off. A figure watching from a nearby mountain top as the Amazonian heroine flies off to satisfy her hunger. Grinning as it's plan has begun! *** It was already night by the time Diana returned home. The slender Amazonian quietly slipping onto the porch and dissapearing into her appartment. However, despite being back her hunger's only gotten worse. Her growls now accompanied by gurgling and rumbling! ''Alright, alright! Jeez, i'll feed you, you greedy bastard!'' she whines. Holding her belly as she walks into the kitchen. Not bothering to change out of her Wonder Woman outfit yet as her hunger is a more pressing issue. With little to no control, she grabs whatever unhealthy sweets (specifically unhealthy food) and hurries out into the living room. Dumping it onto the table before plopping her butt into the couch. Eagerly grabbing a box of cookies and ripping it open. Immediatly shoveling cookies into her mouth, regardless of whether or not they taste good. All that matters to Diana is being able to satisfy this intolerable hunger. Rapidly chewing the three or four cookies in her mouth before swallowing the medium load. A noticable bulge travelling down her throat before depositing the large glob of dough and chocolate into her stomach. A content sigh coming from her as she lays back against the couch. Smiling as she closes her eyes and gently puts a hand atop her slender waist. Her moment of satisfaction doesn't last long though. Her eyes snapping open and narrowing angrily at not even feeling semi-full from those few cookies. Sitting up straight, she holds the box above her mouth and pours all the cookies into her mouth. Her cheeks bulging wide and mouth unable to close due to the amount of cookies. Groaning annoyed, she slowly chews the cookies. Breaking them apart one after another until she's finally able to chew like normal. The chocolate and dough melting in her mouth. Mushing together until they're a large ball of dough and chocolate. This large ball slowly squeezing down her throat. Bulging it wide until plopping into her belly, causing her belly to explode outwards into a protruding muffin top. ''AHHHHH!'' she sighs. Though, not for long as her hunger still hasn't come close to being satisfied. Her toned abs having already begun to dissapear into the soft and jiggly ball of fat. ''More! Gotta have more!'' Reaching for a bag of potato chips, she rips the bag open and holds it above her maw. The goodies spilling into her mouth, steadily bulging her cheeks again. As soon as the bag's been emptied she tosses it onto the floor and begins chewing. Hearing loud crunching noises with every bite. GULP Swallowing another load, which only makes her belly balloon yet again. Her swelling belly slowly apreading across her legs. Already reaching down to her thighs. ''MMHHMMMM! Everything is so delicious, but my belly still doesn't feel close to being full!'' She gently pats her growing orb. Looking down at it and only shaking her head confused. ''My hunger's got to dissapear some time. Perhaps eating more food will help!'' (An hour later...) ''Ohhh! Ohhhhhhh my god!'' Diana groaned as she leaned back against the couch. Cradling the enormous beachball that was her belly with her hands. Laying her head back against the soft cushions behind her. Experiencing perhaps the worst stomach ache possible. Finally feeling full after an hour of gorging herself on whatever junk food was in her appartment. Her legs parted to make room for the swollen orb as it sank between her legs. The couch creaking under the weight of her stuffed belly. Groaning nearly as loud as she was. However, much to her relief and/or dispair her outfit began ripping. Large tears and rips opened. Allowing her jiggly flesh to ooze out through the holes. Her belt's grip steadily weakening as the fabric gave way for her fat to continue bursting through. Finally popping off and landing on the floor. Her legs dissapearing underneath all her belly fat as it spills across her legs. Ostructing them even more than they already were. ''Great...now how am I gonna get up to answer the door when the pizza guy arrives?'' she grumbles annoyed. *** Merely a week later, Circe was at it again! Only, instead of a specific plan, she was just attacking the public. Using her magic to conjure deadly energy blasts that destroyed and killed anyone they came into contact with! The police attempted fighting her, but her magic rendered their bullets useless against someone of her magnitude. An energy field surrounding her as she hovers above the people she's attacking. Cackling evilly at firing another blast or bolt. Varrying her attacks by shifting between fire, lightning and just plain energy blasts. ''Come out, come out, Wonder Woman, wherever you are!'' She cackles in a cheerful voice. Wanting her arch-enemy to come and ''fight'' her. ''I'm here, Circe!'' Diana calls to the sorceress. Drawing Circe's attention up into the sky as she descends from the heavens. Planting her feet atop a large building, only for that building to begin shaking. Cracks appearing throughout the structure as it collapses. Now, unable to carry Diana's outragous weight. ''Once again, you don't see to have learned your-WHOA!'' she exclaims as the building crumbles beneath her. If not for her ability to fly she would've gone down with the structure. Circe cheeks bulging wide at trying to hold back a stiffling laughter. Wonder Woman having changed alot since their battle a mere week ago. Despite her belly not being as large anymore, her legs had exploded out into chunky tree trunks. Her legs resembling large cones the way they hung in mid-air. Her arms not possessing as much flab as her legs still had plenty of squishy rolls. A chubby neck ran up to her face, which was very chubby. Sprouting soft and bulging cheeks on a face that's been burried beneath layers of fat. A double chin pressing out underneath her first. Her breasts were clearly struggling to fit into the cups. Looking close to overflowing them at this point. Her outfit was ripped in several areas, allowing the fat to ooze out across her body. Despite her belly not being as large as it used to be, was still quite large. Sloshing with yesterday's conquests. Jiggly waves were sent rippling across her bloated buttocks. Causing them to bounce and shake at just the slightest movement. Despite her outfit having suffered greatly in certain areas, specifically her belly, still managed to cover up her plumpened body fairly well. ''Pft ha ha ha ha ha!'' Finally unable to contain it she bursts out into laughter. Pointing a mocking finger at Wonder Woman's transformation. Despite her enemy laughing mockingly at her, Diana smirked with the same confidence as when she fought Circe a week only. Only, that smirk immediatly faded when noticing something new about Circe; she was skinny! Unlike their last encounter, Circe was no longer fat. Instead having returned to her beautiful, slender self. Her green robes hugging her frame that it left little to the imagination. Her golden belt adorning her trim waist. Her hair and robes swaying gently at the wind blowing past her. ''Wow, Wonder Woman, you dissapoint me,'' Circe calls out to her, ''I gain a little bit of weight and you immediatly decide to no longer care about fitness? For shame!'' Folding her arms across her chest, which was no longer sagging but had instead returned to being perky. ''H-how is this possible?! You were a slow slob the last time we meet!'' Hmm! Speak for yourself, pig! ''Simple; I made an example out of you so that i'd have a goal to strive for. Which became so easy after seeing how much of a lazy slob you were becoming!'' She points back at Wonder Woman. ''W-what are you talking about?'' ''I cursed you so you'd become a fat slob. Fatter than me in fact!'' she giggles. Looking down at her soft and plump body, Diana feels rage building within her. Finally realizing that the hunger she's been experiencing was Circe's doing all along! ''If your feeble like mind has problem remembering, allow me to show you what happened!'' Circe extends her finger and begins doing circle-movements with it. Conjuring a dark-purple image in front of Wonder Woman. The dark-purple image showing herself and Circe from a week ago. Diana's brows jumping at seeing herself be repeatedly hit with rocks. Meanwhile, Circe raises her finger. Aiming directly for Diana's heart and firing a red beam. The beam that rendered her motionless. Then conjuring a thicked of black smoke. Allowing her to teleport away before Diana can figure out what's happened. Diana watching herself coughing as she walks out of the building. With a snap of her finger, the dark-purple image vanishes. Showing only the now slender and toned Circe in place of how she looked a week ago. ''Y-you-...you cursed me!'' Diana points her chubby finger at Circe. Resulting in Circe softly chuckling at her. ''Indeed! I cursed you so your hunger would becomine insatiable so that in a week when we're meet again, you'd be fat and i'd be back to my slender self again!'' Patting her slender waist. ''Having to put a real effort into anything was a first for me, Wonder Woman. I'll make sure you suffer for that too!'' Her smirk contorting into an infuriated frown. Her eyes narrowing enraged with a stern frown settling on her face. ''Well then, regardless of what you've done, i'll still do better against you than you did against me.'' ''We'll see!'' Circe grumbled. ''HYAHHHHH!'' Diana screamed as she shot through the air. Lunging herself at Circe, only for Circe to smirk as she easily flew up in front of her. ''What!?'' Diana screamed at looking back over her shoulder. Not watching where she was going as she slammed into a building. The entire skyscraper collapsing seconds after she hit it! Looking down at the collapsed structure, and watching the dust cloud that's formed as a result, Circe watches Wonder Woman lunge out through the dust. Narrowing her smirk before catching both of Wonder Woman's incoming punches. Steadily pushing Wonder Womans' flabby arms away and kneeing her hard in the stomach. While she's focused more on the pain and holding her aching gut, Circe kicks her. Sending her flying through the air. Teleporting to where she'll be and holding both her hands together. A magical aura appearing around her hands. When the incoming Wonder Woman is hit, her empowered hands packs quite the punch. Hitting her so hard it feels like her bones are could break. Despite being coated in layers of squishy pudge, none of that fat is doing her any good now in fighting her arch-nemesis. Having been dealt too much damage, Diana shots towards a nearby building like a meteor. Crashing into it, shortly resulting in the entire building collapsing on top of her! Gently descending towards the pile of rubble, Circe perches herself atop the pile. Her arms folded across her chest while staring at the pile. Waiting for Wonder Woman to react. However, when nothing happens she extends her arms towards the pile and begins telekinetically moving pieces of rubble out of the way. Eventually uncovering the crushed and battered body of Wonder Woman underneath. Despite barely moving, her heaving and dropping chest and belly showed she was just unconcious and not dead. ''Hmm! I thought you would've lasted a little longer than that, but I guess that it's why it's called ''an advantage.'' Circe says as she stands over Wonder Woman's motionless frame. ''Anyway, on to phase two of my revenge...and the part i've been looking forward to exacting, bitch!'' Her smirk returning as she began hovering in the air above the fallen heroine. Pointing her hand towards the debris, it began telekinetically flying in the air. After doing a couple hand gestures, the steel and iron began melding together until they reformed a large funnel. Circe's eyes began glowing as the funnel was enveloped in a purple aura that soon faded. The funnel having been enchanted just the way she wanted it! ''Perfect!'' Opening Diana's mouth and inserting the tip of the funnel, she began giggling in an evil manner. ''Now to make you the ninth wonder of the world!'' Then, utilizing every ounce of power, she starts straining herself. Her body beginning to sweat as she spends alot of energy levitating everything within the city. Groaning, she swings her hand down. Steel, iron and concrete streaming down into the funnel like a wild river. Despite being unconcious, Diana begins eating as she feels something enter her mouth. A strange, liquid-like stream pouring down her throat and into her body. Her already prominent belly starts swelling. Pushing outwards across her legs and across the concrete road. Several inches settling on the growing, jiggly mass of lard. Stretching until beginning to press against the few remaining buildings in the city. Gaining height as well as width as it continues to spread. The ever-inflating fatty layers spilling out into alleys and various streets. A large blob of fat that doesn't appear to be stopping in its relentless growth. Circe giggling in delight as she watches Wonder Woman continue to inflate larger and bigger. Occasionally peaking down towards the fat heroine's body. The ever-growing belly eventually growing taller than the buildings themselves. Continuing to fill out the spaces before enveloping them when her fat spills over their top. Circe flying on down towards the immobilized Wonder Woman. Hovering above her grounded foe. Staring into her nervous and frightened eyes with her evil smirk. ''If you thought I was fat, then just wait until you're done gaining! You'll be larger than the whole city!'' Diana's cries and pleas for her to stop feeding her only coming out as muffled noises, which Circe ignores. Merely shaking her head in reply. ''Not until you eat all your food, young lady!'' ''You grow up so fast, don't you?'' ''Your large, you are a building!'' She mocks Diana. Occasionally poking her soft blubber and hugging it. Squeezing it with her hands. ''The only pig in this town is you, girl!''
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hibiscusangel15 ¡ 7 years ago
So the new ML episodes have completely revived my love for the show (and the ridiculous Love Square antics). The last episode (the one with Prime Queen), strangely enough, gave me some strong To/becky vibes that just reminded me why I love both WG and ML, and I needed to express these overwhelming feels somehow, so...here’s this thing.
Based off the ideas put forth by @pi-romantic​‘s “The Definition of Miraculous” AU fanfic, which I’ll link here:
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
My fic under the cut, yo.
Something changed the day she kissed Chat Noir.
At the time, it didn't seem like a big deal. She had no other way of saving him from Dark Cupid's spell, and she needed him to help her capture the akuma. She was just lucky he didn't remember it.
But, oh, she did. The feeling of his lips pressing onto hers, stiff with surprise at first, then slowly, painfully melting into a soft acceptance that never left her. She was plagued by it, this warm, annoying feeling. It buzzed around her constantly, like gnats in the summer.
Becky hadn't even realized what about the kiss bothered her so much until, on their next routine patrol, he gave her his trademark cat-like smirk, and she knew.
And boy, did she fall.
Literally. She was so shocked that she slipped off the edge of the roof and nearly plummeted to the city pavement. That is, until Chat Noir, ever the hero, jumped after her without a second thought and scooped her up in his arms. Well, one strong arm. He clung to his staff with the other.
Not that it mattered. It was enough.
“Are you alright, my lady?” he asked, his voice shaken with alarm.
She didn't dare look up for fear he would see her blushing face, her too bright eyes swimming in her fully realized feelings for her partner.
Her heart thudded wildly against her chest. She hoped he would just chalk it up to her being startled at the fall.
And what a spectacular fall it was.
“Fine,” she managed to get out as he set her down on the street below. “Just fine.”
After a day or two of back-and-forth debate between herself, she decided it would be best to accept her feelings wholeheartedly. Maybe it was the mask, or maybe it was Tikki and Bob's joint encouragement at the idea, but she found it much easier to flirt with him in between battles now.
Of course, she didn't start with anything too major. Just some friendly, perhaps overly friendly depending on how one looked at it, banter that garnered that charming grin from her partner she came to adore.
Naturally, this evolved into her leaning closer into his personal space, and eventually scrounging for excuses to hold his hand on patrols.
She didn't know what he really thought of all this, but he played along with it, tacking on flirtatious winks and practically purring pet names to her.
My lady. My darling. My dear. Each and every endearment made her heart swell, and she held onto the hope that maybe, just maybe, he could return her feelings someday.
Becky sighed in the middle of her Chemistry lecture. She supposed her teacher was explaining what lab they would be doing tomorrow, but she just couldn't concentrate.
She began doodling a rather crude-looking caricature of her partner in the margins of her notebook and smiled at it, satisfied with her work.
“Is that supposed to be Chat Noir?” an altogether different partner asked all of a sudden.
Becky sat up straight in her chair, instinctively covering the doodle with her hand. Tobey McCallister hid an entertained grin behind his hand. Becky might have even found the grin familiar had she not been so flustered at being discovered.
“Wha-?! Chat Noir? Of course not! It's just...uh....”
He slipped her notebook right from under her to get a better look at it. “Oh, this is most definitely him,” Tobey mused, and his grin grew. “Though your artwork leaves a lot to be desired.”
She practically lunged across the lab station, her eyes focused solely on her notebook.
He caught her wrist so fast that she almost didn't see it.
Tobey sucked in a breath. Curse my cat-like reflexes....
He let go of her almost immediately and cleared his throat. “Yes, well, here.” He handed the notebook back, all the while avoiding her gaze.
She threw him a suspicious glare as she snatched it and held it to her chest.
“So...you have a crush on Chat Noir then, do you?” His question sliced through the silence like a paper cut.
Her sputtering denials did not match the absolute redness that flew to her cheeks, and at this, he smirked.
“Oh, this is poetic justice at its finest,” he said, leaning his head against a hand. “All these years you've been making fun of me for having a crush on a superhero, and then you go off and do the same! It seems as if the shoe is on the other foot now.” A hint of incredulous laughter paraded in his voice.
Becky glanced down at her misshapen doodle and scowled. He had defeated her, and she knew it. No use denying the obvious.
At this point, he began to feel a little bad for her. He knew from experience that crushing on a superhero was terribly difficult. It was worse than crushing on a celebrity, really.
“Not that that's a bad thing, mind you,” he added as he looked out the window. He saw her glance back up at him out of the corner of his eye. “I mean, he is pretty cool, after all.”
Her blush only became more pronounced. “...Be quiet,” she said at last, slapping her hands over her face. Thankfully, the bell rang in the next moment and Becky found her chance to escape.
It didn't hit him until she left.
Becky Botsford had a crush on Chat Noir.
...He was Chat Noir.
As in Becky Botsford was crushing on him and wasn't even aware of it.
Tobey had to laugh at the ridiculous irony of it all. Not only did Becky fall in love with a superhero, but that superhero just had to be him? Of course, with all the potential crushes she was apt to have, his alter ego was not a bad choice.
He couldn't help the Cheshire-like grin tugging at the corners of his mouth as he walked to his next class.
Once she was sure no one was around, Tikki poked her head out of the little pocket in her bag meant to hold her and asked, “You okay, Becky?”
“Stupid Tobey...” Becky grumbled as a response. “He's got no right to make fun of me. He's the one in love with me and doesn't even know it. I mean, how ironic can you get?”
“What do you like about Chat Noir?” Tobey asked the next day. They were waiting for a beaker of water to boil, so he figured now was as good a time as any.
Her face grew pink immediately. “Not this again.”
“I won't make fun of you.”
She threw him a doubtful look.
“Okay, I might tease you a little. But I promise, nothing hurtful.”
Coming from Tobey, this was a huge deal. Not a lot of people trusted him after his akuma days, but Becky was one of those kind few who managed to.
Her eyes began to fog up with wistfulness.
After the water came to a good boil, Becky finally answered, “...He's funny.”
He gaped at her. “That's it?”
She sent him a glare so seething, it rivaled the ones his mother used to give him back in his villainous prime.
“No,” she emphasized, tugging her hair in front of her face in a vain attempt to hide her blushing face. “...He's incredibly cute. And I like how kind he is. Not just because he's a superhero, mind you, but....” She sighed. “There's this gentleness about him. Sure he'll tease you and everything, but he knows where his limits are, and he respects them.”
When he began to snicker, she snapped,  “Which is more than I can say for you.” She crossed her arms in a huff and turned away.
Tobey was completely taken aback. Was the disparity between his secret identity and alter ego really that huge? Here Becky was, practically confessing her love to him, all the while hating him at the same time. It was absolutely ludicrous.
He cleared his throat. “I could say the same about Ladybug,” he began, already regretting it.
She looked back at him, her eyebrows raised.
Tobey's eyes flickered to the window. “I also admire her spirit. She's just so radiant all the time. She's so full of life and loves every second of it. It's all I can do to try and keep up with that spirit.”
His sigh brought him down to Earth again. “Which is more than I can say for you, Becky Botsford.” He shot her words right back at her. “Why, you don't shine in the slightest.”
How can he manage to insult me and so fervently compliment me in the same breath? she thought with an incredulous smirk.
“Yeah, well, you're no Chat Noir, McCallister,” Becky said aloud. The water had come to a good boil, so she shut the Bunsen burner off. “Good luck on finding someone who could tolerate that biting sarcasm of yours.”
“I don't need your luck, Botsford,” Tobey sniffed. He snapped a pair of goggles over his regular glasses. “Nothing could be so lucky as my Ladybug.”
The two bent their heads over their work and tried their best not to smile at the other's confession.
Oh, the irony of it all.
aefdi;ojafjio;f;jfe;kjs The Love Square makes me scream. Especially in this AU oh my GOD. Just the ideas alone slay me.
I know I have my other fics to write still, but hoooo boy, I haven’t had such strong feels or had fun writing in a long time, let me have this. Even if it’s a fanfic of a fanfic, lol.
Thanks again @pi-romantic for letting me butcher write stuff based off your fic, lmao.
Okay, but seriously, if you haven’t checked out “The Definition of Miraculous”, you’re missing out. Go do iiiiit.
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apprxmtn ¡ 6 years ago
this is a draft i found on my college wgs.111 wordpress, dated may 4, 2016, that i suppose i was too afraid to post, and i guess i keep all my writing on tumblr, and no one will read this, so
on street harassment:
this is just a lot of personal thoughts sorry
i stayed quiet during the discussion on street harassment - it's not something i've personally experienced often, so i wanted to respect the space and experiences of those who were sharing. personally, i feel that a non-threatening tone and respect for someone's space make the statement more of a compliment than harassment, but i also believe that men should understand and respect that some women are not comfortable being approached by any men due to past experience and real danger, and that sure it sucks for them, but if they care that much about being able to compliment women on the street, they should be also working to eradicate misogyny and rape culture amongst their peers. i do believe street harassment is a serious issue that reflects a widespread culture of men feeling entitled to women's bodies. the following is just a reflection of my experience alone (not a reflection of all of my thoughts on street harassment).
as a not-particularly-attractive-but-still-feminine-looking person, the feminist movement's rhetoric surrounding street harassment - "every woman has a story of harassment!" etc - has really alienated me and is one of the myriad reasons i decided to identify as nonbinary, because so many of these "universal women's issues" just don't apply to me. i actually considered interning for hollaback last year, but didn't feel comfortable working on street harassment when i wasn't even attractive enough to be harassed. (not to mention hollaback's myriad other issues - the video we watched, the boston chapter actually separated from them and formed a new group (the safe hub collective), the head of hollaback has been criticized for the way she treats employees and the organization... anyway.) the face(s) of the feminist movement itself even seems to often be these conventionally attractive women that make me feel unwelcome or inadequate as a feminist activist. and i do think there's some merit to this concern - conventionally attractive people are more likely to be listened to, and of course this distinction is worse for women than for men.
i think the feminist movement has been particularly vocal about these issues that affect conventionally attractive women the most. street harassment is about power, but it is also about men finding a woman attractive, as the poor "men's justifications" we saw in class show. on the flip side, the fat and body positive movements have been vocal about the issues that affect fat women - the inverse, rather than "compliments", fat women have spoken out about on-face insulting street harassment, often the insinuation that she is taking up too much space and doesn't deserve to be in public, eat certain things, or dress a certain way. women or feminine-coded people like me who aren't really on either end, i find, are sort of invisible, both in the movement and in real life. in my experience, i have quite often felt literally invisible. people have looked over and through me, walked into line as if i wasn't there, etc. for context, i'm not exactly a quiet person but i am pretty shy in public and in large groups. but this experience isn't something i've seen other people write about - i haven't seen any thinkpieces about daily experience by average-looking women. perhaps there's something to be said about women being either objects of desire, objects of ridicule, or invisible - but i don't know, because i don't know if other women have this experience, because no one talks about this.
to be honest, the four (exactly four, all within the ages of 18 and 20) times i have been harassed or politely approached by men on the street, part of me has always appreciated it. as someone who has struggled with body image and general appearance for years, it is actually nice to know that someone out there finds me to be attractive. in the cases where i've been yelled at (2/4), i've been like, wow that's totally rude and misogynist, but hey at least i look good today? in the cases where i've been politely approached (2/4), i almost wish we'd kept talking. there's this sort of romantic-narrative-trope of two people meeting in a cafe, finding each other mutually attractive, and then finding true love or even just a fling or whatever, and i know women who have met and casually/seriously dated men they met at parties, concerts, etc. for once, i really want to have a relationship with someone where there's mutual physical attraction - despite finding the men i've been involved with fine as people, that has literally never happened to me. there's also this common argument where men are like "ugh, women have it so easy! they can literally have any guy they want" which really only applies to conventionally attractive women, which again, makes me think that ordinary-looking-women are just invisible in men's eyes and minds. one guy i was briefly involved with literally told me that women have to meet a "certain standard of attractiveness" to be dateable - but that standard must have been pretty low, because he also told me i should lose weight.
i know this sort of sounds like me whining that i can't find a boyfriend, but i have been in a very happy relationship (and an open one, so...)  for over two and a half years now. that isn't the point of this. the point of this is (yes, partially a rant, but mostly) to point out the diversity of women's experiences that are often overlooked, but could provide for some rich analytic material and reveal something about our culture - orrrr to ascertain that maybe i'm the only one who feels this way.
i don't know. i guess i just want to see if anyone else has felt this way, because in all my years of trawling the feminist-leaning interwebs i have never, ever seen anyone write about this experience.
addendum: like i said, i can count the times i've been harassed or even politely approached by men on the street on one hand. in fact, i can write them all down for you, in detail.
the first time was the summer after my senior year. i had just turned eighteen and was sitting outside of starbucks by my high school (in a rich, predominantly white and asian neighborhood). if i recall correctly i was wearing a cardigan, a bland top, and shorts. when a man (probably around thirtyish years old) came up to me. he asked me what kind of ipad i had (i had been working) and about how it worked, as he was interested in buying one. then he complimented my nail polish (?! of all things), said he had seen me while working, and that i looked "all hipster and stuff." he asked how my summer was going, i told him i was going off to college, he said "oh so you're eighteen?" and i confirmed. (that should've been the warning sign, but this had never happened to me before!) after a couple more minutes of small talk, he said he lived about 20 minutes away and asked if i wanted to hang out sometime, and i said i was pretty busy for the rest of the summer getting ready for school and catching up with friends, he said alright well nice talking to you, and left. it was overall a very polite, if not pleasant, encounter.
the second time was in my second week of college. my friends and i had just gone to a waterfight on the charles as part of rush week, and as our clothes were soaked in nasty charles river water and literally attracting flies, we all decided to take our shirts off. two guys and i were walking back by the train tracks, and an old man (probably one of the homeless ones that lives behinds simmons?) yelled "hey, where can i get some of that?" to my friends' credit they quickly grabbed me, one of them held my hand in a fake-boyfriend act and we sped away. i would definitely file this encounter under harassment, but given that i was actually walking around in a bra, which isn't socially acceptable (another conversation in itself, obviously), i don't consider it to be evidence of an "everyday" phenomenon or even particularly unwarranted.
the third time was the fall of sophomore year, in the harvard yard starbucks. i don't remember what i was wearing, but i was on my way to a meeting for work and it was october, so it was probably fairly professional and covered-up. i was waiting for my drink, when the guy next to me tapped me on the shoulder, and said "excuse me? i just wanted to tell you you're really pretty." taken completely aback, i awkwardly said, "uh, thanks? i mean, i'm like five feet tall, so not much to work with?" he didn't really respond or try to engage me in further conversation. i don't think this was harassment at all, and in fact, i really appreciated it and it made me a little happier for the rest of the day, and i wished we had kept talking. i still think about it sometimes, and i'm like, damn, a stranger thought i was attractive once, so it's possible! anything can happen!
the fourth and final time was in a metro station in downtown LA, the summer before junior year. it was summer in LA and ridiculously hot, so i was wearing a tank top and short shorts, and sandals with a .5-inch heel. as i was walking across the fairly empty bus circle, someone shouted, "damn look at those legs!" i looked around and saw another man, but no other women. i was really confused because, again, i'm five feet tall (maybe the 0.5 inch of heels helped?). i'd definitely classify this as harassment, but personally, i didn't feel in danger as i was on my way to a crowded subway station, and actually part of me took it as a compliment, because for years i would wear jeans in the hottest of los angeles summers because i was so self-conscious about the way my legs looked.
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jenmoboba ¡ 7 years ago
SWAG (A New Hybrid of Courses, not tailored towards the alternative word for “cool,” but Sexuality, Women’s, and Gender studies)
I decided to give it a try for myself:
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WGS. 101 Introduction to Women’s and Gender studies
How would you define the terms “feminism” and feminist?
Feminism is a social movement that claims to want equality among the sexes, but actually wants vengeance on the male sex. A feminist is a brainwashed female that subscribes to the fad-like movement that is feminism and is encouraged to make that decision. Anyone that doesn’t subscribe to feminism has axiomatically deemed them a misogynist and a woman-hater.
What connotations or associations do the words “feminism” and “feminist” have for you?
Feminism claims to want equality, but how can you announce that a movement supports equality when the movement’s name has feminine gender modifiers? That makes no sense to me as a female. The only movement that I would join in this nature, would have to be called “Equalism.” An association that I make with feminism, is Nazism. Feminism mirrors many of the aspects of Nazis that make me fearful for a second Holocaust; causing the extermination of millions of males across the country. One of the connotations that I observe with “feminists,” are radical women that roam the streets naked with black lettering on their bodies, screeching for peace and equality instead of applying for the job that they claim they got discriminated against because they don’t meet the qualifications. I find protesting pointless when you could be doing something more effective, and actively creating change.
How has feminism/feminists affected you?
Feminism is a movement that has affected me greatly. I do not identify as a feminist; however, I do not believe that I have to participate in this movement to advocate for the equality of rights among the sexes. Feminism is a movement that preaches diversity, and inclusion, yet all they do is close the door on those that disagree with them. They want men, and other people to join their movement, yet their festival, or Women’s March, is an anarchic roast fest upon the male gender, and pointing fingers at their minute imperfections. I do not believe that women are oppressed in society, and we need to stop brainwashing women into believing that they are born victims and need to eradicate men in order to safely roam around at night without the required fist keys. Women always generalize men when it comes to “rape culture” and I refuse to believe that all men contribute to this satanic snowball of inappropriate behaviors in and out of the workplace.  
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Feminist Thought (Social Construction: Class, Gender, Race, Disability)
1.       Social Construction
a.       A social construction, in my opinion, is an idea that is created and accepted by people.
b.       Something is socially constructed if society accepts it as a truth.
c.       I don’t believe that gender is socially constructed, it is a fact, and can’t be debated. Examples of social constructionism are whiteboards, computers, and hairbands. These are items that are created and accepted by people. They aren’t hypothetical or unobtainable.
                i.      America is a social construct because it was created by people.
               ii.      Femininity is not a social construct since being a female makes you feminine, and those are not up for debate or changeable.
              iii.      Giftedness is a social construct since we agreed upon the definition of giftedness and apply it to those that it belongs to.
              iv.      Fitness is a social construct since we have defined what it means to be fit, and what it means to not be fit.
               v.      Families are social constructs since we have defined what families are, and we know what they are made out of.
              vi.      Race is not a social construct since we don’t have a choice in determining them, we are born with them.
             vii.      Sex is not a social construct. I cannot wake up one morning and be a male since that is genetically impossible despite genital mutilation and hormone injections. That doesn’t change the chromosomal makeup that creates my femininity.
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Gender is not malleable. Gender is not a social construct, nor is it up for debate. I don’t care if you identify as graysexual, agender, biromantic, but you cannot expect me to modify my personal definition of gender/race/sexual orientations because you have your own beliefs. If you identify as a penguin, I am not going to address you as a penguin, but I will never tell you to stop doing what you do. So give me the same respect, since I am giving it to you. This is what people are learning in gender studies classes, and people want to call me brainwashed. If you are anything other than heterosexual you are not going to contribute to the future of humans. You can adopt, but that doesn’t mean that you created a human being, the child’s parents did, not you. If the human race is going to continue, we need to have heterosexual couples reproduce in order for there to be human beings in the future. 
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If you have an issue with the gender disparities in STEM fields, have you ever considered the hypotonic solution that is school? Women are the concentration and depending on the variety of selection, the cell can either shrink or swell. If more women are studying liberal arts, that means that there are fewer particles outside of the concentration gradient to study STEM fields. The same goes for men. If you are upset that not enough women are studying STEM majors, maybe switch majors? That’s like going to the grocery store for milk and being mad that someone didn’t buy your cereal. I was a biology major, so you’re welcome for the solution humor. 
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Every feminist I have ever met always posts one rant of some sort detailing their horrific experiences and encounters with men, especially regarding Tinder dates. Feminists always want to blame their problems on men, and blame society for victimizing them. Men didn’t teach you to fist your keys, or not to walk alone at night, women did. Women were taught to prepare for the day where they would become a victim, and then graduate into their pink knit pussy hats, and Rosie the Riveter posters to raise a fist in the name of feminism. Your problems are never your own fault, and you have an arsenal of names to place blame on so you don’t feel bad about it. 
Feminist: “I didn’t get the job.”
Also Feminist: “I have to file a complaint with a female supervisor because I was discriminated against because a male applicant stole my job.”
Could it be that you weren’t as qualified? Or that you weren’t willing to work as many hours? Did the interview go well? Feminists won’t even consider that things are their own fault because that is victim blaming (not allowed). 
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American feminists love to paint themselves as the most oppressed and tortured individuals in existence. They don’t think that soldiers storming the beach of Normandy had it worse than they did, because that’s conceding to the notion that men have suffered. White men can’t have it that bad, women have always had it worse. Everyone, no matter what gender or race, has gone through various degrees and forms of misfortune and tragedy. Suffering is not a competition either, feminists. Just because you were raped doesn’t mean that you are entitled to VIP citizenship benefits. There are purple heart veterans that don’t get properly compensated for their suffering, think about the other people out there that have it worse than you do. Be thankful that you live in a country where you have the same rights as men, because in most countries women aren’t allowed outside without a male chaperone, and are systematically built to fail. 
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President Trump has a wife, daughter, and a nation full of women that he has to take care of. Drumstick was pardoned by Trump, following presidential history that dates back to 1940, when George Bush started a tradition to pardon the White House’s Thanksgiving turkey. If you take something so simple as a Thanksgiving turkey and manage to create a feminist meditation on how oppressed you are, you should get a degree in Science to combat the gender disparity in STEM fields.
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I love this tweet. The curriculum for kindergarteners is going to start covering nonbinary and gender nonconformity to brainwash kids into being confused about their gender. Please take your Women and Gender Studies degree to the trash and get a real job, instead of complaining that your bullshit degree doesn’t allow you to earn as much as a CEO with an MBA. 
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Hear that, men? Feminists want to be the only people outside of prison...to recreate humanity the way that they wanted, but reproduction requires a dick. How’s that going to work, again?
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Actually @feminist-gamer, women already have equal rights. It’s feminists like you that are picking apart the Constitution and trying to bend its words to complain that it doesn’t apply to you. Those 23 cents might be in your pocket if you worked the same hours as men did, didn’t take mental health days, etc... We have representation in the gaming world, I’m sorry if you bought a game that doesn’t have female characters, but that’s your own fault. If I turn on the Spanish channel and don’t see a white female, should I complain or change the channel?
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Nobody is genetically programmed to rape, and that is something that women especially need to learn. Men are being berated and harassed for their contribution to rape culture when some haven’t even touched a woman before in their lives. 
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We’re all about equality, right? Men have to be drafted, and so should we. Men usually lose custody cases, and so should we. Men have to buy an expensive engagement ring that’s big enough, and so should we. Upset that you have to wait for a man to propose to you? I have the solution for you; propose first. If men are pigs, then so are we. Equality!
If you’re sick of the phallic haze of Tinder, try Bumble. It’s the feminist tinder. Women have 24 hours to initiate the first conversation, and are in control, with a roughly balanced male to female ratio. Just for the record, I met my fiance Destry, on Tinder. 
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What’s the point of being on Tinder to find a man...if you’re not waiting for a “prince?” Tinder is an app that you use to meet people that you could possibly hang out with, and date. And if you can afford to insult his pick up line, where was yours? Quite honestly, that was a creatively made pick-up line. The Tinder user shown above is thetinderqueen on Instagram, and here is her bio: “The boys of tinder have finally met their match - a feminists guide to the world of dating apps - dm me your best moments  queer posts welcome!” If your solitary purpose on Tinder is to deter men from dating you, you shouldn’t be on Tinder. And feminists have the audacity to call me a misogynistic troll. Feminists are the epitome of trolls.
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beckface ¡ 3 years ago
Hey beckface I'm glad your still active on tumblr. I just read your dadbrains au headcanons and I loved every moment of them. I do have a question about your post, if they were ever to meet, how would wordgirl and Doctor Two Brains from canon react to meeting your dadbrains au becky and two brains?
Hi!!! Tumblr is too much fun I can’t leave yet
In like a multiverse situation canon WG and TB would both probably be extremely uncomfortable and maybe a bit sad with the knowledge that they’re family in some universe. They would make it sound ridiculous and make fun of it a bit because ew feelings. Like “Pff you? me? Family? That’s doesn’t even-it makes no sense!” “I know right? We hate eachother completely. Right?” “Yep. Right. It’s crazy. Hah” “yeah. Crazy. hah”
It def wouldn’t get too depressing since the show is a childrens comedy
so i’d imagine if we’re sticking to canon it’d mostly be the two DTBs’ hatching a silly evil plan together, while the two Wordgirls work together to stop them. The running gag of the episode is that each duo keeps getting in the way of the other’s battle flow,
Canon Becky and Dtb are a lot more aggressive to each other, and in regular battles definitely have more sibling vibes then parent/child. They’re not out to hurt the others feelings at all, but there is more of a sense of mutual competitiveness. Dadbrains Becky and DTB keep chastising their respective partners for being “too mean” and the canon ones are getting really annoyed. The banter is entirely necessary, how else are they gonna put on a good show??
Like you’d expect the two dtbs/two beckys to get along with themselves more, but no. Egos are running high on ALL sides and they keep getting in their own way
The dtb’s are getting along a lot worse then the Becky’s though, and they pretty much sabotage their own plan. The Becky’s learn to work together in the end, and “defeat” the Dtbs (Canon dtb destroyed the ray, all the Becky’s had to do was take them to jail)
The lesson of the day is don’t get so competitive with literally yourself you dumb fucks smh
The episode would probably wrap up with the dadbrains duo headed back home through whatever portal they went through, the DTBs hissing at eachother and then the narrator signs off
though because I can I’d like to add that it ends with the dadbrains two laughing together when they leave, and the canon duo are watching them go, alone at last. Dtb’s hands and legs are tied up with telephone wire or whatever.
It’s awkward for a moment, and the police are arriving, they both look to see the flashing lights. Becky stands up hesitantly and DTB says “Well. See you around I guess.”
Becky starts flying away, but stops midway in the air, and glances back at him, he looks less angry then normal and more tired. She thinks about her old friend for a second, and slowly descends, landing back next to him. She looks nervous, and is fiddling with her fingers. Dtb raises an eyebrow at her, he’s like “Uh, Do you need somet-“
She cuts him off with a hug, she doesn’t say anything, just wraps her arms around him and holds on. He pauses for a moment, unsure of what to do. She quickly pulls back, still not making eye contact with him, and then zips off. He stares at where she just was in shock as the police officer walks in and stands him up. He smiles, and gets in the police car feeling lighter then he has in a long time.
Sorry I started writing fanfiction again. My bad
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