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howwelldoyouknowyourmoon · 1 year ago
Whose peace is it? A WFWP peace festival is met with suspicion in Jerusalem
Jerusalem Post. June 3, 2004
An international women’s peace festival is met with suspicion
More than 500 women representing 33 different nations were greeted with smiles as they marched from Rehov Ben-Hillel to Independence Park last Thursday afternoon, singing and waving their respective national flags in an effort to bring a message of peace to Muslim and Jewish residents of the capital.
By the time the entourage, dubbed “A Mother’s Heart for Peace” reached its final destination, its conciliatory spirit had dissipated. The "Christian" group, hailing primarily from Japan, Korea, and the United States, were met by about 100 Palestinians who had been bussed to Independence Park from east Jerusalem and Arab villages north of Haifa by the event’s organizer, the Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP).
Dr. Moshe Nahum, president of the World Yemenite Federation and ambassador for the festival’s umbrella organization, the Inter-religious International Federation for World Peace (IIFWP), was puzzled by the low turn-out of Jewish Israelis.
“The only ones here who are from the region are Muslim,” he said as he glanced around the park in dismay at a group of Muslim children playing with plastic machine guns, which they directed at the Israeli policemen who came to secure the festival.
“Jews have nothing to do with this event,” commented David Cohen, one of the few Jewish Jerusalemites in attendance, who said he only came in order to stay informed about happenings in the city. “I don’t trust that the people who organized this event came to make peace.”
Rachel Gal, a Jewish volunteer with the WFWP in Jerusalem for the last five years, contested that the WFWP expected more Jewish women to come.
“I suppose Jewish Israelis were just too afraid to come,” she said.
An alternative explanation for the low turn-out is the infamous reputation of IIFWP founder Reverend Sun Myung Moon, whose Unification Church was mentioned 17 years ago in the ranks of the Church of Scientology and the Hare Krishna movement in a report by the Tassa-Glazer Knesset Commission, which was appointed by the Israeli government to investigate the dangers and damage caused by cults in Israel.
“These people don’t have a peace plan. They have a theological agenda,” said Aaron Rubin, director of the Anti-Missionary Department of Jerusalem-based organization Yad L’ahim (Hands to our Brothers), which offers help to Jews who have been persuaded to join cults and missionary movements.
According to Rubin, Moon’s Church of Unification is currently undergoing its fourth incarnation as an occult under the leadership of Rev. Moon and his wife, who also serves as head of the WFWP. The current objective of the church, he said, is to create the Fourth Israel. The church’s view holds that the First Israel was besmirched by the murder of Jesus by the Jews, the second was destroyed because Christians refused to recognize Rev. Moon as the messiah, and in the Third Israel, Christians denied that Rev. Moon represented the Second Coming.
“Moon’s followers call him The Lord of the Second Advent” said Rubin and revealed that the Fourth Israel aims to include Jewish, Muslim, and Christian followers in a joint chosen nation under the true leadership of Moon and his wife.
“The goal is to bring people of all faiths into his service,” said Rubin. “The problem is that most followers don’t understand the real agenda.”
Karen Smith, an Inter-religious International Peace Council (IIPC) representative from New York, denied that Moon has a hidden agenda and claimed that everyone affiliated with his movement sees him differently.
“The objective of the Unification Church is not at all conversion,” said Smith. “Some see him as a prophet or in a messianic role and others see him just as a smart man… Most people do respect him for what he has achieved by encouraging people to go beyond the boundaries of religion and nationality and see themselves as human beings who, if given the chance to work out our differences, can discover a genuine respect for each other.
“The church encourages followers of all religions to live up to the highest standards of their own tradition,” she continued. “That’s when we will all be making progress towards peace.”
Haitham Bundakji, president of the Masjid Board of the Islamic Society of Orange County (ISOC), an organization affiliated with the IIFWP, [said]
“... In America, the church is well respected and it is gaining respect all over the world.”
According to Rubin, Moon’s primary goal is to establish public legitimacy.
“Their tactic is different from most cults, since they don’t try to convert people directly, but instead try to gain legitimacy through different public conferences and festivals,” explained Rubin.
Another tactic, claimed Rubin, is encouraging the creation of advocacy groups which work on behalf of Moon, but which maintain their legitimacy by remaining officially autonomous.
Rubin gave as an example three rabbis who last year were invited to attend an IIPC-sponsored seminar in Jerusalem where they were lectured about peace for several hours before being asked to sign a symbolic treaty of solidarity in English. The treaty, said Rubin, which one of the rabbis couldn’t read, declared that the Jews were responsible for the death of Christ and that the signers vowed to encourage their congregants to repent for that sin.
“They are very deceptive people,” said Rubin, and estimated that there are over 50,000 international ambassadors for peace who are working under the indirect auspices of the IIFWP.
In addition to the IIFWP’s substantial following, the IIPC has formed a lobby group to encourage the United Nations to institute an inter-religious council.
“We recommend that the UN form an ad hoc committee to consider including an inter-religious council in the UN so that the religious voice can contribute to the peace-building work that is so desperately needed,” explained Smith.
The draft resolution submitted by the IIPC in the Philippines is currently on the table, but no decision has been reached. Until then, the IIFWP and its affiliate organizations will continue promoting their ideology through international peace festivals, seminars, and conferences. (A Mother’s Heart for Peace was among six IIFWP-sponsored events that have taken place in Israel over the last year alone.)
Forster said they have all been legitimate, peaceful gatherings.
“All we are hoping to do is make a statement in favor of reconciliation in this region,” she insisted. “As women, we feel that we have a skill that is not being utilized on the level of negotiation between governments. We have developed skills working with children and one of those is the knowledge that you can’t favor anyone when your own children are fighting with each other.”
“We have been transformed by meeting both Arab and Israeli women who have suffered,” added Susan Fefferman from Maryland, who helped to coordinate the festival. “We don’t have any answers, but we are willing to help and serve and listen, and that in itself is a step that can heal.”
Manan Aswanha, 25, a Muslim participant from Nazareth, agreed.
“It’s a lovely idea to come for a peace day. I think it’s what we need,” said the schoolteacher and mother of two. “I don’t know if efforts like this actually help the situation, but it helps me for my own personal psychology. It is nice to come to a place where you can see that there are good people who also want to make peace.”
For Moshe Fass, who had recently entered his retirement, the effort was at best naive.
“They talk about suffering, and peace, and understanding. I don’t know if they actually know what these things mean,” he said. “There is no genuine feeling of conciliation at this festival, which for all its nice words has nothing to do with reality.”
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whatisonthemoon · 2 years ago
Nation Of Islam & Scientology Make Their Partnership Official
Aaron Levin-Smith on Scientology’s relationship with the Nation of Islam, which is said to have begun around 2004-2005, maybe even before. Their relationship has only advanced, with Dianetics becoming standard reading for adherents and their own leadership “going up the bridge” of Scientology. 
This is at the same time the Nation of Islam was still building a relationship with the Unification Church, with Louis Farrakhan even being treated at Cheongshim Hospital at Cheongpyeong for cancer, having said to have participated in ansu. Ministers of the Nation of Islam have participated in many UC-front organization events since, including the Universal Peace Federation, American Clergy Leadership Conference, Women’s Federation for World Peace, etc. This was all of course in the years following the Million Family March on October 6, 2000. This relationship continues to this day though with less momentum. Some speculate if the Nation of Islam were courting various organizations to see how they could potentially benefit from a partnership with them, and maybe even to some degree of submission, in the early/mid-2000s.
Related articles below
Louis Farrakhan on Sun Myung Moon: He is the Manifestation of God’s Spirit
Today in Family Federation History: Whitney Houston a no-show at Moon’s mass wedding ceremony (Farrakhan addresses the crowd)
Strange Bedfellows: Moonies & Louis Farrakhan
Controversial Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan speaking at the Unification Church-run American Clergy Leadership Conference prayer breakfast at the Life Center Church of God in Christ in Chicago, Illinois.
Farrakhan, Moon Make an Odd or Perfect Couple
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kennak · 2 years ago
6月25日に、岡山県内の公共施設で「世界平和統一家庭連合=旧統一教会」の関連団体が関与する弁論大会が開催されました。旧統一教会への高額献金などが問題視されるなかでの利用許可に、波紋が広がっています。 岡山市北区の岡山県生涯学習センターです。 施設の利用団体を示す掲示には、「留学生日本語弁論大会」の文字。大会には、WFWP=「世界平和女性連合」、旧統一教会の関連団体が関与していて、岡山県教育委員会が所有する施設での実���に、外では反対する人の姿もみられました。 (反対する人) 「旧統一教会は、まだ全部片付いていないというか、なぜ『公共の建物』をそこに貸出したのか。断固反対です」 関係者によりますと、最大150人収容できる研修室はほぼ満席だったといいます。 世界平和統一家庭連合=旧統一教会を巡っては、信者に対する高額な献金の強要や「霊感商法」などが社会問題となっています。 この大会を巡っては、市民グループが「社会的問題のある団体に公共施設を貸し出すべきではない」と反対。県の生涯学習課に申入書を手渡しましたが、施設の利用許可は取り下げられませんでした。 (いらないよ!岡山県家庭教育応援条例 伊東大輔さん) 「かなり大きな問題になった後でも、公共施設を借りてそれができているとなれば、関連団体にとってまたアピールポイントになっていく」 一方全国では、自治体が使用許可を取り消したケースもあります。福岡市では今月8日、市の施設で大会が開かれることに市民団体などが反発。要望書を提出しました。 こうした動きを受けて福岡市は、国が旧統一教会に対する見解を示すまで、関連団体に公共施設の使用を認めないと決めました。 (福岡市 担当職員) 「市民の不安があるという状況の中で、そういった旧統一教会の関連団体に対して、引き続きそういう許可をするというのは、やはりよくない」
県有施設で「旧統一教会の関連団体」関与の弁論大会開催 福岡市は使用許可取り消しも 自治体によって分かれる判断【岡山】(RSK山陽放送) - Yahoo!ニュース
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isshinotasuke · 2 years ago
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trueloveculture · 2 years ago
Women & Men United Designed To Love. IFC HCIM WFWP VA Sunday #heavenlyo...
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djlewylew · 5 years ago
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🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 via @wfw_project - #Repost @sean_kiernan_wfwp ・・・ Cannabis is a brilliant choice compared to Big Pharma’s opioids that come with addiction and death via overdose or psychiatrist’s favorite income producing anti-depressants with the FDA stated side-effects of suicidal inclinations ... is it any wonder we are in an overdose and suicide epidemic. #wfwp #weedforwarriors #wfwp2019 #wfwproject https://www.instagram.com/p/B0vkCk_hOKJ/?igshid=7niohc632hew
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seedsherenow · 7 years ago
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Thank you @wfw_project for everything you do to help our Vets 🙏🏼 “ Repost from @highbreed_wfwp ・・・ The Compassion from @seedsherenowseedbank to the @wfwp_sacramento @wfw_project is extremely humbling and heartwarming. I personally want to thank each person from your company! Especially with these new limiting laws that are hurting the ones who need Cannabis as Medicine! So again 🙏 💚 #HappyHighBreed #luvandbeats #seedsherenow #meds4vets #wfwp #compassion4Vets #CannabisHelps #cbdforptsd #weedforwarriorsproject #worsethan22aday “ (at WFWP Calaveras)
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redfeathersfarm · 4 years ago
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Reposted from @wfwp_meds4vets @wfw_project 🚨SB34 Alert #mosslanding🚨 @wfw_project is teaming up with @eastofeden.experience for our 2nd Supply Drop & Resupply Mission and first at their Moss Landing store in Monterey County California 👏🏽💪🏽🇺🇸 When: Thursday, May 1st starting at 0900 until supplies last 🔥 Where: 8022 Moss Landing Road, Moss Landing #california What: The first 100 VETERAN PATIENTS will receive absolutely free medicine at no cost. 💚 Due to COVID, 😷#maskit You MUST have a valid/current medical 🏥 recommendation (hard copy), as well as proof of military service in order to participate with a VALID State ID! If you do not have a medical recommendation, you may get one online at @prestodoctor_official or www.prestodoctor.com which enables us to sponsor those veterans who can’t afford a script - please contact @wfwp_sacramento or [email protected] to see if there are sponsored scripts available if you need one. #wfwp #weedforwarriors #supplydrop #sb34 #supplymission #resupply #cannabis #community #compassion #care #change https://www.instagram.com/p/COEd-f3hbbo/?igshid=1rca452oqjlsi
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kchannel9 · 7 years ago
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#Repost @nb_cannabiz & @wizzardofahhs_ with @get_repost: ・・・ "CALL YOUR CONGRESSPERSON TO SUPPORT HR5634, THE MEDICAL CANNABIS RESEARCH ACT! As of this week, the Medical Cannabis Research Act of 2018, introduced by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) has 34 sponsors in the house, including House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte. “This is the cannabis reform legislation that has the greatest chance to pass this Congress.” Gaetz pointed out that the House Judiciary Committee, in particular, hasn’t taken up cannabis reform since 1978. “Cannabis reform has always faced a “catch 22” in congress,” said Gaetz, explaining that they (lawmakers) can’t change the law without having demonstrated research. “But, often times we cannot perform research without changing the law. Our bill ends this log jam, by opening access to cannabis research and pursuing potential cures wherever we may find them.” Also, the bill would create a “safe harbor” for academic and medical institutions that want to engage in medical cannabis research, without risking other federal grants they receive. And, it would allow for a more collaborative environment between researchers and private sector innovators. Persons of interest - California: Matsui - Sacramento 916.498.5600 McNerney - Stockton 209.476.8552 Eshoo - Atherton 650.323.2984 Brownley - Oak Park 805.379.1779 Cardenas- San Fernando Valley 818.221.3718 Lieu - Torrance 323.651.1040 Ruiz - Palm Desert 760.424.8888 Bass - Baldwin Hills 323.965.1422 Takano Riverside 951.222.0203 Peters - La Jolla 858.455.5550 Walters - Laguna Nigel 949.263.8703 Speier - Hillsborough 650.342.0300 Panetta - Carmel Valley 831.429.1976 McCarthy - Bakersfield 661.327.3611 Knight - Palmdale 661.441.0320 Hunter - Lakeside 951.695.5108 Florida: Dunn - Panama City 850.785.0812 DeSantis - Palm Coast 386.302.0471 Demings - Orlando 321.388.9808 Mast - Hutchinson Island 772.403.0900 Deutch - Boca Raton 561.470.5440 Castor - Tampa 561.998.9045 Bilirakis - Palm Harbor 727.940.5860 Crist - St. Petersburg 727.318.6770 Frankel - West Palm Beach 561.998.9045 Diaz-Balart - Miami 305.470.8555 #wfwp #wfwproject #wfwp2018 @wfw_project @semperhighshow @sean_kiern" (at California)
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tfondaw · 5 years ago
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Please join us Monday 4/20/2020 @ 1620 hrs for a #420 #celebration on #instagramlive.We will be doing a Q&A with chapter leaders/members, give aways, and more. We look forward to seeing you there. #semperhigh #wfwp #quarantined420 #cannabis #veteranshelpingveterans #veteransforcannabis #community #wfwp_northfl #stayalertstayalive https://www.instagram.com/p/B_MJTtFF9pM/?igshid=wtq0sr8xu7q2
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howwelldoyouknowyourmoon · 2 months ago
Once a person bought into Moon as Messiah they had to accept his “law of indemnity, Cain/Abel, servant of servant, etc.” It was enslavement.
RE: “No, the Moons did not steal anything. Things were given to them freely by members.”
Oh yes the Moons did. They set up a cult where members were terrorized into giving up their God given and national human rights. They were told that they would lose their soul and be damned to hell, tortured by Satan and unable to ever stand before God if they did not follow Moon. Following Moon meant following his teaching of Cain/Abel and indemnity.
All leaders were Abels, all members were Cain. Through the practice of indemnity, meted out by leaders, members lived in a constant state of what Moon called ‘the Servant of Servants position’. A servant of servants is so low as to have zero rights because it is a position lower then a slave. This was the ‘formula course’ set up by Moon to give members a way to indemnify the fall of man and “return to God, all people, material wealth and all things.” No one could return to God without going this formula course.
Based on that theology all members had to do what they were told to do by their Abel leader (who got his or her directions directly from Moon himself) or face a life of eternal suffering in hell with no hope of ever being called a child of God.
Once a person bought into Moon as Messiah they had to accept this law of indemnity, Cain/Abel, servant of servant position absolutely.
I see NO freedom in that total mind fuck theology.
Moon’s speeches are full of examples of him saying that if we even took one penny for personal use from monies we gained through fund raising we would sufferer eternal damnation. And also that we had no rights to money earned in business because we had to bring it all back to God (meaning himself) so it could be taken from the Satanic world and be restored back to God (again, meaning Moon himself). He even went so far as to tell us that we should feel ashamed to even eat because it took money away from ‘God’s providence’. And so we were fed very little.
I worked, without pay, at Dilly Deli Delicatessen, a sandwich shop owned by Bo Hi Pak in a Maryland Mall “without pay of any kind” because I was told it was my mission. A mission is something a servant of servant is duty bound to do without pay and without complaint. I worked without pay of any kind for Original World Products in NY, Golden Gate Seafood in California, Christian Bernard’s in NYC, and WFWP in Boston. And that doesn’t even touch on all the fundraising I was forced to do over the years as my duty to Moon. I say forced fund raising because even when I cried and begged not to have to do it I was told I had no choice. It was excruciating for me to fund raise. At the time all I knew was that I was in constant pain – but not why I was in so much pain. But now I know, I had Multiple Sclerosis. I cried almost every day while fundraising because I FUCKING HURT!
No one knew I had MS back then. But no one had an ounce of mercy when I begged not to have to fund raise either. I was labeled “Cain”, which translated into being on “Satan’s side” and therefore a trouble maker. I was told that I was not in pain at all – but that Satan and evil spirits were invading me to stop me from doing my mission.
So you are sadly mistaken when you say no one was forced to give money to the Moons.  
This is not just my story, but the story of countless members. We all had to go the formula course of servant of servant and follow the Cain/Abel formula in order to have even a meager chance of a relationship with God and to “separate from Satan.”
That, my friend, is mind control. That, my friend, is enslavement. That, my friend, is giving – but NOT giving freely.
Linda Feher
Indemnity is a Moon Trap
The Four Fallen Natures of the Divine Principle are used as a means of controlling members.
Charismatic Authority (authority is not the same as power)
The Frightening Power of Obedience to Authority
The concept of original sin seems to have been developed about 200 years after Jesus by Irenaeus and later by St Augustine.
Giving or Stealing
Sorry to hear about your problem with MS, Linda.  One of my unpleasant church experiences was when I injured my leg.  I suspect it was fractured, or a very bad sprain. I was expected to carry on as normal until I just flat out said no.
As far as blind obedience, it probably depends on the member’s personality.  I know some members who were so guilt ridden that they would obsessively do what their central figure told them to do, and then wonder why their life did not get better.
I guess I had some common sense, and I guess that is why I could not stay in the church.  I always thought of myself as a volunteer.  Was I the only one who thought that way?
One moment I will always remember was when I refused a position my central figure offered to me.  Do you know Sung Sang Lee?  The little Napoleon?  I simply told him I could not accept the position because I could not unite with him.  He gave me a hard look, and never mentioned it again.
May be why I never became a big shot leader.
Pat Kilgore
Pat Kilgore… loved your response! Love your spunk!
You had some sense of reality that I lacked. Most people in my center and who I worked with over the years were like me. I didn’t meet anyone like you till I married my husband. He was a real rebel! He helped me grow a backbone to replace my wishbone.
One of my prouder moments as a new member was when I lived in the Baltimore center with Mike Jenkins as my Abel figure. He was a real control freak, made all the more insufferable by his position as God/Abel.
One day I had gotten out of the fund raising van and gone back into the center because of an urgent female issue.
When he saw me come back in he lit into me, demanding to know why I had come back in. He was yelling at me and backed me up to the sofa as he did so. I flopped down, feeling quite cornered.
He called me names and yelled about how Cain I was being. At some point he raised his hand to hit me. (OK, this is where my pride kicks in, and I can laugh at the memory of it all)
As soon as his hand went into the air, I crossed my legs, aimed my foot at his crotch, and looked from my aimed foot, to his crotch, to his face and back again.
If he had hit me I would have nailed him in his balls and he knew it. Maybe I really was Cain! heeheehee
He looked so freaken shocked! He lowered his hand and finally asked me why I had come back in. I told him I had my period and needed to take care of it.
He looked defeated and let me go.
God it was great to have stood up to him like that.
There was another member who was so afraid of Jenkins that he used to tell me he felt like Jenkins was “stalking him”. Jenkins would constantly demand to know what we were thinking, so he could judge whether of not we were “centered” or invaded by evil spirits. This particular brother was a kind soul and could not cope with that level of confrontation/control/harassment/threat.  So he called the Korean leader above Jenkins to report what he felt was extremely threatening behavior. Nothing came of it. Jenkins, if anything, became more threatening and controlling when he got the report.
Thanks for your response
warm regards
Linda Feher
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whatisonthemoon · 2 years ago
Japan's Foreign Ministry said it provided around 9.55 million yen in official development assistance to a nongovernmental organization affiliated with the Unification Church in 2018 to build a women's vocational training school in Senegal.
The decision was made because the ministry wanted "to contribute to the advancement of women in society" and "was not aware that the organization was affiliated with the church," according to Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi.
Hayashi, who made the revelation at a House of Representatives foreign affairs committee meeting Friday in response to questioning by the Japanese Communist Party's Keiji Kokuta, added that an investigation will be launched to determine if there were any other similar cases.
According to the ministry, it decided in 2015 to provide financial assistance to the project.
Friday's meeting also found that in 2018, the Japanese ambassador to Rwanda delivered a speech at a ceremony held at a vocational training school run by the Women's Federation for World Peace, an organization linked to the Unification Church.
A meeting last month revealed that the ministry had presented a Foreign Minister's Commendation to the director of a school operated by the women's organization in Mozambique.
But the commendation was rescinded after it was found that the director had engaged in missionary work for the church at the school.
"We will cast a wide net to confirm these cases with a stance of having no future relationship with the group," Hayashi said.
Scrutiny of the Unification Church, now formally called the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, intensified following the killing of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in July.
Abe's attacker, Tetsuya Yamagami, has said he held a grudge against the group after his mother's considerable donations to the church left his family in financial ruin. Yamagami also reportedly said he targeted Abe as he was aware that the former prime minister was linked to the Unification Church.
Approval ratings for Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's cabinet have plunged following revelations of contentious ties between his Liberal Democratic Party lawmakers and the Unification Church, as well as scandals related to other ministers.
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kennak · 5 months ago
[B! 統一協会] 旧統一教会と世界平和女性連合(WFWP)の同一性が認められた判決になったと弁護士らが見る理由(多田文明) - エキスパート - Yahoo!ニュース
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cannabisartist · 7 years ago
Turned up @Royalsesh ! • @inthecutlv @rekles_reks @kbofficial702 @2loudsmokes_lv @mama_kakes_ @kiffcannabis @highvibco @area51extract @nuke_dabs @weedking420lv @angelannevarner @wvapes @_alley_bros_710_ @bongboylv @medicatedmarley @under_pressure_rosin @dr.q_for_you_ @lady_dankness @prettypuke @brittanie.breaker 🎰 • #topshelflife #royalsesh #justgethigh #CannaCulture710 #cannabis #education #talk #cannabiscommunity #breakthestigma #iamhhtv #industryleaders #innovators #wfwp #ilovelasvegas #420 #710 #lasvegascannabiscommunity #extracts #710 #cbd #distillate #kush #happydabber #og #shatter #lvcannabiscommunity (at Nevada)
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bellebehindagun · 7 years ago
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VETERAN FRIENDS! And anyone who was can help. A Veteran, who I've known, has been in a terrible motorcycle accident and his family is trying to make ends meet with all the bills piling up. #wfwp #veteran #PTSD #injuredmarine #gofundme #family #fundraiser #pleasehelpifyoucan
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trueloveculture · 2 years ago
Women & Men United Designed To Love. IFC HCIM WFWP VA Sunday #heavenlyo...
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