coopsday · 6 months
47th Regular Meeting of the United Nations Task Force on the Social and Solidarity Economy.
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Led by the Co-Chairs of the UNTFSSE, Simel Esim from the International Labour Organization (ILO) and Chantal Line Carpentier from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the virtual gathering brought together representatives from Members (UN Entities and the OECD) and Observer organizations to share international and regional updates to spur further collaboration on the SSE.
The call began with a welcome to the representatives of new Members, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) as an Observer.
Heidi Christ, lead of Made51 at UNHCR, expressed recommitment towards the task force, noting that, “Livelihoods for refugees is of primary concern to UNHCR, especially as the the refugee crisis deepens and longer-term solutions are needed. We are looking at the solidarity economy as way to offer solutions to refugees in a more protective environment”.
Leida Rijnhout, Chief Executive, WFTO, was appreciative of the positive response received from Members and Observers regarding their joining the task force. She highlighted the link between the SSE and the Fair Trade movement, sharing that “At the WFTO, we certify enterprises based on the fair trade principles. We are also a movement of entrepreneurial activists that promote people and planet over profit.”
Following introductions and general updates, the Co-Chairs presented the new UNTFSSE Action Plan, which details priorities and responsibilities for advancing the SSE agenda and implementing the UNGA Resolution A/RES/77/281. This plan, designed to foster policy coherence, drive capacity building, improve statistics, and increase access to finance, underscores the task force's strategic approach to mobilizing collective expertise and resources.
Further discussions focused on institutionalizing UNTFSSE governance through a newly drafted Terms of Reference and preparation of the Secretary General’s report for the UNGA 79th session. The Secretariat is currently collecting inputs from UN Entities, Member States, and Financial Institutions.
Technical Working Groups are currently being established on SSE Statistics and Financing. These groups will be composed of technical experts who will establish work plans and present updates to the task force at regular meetings. Highlights of recent and upcoming initiatives were shared by task force Members and Observers, including:
ILO’s Regional Conference on the Social and Solidarity Economy for Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals in Asia on May 14-15, 2024.
OECD’s Global Action on Mapping of Social Economy Ecosystems.
UNRISD’s four podcast episodes, interviewing authors from the SSE Encyclopedia.
Social Economy Europe’s EU Large Scale partnership for Skills of SE and Proximity Ecosystem.
DIESIS event on the Social Economy in the Western Balkans under the MESMER+ project.
CIRIEC Call for papers for a Special Issue of APCE on “Gender approaches of Social Economy and State-Owned Enterprises”.
EUCLID’s Women in Social Enterprise initiative.
Ms. Esim proposed to hold an online event to mark the occasion of the first year anniversary of the UN General Assembly resolution “Promoting the Social and Solidarity Economy for Sustainable Development” on April 18, 2024. She suggested this would be an occasion to highlight progress that has been made in the one year since the adoption of the resolution at the international and regional levels. Her proposal was well received by Members and Observers of the Task Force. It was agreed that the webinar would take place on April 18, 2024 from 1:30 – 2:45 pm CEST with presentations followed by a brief discussion. The ILO offered to make simultaneous translation available for the event in English, French and Spanish. The UNTFSSE Members and observers agreed to share the announcement and the Zoom link for the event widely.
Led by the Co-Chairs of the UNTFSSE, Simel Esim from the International Labour Organization (ILO) and Chantal Line Carpentier from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the virtual gathering brought together representatives from Members (UN Entities and the OECD) and Observer organizations to share international and regional updates to spur further collaboration on the SSE.
The call began with a welcome to the representatives of new Members, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) as an Observer.
Heidi Christ, lead of Made51 at UNHCR, expressed recommitment towards the task force, noting that, “Livelihoods for refugees is of primary concern to UNHCR, especially as the the refugee crisis deepens and longer-term solutions are needed. We are looking at the solidarity economy as way to offer solutions to refugees in a more protective environment”.
Leida Rijnhout, Chief Executive, WFTO, was appreciative of the positive response received from Members and Observers regarding their joining the task force. She highlighted the link between the SSE and the Fair Trade movement, sharing that “At the WFTO, we certify enterprises based on the fair trade principles. We are also a movement of entrepreneurial activists that promote people and planet over profit.”
Following introductions and general updates, the Co-Chairs presented the new UNTFSSE Action Plan, which details priorities and responsibilities for advancing the SSE agenda and implementing the UNGA Resolution A/RES/77/281. This plan, designed to foster policy coherence, drive capacity building, improve statistics, and increase access to finance, underscores the task force's strategic approach to mobilizing collective expertise and resources.
Further discussions focused on institutionalizing UNTFSSE governance through a newly drafted Terms of Reference and preparation of the Secretary General’s report for the UNGA 79th session. The Secretariat is currently collecting inputs from UN Entities, Member States, and Financial Institutions.
Technical Working Groups are currently being established on SSE Statistics and Financing. These groups will be composed of technical experts who will establish work plans and present updates to the task force at regular meetings. Highlights of recent and upcoming initiatives were shared by task force Members and Observers, including:
ILO’s Regional Conference on the Social and Solidarity Economy for Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals in Asia on May 14-15, 2024.
OECD’s Global Action on Mapping of Social Economy Ecosystems.
UNRISD’s four podcast episodes, interviewing authors from the SSE Encyclopedia.
Social Economy Europe’s EU Large Scale partnership for Skills of SE and Proximity Ecosystem.
DIESIS event on the Social Economy in the Western Balkans under the MESMER+ project.
CIRIEC Call for papers for a Special Issue of APCE on “Gender approaches of Social Economy and State-Owned Enterprises”.
EUCLID’s Women in Social Enterprise initiative.
Ms. Esim proposed to hold an online event to mark the occasion of the first year anniversary of the UN General Assembly resolution “Promoting the Social and Solidarity Economy for Sustainable Development” on April 18, 2024. She suggested this would be an occasion to highlight progress that has been made in the one year since the adoption of the resolution at the international and regional levels. Her proposal was well received by Members and Observers of the Task Force. It was agreed that the webinar would take place on April 18, 2024 from 1:30 – 2:45 pm CEST with presentations followed by a brief discussion. The ILO offered to make simultaneous translation available for the event in English, French and Spanish. The UNTFSSE Members and observers agreed to share the announcement and the Zoom link for the event widely.
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ecotiendalachiwi · 8 months
— WFTO Fair Trade Principle 1 is all about “Creating Opportunities for Economically Marginalised Producers”, which underscores the interest in working closely with individuals and communities facing economic marginalisation. By emphasising inclusivity and social equity, WFTO-Guaranteed Fair Trade Enterprises work with local producers, often marginalised due to poverty, racism, bias or lack of access to resources and other market opportunities.
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bloger130 · 9 hours
Fair Trade: Promoting Ethical and Sustainable Commerce
Fair Trade is a global movement focused on promoting ethical, sustainable, and equitable commerce. It ensures that producers, especially in developing countries, receive fair wages, have safe working conditions, and engage in environmentally sustainable practices. The Fair Trade certification covers various products like coffee, tea, chocolate, and textiles, guaranteeing that these goods meet stringent ethical standards.
Benefits of Fair Trade
Economic Fairness: Ensures fair wages and reduces the exploitation of labor, particularly in developing countries. Farmers and workers receive fair compensation, enabling them to improve their living conditions.
Environmental Sustainability: Fair Trade products are often produced with minimal environmental impact. Many certified producers engage in organic farming, sustainable agriculture, and practices that protect biodiversity.
Empowerment of Marginalized Producers: By eliminating middlemen, Fair Trade helps small-scale producers gain access to international markets. This allows them to reinvest in their communities, infrastructure, and education.
Ethical Consumption: Consumers can make informed decisions by choosing products that align with their values, supporting brands that prioritize social responsibility and environmental care.
The Fair Trade Certification Process
To become Fair Trade certified, producers must meet strict criteria, including fair labor practices, transparency, and eco-friendly farming. Certifications such as Fairtrade International and the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) evaluate and monitor businesses to ensure they comply with these standards.
Impact of Fair Trade
Fair Trade has transformed the lives of millions of farmers and artisans worldwide. It reduces poverty, promotes sustainable practices, and fosters social development. Moreover, it encourages ethical consumerism, where buyers understand the impact of their purchases.
Fair Trade Products
Some of the most popular Fair Trade-certified products include:
Coffee and Tea: These are among the most well-known Fair Trade items. Many plantations provide fair wages and focus on sustainable farming.
Chocolate: Cocoa farmers are paid fairly and supported in transitioning to organic farming practices.
Clothing and Textiles: Ethical fashion brands focus on paying fair wages and minimizing environmental damage by using sustainable materials.
Fair Trade is a powerful model for achieving ethical and sustainable global trade. By choosing Fair Trade products, consumers support fair wages, environmental protection, and the empowerment of marginalized communities. The movement is essential for building a fairer, greener world where everyone benefits from global commerce.
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EDB together with the Fairtrade NAPP (Network of Asia & Pacific Producers), Sri Lanka and WFTO Asia (World Fair Trade Organization), is organizing an awareness workshop on Fair Trade Certification Process in Sri Lanka
📅 : Tuesday, 25th June, 2024 🏢 : 03rd Floor Training Arena of the EDB ⏱️ : 9.00 am to 2.00pm (Registration will start at 08.30 am)
Find Out More 👉 https://bit.ly/3xc6fdT Register Now 👉 https://forms.gle/tNppw2hiqkEYkiQK6
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Crafts Villages Ltd. celebrating 10 years:
A journey to a sustainable growth, a step to create better life for marginalized community, a vision to reduce carbon footprint to keep environment clean. Crafts Villages Ltd. proudly observing its decade long journey through resilience, integrity and building capacity. In a decade long progression, we have managed to achieve the standard by complying the local & international norm. The adherence to quality management allowed us to acquire ISO 9001:2015 certification. For taking initiative and assuring minimum wages, concentrating on health & safety issue in workplace & relying on environment friendly production process, we received credentials from amfori BSCI & Sedex and in recent times World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) accepted us as their member for conforming with fair trade policy. We are looking forward to go big and continue to contribute for the betterment of socio-economic condition.
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eizie-ai · 7 months
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Explore the latest trends in AI with our curated news! Todays Update (04-03-2024): 1.Ubuntoo Collaborates with WFTO to Launch AI-Powered Sustainability Platform 2.Nvidia CEO Discusses Human-Level AI's Potential Reality 3.Unlocking the Power of AI: Telcos Lead the Charge in Digital Transformation 4.Venture Capital Stars Shine Bright at Upfront Summit 5.Brains Meet Brawn: Tech-Enabled Switchgear Makes Grids Smarter, Safer, Stronger Dive deeper into these stories and more on https://eizie.ai #AI #TechNews #Innovation
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[ad_1] Traveling for Ethical Souvenir Shopping: Supporting Local Artisans Introduction: When we travel to new destinations, we often seek unique souvenirs to take back home as mementos of our experiences. However, it is essential to consider the ethical implications of our choices as travelers and support local artisans. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of ethical souvenir shopping, highlighting the importance of supporting local artisans, embracing diversity, and preserving cultural heritage. Heading 1: Exploring the Roots of Ethical Souvenir Shopping Subheading 1.1: Understanding the Impact of Tourist Demand on Local Artisans Subheading 1.2: The Consequences of Mass Production and Mass Tourism Heading 2: Embracing Authenticity: The Appeal of Ethical Souvenirs Subheading 2.1: Unveiling the Charm of Handcrafted Souvenirs Subheading 2.2: Unique Cultural Representations: Breaking Free from Mass-Produced Trinkets Heading 3: Unveiling the Dark Side of Souvenir Production Subheading 3.1: The Exploitation of Artisans in Mass Production Industries Subheading 3.2: Unfair Trading Practices and the Importance of Fair Trade Souvenirs Heading 4: Ethical Souvenir Shopping: A Step Towards Sustainable Tourism Subheading 4.1: Supporting Local Economies and Artisan Communities Subheading 4.2: Promoting Cultural Preservation and Heritage Heading 5: Tips for Ethical Souvenir Shopping Subheading 5.1: Researching Local Artisan Markets and Community Initiatives Subheading 5.2: Identifying Genuine Handcrafted Souvenirs FAQs: Q1: Why is ethical souvenir shopping important? A1: Ethical souvenir shopping helps support local artisans and promotes fair trade practices, contributing to sustainable tourism and the preservation of cultural heritage. Q2: How can I identify genuine handcrafted souvenirs? A2: Look for unique imperfections, intricate details, and signs of craftsmanship. Interact with local artisans to learn about their techniques and processes. Q3: What is fair trade, and how does it relate to ethical souvenir shopping? A3: Fair trade ensures that artisans receive fair wages and work in safe conditions. Choosing fair trade souvenirs helps combat exploitation and promotes sustainable practices. Q4: How can I find reputable fair trade organizations or cooperatives? A4: Research local communities, check for certifications such as World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) membership, and seek recommendations from fellow ethical travelers. Conclusion: As responsible travelers, it is our duty to make informed choices that positively impact the destinations we visit. By prioritizing ethical souvenir shopping, we can support local artisans, empower communities, and preserve the rich cultural tapestry of our world. So, the next time you embark on a journey, embrace the perplexity and burstiness of unique handcrafted souvenirs while leaving a meaningful footprint behind. [Word Count: 800] [ad_2] #Traveling #Ethical #Souvenir #Shopping #Supporting #Local #Artisans
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phototagebuch · 2 years
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20.12.2022: Herzlichen Dank & Frohe Weihnachten
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sabaideescape · 2 years
Da wo der Pfeffer wächst 🌱
Das erste Mal seit Tagen ausgeschlafen fuhren wir nach dem Frühstück mit dem Roller zu den berühmten Pfefferplantagen in Kambodscha. Der Kampot Pfeffer zählt als bester Pfeffer der Welt und ist auch gerade bei den Europäern sehr beliebt.
Die Tour in der La Plantation ist kostenlos und man kann anschließend sogar die unterschiedlichen Pfefferarten bei einem Tasting probieren. Natürlich kann man im Anschluss spenden oder aber den Pfeffer käuflich erwerben.
Le Plantation ist ein soziales Projekt einer Belgierin und eines Franzosen, die mit über 70 Familienunternehmen in Kambodscha zusammenarbeiten und diesen die Sicherheit bieten, mit ihrem Anbau Einkommen zu erzielen. Sie bauen Pfeffer und Gewürze nach den Fairtrade Vorlagen der WFTO an.
Außerdem haben die beiden einen Verein gegründet, um den Kindern in Kampot eine Grundschulbildung zu ermöglichen und sogar eine Schule dafür gebaut. Ziel ist es allerdings, den Kindern eine ganze Schulbildung bis zum Studium zu ermöglichen.
Wir haben viel über den Anbau und die unterschiedlichen Pfefferarten gelernt. Der schwarze, weiße, rote und grüne Pfeffer besteht aus ein und der selben Pfefferpflanze. Der Unterschied besteht darin, wann er geerntet wird und wie er weiterverarbeitet wird.
02.Dezember 2022
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lamilanomagazine · 2 years
Rivestiti, il festival della moda etica a Bologna
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Rivestiti, il festival della moda etica a Bologna. Sfruttamento dei lavoratori, inquinamento, potere concentrato nelle mani di pochi, greenwashing, insostenibilità. Dietro una maglietta che costa 5 euro c'è tutto questo e molto di più. L'industria della moda, e in particolare della cosiddetta fast fashion, tenta con le sue bugie di far credere a una sua "riconversione sostenibile", ma è ancora fortemente tra i principali fattori di inquinamento e di sfruttamento lavorativo al mondo. C'è però anche un altro lato del mondo della moda, fatto di piccole realtà artigianali, di riciclo e recupero, di economia circolare e davvero sostenibile, dove le persone e il pianeta vengono molto prima del profitto. L'1 e 2 ottobre, nel Palazzo Re Enzo a Bologna, la rete delle realtà di commercio equo dell'Emilia Romagna "Terra Equa" (www.terraequa.it), organizza il festival "Rivestiti!", interamente dedicato alla moda etica e alle economie sostenibili. Nelle splendide sale e logge del Palazzo di piazza del Nettuno, si potranno incontrare installazioni, stand del commercio equo e delle economie solidali, artisti e tanto altro. Quest'anno, per la prima volta, ci sarà una sala totalmente dedicata al Second Hand, per ribadire l'importanza della "non produzione" e del riciclo nella lotta al cambiamento climatico. "Rivestiti! è il principale festival italiano dedicato interamente alla moda etica e sostenibile" afferma Valeria Roberti, coordinatrice di Terra Equa. «Con il nostro impegno nel commercio equo, cerchiamo di spiegare ogni giorno che una maglietta non può costare meno di un panino, e che se è così, qualcun altro - probabilmente dall'altra parte del mondo - ne starà pagando il prezzo. Con Rivestiti! vogliamo proprio raccontare l'altra faccia della medaglia, e cioè una moda che rispetta tuttɘ: il pianeta, le persone che producono le nostre magliette e quelle che le acquistano». Giunto alla sua undicesima edizione, il festival ospiterà come sempre anche un programma culturale. Quest'anno, il tema centrale è proprio il potere della moda, sia dal punto di vista del business power dei grandi brand, sia come status symbol soprattutto per le giovani generazioni. "Money | Fashion | Power" - i temi della scorsa Fashion Revolution Week - saranno il cuore della tavola rotonda che si terrà sabato 1 ottobre alle 11 con Matteo Ward (Wråd e Fashion Revolution Italia), Francesca Mitolo (Rèn Collective), Silvia Gambi (Solomodasostenibile), Deborah Lucchetti (Campagna Abiti Puliti), Anna Romani (Baumhaus) Simone Siliani (Fondazione Finanza Etica), e moderata da Giorgio Dal Fiume (Terra Equa - WFTO). Sempre sabato 1 ottobre, sarà ospite di Rivestiti! la giornalista e scrittrice Chiara Tagliaferri, che dialogherà con Francesca Mitolo sul potere della moda soprattutto da un punto di vista femminile e femminista. Durante la due giorni, si alterneranno spettacoli artistici del collettivo "Trama Plaza", sfilate di moda a cura degli espositori e performance sulla moda equosolidale de "Le Gazze". Il programma completo è disponibile su www.terraequa.it. "Rivestiti!" è un progetto finanziato dalla Regione Emilia Romagna e supportato dal Comune di Bologna e Banca Etica.... Read the full article
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thunderling aesthetic
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toy203 · 5 years
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This must be the best birthday gift ever. Growing up in the 90s Dungeon Keeper was one of the most important game for my development as a gamer, i'm so happy my gf managed to find me the limited edition Horny figure from the german collector edition of dk2! I wanted one for years, but the price was always so high... It is, to my limited knowledge, the only official Dungeon Keeper product ever made so far. #toy #toyphotography #dungeon #dungeonkeeper #dk #dungeonkeeper2 #horneddemon #wfto #warfortheoverworld #warfortheoverworldultimateedition #pc #pcgame #bigbox #bigboxpcgames #bullfrog https://www.instagram.com/toy_the_hutt/p/BxSeATOggU6/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2z50qa7alrq9
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dreadjim · 2 years
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"Lady Ubume, The celestial Bird" Focused Qi and flow continuing from my recent surge. This one, culminated in 60-70/40 ‘Human/AI experiment’where I put in more of my 'stuff' in and worked it in! lessened the textural noise that ppl complain/irked about (even though im kinda liking it atm too...) and I likey the result. This was somewhat inspired by my memory of Ubume, a character from Omyoji game, even though you will think its not same at all lol. Feel free to use the images FROM the 3rd one onwards as they are raw mj spit , to create something, share it back with me so we can enjoy it together! #djmjcombo #nftart #aibashing #digitalart #dreadjim #wfto #conceptart #characterdesign (at Singapore / Singapura / 新加坡 / சிங்கப்பூர்) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgW-Ap9P3xL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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base-bangladesh · 3 years
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We are happy to published our Product Collection 2022. We excited to show you our new developed products collection. The products developed by our highly dedicated and skilled artisans by inspiration from our partners. Our high skilled artisans take the inspiration/ideas and crafted the beautiful products with their magical hands. The product developed with traditional elegance with latest style. As always all, products made with local raw materials and the products are Natural, Biodegradable, and Recyclable. Please collect your copy... #wfto #FairTrade #jute #handmade #handicrafts #sustainable #biodigrable #inspiration #crafts #artisan #basketry #weaving #handmade #circulareconomy #ethical #empowerment #homedecor #handcrafted #organic #ethicallymade #ethical #fashionrevolution #whomade #natural #artisanmade #ethicallysourced (at Bangladesh) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbLHi-KBTPx/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Crafts Villages Ltd. is the member of World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) since 2023. It's an honor to be a part of fair trade network. We continue to work on the principles of WFTO to ensure fair business practices.
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Vous êtes fans et on est content que ça vous plaise 🥰 bougies sapins 🌲 @original.home ! Dispos en boutique et sur notre eshop ! Belle journée à toutes et à tous ! #xmastreecandles #xmas #christmasdecoration #backinstock #restock #sustainablegifting #giftgiving #sustainablechristmasgifts #duurzaamcadeau #wfto #fairtrade #veganfriendly #perfumefree #vegancandles #candles #ecochristmas #socialgifts #sustainablecandles #earthfriendly #peoplefriendly #homedecor #originalhome (à Hauts-de-France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXSx1uqsdH8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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