#WFH Combos
sashasparrow · 1 year
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y'all look what i found for my studio
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shrimpbiryani · 1 year
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toomuchracket · 8 months
while we’re kind of on the topic of subby d word, do you think you would ever write a subby flatmate!matty fic? i feel like on occasion he would get really turned on when girlie is assertive or kind of reprimands him about something. i think that could go for any universe but i could also see d word matty getting turned on when girlie is upset about something, like someone messed up a touring thing and she has to be firm with them. or when flatmate girlie is on the phone talking about a case she’s working on and he just watches her work, in awe.
matty finding it hot when you're assertive/confident is canon in every au i think lol. but let's talk flatmate, because i think he's potentially most subby; he's falling at your feet at the best of times anyway, but when you're firmer than usual? he's in heat lmfao. and i'm not saying that wfh during covid and him getting to listen to you on work calls all the time was part of the reason you ended up pregnant with dylan... but i'm also not denying it lol. also, i was talking to ace (@ughgoaway) about this - i really think that he (even after all these years of being together) loses his actual shit every time he sees you in your hot lawyer work outfits. like, the pencil skirt and sheer tights combo? you in a SUIT? he's on his knees. and when you start playing into it and wearing really sexy underwear underneath... yeah, he's subby lol. tempted to write that, actually, you doing a little fashion show of your new work clothes before you start your first big girl job and him being like "beautiful!" but fighting for his life. yes? no? <3
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okay-computer · 2 years
Hi! I WFH and write a lot in my spare time (both taking online classes and just trying to bang out a novel) and am looking for a laptop that will support that (i.e. robust battery life, able to handle hours of typing and having internet tabs open) - any recs? Friends IRL have recced MacBooks and ThinkPads, thoughts on those? Chromebooks seem a little too lightweight.
Chromebooks are probably too lightweight, I do not recommend macs because they are not typically user-serviceable, and I do very much like thinkpads! I have a thinkpad, it's my second thinkpad in a row and they're geat.
A while back someone asked about battery life and price and it turned out the best combo was a little Acer that came in at just under $600 - that computer should meet all your needs, though I would recommend trying to find one with 16GB RAM instead of 8GB.
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bereft-of-frogs · 1 year
It is Friday thus I make list:
- work in-office for the morning because they are doing fire alarm testing in my building and I said ‘no thank you’ to 90 minutes of fire alarms going off. The Void Creature will have to supervise
- go home on my lunch break so I can wfh for the rest of the day (and comfort the Void Creature, who will surely be traumatized by loud noise and also strangers in the apartment)
- gym! 🏃🏻‍♀️
- shower + dinner
- combo of some writing (got some stuff to type up in notebooks) and watching a spooky movie (the weather has shifted and it is feeling PEAK spooky season)
- continuation of writing and spooky movies. Ideally I’d like to finish the first draft of the next chapter of ‘omens’* and at least one of the shorter prompt to get on the board. (I’m not 100% sure I’m going to do second drafts for all of them…I guess we’ll see how rough some of these rough drafts end up and how many of the 14-15** ideas I get through and how spaces out they are in the posting schedule)
*yes I thought it would be funny to also do the second chapter as a whumptober prompt, 2 years later, hopefully it will not take me another year to finish the third
**Ok I have 14 but 15 is such a nice number, I’d really like to come up with one more. I have a couple vague ideas hopefully one will stick
- depending on weather (because it seems to conspire to be wet and rainy only on the weekends) order food or find myself a nice little bar to get dinner and read. Ideally the second, because I need to start reading the next horror book club book and that sounds very lovely
- grocery shopping, boo, and also I should probably move my sad car to another spot until I can get the side mirror fixed 😩
I was supposed to go to my parents for an autumn event thing but after travelling last week and having to be in the office a bunch this week and no side mirror…I just wanted not to move too much this weekend. I’m sure there will be plenty of other fun fall things to do coming up, you know, when my car has two working side mirrors
Happy Friday! 🍂
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citrasatya · 1 year
Sesungguhnya jalan pagi atau jalan sore atau bahkan combo jalan pagi dan jalan sore bikin mood jauuuuh lebih baik.
Rasanya jadi lebih sayang sama diri sendiri.
Terima kasih kaki sudah kuat menopang beban dan melangkah lebih banyak 🫶🏼 akur terus ya kita!
Jumat, 26 Mei 2023. Saat WFH dan baru kelar online meeting 🥰
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40sandfabulousaf · 1 month
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大家好! The 2024 Olympics are over but when it was still on, athletes were detailing what they eat and guess what, they admitted to eating a lot of carbohydrates. Long time followers will also know from my posts that I don't shy away from them. I eat noodles and white rice, stuff 'nutritionists' and 'registered dieticians' warn about. Bear in mind that it was revealed in a recent news article that food companies paid some of these 'professionals' to influence their followers to eat the products that they sell.
I also see content creators freaking out when they see others eating carbohydrates. Until it comes to the point where medically, I can't eat noodles and white rice any more, I'll continue to eat them because wholegrains in general taste gross. The question is, how do some of us in this region and Olympians remain healthy even though we eat refined carbohydrates daily. I can't speak for professional athletes because they're at a totally different level altogether. For friends, family and I, it's all down to leading a moderately healthy lifestyle.
Besides eating balanced meals with vegetables, protein and rice or noodles, besides snacking on fruit and nuts, we're much more active than the average person, especially someone living in Western countries. What some communities claim is 'over-exercise' is our natural activity in a day or a week. We're just wired to move more. On weekends, I don't drive to the supermarket for groceries, I walk and carry those heavy bags back. On WFH afternoons, I don't drive out for lunch, I walk or take the bus. Waiting for dinner to cook? I listen to a podcast and do more light exercise or iron my clothes.
When I get off the couch to use the washroom, I do 5 squats and when I get back, I do 5 more before sitting down again. Sometimes I vary my routine and do lunges instead. Taking the stairs versus the lift (elevator in the US) and escalator is a given; I can't imagine life differently. The same applies to washing up manually instead of relying on a dishwasher. All this activity adds up over time. Couple that with moderately healthy meals and swapping noodles or white rice for yucky wholegrains seems like purely semantics; it won't make a huge difference.
Besides being able to eat noodles and white rice, the added benefit of moving so much on a daily basis is, I sleep like a baby. So I eat what I like, I eat reasonably well and I get proper rest. Grace, Douglas, my babe YL, family and other active friends follow the same lifestyle. Many of us are in our 40s and none of us are on long term medication. There is, however, a caveat: vegetables feature heavily in our daily nutrition. If I don't eat enough of it for lunch, I make up for it during breakfast or dinner. This is not negotiable for me, close friends and family; we eat a lot of it. We also don't eat fastfood often.
So if you're wondering how Asians in this part of the world keep ourselves healthy even whilst eating refined carbohydrates, it can be summed up like this: we don't eat fastfood often, we eat moderately healthy meals AND we're more active than you can imagine. Moving a lot may seem like 'over-exercise' to some communities; to us, it's a way of life, get over it. You may not approve of it but we do and we lead fulfilling lives. Multitasking is a very efficient way to occupy our time - I mean, when your ironing is done, you may be close to finishing a podcast or news broadcast and dinner is ready.
So white rice and noodles? I'll keep eating them because they're delicious. Every other aspect of my life is geared towards eating moderately healthy meals most of the time and being very active. To me, this is the best combo. Family, close friends and I are fine with this lifestyle and we're happy. 下次见!
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aizenat · 5 months
Ordered a new thc gummy with my reup and hopefully that will help with my sleep. It’s their sleepy time version and the reviews had ppl saying it put them straight to sleep. I’ll probably try it this weekend and any days I’m wfh next week.
I’m struggling with these gummies because I do like how they knock me out and make it impossible for me to stay up until midnight with them but it’s like everything else about them I can do without lol. And if I’m being honest, I don’t really enjoy getting high.
I have noticed that with delta 9s tho, I don’t really get high? Its weird because delta 8s take me out and I get high on them, but I don’t feel anything with delta 9s despite delta 9s supposedly being stronger? But I can still stay up late with delta 8s, just be high while awake (not a good combo when I catastrophize my worst then), so that wasn’t enough. When I take delta 9 and 8 together, it creates a potent combo that knocks me out against my will entirely at like ten-thirty at the latest and depending on what was happening when I laid down creates situations with me waking up at 4 in the morning with my light on and my tv still on and my phone not plugged in and shit lol. Like yeah I’m sleeping but can I at least get properly ready for bed before it takes me out? Lol.
I’m hoping these new delta 9s will take me out without getting me high. My biggest struggle with the gummies is getting a routine where I can do my night routine before they kick in so I’m in bed and ready to knock out by the time they hit. But it’s like impossible to predict when they’ll start hitting. We’ll see.
I need to start documenting like when I take the gummies and if I ate before and after and what time I start to feel it a bit and when it hits hard and I need to sit down, etc. Maybe if I experiment a bit I can figure out some approximations and get in a proper routine so I can sleep and not feel so insane.
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meezylovee · 6 months
Today Is April 1st and the year is 2024.
2 0 2 4
When I was a kid I would think of a year, such as 2024, and I would think to myself
" wow, sounds so futuristic"
Remember when they thought we would be flying our cars by now?
It's weird to think how far technology has come, and how far it's came in many aspects of daily living.
For Example,
I got an all in one washer & dryer combo, and
Let. Me. Tell. Youuuuuuuuu
This thing is FANCY
hightech, touch screen, wifi, auto sensing with ai washing.
All the widgets and gadgets and things you could think of for a 2k All in one washer dryer combo!
Except....... It takes 4 hours to do a normal load of laundry.
Fancy & Cool > 4 Hours= 1 load & bedding= 6 Hours.
But hey, it's got AI and no need to switch over to the dryer. It does it for you 😜
Journal Question:
How Do I Feel After Today?
I feel great! They day actually was a pretty good day. Trained for my new WFH position from 8am-10am then took a break and went to SAVERS with the toddler. I got 2 skirts. 3 sweaters. 1 cardigan. 1 dress. 2 books & a child's Piano for $40! Thank you to HALF OFF MONDAYS! after savers it was lunch and nap time for toddler and back to training for me. WFH Training from 1pm-3pm and finished off the day picking up kids, cooking dinner and unwinding from the day.
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daisynik7 · 8 months
honestly, i don't know if this is a cheat code but i have this set of kitchen shears that i got at costco some years ago and it came with poultry shears that are spring loaded so that does a bulk of the heavy work but absolutely! a sharp knife is key even a pairing knife allowing for more agile movement/ flexibility:) i try to use the entire bird too to reduce waste, i bet the soups and stocks she makes are delicious!
lol i really am kicking kento out of our marriage now with the bread-baking too 🫢, haven't chosen a recipe yet, either a standard sandwich loaf because ✨soup and sandwich✨ or a crusty loaf, since you mentioned it, maybe sourdough!
yay for going home early! those are the kinds of work difficulties i prefer to hear about. i've been snacking on a snack called sembei(?) it's a Japanese rice cracker, slightly sweet and salty, in terms of texture i'd say it kind of resembles a wafer??? 🫠 i'm not sure how better to describe it, it's something my dad ate as a kid and he just bought a giant bag from costco and now it's all i've been snacking on, but i've finally touched my drafts! and i'm starting to read Emma by Jane Austen because my dad keeps telling me to lol.
anyways be safe, be kind to yourself, enjoy yourself, and treat yourself lavishly!<3 i love you to smithereens mwah 🥰
my stunning wifey!! I'm counting it as officially the weekend! I'm technically wfh, but work has finally died down this week and I'm feeling good!
definitely not a cheat code because part of succeeding in the kitchen is having the write equipment! I'm such a firm believer in that! why do something one way when there's a better, more efficient tool to do that for you?!
also, kento who?! LOL jk jk, we still love him I know, but he's got nothing on the two of us 🥰 either of those bread recipes sounds AMAZING. I can already smell how delicious it will be just from imagining it! nothing is better than freshly baked bread! enjoy it my culinary queen!
I feel like I've had sembei before! I used to eat so many Japanese rice cracker snacks growing up. love the sweet and salty combo. speaking of Costco and snacks, they actually sell a giant back of shrimp chips that are garlic flavored! it might depend on location, but those are ADDICTING.
yay for writing, so so so proud of you! any progress is good progress. Jane Austen novels are classic. I haven't read any myself, but one of my fave movie adaptations is the 2005 version of Pride and Prejudice, so maybe I should start reading some of her work lol. I hope you enjoy the book!
have a wonderful weekend my love! stay warm, stay safe, treat yourself to something that brings you joy, and get enough rest! love you so much! ❤️❤️❤️
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h0neyfreak · 9 months
I need to wash my hair and also want to take a nap but I keep getting emails and also I am at my in law’s house working from a guest bedroom (not the one we are sleeping in/have all our stuff in) and I just cannot hit the level of comfort in my environment required to take a quick lil wfh shower/nap combo.
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kilbaro · 10 months
I wish I felt like I was allowed to have interests or take up space.
I don't know how to get past the wall of 'only by being as small and quiet as possible am I even kind of tolerable'.
We watched a movie almost every day for October and I really enjoyed it, and I have a list of like 3000+ movies in my IMDB list I'd like to see because I just add to the list, I rarely ever sit and watch the films.
ADD is a big reason for that, it's a struggle to focus on anything exclusively and I feel like if I'm going to watch a movie i should pay full attention to it. If I'm really enjoying something I can but it's rare I don't want to do *something* else while I'm watching stuff. My ideal media consumption seems to be the combo of youtube videos+mindless game, since I just have to pay half-attention to both.
Partially it's that my partner isn't that into movies, especially isn't into horror, which is most of my list, and I feel awful monopolizing the entertainment center. I also feel bad not spending time with him in the evening so just watching it at my computer doesn't feel feasible either. Our schedules are pretty much the same (work 9-5 M-F, off the rest of the time, he's totally WFH and I WFH like half the days, we go to bed at the same time) so there's really no time when only one of us is off. I try to find stuff we'd both enjoy and sometimes I can (or it's something he suggests) but I feel like I'm just into a lot of weird dark shit I don't need to foist on anyone else. I don't know how to say 'i'm gonna go to my office and watch stuff, bye' without feeling like an asshole either. Neither of us having any other social outlet to speak of probably doesn't help.
It all just goes bad to my general deep guilt about existing.
The best solution I can think of would be for me to wake up super early and watch stuff on my own in my room, but then I worry about waking him up at the same time.
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rescuethevoiceless · 11 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: GLOSSIER SWEATSHIRT:🌸unisex grey xxl/ crew neck &cuffs/ Fall/brand new/ addons.
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reportwire · 2 years
We Put Gigi Hadid’s New Cashmere Collection to the Test
Erica Gonzales Erica wears the Everyweek Cardigan ($295) and Rib Bike Short ($195), both in size small. “I love the idea of a cozy set. It’s great for lounging on the weekends or WFH attire, so I was excited to try this little Guest In Residence combo. The cardigan was a little oversized for my usual size, small, but I think it would be great for layering. If I wanted to wear it more as a fitted…
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mklopez · 2 years
Hoping a combo of espresso and latte, plus my #80sFriday playlist, will give me the tiny bit of energy I need to log in to the #WFH office network. #MorningsSuck #tmi
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hahlilvndr · 2 years
Personal rant/vent on my experience with disability
Coming to terms with disability is so much to process. And finding out I’ve been disabled this whole time (my life) without knowing that my struggles even counted as such?? Is intense. 😵‍💫 I’m autistic, & I’m pretty sure I also have EDS, a common comorbidity with autism that’s evident for example in my weirdly flexible joints. These two disabilities, I’m realizing now at 32 years old, have been there the whole time. Just that fact alone exposes so much childhood trauma of parents & teachers mistreating me and taking advantage of this vulnerability through my growing up years. & it seems to have also triggered my predisposition to POTS after working at an Amazon warehouse til I got sick (I didn’t even last 2 months).
Amazon-is-evil storytime: After standing on concrete for “mandatory overtime” of 66 hours a week with monitored bathroom breaks, write ups for failing to maintain a working rate over 98%, LITERALLY dancing for managers handing out scratch cards in hopes that a “free” candy might ease the existential part of my pain at the end of the day, but actually hoping that maybe this scratch card that I danced “We’re All in This Together” for will be a Nintendo Switch this time. The crow I hallucinate when things get ROUGH is back, trying to keep me awake so I don’t pass out onto the industrial conveyor belt that I already injured my thumb on after dozing off on my feet that one day, & I know I’m supposed to be concerned with all this, even though my own doctors think I’m lazy, just trying to find excuses not to work. Well, I only started listening to these physical alarms after contracting a fever/diarrhea combo that put me out of commission for a whole month. I was automatically fired & locked out of the warehouse after this cause I didn’t have the PTO. Just 4 months later I would contract mono with permanent long-term symptoms. (Like how you can get long-covid from a covid infection. It’s also the same for many viruses, like Epstein-Barr. Though I eventually ended up with long-covid too. 🫠)
When it comes to POTS, that sort of physical activity is actually dangerous. All the blood drains from my head because my circulatory system cannot contract itself enough to keep the blood flowing vertically while I’m standing. So it’s no wonder I kept nearly blacking out at the end of every day requiring me to micro nap in my car after every shift just so I was capable of driving myself home. And this is to say nothing of my hour long commute!
This was all 2018.
Fast forward to 2020, I had just found some semblance of stability in my life, I had a full time office job that I was trying to ask for work from home accommodations for after recognizing that my difficulty with my now relatively short commute (15 min) still caused me to miss work because autism. I even began working on a pitch to form an accessibility committee in hopes of streamlining for others the grueling accommodations process I was dealing with just trying to stay employed.
Then the pandemic happened. I got to work from home for a couple weeks at first, but was refused my petition to continue. Even though other employees in my own department got to keep working from home. HR just bullied me into compliance, and required me to get an official diagnosis to “earn” WFH as an accommodation, but the psych that evaluated me insisted I wasn’t autistic, but living in a neurotic psychosis. Even though I scored 157 on the RAADS-R and met the criteria for symptoms, he insisted I was faking because I didn’t “look autistic.” (The fuck does that even mean????) Next thing I know just before clocking in at work, I got pulled into another room and fired. I wasn’t allowed to say goodbye to anyone, I was just immediately escorted out the building. I couldn’t even grab my personal things from my desk. They shipped them to me in a box. My coworkers would thank me in secret for standing up to HR’s constant ableism, racism, & transphobia (which I would frequently have to do) but they would never stand with me openly & that was what really felt isolating.
Anyway, capitalism is violence. It’s no fucking wonder the mortality risk of autistic people is twice as high as the general population. We’re not physically wired to handle this shit & then get systemically discarded for it because “metrics.”
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