mojaves · 2 years
could not/did not narrow it down so pick you favorites i guess but 9, 10, 15, 21, 29, 36, 42, 58 and 60 please and thank you (for xavier)
9. Do they cheat to win or play by the rules?
he wouldve played by the rules once but that as a concept has been pretty much beaten out of of him by this point, so he will do whatever it takes to succeed, if anyone has to die because of it then that's just the way it is 🤷 he can't argue with that
10. What do they fantasize about?
his whole life revolves around his work because, unfortunately, he is an arasaka bootlicker [for now] so he doesn't really have any. dreams or desires or whatever. he's too busy to get lost in thoughts like that. and if anything, theyd make him less capable of work, bc it's a distraction and that is the LAST thing both he and his bosses need. he has to be effective and lethal he isnt allowed to think about anything fun ):
15. How would they describe themselves?
honestly he doesnt really know who he is anymore, doesnt really recognise himself in the mirror bc of all the cyberware, and the fact that is brain is mostly soup when it comes to anything that isnt work related. he doesnt even think of himself as a person, he's simply property of arasaka and nothing more, so he wouldnt have anything to say about himself anyway <3
21. What’s one secret of theirs that could potentially ruin a relationship they have?
the fact he has a daughter 👍 not bc of like, ahh!! failed relationship!! kind of thing or whatever. but bc if anyone at arasaka found out [which they did, he just doesnt know that. yet] then she would be in Danger and he would not know what to do about it. he's in hell basically. not really a relationship but like. he doesnt have any friends he's just a machine at that point. what else does he have!!!
29. If they could change one thing about themselves, physical or otherwise, what would it be?
taller. stronger. faster. literally anything that would make him work better. he'd shut his brain off completely if he had the opportunity. he needs to be Effective and if theres anything that could even potentially negatively impact that, he wants it Gone. again. bootlicker. nothing else in his life so he is entirely dedicated to work.
36. What’s their favorite thing about themselves?
everything about him has been crafted/altered by arasaka in some way, and while he doesnt think about it most of the time, he will have a brief moment when having some downtime where he absolutely hates who he is and what he's become. he doesnt even know what parts of himnare actualy Him anymore. the only thing left untouched on his face is his nose and he is Very fixated on that. it's the only thing keeping him sane. also his unwillingness to back down when theres a problem. and the love he has for his daughter which no one could ever get rid of. when he has those brief moments of clarity, those are the few things that keep him going despite it all. and im very normal about it.
42. What’s the typical first impression after meeting this person?
unless you work at/with arasaka, your first meeting with him will also be your last bc the vast majority of the time, he's only let out in order to assassinate someone, or, at the very least, intimidate + torture in order to get information. which sometimes ends in death. and people Know this so of course theyre going to be terrified to see him. if it's someone at arasaka meeting him for the first time though, they usually think he's very polite, if not a little intimidating. but he's there to keep them all safe [for now] so that alone would ease any stress at least,,, For Now
58. If they could change one thing about their life, what would it be?
despite being the bootlicker that he is [for now] he sometimes gets a little bit lost in thought on quiet days and catches himself wishing he never chose to work for arasaka bc it is the Worst thing that ever happened to him. he immediately has to either get himself blackout drunk or kill someone to deal with that and then he's normal again
60. What are some of their simple pleasures?
all the man wants is a comfy bed, a nice cup of coffee, and a hug. thats all!!! and he's not getting any of that!!! he hasnt had anything like that in Years!!! please someone help him
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