oshaskell · 2 months
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pupkou · 3 months
i’m literally going to **** ******
#i’ve been without T for a month or so because my doctor forgot to prescribe it again when my last prescription period was over bc she could#only prescribe it a year at a time. so i went in to do bloodwork because ive been having health problems like getting a light period and#PMDD a year and a half into being on T and it happened to be when she was supposed to represcribe which iwas like ok nice!#but she forgot to represcribe it so I was 2 weeks without it before I realized that hmm something probably happened#so I called her and she fixed it. then the pharmacy told me that they're out of stock. so I called them to find out when it'd be in stock.#then they said it's in stock but she prescribed me the 10mL bottle when my insurance doesn't cover that. so I called her again to fix that.#and she said that she didn't prescribe me that because why would she when my shots aren't even close to 1 mL? so I called the pharmacy#and they said yeah idk who said that it's wrong. your T will be ready later today. I go to pick it up and quite literally the moment I pull#up to the window the pharmacists pull down the shade that says they're closed on lunch. so ive had horrible mental health and physical symp#oms for the past month because I've been without t right? so I thought okay when I come back home from moving out of my apt#because my pharmacy is in my hometown; then ill get my T. and then once I get my T I can start my new medication because I want my levels t#stabilize before we introduce something new into the ecosystem. and im cleaning my apartment today and going through bags and shit and lo a#behold? there are four fucking boxes of T sitting in a bag in my closet JUST LIKE I THOUGHT! I JUST COULD NOT FIND THEM so ive been going#through hell for fucking nothing. for literally nothing. and I was like oh my god okay I have my T I should go and pick up my new medicatio#and I go to get my shoes on and look at the clock and it's 5:01. they close at 5.#and I have my appointment with my psychiatrist on Wednesday where shes going to ask me how it's been starting my medication and im going to#have to tell her I havent started and im not better at all and im so new to her im nervous what she will say. sorry for being crazy. im not#good at this or medication. sorry. do you want me to kill myself ill do it in front of you if that would help. AUGHHHHGHHGHGHHHHHHHHHHGGHGH#NONE OF THIS HAD TO HAPPEN. I JUST HAVE SO MUCH SHIT IN MY APARTMENT BECAUSE ITS SO SMALL THAT I COULD NOT FIND PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION#I HATE IT HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LET ME OUTTTTTT (in my brain)
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shhhsecretsideblog · 2 months
You can't be pushing now. I lean forward and maneuver my hand so I can get my fingers into your pussy. You squirm as my fingers go through your swollen, then a small whimper when my two fingers reach my cervix. You're 10 centimeters. I hide my fear as best I can. If you pushed, this baby was going to shoot through you fast. My mind races, searching for any solution that the OB handbooks and websites listed. Most of them involved drugs that we obviously didn't have. Dehydration and sitting so baby was being pulled down probably weren't helping you, but it wouldn't matter if you thought you could and should push. Make up my mind right there. You don't want our baby on a plane and I'd make it so you didn't as best as I could.
"Resist pushing."
"I don't think I can anym-"
"Don't push you're only 7 centimeters dilated. You can make it, ok," I snap and grasp your hand. "Trust me."
You look at me for a moment then nod. Your eyes were watery, red. It hurts to lie to you like this.
"My love, if you can, I need you to shift on your side. It should slow contractions, for a bit maybe."
We just have to hope the stewards don't notice. You shift slightly, you can't fit your bump between the arm rests but I hope the shift in position is enough. I give you my water and dab the sweat from your brow.
The changed position didn't last long. The stewards reprimanded us for being in unsafe positioning and had you back in your seat proper after two hours. I have no idea if it helped but last time I checked you the head had only moved a bit in your canal. Your breathing was low, deep, and hastening as you resisted the urge to push. Your face squenches hard, but you maintain the facade of the uncomfortable pregnant lady to the stewards when they pass.
I keep lying about how slow your dialation is with the hope it would help with your resistance. We're so close now. So close...
[Part I]
It was our first baby, my first pregnancy, I didn’t know what to expect… but oh god the pressure. I didn’t expect so much pressure. I did my best to breath through the contractions, which felt constant at this stage, barely any time between them.
I was panting through my nose and groaning behind my closed mouth. My legs were wide apart in the narrow chair, my bump sat heavily between my thighs and brushed against the damp cushion. As I held my contracting dome with both hands, I ignored the overwhelming desire to push. You said I was only 7.5cms dilated, you told me I wasn’t ready to push, and I put all my faith and trust in you, unable to think of anything besides my breathing. And holding off from pushing.
Even though I was not dilated enough, the baby felt like it was one push away from coming out. It felt like the head was right there, bulging my lips, but it couldn’t be. I wasn’t dilated enough for that. Breathe. Don’t push. Breath. Don’t push.
My head lolled onto your shoulder, my body exhausted and trembling. You wrapped your arms over my bump before one hand disappeared beneath my shorts.
“Ohhhhh babe I really need to p-pushhhh….” I whimpered as you examined me again.
“Not yet, you’re not dilated enough.” You assured and kissed the side of my sweaty face.
“A-are you s-sure?” I panted quietly. “It feels like it’s coming outttttt…..mnghhhhh!” Suddenly I’m pushing.
“No! Stop pushing!” You cried and put your hand between my legs again.
“I can’t help it- oh fuck nghhhhhh!”
“Ok if you need to push, just small pushes. Quietly.” You say and I can feel the counter pressure you're making at my opening. But I don’t question it, consumed by the green light you gave me to push.
My chin is on my chest, my arms are grabbing the arm rests, and I bear down silently spreading my legs wider.
“Oh it’s coming out…” I gasp.
“No it’s not.” You say confidently, before adding under your breath “I won’t let it.”
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my reactions to episode 6 of season 2 of criminal minds evolution
spoilers under the cut!
the alarms blaring and dead people everywhere just reminds me of the way "Saturday" begins
Okay I thought this was real until I saw Luke shot and half dead on the floor. Yay for Tara being so concerned though, TarVez besties canon!!
Okay when they said we'd hear prentiss singing, this is NOT what i had in mind
JESUS christ wtf is this
Aww I love seeing Penelope take care of her friends
Luke and Penelope being beside each other in a frame 🥰 getting my garvez crumbs where i can
Tara Lewis you are SO pretty
Penelope knowing her dad is at the end of his rope and being SO patient with him 😂😂 (also, luke, i see you staring at her)
Is Rossi about to have a fucking breakdown in the middle of the BAU?? I can't handle that
Luke following Penelope into her office YESSSSS
Oops i guess not. that's jj.
Penelope there is one person on this team i can understand you struggling to look at... JJ isn't them. what's going on?
"It's between beige and bad kissing" well penelope i feel like if you got with a certain someone you'd never have to deal with that again
JJ reading her besties to shit. I love my OG BAU girls
tyler's ex is so pretty tho
Luke wipe that smirk off your face 😂
"Even more awkward than you working with Tyler is him working with me" Luke do you HEAR yourself??? You are outing yourself and your feelings even more. You are ADMITTING your jealousy
"Luke we need you in here" not even TWO SECONDS LATER i knew it was coming but it's still funny
Penelope's "oh" upon finding out who teresa is. this is just a group of exes up in here
Tara 🤝 Emily wives calling Dave out for not going to therapy
Soft Tara and Dave!! I love them.
JJ sneaking a cheeto 😂 i'm glad there are SOME consistencies in this show
High Emily is just Paget
Emily is so right about salt and vinegar chips. They're the BEST.
Does a picture of sergio in the background count for my sergio square on my bingo card?
Tara and Emily having the same middle name canon
"I didn't know super hot latina was your type" Well, Penelope, now you have something in common
TYLER setting boundaries i love to see it.
Mutual airing of exes... now i wonder if she brought Luke up or hid that particular detail
Wait shit I was half joking in my fic when I said tyler was still in love with teresa, but if he fr is i will be so happy and rooting for them
luke having to ask the ex of the ex of the love of his life what the story is with her and said ex
luke's heart eyes watching penelope's presentation
oh she's calling tyler OUTTTTTT
"81% of stalking victims are stalked by someone they know." Two things. 1. Love Luke getting his Spencer Reid moments and getting to be smart. 2. THIS IS A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY TO TALK ABOUT ALEXEI STANOVICH AT SOME POINT
"sticky chemistry that is in the room between us all" means Penelope is acknowledging the her and luke stuff as well
LESS awkward to do boys with boys and girls with girls??? Penelope are you KIDDING???
"that's the less awkward option?" tyler i feel you
Luke's face is like "babe are you KIDDING i just told you me working with him is so awkward"
"For me and Teresa it is" icon
Tyler HAS to know that there is something Garvezy happening, because he and Luke seem to be the only people grasping the true awkwardness of this situation
oh so this is NOT emily's first time high. Temily writers i would like fics about them getting high together please and thank you
"I'm quitting" fucking LIES you won't leave them like that
"now being around him i know he's over me because i don't feel it anymore" i know penelope's ensuing awkwardness is supposed to be because she DOES still feel it with tyler or whatever, but i'm choosing to believe it actually has her thinking about Luke
"a list of everyone you've ever made angry" luke babes you are going to be at the TOP of that list
okay i have been WAITING for this tyler/luke fight
oh tyler did NOT use luke being a ranger against him
wtaf is this conversation. i'm living for it but it's WEIRD
HAHA voit's rossi impression
Bailey mention!!
Hate to see Rossi struggling. But I have to admit Voit's manipulation of him is so well done
Morgan AND Hotch mention. When's the last time we got a Morgan mention???
So they're finally talking about BAU-gate... and they're high. lovely.
The way Luke says "Penelope Garcia" and cannot even stop himself from smiling
omg luke finally speaking spanish!! (@lklvz how're you coping?)
Luke's grandmother mention!!
ugh they're so gonna try to make luke and teresa a thing. aren't they.
Also, Luke, wdym Penelope knows??? Bc i ASSURE you she does not
"it was a hard pass for both of us" LIES
noooooooooooooooooooo how did we go from something SO GARVEZ to teresa essentially asking him out? Lady he just said he's in love with someone else this will not go well for you
what is this video game conversation
maybe i'm just tired but i do NOT get what voit is alluding to with north star and stuart house
Tyler this feels kinda stupid
if i had a nickle for every time luke saved tyler's life, i'd have two nickles. which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice, right?
Luke and Tyler friendship arc???
okay. Jemilys, how are y'all doing? I might not get you, I might not be one of you, but I know you're losing it
If Teresa asks Luke out in front of Penelope i will SCREAM
So Penelope definitely thinks Luke/Teresa is a thing but I'm pretty sure that howl was her telling Luke to be brave and tell Penelope he loves her
oh THIS is where Jill comes in. I keep forgetting about her.
ahhh this was so good
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raptorladylover6969 · 25 days
VERY passionate rant under the cut
One thing I hate about Jurassic World youtube channels is when it comes to theorizing abt characters, THEY DONT KNOW HOW TO ACTUALLY AND PROPERLY ANALYZE. It’s like they never payed attention in english class 😭 esp when it comes to The Handler, because yes offence, just saying, their “character analysis” videos are absolute shit. I was yapping abt this early with @koi-fish-boy
What I mean is, instead of coming up with new theories, these “theorists” just take already existing theories, slap it into a video, add some other info that is not even considered a character analysis but just info thats RIGHT IN FRONT OF OUR FACES. The other worst part is, they never show any evidence to support their theories, they don’t make connections. They just go like “Oh The Handler blah blah creepy lady blah blah whats her deal? Blah oh shes probably part raptor or a clone blah blah blah k like and subscribe” GET OUT- 🗣️🗣️💥💥‼️‼️
I could debunk some of these theories right now even I am feeling THAT petty. “Brooklynn clone?” They don’t have the same facial structure, The Handler is 10x more paler, Brooklynn has a button nose while The Handler’s is straight, and have you taken into consideration that other blue eyed white ppl with freckles exist????? Brooklynn isnt the only white chick that exists 💀 “Dino x human hybrid?” this idea for a plot has been scrapped long ago. And even if she was a dino hybrid, she HAS to retain dino like features, like scales, vertical pupils, dino vocals, sharp teeth. NO, her having big eyes and pale skin DOES NOT = DINOSAUR FEATURES. Theres millions of people with big eyes and who are also sickly pale. “But she doesnt blink!” Yes tf she does I have the timestamps to prove it, she actually blinks A LOT considering the little screentime she has. “Robot??” We see her display humane emotions such as empathy in the final episode (I mean this theory itself has already been scrapped by countless ppl so 😼)
The problem here is that ppl dont reeeeealllllyyyy ANALYZE a character, they just observe the surface, find a couple of things here and there, and call it a day. They don’t use all of their senses when looking into a character, they only document what the naked eye can see. That is NOT what analyzation is about. Character analyzation is about digging DEEPER into the character, putting yourself in their POV, in their shoes, reading their facial expressions, their body language, spending hours playing back the same clips over and over again just to find new info, taking note of the dramatic lighting changes, the ambience, making connections, USING CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS TO UNBOX THE MYSTERYS OF SAID CHARACTER. Cmon guys did we learn nothing from Brooklynn??🤨🤨 like no joke me and @koi-fish-boy spent hours rewatching scenes with The Handler and found a BUNCH OF COOL NEW SHIT THAT NO ONE HASNT EVEN TALKED ABT YET.
People dont also seem to have enough balls to connect neuroscience to their theories, which is strange because incorporating psychology and the human brain, or any kind of science to a character analysis can rlly help with coming up with new theories. Why do you think MatPat’s theories were so good and interesting? It’s because he makes CONNECTIONS. He incorporates math, history, folklore, religion, and science into ALL OF HIS THEORIES. HE PUTS WORK INTO THEM. HE THINKS CRITICALLY.
All theories are valid, even the far-fetched ones, thats the whole point of a theory, its supposed to be crazy, but actually putting in the work to find evidence to support your theory WILL STRENGTHEN IT, and make it 100x more interesting. You can’t just introduce a theory without evidence to back it up, there needs to be at least 1 reason to even consider your theory plausible. Like the clone theory, I’m not entirely against it cuz cloning IS a thing in the JW universe, like that theory makes the most sense cuz its happened before, so why not again? I still think its absolutely crap, but I’ll admit, it makes sense. Why? Cause theres evidence to back it up.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk 🤗
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zoropookie · 3 months
i'll tell u what we better get with beidou because you can't make her say she loves us and then expect me not to have lesbian thoughts. like no bae i love U... good luck babe by chappell roan playing in my head constantly at them please zoropookie beidou x sweet melody y/n you can't take this away from me YOU CAN KISS A HUNDRED BOYS AT BARS
this took me outttttt are yall actually for real about the beidou stuff
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taralen · 6 months
Sending me increasingly ROMANTIC [[Love Letters]] TO MY ASK BOX.
Do you know what you're doing?!?!?!?!11 YOU REALLY OUGHT TO BE CAREFUL.... ?! WHY? BECAUSE.....
You're starting to sound like the man of my dreams.
You have a little over 2.5k men to compete against [[no joke, I have that many following my dating profile, AND NO, I AM NOT SHARING IT]]. GUESS WHAT?! You already earn 100pts to my LOVE METER by just liking Spamton and specifically my depiction of him. That's a whole 100pts more than 99.9% of them!!!!
HOWEVER!!!! You have some ways to go before MAXING IT OUT. DO YOU GET IT, LOVER BOI?
IF YOU DO...... I will expedite my responses just FOR U!!!!!! THAT'S RIGHT. This is LIMITED TIME OFFER. I'll draw funni pictures and send [[EXPRESS MAIL w/ INSURANCE covering $1995 + 2 ]] ALL EXPENSES PAID.
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ok time to take a nap I'm tired af I got a bunch of blood drawn out of me RIP
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sherwoodknights · 10 months
Wahey more fancy coats for percy
God this auction is gonna be like waling on glass
Margot at the auction what sins will she commit
Robespierre and his men walking in like a boyband lmaooooo
Percy basically just gave a 1700s "thank you captain obvious" to chauvvy
Oh no they're gonna arrest the doctor/baron
Wait why are there 2 sets of soldiers
Percy "master of snarky notes" Blakeney returns
Percy and Marguerite fighting is so cute again now I know it's fake
I know it's fake but get his ass Margot
I don't know how to feel about Chauvelin and Marguerite's flirting
Oh no margots going to walk into something she doesn't want to see I bet
Please follow them i have to know what's going on
Oh no the silent but presumably deadly helper can see Marguerite investigating
And percy is into the secret club okay
"In this club everyone is adressed as monsieur" progressive Kings who don't judge we love to see it
Is it bad that I could watch Richard E Grant play dice all day
He must be cheating somehow but I don't know how and I don't care
Sleebpy Blakeneys <3333
Why does the Dauphin look fucking catatonic
So wait does CHAUVELIN have the Dauphin!?!?!?
Mmmm men with swords
Oh my god is chauvvy gonna rob Robespierre? what a legend
Oh no the actress is snitching on Marguerite smh
God Chauvelin make up your mind do you love her or hate her
Marguerite you are playing with fire and I like it
Yes percy you trail that woman
"That'll be interesting, I've never been killed before" king shit right there
Oh no she got percy
What's he planning to do, win by giving her an existential crisis?
Oh nevermind he won by stabbing her to death
Oh they have broken my son so hard
Uh oh he shot the Chekhovs fireworks like an idiot
"I hate you" *romantic kiss*
A mood tbh
Chauvelin you sly fucker blaming her for everything
Obligatory boat scene
Honestly I'm so glad I invested in this series, it's fun and goofy and makes me feel all the feels and I adore it!!
I won't be starting season 2 until next week at the earliest but my god I've had fun liveblogging so far and I will certainly be continuing in case anyone cares to hear my unhinged live thoughts
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bugmistake · 9 months
this turned into a whole thing so it's goin under a cut! talking about my cousin who was helping me thru some anxiety stuff
it's really rare that i feel loved and like. Seen by my extended family but my god when i feel it. it's like . an avalanche. i was on a plane with them recently and i am..... a nervous flier. turbulence is my absolute worst enemy. and my cousin was next to me on the flight and he was me kind of like. tensed up and shaking a little after a rough takeoff and he was like hey man. do you have headphones? and i said yeah but i forgot to download a podcast . and he was like ok and gave me one half of his wired headphones and played some very soothing synthpop and i crashed RIGHT out. and later after we landed i was like hey could you send me that playlist we were listening to on the plane? i really liked it! and he said oh it wasn't a playlist i was just queueing up songs i thought you would vibe with :) and i was like OH OKAY. THANKS! YOU'RE THE ONLY MOTHERFUCKER IN THIS CITY WHO CAN HANDLE ME.
also last christmas i got ... very very very high like toooooooo high and he held my hand cuz i was freaking outttttt and i fell asleep holding his hand. he rules. he's so chill. i cannot imagine being that calm.
and my other cousin (his brother) came and stood with me when i got pulled over by airport security and they rifled through my whole shit. like the full suitcase. and he didn't say anything he just stood there but it kept me from feeling like i was going to float away :~) anyways. it's nice to be around people who get it. also this cousin invited me to come stay with him and his girlfriend for a weekend in the summer ........ i am not used to feeling this close with family. it freaks me out a little! but 2024 is about vulnerability and doing scary stuff so im gonna DO IT!!!!!
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skater110599 · 2 years
Okay I just binge-watched Young Royals season 2
I have feelings. Spoilers below the cut. This won’t be any sort of quality analysis fyi, just some ranting and gushing.
There’s a reason I prefer happy fluffy shows to drama. All of the stress about the video and the drugs and not just being able to convict August is so frustrating. Then of course they had to bring Alexander back into it, who of course deserved better last season. The whole overlap with the drugs thing and now August as the backup? It stresses me outttttt. I get it’s kinda the point of the show is that everything has to be complicated and tense and not easy to resolve but that doesn’t mean I have to like it lol. But I’m a slut for great characters and queer content so I suffer.
Okay so I wasn’t against the idea of Marcus as a love interest for Simon. It gives him the opportunity to move on, but then to realize that it’s not actually what he wants. But GOD I’m sick of cheating plots. I have no patience for them. I guess Simon and Marcus weren’t textbook official, but they were still together. Marcus was still at the ball on a date with him. I want Simon and Wille together too! But is it so hard to have Simon realize that and break things off with Marcus beforehand?
And don’t get me started on the Wille/Felice thing. That was some allonormative bullshit right there. I think they managed to come back from it okay but I was so excited to see their supportive friendship and I was so so uncomfortable when that happened. I don’t think it contributed anything to the overarching story. I’m aware that it’s realistic I guess -- just seeking comfort and companionship in a low moment -- but I’m hella aroace and I simply cannot relate and I hated it a lot. They should’ve just cuddled and let it be a sweet moment between friends.
Plot I’m surprised I didn’t actually hate: Sara and August. Like August sucks and it was super messed up of Sara to be with him after what he did, but it was intriguing to their characters. I hate August but also the nuance is interesting. There was too much of them imo but it wasn’t excruciating like I feared it would be.
I was super surprised by the order of events after seeing the trailer and stuff. The queen was actually pretty good by the end? Her phone convo with Wille was really lovely. Also I love how Wille was so open about his heartbreak. Like idk there was just something about Wille telling his mom that Simon’s on a date with someone else. I know he was angry and blaming her and the royal court for it but like..... Wille opening up to her about his feelings was very good to me.
I also love the acknowledgment of other queer students at Hillerska. I hope we get to see more of their stories. Though I kinda hoped Nils would have a slightly larger role as a friend to Wille, I also can appreciate that he is able to be queer and also one of the snobby society members. Now I just need Stella and Fredrika to be gay and in love.
Okay now to Wille and Simonnnn <3
I love how p much the whole school knows about them but it’s like... chill. People see them talk and let them have their privacy. We love to see it.
Simon! Stating! His! Boundaries! and being honest. “Hey you hurt me so no we can’t just go back to the way things were.” Honestly the way they communicated with each other throughout was *chef’s kiss*. They can’t help but care about each other and check in with each other. But when Simon stated his boundaries, and was together with Marcus, Wille was heartbroken but accepted it. “I have to be okay with it,” he said. He understood that he couldn’t be what Simon needed or was looking for, and that he had to do his best to make peace and move on. It was on Simon’s terms that they came back together, and once Simon expressed that he wasn’t ready to let go, that’s when Wille really started fighting for them.
Also he closed the curtains. Beautiful moment. We all clapped.
I also just need to fit in a quick appreciation post for Rosh and Ayub bc I love them. Great friends. We stan.
The ending??? I can say I was genuinely not expecting Wille to come clean in that moment. I wanna know the rest of the speech! What happened?=]\[
^^an important interjection from my cat
Simon saying I want to be with you even if it has to be a secret? And Wille saying “he’s given me this chance and I can’t mess it up. He deserves better.” Freaking win. And the queen talking to Wille about being able to come out on his own terms after he’s 18? Good content, but also! Wille taking charge and saying “this is on my own terms. It’s not what you wanted but you’re right, I deserve to do this how and when I want.” GO! OFF! KING! LIVE! YOUR! TRUTH!
I could go on for days but I think I hit all the major points. Overall I wish there was a bit more fluff and happy moments, but I understand that this show is just... not that. I just really hope there will be a season 3 and want to see, more than anything, Wille and Simon as a team, facing everything together. Established relationships don’t have to be boring! Let there be drama surrounding a strong relationship.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 9 months
By p5 you mean in terms of plot and themes or in terms of salt? (Go off either way I'm always down to hear riffing on Wish)
It's the plot/themes tbh. In terms of salt...... I didn't mind the film but it def gave "undercook chicken vibes" TT0TT (I could probs bitch about Raya more, but I guess I can muster up some grievances with this film klasjfdlkj;af but before that P5). (edit of me from the future after getting to the end of this ask: while writing this I went from "eh" on Wish, to "I hold this new hc rewrite very dear to me for some reason" I dunno if y'all wanna hear a outline rewrite of Wish but I'd be down for it kasfdjklf):
Before the bitching about Wish's issues, let's address the P5 (well more P5R/P5S with the whole stealing OTHER people's wishes-I mean desires, and then also granting said wishes) parallels first. So I DID NOT know it was going to be.....technically a heist film (without the fun heist tropes ;w; and technically also only for a small duration ;w;) Suddenly it was "You can't take people's desires-I mean wishes", and "I'll take them back! They don't belong to you!" and the villain crushing the desire-I mean wish harms the original person (as well as it being taken seems to affect them too??? Or was that just Sleep-I mean Simon? Or was there even a connection? It's not really explored well! :'D) And then the team uses a star to take down a wish granting god, AND the masses of the people take down the controlling god as well-....you have a rag tag team of people to help rebel against the authority, as well as someone from that same group who betrays them and is controlled by the godly being ("controlled" in Goro's case, Wish did a better job exploring that than P5 imo >_> by that I mean literal bare minimum) and also has a knight motif (I think black mask, along with Mako's outfit, have a knight motif)
There's a lot of similarities. aklfjdlksajf I was NOT expecting it.
Ok now for just.......salt. Diet salt? Frustrations but w/o the hate? *shrugs*
So the pacing was a thing. I was wondering how they'd get from one point to the next, and then realized they were just gonna barrel and quirk their way through. TT0TT
I REALLY hated Asha's character when she was *~quirky~*. That only worked for Tangled/Frozen, `1) it wasn't overplayed (Tangled literally started it, so by Frozen it was like 2 instances by this point only), 2) It made sense for those chars (locked away during a critical part of their life, yeah no wonder they weren't well adjusted), 3) they looked similar and the cameo just kinda fueled the theory they are (distant) cousins (aka so maybe hereditary personality trait).
Everyone else has been......not original and it's just......boring/annoying. (Raya I think was the closest we got away from it, but she's kinda just a Korra clone, cool but with dorky moments.......sigh I'll take it).
I physically cringed in the theater during her interview bc of the dorkiness. TT0TT I cringed so much that....I think I might've missed the reason why the king even bothered to show Asha the wishes???? He trusted her? She interested him??? That's the vibe I got but like.....WHY?????? (again was cringing and she was like 'oh I'm bombing" and he's like "no you have my attention" and I'm like "oh this dialogue is so bad TT0TT Get me outttttt!!!!") Before moving onto the next point, when she's not *~quirky~* she's......there. Fine. I prefer her at her basic just don't give me her worst, I can't handle her at her worst. TT0TT
This whole thing could've/would've/should've been avoided if the King didn't let her see the wishes! Or explain in detail! Like you're smarter than this aren't you my dude? This seems like something you keep hidden only for the MC to find out later and THAT causes a big stir. Not "let's show the MC I'm sure nothing wrong will surely come from it!" Like????? I need a better reasoning!!!
Now the actual act of the villain. Not saying what he was doing was right or good. The guy is a dick, a narcissistic dick. But.......everyone seemed relatively happy? TT0TT Like not even in a mind control way. And he wasn't doing anything bad to the wishes (not doing a lot in general but at least he wasn't hurting them??????). Like I know it's technically using it as a means to keep people there (dangling a carrot in front of their face, manipulation) but....I just feel like we aren't given enough information and they spend so much time on people being so chill it's like???? Is it really an issue??? TT0TT Like we have the dialogue about Simon losing his spark or some BS but like.....no one else seems to have the same issue TT0TT
I dunno, his whole "using it for control" and lack of doing anything evil with them to begin with is kinda.........not well developed. :') Like on the surface, yeah he's bad, but digging deeper ...well it's just not that deep. All the shit he does afterwards is bc Asha challenged him and accidentally wished a star down. (tldr; his "control" on everyone doesn't really feel well defined)
Basically, if they were doing a grey->evil pipeline, they didn't do a good job. Either he needed more fleshing out, or just start him off as pretty not great and then going full blown sorcerer at the end.
While I'm still on the king, I was REALLY BOTHERED by how much they kept leaning into his sad backstory. Once? Ok. But like they ref it like 2-4 times so I'm like "????? Did HE cause the tragedy???? WHAT was the tragedy????" Like I kept expecting more of a twist with it (like the king was actually the reason for it) and for them to go into detail but no it's just dropped. TT0TT ????? Was it really just there to make him grey/justified in his actions??? Well it'd help if I KNEW MORE OF WHAT HAPPENED!
I also kept expecting more from Asha's dad. Like they kept bringing up that mfers back on that gd tree but...nope nothing!
Ok moving onto songs. Wow only 6 songs? I'm surprised. Tho one felt like it went on for WAY too long.
"I'm a star" was a song....that when it showed up I was like "Oh geez.....why???" It just brought the pacing to a halt. TT0TT I don't want to hear people bitch about Fixer Upper ever again, at least that progressed SOMETHING. (both are still better from A Guy Like You from the looks of it......and F1's "In Summer" but not cause In Summer was bad, but because the point could've been summed up in a line or three/was summed up already.......those mfers almost cut Do you want to build a snowman but were gonna keep THAT??? I would've rioted fsakljdlkfja TT0TT....oh right Fixer upper vs I'm a star)
Ok ok, so both have something that's important to the plot. Ngl I was wondering what IAS was doing until.....the climax where I was like "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ok, ok I....alright." (aka where everyone uses "the star power within them to defeat the evil). So the meaning behind it I don't mind, it's the.....execution.
So with Fixer Upper, it's a similar thing. FU (haha) contains something important to the plot that'll help the heroes out later (or explain a key part of the story). FU is basically stating/reminding the audience (and Anna) "Elsa is scared and stressed, but if you keep showing your Love to her, Anna, you'll break through to her. Love brings out the best in people!" It's the point of F1. It's the point of The Snow Queen. It's what's been going on this entire film. It also helps develop Anna/Kristoff as well. Because of this it doesn't derail the plot.
I know it DOES feel similar to A Guy Like you, where they put some comedy right in between more serious moments. The difference is Paris is on literal fire, and Anna....due to dramatic irony, isn't aware of shit hitting the fan just yet (or that she's about to die). So she's in a position of just one last moment of brevity unlike Hunchback (from what I remember of Hunchback, gotta rewatch tbh but I know people HATE A guy like you so TT0TT)
Now FU is towards the end of the film and.....F1 is paced fairly well imo. Stuff's happening, nothing feels wasted. Back to Wish.....I'm a Star....doesn't. It has answers for later, but it felt like it brought the pacing to a screeching halt to give me a weird and very eh version of Be Our Guest.
I know in musicals "when talking isn't enough, you sing. When singing isn't enough, you dance."
I do not get the....well...NEED for the scene to be like this. Just talking could've done it justice, and esp saved time (a handful of seconds vs minutes TT0TT)
Like for the climax a scene with THIS SONG needed to happen. But how it comes about is just......it's not it. It's not paced well. Be Our Guest works because Belle knew ALL these chars for a bit. FU worked because the AUDIENCE still recognized these chars from the beginning (and at least KRISTOFF knew who they were). I'm a Star is mostly with random animals and plants that just....happens. TT0TT "Just go with it" no I don't think I want to little rabbit (I feel like a plant/animal said that line but I don't remember which, maybe it was Bambi)
I dunno the set up isn't....great. Wait, it's really just "I have a dream" but.......shittier, like not as well executed. But I have a dream doesn't come outta nowhere, it's set up by Flynn and then executed. The Star just sprinkles some magic dust and it's like "well I guess this is happening."
Tldr; I'm a star isn't well executed even tho it's important to the plot. It needs to be paced better.
Ok other songs (tbh I was eh on the songs but I'm not really liking At all Costs and This Wish).....Welcome to Rosas reminded me a LOT of Encanto's opening and dancing (only thing I was positive towards that movie on). But that dancing is....never brought back? Ok. The framing of the intro song is similar. Exposition through song is ok. (I didn't like F2's Some thing never change but it does catch us up). It's fine.
This is the thanks I get: I liked it when I heard it. Kinda laughable, because of how evil he just....turned into. The king is a real let down ngl, but I already kinda went into my issues with him earlier. I think it's nice he doesn't make them pay rent like wtf let me live there. u_u
At all costs. I........really like this song ngl. It sounds like a love song. The demo even more so (to the point people wondered if it was originally for the King/Queen and/or Asha/Star). Part of me likes the K/Q and Asha/Star duality, but I also........really just like the twisted-ness of King/Asha just singing their own mindset. I dunno I find the idea hauntingly beautiful and is a better villain song for King. Why couldn't King be more evil earlier? It would've been SOOOO GOOD HERE! TT0TT
This Wish: I like it. Was looking forward to this song ngl. Not my most fav song in the world or disney verse, but I like it. I also like the reprise version, they stuck the landing the best they could with that imo. (it's only held back by the other issues of the film). I think I read on TV tropes this song was written first and then a plot made around it? TT0TT I dunno.
The Revolution song I literally forgot of: Probs the most forgettable, like ok sure whatever. At least it wasn't cringy like I'm a star but 8U
Also I JUST found out (after typing most of this) that apparently the song writers were......mostly known for pop songs????? And not musical theater???? Which...ok that makes sense with the whole "when talking isn't enough, you sing. When singing isn't enough, you dance" combined with the thing I read on TV tropes and This Wish..... There wasn't a lot of synergy with how/why some of those song scenes are happening. TT0TT
I mean I'm a basic bitch who likes pop songs don't get me wrong, I'm over here vibbing to This Wish (OG and Reprise) and At All Costs. But Disney did not let those two live up to their full potential ;w; And I believe it's because they......forgot it was a musical and to do more musical theater choices. TT0TT
Thoughts on characters. I don't care for the grandpa/mom ngl. I don't hate them but I don't care. Not a fan of Asha's dad, just.....such a nothing char. Her 7 friends are ok (too many perhaps, put some on the chopping block jalkfdjska). I wish the goat didn't speak (or just sounded cute), or if he did speak in that voice he didn't appear in ALMOST EVERY SCENE (I think Asha/Star duo would've been best). Queen ok, should've been evil. King is ok, should've put him in the over longer tho (and made him more evil from the start).
What could've been: Queen was also suppose to be evil (she should've). Star was gonna be a tumblr Jack Frost esque twink. Disney dropped the ball on that u_u Did he HAVE to exist? Depends on the story (twink or cute star creature, either work it just depends on what the focus is and how you go about it). But the Queen should've been evil.
Oh my thoughts on the meta ending........I.....don't.....it .....didn't make sense? I know people are saying 'oh Disney's just saying it's references! They're backtracking on the extended universe!" and.....like it feels more like references tbh. Like Peter Pan, the guy iirc was an adult (wait of course he has to be an adult, you give your wish away at 18!), he wants to make a plane with the lady. He just looks like Peter Pan. I don't think they are the same Peter. Same with Bambi, OG Bambi isn't a surfer stoner. I think it's just a reference. I think the movie is just too full of references.
"Asha changes race and becomes the fairy god mother to Cindy!" I..dunno.....maybe? She said she'd be ROSAS' fairy god mother....I don't think Cindy takes place anywhere near that. No seaside from that movie iirc. (I mean she can travel but......I dunno)
The only thing I'd buy is Star maybe connecting with Pinocchio or something from across the milkyway. And the sky is the cinematic universe, because I just....can't buy the other refs being part of something greater. So if it's just the sky part.....then 1) it's kinda just pointless tbh cause it doesn't really matter. 2) they wanna be Kingdom Hearts so bad TT0TT I hope KH4 has Wish in it, I'd love to see how that mess will roll. (they can't make it any worse :'D it can only go up from here....esp compared to KH3's Frozen world *sobs* I'll never forgive you KH3 *sobs harder* A game about hearts......and a plot device of a FROZEN HEART YOU COULD'VE EXPANDED YOUR LORE! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *ugly cries* *coughs* I can see them doing something with your "inner star" and KH hearts tbh >_>)
Anyway I do think it's more references than cinematic universe.
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d0ntw0rrybehappy · 1 year
Whew trying to keep it together we are about to move but my roommates are kinda beating around the bush on a final pick even tho it seems there is an obvious winner (incidentally my favorite house but also the only house we can all agree on)
Then my close friend had a mental health crisis and I skipped out on work to rush over.. they’re okay and with their sis now…
Stressed that work is mad at me because between Luke’s memorial and my friend and moving (and boys - lowkey I didn’t even tell you guys about my ex I had a fucking horrendous fight with last week ugh) I’ve just been exhausted and a fuuucking wreck. Not as productive at work or hitting deadlines when they want them. I wanna do so good for them I wanna be the GOAT!!!! I just Ugh. Admittedly also the deadlines have been getting progressively shorter to match my usually *amazing* efficiency lol lol (help).
Feeling good about my choice to go on a date with Henry. I just feel right off the bat like he’s a good trustworthy person. The kinda dude that would pick me up from the hospital if my mom had brain cancer (this is my main criterion). He is also funny/hot/kind/career-minded like moi and probably way less neurotiquè. But (lol) (lol) we literally haven’t gone on one date yet (Saturday). I’ve just seen him around/known him peripherally for a while through mutual friends. I’m like oh woah I can actually see a future with this person. But am also just fucking fragile rn and if he’s not into me will hurt more than usual. I also know that being so attached is nooooot rationallllllllllllllll we haven’t even hung OUT tho we have texted a lot. I’m like trying to play it cool so he doesn’t think I’m crazy (actually he should know I’m crazy. Crazy and proud. Bitch) but the intensity is seeping outttttt
Telling Tumblr because I think my irl friends are fully dosed on my drama this week and/or are having crises of their own whatever you guys are my diary now
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hyunverse · 2 years
omfg i cannot even imagine moving away from the city to countryside i bet that such a difficult adjustment. NOOO you don’t sound like a brat my love it’s not your fault you grew up in a diff area !! 100% agree they just creep me OUTTTTTT. but it’s weird bc i find domesticated rats super cute and i know they’re super clean but if i saw one irl i would cry and scream and run 😀😀😀😀
OMFG RIGHT ??? I WANT TO KNOW LEE KNOWS WORK OUT ROUTINE SO BAD AND I DONT EVEN WORK OUT. also dude felix’s whole outfit in that was just tdf. honestly …. i found his lower back showing to be kinda hotter than the abs …. i’m just a sucker for dudes backs okay 😔😔. cant wait to attend you and hyunjins wedding and if you need a third pls do lmk 😇 hehe
YEP YOU GET IT !! the men who just look like the eiffel tower are the way to my heart <33333 and the ones who look dead inside w long hair and nice hands <33333 good lord bring them here RNNNN. okay short queens look at us go and flourish. and it’s cute that you’re a little taller than me hehe. AND I DID THE HAND MEASURING and they’re 15.8 cm ^_^ which is cuteeeeee. usually i don’t find myself cute but i feel like that’s kinda cute hehe. i gotta know yours now so we can compare
ALSO I DIDNT DW 🙏🏼 i treated myself to some starbucks after class anddddd now i’m getting chinese food oh yea 😎 i’m taking care of myself just for u ig 🙄. all of those foods are a 12/10, i just looked up tomyum and it looks AMAZINGGGGGGG. i love seafood and spicy so that is right up my alley yum yum yum. i want to try it now. my fave food is sushi, but i love literally everything tbh. i don’t think there’s one food that i hate (although i will say i do not like beets or radishes no matter how many times i try them). food is the way to my heart tho i love cooking and food SM but especially cooking for ppl. and i love eating w my friends and family. if food was a love language it would be mine 😇
😽😽😽😽😽😽 cat kisses 4 u. i’m so excited
to hear your hand size hehe (i’m a slut for hands it’s so bad)
- 🐈‍⬛
PLEASE RIGHT. . . imagine i’m used to seeing busy streets and skyscrapers but when i moved for uni i saw cows. COWS. the only time i see a cow at home is on a plate when it’s already become beef soup. 💀 i do Not find rats cute at all 😭 THEY FREAK ME OUT TOOOO MUCH.
talking abt lower backs. . . god i love it when they wear those shirts with open backs 🗣‼️ ALL OF EM LOOK GOOD IN THEM GOOD GOD WHOEVER INVENTED OPEN BACK TOPS NEED THEY ASS ATE 💯 yes ofc ure invited to our wedding u can become my maid of honour and no third person sorry im not poly and im greedy but i will set u up with minho fr 🤝
THE MEN WHO LOOK DEAD HELP I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONYL ONE 🤩 I GET UUU WE ARE SOULMATES!! SOULMATES, BABY! ong ur hands are smaller than mine <33 mine’s 17cm ^__^ so we have roughly about 2cm difference, that’s so cute T_T
YAYAYA tomyum is so yummy i just had it for dinner ^__^ i will gladly cook u a pot baby! i love sushi omg. . . forgot to put that in my list of fave foods. love the salmon ones sm. god i love salmon. if we meet we r having a cooking sesh fr 🤝 i love cooking. it’s theraupetic <33 now im curious, whats ur usual starbucks order? do you get coffee, or something else?
u have my hand size now :-)) thank u for the cat kissies now i present to u, bunny kissies 🐰🐇
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h0neypiez · 3 years
getting my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow..... mmmm nervous 👉👈.....
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crys good lord i got caught in the elevator with library guy again and this time i got into the right elevator but no one inside was going to fourth floor and since there were already so many people inside i didn't want them to tell them that i had to go to the fourth floor so i just stood there until we got up to the seventh and everyone but me and him got off
so i'm standing there because i had to go to a lower floor and he's standing there waiting for me to get off (even though i wasn't blocking him) and it was an awkward minute of us just standing there and then me going "i hate confrontation i actually had to go to the fourth floor" 😭
OH but i forgot to mention this when i got on there were about four? people already there so i got in with my head down and everything because i was feeling my anxiety shoot up but when i did look up i made eye contact with library guy who was staring pretty intensely at me but then he broke eye contact and i ended up staring at my shoes the entire time because i got so flustered ajdfnm send help this is horrible
OH MAN I GET THE WAITING PART Our elevators are like the size of small closets so capacity's like five people a time and sometimes it's so cramped in there so I'm just waiting AHAHA
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tomdiddlyumptious · 4 years
Tom Holland x zendaya cousin reader where she’s an actress and model /activist she meets Tom on set and reader and z talk about people forcing them to be in competition with each other and people saying z is better because she’s lighter ( colorism) and reader thinks Tom likes white blondes but nope (spoiler ) z Tom and reader start hanging out besides being on set Tom and reader get close they go out to a party and reader and Tom hookup smut (like rough👀)
Warnings: SMUT- It wasn’t soft ik that, zaddy kink just for a bit, speaking Spanish on accident because I know how to speak it, and uh crippled walking? Overstimulation, squirt and shit (DONT TAKE THE SHIT LITTERALLY) and language of course ✨
A/n: god my life is so tragic, and yes I love pink guy 🤺GET BACK🤺 GET BACK I SAY 🤺 this isn’t in bold or anything because I was working on this for toooo long honestly it was requested a while ago, sorry about that!
T.H| I Seen all your exes, I know what you like
Tumblr media
You walked after zendaya into the set, your hair into a ponytail, edges laid, you recently got yourself a nose peircing (I just wanted to) you dressed in a large oversized white sweater and some black sweat pants, normal black air forces, you were tired because school was kicking your ass, like forereal.
“Hey Tom!” Zendaya smiled, walking faster to him and hugging him tightly. “Hey z” he smiles back, squeezing her a bit. “This is my uh, cousin, y/n” Zendaya smiled at you and you yawned again, covering your mouth but waving at him, which he gave a tight lipped smile and let out a “hey, how are you” “tired. Bored. Emotionally numb. Mixed feelings, over caked up-“ “haha, I think he gets it” Zendaya cut you off with a wide smile. “Are you playing in the movie?” Tom asked, raising an eyebrow. “I don’t think so” you shrugged. “She’s the real life MJ, don’t mind her, but we are gonna like go now, bye-Tom!” She pulled your arm until you found her trailer.
“What’s up with you!” Zendaya asked as she put her hands on her hips, watching you sit down on her bed. “I HATE SCHOOOOOOL” you complained, throwing your head on her bed as you tried not to cry. “You aren’t crying right now, y/n please don’t” Zendaya rolled her eyes.
“They expect me to know this shit! I barely even know what 2+2 is!” You lifted your head as tears left your eyes, crying. “Y/n, what’s 2+2?” She asked. “Fourrrr” you whined, still crying. “It’s social distance, like cheat or something!” Zendaya said as she mentally started to cackle watching your cry, you sucked your tears up in an instant, acting like you were perfectly fine and took out your laptop...only to cry again.
“I HATE SCHOOOOOOOOLLLL, WHY OUT OF EVERYONE I HAVE TO DO ITTTTTT!” you slapped the computer, zendaya couldn’t take it, she laughed at you. “AND YOUR LAUGHINGGG, IM IN AN EMOTIONAL CRISIS RIGHT KNOW” she started cackling, gasping for air as tears ran down your face. “BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA” “ZENDAYAAAAAA-“ your voice cracked, coughing on your spit as she just kept laughing, she was on the floor now, holding her stomach.
As you let out a broken scream the door opened, revealing Tom worried, but his face turns confused. “Do I want to know?” He gently asked. “Get outttttt” you whined pointing at the door. Tom smiled and nodded his head, closing the door. You wiped your tears away, sniffling like a child as zendaya just watched, a grin plastered in her face. “Shut up zendaya- I’m hurt” you said petty, crossing your arms as she let out a ‘pffft’ and continued to laugh.
It was about 2 days later, you felt better with jacobs help, he can really do math.
You sat in the chair sighing as you looked at your phone. “Fucking Enews, I’m gonna kill them one day” zendaya groaned, plopping herself in the chair next to you. “What happened?” You asked, the only ones in the room, it was like a hangout spot or something, hard to explain use your imagination
“They like to put us against each other and it’s toxic” zendaya hands you the phone, showing you on tone left and her on the right and “zendaya vs y/n” you only cringe at it “they want people to vote?” You asked and she nodded, you voted for yourself and handed her back the phone. “Forget you” she rolled her eyes, “nope if anything I’m winning” you shrug laughing at her while she tries to snatch your phone.
“It’s only fair!” She said, grabbing your phone and somehow knowing your code, standing up and running with your phone “JUST DONT TYPE IN X!” You yell, chasing her. “Oh I’m typing in x” she whispered, now joining where everyone else was, it was to fast to tell who but you seen Tom, you ran past him and his screen showed a model, blond but you couldn’t see anything else. Your mind was racing as you went full on devil an crybaby running, once you chased her she threw herself on the couch, sighing and laying your phone on her stomach.
“Fuck you” you whispered and she laughed, you grabbed your phone and saw “you voted for me!” You gasped. “What! No I didn’t!” She said, immediately sitting up and raising her eyebrows at you, you showed her your phone, laughing in her face as you tried to do the dougie. “Oh so you wanna get competitive?” She asked, crossing her arms. “I mean I’m in the lead” you shrugged. “Whoever loses has to buy lunch!” Zendaya said, standing up and running past you back to where everyone else was, you followed her while she said “VOTE ZENDAYA!” you shouted your own name and told people to vote you and they didn’t understand until they all got a notification.
Everyone voted and you sat next to Tom, begging him to tell you who he chose. “No y/n I won’t tell you” he smiled. “Pleaseeee!” You clasped your hands together giving him the best puppy eyes you could, he glared at you and showed you his phone. “I give up” on the screen it showed “you haven’t even voted yet!” You said, about to tap your name until he pulled his phone back. “Nope”
The rally went on for hours, it went from zendaya to you, to you to zendaya, zendaya was in the lead by point two percent. “THOMAS VOTE!” Laura shouted. “Alright alright!” He said, he heasitantly tapped a name, he chose it on purpose of course and it was nice for him to be the last person to vote.
Everyone’s phoned dinged by Enews. “ILL TELL EVERYONE!” Samuel shouted, everyone sat in seats watched him, phones turned off. This was absolutely giant for you and zendaya, this was a playful competition so don’t worry about putting each other down.
“The person who won is.....” he added suspense on everyone, aching for the answer already. He sighed and cleared his throat, then swallowed.
Almost there!
“The winner is y/n!” Everyone who voted for you cheered while everyone who voted for zendaya booed. You and zendaya both laughed together, giving each other a hug. “You owe me pizza” she only shrugged and agreed. “Wait...who did Tom vote?” Jacob asked, everyone now eyeing him, his eyes went wide. “You’ll never know” he only said. “Tell us! The game is over!” “Tell us!” Was chanted as his face started to turn a bit red. “ALRIGHT! I VOTED-“
who did he vote? Idk
This is a long ass story
Not anywhere near finished yet so stick with me here
“Y/N” everyone cheered and congratulated you, zendaya asking if you wanted to go get the pizza now, you agreed and asked anyone else if they wanted to go, Jacob and Tom said yeah and you all went, you ordered a noarmal pizza and bought zendaya one to, you really didn’t want to take her money, Tom scrolled through the comments of the Enews post and saw how many people actually didn’t like you which is absolute bullshit, comments about your skin and how you act, his blood was slightly boiling, it isn’t right because they don’t even know you, who gives them the right to talk shit about you?
As the days passed you and Thomas hung out a lot, went to dinner a couple times whiteout anyone else, then had lunch, went shopping, you guys just did a lot of shit together which was cute, you guys got matching socks, shirts, jeans, hair clips and hats, calling your selves idiots and thing number one and number two, you, Tom, daya, haz, and Harry went mountain climbing and that was the worst thing you’ve ever done in your life, you held toms hand so tight, wore a parachute just in case you see a bear and need to jump off, you were just all over the place.
“Do you wanna go to a party with me?” Tom asked in his dressing room, watching you eat your Cheerios with extra sugar as you raise a single eyebrow at him “depends “ you shrugged, setting down the bowl as you laid on his bed. “I think it’s like a house party, one of my friends asked to come, I don’t know” he shrugged and sat down at the end of the bed looking at you. “Then alright yeah, I have nothing else to do tonight” he smiles and lays down infront of you and you put your hand on his waist listening to his small breathes.
It was the day of the party and you weren’t so big on it. You dressed in some baggy jeans and a long sleeeve with a slicked back ponytail and some vans, your hair in a slicked in a ponytail and some long eyelashes with lip gloss, you said you’d meet him there because it took you hours If someone was waiting on you, strange but also very true.
You sighed and rolled your eyes with your hands on the steering wheels, trying to find a parking space but it was packed. “Why does this man have so many freinds? ISNT this only a house party?” You muttered, finally finding a parking spot, pretty close. Tom had called you and told you he was waiting at the door when you had just parked, he knew what your car looked like so when he found it he smiled and it made him slightly over excited.
“Hey babe” he smiled and you returned with “hey love” you both exchanged with tight hugs and he took your hand and pulled you in, the first thing that met your nose was sweat and achol. You silently cringed as Tom tried to contain his laughs, pulling you to the kitchen and to the counter, you could barely jump so he helped you up. “Hungry?” He asked. “Any waffles?!” You said and he chuckled, walking over to the fridge and opening the freezer as his smile got brighter, he took the package and threw it at you, which you catches and bit your lip.
The music boomed through the walls, he got you both a beer and ended up burning the waffles “Y/N!” “IM SORRY!” He quickly shut it, going over to the sink and opening the window, the breeze string so he sighed in relief and walked over to you giving you a strong high-five making you hiss “sorry!” He adorably said with made you smile at him, you both made your way upstairs, grabbing a couple beer bottles on the way.
“So” he said, looking at his bottle. “So?” You asked looking at him confused. “How’ve ya been?” He asked, achol in both of your systems as you shrugged. “Happy with you here” “that’s cute y/n” he laughed, setting down the bottle and looking at you. “So are you like not bored?” “We can like watch something?” “Like what?” “The backyardagains?” He looked at you confused, “a child’s show?” “Hey it’s more interesting then alone or whatever you like to watch” “why don’t we like watch porn hub or something?” “That’s wierder then what I said, but I mean..-“ “backyardagains it is” he put his lips in a tight manner, he tried to find the remote on the night stand but it was on your side, luckily there was on demand so you didn’t have to pay for anything.
you both watched the show, him smiling at laughing at you as you mocked the words. “You must had watched this a million times to know what their saying” he chuckled. “Hey don’t judge me, beer?” You asked grabbing one, when he said yeah you added another and handed it to him. You guys got closer, his hand on your waist while you head was on your chest, which shifted to his hand on your ass when you were all the way on top of him, platonically, but when you both looked at each other he pulled in and kissed you roughly, you batted your eyes at him and sat up, setting your beer aside as he did the same, he took his hand and put it on your neck, tugging you down to kiss him.
You slowly rocking your hips on his member feeling it grow as he let out distant groans, his hand stayed comfterbly on your neck, not squeezing to tight but just right. “Do you wanna?” He asked against your lips and you only nodded. “Say it” he said, rubbing his nose against yours. “I want to” “you want to what baby girl?” “I want to have sex with you” “you can be naughtier than that” he bit your bottom lip, pulling it back with him and letting it go, making eye contact with you.
“I want you to fuck me tommy” you kept your hips moving as he let out a hoarse chuckle “that’s my good girl” he squeezed your throat and you whimpered, he released your neck and made his way down your stomach to the button of your pants, his other hand made its way to your cheek, taking it slow and taking everything in as his small lips were against your plump ones, he undid your pants and they were looser then before, so he climbed down and found-
“Lace?” He whispered against your lips, “thong? Naughty girl” your stomach reeked with butterflies as a pool was comfterbly inbeteeen your legs, he pulled the material back and let it go your back arching as you let out a “shit”. You could feel his hard on against you as you were eager to take off your clothes and just give it all to him. He finally came to where you wanted him, he swirled your pearl before digging in your wetness and pumping it “Tommy” you whimpered, bucking your hips into his hand. “Tell me what you want and I’ll give it to you” he licked your bottom lip before having it enter your mouth, you basically fucked his hand as he lowered down, finding you sweet spot instantly which only instensed the pleasure. You put your head in his shoulder as you pulled down the rest of your pants, lifting each leg to get them off.
He took his hand out of you which made you whine but he shushed you and made you sit up, looking at the white thong and how it squeezed your skin, he lifted the long sleeve, up and over you head to find you not wearing a bra. “Fucking hell y/n, your so perfect” he smiled, taking a boob in his hand while you lifted your hips to work on his pants,he bucked his hips up slightly so you could pull them down, and it stood, you bit your lip and you looked down and seen the outline of his thick member, seeing a small spot of precum leaking through his underwear. “You gonna stare?” He chuckled, you let out a sorry and pulled down the boxers revealing his member, it sprung up to his lower stomach and you bit your lip, he was above average by like two inches but he was also so...large.
“It’s pretty Tommy” you complement which leaves him smiling. “I’ll be prettier once it’s in you” he knew you were just pooling by his words, you both didn’t want to waste anytime so he pulled the thong to the side, sliding his finger through your heat leaving your hips stuttering slightly, “you ready?” You nodded at him and let out a yeah, he took his member and pumped himself a few times before entering you with a groan.
“Fuck y/n your so tight” you softly came down on him, you being on top and holding onto the head board for support as you lifted your hips and ripped them again “mmmm” you moaned, your head tilting back as he watched comfterbly, seeing you in control. You went faster the bed making noise as whimpers left your lips, his hand came up to your waist and held tight, biting his lip as he watched your boobs bounce infront of his face (ew sex 🤢 don’t know her)
He groaned and let out a fuck, moaning at his name as he sat up, looking up at your face and how your beautiful moans leave your lips. “You like that y/n, you like riding me?” He asked, slightly breathing heavy, he messed with the hem on your thong before taking both of his hands to rip it off. “Mhm, you owe me a thong” he sucked hickeys on the pad of your skin, or where ever he could. You rolled your hips, tired of bouncing as your breath was heavy, making eye contact with his darken, lust filled eyes, he didn’t heasitate to kiss your lips, shoving his tongue in your mouth and fighting for dominance, which of course he won, his hands came down to open your legs, fucking himself into you as you whined. “Fuck baby” he groaned when your hands were on his shoulders, clawing them as he hisses in pain but also in pleasure, his hands are tight on your legs which felt so good to you, hearing the clapping noises as you bucked your hips.
“Tommy you feel so good” you moaned, “yeah? My cock wrapped around your tight little pussy, so warm and wet for who?” “For you” your head tilted back, opening your legs more as you begged for more, which he gave to you, he flipped you both over making him on top, he went as fast as he could, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you choked on your moans “t-Tommy!” “You like that baby?” He asked. “Like it when I fuck into your tight pussy, where you can barely speak, when I bust you fucking open?” “Please please please”
“Please what? Be a good girl and take daddies dick yeah?” When you bucked your hips he laid a slap on your ass, your back arching as you cried and open your legs as open as possible, your chest pressed up against his, he used the head board to pound harder into you, groaning as each thrust, yours moans where high pitched “I’m gonna-“ you swallowed. “Cum? Hold it for me, I’ll tell you when you get it to cum” “your in so deep I don’t know-“ “just try’n hold it” he felt his climax building up. “Please tom can I cum?” You let out a rough high pitched moan, really putting your throat in it, he smiled and moaned at your face, then looked down and seen the way he pounded into you so freely, his cock glistening with your wetness, he took his hand and rubbing your clit messy. “To much Tommy!” You basically screamed.
“Take it for me” your back came off the mattress as your face scrunched, you cum blasting right out of you. “joder joder joder joder, papi me haces correr tan fuerte, dios me haces sentir tan bien! joder papi si, papi si papi si papi si!” You cried, which instantly made him cum right after you. “Fuckkkk” he rode it out, his hand still on your clit, your chest stuttered as your hand went to his wrist latching onto it as he keep swirling around your clit, eager to make you cum again. You were so dazed you couldn’t think straight the pleasure over powering you as you were sure you just peed yourself, “Thomas!” You shrieked
He pulled out. “I could do that all day” he muttered, rolling over to the other side as you both panted, he looked over at you and noticed how you weren’t speaking, “what’s up?” You looked over at him and replied with “I don’t think I’ll be able to walk” he laughed and the door soon opened. “Party is fücking over” his friend said, looking at both of you while your bodies were fully naked, he didn’t care he just wanted you both out, the theme song of the backyardagains playing as he shut the door which left you both laughing, he secretly kept the ripped thong and put it in his pocket of his jeans.
“You spoke Spanish to me, y/n” he laughed as you shook your head no. “Stop that’s so embarasinggg!” You groan and cover your ears. “You called me daddy, I don’t know the rest” “I probably did speak Spanish to you, but I didn’t call you daddy, I couldn’t have” “oh no you called me daddy alright, it was fucking gorgeous, I couldn’t help but cum” “shut up!” You both were walking down the street... well you crippled as he held your hand drinking a slurpii that you got form 711. “How will zendaya feel?” He asked you and you shrugged. “I will tell her soon” “and how you spoke fluent Spanish to me? I bet no one has ever fucked you that good huh?” “THOMAS!”
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