deathbypufferfish · 2 years
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The last Gen 1 family portrait! (loud obnoxious sobbing ensues)
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kaoharu · 10 months
i didnt follow this project for like three years for this to be happenimg to me right now everyone
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ttimecode · 2 years
i had a school dance thingy today and it was really fun! (i was screaming my lungs out while singing)
but now it's got me thinking about. dancing with steven......
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pebiejeebies · 10 months
Uhh i drew one of ur silly OCs
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I might draw more of ur OCs cuz their so silly and I love them all especially Pinkie Pinkie is my favorite even tho she's a meanie pants ok I hope that doesn't sound weird I'm sorry gjfxdyvkjtfsyidgtcx but I love ur OCs /p and I might draw more of them idk but heree fhhcfhdtdydydydydtdud =D
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prongsfish · 6 months
❣️ Freeze ❣️ You’re under arrest for being so lovely. Copy this message to other blogs that you think are beautiful and deserve it. Nothing bad will happen if you break the chain, but you can keep the game going and make others feel beautiful!
thank you wahahhhhhh this is so sweet <333!!
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natjennie · 1 year
WAHHHHHHHH WAHAHHHHHH AHHHHH WAWHHHH whining and shaking and shivering like a chihuahua.... thinking about cap and havers.
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kingspacebar · 2 years
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Silly Charm wahahhhhhh
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v-a-t-i-o · 1 year
cant find my nail clippers wahahhhhhh...,
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gemharvest · 1 year
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Wahahhhhhh I forgot how fun watercolors wereeee.
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omegamoo · 2 years
you have all authority over jade from homestuck because i still have no clue who she is. i trust every opinion you have on her and if those opinions are wrong, uh no they aren’t.
wahahhhhhh thank u nova <3
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dragonymango · 2 years
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bisexuel · 3 years
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dailybrandonrogers · 3 years
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Donovan & Bryce - Normal British Series: Episode 4
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A pinch and a sting
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Day 30 Sleepy Ebi
    So yesterday was a trainwreck. I was extremely tired from running around so much on thanksgiving and my lack of sleep from the night before (Thought I had to wake up early to go to my aunts). I went to bed around 1:30am and had to wake up at 3:00am to get ready for work, and as an added bonus I forgot to take my medication before bed. What’s even better is that the medicine causes fatigue, dizziness and drowsiness so it must be taken before bed. One of the pills happens to be for treating my anxiety (though it’s typical use is to treat bi-polar and seizures which I have neither of. Just moodiness and shakes from anxiety). So I have this horrible nightmare that a ghost girl slams my door open and like the Mind Flayer from strange things turns into a sentient virus fog and shovels itself into my mouth. I imagined Jesus in my room in the dream and he pulled it out luckily but it was scary as fuck, because the ghost abomination disappeared through the wall at the end of my dream, just like in Stranger Things. So I wake up as this happens, not having taken my anxiety pills and feeling like the ghost is still in the house. To add insult to injury I didn’t remember that I forgot to take my anxiety pills.   When I go to take a shower i’m in deep shit between glancing at the dark perliless hallway, only dimly lit by my roomates nightlate (which she keeps in the hallway to not stumble around in the dark) and this big empty void ready to suck out my soul. I dash into the bathroom and close the door behind me, making sure to lock it and then double check that I locked it. I get butt naked and head into the shower but all I can see out of the corner of my eye is the fucking door. I’m ready for that door to burst open and blam! GHOST ABOMINATION READY TO TAKE OVER MY BODY WAHAHHHHHH AHHHH. Nope. I’m able to take a paranoid shower. I have to poop right after, so now i’m on the potty, fuggin’ door still looking at me while the roaring sound of the vents blowing out air, along with the steam from the shower makes the room seem like some type of fog chamber. It’s like i’m silent hill on crack. I promptly wipe my ass, wash my hands and brush my teeth, all the while feeling like there’s something behind me ready to snatch me up and drag me down to hell, which is extremely doltish considering I can see behind me just fine thanks to the mirror. At this point it hits me “I didn’t take my fucking medicine” I think to myself. This is a blessing, because that means it’s more than likely my anxiety fucking with him. Unfortunately this is also a curse, because now I have to take medicine that makes me God awful tired. So I take the pills and rush to work, and thank heavens I wasn’t ready to fall asleep on the road.
      Boy when the medicine kicked in let me tell you, it was bigger nightmare than any imaginary ghost monster. It’s about 7am and the tired just hits me and it doesn’t stop. I never thought it possible to fall asleep standing up but I was getting close. So i’m in front of my register checking people out as I phase between conscious and semi conscious. Not just like “extremely tired” oh no, this is worse. I’m slipping between falling into a dream, and still being awake. I’m talking with my eyes closed about 50% of the time, and forcing myself not to lean on anything and keep my mouth moving before the sandman pets my head right before seducing me and making me bite the damn pillow. I’m trying to make this look as natural as possible, as I memorize the movements of the managers best I can, and where they are in the store at what point in time, which helps me keep my brain racing. Racey brain, less chance of falling asleep, if I still have a dose of that anxiety now is the time. Anxiety take the wheel, I don’t want to cruize into the big fat ditch of getting fired. I’m trying to make this look as natural as possible but most customers don’t by it. Immediately everyone becomes Mona from Persona 5. I get a lot of “You look like you’re really tired and “When are you getting out of here; you should get some sleep.” I just kinda nod and close my eyes to answer them.        Eventually break time comes and though as far as I remember from getting the handbook when I first started working here, falling asleep at work gets you immediately fired. I didn’t know if that counted on breaks, but I was willing to take the risk. I set a few alarms on my phone, scooched down some paper towels over the ganky ass, crumb crustey, mystery stained break room table I was sitting at and passed out. I got lucky and was able to wake up in time thanks to my alarms. I get off break and the rest of the day is half way decent in terms of tired. I’m still beyond exhausted for the whole time. When I left the store though, turns out I feel fine for some reason. I think this is what they call a “Second Wind.” I used it up to head to Gamestop and buy some Christmas gifts for some friends and an Itunes gift card to buy stuff on animal crossing. I was thinking about getting Pokemon but it was out of my budget and wolfenstine was 67% off, but I was worried that i’d over play it and run up the electric bill. So I settled with what I had, paid and left.      When I got home I left a nice note to my roommate explaining that I was happy she accepted me as female, and trusted me to share an apartment with her despite my gonads. That on top of helping me get some space from my parents. I added her early Christmas gift to this. When she got home she was really happy with the note and the gift, though the Vynal I got her was one she already had. I think she was trying to thank me, or making me feel more like a normal girl, because she asked me if I wanted to help her pick out an outfit. She was going out with a friend of hers, but didn’t know to what degree, this making the outfit creating process difficult. I let her try on one pair of my pants, because they went with a jacket she had, but the pants were to big around the ankles so that outfit didn’t work so well. I forgot what she decided on, but i’m sure it was cute. I don’t even know if I remember seeing it. I ate thanksgiving leftovers soon after, did some laundry, set some alarms and passed out. Really early too probably around 6pm. I was smart this time and set one of the alarms for a good time to take my medicine in the middle of the night and went back to bed afterwards. Though that didn’t circumvent the stupid that happened today/this morning.
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oxladechamberlain · 11 years
Santiiiiiiii so close
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