thatthirstyweirdo · 1 year
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Procreate insanity… I’m struggling way too much 💀💀
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drinkinggblood · 9 months
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born to bite
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shimomcdragon · 2 months
actions have consequences
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italofobia · 10 months
2, 28 & 44 for pine pwease
i need to talk about other ocs why the hell is my self insert that im obsessed with lately...is my sister right am i self centered and selfish....
anyways thank u for asking jessie hiiiii
2 do they wear perfume/cologne? if so what scents do they prefer?
before coming to twst his mother forced him to wear this old lady vaguely flowery perfume but obviously he didn't have it with him when he got isekaid so now he's just relying on whatever sam's shop sells and later what vil gently gifts him. he's very self conscious about his body odor but at the same time he doesn't care enough about his body to put in any effort so he just does the bare minimum to assure he doesn't smell bad.
28 are they a #gamer?
not really but he's an elitist about it. like he refuses to touch mobile games and mmos and makes fun of anyone who does but at the same time he rarely completes complex games. he's a fellow style boutique enjoyer though
44 who, if anyone, would they trust with their deepest secrets?
ideally no one. he came out to leona by accident after a nervous breakdown but if it wasn't for that he wouldn't have told anyone.
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esta-elavaris · 1 month
Been getting a few instances lately of some very snotty reviewers on HWFG across the different sites being all "waaaah you're using memory loss as a way to avoid answering questions//an easy hand-wave explanation about the OC!!!"
And uh? Wrong.
It's integral to the plot, it's a set-up for things to come rather than just a device for pointless angst, and it's very hysterically bold to assume that she won't get her memories back a significant stretch of time before the story is over. Which means we then get to deal with a character having to grapple with the combining of the person they've been for the last ten years, and the person they were - that they can now remember - before their memories were cut off. Which? Is arguably going to be way harder to pull off satisfyingly than if she'd been fully aware of everything this whole time?
And it's also because I literally just wrote a modern girl! story without the memory loss aspect and the amnesia adds a new twist for the folk who followed on from that, so they weren't just reading Catch the Wind 2.0.
As a rule I generally ignore wank in the comment section of any fic, but it's just? So weird to see such bad faith engagement in a fandom space? Like why go into it instantly assuming the writer doesn't know what they're doing, and is making a decision out of laziness rather than "oh man I know how I can turn this into a really good story"?
I'd even get it from a constructive criticism standpoint of like "just a heads up, this can look lazy at times, so I hope you have some sort of pay-off planned for this trope!" - I got a lot of that kind of stuff on CTW and I was so happy to see it, because it helped me get an idea of what people wanted to see more of, and that really helped make that story good, but in this case it's always stated in the most condescending way...and on anon accounts, so we can't all go marvel at their masterpieces, which says it all.
It is what it is, though! And the loveliness far outweighs the snide assholes 💜
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sparkly-caroline · 17 days
Story time for the Tumblr peeps:
A couple of months back, I posted a drawing of an Oc on the Twitter dot com (or X if you wanna get technical ehhhhh) and this one dude whose name I won't say in the comments said "just draw GF FNF again" (not exagerating, he really commented that), and when I told him "ayo this is my account, I can draw whatever tf I want and I draw ur waifu enough as is" this man's only response was "WAAAAAH GIMME MORE GF SLOP".
Yeah, this dude straight up said to me "waaaah do not draw anything other than my waifu waaaah waaaah". Like bro, how do you shamelessly tell someone that?? It's insane. I didn't block him, cuz I moslty just found it funny (after a short moment of frustration), but I wouldn't be surprised if he got blocked by other artists if he said something like that to them.
His bio said he was in his 20s btw, AND every time I drew GF FNF he would comment with multiple drooling emojis, and still does to this day. Not just on my stuff but on literally every fanart of GF he finds, it's honestly crazy, dude really be exposing himself as a down horrendous mf. That digital footprint oughta be insane, I would be SO embarrased if I did that.
(FYI, this is not a hate post on anyone, I'm just poking fun at some people online lmao)
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estelle-skully · 3 months
help what do you do when youre in a HEAVY lee mood and no one knows D: (you don't have to answer but advice is appreciated)
WAAAAH IDK I’ve been there myself unfortunately and usually have to wait it out 😭😭😭 sometimes it helps to draw tword art of fictional characters/ocs, but if you’re not an artist maybe looking at stuff other artists here made- especially if you’re in any fandoms- but if that makes the lee mood worse, idk what else 😭
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ranpd · 9 months
I’d say this to you even off anon but thank you for being my bestest friend 💕💕 I love all the convos we have. You are such a fun person to talk to and it’s fun talking abt oc stuff with you!! I hope u are well and I hope we can continue to talk about even more things (and more oc stuff <33)
Love u bff!!
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maepop · 2 years
hai i’ve had ur notifs on for like 5 years anyways i just wanted to say tht i never understood why artists (me included) get so shy talking or sharing their ocs because honest to god sometimes a tumblr artists original world w their original style outrivals 75% of the cinema industry w fads reused to it’s bone. forever one of my fave artists w just never ending beauty in ur art and inspirations never stop sharing bc even though i can’t note ur post 1m times i do it in my heart. love u ! < 3 :•3 !
waaaah thank you so much that means so much to me!! T__T i’m flattered you have notifications on for me because i never post actively anymore LOL but thank you, maybe I’ll share some small stuff, but it’s also hard because i do want to plan out some personal projects and its probably better to keep the lot of them secret, right? heheh.... 
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simp999 · 1 year
Bloopers/Notes from "A New Home!"
☆I don't have anything too silly until ch. 15 :(
Ch. 1, Where am I?:
☆I started this fic at like, 2 am, just on complete impulse. Everything here just summoned itself from my 2 am brainrot.
☆I didn't really chat this chapter out with any friends, so nothing too silly.
Ch. 2, Meeting New People?:
☆I was planning on making reader more of a Simp, but I talked to my friends and we decided against it, since it would be difficult for reader to get along with characters more genuinely.
☆At the end of the chapter, "If I go to sleep here, will I wake back up in the real world?...", I was thinking of just posting chapter 3 where it said: You wake up, story over. The end.
Ch. 3, We are the Army.:
☆Army was an octoling since the beginning! You can see that in the banner. The background is made up of octopi instead of squids, and you can see a bit of a tentacle.
Ch. 4, If memory serves wrong...:
☆Bro I suck at writing flirty stuff. End me now, Aloha's difficult for me to write
☆The "nothin' personal, kid", was a total reference, and I plan on adding many more. I'm going to try my best to add some iconic vines that still suit the scene.
Ch. 5, Descisions, decisions.:
☆On the other hand, I looove drawing aloha! He's so cute and silly! I like to draw his tentacles very round and bubbly and man, his eyes are so pretty!
☆This was the chapter that made me start thinking about giving reader teammates, mostly because they needed someone other than a bench to sleep.
Ch. 6, Hoooow Anoooying.:
☆Can you tell he's my favorite?
☆I wanted to make him a little silly, giving him more of a personality. He can't be scary all the time, I really do think part of it is an act.
☆Another anime reference: the lens of his gasmask shining, just like in an anime.
☆I was torn between what to do for the banner. I already used Mask with his mask on for chapter 6, and I planned on using his maskless version for what's now chapter 13. But then I remembered another one of my favorite boyos, Desi! I know he isn't featured too much in this chapter, and I'm sorry, but I needed something!
☆Anyways, I know this entire battle by heart. I know all of Mask's voice lines. Save me.
☆I try my best to not show bias in my fics, but I will relentlessly show it outside of em'.
☆Ugh, can't wait for team cyan moments fr
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Ch. 8, Newfound Family.:
☆I was stuck between just giving reader nameless teammates, incase ya'll already had your own ocs in mind of something, but I HATE nameless characters. And characters that don't have a personality. I figured that I'd already have to give them personalities, so why not go all in.
☆Soooo, I threw in my beloved OCs! I've had these guys around for YEARS, so I know them and their personalities like the back of my hand, which makes writing for them super easy and fun!
☆bro they look so cursed with splatoon 1 hairstyles to me. I didn't have the heart to snatch their iconic hair, so ignore that.
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Ch. 9, Shopping Spree!:
☆I actually wrote this and the last chapter at 1 am by accident. I was like oho let me write a few notes down for tomorrow so I don't forget. But here we are 2k words later.
☆After seeing that the next day, I realised that the squad tm would take up 2 chapters total. There's 3 of them. So then I had to figure out how to do the banners. I worked it out, though!
☆Tasha's hair's longer I swear, it just didn't fit on the banner smh
☆Damn she and skull look a lot alike, huh
Ch. 10, Skull's Territory.:
☆I knew I couldn't have reader simp, but that doesn't mean I can't have some simpery!! So I have Milo, Leo and Tasha to do it!! They get to express my true emotions <3
Ch. 11, A Misunderstanding?:
☆sTEAAAALTH!!! <3333
☆My sweet boy
☆So the poll for background characters was mostly for him ngl
☆I also may have colored them green by accident the first time and had to start over.
☆I reaaaally hate making characters like Rider go OOC, but I need the story to continue! I'm sorryyyy
Ch. 12, Getting Too Comfortable.:
☆Also, blushy rider. ♡♡
☆He wants that battle, dude
Ch. 13, Player Two?:
☆May have made a 9 hour mask playlist to write to.
☆I was planning on going in official meeting order for these uhh "getting closer with the S4", (Rider, army, aloha, mask, skull.) but my clear bias for Mask got me to write for him first.
☆I struggled to choose which song, but the idea came to me because I learned all the lyrics to Kick Back(chainsaw man), not too long ago. But I figured I'd just go with one of the most well known series/openings.
☆Didn't make the cut:
-Was gonna have reader and Mask walk in the rain together. That's why reader grabbed Milo's umbrella, cause it was the biggest one.
-c'mon, that would have been cute
Ch. 14, ...You Didn't See that.:
☆I was planning this since the start to be honest. Not exactly this scenario, but I knew I wanted to throw this headcannon in there.
☆After seeing how much love my fic was getting, I was almost going to abandon the idea, afraid that my readers wouldn't like it, and leave.
☆Jeebus those tentacles took me way too long to draw.
Figuring out what to do for Army's meetup+scrapped ideas:
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Ch. 15, Sweetheart.:
☆I only made it to 1k words with Skull's part, he really doesn't talk a lot so it's hard to fill up space.
☆You guys asked for it: Avi time!
☆Now finally, here's some of the discord chats I had with my friends. Plans for story along with memes. Blanked out hints for the next chapter.:
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Ch. 16, An Unexpected Meetup.:
☆I completely winged it. I knew I wanted like- a dummy kinda where we'd see all the S4 at once
☆Sorry for minimal aloha time, we got him earlier in the series though! (Bias game strong, he's not my favorite s4 member :( )
☆I'll try for more aloha time soon I'm sorry
☆The kind of rivalry/jeasoulsy between them wasn't planned and I kinda don't like it, but it is canon that they don't really like eachother so
Ch. 17: Not Much of a Choice, Huh?
☆Ughhh this feels like a dating sim now and I hate it
☆But characters catching feelings ♡♡♡
☆Not to figure out how they deal with them and how readers gonna figure that out
Ch. 18: Challengers Approach!
☆ oOoo they catchin' feelings!!!
Ch. 19: The Freshest Squid on the Block!
☆ Hehe, we love making Leo happy
☆ Ugh, Emperor. I was not looking forward to writing him. I personally don't have him as a favorite, I was never able to like his kingly attitude. (I looove his design as somebody who draws nd does character design, though! Well made character.) Buuut...(see ch. 21)
Ch. 20: The Absolute King.
☆Yesss! Reader showing more emotion!!
☆Someone's gettin' angyyy
☆Ohoho does this count as angst? Berly, but I'm enjoying it
☆ Did you guys know that I half specialise in angst? Yeah enjoy that info
Ch. 21: A Crushing Defeat.
☆ Making you guys hate him off the bat is a lot dunner to write! He was shitty and mean in the first bit where he was shown anyways, so suffer! He'll have to go through some character development eventually, but until then, he's your most despised rival mwahaha
☆I hope the wat I write him makes you wanna deck him in the face :)
Ch. 22: It Only Gets Tougher, I Promise
☆ ... what no, what makes you think mask is my favorite. I show no bias ever. (How many times have I said that, now?)
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aspiringtrashpanda · 1 year
Waaaah (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ)♡ ty tyyy!! I wasn't kidding about the length so I still apologize 😅😓 You know how when we’re younger we always wanted to get involved in the “cool stuff the big kids were doing,” whether said “big kids” to us were 13 or 16? When I was little, I wanted Steven to be my big brother or cousin. Since I never had any female cousins my age, I mostly grew up around boys and we did cool things like hang downstairs in their basement theatre, convince our parents to stop at a Walgreens for SillyBandz, and go wild jumping on the beds in their Hotel room with Light Sabers and Harry Potter Wands. (Look, I was like 9-10 this was cool to me 😂) We were a Trio, stuck in the backseat of the backseat of the car, status: gremlins in kahoots. It was weirdly poetic, there was only a year between either of us and I was the middle child. Really movie-like three Musketeering it here lol. Imagine how heartbroken I was when my parents told me they weren’t really my cousins, just really close family friends that we called them “cousin” regardless because they were there for my birth. Anyways, this and how whenever some older male that, I assume were probably late teens early 20s now that I’m older and thinking back, came over, kid me would see all the grown-ups talking to them like equals, being allowed to do “stuff” (it was probably like running an errand for an aunt or setting up tables tbh, I sure don’t know) and were asked about what they were studying at the dinner table, I thought it was so cool that I wanted to grow up fast and do whatever they were doing, go wherever they were going with their friends while I had to stay inside and help clean up because my mom said I wouldn’t be interested and that “they’re just doing their own thing.” Even at theme parks, couldn’t go with them.
Enter: The World of Pokémon. Discovering Fanfics, and the Found Family Trope. And Badass Young Protagonist Dreams we all might’ve had at some point. It’s a coin toss whether Crystal or LeafGreen was my first game, but I ended up really attached to Leaf (after a period of hating her because how DARE she look like my OC who was designed to look like me + the effect of early 2010s era of people hating OCs and only accepting canon characters in fics.) Though let’s be real, she probably looks like a lot of people, compared to having gravity-defying blue hair lol. It’s kind of hard to get May’s hair-style exact too sometimes if you don’t have bangs and short hair, and hers still flutter outwards by themselves. So anyways, this is all a lead-up to what brought me to thinking, “man, wouldn’t it be SO cool to be Champion and the bestest of buddies with the other Champions? (As the games usually sold the story to us)” Because friendship is awesome, teasing and banter and knowing personal things about each other and being considerate about it is sweet, being privy to secret projects the grown-ups never let you in on (I say secret project as if it’s some big thing when they probably wanted to enforce bed times and “that movie is too scary for you” lol) but anyhow, still epic.
I’ve never been able to bring myself to making another Pokémon OC, so I use Leaf as my stand-in for just about everything. I think the one thing holding me back from posting publicly is not everyone thinks the same as me. The game characters have no canon personality, so it looks weird. (Unless if I take influence from Evolutions, which validated so much for me.) They’re trapped in their games. And largely influenced by “majority accepted fanon.” As a result of that, I "should" be writing a wing-woman to the Red x Blue ship. My fic would probably go over better if I used May.
Okay, I have read everything through, but I am going to respond to each message one by one so I can get all my thoughts out! First off, thank you SO MUCH for sharing your brilliance with me. I am honored to get a peek inside your mind! This has been an incredible read. It sounds like you had so much fun with your cousins growing up, and I totally get what you mean about seeing older-but-still-young people doing stuff and you're like, "Hey i wanna hang out with them and tag along too!" But then you grow up and realize that you rushed through your childhood for nothing and ow, that's so real. RIP to all the OCs who fell to the flames of the early 2010s OC hate. OCs aren't for everybody (just like reader inserts), but those that will read an OC grow to love and appreciate them as much as any canon character. Though, there is also absolutely nothing wrong with projecting your OCs personality onto a canon character (if you're in our steven stone discord - which i mean, you're on anonymous so i'm not even gonna try to guess - you see that we do it ALL. THE. TIME.) I'll get more into canon personality vs. author interpretation vs. reader interpretation in the next bit, but I think it's important that you've recognized what you feel fandom has dictated you "should" do. You've recognized it. Now throw it out the window. Your fic will be its best self if you write what you want to write, and I promise, there WILL be someone who resonates with whatever character choice you make, whether they be in the minority or the majority. (To be continued...)
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ttearsofthekingdom · 8 months
waaaah mental disconnect between the oc stuff i thought i posted vs my #oc stuff tag wadda hell!!!!
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pixelrhys · 3 years
Me? Insecure about my writing when I include absolutely anything self indulgent? It’s more likely than you think!
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yuniccafton · 2 years
Tw: mentions of suicide (no shit its mandela catalogue)
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Quirky mandela county stuff 💅
Victim 2 is @tasyagamergirl 's oc btw <3
(Also yes that's me cosplaying as my oc there at the end :( I'm dead waaaah)
Some alternate sketches I made a while ago bc I was thirsty I'm sorry alex
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queenmuzz · 3 years
Hey Muzz, I'm wondering do you have fic authors recommendation list?
Oh god! I just realized that I missed this ask! I'M SO SORRY! Ahem, here is a list of writers I quite admire. No doubt you'll know most of them, but it's nice to see them all. TehRevving For when you want good quality smut. Mostly Dante, but when she's forced to, she writes excellent Vergil smut too. Please check out her Ignis stuff as well. And now she's become a Heisenhoe, so the RE fandom is about to get hit hard..... Synchron There's a reason her 'Devil's pact' is in the top 5 kudo'd stories in DMC Ao3. That woman could make a eunuch horny. But wait, there's more! Just when you think you are gonna read another steamy story. BAM! She hits you with feels. Lachesissora Speaking of feels.... Do you want fluff? Do you want to cry your eyes out? Do you want to smack both Sparda brothers over the head and tell them to get along? Then look no further than this writer, who can rip my heart out, stomp on it, and I'd thank her. But I get the last laugh! For she has now been corrupted, and writes really good smut... Virberos This writer's imagination is frankly frightening. Go on an epic journey with her OC, Cassandra, and adventure through AU after AU, each story lovingly crafted to perfection.
Astral_Space_Dragon Be careful with this one. You mention an idea or a funny/sad headcanon within earshot of her, and next thing you know, BOOM! She's created a one shot guaranteed to make you go 'aww' or 'waaaah' or 'bahahah' or your money back! She also has her own OC, Rosemary, so check her out!
RubixaSereph Generally, you get a choice when it comes to a writer: Quantity, or Quality. Somehow, this writer does both. And to top it all off, she's an excellent artist! Some people get to swim in the deep end of the talent pool. There's so many more that I could list... I'll work on a second version of the list.
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nightscaped-archive · 5 years
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