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zarophod Β· 1 year ago
you’re kidding me. the show literally ends with Captain being gay about the weatherman. what a brilliant way to finish off this wonderful show. i’m gonna miss it :(
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puppypeter Β· 7 months ago
(normal!Roy/famous!Jamie anon again)
WAAAAAHHHHHH YOUR MIIINDDDβ€ΌοΈβ€ΌοΈβ€ΌοΈπŸ˜©πŸ˜©πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’• I was LITERALLY thinking about phoebe specifically when I brought up the privacy issues, you proposed the PERFECT angsty scenario for that concept!!!
And omg the galaaaaaa. I love love LOVE the almost cinderella-esque mystery of Roy, dark and handsome and dressed to the nines, and nobody having any clue who this man is!! (The Cinderella metaphor works because Roy's also a 'commoner' irl lol). I can just picture the entrance him and Jamie would make. With Jamie all smug and gorgeous and sparkly, it actually looks like ROY is the famous one with a hot young thing on his arm!!
And omg the angstttttttt. You so beautifully expanded on the layers of Jamie's gift giving as a love language AND as a means of compensation. Like, yes he loves spoiling the people he loves because he remembers what it was like to wonder if he could afford shoes that'll fit next year, let alone ridiculously frivolous expenses. BUT!!! I also think, as you so beautifully phrased it, that Jamie would often use money as a crutch when attempting to initiate relationships. Like, I think Jamies character is seen as sauve and charming in fanon, but I think there's a lot more evidence of him being pretty blunt in a way that comes across as obstinate. Alongside his more 'prickish' impulses, I think Jamie often skates by socially on his money/fame/good looks, but struggles to make true connections. Which is why his relationship with ROY, who doesn't know him as Jamie Tartt the footballer, is so precious to him - because Jamie doesn't feel like he has to perform!!!
I LOOOOVE EEE the way you explored this idea with the gift giving, and I ESPECIALLY love the idea that Jamie begins to pivot from extravagant gifts to extremely personal and thoughtful gifts the longer he gets to know Roy and fall for him. Narrative wise, the change in the things he offers Roy can coincide with the change in the way Roy sees him: from smug, rich prick who thinks he can buy Roy, to thoughtful, attentive partner who will do anything within his power to make Roy's life better.
ARGHHHHHHHH which would just make the angst potential of the post gala/post vulnerable diner date when Jamie seems like he's drawing back or reverting to the man Roy initially thought he was all the more juicy, ESPECIALLY if Jamie is ACTUALLY acting out of a misguided perception of Roy's best interests!!! Because Jamie has actually fallen in love with this man, and he can't bear the thought of selfishly pulling him into his world if Roy gets hurt in the process.
QuΓ© the breakdown scene and the subsequent exploding confession from Roy of "You idiot, YOURE what I want!!"
Waaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh all your ideas are just so brilliant and vivid, thank you so so much for all your glorious input. AAAHHHHHH I LOVE THIS AU!!! πŸ’•βœ¨πŸ’•βœ¨βœ¨πŸ’•βœ¨πŸ’•βœ¨πŸ’•
(For anyone else curious here's the previous asks: part one, part two)
I could talk about this foreveeeeer :))))
My only thing with the gala is if we're assuming Jamie is out already or not-out-but-everyone-knows-he's-bi or just it's a gala for posh twats (roy cit.) where nobody cares or will say anything (but paps outside?). But I can totally picture arm candy Jamie, he'd have the season 3 boy-ish hair but be waiting that slutty mesh t-shirt Phil wore perhaps with the slutty leather pants Phil wore? and a bit of glitter somewhere just cause
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"I think Jamie often skates by socially on his money/fame/good looks, but struggles to make true connections. Which is why his relationship with ROY, who doesn't know him as Jamie Tartt the footballer, is so precious to him"
I'm not in tears at all!! 😭😭😭😭 You explained it so well!! Like he's just some rich dude and maybe at some point he does explain the above and Roy is like 'you know you have been spending a lot on me' and Jamie almost hadn't realised he had fallen back on that as he genuinely just did it to spend as much time with roy as possible and only really was there for the company, where he felt seen as a person. Wanna make it even more painfully sweet? What if maybe Georgie used to work at a diner when Jamie was a baby and so being there with Roy kinda feels like a safe space as well, as Georgie was also surrounded by other older women (in this case the yoga mums) who all adored him and let him play around. Maybe one evening when they're still chatting early on so he doesn't have Roy's number etc he shows up and he's not there (family emergency or something?) and he's just a tired pouty baby post-match having eggs while face down on the counter from being sleepy and a few of the yoga mums just babying him a little and smirking at each other cause they know who he came back for (and they are of course plotting to finally get their Roy a partner!)
and yes imagine if the night post-gala at the diner was very close to an i love you / i am falling in love with you but left unsaid (kudos if they fall asleep in one of the booths and one of the yoga mums has to poke roy awake in the morning while giving him a knowing smile) and AND I think at some point in the previous jamie visits he needs to have met Phoebe (maybe Roy's sister was late back from her shift so Roy took her to work with him at 10pm waiting for her to come get her) just because I feel like Roy letting him in both by opening up but also by allowing him to know, if briefly, the two most important people in his life plays so well into the angst of Roy being mad at him for starting to disappear. Like I trusted you, I don't care about your fucking money etc kudos if Jamie was disappearing because of his shit dad threatening him and hurting him and maybe in the process stressing out how little Jamie is worth / nobody likes you / you're only good for your money etc which makes him even more insecure if Roy doesn't want him for his money then what does that mean? (It's a bit of a twist on the "If I am only good for football what am I without it?" but with money) and then Roy HAS to call him a stupid fucking idiot stupid twat what do you mean?? and list all the special things he loves about him while being super flustered
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