#Vox x Velvette
storm-angel989 · 2 days
how would vox and the other vees react to his teenage daughter getting piercing and tattoos without them knowing?
Hi friend,
I like to think that Vox has better control of his emotions than Val- take a peek at what I came up with!
<3 Mandy
Vox could think of at least sixteen ways to handle the situation with an instantaneous result. Killing the person who dared to put a needle to the skin of his underaged daughter for one. An all girls boarding school, set in the furthest ring of hell. At minimum, screaming and yelling with he promise of infinite grounding would at least get his anger and disappointment out in the open.
When Velette called him down to her studio, he expected to be handed a file or six. Or more likely, be bitched at for some reason beyond his control. But when Velvette greeted him with little more than a command to follow her, and led him towards her office, he knew it was something much more pressing. Outside the door, Velvette paused.
“You can’t get mad, Vox,” she told him quietly. “You can’t. We need to handle it so she comes to us again. Got it? Promise me.”
“Uh, alright. I promise?” Vox replied. 
“Good. Now take a breath and keep that promise,” Velvette said as she pushed the door open. 
Inside, his daughter sat on top of Velvette’s desk. Wrapped loosely in a cotton robe and surrounded by tissues, Vox felt his heart drop. 
“Baby? Baby, what’s wrong?” He asked as he rushed towards her. He cupped her chin and tilted her head up to face him. “Talk to Daddy.” 
To his surprise, she shook her head vehemently. 
“You need to show your Dad, so we can get you to a doctor,” Velvette said gently. “Come on, he won’t be mad. Promise.”
She looked to him and to his surprise, his usually feisty teenage daughter had an expression that begged for confirmation of her words. In the back of his mind, worry began to form. A heartbeat of silence. A sharp elbow from Velvette and he winced. 
“That’s right, Reader,” he said finally. “I promise I won’t be mad.” 
With hesitation, Vox watched as Reader slowly turned away from him as she lowered her robe. Vox bit back as gasp at the sight of red inflamed skin sprawled across her lower back. Black lines rose to form an incoherent pattern and here and there he could barely make out parts of a word. Several words, perhaps. The broken up image of a butterfly. 
He felt his temper flare and Velvette’s hand tight against his shoulder. He took a deep breath and tried his best to keep his voice steady.
“What happened?” 
“I, my friends and I were at the mall and we decided to get matching tattoos,” she mumbled in response. 
“Where? How? You’re not old enough to get a tattoo, or a piercing without parental consent,” Vox said as he carefully examined her back. 
“Some guy in the back of the mall. He did my cartilage too,” Reader muttered as she lifted up her hair to reveal swollen, black and blue skin. “It’s all…it hurts, I’m sorry Daddy.” 
Vox couldn’t believe his daughter had done something so egregiously stupid. Gingerly, she pulled the robe over her back and turned to face him. 
“Daddy? I…”
“First things first. Let’s get you down to Val’s studio and have the doctor on staff take a look. You’re probably going to need a round or two of IV antibiotics and then we can go from there.” Vox said as calmly as he could. “We can talk about the rest later. For now, let's get you taken care of.”
Vox watched as his daughter broke down into tears. Instinctually, he reached out and wrapped her in his arms. 
“I know it hurts, baby, but we’ll get you some antibiotics. And probably a pain killer and you’ll feel much better,” he said as he held her. “Shush, sweetheart. Daddy will take care of you.” 
“She’s not just crying from pain, Vox,” Velvette said softly. “She’s afraid. Of disappointing you.”
Vox swallowed and carefully kissed the top of her head. “Honey, you know I love you. That won’t ever change, I promise.” He paused, “I know you’re too old to be carried, but if it hurts too much to walk.” 
To his surprise, his teenager leaned into him. As carefully as he could, he lifted her up into his arms.
“Don’t worry baby,” he said softly. “Daddy will always love you.”
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aimasup · 5 months
Now Hispanic Velvette
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It's the sweet-toothed dolly diva who's a strict shot on both camera and gun, and also a vampire with a blood kink for some reason! Everyone give it up for the worst boss and best porn film director of hell 👏
POV you're Velvette meeting other overlords for the first time
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soysauceartly · 7 months
Okay but… THEORY
What if Velvette gets soul contracts through Terms and Conditions agreements on apps
That’s why she’s an overlord and has so many souls
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lemoncakedoodles · 27 days
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POV you are Alastor
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orangeyougladtoseeme · 4 months
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Girls kissing caught live in 4k
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toiletpudding · 2 months
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Eat up 👌😌
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skylitcreations · 5 months
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How come I never see any VoxVel? VelVox? Staticfashion? I dunno what name is right but here ya go anyway!
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artofhazbinhotel · 3 months
I got permission from @smthaboutuss to color their drawing of Vox and Velvette! Go send them a follow
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iamchaos1234 · 7 months
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My thoughts on some hazbin ships! Tell me if I missed any! [Sorry it's messy 😅]
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noemilivv · 7 months
hey mio! Hopefully ur less burnt out! Could I maybe get some head cannons with vox, velvette, and mayhaps gn reader(yes I'm replacing that bitch Valentino) ? Maybe them having a movie night and arguing over what movie to watch, what snacks they all have, them all snuggled up on the couch!! Just some fluffy stuff, luv ya mio!!
-🎺 anon
hello 🎺 anon!! this actually inspired me quite a bit, so i’mma be bold and do a few scenarios!!
this was so fun and cute so i hope you enjoy!!
Warnings: Profanity, use of Y/N
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“Maybe Rom-Coms Do Come True…”
Vox x Reader x Velvette
You come into the lounge, setting the tray of snacks down on the small table infront of the T.V., your boyfriend and girlfriend already saving a spot between them just for you, smiles on both of their faces, and you couldn’t help but notice how cute they both looked.
Velvette had a matching pink and black P.J. set on, a buttoned short-sleeved shirt, and shorts, with matching slipper with bows on them.
Whilst Vox has just gotten out of work, he was in half-work clothes, half-casual clothes, he still had his dress pants on, but he sported one of VoxTech’s new hoodies.
“Soo…” Vox mumbles under his breath as he fiddled with the remote. “What are we watching tonight?” He asks, turning to both of his partners, his eyes scanning them for an answer.
Velvette’s eyes light up immediately, “We should watch a Rom-Com!”
Vox’s screen rolls back, as he let out a groan, “We watched one last week!” He complained.
“Actually, bitch, you’re wrong! We watched one last time I picked!” Velvette corrected, crossing her arms, leaning forward to get a better look at her boyfriend while she spoke.
“Which was three weeks agooooo! That’s basically the same thing!!” Vox groaned once more, “Let Y/N pick this time! They have better taste than you anyway!”
Velvette jokingly scoffs, putting a hand to her heart, “Well at least I don’t play the same, dumb traffic-light, high school broadway musical!” Velvette retorts.
“Well I’d rather watch that every week than ‘Dance Moms’ or that stupid mafia romance!” Vox argues back.
“‘Heathers’ is a blessing to the musical world, don’t you dare, Velvette!”
“Exactly what I’m saying!”
“Vox you don’t even know anything about ‘Heathers’…” Velvette rolled her eyes.
“So what?!”
Eventually, you guys settled on a Rom-Com, against Vox’s better judgement.
Honestly, you were pretty neutral about Rom-Coms, but tonight was very enjoyable for you.
Between Velvette’s screams about why the protagonist and love interest haven’t kissed yet, or when Vox would boo and throw popcorn at the T.V when something would happened that he didn’t like, it was very entertaining to watch your lovers get so invested into something.
As the movie went on, you and Velvette began to notice that maybe, just maybe, Vox was enjoying the movie after all…
Through all the screams, laughter, and tears of the movie, it really was the best movie night yet, maybe Velvette did have good taste.
But once the love interest and protagonist do kiss, you’re surprised there’s no screams… No screams from Velvette… No screams from Vox…
Your head turns, you notices the limp grip Velvette’s hand has on yours, and you notice that your girlfriend is curled up against Vox’s side, and Vox has a lip arm around you both.
And the only thing you can do, is smile.
Maybe Rom-Coms do come true…
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I need more vox x vel x val content because they’re literally the most evil bitches and throuple ever and I love them
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storm-angel989 · 2 months
🎀IM SORRY FOR BLOWING UP YOUR INBOX! But Val/Vox(idrc which one) x Anorexic Daughter Reader?🎀
Hi Friend,
You’re not blowing up my inbox- I keep every request in a google doc and when inspo hits I work on it! If I ever decide I won’t do a request I won’t just delete it- I’ll post and say it directly <3 
Preface for this work:
 I’m considered a plus sized equestrian/plus sized human. Eating disorders come in all shapes, sizes and issues. I believe it’s Blythe Barid who said “If you develop an eating disorder when you are already thin to begin with you go to the hospital. If you develop an eating disorder when you are not thin to begin with, you are a success story.”
Stories like these are based on my own experiences and issues- and on this topic, I’ve had quite a few. Please remember that all bodies are worthy of love and respect, care and concern. It's a tough concept to wrap our heads around, and admittedly I still struggle with it. 
A little background info: 
ED’s are a huge part of my writing that I haven’t published. Ana and Mia are characters I have created (or maybe my own food issues created them). Either way, they’re  separate entities for separate stories- demons that I imagine have their own place in hell as well as in my writings (all of which have been in existence far longer than Hazbin). That being said, naming your ED is something I did and I have done. Even for the purpose of writing this story, the entire thing felt wrong without Ana running the behind the scenes. 
With this one I tried to pain the pain, the anger and frustration behind that never feeling good enough feeling. I would be open to doing part two if folks would be interested. Please also know I’ve written on this topic in several other forms if you explore my masterlist (or I can directly send you the links if you PM me). 
<3 Mandy 
I stepped on the bathroom scale and looked at the number that flashed below. The words of my coach echoed in my mind- I needed to lose the summer weight, or else I would be benched for the rest of the season. She had helpfully provided me with a journal to keep track of my weight, what I ate in a day, activities I did and how many calories I burned in accordance with my VoxTech watch. 
A month ago, I had met her goal, thus ending the weekly weigh-ins. According to her, I had lost enough weight to maintain my place on the team. It was on me now to make sure that I maintained that weight, or lost more. In her exact words, you could never be too skinny. 
“Bebita? Breakfast,” my fathers voice called from the hallway. “Come on, before it gets cold.”
The number told me I hadn’t gained weight, but I hadn’t lost weight either. I picked my backpack up and slung it over my shoulder. 
“Sorry, Dad! I’m late! I’ll eat at school, I promise,” I answered back as I rushed out the door. 
Surely skipping breakfast wouldn’t hurt. 
Skipping breakfast turned into skipping lunch. Skipping lunch turned into avoiding dinner. Sugar free jello and skinny pop became my go to snacks as the numbers in my book slowly but surely began to get smaller. Somewhere, a little voice inside my head began to cheer my successes on the scale. Over time, I learned that she had a name. 
Ana. My secret diet partner. My invisible cheerleader. The willpower I needed to keep going on the hardest days. And most importantly, someone who paid attention to me, 
With each passing day, Ana grew louder. She encouraged me to keep my diet a secret from my family. After all, they wouldn’t understand. Pleasing her, it became almost like an addiction- a game I played with myself to see just how little I could become. Food became nothing more than numbers, an obsession that consumed every minute, every second of my thoughts and desires. 
In my household, it wasn’t hard to keep it to myself. Hell, one could argue that I wasn’t technically even keeping it a secret. My father had a very important job, after all. And my Auntie Velvette and Uncle Vox also wouldn’t have had the opportunity to make the connection. A quick, I ate earlier, sorry! And I got off scott free. Ana cheered with each no thank you I uttered. My head between my knees after practice had become a ritualistic practice. Waiting for the black spots to fade, taking deep breaths to try to regain the energy to stand up and walk out to the awaiting limo. It wasn’t like there was anyone waiting at home for me anyway. 
On the daily, I kept a careful eye on my voxtech watch. The first time my blood sugar dropped, I got a call from Vox. Paniced waves rushed through me. A suggestion from Ana to bribe to a friendly tech demon. A brief trade later, I had constant vitals being sent from my watch, my real ones hidden behind a password. With this newfound freedom, outside of homework and practice, my time normally devoted to hobbies or hanging out with friends became time to sleep. After all, I was working on the perfect body. I needed my rest. 
For almost six months, Ana and I were best friends. 
Saturday morning. Game day. One of the busiest days for my father. After all, lust and depravity raked through the weekends like wildfire. Or at least, that was what he claimed. I stood in front of the mirror trying desperately to tighten the drawstring 
“Hey bebita?” I heard my fathers voice call from the hallway. “Baby, are you up?”
“Yeah, Dad. I have a game today,” I snapped as I tied another knot in the string. 
Why the fuck wouldn’t these stupid shorts stay up? I fumed to myself. Every part of my body ached, and even yanking on my shorts sent black spots and exhaustion rushing through my body. I leaned my head against the mirror and tried to take a deep breath. I could do this. I had to do this. 
The next thing I heard was my fathers voice, felt his hand shaking my shoulder. It took every ounce of energy to open my eyes. 
“Bebita? Reader, can you hear me?” Valentino asked frantically. “Princessa, wake up, now!”
“I’m fine,” I muttered as loudly as I could. Somehow, I managed to push myself upright. 
“You most certainly are not fine,” he replied sharply. “I’m taking you downstairs to the doctor, right now.”
Doctor. That meant I would miss the game. No, I had an obligation to my teammates. Somewhere in my head, Ana screamed.
Get up, fatass!
You really want to fuck this up for everyone?
You better not let him take you to the doctor, you do that and you’ll never find perfection. 
“I’m fine,” I growled, louder this time. I pulled myself to my feet and black spots dotted my vision. I felt my fathers arms around me and in seconds, I was off the floor and in his arms.
“Put me down, I can walk,” I tried to yell. Inside my head, Ana screamed louder, demands and insults about my current predicament. I pressed my hands to my head and curled my fingers in my hair, “Dad let me down NOW!” 
He ignored me as he carried me down the hallway. 
“Vox? Velvette? Both of you, with me. Now. We have a problem.” He said loudly. 
“Woah, what’s going….” Vox’s voice began. 
I shoved my hand against my father as he walked through the living room.  To my relief, he set me down on the couch. 
“What?” I snarled as three sets of eyes stared at me. “What the fuck are you looking at?” 
Vox checked his phone and then walked over to me. With one finger, he lifted off my Voxtech watch. 
“Hey! Give that back!” I demanded. “I’m going to be late to my game!”
All three of them ignored me. Wordlessly, Velvette walked away and returned moments later, bathroom scale in hand. She set it infront of the couch and gave me a hard look. 
“Step on.” 
“Fuck you,” I snapped as I stood up. I tried to ignore the black spots that danced just out of sight. “My weight is none of your fucking business.”
“Reader!” Valentino said in dismay. “That’s no way to talk to your Aunt.”
“I’m leaving, I’m already late. Thanks, Dad,” I continued sarcastically as I kicked the scale aside. 
Inside, Ana cheered. I bent down to pick up my backpack and the world around me spun. Three steps,  and Vox’s hand gripped my upper arm. The last thing I heard was Ana’s voice screaming indistinguishable words. 
When I came to again, I found myself in a room of gray and blue. Wires stuck out from my chest, and I tried to cough and spit the feeling of something painful in the back of my throat. I tried to reach up, to shove my fingers down my throat, and my skin met padded white cuffs. 
What the fuck?
You’re going to have to work hard to get yourself out of this one, Ana taunted. Great job getting caught, fatass. 
“Hey, baby, it’s alright, Papi is here,” I heard my father’s voice say somewhere far away. 
“Mr. Valentino, I promise we’ll be in touch when she’s more stable,” a new voice said. “For now, it might be best to give her some space to…”
Indistinguishable arguments. My fathers refusal and reminder of who exactly was in charge here. My Uncle Vox and Aunt Velvette chiming in, a mix of talking him down and agreement. 
Panic shot through me as the haze slowly began to wear away. Realization. Through the fog, only one word came to mind. 
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aimasup · 5 months
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evil loving relationships are too fun to write oh no
Hope they all get a horrid ending and they do it together (preferably if one or two of them die)
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lepoppeta · 4 months
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vox and velvette are both very busy people — they know how to schedule and theyve learnt how to multitask.
(apologies for the quality, tumblr doesnt seem to like big images all that much)
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lemoncakedoodles · 2 months
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Uh oh, the babies are in emotional peril.
(Out of character, Velvette would just tell him to walk it off.)
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 4 months
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Some Vox and Velvette art for today🩷
I know this is ironic on a post about two media influencers but remember to take a break from social media and the internet for a bit if you need it! I don’t use it for anything other than videos but I turned off notifications for instagram and I feel a lot better than I did a day or two ago
Redraw of this thing btw ⬇️
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