#Volume Pills UK
3terna15unshin3 · 1 year
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Matty won't shut up about Este's success
1103 words
a/n: Once again this was not requested but I looooovveeee the idea of Matty being Este’s biggest supporter through big moments in her career so here i wrote about it🥰🥰 it’s a bit short but lmk what u think!
(I wrote an entire 15 chapter fic of this universe! Read it here if you want more Matty and Este😌)
“A 35,000 person capacity festival is just unfathomable to me. I can’t even picture that many people—let alone going up and performing for them. Being present in the crowd at your headline set back in 2019, where I specifically remember being impressed by you and your rockstar-esque poise and confidence, I can’t help but wonder if these crazy performances are an easier pill to swallow now? With that experience?”
Matty humbly shot down the ‘rockstar’ comment.
“That’s very kind, but I mean the festival crowds are something I really will never get used to. The pure size of them is one thing, but there’s also this energy of needing to win them over. Keep their attention. It’s a lot of pressure, so I don’t think I can say that I find it easy.”
The interviewer nodded their head in understanding, comfortably sat on a chair across from Matty and asking him a few questions before him and the band took the stage at Big Weekend 2023 in Dundee.
“Yeah, totally. And I’m sure it’s interesting going straight into a summer full of these big festivals straight after the break you’ve just been on, right?” They asked.
He draped one leg over the other before answering. “A bit. It’s always nice to warm back up with a headline show since that’s where we feel the most comfortable. Also—as silly as it sounds—three weeks was a long fucking time. For me, at least. When we’re in an album cycle and touring the shit out of it, it’s so rare for us to stop for that long.”
“What do you get up to when you’re off nowadays? I can sense a workaholic vibe from you, so is that time spent in the studio? Jumping to the next thing now that Being Funny has been out and heard and loved?” The interviewer said in a thick Scottish accent, shuffling their cards as they spoke.
“You sensed the vibe correctly,” Matty confirmed, “though it’s not entirely ‘work’ to me, I guess. It’s just the way I make sense of the world, sort of dunno what else I’d do. So yes, I did write and I am working on the next album. But I didn’t get around to it right away, since I spent some time celebrating first,”
“That’s a very artistic answer, Matty. That writing isn’t work and is ‘the way you make sense of the world’,” They joked, earning a sheepish chuckle from Matty. “May I ask if you were celebrating anything in particular? The success of your UK tour?”
“It wasn’t that self indulgent,” he explained, “I was hoping you’d ask because I love talking about it. My girlfriend is a writer for The Guardian, and she just had a huge piece of hers published. She’s the real rockstar out of the both of us, to be honest.” Matty’s face immediately lit up at the chance to gush about Este, figuring she wouldn’t mind.
He thought back to moment she gave him a call to break the news with a fond smile.
“Hi, love.” he said after he picked up.
Este was bursting at the seams with joy to say what she said next. She couldn’t even bear to greet him a ‘hello’ back.
“It’s going to be on the front.”
He dropped the chopsticks once gripped in his hands. “You’re fucking joking.”
Her smile was so wide it hurt her cheeks as she paced around the small office she shared with a few other writers she worked with. She giggled, nodding even though Matty couldn’t see her.
“17th of May. They chose mine as the Culture spotlight,” Este explained, “So there’s a snippet headline on the cover, and then you’ll flip to Books & Entertainment and my name will be the biggest one. Not just in my usual column.”
“You’re fucking joking me!” He repeated himself, audibly joyful with a volume so high she had to pull her phone away from her ear.
“Matty, you’re screaming. I hope you’re not in public,”
He was, and didn’t care. “I’m at a very nice and small Japanese restaurant that is so quiet that every single person here is looking at me like I’m crazy, for your information. Este’s on the fucking cover!” Matty exclaimed equally as loud.
She heard busy and happy commotion in the back, making out a few congratulatory remarks from the guys and the touring crew. Blush crept onto her cheeks, trying to squeeze a ‘thank you’ through to them between Matty and his continued rambles.
“I’m just so fucking proud, baby. Every time I get to read the newest thing you write it somehow tops the last—I don’t know how you do it. Actually, it’s quite annoying. Seems too effortless. It’s about time they print your name all big!” he endlessly complimented.
“I love you so much.” Este shortly said.
He could hear the grin in her voice. “Can’t be that much if I love you more,” Matty argued, “Sorry that was a bit cringe. Hann is rolling his eyes. You’re in love too, bro! Don’t act like I’m weird for it!”
“Her name’s Este Manansala, by the way. M-A-N-A-N-S-A-L-A,” Matty spelt out her surname to make sure they got it correctly, “She writes on books and literature, so it was an article about Yellowface by R.F. Kuang, a new novel out. A really, really thought-provoking conversation about white vs. minority authors—the nuances of being an author of colour. From a great perspective, too, since she’s Filipino and a woman and an immigrant. You should go read it,”
He stared down the camera lens to the hypothetical viewers, as if he could say it straight to them.
“But hell, check out all of her past stuff as well. Genuinely the most humble and intelligent human I’ve ever known. Plus I’ve written pretty much every love song of mine since like 2019 about her, so if you like my music then you have her to thank as well. Anyway—I’ve just overtaken this interview to talk about my girlfriend—sorry, mate.” apologised Matty, though he wasn’t all that apologetic.
“Don’t be sorry! I love it. She sounds incredible,” The interviewer beamed, matching his energy and feeling the admiration Matty had for her through the air.
“She is.” He smiled wide.
“If she really is the rockstar like you described, I feel like I can say that you’re her groupie.”
They belly-laughed together. Matty pictured Este’s smug expression and the way she’d definitely use that line to tease him in the future.
“Oh—I’m telling her you just said that. She’ll love it. Because you 100% can.”
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Hi, I wanted to ask, if you know where I can get the Paper Versions of the JR Books in the Original Japanese, considering I live in Europe and getting Japanese Books here is kind of difficult
Plus, I really hope, that it will go uphill for you soon, while I feel you, in Terms of Things being seriously hard for me right now too, I firmly believe and hold onto Hope that it will get easier and we will be better for it (sorry if this is too sappy, but I genuinely hope you'll be okay :D)
Well, I am not European, so my answers might be somewhat limited. For instance, have a Kinokuniya USA maybe half an hour from me. So I can pick up Japanese paper books there. If you have a similarly large Japanese immigrant population center near you, they might have something similar.
But you're probably going to have to go online and order them and pay a whole bunch in shipping.
You can get them from CDJapan, you can get them from Amazon Japan, you might be able to get them from Kino or similar bookstores online if you feel like fighting with them about your shipping address because they can be pills about it sometimes. YESASIA has them.
What is most convenient for you will vary based on a lot of details I don't know, but those are probably good places to start.
And I know @jenatwork is a European Jeweler Richard fan (for as much as the UK still wants to be counted as European, anyway), so they might have a better idea, although I don't think they tend to pick up the Japanese versions.
Or you could just fly to Japan and buy them in person! Why not, that's not an incredible markup for some books or anything!
I got the first several off Amazon Japan back in 2020, and the others from CDJapan and one friend picked up volume 11 for me while she was in Japan.
I don't really recommend Amazon, though. Try CDJapan.
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arwainian · 1 month
Reading This Week 2024 #34
Hello! a professor I worked with last semester on his fantasy genre class asked for a recommendation for a queer book recommendation because apparently he admires my knowledge of contemporary fantasy publishing. I gave him a novella that seemed like it's fit the themes he was looking at (Silver in the Wood by Emily Tesh), and took the compliment instead of telling him that there are so many queer fantasy books my beloved tumblr mutuals are obsessed with but I haven't gotten to yet
Invisible Kingdom, Vol. 1: Walking the Path and Vol. 2: Edge of Everything written by G. Willow WIlson, art by Christian Ward this was pitched to me as cool scifi with lesbian leads, but to be perfectly honest i am not getting the chemistry between them at all..... the first volume was cool but the second felt like a major let down. I'm interested to see where the final volume goes tho so I'll still give it a shot
Bloom Into You, Vol. 2-3 by Nakatani Nio, translated by Jenny McKeon on the other hand, the girls in lesbians in this manga are coming for my fucking throat. they are kind and caring but the Teenage Desire in this is strong and extremely messy (what is love? what does it mean to fall in love? what if you fall for each other at different speeds? is what you're doing with her right if you dont think you feel the same way?) reading it is like poking me in a bruise fucking WHAT
The Sprite and the Gardener by Rii Abrego and Joe Whitt gorgeous art, bland story
Are You Listening? by Tillie Walden inter-generational lesbian friendship roadtrip in rural texas. the way the world gets progressively stranger is very well done. this is a comparison i haven't seen made yet, but maybe check it out if you like Alice Isn't Dead?
long day by kathkin on ao3
Maigret Bides His Time by Georges Simenon, translated by Alastair Hamilton just a short old mystery novel. fun time but in an outdated style
The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch, narrated by Michael Page Locke Lamora is... as you might say a Character Type that works for me very very often, to the point that I gender flipped it for a dnd character of mine. This was a great book with basically no misplaced or extraneous world building elements: it feels rich and lived in but everything snaps together perfectly. The book could maybe use more women, which maybe feels a bit greedy since there are a number of named interesting women characters, but none of them are leads and so those side characters just made me crave more. I just am also extremely OC-pilled and was kicking my feet imagining my girl Letha running around Camorr causing trouble.
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End, Vol. 1 written by Kanehito Yamada, art by Tsukara Abe, translated by Misa "Japanese Ammo" fun and sweet, pretty straight forward in what it's doing so far
Female Husbands: A Trans History by Jen Manion, narrated by Kate Harper a thorough history of many assigned-female-at-birth people in the UK and the US who passed as men, often legally marrying women for desire or for gender passing reasons (though not all of the people discussed in this book did so). leaves open both lesbian/same-sex desire and transmasculine interpretations, while also being as specific as possible to the lives, circumstances, and testimonies of its subjects (including the ways we know about them, and that very few of them after being discovered as "women" were allowed to continue in male dress)
Sensor by Junji Ito, translated by Jocelyne Allen hm. well, interested to hear the Shelved by Genre opinion on this.
The River of Silver: Tales from the Daevabad Trilogy by S.A. Chakraborty, narrated by Soneela Nankani finishing out the short vignette collection from this series
Witches, Princesses, and Women at Arms edited by Sacchi Green a collection of semi erotic lesbian fairytales that I'm reading through. first one has an exiled princess cross dressing as a man and seducing a witch during her quest to slay a dragon
Homie by Danez Smith poetry book i picked up because my black queer lit prof from last year talked about the second poem in here, which i think lives up to his interpretation of it
Reading Plans:
tbh, my brain is coughing up dust right now. finish the stuff in the prior section. get ready for actually writing my thesis in the coming months.
OH I'm going to read A Single Man by Christopher Isherwood for my queer lit book club, and I guess check out whatever Shelved by Genre is reading next? gotta take a look at my Libby loans, and pull something from my book shelf
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randomvarious · 8 months
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Today's compilation:
Hed Kandi: Serve Chilled 3 2001 Downtempo / Bossa Nova / Broken Beat
Man, I am just in such constant awe over how quality these Hedkandi releases always are. I mean, I honestly couldn't tell you what their comps are sounding like these days—and they've been owned by Ministry of Sound since 2006 anyway—but back at the turn of the millennium, when they were on their own as an independent UK-based entity that was mostly specializing in glamorously chill and soulful house music, this label really just could not find a way to ever miss. Every single dispatch just seemed to come with an unwavering commitment to a certain sleek-sounding, contemporary underground, and by the time you were done listening to one of these things, it would always put into perspective just how vast and sonically diverse this whole little-known world that they were sampling from truly was. And it would also leave you scratching your head as to why the American music cognoscenti largely chose to ignore it all too ❓❕
Now, Hedkandi is known especially for its array of house comps, but something else that they've also kept a close and keen eye on since jump is chillout. In fact, the label's second ever release was the initial installment in their Serve Chilled series, and this 2001 third volume from that same series, as had been their standard, is pretty damn exquisite too. This is a double-disc that delivers a bunch of different and luxuriant strains of downtempo, but two types that it really seems to hone in on especially is a British-born vocal kind that features a soft and quiet, often reflective lead female vocal (think Portishead or Massive Attack's "Teardrop," which was fronted by none other than Elisabeth Fraser of the Cocteau Twins), and the other is just sublimely loungey bossa nova vibes 😌.
So let's get a prime example of each, shall we? For that UK vocal stuff, we have Rae & Christian's beautiful "Not Just Anybody," a quintessentially silky-smooth, submerse-yourself-in-the-bathtub kind of chill pill that features Mark Rae's very own cousin, Kate Rogers, on vocals. Just purely blissful escapism here, and with some wet trumpet between some of Rogers' singing too. An absolutely phenomenal song.
And for the bossa nova, it's hard to pick just one here, but "Jelba," by the UK's Russ Gabriel, is a track that might lull you into a full daze. It takes a little bit of time to start to fully unwind, but eventually it hits some extra sweet spots by combining its highly rhythmic bossa elements with extremely mellow keys and a cycle of things like electric guitar, panned-right acoustic guitar, and a bunch of percussion too. Breezy and pure instrumental joy 😊.
So, yet another terrific offering here from the one and only Hedkandi empire, before it had really managed to grow out all of its own tentacles. A few tracks here and there seem to go for a little bit more of a mass appeal, and as a result, end up missing the mark, but for the vast majority of these two discs, you can really expect nothing short of truly vintage y2k-era Hedkandi greatness 👍.
Fac 15 - "Stay With Me Til Dawn (Kumharas Sunset)" Chris Coco - "Gemini" Urban Dwellers - "Le Croisic (Chris Coco's Silver Stars mix)" Illumination - "Somewhere Out There" Organic Audio - "Always the Sun" Badmarsh & Shri - "Day by Day" Rae & Christian feat. Kate Rogers - "Not Just Anybody" Aware - "No Belongings" Ski Oakenfull feat. Nina Madhoo - "On My Way" FUG - "Ready for Us"
Zimpala - "To the Bass" Los Ladrones - "La séptima ola" S-Tone Inc. - "Arejar" The Menheads - "Barabeu" Cantoma - "Pandajaro" Racoon feat. Rose Max - "Sensaçao" Russ Gabriel - "Jelba" Chichi Peralta - "Un día más (Matty's II Deep Allstar mix)" Butterfinger - "Wanna Go Somewhere and Chill?" Atjazz - "Harmony" Afro-Mystik - "Infinite Rhythm"
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killed-by-choice · 2 years
Manon Jones, 18 (UK 27 June 2005)
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Manon Jones was a bubbly A-level student dating Naeem Muzaffar, her caring boyfriend. When Manon found out she was pregnant, she wasn’t sure what to do. She really wanted to keep the baby, but was worried about the reaction of her boyfriend’s family.
Unfortunately, Manon finally decided on abortion. She reluctantly took the pills and started to feel sick soon after. The teenage girl was bleeding heavily and she felt lightheaded. Soon after that she was in the hospital and by the time her mother was able to come see her, she had suffered from multiple seizures and cardiac arrest.
Naeem came to the hospital to stay with his girlfriend, but it was clear that Manon didn’t have long to live. She died on June 27, 2005.
An autopsy revealed that because of the abortion pill, Manon Jones died of hypovolemia (abnormal and dangerous decrease in blood volume) and shock. The shock was because part or all of Manon’s dead baby had been left inside of her.
The abortion pill has killed many others, such as 18-year-old Holly Patterson, “Summer Roe”, Chanelle Bryant, Oriane Shevin, Sarah Dunn and Hoa Thuy “Vivian” Tran. Manon’s death is far from an isolated incident.
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tamanna31 · 17 days
Omega 3 2024 Industry – Challenges, Drivers, Outlook, Segmentation - Analysis to 2030
Omega 3 Industry Overview
The global omega 3 market size was valued at USD 2.62 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.9% from 2024 to 2030.
This is attributable to the rising use of ingredients in the human diet to support brain and heart health. Furthermore, the increasing consumer investment in healthcare and one’s well-being is also expected to boost product demand. The market is witnessing continuous diversification in its product offerings as consumers are looking for alternatives to traditional fish oil. Krill oil is one of the widely used sources of omega-3 due to its superior properties as compared to conventional fish oil. The majority of consumers in Europe and North America prefer krill oil over any other source of fish oil owing to its acid reflux, unpleasant taste, and large-sized pills. Such factors are anticipated to trigger product demand during the forecast period.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Omega 3 Market
The demand for omega-3 fatty acids in the U.S. is projected to grow significantly over the next few years owing to rising consumer awareness in the country regarding the several health benefits offered, including lowering blood pressure and cholesterol and reducing risks related to heart diseases. Moreover, growing consumer preference for a healthy and nutritional diet is further expected to fuel product demand shortly.
Numerous manufacturers present in the U.S., including BioProcess Algae, Martek Biosciences Corporation, and Omega Protein Corporation are focusing on research and development activities for launching pharmaceutical-grade product in the market. Increasing consumption of enhanced medicines to treat and prevent chronic diseases is likely to spur overall consumption in the coming years.
Rising pressure on anchovy fisheries to extract fish oil has increased the demand from non-fish sources, including flaxseed, walnuts, algae, and krill oil. Furthermore, increasing government initiatives to promote the product usage in different end-use applications are projected to positively impact the market demand.
Browse through Grand View Research's Additives & Nutricosmetics Industry Research Reports.
• The global fumaric acid market size was valued at USD 561.5 million in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 4.2% from 2024 to 2030.
• The global nisin market size was estimated at USD 502.93 million in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 4.7% from 2024 to 2030.
Global Omega 3 Market Report Segmentation
This report forecasts revenue growth at global, regional, and country levels and provides an analysis on the latest industry trends in each of the sub-segments from 2018 to 2030. For the purpose of this study, Grand View Research has segmented the global omega 3 market report on the basis of type, source, application, and region:
Type Outlook (Volume, Tons; Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)
Docosapentaenoic acid (DPA)
Source Outlook (Volume, Tons; Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Marine Source
Fish Oil
Algal Oil
Krill Oil
Plant Source
Nuts & Seeds
Vegetable Oils
Application Outlook (Volume, Tons; Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Supplements & Functional Foods
Infant Formula
Animal Feed & Pet Food
Regional Outlook (Volume, Tons; Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
North America
The Netherlands
Asia Pacific
New Zealand
Central & South America
Middle East & Africa
South Africa
Key Companies & Market Share Insights
Growing consumption of the product in various applications coupled with rising awareness regarding health and chronic diseases, and regulations favoring the use of omega-3 in infant formulations has influenced manufacturers to invest in technologies and product development in order to meet consumer demands. The market has been experiencing an increase in the number of new entrants across the value chain owing to the growing profits and huge market potential of manufacturers.
In March 2023, Epax announced an investment of USD 40 million in molecular distillation technology for improving the processing of highly concentrated omega 3.
In May 2023, Nuseed Global introduces Nuseed Nutriterra plant-based oil enriched with omega-3, tailored to meet the needs of the human nutrition and dietary supplement markets.
In addition, key companies such as Aker Biomarine Antarctic AS are focusing on expanding their capacity by introducing new catching vessels to increase their products, which was reflected in the sales of the company in the year 2021. Governments across developing regions are taking several initiatives to support Antarctic Krill fishing by providing research funds and creating innovation alliances, which may trigger industry growth
Key Omega 3 Companies:
Aker Biomarine Antarctic AS
Orkla Health
Omega Protein Corp.
GC Reiber Oils
Croda International Plc
BioProcess Algae, LLC
Koninklijke DSM N.V.
Order a free sample PDF of the Omega 3 Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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papillon82fluttersby · 3 months
Famous Five Art Nostalgia #LC24
Introductory post
Introduction to ‘Les Cinq’
‘Les Cinq’ Masterpost
🐺🏗️💥 Les Cinq contre le loup-garou
Original publication date: 1985 (France), never published in the UK
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(Original cover by Annie-Claude Martin, 1985)
This is the last book in the continuation series written by Claude Voilier, and it has quite an odd theme compared to the other volumes in the series, with its backdrop of environmentalism versus industrialism. Not something I expected to find in a Famous Five book!
Without further ado, let’s see what awaits our protagonists for this last adventure, Famous Five vs the Werewolf.
Plot summary:
(Disclaimer: All provided translations are my own.)
The Five are spending the summer holidays at Kirrin Cottage. An individual calling himself the Werewolf is making headline news by violently opposing the many new hotels, supermarkets, leisure facilities and amenities that are being built in the area in order to attract tourists, whom he calls ‘foreigners’. He threatens to attack both the developers and the construction sites. The Five agree with the underlying message, as it is indeed a shame when a natural spot is being defiled by modern buildings, but disapprove of the Werewolf’s violent methods. So they set about unmasking this individual, not to hand him over to the police, but to talk them out of their violent actions.
As part of their intimidation campaign, the Werewolf notably kidnaps a wealthy local farmer, Pierre Lacaut, who was planning to sell part of his land to a property developer. Lacaut reappears a couple of days later, claiming to have been abducted by a man wearing a werewolf mask, then held prisoner in a cellar without eating or drinking, before being left on a deserted road. The Werewolf threatened to attack his family and Lacaut now renounces to sell his land.
Elsewhere, a hotel complex is being built on what used to be a communal meadow, and the Werewolf sets about vandalising the site at night, stealing tools, slashing the truck tyres and sabotaging the machinery. The police set up a watchguard, appointing ‘Old Man Mailloche’ for the task, a retired postman whom the Five are friendly with. Days pass with the Werewolf avoiding the now-guarded site and focusing his efforts on other locations, until one night the future hotel blows up in an explosion; Mailloche later reports that he's been drugged and woke up in a nearby field after the events.
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(The children help Mailloche recover after being assaulted)
[TRANSLATION: Narrator: The following night, a plastic charge blew up the hotel where Mailloche was working as a watchguard. Anne: How fortunate that you were not injured! Mailloche: Perhaps, but what an affront to me! That wretched Werewolf must have slipped me a sleeping pill. I was half asleep when I saw a man with a werewolf’s head dragging me across the moor... in a wheelbarrow*!] [*Note: This explains Dick’s hilarity in the illustration above – he’s picturing Mailloche in the wheelbarrow.]
The Five try to track down where the Werewolf could have procured his mask, but don’t find any promising leads. They also wonder where he got hold of such explosives. Mailloche suggests that they could be remnants from WW2, as a local guy named Jérémie, who owns a hardware store, is famous for being descended from a former Resistance fighter. Other possible suspects are Victor Pivert, a retired history teacher who loves nature and leads a very solitary life; Ms Robineau, a spinster who’s hostile to any form of innovation; and the Colombet twins, two young bullies who enjoy messing around.
The Five find a way to search the hardware store's cellar, where they think the explosives might be, but their search turns up nothing. On Mailloche’s suggestion, the children investigate an isolated shack that belongs to Jérémie. They find a lighter marked with the initials ‘P.L.’ and deduce that this is where Pierre Lacaut was locked up. Lacaut recognises his lighter, but is reluctant to say anything else for fear of reprisals. The Five tell the police about their find, but when Jérémie is interrogated, he gives a solid alibi. The children are ultimately rebuked for their suspicions.
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(A Clue™!)
[TRANSLATION: Narrator: Tim rushed to a door at the back of the hut. After lighting a match, the Five saw that the room was empty... except for one shiny object on the floor: a lighter... Dick: P.L. George: Pierre Lacaut! Narrator (second panel): Ten minutes later at Pierre Lacaut's... Lacaut: I can't deny that this lighter belongs to me. But I have nothing more to say.]
Next, the Five turn their investigations to Victor Pivert, who does seem to hate nature being destroyed for the sake of so-called progress. The children keep an eye on him over the next few days, but when another building site explodes while Pivert is at home, they have to remove him from the list of their suspects.
The children then visit Ms Robineau, offering their help with running a stall at the fair over the next weekend. Ms Robineau turns out to be an eccentric person with a very upbeat personality. During the fair, a business developer is attacked and spectacularly tied up to the church bell’s chain while being made to wear a werewolf mask. This incident exonerates Ms Robineau, who was at her stall the whole time.
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(Shenanigans at Ms Robineau’s!)
[TRANSLATION: Narrator: It was a merry band that went to ring the bell at Ms Robineau's house. The "gentle dragon" accepted the Five's offer of service. Ms Robineau: And your dog can chase those who’d to leave without paying... Ha, ha, ha! Narrator (second panel): Ms Robineau, wanting to pet Tim, sprawled out. Narrator (third panel): Tim, excited, finished his antics on a cactus. Tim: Kaiii!]
The Five turn to the last suspects on their list, the Colombet twins, who are a pair of bullies with a very nasty streak. While keeping watch at night, the children see the twins leaving their house on the sly. They follow the suspects into the forest only to see the twins setting some snares – they’re just poachers! Disappointed with this turn of events, which sees all their suspects gone, the Five take petty revenge on the twins for their ill manners.
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(As a revenge for their earlier misdemeanours, the Five give a good fright to the twins in the forest)
[TRANSLATION: Narrator: The Colombet twins ran off. George: I think they're too chicken to be the Werewolf.]
After a relaxing day away from their investigation, the Five go to the building site of a future supermarket, which the Werewolf had threatened to attack. Just as they arrive to the location, they see Old Man Mailloche approaching stealthily. They follow him to an old cemetery, where he enters a disused vault. Deep inside the vault, the Five find Mailloche puttering about in what amounts to be a weapons cache, muttering about his misdeeds – he is evidently the Werewolf. When the Five call him out, Mailloche starts getting defensive, but then confides in the children.
The story concludes on a moderation tone: many of the worst industrialists’ endeavours have been stopped by the Werewolf’s activism, and the local population will stand up to avoid further shameless defiling of their environment. But also, progress brings good things and should not be held back entirely. Balance is key!
Cover art through the ages:
(Disclaimer: This is not an exhaustive list; sometimes the dates are difficult to pinpoint; and I have purposefully not included editions that re-used similar cover art, with differences only in layout and font style.)
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(Original cover by Annie-Claude Martin, Hachette, 1985)
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(Paul Gillon, Hachette, 1993 – in the vault)
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(Frédéric Rébéna, Hachette, 2015 – trouble on a construction site!)
Thanks for reading!
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Letitia Dean Keto Gummies UK 2023 [Weight Loss] Read Before Buy?
➢ Product Name – Letitia Dean Keto Gummies
➢ Location – United Kingdom
What Are Letitia Dean Keto Gummies?
Letitia Dean Keto Gummies United Kingdom is a 100% natural composition that does not produce any harmful side effects like other weight reduction pills on the market. Ketosis is not dangerous for healthy persons who need to lose weight, therefore diet gummies can be taken without issue for longer periods of time. Doctors, nutritionists, and other health professionals advise patients to put their bodies into ketosis in order to lose weight, which is why the Ketogenic diet has grown in popularity over the years.
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How Do Letitia Dean Keto Gummies Work in Losing Weight? One of the key principles of the ketogenic diet is to keep your body in a state of ketosis, where it burns fat for fuel instead of glucose. To achieve this, you need to keep your carbohydrate intake low while increasing your fat intake. This is where keto gummies can come in handy.
By consuming keto gummies, you are getting a low-carb, high-fat snack that can help keep you feeling full and satisfied. This can make it easier to stick to the ketogenic diet and avoid the temptation to indulge in high-carb snacks that can derail your progress.
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In addition, Letitia Dean Keto Gummies are made with healthy fats like coconut oil, which can help increase feelings of fullness and support weight loss efforts. Coconut oil contains medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which are easily converted into ketones by the liver and can help increase ketone levels in the blood.
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brn1029 · 2 years
On this date in music history. I say music, because we have a historical fact…about Johnny Cash…..
October 5th
2011 - David Cassidy
David Cassidy filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit against Sony, claiming he had not been paid royalties for sales of Partridge Family merchandise which bear his image, including lunchboxes, magazines and board games. Cassidy told CNN "It's just a matter of being fair and doing the right thing. Just be fair, be real, be genuine, don't be greedy."
2000 - The Beatles
Beatles fans across the world rushed out to buy copies of the Fab Four's autobiography. Stores in Japan and Britain opened at midnight to satisfy demand for the book, the first written by the band members. Publishers said the 350,000-word volume, at a cost of £35, had already attracted more than 1.5m orders worldwide.
1991 - Guns N' Roses
Guns N' Roses started a two week run at No.1 on the US album chart with 'Use Your Illusion II'.
1989 - Motley Crue
Motley Crue played a warm-up show for their forthcoming Dr. Feelgood tour at the Whisky a Go Go, West Hollywood, California, under their pseudonym The Foreskins. The show was also used for the filming of their next video, 'Kickstart My Heart'.
1984 - Queen
Queen played the first of nine concerts at the Sun City Super Bowl, Sun City, Republic of Bophuthatswana (integrated into South Africa's North West Province in 1994). The 1984 'The Works' tours saw the reintroduction of older material to Queen's live set, including songs from the first three albums.
1974 - Mike Oldfield
Mike Oldfields 'Tubular Bells' went to No.1 for the first time on the UK album chart 15 months after being released. It went on to sell over 10 million copies worldwide.(the movie it was from not withstanding, this was a real creepy song….)
1974 - Olivia Newton-John
Olivia Newton-John started a two week run at No.1 on the US singles chart with 'I Honestly Love You', the singers first of five US chart toppers
1974 - Beach Boys
The Beach Boys went to No.1 on the US album chart with Endless Summer, the group's second US No.1.
1973 - Elton John
Elton John released his seventh studio album Goodbye Yellow Brick Road. Under the working titles of Vodka and Tonics and Silent Movies, Talking Pictures, Bernie Taupin wrote the lyrics to the album in two and a half weeks, with John composing most of the music in three days while staying at the Pink Flamingo Hotel in Kingston, Jamaica. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road has now sold over 30 million copies worldwide and is his best-selling studio album.
1965 - Johnny Cash
Johnny Cash was arrested crossing the Mexican border into El Paso, Texas after customs officials found 100's of pills in his guitar case. He received a suspended jail sentence and a $1,000 fine.
1962 - The Beatles
The Beatles debut single 'Love Me Do' was released in the UK. It spent 26 week's on the chart peaking at No.17. Beatles producer George Martin has said when 'Love Me Do' was released, it was the day the world changed.
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artyblogs · 3 years
Best Wingman Ever
Read on Ao3
Summary: For @caruliaweek. Prompt: Surprise. After the fight in the pyramid, Julia doesn’t feel so hot, so she checks into a hospital. Carmen finds out and has concerns, so she goes to see her.
The longer the press conference goes on, the more discomfort Julia feels. It started in the pyramid, after Countess Cleo pushed her into that godforsaken pit, and she managed to catch the edge with her elbows. Her legs swung under her and something in her torso tore. Or broke. It certainly seemed like something snapped judging by the searing pain that lanced through her chest.
She was able to ignore the pain for the rest of the time they were in the pyramid, half because of the adrenaline coursing through her system, half because…well, it seemed pittance in the face of certain death. But now, in front of all these reporters, with the adrenaline draining from her body, the ache grows and grows until she sweats under her collar from the exertion of standing upright.
Every breath Julia takes is fire.
Either the reporters don’t notice what is happening, or they attribute Julia’s flush to the strong Egyptian sun, because they don’t ask what is wrong. They ask her if she will be heading the effort to catalogue all of these artifacts (she won’t be; all this treasure is technically on Egyptian soil, so it is up to the Egyptian government to come up with a plan), or if she will be working with Egyptologists and other archaeologists to catalogue them (again, that’s technically the jurisdiction of the Egyptian government. If invited, she’d help, but she needs to be invited).
Eventually, they have enough information for their segments, and Julia and Chase end the press conference and slink off towards the parking lot. Julia waits until they are out of earshot of the reporters, and far away enough to be indiscernible by the cameras, before she runs a cautious hand over her ribs.
It doesn’t seem like anything’s broken, but a simple swipe of her palm induces agony. Julia sinks to her knees.
“Miss Argent? What’s wrong?” Chase kneels next to her, his hands hovering, but not descending. He’s probably afraid of making things worse.
It feels like her chest is imploding. Julia tries to catch her breath, but cannot get any words out. Chase takes out his cell phone and dials a number.
“‘Allo? Please send an ambulance, there is an injured woman who needs help.”
Julia had hoped that she would be able to tough it out until she got back to the UK because at least there, she would have all of her identification. Here in this private hospital in Cairo, she has nothing. Besides the press conference and Chase, no one knows that she is here. The fact that a whole person could be disappeared like that, that she could be misplaced, is disquieting.
The walls of the hospital room muffle the car horns and loud voices in the street. If Julia closes her eyes, she can imagine that she is slowly sinking into sand, like so many forgotten baubles in the desert.
The door to her hospital room opens to reveal Chase, who carries a grease-stained paper bag and a cardboard drink tray with two paper cups.
“Miss Argent?”
“Agent Devineaux!” Julia tosses the thin, hospital blanket aside and—very, very carefully—sits up and unfolds her legs over the side of the hospital bed. In the back of her left hand there is taped an IV line, and she lightly pushes the IV rack a little to make room for him.
Chase gently closes the door behind him, then he takes the back of a visitor’s chair and drags it to her bedside. He places the tray of drinks on the side table next to a prescription bag, and holds out the greasy paper bag for Julia to open up.
Julia delves into it and finds two shawarma wraps carefully bundled in foil. “Which one is mine?”
“They are the same.”
Julia takes one of the wraps and opens it up, the foil shredding between her hands, and bites into it. The shawarma is a mess of sliced lamb and garlic and spices. Still hot. Smothered in yogurt and lemon juice. She had a similar shawarma years ago when she first visited Egypt during a field archaeology class, and she has been searching for a comparable place ever since.
Nothing has even come close. Julia licks a stray drop of yogurt from her thumb and takes another bite.
“They didn’t feed you, did they?”
Are her table manners that bad? Julia hesitates, then slowly shakes her head to agree. Chase frowns and unwraps his own shawarma. They eat in silence for a few minutes, listening to the muted noon adhan ring out across the city. Eventually, the food is done, and they crumple the foil into balls and toss them into the paper bag, and Chase holds out one of the drinks to Julia.
“Where is the medicine?” He asks.
“On the table. Can you get it?”
Chase opens the prescription bag and blanches. “Miss Argent, this is…eh….”
“It’s just one of each.” Julia chews on the straw and holds out her hand. “Do you mind?”
Thus begins an absurd process: Chase takes out a pill bottle, twists it open, and shakes a pill into Julia’s hand. Julia claps it into her mouth and takes a swig of water while Chase recaps the bottle and sets it aside on the side table.
They do this five times.
At last, Chase sets the empty bag next to the bottles and stares at the display ruefully. “Miss Argent?”
“What did they do to you?” He’s unusually subdued.
Julia’s ribs twinge. “I am an ancient historian, and VILE needed to decode ancient languages.”
Chase’s frown deepens. “I have taken similar pills for what I assume are similar kinds of injuries, Miss Argent. Please.”
“They were not nice people,” Julia finally says. She doesn’t…she cannot describe what happened, because to do so would require her to travel there in her mind.
“Miss Argent,” Chase says, now truly alarmed. It’s funny, in a way. A year ago, he would have probably given anything to shut her up and today, he can’t get her to say anything.
“I can describe what they looked like,” Julia says. She can do that, at least. Chase reaches into his suit jacket and pulls out his cell phone, which he unlocks and gives to her.
The screen is cracked. Julia gingerly taps and swipes to navigate to a specific face-generating app, and uses sliding scales to change the different attributes.
“How are you getting back to Oxford?” Chase asks.
“There’s a British embassy down the street; I’ll go there first thing tomorrow,’ Julia says.
“Not today?”
“The doctor wants to keep me here overnight for observation.”
Another pause. Chase’s nose wrinkles as he scowls.
“It’ll keep, Agent Devineaux.” Julia takes a screenshot and refreshes the app to create another face.
Chase makes a noise as he sinks in his chair. “I shall go with you to the embassy tomorrow.”
Julia looks up. “Really?”
“You should not be alone. We do not know where VILE escaped to. They could still be here in Egypt.”
Julia is legitimately moved. She didn’t think it was possible for him to act this way. “Thank you, Agent.”
“Pas de problème.” Chase stares moodily out the window, so Julia returns to the app.
The minutes pass, but somehow it’s not as bad as before. Julia is in the middle of creating the last face when the screen blacks out for a call. She hands the phone back to Chase.
“Zari is calling you.”
“Eh?” Chase looks quizzically down at the phone, then takes the call. “‘Allo? Ah, Agent Zari. I will not be back for another forty-eight hours at least. What?” He pauses to listen. “Wait, now? But Miss Argent needs a security detail!” Chase tries to say more, but the voice on the other end rises in volume. Eventually, Chase’s shoulders slump in defeat. “Yes, yes, I’ll be on the next flight.” The call ends.
He turns to her and he might look as miserable as Julia feels. “Miss Argent, I, er.”
“Duty calls.” She says despite the sinking feeling in her gut. “You have three of the four faces at least. I’ll go to the embassy tomorrow, and you’ll visit me in Oxford when this is all over.”
“But VILE.”
“Aside from you, no one knows…no one knows I’m here. That anonymity will shield me.”
Chase’s jaw clenches, and he nods. “Until then, Miss Argent.”
“Goodbye, Agent Devineaux.”
He turns and leaves the hospital room.
Carmen does one more sweep of the hotel room before she zips her duffle for the final time. She doesn’t usually pack a lot on capers, but it pays to be vigilant.
“How is Jules getting back to the UK? Is Devineaux arranging that for her?”
Player absently hums as he types. “Oh yeah. She wouldn’t have any passport or anything, huh? Because she was kidnapped?”
“I want to make sure she isn’t stranded in Egypt.”
“I’ll take a look. And I could whip something up for her if Devineaux doesn’t have anything in place. How does sharing a plane with your favorite Oxford professor sound to you?”
“Ha ha.” Carmen throws a phone charger into the duffel and zips it closed. “Being close to Jules might not be such a good idea. VILE kidnapped her because of me.”
“VILE knows and now ACME knows too. You might as well go for broke, Red.”
“Go for broke doing what, exactly?” Carmen asks. “Don’t say, ‘Jules.’”
Player laughs. “I’m trying to be a good wingman here!”
“Jules has students, and bills, and maybe even a cat, or something. She has a life outside of all of this and I ruined that when I went to see her.”
“How dare you say that to me when I heard what she said when you guys talked in her office. What was it she called you? One of her ‘two key interests?’”
The sheer audacity. “Player.”
“Carmen.” But Player gasps and whispers a curse.
“What is it?”
“Uh.” More typing. “Julia isn’t going anywhere. She’s—uh. She’s checked into a hospital.”
All the hair whooshes out of Carmen’s lungs. When she last saw Julia, she was awake. She was responsive. She was standing unaided. She was…she was in VILE’s custody for at least twenty-four hours at that point, that’s what she was. Julia walking around in the pyramid this morning? Seemingly bright-eyed and bushy tailed? That doesn’t mean a thing if she’s in the hospital now.
BEEP. Carmen’s phone receives notifications as Player pushes an update to it. Address, map, and a plane ticket for the rescheduled flight back to Seattle. She pulls the duffle strap over her head and strides out of the hotel room.
In case of emergency, Player allegedly has a list of hospitals that he will trust with the safety of Team Red. Allegedly, because Carmen’s never seen Player’s desktop. When he tells her that Julia’s been admitted to one of those hospitals, it does little to ease the raging unease within her. Carmen gently opens the door to the hospital room and peers inside.
The blinds are drawn against the afternoon sun. A privacy screen is pulled halfway across the room, obscuring the single bed in the room. There is no television monitor, and instead a oscillating fan sweeps back and forth on low.
Carmen steps into the room and softly closes the door behind her. She lowers her duffel to the floor and creeps closer. While she didn’t see any local police, or any police-looking types staking out this hospital, and while she didn’t see any VILE operatives either, it helps to be cautious. When she peeks around the curtain, however, she only sees Julia.
Her glasses and suit jacket are gone, and a hospital blanket has been drawn up to her chest, but it is her. Carmen steps around the curtain to her, and she holds a hand a little ways from her mouth.
There’s a soft breath against her palm, and Carmen almost cries in relief.
“Red? Did you find her?” Player asks.
“She’s asleep,” Carmen whispers.
“Ah.” And Player falls silent.
She’s also alone. There are no guards, or orderlies, or nurses. Devineaux is nowhere to be found. If VILE found out that Julia was here, there would be nothing to stop them from taking her again. Carmen sinks down into the visitor’s chair.
Let them come. She will be enough to stop them.
Julia seems smaller in sleep. Her brow is smoothed free of complex thought, and her lips are slightly parted. A sunbeam falls across her face, highlighting the freckles dusting her cheeks. Julia’s dark hair is disheveled from the pillow, and her front fringe falls over her eyes. Carmen makes as it to smooth it away, but falters and instead, she pinches the hinges of Julia’s glasses and delicately lifts them from her face. She folds them, and starts looking for the rest of Julia’s things.
She finds pill bottles instead, lined up like soldiers at the back of the side table.
“When you found Jules’ file, it was bad, wasn’t it?” Carmen whispers.
“I didn’t look very long, because I didn’t want to snoop, but from what I did see? It wasn’t good.” He leans back from the mic and shouts something, then when he returns, he says, “I gotta go eat breakfast. Will you be okay for a minute?”
“Yeah. Go.” Carmen continues searching. She finds the rest of Julia’s things in a drawer in the side table. At the bottom are Julia’s shoes, over which is her suit jacket—carefully folded—and over that is her pendant. Carmen puts the glasses down beside the pendant and closes the drawer.
Julia wakes with a start. She gives a weak cry, and her feet kick out against the blanket. When she settles back down, she also puts a hand over her eyes.
“Carmen?” Julia’s voice comes out strained and broken. Her hand cannot hide the furrow of her brow, nor can it hide the stuttering gasps she takes in a poor attempt to calm down.
“Surprise,” Carmen whispers. She holds her hand, the one with the IV line stuck into it, and Julia holds on tight. So tight that it might break her fingers and some dark part of Carmen thinks that she might deserve it. But it doesn’t last. Eventually, Julia’s breathing evens out, and her body relaxes against the bed, and her grip loosens, but she doesn’t let go. Julia drops her other hand to reveal red eyes.
She clears her throat. “How did you find me?”
It is so casual that it throws Carmen off. Are they really not going to discuss Julia’s state from not even a minute ago? But Julia looks at her expectantly, so she says, “Player found you. I was worried.”
“Thank you. I didn’t think….” Julia’s face screws up. “Thank you.”
“You shouldn’t. Jules, I am so sorry. VILE was never supposed to get a hold of you.”
“I’m not sorry,” Julia whispers. She winces as she eases up on the bed, and Carmen wants to help her, but doesn’t know how. Julia manages to sit upright anyway.
“You needed help. Was I supposed to say ’no?’” Julia asks. She even manages a half smile. “This was not your fault,” she says as she gestures to herself.
“They kidnapped you because of me.”
“Absurd. I mean, yes, they did. But that still wasn’t your fault. You might as well rage against an earthquake for bringing down a building, or at lightning for striking a tower. Criminal syndicates kidnap people; that’s just what they do. If not me, then it would have been some other poor sod.”
“I mean it, Carmen. Don’t blame yourself for this.”
When Julia says it like that, Carmen might be able to believe it. “How bad is it? If you don’t mind me asking.”
The bridge of Julia’s nose wrinkles, so Carmen asks instead, “What happened?”
“I said ‘no.’ The taller woman—they called her ‘Countess Cleo’—she said that she would only ask for my services once. So I said ’no.’” Her brows furrow again and she bows her head, casting shadows on her face. “Those two men, Vlad and Boris, they were very persuasive. And I tried, I really, really tried. But I couldn’t.” Julia trails off and when she looks up again, her eyes are glassy. “I’m sorry I couldn’t do more.”
The idea that Julia should ever think of herself deficient in any way, that she could be convinced that that was the case, is so painful that Carmen’s heart could break. It is also equally vexing, because it is clearly untrue. The boldest lies that Carmen has ever heard.
“How could you apologize for being so brave?” Carmen asks.
“I’m supposed to be a former secret agent.”
“And? I don’t care about some arbitrary threshold of toughness. I’m just glad that you’re alive.”
Julia smiles and stares down at their clasped hands. “I’m glad you’re here.”
“Me too. Not that I’m in a rush, but the longer you’re here, the more dangerous it is for you. When are you getting discharged?”
“Next morning at the earliest. The doctors want to keep me overnight for observation.”
“So it’s that bad.”
But Carmen gestures to the pill bottles. “Jules. Come on. How bad is it?”
Julia sighs. “Hairline fractures in my fibs, and some minor internal bleeding.”
She mumbles this last part, but Carmen catches it anyway. Cold horror washes through her body. “Internal bleeding?”
“Minor internal bleeding. Carmen, don’t feel bad, or we’ll be going in circles all day.”
On the contrary. Carmen’s horror ignites into hot, unbridled rage, and she leaps out of her chair and starts pacing up and down the tiny room.
“They are never touching you again. Never again.” Carmen pauses just long enough to say before she continues to pace. Julia face softens a bit.
The door creaks open, and Carmen whirls around and grabs an extra chair. It’s one of those mass-produced plastic and wire things, light enough to throw across the room if needed. Julia too, falls silent.
But an orderly pokes their head in. “Visiting hours are over,” they says in Arabic. “Miss Santa Rosa, you must leave now.”
“No, no, she can stay,” someone else says from behind him. It sounds like the nurse who was manning the reception desk. “She’s her fiance. It’s in the file.”
“Eh? Okay.” The orderly turns back to them. “Have a good night.”
The door closes again.
The chair slips from Carmen’s nerveless fingers. On the bed, Julia turns away, her face and ears a brilliant red.
“You understood that,” Carmen says. It isn’t a question.
Julia, unable to speak, nods her head.
“Player, did you do that?” Carmen asks. Her earrings crackle to life.
“Do what?”
“The fiance thing.”
He chuckles. Actually chuckles. “Best wingman ever.”
Oh no. Carmen is going to die. She is going to shrivel up from mortification. What must Julia think? At the very least, she must think that Carmen’s such a creep.
“Do you want me to change it back?”
“You’ve done enough.”
Player chuckles again, this time with a darker tone. “So that’s a ‘no.’”
“Goodnight, Player.” And with that, Carmen taps her earring to mute.
“You can leave if you need to. You must be terribly busy,” Julia says.
“Never too busy for you,” Carmen says, the words tumbling out of her mouth before she can think too much about it. Julia flushes all over again.
Julia gasps awake, the ache in her ribs stealing her breath. Her left hand is clasped tight in Carmen’s, a lifeline tethering her to this this plane of existence.
She fell asleep.
They were talking. About anything and everything. One of those meandering conversations that are pointless, yet profound. Carmen is endlessly fascinating, of course. Julia couldn’t help but hang on her every word. When it was her turn to share, she tried her best to be as interesting, but she couldn’t help but feel so incredibly mundane. Carmen’s rapt attention must have been a facade done out of politeness, because there is no way that she could be just as interested in Julia. Carmen was just being kind.
They were just talking, and then the meds took over and she fell asleep.
“I’m right here, Jules.” Carmen’s worried face swims into focus and the bed dips as she sits next to her. The room is dark, save for a single nightlight plugged into a nearby outlet.
“Was it a nightmare?” Carmen asks.
“The pain from my ribs must be tricking my mind. Every time I go to sleep, I go right back to that safe house,” Julia whispers.
“What about a distraction?” Carmen asks. “If you felt something else, would that help?”
They both look at their hands. They’re still holding onto each other, with Carmen’s thumb gently pressing against Julia’s pale knuckle.
“It does seem to help,” Julia says. Somehow, realigning herself with reality is easier with Carmen around. Carmen’s brow furrows in thought, then she nods, as if making a decision.
“Okay, scoot.”
It takes Julia a moment to understand what Carmen means to do, and when she finally does figure it out, she briefly considers saying ‘no’ before the thought is immediately smothered without mercy. Perhaps it’s because Julia almost died this morning, or perhaps it’s because of the heady cocktail of medications currently running through her system. At any rate, Julia doesn’t say ’no.’
She scoots.
It takes a little maneuvering—Julia’s IV line has enough slack, but they don’t want to pinch it shut—and they take care to not jab elbows and knees, and the bed is already so narrow, but they manage it in the end. They end up facing each other, with Julia’s head cradled between Carmen’s arms, and their legs tangled together. Julia’s fingers curl in the belt of Carmen’s romper.
Carmen runs hot. The heat of her arm thrums against Julia’s ear. Her gray eyes are also very close. The distance between them is so negligible that if Julia were to move just a couple inches forward….
“Go to sleep,” Carmen whispers, her breath ghosting against Julia’s face. “I’ll be here.”
Julia closes her eyes and goes to sleep.
Carmen’s earrings turn on, and Player’s voice cuts through the still night.
“Red, wake up.”
Julia is still asleep. Carmen’s arm is getting a little numb, but hell, Julia can have it. She rolls away a little, not enough to disturb Julia, but just enough so that she can talk to Player without speaking directly into her face.
“What time is it?” She whispers.
“About one AM your time.” Player also lowers his voice to match hers, even though he’s a little speaker in her ear. “The Seattle base got torched.”
“VILE destroyed it. They burned everything. And then in Oxford, another team torched Julia’s apartment and blew up her car. They blew it up, Red!”
Beside her, Julia stirs. “Wusrong?” She slurs.
Carmen’s heart sinks. “I’m so sorry, Jules.”
“This again? We talked about this, Carmen.” Julia’s sleepy expression melts away when Carmen doesn’t answer.
Carmen gently removes her arm from under Julia’s head, then maneuvers so that she doesn’t crush her, but she’s able to brace herself over her and align her head over hers so that she can also hear.
“Player? Explain.”
He explains. Julia tenses beneath her, and her hands tighten in Carmen’s clothes the longer he goes on.
“VILE must have wanted to retaliate, but when they couldn’t find either of you, they did the next best thing,” Player says.
“Phone,” Carmen says. She rolls off the bed and goes to her duffel bag. She takes out her phone and swipes across the screen to answer Player’s call. He appears on the screen, and she tosses the phone onto the foot of the bed. Julia sits up and leans over the phone.
It must be early evening where Player is, but it’s always difficult to discern anything with how dark his room is. He must have blackout curtains or something.
“I’ve got Carmen’s plane ticket sorted out, and I was gonna get you on a plane to Oxford, Julia, but I’m not sure I should do that anymore.”
Carmen slips on her shoes and ties the laces. “Put us on the same plane.”
“What?” Player asks.
“You were right about VILE and ACME. Jules isn’t safe as a civilian anymore, so she’s coming with me.” Finished, Carmen stands up and regards Julia, who has her hands over her eyes again.
“Jay?” Player asks, slightly muffled from the hospital blanket.
“I placed my students’ papers on the coffee table. They were just there in bundles, because I meant to grade them. And there were plant clippings on the windowsill…I was growing them in jam jars.” Julia’s hand moves to cover her mouth, and she stares into the distance. “Gone.”
Player looks down at his keyboard. Carmen’s heart sinks in her chest. She did this. Julia lost everything because of her. Because she asked for her help, and this is how she’s rewarded.
“I’ve only lived in Oxford for half a year, but that flat was mine, and I….” But Julia stops and turns to the side table. She pulls open the drawer and there, nestled in the folds of her suit jacket, is her pendant. It glitters in the low light, and she lifts it out, the chain draping between her fingers.
“I was wrong,” Julia whispers. She slips her glasses back on and she stares very hard at the pendant.
“Everything I need is right here. Everything else is replaceable.”
Player’s jaw drops, and he and Carmen share a look. “Just like that?”
“Sometimes it really is that simple. Don’t mistake me; it will be awful to replace everything when the time comes, but the fact is that they can be replaced. And I have insurance. My class will be fine. My students will be fine.” Julia unclasps the chain and tries—and fails—to put it on. She looks up at Carmen. “Do you mind?”
Carmen takes the ends of the chain and carefully clips it around Julia’s neck. Her fingertips graze her nape as she pulls away, and Julia catches her wrist.
“I won’t be put in a safe house. If I’m coming, I’ll be useful,” Julia whispers.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Carmen says. Julia smiles up at her.
“Plane’ll be ready in an hour,” Player says. The call ends, and Carmen slips the phone into her pocket.
“Then we shouldn’t waste time.” Carmen unhooks Julia from the IV and helps her shrug on her jacket. Julia slips her shoes on, and after picking up the duffle and the meds, the both of them vanish into the night.
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sockknitterporg · 3 years
The main bulk of my suffering is directly related to the manufactured "opiate crisis" that has caused untold pain and suffering for so many millions of people for so many, many years. In this essay, I intend to place my experiences in their proper context, as one of a sharply growing series of victims of medical malpractice stemming from the fundamental shift in our society from seeing pain patients as people to be treated, to deriding them as addicts to be suspicious of.
Though it says volumes about our society that we see addicts as fundamentally 'bad' people who deserve homelessness and death instead of as human beings, often times human beings who are suffering greatly and turn to the only thing that makes life even mildly bearable. But that's neither here nor there. (For more information about addiction, see https://tinyurl.com/rat-park )
Our story begins in 1996, when Purdue Pharma (Stamford, CT, USA) released OxyContin, a sustained release oxycodone preparation that is also sold here in the UK. In the US, where such things are legal, it was aggressively marketed and promoted as less dangerous and less addictive than other opiate preparations. (Source & more information about OxyContin's marketing: https://tinyurl.com/oxymarket )
Anyone who thinks a $200 million a year marketing campaign would not spill over to the UK is more than merely obtuse, but likely willfully ignorant. The entire 'opiate epidemic' is an American import, and it started there: with an unscrupulous American company that would stop at nothing to make money.
Lulled into a false sense of security by Purdue's claims of minimal risk of addiction, doctors began prescribing OxyContin much more liberally and for much more than they originally would have. This increased availability set many people up for addiction and overdose deaths.
To most people, that is the bulk of what the 'opiate crisis' is. But there is a secondary crisis unfolding quietly behind closed doors. In the USA, there are "Don't Punish Pain" rallies that at least try to draw attention to the situation ( https://dontpunishpainrally.com ), but here in the UK we are entirely forgotten and buried under the British 'stiff upper lip' mentality. It is completely hushed up, no one talks about the fact that the pendulum has swung too far in the opposite direction. (For example: https://tinyurl.com/opiate-pendulum )
The government and/or the NHS have enforced involuntarily tapering of chronic pain patients' medication. Medication we need in order to not spend our lives screaming in agony. The pain management clinic has already warned me that it is, direct quote, "when, not if" I will find my own medication terminated, ready or not.
But there will be no 'ready'. Chronic pain does not get better with time. Chronic pain does not go into remission. If you know someone with chronic pain who appears to be 'getting better', I can promise you it is merely that the sufferer has learned to better conceal it. It's a saying in the chronic pain community, "We don't fake being ill. We fake being well."
We have learned that the average person only has about two weeks of compassion in them, after that you're treated as a freak for not getting better already, or outright accused of malingering. After all, with all of modern science, can't you just go to the doctor and get a pill and be done with it? Our concept of illness is either 'you go to the hospital, get treated, and come out okay' or 'you go to the hospital, waste away, and die'. Chronic pain patients, who never get better, but aren't actively dying, don't fit in to our society's 'concept' of illness.
People who offer to help us out for the social brownie points of helping the poor cripple soon discover that we're not going to die, we're going to continue to need help for the forseeable future. Rather than gracefully admitting that they don't have the ability to help us in perpetuity (which would be perfectly understandable!), most people choose to lash out at us, we must be abusing their kindness, they helped so we must surely be better by now. Compassion fatigue seems to hit every single human being that interacts with us, as if merely existing while disabled is wearing on their ability to remain civil. (Compassion fatigue: https://tinyurl.com/2-week-fatigue )
Doctors have even less compassion than that. In the backlash of the 'crisis', they have begun to treat anyone who complains of pain, unilaterally, as a drug seeker. And those of us already in treatment? Are addicts in need of rehab. (More examples: https://tinyurl.com/drs-no-compassion )
Despite study after study (Studies: https://tinyurl.com/no-taper ) showing that tapering chronic pain patients unequivocally causes severe harm, up to and including death, the pain management team said to my face that I am, direct quote, "addicted to heroin" and "no different from my four year old grandson, demanding a choccy biscuit because he doesn't know they'll rot his teeth. And I have to smack him and tell him NO! And I'll smack you, too, if it'll get you off those drugs!" (Somehow my complaint that a doctor had literally smacked his hands in front of my face to demonstrate that he was sincere in his threat to physically assault me.... mysteriously got lost.)
I have been denied treatment for other (non-opiate) methods of reducing my pain because, direct quote, "it doesn't matter as long as you're on those drugs, opiates actually make you more sensitive to pain in the long run, so there's no sense trying anything else if you won't get clean." They talk to me like taking my medication responsibly, as prescribed, is the same as shooting up black tar. All in the hopes of bullying or shaming me into "voluntarily" tapering.
Honestly just living under these conditions alone would be enough to snap my mental health in half, but you have to remember that I'm not only facing all of this systemic bullying and professional misconduct while also living with pain that has often been compared to late stage cancer and chemotherapy ( https://tinyurl.com/fibro-chemo ), as well as debilitating fatigue, and a shroud of fog hanging around my brain and clouding my memories and judgments (and at times, my ability to speak English). Everyone's first reaction is "did you report them? you should report them. why didn't you report them!" as if I'm too stupid to have thought of that myself. But I don't have the energy for the lengthy bureaucratic nightmare that is dealing with the NHS's administration, especially not when I could have my entire life destroyed by a doctor's bruised ego penning into my file "patient was uncooperative and combative, suspect drug abuse".
It's only a matter of time before I choose suicide over another sleepless night of laying in bed and praying for death. And when that time comes, I hope that my name is added to the long, bloodstained list of people who have killed themselves not out of any sort of depression, but because their entire existence is built on pain and suffering and enough becomes enough for the last time. Drop my body on the steps of the CDC, which is the main driving force behind the opiate witch hunt. Maybe death will at least bring me some measure of peace.
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folliclefixreview · 3 years
Follicle Fix Hair ReGrowth: Lengthen And Strengthen Hair
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