#Voltron paladin reader
leonspretty · 2 months
windows of opportunity
in which lance is a disaster romantic and misses every opportunity to ask you out
pairing: lance x reader
tags: fem! reader, disaster romantic lance, blue paladin lance, oblivious reader, oblivious lance too, reader isn't a paladin she just, like, helps(?), very very tiny bit of angst, happy ending, fluff, mutual pining, flirty banter, no use of y/n, lance calls reader ‘pretty’ as a nickname, cheeky little taylor swift reference if you squint.
notes: as a huge hopeless romantic, missed opportunities with a happy ending and mutual pining but thinking the other doesn't reciprocate is my obsession. i also know i said the first one would be keith but then i thought of this and it fit lance more i think.
wc: 2.3k
“Rise and shine, work hard, carve out your name, Take aim, pull the trigger, hit the bulls eye for fame, Know the value of faith, an' family, and don't you complain, Open wide, your windows of opportunity" — Kate Denson's "Windows of Opportunity”
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To say that Lance liked you was an understatement. He was obsessed. Not crazy obsessed, but obsessed in the way that you consumed his every thought.
Luckily this didn't extend to during fights, but even then he would still be acutely aware of where you were at all times, making sure he could hear your voice over the comms, often talking over Coran just to flirt with you.
You were no different. Having known Lance since before joining the Garrison, your feelings for him have come and gone repetitively. Each time you'd confide in Pidge, declaring that you were over him after seeing him treat someone else the same way he treats you, claiming that he'd only ever see you as a friend, he'd do something that would make you retract anything bad you'd ever said about him.
Yours and Lance's feelings were obvious to everyone and it bewildered them how you both thought they were one sided.
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The kitchen was quiet, Hunk, Keith and Pidge holding conversation while each did their own thing: Hunk baking, Keith tracing his blade and Pidge on her computer. Peaceful.
"What if I say something and she thinks I'm weird and never talks to me again?"
Keith and Pidge immediately groaned while Hunk remained silent, watching as Lance walked past all three of them, interrupting their conversation and train of thoughts. He threw himself onto a chair at the table across from Pidge who had already gathered her things and gotten up to leave. "Nope, not dealing with this again," she said as she left.
"She already thinks you're weird, I'm surprised she still puts up with you," Keith says from the spot next to where Pidge was. Lance glared at him in response, ignoring him.
"I think you should just try. If her face when she looks at you is anything to go off, I'm pretty sure she likes you too." It was a usually useless statement that was many times returned with "You're lying," or "I would've noticed." This time however, Lance turned to face Hunk and instead said,
"I was on my way to ask her out just now but she was training with Shiro and was in a zone and I didn't wanna disrupt that cause- where are you going?" Lance cut his rant off with a question directed at Keith who was leaving the kitchen.
"To train," was all he replied with.
"So you're finally going to do it? Why are you in here then?" Hunk asked.
"Yeah I am. I'm sick of wondering if she feels the same so I'm just gonna ask. I've never had a problem with it before so why should I now?"
From there, Lance vowed to himself that he would ask you out as soon as possible. He didn't want to spend any more time not being able to call you his than he had to.
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You heard your name being called from down the corridor as you made your way to the showers. Training with Shiro was one thing, training with Shiro and Keith was another when you weren't out in the field anywhere near as often as them. It also didn't help how Keith had mentioned he had come to you two to escape Lance's apparent rambling about you. It had thrown you off and to make up for it and stop Shiro's teasing, you had put even more effort in than you normally would.
Turning around, you saw Lance running to catch up to you. Despite wanting to turn and make a run for it to the showers to avoid any embarrassment, you stopped and waited for him to meet you.
Huffing slightly, Lance met up with you and stopped to take you in. You were beautiful. Even when you were clearly sweaty and exhausted. He had to shake his head slightly to keep his thoughts from turning dirty. "Finished training?"
"Yeah, was just heading to the showers, wanna join me?" you said with a smirk, knowing that your question could be taken a couple different ways.
Recognising your signature smirk you used whenever the two of you would 'harmlessly' flirt, Lance played along. "Of course."
"Was there something you wanted to talk to me about?" Lance froze up briefly. He had wondered if Keith had overheard him say that he was going to ask you out and had opened his big mouth to you. You quietened his thoughts by following up with, "You look like you wanna say something. If its to tell me I smell, I know, Shiro and Keith are not easy opponents."
"Yeah you do stink, but I hope you kicked Keith's ass." Lance joked. "Anyway, I just wanted to ask you the best way to ask someone out." Your smile dropped for a second before replacing it with a forced one. You knew he didn't like you and he wasn't yours to lose so why should you keep someone else from experiencing what you could only dream about.
"Oh, well, it depends who it is. Personally, I like when it's done in a way that shows the person really knows me, like with trinkets or using inside jokes as a way of showing their feelings rather than just saying it. Allura though, she'd probably like to be taken somewhere nice, so when you ask her out maybe do it on a planet with a nice skyline or sunset or something." You knew it had to be Allura he was planning to ask out. He'd been flirting with her ever since you all met her. It was only a matter of time. You felt the unwanted tears build up - you had to get away, and fast. "Oh look, we're at the showers, thanks for walking with me and good luck on asking Allura, I'm sure she'll say yes." You were out of sight in seconds.
Lance stood facing the door speechless and confused. Where did Allura come into this? Why were you so quick to leave? He had only asked how to ask someone in hopes to lead up to him actually asking but instead his window of opportunity had closed before he even let it open.
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His next window was clear. He had his speech planned out, knew exactly what he wanted to say and how. Now was the perfect opportunity. You were the only one on the bridge, sat in his seat seemingly just relaxing. Why you were doing that here instead of in the lounge he didn't know but he decided to ask later.
You hadn't noticed Lance's presence until you head a "Quiznack" be muttered under his breath as he tripped over his own feet, luckily managing to catch himself. You sat up and turned to face him. "Finally falling for me, Sharp-shooter?" you joked, internally cringing at the use of the word 'finally'.
If Lance had noticed your slip up, he didn't mention it. Instead, he rounded to the front of the chair you were in and dropped to sit on the floor facing you. "You wish. No. I just wanted to talk to you about something."
"How did it go with Allura?" Truthfully, you didn't want to know, but you were sure you'd hear about it from one of them soon enough so why not get it out of the way.
"How did what go with Allura?" The confusion on his face was obvious.
"You were gonna ask her our remember? You literally asked me how to do it like two days ago." You mirrored Lance's confusion.
"Oh." Silence. "Oh! No! I wasn't planning to ask her out! I actually wanted to ask you-" his voice, which was already turning very quiet was cut off by you sitting up and squinting at the window.
"What was that?" You asked yourself aloud. Lance mistook that as a question for him.
"I said-" he was cut off again when you quickly got up and ran to the window.
"Alert everyone. Get to your lions. Now."
At that, Lance looked outside to see multiple Galra ships appearing. He groaned internally. To you the groan was about having to go out and fight. For him, the groan was because yet another window of opportunity had shut.
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Keith really just wanted to lay down. Not necessarily sleep as that had never come easy to him, but he was exhausted. Instead he had to listen to you whine about how Lance doesn't share your feelings. When he had asked why you were coming to him about this you had said that everyone who wasn't Lance was busy and she didn't want to bother them. At that moment he wished you hadn't found him sat in the lounge. As much as he cherished you as a friend, he was quite frankly sick of hearing about Lance. When there was a knock at the door of his room, of which you had followed him into and immediately flopped onto his bed mid rant, Keith rolled his eyes and opened it. He was glad it had at least got you to be quiet since you also wondered who it was.
"Hey have you seen, oh hi pretty, Keith have you seen-" Lance stopped talking. When he'd said hi, he wasn't thinking, it was natural instinct. When he realised you were laid out on Keith's bed, his brain caught up to his mouth.
You, on the other hand, were blushing. It wasn't the first time Lance was calling you pretty. In fact it's what he called you 90% of the time. But it was the timing. You had just been complaining about how he doesn't think of you except from if he has to or if you're talking with him then he calls you pretty, offhanded. You were going insane.
"What's up?" Keith asked Lance, aiming a sly smirk at you as if he could tell you were going crazy over both seeing the person who was the main character of your rant and at the name said person had called you.
"Actually I was looking for her but if you guys are busy..."
Keith took this opportunity to both get rid of you so he can lie down and also get back at you for talking his ear off. "No, no, please, take her, I'm sick of hearing about you."
Lance ignored Keith's comment, turning to you, "Can we talk?"
Your eyes went wide as you sat up, your heart immediately dropping. Had you done something wrong? Had he overheard you talking about how much you liked him? Was this the end of your guys's friendship? You'd rather have him as a friend than nothing at all. You just nodded and said bye to Keith as you left his room.
The door closed within milliseconds of you leaving the room. It was just you and Lance now. Alone. "Come on," Lance smiled and started walking to his room.
Arriving in his room, Lance's nerves began to pick up. This was his chance. Again. He promised to himself that this is it. He wasn't going to let another interruption keep him from telling you how he feels.
Being in his room alone with him was nothing new, so why did you feel so nervous. "Come sit down, pretty." Lance patted the spot next to where he had just sat on his bed. You plastered a smile on your face and sat down.
"What's up? You never ask to talk, you usually just... do."
Lance let out a snort at that, giving you a pointed glance. "Oh and you don't?"
"I never said that."
The light hearted joking relaxed you - it's what you were used to between the two of you.
Your previous nerves about what Lance had to say dissipated as the two of you continued to joke together a little longer.
"Lance. You didn't come find me just to hang out. I know you. What's up?"
He had been putting it off, nerves creeping up the closer he came to confessing and so he sought comfort in your company as it was. Lance nodded and cleared his throat, turning to look in your eyes. "Every time I've tried to talk to you about this, something interrupts me: you rushing off to the showers, then the galra finding us. And then you thought I asked Allura out which is crazy because yeah she's-"
"Lance." You cut him off, not wanting to hear about how the princess of Altea was perfect and dreamy. "Come on."
"As I was going to say, before someone rudely interrupted, again-"
You laughed and stuck your tongue out at him quickly and jokingly.
"Hey! Anyway, yeah Allura is cool, I mean, she's a princess. But she isn't you." He paused, but realised how that could be taken, he continued, "I don't want Allura... I want you pretty girl. And it has taken me way too long to finally tell you. There have been so many missed windows of opportunity, and I refuse to miss any more. It's you. It's always been you, and I'm sorry I led you to believe otherwise."
You were speechless. A confession wasn't even on the list of things you had expected to come from this talk. The smile that grew on your face was unstoppable. Not trusting yourself to let out a happy squeal, you threw your arms around the man who had just told you he chooses you.
The sudden force took Lance by surprise, but he was fast to wrap his arms around your waist and fall back onto his bed, pulling you down with him. You lifted your head to look Lance in the eyes. Lance took this as his chance to finally make things official. "Will you be mine, pretty?"
The smile you didn't think could grow any wider, did. "I will always be yours, Loverboy Lance."
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notes: i low-key kinda don't like how this ended up but i tried. it's also only slightly proof-read because i wanna move on to a keith fic now. also, if you saw this before, i reposted it cause i wanted it after my masterlist stuff so its still the same just reposted. reblogs, comments and likes are always appreciated. i also may make a taglist so let me know if you wanna be on it!
@cafekitsune made the dividers here!
thank you for reading!!
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piggycyberwarrior · 2 years
Alone without you //HC
Summary: Lance x fem!Reader; Keith x fem!Reader What happens when the Paladins had to leave their s/o and see them years later on earth again?
a/n: here is a reminder that I love youuu!! Also my friend requested this sooo lets gooo
warnings: Lance is a little bit OCC, No proof read
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Okayyy so we all saw that Lance was very homesick, am I right?
He missed his family and of course his S/o. 
You were the best thing that happened to him
when he felt like the fifth wheel, he wanted to be in your arms again
my poor bby
He never gave up hope coming back to you
But then stupid slav told him the percentage chance his girlfriend probably has someone else since she thinks he's dead
That shattered his whole world
He thought all the time: do you have someone else, why should you wait for him
his self-esteem was in the basement. way down deep.
 As the years went by, the pain became a little more bearable. His broken heart was covered with fake smiles
when he was on his way to earth with the others, he was nervous. he hadn't even said goodbye. would you still accept him? 
Please do it, my heart 😭 
you in turn had hope again since holt came back to earth. but now it's about war. 
you as a medic had to rescue injured people. that was your job at the garrison. you had to accompany dying people day and night. had to comfort families.(poor you)
when the paladins finally arrived with the alien ship, you went straight for Lance. but you couldn't go to him as he had to go straight to a meeting 
(again poor you)  
when the meeting was finally over, he saw you. his eyes wide open. tears in them 
„Y-Y/n" he stuttered with a shaky voice. immediately you hugged him "i missed you, you idiot" you whispered into his shoulder. 
All these years he was afraid that you had left him, but you waited for him. He didn't deserve you.
Now he was tearing up again but dont let him know I said that..-
lance buried his head in your neck "i missed you too y/n" 
He definitely had to spend this day with you. 
And all the other days 
And the rest of his life. 
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Keith is a "tough" guy who is kind of, well brash with everyone. 
Shiro had tried for a long time to get that out of his thick skull but without results.
So when THE Keith got a girlfriend, Shiro couldn't believe it at first.
You made Keith weak - the man could see that very clearly.
So he also saw the gentler Keith turn back into the old Keith when they were all together in space.
The mullet head seemed to miss you, even if he didn't show it. 
Shiro tried to talk to him about it, but he didn't go in for that kind of talk.
He could hardly hide his happiness when the earth was in sight again. cough cough The right one this time..😶
will you notice that he has grown? Would you be happy to see him again? He was sure you'll like Kosmo. No, didn't you have an allergy to dogs? Well, Kosmo was a space wolf after all...
he thought as he flew with the others into the milky way
Panic spread across his face when he saw what the Galra had done to the people on Earth.
You weren't a cadet on the garrison, were you dead? Or captured?
Just like Hunk, he wanted to find his family- you
At some point, a radio message reached Garrison. A faint voice announced that many people were being held as slaves in a Galra cruiser. They had to build devices and their schematics.
Keith would have recognized the voice anywhere. It was yours. Immediately he wanted to start a rescue maneuver
But! Of course, the commissioner first had to have more information from the unknown voice.
mhmp! I dont like her
you had actually managed to build a communicator, clever you
At some point, the Paladins were allowed to go on the rescue mission!!!! Yayyyy
It was loud and many screams of frightened people. 
you yourself crouched in your cell and waited for the Garrison to arrive, not knowing that your boyfriend was back on earth.
When your cell opened, you tried to squeeze yourself even further into the corner
"y/n?" whispered a familiar voice. You slowly looked up. Your eyes grew wide in shock. 
“Keith?” you said with a hoarse voice
Quickly he ran towards you and crouched in front of you. Thick tears ran from your still shocked face. 
"You, you...how- what?! you're missed! Why are you here! I-"
You stumbled over your words
“Shhh. Shh I’m here Y/n. You are fine, I’m here muffin.” He said lovingly squishing your cheeks.
I know it's a lot. I'll explain when we get out of here. Oh god I missed you." he said as he gave you a kiss on the forehead.
“I missed you too.”
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galraluver · 1 month
Alfor x reader? I hope I'm doing this right, scenario where alfor is introduced to earth cats by the reader? Which may lead you to a kitty adoption :>?
Hey, don't worry about it, I've got you covered 😊
Honestly, out of all the original paladins I see Alfor as the type of person who would love hanging out at a cat café and spend the entire visit surrounded by most, if not all of the kitties 😽
(Whether Cheeto and Blinky are two boys, two girls or one of each is left to the imagination of you, my dear readers)
Alfor loved living on Earth with (Y/n), and even though he would eventually take her home to Altea with him, he wanted to spend as much time with her on her homeworld until then. There were so many interesting things to do and see on Earth, and (Y/n) was always happy to take him out to do and see those things. Before Alfor went out in public he had to disguise himself as a human since aliens weren't welcome on Earth, even if they meant no harm, and he didn't want to start a mass panic or get his girlfriend in trouble. There was one thing (Y/n) really wanted to take Alfor out to do, but first she needed to save up enough money before she could do it; there was a cat café in their area and she wanted to take him there since she knew he liked cats, then once she had enough money she brought it up with him one evening during dinner. Alfor kind of knew what Earth cats were, although he'd never spent time with one before and he couldn't wait to go to the cat café with his girlfriend.
The best part was that the cat café (Y/n) was taking Alfor to was it was partnered up with a few animal shelters and adopted cats out to new homes, so if there was a cat they really liked then they would adopt him or her. On the day of their trip they would be going to eat lunch together at the café; Alfor was excited to see the cats, he really hoped that he and (Y/n) would be able to adopt one or two and bring them home with them. After arriving at their destination (Y/n) and Alfor signed in, ordered some food and drinks and selected a table to sit at. There were about fifteen cats lounging around, most of which stared at them when they sat down. Alfor noticed how the cats in the café looked somewhat similar to the cats on Altea, but at the same time they were different; none of them had bold blue, red, purple or orange markings on their coats, although a short-haired calico caught his attention.
“Well, what do you think?” (Y/n) quietly asked Alfor with curiosity, noticing how he was looking at a medium sized calico cat with short fur.
“I wasn't expecting to see so many cats in one place. That cat over there; the black, white and tan one, is very unique.” Alfor answered, looking at (Y/n) again before he told her that he liked the calico cat who sat on a cat bed nearby.
“Yeah, that one's pretty cute.” (Y/n) acknowledged, smiling when she got a better look at the calico cat her boyfriend had his eyes on.
Alfor wondered what would happen if he called the cats over, so that's exactly what he did; (Y/n) was surprised that the whole ‘here kitty kitty’ call was universal, and worked on every cat from pretty much all over the universe. Almost all of the cats perked up and came running when Alfor called them over, including the calico who jumped up onto his lap prior to meowing sweetly. (Y/n) was in awe when the cats flocked around her boyfriend after he called them to him, each of them wanting attention from him. Two of the cats went to sniff (Y/n) when she offered her hands-on them, one black and the other a tuxedo, but then the black cat joined the others over by Alfor. If it were anyone else they would have been jealous of all the attention Alfor received from the cats, but (Y/n) was even more in love with her significant other than before because he was a cat magnet.
“They're all so soft and affectionate, and I believe this multi-colored one likes me. You said that we can take one or two home-” Alfor said while he pet as many cats as he could, hesitantly bringing up their earlier conversation about adopting a cat or two; he didn't want to seem too demanding, although he really liked the calico cat and the tuxedo cat appeared to like (Y/n).
“I did say that, but we can only adopt two. I really like this tuxedo cat, and the calico loves you.” (Y/n) replied thoughtfully; she wasn't expecting to find two cats that they liked so easily, although with her boyfriend being a total cat magnet finding the two kitties that liked them had been simple.
“So we can bring them home with us?” Alfor queried enthusiastically.
“As long as no one else has signed any paperwork for them, then yes.” (Y/n) answered; she really hoped that the calico and the tuxedo cats weren't spoken for, because it would break her and Alfor's hearts if they were.
“Thank you, darling. I can't wait to bring them home with us.” Alfor expressed gleefully, excited to possibly bring the two cats home with them.
Alfor pet the calico cat on his lap and smiled, but at some point he reached for his strawberry shake so he could drink it. The cats with the longer fur were really soft and fluffy, although as much as he liked them as individuals he understood that keeping them thoroughly groomed would be difficult due to their fur length. The other cats eventually walked away to either do their own thing or visit the other people at the other tables; however, the tuxedo cat stayed on (Y/n's) lap and the calico remained with Alfor, both cats having chosen their favorite people. The food and drinks were delicious and there were various cat toys spread throughout the entire café, Alfor couldn't help but grab one of the feather wands so he could play with some of the cats in between eating and drinking. He could hardly wait to bring the two cats home with him and (Y/n), he hoped they would like their new home.
(Y/n) finished eating before she grabbed another toy and played with one of the cats who passed by her, causing the adorable white cat to roll onto her back playfully. Playing with some of the cats was a lot of fun, she was glad that she brought Alfor to the cat café. After she and Alfor finished eating, drinking and playing with the other cats they went to the office to see if they could adopt the calico and tuxedo cats; they were both perfectly adoptable and their names were Cheeto and Blinky, once (Y/n) paid the two adoption fees the lady at the desk finalized everything and provided two carriers for the two cats who had chosen them. (Y/n) wasn't expecting to adopt two cats that day; she and Alfor didn't even have the proper supplies, so they had to stop by the nearest pet store to pick up some basic supplies. Cheeto and Blinky would need some time before they adjusted to their new home, but until then their safe space would be Alfor and (Y/n's) bedroom.
(Y/n) smiled in her sleep when she felt an arm wrapped around her midsection; at some point during the morning Alfor always snuggled up to her, even though he was usually asleep when he did it. Life was absolute bliss with him and things got even better after they adopted Blinky and Cheeto. After they paid the adoption fees they had to go pick up some basic supplies at the nearest pet store; toys, a scratching post, a litter box, food and other such things, then (Y/n) and Alfor picked up any small objects before they let their two new kitties out of their carriers once they had everything set up. A week had passed since then and even though the two cats weren't fully adjusted to their new home yet, they weren't quite as frightened of being somewhere new. When (Y/n) woke up she looked at the foot of the bed after she noticed a slight weight near her feet, smiling when she saw Cheeto and Blinky curled up and fast asleep.
“Alfor, wake up. Look who's sleeping near our feet.” (Y/n) whispered to her sleeping boyfriend, slowly sitting up a little prior to gently shaking his right shoulder; she glanced at the clock and saw that it was eight o’ five, just in time for them to wake up.
Alfor had been sleeping peacefully, although after he heard what (Y/n) whispered to him he began to wake up. Ever since they brought Cheeto and Blinky home, they slept in their cat beds that were on the floor near the dresser. After opening his eyes and letting out a yawn, Alfor sat up, blinked a couple of times and looked at the foot of their bed; he smiled softly when he saw Cheeto and Blinky curled up between their feet, both cats still fast asleep.
“They appear quite comfortable this morning. I never thought they would ever come to sleep in bed with us.” Alfor spoke quietly so that he wouldn't accidentally wake their cats up.
“I know; it really feels like we're a family now.” (Y/n) replied with an equally quiet tone, turning to face her boyfriend.
Alfor couldn't have agreed more; they were becoming a little family, and he could hardly wait to make it official when he and (Y/n) eventually got married. He slowly leaned towards his lover and gave her a good morning kiss; neither of them cared that they had morning breath, plus their kiss didn't last for very long. (Y/n) and Alfor decided to cuddle in bed together for a while, then they would eventually get out of bed and prepare breakfast for them and their cats. They made sure Blinky and Cheeto were spoiled; after the lives the two cats had before they were rescued, they deserved to be spoiled and loved. Having two adorable cats living with them made Alfor and (Y/n's) lives a lot more interesting, (Y/n) was glad that she'd taken her significant other to the cat café when she did.
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yuizenihaswriten · 6 months
From where I'm from its literally 10:57 pm rn so let's make this quick
)(you don't have to use this, you can always ask for a '-insert character name- with a s/o *or* reader who's '-insert something you want to add')(
Prompt 1: "I love him/her/them,but I don't think they return my feelings,haha.."
Prompt 2: "I only did this to protect you! You think I wanted to do it?!"
Prompt 3: "NO NO NO, why am I inlove with such a person like him/her/them?!"
Prompt 5: "looks like someone's got a little crush on (insert character name or Readers name)"
Prompt 6: "Listen, I love you, but I know it's probably not important"
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fictional-addiction · 2 years
hello my little creme soda cans,
I JUST HAD TO HOP ON HERE AND SAY that im watching voltron and im so obsessed and immediately agree that we need more voltron moots to revive the fandom
so yeah if you have voltron requests... send em through 🧚‍♂️💛
okay cool have a good day/night xx
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Voltron Legendary Defender Masterlist.
To navigate through my tumblr and find all my masterlists, click here.
If you want to make requests, refer to my Ask Rules before doing so.
This post will have links to all things Voltron! This list will be updated as I add more posts.
Incorrect Quotes (text memes):
Hunk and Shay.
Adam thoughts
What if Adam was a part of Voltron?
Actually plotting to write this.
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foolinafable · 4 months
It's for the best .ೃ࿐
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Keith Kogane x Fem!Reader Synopsis: locked in a cell, the white paladin remembers her happier times and hopes that she can make it back to a certain black paladin. Word count: 3.7K Tags: slight angst, flashbacks, mentions of torture but not graphic, set tentatively around season 4 Notes: Apparently, vld is having a resurgence so send in some requests!
You knew it was for the best. Sat cross-legged in the confines of your cell with a small smile on your lips, contented, knowing that you have done everything you could, that this wasn't in vain- rather it was what was supposed to happen. For the betterment of the entire universe, sometimes sacrifices need to be made. You remember telling Keith something similar during one of his many brooding moments. Now wishing that you could remember which conversation it was or maybe just that you had paid more attention to your time together, especially now you didn’t think you would ever see the boy with the mullet again. 
You were sat next to Hunk, the pair of you looking up giddily at Takashi Shirogane, the famed astro explorer. He was speaking to the class about his recent accomplishment as he had just broken the record for the fastest orbital velocity. Everyone had tried the flight simulator and despite not being able to get passed level 3- like the rest of the class you were still excited by the prospect of meeting the youngest pilot to ever lead a mission in space. Even more happy that you had done better than James Griffin in the simulator- as he never stopped going on about his good grades and how much better he is. So to wipe that smirk off his face made it all worth it. As you and Hunk were fangirling in the corner you heard Griffins whining causing your attention to go back to the simulator, where apparently one more person was having a go. The pair of you walked towards the commotion as the annoyed brunette sounded out “No way! Keith made it past level five?! Thing's got to be broken.” That was the first moment you saw him, well properly at least. The young boy with a mullet and a ‘disciplinary issue’ if you were to listen to what your teachers told you. He walked away from the training simulator with a grin on his face and you couldn’t help but smile too. Especially when he looked your way as he walked off. 
‘He doesn't even know you're gone’ you muse to yourself, and it’s true. The last you had heard from him was on the other side of a screen during a planning meeting with the Blade surrounded by your teammates, who similarly had yet to know the fate of the white paladin of Voltron. They would soon realise when you don't return through the wormhole and when they find your lion broken and alone. But then it will already be too late, as the galaran ship that held you prisoner was already galaxies away taking you towards inevitable doom. You think you're pathetic, as you are already giving up but what else can you do, your weapon is gone, lion missing,  and you are locked in a cell with only your body inside of it with nobody even knowing where you are- not even you. Worry roots deeply inside of yourself as you think of your friends, a lump in your throat growing at the thought of them discovering that you're gone- they have all lost enough already. You’re sure Lance would try to be enthusiastic, claiming that they found Shiro so they could find you. Still, even he would know the saddening truth that the galarans won’t make the same mistake twice as he tries to hide his tears from Pidge who would be clinging to Hunk, begging him to tell her it’s not true- she only just got her brother back and now she has lost her sister- blood related or not. You knew it would destroy the team if you couldn’t get back to them and what worries you is that you're struggling to see a way that you can.
It was nerve-wracking, waiting to find out who Iverson and the rest of the teachers decided to team you up with for the simulators. It was a big deal, as this was going to be your team for the rest of your time in the Garrison. Last year you couldn’t wait for this moment, but maybe that was because you were certain that the boy with the mullet would be by your side as you were as Shiro put it “the only person that can put up with him” but he left, dropped out without so much of a goodbye, and you could understand, the loss of Shiro, Matt and Sam was difficult for everyone but nobody took it worse than Keith and you suppose it made sense as Shiro was all the boy had. You shook the thoughts of him out of your mind when Iverson finally came into the room, twiddling the rings on your rings on your fingers as you stood near Hunk who looked ghostly pale and going on queasy as you both prayed that the older man would do you both a solid and put you two together. You listened as he called names into groups, feeling somewhat better when Griffin was put in a group that didn't include you. Then your name was called and you were told to stand next to a tall Cuban boy wearing blue, you smiled as you walked up to him and he smiled back seemingly just as nervous as you were, then a smaller boy with round glass and a green jumper joined the group, your eyes squinting when looking at him, almost as if you had seen him before but you couldn’t place where. But before you could question it Hunk's name fell out of Iverson’s lips, you looked up in alarm as you saw Hunk coming towards your group, shocked that your prayers had been answered. The fear that was eating away at you was dulled slightly as he came to stand next to you. Sure it wasn’t the team that you wanted but maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.
Being in space has always made your internal clock question how long has passed, but it seems to be worse when alone in this cell. You believe it has been a few days based on the number of trays of food delivered to your cell, the only interaction with another you’ve had this whole time. At least you think, as you find yourself waking up exhausted with pains and aches all over your body, but you have no memory of doing anything or even anyone coming into your cell in the first place. You thought you would've been face to face with Zarkon or his witch by now, but as time passes, you struggle to believe that would happen at all, which causes a pit to develop in your stomach as the unknown of your future begins to dawn on you.
You can still hear the conforming hum of your lion in the back of your head, trying to reassure you that all is well but as the days pass by you begin to believe it less and less simply repeating to yourself that it was for the best.
“Things could’ve been a lot worse” you theorised. Sat with Pidge in this trash heap with your lions completely shut down. At least you were together and there were (up to now) no enemies trying to kill you both. To be honest, you wouldn’t want to be stuck here with anyone else. After Pidge finally revealed to everyone that she was in fact a girl, something you had figured out back in your garrison days, not long after you had become a team and saw the photo of her and Matt taken prior to the Kerberos mission, but you only knew because he had shown it to you first, during one of his many tutoring sessions with you. You liked to think that while Shiro was Keith’s mentor, Matt was yours. A sentiment he very much enjoyed, so much that Pidge later told you that she had already known who you were when she met you. A fact that made your heart swell. Your friendship with Matt was one of the many reasons that Pidge thought of you like a sister and the main reason you looked after her so much- you wanted to look after her for him while he couldn’t and while this mindset got you into many arguments with Keith over putting her safety over your own you wouldn’t change a thing because you knew it was the right thing to do (Also Keith couldn’t really say anything as he constantly put himself in harms way for everyone on the team.) You couldn’t help but feel protective over her as she was the youngest out of your ragtag bunch and was annoyingly the only one you could baby as you were the second youngest of the group as Lance loved to remind you. While being here with Pidge definitely made you feel a little better, you couldn’t help but be relentlessly worried for the rest of the group, as they always found some way to get into trouble- especially Lance and Keith. It was like trouble sought them out, always getting into some sort of issue whether it be with aliens or with each other. So you couldn’t help but double over in laughter when Pidge using her junk-made paladins started an argument between the fake Lance and Keith.  Eventually, you both decided that you had waited around for help long enough and decided to try and find your own way back to the castle. Pidge made you gather together materials to make a home beacon signal in hopes that it could reach the castles of lions to allow them to find you two. No surprise to you Pidge’s brilliance worked its magic as the castle of lions appeared in the sky from a wormhole, the pair of you hugged each other happy knowing that you weren’t going to grow old on a trash pile as you had both dramatically claimed. You two were more than ready to return to the fight against Zarkon to save the universe and hopefully, find Pidge’s family.      
You dream of him, black hair, violet eyes and his grumpy temperament clouding your thoughts as you try to rest. But, when you wake cold and alone in that dark cell you are reminded of the present and how you need to try and stop yourself from dreaming of the past.
Thought it was “just goodbye for now” you bitterly mumbled as you awoke from another dream of him. This time the memory sticks with you- of the goodbye you shared as he left to find himself with the blades, those were the words he uttered to you as you blanketed him in your embrace. That it was temporary, that you two would come back together again and you remember how you smiled through your sadness nodding at his words, believing him truthfully- as you always did. But you are now struggling to believe it anymore and you don't know if you are more mad at him for uttering those words or yourself for trusting them to be true. Up to now, all attempts to contact your lion have failed miserably but you can still hear your lion if you concentrate enough- as though you two are connected to the same string and you pray that it never snaps, clinging onto it like a lifeline.
You were buzzing, tapping your hands against your legs as you bounced on the balls of your feet, waiting for Pidges Lion in the cockpit while the rest of the team looked at you, amused. Lance, clearly feeding off your joyous attitude, ruffled the hair on your head, messing it up slightly. You turned to the boy, pouting as he withdrew his hands, using your own to try to flatten whatever mess he had made as he giggled at your reaction. A smile quickly returned to your face when Pidge stepped out of her lion with a familiar boy following behind her, you ran towards the pair, wrapping your arms around Matt’s shoulders in welcome, your smile only increasing when he hugged back with just as much gusto, you could hear Lance muttering something about someone being jealous if they were here to Hunk and Shiro but you weren’t paying close enough attention to anything he said, instead, you were very happy that the man who you would call a brother was really okay and just like Shiro had survived the Kerberos mission. When the family reunion had ended Pidge introduced Matt to the rest of the group, except for Keith as he was yet again away on some mission with the Blades. You watched amused as Matt’s eyes landed on Allura and something similar to what you see in a romcom played out as he screamed “You are so beautiful!” you struggled to keep the giggles to yourself as you saw Coran turn red in anger, clearly seeing this as an inappropriate way to talk to the princess and finding humour in Lance’s clear jealousy as Hunk made the boy walk away from the group. You decided to do something similar telling Pidge to give Matt a tour of the castle ship as you walked away with Coran and Allura, pulling both the alteans away with your hands.
Calming down an angry altean was albeit harder than you expected, especially when Allura was of no help at all as she was just laughing at how worked up the older man had become, but you understood it was because he felt so protective over her especially since there was no Alfor to help him and she was like Coran’s little girl so nobody would ever be good enough, you whispered just as much to him as Allura was talking to her mice and that seemed to make him less annoyed, knowing that somebody else understood him. It wasn’t until later when gossiping with Allura about your lives before all this, that she mentioned that it wasn’t just Matt’s interaction with her that annoyed Coran but also his interaction with you, claiming that he always got annoyed when others in his eyes tried to “flirt” with you, her or Pidge. However, she quickly noted that he never got annoyed or got Lance and Hunk to intimidate Keith like he did anyone else when it comes to you a comment made your cheeks burn.   
You startle awake to the sound of your cell door being opened, eyes darting towards the light, confused when the door continues to open, eyes squinting from the light now surrounding you for the first time in weeks as you try to identify the body in front of you when a voice gasped out and a familiar voice spoke your name. All worry evaporated from your body as Matt Holt wrapped you in a hug and you knew for the first time in weeks that everything would be okay and that maybe Keith was right- it was just goodbye for now.
You now sat in the control room of the ship you had been captured in surrounded by freedom fighters. After hearing over hacked intercoms about it carrying ‘precious cargo’ for the emperor, they had infiltrated and taken control of the ship.
“And that was me was it?” you mused looking towards the Holt boy to which he cracked a smile sending you a simple nod in response. You had changed into your white and silver spacesuit and your bayard had been retrieved for you. Now more than ready to return home to the castle of lions, to the paladins and to him. 
The first thing you saw, unsurprisingly, as the ship came out of the wormhole was your lion, growling in happiness, bounding towards her paladin only stopping when she was at the front of the ship, eyes locked onto you. You smiled gleefully at your lion feeling your connection stronger than ever, as though the string that attached the you two was unwavering, unbreakable. As soon as the ship reached the castle of lions you were enveloped in the paladin’s embrace, you would’ve fallen over when Pidge launched herself into your arms, legs wrapped around your middle like a koala,  if weren’t for Lance keeping you balanced by surrounding you in a hug from behind. Hunk joined the misfit group of cadets finishing off the group hug similar to how they used to in the Garrison when they, for once, completed the training simulator much to Iverson’s shock. Thoughts of worry could be seen swimming through Shiro’s eyes as you caught them when looking up, he nodded at you, the tension flinging off him like water down a hill as you turned back to your family holding Pidge and Lance by the backs of their heads, smiling and reassuring them that this was real, that you were real as tears dropped from the twos eyes. You could feel Hunk’s laboured breaths, clearly trying to stay strong for the group as the rest were blubbering messes. Walking away from your embrace and towards the freedom fighters with Shiro shaking hands and thanking them for getting you back to them as the trio dropped towards the floor, holding onto each other like it was the last time. 
It was only later when you had changed into your everyday wear, speaking with Allura and Coran holding both of their hands, stroking them gently that the paladins noticed the new scars decorating your arms and some scorch marks adjourned your neck along with bruising that you wouldn’t comment on. Or rather that you couldn’t as you claimed to not remember anything except for the dark room you were kept in and then Matt saving you. Another change was your hair, which had a white streak in it, you simply chuckled at the development turning to Shiro claiming "We match now" causing everyone to laugh and they supposed it fit you well - “As she is the white paladin” Lance claimed.
It was only when Coran transferred your memories temporarily into a crystal that they all saw what you endured on the ship, you were beaten and tortured for answers, electrocuted, burned for sport and tested on by some druids. At that point, they stopped watching as Shiro was looking rather green, probably from remembering his own time with those vile creatures. But you mused that you were lucky as you still had all your limbs and according to Coran who looked at your scan results from the healing pod whatever they were trying on you didn’t work as you were the same as you were before, “except for a few scars and a new hair colour that is” He pondered twiddling his moustache. And he was right of course you didn’t feel any different, maybe a bit more anxious at night and a few more nightmares but who could blame you after being trapped in a dark room for weeks. Of course, the memory loss was slightly concerning but they all believed it to be a coping mechanism to keep you sane and you were glad that you could only properly remember the dark room, that it was all that really haunted you at night and that those things you saw on the screen projected from your mind didn’t and you hoped it stayed that way.
The entire universe that was apart of the coalition let out a sigh of relief when it was revealed by Allura on comms to the members of the alliance that the white paladin of Voltron had been found and returned mostly unharmed.  However, nobody’s relief could be felt greater than that of Keith Kogane who had been fighting with Kolivan for weeks when they received the information of your disappearance and probable capture, he remembers the way his legs nearly gave out from under him when during a meeting with Allura the altean claimed that Voltron couldn’t come to the rescue this time as they were missing a paladin- missing you. He Surprisingly didn’t even need to sneak out on a blade ship to try and find the castle of lions to see if it was true, rather Kolivan who was probably fed up with his moping simply turned to the boy and gave him ship and co-ordinates simply asking him to back in time for the next meeting. The older Galaran didn’t think he'd see the boy move so fast, mumbling annoyed about how much more work would get done if he did. 
You didn’t hear him on comms asking for Coran to allow him into the cockpit, too busy in the training deck with Shiro and Allura showing them that despite being out of action for a few weeks you were ready to get back out there because as you told them “the galra don’t wait for anyone” and that “this revolution wasn’t going to fight itself.” You didn’t even hear your teammates asking for you to come to the control room over comms, far too busy fighting the training dummies and your comms device left on the side. What you did notice was when you were lifted from behind, a pair of pale arms grabbing you by the waist causing a gasp to erupt from your throat, You spun around ready to attack until your eyes met his, and then your sword dropped to the floor as Keith held you in his arms, staring intensely at you as if you would disappear if he dared to look away for even a second. You quickly returned the embrace, arms circling his back as you threw your head onto his chest, almost unbelieving that he was there, his arms moved, crowding around your head pulling you impossibly closer to his body as he noticed the white strand of hair, his fingers pressed against it confused as he rested his nose atop your head, breathing you in, reminding himself that this was in fact, real and not just one of his sick dreams he has been having since finding out you were gone. 
Being held in his arms made everything real, and you thought that if you had to through everything all over again just to have this moment, in his arms, you would. It was all be for the best if you ended up in his arms at the end of it all.
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yandere-voltron · 2 months
Love Gone Bad
Summary: Lance wants to impress one of his classmates, but it seems she has her eyes set on another student Pairings: Lance McClain x Fem! Reader/ Keith Kogane x Fem! Reader Tw/Cw: One-sided Romance, Jealousy, V-style Love 'Triangle'
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Lance's eyes were drawn in by a girl across the room. She was out of his league in looks, sure, but he was a Voltron Paladin, so that had to count for something. He was about to approach you when someone beat him to it. He frowned when seeing the black-haired mullet.
You picked at your food, before sighing and leaning on your hand.
"Is this seat taken?"
You looked up to the voice, your face turning a light pink.
"Uh, no. It's open."
Keith smiles, something you hadn't seen much of before he disappeared with the other students. It was nice, he seemed happier than he ever was.
"Uh, Y/n... right?"
"Yeah," You quickly nod. "We had pilot classes together."
"Right. Um," He sighs, looking away from you. "You know, I know I wasn't... the greatest person in the world-"
You looked at him confused, not knowing where he was going.
"And I wanted to apologize for not being the nicest person in the world."
"Oh... Uh, well, you were never mean to me. In fact, I really liked you."
"Yeah?" He smiles, leaning in. "Well, that's good to hear."
Lance watched the two talk as he crushed his food under him.
"Hey, Lance, uh what's going on?"
Lance looked up at his older sister, Veronica. Lance sighs, "It's nothing."
"Sure doesn't look like nothing." She looks up to follow Lance's line of sight. He was looking at Keith? And Y/n? "Do you not like Y/n?"
"Not like?" Lance's eyes widen as he quickly shakes his head. "No, no, no. Of course I like Y/n... It's Keith I don't like."
"What? Why? I thought you two were friends now."
Lance doesn't respond and Veronica quickly picks up on what Lance's problem was. She smiles wide as she finally takes a seat next his and elbows him.
"You like Y/n."
Lance quickly straightens up and shakes his head, "No! No, no, no-" Lance tried to deny it, but it was to late, Veronica already knew. He sighs and leans back. "Maybe a little."
"Well, it looks like Keith is already making his move, so maybe you should pick up the pace."
"Thanks, Veronica. Really appreciate it."
"No problem, Lance."
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I know this has already been done but I want YOUR take on this…can I pretty plz get headcanons of the paladins (or just Keith Pidge and Lance) accidentally hurting their s/o bad enough to send them to the healing pods…? How would they spend their time while waiting for them to wake up? Angsty with a fluffy ending…? THANK YOU ILYSM 🥹❤️‍🔥
Paladins Accidentally Injuring Reader
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STOP CUZ IM A SUCKER FOR ANGSTY STUFF LIKE THIS💀💀💀 I decided to do ALL of them cuz why not💯💯 also sorry for taking so long to answer, this was sitting in my drafts for awhile, procrastination is not fun😔🙏💔💔 another also, I didn’t proofread this yet but I promise I will💔
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It all happened so quickly Keith had no idea what had happened
He remembered he was fighting one of Zarkon’s men, relentlessly attacking him with his sword when all of a sudden you came into the picture
While he was on overdrive, the Galra general had taken ahold of you when you tried attacking him from his side, swinging you in front of him
In front of Keith’s brutal attacks…
Using you as a human shield, Keith had no time to stop his sword from swinging down on you
While you did try to stop his attack with your dagger, his force was too strong, resulting in his sword slicing into your shoulder all the way down to your stomach
Keith could never forget the piercing scream you let out
Frozen is shock and horror, he was kicked backwards by the Galra, hearing his footsteps quickly fading from both of you
He is a MESS when he gets to you
His hands shake as he tries to apply pressure to your wound, but it’s just too large
His vision just zeros on your face as tears stain your cheeks. Despite whimpering in pain, you want to reassure him that you’re fine, but he doesn’t let you move an inch
By the time the rest of the group gets to him, Keith is too frantic and a bit unstable for him to think correctly
The group has no idea how to handle this situation as they watch him cradle your now passed-out body, his body shaking from the adrenaline of needing to protect you from anything else
“Keith, listen to me. We need to take Y/N to the castle now if we want them to survive. We can’t do that if you won’t let us help you.”
Shiro is literally the only person who can bring Keith back to earth, words hitting him like a train as he looks down at your body, watching as you take shallow breathes
Keith does not let anyone near you, not in your fragile state. He carries you all the to the castle, whispering apologies as your face twists in pain from every move
Once getting you to the pod room, he only allows Allura and Pidge in the room to help him set up your body and change you into a bodysuit
While you’re in the healing pod, he’s always sitting nearby, waiting in silence for you, hating himself for hurting you so badly
Despite you being out of commission, Voltron still needed to continue its mission
During this time, Keith pushes himself to the absolute MAX
Purposely puts himself in danger, not caring how hurt he gets because nothing can compare to what you had to go through
In a way, this is his own way of punishing himself for hurting the person he cared for
Keith won’t even listen to Shiro, brushing him off whenever the man offered to help patch him up after a more brutal mission
The team definitely gets worried when he begins straying from missions entirely, almost purposely trying to find danger at every corner
So once he finds out you’re out of the healing pod, he is extremely hesitant to see you
But he practically runs to you when Allura tells him you wanted to see him
Seeing him all bruised up upsets you once you find out what he’s been doing
He doesn’t care though, he’s immediately groveling at your feet, apologizing as his eyes slowly filled with unshed tears
“I’m sorry Y/N. I’m so sorry, I hurt you, worse than anyone else I-“
You pull him into a crushing hug, feeling him tense up but slowly relax in your embrace
“None of this was your fault, ok Keith? You may not forgive yourself but I never blamed you for anything.”
You need to comfort Keith so much because this boy almost lost the last familiar person he loved
It takes some time for him to feel secure with you again but the progress you make is enough to set him back in motion
Lots of physical contact occurs now since Keith needs to know that you’re actually with him
He is 100% more protective over you now, always keeping an eye on you when out on missions and protectively standing in front of you during battles
Lance felt like he was going to throw up
He watched as you quickly were thrown down to the ground, breath caught in his lungs as you laid there unmoving
He was trying to aim for one of the guards that was originally standing in your place, but they had moved last second once they saw him aiming at them
He had no idea that you were right behind the guard, so all he could do was watch in horror as his blast hit your chest, knocking you out in one swift moment
Oh,how he hoped it only knocked you out
Shiro had quickly ran over to your body, checking your neck for a pulse before he abruptly got up, attacking one of the sentries who was aiming at you
Lance was already running to you, sliding over and immediately clutching onto your body
His eyes watered, not able to focus on anything else except your short, shallow breaths
Shiro’s voice brought him back to reality as he picked your body up bridal style and made a dash for his lion
Lance would be so worried over you once they put you in one of the healing pods
He would distance himself from the group immediately afterwards, almost running to his room to just let out the emotions
Oh god, he almost killed you
Lance would be inconsolable during all this, he wouldn’t eat any of Hunk’s food, ignore Keith’s comments that would normally set him over the end, and just not focus on Shiro’s attempts in comforting him
He would spend the days you spend in the pod wandering and moping around the halls of the castle, feeling absolutely terrible for what he did to you
He would sit quietly as your pod door opened, watching from afar as Pidge helped you from falling over
You would notice how everyone around you seemed relieve you see but the one person you really wanted to see stood by the entrance of the room
Lance would not be able to look you in the eyes
Now he’s a crying mess💔💔
“Y/N! I’m-I’m sorry! If you had actually-“
He just feels awful for what he had done, accident or not
You would stumble over to him, hugging him and feeling as he clutched onto you
His sobs sound throughout the room, the group looking with remorseful eyes, seeing how much this had actually affected him
“You didn’t know Lance. No one could have known that would happen.”
Lance would not be able to leave your side for a few days afterwards
He would still be quiet, but he would slowly begin going back to his usual self
Though during the night, he would get nightmares on the event, only your sweet whisperings could lull him back to a peaceful sleep
After the near death experience, he feels much more aware of his surroundings and how he used his gun
He just cares so much for you, he doesn’t know what he would do if you got hurt like that again
Things were going rough for the paladins during their mission, they were slowly losing control on the battle
Seeing an opportunity in front of her, Pidge noticed an electric column near her, already devising a plan
She would wrap her bayards cord around the column, making it an electric extension and have it thrown to their large enemy
It was perfect, until it wasn’t
Not getting the timing right, Pidge quickly threw her bayard to the column, watching the electricity travel through the cord and flying straight to the beast
Except you had jump in front of the beast, hoping to get a hit in, not even realizing the electric cord heading your way
All Pidge could do was yell out your name in horror
“Y/N NO!”
You quickly turned around, eyes wide when you saw what was heading towards you and unable to dodge the electrified weapon
The group could only watch with shocked faces as you screamed out in pain, watching the electricity course through your body
Being the one near a control panel, Keith slashed the entire system, hoping that would at least turn off the electricity
Shiro ran towards you, picking up your limp body from the ground and pushing Pidge to run out of the room and into their lions
Her hands shook with fear
She didn’t mean for this to happen. She thought she would be helping everyone. But all she could envision was your body twitching from the last of the electricity leaving your body
Tears formed in her eyes as she let out sobs, ignoring everything else around her, even the concerned words of her paladins
She would be the first one out of her lion, watching with puffy eyes as Shiro quickly took you to the healing pods, not bothering in changing you into a body suit
She would do anything Allura and him asked her to do regarding you
She would ask if there’s anything she can do
She just feels awful like this poor girl :(
Once hearing how long you’d have to stay in the healing pod, she definitely shuts down
It’s almost like she’s a robot, choosing to lock herself away in her room not wanting to see anyone
To distract herself from her guilt and remorse, she buries herself in any new and old projects
Despite clicking away at her laptop, she wouldn’t be able to stay away from you.
Sits out of your pod staring off into space
No matter how many times the group asks, she never tells them how she truly feels
No, they shouldn’t be asking her if she was ok
This was her fault. It was her fault that you had to stay in there, hopefully no longer in pain
Pidge would be the first to know that you’re out since she’s been waiting this entire time
Doesn’t speak a word to you as she helps you out and settles you on one of the stairs
Both of you would sit in silence before you decide to take her hand
“That wasn’t your fault Pidge. It was a smart idea, I was just there at the wrong time.”
Tears would down her face as she would lean her body against yours
“I’m sorry…”
Pidge would lose some confidence in herself, needing your help in building it back up
She would linger behind you now, not wanting to make the same mistakes
Would hold your hand to help her calm down, to know that you’re ok now
Give her lots of hugs man, she needs the support cuz her brain is not the best place to be when she still blames herself for hurting you :((((
The Galra took the entire team by surprise while they were busy helping the residents of the planet they were on
Chaos fell throughout the area, the paladins rushing towards the lions to protect the innocent civilians
Despite you being sent to help shelter civilians, Hunk couldn’t help but worry over your safety
Normally you two would be hip to hip next to each other, so not having you near him really put him on edge
While attacking Galra fleets, the yellow paladin wouldn’t be conscious of the small figure running by a cliff nearby
It would be too late for Hunk to react to the rocks that were blasted by his lions beams as they came crashing down on you
His eyes widen in horror as he saw the pieces of rock fall around, watching as you held your shield up in a pathetic way of protecting yourself, only to lose sight of you when a particularly large rock fell over you
His panic would be through the roof as he would leave the rest of the paladins to fight off the galra
Shaky breaths from him are louder than the voices he hears from the comms of his helmet
“Hunk where are you going?!”
“Hunk we need you here now!”
“Guys I need some backup!”
This poor boy would be so overwhelmed with the others voices and trying to find you under all the rubble he unknowingly blasted on you
Yanking his helmet off and tossing it, he would instead focus on digging you out, sighing in relief once he finds you battered up, yet still breathing
Silent tears would travel his face as the yellow lion gently takes you in its mouth, making the difficult decision to leave behind his friends
He could only hope they would forgive him as he hears the panicked and furious yells coming from his helmet
Once at the castle, he would run through the halls to the healing pods, being careful to not hurt you any further
Hunk would fully blame himself
He just feels awful about the condition you’re in, babbling out what had happened as Coran propped you in a pod
“There was nothing you could have done, Hunk.” Coran’s reassuring hand on his shoulder wouldn’t help with his inner turmoil, especially once the rest of the team barges in
“Hunk! You just totally left us out there!” Lance hadn’t a clue what had happened
Overwhelmed, the team could only watch as tears and sniffles came from Hunk
After the event, Hunk would definitely be distant from the team
While the others would try to cheer him up, nothing could really bring him out of his head
The team would notice how he almost resembled a zombie during meetings and missions, on autopilot since that fateful day
In order to distract himself from his own feelings, Hunk would spend most of his free time cooking and baking
Though no matter how much dishes he cooks, everyone notices how each meal seems to be a bit off, never really tasting or looking right
He would also spend a lot of his time sitting in front of you, kinda having mini conversations with you (even though you can’t respond💔)
Hunk can’t sleep at night either since he gets waken up by his nightmares, constantly seeing your fragile body hiding underneath all the rubble in his dreams
I feel so bad for him because literally no one could have expected you to be caught in the crossfire of the battle
Shiro would try to talk to him, but his words would go in one ear and out the other, resulting in Hunk staring off into the distance with a reminiscent look im his eyes
One particular night though, his nightmare would scare him too much, not allowing him to go to sleep anymore
Rubbing his eyes in exhaustion, Hunk walks to the kitchen in the dead of night, needing to snack on something to distract himself from his pounding heart
Hearing footsteps, he would look over his shoulder from the fridge to see who else needed something to eat only to widen his eyes
Leaning on the entrance, your tired eyes met with his tired ones, and you would stumble towards him
Hunk puts down his food to quickly run over to you, helping you to a seat as his eyes shined with unshed tears
“What’s wrong Hunk? Did something happen?”
The way your hands rubbed under his eyes did not stop even when he closed his eyes, allowing his tears to finally fall
The room, lit only by the open fridge, filled with the sounds of Hunks sniffling as you drew him into a hug from your seat
“I thought that I had k-killed-“
“Hey. Don’t say that. I’m here, I’m alive, and that’s all that should matter.”
Taking a shaky breath, Hunk would pull away, bringing your hands back to his face as his head leaned into them
“I know. I’m just really, really sorry. I should have payed more attention.”
“It’s ok Hunk. If anything, I should be sorry, I shouldn’t have run into a clear danger zone.”
Hunk preps you a quick meal before taking you to bed, insisting you need as much rest as possible
He sleeps peacefully at last once he has you in his arms💔💔💔
Expect lots of hand-holding and hugs from this dude
He needs a lot of reassurance from you to remind him that you’re actually there next to him
Cooks you so much food, putting so much effort into each meals and making everything beyond your standards
(The team is definitely happy over this, now that they don’t have to eat any more space goo💀)
Would be protective of you the first few days since you’ve woken up, he’s just really paranoid of you getting injured like that again :(
Since that event, Hunk would be extremely cautious of his surroundings, making sure to avoid any more preventable injuries to those around him
He has no idea what had happened
One minute he’s fighting alongside you against the sentries shooting at the two of you and the next he’s slammed you against a wall
He tries fighting himself from hurting you any further but the loud whisperings in his head seem to take control of his body
In that moment, you don’t recognize the man standing in front of you
Ducking and stumbling away, you quickly evade Shiro’s glowing hand, watching in horror as it goes through the wall
His crazed eyes makes contact with yours, once again rushing towards you
In the corner of your eye you see a figure vanishing in thin air, realizing it might have been the witch Allura had told you all about
Distracted, Shiro manages to land a blow on your side causing you to grunt in pain and go tumbling towards the ground
You barely roll away before his fist meets the spot you once were at
You’re words don’t seem to have any affect on him as he’s up once again and heading straight towards you
As much as you hate the thought, you know you have to protect yourself from him as he’s too dangerous in the state he’s in
You’re dagger clashes against his metal arm, his strength slowly over powering you because of your injured arm
Kicking your side, Shiro’s narrowed eyes meet yours before he’s picking you up the ground
You grip his metal hand as it tightens around your neck, your breathing becoming shallow as he cuts off your airway
“Shiro… I forgive you…” You knew this wasn’t you’re Shiro, the man you knew coming out for a moment when you saw his eyes widen in surprise before going straight back to the dull black ones that stared straight through you
It was only when Lance began shooting at him out of no where did he throw you against a wall, officially knocking you out
Keith slammed his body against Shiro’s causing the two of them to crash on the ground, trying to over power the other
Then that’s when his head was finally able to clear up and stop fighting against Keith
“What’s going on? Why are we fighting?”
Everyone would stare in disbelief before quickly explaining what happened, Hunk already carrying your body towards the group, shielding you from the eyes of Shiro
He would stare in shock at the state of your body though, flashes of what might’ve happened going through his mind
Heading back to the castle, everyone would still be on edge around him
Seeing what he had done to you, this man does some serious evaluations on himself
How could he possibly hurt you, someone he cared for, this much?
Seeing the bruises forming on your neck scares him
If he did this to you, Shiro can’t imagine how far he would’ve gone if he wasn’t stopped in time
During your time in the healing pod, Shiro would distance himself from the team as he doesn’t fully trust himself enough around them, fearing he might hurt them all as well
He visits you daily, but once one of the other paladins enters the room he’s quickly excusing himself and walking away
He feels EXTREMELY guilty over what he did, going through many sleepless nights
He had almost killed you
He is harsher on the team during missions as well since he doesn’t want a repeat of what had happened with you
He is way harsher on himself too
Spends his time in the training room, tiring himself out with the gladiator, pushing his body past its limit
Still remembers what you said to him, so while you said you forgave him, I don’t think he would ever be able to forgive himself for hurting you
The team would notice the strain on them when Shiro began distancing himself from them
He was the one who put them all together so it really hurt them to see him struggle with the recent event
Once you finally awake from the pods, Shiro is the last one to greet you
You notice how he stands at a distance which causes you to narrow your eyes
“What’s wrong Shiro?”
The way you immediately notice his coldness causes his fake smile to strain
It never ceased to amaze him how you could see past him
He would explain his concerned to you once everyone decided to give you both privacy, how he was afraid of losing control again, how he had almost killed you
What had happened made him uncomfortable, knowing the power he held with his arm
You smile sadly as him reaching for his metal hand, faltering when he slightly moved it away from you
Sadness filled his eyes as he glanced to his arm before letting you take his hand
“I don’t blame you for anything Shiro. I know that wasn’t you, I know the real you. You would rather sacrifice your own life to save one of us, so please don’t be so harsh on yourself. You couldn’t control what happened.”
“Exactly. I couldn’t control what happened, I couldn’t control my own body.”
Your reunion was bittersweet to say the least
He is much more cautious around you
Keeps his distance for a few days before ultimately choosing to stay by your side
He wants to do anything to make up for your injuries
Much more softer around you and the others now that he knows you’re ok💔
“Allura what are you doing?!”
The mission the team was on was extremely crucial since, if successful, they would be able to retrieve valuable intel on Zarkons plans (ooo so original)
And it involved taking down his witch, Haggar
Allura was all for the plan and took it very serious
She believed this was one of their most important missions yet
So while it did surprise the group on how brutal the princess was in fighting her way to Haggar, no one really tried to stop her, knowing just how much it meant for them to get this information
Yet you could see the danger her aggressive behavior was dragging her in
You’d jump in front of her, trying to stop her from pushing herself too far
“Y/N what are you doing?! We must stop that witch from getting away!”
Allura was on a one track kind, take down Haggar and get any useful info from her, but you were making it extremely difficult to do so
Blinded by her own needs, she didn’t take into account of how hard she had thrown you to the ground away from her when she managed to wrap her bayard around you
Running from your injured self to Haggard, she was yanked to the ground
“Allura watch out!”
She could only watch in shock as you dashed in front of her from the ground to protect her from the blast Haggard sent
Her hands shook as she watched your body hit the ground
Haggar was getting ready to blast you both again, forcing Allura to attempt to drag you away before a searing pain filled her body, causing her to crumble down to the ground beside you
Tears filled her eyes as she watched in pain as your breathing became ragged
You both were in this situation because of her
Allura was forced to watch as the witch made her escape, the mission resulting in a failure
After getting help from the paladins and returning to the house of lions, Allura would immediately distance herself from everyone
She’s not only disappointed in herself for costing the team their mission, but she feels terrible for putting your life at such a high risk, all because she didn’t know when to stop
She would mostly lock herself up in her room while you spend your time in the healing pods
Whenever someone tried to approach her door, they would only be met with the sound of her soft sobs
When she isn’t in her room though, Allura is extremely harsh and temperamental with the others
She doesn’t know how to properly release her emotions which causes her to lash out often to those around her
She would be too afraid to visit you in the healing bay
She feels too ashamed to face you, even if you aren’t really conscious
I also think she would brush aside any concern the team may show for her, instead, trying to keep up her image as a strong leader
(Which isn’t working out, everyone can see she’s basically a ticking time bomb)
Allura pushes herself even harder now during missions and battles, which is lowkey kinda hypocritical of her since that’s what got her in that position in the first place
After briefly talking with Keith, Allura would find herself in the training deck, hoping to relieve some of her pent up emotions with the gladiator
Maxing out to the highest possible level, the princess managed to tire herself out, not having enough energy to beat the machine
Grunting in pain, she waited for the gladiator to land a hit on her before she heard the voice of the person she was dreading to see
“End training sequence!”
You would run to her and cradle her body, concern written all over your face
Despite putting you in danger and managing to hurt you in the process, you still cared for her well-being
Tears well up in the princesses eyes before she gave you a crushing hug
Feeling her body shake against yours, you gently wrap your arms around her, whispering soothing words
“I almost got you killed…”
“I’m still here, are’t I?”
Allura would definitely learn a lot through that experience
She would stop pushing herself so hard and begin relying on her team to assist her during missions
She would also linger around you more often than not
She still feels incredibly guilty for what she put you through, but doesn’t tell you (you know though💔)
I also think that she MIGHT be more open to physical affection in front of the others since she needs to confirm that you’re still alive and popping
Holding your hand is something that she does a lot now since it soothes her heart knowing you’re still with her
Expect her to be a little more protective of you though, she does not want you to be in such a critical state again
She doesn’t want to lose you too :(
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sukisheadlights · 1 year
hey there!!! could you make headcanons for all the Voltron guys for when they realize that (she/her) reader is like actually someone they could date/ end up with? like they get turned on by something she did or something like that? you don't have to but thanks for reading anyway </3
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Voltron Paladins realizing Reader is someone they could end up with!
req: yes words: 873 pairing: voltron x reader content: fluff a/n: I was actually planning on writing something similar so thanks for the ask anon! <3
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Keith isn’t interested in love (until he realizes he can date you) BUT FOR THE MOMENT HE’S NOT!
Both of you are still determining when you got close as well. You protected him once in battle, and since then, you’ve just stuck together.
And he of course protects you when he can because he's grateful you saved his life.
So you guys became friends,,, that was news to Lance btw.
Slowly you let each other into your lives, and now you train together often.
You were never ‘better’ than him at fighting (you actually just made yourself lose sometimes) and Keith sometimes ‘lost’ to make you just a little happy (little did he know hehe)
But today? Oh, you weren’t playing that’s for sure. He was super confused at first, then he was impressed, and then he was turned on. Which is fair because you looked straight out of a magazine, the ‘hot’ sweaty and perfectly messy hair.
When did you get so hot?
And boom. He felt he was on earth again because realization hit him like a TRAIN.
You were his age, and you were hot, and you could totally be a thing. And wtf is wrong with Keith? He's never thought of you like this.
Yeah, so that’s that.
And then he gets all awkward around you, and you guys haven't had a training session together since then. He always conveniently has something to do when you try to ask him.
You’ve been friends with him since the good old garrison days.
You grew to like the dork’s presence
You’ve always known he’s flirty, that’s just Lance.
Getting you flowers (sometimes), flirting with you in the hallways, and even when you’re fighting with the galra.
You always rolled your eyes, scoffed at him, or brushed him off but today?
You were so ready to mess with him too
You woke up with mischief on your mind
And mischief you created
Lance was flirting with you while fighting the galra
And he expected you to react normally but nooooo
You flirted back
AND LEAVE !???!!?!!!?!?!?!!?!?
Like lance.exe has STOPPED working
Keith’s snickering in the background! (And Shiro too but he won’t admit that, for Lance’s sake)
“Shut it.” is all Lance says for like 10 minutes
You’re hot, He’s hot, and you guys could end up together
You’re a woman now
And you could have him ENTIRELY at his knees.
Hunk misses earth
So much
He stops talking as much and wanders around the castle
He didn't think anyone noticed
But you did
And you felt SO bad for him
So when you stop at the mall to get teleduv lenses you seek away
And get the closest possible ingredients to make his favorite treat
Ice cream sandwiches (real)
You’re testing weird white heavy cream adjacent substances and so much more all for him
You might get sick
Oh well
You sneak back and he gives you a weird “Where were you?” look,
But you just ignore
And then you slave away in the kitchen and finally end up with something that’s ice cream sandwich adjacent 
“What’re you making?”
“Ice cream sandwiches”
“Oh for the team? You should have let me help”
Confused hunk
“It’s just for us” and you hold up an ice cream sandwich for him
His face LIGHTS up and he gladly accepts it
Then you guys sit on the floor and just talk about life and how both of you feel
All night.
It's freaking adorable
He realises how much he adores you, and how he absolutely loves you and all of your little quirks
It doesn’t even matter when the ice cream starts melting, he’d much rather focus on you and talk. Only occasionally taking bites when you do
Pidge always knew you were datable
And an amazing person
But she started falling for you when the paladins were trying to tell her to not go find Matt
You stepped in a stood up for her, gaining Shiro’s support.
And then when she was ready to leave she saw you putting your stuff into your lion
“You don’t think I’ll leave you alone, do you?”
She knows it’s because someone will need to be there for her in case Matt is gone
But she doesn’t complain
It’s a silent brewing of love and appreciation
And she’s so grateful to have you in her life
When Keith was confused and stuck without Shiro, you stepped up and found him
He was surprised at first
But you took care of him and helped him out as he got better
You were there for him to lean on. Always.
Literally and figuratively 
His appreciation turned into adoration and then his adoration turned into pure, genuine love
Once he was fully healthy again
He’d try to pay it back to you
By protecting you when you went against any threats
ESPECIALLY when you were out of your lion
And then it just becomes a thing where you protect each other
It’s adorable
He loves you and he protects you
And vice versa
Adorable, I say.
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iloveboysinred · 4 months
Miracle [Keith Kogane]
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18+ angst|Keith Kogane x reader
synopsis; During a battle with the Galra you and Keith are cornered, you give up your life to save Keith, and leave him a gift to remember you by.
cw; fem reader, angst, character death, sad Keith, mentions of blood, violence, strangulation, stabbing, heavy grief, survivors guilt.
this will probably be the last angst request I'll write given that I'm not the best at it and i hate putting out work I'm not proud of ;/. Hope you enjoy anon!
masterlist - ask
Adrenaline pulsed through your veins as you ran down the dark halls of a Galra ship. It was an endless labyrinth of walls and turns, the darkness suffocating. You'd swear you were running in circles; every time you thought you'd found another way, you were just met with another band of sentries, shooting at you, chasing you, hunting you down. You tried to keep up with Keith, his hand wrapped tightly around your wrist, but your legs were starting to get tired, and your mind was foggy and confused. You didn't know how much longer you could endure. "Lance? Pidge? C'mon guys, where are you?" you heard Keith shout, trying to reconnect his damaged helmet to the others, but to no avail.
Your mind flashed back to Earth for a second. To when you and Keith were garrison trainees. You were close, seeing through his cold exterior and becoming friends quite quickly. From then on, you have always been there for each other. Supporting each other in training and comforting each other through the good and the bad. So of course, when he had come to you for support after he caught wind of Shiro's re-appearance, you had gone with him. Never expecting to be where you are now, fighting a galactic war and constantly putting your lives at risk.
"Fuck!" Your heart dropped to your stomach when you stopped, staring up at the wall in front of you. It was a dead end. You glanced behind you; they were gaining. Keith pulled you behind him, activating his bayard. You stared in fear when the sentries parted, a large Galra soldier advancing towards you. "It appears the universe has granted me a gift," he sneered, stopping a few feet away from you and Keith. His ugly yellow teeth peeked out from under his lip in a menacing snarl, his glowing yellow eyes pinning you with unsettling malice. You felt Keith tense, his grip on your wrist falling, raising his bayard defensively. "Lord Zarkon will be pleased when I bring him the heads of the red lion's paladin and his co-pilot." He got into his own defensive stance. He was big, standing about 5 feet above you; his body was strong and muscular. His teeth shone in the dim lighting, sharp as blades. "This will be fun. I think I'll take you first, Paladin. Your death will be just the beginning of the end for Voltron. How will your pathetic band of earthlings form Voltron if they're one paladin short? It'll make it all the easier to take you out one by one." You narrowed your eyes, reaching into the band of your boot and gripping the concealed dagger you'd made sure to bring, just in case the situation got dire.
"Cmoooon Keith. Let me drive!" You whined, leaning over Keith's back, trying to reach for the controls of his cruiser. "No way, y/n. Knowing you, you'll drive us into a cliff. "Oh,  come on! You doubt my skills that much??" Keith gave you a blank look, shrugging you off. You grumbled, sitting down and wrapping your arms around his waist. He smirked, revving the engine and taking off. You flew through the desert, sand spraying in your wake. The air whipped your hair at the speed you were going exhilarating. You grinned, blood roaring in your ears. "Oh shit!" you cheered every time Keith dodged an obstacle. You gripped his waist tightly, pressing your chest against his back. 
"Keith? Keith!" You heard Lance's voice ring through his helmet, the connection glitching. "Lance! Where are you guys!? We're kind of in a situation here. The Galra have me and you cornered." "Don't worry, we know where you are. We're coming to get you in just a tick." The connection cut off once more, the radio chatter blocking out anything else being said. The Galra soldier ran towards you, swinging a large blade right towards you and Keith.
"Y/n.. I have something important to tell you." You and Keith sat in front of his house; the night sky was clear, and the moon was shining down on you. "yeah?" You looked up at him from your bowl of noodles, your cheeks full to the brim. Keith's eyes softened in adoration. "Well, I've been picking up a lot of chatter on my radar. A space vessel is approaching Earth, and I think it might be Shiro." Your eyes widened, and you swallowed your mouth full, leaning toward him intently. "Really? that's great! But... what do you think you should do?"" "Well, I was hoping we'd find the landing sight and go see for ourselves." Keith blushed at your close proximity, looking away from you, bashful of your eagerness. "Oh my gosh, we totally should! When do you think it'll land?" "My guess is that in two days, will you come with me?" You gaped at him in disbelief. "Of course I will! Are you kidding?" Keith smiled at you. You leaned forward, pressing a warm kiss on his cheek. "We're in this together, okay?" "Okay."
You flinched as Keith's body hit the floor, quickly blocking the Galra's attack with his bayard. He had him pinned to the ground, his face a few meters away from his. "I have to admit, you do put on a good fight. I wouldn't expect anything less from a Paladin of Voltron," he snarled, bearing his teeth in a sneer. His tail slapped the bayard from Keith's hands, the weapon clattering as it hit the ground a few feet away. The sentries aimed their weapons at you, stopping you as you tried to run towards them. You stood there, helpless, as you watched Keith struggle. Then, the ground shook as the wall behind you suddenly rumbled, the blue lion appearing from a newly made gap. "Cmon guys, we don't have much time. Galra fighter jets are coming quick!" Your eyes locked on Keith, and your heart raced as the blade inched closer and closer to his throat. Grabbing the dagger, you ran at the soldier, narrowly dodging a sentry blade. Using as much weight as you could to knock him off Keith, trying to give him time to escape. You slashed as much as you could, drawing blood from any skin you reached. "y/n!" Keith shouted, running to try and come to your aid, but a sentry slashed at him, causing him to fall back, holding his side where he had been hit. "K-Keith! Go! Get out of here!" you screamed, trying to hold the Galra soldier down as best you could. "No! Not without you!" he grunted, trying to stand up. You felt your body hit the ground as the soldier flipped you off of him. The air escaping your lungs from the impact. You couldn't catch your breath; the soldier was holding you down by the neck. All you could hear between Keith's shouts and the footsteps of more sentries crowding you was the fast beating of your heart. "KEITH! WE HAVE TO GO!" Lance's voice rang in your ears, but you couldn't move; your neck was starting to ache. You kicked and scratched at the galra, but the lack of oxygen was starting to weaken you. Mustering as much strength as possible, you clumsily gripped the dagger, driving it into the soldier's side, but it did little to penetrate the armor covering his body. "Even if I can't bring him the corpse of your little boyfriend, Lord Zarkon would be just as pleased knowing it's one paladin down. Ever closer to wiping out all of Voltron," the soldier purred, putting more weight down on your neck.
"You know I love you," you murmured, pressing your lips to his in a sweet kiss. Keith turned his head, pressing his lips harder, holding you close to him. You threaded your fingers through his hair, smiling as you pulled away. "I love you more," he whispered, gazing into your eyes with so much emotion that it made your heart flutter. "Pfft, big softy." He glared at you, pulling you to his chest and laying back on his bed with you.
"y/n! We can't leave her, Lance! we can't-" "Keith. We don't have time. You'll bleed out; we have to go!" You felt your vision begin to blur, and the grip on your neck felt heavier. You glanced over the Galra soldier, watching as Lance hauled Keith into the blue lion's mouth, shooting at any sentry he could. "Lance, let me go! Let me fucking go!" Keith shouted, struggling against his hold. But he was weakening; the blood streaming out of his wound was making him dizzy, and his movements were uncertain. As his vision became more and more unclear, his panic increased. Where were you? what's happening? The last glimpse he got of you was your unmoving body and the sentries crowding around you. His eyes teared as he struggled against Lance weakly, his fists clenching when Lance pulled him into a hug, constricting his arms. His vision blurred both from his tears and the blood loss. Sobs racked his body as the blue lion's mouth closed, flying out and away from the ship.
You glanced blankly at the ceiling, refusing to look the soldier in the eye as your life slowly faded. "I love you, Keith; don't worry, I'll see you again," you thought, your body going still when your breathing ceased, your heart's beating coming to a stop.
Keith might as well have been dead himself. At least that's how he felt. His heart was hollow, his mind swirling with thoughts of you and how you had passed—to save him. He couldn't even hurt anymore; he didn't feel anything most of the time. Most days where he was stuck in his head about you, he would feel pure, unbridled rage, lashing out in training sequences, pushing himself harder than he ever did before. On nights where he suffered your absence the most, he felt cold grief grip his heart so strongly that he struggled to breathe, becoming inconsolable. Tears fell heavily from his eyes when he cried. He would scream, gripping his chest through his shirt. Shiro would rush in, enveloping Keith in his arms, and he would thrash around in his hold, slightly settling down when he started to tire. Shiro comforted him, assuring him it was going to be okay. Keith couldn't hear him, zoning out and staring blankly at the ceiling with glistening eyes. Going on missions felt like torture. His attacks were uncoordinated, and the team had to make up for his lack of focus. The arguments that ensued between him and Lance almost broke into full-blown fights, Keith's heart only building more and more resentment for everyone in the castle.
Months later, here he stood, watching as Allura pressed a final kiss to Lance's lips, tears falling from their eyes, trying to savor whatever they could before they ran out of time. "Keith, look," Shiro whispered, placing his hand on Keith's shoulder. He paused for a second, the bitterness of the situation making it hard to care about what Shiro was saying. But he glanced up anyway, tears rising along his waterline. The Paladins of old—Allura's father and Zarkon's family—stand right in front of them. He felt his heart squeeze as you appeared from behind the crowd, smiling sweetly at him. You looked so beautiful. A sight for sore eyes to Keith. He ran towards you, his eyes shining with so much love and so much pain. You welcomed him into your embrace. Holding him close as he hugged you, burying his nose in your hair. You quickly pulled him into a kiss, savoring the feel of his lips one last time. "I miss you so much, Keith," you whispered, cupping his face in your hands. Keith felt his heart stop, drinking in every feature of your face, knowing he wouldn't see it for a while. "I miss you every day of my life. I love you, Y/N. So much," you smiled, pulling away from him and keeping his arms in your hold. "I love you more." "I wish you could come back to me. I should've been there with you. I'm so sorry." you shushed him. "We'll be together again. Hopefully not any time soon though!" Keith chuckled, the weight of his grief making his voice shaky. "But I've got to go, Keith. I have a gift for you. Please, heal, and forgive. I'll always have you in my heart." Keith's chest ached as you pulled away from him, taking your warmth and scent with you. "I love you." You smiled at him sweetly, Allura following you. Slowly,  you disappeared again, dissipating into the air and leaving everyone feeling bittersweet.
Keith was taken aback when he felt something shift in his arms, looking down to see a moving bundle of cloth. He heard muffled babbling, making him hurriedly unravel the bundle in shock. A pretty baby girl stared up at him; somehow she looked like you, having his dark hair and nose but your eyes, lips, and eyebrows. He gaped down at the baby, holding it close to his chest. "What ?? Where did that baby come from??" Pidge asked, coming up to peer down at the child. "Y/N left her; she's the gift." Keith whispered, his eyes crinkling in a bright smile, pressing a kiss to the baby's forehead. "She's mine. The baby's mine," he whispered, rocking the baby in his arms. The little girl glanced up at him with wide eyes, soft babbling and cooing coming from her as she happily laid in her father's arms. "How is that even possible?" Hunk whispered, glancing down at the baby, adoration in his heart. "It's a miracle." Lance whispered, standing next to Keith. Keith glanced at him for a second, mixed emotions coursing through him. He felt resentment and hatred for the man. Grief still swelling in his chest, but your words echoed in his mind: "Heal, forgive," and he gave Lance a ghost of a smile. "Yeah, she is."
The story of both you and Allura's sacrifices became sensational, with old allies of Voltron helping construct statues of you and the Altean princess standing side by side. Every once a year, the team would unite and visit the statue, sharing updates on each other's lives and recounting old missions. At every meeting, Keith would bring his daughter, making sure she was present for every story the team would share about you. "Y/N and Allura should be here. But it's because of them that we can all continue to keep peace in the universe. I can't imagine anyone braver than them." Coran sighed, glancing up at the statues with bittersweet love in his gaze. Everyone solemnly agreed, toasting to both you and Allura's legacy. Keith glanced down at his daughter, snuggled up next to him in her own chair, staring up at the statues with shining eyes and wonder. He smiled, knowing that as long as he had his miracle, he had something to live for, and some piece of you was still with him here on earth.
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nocturn-warrior · 5 months
Kiss of seedcake• 🌧
Lotor x f!reader
Summary: building a life with Lotor on Earth after the galras were defeated, you decide to try for a child :)
Rating: fluff, smut (breeding kink)
Notes: this is set after season 8 events, in a timeline where my boy Lotor didn't die and lives happily with u on Earth. This smut has a plot.
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy and lactation, body changes mentions, mentions racism towards Lotor, my grammar because i am not a native speaker lmao
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since Sendak and his army was completely defeated thanks to Voltron and their allies. And with an extra help of the space visitors, human kind quickly rebuilt its structures, combining the advanced technologies of their new colleagues with their own. Flying vessels, space travels and colonies, complex security AI systems and media were a great leap in history.
Not surprisingly, interspecies relationships emerged among the coexistence of humans and extraterrestrials, besides it was a taboo for some people, the most conservative ones, you could easily spot a human walking and a balmeran holding hands on the streets. But as expected, racism towards the space visitors was a thing, especially towards the galra people.
Being blamed for the death of so many, even not having affiliation with Sendak’s deadly army, the purple skinned people were a target to bigotry not just coming from humans but also from other extraterrestrials. With your partner Lotor, it wasn’t different. Making public appearances together, you could feel the reproved gaze of your peers, judging the nature of your relationship as disgusting, selfish. Some showed concern, fearing Lotor could harm you in any way, while others called you an enemy, a traitor for engaging yourself to an individual of a species that slaved, tortured and killed so many in the galaxy.
As the only begotten son of emperor Zarkon, so many wanted his head for what his father caused during centuries, and for reprehensible actions of his own. You were constantly reminded of Lotor’s thirst to acquire quintessence and what he did to reach his goals, the hundreds of alteans locked in tanks he utilized as cattle to harvest the substance. The United Planets Council decided he would not receive death penitence or be locked for his crimes, but he should be exiled.
“Exiled… I am used to this condition”
It was better this way; though Lotor wanted and deserved redemption, not everyone including the paladins would accept it easily. When you established you would not abandon him, they immediately intervened reminding you of what his family caused to everyone, of what your late friend princess Allura would want. You were tired of it all. You loved Lotor and wanted to keep him safe, even if it means cutting connections with your friends. You couldn’t risk having your boyfriend stabbed from behind by a vengeful self-proclaimed punisher.
Lotor understood the gravity of his actions he didn’t even tried to defend himself. But he repined every day about how quintessence drove him mad, crazy for power, and that those moments of madness showed up as nothing but foggy memories in his mind. It broke your heart to see Lotor eager to be accepted in this new multispecies society, but being doomed by his past. Deep in his core, all he wanted was that: to be accepted and to fix everything up. Even when he was still the prince of the mighty galra empire, all he did was for a bigger purpose. He knew he took the wrong route, though.
Four years ago you moved together to your family’s old farm; only you, Lotor and the desire to begin a new life. Part of the farm, including the barn and the stable were destroyed by the attacks, but luckily the house you grew up in was intact, except for the dust and spider webs covering the rooms. Nothing you couldn’t fix up. Lotor is a quick learner, his intelligence was always something you appreciated, and with a quickly explaining of how to use house devices, he became a master at it except for the vacuum cleaner.
“How can you pilot a high technological spaceship and be defeated by a vacuum cleaner, my dear?”
You would tease him, leaning against a wall while seeing your lover struggle to clean the dust of the living room. Lotor in his endeavor would blame the device instead of admitting he was having a bad time using it. You find that silly and adorable. It took some days for your house to be properly inhabited again, with Lotor’s help, everything was easy.
He would wash clothes, cook for you – that thin waist of his looked adorable in one of your late grandmother’s apron, and a few other things. But still, he missed space and missed the adrenaline. That mind of his was always hunger for knowledge and staying so much time without absorbing anything was frustrating and tedious. Lotor in fact would not complain about it, but noticing the lack of enthusiasm in your love, you gifted him with a box of the old books you used to read while graduating; psych, biology, chemistry, and others you kept a special interest about but were not exactly linked to your graduation; history and anthropology.
Besides you were a good storyteller, talking about the myths and cultures of your species along with its advances and knowledge on science, nothing compares to touch, read and learn about something from primary fonts. As you expected, Lotor was more than happy when you handled him your collection. Some of the concepts stored in the books were at least eight years outdated, but still he could have a notion of humankind’s plurality, maybe hoping he could integrate himself into society one day.
Everything was so perfect you feared something bad would happen to spoil the moment. Your days were simple and cozy in your home, and occasionally you had to leave to buy some groceries but would come back soon.
Four years ago when the invasion occurred, families found shelter in the rural areas once the galras attacked the big urban centers first. And from this, a small agriculture and livestock centered community was born. They provided food for the cities near the reagion, and living only one or two miles away, you groceries from first hand.
In this specific day, you arrived home carrying a bag full of fresh fruits, vegetables, flour and some animal products. Lotor was sitting on the couch. He wore a grey sweater that reached the mid of his wrists and black sweatpants that barely reached his ankles, snuggling on his muscular calves. Big boy problems. His starlight hair tied into a messy bun was occasionally scratched as he concentred on the book he was reading. In fact, he was so focused on the book that didn't even notice you comming.
"Im back, love!"
You said opening the door and he slightly jumped on his seat.
"Hello, dear! I indeed didn't perceive you arriving. I was quite concentrated on this book i've been reading"
He got himself together, cleaning his throat before helping you to take the groceries to the kitchen. His gaze immediatly directed towards the sway of your hips as you walked.
"Which one is this?"
You ask, placing the bags on the table and cleaning your hands. Lotor blinks for a while, being snapped out of his beholding state:
"It is about the development of agriculture and how it's linked to the appearance of religious cults. I am quite amused by the first forms of art created by your species, dear, and how the belief in gods and deities is linked to the discovering of agriculture. It is pretty interesting how such topics that don’t seem to be linked at first sight are related.”
He continues:
 “The most interesting part, my dear, is that most of these civilizations were situated in quite green and prosper lands, therefore their deities reflected in the places they inhabited. While the people that lived in arid and desert places had vengeful and warrior gods.”
He speaks with enthusiasm, smiling like you have not seen in at least four years. His lust for you was being masked with non-stop bragging about what he learned in that day. Lotor was indeed fascinated by how some ancient human civilizations valorized fertility and reproduction, but what excited him most was to put this in practice. His cock jutted against the fabric of his sweatpants when he saw those sensual statues of Venus in the pages of that book. He wanted you. He wanted to make you his own goddess of fertility.
After drying your hands on a towel, you swiftly turn to your husband, paying attention to his words. But the look on his feline eyes told you everything. The pupils were dilated, shiny like binary stars. You smirk, and when you do so, Lotor stumbles on his own words.
“I have been always fascinated with this topic too, my dear.”
You put on an innocent facade, crossing your arms and leaning your beautiful hips against the counter. Lotor’s hands twitched, urging to squeeze them as you ride his cock gracefully like the goddess you were to him. He licks his lips and smiles:
“Nothing fairer, darling. You are a goddess yourself. But do you know what is missing?”
You obliviously shake your head to his question.
“A seed to be fertilized in this womb of yours”
Just by hearing his deep sensual voice, you feel your core flutter with excitement. The galran prince approaches you, closing the space between your bodies. All you do is to let him guide you onto his arms and give yourself to this blissful heat.
His thumb traces your lowerbelly, imagining it growing as a proof of the seed he implanted in your womb. He imagines your breasts swelling, leaking the milk that will nurture your child.
Lotor sinks his hand under your hair, softly bringing you closer to him and intensifying the kiss. Your fingers travel under his sweater, tracing his divinely sculpted abs one by one. The desire of being impregnated by him only grew stronger and stronger.
He strips you down, taking off your shirt and giving your breasts good squeezes before attaching his lips to the plump sides of them, leaving soft hickeys on your skin. You pant caressing his jaw as he does it.
Then, his long fingers skim down towards your groin. He gently slids down the waistband and kneals down in front of you. Hugging your hips, Lotor attaches his mouth onto your cut, sweetly suckling your clit as you tug onto his hair, undoing the messy bun he had.
You moan sweetly, and it sounds like the chant of Earth itself, like the sounds of raindrops falling onto soil.
His skilled tongue dances around your clit. Your legs tremble and if he wasn't holding you still by your hips, you would definitly lose your balance with so much pleasure being given.
And like a water dam being open, your fluids flow into Lotor's mouth and he delights on it like honey. He moans pulling off and looking up to see your divine glory squirm in pleasure.
Standing up, Lotor holds you on his arms in bridal style, you lean in like a dandelion seed being carried by wind and he places you onto the canopy bed, the plush cushion softly sinking with your body.
Looking up at Lotor while he takes off his own clothing, you get a sight of his purple large cock deliciouspy jutting against his pants. It wiggles tantalizing when his boxers are finally down, hard and reaching his lower belly.
With your fingers you trace his abs again, they are sculpted and perfect like a statue meticulously carved in marble by the best of the sculptors. His silver bodyhair stands on ends with your touch.
Lotor gently inserts his large cock in your entrance, being enthralled by your moans. Your cunt is tight for his size, but soon it accomodates his full length.
He moans loudly and sensually twitching his hips, you reach out to squeeze his muscular butt as it recoils and releases with his thrust. Your motion seems like an extra stimulus.
"Stars. May your womb be a fertile field where i will plant my crops. You are perfect!"
He pants, the pace increasing and your bodies sweating, your pleasured noises echoing through the wood walls.
"I am going to fill you up, dear. I am going to make you a mother; i am going to make you my own fertility deity."
That was when you orgasmed.
It feels like you two were perfcetly designed for this, like your bodies were shaped by universe to create life. You bury your hand underneath Lotor's hair, his front strands are falling and tickling your face. As his pace increases, you hold it tighter and beautiful gasps leave his mouth.
"I- i am comming..."
Soon, the river flooded the land and you felt his warm seed inside your womb. Pace slowing down, Lotor remains the last frictions with his cock still in your vagine.
He pants a chuckle cleaning his sweaty forehead with his forearm. You let out a dizzy smile, reaching out to cup his cheek as your brain process the event, beholding his how graceful he looks.
Releasing his cock, Lotor gently pushes the oozing translucid liquid to inside of you again, rubbing it onto your still sensitive cunt. His ejaculation is so voluminous it feels like every inch of your tube is filled up. The alien man leans in and kisses your cheek:
"You were so great, darling... I... wow! I have no words to describe it. You will be a good mama"
His sudden use of an earthling slang makes you chuckle. How can a man be so sensually irresistible, and seconds later make your heart melt with such an adorable, silly thing? This is a Lotor ability, you guess. He messes with your mind in the better ways possible.
Cleaning up the sweat, you snuggle onto Lotor's chest while calming down your nerves after such a moment. The seed has been implanted to your womb, and Lotor couldn't wait for it to grow.
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Could would Lotor, Shiro, Keith and Zarkon (separately) react to finding out that the males of their boyfriend's (m!readers) species can get pregnant? M! reader's species is basically a cat-human hybrid. I don't care if it's smut or fluff.
(feel free to take off Keith or Shiro if there are to many characters)
Hey, Anon!
I'm sorry for taking this too long!
The characters are kinda ooc, but I hope it's acceptable!
I wanted to make this as fluff, but I put some spice in it. Don't worry, it's safe.
Although, I have to admit-
I'm a Lotor simp
×❢ About my work ❢×
ooc, fluff, smut, male reader, cat human hybrid reader, no pronouns used for the reader, no proofread
Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Character(s): Takashi "Shiro" Shirogen, Keith Kogane, Prince Lotor, Emperor Zarkon, You| (Y/N) |The Reader
Ship(s): The characters x You| (Y/N) |The Reader
Form: Headcanons
𝐋𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐫, 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨, 𝐊𝐞𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐙𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
[Credit goes to the creators of the gifs!]
Takashi "Shiro" Shirogen
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• he is actually pretty surprised
• firstly, because you are a male and you're pregnant
• but don't worry, he traveled through the galaxy and he saw weirder stuff than this
• secondly, he didn't believe that the pregnancy test will be possitive and you guys made it!
• like you came up to him and told that the pregnancy test was possitive and he was like "What's that, hon?"
• BUT YOU GUYS MADE IT! And this is what matters. And ofc the baby's health too, but you get my point
• so it was kind of a good surprise for him
• he's not so crazy about it
• Actually, he never had a crazy, energetic personality, so that's normal from him.
• but he will do his best to keep you and the baby healthy
• he'll also sit down and just talk softer when he's around your belly
• he'll be ONE OF THE most cheesy ones
• also, he won't like it, when others are cursing around you bc of the baby
• HE'S SO DAD!! (I mean he's the dad of the Team Voltron, so what did u expect? -)
Keith Kogane
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• he'll just stand there and say "... What?"
• Even if he doesn't show any sign of excitment, you know that he's happy about it.
• You two WILL have serious conversations about he can be a good father, and yes, you know that you're two are ready for this child.
• will be more protective around you than ever
• he's afraid that the baby will get infected by Lance
• "Stop it, you'll make my child(ren) stupid."
"Oh, like you would be any smarter."
"I am."
• 3 months after you've revealed to him that you're pregnant, he have finally accepted that he is ready to be a great and ideal father to your child(ren). He placed your palm into his. "You know... I was thinking, (Y/N)... Maybe... Maybe you're right. I can be a good father to our child(ren)." he looked up at you with a determined sparkle in his eyes. "And I'm so ready for it."
• he's not a big crier, but this will be definitely bring his emotional side out. But just for you and your baby(s) only
Prince Lotor
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• ♪ he knows, he knows, and I know he knows ♪
• okay, but seriously, when you mentioned that the test was positive, he'll just stand there and smirk at you and say
• "I already know that, Darling."
• and he also knows that he's happy about it
• definitely that type of person, who already has a whole construction plan of the baby's room
• he'll probably kiss your belly at sex
• also, I think it would turn him onthat how sensitive you are
• "Oh my..." he laughs at your whimpers. He did nothing yet. All he did was just touching your chest with his cold fingertips. And you are already beneath the plesure as you begging him for more. "You're so sensitive for me, Dear."
• He tries to spend as much time with you and the baby as he can. He doesn't want to give your child the same parenthood, like his was. He wants to be better, than his father.
Emperor Zarkon
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(Mind if I do past Zarkon? As the Black Lion's paladin? I hope you don't mind it-)
• he could already sense that you're pregnant, so he wasn't so surprised
• though, he was still happy with you
• in the Garla Empire it's quite dangerous to have a child, don't you think so?
• but don't worry, he'll watch out for you
• IS the other cheesy one
• he'll just knee down and kiss your belly while asking "So, how's my babygirl / my big boy?"
• he had some doubt if he could be good father, but he swallowed it quickly
• i mean you chosed him. If he wasn't a good father figure for your beautiful child(ren), why would you choose him, right?
• i would say that he treats you like a prince —just like his son—, he does that everyday so-
• but after all, he's really greatful to have a child (or more) with you, and he's more than ready to be the father of your child(ren)!
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galraluver · 5 months
idk if someone has already asked this before but what kind of Galra x reader or just Galra stuff would you like to see out in the world? What do you wish there was more of?
I think that I've answered a question like this a long time ago, or at least something similar. Honestly, I wish that I had been in the fandom back in 2016 because I'm sure that I've missed out on a lot of amazing galra/Voltron x reader stories that aren't around anymore because their writers deleted their stories or their blogs got deleted during the Tumblr porn purge; I do remember that there was once a reader insert story on ao3 called Initiation featuring Kolivan, Antok, Thace and Ulaz, unfortunately it got deleted at some point. I know that I've missed out on seeing some pretty cool/spicy fanart, too.
Honestly, I'm always looking for some good paladin x reader stories and reading other people's galra x reader stories, at least the ones that are still around, is nice. I also like reading Voltron/galra x OC stories from time to time and/or seeing galra x oc fanart. Reading other people's galra headcanons is a lot of fun; we never got very much information when it comes to galra culture, traditions and anatomy, so basically anything goes when it comes to writing for them and even the original paladins
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xjulixred45x · 10 months
Lotor x Pearl!GN! Reader
Request: Now that the requests are open I want to do one about Voltron (again), about Lotor headcanons with a reader who is like a pearl from Steven Universe, who probably was a "gift" from his governess, I imagine that reader @ is a very scared but sweet person who is afraid of disappointing Lotor and that he will throw them away because of that (traumas from the past before meeting him). I just want some comfort from one of my favorite Voltron characters💕
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: Gender neutral
Warnings: allusions/mentions of past abuse, reader at first treated more like an object than a person, fear of abandonment, somewhat confusing timeline for the sake of the plot? HURT with Comfort, Fluff, non-canon ending of Voltron for my sanity :') Lotor What have they done to you?
You come from a very... special planet to say the least.
Especially you were born in a social caste that was considered the lowest, so you were trained all your life to be the future accessory of a powerful person. As bad as it sounded.
This was obviously not a pleasant process, especially with the Garla empire breathing down your planet's neck.
You could say that you got especially ruthless training, the slightest mistake was severely reprimanded, only to know that if you did it in REAL practice you most likely wouldn't come out alive...
Then the Garla Empire took possession of your planet. Everyone was terrified of what could happen, YOU were terrified of what was going to happen to you.
But fortunately? You were given as a personal servant to the Garla, along with many others, in exchange for not destroying the planet completely.
But you were lucky enough that it was your turn to serve the Prince of the Garla, Lotor.
This was before the Paladins intervened, so even when they arrived, this still stood.
To say that you were scared was to say, you were terrified of what was going to happen. What if he was one of those super strict princes? What if he had a bad temper? What if he got angry with you and got physical? And If it hurts you? Or worse?
You set out to be as correct and upright as possible for this new position, apparently you would be a gift, well, maybe you don't have to do much, you can do this.
Dayak barely talks to you, although the first time you meet her is only so she can give you a checkup to make sure you live up to her expectations, and fortunately you are and she seems very satisfied.
Before meeting this "Lotor" she gives you a tour of the Garla main ship in a vague way so that you become familiar with everything and thus adapt quickly before seeing Lotor. The ship is GIANT so it takes a while.
Although at least with this you can hear some people talking and whispering about Lotor, apparently the winner of the "Kral Zera", the first Half-Blood emperor and Zarkon's heir...someone to have fear apparently.
Let's just say they didn't make you feel much better.
But at the end of the day you finally meet him. Is he together with what appear to be the paladins of Voltron? And Dayak makes his presence quite noticeable (poor paladin Blue and especially yellow).
Before retiring, Dayak introduced you to Lotor, as his new personal assistant, to serve him in any way he wanted.
To your surprise, Lotor seemed just as off guard as you, it seems that he had forgotten the deal with the Kral Zera matter, it is understandable, but it was especially shocking when he apologized to you because he could not introduce himself properly, since he had a VERY busy day with the Voltron thing...
....weren't you supposed to come help him with that? What Quiznak?
You tried to tell him that, that you could help him manage that, but he said no! That for now he could handle himself well, but that you should give him time to think of something for you...
okay that was VERY strange
But a nice strange? Lotor was not like you thought he would be.
Even when he finally did what he had to do with the Paladins and Princess Allura (love of a person), he still treated you with a respect you weren't used to.
you were mainly in charge of his agenda with the other Garla leaders and works like that, together with the Paladins and Princess Allura, etc. It wasn't a heavy job, but it required attention to detail and you definitely went out of your way to make it perfect.
And contrary to what you thought, you received some recognition from your, so to speak, Boss (because Lotor hated it when you called him "master" or "owner"), Lotor was grateful that you helped him and that you were so diligent, He let you know when he kept you up to date.
You could even have conversations with him! It wasn't something you had been prepared for in the least, but it was nice, Lotor was someone very intelligent and even had an interesting sarcastic sense of humor. You learned a lot by talking to him.
In turn, Lotor learned more about your species based on his experience with you, although at first it was difficult for him, because you insisted on keeping a certain distance, but he was able to make his way through your walls.
He found you quite pleasant and even charming! Lotor always tried to see other species with equal respect, and for you to see him from such a high place (without the need for violence, just doing his job) made him feel very good about himself.
And the feeling was mutual.
It made you feel calmer about all of this, that everything was going better than you thought. You had ended up with an owner--ahem, Boss- who was nicer than you expected and everything seemed fine--
But then you made a MISTAKE.
You were trying to get used to one of the controls on Lotor's main ship and out of nowhere the controls stopped working. They didn't respond, didn't work and seemed glitched.
You realized that you had pressed the wrong places (used to the mothership controls) and that you had "messed up" this one.
But all you could think about was the trouble you'd get into with Lotor.
Oh no oh no oh no What am I going to do? What are they're going to do to me? They're going to have to throw me away, right? How can I get through this? What if they kill me? What if--
You were so panicked that when Lotor arrives you don't notice.
And it only makes you even more afraid.
Lotor asks what happened, but he starts checking the console on his own and realizes what happened, he knows what you did--
And you can't stand the urge to cry anymore.
Lotor honestly freaks out, he thought you would have gotten hurt and that's why you were crying so much, but you were apologizing for breaking the console, and saying that you were fine with being replaced with someone more capable as long as please, please don't kill you...
Even if he didn't show it much on the outside (it's a habit up to this point he's sorry for it), it hurt Lotor to see you like this. And even more so for something so small. Is this why you thought he was going to replace you? Kill you?? Although he sees that it's mostly because you've been traumatized before, so he's not offended (at all).
Lotor tries to calm you down, explain to you that it's not a big deal. It's not broken! It just needs to restart! Please don't cry! He's not going to replace you! Much less touch a hair on your head! You are save with him...
He ends up fixing the console to prove his point and you calm down, something like that, both of your emotions are running high.
From there, you are a little more alert for your possible "mistakes" and honestly, Lotor misses how you were before this little incident, now it seems like you are walking on eggshells (Whatever that means? The blue Paladin said it ) when you are around him.
He discovers that he misses talking to you more than he thought, he is not someone who gets attached easily, but finally having someone who respected him as a person and not as Prince Garla and that you are now in this scared state hurts him.
So it does something... surprising.
He asks the Paladins and Allura for help.
Obviously some make fun of him a little ahem LANCE AND PIDGE ahem, but for the most part they try to give him good advice on how to approach the situation, although they all have a common idea.
TALK IT DIRECTLY or let you adjust naturally again (which seemed unlikely without the former).
So he did it, he call you to speak alone.
Sincerely? You almost died of fright. This on your planet was a VERY BAD omen, VERY BAD.
so imagine your surprise when Lotor was REALLY alone when you went to see him, but you still remained nervous, this man could destroy you with just one arm after all.
But Lotor...just talks.
And he gets straight to the point, he does NOT plan to replace you, he does NOT plan to hurt you, he does not want you to think that you are so expendable, especially when he has come to enjoy your company so much, you can rest assured, mistakes happen, we ALL make them, he prefers that you make them. a thousand mistakes to not having you at all.
Being honest? It was quite nice.
And you were able to be more...at peace with yourself after that. Be the sweet assistant again.
If we talk about advanced terms of a romantic relationship, IT'S PURE FLUFF.
Lotor has shown that he doesn't give a shit about race, so he has no problem relating to you even if you're not even half Garla. What if someone has a problem? They won't have it anymore :)
If your planet is still under the control of the Garla, it is most likely that Lotor has forced them to have laws and a more egalitarian legislature, your people have not lived so well in decapheobes! Of course, there are those who are still not used to it and others who are directly against it, but that always happens.
Lotor is patient when it comes to old wizard habits, chances are you'll still be that way! But more as a consort😅
Get ready, now that it is certain that he loves you and that you love him too, there is no escape from affection. Lotor is aware that he's touch-starved, but when you discover through this that YOU'RE touch-starved TOO, it's like, the perfect mix.
Lotor is the most openly affectionate, which helps you gain some courage to do the same, although of course, when it comes to making the other person nervous, you never win (although Lotor MELT inside seeing you try).
Lots of physical contact!! Especially at events with too many people and where you can easily feel overloaded, it's a quick way to calm yourself down and for Lotor to be happy and calm (literally, if they want to calm him down they have to bring you into the room and he's INSTANTLY in a good mood again).
You have a friendship with Allura! She jokingly says that you're too good for Lotor, but in a loving way.
The Paladins don't understand how Quiznak, someone as sweet as you ended up with Lotor. Did they threaten you? Blink twice if so--
Your nature is now a little more curious, you see everything with new eyes, it is something tender for Lotor, for him most of these things are everyday, but for you it is something new and even unique, it is nice.
He also now handles your crises better when PTSD strikes, takes you somewhere spacious, keeps some distance so you can breathe better, and when you recover he is on you for the rest of the day, quite worried.
In general, Lotor sees his partner with equal respect and love regardless of their race, social status or how they met, he loves you regardless of everything or how you perceive yourself. You are his equal, his partner, nothing changes that.
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Reblogs, shares and Comments are very welcome!!
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soulreapin · 7 months
hey folks you already know the name of this game: its friday and i recommend some fanfictions to you that ive read this week or some other week and you go show their authors some love!
1. i love you in the morning when the blood runs to your cheeks by lelex (15k, general audiences, klance)
FARMERS MARKET AU. keith runs a small knife sharpeners business and is roped into running a market stall by shiro, who already works there. lance works at his mother’s bakery, which also has a stall.
ive read this one like three times because its so damn cute and i love how they wrote keith. if this author has a tumblr please send them my way 😁
2. if i say jump, you just say “how high?” (i think you might love me to death) by negativefouriq/autisticlancemcclain (9k, teen&up, klance)
canonverse fic where somehow somewhere keith has it in his head him and lance are lovers. lance cannot find it in himself to say otherwise. this one shoots me in the foot everytime i read it because keith is SO attentive and knows lance down to the letter. get me a man like that.
3. never judge a book by nostalgicish (3k, teen&up, klance)
modern au where lance and hunk are library assistants at their local college. they like to kin assign people books and genres to pass the time, but when a strange, gruff looking dude walks in to pick up pride and prejudice…shit happens.
GUYS this one is so cute i beta-read it and stal is a very good friend of mine So. everyone should partake in classical romance reader keith.
4. speak for the stars by speaks (ao3 account required! 49k, teen&up, klance)
canonverse fix-it with black paladin lance! guys this is one of my absolute favorites. this is the klance bible to me. this is how voltron ended, this is canon, and no one can tell me otherwise. make an ao3 account if you dont have one and read it.
5. would you like fries with that? by deerstalkerdeathfrisbee
modern au where keith is a minimum wage employee at a burger king and lance comes in recreationally to cry and get french fries.
this one is SO cute and so silly. i too would break down in a burger king drive through if the worker asked for my order.
happy friday, yall, enjoy your reading material and tell your author friends you love them xoxo soulreapin
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