#Voltron of the Near Universe
thanos-the-dad-titan · 2 months
Let's go, Voltron Force!!!!!!
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miraculousbumbble · 7 months
Voltron x Avatar
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I have a cold, so enjoy some Voltron x Avatar artwork.
Who would the avatar be?
head cannons below!
I'd like to think that in this universe as the fire nation started attacking the South Pole, a lot of the water benders chose to move out and either head North or go into hiding near the Earth kingdom.
Hence, I give you Lance Mcclain of Varadero, a small village located on the eastern beach of Kyoshi island.
Keith meanwhile comes from a line of Fire Nation rebels. His mom, Krolia is an upper member of the League of Marmora and has spent the past few years infiltrating the army and is currently a General who patrols the Earth Kingdom territory of Oma-Shu.
Keith also has a sister, Acxa, who has been traveling the world with the Fire Nation's exiled Prince, Lotor, while he searches for the Avatar.
Pidge meanwhile is from the swampy territory within the Earth Kingdom and can control the plants and mud rather than the earth itself.
Their father (An Earth Army weapons inventor named Sam) and brother (a drafted soldier named Mat) were captured by the Fire Nation a year ago and presumed dead.
Hunk is a farmer and cook who lives just outside Ba Sing Se. His family sells wheat and grain to the upper ring but on the weekend, he goes with his father to sell food in the lower ring.
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Advisor Sivo has been around a long, long time.
Not quite as long as Voltron’s advisor, of course. In fact Sivo isn’t sure anyone else has had the unfortunate circumstance to live as technically long as the redheaded Altean has. He has still, however, lived many dozens of decaphoebes, and has undergone countless phases and ways of living throughout his life. He has known the entirety of being a child, the ins and outs of adolescence, the panic of growing into yourself as a young adult. He’s familiar with the strange, non-linear growth a person undergoes — not physically, as that varies from species to species, but the process of maturity is nearly universal. Sivo is familiar with the awkwardness, the uncertainty, the shyness.
He thinks he might know why the young Blade member is shrouded in the shadows of the ballroom, staring longingly at the partiers.
He approaches the young man, obviously so as to not startle him, and simply leans next to him for a few moments once he is near. The young man turns his eyes slightly to look at the advisor with curiosity, a wariness in his indigo eyes, but does not tilt his head.
“Hello,” Sivo greets after several minutes of uncertain but not uncomfortable silence. “My name is Sivo. I am the advisor to the Queen of Mlkaway.”
The young Blade inclines his head. “Keith,” he says. His voice is low, soft; someone who is not used to introducing himself, to speaking up.
Sivo’s lips quirk up. A loner, then.
“The rest of the Blades are dancing and making merry,” Sivo points out, although he knows he does not need to. His statement is more about the unspoken — why aren’t you?
The young Blade — Keith — has no problem picking up on it. Some amusement bleeds into his eyes at Sivo’s nosiness. “I’m not much of a dancer.” Keith’s sentence is short — not clipped, not dismissive, but not exactly open, either. He will not be continuing the conversation on his own, and he may not have the patience for endless questions.
Sivo exhales, leaning back and deciding to read the man’s silence, to simply watch with him. He observes him out of his peripherals — something the Blade most definitely notices and allows — noticing the way he taps his foot rapidly, as if he’s waiting for something. A slight smile has remains on his face, as well, as if he can’t quite force the usual blankness a Blade would have when their mask is off. He looks back at Sivo every so often, but mostly his gaze is trained out to the ballroom; watching, observing, smiling.
Sivo squints. He had originally assumed that Keith was simply too awkward or shy to join in the celebration, like Sivo once was himself, but now the advisor is not so sure. Keith’s posture is not hunched, like someone who is uncomfortable. In fact he looks relaxed, pleased. He’s watching wistfully, almost, gazing into the crowd, but there is no desire to join, really. How strange. Sivo leans closer, trying to trace the man’s eyes. Whom is he watching, then, if he’s not simply watching the crowd? Whom has this young man singled out?
Keith must notice his struggle, because he chuckles slightly to himself. He tilts his head in Sivo’s direction, gesturing for him to lean close, follow his pointing finger. Before he can say anything, a loud, high-pitched laugh rings through the crowd, cutting over the music and dancing and chatting, and Keith’s smile gets wider.
“That’s the Red Paladin of Voltron,” Keith says, softer even than before; not quieter but saccharine, almost. Besotted.
“I see,” says Sivo, not even bothering to hide his smile. “A Paladin. Quite the…choice, for people to admire.”
Keith pulls back a bit, but his smile doesn’t fade. His eyes follow the Paladin, tracing the vibrant way he moves, twirling from partner to partner at every song change, dress spinning about dizzyingly; slender brown hands tapping along to the beat of every song and mouth smiling blindingly wide at every person he sees.
The Red Paladin is the star of the evening, drawing stares and sighs from every party goer, mutters of envy from every unfortunate soul who does not get a chance to wrap him in their arms. The Paladin makes quite the effort to spread the wealth, however, never dancing with anyone twice except perhaps his friends; regularly spinning the Blue Paladin around, dresses swishing, lifting and throwing the squawking but laughing Green Paladin in the air, startling a deep laugh out of the Black Paladin with a sudden dip, twirling under the arm of the Yellow Paladin. No, the Red Paladin makes endless time for his friends. Everyone else is blessed with his smile, but only just enough of his time to make them desperate for more than they will ever get.
Truly the belle of the ball.
“I know,” Keith says, eyes still glued to the Red Paladin’s vibrancy.
Sivo hums. “Are you going to ask him to dance?” He tries to keep the doubt out of his voice, but he’s not sure he manages.
The Blade does not seem to take offense, however, and only ducks his head, playing with a ring on his finger. “I don’t need to.”
“…Ah,” Sivo says, as if he understands, even though he most certainly does not. As far as he’s noticed, the Red Paladin has yet to ask someone to dance, most people having deigned to ask him, almost clambering over each other for the opportunity.
But Keith offers no more explanation. The rest of Sivo’s questions, although sporadic, are answered only with vague hums or shakes of Keith’s head, so he stops bothering. He simply leans back against the wall, mirroring the Blade’s crossed arms, and enjoys his company. This is why Sivo became an advisor, after all. The chance to meet and spend time with new people, however briefly, has always entranced him. Each interaction changes him in some way.
“Alright,” announces a voice over the speakers, lively music fading into something softer, more intimate. “The night is coming to a close. This will be our last song. Grab your final partners and spin then around one last time, everyone. I’ll play a good one.”
“It was good meeting you, Advisor Sivo,” Keith says, pushing off the wall.
Sivo blinks at him. “Oh, and you as well. Be careful, dear boy.”
Keith nods once, then hurries off, cutting through the crowd as politely but firmly as he can. At first, Sivo assumes Keith is trying to exit the ballroom before the last song to avoid the crowd, but very quickly he realizes that’s not the case, as Keith pushes further and further to the centre of it. He snakes by spinning people in dresses, ducks under elbows, slides away from waving arms. He’s taller than most of the gathered crowd, and the only one dressed in armour, so he’s easy to track, making a beeline to the Red Paladin.
Sivo huffs to himself. He can admire the effort, but he is not the only one clambering to be the last to dance with the Red Paladin. Several others are pushing their ways through, glasses of sparking fruit wine — a clear favourite of the man’s — clutched in their hands, almost as offerings. Keith has barely made a dent at the edge of the crowd, he’s never even going to catch the other man’s attention —
The call cuts over the music, loud and clear and elated, making several couples and groups look around in confusion. Sivo can’t quite see who’s making the noise over all the people, so he stands on a chair, straining to see over the crowd.
“Keith, Keith, you made it!”
Finally, the cause of the commotion is made clear — the Red Paladin, one hand clutching the hem of his dress so he can run, the other waving frantically in the air, practically sprinting across the dance floor, crowd parting for him easily. At the other end of the crowd stands Keith, no longer pushing through the throng of people but standing firmly in one place, fond grin lighting up his face and squishing his cheeks, arms spread slightly. Sivo rushes forward to hear better.
Finally the Red Paladin is near him, but he does not slow down even slightly, sprinting full speed at the young Blade and colliding into him, arms clutched around his neck. Keith, clearly anticipating the jump, doesn’t even flinch, grabbing the Red Paladin’s waist tightly and pulling him close, swinging them around to offset the momentum. He buries his head into his neck, squeezing tighter, and his shoulders slump as he lets out a loud sigh of relief.
“Hey, Lance,” he sighs, smile evident in his words.
The Red Paladin — Lance — laughs again, loud and high pitching and bright, kicking his feet out in excitement. He presses dozens of kisses to Keith’s hair, his temple, his cheek.
“You made it! You made it!” He laughs again, almost in disbelief. “I can’t believe you made it!”
Keith pulls back slightly, not going anywhere but enough that he can lean down again and press his lips to Lance’s, gently, reverently. “I promised, didn’t it?”
Lance smiles so wide you can see all his teeth, so wide his brown eyes are nearly shut, so wide the joy practically drips off him.
“You did promise.”
“And you promised you’d save the last dance for me.”
Lance taps his finger to his chin teasingly, as if he’s trying to recall said oath. “Did I?”
Keith laughs, pressing his forehead to the Red Paladin’s. “Mhm. We made a deal, remember?” He starts to hum, over the music — which someone has lowered so that all curious eyes can watch the show, as oblivious as they are to their audience — “You can dance with the guy who gives you the eye, let him hold you tight.”
His singing voice is low and sweet, rough around the edges, joy making him confident and shameless. Lance squeezes him tighter, swaying as Keith continues to sing softly.
“You can smile every smile for the man you held your hand underneath the pale moonlight.”
Lance looks almost overwhelmed with joy, leaning up and interrupting Keith with a gentle kiss, cupping his face gently. Keith waits until he pulls away to continue, although he doesn’t let Lance go far.
“But don’t forget who’s taking you home,” he holds the last note, lifting their linked hands and encouraging Lance to spin under them, which he does with a laugh. He pulls him back tightly, back to his chest, this time, arms crossed over Lance’s torso, leaning over his shoulder and pressing a lingering kiss to his freckled cheek. “And in whose arms you’re going to be.”
Lance leans back into him, comfortable, and they sing the last line of the verse together.
“But darling, save the last dance for me.”
Lance kisses him again, long and searing, then pulls away, grabbing Keith’s arm and pulling him back to their friends, who are watching them with fond exasperation. Keith seems to have noticed where he is for the first time and flushes brightly, but he doesn’t look embarrassed. If anything the flush is pleased, almost, and directed at Lance, happy that Lance is giving him his total undivided attention, more than he’s done for any other suitor of the night.
They finally make it to their group, who all greet Keith enthusiastically, and then the final song resumes from the speakers. Keith and Lance turn to each other, again, and both of them sigh something like relief, plastering to each other so that there’s not a single spot where they’re not touching, barely swaying to the beat of the song, more hugging than dancing. Eventually the other couples and dancers look away, looking to their own friends and partners and pressing in close, following their example.
Sivo smiles gently to himself as the last dance wraps up and Keith and Lance don’t move, only interested in each other.
He’s been around a long time. He will be around a lot longer, he’s sure. He will no doubt witness thousands of couples, young and old and in between, all devoted to each other, all with love that could light up a sun.
But he can safely say the Red Paladin and his lover are the brightest he’s ever seen.
save the last dance for me
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crazylittlejester · 3 months
This might get venty so def pass over if u want- I apologize in advance😅
Being a Wars fan is definitely exhausting in the lu fandom as a whole, to a degree I’ve never experienced in past fandoms. I’ve been all around, from DC to HP, Undertale to Voltron (shudders), and many, many more. And honestly I can’t remember a time a character was more universally disliked for,, no clear reason? From villains to irritating characters, I’ve never seen this much negativity and, honestly, near bullying of a character. Shipping wars? 10000% yes. But individual character hating? It’s.. extreme.
It isn’t simple dislike either. From being made incompetent to being the butt of a joke, Wars is just.. dogpiled. And at first it was funny, but it’s gotten to a point that I can’t read other fics because Wars is just so poorly treated/portrayed that it’s disheartening. From mocking of his figure, to claiming he’s vain or a womanizer (derogatory), and even ignoring his background all together.
I think part of it comes from not knowing his game, so they don’t have a basis of his character. Honestly though that could be easily remedied by watching a few cutscenes or reading the plot synopsis of his game. I also think that some people just,, look at his vainer moments in the comic and say “this is all he is” rather than the additional moments when he displays his skills, or pulling his weight as a co-leader. Some people just see what they wanna see ig.
Overall I always try to not dwell on it because everyone is free to love the characters they love and express that, I just wish that it didn’t come at the cost of one of the characters being so plainly disliked and nearly hated. But I swear I’ve seen Dink get more love than Wars, and all we’ve seen from him is a freaking lizard!!!-
anyway, sorry this was so long, my Wars loving self has been holding this in for awhile and I just hate how short a stick Wars got in the lot. He 1000% deserves more love fr
I’ve seen too many fics where people outright villainize Wars in order to create more angst for other members of the chain and that’s INSANE to me. And Wars content has been seriously hard to find, especially last year, which is part of why I started writing so much Wars stuff 😭 He’s my favorite and I gotta feed the other Wars fans
I genuinely don’t get why some people actively dislike him, like am I biased? Absolutely. but i just dont understand?? is there some reason why people can look at like, Wild, for example, and go “OH MY GOD SO ACTUALLY-“ and go into a super deep beautiful well written character analysis but when it comes to Wars people are just like “womanizer twink” and that’s it?
(to clarify: this is NOT a dig at Wild fans, y’all are valid for liking your blorbo. I’m just using him as an example because I’ve seen a lot of really interesting takes on him, some of which are VERY different from each other. And there’s nothing wrong with that at all! He was just the first Link I thought of who has a lot of fans with a lot of theories and opinions alskljskslm. Y’all keep going crazy for your special guy 🫡)
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I loved your post on Shiro and there's so much I agree on with it. Now I'm interested in seeing your take on Keith for the character game plz!!! ❤❤❤
Aww, bless your heart. Thank you! I'm glad you found something to enjoy in all of my heavily biased, opinionated, and probably unhinged rambling. ^///^'
I'll give it a go, but, just a small warning/disclaimer in advance:
I have not watched Seasons Three through Six in their entirety. I am vaguely aware of certain developments from these seasons, thanks to my interaction with fanworks incorporating them, but I cannot offer any sort of detailed analyses based on events exclusive to them. For example, I can't comment on Keith's relationships with the Blades in any meaningful way, as I'm only familiar with his interactions with them in Seasons Two, Seven, and Eight.
My answers for Keith are not going to be anywhere near as in-depth as they were for Shiro, since I watched this show for Shiro. But, I will respond to every question to the best of my ability.
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
I like Keith because of the hidden depths to his character. Superficially, he's the hot-headed loner stereotype. He's a "discipline case". He stole the car of a renowned ace pilot sent to recruit students for the local military academy. He spent a number of years in the foster care system after being orphaned at a relatively young age, carries a knife on his person at all times, and doesn't take well to being challenged or having his abilities called into question. He's prone to rash decision-making and acting on impulse, and will lash out and say callous, hurtful things that he doesn't truly mean in the heat of the moment. ("Are we even friends?")
But, he craves love and acceptance from the people around him, even when his instinct is to push them away for self-preservation's sake. He scarfs down his food like he's never going to get another chance to eat, again. He can be a bit slow to pick up on the meanings of certain concepts or ideas, and some aspects of socialization are completely lost on him (not comprehending Lance's "Voltron" cheer). He likes cute things in a reserved, understated sort of way. He likes hugs.
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Though he'd never admit it.
He's rash and quick-tempered, but it comes from a place of passion; from a strong sense of justice, and desire to protect the ones he cares about at any cost.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
That he's very much a semi-feral cat in human form. Shiro is his Person, the one who earned his trust and unwavering devotion, and he's slowly learned to open himself up to trusting others, but he'll still bite someone's finger off if they're not Shiro and have the misfortune of making him angry.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
He seems to have lost some of his internal fire in an effort on the part of the writers to turn him into Discount Shiro.
Shiro is "retired" from his position as Black Paladin and head of Voltron, and sidelined completely through no choice of his own because Keith has taken over his role on the team.
Keith gets to kill Shiro's personal tormentor after Shiro couldn't so much as best Sendak in combat.
Season Eight has Keith retreading ground that Shiro already tread, laying into Zarkon about his being unworthy of piloting the Black Lion and Paladinship. Even though that exact confrontation between current and former Black Paladin had already been handled in a much more impactful manner back in Season Two, when it was Shiro engaging Zarkon in a hand-to-hand fight inside of the Black Lion's inner quintessence while the Black Lion, herself, spectated and had the final say in who was the victor.
Not only did Shiro and Zarkon's conflict have higher stakes, both narratively and for the characters, as Zarkon was actually still alive and an active threat to the universe, rather than existing inside of Haggar/Honerva's head, Shiro and Zarkon had history. Shiro was imprisoned and held captive, forced to fight in the gladiatorial arena, on Zarkon's ship. Zarkon was able to wrest control of the Black Lion out from under Shiro mid-battle on multiple occasions, and used his persisting connection to the Black Lion to track Voltron down across multiple galaxies.
These two finally getting to face one another on the battlefield was a longtime coming. It had proper build-up, felt completely earned, and provided all parties involved (Shiro, Zarkon, the Black Lion, and the viewer) ample reason to be invested in the outcome.
It was also a visual treat, with dynamic, impressively animated choreography and physics highly reminiscent of Saiyan battles in Dragonball Z, against a gorgeous backdrop.
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Contrast that with Keith yelling at a Mega Zarkon inside of Haggar/Honerva's head, because the showrunners had to artificially up the ante somehow, while standing stock still against a backdrop that isn't nearly as stunning.
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And, the Black Lion immediately coming to his aid when Mega Zarkon decides to strike,
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instead of watching as her Paladin is slowly strangled until he says the right thing that convinces her that he is worthy.
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Keith had Shiro's essence teach him how to "see through the Lion's eyes" in order to unlock the Black Lion's wings,
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something Shiro, himself, had to fight to figure out with no one other than the Black Lion guiding him.
Despite Shiro's bond with the Black Lion being the strongest bond between human Paladin and Lion, indisputably and unquestionably, Post-Resurrection Shiro has no connection to her at all. He's a silent passenger in her cockpit, or the cockpit of whichever other Paladin-Lion pair chose to carry him. He might as well not be present at all for all of the acknowledgement and deference he's given by both his found family, and the show, itself.
None of this is Keith's fault. But, it's difficult not to feel some measure of anger, watching him usurp Shiro's role entirely, while Shiro is sequestered off on his own ship to be nerfed and disrespected for a full thirteen episode season. Especially when Keith is younger and able-bodied and easily achieves or has handed to him things that Shiro fought with all of his might only to either fall short of (defeating Sendak), or barely scrape by on the skin of his teeth (cementing his bond with the Black Lion to unlock her ultimate power). Keith's success at Shiro's expense only serves to further fuel the noxious ageism and disgusting ableism perpetuated by this show and its fanbase.
And, Keith's own personality seemed to suffer for it. Perhaps it's meant to be character growth, but he seems so flat, void of the traits that made him distinctly Keith, throughout Seasons Seven and Eight, following Season Seven's opener. I'm positive there are passionate fans who could and have elaborated on this with the detail and insight necessary to fully illustrate the dearth of Keithness. But, I think it says something that even someone like me, who watched this show for Shiro and skipped over nearly four entire seasons due to the absence of him, picked up on the less-than-satisfactory change.
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
A shonen anime series, either Sci-Fi or Isekai, where he can be the hero who reluctantly heeds the call of Destiny and pull off risky, reckless maneuvers on a futuristic vehicle, and/or masterfully take down foes with a great big sword, to his hearts' content.
5. What’s the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
"Hold On", by Chord Overstreet; only because of this Keith/Shiro video.
6. What’s something you have in common with this character?
I, too, love dogs and would die for Takashi Shirogane.
7. What’s something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Treating him like the competent adult he actually is. The one who lived on his own in a shack in the middle of the desert for a year, and set off bombs to distract Garrison security personnel while he snuck inside of the quarantine zone to figure out what they were up to. Before even realizing they had a miraculously alive Shiro sedated and strapped to a table.
8. What’s something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Feminizing and infantilizing him, always in service of a ship. Keith has moments of emotional vulnerability, because he's meant to be a multi-faceted human/alien hybrid. That does not make him a weepy blushing "uwu" uke who sobs, wails, and cries while being choked and split open on Lance or Shiro's intimate parts and calling them "daddy".
He's a semi-feral cat in human form. He'd more than likely use his teeth, inflicting serious damage on those very sensitive parts, should someone try to make him choke on them, and I can't see him ever wanting to be sexually dominated by anyone. Putting aside that Shiro is a bottom and would never, Keith would sock Lance or any other man square on the jaw, or drive his knee or foot into an even more vulnerable area, for so much as trying to pin him down and make him "take it".
And, I know this is a popular headcanon and the show, itself, tried to lend credence to it by having Krolia thank "Kuron" for looking after Keith for her, but Shiro did not "raise" Keith. Shiro was an ambitious ace pilot in his very early twenties, contemplating the prospect of engagement and marriage to his long-term partner while their relationship began to unravel, battling a terminal degenerative illness, and planning to pilot a voyage into deep space. When was he meant to have found the time amidst all of this to have adopted or parented a preteen/early adolescent?
He and Keith were close, as a mentor/protege and friends typically would be, but Keith certainly didn't look to Shiro to be a stand-in or surrogate for his father. Nor did Shiro view Keith as his son. Keith confronting Shiro over Shiro's attempt to conceal his illness from him plays out exactly the way a confrontation between two peers who view each other as equals would.
Keith marches up to Shiro without so much as a greeting, very abrupt, direct, and upfront, unafraid of castigation or reprisal. The opposite of what one would expect from a cadet approaching his senior officer, or any kid confronting an adult authority figure about a perceived deception.
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Likewise, Shiro steps down to put himself on the same level as Keith.
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While maintaining a respectful physical distance, Keith leans forward into Shiro's space, resolutely standing his ground and refusing to let Shiro hide or deflect.
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And, Shiro ultimately gives in and chooses to be honest with him, rather than pulling rank and brushing Keith off, telling him that everything's fine, or it's none of Keith's business, and treating him like a child.
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Their relationship can't be so simply and neatly classified. Though Keith does refer to Shiro as his "brother", there's enough ambiguity there to be threatening (see Keith tenderly touching Shiro's face
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and pausing over Shiro as if he intended to kiss him
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), and I think that's why very specific shippers dilute Shiro into Keith's parental figure, even going as far as interpreting Shiro and Keith as, or outright making them biologically related. It's a transparent attempt to rule out any possibility of a romance between them while pretending to pay perfunctory tribute to their bond.
As if these shippers actually care about it or Shiro in any way, shape, or form.
And, it's sincerely grating to have to scroll past.
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
I see no reason why I couldn't be. Though, I don't think my cat would get along with Kosmo very well.
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
Once again, I would be too nervous to approach him.
11. Would you date this character?
No. He's way too young for me.
12. What’s a headcanon you have for this character?
I have to go with the fairly popular(?) fanon reading that Keith falls somewhere on the Autism spectrum. Canon seems to back this by some degree, with the aforementioned "I say 'Vol', you say--" "Vol-tron?", and showing Keith covering his ears and closing his eyes on the carnival ride he and Hunk get stuck on, as if suffering from overstimulation.
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13. What’s an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
Probably cliche and expected, but... Biker Aesthetic. Leather jacket in black or red, fingerless gloves on his hands, of course, tight jeans, perhaps with a tear or two in the legs, and heeled boots.
He'd also definitely wear hoodies and hooded jackets with drawstrings, so he can pull the hood over his head and secure it tightly when he's feeling overstimulated and wants to shut out the world.
15. What’s your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn’t matter if it’s canon or not.)
Keith/Shiro. Their love for each other is legitimately, canonically death-defying.
"Keith, I was dreaming. Keith... you saved me." "We saved each other."
I get emotional every time.
16. What’s your least favorite ship for this character?
The portmanteau starts with a 'K', and rhymes with pants.
17. What’s a ship for this character you don’t hate but it’s not your favorite that you’re fine with?
I think Keith/Acxa is interesting and has potential, and I kind of wish the show would have done more with Keith/Allura than the brief ship tease we got in The Ark of Taujeer.
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
I think Keith and Hunk's friendship is very sweet, Keith and Kosmo are adorable, and in a purely platonic sense, Keith and Lance do have their moments (that I don't reflexively tune out because the fandom has caused me to dread any interaction between them.)
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don’t like?
Nothing comes to mind.
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn’t matter?
I think Keith has some pretty solid friendships as is.
21. If you’re a fic writer and have written for this character, what’s your favorite thing to do when you’re writing for this character? What’s something you don’t like?
I like how concise, direct, and to the point Keith is. He doesn't meander, or waffle, or embellish, or put on airs. He says exactly what he means to say the first time, and doesn't put up a facade for anyone.
I've yet to find something I dislike about writing for him.
22. If you’re a fic reader, what’s something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don’t like?
I like when he's actually written faithfully to his canon characterization, scrappy and slightly rough around the edges, but fiercely loving and possessing a strong- if sometimes somewhat misguided- sense of justice.
I hate when he's infantilized and portrayed as a soft, weepy, fragile child in fics that are meant to take place during the show's main timeline. It comes across as borderline fetishistic, and kind of creeps me out. Especially when he's being paired with Shiro and the author continues to emphasize how "delicate" and "small" he is in contrast to Shiro's strength and size.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
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24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
Just as Shiro reminds me very much of the 2003 iteration of Leonardo, Keith invokes 2003 TMNT's Raphael. Short-tempered, always ready and raring to deliver a well-deserved beatdown, prone to acting rashly, strong sense of justice, intense, unbreakable bond with his team leader.
The major difference is, aside from Keith and Shiro not butting heads like Raph and Leo frequently do (and obviously not being siblings), Raphael never lost his internal fire over the course of the series, no matter what trauma he endured.
The same cannot be said for Keith.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
I can't recall my first impression of him, truth be told. Now... Admittedly, I'm not quite as taken with his character as I sort of hoped I would be, given how he's portrayed in well-written fanfiction. I like him just fine, but...
Maybe it's the product of me being overexposed to him by a fandom that is utterly obsessed with shoving the milquetoast pairing of him and his "rival" down everyone's throats. Or the fact that he's made to usurp Shiro's role, to the point that some of his fans openly wish that Shiro would have remained dead in service of Keith's character arc.
Regardless of the reason, Keith kind of doesn't do much for me. Strange for someone who happily ships him with their favorite to say, but that's the reality of it.
Thank you so much for the submission! I hope my answers were somewhat satisfactory, and not completely incendiary. (I'm not really equipped to handle torches and pitchforks.)
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From Krolia to Keith
Okay I found this random angry speech in my drafts with absolutely no context, but whatever. Let's roll with it. (Because I don't feel like coming up with ideas right now.)
What if Texas died and Krolia took Keith with her?
Keith is a Marmoran soldier. He may look different that his fellow fighters, but he was raised the same as them and now battles the Galra with them.
He doesn't know much about where he comes from, just that his father was from a planet called Earth and died a week after Keith was born.
In some ways, he's more driven than most other Marmoran soldiers, because he fights to avenge his father and the Earth culture that he was robbed of.
But that all changed when he was taken in by Voltron.
They had discovered the blade and landed their castle near to the base. The second Keith entered the castle he could feel something calling out to him. After he found red and fought off several Galran spies, he was accepted as a paladin.
He can tell that the other paladins are slightly wary of Keith thanks to his large fluffy ears, curving horns, and fiery temper, along with several other Galra traits that he inherited from his mother.
Or so he assumes, his mother disappeared on an assignment when Keith was 3, and he has no memory of what she looks like.
He does remember words, lessons, things that she had told him before leaving him behind.
Every time he thinks about her, he can remember a particular conversation clearly.
Krolia is moving quickly around the small dorm that she shares with her young son. She's about to be deployed on a mission, and she knows Kolivan doesn't appreciate lack of punctuality.
However, as she walks toward the door, she feels a soft tug on the tight material of her suit. She looks down to see Keith staring up at her with his large, deep eyes. He reminds her of Texas, both of them with their knowing gazes and endless hunger for knowledge.
“Someone told me about soulmates. They’re made for you and love you forever” He whispers out in his small voice.
Krolia immediately sours. If there's anything she's taught Keith, it's that he's self sufficient, and doesn't need silly reassurances like love to get by. She'll have to talk to Keith's instructor about planting futile ideas in children's minds.
“Ha. Bullshit. I met your father by crash landing on his planet. Those earth people have a way of spinning tales and lies that they create to make themselves feel something like permanence. But you know what? I watched your father die at the hand of my own kind after only a couple years of knowing him. The universe doesn’t care if you’ve finally found happiness, or that you want things to last forever. I watched my heart die along with that man. And when I die, don’t lie to yourself thinking that I won’t because I will, I’ll leave you behind too. And you will be all alone. Sure you’ll feel crushed and empty, but you know what? You’re gonna suck it up! People are a waste of time. The only person you can trust is yourself, got it? Families are only going to steal the breath from your lungs and claw your soul out. And if you are stupid enough to fall into that trap, you will go kicking and screaming. No one can pin you down if you don’t give in. We may be fighting them, but the Galra empire has the right idea. Vrepit Sa, victory or death. There is no in between.”
Keith tries to latch on to that, to keep himself from giving in to the false hope of belonging and security.
But it's hard to ignore the pleasant feelings that flutter through him whenever one of his team mates, his family, sends him a warm smile or gives him a firm pat on the back.
Here, he feels important, like he belongs to this band of chaotic people.
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queenendless · 1 year
Sleepy Giggles (Ler!Shiro x Lee! Gender Neutral Reader)
A/N: SFW CONTENT. I'm in a VLD mood. When it was simple and everyone didn't hate how it all went to bad. And moi needs comfort. This all happens around S1 and 2 and I'm rewatching it again. First time doing fics here so I hope you enjoy.
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It had gotten late.
Washing your hair and taking a pre-sleep snack before hitting the hay was your routine. Unfortunately for you, you had a very realistic nightmare that startled you awake in a cold sweat.
Next thing you know, you end up taking a walk to clear your intrusive thoughts. It takes you to the communal room, curling up against the couch, lost in thought when a comforting warm rumble struck right through you.
"Y/n?" You look over your shoulder to see Shiro in just a gray tank top and charcoal sweatpants. "What's the matter?"
You look away, rubbing your sore eyes with your forearm. "Can't sleep."
You felt a dip next to you before you felt goosebumps from his prosthetic cyborg arm brushing your bare arm. "Bad dream?"
You yawn deeply in your hand. "Yeah."
Shiro frowned, worry laced in his expression. "Wanna talk about it?"
While part of you wanted to keep it locked up inside, you also thought venting out would help lessen the weight of it on your conscience. "Being lost and alone in space. Zarkon taking the Black Lion. Killing you. Just … not so happy thoughts.” You hugged yourself; trembles of the dream still shaking you up, rubbing your arms from the sudden chill of the ill omens yet to pass.
“Hey.” His embrace enveloped you in fuzzy warm sensations, wiping the discomfort away. “While talking about these kinds of things is better than holding them in, you shouldn’t linger on these intrusive thoughts so much. You're not alone anymore, Y/n. You have us now. And together, we'll work to help free the universe from Zarkon's tyranny. It won't be easy. It'll be quite a long journey. And our lives will be put to helping those in need for it's the Paladin way, even with the risks that come with it. But I wouldn't change it for anything. It led me to you, after all."
You snuggled up against him, pressing your face against the side of his neck, kissing his warm skin. “Well, being with you now makes me feel better already.”
"Oh really?" The mischievous tone his voice took made your nerves go all jittery when you felt his bare hand squeezing your side. Your surprised squeak got you quite alert. “How about now?”
“Yehehes.” Your soft giggles brought a smile to Shiro's face. Now, that's another reason to keep fighting the good fight with the Voltron Force. To protect the smiles and laughter of those they care for. Including his very own space angel.
“Even … this?” He blew a raspberry in the crook of your neck, sending your body spasming as your giggles became squeaks. You slapped your hand over your mouth, afraid of waking the others, earning a chuckle from him.
“Mmm-hmm~!” Talking through bubbly laughter was difficult for you, but Shiro understood.
Your hands grabbed his, strength draining quickly from all the activity, as prying them off became tiresome. His hands slyly went underneath your top to rub his thumbs near your hips, buzzing his open-mouthed kisses all over your neck in unison, sending you into a quiet laughing mess.
"Well, they do say laughter is the best medicine." Even as his weighing stature gently pushed you to lay back down, pinning your body beneath his, digging his digits against your ribs, you were overwhelmed with giddiness. "Helps that hearing yours is too addictive for me to ignore."
"Shiro, I give, I gihihihive~!" Your weezy plea got him to stop, only for him to hoist you both back up, wrapping your legs around his firm waistline. "Thanks Shiro." His big smooch against your cheek brought another giggle out.
"Thank you for being here, with us, me and … yeah." He blushed, bashfully smiling as you smooched his cheek in return to your inner delight. "Now come on, you. Let's get you back to bed."
"M'kay." You mumbled, dozing off against his shoulder, as he carried you with ease to your room.
But even as he settled you back down, pulled the blankets over you, and started turning away to leave, you weren't ready to part from him yet.
You latched onto his robotic hand. "Stay. Please." Your quiet whimpers sent a tremor throughout his essence. He couldn't say no to you when you're giving him that puppy eyed, pouting face.
He rolled his eyes, smirking. "Move over."
You did, already curling against his figure as you two made do with your small bed. His arms wrapped around your waist, his legs weaving between yours, his face nestled in your hair as you nestled against his pecs, hearing his heart beating, sighing in content as he gave you a gentle squeeze, kissing the top of your head.
"I love you, Y/n."
"I love you too, Shiro."
With Shiro's form fitting perfectly right against your own, you were smothered with comfy dreams.
Dreams of the found family you're proud to be a part of and their compassionate caring leader that wanted you by his side as you two rode out this journey to the very end.
You and your black Paladin.
A good dream turned into reality.
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starrbee · 6 months
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(Most info in the photo but heres a small breakdown of the story of the white lion:)
-so the one thing that really annoyed me about how Voltron was created was there was no prototype, they had no physical proof that the project would work, so here is the fix!
-The white lion was a prototype for the voltron project, and it is smaller and less finished than the other lions, however it was supposedly 'destroyed' when the other lions were sent away
-the trash planet that it was stored on lead a group of refugees, including a white paladin, to use it to protect themselves and create a safe place, near the edge of the known universe away from the Galra. this soon became a place full of refugees and soon a trade planet for rebellions and resistances, the views they follow mean that the planet is almost entirely cash-free and relys more on trade than buying.
-Calyx is very anti-establishment and watches over the entry ways and trade route, making sure that theres no-one suspicious coming in or out, however upon inheriting the lion, they feel as if it wants to find the others, causing them to find Allura's castle and the others during the season 1 finale.
-the white lion relys mainly on stealth and tracking, so they stay in the background for a while
-Calyx also has mild chronic pain and uses a wheelchair sometimes, they also use braces and tech to ease the pain
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fancoloredglasses · 8 months
Voltron (two very different series with the same name set in the same universe? That's not gonna be confusing!)
[All images are owned by Toei Animation and World Events Productions. Please don’t sue me.]
As I mentioned before, my first exposure to anime (or, as I called it back then, “Japanimation”) was Star Blazers and an anthology series called Force Five (again, if anyone finds any footage of this series online, please let me know!)
However, years later I was exposed to another anime series that is likely to be more familiar to everyone.
[NOTE: As with Star Blazers, I am covering the American version of the series rather than the original Japanese, though there’s one difference between the two I’ll briefly mention when it comes up]
(Thanks to Peacock Kids)
(Yes, the narrator is none other than Peter Cullen, who is the voice of Optimus Prime. Nice to know Voltron has the support of the Autobots!)
Voltron (AKA Voltron III, Voltron of the Far Universe,or Lion Force Voltron) tell the story of a team of five Space Explorers who travel to a planet known as Arus to assist the government against an alien invasion. The five are entrusted to reawaken the planet’s primary defense: Voltron (why didn’t they have Voltron online before the invasion?)
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(Thanks to Al Kennon)
…a squadron of giant robot lions which…well, we’ll get to that in a bit.
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The leader of the team (henceforth called the Voltron Force) is Kieth, who pilots the Black Lion.
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Keith’s second in command is Lance, who pilots the Red Lion.
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Sven pilots the Blue Lion…until he’s hospitalized by an enemy agent (here’s the one difference I'm discussing: in the Japanese version “Sven” (I’m not looking up his Japanese name) is killed in the attack (obviously we couldn’t have the kids see someone die!). However, his twin brother appears late in the series; the American version has Sven make a return after his recovery) to be replaced by…
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…Princess Allura, ruler of Arus.
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Pidge pilots the Green Lion
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Hunk pilots the Yellow Lion.
The Voltron Force defends Arus against the forces of…
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King Zarkon
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Aided by the witch Haggar, who creates giant monsters (called Robeasts) to send against the Voltron Force.
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Zarkon’s son Lotor commands Zarkon’s armies and has a bit of a crush on Allura, determined to take her for his bride.
The battles are pretty much the same: The Lions attack the Robreast Of The Week, but are overmatched until…
(Thanks again to Peacock Kids)
After that, the fight’s a bit more even until Voltron finally creates its Blazing Sword weapon and slices the Robeast in half (why doesn’t it start with that?)
However, Voltron isn’t the only Defender of the Universe!
(Thanks to T. Winters)
The Galaxy Alliance is overcrowded and it’s up to the Space Explorers of the S.S. Explorer (really original name, guys!) to find new planets to colonize. This inevitable puts them at odds with the Drule Empire (it’s never officially stated if King Zarkon is part of the empire, but Drule’s giant monsters are also called Robeasts)
Like the Lion Force Voltron, this version of Voltron (AKA Voltron I, Voltron of the Near Universe,or Vehicle Team Voltron; there was supposed to be a third Voltron series, but negotiations between Toei (the animation studio that produced the original manga) and World Events (the American company that converted the series into Voltron fell through), the team consisted of smaller vessels that combined to form Voltron. Unlike Lion Force, the vessels were three squads of fighters that specialized in either air, land, or undersea combat.
(Thanks to reminators)
As many of you are aware (mainly due to the fact that NO ONE remembers the Vehicle Team series), the Lion Force became the most popular of the two, and their story has been retold at least twice.
As always, if you would like to see an episode reviewed, please let me know!
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comma57 · 1 year
devil may cry netflix show!?
hi everyone. welcome to my in-depth analysis of the upcoming devil may cry netflix anime. yesterday was the first time we got a look at what to expect visually. it was very short, but there's a lot to talk about. long, image heavy post ahead.
what's old?
firstly, let's briefly go over what we had known about the show before the trailer was shown. it's featuring dante (of course), and lady and vergil were confirmed to also make an appearance. so i had assumed it was a dmc3 adaptation, since it was unlikely to be post-dmc5. the first season would be 8 episodes long, with more seasons to come. the producer and co-writer is adi shankar, and is working with the producer for the original dmc and 2007 anime, hiroyuki kobayashi. (1)
here's a selection of quotes from some interviews with shankar, previously known for work on netflix's yasuke and other shows (something called "castle" "vania"). apparently he's working on a PUBG show too. okay.
"I've acquired these rights myself, so that the jabronies in Hollywood can't fuck this one up too." (2)
"Again, this was developed by a DMC fan for DMC fans, that was the ethos of this project. Production should start at the beginning of next year." (3)
"I feel like I can meaningfully contribute to the lore of the series. Devil May Cry has unique iconography and emotionally engaging lore." (4)
"The characters in DMC have an operatic depth and they experience growth across the series so it’s fun to – in a Marvel Cinematic Universe: Phase 3 kind of way – play with and explore that depth through the lens of psychological realism and dissect the trauma buried below the surface of that depth." (4)
"Devil May Cry.. will join Castlevania in what we're now calling the 'bootleg multiverse'. Let the speculation begin." (6) (i forgot he said this i'm so scared)
"You're a Vergil fan? Are you also a Thanos fan?" (6)
what's new?
with that awesome start out of the way, let's get into the new stuff. with no release date other than "soon", we know it's being animated by studio mir, a studio based in south korea ("anime" feels like a misnomer now but i won't get into that) and previously worked on legend of korra, voltron legendary defender, and star wars visions vol 2, to name a few.
hideaki itsuno, director of the dmc series since dmc2, tweeted that he was "supervising it properly!" (7)
there was also a promo for the netflix stream that showed ebony & ivory.. from the DmC reboot. which hopefully was a mistake. and that the reboot has nothing to do with the show.
here's the tagline for the show: "In this animated adaptation of the popular Capcom game, sinister forces are at play to open the portal between the human and demon realms. In the middle of it all is Dante, an orphaned demon-hunter-for-hire, unaware that the fate of both worlds hangs around his neck." aww, dante.
alright, now let's get into the trailer analysis..!! LET'S ROCK!!!!
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here's everyone's favorite devil hunter- wait. where is he? who is this? checks notes um. well. i guess this is supposed to be dante. white hair, red coat, twin pistols, confident smirk.. it has the key points of dante, but something is off OH GOD IS HE WEARING A SHIRT? (and suspenders??)
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1. his shirt? now, in all other iterations of dante he wears a shirt yes. but fans of the series would know in dante's look in devil may cry 3, he very much doesn't wear a shirt. that iconic red jacket is the only thing standing between him and catching a cold in cerberus' icy chambers. not having a shirt tells a lot about dante as a 19 year old living on his own. who's got time for shirts? he just took a shower and a demon crashed into his office. he's only got time to put on his coat in a very cool and dramatic manner. but that's not the only thing different from his dmc3 design.
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2. his hair. dmc3 dante's hair is nearing shoulder length, and is pretty flat. his bangs have a tendency to cover his eyes, but in the original game (not hd collection, which fucked with the textures), there was a bit of transparency. (8) of course i would not expect the same level of detail in animation regarding the hair, so some liberties must be taken. going forward acknowledging that when i further discuss his design, netflix dante's hair is totally different when it didn't have to be. his hair is much shorter, and kinda flares up in the back. it's more like lady's hair in that regard. his bangs are also totally different. with the middle part, it looks like much inspiration was taken from dmc5 dante's hair.
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3. his coat. or whatever his shoulder pads that connect to the back of his coat (to hold his sword and pistols) are different. personally i feel they take up too much real estate on his coat's striking red. the shoulder straps are there for dmc3, but the back part of it looks inspired by dmc5 (minus the skull, sadly).
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4. his amulet. if nothing else, this is what confirms it's an adaptation of dmc3 for me, since we haven't seen the amulet since dmc3, and chronologically, since dmc1. it went into the sparda, after all. i'm actually very happy it's visible on his neck, since in the game, it's only visible when he's coat-less (at the beginning of the game), or when it's relevant. otherwise it's tucked away. so here's the slightly concerning news. the amulet doesn't look like how it appeared in dmc1/3. in fact, it bears a closer resemblance to the reboot, with the brown string and lack of silver encasing. scary! that's scary!
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5. his guns..? these don't look like ebony and ivory, seeing as they're the same color. but honestly that's intriguing to me. it's possible the show could cover what the pre dmc3 novel covers—how dante got his iconic twin pistols, and lost a friend in the process (nico's grandma, nell goldstein the gunsmith), which i would actually love to see how that would be done.
6. his sword (OR LACK THEREOF) WHERE IS REBELLION?! maybe he stuck it in a beast. it literally took me this long to realize it's not there. feels intentionally omitted. what happened to it..
7. his voice. he has a different voice actor. which is awesome because reuben langdon sucks shit as a person.
now, there is nothing wrong with a redesign! but i can't help but be disappointed. the art style is not my favorite so far concerning his ..face.. but i think his hair was truly the biggest loss, especially when dmc3 dante is my favorite. it just doesn't look like dante to me. it's always possible he'll change over the course of the show (lose the shirt and suspenders for one).. maybe he gets a haircut.. one can hope. and those pants man. lose the gray pants. dark brown looks better.
miscellaneous musings
the last section of this analysis is on all other visual elements besides dante's design. you might want to turn your brightness up for this part.
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here's a shot of some industrial looking area—looks like cement floors, some crates and metal shelves. there's a table? a bench?? and a support pillar, which makes me think it's in some kind of warehouse, lit up with moonlight from windows. also dante disappears for a moment, only to reappear a moment later, which i want to believe is him using air trick. one can believe.
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the first picture looks like a tail or something slamming into the wall, which dante was jumping to avoid in the shot. for the second and third pictures, something with a bat wing like appendage swings at dante, and it becomes veiny and much like a blade. there are no dmc3, much less any dmc enemies that this could belong to. i would place my bets on it being a new demon designed for the show, unless they are drawing from some other media (novels, 2007 anime) that i'm less familiar with the demons of. it could look cool, i'm always down to look at new demon designs.
and that's pretty much it! i hope you enjoyed reading this. i will be watching it when it comes out and will definitely have thoughts and strong opinions on it, and probably will more informally discuss any other promotional materials they may share.
(1) https://www.ign.com/articles/devil-may-cry-anime-scripts-done-multiple-seasons-dante-vergil (2), (6) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1i-bP9MSi0c (3) https://comicbook.com/anime/news/devil-may-cry-netflix-anime-producer-adi-shankar-update/ (4), (5) https://ftw.usatoday.com/2021/11/adi-shankar-interview-devil-may-cry-anime-netflix (7) https://twitter.com/tomqe/status/1707071614423310754 (8) really recommend this video for those interested in how the hd collection differs from the ps2 originals. also catbus has done one on dmc1 too. general flashing warning bc it's dmc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USE6-uwB6gc
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curveofthevalley · 3 months
Voltron Primark Universe
welcome to the primarkverse, an au in which the voltron team (and friends!) work at the primark and other shops at the local shopping centre - the paladins are all like 17/18 and shiro is in his 20s
in collaboration with my favourite children's show enabler @vanillaa-sky <3
• alfor owns primark, zarkon owns h&m
• coran is the regional manager who spends too much time in this specific store because it's his favourite and he loves the staff
• coran gives everyone lifts home in his minivan because he worries about them getting public transport late at night
• shiro is the manager and he runs that primark like it's the navy and then goes home to bitch to his husband
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• curtis doesnt even work anywhere near the shopping centre but he knows all of the gossip
• keith lives with shiro and curtis because shiro drives him to work all the time, and he's not sick of how in love they are enough to move out
• keith has a second job (hmv) so he's always running late or getting his hours mixed up
• shiro tries to make keith's schedule easier because he's the best big brother
• allura's dad owns primark so she doesn't really work there but everyone lets her come in and work because honestly she's really good at it
• she's the best at dressing the mannequins
• allura refuses to be paid, plus she lets them all take home a kitten when her cat has a litter
• the kittens are all named after colours based on the colour of the collars they had as kittens to tell them apart (they have very similar patterns) and the names just stuck
• black for shiro, red for keith, blue for lance, green for pidge, yellow for hunk and white for allura
• black and keith are besties, red and lance get off to a rocky start but they bond eventually, and blue is just obsessed with allura
• keith also ends up with a wolfhound puppy (kosmo) as a reconciliation gift from his mother when they're finally reunited
• lance is kinda bad at his job but the customers really like him and he's helpful mostly so they keep him as the personality hire
• he also shows everyone pictures of his pet cow so they all bug him for more every shift <3
• lance does photoshoots of blue and kaltenecker with blue wearing a little cowboy hat and blue neckerchief and insists they're best friends
• lance is a photodump enjoyer who runs an 'anonymous' instagram account posting mugshots of the primark staff but everyone knows it's him because he forgets to post any of himself
• pidge is always on call to fix the tills when they fuck up
• she also finds a way to jack the wifi so that they actually get good signal in the break room (the game setup they all share is in there, they keep to a strict schedule of who can play when)
• matt works at game or cex to put himself through university, he's going to get an aerospace engineering degree and work with his dad one day
• pidge also plans to do this once she's through with sixth form, if it's not her allotted game time in the breakroom they're 100% studying for exams that are months away
• hunk helps and they test each other on their knowledge (they're both guaranteed all A* grades)
• shay works at a coffee shop a few stores down and practically has hunk's schedule memorised because he always comes in to buy drinks for everyone before his shift
• she remembers his order perfectly but he has to remind her of everyone else's
• hunk only goes there to see shay but he's too nervous to ask her out so they just visit each other at work a lot
• romelle worked at a different primark, with lotor, and he was so terrible at his job that he got fired
• as revenge he convinced zarkon to buy out the lot to turn it into a h&m so romelle ended up at the voltron store
• lotor and his generals (acxa, ezor, zethrid, narti) work at h&m round the corner
• lotor loves to come by and brag about being on his break but he never does any work anyway
• zarkon owns the store so lotor is a h&m nepo baby
• the generals are lovely and bring sweet treats and costa for the primark voltron team
• sometimes voltron show up at h&m to distract lotor so the girls can actually do their jobs without him being annoying
• allura had a brief thing with lotor while he worked at primark but broke up with him when he got the store closed down
• after she broke up with him the kallurance polycule formed (lance has two hands for holding both his boyfriend and his girlfriend)
the voltron brainrot has fully set in the year of our lord 2024, thank you for coming to our ted talk!
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seraphimfawn-fallen · 11 months
Helping Love - Character Database on Lance Altea | VLD - Omegaverse AU
SeraphimFawn-fallen Character Database/ Voltron Team - Universe.
Warnings: Abuse, Neglect, Kidnapping Mentions, Dark topics, Rape and body breakage, Mentions of Drugs, Dehydration and Mentions of Lack of eating, Mpreg.
Lance Altea - Male - Omega - Mother - Paladin, Prince, Heart of Voltron. Database Info on Lance: Lance is the youngest child and only son to King Alfor of Planet Altea and the only sibling to Allura of Altea, Lance was kidnapped as a child by a Galra commander named Yjok and was taken to a not known planet called Earth, there for 10,000 years Lance went through much torture and abuse after he was taken from his family as a 5 year old child. His supposed brother named Luis had raped him when he was 14 years old making him produce two children, they are 5 months apart, one boy and one girl that Luis then lied to his wife that they were from a surrogate while Lance was just a toy to him. Being an Omega gave him the ability to create children with his own body however, Luis had taken advantage of his heat twice and later had given birth too his first two children.
Lance, because of how he was raised from 5 years old, is short for his age at a standing 5'4, while other males are higher in height varying from 5'7 to near 6'3. Because of not being allowed to eat his growth became stunted and he did not grow much even with the small amounts of food he would eat just to prevent his cheek bones to show through his skin. His is also extremely skittish, doesn't like loud noises and flinches when someone comes into contact with him, this is the effects of PTSD he obtained as a child that followed him into his teens. Gradually his bad habits went under once he was surrounded by caring people but ultimately fell back into bad habits when he was once again kidnapped by Prince Lotor of the Galra Empire and raped once more and fell back into his old habits.
Lance considers 3 females his sisters, his biological sister Allura, his mother figure sister Veronica McClain and his last sister being Rachel McClain. He has four children, his first two being because of Luis and his last being because of Lotor, his youngest daughter was from his mate who is an Alpha, despite his bad past with Alphas, he doesn't consider Keith in that list of his bad past. He has one child that is by consent while his other three weren't by consent, but he still loves all his kids equally.
His mate is Keith, and he somehow resurrected his dead sister, Veronica from being fatally stabbed and then reunited with her in space due to both of their surprises. Lance achieved his dream of being among the stars but in reality, he just returned back to the feeling he had before he was kidnapped by Yjok.
Lance has a few scars that are the results of burns, his back was burned a bit from the explosion he prevented Coran from getting hurt but was injured in the process. His right arm at the top of his bicep, was burned by a blow torch and the same to his left thigh. He also has a few breakages, but he makes sure he doesn't overwork himself to the point he causes another breaking in his bones. He also hates being babied, Veronica used to do when he was little, and she came home from one of her many jobs and ended up finding him injured everytime.
His kids rank from oldest to youngest: Sylvio is his oldest son, Nadia and Mela are the middle children and Cole is his youngest son, however there was a time difference between Cole and Mela. At 7 months old, Mela was the oldest of Cole but because of the three year time difference, Cole who is the youngest became the second middle child and Mela the youngest.
Lance is the heart of Voltron and managed to unlock something no paladin had ever even hoped to achieve, he can feel all of the lions and the lions can feel him. They have a connection like no other, it's different from pilot to lion, it's more soul focused. If he could so much as think about it, he can see through a lions eyes and call to the lions if he much as wished.
Because he was kidnapped, Allura was forced to accept the title of next ruler of Altea but she didn't want that, she was fine with being just a princess while supporting her brother to the best of her abilities however once he recovered his memories after going to Oriande, Allura and their advisor worked a full Quintant (Day) to change everything back to the way it was before Yjok had gotten his hands on him.
Lance considers team Voltron, a certain amount of rebels (Including Matt and Veronica) and a certain amount of Blades his family.
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empty-blog-for-lurking · 11 months
do the rest of team voltron exisist/apperar in the sr au? do they exist only in the voltron universe or are they also in the ''real world''?
I am going to be real with you, i dont think so? I think they might be in the "real world" but they are literally just some normal people living their normal lives. Like maybe if they met Allura or Lance or Shiro or each other there might be a moment of feeling of familiarity but it would be gone and forgotten in seconds. They would be nowhere near as aware of their previous lives as Allura and Shiro are nor would they be as nearly embroiled into eldritch horror wrongness the way Lance is. To them this is always been their lives and it is a normal life.
I did have a plan at the beginning though where the scene starts as those comedy documentaries (like Office, wwdits etc) focusing on Keith, Pidge and Hunk and others only times the scenes arent shown like this is when Allura or Shiro are on screen. And then the camera scenes start getting darker as it is revealed there's a serial killer and the viewer is shown various seemingly unrelated scenes which turn out to be evidence for the crime, until finally it is revealed that the cameraman was Lance and the scene goes all fritzy until completely black as Lance 'deals'with the killer
Not sure i would keep it but anywho
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winterpinetrees · 11 months
Exactly two people asked, but two people did ask! So here are my Villain Coded Kids.
These six characters are a small fraction of the marvel fan fiction that I dreamed up when I was 12 years old. I daydreamed about them constantly, and they carved a little hole into my brain so I could never stop thinking about them. It’s been over five years. These guys are often stereotypical, several names come from fantasynamegenerator.com, and they were invented alongside a self-insert mary sue who I cannot leave behind. That being said, I love them dearly. Who wants to meet them? If you don’t want to, simply do not read this post. This is entirely voluntary.
In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there is a shield base in the middle of Manhattan. It’s where Captain America wakes up from his 70 years in the ice. But I don’t think it’s ever seen again. In my mind, it holds offices and training rooms, but in 2018, it is also home to six villain coded teenagers.
You are going to meet these kids as they were on some afternoon in the fall of 2018. They’ve been a team for about a month. It has been six months since Iron Man and Black Widow died in the events of Avengers Endgame. Six months since half of the population was killed and then revived, six months that the other half of the population has spent slowly forgetting five years of memories from the lost time known in canon as The Blip. The Sokovia Accords are exactly as unmerciful as they are in canon. Any unauthorized superpowered activity can be punished by arrest without trial or parole, and the only difference between a friendly neighbor hero and a prisoner is whether or not the local police like them. The police did not like these six kids!
Imagine a common room like what you’d find in any college dorm. There’s a couch, some chairs, and a television. Six kids are gathered doing whatever. The oldest are 16 and in 11th grade and the youngest is 13 and in 8th grade.
The too tall boy drawing Voltron fanart on his IPad is Zachary Jesper. He is a vessel for the reality stone, which grants him near infinite power at the cost of chronic pain. He also shares a body with the villain from Thor 2. The stone (also called the aether) is eating him alive. He has a little sister that he hadn’t seen since May, and religious trauma that he hasn’t unpacked. He’s been doing pretty well in class lately, but is working on a YouTube video at the moment. Zach has long dark hair and sickly pale skin, which makes him look a bit like Loki, the supervillain that he has a crush on.
And the blond girl reading Lord of the Flies for homework? Her name is Cyrene, although that’s not the first name she’s tried out since running away from her transphobic home two years ago. She has two powers. Telepathy, and the ability to summon blades and whips of cyan energy. Back during the blip, she ran a criminal syndicate and hunted any billionaire or politician who dared to exploit others. For the record, she did quite a bit of bad stuff herself. Cyrene has also read Lord of the Flies before. It’s not a particularly accurate depiction of how people behave (it was written as satire!). She remembers the blip well enough to know that.
The oldest person in the room is Sarah “Sol” Torres, but she won’t turn 17 for another few weeks. She’s afro-latina with loose curly hair and eyes that look more golden in the sun. That happens a lot, because her ability is to summon and control sunlight. Sol is used to being the responsible oldest sibling. She’s fed up that her only two options are heroic perfection, or rotting in jail. Why can’t she just be a teenager? Who is she supposed to avenge?
The US government in this world has a lot of crazy tech. There’s an east asian boy tinkering with some of it while sitting on the couch. His name is Daniel Asato, and you’ll never see him without a pair of gloves. It’s convenient that he likes engineering, because his power is the ability to manipulate metal. He’s mostly used it for crime though. He’s wearing gloves and long sleeves because they cover long, jagged scars on his limbs. They also let him avoid physical touch. Six years ago, when he was just shy of 8 years old, Daniel was trapped under a collapsed building during the Battle of New York. His parents died instantly, but his brother bled out in his arms. Daniel hasn’t wanted to hold anyone else since.
Given any group of teens, someone is always taking a nap. That person is probably Noah Griffin, an african-american girl with powers too strong and uncontrollable to really be used in combat. She can control the weather, specifically wind and cold. Noah is a tomboy at this point, with a short, masculine hairstyle. She’s also hoping to be a woman in STEM and does environmental work when she can. Noah has a bit of survivors guilt because she knows how difficult it must have been for Hawkeye to convince the shady government organizations to set her free. She’s worried about the upcoming winter. What if she freezes New York City?
Last, youngest, but certainly not least is Vicky Khol (whether that’s short for Victor or Victoria depends on the day, she’s gender-fluid in the same way as Alex Fierro in Magnus Chase. Blame my 12 year old self). She’s a suntanned country kid with dirty blond hair dyed red at the tips. Her ability is mind control and illusions, but they don’t work through cameras. She’s not even in high school yet, and SO EXCITED to be a famous hero. She’s a mischievous theater kid with a traumatic backstory that she tries not to mention.
By all rights, these six kids should be dead by now. Instead, they got a second chance and are making the most of it. They are under unbelievable pressure from outside and inside forces. The worst of it is from a second team of teenagers, who are hero coded and were never in any danger to begin with. They fight frequently. It’s a game to the heroes, but the villains are fighting for their lives. It all turns out okay though.
If you actually read that, I am in your debt forever. Literally. I will grant you any reasonable favor. Please reach out so I can know who I should thank! This is a small fraction of the lore. I also have two other completely separate stories. My brain would drive Cyrene mad.
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Voltron, Defender of the Universe!
Coming Soon to a VCR near you!
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aquaburst3 · 4 months
I sent @nomadicism an ask about what they would change about Voltron if given the chance. Since I don't want to do a whole ass rewrite fic for this franchise since I'm more focused on my Twisted Wonderland one, here are some ideas I have for how I would change that series to write it better.
(Disclaimer: I'm not a giant robot fan. Ever since VLD burnt me, I just realized that macha genre isn't for me with some exceptions like Gurren Lagann, and I'm more of a fantasy girlie when it comes to genre fiction, especially when it comes to writing. Take this with a grain of salt.)
I'm writing a show like this now, I would make it an adult animated series like Hazbin Hotel or Blue Eye Samurai.
The series would be fantasy sci fi like Star Wars
The Galra never almost conquered the whole universe yet, just a fraction close to earth
Pidge would non-binary
The characters would be young adults in their early-mid 20s.
I would add in Pollux and leave the colony bs in the Shadow Realm where it belongs.
No shapeshifting Alteans
Plan A would be to have Shiro die in the first fight with Zarkon for Keith to take up the mantle of leader. Plan B would have him live, but live out the Pollux plotline that Ryou lived out in Go Lion.
Keith's arc would be about him becoming a strong leader in his own right.
There will be a point where something blasts Keith, which brings out his Galra traits and that causes tension in the group for awhile.
Hunk would be merged with Pidge as a character to prevent the cast from getting bloated like how it did in the show.
In addition to the previous point, this would mean that Allura would be a paladin earlier and the robot would go out for the count until they find another paladin to form it.
Lotor would be like a mixture of Loki, Zuko, and Lelouch. Someone who cares deeply about those dear to him and has a conscience, but at the same time, he's cunning, christmastic and uses mind games to get what he wants.
Lotor redemption arc
Lotor becomes a paladin near the end of his character arc.
Keith and Lotor have an actual rivalry thanks to them both being half Galra
Keith never meets his mother, and sees the paladins as found family
Allura wouldn't be perfect at everything.
Allura would have a complete mental breakdown once Coran tells her the truth.
None of the group will die in the end. Instead they will sacrifice the lions, which singles that they're no longer needed.
As for romance, I'd make Pidge/Lance, and Allura/Lotor or Allura/Keith endgame depending on where the story goes.
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