#Volfred Sandalwood
blue-unifox · 5 months
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Fuck it
*adventure times your pyres*
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quenthel · 24 days
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pyre sketches :)
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yakkitylylac · 10 days
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laughingpinecone · 7 months
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Sorry, I saw this "live by the sun love by the moon" notebook and someone should gift it to him ironically and let him be ironically smug about it (especially since no-one can read what it says) (except for The Actual Moon Whom He Is Smooching)
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raynewton · 10 days
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And some more True Nightwings inspired by @vonvenerables
Gareph was sent to Sandalwood's school
(and they got cell phones in the Downside)
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jpdoingart · 1 year
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Volfred Sandalwood (Pyre.)
I am forging ahead into ever smaller fandom niches, woot! Gotta love art just for me!😅
Just felt like doing something that wasn't realist for once, that I could complete in like an hour; and I think his design is super neat (he's a sap, a tree-man, for those who are wondering.)
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Volfred: Have a little faith in us, Bertrude.
Bertrude: We have great faith, Sandalwood, tempered with vast annoyance.
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pyrepalaver · 2 years
i think volfred would, on very rare occasion, do something incredibly silly but in a way that no one would believe. like one day he's alone with the reader and just fucking dabs and the reader can't say anything because no one would believe it.
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under-snow-vixen · 11 months
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vaguely a scene from A Reunion of Souls by thornedwritings
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exultedshores · 1 year
They march. Their group is sizeable, a good hundred of the revolution’s agents trailing behind a small number of figures clad in the white raiments of their ascension. Hedwyn, their Golathanian, walks arm-in-wing with his Fikani; Jodariel, Soliam Murr incarnate, has a tight hold on Ignarius’ hand, their horns knocking together affectionately; Ti’zo, the spitting image of his grandfather, sits atop the wild hair of Chae, who’s all but skipping alongside Almer and Dalbert of the Fate. Seven of the eight Scribes and their friends, their entourage, marching shoulder to shoulder down the alabaster streets. Oralech stands alone at the head of the procession, dressed in the uniform of a field medic that marks him even more recognisable than the bright robes of those behind him. He would have donned his raiments as well, out of a sense of uniformity if nothing else, but the Demon’s clothing no longer fit his diminished frame. He is no Demon, and he is no Scribe. He is the star that beckons them ever onward.
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theroseandthebeast · 1 year
Yuletide 2022 Recs, Batch Five
17 recs for Master & Commander, Midsommar, Nope, Only Murders In The Building, Peacemaker, Persuasion, Point Break, Pyre, Ready or Not?, Severance, The Sleuth of the Ming Dynasty, Transistor, and Under the Banner of Heaven
Cadential Motion
Jack Aubrey/Stephen Maturin - “I’ll be frank with you, Captain, it’s a relief to finally have you in my chair. I was beginning to worry that you didn’t trust my expertise.”
Aubrey and Maturin discover that their first impressions of one another were borne out of some misunderstandings.
Dani Ardor/Pelle - Dani learns about the ongoing responsibilities of the May Queen, deepens her relationship with the land - and finds her throne.
Beyond The Stars
Angel Torres, OJ Haywood - It'd been seven months since they last spoke, but who's counting?
Making wishes is a sucker’s game, but at least there’s cake
Mabel Mora & Oliver Putnam & Charles-Haden Savage - Mabel isn’t celebrating her birthday because she stopped doing that when she was 8 years old. Charles and Oliver find a way to be there for her anyway.
Portrait of the Artist
Theo Dimas/Mabel Mora, Mabel Mora & Oliver Putnam & Charles-Haden Savage - Winter brings back memories for Mabel, but also the opportunity to make new ones.
I'm Feeling This
Adrian Chase/Christopher Smith - Adrian doesn't have feelings but he does feel things. He feels a lot for Chris. More than for anyone else.
I Must Go Up From The Seas Again.
Anne Elliot/Frederick Wentworth - It sounds bitter to say that he's still not over his ex who wouldn't uproot her entire life, leave her entire support system behind, and go be a trailing spouse for five years in a place with no career prospects for herself.
Of Duty, and A Path Not Ridden
Anne Elliot/Frederick Wentworth - Two years after Miss Anne Elliot declined to marry Captain Frederick Wentworth of His Majesty's Navy, an opportunity arises for the captain to renew his suit.
come as you are
Bodhi/Johnny Utah - Johnny goes to Mexico, and there's one more Ex-President.
The Ultimate Ride
Bodhi/Johnny Utah - Even reeling from the shock that Johnny jumped out of the plane without a parachute to tackle him mid-air and point a gun at his head, Bodhi has never felt more connected to anyone.
Because Bodhi’s been chasing the ultimate ride his whole life and one look into Johnny’s eyes as they fall to earth together makes it crystal clear that Johnny is already there.
Constellations of the fall
Oralech/Volfred Sandalwood, Volfred Sandalwood/Tariq - Terrible starlight shines on Oralech as he lays dying on the northern slopes of Mount Alodiel. The same truth hangs over Volfred and Tariq, who are left to mourn. All they have is their memories and the warm embrace of failure.
A Smudge of Red
Daniel Le Domas/Grace Le Domas - "Funny story. Not really. But. Yeah. We were all adopted, Alex and Emilie and me, but I guess the old folks thought—rightly so—that baby me couldn't exactly play, uh, any board game. But Alex and Emilie were toddlers when their papers came through and they joined the family, so they did it, and I hadn't blown up yet by then, so. Yeah. Got left out of that one. A lot of goat sacrifices, though. To make up for it. Not fun. But, hey, I'm still in one piece. I guess."
"Great," is about all she can come up with. "I'm being asked some awkward questions, but glad I can blame it on your all being adopted and not on demons or whatever the fuck."
"Ah. The proper authorities." He grimaces."And hospital personnel, yeah." Her chair creaks. It's uncomfortable and noisy, and not making this conversation any easier.
all you are
Helena Eagan & Helly R. - In a dream, Helly meets Helena.
gen - Welcome to r/severed! This is a subreddit to discuss the experience of severance and provide advice and support to fellow severed people (and friends and family).
Dear and Beloved
Tang Fan/Wang Zhi - Wang Zhi and Tang Fan are a lot more candid in their letters to each other than they are in person. One thing leads to another, until they have no choice but to admit what they really want.
i genuinely love to hear your thoughts
Mr. Nobody | Man Inside Transistor/Red - Red’s cheeks feel warmer than before. She’s never shared unfinished material with anybody—not even Sybil. She’d always thought it would cast a curse, doom the song to die before its first breath. If it dies, she thinks in the quiet of her lonely apartment, then let it be with him.
The Dust They Leave Behind
Jeb Pyre/Bill Taba - When to move on, and what to take with you.
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blue-unifox · 1 year
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Was thinking about how cats bump their heads into you to show affection silently. So, what if-
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Conceptualization and suggestion?
conceptualisation: what further exploration of the world or characters do you want to see most? (in an official or fan capacity)
I'd like to know SOMETHING about Seol... more about Mazov and Nilsen and how the aforementioned revolutionary lovers fit among the big names of the Revolution... more giraffes of course... and the same promo text with the giraffes mentions that there's one (1) Communist left in Revachol and he teaches at the university. Who is he. Barring any canon development, I'm going to picture him as Volfred Sandalwood from Pyre.
suggestion: if you could change one thing about disco elysium, what would it be?
More critical of the RCM and everyone in it
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yakkitylylac · 3 days
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laughingpinecone · 5 months
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Friend pointed out that that one Hemingway quote about Scott Fitzgerald is very Volfred-y. Friend is very right.
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raynewton · 19 days
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖚𝖊𝖑 𝖔𝖋 𝖍𝖔𝖓𝖔𝖗 𝖆 𝖑𝖆 𝕯𝖔𝖜𝖓𝖘𝖎𝖉𝖊
Sir Gilman: Sir, forgive this knight for not addressing you more respectfully, but your means of revenge are unacceptable!
Oralech: So what am I supposed to do?
Sir Gilman: You must challenge Master Sandalwood to a duel of honor! Choice of weapon--
Oralech: Great duel. The physician and the historian trying to stab each other! That rotten log doesn't even know which side to hold the sword on!
Sir Gilman: In that case, we must find some brave knights to fight on your behalf!
Oralech: It's all a bunch of hogwash!
Gareph: I like the idea! Let off steam, then do some chit-chat.
Sir Gilman: You describe the sacred ritual of a duel of honor too vulgarly, but in essence--
Oralech: Gareph, you too?!
Gareph: I'm done with freezing in the swamps! Gonna duff their nomad up and then finally talk!
Sir Gilman: Could this knight interpret your statement as a challenge?
Oralech: No! I did not consent to-- Stop, you undercooked noodle! Stop!
*a few hours later*
Sir Gilman: In the name of establishing justice, we are gathered on a star-blessed... khee... swamp to end years of strife through a glorious duel! Today, the former Master of the Nightwings Order, Volfred Sandalwood...
Sandalwood: I still find this idea highly questionable.
Sir Gilman: ...are fighting with Oralech, acting master of the True Nightwings Order!
Oralech: Idiotic.
Sir Gilman: Their seconds are Hedwyn the Deserter and Gareph the Shipwright. Exchange bows.
Hedwyn: *sharply nods*.
Gareph: *makes a mocking curtsy*
Sir Gilman: And the judges: this knight, who solemnly promises to act only according to the law, and--
Iq'sa: The magnificent and enchanting Lady Iq'sa!
Oralech: *facepalm*.
Sir Gilman: According to the fifty-third verse on chivalry of the Ores Codex, seconds are equal to knights of honor and shall fight among themselves if both duelists are from peaceful professions or have taken vows of nonviolence.
Hedwyn: So how does that apply to a military physician who spit on his vows from the heights of Alodiel?
Oralech: Oh, so you'd rather have your kidneys beat out by me personally?
Sir Gilman: As practice has shown, we have no evidence of a breach of physician's oaths.
Gareph: Are we just gonna keep talking?
Sir Gilman: Must choose the weapons. In a duel of honor, you may use swords, glaives, axes.
Gareph: Can we make allowances for the poor financial situation of the participants and fight with mallets?
Sir Gilman: In special cases it is allowed to fight hand-to-hand.
Hedwyn: Good, now I'm going to smack that desecrator of the Rites in the face!
Gareph: We're desecrators? It's shameful to look at your rabble from the stars, that's why the Scribes lost their nerves!
Hedwyn: You have defrauded the Rite system!
Gareph: And you rammed the blackwagons! You broke over the Tempers' trunk, you knocked down the Dissidents' zodiac, the Fates' blackwagon almost collapsed in mid-air!
Hedwyn: You got the drive-imps to pull the Pyrehearts' blackwagon aground!
Gareph: You put a spell on Lendel just because!
Hedwyn: And your demon got into the blackwagon and scared the Reader half to death!
Gareph: The Reader who gave the order to run him over with the blackwagon!
Hedwyn: So we're the villains and you're the nice and fluffy ones?
Gareph: We never thought we were good. And you sons of bitches are yelling on every corner what kind of good liberators you are! You accuse others of all deadly sins to make yourselves look better and cleaner against them!
Hedwyn: Come here, and I'll show you who is the son of a cur!
Sandalwood: My boy, calm down--
Gareph: I'd love to! Now I'll paint your pretty face in such a way that the Reader will never recognize it!
Oralech: Hey, you two! We agreed that you would fight for me and Sandalwood, not--
Gareph: To hell with your stupid squabbles!
*Hedwyn and Gareph throwing fists at each other*
Sandalwood: It's true what they say, like priest like people.
Oralech: Are you referring to yourself?
Sandalwood: Just thinking out loud. The wise one will understand.
Oralech: Your wisdom is beyond us, you shriveled splinter! Every word of Gareph should be written down and pasted under your agents' leaflets! A bunch of hypocrites!
Sandalwood: You're the one who provoked it.
Oralech: Me?! You think I encouraged Erisa to push me over the waterfall?
*they both lash out menacingly at each other*
Iq'sa: Hey, sir-wyrm, if both duelists and seconds are fighting, what are judges supposed to do?
Sir Gilman (confused): This knight knows of no precedent!
Iq'sa: Well, then the decision is obvious. For the True Nightwi-i-ings!!!
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