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nightmairdragon13 ยท 6 years ago
New Tumblr
Oh boy, how to unpack this? There is just so much here. (To the staff member who is likely going to have to review, strap in its going to be a long one. BTW You are likely the only person to read this anyway) I was one of the people who went through on a regular basis and spent HOURS flagging porn bots. Some porn bots actively target minors in the same way cigarettes do. We all aware that that's illegal but they don't care, get them hooked young right? (That sentence is scarsim.)The bots, hate speech, and general lack of communication was the real peoblem.
Here's the thing, we are talking really about teens. Anthropologist have a term for the status teens have in society. We call it "Liminal" and it means being in between two official states. Like being between child and adult, pregnant women are in between of the state of not being a mother and being a mother, you get the picture. Here is the problem with being in a liminal state, NO ONE knows how treat people in liminal states.
For teens this often means they get treated as children legally. I'm properly certified to perform human experimentation. You want to know what 99% of the test consisted of? Proper ethics. (when you really get to thinking about it that's actually a very good thing) These types of situations don't allow for liminal states, you are treated as the lowest possible denominator.
That means when ethics (yes this is, at its heart, an ethis problem) are the center of things infants, children, and teens (pregnant women are usually included in this group as well) are treated EXACTLY the same. They cannot provide the same consent as an adult as the lowest possible denominator in the group does not have the ability to understand what the action means.
This is why the "think of the children" stuff gets pulled by hyperconservative groups and is legally taken seriously. Under the law a 17-year-old and a two-year-old are the same. Now we as humans realise that's not a good depiction of a 17-year-old. Here is where liminality comes into play.
Teens are more mature than children but they aren't adults. They are given the rights of children but expected to behave like adults. So when it comes to sex (and a lot of other things) you wind up with a double standard. Anyone who knows anything about double standards will tell you that's a lose-lose situation.
I'm full behind the fact that teens need spaces to discover their sexuality. Lord knows it's hard for straight teens to do so, for LGBTQ+ teens it's incredibly difficult if not dangerous. You would think the solution would be simple, make spaces safe for them to do so.
Well hypothetical reader, what is an acceptable age to let in? What are appropriate topics? How do you decide what to ban? Do you allow mentoring? When it comes to sex, those aren't easy questions and Boy Howdy do they get uncomfortable fast. Which is why I can understand Tumblr's reaction to the clusterfuck they wound up with.
Enter the fandom. At some point teens are likely to read or write fanfiction, and for a lot of teens it becomes a way to experiment sexually through surrogates. In the same way children use Barbie and G.I.Joe to explore and experience things beyond what they are allowed as children, teens use fanfiction. While fandoms do have toxic rabbit holes, in my experience fandoms are usually good at calling that stuff out.
Fandoms allows teens to do that experimentation without being shoved onto hardcore porn sites. That is 100% adult content that is often unrealistic and just plain bad. It is also almost solely directed at the straight male and unfriendly to LGBTQ+ people. Not that everyone in a fandom participates in that side if the fandom. However fandoms provide a safer/safish place for that experimentation.
Content marking helps filter out the "type of content that shall not be named," henceforth Voldercontent, for those who dont want to see it. However there are always going to be people who refuse to mark content appropriately. Usually it's because they think it's funny to force that on people. Occasionally they don't want their "artistic freedom of expression" (eye roll) hindered.
There are a lot of people who are going to be unaffected by this. The cat videos will survive, SFW artists will still post things (if the ban bot doesn't drive them away while it learns), and memes will still dominate (at least untill Article 13 presents the death blow to the sight).
Also out and out banning Voldercontent isn't going to get it off the sight. People will just resort to a bunch of silly euphemisms that would Shakespeare proud (If your high school English teacher never pointed out the poop jokes, genitalia euphemisms [his and hers], and yo' mamma jokes I feel sorry for you. High brow humor Shakespeare ain't).
I get why Tumblr wants to do this, deciding what is and is not Voldercontent by using the same yard stick as an Mike Pence on steroids is not the way to do it. Look at what is being labeled Voldercontent. It looked like a bad high school dress code. (Dinosaurs were bapped as Voldercontent. Do we need to worry about an anti-science agenda?)
Maybe when porn bots have abandoned this place, the ban bot will be allowed to chill it's non female presenting nips. Here's hoping.
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