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brutalgamer · 1 year ago
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Ion Fury's "Aftershock" expansion debuts at Realms Deep, hitting today
The long-awaited expansion pack for retro-shooter Ion Fury is finally here, bringing an Aftershock to fans.
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February 10, 2021
Ion Fury (2019)
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secretlyhuntokar · 10 months ago
i get why people want to fuck trains
i get why people want to fuck planes
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blazehedgehog · 10 months ago
Where do you draw the line on the game industry's bad practices and no longer buying their stuff? Like I personally try to avoid buying Nintendo anything after the Gary Bowser thing and numerous piracy-related oversteps, but I still buy Metroid games and merch so I doubt it means anything. Hate seeing SEGA's union busting, probably still buying Origins Plus and Superstars. I dunno, I'm just frustrated with the industry and my own failure to commit.
It's entirely personal. Everybody has their own standards and limits. Where the breaking point lies is for you to decide.
And you gotta realize that as much as it matters for you to take a stand and defend your beliefs, you're also just one person. If you cave and buy something, unless there's an actual picket line, you shouldn't beat yourself up too hard over it. It's not the end of the world.
There's different levels, too. Like, there are some things where I am hardline, ironclad, total boycott on. Like, Ion Fury. When Voidpoint was called out for having homophobia in the game and then doubled back around with some stupid stance on "refusing to censor their game" it felt a little bit like someone was blowing a dog whistle.
In the five years since Ion Fury came out, I've had opportunities to get the game with minimal guilt; there was a Humble Bundle a year or two ago where you could donate your entire purchase amount to charity and thus block Voidpoint from getting paid, and even then I wouldn't do it.
But even though I took a stance on Sonic Origins Plus being too expensive at +$10 DLC, I'll probably end up buying it eventually anyway. To some degree, the "statement" you make even has a shelf-life. Denying them sales at launch matters a lot more than denying them sales two years after it matters.
If you try to make a statement but cave, at least you tried to begin with.
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moneypuzzleexchanger · 1 year ago
It's still very funny that Voidpoint the developers of Ion Fury are like full transmisogynists because how are you going to make a duke nukem game but with a woman. Your target audience and main character are going to be women with penises whether you like it or not
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igb220-jack-wightman · 1 year ago
VoidGate Exodus Post-Mortem
There is a lot to talk about with this post mortem, including a final update to game features, playtesting and overall polish as well as the post-mortem itself.
Firstly Play Testing:
We did 5 overall playtests of the game, 1 on 0.1, two on 0.2, one on 0.3 and a final on 1.0. With the first three versions tested there was a common theme of players being unable to identify that the bar on the top left corner represented the Health, in 1.0 we fixed this by having a text box next to it displaying the text "Health".\
Secondly, we saw through playtesting that in presenting the player with a Tutorial many opted to skip straight past it in order to get straight into the action. While with the limitations of GDevelop we couldn't present the Tutorial in another manner, we opted to highlight important Tutorials such as health decay in Red in order to emphasise it's importance to the players.
Overall with results in our questionnaire, we saw an increase in all categories towards the positive spectrum of each question. While we did not see perfect results on everything having recieved better results shows to us that the changes we made made a positive effect on the gameplay loop and fun to be had inside VoidGate Exodus. Now, Game Features and Polish:
Firstly we saw the upgrade of our icons and animations. With the implementation of a walking and jumping animation for the player sprite. Secondly we saw the Checkpoints go from Coins to VoidPoints:
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These icon changes helped create an environment that allows people to emerse themselves better.
We also saw the update to the look of the 'floaty boy' which was changed from an orb to a bat, which gave the players a stronger sense that it was an enemy and not an environmental object.
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After this, we upgraded the Tutorial to feature what we called 'The Talker' Which is a head similar to the players which floats beside the Tutorial boxes and moves along with the player as they go from point to point in the Tutorial.
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We added a Title Screen seen here:
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A Level Selector:
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level 2 was also added alongside a Boss fight the Corrupted Survivor.
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This enemy presented the players with more of a challenge as it uses projectiles to attack the player.
Post-Mortem: Overall I am happy with what myself and my group has produced, the quality I believe is to a degree that is above what I thought we would be capable of producing in this short amount of time, so not only am I happy to see what we have produced but I am happy to see how well we did it. Somethings that I would like to change is:
Add Environmental hazards - This would create a heavier emphasise on the platforming elements and would create a trade-off that the players would have to make a decision regarding, whether to take the shorter route but lose more health, or take the longer route but come out with more health. Add more levels - Currently there is only three levels including the Tutorial levels, these introduce all game mechanics and provide a fun experience but the game is in no state for prolonged enjoyment.
Change Engine - I would love to change engines to one that is more capable and free-form, as GDevelop has glaring limitations, and the more you press out of it the more jumbled and inconsistent the engine runs. This has led me to conclude if production for this game were to continue we would likely switch to another game engine such as Unity.
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entertainmehub · 1 year ago
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ION Fury: Aftershock #IONFury #IONFuryAftershock #Voidpoint #3DRealms #BoomerShooter #RetroGaming #GamingReview #GameReview http://dlvr.it/SxfYPL
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uzarran · 2 years ago
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A selection of figurines based off the cybrid enemy designs from Ion Fury.
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savingcontent · 3 years ago
Ion Fury sees an overhaul with 2.0 update today, ahead of Aftershock expansion releasing next year
Ion Fury sees an overhaul with 2.0 update today, ahead of Aftershock expansion releasing next year
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pietriots · 4 years ago
Ion Fury - Cyberpunk 2095
Ion Fury - Cyberpunk 2095 #NintendoSwitch #Censorship #IonFury #FPS
The year is 2095 and Betamax Tapes are back in fashion. Cyber punks have gone rogue on the streets, somehow overthrowing the police, military, the CIA and all the world’s power structures by strafing left and right and looking intimidating. What else is back in fashion? Old school build-engine FPS games. Ion Fury takes all the nostalgia and design structure that make classic FPS so great, and…
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linuxgamenews · 4 years ago
Ion Fury: Aftershock will add more to the old school shooter
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Aftershock expansion due to out for Ion Fury this summer via Linux gaming and Windows PC. Thanks to developer Voidpoint. Due to make it's way onto Steam, so new, we don't even have a product page yet. Ion Fury is the old school first person shooter developed by Voidpoint. Which will keep the bullets and cybernetic body parts flying with Aftershock. This is the new expansion pack launching in Summer 2021. After defeating Heskel in her previous adventure, Shelly Harrison decides to celebrate at a local bar. So when explosions interrupt her tasty beverage, she rushes out to find Heskel in a monstrous flying machine. There he is cackling madly, then rockets away toward a mushroom cloud on the horizon.
Ion Fury: Aftershock - Announcement Trailer
Instinctively, Shelly reaches for her Loverboy revolver, cocks it, and searches for the fastest transportation she can find. Low and behond, a sleek and powerful high speed Hover Bike. Which is also armed with Drunken Homing Plasma Missiles. While the fight against Heskel continues with multiple brand new zones to explore. Facing off against new dangerous enemies, armaments to destroy, and some amazing high speed vehicle combat. Like classic expansions, Aftershock offers a brand new Arrange mode. Whether playing for the first time or revisiting Ion Fury, choose Arrange mode to experience the original game. Now enhanced with new enemies, weapons and more. Rendered in the very same Build Engine that powered beloved titles like Duke Nukem 3D and Shadow Warrior. Ion Fury takes the classic shooter framework and injects a bit of modern mayhem with features like headshots. Since Voidpoint doesn’t just create a game inspired by ‘90s shooters. They practically time traveled and created their own ‘90s shooter. "Aftershock continues Shelly’s story in the best way possible: with rockets and high-speed chases," said Mike Nielsen, CEO of 3D Realms. "We love seeing the Build engine continue to grow and Ion Fury: Aftershock does some awesome things that we can’t wait to share with you." Ion Fury: Aftershock will be available Summer 2021 on Steam. Continuing support in Linux gaming with Windows PC. The base games is available on Steam and Humble Store for $24.99. Although, right now GOG is offering a 40% discount.
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mileena--kahnumm · 4 years ago
I'm just now finding out Ion Fury is getting an Expansion...
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berylb337 · 5 years ago
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"We won't actually be removing the slurs!"
"Also no hateful language!"
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blazehedgehog · 3 years ago
Do you have any studios or developers you refuse to purchase games from?
Voidpoint, for their handling of Ion Fury. It looks like an extremely good build engine shooter, but a mapper hid some bigoted humor in a level and Voidpoint dug in their heels and stood up "against SJW censorship." Big red flags. They don't deserve my business.
I struggle to care about anything Gearbox has been doing, exclusively because of Randy Pitchford. He's an incredibly suspicious dude -- there's claims he stole money from Aliens: Colonial Marines to bankroll Borderlands 2, there's the whole bizarre "magic trick on a flash drive" gaffe, the fact he "rescued" the Duke Nukem franchise and has left it to rot with increasingly worse ports and remasters of Duke Nukem 3D (and only Duke Nukem 3D)... Randy announced he was leaving Gearbox just a few days ago to pursue a movie production career, but also, the more Gearbox does with the "humor" in Borderlands, the more I groan at how much it sucks. Randy Pitchford or not, I don't want to buy or play anything from Gearbox, at least for a while.
THQ Nordic hosted an AMA on 8chan, a website known for hosting illegal pornography and being the heart of Qanon. They tried to make a series of weak apologies, but not a single one of them came off as sincere, because they were all full of misdirection and excuses about how they "didn't know" what 8chan was. I don't believe them for a second. People all the way up the Nordic ladder seemed to be in on it. Unsurprisingly, right after that disaster, they announced a suite of long-requested, fan-favorite remasters for games like Battle for Bikini Bottom and Destroy All Humans. It was blatantly transparent they were trying to smooth things over and hope people forget about the 8chan thing. I certainly won't.
I'm also going to start avoiding anything associated with Tommy Tallarico. He always came off as kind of a goober on Electric Playground, but it sounds increasingly like he's a toxic weirdo and a diva. It's harder to cite this one because it sounds like Tallarico is trying to get out in front of it and keep it quiet, but there are rumblings from people who met him that he's a loudmouthed jerk. He's been known to crack a lot of "snowflake sjw needs a safe space?" type jokes, and he followed a lot of the right wing brainworm types on twitter. He's also spearheading the whole "Earthworm Jim 4" project, which involves "getting all the original developers back together" -- including the ones who have willingly outed themselves as angry bigots. Despite claims that the bad eggs aren't really involved, their work is still being co-promoted. Tallarico is ignorant at best, and actively toxic at worst. Art cannot be separated from artist as long as money is involved.
There's probably more, but those are the four strongest examples I can think of right now. I'd maybe put Ubisoft in there, but mostly that's because I'm very bored with Ubisoft's output and have been for a long time, irregardless of what's wrong with their company culture.
Similar thing happened with Blizzard. I've never played World of Warcraft, I haven't played Diablo III for more than an hour, I stopped caring about Overwatch, etc. It was almost convenient when they started to self-destruct because of their company culture, because it really wasn't very hard at all to stop caring about their games.
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twynkdeth · 6 years ago
Don't buy Ion Fury/Maiden
I was super hyped about this game. I was gonna buy it once I had money to spend on it, but the devs absolutely shat on that idea. They're super transphobic asshats and I will absolutely not be supporting that bullshit.
If you want that shit 100% pirate it, don't give those fuckers a single cent.
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nintendocafe · 6 years ago
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ION FURY coming soon to Nintendo Switch
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