Vanja Milinković-Savić con gli occhiali è tipo quello zio simpatico che ti fa sempre ridere, che però in quel momento sta cercando di essere serio, ma tu lo guardi e ti fa ridere lo stesso perché è troppo simpatico e gli vuoi troppo bene
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infernetgirl · 14 days
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Lady and the VAX 🩷
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virtualizationhowto · 2 months
Proxmox 8.2 New Features and Download
Proxmox 8.2 New Features and Download #proxmox #proxmox82 #proxmox82newfeatures #downloadproxmox #proxmox82download #virtualization #vhtforums #opensourcevirtualization #kvmvirtualization #virtualmachines #lxccontainers #selfhosted #selfhosting
Proxmox has a lot of momentum behind it as of recently. We had the recent news of the new Proxmox import wizard to import VMware ESXi guests in Proxmox virtual environment. Also, Proxmox 8.1 wasn’t released that long ago. However, Proxmox has now released Proxmox 8.2 new features and you can now download the ISO for installation. Let’s take a look at the new features contained in this…
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7melo · 3 months
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lujipeka dans son clip homemade de “make love wearing a fila jacket”. (2013?)
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simplifyvms · 9 months
Vendor Mangement Solution
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Eric and Jen so far are just an alternate reality version of Dash and Lily
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tap-tap-tap-im-in · 1 year
I've been thinking about it lately so I wanted to blog about how Vogon handles requests.
If you have no interest in web frameworks feel free to skip this one.
Vogon as a core framework is basically nothing. It's a few functions, some starter classes, and a codified file structure. The main idea was for it to be hugely flexible without getting in the way of whatever project it was applied to.
This means that it has no static routes. By design there are no specific php URIs built into the code. And I don't mean that in the WordPress way where there are no static routes, except for the login url (and some other items). There are no static routes. If the framework is used as intended, the only PHP file your request is routed to is the main index.php file of the vogon folder structure.
What that means is that when you enter a url for a vogon instance you'll enter in something like this:
localhost/vogon/ebooks/view/53066?file=/upload/ebooks/user/hack2e_03.book/hack2e_03.book - user.pdf
If you know your URL structure we can go ahead and break this request down a little
[protocol] - http:// (implied because no protocol is specified) [hostname] - localhost (this is an alias for the local ip which is usually, or you are requesting something running on your own computer) [uri] - /vogon/ebooks/view/53066 [GET Variables] - ?file=/upload/ebooks/user/hack2e_03.book/hack2e_03.book - user.pdf
When vogon is installed, it analyzes the URI of the request that accessed the installer (though this is user overridable), this allows the framework to be aware of when it is in a subdirectory rather than an exclusive url. That is the case with this request, so we can break our URI into two sections:
[Vogon Root URI] - /vogon [Vogon Route] - /ebooks/view/53066
Before we break things down further we should talk about what's happening in the framework itself. The protocol, hostname, and Vogon Root URI tell the web server to send a request to Vogon application. The web server is then configured to route that request to the index.php file inside the web root. The exception for this is direct access to static files. This enables us to load static assets like JavaScript or CSS files. It does also mean that standalone PHP files can be accessed, but Vogon controller model and view files are all dependant on being loaded through their helper functions and will only error, if anything at all, if loaded directly. An optional security file can be prepended to ensure no unauthorized php execution occurs, but that involves some intensive configuration by the user, and sometimes results in false positives.
Getting back on topic. The request is routed to the index.php file. The index then looks for a new install flag file in the main directory. If this file exists then the install process has not been completed and the installer is loaded.
However, if that file does not exist, the system will load the bootstrap.php file from the /main/ directory, which is where 99% of the Vogon code lives.
The bootstrap loads any classes in the /main/class/autoload/ folder, establishes a database connection if one is configured, and loads our functions from the /main/functions.php file. If user sessions are enabled by the user extension, the bootstrap will attempt to establish an existing user session, if it can't a login screen is shown.
This login screen will be shown to any request, this is useful because unlike other systems with a static login route, you post your login to the same uri you requested originally, so no complicated redirects have to be done.
So far we haven't done any route parsing, and everything done by the system is the same for every request. But now we must calculate what other files need to be loaded, so we load /main/router.php
I think I'd actually like to move this to an extension so it's borders are a little better defined and it can be replaced/configured a little more easily (and so the system can include additional routers to choose from).
The media server version of Vogon is the most mature, so let's discuss that router.
In this router, the router only handles the first step of the process, the endpoint. In our example url that would be '/ebooks'. The router takes the endpoint it's been given and compares that against a database `routes` table. The routes table links controllers to endpoints. These controllers can live in the /main/controller/ folder or in a /main/ext/[ext-name]/controller/ folder. The system will attempt to load the defined controller, if no controller is found it will load the default 404 controller (404 is the http status code for "Not Found").
Then the controller is able to take over routing however it would like. This route is currently configured to use the /main/ext/ebooks extension, and loads controller.main.php from within that extension.
Vogon has a built in function called get_slug_part(); that allows parts of the URI to be accessed as if they were an array. The router uses slug[0] to determine the endpoint, so most controllers look first at slug[1] to determine what action to take. Remember, we are looking at this part of the URI /view/53066
The ebooks controller.main.php uses a switch case based on slug[1]. In this case slug[1] (view), tells the controller that we are viewing an ebook. The ebooks extension then loads controller.comic_book_reader.php.
controller.comic_book_reader.php gets slug[2], checks to ensure that it is numeric (and thus presumably a database ID), and then it attempts to look up that document by database ID. It compares the type of that document (if anything successfully comes back) against a subset of types it knows how to handle, and if it can it loads that document into a view and you are served what you requested.
In this particular instance, that view is the JS PDF library developed by Mozilla, that has been configured to read the filename of the PDF to load from the "file" GET variable.
That's it. That's a full request handled by Vogon. This is the point where output is actually returned to the user (if they have a user session).
Here's the full url again: localhost/vogon/ebooks/view/53066?file=/upload/ebooks/user/hack2e_03.book/hack2e_03.book - user.pdf
And here's a flow of documents (this is not complete and does not include classes, inline includes, ect.):
/index.php -> /main/bootstrap.php -> /main/router.php -> /main/ext/ebooks/controller/controller.main.php -> /main/ext/ebooks/controller/controller.comic_book_reader.php -> /main/ext/ebooks/view/view.js_pdf_viewer.php
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I would like people's thoughts on a particular matter.
I've made a personal rule, of not posting pictures of a craft or its process of said craft, I've chosen to make as a gift, until the recipient has received it. The issue is, is that by the time schedules and possible shipping times have lined up, I forget to post anything I've remembered to take photos of. Because of this, it adds to the lack of activity on updating my pages. So, to increase activity, I want to post my projects (especially the gifts) without any specifics on who they'll go to, until the individual has opened their gifts.
Should I do this new idea? Or should I continue as I have been?
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opengrowth · 2 years
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verso-ilbuio · 2 years
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Congrats! You look so beautiful 🤍🖤
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Me waiting to see at least one between Ilicic or Vanja M-S:
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sattvicmethod · 8 hours
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Enhance Your Security with RMT's Advanced CCTV Solutions
At Remote Monitoring Technologies (RMT), we prioritize your security by providing top-of-the-line CCTV solutions. Our advanced CCTV systems offer reliable, round-the-clock surveillance to protect your business, assets, and peace of mind.
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infosectrain03 · 27 days
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webdraw · 1 month
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tyasuite123 · 2 months
How Can a Vendor Management System Revolutionize Your Business Operations?
Are you struggling to streamline your vendor interactions efficiently? Discover the transformative power of a vendor management system (VMS). A VMS is a sophisticated software solution designed to enhance vendor relationship management, optimize procurement processes, and maximize cost savings.
Vendor management tools offer a comprehensive array of features to simplify vendor onboarding, performance evaluation, and contract management. By leveraging these tools, businesses can effectively track vendor performance metrics, ensure compliance with contractual agreements, and mitigate risks associated with vendor relationships.
One of the key functionalities of vendor management software is vendor invoice management. This feature automates the invoice approval process, reduces manual errors, and accelerates payment processing cycles. With advanced invoice tracking capabilities, businesses can gain better visibility into their financial commitments and optimize cash flow management.
Moreover, a robust vendor management platform facilitates seamless communication and collaboration between internal stakeholders and external vendors. Through centralized communication channels, businesses can streamline information sharing, resolve issues promptly, and foster stronger vendor partnerships.
By implementing a VMS, businesses can unlock a myriad of benefits, including improved operational efficiency, enhanced vendor performance, and reduced procurement costs. With access to real-time data and analytics, organizations can make informed decisions, drive strategic initiatives, and stay ahead of market trends.
Investing in TYASuite vendor management system is imperative for businesses looking to optimize their vendor relationships and drive sustainable growth. Are you ready to transform your vendor management processes and elevate your business to new heights?
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virtualizationhowto · 4 months
Why 2024 is the Real Year of Container vs VM
Why 2024 is the Real Year of Container vs VM #containers #virtualmachines #vms #docker #devops #opensource #hypervisor #cloud #cloudcontrolplane #ai #virtualizationhowto #vhtforums #cicd #homelab #homeserver #selfhosting #selfhosted
Wow, who could have foretold what was in store for 2024 with all the changes and shocking tectonic shifts that have happened over the course of the last few months. We have certainly had several good discussions and blog posts covering the topic of containers vs virtual machines and which is best and the use cases for both. However, I think it is time to have another discussion on this subject…
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