#Vivvienne and Scynthe
monster-pirate · 8 years
The way to her heart (is not through her stomach)
24th: What disgusts your character?
Romance.  Scynthe had promised Vivvienne a night of romance and pampering that she would never forget. She had looked forward to this night for nearly a week, unable to take her mind off of her growing belly. Ever since Talil had left her, Vivvienne had been given very little in the way of relaxation. She’d taken up living with Scynthe in his cramped hut and making herself at home in the small home had sent her into nesting mode nearly a whole trimester early. She hadn’t had to take care of Zephenaye in those first few weeks because Scynthe still had a baby sitter under contract. It was an odd transition to be sure, but Vivvenne had felt something in Scynthe that she’d never felt before. He...he got her.
Good smells drifted into the air as she put her feet up on the small ottoman in front of the small couch and enjoyed the gentle tinkling of utensils against pans. Scynthe had been working hard in the kitchen all afternoon preparing and cooking a full five course meal for his lover. He was so focused on his task that her mind brimmed with possibilities. She drifted from feasts, to wonderful salads, to massages with wonderful oils and what would come much later. Oh-ho-ho, what a night they were going to have.
“Dinner is ready, my moon.” Scynthe’s smooth voice drifted over the air and brought her from the delights of her daydreams. With a big smile, she placed her hand across her belly and stood up, rounding the small couch to the dinner table. She had only sat down for a short time before what was on her plate became very, very apparent.
With a smile he had presented her a plate of slightly burnt...chicken? It looked as though there was a glaze across the blackened bird that spilled over to the mushy carrots and broccoli. That’s what she thought they were anyways. She beamed up at him with perhaps an over eager smile as he sat down at his own plate across from her.
“This looks very good, my love.” Vivvienne chirped as she waited for him to begin eating. He smiled up at her before he began to dig into his plate as if it were any other meal. In fact this was the most that she’d seen him enjoy a meal to date! That must mean…
She put a forkful of the chicken into her mouth and fought the revulsion that began to creep over her face. It was tough, charred and...sickly sweet. It was so sweet that the syrup dribbled down the back of her throat and made her gag on the chunk of chicken. Scynthe looked up at her expectantly, making Vivvienne quickly swallow the syrupy lump and paste a smile onto her pastey white face. She felt every bit of the overcooked food slide down her throat until she felt it hit her stomach and then another familiar feeling hit her.
A rumbling in her stomach came up faster than she was able to excuse herself, the chunk of chicken and whatever else she’d eaten that day came up and out. Luckily she was able to turn her head to the side and send the mess to the floor and not on the table and the...lovely meal. Without any prompting Scruff the pug came tumbling over to have his own sample of the evening’s meal.
“Dearest? Is everything okay? Are you sick?” Scynthe looked over the table at her, lost at what he was supposed to do. Vivvienne held a hand up and wiped the corners of her mouth.
“I’m...I’m sorry...I think it’s just a bit of...p-pregnancy sickness...It’s just the baby that’s all…”
“Oh. Would you like to lay down? I can put the meal away for now.”
“Oh yes...yes I would like to lay down...I don’t think that I can eat this evening…”
Without question, Scynthe got up and led the ill woman to their shared bedroom to rest for the evening. Vivvienne embraced her lover and felt a bit of heaviness in her heart. She’d lied this evening and she couldn’t think of how to come clean about this or even how to bring it up! The truth was...the food was what made her throw it back up. In fact she’d gotten over her pregnancy queasiness almost a month before! The sickly sweet, overcooked food made her sick and also made her think that if she and Scynthe were ever to stay together, he would never, ever cook again.
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monster-pirate · 8 years
Plenty of Fish in the Sea
Day 6: “6th: Pick a cliche. (Helpful List here!) Write a story based on that cliche; the phrase does not have to directly appear in the narrative. You are welcome to use multiple cliches.”
She’d seen his eyes from across the gathered tribe many times. His dark countenance always watching her when she was near. In a way it was erotic, how in one or two glances they had communicated to each other, teasing each other about countless possibilities with only a look. Outwardly, she stayed chaste, staying true to the husband that was never around. To the husband that had up and gone away for who knew how long, leaving her alone and heavily pregnant. At what point though could she say enough? When would people join her side?
There were a few times where she tested the waters; a touch here, a smile there, all perfectly innocent interactions on their own, but when put into the context of their visual conversations she had become so very inviting to the stoic warlock.
Their conversations had become verbal over time. Each one becoming more and more secluded until they had found themselves in his temporary home and she found herself faced with a decision. A very big one.
To commit adultery? Or remain miserable? To her the choice was clear. She had no intentions of being alone in her marriage and if this was the way to combat that, then so be it. Of course, there were plenty of fish in the sea and she’d just caught a whopper.
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monster-pirate · 8 years
21st: Write about a memory related to a holiday.
A hand rubbed over Vivvienne’s belly in a loving caress. Scynthe’s hand searched for a sign of the child within. Vivvienne smiled up at her new lover, her new husband with the grace of an angel. The two together seeming like a couple touched by the light if one didn’t look too closely. Although This was their first Winter’s Veil together and for the first time, Vivvienne had finally felt at peace, like she’d won. This was it! The perfect moment in her life. Two children, one on the way. What more could she want than this perfect picture?
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monster-pirate · 8 years
The Fine Line
Day 1: Which words, phrases, or concepts do your characters most overuse in conversation, and why? In what context?
In which Vivvienne always, always always seems to need to check in on Scynthe about his fel consumption.
Late night, a scene that she’s encountered many times. The kids are up in their beds, the animals kenneled until morning. Vivvienne, however is up in her room, sitting at her desk and unable to do much but wait. She has letters to write, finances to check and a hundred other things to do to make sure that her home stays in working order, yet all she can do is sit at her desk and watch the door. She’s waiting for Scynthe to come home. Yet one more late night for the both of them. It isn’t the late nights, nor where he goes that concerns her. It’s the power that she knows runs through his veins. Through her veins. Every other day she somehow expects him to come home, wretched and tainted beyond preservation. She expects that of herself someday, sometimes.With every battle, every crystal they’re both riding a fine line between ‘person’ and ‘creature’. How much is too much?
Finally, as he strides through the door, she greets him with a sweeping hug, and a brief kiss. Standing there and wrapped in his arms she stays, swaying as she bathes in the afterglow of his day’s fight. Quietly, she murmurs into his chest.
“Were you careful today?” “Yes, Dearest.”
He swept his hand over her hair, kissing the top of her head. He already knew what she was asking. Was he too hard on himself? Was he wearing himself thin? The fel taint that showed alongside his temples worried her, as it had for some time. “It’s just that I worry…You know that once we cross that fine line it’s hard to come back,” she murmured back while he squeezed her tight.
She had often talked once about how she feared that her use of the more corruptive magic would have prevented her from bearing children. Though once that had clearly not been the case, and once she and Scynthe tied the knot, she worried about the child that they had born together. Surely the taint of the fel-magics was going to affect the child in some way, but how? This conversation seemed to happen over and over, but the results would still be the same. Scynthe would comfort her, Vivvienne would be swept up into his arms. Like Sisyphus and the boulder, they would both climb the uphill battle every day that seemed to toe that fine line between wretchedness and normality.
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monster-pirate · 6 years
Is Vivvienne particularly susceptible to demonic influence, being so dependent on her addiction? How does she feel about potentially putting her family in jeopardy because of her magic?
As far as a demon comin’ down and tryin’ to whisper into her ear, no. She is not. Vivvienne has several grounding influences on her, such as her husband and a few other friends to make such a stupid decision. Now if it came to actually being lured by the use of energy and being overpowered whilst inhibited then yes?? As far as her family is concerned, she does worry about its influence over them...mostly over her youngest son. He seems to show developmental problems because of both his parents over-use of magic and she feels extremely guilty over it to the point of spoiling the boy. Now putting them in jeopardy because of demonic attack? She thinks about it often but she and her husband both believe that they’ve got that front covered. 
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monster-pirate · 7 years
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Full Name: Vivvienne Duskcatcher Other names: Viv, Sha’tiel (once upon a time)  Universe They Exist In: World of Warcraft Gender and Sexuality: Straight Female, Possibly bisexual but the jury is out. Ethnicity/Species: Sin’dorei Birthplace and Birthdate: She was born 155 years ago in a little hamlet in the forests of Quel’Thalas. It was destroyed when the scourge came. Guilty Pleasures: Taking baths by herself, swimming, alone time. She knows that she’s got so much other stuff to be doing but it’s time that she gives herself to indulge in the quiet.  Phobias: Physical degeneration from Fel usage, FELHUNTERS (kind of)  What They Would Be Famous For: She would be famous for her mothering, taking care of her friends and just generally being the mom of the group. She never would have thought that either and secretly that hurts a bit of her pride.   What Have They / Would They Gotten Arrested For: Being a vagrant on drugs.
OC You Ship Them With: With @kitzy ‘s Scynthe! They are married and so very in love with each other. Their plan is to stay together until the end of time and they mean that as literally as they can.  Your Favorite OC Relationships: I would say....Razail ( @razxion ), Avada ( @emberfallen ) and Basarann ( @rahveth ) are her three musketeers, her Charlie’s angels, her three amigos. She wants to help Razail, learn from Avada and lift up Basarann. They have been some of the first and closest friends that she’s made within the Sunguard and for them she’s grateful. Faervell ( @pyrar ) is a pretty good foil to her ego and I think they’re oddly more alike than they would like, but they’re pretty great warlock buddies! Esme ( @jessipalooza ) is one of the few officers that she has been able to befriend and even though she’s a little resistant some of the time, I think they’re getting along! I enjoy @vaelrin and Viv’s interaction just because it’s so nice to have someone to just annoy the piss out of Viv and Vice versa. Westel ( @westelfirewing ) is also along those lines, but he is much more like a brother who picks on her from time to time. I love the dynamic between Feyrintha ( @she-wants-the-d20 )and Viv as well! She didn’t know what to think of the advances at first but now she feeds on them. Felo’Thore ( @brothersemberfell ) is a new one, but I enjoy the parental bond that she’s able to share with him. Last but not least, Rythaen! ( @azriah ) is just a fun little duo to jab back and forth as well as a fun little crack ship :P  
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: PROBABLY @kitzy ‘s Jaymeson if he ever finds out what actually happened to Sev. Favorite Book Genre: Currently it’s the histories and practices of the dark magics. Her favorite leisure reading however would be tasteful romance. Least Favorite Book Cliche: “Flighty” women that don’t know what they want. Talents and/or Powers: She’s got a way with the Fel, for just feeling it out and using it as she sees fit (it works against her however when it comes to more delicate spells). She’s also pretty good at sewing and enchanting little stuffed animals even though she’s barely done it lately.  Why Someone Might Love Them:  She’s warm and inviting to most, no matter their place in life. She takes care of her friends as much as she knows how and isn’t afraid to show her love towards them.  Why Someone Might Hate Them: She can be a little bitter or a bit of a curmudgeon when she doesn’t get her way. She’s got a rapid temper that she isn’t able to hide.  How They Change: Vivvienne has gone from a simple mage, looking towards the greatness of Dalaran and plunged head first into the dank basements of Silvermoon and the Fel arts. I would say that the thing that brought her there is her wild temper and her inability to control/recognize her emotions while they’re happening. She’s working on that as well as refining how she deals with magic and once more setting her sights back on the greatness that she could achieve should she practice good form.  Why You Love Them: I love her because she’s my oldest baby, the one that I’ve held onto the longest and will always be. She’s got a big heart and it’s in the right place most of the time. I love to watch and write her succeed from pitfall after pitfall to see just how resilient she is despite her circumstances. 
Why you Hate Them: She’s so old that she’s fallen into a story hole many times as I’ve grown as a writer and have tried to continue her story. She’s kind of a comfort zone for me and I need to remind myself to not get too comfortable in my writing. As a character she’s a brat. It’s that simple. She’s often self-centered and can be a little manipulative when it comes to getting what she wants. 
Tags: Anyone that wants to! 
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monster-pirate · 7 years
♚ do they have a favourite piece of clothing?
Vivvienne’s favorite piece of clothing would be a robe created for her by Scynthe circa....Pandaria? It was made in the Pandarian fashion and with the finest silks from the land. She loves wearing things that he makes because of the love infused into them, but this one specifically
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monster-pirate · 8 years
3, 7, and 17! For vivvienne!
3. Brothers, sisters? Who do they like? Why? What do they despise about their siblings?
Vivvienne actually doesn’t have any blood siblings! She was born as an only child, but growing up as she did the village children served as her siblings. She assumes that they’re all dead, but this was never actually confirmed. She had a ‘sister’ that she ran around with the most. They bonded the best because they lived close together and they bonded once over a nearby creek and tadpoles when they were younger. 7. What was the economic status of their family?
The Duskcatcher family would now be considered a solid middle class family. At the end of Vivvienne’s first pregnancy when she and Scynthe got together, their financial situation got a little dicey. Thanks to the very hard work from Scynthe every day, along with a few extra ventures, they worked their way up to comfortable. They even built their own house in Quel’Thalas just a few years ago! 
17. Did they travel? Where? Why? When?
Yes! Vivvienne loves to travel and she heeds that travelers itch whenever it calls upon her. After she lost her childhood home, took up felmancy and dropped her ‘tutor’ she traveled at least through every territory. She’s made it to most of the capitol cities and to every island. She was a bit of a tourist, but she can say that she’s seen a lot! 
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monster-pirate · 8 years
First Words
Day 14: Write about a person or thing that your character loves.
Vivvienne’s fingers curled in the short, dark hair of the child that lay in her arms just as her body curled around his tiny one as they cuddled in the early morning light. It was natural for her to poise her nose over the top of his head to let his scent drift up into her senses. Nothing filled her heart with joy more than when Bael toddled into her and Scynthe’s room early in the morning and crawled into bed with her. His slim frame and soft skin made him seem at least two years younger, which in Vivvienne’s heart let him remain her baby forever.
The only thing that troubled her over the little five year old was that...he didn’t talk. Every day she spoke to him, encouraging him to use his words and to tell her what he was thinking, how he was feeling. Even now she murmured words of love and protection into the wisps of his black hair. She really did love him for all of his quirks and silence, they even had they own language; a system of looks and motions that he used to communicate his wants or needs. Over all though...he was a snuggler. That’s what she loved the most about him. He was her little boy, her mama’s boy.
“I hope that you know you will always be loved, my darling boy.” Her lips kissed the top of his head and his frail arms curled even tighter around her neck as he nuzzled closer and did something that made her heart melt and grown at the same time.
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monster-pirate · 8 years
Mommy Troubles
Day 8: “8th: Write about the power (or lack thereof) your character felt when they told someone no.”
Peals of crying rang through the air, assaulting anyone’s eardrums that came within range. Vivvienne had come to the source as soon as she was able and pulled the blanket off of the top of the bawling baby. His face was covered in mashed carrots and his socks thrown off. It seemed that there was some foul play. Trysten was nearing four months of age and yet there was someone in the house that hadn’t quite gotten used to him.
“Zephanaye!” Vivvienne called throughout the house, trying to root the girl out from where she was hiding. The little girl poked her head from around a corner in the small living room and glared dangerously at Vivvienne. The two were still fairly new to each other themselves, still fighting over power.
“Zephenaye, come over here right now. You need to help clean up your brother.”
The little girl squared off in front of her, planting her feet defiantly. “You’re not my MOM, you can’t tell me what to do!” The bold Zephenaye reached out and pulled a box of silks off a nearby shelf, dumping them all over the floor.
“Zephenaye, no!” Vivvienne felt her face go red with an undiscovered anger. How could a little child be so willful and arrogant? It felt as if Vivvienne was shouting into a wind storm, she was just about as powerless to stop and correct the four year old. As a new step-parent to one already used to another set of rules, she had no idea where her boundries lay.
The dark-haired girl darted into her room and slammed the door, only weakly followed by a ‘no’ from Vivvienne’s lips. It took everything out of her to clean up her newborn son, but after he’d been nursed and put down for a nap she could only stare at the small and now cluttered living room and flop down in the midst of the cloth all askew in an attempt to pick things up. She had to have a talk with Scynthe. She couldn’t keep on like this!
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monster-pirate · 8 years
Day 12: 12th: Write a story about your character from the perspective of an object, thing, or animal.
It is morning! It is day! Where is tall man and small lady?
Scruff popped up from his doggy bed, sniffing the immediate area as if something new could have materialized in the past few seconds. His tongue lolled out of his mouth as he scanned the area for Vivvienne or Scynthe. Today was a very important day! He was getting food FIRST. He knew it! His ears perked up at the sound of the fleshy pads of hairless feet coming down the wooden floors. Slippery floors….no good floors.
He ran in place for a moment as he failed to gain traction and jumped up at the approaching warlock.
Food?! FOOD?! He yipped and barked, jumping as HIGH as he could.
She is very sleepy! So sleep! Why did she not get sleep? I’ll let her rub her eyes before she gets me food.
The Short lady dipped the shiny scoop into the food. Scruff wiggled and danced at each tinkle of the food, yipping as the shiny scoop delivered its product to his bowl! His bowl!!!
I eat!
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monster-pirate · 8 years
😰 - Viv!
( @this-idiot-vs-everything Now that I have some coffee in me…ahem)
Nothing seemed amiss in this moment as Vivvienne curled around her lover like any contented cat would. Delicate, unscarred fingertips traced around the features of his face, not as if she was committing them to memory because she already had. She knew Scynthe’s face better than he did at times. They both whispered sweet and lasting endearments, though the last ones to spill from her lips pricked her ears up in concern. It seemed as if his words had slipped into Demonic.Raven black tresses fell down to curtain them both as she shook her head and leaned her head against his. Softly they conferred back and and forth until his words no longer resembled that of his own, they were twisted and full of lies and even in demonic she could understand them all.
“I’m going to do away with you one day, every bit of you, even your children.”A serpent’s tongue snaked out of his mouth and wrapped itself around her throat, burning with Fel fire, consuming those lovely locks that she cared so much about. Vivvienne struggled to yank herself from his grasp, but like a snake, each struggle made his grasp that much harder. Burning corruption crawled from her skin to his before it seemed like they were one and the same. The taint had taken away her voice and so there was no screaming, only silent terror as she was consumed by her demonic lover. ——Vivvienne’s sleeping form shuddered right out of sleep and her eyes popped open, quickly scanning the room for inconsistencies. She rolled over and hesitantly placed her hand on her husband’s side and pulled it away, making sure that he was no longer the mass of Fel that had pulled her in. Satisfied, she flopped over onto her back and stared up at the ceiling wondering just when the couple was going to take it to far, where was the brink that from whence they would fall there was no return? 
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monster-pirate · 8 years
On the Horizon
The smell of sweetness filled the air. Saccharine puffs wafting through the neatly decorated house, lingering in all the right places. Cakes, cupcakes, cookies and pastries seemed to line the counters in the modest kitchen where sticky fingers wouldn’t be able to reach them. There was no timidity to the baked goods’ frosting either,  bright colors that only existed in children’s imaginations were scattered in between household appliances and batter bowls.  Notes of music seemed to float on the aromatic breezes, fun and upbeat tunes that would lead anyone to dance and glee. Children’s voices, screaming and laughing, joined in with the music.The whole house was a picture of childish earthly delights, complete with toys strewn everywhere.  Vivvienne was chasing her children in a game of blind tag around the house. A game that her ten year old daughter assured her that she was to old for, when she was the one making the loudest noises of glee! There seemed to be no order, no rules in this little house near the sea, and all was well. Until...
A cannonade of thunder sounded outside, giving Vivvienne cause to pause and lift the blindfold from her eyes. Out the southern window there were thick green clouds forming on the horizon, far away from Quel’Thalas, but close enough to serve as a very real threat. The mother stared out the window for what seemed like an eternity, the realizations of what could soon be at her door all too real in her mind.  “Momma! You’re supposed to have your blindfold on! It’s just rain!”  Her brave, fiery son tugged at her hand, to engulfed in their merriment to peer out the window. He pulled until Vivvienne seemed to give in, pulling her blindfold down and beginning to chase her children again. She would give them everything that she could, while she could, because the memory of what she had endured during the invasion of the scourge stung too fresh in her mind. 
At least her distractions were working for them. 
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