#Vishnu stuthi
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Sree Durga Sapthasathi Yaa Devi Sarva Bhooteshu Slokas Text Chanting
Sree Durga Sapthasathi Devi Dhhotha Samvadha chapter 5 This portion , Chapter 5 of Sree Durga Sapthasathi Chapter 5, Contains the Most Powerful Mantras of Durga. Yaa Devi Sarva Bhooteshu Slokas. अस्य श्री उत्तरचरित्रस्य रुद्र ऋषिः । श्री महासरस्वती देवता । अनुष्टुप्छन्धः ।भीमा शक्तिः । भ्रामरी बीजम् । सूर्यस्तत्वम् । सामवेदः । स्वरूपम् । श्री महासरस्वतिप्रीत्यर्थे । उत्तरचरित्रपाठे विनियोगः…
#Devi Upasna#Durga saptashati chanting text#Durga Sapthasathi#lalitha Sahasranama#Narayani Stuthi#Vishnu Maya#Ya Devi Sarva Bhooteshu
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Vedic Chants|Shlokas on Vishnu - Vishnu Stuthi - Uma Mohan|Amruthavarsha
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Glimpses from #Lingodbhava #BhavaSamadhi Darshan. The universe received His cosmic happening, in the form of Lingodbhava...
Glimpses from #Lingodbhava #BhavaSamadhi Darshan. The universe received His cosmic happening, in the form of Lingodbhava, the infinite shaft of light, that represents spiritual consciousness itself. Paramashiva declares that among the two Brahma and Vishnu whoever finds the end of this pillar of light, he is the greatest, he is the ultimate. Brahma who represents intellectual knowledge, few to the heights to find the head of lingodbhava. Vishnu represents material wealth, he ...dug to the depths to find the feet of Paramashiva. Neither was successful, neither by following the path of intellect nor wealth can one attain enlightenment, the highest fulfillment in life. Brahma and Vishnu surrendered to Paramashiva as the highest spiritual principle. When they surrendered to Paramashiva they sang a stuthi in His praise as such from the Brahmanda Purana.
from KAILASA's SPH JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam - Posts | Facebook https://ift.tt/3gB1OP5
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Glimpses from #Lingodbhava #BhavaSamadhi Darshan.
The universe received His cosmic happening, in the form of Lingodbhava, the infinite shaft of light, that represents spiritual consciousness itself. Paramashiva declares that among the two Brahma and Vishnu whoever finds the end of this pillar of light, he is the greatest, he is the ultimate.
Brahma who represents intellectual knowledge, few to the heights to find the head of lingodbhava. Vishnu represents material wealth, he dug to the depths to find the feet of Paramashiva. Neither was successful, neither by following the path of intellect nor wealth can one attain enlightenment, the highest fulfillment in life. Brahma and Vishnu surrendered to Paramashiva as the highest spiritual principle. When they surrendered to Paramashiva they sang a stuthi in His praise as such from the Brahmanda Purana.
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Glimpses from #Lingodbhava #BhavaSamadhi Darshan. The universe received His cosmic happening, in the form of Lingodbhava, the infinite shaft of light, that represents spiritual consciousness itself. Paramashiva declares that among the two Brahma and Vishnu whoever finds the end of this pillar of light, he is the greatest, he is the ultimate. Brahma who represents intellectual knowledge, few to the heights to find the head of lingodbhava. Vishnu represents material wealth, he dug to the depths to find the feet of Paramashiva. Neither was successful, neither by following the path of intellect nor wealth can one attain enlightenment, the highest fulfillment in life. Brahma and Vishnu surrendered to Paramashiva as the highest spiritual principle. When they surrendered to Paramashiva they sang a stuthi in His praise as such from the Brahmanda Purana. #Nithyananda #spiritual #awakening #shakti #KAILASA #deeksha #shiva #Hinduism #consciousness #manifestation #krishna #manifest #thirdeye #yogicsciences #yogicommunity #veda #hindutemples #Shakti #venkateshwara #kundaliniawakening #spiritualpath #enlighten #vishnu #bhava #Bhavasamadhi #darshan #bharma #vishnu #arunachala — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2PjvYef
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Episode # 67 – An Aachaarya always thinks of a disciple’s “LONG-TERM” benefit – End of the first “AMSA”!!!
In the previous episode, we had witnessed the conclusion of the first “Amsa” of the Shri Vishnu Puraana. This “Amsa” had 23 “Adhyaayas” and we’ve witnessed a jist of all of it for the past 66 episodes. With this, we now move on to the “Phala-Stuthi” of this “Amsa”, wherein Sage Paraashara is going to […]Episode # 67 – An Aachaarya always thinks of a disciple’s “LONG-TERM” benefit – End of the…
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帕冉瑪希瓦直接從凱拉薩傳來的信息: 了解凱拉薩關於出生、死亡、生命、宇宙、神、人類社會的宇宙法則——這些都是你生命的基本要素。理解的結果;這是今天的信息:你的內在會擁有宇宙意識。 *從宇宙中了解生命,就像宇宙揭示生命一樣,而不是像那些愚蠢的唯物主義洗腦者試圖教你的那樣。 *長期以來的資本家們試圖給你洗腦,讓你認為生活就是你擁有的舒適和奢華,因為���們想讓你成為他們的顧客。你對他們的唯一用處就是從他們那裡買東西。他們說,“掙錢,掙錢,掙錢,然後來給我們買一條牛仔褲,接著是房子,和一輛車……”然後,你要用你的一生來償還你的房屋抵押貸款。你是一台支付他們賬單的機器。他們教你如何做到這一點。 *每一個在教導你怎樣生活都是在利用你。但是宇宙教給你的是生命的本來面貌。 *我看到了人們的妄想:害怕有組織性的生活,他們甚至會自殺,只因他們不想過著有組織性的生活。 *整個宇宙是如此美麗有序,甚至混亂也是如此美麗有序。 *如果你學會了這種秩序,你就會明白生活是如此美好有序。 *如果你早上醒來,想起帕冉瑪希瓦,你的整個身體、思想、意識、情感,都會醒���!相當於有25杯咖啡。記住祂的25張臉,50隻手,75隻眼睛…然後祈禱,“瑪哈帝瓦!顯化在我身上…!相當於有25杯咖啡。你會變得超級活躍! *孩子們,如果你給他們巧克力,他們會變得非常活躍。我見過蘭賈尼(RANJANI'S )和凱拉薩·杰納南( KAILASH JNANAM)的孩子們這麼做過。他們會繞著整個寺廟跑!現在,斯卡達瑪塔(SKANDAMATA )甚至不吃巧克力也能做這件事!記住她是蘇布拉曼雅(SUBRAHMANYA戰神),她到處跑!我很高興! *記住帕冉瑪希瓦有如食糖後的興奮感(SUGAR RUSH)。您的全天將按順序進行。 *MORNING, YOUR SUGAR RUSH SHOULD BE REMEMBERING MAHADEVA WITH 25 HEADS, 50 HANDS AND 75 EYES! *早上好,你的食糖後興奮感(SUGAR RUSH)應該是記住有25個頭,50隻手和75隻眼睛的瑪哈帝瓦! *FROM THE TIME I KNOW ME, MY SUGAR RUSH IS ARUNACHALA'S DARSHAN! WHEN I LOOK BACK I FEEL I HAVE NOT CHANGED AT ALL! *從我認識我的時候起,我的食糖後興奮感(SUGAR RUSH)就是阿魯納恰拉(ARUNACHALA)的達顯!當我回頭看的時候,我覺得我一點也沒有改變! 注:阿魯納恰拉(ARUNACHALA)是印度泰米爾納德邦蒂魯瓦納馬萊的一座山丘,巨石遍布,當地方言意指紅色的聖山 *���個定義對我來說是最貼切的定義:“南印度偏遠村莊,蒂魯萬納馬萊( TIRUVANNAMALAI)一小支連續不斷的傳承開悟大師形式是正確的,這就是尼希亞南達!” *我可以重複這個定義多次! *無論是塗抹額頭上的聖灰,還是用金剛菩提子裝飾身體,還是我以雙盤蓮花腿的方式坐著,還是到膝蓋的布料……如果你看到我1994年的瑜伽加冕典禮的照片,我覺得在過去的26年裡我一點都沒有改變!在那些日子裡,當我醒來,我看到的第一件事就是阿魯納恰拉。現在我已經在三摩地了。當我睜開眼睛,我覺得我是帕冉瑪希瓦!就這樣。我覺得沒什麼不同。 *“凱拉薩”不過是阿魯納恰拉正確了!就這些!祂正在世界各地複興阿魯納恰拉! *從宇宙中了解死亡,誰知道你死亡前,死亡過程中,死亡後,以及死亡過程是什麼。 *向宇宙學習一切。宇宙在《奧義書》、《吠陀經》和《阿戈瑪經》中美妙的揭示了所有這些神聖的真理。 *當你學習,理解,內觀- SHRAVANA, MANANA, NIDIDHYASANA -諦聽,內化,顯化這些來自宇宙的偉大真理,你的意識就變成了覺醒的意識。那麼你就應該知道生活的真諦。 *昨天我看到很多臉書帖文:“只有現在我們才明白奎師那的犧牲!” *即使是奎師那的甜蜜行為(RASA LEELA)也是一種極端的犧牲。這不是女人或一夫多妻,因為這些傢伙扭曲它。他們是“3M”的私生子,然後歪曲奎師那和羅摩的生活,侮辱印度教徒(興都教)。他們讓印度教徒感到對他們的傳統和文明不尊重。 *當奎師那還是個孩子時,發生了所有奎師那的甜蜜行為(RASA LEELA)。當時祂在BRINDAVAN,才不到10歲。奎師那的甜蜜行為(RASA LEELA)10,祂已經搬到了馬圖拉( MATHURA)了。 *讓我解釋一下奎師那,並在你身上誘發更多的愛,奉愛,虔誠,讓你所有人顯化奎師那,享受並慶祝奎師那。為什麼要浪費時間在卡姆薩( KAMSAS),阿修羅王(NARAKASURAS )和童護(SISUPALAS) [注:《摩訶婆羅多》裡的反面人物]。讓他們過他們的生活,讓我們過我們的生活! *關於奎師那一生的一切都是絕對的奉獻——SARVAPARI TYAGA 。為了人類犧牲(SARVAPARI TYAGA),無論是祂把生命獻���了祂從阿修羅王的地獄中救出的16000名婦女,還是祂自己創造了一個可受控的條件,拆散了所有最危險的武器,並消滅了所有能使這些武器倍增的人,這樣地球才變安全,再次成為一個可以安全生活的地方。 *殺死毘濕摩(BHEESHMA)和德羅納(DRONA)是一個基本的要求,因為只要任何人去服務德羅納,他都會教他們製造武器(BRAHMASTRA)。那傢伙學會了後到底是要依據法,還是要為自己妄想的自大作為法則辯解,誰知道呢!所以殺了德羅納和毘濕摩是絕對必要的。 注:德羅納DRONA在古印度史詩《摩訶婆羅多》中是俱盧族和般度族的上師。在婆羅多族大戰中,德羅納和毘濕摩(Bishma)一樣,也是一位享有崇高威望的大武士。 *奎師那把所有的事情都推到了自己身上。這就是為什麼我希望奎師那的PARTHASARATHY形體(注:臉上長鬍子帶劍傷之相)被崇拜,以紀念祂極端的奉獻。只有這樣,你才會明白他在金奈海灘上休息的犧牲。咸空氣雖然會灼傷傷口,但很快會癒合傷口。這就是為什麼他去了特里皮涅( TRIPLICANE,地方名),並在那裡休息,讓所有戰後的傷口癒合。 *別以為他一直躺在床上,有最好的食物、衣服、舒適的東西和最好的女人例如阿什塔·薩基斯(ASHTA SAKHIS)。別把你的幻想投射到祂身上。祂是一個非常真誠、慈悲、一致性的領導者、講師、嚮導、培訓者。 最終,奎師那放棄了自己的主張。祂在般度族(PANDAVAS)的陣營,但是祂將軍隊( NARAYANI SENA)交給了俱盧族(KAURAVAS),而NARAYANI SENA做了一致性的工作。他們沒有放下武器,因為奎師那在另一個陣營。他們遵守了祂的話。祂塑造了什麼樣的人格!那就是奎師那,祂的命令比他們對奎師那的個人依戀更重要,並且他們也知道沒有什麼可以做了,奎師那太偉大了! 注: NARAYANI SENA軍隊是主奎師那的德瓦卡王國被稱為有史以來最高兵力。它們是對敵對王國的基本威脅。由於懼怕納拉亞尼·塞納(Narayani Sena),許多國王並未嘗試與達瓦拉卡(Dwaraka)作戰。因為達瓦拉卡(Dwaraka)通過克里希納(Krishna)的政治和亞達瓦斯(Yadavas)的才華來解決大多數威脅。Yadavas使用Narayani Sena,將其帝國擴展到了印度大部分地區。 *如果你���入了解奎師那的生活,那麼我就能理解一個從宇宙中了解生命的人知道如何生活和散發的,從而顯化了極端的奉獻(TYAGA)——犧牲自己。 *最後祂接受了甘陀利(甘陀利)的詛咒。祂本來可以拒絕的,不是所有的詛咒都會影響到祂,就像祂能阻止PARIKSHITU發來的武器(BRAHMASTRA)!但祂說,“我想通過尊重甘陀利的詛咒來紀念她的痛苦,”所以祂犧牲了雅度族人(YADU KULA)。 *祂知道雅度族人(YADU KULA)會被毀滅,所以祂把自己的身體交給SURYA VAMSA。卡林加(KALINGA)由SURYA VAMSA統治。祂把自己的身體給他們,並告訴他們,“請維持我的身體在本我三摩地中。” *賈甘納特(JAGANNATH)保存了須跋陀羅(SUBADRA),大力羅摩(BALARAMA)和奎師那處在本我三摩地( JEEVA SAMADHI)的身體。奎師那離開身體後,身體漂浮到另一邊。裡面裝滿了鹽水,變成了自然木乃伊。這三具身體都是由SURYA VAMSA RAJAS修復,他們通過修建賈甘納特神廟來維護他們。 奎師那、須跋陀羅(SUBADRA)和大力羅摩(BALARAMA)還在賈格許廟里活著。如果你想面對面地見到奎師那,去印度的普里賈格許廟吧。祂是SAKSHAT PRATYAKSHA MURTI——活生生的神像。 *拉馬努賈(RAMANUJA)坐在斯里蘭加姆(SRIRANGAM),心臟在跳動中。我在斯里蘭加姆見過那個神像。祂還活著。當我去接受祂的達顯的時候,我鞠躬並許下一個小小的願望,“神啊,請讓我看看你還活著”。祂甜蜜地睜開眼睛,微微一笑,閉上眼睛,再次去了三摩地。我是在和我的信徒交談,我對巨魔(Troll)不感興趣。 *所有對我一致的信徒,真誠地相信並喜愛我所說的話:去斯里蘭甘,站在拉馬努賈(RAMANUJA)神像面前,告訴祂:“PRABHO!我的上師派我來的。祂告訴我你對祂微笑,睜開了眼睛,給了達顯( DARSHAN)。請再這樣對我做一遍。請祝福我。我真誠地相信上師的話,並來到這裡。我來是為了你的達顯。” 注:Darshan指對神(尤其是以形象形式)、受人尊敬的人或神聖物體的注視。這種體驗被認為是對等的,並導致觀看者得到祝福。 *現在我給你承諾,如果拉馬努賈(RAMANUJA)給了我達顯,而這是事實,祂也將會給你同樣的達顯和祝福。 *祂的肉身比起祂在世时缩小了一点。祂身材魁梧。但祂还活着。我没有理由撒谎。什么是既得利益,我促进阿查里亚罗曼奴的三摩地?即使我现在去那��,他们甚至不允许我进入他们的国家或寺庙并获得达显。那座寺庙不在我的控制之下,你们所有人都可以来,很多钱都会来的!我只是告诉我所有对开悟感兴趣的真诚弟子,“不要错过。至少去那里看一次。祂会祝福你的。”祂是一个活生生的,活生生的,活生生的MAHAPURUSHA(指解脱的灵魂,特别是伟大的奉献者,已脱离了物质世界”)。我去过斯里兰加姆好几次。 *即使当我去舍地(SHIRDI,位於印度马哈拉施特拉邦的一個小鎮)的时候,祂也只是坐在那里!祂不是神像!祂是! *我不是一个轻狂或妄想的人,见到了不存在的东西。我见到的比你见到的还要多! *刚才我连接了拉马努贾,并祈祷道:“PRABHO,请祝福任何以我的名字来听这个开示的人。请恩典他们,让他们意识到你还活着。祂说:“如你所愿(TATHAASTU)!只有在我得到祂的“如你所愿(TATHAASTU)”之后,我才向你们所有人宣布。如果你问斯里兰加姆的任何人,他们会告诉你拉马努贾的三摩地在哪里。 *我所有的古鲁库学校的孩子们、学生、持戒僧/尼和凯拉萨居民,只要印度被允许旅行后,你们应该都到那里去。现在,由于新冠病毒疫情可能无法实现,尤其是国际旅行。 *你可以问祂,“PRABHO!是斯瓦米吉派我来的。祂说你还活着,请你以某种方式表现出来(要么睁开眼睛,要么微笑,或者移动手……让祂决定)”,祂还活着,坐在三摩地中——SAYUJYA MUKTI OF PARANDAMA(与神合一)。 *去内化关于生命、死亡、开悟、生命目的的宇宙法则。 *《伽陀奧義書》(KATHOPANISHAD)非常清楚地顯示了什麼是死亡。我已經說過很多遍了,對它有詳細的說明和揭示。請你聆聽所有這些共修講座和課堂並閱讀它。 *同樣的,宇宙的不同意識狀態和不同的層面,11個維度,25個意識狀態,25個帕冉瑪希瓦的面向……內化所有的這一切。 *從此你將發展出一種強大的有意識的存在方式。 *奎師那的奉獻(TYAGA)領導了整個印度教(興都教),把地球從最嚴重的災難中拯救出來。 *奎師那避免了1000次原子戰爭。 *在摩訶婆羅多戰爭時期,至少有10個人有能力摧毀整個宇宙(SRISHTI)。最傑出的戰略家奎師那拆散、拆除或摧毀了所有的武器,拯救了地球。 *它們是強大的武器,如BRAHMASTRA, BRAHMASHEERSHA ASTRA, NARAYANA ASTRA, BRAHMANDA ASTRA, BHARAGAVA ASTRA, PASHUPATA ASTRA.。他們每個人都可以毀滅整個宇宙(SRISHTI創造)。 *祂的極端奉獻( TYAGA)——祂把整個印度教(興都教)整合為一本書——《博伽梵歌》。 *可以說出《博伽梵歌》的特質——祂證明了祂完全控制著自己,並且在領導整個戰爭時完全沒有激動!這就是真正戰士的定義! *這就是為什麼毘濕摩(BHEESHMA)在彌留之際,吟誦著VISHNU SAHASRANAMAM(梵文讚美詩,含1000個毘濕奴名號),讚頌把他放在死亡之床上的奎師那!毘濕摩知道只有奎師那才能把他放在死亡之床上。毘濕摩躺在死亡之床上,吟誦VISHNU SAHASRANAMAM: OM VISHNUM VISHNURVASHATKARO BHOOTA BHAVYA BHAVAT PRABHUHU… *這是對奎師那的讚頌(STUTHI)!你可以看到這首詩有那麼多奎師那的名字,比毘濕奴和祂其他化身名字更多。 注:毘濕奴有無數化身,奎師那是其中一個化身。 如果你看到整部LALITHA SAHASRANAMA(印度教[興都教]無上母神Lalita的一千個名號),那麼多的米納克什(MEENAKSHI,也是尼希亞南達上師其中一世的化身)的名字出現在其中!在第一章節中: 注:米納克什(MEENAKSHI)是馬杜賴(Madurai)的印度教女神,是帕爾瓦蒂女神化身,.也是希瓦神Sundareswarar的神聖配偶。她是古代潘迪亞王國的公主,後來管理整個馬杜賴 *整個描述:走出CHIDAGNI KUNDA,HOMA KUNDA……這是關於米納克什和她的生活,因為阿迪·商羯羅在馬杜拉顯化了LALITHA SAHASRANAMAM!這就是為什麼LALITHA SAHASRANAMAM是帕冉沙克蒂(PARASHAKTI)的米納克什形體!整首VISHNU SAHASRANAMA就是毘濕奴的化身——奎師那! * VISHNU SAHASRANAMA BHASHYA是有關奎師那的生活。LALITHA SAHASRANAMA BHASHYA是有關米納克什的生活! *我已經做了足夠的研究來證明米納克什和奎師那在同一時間線上。一時間軸上。.我至少有10個參考。米納克什的父親做了火祭法事,生了米納克什。她不曾停留在任何子宮裡停留。就是在那個地方,我們的SHYAMALAPEETHA SARVAJNAPEETH就在那裡。我們有原始的聖典參考資料。米納克什的父親MALAYADWAJA PANDYA死於摩訶婆羅多戰爭。那些想把整個印度教(興都教)稱為神話的愚蠢傢伙否認了這一切。這些都是簡單直接的事實,比世界上最腐敗的印度媒體更真實。 *我們所有的《往世書》史實比你今天讀到的任何媒體報導都要真實1000倍。印度大眾媒體試圖摧毀整個印度教(興都教)。古印度( INDIAN BHARAT )被印度大眾媒體“強姦”並摧毀。 *THE ITIHASAS PROVE THAT MEENAKSHI'S FATHER WAS KILLED. *這證明了米納克什的父親被殺了。 *米納克什的父親在戰爭中被奎師那殺死。MALAYDHWAJA PANDYA說他會殺了奎師那,但他們最終達成了諒解與和平。然後瑪拉亞德瓦MALAYADWAJA��變得對奎師那非常虔誠,他從般度族那邊發動了戰爭,在戰爭中他被殺了。 *阿加斯蒂亞(AGASTYA)和瓦魯納( VARUNA)是潘迪亞王國的創始人。洪水過後,瓦魯納指引著摩奴(人類的祖先)的船,而瑪莎阿凡塔拉(MATSYA AVATARA )帶著那艘方舟(船)停在潘迪亞王國。然後阿加斯蒂亞到來並複興了整個文明。阿加斯蒂亞也在摩奴的方舟裡。所以瓦魯納和阿加斯蒂亞是潘迪亞王國(PANDYA KINGDOM)的創始人。這就是為什麼魚是像徵,即毘濕奴的化身,帶來了船並停了下來。這一切都是歷史,除非你是3M的私生子,否則你會稱之為神話。 *ITIHASAS ARE HISTORICAL DOCUMENTATION RECORDS, MORE TRUTHFUL THAN ANY MEDIA RECORD. *它是歷史文獻記錄,比任何媒體記錄都更真實。 *現代的3M聲稱沒有所謂的“印度教(興都教)”宗教…我有足夠的參考資料,在聖典(SHASTRA)我們被稱為印度教(興都教)”。我現在可以給您四個參考。但是這些3M非法之子永遠都不會去了解聖典。他們簡直就是在胡扯。 *IN THE MERU TANTRA, 33RD PRAKASHA - IN SHABDA KALPADRUMA - *在默魯坦陀羅,第33普拉卡沙-在沙巴達卡爾帕德魯馬- पश्चिमाम्नायमन्त्रास्तु प्रोक्तः पारस्यभाषया । अष्टोत्तरशताशीतिर्येषां संसाधनात् कलौ ॥ पञ्च खानाः सप्त मौरा नव शाहा महाबलाः । हिन्दुधर्म्मप्रलोप्तारो जायन्ते चक्रवर्त्तिनः ॥ हीनञ्च दूषयत्येव हिन्दुरित्युच्यते प्रिये ! ॥ PAŚCIMĀMNĀYAMANTRĀSTU PROKTAḤ PĀRASYABHĀṢAYĀ . AṢṬOTTARAŚATĀŚĪTIRYEṢĀṂ SAṂSĀDHANĀT KALAU .. PAÑCA KHĀNĀḤ SAPTA MAURĀ NAVA ŚĀHĀ MAHĀBALĀḤ . HINDUDHARMMAPRALOPTĀRO JĀYANTE CAKRAVARTTINAḤ .. HĪNAÑCA DŪṢAYATYEVA HINDURITYUCYATE PRIYE ! .. TRANSLATION - 翻譯- 在紛亂期(KALI YUGA),通過吟誦普什西瑪納雅咒語將(PASHCIMAMNAYA MANTRA)80008次,你將顯化成力量之王,即五個KHAANA,七個MAUR和九個SHAAHA-誰將摧毀印度教道法。哦,女神!印度教這個詞字面意思是那些戰勝邪惡的人。 *去學習意識的狀態。我已經在SADASHIVOHAM , MAHASADASHIVOHAM, PARAMASHIVOHAM課程裡給予了詳細的理解——11個維度,25個意識狀態。 *從正確的源頭學習生活,以學習應該知道的生活。花點時間了解生命和宇宙。這是值得的。 ~尼希亞南達中文翻譯小組
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Vedic Chants|Shlokas on Vishnu - Vishnu Stuthi - Uma Mohan|Amruthavarsha
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Greetings from https://www.jothishi.com. Om Namah Shivaya. This Song is dedicated to All the "Shiva Bhakts". Presenting The Lingasthakam Stotram is a prayer formed of eight salutations offered to the Supreme Deity as Linga - which is the universal symbol of creation and source of everything. Sri Adisankara or Sage Agastya have written this Ashtakam. The prayer glorifies the Shiva Linga and details its greatness. Each stanza lists the God’s glory and the benefits of worshipping the Shiva Linga and states that the linga is worshipped by Vishnu and Brahma as well. Creative Director: Dakshath B M Singer - Sri Prasad Kommaraju Kindly subscribe in youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCwj... https://www.facebook.com/Jothishi/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/jothishi/ https://jothishi.tumblr.com/ https://in.pinterest.com/Jothishi/ https://www.reddit.com/user/Jothishi/ https://www.instagram.com/jothishi_on.. #lingashtakam #shivamantra #lingashtakammantra #Mahadeva #Jothish
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Sikh Vishnu Sahasranama by Guru Arjun Singh Sundar Gutka – Maru mahala 5
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Sikh Vishnu Sahasranama by Guru Arjun Singh Sundar Gutka – Maru mahala 5
Concept of Personal God is Universal.
Though philosophers define Reality as Beyond Qualities/Attributes,human mind needs an Icon to cling to,to focus and regulate the Mind.
Vedas,the Scriptural authority of Hindus, declare the Reality,Brahman,as Nirguna, Beyond Attributes,Vedas also mention Personal God’s,like Vishnu,Lakshmi….
The worship of personal God is called Saguna Upasna .
Please read my posts on Nirguna and Saguna.
The need of the individual is so pressing , individual Gods are worshipped through Prayers,called Stuthi,despite intellectual pretensions.
This Stuthi takes many Forms.
Astothra(hundred and eight names),Sahasranama(1008) and Trisathi(300).
There are also other types like Bhujanga,based on ,meters,couplets
The prayers are as many as there are as many individuals.
One unique fact is that the Systems like Jainism and Buddhism do not believe in the Existence of personal God,also have Sahasranama addressed to Jina and Buddha.
In this connection,it may be of interest to know that there is a Sahasranama addressed to Vishnu in Sikhism. Sikh scripture “Sundar Gutka”, by the 5th Guru Arjun Devji.
Sundar Gutka – Maru mahala 5
The following is the English transcription of the Sahasarnam from Sundar Gutka – page 465 to 471.
Achut parbrahma paramesur antarjami
Madhusudan damodar suaami. Rikhikes govardhandhari murali manohar hari ranga ..1 Mohan madhv krisn murare Jagadisur hari jiyu asur sanghare Jagagivan abinasi thakur ghat ghat vasi hai sanga .. 2 Dharanidhar ees narsingh narairang Dada agre prithmi dharain. Davan rup kiya tughu karte sabh hi sete hai changa ..3 Stri ramachand jisu rup na rekhia Banvali chakrapani darasi anupia Sahas netra murati hai sahasa ik data sabh hai manga ..4 Bhagativachalu anathha nathe Gopi nathu sagal hai sathe Basudev niranjan date barani na sakaou bhun anga ..5 Mukand manohar lakhmi narayan Dropati laja nivari udharan Kamalakant karahi katuhal anad vinodi nihsanga ..6 Amogh darshan aajuni sambhou Akaal murati jisu kade nahi khaou Avinasi avigat agochar sabhu kichu tujh hi hye laga ..7 Sri rang baikunth ke vasi Machu kachu kurmu agiya autarasi Kesav chalat karhi nirale keeta lodahi so hoyiga ..8 Nirahari nirveru samayia Dhari khelu chaturbhuju kahayia Saaval sundar rup vadavahi benu sudat sabh mohega ..9 Banmala bimukhan kamal nain Sundar kundal mukut bain Sankh chakra gada hai dhari mahasarthi satasanga ..10 Peet peetambar tribhavan dharani Jagannathu gopal mukhi bhani Saringdhar bhagavan bithula mai ganat na aave sarbanga ..11 Nihkantaku nihkevalu kahiye Dhanuje jani thali hai mahiye Mirath lok pyeaal samipat asathir thanu jisu hai abhanga..12 Patit pavan dhuk bhai bhanjanu Ahankar nivaran hai bhav khandanu Bhagati tokhit deen krupala gune na kitahi hai bhiga..13 Nirankaru achal adolo Joti sarupi sabhu jagu moulo So mile jisu aapi milaye aapahu koye na pavega Aape gopi aape kana aape gau charave bana Aape upavahi aapi khapavahi tughu lepu nahi iku til ranga…15 ek jih gun kavan bakhane sahas phani sekh antu na jane Navatan naam jape din rati ek gun nahi prabh kahi sanga..16 Oot gahi jagat pit sarkhayia Bhai bhaianak jamdut dutar hai mayia Hohu kripal icha kari rakhaou saadh santan ke sangi sanga..17 Drisatiman hai sagal mithena Iku maagaou daanu govind sant raina Mastaki layi param padu paval jis prapati so pavega..18 Jin kaou kripa kari sukh date Tin sadhu charan lai ridai paraate Sagal nam nidhanu tin payia anahad savad mani dajangaa..19 Kirtan naam kathe tere jihaba Sati namu tera para purbala Kahu nanak bhagat paye saranayi dehu darasu mani rangu laga..20 Teri gati miti tuhe janahi Tu aape kathahi tai aapi vakhanahi Nanak dasu dasan ko kariahu hari bhave dasa raakhu sanga .. 21
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श्री सरस्वती स्तुति - या कुन्देन्दुतुषारहारधवला Sri Saraswati Stuthi: Ya Kundendu Tusara Hara Dhavala या कुन्देन्दुतुषारहारधवला या शुभ्रवस्त्रावृता या वीणावरदण्डमण्डितकरा या श्वेतपद्मासना । या ब्रह्माच्युतशंकरप्रभृतिभिर्देवः सदा पूजिता सा मां पातु सरस्वति भगवती निःशेषजाड्यापहा ॥१॥ Yaa Kunde[a-I]ndu-Tussaara-Haara-Dhavalaa Yaa Shubhra-Vastra-[A]avrtaa Yaa Viinnaa-Vara-Danndda-Mannddita-Karaa Yaa Shvetapadmaasanaa | Yaa Brahmaacyutashamkaraprabhrtibhirdevah Sadaa Puujitaa Saa Maam Paatu Sarasvati Bhagavatii Nihshessajaaddyaapahaa ||1|| Meaning: 1.1: (Salutations to Devi Saraswati) Who is Pure White like Jasmine, with the Coolness of Moon, Brightness of Snow and Shine like the Garland of Pearls; and Who is Covered with Pure White Garments, 1.2: Whose Hands are Adorned with Veena (a stringed musical instrument) and the Boon-Giving Staff; And Who is Seated on Pure White Lotus, 1.3: Who is Always Adored by Lord Brahma, Lord Acyuta (Lord Vishnu), Lord Shankara and Other Devas, 1.4: O Goddess Saraswati, Please Protect me and Remove my Ignorance completely. दोर्भिर्युक्ता चतुर्भिं स्फटिकमणिनिभैरक्षमालान्दधाना हस्तेनैकेन पद्मं सितमपि च शुकं पुस्तकं चापेरण । भासा कुन्देन्दुशङ्खस्फटिकमणिनिभा भासमानाऽसमाना सा मे वाग्देवतेयं निवसतु वदने सर्वदा सुप्रसन्ना ॥२॥ Dorbhir-Yuktaa Caturbhim Sphattika-Manni-Nibhair-Akssamaalaan-Dadhaanaa Hastenai-[E]kena Padmam Sitam-Api Ca Shukam Pustakam Ca-Aperanna | Bhaasaa Kunde(a-I)ndu-Shangkha-Sphattika-Manni-Nibhaa Bhaasamaana-Asamaanaa Saa Me Vaag-Devate-Yam Nivasatu Vadane Sarvadaa Suprasannaa ||2|| Meaning: 2.1: (Salutations to Devi Saraswati) Who has Four Hands (two on each side); She Holds a Rosary of Beads which Shines like a Crystal (Gem) ... 2.2: ... with one Hand and a Pure White Lotus (with the other hand); And with the other two Hands She Holds a Parrot and a Book, 2.3: With Pure White Lustre like the combination of Jasmine, Moon, Conch and Crystal (Gem), Her Shining Form is Incomparable, 2.4: May She Who is the Goddess of Speech always Reside in my Mouth (i.e. Tongue) and Shower Her Grace. सुरासुरसेवितपादपङ्कजा करे विराजत्कमनीयपुस्तका । विरिञ्चिपत्नी कमलासनस्थिता सरस्वती नृत्यतु वाचि मे सदा ॥३॥ Sura-Asura-Sevita-Paada-Pangkajaa Kare Viraajat-Kamaniiya-Pustakaa | Virin.ci-Patnii Kamala-(A)asana-Sthitaa Sarasvatii Nrtyatu Vaaci Me Sadaa ||3|| Meaning: 3.1: (Salutations to Devi Saraswati) Whose Lotus Feet is Served by the Devas and Asuras, 3.2: On Her Hand Shines a Beautiful Book, 3.3: Who is the Consort of Lord Brahma and Abides on a Lotus Seat, 3.4: O Devi Saraswati, Please Dance on my Speech, always. सरस्वती सरसिजकेसरप्रभा तपस्विनी सितकमलासनप्रिया । घनस्तनी कमलविलोललोचना मनस्विनी भवतु वरप्रसादिनी ॥४॥ Sarasvatii Sarasija-Kesara-Prabhaa Tapasvinii Sita-Kamala-[A]asana-Priyaa | Ghana-Stanii Kamala-Vilolalocanaa Manasvinii Bhavatu Vara-Prasaadinii ||4|| Meaning: 4.1: Salutations to Devi Saraswati, Who has the Splendour of a Lotus Flower, 4.2: Who is Tapaswini (literally a Yogi, signifying the Embodiment of Meditation), and Who Loves the Seat of White Lotus, 4.3: Who has a Firm Bosom and Whose Eyes are Filled with Great Serenity, like the Pure Lotus Petals, 4.4: Who is Manaswini (literally full of Mind, signifying the Embodiment of Wisdom); O Devi, Please Shower the Boon of Your Grace on us. सरस्वति नमस्तुभ्यं वरदे कामरूपिणि । विद्यारम्भं करिष्यामि सिद्धिर्भवतु मे सदा ॥५॥ Sarasvati Namastubhyam Varade Kaama-Ruupinni | Vidya[a-A]arambham Karissyaami Siddhir-Bhavatu Me Sadaa ||5|| Meaning: 5.1: Salutations to Devi Saraswati, Who is the Giver of Boons and Fulfiller of Wishes, 5.2: O Devi, When I Begin my Studies, Please Bestow on me the capacity of Right Understanding, always. सरस्वति नमस्तुभ्यं सर्वदेवि नमो नमः । शान्तरूपे शशिधरे सर्वयोगे नमो नमः ॥६॥ Sarasvati Namastubhyam Sarva-Devi Namo Namah | Shaanta-Ruupe Shashi-Dhare Sarva-Yoge Namo Namah ||6|| Meaning: 6.1: Salutations to Devi Saraswati, Who is the Embodiment of All Goddesses; Salutations, Salutations to Her. 6.2: Who has a Tranquil Form, Who Wears the Moon and Who is the Embodiment of All Yogas; Salutations, Salutations to Her. नित्यानन्दे निराधारे निष्कलायै नमो नमः । विद्याधरे विशालाक्षि शूद्धज्ञाने नमो नमः ॥७॥ Nitya-[A]anande Nira-[A]adhaare Nisskalaayai Namo Namah | Vidyaa-Dhare Vishaala-Akssi Shuuddha-Jnyaane Namo Namah ||7|| Meaning: 7.1: Who is Eternal Bliss, without any Support (i.e. Independent), and without any Division (i.e. Whole and Complete); Salutations, Salutations to Her. 7.2: Who is the Supporter of All Knowledge, Who has Large Eyes and Who is the Embodiment of Pure Knowledge; Salutations, Salutations to Her. शुद्धस्फटिकरूपायै सूक्ष्मरूपे नमो नमः । शब्दब्रह्मि चतुर्हस्ते सर्वसिद्ध्यै नमो नमः ॥८॥ Shuddha-Sphattika-Ruupaayai Suukssma-Ruupe Namo Namah | Shabdabrahmi Catur-Haste Sarva-Siddhyai Namo Namah ||8|| Meaning: 8.1: Who is Pure like a Crystal and Whose Nature is extremely Subtle; Salutations, Salutations to Her. 8.2: Who is the Embodiment of Sabda Brahman, Who has Four Hands and Who is the Embodiment of All Siddhis; Salutations, Salutations to Her. मुक्तालङ्कृतसर्वाङ्ग्यै मूलाधारे नमो नमः । मूलमन्त्रस्वरूपायै मूलशक्त्यै नमो नमः ॥९॥ Mukta-Alangkrta-Sarva-Anggyai Muula-[A]adhaare Namo Namah | Muula-Mantra-Svaruupaayai Muula-Shaktyai Namo Namah ||9|| Meaning: 9.1: Whose Whole Body is Decorated with Ornaments of Pearls, and Who is the Basis Supporting the whole existence; Salutations, Salutations to Her. 9.2: Who is the Basis of All Mantras and Who is the Basis of All Shaktis (Power); Salutations, Salutations to Her. मनो मणिमहायोगे वागीश्वरि नमो नमः । वाग्भ्यै वरदहस्तायै वरदायै नमो नमः ॥१०॥ Mano Manni-Mahaa-Yoge Vaag-Iishvari Namo Namah | Vaagbhyai Varada-Hastaayai Varadaayai Namo Namah ||10|| Meaning: 10.1: Who is like a Jewel Shining within the Mind as the Great Yoga, and Who is the Goddess of the Speech; Salutations, Salutations to Her. 10.2: Who is the Source from where Speech originates, Who extends a Boon-Giving Hand and Who is the Giver of Boons; Salutations, Salutations to Her. वेदायै वेदरूपायै वेदान्तायै नमो नमः । गुणदोषविवर्जिन्यै गुणदीप्त्यै नमो नमः ॥११॥ Vedaayai Veda-Ruupaayai Vedaantaayai Namo Namah | Gunna-Dossa-Vivarjinyai Gunna-Diiptyai Namo Namah ||11|| Meaning: 11.1: Who is Veda Herself (i.e. the Source of All Knowledge), Whose Form represents the Vedas, and Whose Essence is the Culmination of all Vedas contained in the Great Vedanta; Salutations, Salutations to Her. 11.2: Whose Transcendental Essence is Free from (i.e. Beyond) Virtues and Vices, yet Whose Form Shines with all Virtues; Salutations, Salutations to Her. सर्वज्ञाने सदानन्दे सर्वरूपे नमो नमः । सम्पन्नायै कुमार्यै च सर्वज्ञे नमो नमः ॥१२॥ Sarva-Jnyaane Sada-[A]anande Sarva-Ruupe Namo Namah | Sampannaayai Kumaaryai Ca Sarvajnye Namo Namah ||12|| Meaning: 12.1: Who is the Essence Behind All Knowledge, Who always Radiates the Joy of Divine Bliss and Who is Present in All Forms; Salutations, Salutations to Her. 12.2: Who is Full with All Perfection, Who is ever Fresh and Who is All-Knowing; Salutations, Salutations to Her. योगानार्य उमादेव्यै योगानन्दे नमो नमः । दिव्यज्ञान त्रिनेत्रायै दिव्यमूर्त्यै नमो नमः ॥१३॥ Yogaan-Aarya Umaadevyai Yoga-[A]anande Namo Namah | Divya-Jnyaana Tri-Netraayai Divya-Muurtyai Namo Namah ||13|| Meaning: 13.1: Who is the Master of Yoga, Who is Uma Devi and Who is the Bliss of Yoga; Salutations, Salutations to Her. 13.2: Who is the Embodiment of Divine Knowledge, with Three Eyes and a Divine Form; Salutations, Salutations to Her. अर्धचन्द्रजटाधारि चन्द्रबिम्बे नमो नमः । चन्द्रादित्यजटाधारि चन्द्रबिम्बे नमो नमः ॥१४॥ Ardha-Candra-Jattaa-Dhaari Candra-Bimbe Namo Namah | Candra-[A]aditya-Jattaa-Dhaari Candra-Bimbe Namo Namah ||14|| Meaning: 14.1: Who has the Half-Moon on Her Curly Hair and Whose Beautiful Face Shines like the Reflection of the Moon; Salutations, Salutations to Her. 14.2: Who Wear the Sun and the Moon on Her Curly Hair and Whose Beautiful Face Shines like the Reflection of the Moon; Salutations, Salutations to Her. अणुरूपे महारूपे विश्वरूपे नमो नमः । अणिमाद्यष्टसिद्ध्यायै आनन्दायै नमो नमः ॥१५॥ Annu-Ruupe Mahaa-Ruupe Vishva-Ruupe Namo Namah | Annima-[A]ady-Asstta-Siddhyaayai Aanandaayai Namo Namah ||15|| Meaning: 15.1: Who is Present in Minute Forms and in Huge Forms, as well as in the Infinite Form of the Universe; Salutations, Salutations to Her. 15.2: Who is Accomplished in the Eight Siddhis (special powers) like Anima etc and Who Bestows Happiness to All; Salutations, Salutations to Her. ज्ञानविज्ञानरूपायै ज्ञानमूर्ते नमो नमः । नानाशास्त्रस्वरूपायै नानारूपे नमो नमः ॥१६॥ Jnyaana-Vijnyaana-Ruupaayai Jnyaana-Muurte Namo Namah | Naanaa-Shaastra-Svaruupaayai Naanaa-Ruupe Namo Namah ||16|| Meaning: 16.1: Who is Present in the Form of Knowledge and Intelligence, and Who Embodies Knowledge Itself; Salutations, Salutations to Her. 16.2: Who is Present as the Essence behind Different Scriptures and in Different Forms; Salutations, Salutations to Her. पद्मदा पद्मवंशा च पद्मरूपे नमो नमः । परमेष्ठ्यै परामूर्त्यै नमस्ते पापनाशिनि ॥१७॥ Padmadaa Padma-Vamshaa Ca Padma-Ruupe Namo Namah | Paramesstthyai Paraa-Muurtyai Namaste Paapa-Naashini ||17|| Meaning: 17.1: Who is the Giver of Lotus (i.e. makes one Pure like Lotus), Who is from the Family of Lotus (i.e. Whose origin is from Purity) and Who is of the Form of Lotus (i.e. Whose form is Purity); Salutations, Salutations to Her. 17.2: Who is the Highest and the Embodiment of Transcendental Nature; Salutations, Salutations to Her. महादेव्यै महाकाल्यै महालक्ष्म्यै नमो नमः । ब्रह्मविष्णुशिवायै च ब्रह्मनार्यै नमो नमः ॥१८॥ Mahaa-Devyai Mahaakaalyai Mahaalakssmyai Namo Namah | Brahma-Vissnnu-Shivaayai Ca Brahman-Aaryai Namo Namah ||18|| Meaning: 18.1: Who is Mahadevi (the Great Goddess), Who is Mahakali and Who is Mahalakshmi; Salutations, Salutations to Her. 18.2: Who is Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva (in essence) and Who is the most Adorable Brahman; Salutations, Salutations to Her. कमलाकरपुष्पा च कामरूपे नमो नमः । कपालि कर्मदीप्तायै कर्मदायै नमो नमः ॥१९॥ Kamala-[A]akara-Pusspaa Ca Kaama-Ruupe Namo Namah | Kapaali Karma-Diiptaayai Karma-Daayai Namo Namah ||19|| Meaning: 19.1: Who is the Source of Lotus (i.e. Source of Purity) and Whose Form expresses the fulfilment of Wishes; Salutations, Salutations to Her. 19.2: Who is the Receiver of Oblations, Who Shine with the Oblation of Activities and Who is also the Energy behind those Activities; Salutations, Salutations to Her. सायं प्रातः पठेन्नित्यं षण्मासात् सिद्धिरुच्यते । चोरव्याघ्रभयं नास्ति पठतां शृण्वतामपि ॥२०॥ Saayam Praatah Patthen-Nityam Ssann-Maasaat Siddhir-Ucyate | Cora-Vyaaghra-Bhayam Naasti Patthataam Shrnnvataam-Api ||20|| Meaning: 20.1: Those who Recite this Stotra Regularly in the Early Morning and Evening for Six Months with Devotion, will become Fit for Siddhi (i.e. will receive the Grace of Devi Saraswati), 20.2: Those who Recite or Listen to this Stotra will Not have the Fear of Thieves (i.e. loss of wealth due to theft) or Tigers (i.e. attack of wild animals). इत्थं सरस्वत��स्तोत्रम् अगस्त्यमुनिवाचकम् । सर्वसिद्धिकरं नॄणां सर्वपापप्रणाशणम् ॥२१॥ Ittham Sarasvatii-Stotram Agastya-Muni-Vaacakam | Sarva-Siddhi-Karam Nrrnnaam Sarva-Paapa-Prannaashannam ||21|| Meaning: 21.1: Thus this Saraswati Stotram composed by Sage Agastya, ... 21.2: ...Leads to all Accomplishments and Destroys all Sins. इति श्री अगस्त्यमुनिप्रोक्तं सरस्वतीस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् ॥ Thus ends the Saraswati Stotram composed by Sage Agastya. http://ift.tt/2wmUS0d
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Slokas 41 and 43
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#விஷ்ணு சஹஸ்ரநாம ஸ்லோகம் விளக்கம்#விஷ்ணு சஹஸ்ரநாமம் சொற்பொழிவு#விஷ்ணு சஹஸ்ரநாமம் ஸ்லோகம் 18#ஶ்ரீ விஷ்ணு சஹஸ்ரநாமம் ஆன்லைன் வகுப்புகள்#ஶ்ரீ விஷ்ணு சஹஸ்ரநாமம் விளக்கம்#Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Classes online#Sri Vishnu Sahasranama explained#Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Lectures#Udhbava Shobano Deva explained#Vishnu mantras meaning#Vishnu Stuthi explained#Youtube
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Shiva Stotra With Vishnu's Dwadasanama
Shiva Stotra With Vishnu’s Dwadasanama
Bhagwan Sri MahaVishnu ,in one of His manifestations, is Aditya ,born of Sage Kasyapa.He declares in Srimad Bhagavad Gita ‘ Adityaanam aham Vishnu ‘,I am Vishnu among the Adityas. Adityas are twelve. Surya, the Sun, is the Eldest. In this sense , Surya,Sun, is the Jyeshta,Elder, to Vishnu.It may be noted that Suryanarayana is called the Visible Reality,Prataksha Brahma. Therefore many things…
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#��ிவ வழிபாடு#சிவா விஷ்ணு சஹஸ்ரநாமம்#Dwadasanama#Kaapalika Stuthi#Siva Dwadasanama#Siva on Vishnu Vishnu on Siva#Siva stotras#Siva Vishnu Stotra#Siva Vishnu temple#Vishnu stotras
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Sikh Vishnu Sahasranama by Guru Arjun Singh Sundar Gutka – Maru mahala 5
Concept of Personal God is Universal.
Though philosophers define Reality as Beyond Qualities/Attributes,human mind needs an Icon to cling to,to focus and regulate the Mind.
Vedas,the Scriptural authority of Hindus, declare the Reality,Brahman,as Nirguna, Beyond Attributes,Vedas also mention Personal God’s,like Vishnu,Lakshmi….
The worship of personal God is called Saguna Upasna .
Please read my…
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#Adi Sankaracharya on Vishnu#bhakthi yoga#Sikh Vishnu Sahasranama#Sikhism#Stotra#Stuthi#Sundar Gutka#Vishnu Sahasranama#Vishnu Stotram
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