#Vishnu Darshan
mysticalblizzardcolor · 10 months
Vishnu mantra
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jeevanjali · 1 month
Famous Vishnu Temples in India: भारत के इन जगहों पर हैं भगवान विष्णु जी के पौराणिक मंदिर, करें दर्शनFamous Vishnu Temples in India: भारत में कई विष्णु भगवान के मंदिर हैं, जिनका पौराणिक महत्व है और उन मंदिरों का उल्लेख हमारे पुराणों में भी मिलता है। तो आइए जानते हैं वो मंदिर कौन से हैं।
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talonabraxas · 2 years
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Vishvarupa "Universal-form" Vishvarupa ("Universal form", "Omni-form") also known popularly as  Vishvarupa Darshan, Vishwaroopa and Virata rupa, is an iconographical  form and theophany of the Hindu god Maha Vishnu or his avatar Krishna.  Though there are multiple Vishvarupa theophanies, the most celebrated is  in the Bhagavad Gita, "the Song of God", given by Krishna in the epic  Mahabharata, which was told to Pandava Prince Arjuna on the battlefield  of Kurukshetra in the war in the Mahabharata between the Pandavas and  Kauravas. Vishvarupa is considered the supreme form of Vishnu, where the  whole universe is described as contained in him.
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Darshan of The SPH has started 💙
💫 Infinite Light of Enlightenment: Bhagavan Lingodbhava Murthy Reveals the Path to Conscious Sovereignty
✨ In ancient times, Paramashiva assumed the form of an infinite shaft of light - Lingodbhava - and declared that among Brahma and Vishnu, whoever finds the end would be the greatest. Brahma, the Lord of universal creation, sought the heights to find Paramashiva's head. Vishnu, the Lord of cosmic sustenance, delved into the depths to find Paramashiva's feet. Neither succeeded. Both Brahma and Vishnu surrendered to Paramashiva and accepted His supremacy.
🔱 The profound truth behind this event is that neither intellectual knowledge nor wealth is the ultimate in the Universe. The ultimate is Liberation, Anugraha, living a consciously sovereign life. Whether we acquire knowledge or accumulate wealth in our lives, it can never equate to the liberated state of Enlightenment - conscious sovereignty.
⚡ Bridging the gap of time, Bhagavan Lingodbhava Murthy manifests again for you, in His living manifestation, THE SUPREME PONTIFF OF HINDUISM (SPH), BHAGAVAN SRI NITHYANANDA PARAMASHIVAM. Witness this extraordinary Darshan today!
💫 Don't miss this opportunity to bridge the gap of time and experience the Ultimate!
🔴 Watch live on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter/@SriNithyananda, & YouTube/@NithyanandaTV: 7 PM ET | 4:30 AM IST
🌟 Transform your life with Paramashivoham: https://ecitizen.info/psm
#Prayer #Faith #Miracle #Consciousness #Reality
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rintu-das · 4 months
Garuda ji had darshan of Lord Kabir, there is evidence in Kabir Sagar, 11th chapter "Garuda Bodh" page 65 (625) that Lord Kabir ji had told Dharamdas ji that he preached to Garuda ji, the vehicle of Lord Vishnu. Was, scientific creation creation.
Lord Kabir had also taken Garuda ji in his refuge by preaching the true knowledge.
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🌺🍀🏵️📺 ➡️ Listen to the auspicious sermon of Jagat Guru Tattva director Sant Pamel Ji Maharaj :-
🌀 Nepal 1 TV 6:00 to 7:00 am
🌀Sadhana T.V. 7:30 to 8:30 pm🏵️🍀
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blessed1neha · 1 year
Horoscope of Lord Rama & Lord Krishna
PREFACE & ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS:- Before starting with the topic of Lord Rama & Lord Krishna, I would like to tell that Date & Time of Birth of both the avatars are not accurately known, due to passage of thousands of years from their birth time and no english calenders were available at thar time. The information were passed on from generation to generation with comments from famous astrologers, astronomers & philosophers. The validity & correctness have to be verified by practical events, established facts & archaeological evidences. It is in this context, I would like to thank Sri K.N.Rao, a reputed & famous astrologer & living legend, who boldly put forward the horoscopes of both Lord Rama & Lord Krishna as taken from his Guru Sri Yogi Bhaskar Anandji & logically analysed the practical events with standard astrological norms. The splendid analysis by Sri K.N.Rao in his 5 “You Tube” videos in an interview to “Saptharishi Astrology” is breath taking & monumental gift to the viewers. I acknowledge having taken reference from his videos, but he is in no way responsible for the views expressed on my own. In the absence of exact degrees of planets & missing information about Mercury’s position,even in Valmiki Ramayan, I would go by the statement of Sri K.N.Rao & accept Mercury was in Aries & contradictory statement of position of Sun in Pisces as against Aries indicated in Valmiki Ramayan.
Lagna & Moon—Taurus, Jupiter-Cancer, Sun & Venus -Leo, Mercury-Virgo, Saturn- & Rahu-Libra, Mars-Capricorn, Ketu-Aries
Lagna, Jupiter & Moon-Cancer, Saturn-Libra,Venus & Sun-Pisces, Mercury-Aries, Mars-Capricorn, Ketu-Gemini, Rahu-Sagittarious
Lord Vishnu takes his incarnation on earth at his will based on demands of the world in different forms at different times. The incarnations reinforce the idea that rules & regulations that maintain law & order are in tune with the changes taking place. The concept of incarnation is based on Yuga Dharma.
Lord Rama’s incarnation justified the needs of Treta Yuga. The challenges of Dwapara yuga required much more & Lord Krishna’s incarnation justified it. Krishna’s departure from this world paved way for Kaliyuga.
There are many differences in these 2 incarnations. Krishna appeared as a Universal God to preach humanity. He was the embodiment of all that Universe was symbolized. All his childhood experiences that exposed his mystical actions & performances were beyond anybody’s guess.
Even before he attained 11 years of age, many mystical happenings took place. His very birth was in a jail at “Abhijit Muhurta”, most auspicious(rarely referred to night birth). His life started with very 1st miracle, that all the lights went off & all inmates of jail were rendered unconscious & jail gate opened suddenly of its own, automatically & allowed Vasudeva to go out with the child in the basket on his head & jail gate closed on its own. Vasudeva carrying the child proceeded towards river Jamuna, which was in spate of floods due to heavy downpour of rain. The river did not allow him to move forward until he lowered the basket & made Jamuna to touch Krishna. He then proceeded to Brindavan & exchanged with female child & returned to jail, where again jail gates open up on their own & allows him inside. Gates get closed & all inmates regain consciousness as if they were waken up from sleep.
All miracles like, killing Putana (rakshasi), by sucking her breast full of poison, Kalinga Mardhana, killing of Shakatasura, lifting of Govardhana Giri(hill), Rasa kreeda with Gopis, Vishwarupa darshan to faster mother Yashoda when he opened his mouth & many more incredible things unimaginable in normal circumstances.
“ Rasa kreeda”, of Krishna dancing with 1608 Gopis simultaneously at the same time symbolizes Kundalini Shakti going up & reaching “Sahasrara”, thousands of lotuses called Gopis blooming. This is a form of transforming sexual energy into creative energy. When these incidents took place, Krishna’s age was within 11 years & do not have any bearing to sexual implication.
Lord Krishna proclaims in chapter 4, text 8, of Bhagavad Gita,
“Paritranaya Sadhunam,Vinasaya cha duskritam,Dharma-Saamsthapanarthaya,Sambhavami Yuge Yuge”(Protection of good & virtuous,destruction of evil, re-establishment of natural law, I will come in every age)
Krishna’s support to Pandavas & making Mahabharata war as a meeting point to destroy evil forces & establish Dharma was a “Miraculus high voltage drama”. But for Krishna, Pandavas could not have dreamed of winning the war. Every stage of the war was preplanned by “Divine Force” & guided by Krishna, through his wisdom & timely unprecedented action. The preaching of Bhagavad Geeta to Arjuna was not a mere incident by any means, but a very calculated logical conclusion of worldly teaching to humanity. His timely guidance to Pandavas for appropriate method to kill great warriors was not a mere concoction but revealing of past births of important opponents & their expected nature of death & timing. Complete past life history & curses of all important warriors were exposed at appropriate times, when the death time of each was approaching.
Jayadratha’s death was one such case, when Krishna guided Arjuna to kill him. Seeing the fast approaching sun set, he delayed the sun set by magic (maya or eclipse) & created an illusion as if sun was set & then after eclipse is removed, he asked Arjuna to kill him & transport his head to his father’s lap, killing him also.
Instances of deaths of Karna, Drona, Duryodhana etc..had their own stories. Dharmaraja’s Rajasuya yaga witnessed the death of Sishupala, when he opposed Krishna being respected. Krishna killed him with Sudarshan Chakra, in the midst of dignitaries due to his last chance of 100 mistakes.
Protection of Draupadi in Kaurava Sabha was another historic event. When Dushyasana dragged Draupadi’s sari, neither Pandavas nor assembled dignitaries could come to her rescue. When Draupadi prayed Krishna with single hand & holding the sari in another, Krishna did not come to her rescue. When she prayed with both hands together, Krishna protected her by magic of increasing the length of sari continuously until Dashyasana gave up fully tired. This showed that “ABSOLUTE SURRENDER TO GOD” does protect one in distress.
1.Born in Rohini Nakshatra in astami tithi in Taurus Lagna
2.Moon, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Saturn(All exalted)
3.Sun in his own house with Venus
4.Venus is lord of 1st & 6th(Behaves more as lagna lord, because of moola trikona)
5.Venus as 1st lord & Sun as 4th lord in own house (kendra & kona)in 4th from lagna
& sandwitched between 2 exalted benefic planets,Jupiter & Mercury & forms several
good yogas.
6.7th house(Scorpio) aspected by exalted Moon & exalted Jupiter.7th & 12th lord Mars, exalted in 9th in mutual aspect with Jupiter(8& 11th lord) & Moon, creates vipareeta Raja yoga in addition to many other Yogas. Krishna had 16108 wives but with sublimated sex energy, due to Venus free from any blemish, due to non interference of Rahu, which is under the control of Saturn. Krishna was with all the wives simultaneously, something that nobody can imagine or evaluate.
7.Moon in Rohini(Moon’s constellation), exalted in lagna, made him mentally strong & powerful. Moon being 3rd lord exalted in lagna & Jupiter, exalted in 3rd in mutual aspect with exalted Mars,
8.Mercury as 2nd & 5th lord exalted in his moola trikona & own house, unaspected by either benefic or malefic made Krishna, the master of 64 Kalas & 14 Vidyas of Ancient India, which was a remarkable outstanding performance by any means.This made him a great intellect of all times surpassing all others.
9.Jupiter 8th & 11th lord exalted in Moon’s house(3rd), made him the youngest of all. Since Jupiter is heavily afflicted by exalted Mars & exalted Saturn, all those born before Krishna were brutally killed by Kamsa(Saturn in 6th-house of uncle)
10.4th lord Sun in own house & aspected by 12th lord Mars, made his mother to be jailed by Kamsa
11.9th lord Saturn exalted in 6th aspecting 12th, made his father to be jailed
12.10th lord Saturn in 6th, along with Rahu(in the house of maternal uncle) & Mars as 7th lord exalted in 9th & aspecting afflicted 6th lord Venus in 4th with 4th lord Sun, makes Krishna to kill Kamsa. It appears imperative that his mother was one of the conditions for this act, since she was imprisoned by Kamsa &Kamsa killed all her 7 children mercilessly.
13.Jupiter, deva guru exalted in 3rd(house of preaching) & Moon, 3rd lord lord exalted in Moon’s constellation, made him preach philosophy of life, a guarded secret of the past, present & the future.
14.Mercury as lord of 2nd(speech) & 5th intelligence, with the support of exalted Moon(strength of mind)& exalted Jupiter(knowledge of the Universe & all 64 kinds of Kalas &14 Vidyas), made him a super intelligent avatar purusha, the highly intellectual personality, 2nd to none. This was the only avatar of God out of 9 avatars, which gave humanity, the complete picture of Universe.
15.Exalted 7th lord(Mars) & exalted 11th lord Jupiter in mutual aspect with each gave Krishna, thousands of wives, who were blessed souls & devotees.
15.Putra karaka Jupiter exalted & Mercury in 5th own house exalted, resulted in birth of several good children.With all these, it remains an unbelievable historic account that Krishna had sublimed sex energy.Whenever one talks about Krishna as incarnation of Lord Vishnu, his human form & actions & emotions are found to be an eye wash, calling it as “Maya” or magic, which cannot be assessed by humans.
16.Since divisional charts cannot be casted due to absence planets degree positions, one cannot judge number of wives & children. In astrology, there are no ways to find thousands of wives or children.The prediction of this type leaves one guessing the essence of astrology. Krishna marrying 16108 women has a story that a rakshasa imprisoned 16108 women princesses(It is difficult to even imagine that number of princesses). Krishna killed that rakshasa & freed all. Society did not accept these women & hence as per their request, Krishna gave them the status of wives.
17.A very striking feature in his horoscope is that except 6th & 1st lord Venus & 4th lord(in own house), all other house lords are exalted. Moon dasa was running at the time of birth, made him strong in will power & courage which enabled him to show his prowess throughout Moon dasa & in subsequent Mars dasa of 7 Years & Rahu dasa for 18 years. All his childhood miracles & killing of rakshasas were before he attained 11 years of age due to Mars dasa & part of Rahu dasa. Rahu(represents Rakshasa) in 6th house,created innumerable enemies from Rakshasas, Saturn in exaltation in 6th in the company of Rahu fuelled the situation for inviting more enemies & crushing . In all probabilities, Mars dasa Rahu bukty would have brought destruction of Rakshasas, before the age of 11.
19.5 planets exalted & 1 planet own house justifies all miracles & unusual things happening. Rahu in 6th with exalted Saturn indicates black magic & miracles.
20.Krishna was always tricky, which was due to 10th lord in 6th
21.His smiling disposition & attractive personality, playing on flute, were all the result of exalted Jupiter, strong position of Sun,Venus in 4th house & strong 3rd house, in addition to exalted Moon in lagna.
Rama was an embodiment of GOD in human form. He was bent upon meeting the commitments of his father to his 2nd wife Kaikeyi by obeying his order. He did not deter from facing the hands of fate even in the most adverse circumstances. When Krishna had smiling disposition, Rama was always “Gambhir”(Dignified) & was called “Maryada Purusha”. He had no smile in his face. He was always bent upon doing his duties & never deviated from truth.
He was symbolic representation of a true & obedient son of a father, faithful husband of a wife, affectionate & helpful to his brothers, real tie of friendship to those who offered to help him at all times, respect to elders, reverence to Rishis & holy people & a terror to wicked & sinful people.
When Krishna was a terror, miraculous & naughty right from his birth, Rama was a quiet, duty bound & obedient to his parents. Rama was symbolized with bow & arrow, whereas Krishna was symbolized with counch & Sudarshan Chakra. Both were bent upon protecting good & destroying evil, but their approach were modified in tune with the Yuga Dharma.
Krishna claimed himself as”Krishna astu Bhagavan Swayam” & a full or total incarnation of God. While Krishna reveals about himself, Rama never speaks a word about himself & unassuming. Rama avatar was not a full avatar. He was an avatar of GOD Vishnu in simple human form & was a teacher & demonstrator of way of life in theory & practice. His conduct, character & practical way of life was eye opening to one & all. His avatar was tailor made to suit the people of Treta Yuga, but the lessons he left behind applies even to Kali Yuga.
1.Rama was born in Chaitra masa, Navami Tithi in Punarvasu Nakshatra in Cancer.
2.Four Planets Jupiter,Venus,Mars & Saturn were exalted & Moon in his own house.
3.While Mercury was highly elated in 5th own, moola trikona, exalted house in Krishna’s horoscope, it was in Aries(house of Mars) in 10th house in the case of Rama.This is a glaring difference in their horoscopes. Krishna was highly intellectual, philosophic & master of all 64 Kalas,14 Vidyas. Rama did not preach philosophy, did not show extra ordinary talent, magic or miracle which Krishna demonstrated right from his birth. In Krishna’s horoscope,7th & 11th lords exalted & in mutual aspects gave Krishna innumerable wives, whereas in Rama’s horoscope Venus was exalted & aspected by exalted Jupiter(Dispositor of Venus)from lagna, where Moon, lagna lord is in lagna itself, Saturn, 7th lord exalted in 4th, gave Rama a beautiful, loving, affectionate, God fearing, dutiful single wife in contrast.
3.Even though Mars & Jupiter were exalted in both the horoscopes, there were differences with regard to lagna & position of Moon. Moon in Krishna was in Rohini in exalted state in Moon’s constellation, Whereas in Rama’s horoscope, Moon was in Punarvasu, Jupiter’s constellation & is placed along with exalted Jupiter. This made Rama, pious & God fearing, obedient person, whereas Krishna was outgoing, strong willed & courageous.
4.A great feature in Rama’s horoscope is that Jupiter, exalted lord of 6th & 9th is in mutual aspect with exalted Mars, lord of 5th & 10th from both lagna & Moon thus establishing contacts with 1st, 5th, 9th & 10th lord(Best kendras & Trikonas). This has made Rama “Maryada Purusha” of highest moral conduct & duty bound in performing his Dharma & Karma. Jupiter aspecting Sun in 9th house is “RAJA LAKSHANA YOGA”. Royal mansions are shown by Venus & Sun aspected by Jupiter.
5.Mercury as 12th lord & Saturn exalted in 4th made Rama to leave home & live in foreign place in forest life. Saturn is 7th lord, representing Sita. His wife also lived in forest due to aspect of Mercury 12th lord on Saturn.This aspect also separated Rama from Sita.
6.Aspect of exalted Mars & exalted Saturn on Jupiter & Moon separated Rama from his father & wife.This also indicates “SANYASA YOGA”
7.Sun, pitru karaka in pitru sthana & 9th lord Jupiter aspected by exalted Mars & exalted Saturn made Rama’s father to die early.
8.Ketu in 12th house denied bed comforts.
9.Rahu in 6th,made him “Kodanda Sani”. Rahu in 6th invites enemies & destroys them. Ravana & other rakshasas were killed by Rama.
10At the age of 16 Years, Vishwamitra Rishi took Rama to destroy rakshasas, Who were causing havoc to Rishis in their yagas & Penance. This must have happened in Saturn dasa, Rahu Bukty. Saturn is 7th lord exalted in 4th & Rahu in 6th house of enemies. Rahu symbolically represents Rakshasas & their destruction due to placement of Rahu in 6th house of enemies, killed them. Dasarata first refused to send Rama to forest at tender age, but after getting convinced of Rama’s strength as perceived by Rishi, he sent him along with Lakshmana.
11.Having born in Punarvasu Nakshatra, he was running Jupiter dasa at the time of birth. Subsequent dasa was that of Saturn for 19 Years. He got married to Sita, when he was 16 Years old in Saturn dasa/Jupiter Bukty, after Rama destroyed Rakshasas, who were causing troubles to Rishis. Saturn is 7th lord in exaltation in 4th & aspecting lagna, lagna lord Moon & Jupiter aspecting 7th house.Mars as 5th & 10th lord exalted in 7th & in mutual aspect with Moon & Jupiter in lagna. Since 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th & 10th lords have established contacts, marriage to Sita was destined & change of place of residence to Sita to enter royal palace was destined.
12.Mercury dasa, Sun Bukty would have caused the death of Dasaratha. See, Sun pitru karaka in pitru sthana, Mercury in 2nd maraka house from Sun & 9th house(father).
13.Mercury dasa, Mars Bukty would have caused kidnapping of Sita by Ravana. Mars in the 7th house exalted brings troubles to spouse. 12th lord,wherever he sits & aspects the house & the planet therein will bring trouble like kidnapping. Mercury as 12th lord is aspecting exalted 7th lord Saturn in 4th house, causing separation from Rama & denying comforts of house, represented by Mercury’s aspect on 4th house. Here, it may also be construed that Lakshmana(Lord of 3rd Mercury)might have been instrumental to go away from Sita & caused Ravana to come in disguise & cross Lakshman Rekha drawn by Lakshmana.This was due to Sita’s mistaken identity of Ravana in disguise of a Sanyasi, whom Sita wanted to respect. This enabled Ravana to kidnap Sita. All these incidents are pre planned by Ravana, ie sending Maricha in the form of abeautiful golden deer & attracting Sita. Being carried away by the beauty of deer, she asked Rama to fetch the deer. Rama who wanted to fulfil her wish, went behind the deer after asking Lakshmana to take care of Sita. When lord Rama hit the deer, Maricha in the form of deer cried in the voice of Rama & died. After hearing this shout, Sita mistook that Rama was in trouble & asked Lakshmana to go & save him. In spite of assurance from Lakshmana that nothing would have happened to him, she after abusing Lakshmana for crooked intentions insisted & forced Lakshmana to leave the place & protect Rama in trouble. Lakshmana after knowing her plight, reluctantly left the place after he put a “REKHA” in front of her & strictly instructed her not to cross the line or allow anybody inside under any circumstances. But due to Ravana’s trick, Sita mistook Ravana as a real Sanyasi & allowed him inside. This triggered her misfortune when Ravana kidnapped her.
14.Mercury dasa, Rahu Bukty would have caused the destruction of Ravana & other Rakshasas. Rahu in 6th destroys enemies.
15.Ravana had 10 heads gifted by Lord Shiva for his rigorous penance.They symbalised kama, krodha, moha, mada, matsarya, manas,buddhi, chitta, ahankara. Except Buddhi or intellect all others are harmful.10 heads of Ravana controlled his actions & made him perverted & ultimately caused his own destruction in addition to all his followers. Rama silently demonstrated the importance of controlling one’s senses & by killing Ravana, he proved the consequences of blindly obeying & succumbing to senses. Ravana’s 10 heads also depicted his mastery over 6 shastras & 4 Vedas, 64 types of knowledge & all arts of weaponry. But none of these came to his rescue when he was slaved by the senses.
16.Mercury dasa, Jupiter Bukty would have enabled Rama to rescue Sita from the clutches of Ravana & return to Ayodhya. Jupiter is 9th lord exalted in lagna & aspected by exalted 5th & 10th lord Mars from 7th. Since lagna, 4th, 5th, 9th & 10th houses & lords are involved, most of the matters connected with these houses were amicably solved.
17.Under same Mercury dasa, Jupiter Bukty, Sita became pregnant. See Jupiter aspecting 5th lord Mars(exalted).
18.Rama acquired the faithful & reliable friendship of Vibeeshana, brother of Ravana, Sugreeva(Vanara king) & faithful, obedient & ever devoted Hanuman, whose role in whole Ramayana was exemplary. See11th lord from lagna & Moon exalted in 9th & aspected by Deva Guru Jupiter from his exaltation position.
19.5th lord Mars exalted & aspected by exalted Jupiter & own house Moon gave him dutiful, virtuous & prosperous children.
20.Ketu dasa would have brought in separation from Sita & denying of bed comforts. Ketu is in 12th house of both lagna & Moon.There is a proverb in tamil that “Rahu poley koduppan illai, Ketu poley keduppan illai”,which means that Rahu gives plenty(material gains) & Ketu spoils material gains & gives spiritual enlightenment & liberation from shackles of birth & death.
21.Rama asked Lakshmana to leave Sita in Valmiki Ashram under the pretext of a dhobi’s comment that Sita was not pure under the influence of Ravana, when she was kept in Ashoka Vana of Ravana. Even though he knew the purity of Sita, as a common man, he took this decision to prove the world that he was bound by circumstances & planetary influences. Story continues…
Finally, we have to imagine the planetary positions in thousands of years to come to expect the next avatar of Lord Vishnu in the form of”KALKI”. The permutations & combinations will be such that when the planets take up their positions, they would synchronize with the avatar of God & purpose of that avatar. These happen in thousands of years of transits of planets. It is not humanly possible to predict such an event.Whatever may be the form of avatar, one common goal of avatar would be for “Protection of good & virtuous, destruction of evil & re-establishment of law & order.
It is believed for thousands of years, that Lord Rama & Lord Krishna were God incarnations, in “Treta” & “Dwapara Yugas” respectively to establish “Dharma” by annihilating evil. Whereas Lord Rama showed the virtuous way of living through practical demonstration & Lord Krishna opened up the subject of creation of “Cosmos “ & imparting “True” knowledge through his legendary “Bhagavatgeeta” narrated to Arjuna, only as a channel in the context of “Mahabharata War between Pandavas & Kauravas”. What made the differences in these two Incarnations is the subject for study through an attempt to analyze the horoscopes in the context of human forms, though humanly impossible to give explanations through senses & limited intelligence.
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bhagavanbhakthi · 7 months
Vishnu Vishwaroopam Darshan
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ceekbee · 2 years
The Indian wedding ceremony is found within the pages of the ancient holy books known as the Vedas. It is the oldest wedding ceremony in the world and one that is beautiful and uplifting to witness. For thousands of years, couples have made their lasting promises to each other in this traditional way.
1. Sagai – Previous to the wedding, the bride’s father gives his permission and blessings, and sets the date for the wedding ceremony. The wedding ceremony is the fulfilment of his promise.
2. Mehndi, Pithi, and Manglik Shubh Prasango – The bride is beautified and blessed by her elders within the family home, worshipping Ganesh, the god of new beginnings, nine planets, and the family devas, teachers and saints.
3. Samayu – On the wedding day, the groom and his family are greeted at his carriage.
4. Milni – The groom is ceremonially greeted at the threshold, or at the gate leading to the sacred canopy. A blessing is made on his forehead, lamps are waved before him, a sweet is placed in his mouth, coconuts are exchanged, and a pot of seeds is crushed under his feet, signifying his new beginning.
5. Charana Snana – The groom’s feet are bathed and dried by the bride’s father. Today the groom represents God’s grace as from him will come much love and care for the bride.
6. Antarpat – A cloth is raised before the groom's eyes. He will see his bride only after the elders have blessed him and sung prayers for the good fortune of the couple.
7. Kanya Pravesh – Everyone rises for the bride, and she makes her beautiful entrance with uncle, brothers, and maids.
8. Jan Kanya Darshan - An ancient prayer is chanted, the cloth is slowly removed, and the couple see each other for the first time as bride and groom.
9. Achaman – A few drops of holy water from the Himalayan source of the Ganges River is sipped for purity.
10. Kumbha Puja – The bride’s parents worship Vishnu within a sacred pitcher of water, surmounted by coconut and leaves. Incense, lamp, and flowers are offered with Sanskrit prayers. Finally, a red
thread is tied to the parents’ wrists, and they also tie one to the wrist of the priest. The priest promises to assist the father in making the greatest gift of his life.
11. Pravachan – The priest gives a talk to the groom before his elders, reminding him of the duties of a husband: to always help his wife towards happiness; to adjust to her needs; to protect her; to
speak kindly; to forgive her when required; to ask her for forgiveness; and to walk with her as a companion on their spiritual journey.
12. Sankalpa – The priest reads out in Sanskrit the astrological time and date of the wedding, along with the geographical location, the family tree and other family details.
13. Kanya Dan and Pani Gruhanam - The Gift of a Daughter.
The bride’s right hand is joined with the groom’s and Ganges water is poured over their hands by her father after he makes his promise to the groom.
14. Vivaha Vrata - Vows are exchanged by the couple while holding hands.
15. Hara Danam – Flower garlands are exchanged to symbolise the exchange of hearts.
16. Cherra Gantha – A cloth is tied between them, symbolising the lasting bond between them.
17. Var Mala - A silken rope is lowered over their shoulders, symbolising the joining of their futures.
18. Havan – The sacred fire is kindled by the priest, the father makes the first offering, then the bride and groom offer barley grains, sesame seeds, and spices.
19. Mangal Fera - The couple circle the fire, each time the bride’s brothers or cousins giving her puffed grains to offer into the flames. These represent the brother’s love for his sister. During the last circle, the bride is asked by the groom to place her right toe on a stone. He then whispers in her ear: “May our marriage be as firm as this stone upon which you now stand.”
20. Mangal Sutra - The mother of the groom displays a gold necklace. She asks for blessings by family and friends. Then the groom places the necklace carefully on his bride. This act is just like
the placing of the wedding ring on the bride’s finger.
21. Sindhur Danam – A short line of red mineral is placed in the bride's hair parting.
22. Sapta Padi - They take seven steps together, receiving seven blessings from the assembled family and friends. At the end of the seventh step they are considered husband and wife.
23. Kansar - They feed each other, their first act of loving service to each other as husband and wife.
24. Akhand-saubhagyavati-bhava – Two married ladies from each family come and bless the new couple: “May you always dwell together; may you never be parted.”
25. Vidhai – Tears and songs as they are bid farewell. The bride’s brother gives his sister a shawl, some food for the journey, while the sisters and other friend’s try to stop the carriage from leaving.
The priest places a coconut under the front wheel and says prayers for the journey. The wheel crushes the nut and the bride is presented with a portion for good luck. Rice is thrown to bless the
couple on their journey – and the journey of life.
I knowingly accept you as you knowingly accept me.
May we remain together and listen to joyous sounds together.
May we always experience well-being.
Speaking loving words, may we remain together for a hundred autumns.
I accept you as my partner in life.
I will not conceal anything from you.
I will share with you all that I enjoy.
Together we will persevere in the path of dharma (righteousness),
through this vehicle of householder life, we as an an example for all, will attain together, blissful consciousness.
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bhagvadgita · 11 months
Verse 11.20 - Vishwarup Darshan Yoga
द्यावापृथिव्योरिदमन्तरं हि व्याप्तं त्वयैकेन दिशश्च सर्वा: | दृष्ट्वाद्भुतं रूपमुग्रं तवेदं लोकत्रयं प्रव्यथितं महात्मन् || 20||
Between heaven and earth, and all the directions, this space is pervaded by You alone. Seeing this wondrous and terrible form of Yours, the three worlds are trembling in fear, O Great Soul.
This verse is spoken by Arjun, who is witnessing the Cosmic Form of Lord Krishna, who has revealed it to him by granting him divine vision. Arjun is amazed and terrified by the sight of the Lord's infinite and majestic form, which encompasses all the creation and destruction within itself. He sees that the Lord is present everywhere, in every direction, and in every atom of existence. He also sees that the Lord's form is dreadful and awe-inspiring, as it displays His power and justice over the three worlds (the upper, middle, and lower regions of the universe). Arjun realizes that the Lord is the supreme controller and protector of all beings, and he praises Him with reverence and fear.
The verse expresses Arjun's realization of the omnipresence, omnipotence, and omniscience of the Lord. It also shows his humility and surrender to the Lord's will. Arjun understands that he is a mere instrument in the hands of the Lord, who has already decided the outcome of the war. He also acknowledges that the Lord is the source of all beauty, glory, and wonder, as well as all terror, wrath, and destruction. He sees that the Lord is both loving and fearful, both merciful and stern, both personal and impersonal. He sees that the Lord is beyond all dualities and contradictions.
The verse also conveys a message to the readers of the Bhagvad Gita, who are also seekers of spiritual knowledge. It teaches them to have faith in the Lord's presence and plan in their lives. It also inspires them to seek His Grace and Vision, which can only be attained by pure devotion. 
There are several verses from other Vedic texts that are similar to this verse from the Bhagvad Gita.
- Rig Veda 10.90.2: 
The Purusha (Supreme Being) has a thousand heads, a thousand eyes, a thousand feet. He pervades the earth on all sides and extends beyond it by ten fingers' breadth.
This verse describes the cosmic form of the Purusha, who is identified with Lord Vishnu or Narayana in later texts. It shows His unlimited size and scope, as He encompasses all creation within Himself.
- Shvetashvatara Upanishad 3.11: 
He is the one God hidden in all beings; He is all-pervading; He is the inner Self of all; He presides over all actions; He dwells in all beings; He is Witness; He is pure Consciousness; He is free from any taints.
This verse reveals the immanent aspect of God, who resides within every living entity as their soul or atman. It shows His omniscience and omnipresence, as He knows everything and is present everywhere.
- Vishnu Purana 1.9.69: 
The entire universe with its movable and immovable objects is nothing but His form; there is nothing else besides Him.
This verse affirms the non-dualistic philosophy of Vedanta, which states that God or Brahman is the only reality, and everything else is His manifestation or illusion. It shows His oneness with all existence.
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mollisarts · 1 year
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Lord Vishnu Vishwarup darsan terracotta idol:
The sculpture "Vishnu Vishwarup Darshan to Arjun" is a magnificent representation of one of the most significant scenes from Hindu mythology. It depicts the moment when Lord Vishnu, the Hindu god of preservation and protection, reveals his cosmic form to Arjun, a warrior prince from the ancient Indian epic, the Mahabharata. COLLECT YOURS NOW.... Follow mollisarts for many more unique Indian art collectibles
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mysticalblizzardcolor · 10 months
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Chardham Yatra Package from Delhi by Train 2023
 The Chardham Yatra is believed to help achieve salvation (Moksha). The Char Dham are four religious locations in India. One of the four Dhams, including Kedarnath, Yamunotri, and Gangotri, is Badrinath.
The Chardham Yatra (Chardham Yatra Package from Delhi by Train 2023) Darshan begins in Yamunotri, which is dedicated to Goddess Yamuna, while Gangotri is dedicated to Goddess Ganga. Kedarnath, one of the 12 jyotirlingas, is dedicated to Lord Shiva, while Badrinath, another Chardham established by Adi Shankaracharya, is dedicated to Lord Badri, or Vishnu.
With our 10-night Chardham Yatra packages from Delhi-NCR (National Capital Region), you may visit all of Uttarakhand’s Char Dham sites. At the time of booking, you can choose the Delhi location where this programme will begin. (Read More)
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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The Sudarshan Chakra Talon Abraxas
The Sudarshan Chakra is regarded as one of the most potent weapons ever used in the celestial world. Sudarshan Chakra is derived from two words – su and darshan. It means auspicious (su) vision (darshan). Sudarshan means Divine Vision. If there is any other weapon that could rival the Sudarshan Chakra, it is Shiva's trident. Chakra is derived from chruhu, which denotes ‘movement’ and kruhu, which indicates ‘to do’.
The Sudarshan Chakra finds mention sometimes in the ancient Hindu Vedic texts of Rigveda, Yajurveda, and the Puranas. It is described as the ultimate weapon that can destroy an enemy - the asuras, rakshasas, and vikrutatma.
In the Dwapara Yuga, Shri Krishna received the Sudarshan Chakra from the Fire God, Agni. Sri Krishna was the eighth avatar of Vishnu. It was the mighty sage Parashurama, said to be the sixth avatar of Vishnu, who taught Sri Krishna to master the weapon.
There are some details about the Sudarshan Chakra about which some of us may not have the complete awareness. This powerful weapon has some incredible features. Listed below are five amazing features of the Sudarshan Chakra.
Five Unbelievable Features of the Sudarshan Chakra
1. The Sudarshan Chakra is considered one of the most powerful weapons ever used in the cosmic world. This divine discus is believed to have 108 notched edges and travels at incredible speed. The Chakra is stated to travel millions of Yojanas (1 Yojana= 8 kilometers) by the time we blink once. The Sudarshan Chakra is said to have millions of spikes in two rows moving in opposite directions that give it a serrated edge.
2. The Sudarshan Chakra is synonymous with Vishnu and sits on his right index finger. The sacred disc is believed to be very auspicious. The movement of the Sudarshan Chakra is such that it does not move by any action, like throwing the disc. The Chakra moves through sheer willpower, the first of its kind that can be controlled or powered by thought alone. The Sudarshan Chakra is said to possess immense spiritual and mystical powers. The sacred wheel is in constant motion, and it is said to have been created by the combined powers of the Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.
3. The Sudarshan Chakra is powered by the mind and thought. Once it leaves the finger, there is no looking back. The Chakra goes after the enemy and chases them down. It will not return to the owner unless it has completed its task. The Sudarshan Chakra, once it leaves the finger, goes chasing the enemy down relentlessly and destroys them. There is no way to escape from its wrath. The only option is to stop running and surrender to the Chakra. Lord Vishnu, it is believed, comes to the rescue of those who surrender themselves to him.
4. Sri Krishna was in possession of the Sudarshan Chakra in the Dwapara Yuga. He is the eighth avatar of Vishnu and obtained this powerful weapon from the Fire God, Agni. It is believed that the Great Sage Parashurama taught Sri Krishna how to master the Sudarshan Chakra perfectly.
5. Mythology has it that Vishnu did not own the Sudarshan Chakra. The Devas (celestial beings) were being incessantly harassed by the Asuras (demons). The Devas approached Vishnu for help. He, in turn, approached Shiva as he was not sure he had complete power to defeat the asuras. He prayed to Shiva for thousands of years, and finally, Shiva, pleased with Vishnu's devotion, granted him the boon to defeat the Asuras and presented him the Sudarshan Chakra. Vishnu in all his avatars retains the Sudarshan Chakra on his right index finger.
The Sudarshan Chakra is a symbol of power and acts as a shield to destroy and negate any negative or evil forces that can cause suffering. A powerful quality of the Sudarshan Chakra is Papa Nashanam (destruction of sins). While there are many speculations about the origin of Sudarshan Chakra, Sudarshan is none other than Vishnu himself. He is called Sudarshan because he wields the mighty and indestructible Sudarshan Chakra.
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📜 Once upon a time, there was a demon king named Hiranyakashipu. The powerful demon had been granted a boon that made him virtually indestructible. According to the boon, he could not be killed by any man or beast, indoors or outdoors, during the day or the night, and not by any weapon. Hiranyakashipu became arrogant and tyrannical, causing havoc in the world.
🌟 Hiranyakashipu's son, Prahlada, was a devoted follower of Lord Vishnu. Despite his father's oppressive rule, Prahlada remained steadfast in his devotion to the divine. Angered by Prahlada's unwavering faith, Hiranyakashipu decided to eliminate him. He attempted to kill Prahlada in various ways, but each time, Vishnu's divine intervention protected the young devotee.
🗣️ Hiranyakashipu, frustrated by Prahlada's unwavering devotion to Lord Vishnu, confronts his son and demands, "Where is your Vishnu? Show me where he is hiding!"
💬 Prahlada fearlessly replies, "O father, Vishnu is omnipresent. He resides in every atom and all of creation. He is present everywhere, even in this pillar."
🔥 Enraged by Prahlada's response, Hiranyakashipu strikes the pillar with his mace. To everyone's astonishment, the pillar splits open, and Lord Narasimha, the half-man, half-lion incarnation of Lord Vishnu, emerges from it.
🌅 Narasimha emerged from a pillar, which was neither indoors nor outdoors, at the twilight, which was neither day nor night. Using his mighty claws, which were not actual weapons, Narasimha swiftly slew Hiranyakashipu. But the rage within him did not subside. Narasimha continued his destructive rampage, threatening the balance of the universe.
🔱 To quell Narasimha's anger, Lord Shiva took the extraordinary form of Sharabeshwara (also known as Simhagna). Sharabeshwara's form was fantastic and powerful, with the head of a bird (Shabala or Sharabha), mighty wings, and multiple legs! Lord Shiva assumed this extraordinary form to pacify Narasimha and protect the cosmic order. A fierce battle ensued between Sharabeshwara and Narasimha. Eventually, Sharabeshwara subdued Narasimha and calmed his ferocity.
🌌 This epic story is not mythology; it is a historical account of the true history of the universe. Today, Bhagavan Simhagna Murthy manifests again through His Living Manifestation, THE SUPREME PONTIFF OF HINDUISM (SPH), BHAGAVAN SRI NITHYANANDA PARAMASHIVAM, and graces the universe!
🙏 Bhagavan Simhagna Murthy blesses us all to live beyond fear and achieve inner peace, the source of true power. He empowers us with ferociousness and strength to manifest our true potential and win over all obstacles! Receive His divine grace and blessings in today's Darshan by THE SPH.
🔴 Watch live on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter/@SriNithyananda, & YouTube/@NithyanandaTV: 7 PM ET | 5:30 AM IST
💫 Transform your life with Paramashivoham: https://ecitizen.info/psm
#Nithyananda #KAILASA #Paramashivoham #Prayer #Faith #Miracle
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rintu-das · 4 months
Garuda ji had darshan of Lord Kabir, there is evidence in Kabir Sagar, 11th chapter "Garuda Bodh" page 65 (625) that Lord Kabir ji had told Dharamdas ji that he preached to Garuda ji, the vehicle of Lord Vishnu. Was, scientific creation creation.
Lord Kabir had also taken Garuda ji in his refuge by preaching the true knowledge.
🌺🌻🌼Give a miss call to connect with Santramal Ji Maharaj
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blessed1neha · 1 year
Mantra for Mukti/ Moksha/ Liberation
Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya (ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय) is known as a Mukti (Liberation) mantra. This is a spiritual mantra to attain freedom in Hinduism. Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya mantra is considered to be the supreme mantra of Lord Vishnu or Lord Krishna, the supreme God of protection. Lord Vishnu is the Lord and Preserver of the Universe and a part of the Trinity of the Hindu concept of the Highest Universal energy, that penetrates the matter that exists in this visible world. This mantra is also used for one of Lord Vishnu’s avatars, Krishna: a very important Avatar of Lord Vishnu. In addition, this mantra can also be found in Vishnu Purana (Vishnu Purana is one of the Mahapuranas that speaks about the greatness of Lord Vishnu and His Avatars). It is the main mantra of the Vedic scripture Shrimad Bhagavad Gita. Therefore, this mantra is used to worship both Lord Vishnu and Lord Krishna. This mantra is declared to be the most powerful mantra for Lord Vishnu.
Vasudeva Krishna: Vasudeva Krishna is regarded as perhaps the greatest of the Avatars of Lord Vishnu, who takes upon himself the responsibility of safeguarding the mankind and descends on earth whenever the need arises. Krishna played so many roles during his lifetime on earth and taught love, mercy, knowledge, power, wisdom and the highest consciousness to the entire mankind. He remains as the central character of the stupendous epic Mahabharata.
Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya Mantra is a salutation to the Lord Vishnu or Lord Krishna and can simply mean ‘Om, I bow down to Lord Vasudeva/Lord Vishnu or Lord Krishna.’
Effects of Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya Mantra
Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya Mantra is a sacred hymn of enormous potential. The effect of this mantra is such that this can provide spiritual guidance for one to attain the ultimate freedom from samsara, the eternal cycle of birth and death. If you read this daily, you will be getting blessings of Lord Vishnu or Lord Krishna. For example, if you touch the fire unknowingly, your finger will burn. Similarly, if you read this mantra even unknowingly, you will be getting blessings of Lord Vishnu or Lord Krishna. It is also said that sage Narada taught child Dhruva the chanting of Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya Mantra , and by reciting this, the Dhruva is said to have obtained the very darshan and grace of Lord Vishnu Himself. It is also believed that chanting this mantra can neutralize sins committed unknowingly. However, it cannot do so when the sins have been committed deliberately. Through this mantra, the ego too dissolves through the ‘fire’ of chanting. After chanting this mantra, Lord Vishnu enters our mind and all good things happen in life.
Chanting Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya Mantra keeps away all the negative energies from you. Chanting creates an invisible circle around you, which attracts all the positive things toward you and you will start receiving all the good news in your life. It will develop the strong faith and devotion to the Lord Vishnu or Lord Krishna. Further, chanting this mantra removes all spiritual obstacles in our life and takes care of us in the afterlife too. Chanting also purifies the subconscious mind and burns our merits and sins of this life and past lives, making it possible for us to attain liberation from the cycle of birth and death. Thus, it dissolves our ego and develops faith and devotion in us, which benefits everyone around us too.
Therefore, it is firmly believed that reciting this mantra with devotion, meditating on it with a focused mind, performing one’s duties with dedication will get for the devotees the boundless grace of Almighty Lord Vishnu or Lord Krishna and His immense blessings.
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