#Viserys just as “nice” - Viserys the chosen and Viserys the peaceful and Viserys the loving father to his firstborn making her heir
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backjustforberena · 20 days ago
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It's the last midnight...
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darklinaforever · 1 year ago
TB fans- Aemond shouldn’t have claimed Vhagar at Laena’s funeral!!
Didn’t Rhaenyra also sleep with Laena’s husband the same night?? Daemon did it as well, I know that but it takes two to tango and that’s just complete disrespect from Rhaenyra and Daemon, I stopped liking her after the driftmark episode. I’ve seen TB fans also say that Alicent took advantage of Visery’s grief (I’m talking about a very specific person here) but if we used that logic then wouldn’t Rhaenyra have taken advantage of Daemons grief??
Daemon and Rhaenyra sleeping together didn't offend anyone. They were in their corner. No one ever had to know. Aemond outright clame a dragon is visible regardless and in fact has a much more direct impact on the fact of disrespecting the family of the deceased. Nice try for Rhaenyra taking the advantage of a grieving Daemon, but it's also forgetting that Rhaenyra is also in mourning on her side compared to Harwin. Especially since Daemon has literally been pining for Rhaenyra for 10 years, episode 6 was not subtle about it. Daemon clearly wanted Rhaenyra. Do you see how they look at each other throughout the funeral ? The camera first shows Daemon staring at Rhaenyra. Not the opposite. He clearly pines for her. Rhaenyra didn't take advantage of anything and didn't manipulate Daemon. She was simply honest and shared what she wanted at the time. Nothing to do with Alicent's situation, where Otto literally sent her to seduce (although she didn't want to) Viserys, with the ultimate goal of becoming his queen and producing heirs capable of putting Hightower blood on the throne. Especially since Laena knew very well all along that Daemon loved Rhaenyra (before marrying him). That she wasn't the woman he would have chosen first. She knew that and had clearly made peace with it. So how is Laena offended ? By the time of the funeral, announcing the news to the family and making the trip, she had been dead for several weeks at least. Laena is dead and buried, Daemon and Rhaenyra can do whatever they want from there, especially since they have been discreet and no one has seen them. Once again they didn't hurt anyone. On the other hand, Aemond taking a dragon that the deceased's daughter wanted to try to claim, under the very roof of the deceased's family and fighting with the said daughters of the deceased... Yes, it's really not great for the families concerned. It's simple, Aemond's case concerns the fact of having made a public act and publicly fighting with Laena's daughters among the Velaryons themselves. The case of Daemyra sleeping together has nothing to do with the case of Aemond stealing Vaghar and fighting with the girls (as well as the Velaryon boys). Just like Daemyra sleeping together has nothing to do with the situation of Alicent and Viserys in the first 2 episodes. I can't even believe these 2 things can compare to Daemyra sleeping together. And then why just stop loving Rhaenyra ? I hope you hated Daemon before this and still hate him afterwards. Because if you like Daemon anyway it's a bit weird to specifically say to stop liking just Rhaneyra when it still takes two to get laid.
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sherlokiness · 9 months ago
One reason I think JD romance will happen but with jonsa endgame is because of Dany and Sansa as characters. I think George was deliberate in making Dany a likable character in the first few chapters which is a complete opposite of Sansa just to flip that at the end. It's Dany who will go to the ends of the world to make herself Queen, not Sansa.
Hi, anon. Thanks for the ask!
I get what you mean specially with the Queen thing. We have poor Dany who refuses to be Queen but was forced by her abusive asshole brother to become one. Otoh, there is perfect Sansa who wants to be little shit Joffrey's Queen and wants to draw a line with her super nice bastard half-brother Jon. Like how could she not wholeheartedly want Jon as her brother like Arya???! That's the same selfless Jon who saved the baby direwolves!!!! How dare you Sansa!
Yet by the end of the first book, we had Dany subconsciously thinking of usurping her brother-her rightful King. It's a blink and you miss it thing but that's pretty power hungry, don't you think? Dany is the one who rejected peace with Drogo and her child because it isn't enough for her as the last scion of her House. She wants the IT and she let Drogo raze villages to buy and sell slaves because it's the price of the Iron Throne. She didn't even stop him or find some other way to invade Westeros without enslaving people. If Drogo still went on pillaging despite her protests then that's not on her but again, she did not even try. There wasn't even an inner monologue of "it's horrible what's happening to these people but I'm too afraid to speak up."
So to recap, it is not the fear of retaliation from Drogo that's stopping her from going against what's happening. It's because she has weighed that the suffering of these people is acceptable when compared to the Iron Throne. Dany is only anti-slavery when it doesn't cost her and there's something to be gained. She has chosen and will choose the Iron Throne over the people again and again. She will not give up the IT for family and love(Drogo,Rhaego,Daario) nor duty( FAegon, Viserys) despite claims of doing so. Her last test of hypocrisy I'm guessing will be her reaction to Jon's parentage- her lover and righthful King. Cause there are excuses for her wanting the IT before. Viserys was a monster and FAegon is a fake so her usurpation can be justifiable but Jon? Girl you have ran out of excuses for not giving up the throne to someone like Jon. Just say "I have dragons so I win" and cut the bullshit about wanting the IT cause it's your right or how you'll totally give up the crown for love. Words are wind.
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queers-gambit · 2 years ago
When Pride Married Prejudice -- completed series masterlist
requesting rules and masterlist
completed series summary: she is the (only) trueborn daughter of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen and Lord Laenor Velaryon. after her younger brother, Lucerys, slices out the eye of their uncle, Aemond Targaryen, her hand is offered as payment to keep the peace. though unexpected, she finds herself in a loving marriage, until devastating news forces her to make an impossible choice.
pairing: Aemond Taargaryen x Velaryon!wife!reader
fandom masterlist: House of the Dragon
total series word count: 97,184
universal warnings: book and show spoilers, reader insert, cursing, smut, angst.
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note: alternate endings because i'm restless and can't choose. also the idea of a Velaryon!reader isn't my own, so, let's play nice and show a shred of respect for different author's varying ideas, perspectives, and details - thank yew ✨
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in chronological order:
When Pride Married Prejudice
When Pride Married Prejudice [ part two ]
It Feels Like (the Very) First Time
It Feels Like (the Very) First Time [ part two ]
The Inky Green Council
Bearer of Bad News
alternate ending one: Kin Slayer • [ part two ]
alternate ending two: Sweetest Devotion • [ part two ]
guide to final alternate endings: Kin Slayer -- is for those in the slutty angst club 'cause i'm comin' for your feelings. reader is Team Black. Sweetest Devotion -- is for those who crave closure and comfort. reader is Team Green.
in order of publication: Distraction Bearer of Bad News Petitions The Inky Green Council When Pride Married Prejudice WPMP [ part two ] It Feels Like (the Very) First Time It Feels Like (the Very) First Time [ part two ] alternate endings: Kin Slayer • [ part two ] Sweetest Devotion • [ part two ]
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WPMP Universe drabbles:
all with be marked if they are or are not considered part of the series timeline. please pay attention to those notes.
organized in order of submission brought to you by my beautiful readers who sent requests:
• ( requested ) -- ANGST and small fluff i wonder who aemond would choose if he was given the choice of saving his wife or the baby during childbirth... would he choose the same as his father?
• ( requested ) -- ANGST and FLUFF i LOVE how you worded Aemond choosing sweet girl over the baby because in all truth, i imagine him justifying his choice as "what use would i be to a child without the tender care of a mother and an empty shell of a father?" because he knows IF he had chosen otherwise, he would be following in Viserys' footsteps and he wants to be better. so i 100% agree he would choose them over the child and ofc he's read of the aftermath of losing a child for the mother, so he's there to coax sweet girl but at the same time i feel like he'd mourn with her because that was a life they created together.
• ( requested ) -- ANGST how would he react if ever in a very unlucky world, he would lose both his child and wife at childbirth (not like viserys where he was given a choice) but bec it just didnt end well esp when pregnancies doesnt really guarantee a safe delivery all the time.
• ( requested ) -- ANGST and FLUFF 3 Times He Didn't, 1 Time He Did can you please write something where the reader (the same reader in your series) is spending memorable time with her grand sire and he asks her “will I be remembered as a good king”. 🥺
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to all my beloved readers -
thank you for coming on this journey with me. what a ride it's been writing this. now that the series is complete, i admit i'm a bit sad. i just wanted to take the time to thank you all for bearing with me through this, and share my gratitude and love for you all. happy reading!
all my love, 🖤🍒 Cherry
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backjustforberena · 2 years ago
I find it super interesting that the next time (after ep 9) we see Rhaenys without armour is when Corlys returns.
HECK YES! Sorry, I've been saying this since the episode aired and it's one of my favourite things. Throughout the episode, Rhaenys stays in her armour. Even to something as stately and peaceful as a funeral, she's wearing her armour. But the first time we see her out of that armour, is when she's by Corlys's bedside. And moreover, when they've made their choice, chosen their side and she has him by her side when they go to the Black Council, she's no longer wearing it.
I just love her entire positioning in this episode. Coming into the Painted Table room (seriously what is the name for that room?), she stands at the end of the table to relay Viserys's death. Then closer, more involved to detail Aegon's coronation, to offer her warning before stepping away again. Her words, like her movements, are also carefully measured, respectful and restrained and, above all else, neutral.
In all the Black Council scenes and at the funeral/coronation, she's right on the edge of things. Her main proximity is to her granddaughters, but she's on the edge. She watches. Observes. Judges the heck out of it. And not once, ever, does she lower her defences. There's no lack of formality when addressing Daemon and Rhaenyra about Corlys's movements (she even calls him "Lord Corlys"), she doesn't raise an objection when Daemon assumes control of Meleys, but watches it play out, silently. She'll wait for her time. She'll wait for her husband. And she'll be prepared for whatever. A battle or a quick getaway. To swear allegiance or to heed her husband's call, should it come.
There's a sense of her being invisible in those scenes. She uses that gladly. She's the last one to exit when Rhaenyra asks the room to be cleared, and we see her in the background. She is not consulted with Rhaena and Baela joining the Painted Table, nor is anything exchanged with Baela when Baela looks at her. No noise, no words, not even a nod. There's no consult on using Meleys, of her own wishes vs that of Corlys. Corlys takes priority. At best, she is a messenger in delivering that news, not someone in power, and she keeps it at that, saying the fleet is in her husband's yoke. No outrage at Daemon evoking Meleys. No demands to keep her granddaughters close. No reminders, even, that the Velaryons have yet to bend the knee. She just watches.
It's easy to see this as Rhaenys not feeling welcome. She's safer here than she was at King's Landing but she's not safe. Not truly, when she has declared no allegiance. When Daemon thinks the worst of her within five seconds of her being there. When they assume her husband's support and she knows very well Corlys hates their guts and might not want anything to do with them. She also knows her own worth, and expects an attack in some form. She's already been made prisoner by one side, she will not stand to have it done again. So, you betcha that armour is staying on. She'll be on Meleys within minutes, should she have to be.
And, of course, there's the fact that the armour is now establishing a new role for Rhaenys. A new way of being: she's had her rebirth, in the Dragonpit, so she's no longer a lady in a beaded gown or a politician in black velvet. She's a warrior. She's a protector. She's entered the fray, so it's nice for the audience to be reminded of that in those settings and really get used to the idea that this is Rhaenys's purpose now.
When we get to the scene with Corlys, there's an added vulnerability by the fact that on her doublet, she has the first, or the first couple, of fastenings undone. She's not all buttoned up, which separates her out from how she was in Episode 08 as well. This is Rhaenys at her most stripped: by her ailing husband's bedside, fresh from an uncomfortable sleep on a chair, with all her hurt pouring out of her. It's where she has been for the past three episodes, finally on show, and finally in a safe enough place to be shown. So I like to make that distinction in the outfit change as well.
And rounding it off by her movements, again, that last scene. I love that last scene. There's the fact that Corlys and Rhaenys enter side by side, heads up and in lockstep (no mean feat considering he's limping). And then she stands back, and resumes her normal position of watching, waiting, looking, as Corlys does his thing, tests Rhaenyra, and makes his mind up. We've seen that time and time again from them as a couple, it's basically just signalling that they are back on track and one unit again.
But the icing on the cake is when Rhaenys says she will patrol the Gullet. Corlys pledges the House and the Fleet. Rhaenys is the one who pledges herself and her dragon. And she physically steps up to that Painted Table, to the Council, to the power players, and says what she will do. And she stays there. She doesn't step back when she says her piece, she stays right there, next to the Queen, as the plan is formed and confirmed.
She shows agency and power throughout that episode. She just does.
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